#cayman sister islands
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Part 4: The Art of Letting Go
Masterlist - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7
Only know you love her when (she lets you) go
(In which a still very sadistic writer make things a lot worse but only so they can get a little bit better)
Pairing: Paige Bueckers X Azzi Fudd
Themes: Angst, Pining, Hurt with very little comfort
Words: 7.9K
TW: Car Accidents, Panic Attacks, Swearing
A/N: Hello my lovelies <3 I know I'm very, very late with this and I love you all for being so patient. I don't really know how I feel about this chapter but it is what it is. Logistical details are probably a little off but I need things to work for the plot, so try and ignore that. Per usual I did edit (very loosely and I'll probably go back over it later), there are probably typos anyways. And as always, let me know what you liked, what you didn't, and what you'd like to see in the future. Happy reading lovelies and let's get a W this weekend. <3
December 2023
A week or so after they get back from the Cayman Islands, Azzi feels like she’s been sleep-walking through life, everything around her hazy and dull. She religiously sticks to a routine of eat-study-practice-sleep. Except well, sleep isn’t really sleeping. It’s her brain conjuring images of blonde hair and blue eyes and Azzi forcing herself to wake-up from a nightmare that used to be her favourite dream.
She doesn’t tell anyone what happened, lying to herself it’s because it would be embarrassing and not because it would mean having to face the truth. Still, it doesn’t mean that her teammates can’t piece together little bits. There must be something quite sinister about the air around her, because none of her normally nosy and eager-to-help sisters try to weasel any information out of Azzi. They act like they always have, only sharing worried looks behind her back when the façade of i’m doing fine slips momentarily when she thinks no one’s watching.
And then that façade goes to hell over the span of a couple of hours.
It starts with the inevitable breakup with Zoe. At first Azzi avoids it, making up excuses as to why she can’t see her girlfriend. Selfishly, there’s a part of her that wants to keep Zoe, keep a girl who would never leave, never make her feel anything less than (or more than) just content. But it’s not fair, Azzi knows that, and it’s why she practises her it’s not you, it’s me speech to perfection in front of the mirror. When she goes to message Zoe that she's coming over, the text chain causes a pinch of guilt in her heart at the contrast between her girlfriend’s hopeful tone versus her own nonchalant one. And Azzi thinks that Zoe will never really understand just how similar the two of them are, stuck at wanting someone who would always let them down. Only, Azzi will let Zoe free but when it comes to her herself, she’s pretty sure she’s destined to be trapped forever.
It’s embarrassing to admit that Azzi remembers the apartment in Storrs that she’d visited barely a handful of times a lot more than she remembers the apartment she’s currently in, the one that belongs to her girlfriend. Zoe sits rigidly on the couch with the same reserved, guarded expression she’s had since she’d opened the door, clearly aware of what was about to happen. Her foot taps incessantly as the silence between them drags on.
“You deserve better,” Azzi says finally, keeping her eyes firmly locked on the floor.
“No,” Zoe’s voice is cold, “don’t say shit like that. It’s a cop out. It’s the shit people say to make themselves feel better-”
“Don’t be a fucking coward Azzi. Look me in the eye and say it, say exactly what you’re here to.”
Azzi doesn’t want to do any of that. She wants to crumble to the ground and let it swallow her until she’s buried so far away from the mess she’s created. But she owes Zoe this. When she does look at Zoe, there’s this look in the other girl’s eyes that Azzi had never thought herself capable of evoking in anyone and she has to swallow away the bile that rises in her throat, disgusted by her own self.
“I’m breaking up with you,” Azzi whispers. Her words linger in the air, like shrapnel after an explosion. Zoe flinches, a single tear trickling down her face.
“There it is,” the Californian says quietly, the ghost of an ironic smile playing on her lips, “I knew it was coming but damn- there it is.”
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“For what-” Zoe cuts herself, “no actually don’t- don’t answer that. I think I know.”
Azzi draws in a deep breath, ready to confess, “I need to tell-”
“Please,” Zoe sobs, “please don’t tell me. I don’t wanna hear it okay? I don’t- I don’t want to hate you Azzi. It’s too much and I don’t- I just- I’m so tired of feeling so much for you when you don’t- when you feel so little for me.”
“That’s not true,” Azzi counters helplessly, her words ringing hollow to her own ears.
“Fucking hell you just ended it Azzi, you don’t have to pretend anymore. And it’s okay because I get it. You can’t feel any more than what little you do for me because- because you’ve already given the rest of it away. And it’s not- it’s not like I didn’t know you know? I only ever met you because you were crying over her. You only let me into your life because you missed her. And now you have her,” Zoe says wistfully.
It’s terrible the way everything else becomes white noise as Azzi’s ear latches on the last sentence, a sentence that couldn’t be any further away from the truth. She was prepared for the accusations, for Zoe to hurl every curse word in the book at her, but this, the unintended reminder that she was giving up on soft, sweet, gentle Zoe for something that she didn’t have, hurts far more than any words could.
“This isn’t about-”
Zoe’s quick to cut Azzi off, pushing herself off the couch they had been sharing, trying to put even more space in between them, “please do not insult my intelligence by finishing that sentence. I deserve that much at least.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I know you are because I know- I know who you are Azzi and I know you’re a good person and that’s why- that’s why I don’t wanna know okay? Whatever you did- whatever happened- just let me- just let me have this. Let me remember you as someone good- someone great,” Zoe pleads.
“If that’s what you want Zo,” Azzi answers weakly, the guilty clawing at her heart. She doesn’t think she deserves to be remembered like that, doesn’t think she’s worthy of being thought of with fondness, not anymore.
Zoe doesn’t make any acknowledgement of Azzi having spoken as she starts to pace, “I should have known. You know the day I met her this summer, I got it- the appeal- I got it immediately. She has this aura, this charm. She just- she just fucking glows you know? And she’s just- she’s this huge entity and so are you and I’m just,” she lets out a hollow laugh as she shrugs, “I’m just a girl from Stockton, California.”
“And you’re amazing,” Azzi puts up a hand when Zoe tries to cut her off again, “you are. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to thank you for what you did for me last year. You could have walked away that day and maybe- maybe one day you’ll think you should have. And I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Zoe. You do deserve better. It’s not a cop out. It’s the truth.”
Since she was younger, Azzi’s always hated endings. This time is no different. The bitter truth is that she probably won’t miss her girlfriend, but she will miss the friend that had gotten her through one of the toughest years of her life. Slowly, Azzi picks herself off of the couch and walks over to a still Zoe, squeezing her left hand once before heading towards the door.
“Azzi,” Zoe calls out, just as Azzi has one foot out the door, “I hope it works out for the two of you. You and Paige always did just seem inevitable.”
She blames the fact she’s currently stuck in the terrible LA traffic, with the word inevitable ringing in her ears, for the way her fingers continuously flicker over the green call button under Paige’s name. Zoe saying her name had been the first time in a week that Azzi had even let herself, in consciousness at least, think of the blonde properly. And now that it had been unleashed, whispers of Paige, Paige, Paige echo through every crevice of skull. The pain and anger that she’d been trying to shield herself from, come barraging into her heart as she’s held captive once again by thoughts of her best friend.
It would be a lie to say that Azzi hadn’t been hoping for a call or a text to come through. She’d waited two days with bated breath for a friendly quip that would lead them back to their safe haven of just pretend. Instead it was as if they were back to being who they had been before summer of 2022 all over again. Back to being nothing. But this time Azzi had been adamant that if Paige was going to cut her off again, she wouldn’t fight it, not this time. Apparently that resolve was never meant to last and Azzi feels a little pathetic with how desperately she needs to hear Paige’s voice, how desperately she wants to try again.
The traffic clears just as she presses call and maybe that should have been a sign. Azzi’s not a bad driver per say, but as her dad always said, no one’s a good driver when they’re distracted. The phone rings for too long and she should take that as her next sign and accept it as Paige not wanting to talk, but she lets it continue to ring anyway, as she turns onto a more secluded road. And then-
“Hello,” the voice is unfamiliar and Azzi doesn’t really know Paige’s teammates, beyond Caroline, that well but she’s pretty certain this one doesn’t belong to any of them.
“Hi uh- who is this?” she manages to get out as her grip tightens on the steering wheel.
“Oh um- this is Rose, Paige’s friend” comes the reply, the word friend said with a sultry lilt and Azzi feels her skin prickle. Hang up.
“Why are you answering Paige’s phone?” her tone is far more accusatory than she’d like it to be.
“She’s in the bathroom but she told me to,” Rose answers defensively.
Azzi hesitates, she doesn’t need to know more except, “does she know who called?”
Because surely if she did, if Paige knew it was Azzi on the other line, she wouldn’t let one of her likely random hookups answer the phone, surely Paige would know what it would do, how it would make her feel.
“Uh yeah- I told her Azzi called and she seemed pretty sure she wanted me to pick up.”
Maybe Paige does know what it would do, does know how it would make Azzi feel, maybe that’s the whole fucking point. Through the phone she can hear quiet footsteps walking closer, towards Rose. When Paige is close enough that Azzi can make out the sound of her breathing, can almost picture the way her chest is heaving, that’s when the tears finally fall, blurring her vision.
She doesn’t see the blinking headlights rushing towards her until it’s too late and then she’s swerving. The world around her erupts in motion and light and noise, everything spinning and spinning and spinning. For one moment, as she loses complete control of her car, Azzi thinks maybe this is it. And the most terrifying part of it, is that for a second, she’s not all that opposed to the idea of this being the end. It’s a singular image of her parents in her brain that has her regaining her senses and hitting the brakes as hard as she can. Her tires screech as her car barrels into a tree and her entire body jerks around in her car, her seatbelt leaving burn scars against her neck. Azzi feels her heartbeat going haywire, as everything comes to a halt.
“Oh my god, oh my god,” Rose’s panicked voice echoes.
“What?” and there’s Paige and even in this wreckage, Azzi’s heart stutters at the sound of her best friend.
“I think she crashed-”
“WHAT?” there’s frantic shuffling until, “Azzi? Azzi? Hello? Are you there? Fuck. Azzi are you okay? Please say something. C’mon Az. I know you’re there. Can you hear me? Please be okay. Azzi? Fuck, fuck, fuck. Azzi?”
Azzi opens and closes her mouth, trying to answer to the call of her name, but nothing comes out. She feels hot and cold all over at the same and she swears there’s a hand curled around her neck because she can’t fucking breathe.
“Azzi,” Paige says again desperately, “please say something.”
“P-Paige,” Azzi finally manages to stutter, her chest heaving as she gasps for air. There’s blood rushing to her ears and everything around her feels hazy.
“Azzi,” and that one syllable is wrapped in so much emotion, “I’m here okay, are you okay?”
No, Azzi thinks, I don’t know if I’ll ever be okay.
“I c-can’t breathe. I think” she grasps at her neck, “I th-think I’m having a panic attack.”
Paige curses under her breath, “okay, okay alright listen to me breathe okay? And try to match it okay?”
“O-okay,” Azzi whispers, pressing her head to her steering wheel as she tries to mimic Paige’s exaggerated deep breaths on the other end of the line.
“Good girl, you’re doing so well for me Azzi, just keep breathing okay,” Paige’s voice is far calmer than she probably is in reality, “just keep breathing with me okay.”
Azzi closes her eyes as she feels her chest slowly start to loosen up and lets herself be immersed by Paige’s soothing words of comfort. And for a second, it almost feels as if her best friend is right there with her. For a second, Azzi imagines that they’re on a whole other planet, just them in their little world, like it always should have been, like she’d once been so sure it would be. It’s a beautiful dream that reality is quick to gatecrash.
“Babe, is she okay?” Rose asks, and Azzi’s eyes fly open at the term of endearment. She’s not on a different planet. She’s alone. And Paige isn’t.
“I’m fine,” Azzi breathes out and then more firmly, “I’m fine.”
“Thank God,” Paige lets out a sigh of relief before her tone turns sour “what the actual fuck Azzi?”
Azzi winces at the loudness, pretty sure she might have a concussion from the way her head had crashed back into her headrest as she’d crashed into the tree in front of her.
“I’m fine,” she repeats assertedly, as everything around her slowly starts to make sense again. It’s not a lie really, at least not physically. There’s the potential concussion, and the litany of bruises she’s starting to feel all over her body but she’s pretty sure there’s nothing wrong internally. Well except for her stupid fucking heart but it wasn’t the accident that had fucked that organ up.
“You just crashed your fucking car, no you’re not fucking fine,” Paige yells, voice thick with tears.
“What the fuck do you care?” Azzi bites back, “sorry I interrupted your fucking night Paige. I swear it won’t happen again.”
She hangs up before Paige can say anything else, sitting deathly still for a second. And then she lets herself completely break apart.
74 missed calls from Paige
did u go to the hospital
pick up ur fucking phone
this is not the time for this stubborn bullshit
just say ur ok at least
called ur mom
said u had a concussion and some bruising
thats not too bad
ur so fucking stupid
it could be so much worse
please pick up
so u can call carol and not me ok
thats just fucking perfect
dude i feel like an accident > stupid fights
so maybe just pick up
or call me back
u wanna play this stupid game fine
ignore me for now
but i’mma be in dc for christmas
ur gonna have to talk to me
i know where u live
The box in Azzi’s arm feels freakishly heavy, like she’s holding the whole world inside of it. In a way, maybe she is. The walk up Paige’s dad’s driveway feels longer than it ever has and she’s fighting the urge to turn back with every step. As soon as she’d seen the vaguely threatening text message, Azzi had decided she would beat Paige to it. The night of the accident had put several things into perspective and Azzi was determined to finally grasp control of her own life.
It hasn’t been that long since the Cayman Island and so it hasn’t been that long since Azzi’s seen Paige. But when the door opens and she’s face to face with her best friend, despite the dread and anxiety that’s drowning her heart, Azzi still feels that beat of it’s cold but you always make me feel warm flutter in her chest. Paige smiles and Azzi’s arms wobble, drawing the blonde’s attention to the box in her arms.
“Still a couple of days till Christmas Az, a little early to give me my present,” Paige smirks lightly and Azzi feels a river of hot anger slide around her veins. After everything she’d put her through in the last couple of weeks, the fact that Paige could act so frivolous, as if they were still fine, makes Azzi see red.
Her voice is icier than the sheet of frost on the ground when she replies, “it’s not a Christmas present.”
Paige’s eyebrows knit together questioningly, “then-”
“It’s all your stuff I had lying around,” Azzi cuts in, trying to keep her voice confident and stable.
The smile disappears from Paige’s face as she studies Azzi's face, looking for some semblance of emotion beyond the blank stare.
“All the things you’ve left at my house over the years, a couple of t-shirts, a hat, a book and a couple other things, they’re in this box,” Azzi says pointedly. She tries to hand it over but Paige is quick to move away from it, staring at the offending object as if it’s a ticking time bomb.
“What the actual fuck is going on Azzi?”
“I might have missed some things. Let me know if I have and I’ll mail them to you in the future,” Azzi recites clinically, keeping her demeanour stoic as possible “and of course I would like my things back as well. Not right now of course. You can mail them to me whenever it suits you.”
“Mail back your things? What? What the fuck are you going on about?” Paige asks, a bewildered expression taking on her face. She reaches out as if she wants to shake Azzi but seems to think better of it.
Azzi doesn’t say anything, as she sidesteps Paige into the house, putting in the utmost effort to make sure no part of herself brushes up against the older girl, knowing the inevitable burst of electricity when they touch would be enough to break her resolve. She places the box of Paige’s stuff on the coffee table in the living room, before turning back to Paige.
“I’m giving you your stuff back,” Azzi repeats, “I’m giving you what you want.”
“What I want? When did I ask for my stuff back?”
Azzi draws in a deep breath, fighting desperately against the screams of you don’t want this in her own head, “I’m giving you a clean break Paige. I’m letting you go.”
Saying those words feels a lot like free-falling. Her stomach lurches at the way Paige’s features scrunch up in pain and she’d never meant to do that, but Azzi’s so tired. She’s so tired of this push and pull, the way they seem to hurt each other every fucking time, the way things get so close to going right and then go wrong any way. The bitter truth of life, Azzi has forced herself to admit, is that it doesn’t matter how hard you fight, sometimes the darkness wins out anyway.
“You think-,” Paige stutters, clutching at her chest, “you think this is what I want?”
“Well isn’t it?”
“Of course n-”
“If I hadn’t called you that night would you have called me first Paige? If I hadn’t gotten into that stupid accident, would you even have texted me ever again?”
Paige’s silence is an answer in itself . And although Azzi had known it, she can’t deny that there’s a part of her that had posed the question hoping against hope that Paige would have answered it with a resounding yes of course. She thinks maybe she should be used to the singe of disappointment that burns her skin by now but she’s never been immune to Paige’s fire.
“That’s what I thought,” Azzi says quietly, “I’m tired of running after you Paige. I thought I was done after the Cayman Islands but then I- I don’t know- I don’t know why I called you that night when you- you clearly didn’t want that.”
“Azzi c’mon-”
“It’s my fault really. Because you've always been clear about it and I- for some reason- I just don’t listen. You were clear with it when you told me to go to UCLA and get out of your life. You were clear when you didn’t want me to come into your air BnB. You were clear when you told me to get out of the bathroom last summer. And when you left that night-,” Azzi pauses as Paige’s eyes widen, the words catching in her throat, “when you were gone that morning- every time you didn’t call- every time you didn’t text- you were always clear about it Paige and I- I’m sorry I didn’t listen.”
“You’re being really fucking unfair right now,” Paige accuses, “you’re mad because I didn’t want to be your fucking side whore? I’m so sorry I had more self-respect than that Azzi.”
Azzi blinks rapidly, her face still completely neutral, “excuse me?”
“You wanna blame me for those first two things, fine. But you have a whole ass girlfriend and you wanted me to be what? Just a girl you can fuck occasionally because you feel like it? Who the fuck do you think I am? I deserve so much better than that.”
“I don’t-”
“You wanna know why I left that morning?” Paige asks icily, “I woke up and the first thing I saw is your girlfriend’s fucking i miss you text. All that shit you said to me when I kissed you in LA about not wanting to be one of my groupies or whatever but what did you want me to be Azzi?”
When they were young and naive, the largest fight they’d ever had was about whether or not one of them had cheated in a game of horse. The allegations of cheater from a 15 year old Paige had seemed massive back then, but they pale in front of the accusations of cheater from a 22 year old Paige. It’s not that Azzi thinks she’s some prime example of a good samaritan and she can deal with people thinking she’s not all that, but it’s different when it’s Paige, it’s different to know that Paige could ever think so low of her.
“You really think I’d do that you? That I’d make you my sidepiece or whatever?”
“What else am I supposed to think about you fucking me while you have a girlfriend?” Paige asks exasperatedly and Azzi flinches at the repeated use of the profanity.
Azzi grips the hem of her shirt, trying to focus her eyes anywhere but Paige, “I had a girlfriend. Past tense.”
“You- you broke up with Zoe?” Paige’s expression morphs from anger to confusion before finally settling on realisation.
“I never wanted you to be a side piece. You think I don’t know you deserve better than that?” Azzi rubs her temple, as she tries to keep herself steady on her feet, “I know seeing that text hurt you but it’s not like you didn’t know I had a girlfriend. But- but if you’d just waited for me to wake up, god if you’d just talked to me once instead of jumping to conclusions then-”
“Then what?” Paige breathes out and Azzi doesn’t miss the little spurt of hope that’s taken birth on the older girl's face.
“It doesn’t matter anymore,” Azzi shakes her head, “that’s also past tense now.”
The thing with Paige is that anger is her protective mechanism. When she gets a little close to losing control of her emotions, or feeling too much, it’s what she falls back on so it’s not surprising that her tone is harsh when she speaks again.
“How the fuck was I supposed to guess you were gonna break up with your girlfriend Az c’mon,” Paige takes a step towards her, “I’m not a fucking mind reader.”
“I never asked you to read my mind. I just- all I’ve ever wanted- is for you to just have a little faith in me- in us,” Azzi’s voice breaks on the last word.
“That’s not fair. I was really fucking hurt Azzi-” Paige begins, her voice pleading.
“And then you tried to hurt me back on purpose,” Azzi spits out as the façade of neutrality completely slips off, “you knew it was me calling and you had that girl pick up any way knowing exactly how it would make me feel.”
“Azzi,” baby blue eyes sparkle with tears and Azzi has to force herself to look away, because no matter how much she’s convinced that this is what needs to happen, seeing Paige break, will drown Azzi and she’s barely floating as it is.
“I don’t enjoy hurting you Paige,” Azzi says softly, “and I don’t think you enjoy hurting me but for the last couple of years, I feel like that’s all we’ve been doing and I- I can’t do it anymore.”
It’s not something she’d ever admitted out loud, or even to herself, but once upon a time Azzi used to think her and Paige would have one of those stories, one of those soft, sappy fairytale-esque stories that had no chance of an ending that wasn’t happily ever after. And she hopes that maybe in another universe, maybe they did have that. Maybe in a universe where she chose UConn and things never went wrong in the first place. Maybe in that universe, they’re happy. But in this universe, they seem to be destined for misery. And Azzi thinks the saddest tragedy of it all, is that it feels like she’s ending a story that never even really got the chance to start.
“So that’s it then, you’re walking away- you’re just- you’re fucking giving up?” Paige says bitterly, crossing her arms protectively over her chest and Azzi feels a flicker of annoyance light up against her ribcage.
“Isn’t that what you did?” she accuses, “Is that not what you do? You walk away every. single. time. because you can’t deal with things getting just a little too fucking hard. And what? I’m just supposed to wait until you come back? Or chase after you like a pathetic little puppy?”
Paige flinches at the hardness in Azzi’s tone, mouth opening and closing but nothing escaping.
“I’m so fucking tired of always being the one calling, the one showing up, the one trying. I’m so fucking tired of fighting for us when it feels like you’re fighting against me,” Azzi pauses,trying to blink away the tears she’d tried so hard to keep locked behind her eyelids, “if you wanna call that me giving up then okay, but I don’t think you realize just how fucking hard I want to hold on.”
Azzi’s not sure if it’s the way her voice cracks, or the absolute misery behind every word she says, but Paige's hard and cold expression is gone so fast it gives her whiplash. And then her Paige, the girl with the warm eyes and soft heart is back, looking at Azzi in a way that makes her want to believe in them all over again. Arms outstretched, Paige takes a step forwards and there’s nothing more Azzi wants then melt into them. It takes everything in her to step away instead. For a moment there’s nothing but them staring at each other in silence, a moment where Azzi tries to memorise everything about Paige just in case this is the last time. And then-
“What if,” Paige begins softly, “what if I entered the draft?”
Azzi looks at her in confusion, “what does that have to do with anything?”
“The Sparks have the second pick, it’s where I’m projected to go,” Paige bites at her lips, peering at Azzi through her eyelashes.
The Sparks. The Los Angeles Sparks.
“Is that what you want?” Azzi asks quietly, trying to prevent her brain from already coming up with dreams of stupid picnic dates at the park during sunset.
Paige hesitates. And it’s enough for those dreams to crumble, because Azzi knows Paige just a little too well, knows exactly what that little bit of hesitation means.
“I haven’t decided yet but if- if there was a reason that I should-”
“There isn’t,” Azzi says firmly, “it’s not what you want.”
“I don’t even fucking know what I want,” Paige argues and that doesn’t make it any better.
“Then figure it out,” Azzi yells, frustratedly rubbing her hands over her face, “I won’t deal with you fucking resenting me and running away again in a couple of years- hell in a couple of months- because you regret your fucking decision.”
“I wouldn’t-”
“Please just stop. It's done. I’ve made up my mind” Azzi begs, exhaustion flooding into her body, “just- just let this go please.”
Paige meets her eyes with a stubborn fire, “I don’t fucking want to.”
“Well tough luck because I do.”
“Azzi,” Paige pleads desperately, trying to block Azzi as she beelines for the door, but the younger girl is quick to push past her.
“Goodbye Paige.”
December 2024
azzi please just let me in
ur parent are saying u dont wanna see me
and i get it
but i can fix this i swear
i know u know im here
please fucking let me in
i fucked up
i know
im so fucking sorry
but dude we can fix this
can u just fucking let me in
i really wanna see u
i really wanna talk
can we just fucking talk
merry christmas az
u know what fuck u actually
didnt mean that sorry
i was just mad
u make me really fucking mad
christmas breaks almost over
i have to go back soon and ik u do too
we should talk before that
ur so fucking stubborn
but so am i
im not giving up
i won’t
January 2024
i miss you
ur really fucking annoying
not texting me back
but its fine
i’ll just fucking spam
i had an ok day today
practice was kinda ass
not me tho
i was great
as always
bet i made more threes than you did
bro im watching ur game
what the fuck kinda airball did u just throw up
get in the gym az jfc
oh that was a good pullup
not better than mine
but decent
been a fucking month azzi
just fucking call me back
or text me idk
i miss u
hows ur day
good? good.
hows mine?
oh kinda shit
lets see
we lost in front of all these uconn legends
to their fucking rival
everyones saying uconn fucking sucks
some people are saying i suck
they might not be completely wrong
now would be a good time to reply az
like maybe make me feel better
fuck u actually
what the fuck am i doing
idk if u even read these
February 2024
idk maybe i should stop
like maybe only fucking psychos do this
but idk bro
i feel like ur gonna text me back eventually
well sc was a shit show
i mean we knew it but holy shit
i really wanna talk to you about it
it’d mainly just be me fucking yelling
and u giggling
fuck i miss ur laugh
i miss you
idk if u just ignore these
so idk if ur gonna even see this
i wanted to tell you first
before u saw it from somewhere else
im staying at uconn
u were right
i didnt want to leave yet
i want my 4 years
just dont think it means i didnt mean what i said
that i dont wanna be in la with u
i do
its not about that
i just need to do whats best for me
and thats staying here
i get what u meant now
u didnt pick ucla over me
fuck fuck fuck
im sorry az
is this how u felt
when i didn’t text u back
because it’s actually fucking hell
i miss you so fucking much dude
i’m so sorry
i’m really fucking sorry azzi
for all of it
please just call me back
March 2024
last pac-12 tournament mvp!!
dude i’m so proud of you
we also won
idk if u heard
it wasnt easy either
everything just always fucking goes wrong
fucking pisses me off
but oh well
u know i dont even like texting
idk how many messages ive sent u
its gotta be hundreds atp
insane shit on my part
tf is wrong with me
did u see the bracket
see u in the final 4 azzi
April 2024
i fucking told u
i told you id see u in the final four
fucking meant it
gonna kick yalls ass
revenge szn
we’re built different in march
cleveland here we fucking go
but also
cant avoid me anymore
i cant fucking wait to see you az
UConn 87 UCLA 84
There’s six seconds left to go and UCLA has control of the ball. The game today had been completely different from the on down in the Cayman Islands. That one had featured a UCLA team that had dominated from start to finish versus a UConn team still reeling from multiple injuries. This time around, UCLA seemed to have lost some of their shine and UConn had been on a tear. She would never give Paige the satisfaction of knowing it but her stupid goading, her incessant smirking because UConn seemed poised to win handedly, had gotten in Azzi’s head for most of the game. The fourth quarter had seen UConn enter with a 11 point lead that had held study until the last two and a half minutes when something had finally clicked for Azzi.
“Told you, you should have fucking come to UConn,” Paige had sneered while casually dribbling the ball and that had been enough to break Azzi out of whatever funk she’d been in. All of her anger and frustration at Paige seemed to culminate into that one moment as she’d swiped the ball straight from Paige’s hands, narrowly avoiding a foul. An easy steal-and-score layup was followed by two signature three pointers, created by her team’s defence, and suddenly the lead had been cut down to three. On the other side, Muhl had been called for an offensive foul and immediately Coach Close had called for a timeout to advance the ball.
When both teams get back on the court, Azzi, with her competitive streak in full control of her emotions, relishes in the way Paige’s face is contorted up in frustration. But it isn’t just this game that has Azzi irritated. Paige had been relentless since both teams had landed in Cleveland in trying to corner Azzi. She’d known it was gonna happen since she’d read the text but still Azzi had hoped that maybe the blonde would just let it go, would understand just how much Azzi didn’t want to have to deal with this. Because seeing Paige hurts. All the missing and yearning of the past few months seemed to have blended into this ball of tight hot pain that had burst the minute Paige had smiled at Azzi. She knows Paige means well, and it’s taking everything in her to ignore the part of her that’s secretly enamoured by how hard the point guard is trying finally, but Azzi just can’t do it again. She can’t let Paige in again and then spend every other second scared that Paige will run away again.
The whistle blows and Charisma gets ready to inbound the ball. The play call had been to just get it to Azzi but it’s clearly one that UConn had anticipated, because she finds herself swarmed with Paige and Muhl both trying to make sure she doesn’t get the ball. Instead, it’s Kiki who gets the ball and the countdown starts, as Azzi fights to get herself free, running off of screens, to get herself open on the three point line. It takes too much time and they don’t have any more timeouts left. Kiki throws it inside to Lauren who misses the layup but gets her own rebound and somehow the ball finally finds its way into Azzi’s hands. And with barely a second left to go, and Paige’s hand firmly in her face, Azzi throws up a prayer. The arena goes deathly silent as the ball hits the back and then circles every inch of the rim before spilling over the edge and falling straight into Edwards’ hands.
The crowd erupts in deafening cheers as the UConn bench rushes to the court, jubilantly hugging each other with Paige in the middle. Azzi blinks rapidly, refusing to be caught shedding a single tear on camera. Her teammates look distraught and Azzi feels disappointment curling into every crevice of her skin she’d almost had it. In the grand scheme of things she knows that, that shot would have only guaranteed overtime and not a win but still, it wouldn’t have meant a loss. And she knows this one isn’t completely on her either but it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t feel the burden of it on her shoulders any way.
But despite it all, seeing Paige’s bright smile stretch all over her beaming face as she celebrates with her team, soothes the sting of the loss just a little bit. Azzi still remembers late night calls and Paige’s broken voice too well, her brain imprinted with the misery of a girl who had just wanted to play the sport she loved and couldn’t. And even if everything between them resembles the remnants of an earthquake, Azzi can’t help but be just a little bit happy for Paige.
The handshake line is better this time around with no one being unnecessarily hostile. One team is too happy to care and when Muhl briefly hugs her, Azzi can’t help but be a little shocked by the affection. Her team is too despondent to be mad, and Angela briefly nods at Paige when shaking her hand, and gets a reassuring grin in return. Azzi has to force herself not to run away, if only for decorum’s sake, once she and Paige finally get to each other. Trying to keep herself steady, she reaches out her hand to counter Paige’s outstretched arms. The smile falls a little bit from Paige’s face as a more resigned expression takes its place.
“Good game Bueckers,” Azzi manages to muster out.
The last name stings but Paige does her best to not let it show, “good game Az.”
When there’s a knock on the door to her hotel room a little bit after 10pm, Azzi knows exactly who it is. The look that Charisma gives her as she goes to open it, suggests that she does too.
“Oh thank fucking god, I thought maybe y’all left already,” and there it is, Paige voice echoing through her room and from where she’s perched on the edge of bed, her feet dangling over the side, Azzi catches a brief glimpse of the UConn point guard.
“Had a little bit of a transportation issue. We’re not leaving til tomorrow morning,” Charisma explains, “what are you doing here Paige?”
Paige shuffles her feet nervously at the doorway, peering over Charisma’s frame in the doorway to catch sight of Azzi, “can I talk to Azzi?”
“First you kick my ass in the final four, and now you wanna kick me out of my own room?” Charisma asks, voice light but there’s an edge of seriousness to it.
“Az,” Charisma turns to Azzi with a questioning look, and Azzi sighs at having all the attention on her, “you wanna talk to her?”
Say no. Say yes. Her head fights with itself. And for the last few months, Azzi’s done well with listening to the logical part of her brain, diligently sticking to letting go. But that had only been easy to do because Paige hadn’t actually been there. Now that she is, with bright hopeful eyes fixed on Azzi, well, this time the emotional side wins out. She nods her head in yes at Charisma and Paige seems to glow all over.
“You’re lucky it’s me and not Angela or Kiki or any of the other girls,” Charisma warns, “but I swear to god Bueckers if I come back and there’s a single tear-”
“Then you have my permission to fucking murder me,” Paige vows, her face a paragon of sincerity.
Charisma nods once, stepping aside to let Paige in. The Bruin’s point guard looks at Azzi once more for confirmation and then, satisfied by the small smile Azzi shoots at her, she leaves the room, letting the door shut behind her. And then it’s just Paige and Azzi and the myriad of unspoken thoughts that seem to always linger between them.
“Hi,” Paige says softly.
Azzi stares up at her with tired eyes, “shouldn’t you be celebrating or something?”
“Still one more game to go. Gotta lock in for that first.”
“Then go do that. What are you doing here?”
Paige flinches at the harsh tone and Azzi feels a wave of guilt come over her. She doesn’t mean to be so hostile but she’s scared that if she gives in just a little, all of her will go tumbling down.
“Sunday is the most important game of my life,” Paige says quietly.
“I know- I know it means a lot to you.”
“It does,” Paige nods, as she takes a step forward, hesitating for a second, before she drags a foot stool over, so she can sit right in front of Azzi, “will you stay for it?”
“That’s not-,” Azzi sucks in a deep breath, her senses muddle by having Paige so close to her again, “I thought I was clear about- about us.’
“You were but I thought I was clear with my texts,” Paige counters.
“Paige please.”
“I just-,” Paige pauses, leaning forward and staring intently at Azzi, “I don’t know how the national championship is gonna go. I don’t know if we’re gonna win or lose but I just- I know that no matter what happens, I want you there. Because if I’m gonna end up fucking crying, then I want it to be on your shoulder. And if I’m gonna end up celebrating, I want it to be in your arms. I just- I just want you there. With me. Always.”
Everything else floats away and for a moment, all Azzi knows is Paige, and the warmth that reverberates through her body at the earnestness in those words. If she could, she’d capture that feeling in a bottle and keep it forever. Because moments are fleeting. And when her brain catches up to her heart, and that voice in her head is back to echoing it won’t last, Azzi feels cold all over again.
“You don’t believe me,” disappointment echoes in Paige’s voice; she’s always been a little too perceptive of Azzi’s emotions, “you think I don’t mean it?”
“I think you mean it now. I don’t think you’ll mean it forever,” Azzi shrugs.
Paige is quiet, nerves on full display, as she cautiously reaches for Azzi’s hands with both of her own, an audible sigh of relief floating out of her lips when Azzi lets her.
“I know I fucked up,” she begins quietly, thumb caressing Azzi’s palms, each trace sending jolts of electricy through the younger girl’s body, “like really fucked up and I get why you think that. I get why- why you’re so scared to believe me. And I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.”
A teardrop rolls down Paige’s cheek, falling onto their intertwined hands, and Azzi feels herself flinch, her own eyes beginning to glisten.
“If I could go back in time, I’d change so many fucking things. I’d go back to the beginning- back to your room the night before you went to LA and- and I’d tell myself to shut the fuck up. I’d tell you that I supported you- that I understood that you weren’t choosing UCLA over me- and I’d- I’d tell you that it didn’t matter how many fucking miles away from me you were- we’d survive it. But I can’t- I can’t change the past. I can’t change that we fought. I can’t change that- that I was a fucking idiot for ignoring you for a year. I can’t change that I was a dumbass for leaving that morning.”
Tears are freely streaming from both of their eyes now as they grip each other’s hands tightly. There’s something cathartic about finally being able to cry, about finally being able to mourn the loss of what could have been together.And it feels a little bit like healing.
Paige looks up at Azzi through watery eyelashes as she continues to speak, her voice wrecked with emotion, “and I’m not gonna make promises about how I’ll never do shit to hurt you again because god knows I can be really fucking stupid.”
They let out simultaneous giggles at that and Azzi can feel something in herself unravelling.
“But what I can promise is that if you let me, every day- every fucking day that I live- I will try. To not hurt you. To make it up to you. To fix this. To fix us. And I can promise, that I will never ever fucking run away from you again. I know- I know it’s gonna be hard but I swear- I fucking swear- that I will stay right here and face it with you.”
“Paige,” Azzi whispers helplessly. It’s everything she’s wanted to hear and it’s too much. The voices in her head are too loud again, screams of she’ll hurt you, she always does, let her go colliding with shouts of it’s Paige, it’s your Paige, hold on to her.
“You said- you said you were tired of fighting alone but you never- you never have to do that again because- because I’m here now. Fuck- Azzi I’m here. And I know- I know there’s so much we have to talk about and so much we still have to fucking deal with. But we can do that- we can- we can deal with anything. Because it’s us. Paige and Azzi. We can do anything. Together.”
Paige presses her forehead to Azzi’s, pulling their interlocked hands to her chest. They’re breathing in sync and Azzi can feel the thrum of Paige’s heart beat against her fingertips. Azzi’s eyes close of their own accord, as Paige’s lips brush over hers, her next words coming out in a breathless whisper.
“Believe in me- believe in us just one more time, please.”
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fresh start
part nine (chapter 25) previous part • my masterlist
word count: 2.8k
content warnings: none!
Paige and the team left early yesterday morning for their game at Minnesota today. Travelling for game days, unfortunately, wasn't part of my job so Kayla, Madison, Hannah, Kelsey and I were all lounging on the couch, each tucked under a blanket, excitedly waiting for tip off.
After agreeing to go home with Paige for Thanksgiving, it was decided that I would travel there after classes finished tomorrow and Paige would pick me up from the airport. After Thanksgiving, Paige had to fly directly to the Cayman Islands for a tournament so I'd be flying back to campus alone.
Now the season had started, I had to get used to Paige being away more often, I didn't like it but it was inevitable and it just means that the time we do spend together is even more special.
"Are you all packed for Minnesota, Lils?" Madison asks me from her place at the end of the couch.
"Pretty much, just need to add the last few bits but I'll do that before I leave in the morning." I tell my roommate.
"I can't believe you're going home with your girlfriend for Thanksgiving break! Who would have thought it?" Kelsey says from beside me, leaning her head on my shoulder, "Single Sisters was extremely short lived." She laughs referring to the pact we made when we first met.
"I know! It feels weird but also right at the same time." I say thinking about my relationship with Paige and how it was never my intention to have a girlfriend again so soon but life and love works in mysterious ways and I'm so glad it worked out like this.
The conversation faded out as the game between UConn and Minnesota started and all of our attention was fully focused on the TV as familiar faces in white jerseys moved about the court.
Kayla had kindly offered to drive me to the airport to catch my flight and we had just arrived.
"Thank you for dropping me, K." I say as she pulls into departures parking.
"No worries, have a safe flight and enjoy Minnesota." She smiles her signature smile and I hug her over the console before getting out of the car.
After leaving Kayla, I immediately put my headphones on and shuffle my playlist. Controversially, I really like airports. I would always arrive earlier than necessary to ensure I didn't need to rush. I enjoyed picking out snacks for the journey and most of all, I loved knowing that I could be in my own world, listening to music, staring out of the window for the entirety of the upcoming flight.
After passing through security and buying my favourite snacks, Jolly Ranchers and Gold Fish, I just sat and patiently waited at my gate for boarding to begin.
hi pretty girl
have a safe flight, cant wait to see you
love you
hi p
boarding is just about to start
ive missed you so much
see you soon, i love you
I smiled at the text conversation between Paige and me. I felt extremely grateful for how my life had done a complete one eighty spin from a few months ago. I was happy, I had a beautiful girlfriend who loved me without reservations, I had genuine friends that supported me, I had a job that I adored and I wanted to be alive and stay alive. If I could go back at tell past Lily that, I know for a fact, she'd call bullshit.
The flight was quick, less than three hours and once we were up in the air it felt like we began our descent almost immediately.
I had collected my luggage, it wasn't big as I was only here for a few days, and was making my way through arrivals where Paige said she would be waiting.
"Oh my god." I say under my breath as Paige finally comes into view. She's stood a few feet away from me, looking as beautiful as ever. Her hair is down, tucked behind both ears and from the slight wave in it, I can tell it's been recently washed and left to dry naturally. She's dressed casually, in a grey tracksuit and Air Max 95s but it's the huge bouquet of flowers in her hand that has my jaw on the floor.
It takes a moment for Paige to register that I'm walking towards her but when she does, her face breaks out into a big grin and she takes the few strides needed to close the gap between us.
"Hi babe." I say melting into my girlfriends hug, taking in her scent that I've been deprived of the last few days.
"Hi my pretty girl. How was the flight?" Paige asks with me still in her arms.
"Super quick but I'm tired." I respond. Admittedly I'd not slept well the past few days, sleeping alone, without Paige wasn't something I was used to, so her being gone definitely felt foreign.
"You can sleep in the car. Oh and these are for you, obviously." She says handing me the bunch of flowers. They were a mix of pink and white dahlias with the odd stem of leaves, they were beautiful.
One thing about Paige, she was the best flower giver. She knew the perfect time to get them and every bouquet I've received from her and has been filled with the most pretty flowers.
Paige took my bags and I carried the flowers as I followed her to her car. She opened the passenger door for me before loading my bags into her trunk. I reached into the back seats and carefully placed my flowers down.
"Here." Paige said getting into the driver's seat handing me a blanket. Her blanket. Her favourite blanket that she slept with every night in Connecticut.
"Thank you." I say covering myself over and resting my head on the window. The blanket smelt like Paige and even though she wasn't, it felt like she was hugging me, it was comforting.
One of Paiges hands rests on my leg as the other steered the car as we began driving to her family home. My eyes fluttered shut, feeling safe and content and most of all loved beyond belief.
Having Lily here in the house I grew up in felt natural as soon as we stepped inside. My heart warmed watching her interact with my family, especially Drew.
They were currently stood side by side at the kitchen counter, sleeves rolled up to their elbows as they took it in turns pouring in various ingredients and mixing together the cake batter.
I kept my distance and just observed as the two most important people in my life bonded and got to know each other.
"Paigey actually ruined Thanksgiving last year." My little brother tells Lily and she laughs.
"Really? What did she do?"
"She said she was going to make the best cake ever and nobody was allowed to help and I didn't eat any candy all day because she said her cake was so good." Drew reminisced on last year, "And then we tried it and it was actually the worse cake ever! I had to spit it in the trash."
"Hey, it's not my fault I confused the sugar with salt." I interject, poking my brother in the side causing him to giggle and in turn fling his arms up to protect himself, but as he does a dollop of cake batter flies off the spoon and lands on Lilys face.
Once Drew realises what he's done he quickly apologises to Lily but I can't hold back my laughter.
"It's OK Drew, no harm done." Lily says with a sweet smile but when her eyes flick to me, she's glaring intensely. "Funny, Bueckers?" She asks raising her brows.
"Just a bit, yeah." I say still giggling.
"Oh OK, so you won't mind if I just," she dips her hand into the batter mixture and before I can register what she's about to do, she smears it across my cheek, "do that."
As quick as my giggles stop, Lilys and Drews start and I'm too busy focused on Lily to notice Drew also dipping his hand into the mixture before wiping in down my arm.
"Oh I get it. It's two against one." I say slightly offended my own brother would choose Lily over me but at the same time loving it because them having a good relationship means a whole lot to me.
"Drew, I think we should run." Lily says being able to read my facial expression perfectly and both of them set off running away from me but I grab the full bowl and go after them.
"I'm literally an athlete, I'm going to catch you guys." I say as I follow them.
Drew is running at full speed whilst screaming and dodging pieces of furniture so he doesn't trip and Lily isn't far behind him, also dodging furniture but laughing so much it's slowing her down.
I change my tatic and go back on myself knowing that Drew and Lily will walk or...run into me and I'm right.
"Ha! Got you!" I triumph as Drew unknowingly runs right into my path and I scoop him up with one swift movement and with my hand already covered in cake mix, I swipe it across his face.
"Lily, save me!" Drew shouts in my arms and he kicks and wriggles his body trying to get me to release him.
Lily's by our side seconds later, "Don't worry, I've got you!" She reassures and lunges for the bowl picking up the spoon and flicking it in my direction, sending mixture straight into my face.
"OK that's it!" I say adjusting Drew so he's over my shoulder and I run full speed at Lily.
She lets out a screech but she can't move fast enough so I manage to hook my free arm around her waist, "Now everyone say Paige is the best." I say gripping onto both of them.
"Paige is the best." They both mummble knowing they've been beaten.
"And Paige always wins, she never loses." I try my luck.
"OK, that's pushing it P." Lily says and she manages to wriggle out of my grasp so I place Drew down too.
"Truce?" Lily asks out stretching her hand, "Truce." I reply shaking her hand and then my brothers.
We salvage what's left of the cake batter and pour it into a tin before it goes into the oven to bake.
"OK, go clean yourself up buddy." I say to Drew and point him in the direction of the bathroom before Lily and I start to tidy the kitchen.
"He really likes you, you know?" I say to Lily as she washes dishes at the sink and I wipe down the surfaces.
"I love him." Lily says and my heart bursts, "Being an only child, I feel like I missed out on something. I wish I had siblings to have these moments with."
"You can have these moments with us. My family is your family, Lils." I say going over and standing behind her, I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my head on her shoulder, "Thank you, P. I love you." She says spinning around so we're face to face.
“I love you." I lean in and press a kiss to her lips, "Although, you're slightly sticky." I say as I pull away.
I pick up a cloth, "Come here." I motion for Lily to come over to the kitchen island, she does and I lift her up onto the counter.
I gently wipe away any left over batter residue on Lilys face and from my place inbetween her legs, I'm taken back to the night in my bathroom after the frat party.
I think about how much Lily and I have been through since then and how much my love for her has grown and I can only hope it continues that way.
"What are you thinking about beautiful?" Lily asks cupping my face with her hands.
"You. Me. Us. How much I love you and want you in my life forever."
"You've got me Paige. In everyway." She says pulling me closer and crashing her lips to mine. My hands instinctively rest on her thighs and slowly make their way up to her waist. I feel her groan into my mouth at my touch so I deepen the kiss, making it needier, sloppier. Lily's legs are around my waist and her hands are in my hair and it's a feeling I want to bottle and save for later because I know my little brother will be back in the room at any moment.
I reluctantly pull away, "Drew will be back any second." I say and right on cue the boy walks back into the kitchen.
He looks at Lily and me and the way we're positioned, Lily still perched on the counter top and me inbetween her legs, hands on her thighs and his head tilts to one side and I know he's about to say something.
"Paigey, are you going to marry Lily and have babies?" He asks full of innocence but Lily and I almost choke.
"We're still really young right now buddy." I try and answer as diplomatically as possible.
"What about when you're bigger, like mom and dad?" He continues to push the topic.
"Well, don't tell anyone," Drew nods rapidly in agreement as I speak, "but if Lily will have me, I'll happily put a ring on it and make her a mommy." I say cheekily squeezing Lilys thigh, earning a shove from her.
"Your sister is one of a kind, you know that Drew?" Lily ask jumping off the counter.
"Uh huh." Drew agrees and I smile as we all make our way into the living room to inevitably watch another cheesy holiday movie.
Paiges dad and stepmom had filled the table with the most delicious looking and smelling food I'd even seen. Thanksgiving dinner was not like this back home in Boston, in fact if my mom could avoid cooking all together, she would. I spent a lot of Thanksgivings at Emmas house and Christmases too, as a family we weren't very festive but the Bueckers were the complete opposite.
Paige was sat inbetween Drew and me with their parents opposite us, we each had a small glass of wine - Drew excluded and Paiges dad, Bob raised his glass, "It's tradition that we say something we're thankful for before dinner. Lily, as our guest, would you like to start?"
I look to Paige, slightly put on the spot but I don't know why because I know what I'm thankful for. It's easy, I don't even need to think about it. Paige sends me a small smile and a quick nod and I pick up my glass, "I'm thankful for my life right now and everyone in it. A few months ago things were very different and it was hard for me to see an end to that but going to Connecticut, changed everything. It saved my life. I wanted a fresh start and I got that. I'm thankful for all of the beautiful friends I've made, I'm thankful for the opportunities I get everyday to learn and grow and I'm especially thankful to be sat here. I'm thankful for being welcomed in your family and home as if I've always been a part of it. It truly means the world to me."
Under the table, Paiges hand squeezes my thigh in support and she leans over pressing a kiss to my cheek.
"I think that deserves a toast," Paiges stepmom says and everyone raises their glass of wine, even Drew picks up his juice, "to Lilys fresh start. May she continue to grow and blossom."
We all clink our glasses together and I have to fight back tears.
"And let it be known," Bob says, "anyone who makes my daughter as happy as you is always welcome in this family."
˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊✧˚ · .
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Sinner & Saint: Creed III Chapter 9
Need to catch up? Of course you do. Masterlist HERE.

"Woke up this morning Found my peace of mind Finally, I can say to you That I, feel good this morning No, I can't deny So finally I can lay with you And feel, feel the pleasure Finally do what lovers do, with you, babe Ride for two Don't you know, oh So we (so we) can roll how we want to, yeah
Set fire to the fucking pavement They bound to drown so they can't relate And just do what I say, do what I say, no My baby got her own fuckin' ways now Tellin' y'all she ain't fuckin' playin', ay Ain't need no problems from her man I know she ain't worried (she ain't worried)"
Terrace Martin – "This Morning (feat. Arin Ray and Smino)"
She moved through the crowd like a silent wind through chimes that tinkled once she blew past. Her steps were assured, eyes laser sharp on who she needed to speak to on his behalf.
Damian watched in awe as Athena worked the packed penthouse filled with stars, sports influencers, executives, groupies, agents, managers, lawyers, and riff raff. He drank a few shots, gobbled up some hors d'oeuvres, and kept near his new boss. A few women checked him out and tried making conversation with him. He acted polite, answered very few questions about his connection to Athena and rested in the cut letting her lead everything. Feeling out of place once more, his brooding appearance seemed to attract even more women as the party continued through the night. Bianca excused herself and he realized that the penthouse they partied in was not the one Donnie and his family stayed in. Smart.
"Damian, this is Karl Gaston and Alessandro Beyna. Karl is a regional wealth advisor in the Cayman Islands and Alessandro handles investments there," Athena said.
Damian shook their hands and tried to look friendly. Athena tossed back her hair and placed a hand on his arm.
"Damian will soon be signing with my brother's company and I'll be working out some portfolio plans for him. He's going to need people that can take care of his money for future investments," Athena said.
The two white men nearly salivated listening to her. Athena had his pockets lined up with imaginary money. The two men would laugh him out of the hotel if they knew the total amount of cash he had in his paltry bank account at that moment. He rolled with her flow, keeping stoic in their presence. Business cards were exchanged with him and not Athena. She directed all the power to him turning into his conduit for all transactions in the place. Women were bolder, grabbing his attention with flirty banter and hungry stares. Nothing was subtle. He spent a moment alone with Athena in the back of the main room, until Donnie caught up with them. They took pictures together with hired photographers documenting the party for Donnie. It didn't take long for the champ to shoehorn his way between himself and Athena. She allowed it, a sly grin on her face as she joined a group of women.
"She's in her zone," Donnie said, glancing at his sister.
"Half the shit she says to the people goes over my head," Damian said.
"Wheeling and dealing."
"She's good. Knows a ton of people here."
"She'll keep the sharks away. For now, enjoy the anonymity," Donnie said.
Damian looked Donnie in the eye.
"You two a thing?" Donnie asked.
"Business partners."
Damian walked away before Donnie could flap his gums about anything else. Athena was a grown ass woman. Her baby brother wasn't about to lecture him on hooking up with her. She reached for Damian's hand and pulled him toward a young Black man with hooded eyes and a garish haircut to his permed blonde hair.
"Dame this is Raven X, stylist to the stars. I'm setting up an appointment for you two to get together back in L.A."
Raven X raked his eyes up and down Damian's physique.
"What are you looking for, Bad Boy tease or elegant showman?" Raven X said.
Athena tilted her head and squinted at Damian.
"I'm thinking future champion. I want his fits so crisp that they cut people in the eyes just by looking at him," she said.
Raven X nodded and stared at the top of Damian's head.
"Great head of hair. Formidable face. I'll give you a sexy fucking gladiator," Raven X said.
"I like it. Talk soon," Athena said.
She led Damian to the door.
"We're leaving?" he asked.
"Yep. Never be the last to leave the room. Smells of desperation."
"Where you two goin'?"
Donnie's blaring voice stopped their escape. Athena leveled her gaze at her brother.
"Damian's had a long night. He needs rest. We have meetings back in L.A. the moment we touch down," Athena said.
"When can I be looped in?"
Donnie's eyes flicked back and forth between them.
"We'll be in touch," Athena said.
She touched Damian's arm and he moved past her.
"Congratulations on everything tonight," Damian threw over his shoulder.
Donnie's expression appeared bewildered as they left the suite.
"Don't worry, I'll have terms and conditions lined up for you before we meet with my brother. You and I have to decide what trajectory you want for your career the next eighteen months."
"I just need some good fights lined up."
"You need more than that. We have to cultivate an image, create buzz with a catchy name—"
"Diamond Dame"
"Diamond Dame is what I went by before I was in the pen."
They slipped into a private elevator and went up two floors. Athena eyed him from head to toe. She touched the collar of his shirt.
"Hmmm, Diamond Dame. With Raven's capable hands, you just might live up to that name. I like it. Classy. Rolls off the tongue."
"Yeah?" he said, moving in closer to her.
The elevator doors opened and Athena jumped back from him like water hitting hot grease. Mary Anne Creed stood in front of the opening dressed in a linen two-piece suit.
"Ma," Athena squeaked out. "Where are you going?"
"Well, Amara is fast asleep and Bianca is back in their suite. I'm free to go do a little gambling on the house. Where are you two headed?"
"We just came from Donnie's party."
Mary Anne checked her vintage diamond Cartier watch.
"It's not even midnight. Still early for his celebration to end," Mary Anne said with a lifted eyebrow.
"Damian and I have some business to discuss. I'm his new manager."
Athena gripped Damian's arm and pulled him out of the lift and away from her mother.
"Yes. Enjoy throwing money away," Athena called over her shoulder.
Damian glanced back at Donnie's adoptive mother. Mary Anne's sharp eyes cut into him despite the feigned pleasant look she tried to maintain.
Athena dug into her clutch and pulled out a keycard and tapped it against her suite. She led him to a busy-looking work station set up on the room's mahogany desk. Pushing back the executive chair, she plopped down and pointed to a side chair for him to pull up next to her. A laptop came to life from the touch of her hand and onscreen she had a detailed prospective typed up with his name all over it. She scrolled through several pages and stopped at one particular page.
"You whipped this all up today before the fight?" he asked.
"I'm always prepared to snatch up talent. This is just a mock up to give you an idea of what I can do. You don't have to sign anything now."
She tapped the enter key and a printer behind the laptop hummed to life and began printing up several sheets of paper. When the printer spit out the last page, Athena compiled them all and stapled two separate stacks. She handed him a copy and he listened to her go over every detail on ten full pages. His brain grew foggy with all the terminology, but he listened intently, trusting her completely. After forty minutes, she poured them both fresh glasses of water from the mini-bar and paced in front of him.
"Boxing needs excitement again, and they love an underdog story. The key is, they grow tired of that scenario after a few years. I think we should play up your background, but involve you back in your community. Do some volunteer work and talks at juvie facilities. See Donnie was able to coast on being our father's lost child, but he's been pampered and trained by a legend. Rocky isn't around anymore and now that my brother is retiring—"
"He's quitting?"
Athena gave a dismissive wave of her hand.
"Donnie is old news. His era is over. His mistake was calling himself Hollywood. The connotations made him seem elitist after awhile. Even when he won the championship, people still saw him as a privileged athlete, a nepo baby lucky enough to have my daddy's genes and access to the best that no one else did. With you—"
"I call myself Diamond, that's not elitist?"
"Not with your narrative. You were the lost jagged rock in the cold, cruel mine that became a diamond in the rough. A long prison bid and a hard-luck come-back story outshines a rich, spoiled pretty boy tale any day."
"Donnie didn't have it so easy before he was adopted by your mom."
"Is that what he told you?"
"He stayed in a group home, was in and out of foster care…"
The look on Athena's face made him clam up tight. She rested a soft hand on his shoulder.
"One of these days, I'm going to tell you about your little friend," she said.
"Tell me now. I have all night."
"No. Tonight, you will read over this contract, my mission statement for you, and you'll look for a contract lawyer on your own to go over my paperwork before you sign with me."
Damian rolled his eyes and pushed out of his seat realizing he wasn't getting any nookie.
"Don't pout. Business first, pleasure later," she said, pointing to the door.
He ambled out of her suite with his lips in a pout. She crossed her arms.
"I've got an amazing view of the strip. Champagne on ice…"
His words didn't move her.
"Goodnight Diamond Dame."
She closed the door in his face.
"I can't believe she gave me homework," he said, shuffling off to the elevator clutching onto precious papers that would elevate his life.
Back in his suite he placed the preliminary contract on the end of his bed and stripped out of his clothes. He showered, brushed and flossed his teeth before slipping into black satin sleep shorts. He grabbed a fresh bottle of chilled champagne from the suite's mini fridge and popped it open. A knock at his door surprised him. He put the champagne on the low table near the couch and padded over to the door, peeking through the keyhole. He grinned.
Opening the door he gave Athena a wide smile. She wore a thin purple overcoat and opened it for him. Underneath was a red sheer teddy that displayed everything that his mind imagined from the moment he met her.
"Hello," she purred.
She touched his chest with her index finger and pushed him back inside his suite, shutting the door behind her.
"I thought I was supposed to read over my paperwork," he teased.
"Oh you are…let's just say I'm your paperwork and I want you to enter into this contract," she said.
She dropped the coat on the floor and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"You're full of surprises," he said.
"Get used to it Diamond Dame."
He lifted Athena up in his arms and kissed her while he carried her toward his sleeping area. He kicked away the contract papers and placed her on the bed. Getting on his knees he wedged himself between her open thighs and cradled her face with his hands.
"I can't believe you're real sometimes," he said.
Her eyes flicked away as her dazzling smile blessed him once more, but he held her chin forcing her to look directly at him.
"You're the best thing to happen to me in my life, Athena. That means a lot to a man like me in the situation I'm in. I don't know what you see in me to make you give me so much."
"I see a champion who deserves a second chance at the title."
"Is it just that? Or is it about besting Donnie too?"
She touched his hand and pulled it away from her face.
"Me and Donnie are a complicated pair…and yeah, spoiling his plans for you is a part of it."
"Plans for me?"
"Controlling your narrative to protect his. By keeping you from being under his thumb I can take you to the heights that no other boxer has been. I see a documentary, a tv series, fashion, and more for your future. A fallen hero returning to his roots and taking over more than just the boxing world. My father's life was cut short from reaching his full potential. I plan on taking you far Damian Anderson."
"What's in it for you?"
She kissed him. Her warm, wet mouth overwhelmed him into submission on his knees. Athena stole his heart as she kissed him, their tongues soft and gentle together.
He stood up when the carpet became too scratchy for his knees. His erection comically saluted her forehead. Athena laughed and hooked her fingers into his satin shorts, pulling them off and freeing his heavy dick. Dropping to her knees, she licked the tip like it was a sweet chocolate lollipop and he nearly blew his load all over his face. Goddamn she was like a gorgeous Black Barbie doll. The dreamy pin-up girl guys beat their meat to in a fantasy world they would never see become reality. Athena was a nasty girl too, spitting and slurping all over the wide head. She licked below his frenulum and the sensitive skin there had him groaning her name.
She offered her tongue and Damian squeezed pre-cum there in thick rivulets. He tilted his neck and stroked under the thick ridge of his dick, watching her pucker and kiss his slit where more clear fluid spilled onto her glossy red lips. She began throating his erection with gusto, keeping her eyes on him. He wanted to nut on her face so bad, but thought it would be too rude and aggressive for their first time together. His dick became a hot and heavy saber in his hand and he was desperate to chop down the beauty before him.
"Such a pretty face," he murmured, touching her cheek.
"You want to cum on it, don't you?"
Athena's words were so seductive and her tone was so full of lust and desire that he couldn't hold back.
They both watched his big dick throb in his hand and spurt thick creamy semen all across the bridge of her nose and all over her lips. Athena snapped her eyes shut and slanted her head back so more of his cum could drench the side of her face. Before he could apologize for nutting unexpectedly, she wrapped her lips around his meat and sucked another nut right out. His mouth became a tight line as he held her head and helped her gobble up his dick with spectacular deep throating. He had to tap out when she fondled his balls trying to milk him for more.
She swallowed and smacked her lips.
"You have a lot of cum," she said with wet sticky lips.
She stared at his dick. It was still erect and pointing at her messy face. She took off her cute teddy and waltzed to his bathroom. Two minutes later she returned with a fresh face without cum all over it. He stayed mesmerized by the bounce of her breasts and admired her amazing figure.
"My turn," she said, pushing him down on the bed.
She climbed over his body and planted her sopping wet pussy on his lips. Every lick he gave her, he stopped to look at her slippery labia and the soft pink of her pussy. He sucked on her clit like it was a delicate berry and her keening sighs let him know he was doing the job she wanted. He gripped her thighs and held her down tight, smothering his mouth against her entire vulva.
"Yes, baby, eat my pussy…oh Damian, you're eating it so good," she panted, grinding down on his fleshy lips.
She reached behind and fisted his dick while he feasted on the sweetest pussy he ever tasted in his life. The scent between her thighs was heavenly and he inserted his tongue inside of her sweet pink walls. Athena bounced on his tongue and cursed him for how good he was. He flipped her over and nestled his face between her legs, pinning them down to control her movement. She whimpered and gazed at his wide tongue slathering her vulva. He switched up and flicked the tip of his tongue against her clit and she threw an arm over her eyes, unable to watch his entire mouth do a praise dance all over her sensitive nerve endings. His tongue spelled out his name all over her labia and clit, claiming her for himself.
"Ohmigod…Damian…I'm cumming baby! You're making me cum all in your mouth…oh God!"
Her thighs snapped around his head and he hung on, keeping his thick lips pressed against her clit giving it small circles. His head and neck rocked and rolled with all of her flailing limbs on the bed. She was strong so he had to put some muscle on her to keep her from flying across the room with her orgasm. He pinched the tips of her nipples and she cursed him yet again with her thighs shaking uncontrollably.
It took a few minutes for her body to simmer back down and he made note that she was multi-orgasmic. He felt like a lucky sonofabitch.
"I was not expecting that," she huffed out. "You can go for a long time. Jesus!'
Damian raised his body up to be closer to her on the bed. She was covered in sweat and strands of her hair clung to her cheeks in damp ringlets. Brushing back her hair, Athena rolled over to lay her head against his chest. They cuddled quietly, watching the lights of the strip twinkling their seductive call to gamble and dance. When her breathing settled, they kissed and he fondled her breasts. Her eyes became glassy and her gently fingered her pussy, watching her expression to learn what she liked for research purposes. He liked nice plump titties and a tight pussy. She had both. His calloused fingers created the perfect friction she needed and he pleasured her vulva and slick walls until her pussy clenched around his two curled fingers.
"That's my good girl," he said, gazing at her beautiful face as her mouth dropped open from the intense release. "My dick will feel even better once you let me put it in this pretty pussy."
He looked at the bald shiny vulva of her Brazilian wax and his mouth watered. He'd never had a hairless pussy before. It didn't even feel real and he was captivated by the smooth slickness.
"Will you let me nut all over this pussy?"
Athena's mouth still gaped open and his words had her pussy throbbing all over his fingers.
"I'll take that as a yes," he said. "So tight and wet. Can I make a big ole mess inside of here too?"
Athena almost collapsed on herself riding out her wave of pleasure.
"I know this pussy will squeeze my big dick so good."
He moved his fingers a little to extend her release and pressed his thumb into her clit hard.
"I'll smack these big nuts against that ass too…make you cum all over my balls."
She was like putty in his hands. He pulled out his fingers and licked them. God she tasted even better than before. How was that possible? He allowed her to rest while he kissed and licked her all over, sucking on her toes while he played with his dick for her. Her eyes traced every part of his body and the lust she had for it was quite evident. He felt the same way about hers. They were built for each other.
After caressing her curves and valleys, he pulled her on top of him to feel skin on skin warmth. Her hair fanned out all across his neck and he sniffed the fragrant hair oil she coated her tresses with. Jasmine and maybe rose oil mixed in.
They both fell asleep until the morning sun rose up, the light falling across their naked bodies like a cozy yellow blanket.
Athena slid down his chest and engulfed the head of his penis in wet warmth, bobbing her head while he touched her hair. He said nothing when she climbed on top of him and slid her pussy down his length unsheathed. Her eyes didn't have desire or lust in them anymore…no, something else more powerful watched him as she went up and down on him so slow that his toes curled. His dick had her pussy stretched and talking. She had his shaft shiny and bewitched and once she started gyrating around and kissing his neck, he was mentally gone. God had to be looking out for him to bring her into his life.
Damian sat up and held Athena close. They rocked together on the bed face to face, staring into each other's eyes within a protective fortress of lovemaking. The world outside had vanished and there was only bliss for them inside. He would do anything this woman asked him to do for the rest of his days on earth.
Her ass cheeks felt slippery and wet from their natural lubrication flowing so freely on his lap. He was on the verge of ejaculating.
"'Bout to cum…"
She held the nape of his neck and pressed her forehead against his.
"Cum in my pussy," she whispered into his mouth.
"You sure?"
"Please. I want to feel you cumming inside me."
He groaned and thrust up into her faster, simply luxuriating in the snug hold she had on his dick. He lifted her by her hips and spread his legs more to get deeper inside.
"Don't ever leave me, Damian," she whispered.
He bucked into her hard and clasped her back with anchoring arms as a powerful flow surged from his balls and through his dick.
"I'd never leave you, Athena…you're my woman…"
She cried out and he shouted with her as his orgasm raced after hers.
"Oh my fucking God!" he hollered into her neck as hard throbs pushed hot cum into her pussy.
His body jerked several times and she trembled in his arms. Gasping together in a tangle of arms and legs and loving words, Damian and Athena shocked their own senses with the passion of their sex. She pulled away from him and sat back on her rump. He looked at her vulva. Her inner labia were plump and spread wide. Her pink opening still had the round gaping cavern of where his dick stretched her. Some of his creamy white semen spilled out in a gush. She played with it, smearing it all over her labia and clit.
He stroked her thigh.
"You can consider all that my signature for our contract," he said.
She laughed and held her labia open for him to see the continuous running trail of cum he put in her.
"It's so warm in my pussy," she said.
He snuggled up to her and they kissed for a long time before his stomach grumbled. Damian ordered room service for them and he had everything set up after Athena showered and walked out wearing one of his clean t-shirts. A full Creole-styled breakfast with champagne and cranberry juice was eaten on the bed. There was no rush to be anywhere. Athena's family was busy doing their own thing inside their suites. They ate their fill and snuggled under the covers together, letting the air-conditioner run giving them an excuse to spoon in body heat.
By noon Damian had his dick back inside of her raw under the covers, hitting it from his side with her back pressed into him. He whispered the filthiest things in her ear and fucked her like he missed her, like she had been waiting for him to get out of prison. Athena took that dick and choked it with her pussy. He fucked her within an inch of her life like he had something to prove. Damian put it down so good that she started sobbing and begged him to fuck her harder. He had vacillated between gentle and hard lovemaking, and Athena seemed to enjoy both ways, but her tears ushered in a pistoning of his hips to give her what she wanted.
Shoving her face down on top of the covers, he kept his hand on her neck and slammed into her perky ass. His back shots kept her cheeks clapping and his balls slapping. He glanced across the room at the mirrored closet doors and locked eyes with Athena. She watched him power drill into her with the happiest expression on her face. He slapped her ass hard several times and those round brown cheeks bounced in his palm like jello.
Damian wondered if she was one of those types that liked the idea of fucking a nigga fresh out the pen. She liked the way he talked dirty to her, his aggression exciting her with those tight pussy clenches she gave him. Didn't they say good girls always liked fucking with bad boys until they married a good boy later in life once they got all that illicitness out of their system?
Nah. Athena wasn't the good boy type. She knew how to talk greasy to people using fancy big words. He witnessed that at Donnie's celebration party. Beneath her perfect society princess façade was a gangster at heart. She had a cunning ruthlessness hidden under the calm, calculated exterior. Watching her face as he clapped her cheeks he recognized what she needed in a man. Someone who could control her in bed. Make her submit. Those tears weren't just from pleasure: she cried because she found the one man who could dominate her soul.
She arched her back and he pressed his hands lower on her spine. He circled his waist and she bit the covers and clawed the sheets. He spanked her with enough force to make her head jolt forward.
"Look at me," he demanded.
She turned her head and her dewy eyes stared back at him.
"Throw my pussy on this dick."
Her eyes widened at him claiming her pussy as his. A sparkle of joy glinted off her dark irises. He smacked her left ass cheek when she didn't move fast enough. Halting his thrusts, Damian looked down at her ass.
"That wasn't a suggestion," he said.
He didn't need to raise his voice, just shifted the tone the way he did when he was in prison and another inmate wanted to bother him out in the yard just to test him. They always found out that his soft controlled timbre could be backed up with brutal force. Athena picked up on that and jiggled her backside, sliding off his dick to position herself better before sliding back on his stiffness.
"Like that?" she asked.
Damn she fucked good. How many lames had she wasted prime pussy on before him? She chewed on her bottom lip until she had the best rhythm going for him and he grunted each time her cheeks slapped against his hard body.
"Is that good for you?" she cooed.
He didn't answer and that encouraged her to show out for him to get a reaction. His balls ached to cum.
"Fuck that shit Athena…"
She wiggled and he closed his eyes.
"Bitch, I said fuck this dick."
He pushed her face down again, had her body all the way on her stomach and started pounding her in that position until she screamed into the pillow her final orgasm of the day with him. The tight rings of her pussy tugging on his dick gave him permission to flood her with another eruption of semen. He dropped onto her back gulping all the air he could to help him tumble over next to her in a weakened heap.
Athena rolled against him again and clutched onto his chest, her fingernails softly circling the hairs around his left nipple.
"We gotta take a break," he said, "I know your pussy is sore because I was wearing that thang out."
She chuckled.
"I haven't been fucked this well in a long time," she said.
"Just well?"
"We have to go a few more times to see if this was just first time luckiness, or if my back will forever be blown out by you."
"Forever?" he said, looking down at her face.
"Is this a one and done, Damian?"
The hesitation in her voice proved to him that she had met her match and didn't want it to slip through her fingers.
"No one will ever take your place, Athena. Hear me? You're my angel."
Her eyes welled up, and she cried.
"Hey…hey…baby…," he said cuddling her closer.
"You're the one thing I have in my life right now that's just all mine," she said. "I don't want to lose that."
"I ain't going nowhere. Hey…look at me…I'm here for the long haul. You're the head that turns this body. When I get into the ring again, I'm going to bring you boxing heads on a platter until I prove all of your faith in me. You're the only person who stepped out on my behalf to help me without question. From day one. I have to repay you for that."
"What happens after you become champion?"
"Whatever we want."
He held her tight until she fell asleep in his arms, assuring her that they were a united team.
"It's you and me against the world, Athena," he whispered into her ear as she slumbered.
Chapter 10 HERE.

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"Don't worry, I already called the cleaners. And remember, we don't talk to cops. Looking at you, Earth Ghoul."
Oof I just wanted one image reference of this character why did it become so complicated... Anyway this is Pierson Post, Esq., my Ghost OC, in their natural habitat - the '80s. They just showed up in my fic 'What Lies Beyond' and they feature heavily in the Primo backstory fic that sucks all my time away from the previous fic but will probably never be published lmao. Pierson is the Ministry's in-house legal counsel, and they love money, Broadway musicals, tropical islands with no extradition treaties with the U.S., and cocaine. They have no soul not because they are a lawyer but because they are a ginger. Their name comes from a case that's frequently taught in law school - Pierson v. Post - involving a dispute over a fox. They're aromantic mostly but have had a few flings with Sister Imperator during vacations to the Caymans.
Some (right-side up) details under the cut (+ Cardinal Peemo & ghoulies)
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I know we should ignore these things, but I like debunking them. So, the article about Harry and Yan Yan Chan originally came from Woman’s Day in Australia, which is bottom of the barrel. Not like other tabloids are better but Woman’s Day will literally say whatever.
I searched her name on Twitter just to see if maybe they got a tip from somewhere, cause it seemed random, there are very few tweets with her name, but I found two from a hardcore Harrie who tweeted in early March that she knew they were hooking up (lol) and that she had confirmation four days ago (double lol).
In the second tweet, a friend replies “how do we know?” and she says that Pip Edwards (another Australian influencer) works with her sister and told her they were hooking up casually in the US and that Yan Yan was at two of his shows in Australia (Perth and Sydney) and they had breakfast together. She didn’t give a source for this last part (I presume she was spotted at the Sydney show because the article says the same). The fan says “apparently” about the shows and the breakfast.
So I went to Yan Yan’s instagram to track if it would even be possible for her and Harry to have hooked up in the US (I obviously don’t believe it, but would the narrative fit?)
Well, Harry was “dating” O until November, correct? Yan Yan was in New York until early November, then she went to a Chanel event in Miami for a few days, then back to NYC until early December. She posted almost every day, tagged her locations and the captions are like “today I took a stroll” or “finally arrived in Miami.” Harry was in LA the entirety of November with his residency, until very late November when he went to his Latin American leg of tour, which finished in mid December. So no cigar there.
Yan Yan then went to the Cayman Islands in early December and back to New York. Harry did a pit stop in LA after Brazil (AFTER Yan Yan was back in NYC), then straight to London, where he stayed until late January, then flew to LA for the postponed shows and the Grammys. Yan Yan went to Australia in mid January and has been there ever since.
Harry followed Yan Yan in 2020, so maybe they hooked up before O? Wrong, Yan Yan was in a relationship with Nathan Jolliffe, ever since 2017, they broke up in July 2022. So either they’re gonna go with “they cheated”, they’re gonna wipe Yan Yan’s social media to make them meeting plausible, or it’s just a het Harrie who wants them to be together (she’s seriously super weird about it), probably because she’s Australian and wants him to date a fellow Aussie 🥴, who tipped off Woman’s Day, and Daily Mail picked it up.
Honestly, tho, part of me hopes that if they’re gonna give Harry another beard, it’s at least a woman of color lmao, I seriously can’t stand Brad and I’m (no offense) tired of white blonde women. I hope he doesn’t have to for a while, O was exhausting. But I’m ngl the amount of ridiculous rumors Australians made up about him hooking up with random women in their periods, I’m like “oh god maybe a beard would be better” 😭 but ik that’s selfish cause he’d have to actually do something with a beard
LOLLLLL! Bless you for the patience it took to look through her IG and compare their schedules. 😅😅😅 The whole thing is so stupid. And yeah, I agree with you about at least it’s a WOC. The same thing happened with Kiko Mizuhara when he was in Japan a few years ago and it obviously was fake (she even said she’d never met him when the rumors were first spread). But the rumors were non stop about them until the article came out denying it.
I just wish everyone would ignore this stuff. When they want us to know, we know. Like, fucking holivia was splashed everywhere. It wasn’t leaked by some random clout chasing harries.
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❣️ What are their love languages?
“Eh, I’d say…physical touch and quality time.”
🌙 What’s their sleep schedule like?
“…I sleep eventually.”
🎁 How do they feel about their birthday/birthdays in general?
“I celebrate my birthday, usually a party with friends and family, lots of food. But…I don’t celebrate all too much anymore. It don’t feel right without my little sister with me.”
🧑🦰 Have they ever dyed their hair? Ever cut it themself?
“Yeah, if you can’t tell by the purple in my hair. It ain’t natural, if you can’t tell. I go to a special salon for my hair, since my curls need specific maintenance. But I can handle it on my own.”
🍷 How do they feel about alcohol?
“I’ve had it at like church ‘n stuff. Accidentally drank a non-virgin piña colada once. Wasn’t too bad, though.”
🗣️ How do they handle public speaking?
“I’m alright at it. I’m better at singin’ than speakin’ if I’m bein’ honest.”
🎮 What’s their favorite game?
“I like Cookie Run : Kingdom. …And Ponytown.”
💓 What are some signs they’ve fallen for someone? How do they show their affection?
“I start hangin’ out with ‘em a lot. Bein’ just a bit more friendly than usual, bakin’ stuff and givin’ it to them. Lettin’ them pick out stuff to do at the sleepovers I like hostin’.”
🤡 What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
“I got struck by lightnin’ as a kid because I tore out a part of the wire on my braces that I had and held it up to the sky durin’ a thunderstorm. It was kinda funny, still stupid, though.”
🌱 - Do they have a green thumb or are they a plant killer?
“I’m a mix of both. I’m real good at keepin’ flowers alive, but I can’t keep a poor tomato plant alive for more than a week.”
📱 - What social media do they use the most?
“Magicam, I’d say. I wasn’t used to all of these people callin’ me pretty ‘n whatnot, so it kinda encouraged me to post a bit more.”
👪 - What’s their relationship with their parents like?
“I love my momma, and my dad. I miss ‘em every single day.”
🐒 - What’s their favorite animal?
“Probably an Agouti. They’re so weird lookin’, I love ‘em to bits.”
🧳 - What countries have they been to?
“I’ve been lots of places. Grand Cayman Islands, Nassau, Aruba, Bermuda, Belize, Peru, the US, a lot of places in Europe, Japan, and lots of others.”
🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand?
“Men’s audacity.”
🎨 - What’s their favorite color?
“Purple, if ya couldn’t tell.”
☂️ - How do they feel about rain?
“I love it. Dancin’ in it with my momma and my brother when I was little was so much fun. I wanna do it again.”
🎶 - What’s a song they really like?
“I really like ‘Why Don’t You Do Right?’ from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.”
🖌️ - Do they have any hobbies?
“Yeah, I got a few. I surf, sew, bake, sing, do weightliftin’, and I like writin’ stories.”
💤 - What do they absolutely need to have to fall asleep?
“A stuffed animal. I don’t care if it’s childish, it ain’t hurtin’ nobody, and it helps me sleep.”
🎢 - Do they like amusement parks? What’s their favorite ride?
“Oh, yeah. I love all of the big rollercoasters, the ones that go extra fast and extra high.”
🗺️ - What languages do they speak?
“I speak a bunch. Whenever I had free time, I was always tryna learn a new language. I speak English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, Hawaiian, French, Latin, Māori, and lots more.”
🍳 - How well can they cook?
“I’ll whip ya up a whole five course meal, if you give me the right amount of time, and space. No one’s in the kitchen while I am, unless you want a pan to the cranium.”
🍪 - How well can they bake?
“I mean, I was basically always covered in dough when I was little, if that says anythin’.”
💘 - What do they find attractive about their partner(s)?
“Everythin’. Why choose?”
👗 - How comfortable would they be wearing a skirt or dress?
“I love skirts ‘n dresses, especially ones with a lot of flow. And sparkles.”
💝 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side?
“I’d really appreciate you just listenin’ to me while I’m talkin’, even if it’s somethin’ mundane. Just be there for me. I don’t ask for much, ‘kay?”
☕ - Coffee or tea?
“Tea. Eucalyptus, preferably, with lots of honey.”
💀 - How do they feel about horror movies?
“I love ‘em. I especially love doin’ horror movie marathons. My brothers ‘n sisters? Save for two or three of them…not so much.”
🧸 - Do they have any stuffed animals? If so, are they decorative or do they sleep with them?
“Yeah, I have lots back home. I have decorative ones and ones I sleep with. My bed back home is covered in stuffed animals. I just lay on top of them with a blanket, really.”
💖 - How and how often do they try to impress their partner(s)? How and how often do their partner(s) impress them?
“I don’t try to impress them too often, but I still probably try to do it subconsciously. Probably by makin’ their favorite food just the way they like it. My partner could impress me by pickin’ me up and just holdin’ me. Piggy back, bridal style, it doesn’t matter. Makes me giggly every time. …I like bein’ held.”
🍽️ - What’s their favorite food?
“Jerk chicken and beignets.”
🧑🍼 - How do they feel about kids?
“I’d like a few. Just havin’ little mini me’s or the mini versions of my partner runnin’ ‘round the house. Sounds adorable to me. I love kids, and I’m pretty good with ‘em.”
🐾 - Do they have any pets?
“Back home, I have a canary and a dog. She’s a big breed, so she takes up about half of the living room rug.”
💬 - What are some filler/buffer words they use? (Like, um, etc.)
“I definitely use like a bit too much.”
🏳️🌈 - What do they identify as? What are their pronouns?
“I identify as pansexual. She/her for pronouns.”
🧑🤝🧑 - Do they have any siblings?
“Yeah, nine of ‘em. Three older, five younger, and a twin brother. …I used to have another sister, but she passed away.”
🥰 - What pet names do their partner(s) use for them? How flustered do they get by them?
“Usually ‘sweetheart’ and ‘baby/babe’ got me blushin’ a bit. ‘Honey’ does it, too.”
🌳 - What’s their extended family like?
“Just as chaotic as my immediate family, if anythin’. Love all of my cousins and aunts, they’re hilarious.”
No pressure tags : @nrc-asteryn-crew @night-raven-miscellany + anyone else who wants to do this!
You don’t have to do all of them if you don’t want to I just decided to lol
Misc. Ask Meme
❣️ - What are their love languages? 🌙 - What’s their sleep schedule like? 🎁 - How do they feel about their birthday/birthdays in general? 🧑🦰 - Have they ever dyed their hair? Ever cut it themself? 🍷- How do they feel about alcohol? 🗣️ - How do they handle public speaking? 🎮 - What’s their favorite game? 💓 - What are some signs they’ve fallen for someone? How do they show their affection? 🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about? 🌱 - Do they have a green thumb or are they a plant killer? 📱 - What social media do they use the most? 👪 - What’s their relationship with their parents like? 🐒 - What’s their favorite animal? 🧳 - What countries have they been to? 🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand? 🎨 - What’s their favorite color? ☂️ - How do they feel about rain? 🎶 - What’s a song they really like? 🖌️ - Do they have any hobbies? 💤 - What do they absolutely need to have to fall asleep? 🎢 - Do they like amusement parks? What’s their favorite ride? 🗺️ - What languages do they speak? 🍳 - How well can they cook? 🍪 - How well can they bake? 💘 - What do they find attractive about their partner(s)? 👗 - How comfortable would they be wearing a skirt or dress? 💝 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side? ☕ - Coffee or tea? 💀 - How do they feel about horror movies? 🧸 - Do they have any stuffed animals? If so, are they decorative or do they sleep with them? 💖 - How and how often do they try to impress their partner(s)? How and how often do their partner(s) impress them? 🍽️ - What’s their favorite food? 🧑🍼 - How do they feel about kids? 🐾 - Do they have any pets? 💬 - What are some filler/buffer words they use? (Like, um, etc.) 🏳️🌈 - What do they identify as? What are their pronouns? 🧑🤝🧑 - Do they have any siblings? 🥰 - What pet names do their partner(s) use for them? How flustered do they get by them? 🌳 - What’s their extended family like? 🎲 - Pick a random question to answer from this list.
#calypso ~ wannabe witch#{words from the mod 💜}#twst yuusona#disney twisted wonderland#disney twst#twst oc#twst rp#{this was so fun :3}
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So I keep seeing this trend online:
And it inspired me to create this headcannon:
America: multigender (nonbinary/genderfluid/pangender) oldest sibling that’s more of the mom
Sierra Leone: transfem little sister
Cayman Islands: transmasc middle brother
France and Britain: transphobic/enbyphobic parents
#I headcannon America to be genderfluid nonbinary or multigender#transfem sierra leone is another headcannon#I like to think in this case she would be tucked against their chest#I just need a transmasc character#yeah#they gonna be transmasc#he’d be resting his cheek against their shoulder#America could also be pangender#I think Cayman Islands fits the transmasc character#Youtube
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If you are looking for Cayman hotels, then Seabreeze Villas Cayman can be the best option for you. Our condos are completely equipped, with modern amenities such as complete kitchen, two full bathrooms, powder room, washer, dryer, security safe, central A/C and cable TV, a DVD-player, wireless high-speed Internet access with no extra charge, & a patio off the living room.
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Hey bestie,
How are you? I hope you’re doing good! Me? Not so much after reading part 3 😭
My thoughts:
I wasn’t expecting us to finally get the fight from that night, so I was NOT prepared. This - When Azzi’s 18, Paige says those words, ones that sound a lot like giving up, and teaches Azzi that sometimes in life, even the people you thought would never make you feel this way, are the ones who'll break you the most – this broke me babe, and to think Azzi still held on despite everything. Like I know Paige was just hurting but maybe she does deserve the suffering (a little bit) after all.
The entire summer scene was fucking elite. Poor Katie and Tim, they just wanted a. nice. family. dinner!! And instead they had to sit through their daughter’s gay ass drama lmao, #freeKatieandTim
The bros standing ten toes down for Pazzi ✊ Jon and José not even trying sent me, like no sorry, P is our sister-in-law but we appreciate you dropping by. AND DREW, our MVP - Drew had looked over to Azzi then, his eyes wide and accusing, “you can’t be Azzi’s girlfriend.” – little man was a bit traumatised, like sorry pookie who is this girl and why is she claiming to be something she can’t possibly be? He’s the GOAT fr, I know when he and P got back home, he scolded tf outta her and it went something like- Drew: “Why are you letting Azzi be other people’s girlfriend?? That’s OUR pookie.” P: “I know, I’m trying bro!”. Drew: “Well try harder!!” *stomps away*.
Then the Cayman Islands - UCLA and UConn to each other: 😡😤🔪🤬🖕👿 while Azzi and Paige: 🥰😍🫂🤩💗👩❤️💋👩 and then there’s probably Carol like: 😩 (she’s so over all this)
And then the ending! I’m guessing P left without saying goodbye because she probably saw the text from Zoe and once again was promptly reminded of their reality? 🥺
Speaking of Zoe, oh girl I’m so sorry, you deserve better – like damn, she just wanted to share some fucking pizza!!
Also, jealous Azzi making an appearance! (I’m such a shameful sucker for the jealous Paige and Azzi trope, I’m sorry!)
Oh and one final thing on part 3 – babe I know you said writing **** was taking years off your life, but we really appreciate your sacrifice because it was absolute 🔥🔥
What’s next (potentially)?
Oh man where to from here huh… I feel like Paige is eventually gonna get to the point where she's like "choose me, pick me", only to realise that Azzi just can’t do it cause she can't trust her with her heart, and I know it's gonna hurt bad. And even though Paige needs and wants more, she’ll also take whatever she can get even if it’s slowly killing her, because it’s Azzi and she’d rather have a little bit of her than none at all 😔
Also, a tension-filled game between them in the final 4 coming up maybe??
That part where Katie shoots Azzi a look of disappointment – I wonder if momma Fudd will ever call out Azzi over whatever’s happening between her and Paige and poor Zoe?
Either way, something tells me we’ve still got a lot of angst coming our way, and look as much as I want our babies to finally just get their shit together, I just can’t say no to more angst you know, I’m just a girl. 🤷♀️
Oh and this part - she’s even less sure about how she’d survived that one year where they’d practically lived in each other’s skins – is this something (I'm guessing this is their covid era?) we go into a bit more?? I do love all the allusions/references to how long they’ve always been something more and the blurring of the lines but never fully crossing it obviously until that fateful summer of 2022. I guess it does explain somewhat, though, why Paige felt so betrayed about Azzi not choosing her (UConn) because baby girl probably thought “ok once we’re both at UConn, we can finally be together 😌” - like her dream/vision of them playing together and also being together got ripped away from her ❤️🩹
As always, bestie, thank you for existing, thank you for your talent and for being so generous in sharing it with us. You outdo yourself every. fucking. time. 💐
Quick non-ucla fic side note: ESPN’s Bracketology having Utah and UConn on opposing sides of the bracket, so basically they’re saying Utah vs UConn championship game where I get to watch AP and PB ball out? Yeah ok, give it to me. 🤪 #APHiveUP (but bleed blue always ofc)
Favourite quote/line:
“You always say the right things,” Paige says quietly, and then even quieter, she whispers under her breath, “you make it so hard Az.”
Big love always 💗,
Hi bestie,
Omg I'm sorry....again 😭
I was gonna wait a little longer with the fight but it felt right to have it in this chapter and I wanted it to be from Azzi's perspective because it would hit just a little harder
Poor Katie and Tim fr like they should have just gone on a cute date instead of having to deal with this craziness
The brothers are the biggest Pazzi shippers like they're actually tired of their sister's bullshit at this point. Drew with the biggest truth ever really just shut everybody else up. "GET OUR POOKIE BACK BEFORE I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING" - Drew Bueckers at some point probably
I was gonna add a line about Carol and Charisma just frowning at their teammates and being all exasperated and then fully forgot lmao but yeah UCLA and UConn are big mad at each other. Though writing Nika and KK are Muhl and Arnold felt so weird.
Bestie you might be the only person who got my hint which apparently was not as obvious as I thought 😭
Zoe, poor girlie pop, y'all are gonna be absolute wrecked for her soon because girlie's just a sweetheart who does not deserve this but got caught in it anyway
Jealous Azzi might actually be worse than jealous Paige in this universe lmao but the waitress was doing *too much*
Part 4 is honestly a bit of a mystery to me because I've dug myself a bit of a hole but never fear, I will angst myself out of it somehow. 😭
#APHiveUp YES EXACTLY BESTIE!! Utah vs UConn for the national championship because actually AP vs AE would be pretty fun too and listen not to get at my girl AP, but AE would win that and then UConn would win and that's the only valid ending.
As always, thank you for being here bestie. I love your long asks and how much you just get me and the UCLA fic which really wouldn't even be a thing without you.
Love you babes <3
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Thankfully our rooster friend decided to sleep in a bit this morning and I didn't hear him until 7 or so. We mosied out of bed and had our usual morning ritual of coffee, Bible reading and breakfast.
We opted to head back to Eden divers, this time to head to Devil's Grotto, the sister reef to Eden. We jumped in and once again, Ken navigated us perfectly to the reef underwater. We spent 68 minutes on this dive, it was so beautiful and there was so much to see. Thankfully, I felt even more comfortable than yesterday. We made our way to the swim throughs and to the spot where the tarpon hang out! Apparently there can be up to 50 Tarpon here at any time. We only saw 5, but they were quite chill and we were able to get very close.

Ken found an imprint in the sand of a stingray and we later found a stingray resting in his sandy little nest.

After the dive we went home for lunch and coffee. It hit me that there's a lot on the island to do and if we want to see it all we will need a plan. I had intentionally not planned a thing for this trip (very atypical for me as there is almost always a daily itinerary when we travel). It was beginning to feel uncomfortable so I made up just a small list of things for each day. Still nothing booked, but at least organized into different locations on the island.
After lunch, we set off to hike the Mastic trail reserve. Diving is good fun and even tiring, but we were both missing a bit of heart pumping exercise. We got pulled over on our way there. Not Ken's fault - we entered a school zone but then a speed sign showed up for 50 miles/hr so he sped up. Well apparently the zone hadn't ended and it was still supposed to be 15m/hr. He was doing 24, the officer advised us that 9 m over is a $360 ticket. So. Don't speed in Cayman, it's expensive! After a long, awkward period of silence where neither Ken nor I really knew what was happening, he spoke up and let us off with a warning.... Onward to trail hiking.
The trail was completely covered by tree canope overhead which was really cool, but made it dead still and quite humid in there. We definitely got our heart pumping exercise. Along the way we saw a blue bearded lizard, hermit crabs and some type of Carribean wood pecker. It was an out and back trail and we clocked about 7.5 km.

On the way home, we stopped at the blow holes and heritage beach. The blow holes were really cool and heritage beach was beautiful, quiet, calm and desserted.

Back home, and both zonked, we had left overs for dinner and had a chill night...sort of. I signed up for the first of three courses to get a palliative NP certification. Well the course started Monday and the assignments are due Fri Sat and Sun. So I spent the evening doing course work, but I won't complain! I'm not paying for this course and there was a chance it wasn't going to get covered and it did, so a bit of school work on vacation isn't so bad. It brings back memories of doing a test for one of my NP courses in the bedroom of our honeymoon suite in Indonesia in 2016 when we got married 😂.
Early to bed tonight, big day tomorrow! Hoping to be at the dive site for 9 and then drive out to Rum Point for an afternoon hang on the beach!
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"Sinner & Saint: Creed III Chapter 9"Preview
Need to catch up? Masterlist HERE.

“Woke up this mornin' Found my peace of mind And finally I can say to you That I, feel good this mornin' No, I can't deny So finally, I can lay with you And feel, feel the pleasure Finally do what lovers do, with you, babe Ride for two Don't you know, oh So we, can roam all we want to, yeah
Set fire to the fuckin' pavement They bound to drown, so the game we play (aye) Just do what I say, do what I say, no (say) My baby got her own fuckin' ways now I'm tellin' y'all she ain't fuckin' playin', aye And ain't no problems from her man No, no, she ain't worried (she ain't worried)”
Terrace Martin – “This Morning (feat. Arin Ray and Smino)”
She moved through the crowd like a silent wind through chimes that tinkled once she blew past. Her steps were assured, eyes laser sharp on who she needed to speak to on his behalf.
Damian watched in awe as Athena worked the packed penthouse filled with stars, sports influencers, executives, groupies, agents, managers, lawyers, and riff raff. He drank a few shots, gobbled up some hors d'oeuvres, and kept near his new boss. A few women checked him out and tried making conversation with him. He acted polite, answered very few questions about his connection to Athena and rested in the cut letting her lead everything. Feeling out of place once more, his brooding appearance seemed to attract even more women as the party continued through the night. Bianca excused herself and he realized that the penthouse they partied in was not the one Donnie and his family stayed in. Smart.
“Damian, this is Karl Gaston and Alessandro Beyna. Karl is a regional wealth advisor in the Cayman Islands and Alessandro handles investments there,” Athena said.
Damian shook their hands and tried to look friendly. Athena tossed back her hair and placed a hand on his arm.
“Damian will soon be signing with my brother’s company and I’ll be working out some portfolio plans for him. He’s going to need people that can take care of his money for future investments,” Athena said.
The two white men nearly salivated listening to her. Athena had his pockets lined up with imaginary money. The two men would laugh him out of the hotel if they knew the total amount of cash he had in his paltry bank account at that moment. He rolled with her flow, keeping stoic in their presence. Business cards were exchanged with him and not Athena. She directed all the power to him turning into his conduit for all transactions in the place. Women were bolder, grabbing his attention with flirty banter and hungry stares. Nothing was subtle. He spent a moment alone with Athena in the back of the main room, until Donnie caught up with them. They took pictures together with hired photographers documenting the party for Donnie. It didn’t take long for the champ to shoehorn his way between himself and Athena. She allowed it, a sly grin on her face as she joined a group of women.
“She’s in her zone,” Donnie said, glancing at his sister.
“Half the shit she says to the people goes over my head,” Damian said.
“Wheeling and dealing.”
“She’s good. Knows a ton of people here.”
“She’ll keep the sharks away. For now, enjoy the anonymity,” Donnie said.
Damian looked Donnie in the eye.
“You two a thing?” Donnie asked.
“Business partners.”
Damian walked away before Donnie could flap his gums about anything else. Athena was a grown ass woman. Her baby brother wasn’t about to lecture him on hooking up with her. She reached for Damian’s hand and pulled him toward a young Black man with hooded eyes and a garish haircut to his permed blonde hair.
“Dame this is Raven X, stylist to the stars. I’m setting up an appointment for you two to get together back in L.A.”
Raven X raked his eyes up and down Damian’s physique.
“What are you looking for, Bad Boy tease or elegant showman?” Raven X said.
Athena tilted her head and squinted at Damian.
“I’m thinking future champion. I want his fits so crisp that they cut people in the eyes just by looking at him,” she said.
Raven X nodded and stared at the top of Damian’s head.
“Great head of hair. Formidable face. I’ll give you a sexy fucking gladiator,” Raven X said.
“I like it. Talk soon,” Athena said.
She led Damian to the door.
“We’re leaving?” he asked.
“Yep. Never be the last to leave the room. Smells of desperation.”
“Where you two goin’?”
Donnie’s blaring voice stopped their escape. Athena leveled her gaze at her brother.
“Damian’s had a long night. He needs rest. We have meetings back in L.A. the moment we touch down,” Athena said.
“When can I be looped in?”
Donnie’s eyes flicked back and forth between them.
“We’ll be in touch,” Athena said.
She touched Damian’s arm and he moved past her.
“Congratulations on everything tonight,” Damian threw over his shoulder.
Donnie’s expression appeared bewildered as they left the suite.
“Don’t worry, I’ll have terms and conditions lined up for you before we meet with my brother. You and I have to decide what trajectory you want for your career the next eighteen months.”
“I just need some good fights lined up.”
“You need more than that. We have to cultivate an image, create buzz with a catchy name—“
“Diamond Dame”
“Diamond Dame is what I went by before I was in the pen.”
They slipped into a private elevator and went up two floors. Athena eyed him from head to toe. She touched the collar of his shirt.
“Hmmm, Diamond Dame. With Raven’s capable hands, you just might live up to that name. I like it. Classy. Rolls off the tongue.”
“Yeah?” he said, moving in closer to her.
The elevator doors opened and Athena jumped back from him like water hitting hot grease. Mary Anne Creed stood in front of the opening dressed in a linen two-piece suit.
“Ma,” Athen squeaked out. “Where are you going?”
“Well, Amara is fast asleep and Bianca is back in their suite. I’m free to go do a little gambling on the house. Where are you two headed?”
“We just came from Donnie’s party.”
Mary Anne checked her vintage diamond Cartier watch.
“It’s not even midnight. Still early for his celebration to end,” Mary Anne said with a lifted eyebrow.
“Damian and I have some business to discuss. I’m his new manager.”
Athena gripped Damian’s arm and pulled him out of the lift and away from her mother.
“Yes. Enjoy throwing money away,” Athena called over her shoulder.
Damian glanced back at Donnie’s adoptive mother. Mary Anne’s sharp eyes cut into him despite the feigned pleasant look she tried to maintain.
Athena dug into her clutch and pulled out a keycard and tapped it against her suite. She led him to a busy-looking work station set up on the room’s mahogany desk. Pushing back the executive chair, she plopped down and pointed to a side chair for him to pull up next to her. A laptop came to life from the touch of her hand and onscreen she had a detailed prospective typed up with his name all over it. She scrolled through several pages and stopped at one particular page.
“You whipped this all up today before the fight?” he asked.
“I’m always prepared to snatch up talent. This is just a mock up to give you an idea of what I can do. You don’t have to sign anything now.”
She tapped the enter key and a printer behind the laptop hummed to life and began printing up several sheets of paper. When the printer spit out the last page, Athena compiled them all and stapled two separate stacks. She handed him a copy and he listened to her go over every detail on ten full pages. His brain grew foggy with all the terminology, but he listened intently, trusting her completely. After forty minutes, she poured them both fresh glasses of water from the mini-bar and paced in front of him.
“Boxing needs excitement again, and they love an underdog story. The key is, they grow tired of that scenario after a few years. I think we should play up your background, but involve you back in your community. Do some volunteer work and talks at juvie facilities. See Donnie was able to coast on being our father’s lost child, but he’s been pampered and trained by a legend. Rocky isn’t around anymore and now that my brother is retiring—”
“He’s quitting?”
Athena gave a dismissive wave of her hand.
“Donnie is old news. His era is over. His mistake was calling himself Hollywood. The connotations made him seem elitist after awhile. Even when he won the championship, people still saw him as a privileged athlete, a nepo baby lucky enough to have my daddy’s genes and access to the best that no one else did. With you—“
“I call myself Diamond, that’s not elitist?”
“Not with your narrative. You were the lost jagged rock in the cold, cruel mine that became a diamond in the rough. A long prison bid and a hard-luck come-back story outshines a rich, spoiled pretty boy tale any day.”
“Donnie didn’t have it so easy before he was adopted by your mom.”
“Is that what he told you?”
“He stayed in a group home, was in and out of foster care…”
The look on Athena’s face made him clam up tight. She rested a soft hand on his shoulder.
“One of these days, I’m going to tell you about your little friend,” she said.
“Tell me now. I have all night.”
“No. Tonight, you will read over this contract, my mission statement for you, and you’ll look for a contract lawyer on your own to go over my paperwork before you sign with me.”
Damian rolled his eyes and pushed out of his seat realizing he wasn’t getting any nookie.
“Don’t pout. Business first, pleasure later,” she said, pointing to the door.
He ambled out of her suite with his lips in a pout. She crossed her arms.
“I’ve got an amazing view of the strip. Champagne on ice…”
His words didn’t move her.
“Goodnight Diamond Dame.”
She closed the door in his face.
“I can’t believe she gave me homework,” he said, shuffling off to the elevator clutching onto precious papers that would elevate his life.
I'll have the complete chapter up next week, wanted to share a little teaser preview! Enjoy!
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#creed 3#adonis creed fanfiction#damian anderson#adonis creed#uzumaki rebellion#uzumaki rebellion writes#michael b. jordan#johnathan majors#Youtube
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Controlling invasive species helps Little Cayman flourish
Cat that has caught a baby rock iguana (CNS): After a steep decline in the population of the unique and endangered Sister Islands rock iguana, they and other indigenous species are thriving again on Little Cayman due to the work done by the Department of Environment to control invasive species. The island was once an untouched haven for native species and virgin habitat, but over the last twenty…
#Department of Environment#DoE Terrestrial Resources Unit#feral cat cull#feral cats#Little Cayman#rock iguana
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Royal Caribbean makes a big commitment to 2026/27
Royal Caribbean has just released its 2026 - 2027 cruise schedule with 12 ships in the fleet cruising in US waters.
The voyages feature island hopping cruises, cruises to RCI’s Private Island Coco Cay and the new Royal Beach Club offering at Mexico's Cozumel.
Itineraries also include cruises from the newest ship in the fleet, Star of the Seas as well as her giant sister Icon of the Seas, and the Oasis-class Allure of the Seas, which is due to have a $100 million refurbishment.
Let's start with a new member of the family, Star of the Seas that will cruise from Port Canaveral near Orlando on seven-night voyages.
This is the type of cruising that these giant 200,000 gross ton + ships are best at, which is why you see Star of the Seas on these itineraries all year long, taking in Coco Cay, San Juan, Honduras, and Costa Maya.
Her sister ship, the equally sized Icon of the Seas, will be doing similar voyages from Miami, though she will also take in St Thomas and Philipsburg.

Above: Oasis of the Seas (RCI).
The 2009 built Utopia of the Seas will sail from Fort Lauderdale. As an Oasis-class ship, Allure is one of the biggest ships to ever go to sea, and it will have a $100 million refurbishment in 2025.
This giant cruise ship will sail on 6 and 8 night Western Caribbean, Eastern Caribbean and Southern Caribbean Cruises.
My favourite RCI ship, the Enchantment of the Seas, is about as far away from the Icon and Oasis-class as you can get within the Royal Caribbean family.
This Vision class vessel - which is unique in that she was lengthened in 2005 - will be cruising from Tampa on seven night Western Caribbean cruises.
Her itineraries include Belize City, Costa Maya and Cozumel… and if you want to find out why she's my favourite Royal Caribbean ship check out the video of my top five favourite things about Enchantment of the Seas:
The Voyager-class Adventure of the Seas will sail from both Port Canaveral and Fort Lauderdale, on 6 and 8 night Caribbean cruises, that visit Georgetown, Grand Cayman the Dominican Republic and Costa Maya.
Symphony of the Seas is welcoming travellers from Texas, being based out of Galveston, at what RCI says is the world's first Zero Energy Cruise Terminal. It features solar panels to offset electricity usage and EV charging stations.
Brilliance of the Seas and Radiance of the Seas will be offering cruises from Puerto Rico, while the Northeast of the USA is seeing an influx of RCI ships with the giant Oasis of the Seas, the Quantum-class Odyssey of the Seas, and the Freedom-class Independence of the Seas, all cruising from Cape Liberty, while the smaller Vision-class cruise ship Vision of the Seas is cruising from Baltimore.
This ship is the class leader of the Vision class, yet she was the last to enter service of that class, which is unusual.
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Top Neighborhoods for Renting in the Cayman Islands
The Cayman Islands, known for their stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and thriving economy, are an attractive destination for both expats and locals looking to rent a home.
With various neighborhoods offering unique experiences, choosing the right area can significantly impact your living experience. Here’s a guide to some of the top neighborhoods for renting in the Cayman Islands.
1. George Town
As the capital and largest city of the Cayman Islands, George Town is a bustling hub for business and tourism. It boasts a vibrant atmosphere with plenty of shops, restaurants, and cultural attractions. Renting in George Town means you'll be at the heart of the action, with easy access to local amenities and public services.
Proximity to work and entertainment
Diverse dining and shopping options
Cultural landmarks, such as the National Gallery of the Cayman Islands
Higher rental prices due to demand
Can be busy and noisy, particularly during peak tourist season
2. Seven Mile Beach
Seven Mile Beach is often touted as one of the best beaches in the Caribbean. This area is perfect for those seeking a more laid-back lifestyle while still being close to entertainment and dining options. Renting here provides direct access to the beach, making it an ideal choice for beach lovers and water sports enthusiasts.
Stunning beachfront views and access
A range of luxury condominiums and resorts
Popular nightlife and dining experiences
Higher rental costs compared to other areas
Can be crowded with tourists
3. West Bay
Just a short drive from George Town, West Bay offers a more residential feel while still being close to the island's attractions. This neighborhood is known for its family-friendly atmosphere and community-oriented vibe. West Bay is home to beautiful beaches and outdoor activities, making it perfect for those who enjoy a more tranquil lifestyle.
Affordable rental options compared to Seven Mile Beach
Close-knit community and family-friendly
Access to local parks and natural attractions
Limited dining and shopping options compared to George Town
May require a longer commute for work in the capital
4. Bodden Town
Bodden Town is one of the oldest towns for Cayman Islands condo rentals and offers a more traditional Caribbean lifestyle. It is quieter than George Town and West Bay, making it ideal for those seeking a peaceful environment. The area features historical sites, beautiful beaches, and a strong sense of community.
Affordable housing options
Rich history and culture
Less touristy than other areas
Limited nightlife and entertainment options
Further from the main commercial center
5. Prospect
Prospect is a growing neighborhood that has become increasingly popular among families and professionals. It features a mix of residential homes and rental properties, along with convenient access to schools, parks, and shopping areas. The community is known for its friendly atmosphere and safe environment.
Affordable family homes and apartments
Good schools and recreational facilities
Close to George Town for work and leisure
Less beach access compared to other neighborhoods
Limited dining and nightlife options
6. Cayman Brac and Little Cayman
For those looking for a more remote living experience, the sister islands of Cayman Brac and Little Cayman offer a tranquil alternative to Grand Cayman. These islands are perfect for nature lovers and those who enjoy outdoor activities like diving and hiking. Renting here provides a unique island lifestyle with fewer crowds.
Stunning natural beauty and outdoor activities
A peaceful, laid-back atmosphere
Strong sense of community
Limited amenities and services
Longer commute for work-related travel to Grand Cayman
Choosing the right neighborhood to rent in the Cayman Islands depends on your lifestyle, budget, and preferences. Whether you prefer the bustling atmosphere of George Town, the serene beaches of Seven Mile Beach, or the quiet charm of Bodden Town, there’s a perfect spot for everyone.
By considering the pros and cons of each area, you can make an informed decision that best suits your needs and enhances your living experience in this tropical paradise.
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