#cegan fluff
aurasplanet · 1 month
RULES . ݁ 𐒘𝛠 ⊹
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will write
smut, fluff, angst, htc, d/s dynamics, mommy kink, modern!au, canon noncompliant, requests that intrigue me first, mta.
won’t write
male!reader smut, daddy kink, reader death, major character death, cegan, mta.
dni list
fit basic dni (racist, homophobic, etc.), if you hate literally any twd woman, mta.
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vesperewrites · 8 months
What do you like to read about Lucemond? or Jacegan?
For L*CMD: Dead dove topics like non-con/dub con with a psychological component. I typically don't care for fluff for fluff's sake at this moment. I love hurt/comfort.
I haven't read much J*cegan yet, but that's next on my queue to check out. I can imagine their dynamic to be rivals-to-lovers and that's a juicy thought to me. Pining, denial of feelings, kinda vanilla in my tastes at the moment.
I think I'm burnt out on smut, so I'd prefer it not to be the focal point/main point unless there's build-up at this very moment. I view smut as a "bonus".
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ceganslilsunshine · 4 years
"Hey you." Negan smiled widely at the display in front of him, shutting the front door behind him as he spoke. "Enjoying yourself?" 
Carl innocently looked up at his dad's friend from the couch he was laying on, smirking slightly the closer the man came. He was wearing an impressively small pair of shorts and a tight fitting shirt. "Yeah." He replied simply, eyeing Negan the whole way he walked over to him. 
"Move your scrawny ass over." Negan demanded, simply lifting Carl's legs long enough for him to slide under. His hand remained wrapped around one of his slender calves as they rested on his lap. He couldn't help himself. Carl had a way of getting what he wanted. 
Negan glanced up at the television, curious to see what Carl chose to entertain himself with, and saw the opening of "law and order" flash on the screen. He scoffed. "You really like watching this shit?" He asked curiously. 
"Yeah. This or forensic files." 
"You and your weird ass shows..." Negan said nonchalantly, earning him a firm kick to the thigh. 
"Ouch" he exclaimed, feigning the pain as he dramatically rubbed his leg, "You're so mean to me! I'll tell your dad on you!" 
"Whatever." Carl grinned widely, comfortably stretching his own legs back out on Negan's lap again. "You don't even have to be here watching my "weird ass shows." I don't need a babysitter." 
"Yeah but you and I both know you're glad to see me." The man winked, rubbing Carl's calf with his thumb. The boy glared at him silently, feeling a blush creep onto his otherwise pale cheeks. 
"What do you mean by that ?" He asked, panic coming to his eyes at the possibility of him knowing. 
"I know how much you like me, kid. " The wide grin that slowly curled Negan's lips made Carl's blush intensify by tenfold. He felt his veins run cold at the realization. 
Negan chuckled, "Awww look at that pretty red face~" 
"You're an asshole." Carl bit back defensively; heart pounding. "How long have you known!?"
"Awww! Don't be like that," Negan leaned over top of Carl, wrapping his arms around him. "Awhile~ but it was fun to make you think I didn't." He reassured, pecking Carl's red cheek quickly before abruptly getting up from the couch entirely. 
Carl's hand immediately went to hold the place Negan kissed, wide eyed from the unexpected affection. Negan left him on the couch properly confused and flustered and he sat up once the man was out of view. He watched Negan make his way into the kitchen.
 "You hungry?" The man asked, completely dropping the previous subject as though it never happened as he rummaged through the refrigerator.  "Hmm.. they didn't leave many options for us to cook. Want me to order a pizza?" 
"Um, yeah okay. " Carl agreed, still quite shaken from the encounter. His mind was a fucking mess now. Negan kissed him on the cheek, so that meant he wasn't upset right? Maybe he actually didn't mind the idea- that  maybe he only did it to make him feel like everything was okay between them? Or was he just teasing him for it?..
Negan ordered the pizza quickly, and sat down on the couch adjacent to the one Carl was on. Negan was pleased with himself to see how red Carl's face was. He probably broke the poor thing with the kiss on the cheek. He was just sitting there staring off into space.Hell, the poor kid would probably cream his jeans if he gave him a real kiss. He had to admit, the idea of seeing Carl all hot and bothered for him did a lot more than it should have. To know Carl had a thing for him was just one more reason to enjoy coming over. He knew it was probably just all the hormones running through him- all the fun shit that came with being a senior just finally catching up to him. He doubted this little crush would last long, but even so, he couldn't pass up the opportunity to bust the kid's balls about it. Give them something to joke about in the years to come. 
Carl was glaring daggers at him now, "so you're just going to pretend you don't know? Like before?" He asked bitterly, with a hint of fear tinging his voice.
 He didn't want Negan to think of him differently- or at least not worse. He'd been best friends with Rick for years, which was why he was asked to check up on him while he and Lori went away on a vacation for their anniversary. Him and Carl had gotten pretty close over that time too. The little teases and the compliments he made towards him were innocent to onlookers but they became much more to Carl. The lingering hugs, and the way he'd positively call him 'his baby boy'.... all of those things just added up until the poor kid was hopelessly in love with him.  
"On the contrary" Negan smirked. 
"In fact I don't think I'm gonna let you live this one down." He said with a beaming smile. 
Oh God. Carl's stomach churned. "Negan please don't- " 
 "Why not? Seeing you get all worked up over Daddy's best friend…even if it's just a little kiss on the cheek..."
 Carl's heart throbbed as he listened to the man, his blue eyes focused on the wolfish ones staring back. He cursed himself for ever thinking of Negan as anything more than the dick he was. 
 "…showing off in those tiny little shorts for me…" he continued. "Like you're just waiting for me to feel you up. Don't pretend I don't know what you've been trying to do, kid. It's no secret to me."
"Stop…" Carl said, suddenly very self conscious. He thought Negan would like them, that in some sick way, he'd actually take pleasure in seeing him wear them. He was so, so wrong.  He didn't expect to be made fun of by him either though. He'd seen the way he'd reduced others to tears with his relentless tormenting, but he'd never been on the receiving end before. Negan was the person he went to for everything. He couldn't help but feel hurt that he was belittling his feelings this way.
Embarrassment turned his cheeks a deeper shade of crimson, and all he wanted to do was run away. 
" Tell me Carl, you ever think about me sneaking up into your room at night and crawling into bed with you, or you sitting on my lap while I tell you what a good boy you are? Bet you'd just love calling me Daddy, huh ?" The man poked further, laughing at the look of panic and despair that Carl had. 
"That's…  not funny." He felt like he was stripped naked before him- nothing hiding his most hidden desires and Negan was exploiting them for his own amusement. He used it as ammunition to hurt him with, and took pleasure in doing so, like he did with everyone else. Carl thought he was off limits to that kind of treatment. He thought he was special to Negan... His heart completely shattered. 
Carl suddenly got up from the couch, hiding his face behind his long hair and he tried to speak."Why- how could you think what I feel for you is funny?" 
"Aww, I'm only playing." Negan reassured teasingly, but he realized a beat too late that maybe he'd misjudged the kid. His grin slowly faded.
 As much as he got off on seeing Carl get flustered, he could tell he'd genuinely upset him this time. "Oh shit kid…" he sighed, "Carl I didn't realize…" 
He could see moisture glazing over Carl's eyes and he knew he made a big fucking mistake. The sight alone made his heart drop. "Carl… I was only playing! I didn't know you actually cared that much- " 
Carl stormed off towards the stairwell, utterly humiliated and broken hearted. "Fuck you, Negan." Carl interrupted quietly, in a voice so unlike his own. He held back his tears of frustration as he disappeared up the steps.  
"Carl." Negan called back desperately. "get your ass back here..." 
Negan heard the boy's bedroom door slam shut and he couldn't help but groan. Guilt filled his chest. He wasn't sure how the hell to fix this one… 
The pizza arrived not long after and Negan cursed at himself when the kid didn't come back down. He was too pissed off at himself to eat. He tossed it into the fridge before deciding he should go. 
"What's going on with you and Carl lately?" Rick asked curiously, making his final shot at Negan's pool table, winning the game.  "you guys get in a fight or something?" 
Negan sighed at the mention of it. "I was fucking around, like I always do… went too far this time." 
Rick's face scrunched in a mixture of concern and confusion, "what do you mean?" 
"I told him I knew he had a thing for me and I was teasing him about it. I was just busting his balls but... I hurt him pretty bad. I broke his fucking heart, Rick." He admitted honestly, rubbing his temple to help release the tension he felt in his head. 
"Oh." Was all the man said, understanding completely. He recalled the conversation they once had about the way Carl was when it came to Negan. He knew Carl had a huge crush on him, and tried to protect his little secret from Lori as much as he could. God knows what would have happened if she found out he was into him. "I can't say I'm not happy about it. Carl needed to get over his little crush on you."
"I wouldn't call it little. I thought it was just teenage hormones n shit… but fuck...watching him walk away made me feel like shit" Negan said, staring up at the wall on his garage. "I made him cry, Rick... I made my boy cry. I don't want to be the asshole that broke his heart for the first time... "
"You've broken plenty of hearts." He reminded him with a pointed look. Negan was a hardcore player. At least he used to be when they first met. It cracked him up to hear about all the girls had he left behind (and maybe felt a little bad for them too) But with Carl? As bad as he felt for saying it, he knew it needed to happen. " that explains why hes been held up in his room at least." 
Dammit. He audibly sighed. He almost wished Rick didn't tell him that he'd locked himself away from the world.  Negan's chest ached knowing how badly he'd scorned him.
 "Yeah, but Carl's my little badass. I hate the idea of him not wanting to come around me anymore. I said some really insensitive shit..." 
"He'll get over it. He's a tough kid." 
"Yeah…. I hope so." Negan said just to end the conversation. He couldn't let Rick know how much he was dwelling on it. He wasn't sure what the hell was wrong with him. The thought of Carl getting over him shouldn't bother him as much as it did. He was way too young for him. Not to mention the fact that his dad was his best friend AND the town sheriff. It had fucked up written all over it but he couldn't help but want to apologize and give the poor kid everything he wanted and more. He fucking loved that boy. He never wanted to hurt him.  
It had been a few weeks since he saw Carl, and it wasn't for lack of trying. He would text him and get nothing back.
Rick would let him know he was going to Negan's house and asked if he wanted to come, or he'd let him know he'd be over for the evening and that Negan wanted to see him. Nothing. 
 Negan would even make it a point to show up a bit earlier than normal just to catch a glimpse of the little brat. No luck there. Even Rick was starting to get worried. Lori had given up on trying to get him out of his room days ago. By this time, Negan was fucking desperate to see him. Between the constant dreams involving him and the heartache he had, there was no way in hell he could deny how much he missed his boy. The guilt was fucking killing him. 
Enough was enough one morning when Negan decided he was going to see Carl one way or another. It was a Saturday morning, and Negan came over bright and early with the excuse of wanting to go with Rick to a department store. 
"Alright where's that boy at? I'm tired of not seeing his angsty ass." He demanded. 
Rick shook his head with a chuckle. "He's still in bed. Probably wont be up for another hour or two at least." 
"Huh." Negan said,"Looks like Carl's gonna get one hell of a wake up call then." He said matter of factly as he sauntered towards the stairs. 
"You're gonna piss him off even worse." Rick warned with a hint of amusement to his voice. 
"He can be as pissed off as he wants but he's going with us today." He called back from half way upstairs. Once he got to the second floor, he immediately walked to the bedroom he knew was Carl's and pounded on the door a couple times. 
Carl was woken abruptly by the sound of someone banging on his door. He scrambled to sit up just as he heard a familiar voice shout, "Good morning sunshine~" 
A pit filled his stomach. "Negan?" He asked incredulously as the door slammed open and revealed the figure on the other side. He walked in uninvited and Carl, lethargic and on edge, shouted, "What the hell are you doing in my room?" 
"Getting your mopey ass out of bed, that's what." He said, tugging the blankets away from Carl. "You're coming with us today whether you like it or not."
"No. Leave me alone." Carl grabbed the blanket from Negan's hand and flopped back down with it. The stubborn man kept ahold of it, and purposefully ended up on the bed too. 
"Get off." Carl demanded, flipping around to avoid looking at the man sitting beside him. 
"Not a chance kid." Negan stayed firm. "I haven't seen or heard from you in weeks. You're getting your ass up and spending time with me."
"I don't want to." Carl bit back, "you're a fucking asshole." 
Ouch. Okay. So maybe it was a lot worse than he thought. "Carl." Negan began once more, much softer this time, "I admit it. I was an asshole. I got carried away and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, kid." 
"What the hell ever. I told you to stop and you just kept going."
"Fucking hell, kid.." the man sighed, placing a hand on Carl's arm. "I thought you just wanted the attention like every other hormonal teen. I wouldn't have said that shit if I knew how serious you were… I felt like shit about it after I saw how bad I hurt you. " 
Carl remained quiet, unsure what to say and the annoying burning sensation of tears in his eyes only made him feel worse. 
"Baby boy" Negan whined, laying down and curling an arm around him. Carl was still warm and soft from sleep, and Negan couldn't help but want to kiss that bony shoulder that poked out of his oversized shirt. "I mean it. I'm sorry." 
"Fine. You're sorry." Carl sighed begrudgingly, "Just stop calling me that…" 
"Why?" Negan protested, "I've always called you my baby boy." 
"It's different now…" Carl wasn't proud of the fact he'd gotten off to Negan calling him that and now the words became a sore reminder of what he'd been made fun off.
"Oh, is that right? " Negan huffed quietly. The man hummed in thought. Maybe the kid actually did have a bit of a daddy kink after all. He couldn't stop his mischievous grin from forming. No wonder the kid reacted so dramatically when he pulled that card… 
"different how?"
"You know what I mean. I'm not going to spell it out for you." 
"Oh I see…" Negan grinned widely, "So you like it when I call you that, sweetheart?" The man propped himself up on an elbow while his other hand gently ran across Carl's arm. 
If Carl wasn't awake before, he certainly was now. He hadn't heard Negan talk to him in that voice before. "More than I should have." He said honestly, not seeing how there could be any more damage from telling the truth. The low chuckle behind him startled him a bit. It wasn't like the ones from before.
"So you probably have thought about calling me daddy then..." Negan mused. The idea was pretty fucking hot if he was going to be honest.
There was no real bite to his words as he turned to face him. "I thought you said you weren't going to make fun of me for it."
"That's a yes." the man smiled widely. 
"For someone trying to apologize for being a dick you're not doing a very good job at it." Carl huffed back quietly. 
"I know." The man grinned, happy to at least be able to see his boy's face. "I've missed you kid." He murmured honestly, bringing a hand to rest on one of Carl's red tinted cheeks. 
"Me too…" the boy murmured back, shyly. 
 Silence fell over them both for several moments before Negan made the decision to press a soft kiss to Carl's forehead. "You're still going to be my baby boy, Carl… that's not changing. No matter what okay?" Especially now that he knew how much Carl really felt about it. 
The sincerity of Negan's voice caught him off guard. He searched Negan's eyes for any sign indicating that he wasn't serious,  but there was none. "Okay." 
When Negan focused on those big, glossy doe eyes looking at him so lovingly,  it was game over. His heart swelled at the sight and there was no denying how much the kid cared for him… how much he cared for Carl.
This whole thing had wrong written all over it but hell, his body moved before his brain did, and somehow his lips were now firmly planted on Carl's. 
Carl's mind went blank, besides the galaxies bursting behind his eyes at the realization of what was happening. His mouth instinctively kissed back, slowly and softly, as though savoring each sensation he felt. His whole body caught fire, and Negan felt the boy shiver from head to toe. 
Fuck, he didn't think kissing could feel like this again. He felt like a fucking teenager with his heart pounding so hard and out of breath. It was like Carl's mouth was made for his, and his alone. His mouth moved languidly with Carl's as he felt slender arms curl around his neck. By the time they pulled away for a gasp of air, they were both red faced and panting with want. 
Carl caught his breath, with his mouth agape. He knew Negan just crossed a huge line for him, and he could hardly process what that meant exactly. Not twenty minutes ago he hated the idea of coming face to face with him, and now they were laying in his bed panting. "N-negan. You?…" 
"Yeah." Negan whispered in confirmation, as he sat up. He looked at Carl with a serious expression, "but this shit stays between us okay? Get your ass out of bed and get some clothes on. You're coming with us." 
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simpfornegan · 4 years
Make a deal for Carl to be the mediator between all the civilizations. Negan is happy with the deal, Rick is pissed, and Carl is just happy that a war didn’t break out because he’s seen too much violence since childhood and he just wants peace. He says as much to negan in bed and negan smiles and looks at Carl with such fondness and kisses his check and says “Carl, your optimism is what keeps me going.”
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The cutest shit I’ve read today.
Can we pls get Carl staying at the Sanctuary sometimes too and basically bossing Negan around (and Negan of course eats that shit up because he’s a simp)
Also the wives? Yeah they have to skip stones and kick rocks because Carl isn’t gonna let that shit fly.
But yeah🥺 the fluff and Glenn + Abe still being alive💔
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Cheer me up please
Could I have some positive fic recs or drabbles because the shit happening right now it depressing. Fluff or smut works. Thank you 💕
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May Satan bring us together
I wrote another vignette for the Coffee shop/Neighbours AU, it’s a continuation of this first one  :) 
Carl has barely opened the tuna can when he hears it.
He curses internally before turning around and facing, for the third time in just one week, his neighbor’s cat. That little stripped devil’s spawn. He would think it was a stray if the lady from the 2nd floor, Carol, hadn’t warned him about her.
“You… are being greedy.” He whispers to the animal.
She looks up at him tilting her head. “Meow?”
Carl sighs, knowing he’s given up even before she gets up to rub her entire flank against his calf.
“I hate you.” Carl confesses, setting the can on the floor and heading to the cupboard to get another one for himself.
The cat devours the food with a blissed out expression and Carl rushes to finish his sandwich so she won’t make him give her some of it as well. He stares at her as he chews. Her slender and dark figure makes a striking contrast against the kitchen tiles.
“If you’re going to keep this habit of breaking and entering in my flat I’ll have to call you something other than “cat”.”
She doesn’t even raise her head this time, too focused on getting the last bites from the bottom of the can.
“I’m calling you Satan.”
Eventually, Carl lets himself slide to the floor. He hadn’t realized how tired he actually was until now. The animal moves quickly to his lap, sniffing his hands first, in search of more food, he guesses, and burring herself on his sweatshirt when she accepts there’s nothing else to eat.
“You can pretend to be cute all you want but I’ve seen you hunting rats in the back alley. You’re not fooling anyone, you know?”
She purrs in answer.
“I’m not even a cat person.”
Satan rubs her head against his hand as if forgiving him for his blatant lies.
He spends a while there, scratching softly behind her ears, too relaxed to get up and go to his bed. The only noises in the kitchen are Satan’s soft purr and the hum of the fridge.
He hears the door of the 4th floor apartment when it shuts.
“Sounds like your owner is home now. You should get going girl.”
Satan doesn’t even flinch.
Carl doesn’t want to move. And he specially doesn’t want to meet his neighbor for the first time at 1 in the morning. But he also guesses he would be worried if his pet wasn’t home when he came back from work at ungodly hours of the night.
He remembers Carol’s warnings about their neighbor being an asshole while he gets up, the animal still in his arms. But this man can’t get angry at him for bringing his cat back, right? He wonders just what level of assholery Carol was talking about as he goes up the stairs. It’s not like he kidnapped her, she has her ninja ways of getting into his flat.
He’s still worrying about the different ways his conversation could go in his head when he knocks on the door.
He hears a muffled “…the fuck?” and then a louder “Coming!”
He could leave Satan in the door and run downstairs.
As soon as that thought crosses his head, she opens a big, yellow eye and looks judgingly at him.
By the time he’s finished telling himself that cats cannot read minds, the door is already creaking open and it’s too late to bail.
The door opens and there is his neighbor. The man stands still for a second, taking the sight of Carl carrying his cat in. If he’s half as shocked as Carl is, he hides it well.
He’s wearing an apron over a washed out white t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, and he looks so… domestic, that it could almost be a different person.
But it’s Negan. It’s definitely Negan.
“Hey kid… I see you’ve found my girl, thank you.”
Carl sees Negan’s large hands approaching him and taking the ball of fur from him. His fingers are warm when they brush his own.
“C’mon. I was just finishing dinner.”
“Mm no, no, actually I…” Carl tries to refuse him, even as he’s being dragged in by a firm and on his shoulder.
“I hope you like spaghetti.”
This is surreal.
“You… are… my neighbor?” he had made his mind to the idea that his neighbor was probably a workaholic who worked in some office until late at night or a night guard, given the weird schedules that never aligned with his own.
“It certainly seems like it.” Negan says disappearing into the kitchen for a second.
“I should… I should head back to my own ap…”
“Have you eaten dinner?”
“I… actually have.”
“It was probably prepackaged shit or a sandwich, or a ridiculously small portion of either of the two. That doesn’t count.”
Carl doesn’t know how to answer that and, as he’s thinking of a comeback, Negan sets a plate full of warm, mouth watering pasta in front of him, and his stomach makes a sound that makes Negan smile knowingly.
“You’re welcome.”
“Shut up.”
“I do love it when you’re bossy… Lucille! I see you sniffing that pan, don’t even think about it!”
Oh. Lucille, huh? He can’t help but think Satan suits her better.
But Carl doesn’t say that. Instead, he shoves a forkful of pasta in his mouth and tries (and fails) to suppress a moan. This is the best meal he’s had in the whole week he’s been living on his own.
“You’re definitely trying to make me fat.” he whispers, and hopes Negan hears “thank you” because that’s what he is trying to say.
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elwachogrimes-blog · 7 years
Negan: Where is Carl? Carl: I'm not a child Negan: Where is Carl? Carl: I am already an adult! Negan: Where is Carl? Carl: Here it is! Negan: Awwwww you are so adorable! 
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candle-jill · 4 years
After writing all this fluff for the last few months I’m getting ready to get back into the effed up ships. Anyone still following for cegan, I promise I haven’t abandoned ApCal!
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sweetness-of-sammy · 4 years
6, 30, 39, and 41? 💕💕
6. Favorite fic (or one of them)?
I can't choose so either Physical Education by @candle-jill or truth (like blood under fingernails) by SummerFrost.
P.E. will forever be a fave (not just for Cegan fics but overall) because of how long I stuck with it and how much I adored the story. As for truth (like blood under fingernails), just the way Lucifer and Dan's relationship developed I 😍😍😍. Sorry if you expected SPN ones, I'm in wayyy too many fandoms.
30. Favorite porn fic?
There's literally no way you'll end up getting just one from me so two of my faves are Hush by leonidaslion and i want you to feel me by mediwitch3. I just found the 9-1-1 fic yesterday, but I love it, and I've gone back to Hush quite a few times.
39. Favorite AU fic?
Can I put P.E. again? No? Fine. Most of the works in DarkJediQueen's series A Universe of Meetings.
41. Favorite fluffy tropes?
First time saying I love you, family bonding, any kind of hurt/comfort, domestic bliss, I'm sorry I love fluff so much let's just go with all of them.
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cxgan · 5 years
Blizzard (Like This)
SHIP: Cegan [Carl/Negan]
SUMMARY: S9 finale fix-it. Carl never died, Rick never got lost. Carl is stuck at Alexandria watching his siblings during the storm. Carl and Negan talk while everyone sleeps. 
WARNINGS: mild language, angst, fluff
W/C: 1,962
A/N: Idk where this came from because I haven’t had muse in awhile. Honestly this just started because I wanted a big old spoon chain with my babies. And of course wanted Carl alive, duh. THE FINALE WE DESERVED. Please let me know what you think. Comments > just likes and reblogs.
They had never had a blizzard like this. 
Sometimes it snowed, sure. An inch or two here or there during the winter months. But aside from bundling up and having a few more fires, there wasn't much else they needed to do. Maybe the climate was finally changing after all of these years without society barreling down on the world. Maybe they were due for another ice age. Whatever it was, Carl didn't like it. He especially didn't like it knowing that his dad and Michonne weren't home during it. That they were out helping the Kingdom get to Hilltop after the community had finally crumbled. It wasn't that he didn't care for them - of course he did - but being out in this bad of a storm wasnt a good idea for even the most hardened of warriors. 
And here he was. Stuck in the council hall doing nothing but trying to keep warm and watch over his siblings. He felt so... useless. Felt like he needed to get out there and do something. 
"Don't be a dumb ass, you know they're alright." A voice broke him from his thoughts and he looked up. Negan, sitting on the floor with his back pressed into a cot. Looking far too casual for how cold it was. 
"I'm not worried," he snapped from where he was sitting on a large mattress. 
"Yeah, 'n I'm Princess Diana," the former savior said with a snort, rubbing at his wrists where he had been handcuffed moments before. Carl had taken them off the second everyone else had fallen asleep. He wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to be around the love of his life when he wasn't behind bars (did he really just think love of his life? Gross.). Negan reached out with his foot and kicked at Carl's own boot, receiving a one eyed glare in return. "Seriously, they ain't stupid enough to stay out in this hell," he gestured to everything around them. "Yer pops probably chucked them all into some smelly ass old barn for the night. They'll be fine."
"I said I'm not worried," Carl snapped again. When Negan gave him a look he rolled his eye. "Whatever," he retorted before pulling his coat around himself further and resisting the urge to shiver. They had the fire, yeah, but it was still chilly. 
"Cold?" Negan asked.
"No, I'm warmer than I've ever been. Feel like I'm on a beach or something," he snarked, voice dripping with sarcasm. 
The older male simply chuckled at him. Carl didn't look over at him, but he heard him shift. "C'mere," he muttered. 
Carl looked up, surveyed the room around them. Everyone else had fallen asleep at least an hour ago. No one was really keeping watch with the storm going on outside. Only him and Negan were awake. He almost moved, shifted ever so slightly, but a warm, gloved hand that was pushed into his thigh almost slid off and he caught it right before it did. Half of RJ's body was pressed into his back, and Judith's hand (arms wrapped around her little brother) was resting on his thigh. He shook his head. "I can't leave them."
"Well then I'll come to you. That mattress looks a little warmer than this piece of shit," he gestured backwards to the cot. 
"You're sitting on the floor."
"Case in point, smart ass. Now go lay down while I make myself pretty." He watched the man move and stand up and Carl snorted, shaking his head as he himself stood up. He watched Negan for a moment, stand and flex his shoulders, stretch his arms. It probably felt good not to be confined to a tiny room with a shitty cot. His chest ached a bit at the fact that it had been almost eight years and the man was still locked behind bars. If only he had the balls to tell his dad how he really felt about the man things would be better. (Deep down, he knew his dad would be at least okay with it. He had to have caught on by now just how much time Carl spent with the prisoner, how much he did for him. Maybe they were both just hiding the truth from fear of losing one another. But Carl knew he'd never lose his dad.)
Negan caught him staring and lifted an eyebrow at him with a cocky smirk, causing Carl to shoot him an icy glare before turning around. He saw RJ shiver from loss of body contact and quickly moved to tuck the blankets on him up closer to his chin. He shifted Judith's hands to nestle further around the youngest boy and moved to the other side of the mattress. Well. Mattresses. It was a couple of them shoved together. 
He debated taking his boots off for comfort but decided to leave them on, figuring that was one of the main things keeping him warm. So he quickly lifted the thick wool blankets up and slid underneath them behind his sister. He stayed on his back while he got warm, not wanting to suck up against the young girl's back and leech off her body heat for his own benefit. 
He closed his eyes and let himself relax for a moment. Negan was right, as insufferable as his reminders were sometimes. His dad and Michonne were probably fine. They had survived this long; they knew what to do. He just needed to relax and take a few deep breaths. 
He was exhausted, after all. Spending the day wrangling a restless and cooped up RJ, making dinner, figuring out what the rest of them were going to do both during and after the storm. At least Judith was mature enough now to just sit in a corner and do homework while the rest of them worked. And he had to admit, her constant quips at Negan all day had been hilarious to witness. He heard the man mutter at one point that he hoped RJ left him alone when he got older, because 'two annoying Grimes children were enough to deal with on a daily basis'. Carl was proud. 
He felt movement to his left and opened his eye to see Negan spreading out his own coat on top of Judith and RJ. He bit his lip. "You don't..."
"Shut up, kid. They need it more than I do. And now I gotta hot little body to keep me warm all night, don't I?" he punctuated his words with a wink and Carl scoffed. 
"We're not doing anything next to my siblings, pervert. Now get under here before you freeze to death." He held the blankets up and Negan didn't have to be told twice, dipping down and scooting onto the mattress next to Carl. The boy turned on his side to face him, immediately wrapping his arm around his torso. Even with his other jacket and the stupid dark blue jumpsuit he was cold to the touch. He gazed up at the man, silhouetted by the fire in the dark. He had pulled on a beanie at some point in the last few minutes. 
"Why is it always about sex with you? Can't a man just wanna get his cuddle on and still appreciate the body he's cuddlin' with?" Negan quipped. 
"Always about sex? With me? You fuckin..." It took the man's low timbre of a laugh near his head to realize he was joking. Carl slugged him in the chest. "You're a dick," he muttered, sighing and laying his head on the man's shoulder. 
Negan finished his laugh and pressed a long kiss to Carl's forehead. "That's me." He stretched out and sighed, his body clearly not used to being on cushion. "Damn, you know how long it's been since I've been in a bed? Since we've..."
"Yeah," Carl muttered and cut him off, closing his eyes. It had been a very, very long time. Ages ago. He didn't want to think about that. Didn't want to think about just how long Negan had gone without normal human amenities during his sentence. Didn't want to think about how he hadn't begged Carl even once to try and convince his dad to let him out. Didn't try and get him to use their relationship for his own benefit. It just made Carl feel like an ass.
"Last time we were in a bed, yer dad slit my throat the next day. How fucked is that?" he said with a huff of laughter. Carl half-assed smacked him again. 
"Shut up. Don't you ever sleep? Just let me enjoy this."
"Alright, alright. Sorry, Sleeping Beauty." Another long kiss pressed to his forehead and Carl sighed in contentment. It had been a long time since they had been this close to each other. It felt almost wrong, despite the fact they had 'been together' for so long. Only inches apart by those fucking bars but god, sometimes it felt like miles. It felt good to be this close to him again.
Of course the man didn't actually shut up. "I know my dick was in yer mouth like, two days ago. But it feels weird holdin' you like this." And of course the man read his mind again like he always seemed to do. 
"It does," he agreed. He opened his eye and shifted upwards in the mans arms. Sighing, he pressed his forehead into the side of the man's head. "I'm gonna get you out of there for good soon." It was a statement. He was going to figure it out.  
"Don't worry about it, sugar. Got all I need down there. Bed, books, food. Judy visits, I got you - " 
"I'm serious."
For once, Negan didn't say anything. Didn't keep prattling on about how great his life was behind bars because they both knew he only ever did it to try and make Carl feel better. But Carl also hadn't ever made any sort of pledge to try and get him out before. Let alone soon. So instead of saying something, he heard the man swallow and then move to catch his lips in his own. It caught Carl off guard but he kissed him back with no less fury, only pulling back when it started to get a little too deep. 
Nothing else was said and Carl sighed, beat from the day, and slid back down to his normal height next to the man. Only instead of staying facing him he turned around. Thankfully Negan took the hint and turned with him until his back was flush up against the older man's chest, arms wrapped around the boy. Carl kept one hand clutched around the arms around him and scooted forward so Judith's back was to his chest, the fibers of her beanie tickling at his nose. 
"I love you, Carl." It wasn't something they said very often, which was odd considering how much Carl's family said it to each other. Maybe him and Negan were afraid of it, because whenever they did say it it was usually whispered in the dark in the middle of the night. And it was typically Carl that said it first. So Negan's soft admission caught him a bit off guard and he stared ahead of their little spooning chain, squeezing the former saviors hand a little tighter and biting his lip. 
"I love you too, idiot. Now go to sleep before I punch you there," he whispered, fearful anything louder would wake his incredibly light sleeper sister awake. 
Negan's chuckle rumbled against his back as the man buried his face into Carl's hair. "Whatever you want, baby boy."
He'd talk to his dad the second he got back. It was time.
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simpfornegan · 4 years
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the fact that you guys still haven’t helped me come up with a name for this🙄
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hornsbeforehalos · 6 years
Hey guys! I let ya’ll know before that once I got 666 followers, I’d be hosting my first ever CHALLENGE, and well, here it is, folks! On Friday the 13th, no less!
-You don’t have to follow me to enter in the challenge, but it’d be pretty nice if you did!
-If it has more than like, 300 words, guys, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF CHUCK, use a read more. 
-Can be SPN, TWD, SOA, or any RPF for any of the actors. 
-Must use a prompt/quote/song listed below, it’d be cool if you highlight that part in your writing somehow but if not then that’s cool too. 
-Be sure to use appropriate warnings.Smut, Angst, Fluff, even Non-con stories are permitted but PLEASE tag it.
-Can be any pairing or ship except for Cegan. S’weird, guys. 
- x OC is highly encouraged but x Readers are okay as well. 
- Be sure to tag me at either this blog or @soythedemonqueen and use the hashtag #soy’s 666 challenge 
-Entries will be due 6 weeks from now: August 24th, 2018
-“I’m evil, babe, kinda comes with the territory.” @coffee-obsessed-writer
-“What did you think this was? A fairytale? Baby, you’re in Hell.”  @docharleythegeekqueen
-”I hate you so much I could kiss you right now.”
-”You created this monster, so now you get do deal with it.” @wingedcatninja
-”You wouldn’t know what to do with me if you had me.” @pink1031
“He who makes a beast out of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man.” @wilde-abandon
“Sorry, my halo broke.” @fandomoniumflurry
“The Devil always made more sense, anyways.”
“You couldn't hurt met if you tried.” @sorenmarie87
“The Irish in me gives me protection from Evil, love.”
“Lucifer was right.
 “You motherfuckers need Jesus” ME! This is my prompt that @coffee-obsessed-writer chose for me!
 “Shepherds we shall be...”
 “Sometimes you just gotta kill a guy.”
“What’d you expect? Violence is in my blood.”
-Castle by Halsey
-Hold Me Down by Halsey @jesbakescookies
-Control by Halsey @staywildemoonchild
-Right Here in My Arms by HIM
-Hell on an Angel by Brantley Gilbert 
-Walk With Me In Hell byLamb of God
-Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold
-Bat Country by Avenged Sevenfold
-The Beast and The Harlot by Avenged Sevenfold
-Helena by My Chemical Romance @through-thesilver-lining
-Hang ‘Em High by My Chemical Romance
-Bad Things by Camila Cabella & G-Easy
 -Save Him By Justin Nozuka
 -Snuff by Slipknot
 -Him & I by G-Easy and Halsey @reigningqueenofwords
-Only by JellyRoll
The winner of the 600 followers contest is: @srj1990  @coffee-obsessed-writer and they get to pick any prompt with any character I write for (listed below) 
Daryl Dixon
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
John Wincester
Lucifer (SPN ONLY)
Murphy MacManus
Connor MacManus
Norman Reedus
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Jensen Ackles
Jared Padalecki
Misha Collins
Rob Benedict
Richard Speight Jr.
Ville Valo
Bam Margera
The Joker (not Suicide Squad, though)
Harley Quinn (Not Suicide Squad, though)
You can also pick one of My OFCs for me to write them with or one of your own. Please remember I don’t write reader inserts in the second person POV. My characters are:
Fiona (From BDS3)
Hunter (From Hunter & Arrow)
Kylin (From Anytime & Whiskey)
Keagan (From Conquests)
Kuolema (From Conquests & 666Ways)
Jaxon (From Conquests)
El-ai (From Angels)
Kitara (From Feral & Dangerous)
Tags of people I think would be interested:
@reigningqueenofwords @coffee-obsessed-writer @sorenmarie87 @fandomoniumflurry @lovetusk @moonchild-shoshanna @blacklightguidesnic @pink1031 @natasha-cole @jesbakescookies
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ranebowstitches · 7 years
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Would It Kill You To Smile?: A Cegan Playlist 8tracks // Spotify
Follow You-Bring Me The Horizon// Happy Together-Filter// Earthquake-The Used// Dark Doo Wop-MSMR// Animal Impulses-IAMX// Young and Beautiful-Alex Cornell// Guys My Age-Hey Violet// New Love-Maroon 5// Fell For You-Green Day// We Love Like Vampires-Sparks The Rescue// Tag, You’re It-Melanie Martinez// We Found Love-Forever The Sickest Kids// Love Lockdown-Glass Animals// Nicotine-Panic! At The Disco// I Know I’m a Wolf-Courbe// The Horror Of Our Love-Ludo// Pet-A Perfect Circle// You Are My Sunshine-The Phantoms
A playlist for a bat toting, head-bashing leader and a one-eyed, machine-gun blasting bad-ass.
I’m a sucker for fluff and love so while some songs represent a darker side to their relationship, there’s always a healthy amount of romance there.
I plucked some of the songs out of these amazing posts so give them a look: [x] [x] [x] [x]
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SURE, I mean if you say it for the cegan stuff, sure, but please don’t let me go to jail JUST because of that, I want it to be taken into account that I ALSO shipped Edward (the dude is a 100 years old) and Bella in Twilight when I was 14, and that I was kinda into Daenerys Targaryen and Drogo’s (canonical) relationship, like most people who watched GoT, despite the fact that she’s like 15, canonically (don’t listen to anyone who tries to tell you that the actress is, painfully, obviously, NOT 15).
Tell the judge I support NECROPHILIA as well, please? They always overlook that, ug, tell them I watched In the Flesh (the protagonist is a zombie) and I ship the main canonical ships (I won’t spoil it for you, in case you haven’t seen it, it’s a beautiful series, I recommend it 100%, bonus: there’s no pedophilia and it would give you something to do other than harass people on the internet :D), MOST IMPORTANTLY I ALSO SUPPORT CANNIBALS (Jesus I almost forgot that one) because, you know, I love NBC Hannibal, and I read fanfics, obviously if my neighbor turned out to be a cannibal I’d testify to defend him, for sure, hell, I would ask him for dinner.
Oh and MURDERERS, please don’t forget that I support MURDERERS because I watch… well they kill people in most series I watch, whatever, pick one. FINALLY, I personally think I should be burned at the stake along with all the other millions of people who enjoyed the (again, canonical) relationships of Chuck and Blair from Gossip Girl, Lydia and Jackson in Teen Wolf, Fiona and anyone in Shameless, or Brian Kinney and Justin from Queer as Folk, or [insert any of the other hundreds of possibilities here]. I mean, they are all toxic relationships and everyone knows that ships should be blueprints to teach us what a healthy relationship must be in real life, right? RIGHT?
P.s: if someone was to oppose last minute to my execution, tell them… *whispers in your ear* tell them I read ooc fluff fics about evil characters when I’m sad *gasps in horror*.
P.s2: although I won’t go into detail and name more specific works of fiction, I am pretty sure I also support torture, theft, witchcraft, rape, recreational drug use, bulling, psychopaths, breaking the law in general, the destruction of cities and adultery.
This has been Early Morning Sarcastic Me, thanks for tuning in.
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ruggedasfuck · 7 years
PLEASE REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG!  Feel free to add to any of your answers!  The purpose is to tell your partners about the way you write!  For the multiple choice ones, BOLD all that apply and, if you want, italicize if it’s a conditional answer!
REALLY LONG SO PUTTING IT UNDER CUT. I just answered so if you have any questions for clarification, hit me up if ya feel it.
B A S I C S –
ARE YOU OVER 18? Yes / No IS YOUR MUSE? Yes / No / Verse Dependent WHEN WAS YOUR BLOG ESTABLISHED? March 2017.
– W R I T I N G –
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU WRITE WITH ON THIS BLOG? No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes (Some people) / Highly (few people) / Private (mutuals only)
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU FOLLOW ON THIS BLOG? No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people)
IF YOUR MUSE IS CANON, HOW MUCH TO YOU ADHERE TO CANON? Not at all / A little / Some / Mostly / Strictly / NA
DO YOU USE ICONS AND/OR GIFS? No / Gifs / Icons / Gificons
WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE? Unplotted/ Open-ended plots(set up a meeting and see what happens) / Semi-plotted (one or two steps ahead) / Fully Plotted Epics (plotted beginning, middle, and end)
HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS? Very slow (more than a month) / slow (3-4 weeks) / average (1-2 weeks) / Fast (Less Than One Week) / Very Fast (Less Than Three Days)
– S H I P P I N G –
WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic / Platonic / familial (canon)  / familial (ocs)
WHAT TYPES OF PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic / Platonic / Familial (Canon) / Familial (ocs)
DO YOU HAVE OTPS? No / chemistry only / Yes
DO YOU HAVE NOTPS? No/Yes // I am not a Regan or Cegan or any MaleXNegan shipper.
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S SEXUAL ORIENTATION? Heterosexual  / Heteroflexible / Bisexual / Homoflexible / Homosexual/ Pansexual/ Demisexual / Sapiosexual / Asexual /Ambiguous
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S ROMANTIC ORIENTATION? Heteroromantic / Heteroflexible / Biromantic / Homoflexible/ Homoromantic / Panromantic / Demiromantic/ Sapioromantic / Aromantic
HOW EARLY IN A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU SHIP ROMANTICALLY? Autoship / During Plotting / After a couple IC interactions/ Several IC interactions in / Slow Burn / Never {not open to romantic ships}
ARE YOU OPEN TO TOXIC SHIPS? No / Selectively / YES / Never Tried It
ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS? (canon history, age difference, complicated, etc.) No / Selectively / Yes
– T A G G I N G! –
tagged by: @safetydoesntexist Tagging: anyone who wants to do this.
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elwachogrimes-blog · 7 years
Carl: I love you, Negan
Negan: Love you too, Carl
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