#cedrus libani
reddirttown · 9 months
Language of Flowers: Cedar of Lebanon
In the language of flowers, there is a flower for every day of the year. The flower for today, December 18 (Keith Richards’ birthday), is Cedar of Lebanon, which signifies incorruptible. Image above from Wikipedia. Cedrus libani, commonly known as the Cedar of Lebanon, is native to the mountains of the Eastern Mediterranean basin. Cedrus is the Latin name for true cedars. The specific epithet…
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apollos-olives · 11 months
as I am sad and sick I would like to hear some nice things. Is there any Palestinian flora/fauna you wish everyone could see?
(Personally I'm a biiiiiig fan of the cedars as a tree lover, but I've never been fortunate enough to see one in person 😭 cedrus libani... I will visit you one day...)
i hope you feel better soon!!
i don't know much about flowers in general but palestinians are very big on fruits. most palestinians grow a few fruit trees around their houses, and if they own some acres then they often have stuff like olive trees or palm trees. whenever you go to a downtown of a city, you can usually find stands upon stands of fresh fruits and flowers and whatnot. we're really also into nuts, and we spice and season nuts as a snack as well.
my grandpa has a small house in jericho, and he grows many trees of fruits around his home. he mostly grows figs, which are usually ripe when we come over so we can pick them right off the tree and eat it there. he also grows tiny oranges (?), about the size of a curled up pinky i think. you can usually pick them off the tree or bush and pop the whole thing in your mouth, even with the peel. it's kinda tart and i didn't like it very much, with it's textures and whatnot. i don't actually know if it's an orange, but it's definitely some sort of citrus. my dad said it might be called "kumquats" in english, but i just now got off the phone with my family in nablus and they said they called it "chinese oranges" in arabic lol. no one really knows what they're called but that's something that is easily grown around.
we have a LOT of palm trees, and usually if you're driving around the area you can come across many fields of palm trees and find dates. you can eat them before they're "ripe", when they're more round and yellow, and they're very sweet and delicious. in jericho, up on the mountain of the temple, you can look down on the city and see very long fields of dates being harvested. usually their harvesting season is around august/september (which means jesus would've been born in the summer since mary ate ripe dates when she birthed jesus lol), so if you go during the summer (by the way. jericho is BOILING during the summer. lowest place on earth, boiling hot. our car engine fucking MELTED WHILE WE WERE DRIVING) then you can find some really good fresh dates being served.
we just really love our fruits
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aurils-blesstide · 3 months
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For you, my friend, I have just the thing. I believe someone like yourself wouldn't want to be confined only to the messages deliverable via delicate flowers, but also the branches of trees and the leaves of shrugs. Worry not! I took this into consideration, and made an arrangement consisting mostly of bold red and golden blooms, complimented by the shrubbery that surrounds it. If I had the ability to hand this to you wrapped with sturdy twine and canvas.
Signifying grandeur when utilized in bouquets. Native to southern Europe and southwestern Asia, the trees proper are seen as symbols of protection, as well as the source of various otherworldly creatures, such as the Meliae.
RED JAPANESE CAMELLIAS - [Camellia Japonica]
These striking red flowers symbolize unpretended excellence when utilized in a bouquet, as well as a noble warrior's death. When they bloom in the winter, they are said to represent bravery and strength despite all hardship.
Known to symbolize an incorruptible nature when utilized in a bouquet. These trees are of tremendous cultural importance in Lebanon, and are also known to have tremendous historical and religious significance.
THE FLOWERS FROM A FENNEL PLANT - [Foeniculum vulgare]
In bouquets, these are known to represent strength, and are given to those worthy of praise for their achievements. Fennel, native to the shores of the Mediterranean, appears often in religious texts, and is commonly used in cooking.
A FULL STALK OF A CROWN IMPERIAL - [Fritillaria imperialis]
Said to resemble an emperor's crown, crown imperial is a statement piece in a bouquet, which symbolizes majesty and power. It is of tremendous cultural importance in Iran, one of the countries it is native to.
And as finishing touches, we have three plants that serve to symbolize your demeanour:
BARBERRY [Berberis]
A kind of shrub, whose fruit is often utilized for culinary and medicinal purposes, that symbolizes a sour temper when its branches are utilized in a bouquet. The shrub proper is said to symbolize sharpness.
A genus rather than a singular flower, is said to represent pride when used in flower arrangements.
BORAGE [Borago officinalis]
Also known as starflowers, these cheery purple blooms are known to symbolize bluntness in a person's speech or demeanor.
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jesusagrario · 4 months
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findjobseasy · 7 months
[ad_1] Job title: FRONT OFFICE MANAGER, LUXURY HOTEL, CAPE TOWN Company: Job description: Cedrus Libani Recruitment is seeking to fill the position of Front Office Manager at a luxury hotel in Cape Town... FRONT OFFICE MANAGER, LUXURY HOTEL, CAPE TOWN Employer Type - Job Type - FT/PT - Province - Town/City... Expected salary: R19000 - 25000 per month Location: Cape Town, Western Cape Job date: Fri, 23 Feb 2024 23:56:27 GMT Apply for the job now! [ad_2]
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lamilanomagazine · 11 months
Napoli: ha riaperto il parco "Re Ladislao".
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Napoli: ha riaperto il parco "Re Ladislao". Il Parco Re Ladislao è stato restituito alla città di Napoli dopo anni di incuria e abbandono. L'ampio giardino "segreto", che consta di 4.500 metri quadri, è stato inaugurato questa mattina alla presenza del sindaco Gaetano Manfredi, dell'assessore alla Salute e al Verde Vincenzo Santagada e della presidente della IV Municipalità Maria Caniglia. Da oggi, infatti, i due ingressi di via cardinale Seripando e Vicolo Primo Pontenuovo resteranno aperti tutti i giorni dalle 7.00 alle 18.00. SCHEDA TECNICA: Il giardino è un esempio emblematico di hortus conclusus, giardino medievale recintato, in questo caso da alte mura, tipico dei monasteri e dei conventi. Il giardino, di pianta geometrica, univa finalità estetico-contemplative a esigenze pratiche e produttive: si tratta di un giardino storico creato ad uso e consumo dei frati dell'antico monastero che vi coltivavano essenzialmente piante e alberi per scopi alimentari e medicinali. La giacitura pianeggiante, la presenza di una abbondante disponibilità di acqua di irrigazione su tutta la superficie e la fertilità del terreno sono ambiente ottimale per questo parco che è uno scrigno di biodiversità mediterranea e conserva ancora tracce della antica funzione di hortus conclusus con il giardino dei semplici, adibito alla coltivazione di erbe officinali ed aromatiche usate dagli speziali del monastero e alberi da frutto principalmente agrumi allo scopo sia alimentare che per creare un ambiente contemplativo. Tra i numerosi alberi da frutto presenti troviamo: aranci, limoni, mandarini, pompelmi, olivi, fichi, peschi, peri, kaki, nespoli. Gli arbusti, le specie erbacee e le piante rampicanti presenti sono: alloro, pittosporo, oleandro, mirto, rosa, yucca, cycas, biancospino, vite americana, glicine, Buganville. Inoltre in questo parco insiste una particolare varietà di specie di palme tra cui Washingtonia, Phenix Canariensis, Trachycarpus e Chamaerops nonché un esemplare di Cedrus libani. Il prato presente sulle grandi aiuole è prato polifita presumibilmente spontaneo. GLI INTERVENTI DI MANUTENZIONE: L'intervento ha riguardato il rifacimento della pavimentazione dei vialetti, l'irreggimentazione delle acque meteoriche, il ripristino dei muretti in tufo a vista e dei cordoli in tufo. È stato realizzato un nuovo impianto di adduzione idrica. Nell'area sono state collocate delle panchine allo scopo di favorire la socializzazione e il relax dei fruitori. Per quanto riguarda alberi, piante ed essenze, si è provveduto agli abbattimenti, alle potature e alla rimozione di ceppaie, nonché al reimpianto di alberature e arbusti. È stata realizzata l'integrazione, in corrispondenza dei vuoti lasciati dagli alberi rimossi, del numero di alberature e di piante arbustive a prevalente fioritura colorata e nuove piantumazioni di essenze odorose e aromatiche tra le più significative della vegetazione mediterranea. È stato, infine, predisposto un impianto di videosorveglianza in corrispondenza dei varchi LE DICHIARAZIONI MANFREDI: "È stato recuperato uno spazio verde molto importante perché si tratta di un parco storico della città con un valore architettonico di grande rilievo in un luogo molto significativo vicino alla Chiesa di San Giovanni a Carbonara. È solo il primo passo per il pieno recupero di tutta questa insula perché ci sarà anche a brevissimo il recupero del vecchio convento abbandonato da molte decine di anni e che il Demanio, grazie ad una forte sinergia con il Comune ha avviato a recupero e che verrà riaperto con degli usi temporanei a partire dal 2024. Questo consentirà di valorizzare ancora di più questo parco che ha la necessità di essere molto vissuto per evitare i fenomeni di degrado degli anni precedenti. Noi stiamo preparando insieme all'Assessore al verde ed al servizio Parchi e Giardini un piano di manutenzione che ci consentirà la gestione di tutti i parchi che verrà realizzato in parte con personale comunale ed in parte con personale esterno" SANTAGADA: Per il Parco di Re Ladislao abbiamo un piano di manutenzione settimanale che prevede non solo la pulizia del parco ma anche la manutenzione e, laddove necessarie, anche le potature. Per aperture e chiusure abbiamo già un servizio programmato da parte di Napoli Servizi e un custode all'interno del parco che sarà aperto dalle 7 alle 18 ma con un orario flessibile che possiamo anche cambiare a seconda delle esigenze e della stagionalità. Si tratta di un recupero davvero importante che ridona questo parco a un'area importante della città da un punto di vista storico. Lo abbiamo fatto grazie a un finanziamento della Città Metropolitana con dei vincoli importanti da parte della Soprintendenza che abbiamo totalmente rispettato lasciando il battuto di tufo originale e mantenendo e recuperando la struttura che abbiamo trovato nel rispetto anche di quella che è la storia importantissima di questo parco. CANIGLIA: Il recupero di questo parco ha grande importanza per dimostrare quanto la nostra azione politica sia diretta all'ascolto ed ai problemi soprattutto di bambini e famiglie. La riapertura di questo parco si aggiunge a quella del Parco di Santa Maria La Fede meno di un anno fa ed alla creazione di un'area giochi in Piazza Nazionale. Sono tutte azioni concrete che vanno nella direzione di dare risposte ai bisogni dei cittadini che purtroppo da anni non potevano godere degli unici due parchi della Quarta Municipalità. È uno straordinario risultato che siamo riusciti ad ottenere in sinergia con il Sindaco Manfredi e l'Assessore Santagada.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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witchybooksarl · 1 year
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This is Cedar
cedarwood has magical and spiritual powers that include 6 main properties:
Banish negative energy
Reverse or halt a spell or hex
Used for protection
Rebirth and regeneration
Attracts power and money.
If you. Yourself know of any other magickal uses of cedar. Please let me know in the comments. Even if it's folklore magick . Please if be really interested in learning more about cedar...
Brief History Of The Magical Properties Of Cedarwood
The cedar tree has been revered for its spiritual significance for thousands of years.
The earliest mention of cedarwood comes from ancient Sumerian cuneiform tablets. In these ancient tablets, it is said that a battle occurred between the demigods and the humans over the beautiful and divine forest of Cedar trees near southern Mesopotamia.
This forest, once protected by the Sumerian god Enlil, was completely bared of its trees when humans entered its grounds 4700 years ago, after winning the battle against the guardians of the forest, the demigods.
Ancient Egyptians used cedarwood to anoint the bodies of the dead so the dead would experience rebirth and regrowth.
Chests made of cedar dating back thousands of years have been found at the Temple of Apollo at Utica housing perfectly preserved scrolls made of vellum and papyrus.
The wood from cedar has long been used for the doors of sacred temples.
Throughout the world, people have long burned cedar as part of their purification and cleansing rituals.
What Are The 6 Magical Properties Of Cedarwood?
The magical properties of cedarwood are highly valued in magickal circles because of its purification and protection properties, amongst many other magical properties.   
All matter contains and retains power.  This is why certain herbs and plants have what we perceive as magical powers.
To use cedarwood in magic, you could use cedarwood by itself, as part of a ritual or potion, or use cedarwood in conjunction with uttering a magical word or as part of a prayer or an invocation spoken in Latin.
Also, remember that the results you seek may not occur immediately.  Just like casting spells, the effects of using the magical properties of herbs can take time.
The approaches we offer are mere suggestions of how to access the magical properties of cedarwood.   They are far from the only approaches.
Your imagination is a very powerful tool when conjuring up magic.  What works for one person may not work for another person.  Take these suggestions we give you as a base, and make them your own.  Magic comes from your head and your heart, not from props.
As a general rule, cedarwood has magical and spiritual powers that include 6 main properties:
Banish negative energy
Reverse or halt a spell or hex
Used for protection
Rebirth and regeneration
Attracts power and money
If you are interested in learning more about how you can use herbs in your magic rituals, check out the following book by Ally Sands “Plant Magic for the Beginner Witch: An Herbalist’s Guide to Heal, Protect and Manifest“.

Table of Contents
The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only.  Occult properties of herbs and essential oils are provided for historical interest only.  For possible treatments of physical or mental diseases, please seek a trained and licensed health professional.  Enchanted Aromatics is not responsible for any adverse side effects resulting from the use of any suggestions, products, preparations, or procedures mentioned or from the following historical uses of herbs and essential oils.
What is cedar
Of the many species, only four are considered “true” cedars: Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica), Cyprian Cedar (Cedrus brevifolia), Cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus Libani), Deodar Cedar Tree (Cedrus Deodara).
True cedar trees are only native to the Mediterranean and Himalayan regions.  Cedars that grow elsewhere, like the red cedar that grows here in the southwest where I live are actually cypress or juniper.
For this article when we refer to cedars, we are referring to both true cedar and cypress variants.
These other cedars can also be used in magic rituals since they are made up of mostly the same compounds found in true cedar. 
For example, cedar is extremely sacred to Native Americans here in the southwest.  But these cedar species come from the Cypress family, commonly known as arborvitaes, including red and white cedars found in North America.
Brief History Of The Magical Properties Of Cedarwood
The cedar tree has been revered for its spiritual significance for thousands of years.
The earliest mention of cedarwood comes from ancient Sumerian cuneiform tablets.  In these ancient tablets, it is said that a battle occurred between the demigods and the humans over the beautiful and divine forest of Cedar trees near southern Mesopotamia.  
This forest, once protected by the Sumerian god Enlil, was completely bared of its trees when humans entered its grounds 4700 years ago, after winning the battle against the guardians of the forest, the demigods.
Ancient Egyptians used cedarwood to anoint the bodies of the dead so the dead would experience rebirth and regrowth.
Chests made of cedar dating back thousands of years have been found at the Temple of Apollo at Utica housing perfectly preserved scrolls made of vellum and papyrus.
The wood from cedar has long been used for the doors of sacred temples.
Throughout the world, people have long burned cedar as part of their purification and cleansing rituals.
Cedarwood Correspondence 
Cedarwood is considered Masculine.
The vibration of cedarwood is considered part of the fire element.
Cedarwood is associated with Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars.
Astrological signs of cedarwood: Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, and Cancer.
Cedarwood is associated with the Deities Pan, Ra, Aphrodite, Cernunnos, Artemis, Isis, Jupiter, and Osiris and is sacred to the Goddess Brigit.
Cedarwood is used to invoke the archangel, Michael.
Cedarwood is used in magickal spells and formulas related to solar matters which include healing, illumination, physical energy, protection, and success.
Cedar is one of the nine kinds of wood traditionally placed in the traditional Celtic Druid balefire.
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danielmouradjensen · 2 years
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Libanon er kendt for mange ting – på godt og ondt. Libanon har stadig mange unikke ruiner og templer, som blev opført af romerne og fønikerne. Det er landet, hvor vi finder Cedrus libani, som nævnes flere steder i Bibelen og forskellige litterære tekster. Det er et land, hvor man har Middelhavet på den ene side og Mount Lebanon (bjergkæde) på den anden side. Tager man op i bjergene, så kan man opleve historiske landsbyer, nyde vild natur og stå på ski.
Fra 1975 til 1990 blev de libanesiske byer og gader omdannet til regulære kamppladser for udenlandske og libanesiske bevæbnede styrker. Boligblokke i Beirut, og andre byer, blev med tiden til konfessionalistiske ghettoer, hvor religiøs identitet var vigtigere end en samlet national identitet. Med en fælles accept af Taif-aftalen, og dermed slutningen på den 15 år lange borgerkrig, kunne en genopbygning af landet begynde med stor økonomisk hjælp fra den tidligere premierminister Rafiq Hariri og (Saudi Arabien).
Befolkningstallet: Ca. 5,261,372 (kilde: CIA)
Valutaer: libanesisk lira og den amerikanske dollar.
I Libanon er det officielle sprog arabisk (libanesisk dialekt), dog er fransk af historiske og kulturelle årsager ligeledes et vigtigt sprog for mange libanesere. Engelsk er særligt blandt de unge meget populært. Grundet den armenske minoritet tales der også armensk.
Der er 18 anerkendte religiøse minoriteter/sekteriske grupperinger.
Andre vigtige byer ud over Beirut: Tripoli, Baalbek, Sidon (Saida), Byblos.
Libanon har været en tidligere fransk koloni (fransk mandat).
Libanon er et vinproducerende land og det mest populære brand, i landet, er Château Ksara.
En hovedstad som både er supermoderne og i forfald. En hovedstad som rummer masser af forskellige mennesker og kulturer. En historisk storby som Frankrig selvfølgelig har påvirket i flere årtier – blandt andet gennem arkitekturen.
Trods adskillige kriser (listen er lang) er der stadig mulighed for at gå på restaurant, nyde kaffe i én af de mange caféer eller tage på bar/natklub.
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aurelyah · 4 years
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« If you ever lost me, you know where to find me.. »
Taken in Barouq and this a Cedrus Libani.
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the-garden-journal · 4 years
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Cedrus libani ‘Glauca’
Citadel Park, Ghent
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donaiocell · 3 years
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Cedar of Lebanon
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jesusagrario · 11 months
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findjobseasy · 7 months
[ad_1] Job title: DUTY MANAGER / HOST, LUXURY HOTEL, CAPE TOWN Company: Job description: Cedrus Libani Recruitment is seeking to fill the position of Duty Manager / Host at a luxury hotel in Cape Town... DUTY MANAGER / HOST, LUXURY HOTEL, CAPE TOWN Employer Type - Job Type - FT/PT - Province - Town/City... Expected salary: R12000 - 15000 per month Location: Cape Town, Western Cape Job date: Mon, 26 Feb 2024 23:56:40 GMT Apply for the job now! [ad_2]
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This tree was found on 11/10 in Mount Auburn Cemetery. I went on this trip for the final handful of trees I located this semester specifically looking to add more needled evergreens to this site. This conical and pyramidal shaped needled tree is a Cedrus libani, or Cedar of Lebanon. It was notable for its compact and tall size, as well as its location being specifically Lebanon. I had been founding that many ornamental trees used in this part of America tend to come specifically from China or Japan. On closer inspection, the scaly bark added a lot of visual interest to the tree, as well as the clumped together needles which had a delicate star-like effect.
The tree has a very narrow USDA hardiness range, from 6 to 7. It grows best in full sun areas with deep, moist, well-drained, acidic soils. Once established it is fairly tolerant of drought. It is completely intolerant of poorly drained and wet soils. Of all true cedars, it has one of the best winter hardinesses when sited away from winter winds.
It is often used as a large feature tree in landscapes. It has no serious insect or disease issues. Aged species have drooping branches that often can touch the ground. The Cedar of Lebanon is cited numerous times in world mythology. It is cited in the Epic of Gilgamesh. In many ancient civilizations, it was a base economic export.
Information source: http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/PlantFinder/PlantFinderDetails.aspx?kempercode=b431
Found in Cambridge MA
ID with plant tag
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tibedphotography · 3 years
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Cedrus libani #snow #snowy #photooftheday #photograph #photo #photoeveryday #photographer #photoftheday #photos #photoart #garden #cedrus #libani #photography #december #cedruslibani #evergreen #tree #naturephotography #natur #nofilter #photooftheday #instagood #hungary (helyszín: Vál) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXIstKot1Pt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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koraki-grimoire · 3 years
Ancient Hellenic Herbs, A-D
[Introduction & Index]
Almond Tree (Amygdalea) Species: Prunus amygdalus Identification: A small tree with pinkish flowers and small, edible nuts Associations/Uses: Agdistis, marriage, fertility, love, hope, treating headaches, treating dog bites
Anemone/Windflower (Anemônê) Species: Anemone coronaria Identification: A toxic round flower with a black center in a range of colors Associations/Uses: Aphrodite, Adonis, Zephyros, the wind, spring, passing time
Anise (Anison) Species: Pimpinella anisum Identification: A flowering plant with licorice scent when crushed Associations/Uses: Ameinias, treating poison, aphrodisiac, sleep
Apple Tree (Mêlon) Species: Malus domestica Identification: Grey-barked tree with pink blossoms and medium edible fruit Associations/Uses: Love, marriage, Hera, Aphrodite, Eris, the Hesperides, romance
Asphodel (Asphodelos) Species: Asphodelus ramosus Identification: Small perennial with greyish-green leaves, white flowers with small brown streaks, toxic leaves in winter & edible tubers Associations/Uses: Haides, Persephone, Hekate, death, food of the dead, emetic
Barely (Krithê) Species: Hordeum vulgare Identification: A golden grain crop topped with seeds Associations/Uses: Drink of the Eleusinian Mysteries, Demeter, agriculture
Bay Laurel (Daphnê) Species: Laurus nobilis Identification: A small tree with edible, aromatic leaves and small black berries Associations/Uses: Apollon, Artemis, victory, Daphne (nymph), treating stings, purification, cleansing
Caraway (Karos) Species: Carum carvi Identification: A plant with feathery green leaves and small white clusters of flowers Associations/Uses: Stomach ailments, skin health, aphrodisiac, digestive health
Cedar (Kedros) Species: Cedrus libani Identification: A small, needle-leaved tree with round cones Associations/Uses: Artemis, preservation, ship building, strength, preserving dead bodies, sterility, stopping menstruation, repelling snakes
Chaste Tree (Lygos) Species: Vitex agnus castus Identification: A small tree or shrub with clusters of purple flowers Associations/Uses: Chastity, women’s medicine, Hera, Hestia, Artemis, Demeter, the Thesmophoria, calming sexual urges, disease of the uterus, basket making
Cherry Tree (Kraneia) Species: European cornel Identification: A small tree with yellow blossoms and bright red, edible fruit Associations/Uses: Swine-feed, Kraneia (nymph)
Cinnamon (Mosylon/Kinnamonon/Kasia) Species: Cinnamomum Identification: Reddish brown-barked tree with pointed oval-esque leaves Associations/Uses: Apollon, Dionysus, treating the blood, incense, treating sunburns, diuretic, wine flavoring, Phoinix
Cornflower (Kentaurion Makron) Species: Centaurea cyanus Identification: Bright blue star-like flower with some purple tint Associations/Uses: Kheiron, healing wounds, healing poison, anti inflammation, poultice for wounds
Cotton Thistle (Akantha Leuke) Species: Onopordium acanthum Identification: An extremely spiny herb with a round, spiked top and purple spiny flowers Associations/Uses: Protection from poisonous creatures, healing poison, protection, periapta
Crocus (Krokos) Species: Crocus sativus Identification: Purple flower with red stems and yellow stigmas, from which saffron is made Associations/Uses: Krokos (youth), Hermes, abduction of Kore, abduction of Europa, anti inflammation
Cumin (Kuminon) Species: Cuminum cyminum, C. odoratum Identification: A plant with many white or pink tiny flowers and small seeds with eight ridges Associations/Uses: Aphrodisiac, the Minoans, venom antidote, stopping menstruation and nosebleeds
Cypress (Kyparissos) Species: Cupressus sempervirens Identification: Evergreen cone-shaped tree with green needles and small, round cones Associations/Uses: Kyparissos (youth), grief, Apollon, Artemis, Asklepios, the underworld, insect repellant
Daffodil/Narcissus (Narkissos, Leirion) Species: Narcissus tazetta, N. poeticus, N. serotinus Identification: Yellow or cream flower with yellow trumpets Associations/Uses: Narkissos, abduction of Kore, numbing, hubris, Nemesis, emetic, joint pain, joint dislocation
Dandelion (Kondrille) Species: Taraxacum officinale Identification: A bright yellow flower with jagged green leaves, when seeding is round and white with seeds attached to feather-like stems Associations/Uses: Treating sunburn, healing viper bites, astringent, strength
Dill (Athinon) Species: Anethum graveolens Identification: A herb with many thin green branches and leaves and small yellow flowers Associations/Uses: Vitality, prosperity, mild diuretic, treating womb disorders, health of the vulva
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