#cece vegas
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thicksexyasswomen46 · 4 months ago
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lesson-b · 7 months ago
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dimes-a-dozen21 · 2 years ago
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Ciera Cesar
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onlybaddiesx3 · 11 days ago
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romaheroic · 1 year ago
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wildestdreamcatcher · 1 year ago
I get asked this a lot but tbh, I don't think Cleo and Elijah would've dated in high school. Elijah wasn't really a great person at the time in his life. He was kind of just a shitty teenage dirtbag. Cleo would've hated that and I think if they did date in high school, their relationship wouldn't be the healthiest and it probably wouldn't even last 3 months.
@sadlonelyyogurt @regthyfjugki
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theemporium · 8 months ago
so i found you because of your halloween stuff so you'll forever and always be associated with werewolf and vampire aus in my mind.
BUT that being said, the first thing that comes to mind is vegas au where charles and max are having family fight and checo looks like he wants to be anywhere but in the car with them 😭😭 always makes me laugh
supernatural aus my beloved<33333
but please😭😭😭nah because that photo of the three of them in the vegas car will never fail to make me CACKLE
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thicksexyasswomen46 · 8 days ago
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Almost Home
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pucksalotguys · 5 months ago
Chapter 9
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Masterlist to series
WC: 9K
Back with chapter 9 !! This is where it all goes down and tbh it’s a heavy one. There’s emotions, toxicity, break down of relationships and….an important time jump. If you haven’t read the others chapters I suggest you do so before you read this one. I’m almost done with this series (only one more chapter and an epilogue left) and while I’m sad I’m excited to show you guys the end !! Hope you all enjoy 💙
(If you enjoyed this chapter let me know !! Anon is on for a reason or you can just comment here on the fic 🫶)
 Cece suddenly heard a click. Sidney had hung up. She breathed deeply and looked down a her phone, waiting and waiting and until finally his name came up again on her screen “Hey” she whispered “There was a heavy silence on the line, and she could almost hear the gears turning in his head. “Wow. That’s—”
“Yeah, I know it’s a lot, but I wanted to tell you as soon as possible rather than wait” she said softly 
“Right… right.” Sidney’s voice became distant, almost strained. “Look, Cece, I—”
“I just thought you should know—” Cece cut him off quickly
“I’m just…..Cece, she knows” he sighed  “She knows and….it’s not good”
Her heart stopped for a moment as she sat down and shook her head “I’m sorry, whatever it is….we’ll deal with it. I’m an adult, I know what I took part in. I knew it was wrong and still did it, believe me I know she hates me but whatever it is I’m ready to deal with this with you. We’re in this together”
Sidney sighed “I forgot some stuff at the rink that I need, we can talk more in person later okay ?”
Cece simply rubbed her face as she hung up and waited, she could tell he was annoyed and upset and it made her feel even worse. She reached for the sonograms her doctor had given her and looked through them for a while, standing when she heard a knock and got up to answer it assuming it was Sidney and opened, reeling against the door as she got slapped across the face
“That’s for fucking my husband” Jacqueline panted
She held her cheek as she looked at her, she wanted to talk but no words would come out her mouth. This was her worst nightmare come alive
“What ?” Jacqueline snapped “Nothing to say now ?”
“You wanna talk we can talk, but you will not put you hands on me in my own home” Cece looked at her
“I could end you right now if I wanted to” Jacqueline pushed past her into her apartment “I know you two fucked in Vegas, you are such a fucking whore Cecelia. I was there, my children were there and you did that ?”
Cece shook her head “It…It wasn’t supposed to happen, it was never supposed to get this far” “He won’t leave me” Jacqueline met her eyes, eerily calm “You know I thought that when I saw you I’d feel this rage inside me….but honestly I just feel bad for you Cecelia I really do. Sidney will not leave me, he won’t abandon me or the boys. You should understand that but in case you don’t want to, here” she reached in her purse and took out her checkbook “I’ll give you a little incentive, how does 1 million dollars sound to you ?” “What are you doing ?” Cece whispered “Oh wait, let me guess you thought you were the first ?” she let out a dry laugh Cece shook her head “I…I don’t know what you’re talking about” “I’ll admit no girl has gotten as far as you did, typically he gets bored after a month or so” Jacqueline chuckled “You’ve got that curly hair, clearly you’ve got the body and your face is definitely pleasing to look at” “I don’t believe you” Cece said “You just hate me” “I do hate you but why would I lie to you ?” Jacqueline asked “I have nothing to lose Cecelia. You have known him for months, I’ve known him for 15 years of my life. I’ve been through hell and back with him, things that you wouldn’t be able to handle. So listen to me when I tell you, he will not leave. I’m hurt, I wanna kill him and you with my bare hands but deep down in my soul I know he’ll choose me” “I’m not too sure of that” Cece answered her She sighed “Listen here’s the check, if you cash it then I’ll know you took the offer. You have a week Cecelia, think things through please. It’s a lot of money, you could use that” “I don’t give a fuck about this money” Cece took the check and ripped it up “You’re a miserable person, you two were miserable way before I came in the picture. Yeah, I slept with him knowing you two were still married but you two have been done for a while” “You can’t defend what you did so quit it” Jacqueline snapped “You’re not special, nothing about you is special” she stepped forward and grabbed her arm “You’re just easy. You spread your legs for him, you were just a warm body for him to find comfort in” In any other moment Cece would’ve pushed her away, she was about to when she looked down at the sonogram on the table and simply stayed calm. Jacqueline instantly meeting her eyes and looking down along with her “What is that” she raised her voice, keeping her hold “Cecelia answer me” “Let me go” Cece whispered “Please” It was faith when she turned her head as the doorknob turned and saw Sidney walk through the door and widened his eyes at the sight in front of him. She met his eyes and said nothing, she just couldn’t speak “What the hell is wrong with you” Sidney walked over and removed her hold as he stood in the middle of them “You got her pregnant ?” Jacqueline murmured as she picked up a sonogram and looked at it “You said you were getting a vasectomy !” she shoved him “How you didn’t want more kids, how it overwhelmed you ! You couldn’t even protect yourself well enough ?” Sidney shook his head “I’m sorry, I’m sorry this is how you found out” She quickly wiped her eyes and looked at the sonogram better “It says here she’s 15 weeks, just shy of 4 months….this lines up to Vegas. She fucked Nate that same weekend, I know she did. This baby is his, it has to be”
“Jacqueline stop” he snapped
“I know she fucked Nate too, it was written all over his stupid face” she said “You should be sure before you do anything drastic here”
“Enough” he repeated
Jacqueline shook her head “I’m going home, come by tomorrow so we can talk. And keep what I said in mind, that child could very well be Nate’s.”
Cece stood silent as she left her apartment, she looked up at Sidney “You’re such a piece of shit” she threw a pillow at him
“I’m sorry I hung up on you” he sighed “It was a shitty thing to do, I was just in shock that was all”
“When the hell were you going to tell me you had cheated on Jacqueline before ? Huh ? When were you gonna mention those other women Sidney ?” Cece asked Sidney shook his head as he sat down “It’s not like that. Those are girls that worked sporadically for the team in different positions, I never even talked to them unless I had too. She got in her head that I was cheating on her and had them fired behind my back. She did that, not me, I’ve never cheated on her ever…” “Until now” Cece finished his sentence for him “Until now” “Cece…you need to believe me” he whispered “Do you believe this child is yours and yours only ?” Cece asked him “Do you ?” He stayed quiet for a bit and sighed “Cece, are you sure it is ? You were with Nate, how can you be so sure it’s….it’s mine”
She met his eyes as she looked up at him “Are you seriously asking me that ?” “You slept with him a night before you did with me, I used protection and he didn’t” he looked at her “You’re shy of 4 months, it adds up and yeah I know…we didn’t use protection after when we had sex shortly later but….you have to understand where I’m coming from” “I know myself and he and I didn’t use protection but I know for fact it’s not him okay, do you know how degrading this is for me ? Did you forget you fucked me in the shower without a condom the next day, the same day we slept together for the first time ? Do I have to refresh your memory ?” “You don’t” he said “But you should understand where I am coming from, that sonogram says 15 weeks. Either of us could be the father, I’m not saying I’m not taking responsibility because I am but it’d be better if you could be sure” The question hung in the air, sharp and painful. “Sidney, I would never do that to you. I’m sure.”
He looked away, his mind racing. “I just can’t help but wonder. This is all so complicated.”
She felt tears prick her eyes, the weight of doubt pressing down on her. “I understand it’s a lot to take in, but I love you. I thought we were building something here. I know this child is yours, I know it”
“Yeah, but love doesn’t change biology,” Sidney said quietly, almost to himself.
She reached for his hand, desperation creeping in. “I need you to trust me. We can figure this out together.”
For a moment, he met her gaze, the conflict evident in his eyes. But she could see the walls starting to build, brick by brick, as doubt settled in. “I just need time” Sidney finally said, pulling away “I have so much to figure out right now, I just….I can’t do this. I can’t” “Sidney you can’t do this to me, I’m telling you I know this baby is yours” Cece sniffled “I know it, please don't do this. Don’t leave me like this” “I’m not leaving” he shook his head “I just need to think about things”
The room felt heavy with unspoken tension, and she knew she had to make him understand.“Sidney, please,” Cece said, her voice wavering. “You have to believe me. This is your child, not Nate’s.”
“I know how this ends, you promised me this wouldn’t happen. You told me you loved me and that you’d do things right” she cried “You can’t do this to me” “I just need to get myself together” he whispered “I’ll call you when I can, just…just lay low”
Cece watched him retreat into his thoughts, her heart breaking as she realized the path ahead was going to be much harder than she had hoped ***********************
3 Weeks Later
The 18 week mark had been hell, more than that actually. No matter what or how she ate, she somehow always ended up puking in the toilet. She always heard the second trimester would be harder but in her case it seemed nearly impossible. Her breasts were already swollen, she was showing a tiny bit but she somehow felt like she was wearing a watermelon around her stomach
“Cece, you’ve barely touched your food” Nate commented as she came back out of the bathroom and joined him “You alright ?”
“Yeah just…that salad didn’t hit like I wanted it to” Cece shook her head
“Maybe because you’re pregnant and you should actually eat food and not lettuce like some animal ?” he tried to joke
Cece gave him a weak grin and took a bit out of her chicken. She had called him the day everything went down and told him the news and by surprise he was more concerned than upset. After some talking he had invited her to go over to Colorado since she could still fly, just to see each other in person and talk “I think I’m gonna go back to my hotel room and sleep, I don’t feel good” she said after some silence Nate nodded “I’ll go with you, you sure you don’t wanna go to like an urgent care or something ?” Cece shook her head “No, it’s just sickness it’s all okay. My dr said every trimester was different was for everyone, this one’s just kicking my ass is all” she nodded as he paid and walked with her “I’m just glad I can walk today” “I’m sorry it’s been tough” Nate said softly “That’s not good” “I’m sorry you’re somehow dragged into this” she said back “It was nice of you to invite me out here, I appreciate it” He grinned “Sure” “I feel like you’re holding back on wanting to say something” Cece admitted as they got back in her room “Whatever it is say it” Nate sighed as he took a seat on a chair by her bed “I think it’s really shitty that Sidney’s not really communicating with you. But listen, I like you a lot, I wish that baby was mine. I really do. It’s not fair” “Thanks now I feel shittier” Cece whispered “Mission accomplished, can you leave now” “Cece,” he said gently, interrupting her thoughts. “I know this is a lot for you to handle. But… I want you to know that you’re not alone in this.”
She stopped and looked at him, uncertainty flickering in her eyes. “Nate, I appreciate that, but you don’t have to feel obligated. This isn’t your responsibility.”
He stepped closer, determination in his voice. “I’m not doing this out of obligation. I want to help. I want to be there for you and the baby.”
Cece shook her head “But… I’m not even sure what this means for us. You know right now I can’t commit to you and  I didn’t plan this, and—”
“I get it,” Nate interrupted softly. “But that doesn’t change the fact that you need support right now. No matter who the father is, this child deserves someone who cares and I care, I care about you a lot”
“I want Sidney to care” she whispered “I want him to call and text me and tell me he cares. I want him to tell me he’ll be there for me”
“I don’t get why he doesn’t” he admits “It’s a shitty thing to do to you, you don’t deserve that”
She wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her sweater and shrugged “He said he needs time that he can’t do this right now and how he needs me to be sure it’s his. I’ll text him and he’ll take hours to respond with the shortest answers. I’ll call him and it goes straight to voicemail. He just doesn’t wanna hear from me…Jacqueline texted me though”
Nate shook his head “Of course she did”
“She said her offer still stands, I might take it” she admits quietly
Part of her felt cheap for even thinking of taking the money, she didn’t need it technically. She had a good savings account and was prepared for anything but seeing as there was a chance she truly would never see them again she felt like she should take the money
“It’s a lot of money” he nodded “I don’t blame you if you do, if I were in your situation I would to but….remember my offer still stands”
She met his eyes and sighed “I’m not gonna accept your help and money when this child isn’t yours Nate, I can’t and won’t do that to you. You don’t deserve that”
“How…how are you so sure it’s his ?” he whispered “What if it’s really mine ? What if by some miracle it’s mine ?”
“I just know….I just know” Cece murmured “I know I sound crazy but I know it’s his”
“You don’t sound crazy, you sound…in love” he admitted
“I’m moving back to New York” she looked at him “I told my parents a shortened story and they’re insisting I move back. I can’t be in Pittsburgh, I just can’t. I already emailed my 2 weeks notice and moved into a new apartment on the other side of town for the time being but…I know I need to leave” “Whoa that’s far” Nate said “You’re just gonna leave ? You’re not gonna tell Sidney ?” “I just told you he won’t talk to me, he doesn’t care about me. He doesn’t care about this baby so why should I tell him I’m moving ? I need to watch out for myself and this child, I’m almost at that halfway mark. I need to stop having a pity party and get my life together” she sniffled “And I know you’re gonna offer your help again but please….just don’t” “Okay” he nodded “But it still stands so if you change your mind, you know where to find me” She kissed his cheek “Whoever ends up with you in life is gonna be so lucky” “Thanks” he chuckled “I’ll let you get some rest, I’ll come back up and get you for dinner later. Text me if anything” She stood up to walk to him the door and stopped as she felt a cramping feeling “Oh….that hurts” The moments that followed were a total blur and when she woke up she was in a hospital bed, her mind raced as she slowly tried to sit up and groaned “What happened ?” “Hey….easy” Nate whispered “Don’t use too much force” “What happened ?” she looked at him nervously  “Did I….Did I lose the baby ?” He shook his head “No no, the baby is okay. You just had what the doctor said was a threatened miscarriage, he was able to control everything and the baby is all good” Cece let out a sigh of relief “Thank god, wow….um…thanks for bringing me, you saved my life Nate, you did.” He gave her a shrug “I did what I hoped any other person would do, I’m just glad you’re okay and that you two are all good, kid’s strong…I got to hear the heartbeat…they thought I was the dad” he admitted with a blush She smiled softly “I can’t wait to hear it when the doctor comes back in the room, it’s the one thing I’ve been looking forward to the most. I told myself that I wouldn’t find out the gender till after they were born” “That’ll be cool” he grinned 
Things were quiet after that, she fell back asleep for a bit as he stayed in his chair waiting until the doctor made his round back to her. She wouldn’t admit it but she was scared, nervous even. When the doctor came back inside she did her best to sit up as they scanned her stomach and showed her the sonogram “Wow” Cece whispered “That’s a good heartbeat” “An excellent one” the doctor smiled “Now after today I suggest you rest, no getting up unless you need to. Take it easy Ms.Harper, pregnancies should be easy not stressful. I won’t put you on bedrest but I do suggest not partaking in anything stressful, do it for your baby and yourself. A calm and happy mom mean a calm pregnancy” “Thank you sir” Cece gave him a grin as he walked out, she gently sat up as she checked her phone and once again there was nothing from Sidney. Nothing at all. She didn’t expect anything but it still hurt her “Cece” Nate interrupted “You should stay with me, this is further proof you need to. I won’t feel okay if you leave back to Pittsburgh, you have no one there. At least here you have me, I’ll be around and then you can go to New York” he said softly “Please”
“Okay” she finally gave in ‘Okay….I’ll stay here with you for a bit but I ask of one thing from you” “You name it” Nate nodded “You don’t tell Sidney at all” Cece looked at him “I’m changing my phone number, I don’t want any contact with him whatsoever. You just tell him that you don’t know where I am if he asks you” She waited for him to disagree instead he held her hand and kissed her forehead, the only confirmation she needed ************** 
A Month Later- 22 weeks pregnant
Agony. Pain. Hurt.
There was no other way to describe what Sidney was feeling. He had been in hell as far as he was concerned. He hadn’t spoken or seen Cece in 7 weeks, after he declined her calls and gave her short answers in their texts she had stopped reaching out all together. He knew he was in the wrong, he knew he had hurt her and he hated himself for it but as selfish as it may have seemed he thought he was doing the right thing “Here” Jacqueline handed him a contract as they sat in his office “It’s an NDA for if that child Cecelia’s pregnant with is actually yours, it says you’ll give her a lump sum of $15 million and that you’re choosing to terminate your parental rights which means your name will not be on the birth certificate nor will she be allowed to use your last name. And that there should be no contact from the child until they are of legal age to do so” “If that child is mine I want to see him or her whenever I please” Sidney ripped up the contract “I’ll raise it and you know what ? Fuck you” “Excuse me ?” Jacqueline whispered “Watch how you speak to me”
“You got in my head, you and your stupid thoughts” he looked at her “That kid is mine, I know it is. I know it, I let you get in my head and now she won’t speak to me. It’s like she’s dropped off the face of the earth. No calls or texts, no voicemail. I have no idea where she’s at, she’s not with Nate. I had people see and nothing. She’s not in New York either, she’s gone. She’s just….gone”
“Oh please don’t start with your woe is me bullshit when you literally told her you couldn’t be with her if she couldn’t guarantee the kid was yours. You left her high and dry, you’re the one who was ignoring her for weeks when she was trying to talk to you” Jacqueline reminded him reluctantly “You showed her the kind of man you are, I hate that you’re making me defend her”
“I was in shock” he defended “I was in shock and it was a lot that day”
“I don’t even like Cecelia and I could even admit you treated her like absolute shit. I mean granted she deserved it” she shrugged “I would’ve killed you honestly”
Sidney shot daggers at her “You do realize I asked my lawyer to draft up divorce papers right ?”
Jacqueline let out small breath “And like always I’m way ahead of you” she picked up another folder and took out the documents “We didn’t sign a prenup when we married, which means I am entitled to half of your assets, not to mention when we go to court and I show proof of infidelity and the fact that you’re away for half the year essentially will absolutely leave me with sole physical custody of the boys…you’ll have a nice weekly visitation though don’t worry and of course this home is mine, as are the two homes we have in Canada, the house in Montana, and the penthouse in Miami. I want it all.”
“You can’t do that to me” Sidney shook his head “We didn’t sign a prenup but those are my assets, I worked really hard for that Jacqueline and I deserve custody too. They’re my children too, you can’t do this to me” “And what are you gonna tell the boys if that kid is yours ? You gonna tell them the truth ? That you cheated on their mother ? That they have a new brother or sister ? Tell me, what are you gonna tell them ?” she asked “I’d love to know Sidney” He stayed quiet and looked down, he hadn’t thought about what would happen after. How he would break such sensitive news to the boys. How this would affect them and traumatize them at such a young age “I take it you didn’t think about the bigger picture ?” Jacqueline took a sip of her coffee “See, this is why you should’ve kept your dick in your pants and looked at Cece from afar like a decent man.” “She’s different, she’s perfect inside and out. I felt drawn to her” Sidney said back “You wouldn’t know that feeling now would you” Her face hardened at his words “You’re slower than I initially thought, must be all those concussions you took. Maybe that’s why you’re a mediocre player now, you’re quite literally fucked in the head” “You are-” “Evil ? A bitch ? Listen I’m not the one who cheated on their wife, ignored time with their children to go make another and then dumped a pregnant girl who doesn’t know who the father of their kid is. That’s you and little miss homewrecker, all I’m doing is protecting myself. You’ve left me no choice Sidney”He sighed “You know this doesn’t have to be this way”
“Oh but it does” Jacqueline looked at him “I’ve been too nice in the past, naive even. I put you above everyone and everything and the one time I wanted to do something for myself you decide you don’t like it so you have an affair. Now I know why you were so on edge sometimes, why you took longer at practice, why your phone was constantly in your pocket and of course why you were so mad I took the boys to vegas”
“You and I had been on thin ice” he whispered “It was wrong….I know it was wrong but she just…she brought a different light back to my life, things had been so bad with us. I know it was wrong and that I shouldn’t have done it but she just made me realize I wanted something different. I wanted to feel alive”
Jacqueline didn’t realize she was crying as she heard him speak, she gently wiped her eyes with a napkin and nodded “I see, well that was your choice and you decided on that. I just don’t don’t understand how you could be with her knowing you were hurting me. I knew you didn’t like me but I….I never thought you’d actually hurt me” “Don’t cry” he murmured “Please” “15 years of my life” she sniffled “I was with you through some of your worst moments, moments where you didn’t even want to exist anymore. Moments where I made sure you ate, that you showered and that you were in a good headspace and that you knew things were going to be okay when I didn’t even know if they’d be okay. I was freshly out of college with my dreams put aside to make sure you could go back and do what you loved. You wanted kids later and I agreed. I put my life on hold for you, my best years wasted” she said through shaky breaths
 “Then I got pregnant and I find out I’m carrying not only 2 children but one of them has this disability that I’ve never even heard of, that his life might be different compared to his brothers and you get annoyed that I wanna do everything in my power to make his life as normal as possible. I get told I do too much and I’m so uptight and that I’m doing wrong by him. I’m navigating it the best I can, trying to be a good mother and wife all so you can go be the poor emotionally neglected and sexually deprived husband with a mean wife to some girl who looks at you with stars in her eyes” Jacqueline looked at him 
 “You act like a completely different person with me now and while I don’t know where stand as a couple, I just know I love you” Jacqueline shook her head and reached for his hand “I’m willing to put in the work if you are. Life has thrown us worse things and we’re still standing. If you’re willing to work on us then I am too, I won’t speak of her again.” Sidney felt a tear slide down his cheek as he took in her words, despite them going at each other's throats he couldn’t deny he still loved her deep in his heart. Jacqueline was a comfort, she knew all of him and even if he had hurt her he truly couldn’t imagine a life without her for some reason. He knew Cece mattered but there was no point if she had iced him out. He had done what he could, he did love Cece too but right now he was focused on his family He held Jacqueline’s hand and kissed it as he scooted closer to her and hugged her. He wanted them to work but he also wanted Cece to just answer him. He wanted to see her, to talk to her, to clear things up but he knew it couldn’t happen
“How are we gonna know if this is gonna work ?” he asked “Because I’m me and you’re you, we’re not quitters” she looked at him with small grin 
Sidney chuckled with a sniffle as he leaned into his chair. Life wasn’t in his favor but he’d do what he needed to do to make it better
************ 1 Year Later Cece smiled as she held her son in her arms and showed him his reflection in her compact mirror as she waited with him at a nearby restaurant in Denver “That’s you, that’s Jude” she cooed at the 8 month old “Jude and mommy” “I made it just in time” a voice interrupted “It’s only been a month since you’ve seen us” she chuckled as she stood up to greet him and handed Jude over “He looks the same, nothing different I promise. He’s still super cute and perfect”
Nate grinned as he picked him up “Oh man he’s even chunkier now” he smoothed his hair “Hey buddy…you remember me ?”
“Of course he does, he recognized your voice” she grinned, watching them “Aww he’s smiling at you Nate, see he knows you”
Nate smiled as he held him, Jude was Sidney’s carbon copy but that didn’t matter to him at all. He was still a perfect baby, he could see bits of Cece in him but for the most part he had to admit Jude was 99.9% all Sidney as far as looks. He had his eyes, his lips, his hair, he even smiled like him sometimes. It was like he was holding a mini Sidney in his arms, Jude resembled him way more than his other 2 sons.
“So” Cece interrupted his thoughts “How’s stuff going ? I’m glad you have a small break”
“Season’s going great” he grinned “All good thankfully, how about you ?”
“Work is nice” she nodded
Soon after spending some time in Colorado she finally moved back to New York and settled on her own in Brooklyn and got a job at newspaper writing for the entertainment column. It was different and calm, something she so desperately needed. Being able to give birth with her family by her side made up for everything bad she had lived, times were getting better and now with Jude with her she felt at peace finally “I miss you here permanently but I bet Brooklyn is cool too” Nate grinned “Any chance I can get you to move back ?” Cece chuckled “I have a really good job, my family is near and I like my new life there so no. But I do miss you, and so does he” she looked at Jude “He’s so cuddly lately” “He’s cuddly because I’m holding him” Nate smirked “He missed me” “He sure did, facetime isn’t enough” she took a bite of her food “You know he grabs my phone now and hands it over to me, because he knows that’s how he sees you” “Because he’s the smartest baby alive” he cooed “Aren’t you buddy ?”
“Are you gonna steal my son ?” Cece laughed
“I just might” Nate teased “He’s so cute, seriously how is he so big now ? He looks 2”
She sipped her water quietly. She knew he didn’t mean it that way but it’s how she took it. Jude was essentially Sidney reborn, when he was put on her chest after he was born she looked at him once and just knew. As the days and weeks went by she would often just stare at him and see just how much he resembled Sidney. It brought her sadness at first, he was now a permanent reminder of him. Rather than dwell on the past she focused on the good that was ahead
“So…what are your plans ?” Nate asked “I was thinking maybe we could go out later….just dessert somewhere”
She sighed “I can’t, I still breastfeed him at night. He cluster feeds and doesn’t take the bottle at all. We're in a little regression but I’m hoping the dark hotel lighting will help him sleep. Don’t let those dark curls and gummy smile fool you, he keeps me up at night now”
“You should’ve stayed with me, you could’ve had your old room but you insisted on a hotel” he brought up “I could handle some baby cries you know, it’s not a big deal”
Cece grinned “I know but I just felt better in a hotel, plus you have a game in 2 days and I don’t want you not getting enough sleep”
“I guess I won’t argue about that, but how about after he has his afternoon nap we go for a walk ? The lights downtown are really nice this time of year, he’d like that” he pet Jude’s cheek “Wouldn’t you buddy ?”
“Dadadada” Jude babbled and clapped excitedly In that moment she felt her stomach flip as she felt her face pale almost immediately “I’m so sorry about that, I swear I don’t know where he got that from. He’s only ever babbled mama, I’ve never ever heard him say dada, I have no idea where he could’ve heard that” she rambled “It’s fine…it is” Nate said softly “Listen…I’ve thought about things, I’ve had time and…well, what’s stopping us from taking the next step ? I think I’ve proven myself worthy to you. You know I like you more than a friend, you know you can trust me and that I care about Jude. Why don’t we give this a shot Cece ?” “Nate I’m not ready for that” she admitted “I’m not, and I’m sorry if I’ve given you any indication that I have but-” “You haven’t” he shook his head “It’s me, this is all me. I’m saying this because I want to and because I know that we could have a family. No one has to know, we keep things private” “I have a life that’s just me and Jude” Cece explained “And I really really like it, it’s calm and it’s nice. I don’t have room in my heart for you….not in the way you want me to have. I like you and I consider you a close friend and I hope we’ll forever be friends but right now, I can’t accept that nor can I offer that to you” “I can wait” Nate gave her a small grin “I’m patient” “I wish he was yours. I really do” she admitted in a whisper “Life would’ve been so nice, so much better” He nodded “Part of me really wanted that too, but it’s okay. It doesn’t matter to me, I really really like you and I really like him and I just want you to know that. I’ll wait months if you need me to, I just wanna be with you and Jude” She sighed softly “I gotta put him down for his nap but I’ll take that offer for later, meet me at my hotel lobby by 6” “You got it” Nate smiled as he kissed Jude’s cheek and handed him back over “See you soon” She waved him goodbye as she put Jude in his stroller and walked back towards the lobby, she was on her way to the elevator when someone bumped into her 
“Oh god I’m so….Cece ?” “Mr Letang” Cece whispered turning back around “Wow um….hello, so-so nice to see you” “How are you ?” he grinned “And call me Kris please, wait…my goodness did you have a baby ?” he bent down to look at the stroller “He’s adorable” “I…I did” she said softly “This is my son….Jude” “Look at him” Kris smiled as he held his little hand “Hey little guy, you’re a cutie” Cece looked around nervously, she knew a home game for Nate meant an opposing team visiting but she had no idea it would be the penguins of all teams. She watched as Kris happily entertained Jude who was more than content “Now I get why you left so soon without a goodbye” Kris mentioned “Everyone was so sad to hear you left so suddenly, you’re greatly missed. The ladies and kids miss you, so does the staff and of course all of us. It’s not the same without you there helping out” “How sweet, believe me I miss you guys too” she whispered “But um..it was nice seeing you again, have a great game” “Wait I see Sid” he looked up “Hey man look who’s here, come say hi” She breathed slowly as she heard his familiar voice approach them, when she turned around she could see his face just drop “Cecelia ?” Sidney whispered “Wh-what are you doing here ?” “Visiting a friend” she answered quietly as she pulled up the stroller canopy to cover Jude’s face from him “Listen I’d love to chat but my baby needs a nap and I run a tight schedule, have a nice rest of your day” “I’ll tell Catherine I saw you” Kris smiled as he waved goodbye at her It was like a bad dream come true for Cece, she walked away quickly and got in the elevator as she felt her eyes water. It had been way too long but never did she think she’d feel that way over seeing Sidney again. She quickly got in her room and did her best to calm down, she felt a whirl of emotions go through her as she took Jude out his stroller and fed him
“Hi lovie” she whispered and kissed his forehead “It’s okay, it’s just me”
When he finished she burped him and laid him down for his nap in his pack and play, she knew what was coming. It was like deja vu from a year before when she heard a gentle but loud knock on her door
“You need to leave immediately” Cece said as she answered “I’m not playing, I will literally beat you down to a pulp with my bare hands if you move in inch towards me”
“I wanna see…please let me see the baby” Sidney whispered “Please….”
“No” she said sternly “Now get out before I call security”
“Cece….please let me see that baby” he pleaded desperately “Please, I’m begging you to let me see them. I’ll see them and I’ll leave”
She sighed and stepped aside as she let him in, hesitation was written all over his face as he walked behind her slowly. She walked him up to the pack and play and let out a deep breath, all the words she had wanted to tell him suddenly were gone. All she felt now was pure sadness
“It’s….it’s a boy” Sidney whispered as he crouched down
“Yeah” Cece whispered “It’s a boy”
“What’s his name ? How many months is he ?” he asked
“His name is Jude…Jude Harper” she nodded “He’s 8 months”
Sidney stood up as he just looked at him. All those months he wondered and wondered where she was and if she was okay and here she was, now with a baby. His baby. He could feel his eyes well up as he looked at Jude peacefully sleeping away
“He’s….He’s perfect” he murmured “He’s a perfect baby”
“You can leave now” Cece said
“No” Sidney shook his head “Cece…this is my son, this our son”
“He’s mine” she looked in his eyes, staring him down “Don’t you dare call him yours, you understand me ? He is my son, my child. He’s not yours. You lost that privilege the moment you questioned me and didn’t contact me. Jude is mine and mine only” “You don’t understand how hard that was” Sidney whispered “How I beat myself up for it for months but then I tried reaching out and it’s like you disappeared. I looked everywhere for you, I did everything I could and I couldn’t find you Cecelia. I did everything I could” “Yeah okay” Cece nodded “Sure” “Please understand me, let’s talk. I’ll tell you everything” Sidney tried holding her hand, wincing as she snatched it back, almost recoiling from his touch “I’m begging you” “No” she answered coldly “Leave my room now, I don’t wanna see you ever again” “You can’t do this to me” Sidney whispered “Cece please” he got on his knees “Please let me talk to you” “Get up” Cece spoke in a hushed tone “You’re embarrassing yourself and quite frankly you’re pissing me off and if it weren’t for MY son in this room you’d be screaming in pain from the absolute ass whooping I’d be giving you” “I’m sorry” Sidney croaked out “I’m so so sorry I did that to you. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you and that I wasn’t there for you and that I didn’t answer you when you’d call or text me. I was so selfish, so incredibly selfish and I realized it too late” She didn’t know what to say or do as she took a seat on the corner of her bed and just looked straight ahead “A part of me died that day, I thought you loved me. I thought that you’d be by my side supporting me and instead you ask if I’m sure you’re the father, you tell me you need time. That it’s too much” “Cece-”
“I know what I did wrong, I know it was wrong to sleep with a married man and have an affair but you told me you were asking her for a divorce. You strung me along for months telling me you just needed the right time. You slept with me every single opportunity you had telling me you loved me and how different I was and how you knew you belonged with me. How you saw a future with me and knew I was the one” Cece repeated his own words “And the second I have something terrifying happen you tell me how you’re not sure it’s even yours and how you need time…how dare you do that to me ?” Sidney gulped and opened his mouth to speak “I….I’m sorry”
“Sorry doesn’t cut it” she shook her head and wiped the corners of her eyes “I loved you, I was so in love with you. I was ready to do anything and everything to be with you. To face the whole world and its wrath, to ruin myself just to be with you because I loved you that much. I just wanted to be with you, I didn’t expect a perfect family or a fairytale. I knew reality Sidney. I knew you had your other sons to look after and be there for and I respected that. I never ever thought you’d leave me the way you did Sidney, that hurt more than anything. I was devastated for weeks. I almost lost Jude from how depressed and stressed out I was” At this point tears were streaming down her face without stopping but she needed to continue “It was then that I realized that you just weren’t who I thought you were. I laid in that hospital bed knowing that if you didn’t reach out to me then there was no point in me reaching out to you ever again. I knew I needed to focus on being healthy and being in a good state of mind for my pregnancy and I did a pretty nice job at it and I continue to do an amazing job. I don’t want you nor do I need you and I don’t want you in his life either” “I can’t walk away from you again, I can’t walk away from him…I can’t do that” he murmured “Why ? You’re really good at walking away” she said to him “This won’t be any different Sidney.” He closed his eyes at the insult and nodded “I understand I hurt you but…I’ll do whatever you want me to do” “There’s nothing you could ever do that will make me forgive you” Cece answered “You can die for all I care” she looked in his eyes “You’ve basically already been dead to me anyways” “This isn’t who you are, how could you say such evil things” Sidney whispered hurt “You’re acting like a completely different person” 
“I’m not acting like a completely different person” Cece responded “You’ve just never known me when I’m not in love with you and quite frankly thank god I now can realize that it was all some act” The words cut like knives through his heart, the person he knew and had grown to love was long gone and it hurt him. He was about to walk away when he heard Jude stir and wake up, he turned his head and watched him rub his eyes with his tiny firsts and sit up “It’s still nap time” Cece said softly changing her tone and walking over to him as she picked him up “You gotta sleep more, it’s only been an hour Jude” Sidney walked over and looked at him, his big brown eyes meeting his own, pointing to him and then giving him a smile  “H-Hi there” he whispered giving him a small wave and getting one in return “Can you leave now” Cece said “I need to get him back down for the rest of his nap”
Sidney glanced down at the baby in her arms. Jude had big, curious eyes and a tuft of dark hair. His heart swelled. “Can I… can I hold him?” “Fine” Cece replied, her voice quiet shifting slightly, as if unsure how to bridge the distance between them.
She hesitated, then nodded slowly, her gaze flickering with a mix of emotions. She gently passed Jude to him, her fingers brushing against Sidney’s as she did
 He felt an electric spark at that brief touch, but he pushed it aside, focusing on the child. Jude squirmed a little in his arms, his eyes studying Sidney’s face. “Hey there, buddy,” Sidney murmured, his voice filled with warmth. The sight of Jude stirred a deep sense of connection within him, but he could feel the weight of the past pressing down on them.
Cece watched silently, her expression unreadable “Can this be done now ?” she asked after a few minutes “Cece this is my son too, you can’t just expect me to walk out and never see him again. We can work something out” he said “I can talk to Jacqueline, I can-” She simply shrugged “You’re gonna win anyways so I might as well let you. I don’t have your kind of money or power that can help me out in court in a custody case” “Cece I would never…” he shook his head “I don’t believe a word you say, everything about you is a total farce. What I expect is a call or letter to my lawyer's office soon. I don’t want any outside contact with you at all, it will all be done with a handler on my behalf. I don’t want child support either. The only thing I will allow you to have is visitation and you better tell your lawyer that because if you want more then that’s when it’ll get ugly for you.”
“I realize that now,” he said, his voice shaky “I can’t change the past, but I want to be here for both of you moving forward. I want to prove to you that I’m committed to being a father.” he handed Jude back to her, who then cuddled into her neck as he fell back asleep instantly in her arms “I won’t let him or you down” “This is my lawyer’s email” she scribbled it down on a notepad “If you reach out , I’ll hear from him and he’ll handle the rest” He took the piece of paper and walked out of the room without another word being said. Seeing her was a feeling he thought he’d never have again, one that made him feel nervous all over. Just looking at Cece made his heart race, even if she did hate him now he still loved her and wanted her. She was his opposite, she balanced him out. She now had a piece of him. Even with things being better with Jacqueline he knew he had to make the toughest decision ever, one that could change his life forever but for Cece and now Jude he was willing to do it as long as he could make sure his two boys were okay first.
As soon as he left the room she put Jude back down and  took out her phone and called Nate “When the hell were you going to tell me the opposing team were the penguins ?”
“Cece I swear I didn’t even realize it” Nate said quickly “I’m so sorry, are you okay ?”
“Really you didn’t realize it ? You didn’t realize the team with the father of my child was gonna be in town to play your team  at the same time I was here visiting you ? Yeah I call bull” Cece snapped “How could you do this to me ? He saw me, he saw Jude and now I have to deal with lawyers and hope he doesn’t want custody. How could you do this to me ? I thought I could trust you ?”
“I didn’t even realize it” he said “I didn’t I swear, hockey was the last thing on my mind. All I cared about this whole month was seeing you and Jude again. You have to believe me”
“I don’t.” she answered “I don’t believe a word out of your mouth”
Nate rubbed his face “You should, I’ve never done you wrong Cece. I never told him where you were or that I still talked to you. I’ve been there for you, I’ve proven myself and just because Sidney lied to you doesn’t mean I will”
She let out a dry chuckle “How long have you been waiting to use that line ?”
“I….I didn’t mean it that way Cece” he whispered “You know me”
“No I thought I did Nate and like always I’m wrong. I never want to speak to you again” she said as she hung up on him
As soon as he heard that click he raced over to her hotel, he was sure he ran some red lights on the way but he was desperate. He stood in front of the hotel room door, heart racing as he watched Cece pack her things in a hurried frenzy. The tension in the air was thick, and he could see the hurt in her eyes.
“Cece, wait,” he said, his voice a mix of desperation and sadness
 She paused but didn’t turn to face him “Just let me go, Nate. I can’t do this right now,” she replied, her voice trembling.
“No,” he insisted, stepping closer. “You don’t understand. I can’t let you leave like this.”
She finally turned, frustration flashing across her features. “And what do you want me to do? Pretend everything is fine after that mess?”
Nate took a deep breath, steadying himself. “I want to be honest with you. I messed up, and I’m sorry. But I can’t keep pretending that I don’t care about you… and about Jude.”
Her eyes softened at the mention of her son, and he seized the moment to step closer. “I love you, Cece. I love you and Jude. I know I didn’t say it before, but I’ve realized it more and more every day. You both mean everything to me.”
For a moment, silence hung between them. Cece’s expression shifted, torn between anger and something deeper. “Nate, this isn’t just about you and me. It’s about Jude too. I can’t drag him into something that might hurt him.”
“I understand,” he said, his voice earnest. “But I promise you, I won’t hurt either of you. I want to be a part of your lives. I want to help you raise Jude. I want to be there for you, every step of the way.”
She looked down, biting her lip, and he could see the walls she’d built beginning to crack. “It’s complicated and it’s only going to be worse now with Sidney knowing”
“I know it is,” he replied, taking another step forward. “But I’ll be there, for you and for Jude. I’ll do whatever it takes to prove that I’m serious about this.”
Tears glistened in her eyes, and she finally met his gaze, vulnerability shining through. “I want to believe you, Nate I do but….but I need to be on my own”
“Just let me show you,” he said softly, reaching for her hand. “Please, just… don’t walk away.”
“I like you Nate, but I don’t know if I can love you” she whispered “But believe me when I say I want to so badly” “That’s good enough for me” he smiled softly as he pet her cheek, knowing he couldn’t kiss her “it’s all I ask for”
In that moment, she hesitated, the weight of his words hanging in the air. With a shaky breath, she reached up and kissed his cheek, a flicker of hope igniting inside of him while she just felt unsure. She knew who she loved deep down, but she also knew she was falling for Nate and wanted to love him so badly. She knew he was who she needed but he wasn’t who she wanted and that terrified her.
*A/N- if you read this, it’s so important to give feedback. I know you guys think likes are it but they’re not. Give feedback, interact, do something. If you’re new to this site learn how it works !!! Stop taking our content and not doing the bare minimum.
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thicksexyasswomen46 · 3 months ago
Take Your Time
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missjomarch · 2 months ago
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Hello my lovelies! I hope you had a fun and safe New Years Eve! I wanted to make a little post just showing my appreciation for the last year on Tumblr! I will admit that I am not the best at re-blogging posts that I love. Usually I'm reading between classes, assignments, or right before bed and don't often take the time to share my thoughts on some of the incredible literature on this site. With that being said, I wanted to make this post highlighting some of my favorite works, authors, and stories of 2024. As with all things of this nature, I am very sure some things got left out. This is in no way a comprehensive list of all the works I have enjoyed this year, but just a few I wanted to highlight. If I am in your likes or following, trust that I love and appreciate your presence. So without further ado...Here is Jay's 2024 Tumblr Favorites!
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First and foremost is my favorite (only) big sis, of course. If you have not stumbled upon @ladylooch 's blog yet, you are missing a vital part of life. Her AUs are a literal rabbit hole. I started reading about Nico Hischier and I am now emotionally invested in the lives of two original character's and their love story. I love everything B publishes, but this year she gave us a beautiful new story of love and loss, and exploring that world with her has been the highlight of my year. Head over to her blog and jump into an AU, literally any of them. You won't regret it.
@puck-luck...guys. Andy is INSANE!!!! Everything she puts out is delicious, but I specifically fell in love with her 'New Beginnings' series this year and cannot recommend it enough. I don't even like Trevor Zegras like that y'all, but Andy is a literary genius so I fell in love. I have to save her writing for when I am home & in bed because I WILLLLL have a physical reaction. I kiss your brain, Andy girl. Mwah mwah mwah.
@star2fishmeg and @wineauntie , MEG AND IVY! My (sub) Luke Hughes loves and the leaders of the sub! Luke agenda. GOD!! I love you. Your writing, of course. But I also love that you share my most unhinged sentiments about Mr. Baby Hughes. Check out their blogs, friends. The vibes are good and the writing is even better.
This next one...you guysssss...@tkwrites. TK's 'Snap Shot' series had me HOOKED all year. I love Sarah and Quinn. The emotional turmoil and angst mixed with the heartfelt romance is a complex masterpiece. PLEASE go check it out if you're a Quinn Hughes enjoyer, or an enjoyer of good fiction. Also sub! Quinn agenda!!!!
@theemporium!!! I eat up everything my girl Cece writes, but Luke and Cherry specifically had me by the throat this year. Go read 'The Mortifying Ordeal of Being a 20 Year Old Virgin' NOWWW! RIGHT NOW!!
@mikkomacko...you GENIUSSS. Mob Boss Nico Hischier. Need I say more? I don't think so. If I could have a real Tumblr wrapped, part 4 & 5 of that series would be my most reread fics for 2024 I promise you. The dynamic of Nico and reader, bestie Timo, baby Alex (RIP, give him back Vegas). It is all perfect girly pop. Everyone go read.
I started reading for Will Smith this year because @yankstrash and I cannot be normal about Boston College hockey. @peachhcs Will Smith AU gave me everything I needed and MORE. I can't decide if I want to be Samy or be WITH Samy. They are just sooo *heart eyes*. Also Sub! Will agenda. (Damn, can y'all see a pattern?) Em, I love you and your work. Keep it up lovely.
Alrighty, that about sums it up. I know there is a million more authors and fics I missed, but these have been in the forefront of my mind for a long while. I hope you have all had the best holidays, and here is to another great year of escaping reality with y'all in 2025!! MWAH!
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dimes-a-dozen21 · 2 years ago
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Ciera Cesar
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aliypop · 1 year ago
My Babe
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Word Count: 2,123
Writers Note: My first hardcore smut fic y'all! Thank @sissylittlefeather and my Graceland Trip for this masterpiece! I hope you all like it!
Pairing: POC OC x Elvis
Plot: It's 1971 and the Memphis Mob are hanging out in the TV room indulging in some delights of films until Mrs. Presley shows up.
Graceland 1971
The movie room had been a well-missed room. With Elvis on tour and his wife Cecelia home tending to Jesse and Elaine, he needed some time to hang out with his boys, the Memphis Mafia. Well, some of them, sitting in the mirror-tiled ceiling room, there was Joe, Jerry, Red, and Elvis, who was puffing on a cigarillo, the smell filling up the room burying itself deep into the carpet. But there was something else that the men were buried deep into the picture show on the projector. It was a porno that was lying around if you'd asked Elvis about it. It was just on the table when he'd gotten there. Usually, he'd hidden those things so the kids and his wife wouldn't find it.
"You ever do anything like that with C," Jerry asked as Joe and Red egged Elvis on for an answer, 
"It looks uncomfortable," Red commented, looking as the actors went on to do one of many positions 
"It is." He winked back, taking a long drag. 
"You're kidding?" Red questioned, but Elvis had that sly smile on his face that said everything without his lips moving, 
"E, you mean you've done that?!" Joe laughed as Elvis nodded,
"Pleasurable for her, though," Elvis smirked,
"Cece is a loud one..." Jerry mumbled as Red agreed.
"Listenin in gets you off or something?" Elvis glanced at Jerry,
"I've been on the plane with you two." Jerry smirked, "Not to mention. My God Niece and Nephew are what seven now?"
"You make a good point." Elvis rolled his eyes as his friends laughed at him. 
Coming down the stairs in her pink nightgown and heeled slippers were Cecelia. Though she'd never admit it, she always loved the mirrored ceiling staircase. Because it reminded her of the day they had first installed them and their "test" run view with them. Inching around the corner, Cecelia could hear the sounds of laughter and moans coming from the TV room. As she finally arrived, Cecelia tried not to hold in her laughter from the sight she saw. Cecelia tried to hold in her laughter as she heard Elvis and the boys had been in a heated debate.
"What'cha watching, boys?" 
Joe, Red, Jerry, and Elvis got quiet like little boys caught with their mother's lingerie magazines. 
"Mrs. Presley, We were uh!" Joe started out,
"How'd that even get up there?" Red laughed bashfully,
Jerry just stared at her as if he knew there was a setup of some kind. 
"B-Baby, you shouldn't be watchin this crap!" Elvis tried to find the remote to stop the movie. 
"Right, a lady like you shouldn't-"
"Well, of course not. After all, it's not like I wasn't the one who purchased it." Cecelia smirked as Elvis' eyes went wide, "Who'd you think bought it, surely not Red?" she smirked as Elvis glanced at her. The robe over her shoulders and the feverish hue on her tawny skin was she sending him a message.
"You're one dirty girl, C," Jerry commented,
"You just now figured that out." She chuckled as she sat on her husband's lap to watch the rest. Elvis could feel his pants getting tight and the blood rushing to his cock as her straps fell from her shoulders. 
"You should tell 'em to go," Cecelia whispered in his ear, her fingers in his sideburns. 
"But honey..."
"Elvis, I'm not wearing any panties... And not to mention, I've had to touch myself lately." 
"Mmm, is that so..." Cecelia nodded,
"Mhmm, dripping wet right now," her voice had a whimper in it. Elvis trailed his hand up her dress and in between her legs as he brushed a finger against her lips, slowly pulling his finger back from under. He had a boyish grin that was devilish.
"You know this was a great time, but-"
"E, you're not kicking us out!" Joe asked, "Jerry, it's getting good he's not kicking us out!"
"No, but I am, Joe, Red Jerry out!" Cecelia projected as they got up and scattered out,
"Bit rude, don't you think..." Elvis joked as she straddled him,
"Elvis Aaron Presley, I'm hot and bothered, and I need you to fuck me. None of that soft shit tonight, just pure grade-A sex." she pointed to the projector. Elvis touched her skin as it was feverish with lust, her body grinding on his thigh to get some friction. "
 Fuck baby, tell me what you need, baby."
"Uh- uh, you've... Ah~ been so bad, which means..." her body still grinding in a rhythm that was driving her on edge,
"Means what..." He shivered, feeling her wet slick through his pants
"You can't touch me til I say so." her breathing was getting thin, and her eyes were fluttering, 
" You ain't gonna last long, darlin." He whispered, bouncing his knee against her clit as she moaned louder, her hands on her breast as if she were trying to rip her own clothes off, 
"Elvis! Fa! Fa!Fa!" slipping the dress off her, he plunged his fingers deep inside her, massaging her G-spot as his other hand was around her breast, massaging and sucking on her nipple, giving it a bit of a nibble and tug as she erupted in a pleasurable scream. 
"What was that about til you say so?" Elvis smirked as he looked up at the ceiling. Her face was even more heavenly in its reflection. Lying her down on the couch, Elvis was between her thighs as he lapped at the bud of nerves with his tongue like a kitten needing milk. He wouldn't lie and say that this wasn't his favorite fruit he couldn't get from any store, but with his fingers and tongue deep in her pussy, he couldn't help but fall more in love with his wife, 
"ELVIS FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK ME!!!" was all he could hear in between her pulling his hair, glancing up she could see the sight that she'd forever have in her brain, Elvis between her thighs, eating like a man on death row, devouring her wet waters like a man who'd been thirsty for years, her legs squeezed around his head. But he didn't care. Elvis knew Cecelia was close to the light at the end of the tunnel. Watching as her eyes rolled back and legs shook, he'd begun to rub her lips and speed up his fingering and eating as she had soon squirted all over the couch.
"You okay, baby?'
"Good, cause I ain't done with you." zipping his pants, he took his cock out, stroking it some more to get it ready for Cecelia, who was now between his legs kissing his thighs as she focused all her attention on his pretty blue eyes. There was already loads of pre-cum on the tip, but Cecelia didn't mind. Her pretty lips were wrapped around the base as she bobbed her head to a steady rhythm. His head fell back on the couch as he looked up, almost finishing just from the sight of her on her knees, 
"Think you take it all down. baby." 
Cecelia nodded as she took a deep breath and deep throathed him. Her nose brushed against his balls as she massaged them with her free hand, 
"Fuck baby, you're doing so good." his hips sputtered as he got closer, "Mngh!" was the noise he made when he felt her swirling, her tongue in between his tip. It was as if she were sucking his soul from out of his cock. 
"Oh God!" his eyes rolled as he pumped thick streams of his cum down her throat, coating her tongue with a heavy amount of the nearly translucent fluid. 
"Open wide, baby." He commanded as she did so. "Good girl." he pulled her up, kissing her swollen lips. The two exchange their separate tastes with each other. 
Picking her up, he walked over to the bar. He had her facing forward toward the mirrors, "Look at yourself, baby. Is this what you want." He asked as she nodded, "Baby, I don't read head nods."
"Yes~" She moaned, feeling him slide his cock inside her slippery wet cavern. 
"Hold on tight." He ordered as he began a steady pace, her breast knocking into the yellow leather as his balls were knocking into her skin. Cecelia looked up, and she saw the fucked out look on her face. Mascara smudged, her eyes rolling back, and her curls ruffled up. 
"Look how sexed up you look, baby." he pulled her hair as he kept going, his pace faster, 
"Deeper! Harder, faster!" That was what she commanded until he pulled out and carried her to the wall towards the Jukebox, her legs straddled him as she was up against the wall, 
"Put me in darlin?" He asked as she did so, his hips driving into her as her nails dug into his back and her curses began to sound like sinful prayers. 
"SHIT, you feel so good," he began to rut in her until he carried her back to the couch, 
"Ride me?"
"Like your name was Charro." She smirked as Elvis reached for his Cigarillo again, taking another drag from it as she slowly began to bounce herself on his cock, his hand giving her a nice smack on the ass, telling her to go faster, blowing the smoke away from her face. Elvis put it back in his mouth until he felt it missing. Cecelia was bouncing faster, and his cock was brushing up on that familiar spot she loved so much. Hanging from her mouth was his beloved Cigarillo taking a big drag from it she sat it down inside the astray as she kissed him passing the smoke to him as her tongue wrapped around his. Pulling away slowly Cecelia felt his hands on her cheeks as he pulled her into another kiss, when she pulled away she was then leaning back almost into the position of the bridge as he began to ram himself inside her, 
"Baby you're so... Fuck! Sexy!" 
"Does this turn you on?" her fingers fiddling with her sensitive clit as she kept riding him, he had begun to lick his thumb placing it there to give her more pleasure, 
"Yes oh God yes," he groaned as he kissed her neck and bit down. Changing the position Elvis was lying down as she was still going, her breast bouncing in his face, reaching to grab them he squeezed and pulled on them, 
"You know these are mine right?"
"All of me is baby."
"Good." He said both of them were breathing harder as the coil in her stomach was getting near, she could feel the hot sensation of his cum shoot inside her "as she collapsed on his, a grin on his face, 
"Come on Angel I know you got one more in you."
"El..." her eyes were glossy, but there she was on her knees his cock between her breast as she began to rub him down with them, with the tip would hit near her mouth she'd open and lick the pre-cum off him as she'd nearly slurped him down. 
"Baby more." his eyes caught sight of hers. The way the curve of her breasts simply drove him insane. He couldn't help but believe that he was the most blessed man to have his own pornstar hidden in his wife, 
"Can't get this kind of lovin from those movies, can you?" she smirked as Elvis shook his head,
"I can't read head nods, darlin." 
"N-N Oh fuck faster!" he growled as she blushed hard,
"Good boy," She smirked, peppering his cock with kisses and love bites, 
"Getting closer, sugar?"
"C-C- Cece!" he began to shake as ropes of cum decorated her perky breast, a laugh escaping her lips as Elvis blushed,
"Baby, I'm sorry I didn't mean to,"
"Shush... It was sexy..." taking her fingers as she licked some of it off, like frosting from a cake. 
"You give me fever doll. a hot blistering fever." he laughed. Walking down the hall he grabbed a towel and cleaned them both off as they were lying on the couch now watching the news. Elvis was buried deep inside her his hands on her waist as she took a nice big sigh,
"Hey, can I get my jacket..."
"Jerry, you're still here!" Cecelia blushed, popping up from behind the couch."
"I'll come back tomorrow." Jerry sighed,
"That makes two of us," Elvis smirked, kissing Cecelia.
"Yeah Jerry."
"Shut the hell up." He sighed. "And put some clothes on Cece!"Elvis and Cecelia laughed.
"Sheesh guess someone's been getting railed by life lately..." Cecelia mumbled.
"I heard that!"
85 notes · View notes
alldancersaretalented · 8 months ago
Project 21 Solo Comp Results Season 9
Nuvo Meadowlands (September 29-October 1, 2024)
Junior Solos:
6th: Bristyn Scifres (Ode To The Blue)
7th: Berkeley Scifres (Interrogation Room)
Jump Las Vegas (October 20-22, 2023)
Mini Solos:
4th: Cece Chung (Copacobana)
Junior Solos:
3rd: Berkeley Scifres (L.O.V.E.)
4th: Bristyn Scifres (Little Secrets)
5th: Chloe Mirabal (Woman)
7th: Madelyn Nasu (This Will Be)
7th: Leilani Lawlor (Cold Hearted Snake)
Teen Solos:
1st: Gracyn French (Sillhouetted in Sunshine)
5th: Stella Eberts (Nebula)
5th: Richie Granese (Black Sea)
10th: Lilly Barajas (Bone Marrow Stem)
10th: Ally Choi (Echo)
Senior Solos:
3rd: Avery Reyes (I Dare You)
3rd: Sammi Chung (The Silent Word)
4th: Lexi Blanchard (Fame)
Nuvo Tulsa (October 27-29, 2023)
Senior Solos:
4th: Kami Couch (Red Desert)
5th: Katie Couch (NERA)
24Seven San Diego (October 27-29, 2023)
Mini Solos:
5th: Cece Chung (Copacobana)
6th: Aliya Yen (All That Jazz)
Junior Solos:
4th: Berkeley Scifres (L.O.V.E.)
5th: Bristyn Scifres (Little Secrets)
5th: Sara Von Rotz (Absolute Final Goodbye)
5th: Kira Lieberman (Awakening)
6th: Madelyn Nasu (This Will Be)
6th: Ellie Anbarden (Somebody Help Me)
7th: Leilani Lawlor (Cold Hearted Snake)
10th: Chloe Mirabal (Woman)
Teen Solos:
2nd: Gracyn French (Silhouetted In Sunshine)
3rd: Brooklyn Ladia (Sing It Back)
4th: Richie Granese (Black Sea)
5th: Ally Choi (Echo)
8th: Dillon Barron (Moon Song)
8th: Lilly Barajas (Bone Marrow Stem)
8th: Stella Eberts (Nebula)
9th: Brooklyn Lieberman (The Clock)
10th: Brielle Lieberman (Happiness)
Senior Solos:
2nd: Sammi Chung (The Silent Word)
YAGP San Diego (November 2024)
Pre-Competitive, Contemporary
3rd: Aliya Yen (Matrix)
Pre-Competitive, Classical
Didn't Place: Aliya Yen (Kitri Act III Don Quixote)
Didn't Place: Aliya Yen (Coppelia)
24Seven Chicago (November 3-5, 2023)
Teen Solos:
3rd: Gracyn French (Paul Is Dying)
Radix Anaheim (December 8-10,2024)
Mini Solos:
7th: Cece Chung (Copacobana)
Junior Solos:
5th: Sara Von Rotz (Absolute Final Goodbye)
10th: Leilani Lawlor (Cold Hearted Snake)
Teen Solos:
2nd: Gracyn French (Paul Is Dying)
5th: Richie Granese (Black Sea)
7th: Brooklyn Ladia (Sing It Back)
Didn't Place: Stella Eberts (Nebula)
Senior Solos:
2nd: Sammi Chung (The Silent Word)
24Seven Provo (January 18-20, 2024)
Teen Solos:
5th: Brooklyn Ladia (Sing It Back)
NYCDA Vancouver (January 19-21, 2024)
Junior Solos:
16th: Sara Von Rotz (Light Surrounds)
Nuvo Los Angeles (January 19-21, 2024)
Junior Solos:
4th: Leilani Lawlor (Taking Note)
5th: Berkeley Scifres (Cornet Man)
7th: Kira Lieberman (Awakening)
9th: Bristyn Scifres (Perderse)
Teen Solos:
2nd: Brielle Lieberman (Going Under)
3rd: Gracyn French (Pale Blue Sun)
4th: Ally Choi (Let's Fall)
7th: Richie Granese (The Way You Take Up Space)
Didn't Place: Brooklyn Lieberman (More Than One Time)
Senior Solos:
7th: Lexi Blanchard (Catching Smoke)
Nuvo Santa Clara (February 9-11, 2024)
Mini Solos:
1st: Aliya Yen (Before It Ends)
3rd: Cece Chung (Copacobana)
Junior Solos:
3rd: Sara Von Rotz (Light Surrounds)
4th: Regan Gerena (Heartburn)
Teen Solos:
3rd: Gracyn French (Pale Blue Sun)
5th: Stella Eberts (Nothing More Simple)
7th: Makeila Bartlett (Liquid Slow)
7th: Richie Granese (The Way You Take Up Space)
10th: Lilly Barajas (Falling Inwards)
10th: Brielle Lieberman (Going Under)
Senior Solos:
4th: Loila Rhee (Rework)
6th: Kami Couch (Volant)
6th: Sammi Chung (In One Ear)
8th: Avery Reyes (Tell Me Why)
10th: Katie Couch (Winding And Unwinding)
Didn't Place: Kenzie Couch (Siren)
Didn't Place: Lexi Blanchard (Fame)
KAR Redondo Beach (February 16-18, 2024)
Top Elite Solo 9-11:
4th: Cece Chung (Copacobana)
Top Elite Solo 12-14:
2nd: Chloe Mirabal (Woman)
Elite Miss Junior Dance:
2nd Runner-Up: Cece Chung (Copacobana)
Elite Miss Teen Dance:
1st: Chloe Mirabal (Woman)
Cece Chung: Elite Solo NYC All Stars, Elite Solo HDE All Stars
Chloe Mirabal: Elite Solo NYC All Stars, Elite Solo HDE All Stars
Seven Detroit (February 16-18, 2024)
Senior Solos:
5th: Kami Couch (Volant)
5th: Katie Couch (Winding And Unwinding)
6th: Kenzie Couch (Siren)
NYCDA Las Vegas (February 23-25, 2024)
Teen Solos:
15th: Ally Choi (Let's Fall)
YAGP San Diego (February)
Pre-Competitive, Contemporary
Didn't Place (Higher): Aliya Yen (Before It Ends)
Pre-Competitive, Classical
Top 12: Aliya Yen (Kitri Act III Don Quixote)
Top 12: Aliya Yen (Graduation Ball)
NYCDA Santa Clara (March 1-3, 2024)
Mini Solos:
3rd: Cece Chung (Copacobana)
Junior Solos:
2nd: Ellie Anbarden (Somebody Help Me)
3rd: Bristyn Scifres (It Cannot Be)
4th: Berkeley Scifres (Cornet Man)
10th: Kira Lieberman (Awakening)
13th: Chloe Mirabal (Woman)
Teen Solos:
3rd: Gracyn French (Paul Is Dying)
6th: Stella Eberts (Nothing More Simple)
14th: Airi Dela Ccruz (To Build A Home)
17th: Makeila Bartlett (Red Shadow)
19th: Dillon Barron (Beneath The Surface)
Senior Solos:
3rd: Sammi Chung (In One Ear)
4th: Kami Couch (Volant)
7th: Loila Rhee (Rework)
9th: Lexi Blanchard (Fame)
11th: Katie Couch (Winding And Unwinding)
15th: Kenzie Couch (Siren)
Radix Dallas (March 8-10, 2024)
Junior Solos:
3rd: Leilani Lawlor (Taking Note)
4th: Regan Gerena (Heartburn)
Teen Solos:
3rd: Stella Eberts (Nothing More Simple)
NYCDA Tulsa (March 8-10, 2024)
Teen Solos:
14th: Richie Granese (Black Sea)
Adrenaline Los Angeles (March 8-10, 2024)
Mini Solos:
3rd: Cece Chung (Move)
24Seven Anaheim (March 22-24, 2024)
Mini Solos:
1st: Aliya Yen (Mink, Schmink)
Junior Solos:
1st: Berkeley Scifres (Cornet Man)
1st: Sara Von Rotz (Champagne Taste)
1st: Ellie Anbarden (Somebody Help Me)
3rd: Bristyn Scifres (It Cannot Be)
3rd Regan Gerena (Heartburn)
Teen Solos
3rd: Gracyn French (El Tango De Roxanne)
4th: Richie Granese (Black Sea)
4th: Stella Eberts (Nothing More Simple)
10th: Leighton Werner (Back To Black)
Senior Solos:
3rd: Avery Reyes (Tell Me Why)
5th: Lexie Blanchard (Fame)
5th: Sammi Chung (In One Ear)
6th: Katie Couch (Winding And Unwinding)
6th: Kami Couch (Volant)
7th: Loila Rhee (Rework)
7th: Kenzie Couch (Siren)
Ultra Mesa (April 5-7, 2024)
Top Ultra Competitive 12-14 Solos:
9th: Chloe Mirabal (Woman)
24Seven Bellevue (April 5-7, 2024)
Mini Solos:
7th: Delaney Anbarden (Hollyrock)
Junior Solos:
4th: Leilani Lawlor (Taking Note)
Showcase Only Solo: Sara Von Rotz (Champagne Taste)
Showcase Only Solo: Ellie Anbarden (Somebody Help Me)
24Seven Glendale (April 19-21, 2024)
Mini Solos:
6th: Cece Chung (Copacobana)
Junior Solos:
1st: Bristyn Scifres (It Cannot Be)
2nd: Leilani Lawlor (Take Note)
6th: Regan Gerena (Over The Rainbow)
7th: Chloe Mirabal (Woman)
Teen Solos:
1st: Richie Granese (Nothing More Simple)
2nd: Brooklyn Ladia (The Middle Is The End)
2nd: Gracyn French (El Tango De Roxanne)
2nd: Stella Eberts (Nothing More Simple)
6th: Dillon Barron (Beneath The Surface)
Senior Solos:
2nd: Lexi Blanchard (Clay Pigeons)
3rd: Kami Couch (Volant)
3rd: Katie Couch (Winding And Unwinding)
4th: Loila Rhee (Rework)
4th: Kenzie Couch (Siren)
5th: Sammi Chung (The Silent Word)
5th: Avery Reyes (I Dare You)
Nuvo Westminster (April 26-28, 2024)
Junior Solos:
Didn't Place: Kira Lieberman (Awakening)
Teen Solos:
Brielle Lieberman (Going Under)
24Seven Houston (April 26-28, 2024)
Junior Solos:
1st: Leilani Lawlor (Taking Note)
NYCDA Provo (April 25-27, 2024)
Junior Solos:
8th: Sara Von Rotz (Champagne Taste)
NYCDA Lake Geneva (April 26-28, 2024)
Teen Solos:
4th: Ally Choi (Echo)
Nuvo Provo (May 2-4, 2024)
Junior Solos:
4th: Ellie Anbarden (Somebody Help Me)
9th: Leilani Lawlor (Taking Note)
24Seven Dallas (May 3-5, 2024)
Senior Solos:
6th: Lexi Blanchard (Clay Pigeons)
KAR Exclusive Long Beach (May 4-5, 2024)
Miss Elite Teen Dance
2nd Runner-Up: Leighton Werner (Back To Black)
Jump Honolulu (May 10-12, 2024)
Junior Solos:
2nd: Bristyn Scifres (It Cannot Be)
2nd: Leilani Lawlor (Taking Note)
3rd: Berkeley Scifres (Cornet Man)
5th: Kira Lieberman (Awakening)
6th: Sara Von Rotz (Champagne Taste)
Teen Solos:
1st: Richie Granese (Black See)
5th: Lilly Barajas (All I Wanted)
6th: Makeila Bartlett (Red Shadow)
6th: Dillon Barron (Beneath The Surface)
6th: Ally Choi (Let's Fall)
NYCDA Phoenix (May 10-12, 2024)
Mini Solos:
2nd: Aliya Yen (Before It Ends)
Junior Solos:
4th: Regan Gerena
Teen Solos:
2nd: Brooklyn Ladia (The Middle Is The End)
14th: Leighton Werner (Back To Black)
NYCDA Meadowlands (May 10-12, 2024)
Mini Solos:
didn't place: Olivia Armstrong (About That Walk)
Radix Portland (May 10-12, 2024)
Junior Solos:
2nd: Chloe Mirabal (Woman)
24Seven Orlando (May 10-12, 2024)
Teen Solos:
didn't place: Stella Eberts (Nothing More Simple)
KAR Long Beach (May 17-19, 2024)
Top Elite Solo 12-14
1st: Airi Dela Cruz (To Build A Home)
Airi Dela Cruz: Elite Ultimate Performance, Elite Solo HDE All Stars
Nuvo Phoenix (May 17-19, 2024)
Junior Solos:
3rd: Bristyn Scifres (It Cannot Be)
6th: Berkeley Scifres (Cornet Man)
Teen Solos:
5th: Gracyn French (Paul Is Dying)
Gravit8 Orange County (May 30-June 2, 2024)
Elite Teen Solos:
2nd: Sara Von Rotz (The Calling)
KAR Riverside (May 31-June 2, 2024)
Top Elite Solo 12-14
2nd: Ally Choi (Let's Fall)
Top Elite Solo 15-19:
1st: Gracyn French (El Tango De Roxanne)
Placed with other solo: Gracyn French (Paul Is Dying)
Placed with other solo: Gracyn French (Pale Blue Sun)
Elite Miss Teen Dance
1st Runner-Up: Ally Choi (Let's Fall)
Elite Miss Dance
1st: Gracyn French (El Tango De Roxanne)
Gracyn French: Elite Solo HDE All Stars, Elite Ultimate Performance
Ally Choi: Elite Solo HDE All Stars, Elite Ultimate Performance
Ultra Ontario (June 6-9, 2024)
Top Ultra Competitive Solo 12-14
4th: Berkeley Scifres (Cornet Man)
19th: Bristyn Scifres (It Cannot Be)
Ultra Competitive Teen Icon of the Year
Finalist: Berkeley Scifres (Cornet Man)
Starbound Upland (June 7-9, 2024)
Junior Elite Solos:
1st: Aliya Yen (Before It Ends)
2nd: Aliya Yen (Mink, Schmink)
KAR Nationals Las Vegas (June 30-July 7, 2024)
Top Elite Solo 15-19:
3rd: Gracyn French (Chemtrails Over The Country Club)
Gracyn French: Elite Ultimate Performance
TDA Orlando (July 6-13, 2024)
Mini Female BDs:
Top 10: Aliya Yen (Before It Ends)
Didn't Place: Cece Chung (Copacobana)
Junior Finals Solos:
4th: Regan Gerena (The Hollows)
Junior Female BDs:
Winner: Regan Gerena (That's Life)
Top 10: Berkeley Scifres (Cornet Man)
Top 10: Bristyn Scifres (It Cannot Be)
Top 10: Sara Von Rotz (Champagne Taste)
Didn't Place: Olivia Armstrong (When I Go)
Didn't Place: Leilani Lawlor (Taking Note)
Didn't Place: Kira Lieberman (Awakening)
Teen Finals Solos:
1st: Gracyn French (El Tango De Roxanne)
Didn't Place: Brooklyn Ladia (Sing It Back)
Didn't Place: Leighton Werner (Drag Me Down)
Didn't Place: Lilly Barajas (All I Wanted)
Didn't Place: Stella Eberts (Bloom)
Didn't Place: Brielle Lieberman (Happiness)
Teen Female BDs:
2nd Runner-Up: Gracyn French (Chemtrails Over The Country Club)
Top 20: Brooklyn Ladia (The Middle Is The End)
Didn't Place: Leighton Werner (Back To Black)
Didn't Place: Lilly Barajas (Falling Inwards)
Didn't Place: Stella Eberts (Nothing More Simple)
Didn't Place: Brielle Lieberman (Going Under)
Senior Finals Solos:
Didn't Place: Sammi Chung (In One Ear)
Didn't Place: Lexi Blanchard (Fame)
Senior Female BDs:
Top 10: Sammi Chung (The Silent Word)
Top 20: Lexi Blanchard (Clay Pigeons)
Non-Stop Dancer Winners (24Seven):
Aliya Yen (Mini): San Diego
Ellie Anbarden (Junior): Anaheim
Regan Gerena (Junior): San Diego)
Leilani Lawlor (Junior): Anaheim
Savanna Musman (Junior): Anaheim
Madelyn Nasu (Junior): Glendale
Bristyn Scifres (Junior): San Diego
Berkeley Scifres (Junior): San Diego
Sara Von Rotz (Junior): San Diego
Lilly Barajas (Teen): Glendale
Dillon Barron (Teen): Glendale
Ally Choi (Teen): Glendale
Stella Eberts (Teen): San Diego
Gracyn French (Teen): San Diego
Richie Granese (Teen): Glendale
Mady Kim (Teen): Anaheim
Brooklyn Ladia (Teen): San Diego
Leighton Werner (Teen): Anaheim
Lexi Blanchard (Senior): Glendale
Katie Couch (Senior): Anaheim
Kami Couch (Senior): Anaheim
Kenzie Couch (Senior): Detroit
Avery Reyes (Senior): Anaheim
Non-Stop Dancer Runner-Ups (24Seven):
Delaney Anbarden (Mini): Anaheim, Bellevue, Glendale
Cece Chung (Mini): San Diego, Anaheim, Glendale
Ellie Anbarden (Junior): San Diego
Olivia Armstrong (Junior): Anaheim
Leilani Lawlor (Junior): San Diego
Kira Lieberman (Junior): San Diego, Glendale
Chloe Mirabal (Junior): San Diego, Anaheim, Glendale
Madelyn Nasu (Junior): San Diego, Anaheim
Lilly Barajas (Teen): Anaheim
Dillon Barron (Teen): San Diego, Anaheim
Makeila Bartlett (Teen): Anaheim, Glendale
Ally Choi (Teen): San Diego, Anaheim
Airi Dela Cruz (Teen): Anaheim, Glendale
Richie Granese (Teen): San Diego, Anaheim
Brielle Lieberman (Teen): San Diego
Brooklyn Lieberman (Teen): San Diego, Anaheim, Glendale
Lexi Blanchard (Senior): Anaheim
Sammi Chung (Senior): San Diego
Katie Couch (Senior): Detroit
Kami Couch (Senior): Detroit
Loila Rhee (Senior): Anaheim, Glendale
High Five in Jazz (24Seven):
Lilly Barajas (Teen): San Diego
Brielle Lieberman (Teen): Anaheim, Glendale
Brooklyn Safford (Teen): Anaheim
High Five in Hip-Hop (24Seven):
Cali Cassidy (Teen): Anaheim
High Five in Ballroom (24Seven):
Olivia Armstrong (Junior): Glendale
Leilani Lawlor (Junior): Bellevue
Jump VIPs (Jump):
Leilani Lawlor (Junior): Honolulu
Berkeley Scifres (Junior): Las Vegas
Bristyn Scifres (Junior): Las Vegas
Sara Von Rotz (Junior): Honolulu
Lilly Barajas (Teen): Honolulu
Gracyn French (Teen): Las Vegas
Lexi Blanchard (Senior): Las Vegas
Jump VIP Runner-Ups (Jump):
Cece Chung (Mini): Las Vegas
Leilani Lawlor (Junior): Las Vegas
Kira Lieberman (Junior): Honolulu
Chloe Mirabal (Junior): Las Vegas
Madelyn Nasu (Junior): Las Vegas
Lilly Barajas (Teen): Las Vegas
Dillon Barron (Teen): Honolulu
Makeila Bartlett (Teen): Honolulu
Ally Choi (Teen): Las Vegas, Honolulu
Stella Eberts (Teen): Las Vegas
Richie Granese (Teen): Las Vegas, Honolulu
Sammi Chung (Senior): Las Vegas
Avery Reyes (Senior): Las Vegas
BreakOut Artists (Nuvo):
Aliya Yen (Mini): Santa Clara
Ellie Anbarden (Junior): Provo
Regan Gerena (Junior): Santa Clara
Leilani Lawlor (Junior): Santa Clara
Kira Lieberman (Junior): Santa Clara
Chloe Mirabal (Junior): Santa Clara
Bristyn Scifres (Junior): Meadowlands
Berkeley Scifres (Junior): Meadowlands
Sara Von Rotz (Junior): Santa Clara
Stella Eberts (Teen): Santa Clara
Gracyn French (Teen): Los Angeles
Brielle Lieberman (Teen): Westminster
Lexi Blanchard (Senior): Los Angeles
Kami Couch (Senior): Santa Clara
Avery Reyes (Senior): Santa Clara
BreakOut Artist Runner-Ups (Nuvo):
Delaney Anbarden (Mini): Santa Clara
Ellie Anbarden (Junior): Santa Clara
Olivia Armstrong (Junior): Santa Clara
Regan Gerena (Junior): Los Angeles
Savanna Musman (Junior): Los Angeles, Santa Clara
Madelyn Nasu (Junior): Santa Clara
Lilly Barajas (Teen): Los Angeles
Dillon Barron (Teen): Santa Clara
Makeila Bartlett (Teen): Santa Clara
Ally Choi (Teen): Los Angeles, Santa Clara
Airi Dela Cruz (Teen): Santa Clara
Stella Eberts (Teen): Los Angeles
Richie Granese (Teen): Los Angeles, Santa Clara
Mady Kim (Teen): Santa Clara
Brooklyn Ladia (Teen): Santa Clara
Brooklyn Lieberman (Teen): Santa Clara
Brielle Lieberman (Teen): Los Angeles, Santa Clara
Brooklyn Safford (Teen): Santa Clara
Sammi Chung (Senior): Santa Clara
Kenzie Couch (Senior): Santa Clara
Katie Couch (Senior): Tulsa, Santa Clara
Kami Couch (Senior): Tulsa
Loila Rhee (Senior): Santa Clara
StandOut in Jazz & Contemporary (Nuvo):
Cece Chung (Mini): Santa Clara
Lilly Barajas (Teen): Santa Clara
Dillon Barron (Teen): Los Angeles
Kira Lieberman (Teen): Los Angeles
StandOut in Ballet (Nuvo):
Brooklyn Lieberman (Teen): Los Angeles
StandOut in Hip-Hop (Nuvo):
Leilani Lawlor (Junior): Los Angeles
Kira Lieberman (Junior): Westminster
Die Hard Dancer (Nuvo):
Cece Chung (Mini): Santa Clara
Protégés (Radix):
Regan Gerena (Junior): Anaheim
Leilani Lawlor (Junior): Dallas
Sara Von Rotz (Junior): Anaheim
Gracyn French (Teen): Anaheim
Richie Granese (Teen): Anaheim
Protègè Runner-Ups (Radix):
Leilani Lawlor (Junior): Anaheim
Chloe Mirabal (Junior): Portland
Lilly Barajas (Teen): Anaheim
Ally Choi (Teen): Anaheim
Stella Eberts (Teen): Anaheim, Dallas
Brooklyn Ladia (Teen): Anaheim
Outstanding Dancers (NYCDA):
Aliya Yen (Mini): Santa Clara
Outstanding Dancer Runner-Ups (NYCDA):
Cece Chung (Mini): Santa Clara
Ellie Anbarden (Junior): Santa Clara
Regan Gerena (Junior): Santa Clara
Leilani Lawlor (Junior): Santa Clara
Kira Lieberman (Junior): Santa Clara
Chloe Mirabal (Junior): Santa Clara
Savanna Musman (Junior): Santa Clara
Berkeley Scifres (Junior): Santa Clara
Bristyn Scifres (Junior): Santa Clara
Sara Von Rotz (Junior): Vancouver
Lilly Barajas (Teen): Santa Clara
Dillon Barron (Teen): Santa Clara
Ally Choi (Teen): Las Vegas
Airi Dela Cruz (Teen): Santa Clara
Stella Eberts (Teen): Santa Clara
Gracyn French (Teen): Santa Clara
Richie Granese (Teen): Santa Clara
Brooklyn Ladia (Teen): Santa Clara
Lexi Blanchard (Senior): Santa Clara
Sammi Chung (Senior): Santa Clara
Kami Couch (Senior): Santa Clara
Katie Couch (Senior): Santa Clara
Kenzie Couch (Senior): Santa Clara
Avery Reyes (Senior): Santa Clara
Hip-Hop Scholarship (NYCDA):
Regan Gerena (Junior): Santa Clara
Savanna Musman (Junior): Santa Clara
Sara Von Rotz (Junior): Santa Clara
Kami Couch (Senior): Santa Clara
Tap Scholarship (NYCDA):
Bristyn Scifres (Junior): Santa Clara
Winter Contemporary Intensive Award (NYCDA):
Kami Couch (Senior): Santa Clara
Katie Couch (Senior): Santa Clara
Steps Summer Study NYC Intensive Scholarship (NYCDA):
Sammi Chung (Senior): Santa Clara
Avery Reyes (Senior): Santa Clara
Steps Academy Program Summer Intensive Scholarship (NYCDA):
Regan Gerena (Junior): Santa Clara
Chloe Mirabal (Junior): Santa Clara
Berkeley Scifres (Junior): Santa Clara
Sara Von Rotz (Junior): Santa Clara
Ally Choi (Teen): Santa Clara
Gracyn French (Teen): Santa Clara
Ballet Hispanico ChoreoLaB Scholarship (NYCDA):
Avery Reyes (Senior): Santa Clara
Intensive Standout Award (NYCDA):
Makeila Bartlett (Teen): Santa Clara
Brooklyn Lieberman (Teen): Santa Clara
Leighton Werner (Teen): Santa Clara
Rising Star (NYCDA):
Richie Granese (Teen): Tulsa
Hubbard Street Dance Chicago Teen Summer Intensive (NYCDA):
Richie Granese (Teen): Tulsa
Peridance Global Summer Dance Intensive Scholarship (NYCDA):
Richie Granese (Teen): Tulsa
Ultra Solo/Duet/Trio Scholarship (KAR):
Airi Dela Cruz (12-14): Long Beach
Gracyn French (15-19): Riverside
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gelu-the-babosa-multiversal · 10 months ago
OK I just remembered this show but, all the Transformers shows where they have kids but is Kids Next Door crossover AU!
So I guess that it would be something like this-
Character like Spike, Carly, and Chip don't count but others above 13 like Charlie, Memo, and Jack can become Undercover Teenagers (TND) but still not be part of the team sorry.
-Secto - Name (Numbuh)
-Sector_A_Witwicky - Robby Malto (8) and Mo Malto (9). Both transferred to conduct an investigation into GHOST and help their mom adapt to her new job. But the Terrans bring some complications for the mission
-Japanese Sector - Japan - Koji Onishi (7), Bradley "Rad" White (TND 12), Carlos Lopez (TND 13), Alexis Thi Dang (TND 14), Chad "Kicker" Jones (TND 18 and about to leave the team soon), Coby Hansen (20), Bud Hansen (TND 19) and Lori Himenez (TND 17). The biggest team conformed with kids from other regions. Their operation consists of helping the Atobots find new resources they can use for their survival like Energon, living metal for replacement parts, and any alien technology, and maybe locate other Autobots lost on Earth.
-Detroit Sector - Sari Sumdac (number unknown). A time traveler from the year 2050 who came to the 2000s for an unknown reason to be discovered. She helps the Japanese and Witwicky kids a lot.
-Las Vegas Sector_USA Jasper Nevada - Jack Darby (TND number 32 and about to leave the team soon), Miko Nakadai (TND number 11), and Rafael "Raf" Esquivel (37 and soon to become a TND). A small team assigned to help Team Prime as their guides and partners to help them disguise themselves with the humans of Earth. Fowler, a former ex Kid Next Door member helps them with the task.
-America_Crown City Secot - Russel Clay ( 21 once in Sector HHH but moved to a new team), Buth (25), and Hank (24). A new team formed by rockies that was made to test the new Sector until Bumblebee crashed on Earth with a tone of Predacons so the mission has changed...
-Griffin Rock Sector - Cody Burns (28), Francine ¨Frankie¨ Elma Greene (29), Celine ¨CeCe¨ Greene (83), Priscilla Pynch (30), Kyle Frazier (TND 39), Billy Frazier (70), Nancy Morrison (TND number 42), George Tracker (40), Jimmy Tracker (68), Timmy Smith (41), Rosita Neederlander (38), Elsie Rubio (71), Corey Perkins (35), Charlene Pruitt (82) etc etc... All the kids on Griffin Rock are Kids Next Door and is probably one of the most chaotic teams in all the world. Their mission, guide and make the Rescue Bots feel at home so other Cybertronians can also be comfortable on Earth.
That is mostly what I have so if anyone else is a KND fan feel free to add more stuff to this post 👍
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coolbreeze2001 · 3 months ago
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Cece Vega
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