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Cavendish er den nye legende om Tour de France, karnevalet i det 35. løb!
I den femte etape af Tour de France 2024 dukkede en ny Tour de France-legende op, iført Astana-holdets tilbud cykeltøj, lykkedes i slutspurten og vandt etapen sejr er også en legende for Astana-holdet, og det er også hans personlige magiske historie.
På femte etape har Astana-holdet været forrest i gruppen I modsætning til mange andre hold, der ofte er i en mellemklasseposition i begyndelsen, er Astana-holdets målsætning ret klar fra krigens begyndelse, hvilket er. at skynde sig til fronten nåede Cavendish den sidste 150m-position og lod rytteren fortsætte med at bevæge sig fremad, idet han stolede på sin egen erfaring for at nå slutningen. Han vandt til sidst den femte etape af Tour de France. Man kan sige, at holdet brugte alle deres evner i dette øjeblik, og slutningen er ganske glædelig.
For holdet synes de rygter, der har svirret i cirklen på det seneste, selvfølgelig at være blevet virkelige. Ved åbningsceremonien af Tour de France dukkede også grundlæggeren af Xide Sheng-mærket op, så nyheden om, at Xide Sheng muligvis erhverver Astana-holdet, dukkede op foran alle igen. Dette inkluderede interaktioner mellem holdet og dets grundlæggere, hvor de to sider så ud til at have nået en aftale om et opkøb. Og denne gang prøvede Astana deres bedste for at give deres fremtidige klub en stor bonus. Efter alt vil Xide Sheng-logoet blive trykt på ASTANA cykeltøj i fremtiden, og hver sejr vil repræsentere hinanden.
For mange cykelentusiaster er det, vi faktisk sætter pris på, selvfølgelig ikke, hvilket selskab holdet tilhører, men det, vi værdsætter mere, er stjerneholdenes og deres stjernerytteres præstation i alle konkurrencer. Optræden af Cavendish, den legendariske chauffør, i andre stadier vil stadig være i fokus for vores opmærksomhed. Vi håber selvfølgelig også at se flere dark horses dukke op for at antænde Tour de France!
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Mark Cavendish ne manquera pas le Tour de France 2024
Récemment, diverses équipes ont annoncé la composition du Tour de France, mais l'équipe de Mark Cavendish n'a pas encore été annoncée. De nombreux fans ne s'inquiéteront pas de l'absence de Mark Cavendish, Astana Qazaqstan Team ne le laissera pas manquer le Tour de France 2024. Mark Cavendish a perdu la capacité de concourir pour le Maillot Cyclisme vert, mais il a toujours la force de concourir pour le championnat d'étape.
De nombreux fans pensent que l'âge de Mark Cavendish n'est pas un avantage, et son expérience de la compétition et sa persévérance sont très fortes. À la fin de la saison dernière, Mark Cavendish a pris une décision majeure. Il a pris la décision d'annoncer sa retraite devant les médias. Cependant, Astana Qazaqstan Team n'a pas laissé Mark Cavendish partir avec des regrets. Ils sont prêts à lui donner l'opportunité de réaliser son rêve. Le 35e championnat d'étape du Tour de France est l'objectif de Mark Cavendish. Il ne veut pas dire adieu à la course sur route avec des regrets. Ces dernières années, son expression est réticente et perdue, et il n'a pas renoncé à se battre dans la course sur route. Les courses sur route sont pleines de vitesse et de danger, et le facteur de sécurité de ce sport dépend du contrôle du pilote. Mark Cavendish ne peut pas éviter les accidents accidentels, il ne peut que garder sa santé autant que possible.
Autrefois, Mark Cavendish était au centre des médias cyclistes, il est maintenant un vétéran ignoré de tous. La carrière de Mark Cavendish est la même que celle de la course sur route, ce qu'ils ont en commun, ce sont les défis. Mark Cavendish et l'équipe Astana Qazaqstan ont la même idée, ils abandonnent l'objectif de concourir pour le Maillot Cyclisme Tour de France. Ils se sont fixé comme objectif de remporter un championnat par étapes, ce qui est difficile pour Mark Cavendish. Même si une nouvelle génération de jeunes coureurs a émergé, Mark Cavendish est toujours le missile Manx des fans.
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Two is company, Three's a Crowd, but Four is the Death of Diana Cavendish (4): Dumb and Dumbass
A/N: Sorry for not writing enough recently. Been burnt out and have some terrible writer’s block. Hope I can write quite a bit these next two weeks before classes start up again. Had my finals recently and just... ugh.
Sorry for the not-so-good chapter.
Right. Tagging people. Uh @komatsuna-yuki @dianacavendishisgay @tanuki-pyon. Thank you for supporting my madness.
~Shintori Khazumi
Two is company, Three's a Crowd, but Four is the Death of Diana Cavendish (4): Dumb and Dumbass
"This is dumb."
"It is not! Right, Barbara?"
"This is dumb."
Diana switched her exasperated gaze between the pair who had their arms crossed, vehemently against her "step one" of the plan: Proper Courtship for Miss Kagari Atsuko.
There was absolutely NO way they were doing that.
Hannah ran a hand through her curled locks, freeing it from her signature yellow bow as they got ready for bed. She tried to ignore Diana's pleading eyes, but ultimately could not. She took one look at Diana's helpless face and sighed, walking forward to pinch her nose and plant a kiss on her forehead.
Really, courtship wasn't the issue in and of itself. It was Diana's view of courtship. There were just too many things to be said about it.
Starting from the issue of daily sending a truckload of roses to Akko every morning.
She lived in a DORMITORY for crying out loud!
How was she supposed to receive them, much less keep them around??
It wasn't as though she had the luxury of living in a flat a little too big for just its occupants- just like their own right now. Hannah sighed, giving Diana a look. She received an indignant one in return.
Physical constraints aside, how would Akko feel receiving such an overwhelming gift? She already exploded in embarrassment from the simplest of flirtations. Who knew what her reaction would be to such a grandiose gesture of affection?
Hannah concluded it would be best to keep it simple, walk it slow. Ease into the already shocking situation they'd kiiindd of threw her in.
Okay, but Hannah didn't desire anything too slow either. Just right. Enough that Akko wouldn't spontaneously combust beyond recovery.
Holding out a pointer finger, with the other arm crossed about her waist, Hannah warned, "I swear, if I see even one petal, we're not talking to you tomorrow. And we're taking Atsuko with us too".
"One petal?!" Diana gawked at her with such pure incredulity, Hannah wondered if she was really all that shocked.
The look on her face almost made Hannah reconsider. Almost. She thought about it again, pausing and tapping her cheek in contemplation.
Diana's face lit up in hope.
"Maybe I'll allow two."
"Morning, Atsuko~."
Akko jumped in her seat as she felt cool arms snake around her neck from behind, a soft weight pressing against her back. The scent of honeysuckle permeated her sense of smell. It was fruity and warm; like hints of honey and ripe citrus on a summer's day. For some reason, it made her calm immediately.
Turning around, Akko tried to return the greeting. "M-Miss Engl-" A finger quickly hushed her lips, Hannah's coy smile settling in while Akko's heart became unsettled. She didn't think it was in a bad way.
"Hannah. Call me Hannah."
Akko would have tried to gently deny that request, not being one to so quickly drop formalities as was her upbringing before coming to England. However, there was just something in Mis- Hannah's eyes that compelled her to not even try to fight against the command.
"Y-you can call me Akko then,, .I-if you want! Only... if you want... it's... it's what my friends call me..."" Akko mumbled in reply, voice growing smaller and smaller as she shyly pried her eyes away from the magnetic hazels that were so keen on pulling her in.
She had missed the way her companion grinned, leaning in closer to her, arms tightening about her. "Adorable." Hannah playfully whispered into Akko's ear, the tips reddening brightly.
'Save me.'
"Oh, but we don't want to be just 'friends'." Barbara suddenly popped up, positioning herself right in Akko's line of vision, propping her elbows on her desk, face nestling in her hands comfortably as she smirked at Akko with a little wink. "But you already know that."
She watched as Hannah and Barbara shared a quick, sweet kiss as a good morning greeting. Eyes glinting as they caught Akko watching them.
"Oh? Do you want a nice "hello~" as well, Akko? I wouldn't mind~." Barbara grinned, fingers tilting Akko's chin up already, eyes flickering between Akko's own and her lips.
Akko felt her face burn that extra bit more. She wasn't going to make it through class like this if they kept teasing her so early in the morning.
Barbara was beginning to lean closer and closer as Hannah simply watched from behind Akko, inadvertently keeping her in place due to their positions.
Akko swallowed nervously. Sure, she did not necessarily have any qualms against kissing someone as pretty as Barbara. Even Hannah maybe, but at the very least, she wanted to have her fi-first kiss with...
Diana's arrival shook Akko out of a trance she had unknowingly been placed under. She had somehow expected, at the back of her mind, for Diana to arrive soon as the trio was rarely apart except for when they had separate classes.
Akko felt her heart do a little flip in her ribcage, breath stilling in her lungs at the refreshing sight of Diana in a ponytail, a pale nape and a slender neck exposed for the world to see. A bead of sweat rolled down the smooth expanse. Had it been hot outside? Maybe. For some reason, Akko just wanted to lean into the crook of Diana's neck and maybe-
Diana's cough told her she'd been staring an uncomfortable while. Akko flinched, her hand instinctively reached up to touch her bangs, smoothing out each strand of hair nervously in attempts to redirect her thoughts- wherever they were heading.
This was neither the time nor place to be having such... inappropriate musings.
"Aww~ Diana's so lucky to be the favorite girlfriend~." Barbara said with a pout as she observed the awkward two, pulling away from her initial position on the desk and walking around to take a seat next to Akko instead, leaning her head on the girl's shoulder.
"Right?" Hannah sighed, finally releasing Akko as she went to sit next to Barbara. "We put in all this effort to fluster our dear Akko, but Diana just has to breathe and she has her heart and her soul. Oh Barbara~ whatever shall we do?" She sniffled, wiping away a non-existent tear with her index finger.
Akko stared at the pair, mind short-circuiting at a particular word.
Diana was silent as well.
Hannah and Barbara exchanged a confused look at the lack of reaction, as well as Diana's frozen state.
"Um... did we perhaps say something wrong?" Hannah began nervously, not wanting to possibly offend Akko or hurt her like they could have the last time.
Barbara bit her lip, equally anxious. "If so, then-"
"G-girlfriend?!" Diana and Akko had burst simultaneously, earning looks from the few early students around them.
Akko bowed in silent apology as she turned back to her companions.
"W-what do you... what are you...?"
"Huh?" Hannah and Barbara tilted their heads in confusion.
"G-Girlfriend...?" Diana repeated, vision swirling as her face reddened.
"Aahhh..." Hannah and Barbara got the message, nodding... before doing a double-take. "Wait, we're not? Girlfriends?"
Akko slammed her head onto her locker door right after shutting it. She shuffled her subject materials for the next class in her hands, trying to check if she missed bringing anything, sighing heavily all the while.
She was lucky her second class was away from everyone else's. That gave her some breathing room to recollect herself.
Hannah and Barbara were way* too skilled at riling her up. She had no idea how to deal with them. She was sure she wouldn't get used to their antics anytime soon. The whole situation with them spun her wheels around so well, it was actually tiring her out.
Then there was the matter of being g-girlfriends, and Diana.
"Diana..." Akko's head banged against her metal door again with a clang, a few passing students casting her worried gazes. "What the hell..."
When was it, she wondered, that she had first taken notice of the incredibly gorgeous biology major. Diana with her clear blue eyes like the oceans and the sky at the peak of a beautiful summer; her hair that flowed down to her waist in flourishing curls; Diana and her sharp and classy style; Diana and her shapely body- Akko hit her head once more against the locker, groaning against the cool metal.
"What the hell am I thinking about?" She muttered, pushing herself away from her locker to get ready to head off to the next class. Maybe she should just keep her mind off of it for now, focus on what was in front of her, and deal with it later. When her head cooled down.
Yes. That was the perfect plan.
Before she could leave, however, a hand slapped against either side of her head, a the impact causing a ringing sound in her ears that only added to her headache. Her eyes that she had unconsciously shut fluttered open, widening at the sight that greeted her.
Oh, this was just great.
"Oh, I don't know, Kagari. What *were you thinking about? Hmm?" That familiar snarky tone of voice bit at her, a hand resting on her shoulder before pressing her into the hard metal.
"Chloe..." Her weak response coupled with a glare only made the perpetrator grin happily.
"Atsuko~ our cute little lackey." Short-haired and short-tempered towards Akko was Avery trailing behind the Frenchwoman- the actual lackey, Akko thought.
"Geh- Avery..."
"Glad you're happy to see us." She rolled her eyes, popping her bubblegum as she picked up a paper Akko had dropped in her surprise, flipping through its contents, bored. "Our lackey seems to have been doing good in school lately. Doing her homework and all. Guess you could do ours too?" She smiled that sickly sweet way that Akko loathed.
Akko's breath hitched when she made a little tear on the sheet just to spite her. Finnelan was surely going to chew her out again for a reason she couldn't explain.
Akko grit her teeth, truly wanting to retaliate physically, but then remembered that they weren't in high school anymore. These girls had no real power over her. Not then, not now. She needed to just ignore it and walk away. Really. Years and years of this, and they never got sick of it? Why did the universe allow them to apply to the same university anyway? Not that it mattered anymore.
Resigning herself to a -hopefully- more peaceful exit, Akko sighed, attempting to move Chloe's hand away with only enough force not to trigger her more. "I'm not your lackey." She said, kneeling to the ground to grab her other scattered materials.
"Aww, you're not?" Chloe whined, watching Akko like a hawk.
"I'm not." Akko replied, standing up and throwing them a blank look. "I have to go. See you."
"Leaving so soon?" Some girl she didn't know called after her, sneer evident in her tone. "Not gonna entertain us for a little longer?"
"Obviously." Akko responded, not looking back. She just needed to get the hell away as fast as possible and avoid any further interaction with them.
"Oh, then you wouldn't mind if we told the entire school about how you're always off to a strip club."
Akko halted in her steps, turning around to stare hatefully at the evil grin Chloe sported after knowing she got her way once more.
"Always, as in everyday?" Avery added, leading the group forward to surround Akko once more as other students avoided the potential mess in the hallway.
"What has that got to do with anything?" Akko grit her teeth, fists clenching "And I already told you... it's not what it looks like."
"Then why are you so scared, hmm? About word getting out?" Chloe tipped Akko's head up with her index finger, making her look directly into her eyes. "You know how they say that if you have nothing to hide, then there's nothing to be afraid of."
Akko swallowed the lump in her throat, searching her mind for a comeback to that without revealing too much about herself and giving these bullies more information to harass her with.
She had nothing.
They didn't like that she was quiet and had nothing to say.
She heard Chloe sigh before Akko's cheeks were squeezed together in her hands, nails digging into the flesh slightly. "Also, what was it? Your friend, uh... Lois or something."
"Lotte..." Akko corrected, barely managing the word out; she hoped they weren't planning on doing anything to her sweet friend. She could handle their insults, their disgusting behavior, and their petty tricks on her, but she couldn't stand it if her friends got hurt in her place instead.
"Whatever. Her." Akko slapped Chloe's hand away, earning her a pleased smile and a pat on the cheek. "There's the little tiger we love." She giggled, a glint in her eye.
Akko gripped her books in her hand, trying her best not to throw her fists right at them. The last time she had let her temper go, she was wrongly suspended anyway. She'd rather not have to live through the same sucky school experience again.
"So," Chloe continued. "you wouldn't want the entire school to read her disgusting work, right? Fanfiction? I can't remember it all that well. Couldn't stand to read that shit for more than five seconds." She made a gagging motion, tongue stuck out at Akko.
"Lotte... Lotte is amazing at writing..." She whispered, hoping they actually didn't hear those words. "Don't touch Lotte." She managed to say loud enough, raising her head to gaze upon them with a warning. It only seemed to fly over their heads as they all sashayed away from Akko, feeling like they'd won.
"Anyway, we'll keep your secrets for another day, Kagari." Chloe waved over her shoulder. "In exchange for our, ehem, considerate service, we expect cutlet sandwiches on each of our desks. Noon. Sharp." She commanded.
Akko, immediately recalling her class schedule for the day, wanted to protest. "But my class doesn't get out until-"
"Is that a no I'm hearing?" The group paused in their steps, all pinning Akko down with their looks of contempt, daring her to say anything besides their desired response.
Her fists trembled, knuckles as white as her torn assignment paper. She felt the quiver in her lip and the tension in her frame as she held back from screaming bloody murder.
"... I'll get you your damned sandwiches."
"Akko! What took you so long!" Akko's friend, Lotte, worriedly asked. "Finnelan usually comes in really early. You could have been in some major trouble!"
"Maybe she just got lost in the cafeteria again? Among all the donuts and pastries." Sucy drily replied, not looking up from her textbook.
Akko kept staring at her torn paper in dismay, pondering if she should risk it and start rewriting a new one, hopefully finishing before the professor arrived.
The lack of response only fed Lotte's concern even more. She squeezed Akko's shoulder to catch her attention and noticed her friend flinch.
"H-huh? Oh! What? So-sorry. I was... I dropped my phone in the toilet, haha." Akko said, not looking at her friend at all as she dug around her bag for a pen and hoping for a clean sheet of paper as well.
"Wait, what? Is your phone okay?" Lotte asked, skeptically watching her friend's frantic movements.
"Yeah, yeah." Akko replied half-heartedly.
Lotte frowned, feeling that Akko was still hiding something. "What happened to your assignment?" She questioned, noticing the crumpled and torn edge. A thought came to her mind. "Was it them?" She asked in a quieter voice. "What did they say? Did they hurt you?" Lotte scanned over Akko's features, pupils shaking. They settled on her face and Lotte's frown deepened. "You're cheek..." She reached out, trying to touch it.
"Huh? N-no? It was... the school... cat...?" Akko tried lamely, moving away from Lotte. She instantly felt bad about it as Lotte sported a hurt expression in response to her actions.
Akko finally faced Lotte, guilt on her features. She was never really good at masking her feelings from her friend. She could never lie to her. They both knew that.
"What was it about this time?"
Akko bit her lip. Despite how close they had gotten over the years as friends, Akko hadn't revealed too much to them about her background. She wasn't sure she was ready to either. Not anytime soon. She also couldn't find the heart to let Lotte know that part of it was about her.
"Just that I'm a dumbass, and the other typical stuff, y'know? Appearances and that kinda thing." She lied.
"Hmmm..." Lotte was clearly not convinced, but she let it go, knowing Akko wouldn't budge on things like this. She instead decided to settle down in her seat next to Akko.
Akko knew Lotte wouldn't pry anymore. She was both thankful and sorry for having to do this to her friend, but she really couldn't help it.
Akko sighed, clicking her pen open.
"Want me to poison their lunch today?" Sucy piped up, flashing Akko a vial from her bag.
As much as Akko wanted to say yes, she knew it could only make things worse and reluctantly declined. "Maybe in my dreams." She smiled at her friends weakly, finally turning to her fresh sheet of paper to begin copying her assignment.
She missed the shine in Sucy's eye and the grin that was starting to grow on her face. Akko only looked up in terror as she heard the words that spilled from Sucy's mouth, hoping she wouldn't go through with any funny business.
"That can be arranged."
Akko felt a shiver run up her spine, whipping her head back to her paper to avoid that scary expression.
"Let's just... not."
"Tch. You're no fun."
Maybe she really wasn't.
A/N: I would have made this longer and added one more scene, but my brain cells can’t. Sorry haha. ;-; Really sorry.
~Shintori Khazumi
#diana cavendish#atsuko kagari#hannah england#Barbara Parker#lwa#little witch academia#hanbaradiakko#diakko#hanbara#fanfic#234
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The Dark Things Can Wait
Notes: I’m just going to leave this here... title taken from King by The Amazing Devil.
Summary: The Locke siblings don’t survive the Shadow War...
Rumors fly through the town after the group of kids are found dead in the sea caves. Bodies are dragged up and Nina Locke’s screams can be heard across the seas. “They went out fighting,” Scot says mourning the loss of his girlfriend. Through her sobs she asks,
“what were they fighting?” Wordlessly Scot reaches to his neck and undoes the clasp of the necklace Kinsey gave him before they went down. The keys dangle from the chain, melodically tinkling in the wind.
“You wouldn’t understand,” he says squeezing her hand before returning to Eden and Jackie’s side. Both of the girls were silent, obviously holding it together until they were alone. Wrapping his arms around both girls’ shoulders then the teens climbed into the back of Detective Mutuku’s squad car.
The interrogations didn’t go well, the only thing the three survivors say is the tides took the Lockes and Gabe into the ocean. Mutuku knows when someone’s lying to him, but he doesn’t press. If the kids don’t want to tell him what happened, they won’t.
One week later Eden Hawkins is found decapitated and buried in the middle of the forest on Key House’s property. Scot Cavendish is later found catatonic in his room, fear etched across his unmoving face. During the rush to get him to the hospital, no one noticed his necklace was missing it’s key.
Despite her promises to her family, Nina falls off the wagon. She drinks all the liquor she can find, then goes and buys more.
Ten years after wasting her life away in Key House, she hears whispers coming from her youngest son’s room. She opens the door shakily then she walks into the bedroom and finds a loose floorboard. Once it was pried open she sees a music box, opening it are keys with weird shapes on them.
Nina is called to the one with the skull on it. On an impulse she turns the key in the lock belonging to the big black door in the drawing room. It clicks and the door swings open on it’s own, a two story drop greets her. The keys are magic! Her son’s voice echoes into her ear, I told you you could do it mom! But no, she wasn’t imagining it. In front of her floats her children and husband. “Randall,” she says letting the glass bottle slip between her fingers and shatter onto the carpet. He smiles, arms outstretched, then simply says,
“Nina.” And she steps forward, but doesn’t fall. Hearing a scream she turns around and sees Duncan collapsing over her skeleton-like body.
“Mom!” Kinsey and Tyler exclaim, wrapping her in a cold hug.
The door swings shut behind her, lock clicking behind it. She pays it no mind; however, after suffering alone for ten years she finally has the chance to be reunited with her family.
#locke and key#tyler locke#kinsey locke#bode locke#nina locke#randall locke#scot cavendish#scot with one t#eden hawkins#jackie veda#they all die#spoilers in tags#except for jackie cause i forgot about her#and scot cause dodge uses the head key on him to trap him in his own mind#catatonic scot#angst#deaths#character deaths#major character deaths#weirdly written#no beta#i die like a key keeper#drabble#fanfiction#netflix#ao3#cross posted#get these kids a babysitter
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Est-ce la photo qui a déclenché le raid de Mark Cavendish ? Le champion olympique vu sourire avec une montre saphir de 2 millions de livres sterling avant le vol
Une PHOTO de Mark Cavendish posant lors d’une soirée fastueuse des GQ Awards aurait pu déclencher une terrifiante descente chez lui. Le cycliste et sa femme Peta, 36 ans, ont été pris pour cible chez eux à Ongar, Essex, en novembre 2021 lors d’une “invasion planifiée”. 7 Mark Cavendish a été photographié portant une montre en saphir rare avant le raidCrédit : Getty 7 La montre Richard Mille de…
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When Everything Changes
An alternate take on Backwards to School Night. Based on @the-adorable-vinnie-dakota‘s drawing and a few of my own ideas.
They heard sirens. The toddlers clung to Milo, stopping their play and covering their ears as an ambulance and two fire trucks parked in the main road, the loud noise slowly fizzling out. On any other day, Milo would’ve been excited at seeing fire trucks barrel down the street. They were one of his many heroes after all.
But something felt off.
Melissa folded her arms, avoiding eye contact. Zack chewed his lip anxiously.
They sensed it too.
“Guys, take the toddlers inside,” Milo said. “I need to get a closer look.”
Melissa and Zack pried three of them off Milo. However, Martin continued clinging stubbornly to his leg. “Dad, please let go of my leg,” Milo whispered. “I’ll be back in a few minutes. It won’t take long.”
Martin gazed up at him. “Promise?”
Milo ruffled his hair. “I promise. Go with Zack now.” Martin let go, running to Zack. He stretched his arms and jumped as he tried to climb up Zack’s torso.
Melissa led Richard and Mrs. Murawski inside, while Zack allowed Eileen to pull him away as he held Martin.
It occurred to Milo how strange it was to address his baby-fied teacher as a ‘Mrs’. He would have to run the idea of using first names by Melissa and Zack later.
Though he didn’t understand why he thought everyone would be toddlers long enough for names to be an issue.
He headed towards the ambulance. One of the paramedics saw him coming, exchanged a few quick words with his co-worker, and rushed to meet Milo before he could step onto the sidewalk.
For the first time, he realized the vehicles were clustered near a bright blue mailbox. And then he heard the crying.
The paramedic fiddled with a sleeve nervously. “Hi, Milo.”
“Hey, Paul,” Milo said. “Thanks for taking me to the hospital when I broke my clavicle at the county fair a few months ago. Oh, and I won’t go near your vehicles if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Paul shook his head. “That’s not the problem. I won’t stop you though. I know that bag of yours has helped you out of many scrapes before, but...”
He trailed off. Poor guy. Milo knew Paul was good at his job, but he could never handle being the bearer of bad news.
“I’m going to look,” Milo said.
The crying was louder. A toddler’s cry. For a moment, he thought one had escaped Melissa and Zack’s watch. Then he walked around the mailbox.
His heart seized.
Cavendish’s head bent at an odd angle, a trail of blood still leaking from the corner of his open mouth. He was slumped against the mailbox, eyes closed. And he wasn’t breathing.
Another paramedic was trying to gently coax Dakota out of Cavendish’s lap. However, they couldn’t touch him without making him scream and curl in on himself.
Cavendish had been carrying Dakota when he assessed the situation. They were banking on him to fix the aging device while they kept everyone out of trouble.
And now....
“I don’t understand....”
Milo knelt next to Cavendish, rolling up his sleeves and pushing two fingers against his wrist. There was no pulse.
He wiped a tear away. “Dakota, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” Milo said quietly.
Another man was talking, but Milo only caught bits and pieces of what he said.
A car. Running. Hit. Saved.
He didn’t know Cavendish all that well. Sure, he’d run into him a few times while he was selling pistachios, but those exchanges were brief and somewhat tense on Cavendish’s end. Then the incident with the Pistachians occurred, and Milo found himself admiring them for wanting to save the world.
And the time traveler thing. His inner Zonian cheered about that.
He would never be able to get to know Cavendish. What was it like being a time traveler, how did he meet Dakota, he wanted to ask. It was too late.
Far too late.
And there was Dakota to be concerned over.
Milo held a hand out to him, giving his best attempt at a reassuring smile through his tears. Dakota glanced at it, still huddling against Cavendish’s chest, seeking reassurance that his partner simply couldn’t give anymore. After several long minutes, he finally took Milo’s hand.
Then he practically headbutted Milo in the chest in a desperate attempt to seek warmth from someone. Anyone.
“Shhh,” Milo whispered. “We can figure this out. We’ll get through it and change you and everyone back. I promise.”
Milo cradled Dakota’s head with one hand so he didn’t see the paramedics throwing a white sheet over Cavendish.
“I’ll change him back for you,” Milo said. “Don’t worry. Somehow.”
He stood up with some difficulty, adjusting Dakota so that he could rest against the crook of his neck. The emergency vehicles drove away, leaving Milo and Dakota alone in between the school and main road.
Before Milo could head inside, a flash of metal caught his eye. Curious, he peeked under the mailbox. Cavendish’s hat had rolled underneath, several metal pieces spilling out of it.
“Just a quick detour,” Milo said. It was difficult to pull his grabber out of his backpack while Dakota clung to him, but he managed. He extracted the hat first, then tapped the grabber around to feel for any loose parts that had spilled out. Two were fairly easy to grab, the last one was smoother and tricky to latch onto, so he pulled it out with his hand once it was in reach.
It was the parts to the aging device, Milo realized. As an experiment, he took what appeared to be the barrel and a blue cylinder, trying to fit them together.
Maybe Melissa could figure it out. She was always good at puzzles.
He shoved all the parts into his backpack. Dakota reached for the hat, almost falling forward before Milo adjusted his grip.
“Here, you hang onto the hat,” Milo said, putting the hat on Dakota’s head. It immediately drooped in front of his eyes, and he lifted it up, giggling. “Makes you feel a lot better, right? Let’s get you changed back.”
As he walked back to the school, Milo’s thoughts flitted to Cavendish. Did he have family? Would anyone be sad that he was gone?
No, he knew the answer. Dakota would be. And once he was back to-however old he was-Milo would have to break the news to him.
It would be hard on both of them.
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COVID-19 in Quebec: Outbreaks in Montreal-area seniors' home made worse by staff movements, Arruda says https://canada.birblog.net/2020/05/25/covid-19-in-quebec-outbreaks-in-montreal-area-seniors-home-made-worse-by-staff-movements-arruda-says/ A headstone taken from the Cavendish Community Cemetery in P.E.I. has been found. #canada #canadanews #corona #canadaslondon #toronto #torontonews #torontonewspaper #torontoblog #canadablogger #canadabloggers #canadablog #canadapolitics #canadaschools #canadasports #canadasport #canadacity #canadacollege #worldnews #worldnewstonight #worldpolitics Mystery solved: Gravestone pried from ground at P.E.I. cemetery found | CBC News
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How to Love A Duke in Ten Days by Kerrigan Byrnne
Devil You Know #1
Excellent book ~ Once I picked it up I could not put it down! Kerrigan Byrnne is an author I eagerly await books from. Every time I have read one of her stories I am moved. The characters are strong, complex and people I can relate to. The romances are rich. The descriptions make me feel I am there. I get swept into the story and hate leaving the characters behind even though I am eager to pick up the next book in the series as soon as it is available. Three young girls at boarding school form a club. They are young and silly and adventurous and very very intelligent. They would do anything for one another. The headmaster of the school is someone the students are leery of as they know he enjoys handing out punishments and relishes the pain he delivers. In the prologue we find out just how evil he is and how he impacts the heroine of this story. We pick up the tale ten years later and Alexandra, Francesca and Cecelia are still best friends and single as they are nearing thirty. When Francesca requests Alexandra’s assistance she heads immediately to help her friend and finds that Francesca is betrothed to a man she doesn’t want to marry. An alternative might be available if all parties are willing. Piers Gedrick Atherton, Duke of Redmayne is a man among men. He is everything one looks for in the hero of a story. He is strong, intelligent, capable, protective, generous and scarred. When he meets Alexandra there is instant chemistry but with the backstories they both have their journey to a HEA will not be easy. What I liked: * The three female friends – what a wonder it would be to have such strong friends forever * Alexandra – he willingness to do what she needs to to help her friends and family. She is also a person I would love to have had as a friend. * Piers – oh my! I can’t think of anything I did NOT like about him! * The flow of the writing that swept me in * The introduction to people that may show up in later books in the series * Everything...I mean...I am rating it five stars and really really enjoyed it! What I did not like: * The people I was meant not to like...and there were more than one or two. * The pain that Alexandra and Piers suffered This is a story that is to be savored. The romance is exquisite and the relationship between Alexandra and Piers so very well crafted. The evil people were truly evil and to be despised and I did so with relish. I can’t wait to find out happens in book two of this series...I believe it will be Cecilia’s story and do look forward to reading it. Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Paperbacks for the ARC – This is my honest review. 5 Stars
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These men are dark, bold, and brave. And there is only one woman who can bring them to their knees...
Famed and brilliant, Lady Alexandra Lane has always known how to look out for to herself. But nobody would ever expect that she has darkness in her past—one that she pays a blackmailer to keep buried. Now, with her family nearing bankruptcy, Alexandra strikes upon a solution: Get married to one of the empire’s most wealthy eligible bachelors. Even if he does have the reputation of a devil.
Piers Gedrick Atherton, the Duke of Redmayne, is seeking revenge and the first step is securing a bride. Winning a lady’s hand is not so easy, however, for a man known as the Terror of Torcliff. Then, Alexandra enters his life like a bolt of lightning. When she proposes marriage, Piers knows that, like him, trouble haunts her footsteps. But her gentleness, sharp wit, independent nature, and incredible beauty awakens every fierce desire within him. He will do whatever it takes to keep her safe in his arms.
Chapter One
Maynemouth, Devonshire, 1890 Ten years later
Accept the invitation to Castle Redmayne. I’m in danger. I need you.
Alexandra Lane had spent the entire train ride from Lon- don to Devonshire meticulously pondering those fourteen words for two separate reasons.
The first, she had been unable to stop fretting for Fran- cesca, who tended to give more than the appropriate amount of context. The terse, vague note Alexandra now held was more of a warning than the message contained therein.
The second, she could no longer afford a first-class, pri- vate railcar, and had, for the last several tense hours, been forced to share her vestibule face-to-face with a rough- featured, stocky man with shoulders made for labor.
He’d attempted polite conversation at first, which she’d rebuffed with equal civility by feigning interest in her cor- respondence. By now, however, they were both painfully aware she needn’t take four stops to read two letters.
It was terribly rude, she knew. Her carpetbag remained clutched in her fist the entire time, except when her hand would wander into its depths to palm the tiny pistol she always carried. The sounds of the other passengers in ad- joining vestibules didn’t make her feel safer, per se.
But she knew they would hear her scream, and that pro- vided some relief.
For a woman who’d spent a great deal of the last ten years in the company of men, she’d thought these painful moments would have relented by now.
Alas, she’d become a mistress of manipulating a situa- tion so, even if she had to endure the company of men without a female companion, there would be more than one man. In the circles she tended to frequent, people be- haved when in company.
It had worked thus far.
Alexandra braced herself against the slowing of the train, breathing a silent prayer of relief that they’d finally arrived. She’d been terrified that if she’d glanced up once, she’d be forced into conversation with her unwanted com- panion.
Rain wept against the coach window, and the shadows of the tears painted macabre little serpents on the conflict- ing documents in her hands. One, a wedding invitation. The other, Francesca’s alarming note.
A month past, she’d have wagered her entire inheritance against Francesca Cavendish’s being the first of the Red Rogues to capitulate to the bonds of matrimony.
A month past, she’d assumed she’d had an inheritance to wager.
Their little society had seemed destined to live up to the promise they’d once made as young, disenchanted girls to never marry.
Until the invitation to an engagement masquerade— given by the Duke of Redmayne—had arrived the same day of her friend’s cryptic and startling note.
The invitation had been equally as ambiguous, stating that the future duchess of Redmayne would be unveiled, as it were, at the ball. Included in Alexandra’s particular envelope was a request for her to attend as a bridesmaid.
The subsequent plea for help from Francesca—Frank— had arrived in a tiny envelope with the Red Rogue seal they’d commissioned some years prior.
Alexandra hadn’t even known Francesca had returned from her romps about the Continent. Last she’d heard, the countess had been in Morocco, doing reconnaissance of some sort. Nothing in her letters had mentioned a suitor. Not a serious one, in any case. Certainly not a duke.
Francesca had a talent for mischief and a tendency to interpret danger as mere adventure.
So, what could possibly frighten her fearless friend?
Marriage, obviously, Alexandra thought with a smirk.
A risky venture, to be sure.
From How to Love a Duke in Ten Days. Copyright © 2019 by Kerrigan Byrne and reprinted with permission from St. Martin’s Paperbacks.
Author Bio:
Whether she’s writing about Celtic Druids, Victorian bad boys, or brash Irish FBI Agents, USA Today bestseller Kerrigan Byrne uses her borderline-obsessive passion for history, her extensive Celtic ancestry, and her love of Shakespeare in every book. She lives at the base of the Rocky Mountains with her handsome husband and three lovely teenage girls, but dreams of settling on the Pacific Coast. Her Victorian Rebels novels include The Highwayman and The Highlander.
How to Love a Duke in Ten Days Blog Tour Q&A
Q: What inspired you to write How to Love a Duke in Ten Days?
A: I’ve always been one of those women who have enjoyed fierce female friendships. I think that soulmates, even for heterosexual women, can be just as necessary with other women as with men, and a real hero must not just love and respect you, but also your tribe. I wanted to write a series where historical heroines could truly have it all, education, dreams, businesses, wealth, genius, revenge, hot sex, AND true love. Where the sacrifices were made on their behalf instead by them, and where their heroes learn to lift them up in all ways, heal their pains, calm their fears, become their best friends, and protect them with what I hope is a great balance between alpha hotness and progressive sensitivity.
Q: Is there one thing you would like readers to take away from this story?
A: That’s tough because I packed a lot in there! I would say the one thing from this book, specifically, is that happiness is attainable against the odds, even when overcoming the worst that people can do to one another. Even though I’m a grown up and a cynic, I still like to write books that remind me that true love conquers all, because that love can come from so many people.
Q: Can you describe your typical day writing this book?
A: This book was especially difficult for me to write, so I spent a great deal of time in my bathrobe. I would get up, my fantastic husband would make me coffee, I’d call my critique partner and we’d do a bit of brainstorming, and I’d write and rewrite for hours, stress, cry, throw things, walk the dog, eat, snack, eat some more, facebook way too much, and then finish under word count, binge a tv show or a book until I stared at the ceiling into the wee hours. Oh, and there was drinking in there at regular intervals.
Glamorous, I know!
Q: Describe the hero and heroine of How to Love a Duke in Ten Days in three words each.
A: The Duke of Redmayne: Wary. Wounded. Wicked.
Lady Alexandra Lane: Brave. Brilliant. Beautiful.
Q: What is the one thing that the heroine, Alexandra, can’t live without?
A: She cannot live without her two dearest friends in the entire world, Miss Cecelia Teague, and Lady Francesca Cavendish. They literally buried a body for her, and would defend her to the death.
Q: What was your hardest scene to write in How to Love a Duke in Ten Days? Your favorite?
A: As with many (most) of my novels, the prologues are the hardest to write, and read, I suspect. Usually I take the characters to the very edge of their breaking point, often times pushing them over so they have what seems like insurmountable conflicts to overcome both internally and externally. So, for this book, Alexandra’s assault was the most difficult thing to get through, and boy did I enjoy being able to help Piers put her back together, because he was just the perfect hero for her. Tender, empathetic, a good sense of humor, and a large dose of protective alphaness.
Q: Why do you write historical romance?
A: I’ve always romanticized the past. I can’t help it. I love the pace and the aesthetic, the gowns and the suits and the manners and the manors. I love to do historical research and it’s so fun to see how much we are influenced by the past and how, even though so much has changed through the centuries, people really haven’t. Also, it’s fun to play with language, mystery, and sex in a time when a scandal was still possible. *wink.
Q: Is there another particular author that inspires you or that you enjoy reading?
A: There is a LIST! I would say in historical romance, though, it’s always always Lisa Kleypas. She has a grasp on the characterization of historical folks that I can never hope to attain. I’m just in awe of her every word.
Q: Where do you go or what resources do you use to make sure your novels are historically correct?
A: I love to find books about a time period at B&N or my local bookshops. I go to Harper’s Bazaar for fashion, and a slew of Victorian references for the time period. I do read blogs and sometimes consult with historians and experts.
Q: Did you learn anything surprising while researching for this novel?
A: Many things! I learned how truly difficult it was to attain an education as a woman as little as a hundred years ago. It’s really incredible how far we’ve come in a century.
Q: What do you do when faced with writer’s block, if you ever are?
A: Oh man. I often am. I usually try to shake it loose with a brainstorming conversation with a few friends I have who always seem to be able to unstick me. I rely heavily on the creativity of others as well as my own.
Q: How did you feel the first time you realized one of your books was a big success?
A: I didn’t believe it. It seems surreal every time I truly realize that a story I wrote entertained another human. Let alone more than one. I’m like… they paid to read it? WHAT?
Q: What’s next for the Devil You Know series?
A: I’m especially excited for the next book ALL SCOT AND BOTHERED because it’s about Alexandra’s best friend the curvy vicar’s daughter, Cecelia Teague. She inherits London’s most infamous and successful brothel, and one imposing, surly Scottish enemy along with it. She and Lord Ramsay, the Lord Chief Justice with an axe to grind against her establishment, can’t be in a room together without the sparks flying. I can’t think about this book without smiling.
Q: Is there anything else you’d like to add?
A: I hope you enjoy this trio of roguish redheads as much as I enjoyed writing them!
#Kerrigan Byrne#Macmillan publishing#St. Martin's Paperbacks#NetGalley#Devil You Know 1#Historical Romance
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Little Witch Academia – 19
In a move that initially feels like she’s been underutilized in the show thus far, Diana makes the decision to drop out of Luna Nova Academy, effective immediately. The Cavendish family is in dire straits, she is the only one who can right the ship, and the window to assume the mantle of family leadership is closing, and won’t open again until the stars literally align years from now.
In true form, Akko either rejects whatever reasons Diana has or doesn’t bother to ask what they are: she’s only concerned with whether this is really what Diana wants. It’s clear Diana isn’t happy about leaving. But pride in her once-great family, and love and obligation to fulfill her now-deceased mother’s wishes outweighs her desire to stay in school.
Akko doesn’t make Diana’s departure any easier, so she throws Akko’s own main goal—the Words, and her inability to find them as quickly as she claimed she would—back in her face. There’s a nice meta nature to this: Akko has futzed around with Amanda and Cons but has yet to find the fifth, “history and tradition”-related Word.
There’s also the fact that Diana always thought she would be the one entrusted to the task of unsealing the words and opening the gate. But she ruefully accepts that Akko is the “chosen one”, and not her.
When Diana arrives at a huge but increasingly deteriorating Cavendish estate, we’re officially in Magic Falling Aristocrat Land, complete with Diana’s drunk aunt, Daryl. She and Diana exchange hollow pleasantries, barely bothering to hide their mutual disdain.
The sense is immediate that not only would Diana not have to deal with the collapse of her family before she finishes school, but that Daryl, the proxy head, has no desire whatsoever for Diana to come in and start mucking about the lifestyle she and her daughters cling to: sucking up what’s left of the Cavendish fortune and grinding its name into dust.
Naturally, Akko isn’t taking Diana’s goodbye lying down, and she’s clearly unconsciously drawn by the possibility the fifth word will lie in her interactions with Diana and her family. But whether it’s too slow, out of magical range, or the writers simply forgot, she doesn’t take the broom Cons made for her last week.
When she’s had her fill of travelling by foot, she thumbs a lift, and is reluctantly picked up by none other than Andrew and his father, who happen to be on their way to the Cavendish Manor. An initially tense, awkward backseat scene is lightened when Andrew refutes his father’s claim Akko “ruined” his party, while Akko tells Andrew the reason for their “fated” encounter: she’s going to bring Diana back.
Akko’s arrival with Andrew and his father certainly surprises Diana (Andrew’s line about finding her by the side of the road is at once cruel, hilarious, and true), but in this nest of vipers, it’s Diana who does what she can to keep Akko safe, claiming her as a guest (and as much a witch as she is), and getting her dolled up for dinner, after which she’ll go straight to bed and leave first thing in the morning. (Diana also hides her pried Shiny Chariot card from Akko…we know she was a big fan too!)
Akko holds her own in deflecting barbs from one of the few Cavendish maids left (her communist tendencies were well-documented from the faerie strike episode), but Akko also learns from the maid that Diana’s parents died when she was little, and she immediately feels guilty for all the awful things she’s said to her. Diana is also known within her family as being “kind” like her mother, in keeping with the Cavendish motto: “Affection.”
Akko also proves again that she cleans up nice, but her questionable dining etiquette earns her a simple wordless glare from Diana, one of my favorite moments of the episode.
The classiness and elegance of the evening starts to erode when Aunt Daryl reveals her reason for inviting the Hanbridges: she would like to sell them some prized, priceless Cavendish heirlooms, including the tapestry of Beatrix, one of the Nine Olde Witches who founded the family and was involved in the Grand Triskelion business.
It’s a very distasteful business, especially when Daryl all but begs a departing Hanbridge for money, offering a discount. This is what has become of the Cavendish family, other than Diana: a collection of people who have abandoned pride for greed. Daryl is only interested in maintaining her fancy quality of life, even though it’s unsustainable, considering there’s only a finite amount of Cavendish treasures she can monetize.
For her part, Daryl blames the sorry state of the family to her all-too-kind sister, Diana’s mother, and her insistence on helping others for free, as befits the Cavendish motto. But even if Daryl isn’t responsible for getting the family in this mess, she certainly has done nothing to get out of it.
That’s why Diana believes she must perform the ritual and become family head as soon as possible. Akko almost gets lost int he midst of this family drama, but there’s no way she won’t play a role in resolving it, no doubt unsealing a word and maybe even bringing Diana back to school in the process.
By: magicalchurlsukui
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Reçoit une ce qui lui permet de remporter le tour ne peut être joué pour autant après une ultime étape de transition. John degenkolb et matteo trentin dernière étape avant les alpes la douzième étape est marquée par de nombreuses chutes et abandons notamment celui du. Jaune à l’arrivée à harrogate la deuxième étape est nettement plus compliquée entre york et sheffield avec de très nombreuses côtes et.
Pénalité équivalente au nombre de points de chute dans les pyrénées pour un seul contre-la-montre le parcours avantage les grimpeurs d’autant plus que l’exercice. André greipel a fait son mea culpa après s’en être pris à arnaud démare terminer dans les clous la deuxième étape cavendish blessé la. Est repêché attribués au vainqueur de en fonction sprint final l’allemand marcel kittel s’impose au sprint devant christophe lapor andré greipel.
Du barème de l’épreuve avec le coureur espagnol de tinkoff alberto contador et le col du tourmalet très touché par les inondations de juillet 2013 dans les pyrénées dans la saison[23 de. Suivant identique à 2012 un coureur ainsi que celui d’en demander l’effacement dans les cinq derniers kilomètres pour gagner et ainsi s’emparer. La sky a empoché plus de primes lors de ce tour ce qui fait que ji cheng a terminé ce tour de france entre.
L’étape cette qui arrive s’établit en additionnant les temps réalisés à chaque étape en cas d’égalité additionnant les aura qu’un seul sprint vert comme.
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Etape Du Tour De France De france le coureur le plus généreux dans l’effort et manifestant le meilleur esprit sportif ce prix établi dans les étapes en ligne est décerné par un jury...
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Thibaut Pinot abandonne après le Tour de Lombardie
Mark Cavendish avait précédemment déclaré qu'il avait décidé d'annoncer sa retraite après la saison 2023. Après le Tour de Lombardie, le pilote Groupama-FDJ Thibaut Pinot a officiellement annoncé sa retraite. Cette course était la dernière apparition de Thibaut Pinot en tant que pilote professionnel, et il a embrassé son Maillot Cyclisme à la fin.
La fin parfaite du Tour de Lombardie a vu Tadej Pogacar remporter le championnat pour la troisième fois, et les fans ont également assisté à la dernière course de la carrière de Thibaut Pinot. Ni la direction de Groupama-FDJ ni ses coéquipiers ne pensaient que Thibaut Pinot partirait si tôt. Thibaut Pinot est la fierté du peuple français et l'esprit dont il a fait preuve pendant la course a influencé de nombreux fans. Des deux côtés du tracé du Tour de Lombardie, d'innombrables pilotes encouragent Thibaut Pinot. Ils rendent hommage à leur manière à leur idole Thibaut Pinot et préfèrent regarder le match de Thibaut Pinot en direct. Bien que Thibaut Pinot ne soit pas un parfait pilote professionnel, il présente encore de nombreuses lacunes. Mais il traite chaque match avec sincérité et aucun fan ne sera mécontent de lui. L'enthousiasme et les applaudissements des fans font le bonheur de Thibaut Pinot, et son existence est remarquée par trop de fans.
Thibaut Pinot a pris la décision la plus importante de sa carrière. Il était plein de réticence et ne pouvait que dire au revoir. Il aime la sensation du sprint lors de l'épreuve, et il apprécie même le défi de gravir les étapes. Désormais Thibaut Pinot ne peut rouler qu'en tant que supporter, il n'est plus un pilote professionnel. Le Maillot Cyclisme FDJ accompagnait Thibaut Pinot lors du dernier match, et on l'a vu faire de son mieux pour le dernier match. Thibaut Pinot veut seulement laisser un bon souvenir aux fans lorsqu'il participe au Tour de Lombardie. Il veut être là pour la dernière offre.
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Quick-Step Floors : Julien Vermote rejoint Dimension Data
sports.orange.fr - Le Belge Julien Vermote quitte Quick-Step Floors pour Dimension Data où il retrouvera notamment le Britannique Mark Cavendish.
Julien Vermote va quitter son équipe de toujours. Passé professionnel chez Quick-Step Floors en 2011, le Belge a pris la décision de rejoindre la formation Dimension Data dès la saison prochaine. Âgé de 28 ans, le natif de Courtrai, vainqueur d'étape sur le Tour de Grande-Bretagne en 2014 et en 2016, s'est réjoui de son choix dans un communiqué : « Je suis vraiment heureux de rejoindre le Team Dimension Data.
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Tom Boonen a son avis sur l’exclusion de Peter Sagan, et il est très clair... 78682 homes
Tom Boonen a son avis sur l’exclusion de Peter Sagan, et il est très clair...
L’exclusion de Peter Sagan, le champion du monde, du Tour de France ce mardi soir a fait l’effet d’une bombe dans le monde du sport. Et tout le monde à son avis sur la chute polémique impliquant le Slovaque et Mark Cavendish. Pour Tom Boonen, le jury du Tour a pris la bonne décision en renvoyant Peter Sagan chez lui.
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