#celandine the gnomish wizard
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theinvulnerabletide · 6 years ago
♫ + Celandine
New Machines by Vinyl Theatre.
“I wanna know where we go20 years from nowWill we see a futureBuilt by new machines”
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islanderscaper · 7 years ago
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Characters In My D&D Games (16/?)
Celandine Darkhollow: Gnomish Wizard (Eberron High Campaign, Played by @werewolf-in-the-sheets)              fc: Ariel Winter
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theinvulnerabletide · 7 years ago
OC Ask Meme: wardrobe, poison, contact (Whisper); microscope, mixtape, hobby (Oriana); photo album, ufo, interiors (Celandine); fragrance, parachute, psyche (Lyra); conspiracy theory, shooting star (Maggie); lighting, love note, chess board, wild card (any)
Alright, this got super long so the answers are under the cut!
Wardrobe:What is your OC’s style like?
It’s kind of hard to describe; Whisper tries not to beas loud and clashy as, say, Ignatius, but after living with a carnival foralmost seven years, it is hard for her not to be a little bold. Far from themore simple, elegant style she started with. Bright, jewel-tone colors that compliment and play off the color of her skin,complicated embroidery, statement jewelry pieces on her ears, around her neck,and wrists and horns and tail. But while it is bold and eye catching, it is allpainstakingly coordinated, so it’s visually interesting but not exhausting tolook at. She loves cute dresses with diaphanous layers, or travelling breaches andblouses so tight they might as well be a leotard, stuff she can move in, or runin, as needed. Even when she tries to dress simply, there’s plenty of embroideryor an innovative cut to her clothes.  Her brand-new armor, the one with the mithril weave, is a play off of one ofher old performance outfits. It’s a sort of bold teal, the blue and the greensmixing and changing along the fabric, which plays interestingly with the darkerindigo of her skin, and it’s embroidered along the tight bodice with gold. Thesleeves come down to a midshoulder and there’s a bit of flutter to them, andthere’s a bit of a half-skirt, more of a sash really, in a bold blue-green,also chased through with gold. That ends mid-thigh, revealing a pair ofleggings in a darker blue, which disappear into a set of boots she can walk in.It clashes a bit with the gem on her focus, but it works.  Poison: Vices/Bad Habits? What are they?How do they affect your OC?
Whisper has quite a few vices, yes. Drinking, quiteoften, the occasional drug, or spot of gambling, and sex. You know, all themajor ones.
I don’t think they’re too out of hand. While shedefinitely self-medicates with whiskey, and sex when there’s a willing partner,she isn’t necessarily dependent on them. Like, she hasn’t had a single drinksince boarding the Star Song, because drinking and the subsequent hangoverswould impede her ability to work on this spell. But they are the first thingshe turns to when she doesn’t want to deal with her emotions or with whatevertraumatizing thing just happened.
Contact:how does your OC feel about touch/physical contact? Are they affectionate? Ifso, ow do they display affection to others?
Whisper is very touchy; the circus she spent the lastfew years in was very, very close, and there was basically no such thing aspersonal space. While she knows other people aren’t usually as touchy as sheis, she definitely still gets in other people’s personal space quite often. Shehugs people, cuddles up next to them, jabs their arms and high fives and allsorts of things. No forehead kisses though, she thinks that might bemisconstrued. Or construed correctly, as the case may be.
Microscope:Zoom In: describe the little, insignificant details about your OC.
Oriana’s nose is small and slender, upturned at theend. Between that and the freckles that constellate across the bridge of hernose and along her cheekbones, she can almost be called cute, though she won’tthank you for saying it. Her eyes are gold, molten and dark towards the centerand lightening outwards. Her ears are ever so slightly pointed, barelynoticeable under the sable of her hair, even when her hair is pinned up and outof the way.She is shorter than most of the rest of the party, 5’ 4’’ or 5’ 5’’ on a goodday, but broad shouldered and well-muscled, with a little bit of a belly, whichno one ever sees because Oriana is rarely out of her armor, even if her newarmor clings a little more than she’s used to.
Mixtape:5 songs that describe your OCs, or songs they themselves would like.
Take Up Your Spade – Sara WatkinsWaking Up the Giants – GrizfolkNever One Thing – May ErlewineSpark – Backstage CastWhite Flag – Bishop Briggs
Hobby:What do they love? What captivates them? What are their passions?
Oriana has surprisingly few hobbies. She reads, a lot,about everything: copper dreadfuls to ent philosophy, to religious doctrines tohistorical texts. She loves the simple act of reading, of being transported, ofassimilating knowledge and understandingthings.
Stories are what really captivate her though: strongand vibrant heroines and the men who support them, toppling evil empires andmaking their worlds safe forever after.
She also likes to knit, though she hasn’t had a chanceto do that in a very long time. Yarn has been hard to come by recently.
PhotoAlbum: Describe one of your OC’s favorite memories:
Probably the first time she felt like the Lunch Bunchwere really her friends, and not just humoring her or setting her up to be meanto her later, all of them laughing together at their lunch table.
UFO:Identity! What are some of key identifying traits of your OCs? How do theyidentify in regards to gender/sexuality?
Celandine is a 13-year-old super genius, so her intelligenceand creativity, her inventions, are what she puts the most emphasis on. Sexualitywise, she’s 13, so she’s still exploring, but she’s definitely had crushes onboys and girls and enbies before, so she thinks she might be pan.
Interiors:Describe your OC’s bedroom/home/place they consider theirs? What’s in it? Docertain items have special significance to your OC?
Celandine’s room is a little small, even by gnomishstandards, made smaller by her insistence of having an entire workbench in herroom, stocked with tools and materials. Her bookshelf is full to bursting, withmore books stacked on top—fantasy novels intermingled with instruction manualsand text books—and on every other available surface, her projects are laid outin various stages of readiness. Half-finished music boxes balanced on herbooks, her armor on the bed, the heelies she’s working on the actual workbench,and whatever is currently taking her fancy balanced on her lap as she sits inalmost the perfect center of her room.
The only part of her room that’s clean is her dresserand her closet—she keeps that meticulous. Clothes are the last thing she wantsto worry about, so she makes it so she can just grab an acceptable outfit andgo in the morning.
The walls are covered in band posters and schematics,with the one from Kaylie’s last word tour pasted right above her bed. She doeslove music, so she, of course, has a radio that she “fixed” on her bedsidetable, and it is always on while she works.
Fragrance: What does your OC smell like?
Lyra doesn’t wear fragrance—perfumeheralds your arrival as much as an errant step can—and all her soaps arelikewise unscented. So she smells of the leather she wears (leather gloves,jerkin, boots), and the polish she uses on every one of her weapons after takingthem to the whetstone, and possibly, after spending so much time in the crow’snest and at the bow of the Star Song as it races through the skies, a littlebit like a strong headwind.
Parachute: who does your OC trust the most? Who makes themfeel safe? Who would they do absolutely anything for?
There are exactly 8 people in theworld Lyra trusts at all, 8 people she will drop everything to help if theyneed it. Her old party: Arannis, Cora, Atrauk and Haskell, Esssstefan, the Yuan-Tiwho taught her how to fly, Elissssabeth, Lucien, and the milliner who makes herhats in Kamery.
But it’s none of them individually thatmake her feel safe, though having her party at her back helped, as does Lucienwhen he brings her back from a panic attack. The first time she ever felt safeafter the catastrophe in Kamery was when she and her party took the airship upfor the first time. It’s probably the only time she feels safe at all, really,when they’re a thousand feet off the ground and the world below looks small andinsignificant, and she knows nothing down there can touch her.
Psyche: what’s their headspace like? Do they have any mentalillnesses? How do they process difficult or emotional situations? What aretheir coping mechanisms. Lyra’s headspace is… dark, for lack of a better word. Functional, but not muchelse. She spent quite a lot of her time scraping by on the streets of Kamery,in all kinds of deprivation before she was swept up by one of the more highprofile gangs as a sort of catchall, though her expertise was infiltration andtheft, and the occasional murder. She can manage to charm a pigeon into herhand for a small amount of time, but she is just as like to stab them as liftthe thing she needs from them.
Blackthorne tried to hone her into anunquestioning weapon in his arsenal, using pain and necessities as punishmentand reward, and mostly succeeded. The rest of the Magpies—Cyrene in particulartried remind her she was a person, but Lyra pretty much snapped when they alldied around her, killed at Blackthorne’s orders.
So basically, Lyra has some prettymajor PTSD and an inability to handle more complex emotions. So mostly shejust… doesn’t process them. She shoves them back into the recesses of her mindand tries to remain more or less emotionless. It doesn’t work, obviously, butshe has managed to make it so she doesn’t have emotional responses like onemight think. And they always come out in her nightmares and occasional panicattacks.  
She’s gotten better since Lucien hascome into her life; forcing her to talk about them, just being at her back; halfof Lucien’s job is to play therapist after Lyra has a particularly bad episode.He keeps her from breaking apart into a million pieces.
Otherwise, Lyra meditates onoccasion, and keeps her skills sharp. She makes sure she’s never anywherewithout a weapon—which has become easier since she gained some magic of herown—and keeps daggers hidden all throughout her room. She counts them beforeshe goes to sleep, making sure that they’re able to be slid out of theirsheaths and be in her hand at a moment’s notice. And woe to the crewman whotries to slip into her room while she’s asleep without announcing themselves;their like to get a dagger in the eye for their trouble.
Conspiracy theory: what are your OC’sbeliefs? Are they skeptics or do they believe easily? Who acts on blind faith,who needs to see to believe?
Maggie’s relationship with religionis… complicated. It’s not that she doesn’t believe in Avacyn—she sees the magicpriests have, and she assume it has to come from somewhere—but she does distrustthe church, perhaps even the Goddess herself, and has a hard time believing thatthey have the people’s best interests at heart. After all, they’re in power now,and people in power very often will do anything to keep it.
Maggie does also tend to be a bit ofa skeptic, at least when it comes to people, but she knows magic can make quitea few things possible, and that the world is a complex place. Even seeingsomething doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s real. Shooting star: If your OC could have onewish, what would it be?
To see her father again.
Lighting: Who is the most impulsivecharacter? Who is their impulse control?
Honestly, I love impulsive characters?So more often than not my character is going to just say “fuck it” and do whatthey want. Basically because I have no impulse control myself. I think Az’ar andOriana might be the only charactersof mine who doesn’t give into their impulses more often than the do.
But of my other characters, I thinkWhisper, Lyra and Celandine might be the most impulsive. Whisper is held backby Thia and Oriana and her mother’s voice in her head, Celandine is pretty muchheld back exclusively by Caela (the poor girl), and right now Lyra doesn’t haveanyone to hold her back—maybe Lucien, but crew seems to be just as bad as sheis—she’s had to learn how to hold herself back, now that Arannis and Atrauk andCora aren’t around to council her to be careful.  
Love note: who likes who? Crushes? Relationships? Are theymutual or unrequited?
I think of all my D&D characters,Wren is the only one who is actually in a relationship, and whose love is requited.In fact, finding Narissa, who was taken back to the Feywild, is her wholereason for going on this adventure.
Whisper expects her attraction to mostof the party is mutual—why wouldn’t they be attracted to her, she’s gorgeousand clever and an absolute delight—but the feelings she may or may not have forsome of them she expects are completely unrequited.
Celandine is 13 and has basically hadbrief crush on half the school, though her most enduring one is on KaylieShorthalt, who is also her favorite singer. Since Kaylie and Celandine areyears and years apart and have never actually met, it’s safe to say that’sunrequited.
Lyra has something for Arannis. She refusesto think about it and stubbornly tells herself that it’s just admiration andrespect and friendship, but even if it were mutual, Lyra would never let ithappen. Chess Board: who is the most logical? Orthe schemer/planner?
Az’ar, Lyra and Celandine are all schemers.They’ve all got plans for days, though Lyra less so than she used to. EvenWhisper has schemes of her own, though they’re mostly borrowed from Ignatius’play book. Az’ar is probably the most logical of them all though.
Wild card:
I stole this question from another askmeme, and, well, as someone who loves angst, I couldn’t resist:  Is your character afraid of death? Ifthey got to choose how to die, how would they want to go?
I think, of all my characters, onlyOriana is not scared of death to some extent or another. Az’ar is so terrifiedof it that she’d kill the god of death to secure immortality, and Whisper woulddo almost anything to avoid it herself, at least until her appointed time.
But Oriana would like to die inbattle, Whisper would prefer to die completing her mission, Maggie merely wantsto die ‘doing the right thing’, and I think Lyra has no preference. She’shonestly surprised she continues to breathe. But she expects to go down in ablaze of glory with the Star Song when the years finally catch up with her.
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theinvulnerabletide · 7 years ago
Major Arcana Asks: The Fool (Lyra), The Lovers (Celandine), The Hanged Man (Oriana), Reverse Lovers (Whisper), Reverse Chariot (Az’ar), Reverse Moon (Maggie)
The Fool: When hasyour character been excited to start a new journey?
Theonly time that comes to mind is when Lyra and her party went up in the (then unnamed)skyship together. It was the first time she had ever flown, and as they roseshe felt this unbidden wave of hope and delight and excitement– like she hadjust gotten her hands on something priceless– all emotions she hadn’t felt for months. She thought,in that moment, freedom might actually be within her reach. 
Evennow, every time the Star Song takes flight, she feels that little tremble ofpossibility and excitement, except this time she knows it is.
The Lovers: Which ofyour character’s relationships has been the most positive (romantic orotherwise)? 
Asidefrom Celandine’s relationship with her family, it isdefinitely the ones she has with the Lunch Bunch. They’ve simultaneously helpedout of her weird “I only want to build shit and I don’t care about other people”attitude and gave her someone to build for,which has actually pushed her to make cooler and more complicated things. She neverwould have gotten the idea for heelies or for a hand-held gaming consolewithout them.
The Hanged Man: When has yourcharacter needed to step back and look at things from a different perspective?
I think the first time Oriana hasreally had to try and take a different perspective, at least in game, was in Vrykolakas,when the vampires greeted them not with fangs and steel but with friendliness.It still really disturbs her to think that even an ex-paladin of Wahreightwould corrupt a town like that though
The Lovers in Reverse: When has your character experienced heartbreak?
Whisper hasexperienced heartbreak plenty of times; every time she was not allowed to leavehome for a festival, when her brother got sick and died, when her crush on Ignatiusproved to be… misplaced, when she saw one of her best friends get murdered (ifonly in a dream) and when she pried into a friend’s past and learned his TragicBackstory. Whisper’s heart has been more than a little bit battered over theyears.
The Chariot in Reverse: When has your character’s pride or arrogance beentheir downfall?
Az’ar’s deathwas definitely predicated by her pride or arrogance. She has always had a certainamount of pride in her abilities, and arrogance in that she believes herself betterthan the gods and like… every person. But the night she died, she was summoninga pit fiend, which is something she’d never attempted before. It was unlikelythe fiend would have simply given her the information she wanted and gone away,but the chances of that were reduced to zero when the paladins that were huntingher (probably because she’d killed others of their order) broke through her defensesand into her laboratory and set the pit fiend free to kill them all.
The Moon in Reverse:When does your character mistrust their feelings or intuition?
Maggietrusts her instincts for the most part… except when it comes to magic. Sheknows that whatever gifts she received from her patron have a price, she knowsthat whatever her patron wants isn’t going to be good for anyone in the long run.But just like she couldn’t stop herself from going out into the woods when shewas a kid, she couldn’t stop herself from agreeing to the deal.She’s tried to mitigate the temptation by not leaving the city anymore, but sheknows it’s only a matter of time before something happens, and her patronoffers her more power. She knows it’s only a matter of time before she saysyes.
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theinvulnerabletide · 7 years ago
Microstory: Celandine 2
Celandine stood up from the table,looked Arwen hard in the face. “This was a mistake.” She never should haveaccepted the invitation to sit with them, should have just took her sandwichinto the library like always and gotten some reading done.
She wasn’t meant for friends. They’donly take her attention away from her work.
She grabbed her lunch tray and beganto turn, only for a large, metallic hand to come down on her shoulder. Shelooked back at Onion’s smooth face, wood and metal managing to projectconfusion, even concern.
“He didn’t mean it!” theelf—Caela—said from the other side of the table, her face screaming all sortsof anxiety. “Right Arwen? You didn’t mean it, right?”
It grated on Celandine a little. Allthese people, all their emotions. She had to be so careful with her own words,so generous with theirs. To not see slights where they were obvious.
She pressed her lips together,looked at Caela, then at the dragonborn whose eyes were wide. Guilt? Orsurprise? She stood still and waited.
“I’m sorry?” he offered, and heseemed sincere. She thought. Dragonborn faces were the hardest to read.
“Are you? Are you really.”
“Yeah! I didn’t mean to offend you,I only meant that Boldrei—”
“I’m sorry!” the dragonborn yelped,and he threaded his claws together anxiously.
She should just keep going,Celandine thought. Go back to her solitude, screw these people and their pity.But Caela’s eyes pleaded at her, and the warforged, at least, was interesting.When else she going to be in such proximity to be able to ask one all thequestions that boiled on her tongue? And Arwen did, at least, appear sorry forthe slight.
She turned around and sat back down,tilting her chin at them in defiance, daring them to say anything else.
By the time they all got to highschool, she’d be willing to admit, that was probably the best decision she hadever made.
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theinvulnerabletide · 7 years ago
Space Things: moon, Betelgeuse, Centaurus, sombrero galaxy, wormhole for Whisper; Neptune, aldebaran, delphinus, bode’s galaxy, comet for Oriana; Jupiter, deneb, Phoenix, andromeda, black hole for Maggie; mercury, Canopus, Orion, cigar galaxy, nebula for Lyra; earth, Sirius, Libra, cartwheel galaxy, supernova for Thirteen; mercury, alphard, Cygnus, Milky Way, meteor for Celandine; Uranus, Vega, hydra, sunflower galaxy, pulsar for Az’ar; Pluto, Rigel, Cassiopeia, black eye galaxy, comet for Kori
H’okay this is going under the cut because it is almost 2000 words and got very, very long. I apologize if you are on mobile. 
For Whisper: my terrible disaster tiefling sea sorceress:
Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study?
Whisper is currently studying like…one and a half things in her free time. Which is taking forever because she’snot exactly a bookish person. She is currently learning Primordial (and is onlyabout 130 days from fluency!) and is muddling her way through spellcomposition.
Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about?
Oh man. There’s a lot of things thatweigh on Whisper’s mind, but her obligations might be the heaviest, especiallywhen her loyalties start to conflict.
Centaurus: Favorite holiday?
Fisher’s Respite. Back home it was likea full-on Irish wake (after a very long church ceremony, which Whisper foundfascinating) and Whisper was even allowed to party with the adults for a littlewhile after she was old enough. Some of her favorite memories are from herfamily’s celebrations.
Her second favorite is probably TheGreat Hunt because of all the food. Though meeting a certain Wizard might havesoured that some.
Sombrero Galaxy: Do you have a crush right now?
Define “crush.” Because Whisper wouldcrush you for insinuating anything. In her own words, she likes most of theparty well enough, finds them all pretty attractive and would probably sleepwith them if she knew they weren’t going to be weird about it.
That’s what she tells herself, and Ithink she’s probably even convinced herself of it. But there’s definitely areason she’s only slept with an old friend and a professional since the partyjoined up. *waggles eyebrows*
Wormhole: What’s something you wish would happen, but knowwon’t?
Whisper has been waiting for a veryspecific thing to happen almost her entire life, and she’s half given up hopeof it ever occurring, so… being told she can come back home.
For Oriana, my aasimar paladin of Wahreight, and the Lady of Ambrose Grove;
Neptune: When’s your birthday?
Oriana doesn’t know her actualbirthday, but she chose day 197 (16 Alma'artius) as the day to celebrate on.
Aldebaran: What’s something you care desperately about?
Doing her job the best of herability. The weird thing about Oriana is that she definitely believes in hercalling, in protecting and serving and making the world a better place. Shedesperately wants to protect the people she cares about and those who can’thelp themselves.
Delphinus: Favorite study?
I won’t say that Oriana hatesstudying, because she was methodical about it growing up and placed pretty highin all of her classes because of it, but she’s not a cleric, so she’s not inthe whole research division. More retrieval and dissemination.
That said, she really is enjoying theent philosophy books that Shade gifted her with, and I’m sure she’ll pick up afew more in the same vein once she’s finished with them.
Bode’s Galaxy: Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Not that she knows of. Though theremight have been someone who came up with her through paladin training and justnever came forward?
Comet: What’s your big dream?
Her dream used to be to make headlibrarian and perhaps get a small temple of her own to administer, but now it’sjust making the town of Ambrose Grove flourish again. She just wants to bringpeace and prosperity to the people she’s been made the guardian of.
For Maggie, my brand-newhuman warlock~
Jupiter: Do you have any siblings?
Yep! Maggie has a younger brother namedJack, who is training to be a wizard.
Deneb: Have you ever been out of your home country?
I don’t think Maggie has even been outof her province. She’s been out of Estwald a few times, to go into the forestto meet her patron, or out to smaller villages to help out with supernaturalthreats, but that’s probably as far from home as she has ever been.
Phoenix: Favorite thing to wear?
Maggie has a thick dark woolen long coatthat she wears in leiu of armor, a blue scarf she usually pairs with it. Theclothes underneath change, but her boots probably never do.
Andromeda: Do you consider yourself social?
Maggie’s entire world basically comesdown to work and her family, out of necessity. Letting people get too closecould expose her and give the Church exactly what they need to see her hung.She’d rather not have that happen.
Black Hole: What’s the last thing you want to see?
The last thing she would ever want tosee is her faerie godmother again. But the last thing she wants to see, like before she dies? Hm. I don’t know. Maybe a sunsetover the ocean; she’s never been to the ocean, but she hears its beautiful.
For Lyra, myhalf-elven rogue/pirate captain of the Star Song.
Mercury: What’s your full name?
Lyra Cooper is her whole name. Her mother never gave her a middle one. 
Canopus: Have you ever broken a bone?
Lyra has broken more than a few bones.Some of them from jumping off of buildings and not being able to stop herselffrom hitting the ground, some of them deliberately done by the head of the thieves’guilds she’s been in to teach her a lesson. She had an arm and her nose brokenby Blackthorne himself.
Once she jumped off the bird’s nestand tried to swing down via a rope, but she missed the rope and hit the deckwrong and broke her ankle.
Orion: Favorite month?
Hm. It would probably be Mirius. Lyraalways did love the spring.
Cigar Galaxy: How’s your flirting skills?
Pretty good, all told, when she turnson the charm. She has been taught how to engage and flirt and be all kinds ofcharming. But she never flirts if it’s not for a specific purpose.
Nebula: If you could undo one thing in your life, what wouldit be?
Her mother’s death. If only hermother had survived, well. Who knows where she’d be now? Definitely not thecaptain of a skyship, but all those intervening years of pain and near-starvationand killing and hurting people for a living would also not have happened, andshe wants that almost as much as she wants to see her mother one last time.
For Thirteen, myfish-out-of-water Tabaxi rogue/monk.
Earth: Where’s your home?
Thirteen hails from a jungle islandoff the main continent of the world we were on. Faraway or something like that?Idk I can’t remember what it’s called and I am Too Lazy to get up and find thecampaign map.
But she grew up in a hidden Tabaxisociety and has since been exiled.
Sirius: Have you ever failed a class?
Hell no she hasn’t. She was in thetop percentile of all her classes because she is that damn good.
Libra: Favorite color?
Cartwheel Galaxy: When was your first kiss?
Tabaxi don’t kiss like humans orother humanoids do. I don’t think their mouths are made for it. They do touchnoses though, and I think that would have been at about 16, with some male inher class who she just managed to beat.
Supernova: What’s one thing you want to do before you die?
Find the asshole who killed hermentor and rip his guts open.
Celandine, my preciousgnome wizard prodigy
Mercury: What’s your full name?
Celandine Salvia Darkhollow.
Alphard: Have you ever lost a friend?
Yes, I think she has. Aside from hersister, Greldamine, she had one good friend until she was about 6 years old,Emelina, who lived next door. Celandine doesn’t quite remember if she died orjust moved away, only that when they started 2nd grade, Emelina wasn’tthere.
Cygnus: Favourite weather?
Thunderstorms, definitely. Rain helpsher focus and the lightning provides power for all sorts of experiments.
Milky Way: Who’s your oldest friend?  
I think she would count Greldaminehas her oldest friend, since Greldamine has been there since before she wasborn.  
Meteor: What’s something you wish you could tell, but can’t?
The thing is, Celandine doesn’t havemuch of a filter on her, and she doesn’t know when shutting up is the bestoption, so most of the things she wants to say get said.
Maybe she wishes she could talk toher parents more frankly about what being a teenager is like, but she knows shewould get grounded and her tools taken away if they learned 1/8th ofthe shenanigans her and her friends have gotten up to this first year of highschool.
For Az’ar: the Shadar’kaiLore Wizard
Uranus: What’s your hobby?
Az’ar doesn’t really have anyhobbies. She has one goal and basically everything she does furthers it in someway or another.
Vega: What’s something you’ve done that you wish you hadn’t?
I think the only thing she regrets atall is having to kill so many Shadar’kai on the way out of the Shadowfell. But theywere in her way, and since they were offering her violence, she had to returnit. I bet she regrets not stealing away while most of the tribe were asleep,though, or hiding her attempt to leave better.
Hydra: Favorite sound?
The not-quite silence of an emptylibrary.
Sunflower Galaxy: Would you date/make friends with someoneout of pity?
Oh, hell no she would not. I thinkthe furthest she’d go out of pity is to kill them.
Pulsar: What do you hope to do in the next 10 years?
1.) Determine a non-lich,non-necromatic way to remain alive forever.2.) Become the most powerful mage in all the realms.3.) Find the gods wherever they hide and kill them for good.
Kori: Oh heythat’s me!
Pluto: What time is it right now where you are?
5:56pm, CDT
Rigel: Have you ever gone on a rollercoaster?
I have. And I do enjoy them a lot,though it’s been a while for me. I think the last time was when my family wentup to the Wisconsin Dells and we spent the day at Mount Olympus? Good day.
Cassiopeia: Favorite book?
Oh, gosh. This is such a hardquestion because not only does it change all the time, but I have like 60 ofthem at once.
I’m going to go with the His DarkMaterials series for my favorite books of all time (followed very closely bythe Abhorsen Series by Garth Nix), and my current favorite book is Space Operaby Cathrynne M. Valente, and my favorite short story collection is theConservation of Shadows by Yoon Ha Lee.
Black Eye Galaxy: Do you believe in love at first sight?
Love? No. Weird visceral attraction?Yes. I have had some very intense first eye contact before. And even that muchsounds super weird so I’m going to stop there.
Comet: What’s your big dream?
Oh, man. A partner or two, a house orapartment that’s big enough for everyone, maybe with a yard with just enoughroom for a garden in the back, and a room I can use for a library/office. Abook series that’s actually making money that is still in print, even if I haveto work a job or two on the side of writing. We’re living comfortably andpaying our bills on time and I get to see my friends pretty often, and there’sd&d on the weekends and maybe I get invited to stream stuff occasionally.
That’s really it. Quiet mornings, a cat or two, lotsof reading.
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theinvulnerabletide · 7 years ago
Kiss Prompts: 2, Celandine
“Celandine Salvia Darkhollow, what are you doing out of bed?”
Celandine started up from her workbench, nearly knocking over the music box she was working on, as her mother’s voice lashed through the room. “Mom I—”
Adamina Darkhollow might not have been considered an imposing woman by most of the population of Eberron, standing just shy of three-and-a-half feet tall, but her scowl still made fear curdle in Celandine’s stomach.
“You are sick, young lady, and you should be resting.”
“I am resting,” she protested. “See? I’m only fixing this music box, that can hardly be said to be work at all. It’s not even that hard, I swear.”
“You are never going to get over the dragonpox if you don’t rest, and rest properly. Now get in bed right now or I will take all your tools away and you won’t get them back for a week. I mean it.”
“Ughhhhh,” Celandine moaned, but seeing her mom wasn’t going to budge—she already had her hands on her hips and everything, Celandine put her tools back in the drawer and slipped into the bed.
“Now you don’t have to sleep,” Adamina said, tucking her youngest daughter in. “I know you’re far too restless for that, but please stay in here? Get some reading done.”
Celandine settled against the pillows, still scowling. “But I finished reading all of them, and I—”
“Not all of them.” Adamina made a gesture with her hand and uttered a word under her breath, and a small, ethereal hand the color of robin’s eggs floated into the room. Carrying a book. “I picked this up for you while I was out. I think you’ve been waiting for the next one in this series haven’t you?“
“Oh my gosh!” Celandine stretched up and snatched the paperback from the mage hand. Her eyes were wide as she took in the book cover, her obstinance already evaporating. “Is this…?”
“The latest Captain Juniper Strand novel, yes it is.”
“Oh, my gosh! Mom, you’re the best!”
“I know.” She gently pushed Celandine back down on the bed. “Now sit, read your book, and sleep when you get tired. I’ll be up with some soup in a little bit okay?”
“Okay. Thanks, Mom.”
Adamina smiled and pressed a kiss to her daughter’s forehead, smoothing strands of frizzy black hair away from her face. “You’re welcome. And you’ll see. Resting will make your pox fade faster.”
“Yeah, okay.”
She smiled indulgently, gave her one more kiss on her the forehead, and slipped back out of the room, Celandine already absorbed in the copper dreadful.
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theinvulnerabletide · 7 years ago
Headcanon meme: (answer for whoever you can think of things for I guess) 1, 8, 11, 12, 23, 26, 29, 30, 34 :3
Okay okay okay. This got long because some of them turned into vignettes, so it’s gonna be under thecut.
1.) Love
Forsomeone who professed to be a loner, Lyra has loved so many people in her life.Her mother, first and brightest and most dearly, murdered on her way back fromher shift at the pub, the Stone Crows, her gang growing up, including her bestfriend Kora, who got scooped off the streets when some passing mage saw her set something on fire with her mind (which now strikes Lyra as ironic, consideringher current travelling companions, and her own predicament).
And then her newfound family,her Magpies. The ones that were murdered so cruelly in front of her.
Love and loss are intertwinedfor Lyra, the brilliance of lightning followed by world-shaking thunder. Whichis why she has, wholeheartedly, decided to stop caring about people. They won’tleave if she doesn’t get attached, and even if they do, well, she won’t feelanything right? Win win.
8.) DreamsIt’s not uncommon for Whisperto dream of water. Even if it wasn’t literally her element,she spent so much of her life surrounded by it; snow and rain pattering on thestone, the underground inlet, the blighted mermaid tank, that it of course itwould enter her dreams at some point.
Tonight though, tonight isdifferent. Tonight she dreams of depths, of an ocean so deep there is nogranulated sunlight to illuminate it, and even her comfort with the dark isn’tenough to make it feel less… crushing. She sees in staticky black and whitehere, feels the way the currents tug insistently at her. She has to remindherself that she can breathe.
There’s movement there, in thedepths. It takes up the whole of her vision. It’s just the suggestion of agreat thing slowly winding and unwinding, pulsing slightly as if with laboredbreath. It does not move against the current. It directs it, and it makes herown breath catch in her throat. Not with fear, but with excitement. 
When she wakes, she swears shecan still feel it, the current tugging at her, the great thing directing herforwards. The letter appears the next day, and the day after that, she isgone. 
12.) Worst Enemy
According to Az’ar, her worst enemies are the Godsthemselves.
The Gods are arbitrary and cruel things, starting and endinglife as it pleases them, for mere entertainment. They set up laws,contradictory and unforgiving, a universe full of pain and misery, and createdsentient creatures to wade through the mud and experience every bit of it.Growing up in the Shadowfell, Az’ar has witnessed it all, and grew to despisethe traditions of the Shadar’kai, the same traditions that honor Hala by tryingto protect the living things she holds so dear, especially from the unnaturalundead things she abhors, the traditions that pretend to honor Her brother bysending them back to His domain, and by dying well.
She left her people, somethingelse that was forbidden, and fought and killed far too many of them in order tocross over to the Prime Material Plane, the tear she made between worldsallowing a few of those undead monstrosities to cross with her. It was aregrettable loss, ones that she lays again at the feet of the Gods; if herpeople had not been obsessed with their supposed sacred duties, they would nothave needed to die.
Az’ar intends to wrest their claws from her chest, by making itso she can never die, and then, she will end their grip on the rest of thePlanes, even if it means killing them. She hope it does. That would be a sweetirony indeed.
23.) Romance
Orianais a romantic. Probably in the classical movement sense as well as in thehopeless romantic sense. She has this ideal of herself: knight in shiningarmor, a blazing paragon of Wahreight’s mercy and light, beating back thedarkness and protecting the innocent.
She also is kind of obsessedwith romance novels, and novels that we might consider romance novels due tothe way books are sold, but, unlike Whisper, prefers the ones that hold a highideal of love than the vulgar. Which isn’t to say she won’t read books with sexin them, only that she prefers more comedies of manners. Jehanne Augere’s Dignityand Discrimination remains her favorite novel (and she finally got a copyof her own the last time we visited Fantasy Half Price Books), and she’s morelikely to blush at the scene where the elven hero confesses his love for thevery human Elisabet. 26.) Beauty
Thecostume is… well. It’s tight. And barely there. Whisper runs her hands thelength of her torso, fingers skimming cut-outs in the shimmering golden fabricat her sides where her midnight skin provides contrast, and she lets out ashuddering breath. She doesn’t know whether its nerves or awe that’s making herstomach clench uncomfortably but… either way.
She sneaks a peak in themirror and looks away almost immediately. Salt and storm, she is glad hermother will never see her in this, or she’d be dead. Brutally and messily andall over the place.
She sneaks another look, outof the corner of her eye at first, then straight on. The leotard is almostblinding in the way the golden cloth catches the light (Ignatius’ choice, nodoubt), small black stitching and sequins giving the illusion of scales downher stomach. At her hips is this strange, diaphanous half-skirt, more like thefrills of a tiger fish than an actual garment. The neckline—if it can be calledthat— plunges far deeper than anything she’s ever worn, and she mutters a quickprayer that she won’t spill out of this thing at an inopportune moment. Or anopportune one. She is not being paid enough for that.
But the effect… She takes astep back, so she can see the whole effect, the golden ribbons wrapped aroundher horns and pinned in her hair, the ridiculous amount of eyeshadow, thestreaks of gold shimmer on her cheeks, she looks… ethereal. Magical. Shestretches one indigo hand out, and her reflection does the same, lightlymeeting her in the mirror. She watches herself smile.
“It looks beautiful on you,”comes a voice from behind her, wobbling like the owner is about to burst intotears. “You look beautiful, Whisper. Just brilliant…”
She whirls around, a scowlslotting into place. “I can’t believe he wants me to wear this, Terrance!”  
The huge man doesn’t seem tohear her, dabbing at his eyes with a handkerchief. “Oh, I outdid myself. Just wait until the audience see you. You’re going to dazzle them.”
Whisper laughs under herbreath, and sneaks another look at herself. Okay. Maybe it’s not so bad afterall.
29.) Bedroom (and 11.) Best Friend).
She wasclose, she was so freaking close! If she could just figure out thethaumodynamic stabilizers and the aetheric channels and how to connect them tothe theurgic couplings, then the armor would definitely be finished beforeschool started. Her tongue peaked out of the corner of her mouth as sheconcentrated, wand on one hand, tweezers in the other, a soldering ironfloating above her, held by her mage hand. 
The workbench in front of heris littered with such tools, awl and a few other small sharp blades and hergrindstone, linen thread and an assortment of needles, little colored glass ballsshe’d spent weeks making and enchanting so they wouldn’t break when she used them,and small gems that had cost quite a chunk of the money she made from selling herclockwork toys, not to mention all the other tools she didn’t currently needfor this project. The bed next to her, on the other side, had the rest of thearmor, chest plate and second gauntlet, both nearly finished save for the collectorsthat would collect the untethered thaumic energy from the aether.  
She’s so close. She can feelit.
“Celandine!” her mother calledfrom downstairs, “Celandine, your friend is here!” 
“What?” she freezes, and thewand released the spell it was holding… at the wrong part of the gauntlet. Andsomething started smoking. “Shit!”“Celandine?”
A quick prestidigitation puts the fire out but it definitely smelt like magic gone wrong and scorched leather.“Oh, hell. Coming Mom!”
”I’m sending her up!”  
“Shit!” Celandine cast a lookabout her room. Her chairs were full of clothes and her bed was covered in armorand there was spare leather and clothes and books all over the floor and why hadn’tshe learned the invisible servant spell.
“Hey, Celandine? Your Momsaid—” Caela pauses in the doorway, the top of her head nearly brushing thetop of the doorframe. Her eyes widen as she takes in the state of the room. 
“I know! It’s messy I’m sorry.I got uh…” she looks down at the gauntlet and then back up at her best friend,smiling weakly. “I forgot you were coming over. I’m sorry.” She puts the gauntleton the workbench and reaches over the small space to her bed, which at leastonly had the breastplate and the other gauntlet on it. “Sit down and give me asecond, I’ll have this place tidied up in a…”
But Caela is already bendingover, gathering up the nearest books that had fallen over. “It’s okay. I’llhelp. Why don’t you tell me what you were working on?”And Celandine beams.  
30.) Sex
Oriana pressesthe pillow harder over her head, trying to block out the sound from the onlyother bed in the room. Since she’d been knighted in the service of Wahreight,she’d been moved out of the general barracks and into a shared room;unfortunately, her roommate decided that that was enough privacy in order tocarry on her… assignations with one of the paladins still in training. And theidea of actually talking to Ritika about it was blighted mortifying, so hereshe lies, pillows piled on her head, face burning as she tried to pretend shewas not hearing what she was hearing.
34.) AffectionIt’s not that Whisper’s family was not affectionate. Sheremembers her father’s hand on her head, her mother’s approving smile. Hugsfrom her brothers, kisses on her forehead from the governess. But compared tothe carnival, her family was as touched-starved as any dwarf.
Affection wasphysical and platonic and above all, free among them, holding hands and huggingfor no reason, kisses on cheeks and foreheads and lips, giant cuddle piles inone of the main tents the afternoon after a big show, all of them just waitingfor the inevitable cry to start packing up. 
And the sex. Oh, seaand storms, the sex. There was just so much of it. After the first year she’dgone from having sex once in her entire life to having had more partners thanshe could count, of so many genders, in several different… permutations. Things would just…escalate. Someone would be feeling bad and a cuddle pile or a platonic kisswould turn into make-you-feel-better sex, someone would decide that they wereboard and seek someone out, or two people would be fighting and suddenly they’dbe up against the wall (that happened with Ignatius and a few of the othersmore than she would care to admit), or they’d be coming down off a high of asuccessful heist or a show, adrenaline still singing high gospel within them,and next thing you knew you’d be tearing off someone’s clothes. Maybeseveral someone’s.
But the real world doesn’twork that way. And after a bad experience or two on her way to Hazelscar, she isthoroughly aware of that. Most people don’t like being touched.
She meets Adoraor and Keithiafirst, and she makes sure to keep her hands to herself. Even when Adoraor isbleeding out and she has the stupid idea to stick a knife in his chest to seeif it’ll heal him, because, hey, it worked on that orc, or when Keithia (notThia, not yet) places a hand on her shoulder to press healing magic, warm andtingling, into her skin. Not even when they’re barring the door of a cold stonechamber and waiting out the night, and she knows she could stop them both fromshivering. 
She’s almost starving from it,achingly aware of where people are in relation to her at all times. She finallygives in and hugs Keithia about two weeks in. She feels Keithia freeze up for ahalf a second and she closes her eyes, waiting for the rejection, before Keithiasqueezes back, just for a second, before she eases back. Whisper has to forceherself not to cling, to let her new friend go. 
Oriana, she learns, hatesbeing touched at all and the boys are weird about it, so she has to make ithigh fives and playful slaps and punches to the arm. She can hug Frank, atleast, he’s not strange about it. Sing-songtoo, until he vanishes. 
She nearly cries when it getscold enough that they have to huddle in the Magnificent Bubble (also screw Leomund,she’s the one casting the spell, she’ll call it what she wants), and the Bubbleis just big enough for them. If they huddle. It’s almost like the piles she’sused to, and she plays it off with a few sighs and rolled eyes, but when sheends up cuddled next to Twiggy and Isao of all people, she has to bury her headin her arms, so no one will see her face. It’s almost good enough.
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theinvulnerabletide · 7 years ago
Microstory Celandine 34
Celandine didn’t do jewelry often. It required such fiddly little tools, and itdidn’t serve any practical purpose, not if it wasn’t enchanted, and full-blown enchantmentswere a lot of work, and to be honestshe hadn’t really learned the trick of permanent enchantment yet. That was thekind of thing you usually had to go to college or in for an apprenticeship for.
Butthis was for a present, not for sale, so it’d be worth it.
Thestone she was setting wasn’t anything expensive or super rare, or even all thatremarkable, if she was honest. Just a bit of white quartz she’d picked up fromthe beach, but she’d liked the way it seemed to catch and hold the light,sparkling a little as it turned. If she cut it into an interesting shape andworked some wire around it…
Itdidn’t even take her that long to be honest. Making the little glass beads she usedto fill out the rest of the bracelet had taken longer, especially getting thegreens and the blues just right. They slid on easy, all of them the same sizeand everything, and she beamed once the last one clicked into place and shecould fix the clasp on.
There.A little gnome sized bracelet, in cool gradients with a single white stone inthe center, a day at the beach in bracelet form. It was only a bauble, and itdidn’t have any magic to it, but just looking at it made her feel salt air onher face and uncertain sand beneath her feet.
Celandinebit her lip as she turned it over in her hand.
TheDarkhollows hadn’t been on a vacation in a while. Money was a little tighterthan usual with Greldamine away at college, and her parents couldn’t be awayfrom the shop for too long. Which was fine, Celandine would rather have easyaccess to her workbench anyway, but she felt bad for her Mom. She’d loved theirlittle weekends away.
Celandinelooked at the bracelet again, before putting it in the little white cardboardbox. It wasn’t the same as a day at the beach, but she hoped her mom would loveit anyway.
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theinvulnerabletide · 7 years ago
Microstory: Celandine 3
 Celandine’seyes widened in horror. “How could you? I trustedyou!”             “Thatwas your first mistake! Pew pew pew!” 
“Aaaaah,nooooo!” Celandine clutched at her chest, falling to her knees. “I’ve beenshot! Curse you Captain Victoria Moonskimmer!”
“Thatwill teach you to defy the will of the Argentine Empress, foul cretin!”Greldamine shouted back, just as dramatically, then aimed her finger at hersister’s chest, as if it were Captain Victoria’s thundercannon. “Now perish,knowing your plans will never see completion! And that Princess Andromeda willbe mine. Pew pew pew!“
Celandine threw herselfbackward in a parody of death, eyes fluttering closed tongue lolling out of hermouth. She held it just a few seconds before springing up. “Okay, but you know ArchmageVermillion would totally be able see through Captain Moonskimmer right? Nomatter how excited up she is in getting to the Amethyst Cavern.” “No she wouldn’t! CaptainMoonskimmer is a trained spy and the Empress’ right-hand woman! No way Milliewould be able to see through her!” “She could so!”           
“She could not!”    And, as sisters are wont to do during an argumentthat cannot be solved about their favorite radio program, the argument devolvedinto wrestling, and they had to be pulled apart by their mother and sat inopposite corners of the living room and were nearly forbidden from listening toHow Many Meters to Cadmirria, but even Mrs. Darkhollow couldn’t resist pleadinglooks from both her daughters. Especially once both girls apologized.            And so the galaxy was at peaceonce more
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theinvulnerabletide · 7 years ago
1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 11, 18, 22
I thinkthis was for the “Send Me a Headcanon” ask? If I’m wrong please let me know(and I’m sorry it took me so long :0 
1.) Light sleeper:Lyra. 
2.) Has nonstop puns:Celandine 
5.) Likes rock music:Whisper 
7.) Is a sweet angel:Oriana. Literally, it’s Oriana, though Celandine has some people convinced she’sthis. 
9.) Looks sweet butwill murder you in cold blood: Definitely Celandine. 
11.) Will eateverything if they could: Lyra. 
18.) Has veryexaggerated facial expressions: Hm. I think Whisper does this on purpose. Especially when she’s mocking people. Naturally, it’s probably Celandine. 
22.) Likes dragons:Celandine. 
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theinvulnerabletide · 7 years ago
OC most likely to: 3, 4, 14, 16, 17, 21, 30
3.) Most Likely to Fall Asleep Literally Anywhere:
Hmm… I want to say Celandine. She is often up late working on projects and she’s got school and her parent’s shop and extra curriculars all going on so I bet there are times when my dear little gnome is justso exhausted she conks out wherever she happens to be.
The other answer is Lyra, since living on ghe streets means you basically have to be able tl sleep wherever you can find a safe spot, whether that be the rafters of a church or a cold, wet alleyway. She sleeps very light though, and can come out of sleep as quickly as she went in.4.) Most Likely to Get a Crap Ton of Tattoos:
Is it cheating to say Az'ar since her body is already covered in tattoos? Tattoos and scarification are a definite Shadar Kai thing; Az'ar has these swirling sigils all over her body, the highest one curling up on her left cheek.
Whisper I think would get a bunch of them if her skin was lighter. I bet human!Whisper has sleeve tattoos and everything.
14.) Most Likely to have a shotgun wedding:
Oh gosh. If it’s for a con, it would be Lyra I think. Married just long enough to some noble to clean out his coffers.
For real though? I have no clue. Most of my characters would never allow themselves to get into that situation and have no desire for marriage.
16.) Most likely to get into an argument with an animal?
Az'ar definitely argues with Isamine.
Whisper probably argues with Irusan at times, if he’s playing too rough with Steven. And let’s be real, Whisper argues with everyone, animal or not.
17.) most likely to use any and all excuses to take off articles of clothing.
Whisper. She knows she’s gorgeous, she likes being the center of attention and the carnival destroyed any body shyness she might have had.
21.) Most likely to get attacked by a bird?            Az’ar probably, after insulting Isamine one too many times.
30.) Most likely to have had an embarrassing middle-school emo phase.
Hm. It’s hard to say because like… Az'ar and Lyra are kind of still in their middle school emo/goth phase and are not embarrassed by it in the slightest.
Whisper probably would be the only one that would have an emo phase that would also be embarrassed by said phase when she grew up.
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theinvulnerabletide · 7 years ago
(IC Asks) Celandie, what are some of the things you're currently working on making? What are you most excited to finish?
“Oh gosh!!! I have so many projects right now, and they’re all so exciting! just finished my armor, though of course I’m always fine-tuning it, because there has to be a way that the thaumo-aetheric coils can distill ambient arcane energies more effectively, but that’s on the backburner right now since I have a working model that I’m actively testing.“I am, of course, always working on my servo designs– and I have sketches for one that’s kind of ambitious. It’s somewhere between a servo and a warforged– not sentient, because I’m nowhere near ready to be taking care of a sentient being– but intelligent. I actually have two, one in the shape of a pegasus and one in the shape of a griffon. I figure I’ll decide when I have designs good enough to start tinkering. It’s probably gonna take a while though.“I’m also trying to figure out calculators and stuff (damn things are more complicated then they look, especially the ones you can play games on), but I have a few more immediate projects. Like shoes with retractable wheels, or portable tape decks, or non-divine resurrection!“I’m not really supposed to be working on that last one. Mr. Mordenkainen specifically forbid me from experimenting with flesh golems. But no one can tell me what I can and can’t research, so as long as I stay away from testing any of my theories I think I should be in the clear!“I hope that wasn’t too boring for ya.” :3
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theinvulnerabletide · 7 years ago
1, 3, 38, F (Celandine); 13, 22, 30, J (Whisper); 6, 11, 20, G (Oriana)
Oh man, these were some hard ones I think.
For Celandine, my mad scientist rock gnome (Wizard– School of Invention).  
1.) What’s the maximum amount of timeyour character can sit still with nothing to do?
Like… 30 seconds? Maybe even less than that.See, Celandine is very, very bad atsitting still and doing nothing. Her mind is always moving, and her hands feelempty and wrong if they aren’t busy with something, and she has so manyprojects that she feels like she should constantly be working on. She barelygets 4-6 hours a night of sleep because just getting to bed and waiting to fallasleep is hard for her.Sick days, where her mom practically straps her down to the bed so that she hasto rest and won’t make herself any sicker, are complete torture for her.
3.) How do they put themselves to bed at night(reading, singing, thinking?)
Celandine’s room is kind of cramped; she has her bed, her dresser and night table and bookshelf… and then she has her work bench. This work bench, this big old slab of hearty, well treated wood takes up most of her room. Once she gets home andhomework she might still somehow have is done, she is at that work bench,sketching or tinkering until her eyes are so heavy that she can barely keepthem open. Sometimes beyond that—she has fallen asleep at that work bench morethan once.
38.) What memory do they revisit the most often? 
It’s probably either her donning her new armor for thefirst time, testing out its capabilities, feeling the magic flowing through it,or the first time she actually got magic to work, feeling the rush of it as thespell finally clicked… or when she met her friends for the first time, each ofthem not immediately turning away from her prickly exterior or making fun ofher, but making a place for her in their group and actually wanting to hang outwith her.
F) What do you feelwhen you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
Oh, excitement definitely. She is so full of curiosityand ambition and wonder and she has so much she wants to accomplish—and as alvl 2 character so much to look forward to, story and class-wise. I am very,very excited to see where she goes, and she is exhilarating to play.
My precious Whisper, the mess of a tiefling sea sorceress. 
13.) What color do they think they look best in? Dothey actually look best in that color?Whisper has some… oddcoloring, being indigo skinned and white haired. She normally prefers to wearwhite and black because of it—high-end travelling clothes: a white silk shirt with the throatlaces mostly undone, embroidered a bit at the loose sleeves and collar, a blackunderbust corset to give at least some protection, black pants and blackleather boots, and her cape.            But when she wants to standout, she prefers strong rich colors: bright yellows and oranges and reds, palegreens and blues, but the color she thinks she looks best in is gold. The goldof her sequined costume, the one she wore while playing the Marvelous Mermaid.            And she looks damn goodin it.
22.) How does jealousy manifest itself in them (theybecome possessive, they become aloof, etc)? Whisper gets aloof. Withdrawn, haughty, super into pretending that she doesn’tcare in the slightest (and probably overcompensating for it) and tries to makethe person who made her jealous, jealous. All sorts of ridiculous displays,like, say, getting into bed with an old lover in front of everyone.
30.) Whodo they most regret meeting? Oh, gosh. Out of everyoneshe’s ever met? This is hard.           I think that, even compared to all thejackasses and assholes she’s met since leaving home, it’s probably eitherIgnatius and his circus or the party; probably the party because of how closeshe feels she’s gotten to them in such a short amount of time. They know almostas many secrets as the carnival did after what, 7 years of travel. Sure, theybecame family, but… they were much more her kind of people. People who didn’task questions, people who all had something to hide, people who didn’t want toomany attachments.            And since she’s joined theparty, some terrible, terrible things have happened. I think she wonderssometimes where she would be and if she’d be further along with her plans ifshe’d never followed the letter she received.
J.) Didyou have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to create their character?Not excluded. Create though,and manipulate, definitely. Let’s just say I had my DM scramble to make a feworganizations and I created a bit of… mythology? let’s say, for the world inorder to flesh Whisper out and make her possible.
For Oriana, my dear, darling aasimar paladin. 
6.) Do they considerlaws flexible, or immovable?
Despite the fact thatOriana is Lawful Good, I think she considers them flexible. They were written bypeople, after all, and are thus fallible, or can be executed wrong. They need to be flexible, need to have room to change and grow with the world in order to remain just and right.  So, I think he only laws or code I think she would followcompletely are the ones of her order, or the tenets passed down directly byWahreight, and if she decided that a law was wrong, I think she would feeljustified in breaking it.
However, that does not meanthat she’s okay with outright breaking just laws. Outright cold-blooded murder,stealing, etc., are not okay with her and she’s not really okay with herfriends doing it either.
11.) How do they copewith confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
I think that if it’s aninformation thing, she always seeks clarification and asks a hundred millionquestions until it sits easier in her mind or hit the books and research asmuch as she can. Otherwise, she’ll meditate on it, turning the thing over andover in her head until finds the clarity that she needs.
20.) If they were askedto explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, howwould they do so?
Oriana… well, she hasn’texperienced much in the way of love. Her knowledge of romantic love comes fromher unfortunate witnessing if what went on in the paladin barracks and romancenovels, and the closest she got to familial love was from her teachers (since,you know, her parents abandoned her). She really has only experienced the platoniclove she feels for like, humanity, and her friends in particular.
But, Oriana beingOriana, she would start out with dictionary definitions and work her way fromthere.
G.) What trait oftheirs bothers you the most?
Her rigidity, I think. Notjust because she is Lawful Good, but because she’s LG and naïve and Honorable to a fault,and prideful as all hell get out as well, she can’t back down from a challenge,she can’t do anything but blaze right through the most direct path and refuseto give in.Like, when she was totally outnumbered by drow and decided not to back down or surrender.Sure, surrendering probably wouldn’t have been any better and would just havegotten Oriana trapped in a cage and probably unable to get out (because,weirdly enough, we only had the power to get 3 people out and not 4), so inhind sight it worked out okay, but in the moment I was wincing because I feltlike she was going to get us all killed. Andshe’s my OC. Wahreight love you, Oriana you need to learn how to take a breath and not dothe stupid honorable thing every once in a while.
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theinvulnerabletide · 7 years ago
Facts about OCs 1/3: Rather than doodling like a lot of other students, Caela tends to make her notes look really elaborate if she starts spacing out in class. She quite enjoys calligraphy and has pretty good penmanship and can make the pages of her notebooks look pretty fancy without really thinking about it too much. It also has the added benefit of still technically being taking notes.
By contrast, Celandine’s handwriting is complete chicken scratch. Her mind often goes much faster than her hand can keep up, so it’s all cramped and disorganized, with arrows pointing all over and no seeming rhyme or reason for the order. She can understand them just fine, but whoa to anyone who needs to copy her notes.She tries to slow down for tests and the like, but it’s so hard for her. It’s gotten to the point where she has to write the essay twice, once to get all her thoughts on a page, and a second time to make it legible. 
She has definitely built a typewriter over the years so that she can just type out her homework for class and turn it in that way rather than hear her teachers complain or doc points because they can’t make out what she wrote. 
On the plus side though, no one will ever be able to steal her ideas if they can’t read them.
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theinvulnerabletide · 7 years ago
Psychology Edition Meme: 4, 8, 16 (for Whisper); 5, 14, 18 (for Oriana); 3, 23, 29 (for Az'ar); 10, 21, 25 (for Celandine)
I love these questionsKelsey, I can already tell.
So for Whisper, my awful,horrible terrible no-good tiefling sea sorceress whom I love with every fiberin my body…
4.)How does your OC behave typically under severe stress?
Undersevere stress Whisper gets sort of wild, maybe even kind of desperate. Her mindraces, she can’t quite think properly, so she has a tendency to lash out and beeven more destructive than usual. Like, when she and Adraor switched bodies, Whisper was panicking. She lashedout at the first person who she thought had any connection to what happened,nearly shot one of her friends with a crossbow, and rushed right into a battle.Then after the woman who had causedtheir predicament had vanished, stayed up all night scribbling scenarios on barnapkins in Abyssal. She flies off the handle, basically, and it is not good for anyone involved. 
8.)What does your OC hate and appreciate on others?
Hmm.I think the things she appreciates are what she appreciates in herself, or whatshe wishes she might have: cleverness, the ability to think on the spot, theability to keep a secret. But she also does admire the ability to be emotionallyvulnerable and open, unadulterated kindness, and in a weird way, Oriana’swhole, “protector of the small” thing that she has going on.
Bythat same token, she hates the same things she hates in herself: keeping peopleat arm’s length, talking around the truth, and unwarranted cruelty (though shethinks she always has a reason for hers).
16): How openly does your OC show their emotions?
That utterly depends on which emotions and why. Whisper tends to be slightlymore calculating than she lets on; she will freely show glee, or her anger, or affection,but she keeps certain ones much closer to her chest. She tries to keep a bright,cheerful, if slightly bloodthirsty mask on and bury all her more unpleasant emotions,like sadness, etc, until she is alone enough to deal with them.
For Oriana, my stressed-out paladin of Wahreight and now Duchess. 
5:What calms your OC down the best under severe stress?
In the moment, she takes deep breaths and focuses on where she imagines herconnection to Wahreight is, the golden pool of power that gets refreshed everymorning when she meditates. She prays, of course, for strength and courage anda clear head, and when she is finished she often finds herself feeling better,or at least able to push off the stress enough to think.
Alsoher life recently is the most stressful it has ever been, with so many peoplearound with so many… clashing personalities. So she makes sure to get away fromthe group every so often and have time to herself: morning meditation (beforeshe starts breakfast for everyone) and shadow sparring, baths at every inn theycome across, reading and/or studying in the evenings. Girl needs a lot of alonetime cause this party can be overwhelming.
14:Where and what from does your OC seek most typically comfort from?
She’s not used to needing comfort; she’s always had a remarkable “ability” totake things as they come. When she was smaller, she sought it from thecaretakers at the temple, who, since they were priests and clerics of the god oflight (and knowledge and orphan taking in apparently), were remarkablycompassionate, and taught her to seek solace in Wahreight’s light.
So now, when she needs it, she prays. She lights a candle or goes out into thesunlight, and prays or meditates until she feels stronger—she swears she canfeel the connection with her god, even if it’s not in words, she feels hiswarmth.
18.)What aspect of your OC’s personality or essence do other people usually have aproblem with?
Orianacan be a bit… stiff. In the rules department. She’s got this whole “honorableknight of the light” thing going on and she is loathe to sway from that path ofGoodness and Right and Protecting those weaker than you. So she can be a bit ofa pain in the ass to those who prefer shadier or less direct tactics, or like,to negotiate with slavers when they are surrounded and outnumbered.
Whichisn’t to say that she couldn’t be talked around or persuaded into shadiertactics if need be, but it can be such a pain to argue with her that I’m suremost of the party (Whisper included) would rather leave her back at the innthan have her lecturing them. 
For Az’ar, my cold, calculating, evil as fuck Shadar’kai Wizard. 
3.)Does your OC struggle with any type of addictions?
Otherthan the rush of casting magic, I don’t think she would. Az’ar is far too muchof a control freak about every single little thing in her life to allow herselfto be dependent on any type of drug, or to allow herself to get into a statewhere her judgement is impaired.I’m sure she enjoys a good glass of wine now and again, but she would neverhave more than one a night. 
23.) Does your OC have a criminal record?Well she definitely does among the Shadar Kai, where the charges are probablyMurder and Leaving the Shadowfell. Probably among the prime material? Well, there is nothing Az’ar isn’t willingto do to further her goals. She has probably stolen money, murdered a fewpeople, done some very unscrupulous things for some terrible people in order toget what she needs for her experiments. All very super villain stuff. Whethershe has a record depends entirely on whether or not she has ever been caught,and I doubt she has been since it took her until level 15 to get murdered. She didat the very least have a reputation, one that probably set those paladins onher in the first place.
29:Is your OC wild/ reckless or do they tend to stay on the safe side inside theircomfort zone?
Oh,Az’ar definitely prefers the safety of her comfort zone, ie, her wizard’s tower,where she lives and works and basically does everything, and she prefers tosend her familiar, Isamene, out if she needs anything.
Sheloves order and predictability, because, like, the last time she was at all recklessand wild, it ended with her having to fight her entire tribe in order to escapethe Shadowfell, so… she tries not to do that anymore. She is a planner, she hasplans within plans and contingency plans on top of contingency plans, just incase, because she hates surprises and doesn’t want anything to interfere withher work.
Obviously,she didn’t count on an Archfiend taking interest in her enough to disrupt her contingencyplans, but I guess you can’t plan for everything.
For Celandine! My precious af pyromaniac gnomish student wizard.
10.) What type of people does your OC idolize the most?
Celandine’s biggest idols tendto be powerful wizards and innovators: Mordenkainen, Elminster, Tasha (sinceshe’s like the only female wizard of renown, fucking sexists). But notRaistlin, because Raistlin is a dick. She wants to be as powerful as them someday,travelling the planes like it’s no big deal, stamping her names on spellseveryone knows and uses.
21.) How much of an attention seeker is your OC?Oh man. It’s hard to say; she’sa total know-it-all, so she’s definitely the kid who raises her hand for everyquestion even if she’s answered the last ten and no one else has gotten totalk, and she loves to prove that she’s the smartest in the room, so she definitelydoesn’t shy away from it. And with the stunts she pulls…            I guess it depends on the arena.She wants to be the center of attention when it comes to academia, and definitelywants to be considered a famous thaumaturgic engineer when she grows up, withlike 50 spells to her name.            But she definitely doesn’t wantto be the center of attention in, say, gym class. Though she usually does anywaybecause she is Bad at sports and only recently got Mr. Strongjaw to excuse herfrom most of the exercises. 
25:How does your OC see their own value in comparison to other people?
I think Celandine thinks she’s morevaluable than like… 80% of the other students, or at least more valuable thananyone she doesn’t have any use for. She’s a brilliant mind, she’s going tochange the world, of course she’s more important than those druids who areconstantly high or the rogues who have to take advantage of poor naïve paladinsto get ahead.
That said, while she does think she’sbetter than most of the school or, hell, most people she meets, she doesn’tthink the same of her friends, even though they’re not as smart as she is. Sheknows they have other valuable traits—kindness and courage and cleverness and thelike— hell, they’ve decided to let her into their group, as abrasive as sheknows she is, so they must have recognized her genius and in recognizing her,there’s definitely something valuable in them.            (Also even though none of themare as smart as she is, she hates it when anyone calls them dumb. She’s definitelyset someone on fire for insulting Onion before. These are her friends, and you deserve pain and burnination if you hurt them).
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