#causing brainrots p2
officialdaydreamer00 · 8 months
You. know em! You love em! Itssssss---- it's idia I'm requesting idia. I would like an x "biter". We all know bro can't handle kisses in public so what if we straight up just fucking bite his arm instead?
Also part 3 of the thing you know what i mean
i am crying and kicking my feet at the same time this is ur fault
reader is not yuu, reader is gender neutral, mentions of blood
man will fucking screech at you the first time you bite him
why did you bite him????? what'd you do that for????
will flinch every time your teeth meet his skin. you don't even need to bite for him to jolt. dramatic ass.
eventually, he gets used to it. still flinches a bit when you bite him.
biting him in public? oh that's a different story.
his systems will malfunction and his soul will evaporate instantly.
and now you have a colossal sized body to drag back to ignihyde.
in the confines of his room however, he's gonna be plotting his revenge on you.
those shark teeth aren't just for show, bestie. his bites will indent your skin, some are hard enough to draw blood (those are usually accidents)
likes gnawing on your shoulders to focus on his gaming. this sometimes leads to him biting too hard, as mentioned above.
in conclusion: you bite him in public, he bites you in private.
taglist🏷️ @azulashengrottospiano @aqua-beam @dove-da-birb @siren-serenity @twistwonderlanddevotee @cookiesandbiscuits @cave-of-jade @miniminnieum @xen-blank @cheezy-moon @axvwriter @mermaidfanficlibrary
reblogs are very appreciated!!
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Hello friends!!
This is a Polin adjacent personal post. I’m looking for some moral support, advice, etc. if anyone is willing to offer any
See below for more 🙏🏼
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So, I made myself some thematic Bridgerton Jewelry for funsies in April, and at the behest of some Internet friends, made some more in May
Soon enough, Season 3 Part 1 dropped, and I have since been in that BRIDGERTON BRAINROT™️ that I know we all suffer from
Unfortunately for me, my ADHD/OCPD ass always needs both my brain andddd my hands occupied, so rewatching S3 P1 a billion times somehow led me to create 120 extra Bridgerton themed earrings and 60 extra necklaces 🫢🫠
My husband is a very kind man that has watched S3 P1 with me 3 times already (and slept through more hahahah), anddddd he has let me litter our dining table and our ottoman in front of the tv with my jewelry stuff for weeks now
I promised him I’ll try to just sell some of this jewelry online so that this new brain rot / stimming hobby doesn’t bankrupt us, but I’ve been procrastinating on this soooo fucking hard because I’m scared of Etsy and also quite possibly the post office??? 🥲🙃 I know that’s incredibly stupid, but somehow my neurodivergent brain doesn’t know it’s stupid and she’s also just like aaahhh what if I put this stuff online and people actually buy it??? As if that isn’t the solution I’m looking for
Anyway, I’m just blabbing about my personal incompetence here cause I’d like some moral support or advise or someeeething if anyone cares to offer any 😭😭😫😫😫
My husband told me I’m just overwhelmed cause I have 180 items to post, and that I’ll get there eventually if I try to post at least 10 per day. My OCPD brain thinks that’s nuts (cause of the different theme breakdowns and mix and match sets I’ve made lol). Even so, I set out to post 10 today, and I’ve legit just been doing dumb shit like editing out my living room background from the photos I took, and adding Bridgerton inspo pics to the background and all that jazz, as if I’m some professional at this instead of someone who went batshit crazy stimming between S3 P1 and P2
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^That’s an example of my OCPD brain doing too much and why I’m sitting on a massive pile of pretty handmade things instead of posting them for sale 🙃
Please… someone that knows how to deal with this aggravating combo of ADHD and OCPD better than me…. SEND HELP!!???!!
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alonetogether · 10 months
andy I am so sorry bc I always come to your ask and like dump my incoherent stupid thoughts about p2 so I can then go be normal in the outside world. but I am feeling insane right now like do you ever think about how so much of pete's writing reflects this need to merge with the one he loves, almost to crawl inside them, that plus the actual visual of young volcanoes (and you know pete had a hand in this) of them literally eating patrick's organs, multiple music videos of them killing each other, PLUS the idea of folie a deux, a madness shared by two, the name of an album in which during the making of, they were tearing into each other, AND the idea of twin skeletons, when you strip all the skin and muscle and blood and organs away, you are the. exact. same.
thank you for your service, I got all the brainrot out and can now focus on work tomorrow.
BELOVED ANON NEVER APOLOGISE im now just wondering how many times youve been here..... lying awake... with insomnia inflicted by peterick are you alright BHUGJHDN but yeah like. something something cannibalism to show devotion to show how you wanna crawl inside their ribcage like can you even believe they started this shit ALLLLL the way back in the saturday mv when they are LITERALLY two become one and STILL manage to kill each other (basically) like idk how they even expect us to get sleep actually thats fucking crazy!!!!!!!!!!
i hope to god you got sleep cause youve now poured out your brainrot and it landed right on me <3 nHJIOGIKJ
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
I thought I'd write HysHum chap 2 or yan!Alhaitham VisionQual P2 fic next but... Well if I didn't end up uploading the fic I was planning to you'd know why lmao
A friend's meme:
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All My Friends Are Yan!Tighnari and Alhaitham Simps - Exhibit A:
(I don't mean that "why does tighnari get asks" jn a bad way, I was just pleasantly surprised cause I thought most of the people who read my stuff are into tall dark men lmfao– glad we have some variation cuz writing brooding men 24/7 can get a little boring. It's a genuine "why" as in "why does he get asks cuz I think that CreativeDiff fic wasn't that good.")
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On another note: here's extra brainrots ehjakakw (don't ask why dimitri fire emblem is mentioned. this is normal.)
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30 minutes later...
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Tumblr won't let me upload more than 10 images but you get the idea lmfao
Edit: here's the fic
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Some VERY specific™ V-kun/pre-game Nahobino 3AM headcanons I have because it's completely not like I spend almost all day today playing SMT V and I'm rotating Naho in my brain rn:
(of course as usual disclaimer that it's how I personally interpet this character and if you interpreting him in totally different way that's valid af!)
-Like I mentioned somewhere before, he's a total art hoe™ (affectionate), he loves drawing whether it's a digital or traditional drawings!
-I don't have a headcanon for his specific MBTI type but he's an introvert for sure
-He's either listening to some very edgy indie rock or 80's music - nothing in between :P
-His sport of choice is skateboarding (like did y'all see his moves while you're dashing down the cliffs? Definitely pro skater moves imo). Because he is also an artsy type, he actually re-painted the back of his skateboard himself!
-He goes by the nickname of V (or Vic - like I actually named him in my game) but his birth name is Victor despite he's fully japanese (my reasons for that in the headcanon below, in short: personally I imagine something like reversed P2 Lisa's story and P5 Yusuke's/Haru's story - a mix between this three)
-(This might be long headcanon, I'm sorry 😅 also CW for domesitic abuse mention and bullying) Like I also said before - he have very shitty relationship with his parents. Basically what I imagine is his parents being very wealthy people but the kinds of get-rich-quick noveau riche assholes (that probably got rich because they did some shady things) who believed that they should expand their success in the West as well and their child will be a perfect tool to achieve that. And the entire of V-kun's life, they treated him not as their only child but as a tool - from naming him by Western name for more future success at West (Victor - he probably got bullied in school a lot because of having an unusual name in Japan - and that's why he was so withdrawn in the first scene of SMT V he was just scared it's gonna happen again) by making him studying economy and English all the time since young age and finally literally taking every opportunity to crush his dreams of ever becoming an artist (like his mother was throwing away/ burning his drawings when she saw one, shaming him for being interested in arts etc). One day he just couldn't take this anymore and ran away from home and transfered schools to Jouin - that's why he's living in the dorm rn. Also in my imagination that's why his later relationship with Aogami is so close (or at least I hope so, haven't finished whole game yet), cause he finally had a supportive father-like figure at once in his life
-He definitely know that he's queer, but because of his traumatic past he didn't had a safe enviroment to discover himself before so he's still disovering and questioning his sexuality and gender identity
So yeah, congratulations if you read this to the end (here's your cookie haha 🍪) I know it was kinda long but I just needed to brainrot about my headcanons of my blue son for a moment 😅
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shittyakechiweekly · 2 years
keeping chuuya in the background is an interesting way of fitting an original character into a pre-existing world, i guess he’d be more prone to running into joker’s non-PT confidants than joker himself. (do his rumor-mongering habits have any connection to Persona 2, or is that entirely coincidental?) ik OC stuff doesn’t garner much attention here, but I’d love to hear more about him if your brainrot ever inspires you to info dump. i admit i mostly brought up Ann because i’m impartial to her, but the potential hostility makes me more curious than ever to see them meet. maybe her celebrityhood made her an easy target for rumors, who knows? pardon the long asks! ^^;
Dw bout the long asks, i enjoy it.
Yeah, I don't really like shoving my ocs into the main cast cause it feels kind of unnatural and a little overdone. This means I make my ocs side characters or minor antagonists more often than not lol. The rumour-mongering habits are entirely a coincidence. I haven't played p2, so I don't know much about it.
I imagine imanishi probably being responsible for a portion of the unsavoury rumours about ann and kamoshida's "relationship." He probably spread rumours about akira too. Which means ann and chuuya are definitely going to have conflict. Past that, they'll probably have arguments about helping others or saving oneself. I wouldn't be surprised if Ann thought him a coward. The more I think about it, the better they are as foils. I can imagine a lot of bickering between the two. If they find each other as allies though, I bet they could style on some fuckers pretty hard.
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Seeing the cutscene with Ryuji after battle with Shido once again actually got me thinking...
I kinda like the P5/P4 system where you are getting 2nd awakening Persona after 10 ranks of social link and after character discover something about himself with protag's help,
but I also like P1-P3 way of getting 2nd awakening/better Personas after character goes into some important or livechanging events and that's what cause him to receive his second awakening.
Like I think for Ryuji would better fit to gain his second awakening in classic way, because imo what he did on Shido's ship after boss battle (basically was willing to sacrifice his life to save his friends) would be actually more 2nd awakening worthy moment in his life than his confidant rank 10 (but like I said, of course it's only my opinion and you are 100% allowed to disagree!)
Thinking of this actually gave me a little brainrot right now because oh gosh, imagine if he had his 2nd awakening in classic persona (or at least P2, I haven't reached that moment in P1) style. Like everything goes exactly like in cutscene from P5 but when explosion happened, Ryuji instead of coming back to the real world instantly, actually teleported to that tower from P1/P2 to meet with Philemon (or Lavenza since she is P5 equivalent of Philemon, but like I said in this little headcanon I prefer things to go 100% classic as some kind of special exception from how normally 2nd awakening in P5 happens) who would grant him his 2nd awakening Persona and send him to the real world after that (so he would actually save him in this headcanon). Like omg, if it wasn't a midnight maybe I would wrote something about this xdd
(btw I'm wondering since Philemon had a face of the person who saw him - would Ryuji see blonde Philemon or Philemon with his natural hair color in this headcanon? 🤔)
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