j1rosan · 2 years
mine. || chishiya shuntaro
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the alarm clock went off as you stand up from the bed and went to your child's room. you notice the continuous coughing of your child, bringing out the thermometer from the drawer and put it in between his armpits. when the reading is done, the results was 103°F (39.4°C), it made you worried. it's already 6 o'clock in the morning, you called your boss that you'll be off duty since your son is severely ill.
you went off to get a washcloth from the drawer and placing a cool, damp water in your son's forehead. you proceeded to the kitchen to make a okayu (japanese rice porridge), so that he can feel better after taking a spoon. it was hard for you to become a single mom, there are days when you can't fall asleep since your son is wide awake. tiredness went all over your body, your sleeping schedule has been broken ever since you gave birth to your son. he was well-behaved and acts like his father sometimes.
chishiya shuntaro. the name you wouldn't forget after leaving you. to be honest, it's either his fault, you didn't tell him about your situation and at the same time he broke you off after he said he'll be way more busy and will have no time for you. after making a porridge for your son, you made him sit up for you to feed him.
"just rest, okay? let's go to the clinic tomorrow!" you said with a smile in your face. your son nodded in response and went back to sleep.
it’s been years since you and chishiya had been together. the thoughts of getting married and having a child. it was just like yesterday when both of you got chosen as the class president and the vice president. chishiya is the president while you’re the vice, both always together for the projects that was assigned to the both of you.
chishicat are you down for a drink?
yeunie♡ yeah sure!
a big smile formed in your face, the excitement that you couldn’t stop, a hint of red blush in your cheeks. chishiya is a type of person who doesn’t like to show affection in public, but in private he surely do like to play with your hair. he likes to show his emotion in different kinds of way.
college has become tougher as days goes by, you don’t even remember the times you and chishiya spent alot of time together. not gonna lie, you miss it. both of you rarely see each other lately, no text or calls at times. atleast just for once, you want to see his face again, maybe for motivation.
2 weeks has already passed by, no sign of chishiya could be seen. you already texting him or calling but he never answers. you understand that being a med student is more harder, have strict schedules, and they barely sleep at all. minds won’t stop working 24/7 without seeing chishiya. you are worried that he might not be taking care of himself. but what’s more is the mood swings you’ve been having these days, is my period coming?
you texted him again and waited. no replies or calls you have received.
positive. it had two lines.
the pregnancy test made you think it’s fake. you tried so hard to calm, a baby is in your stomach. your feelings are messed up, chishiya is not there and you have no friends to talk about it, kuina is there but you don’t want to disturb her.
okay let’s think positive and not let myself be stress for the baby.
“let’s end it”
that’s the first thing he said when he agree to meet up with you. your thoughts are bewildred, devastated, and angry. while you’re still busy standing there, chishiya has already left you and went back to his work. tears flow down in your face as you put your hands in your belly.
the baby. what should i do?? when you’re back to reality, chishiya is already gone. mind has still not yet done processing over what just happened, you were excited to tell him. the cold air brushed through your skin, the start of your year has gone bad. amout of time has been wasted, crying for hours and still in bed in sore.
in the end, you told it to kuina and helped you for the medications. she defended you so many times. the protection she gave to you made you feel relax.
“i’ll be the best aunt that baby could have!” she said as both of you walk through the hallways.
she made your worries thrown away so that you could focus on your studies. the patients she have sometimes puzzeled you. she always there for you and you’re happy.
the following day, you took your son to a nearest hospital, sakurazaka university hospital. you went to the lobby for an appointment, they said to wait for your name to be called out. the receptionist told the direction of the pediatrics department, you gave a sign of thanks to the lady and made way to the area. both sat on the comfy chair as you both waited to be called out. your son was sleeping in your lap whilst you caressed his hair.
after an hour waiting, a nurse came to you.
“sorry, but the doctor you were supposed to meet suddenly had a emergency to go, but we can appoint you to another doctor who is available at the moment” the nurse said with a apologetic look.
“it’s okay! we can appoint to another doctor!” you said with a smile on your without knowing who the doctor was.
“um.. then, this way please..” the nurse said as she took us to the room.
“please wait for the doctor to enter!” she said as she bow and left the room.
both of you sat at the chair. a message notified, you check it was kuina.
hkwuin darling, is the baby ok? just don’t go to sakuraza university hospital ok?
yeunie why not?
hkwuin let’s just say that your ex is working there :))
the text you just received made you feel so anxious about the thought of facing the guy who broke you off few years ago.
door clicks open indicating that the doctor is already here. you’re still not yet ready to face him but at the same time, you don’t want to look coward. you looked up, he is still handsome as ever but a major change of his face. he looks so soft.
“y/n onikuma” the voice you can’t help but melt.
“yes?” you said with a steady voice.
“how long has it been when he got his fever?” he asked.
“it just happened yesterday” you smiled
“can you describe the symptoms that he had?” you could feel his eyes on you.
“his body sometimes aches alot, had headaches, his cough keeps getting worse, and have a stuffy nose” you said you caressed his hair once again because his still sleeping.
“what’s the color of his phlegm?”
“itch shometimes yellow!” the kid said while trying so hard not to fell asleep.
“would you let me hear your heartbeat?” he asked, as he passed by and went to your son.
“listen to me. inhale and exhale” he said while doing the gesture. he stands up after checking your son. he picked up a small cup in his drawer.
“i’ll be needing a urinalysis for your child and blood test to see his blood sugar.” he said
“please come back when you’re done” after he said that, you take your son to the bathroom and explain to him on what to do.
blood test? what do he need a blood test? urinalysis is enough to see, right? did his allergy triggers the flu?
the amount of questions flooded through your brain. your son came back after it and gave you the cup, cleaning it first before giving it to nurse. another test are needed so you went back to the office. chishiya was there standing as he get ready for the blood test, his hands with an injection made you shiver.
“you’re back”
“y-yes..” you stuttered.
“please sit down from here” he calmly said, trying so hard not to scare the child.
“would it urt?” your son ask,
“yes, but it would be real quick” he assured the child.
“just hold on to me and it will be okay, if you want you could close your eyes” you said to him, trying to loosen him up.
“please sit back and relax. inhale and exhale” he said, as repeated it.
“i’ll be injecting it now” he announced. without a second, he injected it and sucked the blood, chishiya quickly covered it with cottons after removing the injection from the forearm. your son tried so hard not to cry from the injection.
“please wait for the results outside” he said, fixing his things and ready to give the blood to the nurse.
“sure” you smiled but a phone ring interrupted the situation. his eyes were on you, observing the way you move around the room.
“i’ll be on my way now” you mouthed and gently pull your son outside the room.
“what?” you answered.
“what hospital did you went to?”
“sakurazaka university hospital! and wait- i was already here before you even texted me about it !! okay”
“so? what happened?” she curiously asked.
“nothing! just a normal doctor and patient examination” you said
“really?” she doubted.
“yes!? now will you please stop and just come here” you said with a irritated voice.
“sure sure! but i’ll go there hour later because maybe i might interrupted something” she said said, giggling.
“the fuc-” she ended the call.
“mom! i’m hungry!” you son called out.
“sure, i’ll buy you anything! what do you want??” you asked, a cute smile plastered in your face because of the cuteness of your child.
“i want dango! onigiri! and taiyaki!” he said with a cute smile.
“i’ll buy it for you okay? just stay right there!” you said and walked away but you still look back wanting to see that he is okay alone.
you’re done buying stuffs that your son wanted, but sadly dango is not there so only onigiri and taiyaki are available. when you are close to your son, you saw another figure talking with him. the white blond hair man, he saw you and stands up from his seat.
“thank you for checking up for my child” you thanked him.
“ryutaro” he give him a smile before going back to his office. he explained the medication he need to use and the things that he shouldn’t eat for awhile. chishiya gave us the result, thank god his sugar level is far from diabetes.
“thank you. let’s go home” you said, and went first to the cashier to pay the bills, without a doubt that someone already paid the bills.
“oh no, it’s okay you can go home already!” she said, a hint of a smirk in her face. you fadely walk away from the entrance of the hospital.
“thanks mira” chishiya said as he looks at you.
“be grateful that you have a friend that will support you even though you’re the one who hurt her!” mira scoffed at her friend’s shameless act.
“so, did you get the results already?” she said, curious of the outcome.
“the dna test results has still yet to come” he said, before leaving mira alone in the lobby.
“i know for sure that he’s your child. his eyes is like yours” mira reassured, chishiya just smirked at her and walk off.
it’s been a week and your son is back to school. late nights have increase after a week of your absents, more works has given to you. sometimes you’re more worried at your son than yourself. he always waits for you patiently whenever you’re late, he said that he understand. and it’s also been a week since your child mention about a guy who always plays with him and walk him home.
“darling, would you like to tell me his name” you asked kindly.
“no! he said i can’t say it to you!” he said while pouting.
“c’mon! you’re siding with that stranger rather your mom!” you whined.
“he is not stranger tho! neither a acquaintance” he said smiling at you.
“is it tatta?” you asked,
“arisu?” you guessed again.
“then who?”
“that blonde boy!” he shouted out of frustration.
blonde boy? chishiya?
the moment you know who is he, you started doubting that he knows but a part of you knows that chishiya isn’t easily fooled by an excuse so maybe he knows already.
“what did the blonde boy did to you?”
“he asked about you a lot!! he even asked if you’re doing fine or not! he is a good guy! he also told me that if ever you knew him, go to the place where you first met!” he said jumping around the bed with a smile on his face.
“what else did he say?”
“nothing but he always treat me food!! and.. and.. he also give me a new toy!!” he grabbed a stuff toy with his tiny little hand and show it to me.
a cheshire cat
“he said i look like a cheshire cat but tiny version” he said as he giggles.
“do you like him?” you asked curiously.
“yeah!! i want him to be my dad!!” a cute smirk plastered in his face like his dad.
“you act like your dad sometimes” you whispered it to yourself.
“mommy!! here!! he wants to give it to you!!” holding a small paper with a cute cat attached to it.
the shade of the lamp glows around the dark room, it was already night time. your son has already fall asleep after hours of playing, with all the reports and papers given to you for the past few weeks, his cute smile is your medication. you’ve been doing a good job as a mother.
sound of the door creaks as it closed quietly. your gut is telling you to read it but you don’t want to. you went back to your own room and lay down to your bed. for about 30 minutes, you’ve been shuffling around the bed. it’s not that you’re curious about something, it’s just that you couldn’t fall asleep. with no doubt, you gave up on your pride and read the note.
let’s meet me at our usual spot. — c.s.
crumbling the paper and throw it out to the trash can. you don’t why you did it, it just your instincts. after curing your curiosity, you have fall asleep not so peacefully.
it has been a week since that happened, you’re gladly that ryutaro still doesn’t know about the fact his father is shuntaro chishiya. but there will be no day where you weren’t stress, and right now it’s raining as hell. you looked up at the sky, guessing that it wouldn’t stop.
why does it have to rain now? my son is left alone in the school!
a few minutes passed, a car stopped infront of you as they honk, making you jumped. the window rolled over revealing your son.
“hi mom!!” he was waving at you with a smile.
you look towards the driver’s seat, chishiya shuntaro. he fetch ‘your’ son, you were about to rambled but was interrupted.
“w-why a—”
“just get in the car, i’ll drive you home” he said while opening the passenger’s seat for her. you climbed and sit.
the drive from home was awkwardly silent. no one dares to speak up except from your son who is busy playing. neither both of you wants to take the move first. eyes only focus on the side view mirror to avoid having eye contact with him but the feeling of being stared at gives you chills.
“mom! look what i’ve draw!” your kid, standing up from the seat while holding up his drawing as he lean in to let you see.
“wow! so cute but who’s that g..uy?” you asked, eyes knitted in confusion.
“oh! it’s dr. chishiya! he is now part of the family!” those words made you freeze for a moment before looking at chishiya, who is smirking at those phrase.
“why though?”
“mm.. he’s always there to pick me up! his face looks kind of similar to me! plus.. plus i want him to be my dad!” those word made you stunned. you can feel the stare of chishiya with his smug smirk.
“really? i can make it real” chishiya responded while you’re too busy to know what’s going on.
“home is near. clean up your mess, taro” you said, while ignoring the man’s stare with that smirk.
picked up your child from the seat as you put him in the ground and started walking towards your house. you don’t look back to see him there, you can feel him staring at you. trying your best not to stumbled on the way.
“taro is sleepy!” he announced, giving a sign to carry him. you carried him with his bag.
“wanna help?” he shouted.
“no! no need to!” you said and continue walking.
work is overload with paper, stressed out from getting scold at. you came back with a unexpected visitor.
as you walk towards your house, a voice you clearly heard a couple years ago is in your house, having a good time with your son. the laughter and small talks, it was really lovely but.. why does it feel so irritable. opening the door, you saw both of them cuddle at each other as they play. the bunny smile that you once missed showed up from your home.
“mom! you’re back!” he said, getting untangled from chishiya’s and running towards you, a hug was presented.
“what is he doing here?” you asked him, the awfully good minute of staring at him.
“i let him in!” he said as you slowly went to your room, trying to hide like a coward. your son run towards the person while you’re in room.
standing infront of the mirror, you touch the necklace in which chishiya gave to you in your first anniversary. mind going crazy over the fact he is here again, close to you, at your home. in a minute, you were to engrose with a thought to the point you didn’t notice him entering the room. only when he puts his hands around your waist and snuggle on your neck. cold air hits you like a bullet shot through you. it was too fast. the touch you missed, the warmth you’ve been craving for years is back again, arms wrapped around you like he doesn’t want to lose you again. you don’t want to hurt again, you tried to get away from his touch but he make it sure that he will not let you go again like what he did back then. to him, it’s a mistake.
“um.. can you please let go?” you tried getting away from him.
“i... i.. i’m sorry”
“just let go” avoiding the eye contact in the mirror. you look away, so that he wouldn’t see how weak you are when his around. you don’t to fall again to the same man who broke your heart.
“please.. i’m sorry!” he was now crying in your shoulder. you were looking at him in the mirror and you can see the sincerity in his action.
“let’s go back to where we started.” you said, both of you are now staring at each through the mirror.
“let’s restart our book and began a new chapter” a tiny hope has made chishiya smiled with ease. you just gave him a nod and he let go as he kissed you in your cheeks.
“meet me at our usual spot, yeah?” he said, before walking out the door.
after chishiya left, you suddenly fell down to your knees. a sudden heart beat made you feel so bewildered and confused on what’s happening to you. you promised to yourself but you broke it off. while you’re still spacing out at your room, your son enter happily with his toys.
“mom! mom! is it true!! that dr. chishiya is my father??” a cute eyes staring at me.
“did he tell you that?” asking calmly
“he kinda did tho! he gave me this piece of paper!!” he said while waving the paper in his hands. you snatched it from him, only to realize what it is.
the result of a dna test.
“that’s the proof that you are his child, darling” you said, caressing his face while smiling happily at him.
every single day, chishiya would fetch you in the morning to have a breakfast near his hospital and take you to your office after. he mostly courting you at the moment, but your son was enjoying every moment that both were doing. a normal family.
as the years passed by, you accepted chishiya and move to his house. ryutaro has to change school because of that but he wouldn’t careless ‘cause he has a dad already.
both got married after awhile. kuina and ann was very kinda moody but happy at the same time while arisu is overly happy because he always wanted to see you in that dress and proud to be his artificial brother. mira was there too, clapping happily.
“let’s have another one again” he whispered within your lips.
“oh shut up!”
both giggled at each other until the wedding ceremony has ended. they had a wonder and twisted life they have to began with.
© iaminlovewithnijiro ; tiktok (imagines, povs)
it’s my first fanfic.
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