#cc: skeppy
mcytblrconfessions · 3 months
When I didn’t know crap about mcyt my fuckass friend has somehow convinced me that skeppy is a transfem single mother
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skeppy tastes like those lego brick candies
ik skeppy isnt all that relevant recently BUT CMON
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teenageclown · 1 month
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Why school drawings be lookin like the mona lisa
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apollos-boyfriend · 10 months
i think there’s something so fun in seeing the little things that stay the same between a cc’s different characters.
bad and phil as immortals, as leaders, as forces of nature to be both feared and revered. with eons of wisdom that make them knowledgeable, but can stunt their relationships with mortals, because their points of view are just so different.
bad and foolish with their questionable moral codes. with the only person who can truly understand them being the other.
foolish with his cheery, often silly exterior, one that often makes people forget about how serious and intelligent he can be, because he doesn’t want them to know.
tubbo with unyielding determination, his strong morals and stronger loyalties. with his love for machines and pushing the boundaries of science and technology. with his persistence for a better world, unable and unwilling to understand why things must be the way they are, why they can’t be changed for the better.
tina wanting to get stronger, wanting to be able to fight and protect the ones she loves. tina with being unable to accept her true self, hiding and disguising her demonic heritage with something more “acceptable.”
i don’t know where this all leads necessarily, but it’s so cool to be able to point and be like oh!! that’s their character trademark!! that’s their Thing™!!!
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itsthedracobunny · 7 months
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tommy2020 · 6 months
(I have been so inactive good god-)
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lizthacreator · 8 months
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Skeppy: lets make a video
Techno: Sword slash to the chest. and you're on fire
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erinartemis · 11 months
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Ideas are forming...
Sooo like hear me out-
What if Bad was a Disassembly Drone and Skeppy was a Worker Drone... and Bad is mostly reformed but he'll still go kind of off the rails (killing ppl, yknow the usual) in certain situations. Especially where people he cares about are in danger (a bit like q!bbh)- Skeppy generally keeps Bad grounded with his antics, though, so this doesn't happen often. UNTIL...
...the Eggpire Arc from DSMP happens except the mind-controlling Egg is merged with the Absolute Solver????
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honknam · 2 years
skephalo when???? gay???
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mcytblrconfessions · 4 months
i did not realize skeppy was a real person for the longest time until i stumbled upon a tiktok talking about skeppy. i got into minecraft in 2023 with qsmp. i haven't really watched badboyhalo vods but i'm familiar with the art. i genuinely thought skeppy was solely a character badboyhalo made up for his lore. like his character just made a diamond golem that was also his boyfriend. i feel embarrassed about it tbh. sorry skeppy fans, i really didn't know he was real.
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I vaguely remember watching Skeppy and realizing I may actually like men. and then my attraction to women fell out of my pocket someday and now im gay
i blame Skeppy for this
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brett-is-afraid · 2 years
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born-in-hell · 1 year
Y do i open twitter and see people accusing bbh of queerbaiting for flirting/making jokes w his friends? Someone even said he was disrespecting 4ever bc 4ever has a girlfriend????? People exagerate and take everything as is. Things are not that serious guys
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kayethedragon · 2 years
i've been consuming dsmp content + ccs for about 4 months now. apparently its heyday was only two years ago. i feel like an archaeologist unearthing an increasingly cursed mythology with more twists than the story of jamestown. repeat cases of ccs writing their own fanfiction or reading fanfiction about them. cc relationships portrayed and treated as if they've known each other for decades when it fact it was less than 5 years. multiple instances of ccs who don't currently publicly interact but used to be close and mysteriously stopped. a disproportionate number of professedly straight men shipping themselves as if they were fans. utterly nonsensical phrases banned from twitch chats. and it doesn't stop there. the breaches of containment are unlike anything i've ever seen. several documented cases of mainstream celebrities reaching across the veil, unprompted, to engage these ccs. an overwhelming feeling that this entire fandom and anyone associated with it is public internet enemy #1. a genre of music on spotify??? every week i stumble across evidence of some historical thing that would send any previous fandom i've ever encountered into incoherent hysterics for the rest of time, and here they are nothing more than passing faded landmarks. there is more ooc lore than one man could ever hope to learn. i thank god i am past the age of obsessing over interests or this alternate dimension would surely swallow me whole. as it is, i will claim a perch from a safe distance to make further observations as it continues its strange evolution.
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xomoosexo · 1 year
munchymc crew will have each other’s backs forever, regardless of how close they may or may not actually be….dream and skeppy go way back he used to edit for skeppy before he did youtube himself, he literally bought out skeppy’s failing merch company, skeppy being a drolo is my favorite thing ever
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