#celeb oneshots
Kit Harington imagine
If you like this, or if you dont, check out my other stories on wattpad (you might find something you like)!!!
Rest of my imagines/one shots you can find in my wattpad book Imagines that is being filled continuously by new stories.
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When we know what to do in new situations, it's time to admit to ourselves how old we have become.
 It was all new to her, and old at the same time, worn out as if she had witnessed a moment more than once. Which was not far from the truth with a few modifications. The music roared, people moving in pools of color that formed on the floor under splashes of neon lights from the ceiling. Everything was chaotic, mixed, in motion. Even the drink in the glass echoed with tremors along her fist, tightly wrapped around the crystal. She could see lips talking, trying to get her attention, but she could only make out their movements, not the tone. Her eardrums vibrated from the rhythm of the sound that permeated every creature that found itself in the disco tonight.
She drank the liquid to the last drop, then left glass on empty table, moving through the pile of bodies.  A few weeks ago on the amount she had ingested, she would already be intoxicated and would not know where she was going. But, she learned, it's easy to learn the bad. Like an ugly gift wrapped in a ribbon with a bow on top. It is hard to resist it, and it is not polite to show displeasure to the one who gives the gift. But is there such a thing as ugly gift?
The girl with the painful expression on her face hung over her shoulder to rest as she walked past her. She starts to wince, but instead of a sudden movement, takes a hard breath. There was no air, the heat began to choke her, but she still wrapped her arm around the girl's arm, other around the girl's hip. The last thing she would want is for the poor thing to fall at her feet. Everyone would talk about it for days. Although outwardly friendly smiling, stiffness caused by the proximity of the stranger did not leave her.
"I got you." She whispered, knowing the girl wouldn't hear her.
"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Just to take off these shoes. They are killing me. "
They say that drunk people feel more strongly about other people's mood swings, and that this is one of the reasons that leads to an outburst of sincerity with which they scatter around while in that state. Her usual sinking into that delirium was shrouded in oblivion that made her never know if the rumor had anything to do with the truth. The girl was showing symptoms of a rumor, which made her even more uncomfortable. She tries to relax but the heat makes it impossible for her well-drunk body and mind. There were times when she would fight but tonight she has no strength and neither sees the need to look for energy she will not find.
For a moment the girl disappeared from view in the dark, and she already thought she could breathe, but she felt someone's mane on the leaf, dragging itself along the denim of her trousers. "There it is. I'm free. "
An unknown girl stood up, waving her high-heeled shoes hanging from her fingers.
"Can you go on your own?" She asked. She probably hadn't even heard her, and even if she had, alcohol had ruined her entire memory. She received a kiss on the cheek with the greetings "see you! enjoy!" and leaning to the side under the weight of the girl when she pulled her in hug. She disappeared into the electrified crowd without saying her name. She wipes both the lipstick and the kiss from her skin, doubting whether she should have said goodbye or not.
She was overwhelmed by a sudden rush of panic. She pushed her body through shoulders, looking for a way out, but from the torsos rising above her tiny figure, she didn't get a chance to see anything. The air is too thick, unknown faces surrounded her, she squeezed. She is surrounded, there is no way out, she can't find him. She can't call anyone, call on her cell phone because it's too loud and no one would hear her calls for help. She felt a rush of blood in her face,  hair sticking to neck.  Y/N clenched her fists, closed her eyes, and began to count.
1 ...... inhale.
2... ..exhale.
3... ..repeat.
4 ...... inhale
5 ..................The swirl is interrupted by a crack of glass that shattered somewhere, causing a deep giggle to break. 
Through the shadows of helplessness that paralyzed her, a familiar face emerged, and she grabbed onto the last straw of salvation. She's saved! She better hurry while he's still there! 
She sneaks under someone's arm, not having time to get around boulder, always much bigger than her. The lights made it even harder to move, but she felt she was close. At the other end of the room, two people blocked her way, their backs turned. She tries to get around them several times, climbing on her toes to catch the source of the murmur from which the fracture originated."I'm sorry." 
She finally pushed her way to the desired destination, leaving emotionless faces behind. Had she acted a little more violently she would probably have caused an argument and a fight. And she didn't want that. Intoxicated minds are unpredictable. They are like a match that will ignite at any moment at any stimulus.Reach for the counter in the crack  created by moving the man to the side. She took it before the character decided to return, not wasting a moment to catch her breath, she began to speak, which in the noise was more reminiscent of howling. 
"Hey you! There you are! "She approached him to draw his attention to herself, but he had already turned his head, he had already noticed her. For a few moments he just stares at her in wonder.
"Oh, look who showed up." He growled furiously, visibly drunk. His eyes flashed in the dim light, his pupils absent and empty. She wasn't sure he recognized her at all.
"I'm going home. Do you want me to take you? "She didn't prepare for the possibility that he was in such a deprived state, but she knew what she had to do. She won't leave him. Although they know each other, they weren't exactly friends. More a kind of wanderers who often find themselves in the same place at the same time.
"You look really good tonight." Now her attention is drawn to the drunken flirtation of the character in front of her who leaned over and whispered the words in her ear. He was still watching her as he took a sip from glass, not counting any more, but the waiter was counting, who was already pouring him the next one, grinning at the amount the man would have to pay. The only luck in the accident was in the fact that this was an organized party to which they were both invited so that each of their drinks was or will be paid for from the pocket of the organizers. 
Y/N covered the rim of the glass with palm. "He's had enough." She didn't have the strength to give in, much less to argue. With the sharpness that remained, the waiter nodded in understanding. Tonight everyone lacked energy. The real ones, not artificially acquired by alcohol. But sometimes that is the only other thing left for those who do not get drunk out of leisure but out of sheer necessity.
"Let's go home Kit. Come on. That's enough." She won't give up. She has to get him out of here. She can't go on the road alone.
After much persuasion, they managed to find a way out and stagger out onto the recently defrosted asphalt, which glistened under the parking lights. It looked like a floor, black, thick, scattered with bits of shiny pebbles, and the smallest of them fell into cracks in the concrete from which no one would be able to pull them out because they would melt with the first rays of dawn. 
The coldness of the steering wheel on which she leaned her head was a welcome refreshment. It cooled her forehead veins and penetrated its tongue through the thin skin to her skull. It was always her favorite part of going out late at night. The coldness of the seats, the foggy, cold windows, the coldness of the car we all experienced when we left them in the outdoor parking lot in the middle of the night. Relief from the boiling blood still fueled by the deafening atmosphere they had left. It was as if her blood flow eased, diluted, and everything else stopped. If only she could stay and live in a world where everything is still. Not for long. Just for a few days, weeks. Until the thoughts are cleared and the body and soul and brain agree on how to proceed. 
"You shouldn't drive." 
She almost forgot about her companion. His voice on the passenger seat was the only warmth in the car. She watched him as he began rummaging through the cabinets in search of candy. They are both like children. She with her head on the steering wheel, and he crooked in the seat, relentlessly looking for a box he won't find, but which he won't stop looking for until his eyes fall on something that will distract him from the candy to some other little thing.
She threw them away or ate them. Thomas didn't dare ride with her, but the candies of the candied fruit were quite safe for him. Open the window and spit. One taste less.
She watched him as pencils fell out of one of the drawers. He watched them in amazement with no intention of stopping them. They went too far to catch them.
What are you running away from? She wondered as she handed them to him, picking them up from the gearbox they'd rolled onto. Maybe he's not running from anything. Maybe he just drinks because he has money. Maybe she just didn't want to be the only sad person tonight.
"I'm less drunk than you, anyway." 
Someone spoke, saying the words to her lips, when she remembered that he had said something to her but that she had never answered him.
He studied those damn pens as a scientist holding a new discovery. With childish curiosity and steely attention, he didn't even catch her words."You have to buckle up." She reached for his belt and began pulling it over the her absent acquaintance. "Even if they catch us, they can't charge us two fines. Although even one would be enough for a normal person. "
His gaze did not leave her movements, pencils long forgotten. He tries to help her with his fingers by wrapping them around the belt slot, but pulls them back when he sees that she has already fastened it.
Her chest heaved. She was upset, and he didn't know what made her angry.
"We're not normal, there's nothing that's too much for us." Against tears can only go those other tears. Tears of laughter. Although the smile has been hard to find lately. Light tears ran down her cheeks.
"Let's go." And off they went.
The machine didn't seem to be controlled by her hands. The engine rumbled gently under the chassis, the road unwinding like a ribbon under tires. They slid through the traffic lights whose shadows played on their faces. They did not exchange a word. The car lights were distant spots, blurred by insomnia and fatigue. Everything was moving slowly within the windshield, somewhere far away from the two of them, as if it was not on the same road with them. No one stopped them, two drunks in the car, driving with impunity. Probably those who should have punished them are also locals somewhere, trying to forget that no one loves them. Why do we all care so much about being loved? And when we are, we look for flaws in the love that is given to us, pretending that it means nothing to us.
"He left, and he ate all my candies." She said suddenly, not addressing anyone in particular. Swallowing would be a better expression, she thought. Why did you have to go and make the world sadder than it already was?
He knew from the beginning that it would end that way. Dickhead was the moon, Y/N a star, and those two never meet in the same sky, he would tell her. His words were useless. If he had said it, she wouldn't have listened. No one ever has. 
"I'll buy you new ones as soon as I'm sober." He said, looking at her. She stared ahead, squeezing the steering wheel. It was dark but in the glow of the piece plate above the steering wheel he saw the bones of her wrists and the whitened skin stretched over them. The words came out of her insides. She felt a little better. Another taste less. She didn't get carried away by the thought that she wouldn't remember him until morning. Poison is hard to get rid of because it enters every pore, she knew. Knowledge sometimes kills even the last hope.
"Make sure they're extra sugary, I prefer them now."
The road emptied except for a few cars that were moving, it seemed to him, even slower than them. He wanted to get somewhere, to go somewhere, without a clear goal. Where she was leading him was a riddle he didn't want to figure out. The seat sank under his figure, the rattling of the freshener against the rearview mirror  the hum in his ears until he could hear only the soft sound of the rope tightening from one side to the other. The nights are beautiful, he concluded. The only time of day when the whole world leaves you alone and you leave it. When it is dark and when all obstacles are less visible, so it seems as if everything is possible. If he were the ruler of the world, the sun would not rise, nor the nor the problems it brings with itself. He amused himself with the thought of being alone, of disconnecting himself from the crowd that surrounded him as soon as he felt the tentacles with which they were trying to devour him.
"One day they like my hair, the next day they are disgusted. One day they say I'm right, others are already writing that I must not have brain when I can say such nonsense. After a while, it becomes tiring. " The words begin to fall out on their own before they can be stopped. 
His curls were caught in a halo of light, though disheveled and uncombed, beautiful. 
"Nothing's missing your hair," she tried to reassure him, looking back at the road after a brief glance. Not noticing, he looked through the window, biting his lower lip, stretched between his teeth. He shook his head as if something bothered him. "It's not a matter of hair. Nothing ever works. It seems to me that the more I try, the lower my success rate. "
"Then cut them." She added absently, not at all startled. Now comes that outpouring of sincerity associated with feelings. Every doubt as to the truth of the rumor had dried up, gone before the anticipation of the words to be uttered. Vomiting, if there's any luck. She decided that even if nothing embarrassing happened, she would never reveal to him what he was like tonight. His secret with her to the grave. How many secrets the underworld knows. Allow yourself to pull the corners of your lips up. One day one might decide to exchange with the living, above-ground world. She was sure who would do better.
"It will grow again," he replied quickly, too quickly, directing all his attention to the driver.
"You think too much." It was the only answer she could think of.It was getting harder to keep my eyes open and the yawn muffled. She yawns, filling her lungs with oxygen that never reaches them fast enough.
"I think so." His fingers played with the torn thread of his jacket. "Have you seen them?" Those children? "It takes her a moment to remember what he's talking about, which he generously, not very patiently, gives her. Who was she supposed to see? The only person she saw, though only when she closed her eyes, which she had been doing more often lately than keeping them open, was a boy with brown eyes and blond hair. And only because he never showed himself to her in plain real sight. not anymore. She didn't even want to look at anyone else. And when someone stepped in front of her gaze, she would look for him and his glow and his eyes and his smile on an unknown occasion incomparable to him. It was a sobriety bordering on eccentricity."Children from the Humanitarian?" She finally remembered his humanitarian work, which she had heard about on the radio some time ago.
"Those children are hungry, and I can't help them. I look at them and just smile at them and promise to do something and I don't believe in that possibility either. Man. it's so fucked." He went back to looking out the window. The curls danced against his face, untamed and free, just as she had always imagined. Like something too beautiful to ever be hers. Like a drink too strong for her tired body, like the last minute of a night fading with daylight."It's not your fault for the injustice."
"No, no one is to blame. But there is still more  and more of it every day. "He answered her more desperately than angrily. At one point, the sadness turns to anger, and when we realize that it is also useless, despair comes and liquid that blurs his real face, so we don't recognize him for a few hours. The rest of the ride passed in the silence and rattling of the air freshener when they turned into a bend or changed lanes.
The house was dark and huge. And glass. Lots of glass, on all sides.She escorted him to the living room, after he had not gotten out of the car for a few minutes even though they had already arrived in front of the entrance. She didn't rush him. It was dark, quiet, interrupted by breathing that returned to both a somewhat normal routine.
They were sitting. She leaned her head against the window. It was no longer cold on the inside."You're home."
They were sitting.  He didn't answer her. The freshener stopped swaying as if signaling the end of the night. He didn't want it to end like that, so miserable, so mundane.
She had to open the door for him in person and help him up the stairs. "You're leaving the house unlocked?"
"I'd sleep more nights outside than in my bed if I didn't leave." 
He unbuttoned the collar of his shirt, still holding her hand. Tonight she became a support for the drunk and tired, without any support for herself. "Yeah, you seem to have more luck than wit, in some things."
She stood in the middle of the room not knowing what to do with herself now that he let her go and staggered down the hall. She didn't know where to place her eyes. Everything was so clean and tidy and new. She didn't know what she expected from the inside. She didn't expect anything. She never imagined herself in a space like this. He's fine here, he thought. But he probably doesn't even know what he has, the sick part of her mind tunes in very quickly. He had never been sober enough to realize, she replied to herself. Sometimes it's easier to have imaginary conversations. No awkward questions, ambiguous phrases. We can follow word-for-word scenarios, which in the real world no one has ever learned.
Should I leave without saying goodbye or not? Maybe she should wait to make sure Kit's okay.
 She didn't move from where he had left her.
He stopped in the hallway. Something deep in his head bothered him. "You listened." Turning to the girl, he said. "And you weren't laughing." He continued as he leaned against the doorframe. "I hope to remember that tomorrow."
She didn't laugh. She remained frozen in her emotionless expression. "I'll make sure to remind you."
Thoughtfully, with a wrinkle between his eyebrows that hadn't been there before, he stared at the floor when he remembered. "If only you weren't right."
"About what?"
He remembered her every word when she told them to him that winter twilight. It was difficult for him to reconstruct them now because he saw them in his memory only partially in the haze of numbness.
"That we don't remember things we did while we're drunk, but that forgetting doesn't apply to those.. em... to those... .. because of which we drink. The ones we did before we got drunk. Which means that even that one- "he began to approach her awkwardly as he pointed with his index finger as the number one" -one, the only thing, drunkenness, is meaningless. "
He stood opposite her, so close she could feel the breath in her hair. When she finds the words she's sure are ones she's been looking for, she raises her head so that their gazes are on the same level."We can't run away from ourselves Kit. That is impossible. With or without alcohol. "
She didn't even finish, his lips were already on hers. Gently, gently, as only the desperate know. Slowly, slowly, as only those who are no longer in a hurry do. He parted her lips with his own. They were warm and suddenly full of blood. Where there is blood, there is life. He wanted to remember, to draw a mental map of her lips and all the emotions that filled him.  When he leaves, that he can still feel it all, all of her on his lips. When he sobers up that he still remembers her. Her lips are full of life, which must come to an end someday. They run out of air and separate, her cheeks still embraced by his smooth palms.
"If you were little bit older, I would make passionate, crazy love to you." he said, caressing her cheeks. He spoke to her briskly, at the same time softly and bluntly. He spoke the way he would speak sober if he didn't care who was listening, who was watching. If he was relaxed and naive, childishly distracted, with no worries on his mind.
She didn't know where to put her hands, so she put them in her coat pockets. She didn't want to leave a trace that might remind him of tonight's events. The nights are dark, so are the deeds. So that they can merge and disappear in the shadows of darkness.
"I'm leaving now. Take care."
She left him behind, in the creaking of the door and the sounds that signaled it has closed. She didn't want to leave him. She didn't even want to stay. She wasn't sure what she wanted. If only he wasn't right. Everything was really messed up.
He's fine, safe, and the steering wheel and windows are cold again like the rest of the car's interior. This time she rested her head on the seat. Tongues of cold crept through her exposed scalp, cooling the boiling blood again. Everything repeats itself. We are constantly looking for reruns of pieces that comfort us. But we forget that even those for whom we don't want to buy a ticket must also show up for the theater to survive.
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that the pencils in the passenger seat were neatly stacked next to each other. She didn't touch them, let them rest where they were. 
We are just children, she finally concludes, who want to be happy again.
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ursemma · 4 months
Fandoms I write for:
Requests are open!!
Gossip girl
Nate Archibald
Chuck bass
Blair Waldorf
Serena van der woodsen
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Weasley twins
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Lorenzo berkshire
Theodore nott
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Maxton hall
James Beaufort
Peter Parker
Any Celebrity!
Things i won't write for
Daddy/mommy kink
Foot fetish
Degradation kink
Vomit/period/piss/spit kink
Age gap more than 4 yrs
Trans reader or character
Rap€/ assault/ molestation
Knife play/gun play
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pastelmaximoff · 2 years
𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒆 𝑬𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒉 -- 𝒊𝒔𝒏'𝒕 𝒊𝒕 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒚
Billie x Fem!Reader
Summary: Billie tells y/n her biggest secret
Warnings: Swearing
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Billie has just finished her photo shoot and is coming over. Again. She has been coming over every day for the past 2 weeks and I'm not complaining. She came over last night. She laid in my bed and I felt her stroking my cheek when she thought I was asleep. It gave me an electric feeling, I've never felt that feeling before.
Then I hear the knock at my door, it's Billie. I open the door and she pushes straight past me. She turns the corner and I've I take a second to process before following. I find Billie sitting on my couch with a massive smile on her face.
"Something wrong?" I ask
"Oh, y/n, so observant" She jokes
"Wasn't that hard to miss" I say and give her a comforting smile.
Billie is so beautiful and it's hard to ignore. She reminds me of that What Makes You Beautiful song by One Direction. That's a weird thought but it's the way she's staring at the cushions we sit on instead of facing me. It's the way she's blushing and laughing at herself like she's embarrassed.
"Y/n, can I tell you something?" She asks, looking me in the eyes now. I love her eyes.
"You can tell me anything, Billie," I whisper and put my hand on top of hers; it makes her blush.
"...y/n isn't it lovely? Spending all this time together?" Billie says smiling at me.
"I love moments like these... with you" I respond
"I want it to be more," She doesn't take her eyes off mine and the electricity is undeniable.
"What do you mean?" I'm genuinely confused.
"Y/n, I love you..." Billie whispers, so quietly I can barely hear her enchanting voice.
"Billie..." I whisper and place a hand on her cheek, "I love you too."
Then I move forward and our lips collide. The spakrs flow between us. Her soft lips are like pool of satin. I wish this moment would never end. I wish I was stuck in this moment forever. I wish it every moment was as lovely as this...
What do you guys think about this?
Requests are open
Do you want more Billie Eilish? I have other ideas, or i can do other celebrities, should I go more smutty or is fluff better?
Love y'all
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noirsfantasy · 9 months
On the eighth day of Christmas...
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ℑ𝔱’𝔰 𝔄 𝔅𝔢𝔞𝔲𝔱𝔦𝔣𝔲𝔩 𝔏𝔦𝔣𝔢
𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 ➛ Husband!Idris Elba x Black!Wife Reader
𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 ➛ Fluff
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱 ➛ 2.3K
𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔰𝔦𝔰 ➛ It’s Christmas morning and your kids are more excited than ever for it. So excited, in fact, they decide to make you and your husband, Idris, a Christmas breakfast. However, you don’t let this minor hiccup ruin the day. You’re reminded just how much your family means to you.
𝔞/𝔫 ➛ Guys, someone please snap me outta my delusions, cuz this story had me imaginan my whole life with him. He’s such Daddy material😋 I really hope y’all like this one!
12 Days of Christmas Masterlist
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It's early Christmas morning and the house is silent. I’m sleeping soundly, stealing most of the covers from Idris as he is sprawled across the majority of the bed. I begin to stir once I hear tiny footsteps approaching my room. I shift, hiding my head under the blanket when I hear the door burst open. 
“IT’S CHRISTMAS! IT’S CHRISTMAS!” Our 5-year-old daughter, Heaven, shouts as she jumps on the bed, stepping on her father.
"Ah! Heaven, darling, please!" He grimaces as he's suddenly awoken from his slumber, shifting under the blanket and sitting up. He reaches out and grabs her mid-jump, pulling her into his lap. "Do you know what time it is, princess?" He questions groggily and Heaven beams brightly.
"It's Christmas time, Daddy!" She says excitedly and jumps on his lap. I hear footsteps approaching me and then the blanket is pulled away from my face. I squint as the light hits my eyes and bury my face in the pillow.
"Mommy, get up! We made you guys breakfast." Our oldest son Jason tells me, before pulling the rest of the blankets off, causing me to shiver.
"JJ, please just give us five minutes, okay?" I ask, but he shakes his head.
"The food will be cold by then, Mommy!" My heart drops at the realization and Idris and I make eye contact. He sees the stressed look forming on my face and gives me a reassuring one back, turning to the kids.
"Right, Heaven, Jason, it's still early. Why don't you give your mum and me a few more minutes to get ready and then we will be down." He offers, but they don't relent. Heaven continues to bounce up and down and Jason can't seem to contain his excitement.
"We can't, Daddy! It's Christmas! We shouldn't have to wait." His smile is wider as he can't wait to go downstairs and show us what they made. Idris groans and I bury my face again.
"Alright, alright, you monsters. Calm down for a minute." He starts as he stands up and tosses Heaven over his shoulder, making her giggle. "What exactly have you three been up to, huh? Don't tell me you've been cookin' on the stove." He peers at Jason, who smiles and shakes his head again.
"We didn't use the stove, we used the microwave! We made our own special cookies and even decorated them! Come on!" He grabs my hands, pulling me out of bed and leading us both out of the room. We exchange a horrified look, imagining the mess in the kitchen. And we've still not seen our youngest yet. Hopefully, he's asleep.
Upon entering the kitchen, the smell of burnt cookies hits us. I sigh nervously as we round the corner. The kitchen is a mess, with flour and butter everywhere! There's frosting and sprinkles smeared on the counter and an incriminating stepping stool beneath the area. Behind the island, I see two little feet sticking out. I walk over, careful to avoid any mess on the floor and see our youngest son, Luke, on the floor eating frosting from the tube. He smiles as he looks up at me.
"Mommy! Mommy!" He shouts as he stands up and hugs my legs. I begin to regret wearing shorts as his sticky fingers come in contact with my skin.
"Oh, sweetie..." I say, groaning a bit as I take everything in.
"We made a little mess... But aren't the cookies pretty?" Heaven asks, presenting a plate of holiday mush. It seems as if they'd mixed up flour, sugar, and water, and threw it in the microwave, topping it off with green and red frosting and snowflake sprinkles. Heaven and Luke look so proud of their creation and Jason is giggling to himself, obviously the ringleader and brains behind this whole operation. I try to control my temper, after all, it's too early and it's Christmas. Idris chuckles and lifts Luke up into his arms, careful not to get any icing on himself. He turns to Heaven and takes the plate from her, placing it on the counter.
"Those cookies are incredible, princess!" He says, causing all of the kids to smile. I shake my head gently and put on a smile. This was bound to happen at some point. They're kids and it's Christmas. And I can't be mad at them, they all look so proud of themselves.
"They're absolutely amazing, you guys. But..." I bend down to look Jason and Heaven in the eye. "Remember, you need to ask Mommy and Daddy if you can use the kitchen. It's not safe to do it by yourself. Okay?" They both smile and nod.
"Okay, Mommy, we'll make sure to ask next time," Jason says with a happy smile. I give them both a kiss and pat their backs.
"Now," Idris starts, "why don't you two clean up in here while I clean up your brother?" He says to our older kids. They frown a bit, groaning.
"Hey, none of that. You guys did a nice thing for Mommy and Daddy by making these pretty cookies, but you need to clean up after yourselves as well." I explain to them.
"Yes ma'am." They reply in unison. Jason grabs a broom from the closet and Heaven goes under the sink to find a sponge to clean the counters with, using her stepping stool to reach the mess. Before wiping the mess away, she drags her finger through the frosting and licks it, causing me to grimace as I watch her enjoy her work. I turn to Idris and he chuckles, before kissing my cheek.
"Be right back, love." He says, giving me a charming smile, before propping Luke up on his side. "Come here, buddy. We gotta get you cleaned off." He says as he walks up the stairs with our youngest.
I walk over to Heaven and help her wipe the counter, helping her put away the baking tray. She still tries to sneak some frosting, licking it off her fingers before wiping her hands on the kitchen towel. I shake my head at her and she giggles. Jason catches everything that was wiped off of the counter with the broom, sweeping it into the dustpan and trashing it.
"Okay, you two. You're doing such a great job at cleaning up, thank you." I say to them both, smiling down at them. "Once we're done here, how about we open some presents?" I suggest and they both cheer at the mention of presents.
"Let's open them now! Pleaseeee!" Heaven begs and I laugh to myself.
"No, we gotta wait until Dad's done cleaning up Luke, duh!" Jason says back to her, causing her to pout. She crosses her arms and frowns. I shake my head at them.
"Let's just finish cleaning up. I'm sure Daddy will be done by then and then we can start, okay?" I offer them a warm smile.
"Okay, Mommy," Heaven says, going back to cleaning. Idris soon returns with Luke following after him, in a new set of pajamas and looking squeaky clean.
"Yay! Daddy's here! Can we start now, Mommy?" She asks as she turns to me. I laugh a bit and nod.
"Yes, sweetie, we can start," I say and all three of the kids rush to the living room and sit on the floor around the tree. Idris grabs my hand and I smile at him as we both take our seats on the couch, his arm wrapping around my shoulder. Heaven spots a present with her name on it and squeals happily, turning to us with bright eyes.
"You ready to open, princess?" He asks and she nods rapidly, tearing the paper away. She gasps as underneath the wrapping paper is a black Barbie doll with a beautiful pink dress and sparkling shoes. She looks up at us with a grin, thrilled with her gift. Heaven jumps up and kisses me and her dad on the cheeks.
"Thank you, Mommy! Thank you, Daddy!" She says, hugging the gift close.
"You're welcome, baby," I say with a content smile.
"Take good care of her," Idris adds, smiling as well. Jason and Luke look at us with hopeful eyes, waiting for their turn. "Well, what are you guys waiting for? Jump in!" He says and the boys excitedly grab gifts of their own, ripping them open. Luke squeals happily as he gets a fire engine with colorful blocks that snap together and Jason gets a brand new Lego set.
The room is filled with the childish sounds of laughter and excitement as the kids open more Christmas gifts. Idris and I exchange glances, basking in the warmth of the joyous moment unfolding before us. The chaotic morning, filled with mishaps and messes, now seems like a distant memory, replaced by the pure happiness on our children's faces.
As the Christmas frenzy dies down, Idris turns to me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He reaches under the tree and pulls out a beautifully wrapped box that was hidden at the back, topped off with a bow that sparkles like freshly fallen snow.
"For my beautiful wife," He says with a warm smile, handing me the gift. I look at him with surprise, not expecting this, but accepting the gift anyway. I grin as I carefully unwrap the present. Inside, I find a stunning necklace, a beautiful chain accompanied by a pendant shaped like a snowflake, glistening with tiny diamonds. I gasp, overwhelmed by the thoughtful gesture.
"Idris!" I cover my mouth in shock and his smile grows wider as he sees my reaction. "It's so beautiful!" I exclaim, my fingers gently tracing the intricate details of the pendant. Idris beams with satisfaction, his eyes never leaving mine.
"I saw it and I thought it would be perfect for you. Like each snowflake is unique, so is my love for you." Touched by his words, I lean in and press a tender kiss to his lips. The kids all collectively cringe at us.
"Ewwww!" They shout at our display of affection, but we don't let it stop us. He puts the necklace around my neck and I move my hair out of the way to show it better.
"How does it look?" I ask, doing a little pose. Idris chuckles and takes my hand, kissing it lightly.
"Perfect, just like you." He says, causing me to blush at his words. However, not being one to be outdone, I reach under the tree and hand Idris a carefully wrapped gift of his own.
"Darling, you shouldn't have." He winks playfully. He grins like a child, tearing the paper away with eagerness. Inside, he sees a brand new watch, something he's been eyeing for a while now. He inspects the watch closely, looking both pleased and surprised. "This is incredible, Y/N. I love it."
"And I made sure the band was in your exact size, so no need to get it fitted either," I add and he looks at me adoringly. He puts the watch on, giving it a thorough look over.
"Just in the nick of time." He smiles cheekily and I roll my eyes.
"You're so cheesy sometimes, you know that?" I laugh.
"Guilty as charged, my love." He grins sheepishly. He wraps his arm back around my shoulder and gives me a kiss. After taking a break from toys and getting some breakfast, everyone does their own thing. The kids are now playing, occupied with their own little world. The only sounds that fill the room are the laughter and joy of the kids, along with the quiet murmur of Idris and my voice as we chat and relax. It's a content and cozy day.
Idris and I are still on the couch, cuddled up and watching a Christmas movie under a blanket. Eventually, Jason comes and sits next to us and Luke climbs up on Idris's lap, leaning against him. Heaven sits on the other couch, still playing with the new accessories she got with her new doll.
Luke starts to yawn adorably and Idris kisses him playfully on the head, before yawning himself. He looks at me and I stretch, yawning as well. We look over at Jason, who's fast asleep with the TV remote in his hand. I yawn again and then glance over at Heaven, who is also asleep, her head resting against the back of the couch. I smile and lean my head on Idris's shoulder, wrapping the blanket around us. The house is filled with silence, except for the soft sound of the movie on the TV.
I close my eyes, letting the sounds of the movie fill my ears. Idris's arm wraps around my waist, pulling me closer to him, and with his other hand, he cradles Luke gently as he sleeps. With all the children peacefully snoozing, it's just me and him for this moment. It's calm, soothing and comfortable.
"I love you," Idris whispers, kissing my head softly. I smile and nuzzle into his neck.
"I love you too, sweetheart," I whisper back, before letting my eyes fall shut. I take in the warm and comfortable silence, not thinking about anything else besides the peaceful ambiance we seem to bask in right now. I know we should probably get up and put the kids in their rooms, but I don't want to disturb the peace. We've had a wonderful Christmas and I'm reminded, once again, how much I love my family.
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bi-lavelent · 3 months
Suggestions accepted
I will try and make everyone’s exceptions happen. If I have time. Although here is a list of shows that I have seen. 1.Big Bang Theory 2.Young Sheldon 3.Glee 4.Saved by the bell. 5.Marvle. 6.Fast and furious. 7. Oceans 8. 8. Greys anatomy 9.Private practice. 10. Station 19. 11. Arrowverse shows
12. Abbot elementary
also any actor or actress. My stories will try to be as unbiased as possible and will try to connect to everyone. But I am a closeted bisexual who is in a Christian family. So if I get caught I might never comeback I will be graduating in 2 years and will be able to post more. This is a welcoming community so any hate towards anyone will not be acceptable unless it’s a character that you are supposed to hate.
pls put suggestions in the comment section if you want it to be Anonymous message me. I’m not sure how the tagging works as I am new so til I do I will comment on your questions or send you a message as to when your story comes out.
I am okay with doing very little smut most of my stories will be fluff with minute steamy parts. I will do smut but not good smut
pls help a struggling creator out.
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6okuto · 8 months
NIA OMFG SO ABT THE DATING APP POST U MADE (replies could not handle the novel I am about to impose on you)
the way I am so in love with iwa but he’s the epitome of not my irl type 😭 gym bros and their bland responses to hinge prompts scare me and I feel that he would have the exact profile you were talking abt. his redeeming quality would be like. a dog.
Bokuto would be the exception to the gym bro thing bc he is also a himbo and it shows (in the best way possible) and no one can resist that.
half of hq would not be my type irl and the other half that would be?? I’d be too scared to try to match cause they’re. gorgeous??????? Hello???
HOWEVER Akashi’s profile would totally be like cafe date vibes, libraries and very just. CALMING AND NICE AND I’D DO THE SAME AS YOU. The only thing is I think his prompt responses (I’m on hinge so this is the only dating app format ik) wouldn’t really give you tooooo much to work with but it’s ok no one can be perfect.
I think kuroo’s would be like super bf material tho. Like the kind of profile that you’re certain gets a lot of interaction and makes you wonder if he’s even active on the app anymore LOL. also gives good responses, he’s just slightly dorky but it’s so endearing and it adds to the appeal of his profile.
I think suna’s would be super chill with like humorous undertones and I’d probably end up trying to match with him bc of that. he gives gooddddd responses that are genuinely fun and non repetitive. he’s also not dry if you end up matching.
yk what no I’m giving atsumu a chance here. his prompt responses are. interesting to say the least. dry. he comes across a bit cocky. but his pictures don’t if that makes sense??? like he comes off as a genuinely sweet guy in his photos and videos. maybe I’m just too soft for him and I’m projecting, this is embarrassing.
I wanna add something abt oikawa but I genuinely cannot think of anything other than his photos would be insanely aesthetic and pretty. responses need a bit of work and his opening lines come off a bit strong but. it’s okay. he’s perfect and can do no wrong imo 🤷🏻‍♀️
HAIII REV!! EXACTLY. exactly. i'm sorry but not even a dog is enough for me i'm like Omg little dog and then don't match I'm sorry hajime.. Bokuto... my cutie pie naoooo 😭😭 i'd like to hope he'd answer the prompts cutely/in a funny way but i still wouldn't think we'd match well and skip him... BUT!!!! I think if they replied to one of my prompts i'd reply...?! < girl who Never Ever matches first Ever. like there's a photo where their smile looks very cutesie and i'm like Why not!
Akaashi. 🙂teehee. my favoritism i'm sorry everybody. he doesn't really have photos of himself so he has to ask friends for some and there's like one photo that's dimly lit where he's smiling with fluffy hair that would make my jaw drop and tears form in my eyes i'd want him so bad. one of his prompt answers would be like. a joke about how tired he is with all the work he has. something kind of basic But i love him so it's ok. for me specifically i mention my dislike for HTTYD 3 and i think he'd reply and be like wait you're so right can u explain more or something like that and I would Start Crying tears Of Joy PLEAASELEAASE PLEAPSAPPSLEPLEPA
omg kuroo. i understand. i actually first had the idea he looks kind of dorky (/affectionate) but he has a couple good photos and a meme and it's like Oh he's so real for that. also he's totaallyyy somebody who does an audio prompt 😭 it's something fawking stupid /Affectionate and i'd show my irls and we'd be like wait he's kinda cute while we laugh BJSHFBJSD there's also a group photo somewhere on there ! and maybe a video where you can hear him cackling! silly guy...
suna would have a stupid ass block text meme somewhere on his profile LOLLL there's a photo where he's in his room in the dark but i can also imagine he has one with good lighting outside that's one of the few he has... he Would be funny! he's all lowercase until u say something that gets him to laugh and he goes LMFAOOOOO WAIT and it's like Yes I got a good grade in Hinge. BFJSHBJSB
ATSUMU! totally has a pic where he's showing off his muscles or spiking But also wait he looks kind of cute and dorky in this other photo and also his prompt responses are funny this is crazy? I UNDERSTAND!!! maybe it could be like... he's not someone you'd swipe on initially but he sees Your profile and tries to switch it up to cater to you before replying to one of your prompts LOL. and maybe there's a pic of him helping samu make onigiri or just... something kind of domestic that makes u go oh alright he's nice?!
HMM OIKAWA.... also a volleyball pic somewhere. maybe with a medal or trophy of his LOL. but he can take good selfies Unfortunately smhhh /j so you're like aw fuck... i think i'd be like oh you're out of my league or Not my type but if that kind of guy replies to one of your prompts...Would you not be a little curious to see how that convo goes. he's good looking enough that he could just like people's first pic and move on but You're special and Funny and he's Curious okay!!!
THANK U!!! HTANKYEWWW I LOVE THINKING AND TALKING AND SHARING AND HEARING IDEAS IT'S SO FUNSIES NEVER APOLOGIZE 2 ME! i have So many smau series ideas bouncing around in my head i've never tried but if i ever do this one...U will b the first 2 know.
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fetusharryluvr · 2 years
i’maceleb!universe spider in the rv
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y/n wakes up to an uninvited visitor in the rv!
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After nearly one week of living in the jungle, you and the other celebrities finally felt like you were beginning to acclimatise. You’d never fully get used to it, but you were starting to get into a routine and everything was falling into place.
“You alright, mate? You look knackered.” Harry’s head popped up from the stove, where he was heating up leftover beans from the previous night for his breakfast.
Owen groaned out from inside his hammock, slowly running his hand across his face to wake himself up. “This is awful, man. I’m jealous of you, gettin’ to sleep in the RV.”
“Is your back still bad?” Asked Seann.
“It’s dreadful.” The Hollyoaks actor shook his head, “How many nights’ve you done this?”
Seann scrunched up his lip in thought. “Five or six?”
“I don’t know how you do it, mate. The whole night, you’re not asleep. You’re, like, semi-awake, too focused on not fallin’ out of bed.”
“You can have my flatbed, if you want it.” The Walsh man suggested, plonking the cowboy hat down on his head.
Owen was quick to shake his head and refuse, “No way, you’ve got five nights of sleep to catch up on.”
“We were just lying there, talkin’ about the hammock when, all of a sudden, out of nowhere—”
An abrupt, piercing scream, presumably sounding from the RV, caused your campmates to stiffen and share looks of unease. “Is that Y/N?” Harry rushed to ask, knowing that you were still sound asleep when he left earlier that morning.
The rest of the celebrities remained silent, darting their eyes around to try and see where you were. When he realised you weren’t sat around the fire with everyone else, Harry shot up from the log and quickly ran over to the RV, the other campmates following in pursuit, worried for what they might find.
“Y/N?” A string of your name was called out by various people. Just as they reached the door, it swung open, and out you came running with fear evident on your face. You ran straight into the person closest to you, who conveniently enough was Harry, wrapped a reassuring arm around your waist. He asked you what happened, and you looked up at him, “There was a huge spider!”
It was established by now that if the camp had a visit from an unwanted creature, Mike was the man to deal with it. So, he waltzed into the RV to inspect it. Not a minute later, he came back out again holding what seemed to be a common house spider, barely an inch big.
Harry couldn’t help but breathe out a laugh. Partly because of the fuss you made over something that was probably more scared of you than you were of it, but mostly of relief now that he knew nothing bad had happened to you.
Owen caught sight of the critter as Mike bent down to let it free, a look of pure shock on his face, “No way, is that real?!”
“Of course it’s real.”
taglist: @reveriehs
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teagan-mary-anne · 6 months
I quite literally think that there’s nothing more embarrassing than the fact that sometimes when I’m reading one shots (Specifically the fluffy, x reader one shots) I will think “oh, he is such a good boyfriend” or “he treats me so well” then proceeding to have to remind myself that he is in fact not my boyfriend, and those are just words written on a screen.
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lanadelnegan · 1 year
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Warnings: all 18+ and contain smut. minors DNI.
Negan Smith
Daddy Issues - stepdad!Negan
Smarty Pants - Negan shows his appreciation after you explain how to make a bullet.
Down Bad - Coach Negan x F!Reader
Video Games - giving Negan head while he plays video games
Knock Knock - DeadCity!Negan fucks you while Maggie is gone on a run
Our Little Cabin - Cowboy era Negan takes your virginity
My Girl - Rick's oldest daughter, y/n, loses her virginity to Negan
Pretty in Pink - Negan can't resist you in your little pink skirt
You Belong to Me - Negan x Male Reader
Vampire - Negan eats you out while you're on your period
Keep Me Warm - Public sex with Negan in Alexandria
Two In One - Negan x Reader x Simon threesome
Cherry - Negan ‘pops your cherry’
The Notebook - movie night with Negan (fluff)
Lip Gloss - Prisoner!Negan falls for a girl at Alexandria. (complete)
My Past, My Future - Negan x Reader x Daryl / love triangle (complete)
Crush - gym teacher negan x student reader (complete)
Tattoo - Teacher!Negan gives his student a tattoo. (complete)
Ghost - Negan x Glenn'sSister!Reader (complete)
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Wildest Dreams - Your celeb crush makes your dreams come true when you meet him at a bar after the walking dead comic con.
Jealousy, Jealousy - Your boyfriend, Jeffrey, can't control his jealousy when he sees another man hit on you at the bar.
Love at First Sight - you ask Jeffrey a question at a walking dead panel that leads to the memory of a lifetime.
The Feeling Was Mutual - quickie in the elevator with your co-star JDM.
One Night Stand - Denny Duquette era Jeffrey has a one night stand with his costar. (in progress)
Denny Duquette
Cardiac Arrest - You give your favorite patient special treatment
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lenybunny · 5 months
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—things i write:
mostly smut, some occasional fluff, angst, etc…
mostly oneshots, but i’ll do multiple parts of things if requested!
i only write fem!celeb x fem!reader (i write poly situations as long as reader is involved)
non-celeb AU
—things i don’t write:
anything smutty involving minors
noncon, yandere, ageplay, anything with animals, any other things of that sort
stories with JUST celeb x celeb
male readers or male celebs
butt stuff
fetishes (NONE, absolutely NONE)
i can’t do every single request i receive, but if your req helps me write anything, i will mention it in the a/n
if you are putting prompts along with a req, please don’t put too many
don’t hesitate to tell me if you think anything is wrong with a story or tags!
please let me know about grammatical/spelling mistakes in the fics so i can fix them. i try my best to catch them all, but sometimes i just don’t notice
—all of these were originally written for my kpop blog, please disregard the ones that mentions idols/maknae/etc
bratty/degrading/etc smut
first time/inexperienced smut
praise/soft/etc smut
misc smut
threesome smut
renee rapp
chappell roan
margot robbie
sabrina carpenter
taylor swift
anne hathaway
dakota johnson
sydney sweeney
regina x reader - “eclipse” (smut)
fics on my alts (@airaibunny + @tcubunny)
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theemporium · 1 year
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☞daniel knowing how sunshine feels based on her outfit
☞daniel finding her asleep in his driver room
☞daniel calming sunshine over she has anxiety over his racing after she has nightmares of him crashing
☞sunshine meeting his parents before they start dating
☞daniel getting protective over a nickname sunshine gave him
☞sunshine rescuing a stray cat despite daniel’s hesitance
☞daniel comforting sunshine when she’s hungover
☞daniel and sunshine having a pregnancy scare
☞daniel and sunshine at scotty’s wedding
☞daniel and sunshine missing each other on a night out
☞daniel panicking when he’s away from sunshine when she’s sick
☞daniel being stressed when sunshine is awol the morning of a race
☞sunshine being jealous when a journalist is being too flirty with daniel
☞daniel being jealous when a new team member flirts with sunshine
☞daniel bailing sunshine out of jail after a night out gone wrong
☞sunshine acting up during an argument
☞another team offering sunshine a job
☞daniel surprising sunshine with eras tour tickets
☞sunshine and daniel moving in together
☞daniel proposing to sunshine
☞sunshine comforting daniel when he’s stressed
☞daniel finds out sunshine is being harassed by a journalist
☞daniel getting worried about sunshine overworking herself
☞sunshine getting stressed during wedding planning
☞daniel doting over sunshine while she’s injured
☞daniel getting jealous at a celeb flirting with sunshine during a gp
☞daniel gets his wisdom teeth removed
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bueckerrss · 7 months
Oneshot idea:
Chris or Matt and you are in a relationship. They don’t stick up for you when a celeb girl hits on them in public to “keep the peace” but this leads to ANGST.
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was it worth it? - m. sturniolo
warnings: cursing, fighting, angst
basically the request but with my own little twist.
here i was at yet another stupid influencer party that my boyfriend dragged me to, he knows this isn’t really my thing, you see matt and i have been together for nearly a year but we’ve decided to keep our relationship a secret from the public just a few friends knowing.
matt was currently talking to group of people potentially talking about collaborating or something similar to that, i was a few feet behind him giving him the space he needed.
i looked at him from the kitchen seeing how he was laughing and joking around with his friends until a girl came touching him in ways i didn’t like, leaning into his ear whispering things with a smile on her face even making her punch him in a flirting way she turned around and i finally got a good look at her. my heart dropped.
chelsea monroe an instagram model with blonde hair and blue eyes— knowing who she is and not in a good way— was now flirting with my boyfriend what hurt more was that he flirted back.
i was less than six feet away witnessing my boyfriend cheating on me like i wasn’t even there trying to distract myself from the heartbreak i started speaking to madi.
nick and chris had ubered back to their house an hour ago i would’ve gone with them but matt had told me he wanted to drive me home and that’s what he did.
“are you hungry?” he asked as we got into his car “no” i responded looking forward he started the car his hand finding its way on my thigh making me push it off making him put it back i pushed it off again.
“y/n are you okay?” he asked as he looked towards the road and back to me “yup.” i responded “are you sure?” he urged “definitely” i replied. “y/n” he stated “matthew” i said looking at him with a straight face “okay, what the fuck is wrong you never refer to me as matthew unless something is wrong” he said looking at me for a spilt second before turning back at the road.
“nothing is wrong.” i mumbled with a straight face “y/n don’t be fucking immature and tell me what the fuck is wrong!” he argued “nothing is fucking wrong now drop it!” i slightly yelled.
the rest of the ride was quiet the only sound being the radio playing faintly, as we arrived at my house i quickly unbuckled my belt and started to open my door when matt spoke again.
“i’m sorry for what i said but if you need anything just call me okay?” he says softly “okay.” i said before i fully got out of the car “i love you” he stated before i slammed the car door and made my way into my house quickly locking it.
not even five seconds after i got in i get a phone call pulling it out and looking at the caller id
“what matt?” i sighed “you didn’t say ‘i love you’ back” he mumbled “yea and?” “you never not say it back” he sighed “yea well i’m tired bye” i replied hanging up.
that was the last time i spoke to him, that was friday night now it’s sunday i’ve spent all weekend crying ignoring all his texts and calls only keeping contact with chris and nick.
i kept the no contact thing all week and before i knew it it was friday again knowing the triplets had another party to go to i decided to have a night to myself and rewatch ‘supernatural’ while eating ice cream or any other snacks i could get my hands on.
i was three hours into the show when my phone lit up with a notification ‘matthew.sturniolo just posted on their story.’
clicking on the notification my heart drops i couldn’t believe it he was posing with chelsea she was leaning into him his hand on her waist a perfect view of his neck— hickies covering his neck and lipstick slightly smudge on his lips her lipstick.
that was my breaking point i paused my tv walking towards my room pulling out his duffel bag and a box in the duffel i put all the clothes he’s left here over the time and in the box all the the gifts he’s given me. i was done and i wasn’t going to let him hurt me.
i don’t remember falling asleep but i woke up on the couch with a few missed calls from matt, i didn’t answer but i instead texted chris and nick in the group chat we had without matt
could yall come over? i have a few things i need you guys to pick up.
yea let me just order an uber we’ll be there in like 10 minutes or so
we’re on our way.
after a few minutes i hear a knock on my door already opening the door i let the boys in and made my way to my room to pick up the duffel taking it back to the living room and handing it to a very confused nick.
“give that to matthew” i said with a straight face “matthew? full name that can’t be good what’d he do” asked nick “he cheated” i stated calmly “he what?!” the both replied nearly yelling “yea you guys didn’t see the photo?” i pulled out my phone to show them the picture “that son of a bitch!” exclaimed chris “well good you’re breaking up with him” chimed in nick “wait i thought you’d be more heartbroken about this” question nick “well i was the first time it happened but i realized that if he really loved me he wouldn’t be a two timing bitch” i scoffed
“good for you!” praised chris as he smiled at me with that nicks phone rang “speaking of the devil” he sighed “what’s up matt? what? no we haven’t heard from her” he smiled winking at me signaling that he was asking about me after a while they hang up “well we have to go but we’re in your side no matter what!” nick said as he got up and gave me a side hug then picked up the duffel heading outside.
“if you ever need anything or something don’t hesitate to call or text me or nick okay?” he mumbled into my hair as we hugged “okay thank you so much i love you guys so much” i mumbled back letting go of the hug.
ring ring
i picked up my phone to matt calling i hung up and turned back around to go to sleep but my phone kept buzzing not letting me.
“hello?” i responded groggily “what the actual fuck y/n!” matt’s voice boomed through my phone’s speakers making me pull it away a bit “huh what are you talking about?” “why did chris and nick just bring me a duffel with my things in it?” he angrily asked “because i’m breaking up with you” i stated “what?” he laughed “i’m. breaking up. with. you. understand?” i broke down each word like if i was speaking to a baby “why are you breaking up with me?” he scoffed “hmmm i don’t know maybe because you cheated on me with chelsea?” i asked “what? i didn’t cheat on you!” “don’t make me laugh matthew i have proof from text messages to the story you posted last night”
“look im sorry i made a mistake but baby please don’t do this i-i love you!” he begged into the phone “maybe you should’ve thought about that before you cheated bye matthew and by the way i hope she was worth it.” i spoke before i hung up the phone.
okay this is not as good as i wanted it to be but hopefully you like it pookie 😰
tags: @sturnioloslurps @hearts4chris @patscorner
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ye4gerism · 3 months
ok literally rewatching aot and i’ve lowkey been having an eren phase. i’ve always wanted to write for him - and personally i feel like celeb au’s fit him so well :3 (in my celeb!jean draft, he’s a singer)
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EREN (and zeke) who is insanely talented in the arts. he has a large interest in music and film. his dad wanted them both to be doctors but 🧍🏾‍♀️ eren probably ends up at like NYU or UCLA for school
EREN who finds so much popularity on social media. immediately everyone’s crush. he does silly little tiktoks with zeke to promote his music
EREN works with zeke to produce his music
EREN (and zeke) who reach celebrity status over night and sudden grisha is so proud of his sons and goes around bragging about how he’s responsible for their careers
EREN who is looking for a publicist because he and zeke are building their team. he and zeke interviewed so many people but he really felt a connection with you. you were serious about having a career in media and he found you beautiful. he has to try to convince zeke that it isn’t about your looks.
EREN who tries to find a moment to talk to you about social media posts or what pictures that getty images make him look good.
EREN who tries to get Zeke to tell you subliminally to give eren a chance. he ends up telling you straight up that eren wants you.
EREN who gets rejected after you find out. something about not dating clients.
EREN who ends up getting a confession from you within the same week. you admit you like him back but were concerned about the type of relationship you’d have. after much conversation, you start a relationship in private and managed to keep it under wraps until someone from eren’s camp leaked your relationship to the press.
EREN who has a shit ton of crazy fans that are angry that he isn’t single. He ends up helping you move out of your apartment into his for your safety.
EREN who enters a serious relationship with you. you stop being his publicist and started working with other celebs. Eren finally acknowledges you as his girlfriend to the public.
EREN who proposes on new year’s eve because he’s dramatic like that. he pulls you away from a new year’s party with other musicians, actors, etc and the minute the clock strikes twelve, you’re engaged
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now if i actually wrote something like this, would you guys be down to read it? should it be a full blown story? some oneshots? headcanons?
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homeofthelonelywriter · 6 months
Celebs - Masterlist
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Tom Hiddleston:
🌺 Take the Stage: While once again sneaking out of the Palace, you meet an actor...let’s just say there is something between you two. (Royal! Reader)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29 | Part 30 | Part 31
Romeo to my Juliet: You are a student and a teacher at a college in Lodon, which is the same place a very handsome acting professor is employed. Discontinued for now.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
🌺 New Beginning:
(Part 1) | Part 2 | Part 3
HC - Tom Hiddleston x clumsy!Reader
HC - Tom helps Reader deal with anxiety and stress
HC - Tom loves Reader’s boobs
Forgotten Fears - The Reader had some bad experiences with her ex-boyfriend when he was drunk and is still traumatised by that. What happens when Tom forgets about that fear of hers?
Kinky Surprise - pure smut
Application - When you loose a bet, you are forced to send an application for Loki’s love interest. Who would have thought that they actually want to meet you?
Jealousy - Tom is insecure because of your age gap. What will happen when he sees you with one of your co-workers who is about your age?
Hidden - As an artist, you find a way to tell Tom that you’re pregnant
Bun in the oven - Pregnany reveal and a proposal. What could go wrong?
Drunken Start - After a night out with his buddies, Tom calls you, neither rembering you, nor how he got your number
Trick or Treat - Halloween Special
Best boyfriend in the world - You have trouble sleeping, so Tom decides to help you out
Dance with me - Reader and Tom slow-dance in Paris
Diary - Tom finds your diary while you’re moving and reads it
Christmas Surprise - Christmas Drabble
Let it snow! - Christmas Drabble
Drabble #75
Drabble #3
Imagine while on vacation with your BFF you catch Tom Hiddleston during a photoshoot. Your BFF makes sure he remembers you.
Imagine tagging Tom Hiddleston in a meme and actually getting a reaction.
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Benedict Cumberbatch:
Drabble #69
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Sebastian Stan:
Drabble #46
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Shawn Mendes:
🌺 Better that way: When Shawn’s girlfriend finds out that she is pregnant, she decides that she can’t burden the superstar with a child. She makes decisions which may seem stupid, but she knows that it’s Better that way.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
🌺 Surprise: Walking a Victorias Secret show was an honour already, but being able to see your boyfriend while doing so? Pure bliss. Especially when he has a little surprise for you.
Part 1 | Part 2
🌺 Fan Mail: Writing to Shawn every so often paid off when he asked you to come to one of his shows.
Part 1 | Part 2
When you’re ready - Inspired by his song
Guard my heart - You are a part of the security at one of Shawn’s shows and he notices you
Nervous - Inspired by his song
One more chance - Filming an explanation video why Shawn and you broke up, leads to some interesting realisations
In my Blood - Inspired by his song (Triggers)
Late Late Show - You are present during your boyfriend’s appearance on the Late Late Show with James Cordan. Let’s just say it was disgusting.
Sad song - Shawn finds out you can sing during a very sad occasion
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Tom Holland:
Migraine - rl!friend has a Migraine and Tom wants and tries to comfort her
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Back to the Master-Masterlist
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I absolutely love the hype Bill’s getting and I’m here to contribute ꨄ︎ My request of today is; Remember the celeb crush thing I requested a while ago for Tom? Well my love for Bill is taking over and I’d love to see how you’d adapt it for him! To make it more interesting, I thought maybe the reader is already a fan and confidently goes out to talk to them even though the language barrier is present. Couple days later she goes and surprises them at a concert and makes this a little tradition til she and Bill realize they’ve developed feelings for each other but of course, work and distance is a huge obstacle
(Hello, lovely! Sorry this took so long and I didn't know if u wanted a oneshot but I was pretty lazy so here ya go! Enjoy!)
Bill Kaulitz x Celeb-Crush Reader
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He actually was pretty calm when he first noticed you
He had been one of your fans for a bit, seeing you in tabloids and online and had even gone to one of your concerts when him and the band weren't really well known
You were actually an example of his dream of being young but making it big
And as he grew up in fame, you never really left his mind because you also grew with your fandom and fame
Your style may not have been the same, your music either, but Bill still loved watching you on stage and on videos
He was almost starstruck when he actually saw you in the flesh when they were performing
YOU were at THEIR concert?!
By choice?!
He almost freaked out on stage but surprisingly hid it well
He just smiled, flashed a wink at you and somehow kept making eye contact
And you didn't look away and you fed into it from the crowd!
He tried so hard not to faint
When it was all over and he went backstage he was ranting to Tom, Gustav and Georg the whole time
"She looked at me! She looked at me- huh?! Who?! (Name)!"
Bill almost knocked Georg out right then and there
They then clicked in their mind he was actually talking about the one star he could rave about for-literally-ever
Bill was still a mega-fan, and the boys were dragged into it or ranted too
But what really almost killed Bill was after the concert and they were meeting with fans and signing stuff
He had just finished up taking a photo and signing a T-shirt and looked up to see you!
He took a moment and was just staring, mouth open and looking to Tom to see if he was hallucinationing
Tom laughed at his brother as Georg and Gustav watched as Bill almost dug his grave
You had to snap him out of it as you asked for a autograph
You almost out him in cardiac arrest because he rushed to find a marker
He snatched Tom's marker in the moment but he didn't give a shit
He was so giddy you asked him for his signature and was so happy
He tried to strike up a conversation but failed
Not to worry, you were absolutely glad to talk to him
Bill was so happy, and he and you had much in common and actually flirted surprisingly
Once he got over his shock, of course
You guys actually clicked
Turns out, you were a fan too, which shocked Bill
There was a language barrier, but Bill spoke a bit of English so he could at least speak to you
You knew a bit of German due to playing there either solo or in a band and you guys figured out a way to understand each other
As time went on, even after you guys parted ways, you somehow kept in touch
You would go to their concerts and he would be glad to go to yours
You guys were spotted by photographers leaving hotels, walking in the city on "dates" as they called it and many more
Fans went crazy and so did paparazzi, chasing you guys down almost all the time
You and Bill didn't mind, even enjoying it in photos and you guys got a few photoshoots together
You guys were a pretty popular celebrity ship but would never admit it, even with the looks and smiles you two would give over time
Bill always thought he was in a fever dream
Because no way his celebrity crush would actually like and be a fan of his, much less spend time with him
You and Bill developed a tradition of traveling to see each other
You mainly did yours in surprise, but sometimes it was difficult
You were on tour and so was he, so spending time and being together for a bit scarce
You did your best hut Tom and you spent less and less time together and it was actually quite sad
Until you surprise him by showing up backstage, which he was shocked and ecstatic to see you
It was a tradition, either of you would sneak off and find one another no matter where
But it got a bit complicated as fans doubled down on this ship and your friends always compared your "relationship" and labeled it more than a friendship
Maybe there were feelings, maybe there wasn't
But the red dust and smile on Bills face would choose the latter option
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fetusharryluvr · 2 years
i’macelebuniverse the balls are drawn
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it’s time for the final unfair funfair challenge before the balls are drawn!
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“Hello! Come on in and have a seat!” And and Dec greeted you all with the biggest smiles, watching you and your fellow campmates walk into the trial area and sitting down on the platform.
“Wow, I love what you’ve done to the place.” You marvelled at the set around you, receiving laughs of gratitude from the pair, though they had absolutely nothing to do with it.
“How are you?” Dec asked, only to be met with a string of replies from you all. “So, you have all been taking part in the Unfair Funfair challenges, trying to win lucky coloured balls.”
“But now,” Ant continued, “Two of you have to take part in this trial to try and win some more coloured balls. The more balls you have, the greater your chance of winning the prize. At the end of the trial, all the balls won will be added to our lovely tombola.”
“Ant and I will then draw two of the coloured balls at random and those two people will be whisked away by a chopper to the beach for a scrumptious surf and turf barbie!”
Your gazes shifted to the rack on your left, where all your coloured balls stood. Babatunde had one ball. Harry had four. Charlene had two. Both Chris and Jill had one each. Both Matt and Mike had two. Owen had four. You had five. Seann had two, and Sue had one.
“Earlier,” Ant began, grabbing the attention of you all. “We told you that you got to pick the three people who are going to take part in this trial. Who have you chosen?”
“Harry, Owen and myself.” The lioness beamed, pointing to the two men beside her.
The Geordie duo nodded their heads and began introducing the Scareground, and explaining what it would entail. As a team, they had to collect as many balls as they could from one end to the other. Jill would be strapped onto the Unlucky Dip, collecting balls and popping them through the hole so they roll down into the Critter Carousel. Harry, who was strapped in, will then have to throw them over to the Feindish Ferris Wheel, where Owen was strapped in order to chuck the balls into the collection box.
Once all three of them were in place, the klaxon sounded, and the ten minute countdown began. Jill grabbed as many balls as she could from around her, tossing them through the hatch and letting them roll down the slide to Harry.
The musician groaned out through gritted teeth as the green ants roamed his body. You and the rest of your campmates cheered them all on as he tried to resist the creatures bites, swiping the balls and chucking them over to Owen.
“Hang tight, you’ve got this!” Sue praised.
You couldn’t help but smile as you watched Harry toss the coloured balls towards the Warner boy, who caught them all bar one. “Well done, guys!”
As time went on, the amount of critters continued to multiply, and the rate at which they all spun only increased. Although, that didn’t stop them from trying their hardest to collect as many balls as possible, ignoring the insects that were crawling over their bodies.
You and the other celebrities may not have noticed, and it may have been slightly against the rules, but Harry made sure that he tried extra hard when picking up the yellow balls and throwing them to Owen.
“30 seconds left!” Ant bellowed, “Owen, as many as you can now.”
“It’s nearly over, you’ve done so well!” You shouted.
As Harry chucked a blue ball across the set, the Hollyoaks star extended his arm out to catch it, only for the ferris wheel to turn him upside down, dunking him into the water. Seann cried out in defeat from the sidelines, burying his head in his hands.
“I’m sorry, Seann, mate!” He called out when he was released from the water tank, gasping for air as he was spun around again.
After the timer ended and the medic had a to retrieve a rather nasty cockroach from Jill’s ear, her, Harry and Owen returned to the sidelines with the rest of you. “Well done, you three.” Dec smiled, “How was that, Jill?”
“Wasn’t the best fair I’ve ever been to. But hopefully we did alright.” She laughed, shaking her head to rid herself of anymore unwanted guests.
Ant turned to the man in the red t-shirt, “Harry, could you reach all the balls?”
“It was a little bit tricky down the bottom. Those green ants are painful.”
The two presenters nodded their heads, turning to the rack once again now that all the balls had been collected. “Ok, well, let’s see how many balls you’ve all got. Babatunde, you’ve finished on five. Harry, you’ve got eight. Charlene, you have six. Chris Moyles, seven.”
“That’s ‘cause I had nothing to do with it!” He joked, prompting an eruption of laughs.
“Jill, four. Matt, four as well. Owen, you’ve ended up with ten balls! Y/N, you’ve got eight, Seann, five balls. And finally… Sue’s got two!”
All the balls were then poured into the tombola, and you and your campmates gathered around the presenters, ready for the prize draw. You were moments away from finding out which two of you were going to attend the beach barbecue. “Here we go, good luck everybody!” Ant and Dec beamed. You also wished everyone around you good luck, propping your head up on your hand as you watched the tombola spin round.
“The first person going to the barbecue is…” Dec slowly reached in, grabbing a red ball out, “Harry!”
You all broke into immediate celebration, cheering for the brunette who couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear. “Totally deserved.” Mike nodded, patting Harry’s shoulder.
“There you go,” Ant pointed his finger at him, “You can ‘ave a hot dog to make up for all those ant bites. Right, who’s next? Spin it, Dec, spin it!”
The smaller man did as he was told, spinning it around continuously. “Ok, so, the second person going to the beach is…” He slowly brought up his hand, revealing a yellow ball between his hands, “Y/N!”
Your mouth fell open in disbelief as the people around you cheered. Harry looked up at you from the first row, offering you a smile that you gladly returned.
“I don’t want to gloat… but I’m very happy.”
“Harry and Y/N, you can now make your way over to the chopper.” You and Harry grabbed your belongings and stood up, the others wishing you a good time. You were thankful, but you couldn’t help but feel and for the boy in the pink top. “‘M sorry, Owen.” You whispered, tapping his shoulder as you stood up.
“I feel terrible.” Harry chimed in.
Owen was quick to shake his head, “Hey, Y/N, Harry, yous have a sick day. Don’t feel bad at all.”
Harry snaked an arm around your shoulder as the two of you exited the trial area. He turned to you, “I dunno about you, but I fancy a massive prawn cocktail.”
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