#cause no!! why the absolute ever living FUCK would someones purpose be to kill themself??
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deepwoundsandfadedscars · 8 months ago
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Sat down to have a chat with my cousin before he flies home tomorrow to his wife, just cause I was anxious that she would try to twist it against me if she talked to him first, I explained my side of what the interaction was and the blatant lies she claimed, and he's not at all surprised and in fact is already planning on getting a paralegal when he gets home to start getting her the fuck out of his life
Me last night: hmm maybe I want another tattoo, I'm going to start talking to this artist *sends message*
My cousins wife: *sends an incredibly hostile message about how I've been ignoring her and she's gone above and beyond for me trying to be supportive of me, when in reality she hasn't texted me first since November and when I text her, she's very short with me and makes no effort to continue a conversation with me*
"Yeah hi, artist? Make that three tattoos"
#kee speaks#i wasnt expecting to hear he was already considering divorce but pleasently surprised#i am a-ok with that#especially after chatting with a friend today who has interacted with her too and my friend reminded me of some other shitty things she did#cause holy fuck#on another way less positive note: my grandma also sprung on me today a discussion on grief and where she believes my sister is#and she repeated something that ive heard her say before and it infuriates me SO MUCH#like she's very spiritual in a non-religious way and believes in tarot and astrology and all that#but she keeps saying that she believes that my sister had finished her purpose in our lives#and that has been the most hurtful thing i have ever heard#cause no!! why the absolute ever living FUCK would someones purpose be to kill themself??#what purpose does that serve in any of our lives??#she keeps repeating it like it helps her but it makes me want to smash something#she gets so misguided about things- she says things without actually thinking it through#and it always throws me off so bad that i cant even explain how wrong what she just said is#like the day my grandpa died she told my cousin that if him and his ex had to figure out a custody plan#that he should only take his sons and leave his daughter with his ex- which i presume she said because she figures#that the girl will turn out like her mother (abusive)- we were all so shocked she would say that that we didnt know how to respond#also when i subtly tried to bring up the whole transgender thing to test the waters to see how she'd react to me#it makes me want to scream#like she comments how she doesnt understand choices my mom makes#my mom isnt anything like my grandma and I'm nothing like my mom either-#so why would you immediately presume that your great granddaughter would be anything like her mother#yes some stuff runs in the family but telling your grandson to abandon his daughter because the woman he married turned out to be awful???#just sounds like a guaranteed way to make sure she DOES end up like her mom by leaving her solely under that womans guardianship#thankfully my cousin isnt dumb enough to agree with her logic#I'm so fucking fired up today everything is making me mad and stressed out#tomorrows going to be a long ass day but I'll be able to dawdle my way home and i can take myself to the bookstore and get some bubble tea#so im gonna fucking treat myself tomorrow#still waiting to confirm the tattoos on saturday but fingers crossed that still happens
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softjeon · 7 years ago
Colorblind | Pt. 1
• Pairing: Jungkook x Taehyung • Genre: Angst / Hitman!Gang AU • Words: 9k | Co-Writer: Cat @cassiavioletblue​ ↳ (AO3) • Disclaimer: mentioning of drugs / alcohol / violence / graphic content
↳ Jungkook should have turned around on his heel and run back home while he still could - but he had some really awful habits that got him into problems regularly. That was also the reason why he was now standing next to man, who he only knew the name of, who had blood all over his hands.  « previous chapter | masterlist | next chapter »
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Taehyung swung his gun like a club, slamming the attacker square in the face with a sickening crunch that must have shattered his nose. The man staggered back against the open door, his cry cut off by a gurgle of blood in his throat and Taehyung hit him again, this time in the side of the head. Another hit on the back of his head, knocked him out on the floor. Jungkook stared at the seemingly lifeless body and then looked up at Taehyung, with big disbelieving eyes. „Who are you really?“ Jungkook asked. “Hm,” He huffed out, walking closer to the young man, “Puzzle it out. Stay sharp.”
Taehyung walked over to the man’s body, rolling him over with his foot. “There’s blood all over my carpet,” Jungkook huffed with a pout, but Tae shrugged his shoulders, retreating to get himself a cup of coffee. He didn’t even ask about directions, walking into his kitchen as if he knew Jungkook’s apartment inside out. Jungkook eyed him warily while he took his time to pour the coffee, contemplating Tae’s sanity a bit - or maybe this was just what hitmen did, knocking out people and then getting themself a nice, hot cup of coffee as reward.
“Lesson number one,” Taehyung said, taking a small sip of his coffee cup,” In a small town like this you’re not going to have a CSI team going though your place with a fine-toothed comb. They will see spilled coffee. They will think spilled coffee. Now, let me spill some, pick him up and I’ll be gone.” “Why?” Jungkook crossed his arms and looked at him as if he could get the other to answer him honestly if he only stared at him with enough intensity. “Because I’m going home,” Taehyung said, “I still got a job to do.” “I’m coming with you,” Jungkook’s voice was shaking, too much had happened in one single day. He had thought he would only come back home after that incident at the train, back to his old life, following his old routines like he was used to – but now he was standing in his living room, with a man, who he only knew the name of, with blood all over his hands. “Are you sure that’s the decision you want to make?” Tae cocked up an eyebrow, intrigued by the boldness of the young man, he just met a few hours ago. “You think I would go: Oh, let’s just watch that person kinda kill someone in my living room - I know he’s not dead but who can tell if you are not planning on killing him later - and then just wave you goodbye while you disappear out the door and leave you be? No, I want answers! Who tells me you’re not one of the bad guys and I should call the cops? Wait - you’re not gonna kill me cause I said that, right? Or..where you planning on killing me anyway?” Jungkook gulped heavily and took a step back to bring the couch between him and Tae as if the furniture could protect him from being shot, if that’s what Tae was planning to do. To his annoyance, the other looked awfully amused by all of this, so Jungkook glared at him with a look that he deemed intimidating (and which his friends had told him looked like a deer about to sneeze). “You..you know there would be someone looking for me, in case I would be missing?” Lying wasn’t his strong suit but to hell with it right now.  
“Would they? If I am right, you’re quite the loner in your town. Going to work on time and coming back to your lovely, little home right after,” Taehyung chuckled, revealing that he had searched through some information about Jungkook, though there wasn’t much he could find. In Taehyung’s measurements, Jungkook was living quite a boring life.
“Loner?” Jungkook looked at him offended. “Wait, how do you even know that? Did.. did you spy on me?” He suddenly had the urge to cover himself up as if Tae might have watched him change in the bedroom or something. Taehyung just chuckled and squatted down to prepare the lifeless body for a car drive in the trunk, handcuffing the man meticulously, ignoring some of Jungkook’s questions on purpose. “And no, I am not planning on killing you,” Tae paused, to gaze up at Jungkook, “Not, yet at least.” Jungkook only relaxed for a second before the meaning of the word “yet” sunk in. He felt the tingle of fear trickle down his spine. He hadn’t really lived until now. If he was about to die right now there was nothing he could think of fondly and way too many regrets for his liking. He stood frozen for a second unsure as to what to do or say to make sure that he would make it out alive while Tae handcuffed the guy that Jungkook still didn’t have a clue about. Reaching down, Taehyung grabbed both man’s arms, pulling up the body. “Care to help me?” Taehyung was grunting with the effort, “You have a car, right?”
Jungkook’s first instinct was to refuse when Tae asked him to help but then he reminded himself of that scary little ‘yet’ hanging in the air between them and he shut his mouth and kneeled down besides Tae. “Do you know who these guys were or.. or who sent them? Did you steal something from them or why are they after you?” He looked at Tae and realized that maybe asking him lots of questions would make him more of a liability than he already was, so he tried his best to appear innocent and quickly looked down. “Uhm, you don’t have to answer that of course. Unless it will help me stay alive?” He hadn’t answered Tae’s question about his car because: 1) if he knew so much about his daily life he certainly knew about his car and 2) he wasn’t so keen on getting more blood on his belongings because if the police would investigate him, then he was fucked already.
In the end Jungkook got to know that getting a full grown man into the trunk of a car was a better workout than anything that could be found at the gym, even if you were sharing the weight between two people. The man simply was as nice to carry as an oversized sack of potatoes that was randomly swinging around. He quite literally felt like dead weight but Jungkook didn’t dare to check the man’s pulse to see if he was still alive.
Taehyung kept quiet during it all, keeping his eyes focused on the task ahead and on somehow pushing the lifeless body into the trunk of Jungkook’s car without making too much noise. Maybe it was because he wanted to heighten the tension a little, or maybe just because Taehyung wasn’t sure how much he wanted to let Jungkook know. Knowing too much could endanger his life after all. Jungkook watched the limp figure disappear into the trunk of his car with a sickening dull sound that had him gulping - while next to him Taehyung only sighed in content. “Good. Thanks for letting me use it,” He smirked, well aware of the fact that the younger boy hadn’t given him permission to use his car at all, indeed it probably was only fear that made him walk along. He swirled the keys, in his hands and closed the trunk, before he walked around the car and sat down in the driver’s seat, “I promise I will give you, your car back. Just give me a week or so.” Despite it all, Jungkook would have thought that he would be more appalled by this, considering he had thought of himself as a pretty decent citizen before. Now however he wasn’t so sure. He had practically taken the very first option to delve right into danger. And he didn’t even care. Ignoring the slight tingle of fear just like he had before Jungkook sat down in the car next to Tae as if it was the most normal thing to do. Taehyung was quite surprised when he sat down wordlessly, looking more determined than ever. He met his gaze with a playful wink and turned the key. “Buckle up, baby boy,” Taehyung warned him briefly, before he pulled onto the main street, driving fast. He loved the speed. Jungkook half expected Tae to ask him to get out of the car but nothing happened and so Jungkook felt a bit victorious somehow because it seemed as if he had gotten a little bit of control back. He realized how much of a misconception that was when Tae casually asked him to buckle up, calling him ‘baby boy’ in the process and hitting Jungkook quite unexpected with it. He could feel his cheeks heating up fast and hoped that Tae would be too busy watching the street to notice it. He cursed his body for its habit to blushing easily and carefully kept his face away from the other, looking out the window. Even though he watched closely he honestly had no idea where they might go to and Tae made no further comment about it (of course). Jungkook also had the feeling that Tae was driving in circles sometimes to confuse him and to be honest it kinda worked. After a while he had absolutely no idea where they‘d been coming from and in which direction they were going. When they had to stop for gas Tae ushered him out, saying he didn‘t want to be on the surveillance cameras – and that he also should get some snacks. Jungkook got something with peanuts for him out of spite (even though he didn’t actually think that Tae could be allergic to them)  and turned his head towards the car every few seconds, not sure if Tae wouldn’t just leave him behind. Only when he was halfway back to the car after having paid the gas did he realize that he probably should have asked the cashier for help or left an encrypted message or something like that. He had been more afraid of Tae driving off without him than of the boy itself. Maybe he should stop questioning his sanity and just make peace with his adventurous nature that bordered on self-destruction sometimes.
When he opened the door of the car again Tae was sitting in the driver’s seat as if he had been the owner of the car the whole time, smiling at him brightly and munching happily on the peanut chocolate as soon as Jungkook gave it to him. He didn’t wait to finish it before he started the car and went back onto the road again, steering the car with one hand and leaving chocolate finger prints on the gearshift every now and then.
Just when they exit the town, driving up the highway, Taehyung spoke up again: “I didn’t steal anything from them, indeed they stole something from us first.” Hitting the gas, Taehyung sped up a little more. “I know them. Those are not the guys someone like you should talk to,” Taehyung glanced over to Jungkook, smiling confidently as he felt the adrenaline rush through him, making him even more bold, “Drugs, Money, Sex, Jewels and even more drugs – everything you can imagine about the mafia you find with those guys.” Jungkook watched Tae in slight confusion. Tae was way too smiley and happy for an actual murderer. If Jungkook hadn’t seen him shot someone he probably wouldn’t be able to believe it himself that this beautiful boy with the boxy smile and the innocent eyes could harm someone on purpose. He seemed to take what had happened pretty lightly as well because he didn’t stop smiling while explaining that the people chasing him had stolen from ‘them’ first. Whoever ‘they’ were. But it certainly meant that Tae was involved with something bigger, maybe even a part of a criminal gang. The mafia wouldn’t steal innocent stuff like girl scout cookies after all. Besides if the way Tae ignored every sign and speed limit on his way was any indication then the boy didn’t care about the law at all. Jungkook bit his lip in thought, not sure if he should let any of his emotions show or if Tae would rather be offended if he wasn’t intimidated enough. Although he knew that the romanticized bad boy clich�� one saw in movies had nothing to do with reality he still couldn’t help but be a bit intrigued by Tae.
Hands securely wrapped around the steering wheel, Taehyung overtook other cars fast, making Jungkook jerk with the motions. The younger had been so lost in his thought that he had reacted too slow for Tae’s wildmaneuvers and almost hit his shoulder on the car door. “You okay, there?” Taehyung chuckled, reaching out to pat Jungkook’s chest playfully and making Jungkook stiffen up by the sudden touch. Taehyung had noticed it before, that Jungkook’s skin was soft as silk, but now that his hand was right over the other’s heart, Tae could feel the muscles underneath his shirt, that were both firm and supple. Taehyung would lie if he wouldn’t say, that he was intrigued by it. Jungkooks eyes widened at the way Tae held him back, touching him more than necessary and making his heart rate double with ease. “He will like you,” Tae took his hand back to place it back on the steering wheel, taking a turn to drive to the upper east side of the town. “He? Who is he? And why do you think he will like me?” Jungkook probed further but Tae didn’t answer and just smirked at him, so Jungkook huffed in annoyance and turned away from Tae (totally not sulking). 
The drive continued with him looking out of the window and trying not to listen to Tae’s happy chatter about some special flower breed he was planning to get and the way one needed to take care of them properly unless you didn’t want them to bloom which would be such a pity, because… He didn’t really get the last few parts because his eyelids started to drop (if he had listened he had gotten that Tae was actually talking about a poisonous plant that could kill within minutes if used correctly). He had been about to fall asleep on the train before when all of this had happened and since then he hadn’t gotten a minute of rest so combined with all the adrenaline slowly fading out of his system and the exhaustion settling in he was as good as dead to the world a few seconds later, only the seat belt keeping him from falling over.
When he awoke, he felt completely disoriented and needed a while to come back to his senses – but then he was upright in his seat within a second, his heart beating wildly against his chest. Jungkook looked around but there was no one besides him.
He was alone. Tae was gone.
To his own confusion the first emotion he felt wasn’t relief but disappointment. Tae was gone and with him all the answers to Jungkook's questions. The key was still in the ignition and Jungkook contemplated if he should really give up and drive off or look around for a bit first to make sure that there was no way he could catch up to Tae, when a knock on the window had him flinching so hard he almost fell out of his seat. It was Tae, grinning at him as if he had seen the easter bunny. “Wake up, you sleepyhead! I thought you wanted to be my partner in crime?” 
Turning on his heel, Taehyung confidently walked away again, the quickened footsteps behind him, telling him that Jungkook was right on his foot. The steps reverberated in the hall of the abandoned warehouse. It was a commonly used location for Taehyung and the gang whenever they were in need of a safe, secluded place that was easy to prepare. It was only one of the many warehouses they owned but by far their favourite. There was only one main road leading to the building which made it really easy to control traffic in and out. If it was a  handing over (drugs or guns or other goods), a meeting away from other people’s eyes or simply a storage place it had all the benefits that one would need. In Taehyung’s case right now he simply didn’t need anyone uninvolved living close enough to hear someone else's screams. It wasn’t really a comfortable place but Tae didn’t mind. He didn’t have a cozy, comfortable home or place he could run to; he was used to hotel rooms and sleeping in cars. So bare walls and hard concrete was fine with him. “Tell me,” Taehyung said, while he got out his gun and checked if he still had enough ammunition “Did you ever torture someone to get information out of them?” Jungkook froze in place, his eyes widening visibly. It was making Taehyung laugh at the younger boy’s innocence. “Did I ever..what? Are you serious?”, Jungkook gaped at him but Taehyung’s smile didn’t waver in the slightest so he came to the conclusion that Tae wasn’t kidding. This was different than shooting someone in self defense, this was downright cruel. Could he really watch Tae torture someone? Jungkook swallowed hard and needed two attempts before he got out the words. “Are..are you gonna kill him? After .. you’re done with getting information out of him.” He tried to appear casual but the slight tremble in his voice probably gave him away. “What are you even looking for?” Jungkook speed up a bit to catch up to Tae who made big steps. Because apart from Jungkook he knew where he was going and wasn’t the slightest bit hesitant, all self-confident and laid-back as before. “You said they stole something from you and your… friends. But you didn't say what exactly. Maybe you just.. i don’t know .. misplaced it or something?”
“Misplaced a whole load of cocaine that was ours to begin with?” Taehyung chuckled lowly and turned around quick, so he was right in front of Jungkook, “Look, I am not sure why I even let you come along with me. There was just something about you. Anyways, I’ll explain it to you quick: Two gangs. We own the whole upper north part of Seoul. The other’s, who you briefly met, own most of the south part. Everything you think you know, is somehow connected with us in the end. Your favorite politician? Get’s his escort girls and drugs from us. Your favorite club? They get the alcohol and drugs from us. It’s all a big give and take. The big model agency in town? You get it, right?” Taehyung cocked up his eyebrow and smiled when Jungkook nodded, “So, I am part of the inner circle. My job is to make sure that no one interferes with us and if they do, it is my job to remind them that they shouldn’t fuck with us. You will get to know the others sooner or later.” 
Cocaine. So that’s what it was all about. Of course he had known that something shady was going down but he had expected it to be something more.. justifiable? Drugs were just...drugs. Nothing good about them. Especially not cocaine. Jungkook breathed out a strained breath when he tried to not let his world crumble to pieces while he had come to terms with the fact that he was walking alongside the bully boy of a drug gang that owned half the town. Maybe he should have been a bit more suspicious about what Tae had told him but to be honest it made sense. There were way to many things in this town that people whispered about but no one dared to speak aloud. And sometimes things just happened to fall perfectly into place for some people and go magically downhill for others. Now he knew who the people responsible for that were. Or at least that they actually existed. Taehyung pushed the door right behind him, open, letting Jungkook walk in first, “You’re in too deep now anyways. You can’t turn around anymore.” The tickle at the back of his neck got stronger when Tae followed him and he could feel the other boy’s presence in his back like a physical pressure on his nerves. “And now what? You gonna have me take some of your cocaine so that no one is gonna believe me when I tell anything about this because they will think I’m a junkie? Guess what I didn’t plan on telling anyone anything anyway. I’m not stupid. And if you and your people are as powerful as you say then they don’t have to be afraid of someone like me. So you can just let me go now.” He didn’t really believe that Tae would just open the door for him like that but it was worth a try at least. “Oh no, please,” Taehyung laughed out loud, “Be smart. You don’t take the cocaine, you sell. No one here in the inner circle does. We need to stay clean, sharp and always two steps ahead of the others. And I have no intention of giving you anything.” He paused for a second, as he was placing his gun back into the holster around his waist. Clicking his tongue, Tae looked up with a stern expression, “You can go. Anytime you want.” Taking one step closer to Jungkook, a smirk pulled at his lips. “You can take your car back and drive home, going back to your boring, simple life,” He whispered, coming dangerously close to the other, making sure that Jungkook felt trapped between him and the wall, “Just if you would talk, and believe me I will know If you do, we would have the pleasure to meet again. One last time.” Jungkook realized he had run out of space when he took another step back and his back actually hit the wall. He supposed that asking Tae for a bit more respect of his personal space wasn’t an option right now so he just tried to keep it cool. He probably wasn’t doing a very good job with that. But how could he if tae was just so..so close? He could see each and every little beauty spot on his face - and unfortunately also make out the dangerous glint in the other one’s eyes. 
Although it was very, very reassuring that Tae didn’t seem to have any intentions to make him compliant Jungkook was honestly almost offended that Tae didn’t even consider him to be a liability. So yeah, maybe those guys were powerful and had money and cocaine and politicians but that didn’t mean that - oh well, who was he kidding here. They owned one half of the city a ‘little kid’ like him running into things was probably not even worth batting an eyelash for Tae’s bosses. He should have turned around on his heel and run back home while he still could. But Jungkook had some really awful habits that got him into problems regularly. One of them was his stubbornness that was pretty close to stupidity sometimes if he was taking into consideration that he was basically risking his life here if he stayed. But Jungkook figured that it couldn’t be any worse than this. If he was already in this mess then he wanted to get to know as much as possible about it. Maybe he could catch up something useful. That the reason he was staying might also be that it had stung a little when Tae had reminded him so coldly about how his life was dull and lifeless on a daily basis then he refused to acknowledge that. Leaning in a little closer, Taehyung eye’s wandered down to Jungkook’s lips, as he licked his own before his gaze wandered up again. “So, come on now, baby boy,” With a sudden turn, Taehyung walked confidently ahead again, “We got someone to torture.”
He followed Taehyung into an empty room where the man from before was no longer lying around with his hands cuffed together behind his back but was sitting on a chair instead, with his upper body securely tied to the chair. It wasn’t a normal chair though, at second sight Jungkook noticed that the chair’s legs were screwed to the floor so that whoever sat on it had no possibility to get away or even lean out of reach. Jungkook felt nausea creep into his stomach and up to his chest at the thought of what Tae might do to that man now at any minute. He wasn’t sure if he could really watch this. But the only way to know for sure was to try it out. So Jungkook stood there, motionlessly and white as a sheet, while Tae got closer to the bound man, staring down at him as if he had already cracked him open and dissected each and every secret that he had hidden into various parts.
At first it was easy to stomach, it started just as Jungkook had expected it too, with lots of unanswered questions on Tae’s part and insults that got thrown at him. The man was denying everything at first, then admitting to being a member of the other gang send to get rid of Tae so that the theft of the cocaine could be morphed into a story of a member of the north gang getting to greedy, stealing some cocaine and getting himself drugged up so much that he died on an overdose. No one would be able to find the cocaine and no one would be there to punish because the “culprit” would be already dead. So far so good. Unfortunately Tae found out about the theft way sooner than planned while they hadn’t been able to finish their plan yet - and he also refused to let himself be killed by the hired killers that were sent after him to shut him up so that’s why they were in this exact situation right now. Of course the man hadn’t just told Tae all of this out of kindness. Tae had used his blade. And his fists. And everything else that he could turn into a weapon which apparently was fucking everything that he could reach. Jungkook hadn’t closed his eyes one single time even though his hands had started to shake lightly. But he just put them into the pockets of his bomber jacket and continued to stare at the scene in front of him. It looked staged. Fake. And Jungkook would have sworn that this wasn't real. Blood just couldn’t be that red. Or that sticky. Or practically everywhere, clouding his vision and his mind and.. he only realized that he must have fainted for a second when his elbow hit the concrete and he yelped in pain. It was laughable, really, crying out when there wasn’t even blood on him while the man in front of him was maybe close to dying and.. his vision grew fuzzy again and Jungkook tried his best to breathe. The sudden loud noise, made Tae jerk around and his eyes grew big right away. “Fuck,” With a well - aimed motion, he knocked the man unconscious, getting his phone out to call someone over to do the rest, all the while he was walking over to where Jungkook was now lying, too pale for his own liking, on the hard-concrete floor.
Jungkook was feeling restrained by strong arms, gently but implacable, while Taehyung pulled him a little tighter to his body, whispering reassuringly to him, “It’s okay, I got you.” He kicked open a door, before carefully letting Jungkook down onto the little sofa, that was half heartedly placed in the middle of the little office room of the warehouse. Taehyung held Jungkook a moment, cupping his face almost lovingly, smoothing his hair back from his damp forehead. Only hesitantly, Taehyung left Jungkook side to bring him some water and just because he was cautious: a bucket. Taking a wet towel, he carefully patted away the cold sweat beats on the younger one’s forehead, mumbling to himself. 
“Who is he?” A sudden voice, behind him asked but Taehyung didn’t even flinch. Yoongi came closer, peeking over Taehyung’s shoulder as he saw a pale figure, laying on the couch. “Long story,” He answered, while Jungkook slowly regained some of his color. Turning a little, Tae came face to face with two of the other members of the inner circle: Jin and Yoongi. “He knows too much already,” Taehyung began, as he told the other two, all about how he was running away from the feuding gang members, jumping on a train to seek an escape possibility. Taehyung wanted to step out after a few stations again, but somehow found himself falling asleep on the shoulder of a random stranger: Jungkook.
Taehyung jerked awake the moment he heard the door of the train open, hitting the bracing with a loud bang. His eyes were wide open, his body ready to attack in an instant, though he didn’t move an inch. He was recognizing one of the voices. Turning to look through the seats, he suddenly came face to face with someone else’s eyes. His were big, doe like – the ones you could get lost in if you would stare to long.
“Hey stranger. Normally I at least wanna get someone’s name first before I let them sleep besides me,” Jungkook joked easily. The boy looking up at him was cute as hell and he looked a bit lost right now so Jungkook was aiming for a comfortable atmosphere and was trying to make him feel at ease. He himself got shy easily and also knew how embarrassed one could feel when falling randomly asleep with only strangers around so he wanted to make sure the cutie didn’t have to face that. His train ride had been awfully boring before the boy had come into his compartment so he wouldn’t mind a chat either.
Jungkook had been on his way home after a visit to the home decoration store where he had planned on getting himself a new bed but he had gotten out empty handed. He didn’t really knew what he wanted to be honest. He had an old single bed at home that his brother had used before and he kinda hated it. So he had looked at new ones but he couldn’t even decide on which section to go for that. A new single bed would be the most practical and it was also the cheapest solution so he should better get himself something minimalistic and easy to clean like press board. On the other hand if he was investing so much money anyway shouldn’t he think about the future at least a little? A double bed would be nice because it would allow so much more room to sleep right now while he was still single and later on whenever someone stayed over they could...maybe … share a bed? He kinda felt a little guilty even just thinking about that because he was supposed to be fine on his own goddamnit, actually he had been fine before and he would also be fine in the future. But...still.. he couldn’t help the little whisper of hope that had him going into the double bed section nonetheless. Where he had to realize that there was no way that he could afford a bed that actually looked kinda decent with his current income. So he had left the store defeatedly and had gotten on the train back home right away without even stopping for coffee or going shopping for a new hoodie as he had originally planned. He would have ended up with a black one anyways or another white shirt to accompany all those other white ones that he already had in his closet.
In the end Jungkook had been sitting in his compartment with a frown, staring out of the window – until this boy had come in, looking around as if he was checking out the trains escape routes or building structure before giving Jungkook a blinding smile and then sitting down right beside him.
Jungkook had stiffened up a little because he hadn’t expected the guy to sit down next to him when the whole compartment was basically empty but when nothing else happened and the guy just closed his eyes he relaxed and went back to staring out of the window (or at least he tried). He was sneaking little glances at the boy every now and then and when he noticed that he was keeping his eyes securely shut and his breathing rhythm got slower and more deeply he dared to turn his head and watch him directly. He looked beautiful! Skin all flawless and soft, his eyelashes thick and long like those of a girl and his lips were plush and rosy and looked way too kissable even though they were chapped a little. Jungkook gulped heavily when he thought about leaning over and just stealing a kiss from that stranger (of course he wouldn’t do it he would never cross someone’s boundaries like that). Nonetheless his train ride had just gotten a million times better and it increased even more when the guys head started to gently sink forward as he apparently was nodding off for real. Before Jungkook could try to gently put him back into his seat the boy turned a little, snuggling his cheek against the rough cover of his seat, before putting his head onto Jungkook’s shoulder as if he was the most comfortable cushion he had ever leaned on.
He breathed out a contented sigh that Jungkook could feel all the way down to his neck and then stayed like this, obviously happy with his current position. Jungkook didn’t dare to move at first, staying glued to the spot as if he had been turned into a statue, face heating up till up to his ears. Though when he thought about it he wasn’t even bothered to have that stranger’s head resting on his shoulder. And it wasn’t as if he hadn’t secretly swooned over his beauty so... he should rather see this as an opportunity than a cause for embarrassment. Besides he hadn’t done anything wrong and if anyone would be embarrassed about this then it would probably be the stranger when he woke up. A soft smile spread on his face thinking about how the guy might look when he woke up, all sleepy and soft and Jungkook’s heart might have actually skipped a beat at that. 
He relaxed back into the backrest of his seat comfortably and tried not to move too much before the boy had gotten some rest and would wake up on his own. Which had been about three seconds ago when Jungkook had greeted him with that little flirty comment. And the boy was looking all cute and soft right now, just like he had imagined. Only then Taehyung’s eyebrows turned into a frown, as he concentrated on the footsteps that were coming closer. There was no time to tell the handsome boy in front of him his name, before he cursed silently, and embraced the other in a tight hug, hiding his face in Jungkook’s neck. “Stay still,” He whispered as he could hear the three men walk past their seats. It was a poor attempt to hide himself from them, but there wasn’t much to do right now. So, he was breathing calmly, feeling his gun pressed against his hip, making him feel secure. One came to a halt, he could hear him turn on his heel and Taehyung held his breath.
From all the things he had imagines that the boy might do, hugging him right away and hiding his face in his neck wasn’t one of them. It didn’t feel like an attack, more as if he was afraid or in trouble. His body was tense and his hands balled into fists and Jungkook carefully reached out to him. “Are you..?” the last word got stuck in his throat as he suddenly got pushed to the floor by the other. Only now did he realize that someone was in front of the compartment, another commuter as he had thought, but the people barging in looked different that that. And they had guns. Actual, real, lethal guns. Which apparently they weren’t afraid to use. It took a shot way too close to his head and another push from the boy to get him out of his stupor and hiding half behind the seats and the others body. From there he stared at the strange scene in front of him; that soft looking, slender little boy (at least in comparison to his fully grown men and broad shouldered attackers) danced around them with ease, pulling out a gun of his own and shooting one of the men right into the head. Jungkook pressed his hand over his mouth to keep from screaming when the man fell backwards and in between the sliding door, keeping it open for anyone to see or for even more attackers to storm in and kill them both, who knew.
Jungkook started trembling, staring right at the mans lifeless body and at the pool of blood that was slowly spreading from there, creeping closer and closer to the place where he was hiding. It was strangely fascinating. Almost meditative, really. It looked so dark and rich in colour, like viscous paint eating up the floor bit by bit, inch by inch, spreading and stretching out all over the floor to reach further and further.. He jerked up when someone grabbed him by the collar, pulling him harshly to his feet. “Come on now, move. Move!” He more stumbled than walked out of the compartment, not really looking where he put his feet before another rough shove got him speeding up to a jog. He was pretty fast, normally, so he could keep up with the boy without really breaking out of the state he was in right now. He was surprisingly calm, his emotions comfortably dulled out and held down, as if his body was concentrating on his mind alone and was pushing the need to freak out right now somewhere far, far back into his head to deal with it later. “So, you haven’t told me your name yet,” He said to the boy that he was running along with, finishing off his question with a lopsided smile.
“One of them followed us all the way back to his house,” Taehyung finished the story, rubbing his bloody hands over his face before cursing at his own stupidity, feeling even dirtier now, “He knows too much, also I think he would be at good use for us.” Yoongi sighed and sat down on the rest, giving Taehyung that “You sure, you know what you had gotten yourself into?” – Look, making Taehyung cast down his eyes. It was a stupid idea to make a stranger tag along and he could feel the exhaustion hit him out of sudden. He hadn’t slept in days and he was craving a hot shower.
“I’ll take care of him,” Taehyung glanced up at the older member, “He won’t be in our way. I just didn’t want him to get hurt.” Next to him Jungkook started groaning, moving restlessly and Taehyung was by his side again quick. Jungkook awoke with a headache and a desperate groan. He felt awful. Like he had been hit by someone. “You fainted, baby boy,” Taehyung said quietly, helping him sit up carefully. Ordering him to move his arm, Taehyung was making sure that he didn’t hurt himself too much, as he checked all of Jungkook’s body for bruises. Like he said, he still needed him. The younger blinked a little, his memory slowly coming back to him while Tae was prodding at him, touching his body every now and then but Jungkook was too out of it to get what Taehyung was looking for. The only thing that hit him was that he was half lying in front of two other strangers who were eying him as if they were about to eat him alive, while Tae was examining him as if to look if his goods were damaged. What had Tae told him before? His people were making business with Drugs, Money and Jewels. And sex. Tae calling him “baby boy” suddenly had his stomach doing funny things to him.
„I.. I’m not a virgin!“ Jungkook blurted out, pulling up his knees to shield himself a bit from the stares that had gotten from wary to utterly confused right now. On second thought maybe it hadn’t been the best idea to just blurt it out like that without any context. And judging by the look that Tae gave him the other had no idea where he was going with this. Jungkook hurriedly explained further, speaking so fast that he was getting out of breath and stumbling over his own words in his haste. „I .. I mean you can‘t sell me off to those people!” He jerked his head in the direction of the other two guys that were standing behind Tae without even making a move, still following each and every one of his actions like predators. And Jungkook felt like he was the prey they were preying on. “You .. you wouldn‘t... I promise that your customers wouldn‘t even want me! I‘m not untouched and I have scars and moles and... and you wouldn‘t really make any money off of me! It wouldn’t be worth the effort, t...trust me!“ He swallowed hard in the pause that followed, heart skipping a beat when Tae smirked at him.
“You’re a fool,” The older boy chuckled lowly, not being able to hold a straight face, “I won’t sell you out, though wait… don’t we have that one customer...” Turning towards Jin, he pretended to think for a moment. “Oh, yeah, he always paid extra for cute, unique moles – just like the one you have under your lip right there,” Jin said, grinning mischievously, “It’s a weird kink, but you know – who am I to judge?” Jungkook was halfway through sinking back against the armrest in relief when Tae pretended to think about changing his mind and actually selling him. His eyes went wide and he looked like an actual deer in headlight, frightened out of his mind when the guy named Jin chimed in, telling him about the guy with the mole kink and how he might like him because of exactly the thing he had told them himself to make him unattractive for their kind of business. Taehyung couldn’t help but laugh, as his gaze wandered back to Jungkook, quickly reassuring him that it all was just fun and games, that he didn’t need to worry about a thing. 
Jungkook could have hit himself! The amusement was clearly written in Taehyung's eyes and Jungkook got angry at him for bringing him here and then trying to sell him off as if he was some sort of product - until he realised that Tae wasn’t so amused because he had just made a business deal but because he just liked fucking with people and he had just gotten Jungkook good. If Jungkook had felt a bit more confident (his knees felt still a bit too weak for his liking) he would have hit Taehyung for that square on the shoulder. Taehyung, observing the hostile look on Jungkooks face, handed him the bottle of water he brought earlier like a peace offering, ordering him to drink up. “I’ll go and wash up my face really quick,” Taehyung said and ruffled through Jungkook’s hair, “If you want, go can lay down a bit, I will wake you up when we need to go.” The smile that Taehyung showed was warm and reassuring, making him seem like he was just a normal young man, except for the fact that there was blood on his hands and cheeks. Jungkook accepted the bottle of water thankfully, taking it out of Taes hands - if only to keep himself from grabbing Taehyung's arm out of instinct to keep him from getting up and away because even though he knew he could kill (and didn't hesitate to do so) the other had taken care of him and he also knew him better than the two guys that he was being left alone with. In his uncertainty he almost drank half the bottle while trying to eye them up unobtrusively before one of them spoke. His voice was deep and rough and pretty intimidating for someone that looked so delicate and pretty at first glance. But Jungkook knew better than to judge them by their looks. “Trust me, when I say this: Taehyung is very possessive,” Yoongi said, putting his arm around Jin as he leaned onto the older member, “He wouldn’t just sell you out.” Jungkook wiped his mouth, ignorant of the fact how it drew attention to his lips and responded a little pouty, “Possessive? I’m not his possession though. He doesn't own me. We just met. He promised me to answer a few things and show me around, but after that I can go home.” He was bending the truth a little but they didn't need to know that. it was better when they thought that Tae had promised him safe passage home. “So if you excuse me…,” Jungkook got up on his feet, swaying a little at first from the aftereffects of fainting before and then regained his footing pretty quickly.
“Where is he even trying to go?” Yoongi murmured towards Jin, who was only shrugging his shoulders as an answer. Both retreated to the other side of the room, opening the door to where the man still was bound onto the chair. Rubbing his hands together, Jin smirked. He loved to do the dirty work – different from Yoongi, who was getting infuriated by Taehyung’s sloppy work, sending silent curses his way. Meanwhile Jungkook made sure to keep his back straight and not glance behind him to see if Jin and yoongi would go after him to hold him back. But nothing happened and so he closed the door behind him, falling into a quick step right after. He should get out of here, maybe find his car, but definitely get out there no matter what. He wasn’t so delusional to think that Tae’s people would just leave him in peace but maybe if they realized he wasn’t trying to go to the police or get them in trouble in any other way or form then they might let him be? Hell, he might even be able to see Tae again without him being - wait, what? Jungkook stopped short right in the middle of the hallway, shaking his head at himself and groaning in disappointment. So he was still interested in Tae. Despite definitely being old enough to know better. He should turn his back on this and run and then be happy if they never contact him again and not dream of a happy reunion with Tae (without creepy guys attacking them and torture and blood and Tae’s..colleagues? Friends? Bosses? He still didn’t have a clue how exactly Tae was involved in all of this, besides knowing that he was their bully guy. But was he involved in the drug selling stuff too? And even though they were just joking about selling him - would it had been different if Tae hadn’t gotten a liking for him?
Meanwhile Taehyung had just pulled off his shirt, looking at the stains of blood on it, before he decided to just throw it into the trash. There was no use of trying to save it anyways. He slowly examined himself in the mirror, when he felt a piercing pain from the bruises and cuts. Cursing quietly, he got out a first aid kit, wanting to bandage himself up a little. Only when he tried to reach for the cut on his shoulder, Taehyung gave up defeatedly. He was tired and exhausted, so he leaned onto the sink, sighing deeply.
Jungkook was walking forward without even thinking, opening the very next door that he thought could be the exit - but which only lead him to some kind of locker room that further lead to a bathroom. He could see a shadow in there and before his stomach could start doing somersaults ago he could hear Tae cursing under his breath. Without even realizing he had followed Tae all the way into the bathroom and even though there hadn’t been that much doors to open he still felt kinda messed around by fate or whoever he could blame this on. Well if he was already there he might as well go talk to Tae and discuss what would happen further now. Besides if he would get to drive home in his own car in the end that would be a plus. Because he actually needed that thing, that’s why he had it even though the repair works cost more than he made in some months.
He slowly and quietly walked up to Tae who was busy trying to patch himself up. Jungkook stopped a little before the other would be able to spot him and took his time to admire Tae’s form. The other had gotten rid of his shirt and therefore his upper body was on full display for Jungkook. The shirt - as well as his cute smile and playful nature - had hidden the fact that Tae’s body was hard and muscular. Not the kind of muscular that Jungkook was from working out, the kind you got when you were trying to be healthy or good looking or both. Tae was muscular from necessity and it showed, he was lean and battle-proven, adorned with marks and scars that showed that he hadn’t been in a life-or-death situation for the first time today. Though his actions had told him that before. Tae also seemed to be quite used to pain because under the bathroom lights it was easy to see that he was hurt. No serious injury like having been shot, but scrapes and bruises, some of them still bleeding slightly. He hadn’t showed any sign of it, smiling as if everything was perfectly fine, even though they must be remnants from the fight in the train and must have definitely bothered him all the time until now. Tae had heard the door open, so he knew Jungkook was near. By now he was so good, that he could hear by the sound of someone’s footsteps if it was one of his members. And those footsteps that came closer now, were some he wasn’t used to, yet.
The younger one cleared his throat to not startle Tae too much and accidentally get killed or something before he cautiously suggested, “You need help with that?” A faint smile played on Taehyung’s lips, when Jungkook’s soft voice echoed through the bathroom. “Yeah, could you please, just… patch it up or something,” He said in a low tone of voice, and turned, so Jungkook could patch him up where he couldn’t reach. Taehyung made sure to not show the pain, when Jungkook carefully made sure to disinfect the wound, working slowly and carefully until he was all done. The action took on a whole different intimacy. Jungkook tried to concentrate on the task at hand and not look (definitely not stare) at Taehyung's body. Or the way his stomach muscles  clenched when he dabbed gently over the deepest scrape. Or listen to the way his breath stuttered a little when he cleaned it out and put the butterfly closure over it. His own breath had been hitching as well just for entirely different reasons. Whether Taehyung noticed how the tiny bathroom close in, Jungkook wasn’t sure and he hadn’t much time to think about it until Taehyung was right in front of him and staring right into his eyes again. Looking for any kind of signs of pain or dizziness that Jungkook could still feel Tae gripped his chin before he nodded in content. There was just something about him, that drew Taehyung in. That made him careless enough to endanger Jungkook’s life, if he would drag him along further. He just hoped, he wouldn’t pay for this mistake one day. 
“We should keep moving. I still got a job to do,” His thumb caressed his bottom lip briefly, a smirk pulled at Taehyung’s lips, “I like the little mole.” Jungkook licked his lips nervously, a habit he couldn’t get rid of, realizing that it made Tae look at his mouth even more. “I ..uhm..got even more on the rest of my body,” He answered without even thinking and blushed hard right after because it had kind of sounded like an invitation to undress him and look at all the others. He avoided Tae’s gaze but instead of dropping the subject and stop teasing him (because Jungkook was sure that this is what Tae was doing right now - simply teasing him) he got even closer. Jungkook was staring right at Taehyung’s chest and because that wasn’t really what calmed his fluttering nerves he looked up. Which was a big mistake. It practically had him staring right into Tae’s eyes. The other was smiling that stupidly attractive smile again and Jungkook couldn’t think, all he knew was that he could feel Tae’s breath on his lips and that he wondered if those lips were as soft and plush as they looked like...
A/N: I hope you liked it! I wrote the story with a precious friend of mine, you can check her AO3 out here! I adore her and her writing so much, so please send her lots of love. ❤ And if you noticed a few rough transitions here and there, it is because we both write one character and then mold the story together. Please keep in mind that english isn’t our first language.
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