#cause he can't park properly
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hearts4johnwick · 1 month ago
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SUMMARY. 𝜗𝜚 thanos saves your life after pulling you into a room after the number called out was 2 during mingle, now he thinks you owe him something.
CW. 𝜗𝜚 blood, age gap, reader has something with gyeong-seok if you squint, thanos being annoying asl
A/N. 𝜗𝜚 pls!pls!pls! request some squid game characters, sn1 or 2, I’ll write them cause im obsessed! <3
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you finish rinsing the dried blood off of your face and pat it dry with some paper displayed on the wall you sigh as you look at yourself in the mirror, fixing your hair. once you're done, you head out.
"y/n!" you hear a faint voice call your name, you turn to the direction of where it's coming from, and a smile forms on your face at the sight of player 246, whose name you learned was park gyeong-seok. "i didn't see you in the last round, i was scared you didn't make it, but i see you're here!" you shake your head.
"i was scared you didn't make it too, thank god you're here. who did you get in a room with?" you ask as you cross your arms.
"hyun-ju! and you?" he says and you smile at the sound of your friend hyun-ju's name. she has a big heart, and you admire that of her because these games have been bringing the worst out of people. you exhale deeply when gyeong-seok asks you who you got in a room with.
"thanos... you know, that idiot with purple hair?" you roll your eyes and he lets out a small laugh at the nickname.
"yeah, he pushed his friend out of the way just so he could grab my hand and pull me into the room-i mean, who does that? you don't even know me." you scoff.
"i'm afraid nobody knows each other here, y/n." gyeong-seok says.
"well, yeah... but-for example, you and i have gotten to know each other; i haven't even let out a peep to him." you uncross your arms so you could shrug.
"true. but hey, he saved your life, you're here with us and that's all that matters." you smile softly and nod.
your eyes focus behind gyeong-seok and see thanos making his strut which he thinks is full of swag, but in reality, it looks like his whole side isn't functioning properly on his way to you. you let out a breath and curse.
"señorita." he calls you the nickname he's called about every single girl in the games and you roll your eyes. "is this guy bothering you?" he stands in front of gyeong-seok and nam-gyung starts massaging his shoulders roughly.
"not at all." you look back at him, and nam-gyung is teasing him. "can you let him go? i was having a nice conversation with him." you step closer to gyeong-seok but thanos keeps following your steps, blocking your path to him. "look if someone is bothering me right now, it's you, so can you just get the fuck out of the way?"
he lets out a soft 'ooh' under his breath, for some reason, this makes you react in a way you enjoyed, but you can't let him know that. "you think cursing and getting feisty is going to make me mad?" your eyes connect, you notice his pupils dilate more than they already were-your eyebrows are scrunched as you study every inch of his perfect face. he leans closer to you and whispers "i like that." you let out an oh-so-soft gasp, and fight back a smile. you look away and look back at him, the glance to his lips and back to his eyes made you snap back to reality.
"you're weird." you push his shoulder to walk away, but he grabs you by your arm and pulls you back him. this catches you off guard, and it turns you on makes you mad. you look between his tattooed hand gripping your arm to his eyes. nam-gyu laughs and leaves with gyeong-seok around his arm, your eyes stay on him, and thanos' finger comes below your chin, making your face turn in his direction.
"how do you even know that, baby, you don't even know me?" you laugh in his face and he raises an eyebrow.
"i know enough." you turn your heels, but he pulls you back again, this time more gently. your faces are so close, yet so far, just a tiptoe, and the gap between you will close, you don't know if you were desperate or something, but damn. this man made you so mad it made you feel good.
"like what?" he questions, his eyes searching for the answer in yours, but when you look away, he chuckles. "did you know that before coming here, before a man in a suit came and gave me a card that'll take me to these games, i was going to take my life?" this catches your attention, and your doe eyes were back on his. you felt some empathy on his part-yeah, he was being a jerk these past few days, but you can never forget the love you had for him once. "then, came the man in the suit... a second chance in life." he softens the grip on your arm until he eventually lets go. "did you know that?" he asks you, and you shake your head. "yeah, i bet you didn't."
you look down, avoiding eye contact in pure embarrassment. "i'm sorry." his thumb and finger find their way to your chin and they pull your head up, his eyes finding yours once again.
"never judge a book by its cover, ay?" you smile. "how did a pretty girl like you end up in this shit-hole anyway? you look like a millionaire model." you will admit that his compliment made you heat up a bit, your wide smile gave it away, and he smiled back.
"did you say that to every girl here?" you raise an eyebrow and he puts his hands up in defense.
"i thought you didn't want to know about me?" his eyebrows furrow and you shake your head, raising a finger.
"i never said that, i said i know enough-and i do, by the way." you feel embarrassed about what you're about to say, but who cares? y.o.l.o, right? "i went to almost all of your shows." his eyebrows furrow and you click your tongue.
"yep...i was madly in love with you." an awkward moment of silence falls upon you two, and you feel the need to correct yourself "b-back when i was 13..." you sigh and close your eyes.
"what happened? why’d you stop?" he asks and you shrug, you don't know why you stopped liking him, but you just did, and now seeing him right in front of you, you don't know if you fell in love with him again, or wish to never see his face.
"i haven't listened to one of your songs since i graduated." you mention and he hums.
"how old are you now?" thanos questions and you chuckle.
"21." you answer truthfully.
"25." he says his age and you hum with a nod. "wow, so you've been listening to me since i was 17..." you nod. the two of you stand in silence once again, staring into each other's eyes— somehow, it's not awkward at all, it's like your eyes are having a conversation of their own. you break the silence when thanos steps closer.
"i don't think i told you but thank you for saving me back there." he dismisses you with a soft mumble, he stands right in front of you, towering over you.
"now that you mention it... don't you think i deserve a little something?" he cocks his eyebrows and you laugh mockingly. "I 'm not laughing. i'm serious." you notice his expression and it makes you laugh even more, he did look dead serious, and you found if hot hilarious.
"look, the only thing you're getting from me is a slap. do you want it? i'm ready!" your laughter slowly dies down into giggles, this makes thanos heart flutter in ways that he thought weren't even possible. your true personality is the only thing that is giving him high spirits in this setting, everything about you is better than anything that cross around his neck contained.
"a kiss, a slap... anything is good if it's coming from you." he shrugs and your mouth opens, your eyebrows raised.
"you're funny." you say dryly and he exclaims.
"that's what happens when you try to get to know someone." the corner of your lip lifts and you nod. "whether you like it or not, i'm going to keep protecting you until it finally convinces you to get to know me and prove l'm not a terrible person."
you snicker and lick your lips. "what about friends?" you ask and he laughs.
"them or a beautiful girl? please, they're grown, they can save themselves." he rolls his eyes, places his arm above your head, grabbing the column of the bed behind you, he puts his other hand on the side railings, trapping you between his arms. "what do you say, beautiful?" your eyebrows are knitted, you want to push him away, but his weakening charm is convincing you. you want to roll your eyes at him and smack him off of you, but that's not going to stop him from getting you, your eye roll will make him horny weak, which will make him want you more.
"fine." he smiles and looks down, trying to control his emotion. "but, when we get out of here, you have to take me out to dinner, got it?" he looks up at you, with a certain look that made butterflies flutter all over your stomach.
"already paid for." you suck on your bottom lip and he smiles. the palm of his hand grabs your face softly and he caresses it. he places a soft kiss on your cheek, and your heart skips a beat, the combination of his soft lips on your warm skin was a feeling you could get used to. "I’ll see you around." his finger brushes your cheek before he lets go and walks away.
you stay in the same place you were, staring at him as he walks further away from you. god, this man is such an idiot, how was it possible he made you feel this way? made you feel better than any of the boyfriends you've had in the past. is it because he's older? is it because of his confidence? you didn't know, but you liked it, a lot more than you think you should.
if these games aren't the death of you, he is.
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certifiedcodbabygirl · 19 days ago
Simon taking care of a child with medical issues when her bio dad is a deadbeat (✿◡‿◡)
I can just imagine Simon would be so good with a little girl who has type 1 diabetes. (There's a little bit of explaining of different medical terms so you're not left hanging) BUT TRUST ME HE WOULD BE SO GOOD FOR THE BOTH OF YOU
You had gotten pregnant with your little girl, Annabeth (Beth for short), a year after being married to Ethan. He seemed ready to be a dad, but once he found out Beth has diabetes, he cares for her less and less. He went to classes with you two, learned how to calculate her bolus (amount of insulin needed at meals) and basal (baseline amount of insulin for the day), but never did them properly. She'd end up with high blood sugars all day, sometimes getting ketones (breakdown of muscle in an attempt to breakdown sugar when there's no insulin) because he wouldn't give her the right amount of insulin. She'd puke and cry from how bad she felt, and he still wouldn't take care of her properly.
It would cause you to have to come home in the middle of work to give her the insulin he wouldn't, or if she got ketones, take her to the ER. You'd constantly get into arguments that would end with him going to the pub, and you crying. He wouldn't change, no matter how many times you explained that she could die from improper inulin dosage.
Other times, he'd give her too much, and her blood sugar would drop so low she could barely drink her juice. He'd call you, saying she's barely able to move, she's sweaty and the color from her face is drained, that she's crying, and he doesn't fucking know what to do.
The divorce ended with you having full custody, you allowing small visitations that are supervised. You can't trust he will take care of her how she needs.
When you start dating Simon, you explain to him why you got divorced, and how important your baby's health is. Even more so that she's so fragile. He assures you he's nothing like your ex-husband and would go strictly by your instruction if you allow him to be a part of her life.
The first few times he was around Beth, he payed close attention to how you took care of her. One time, at the park, Beth played a bit too hard, and her blood sugar dropped. You had 2 juices with you, but she went through those so fast. Once her blood sugar went back up, she played too hard again. Without telling you, he had already brought a few juices in his car. That was the first time he took care of her.
The second time was then you had asked him to pick up her prescriptions from the pharmacy. He waited for her insulin, but they only gave one vial. He explained to them that she uses two a month and that she needs the other one. They said that was all that was ready, so he waited 2 hours until the other one was ready.
What made up your mind was when you were called into work under an emergency, and you had no one to take care of Beth. You hadn't slept well the night before so when Simon offered to watch her, you hadn't thought to explain her dosage formula to him. It wasn't until the end of your shift that you realized and sped home (definitely going over the speed limit). Rushing through the door, you were greeted with the sight of Beth laying on Simon's chest, sound asleep. How was she not sick from no insulin?
"You told me her basal, so I gave her tha'"
"What about the food she ate? Did she eat? What insulin did you give her?" You asked, extremely confused.
"I looked up no carb to low carb foods so I wouldn't have to worry about tha'. She had a cheese stick with some almonds and a lil bit of mashed blueberries with cinnamon mixed in, wasn't very hungry though so she didn't really finish it" he says softly, petting her hair, "told you I'd take care of her, mama"
He really wasn't like her dad.
So, it wasn't really unreasonable when after she was put to bed, you pushed him to your bedroom and took care of him too.
(All of the information in this is coming from me, a type 1 diabetic. Everyone's diabetes is a little different, so this is based off of how mine affects me)
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sheastri · 7 months ago
Can I Call You Rose? ft. ln4
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Pairing: lando norris x fem!black reader
Genre: Social Media AU + Story
Summary: In which the reader grew up in a household where she was never able to express herself properly due to her father. Lando heals her inner child and helps her experience all the things she wasn't able to when she was younger.
Warning(s): None.
A/N: No specific facecast, just the gorgeous black girls of pinterest!!
Also please send requests, whether they're movie based, book based, song based, or even original. Spill your brains and I'll bring the ideas to life the best I can.
Dedicated to all the young girls around the world growing up with immigrant parents who they knew loved them but didn't know how to show it. You will find someone who allows you to express yourself and heals you inside out.
Flashback To Y/n's Childhood
13 years ago
Y/n had just turned 10 years old and was excited to celebrate her birthday. Her mother had suggested they all go out and grab dinner at a restaurant of her choice as her birthday treat. They were at home getting ready and just about to leave when her father had said something.
He had insulted her mother and she knew immediately that it would prompt a whole argument so she grabbed the car keys. She made sure to tell her sister, who immediately followed behind her, before she went outside to the car to wait for their parents.
When everyone had gotten in the car it was dead silent. Nobody spoke a word until her father attempted to break the silence with a joke, not an apology, a joke.
Her mother had laughed and went back to speaking to her father like nothing had happened. Y/n and her sister had looked at each other before going back to their phones. Out of nowhere her father begin to go on a rant, well yapping spree, about how this generation was always on their phones and started to talk about how his life growing up in Jamaica was.
Both her and her sister laughed as their mother commented on his very animated story and the atmosphere felt lighter, as though everyone could breathe again. They laughed and conversed until they pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, Olive Garden.
It wasn't giving birthday dinner but Y/n's been craving it for weeks now, the only reason they couldn't go was because of her dad. He didn't like their food and made sure to make it known. He had eaten something before they left so she could hopefully enjoy just eating her food.
They ordered and while they were waiting her dad decided that he needed to complain more. He started with a joke about how she kind of left him to starve and how next time she should be more considerate. Her mother laughed and her sister spoke up about how she didn't like Olive Garden that much either.
Y/n eventually excused herself to the bathroom and went into a stall deciding to just cry. Safe to say her 10th birthday was ruined.
Alexa play "Can I Call You Rose".
Current Time
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liked by landonorris, whosimani, maxverstappen, and 246,789 others
Tagged: whosimani
y/nsdiary ya'll the view is next level 🤭
view all 13,729 comments
whosimani girlll you so fine, lemme take you out and treat you right.
y/nsdiary time and place babes username she is thirstyyy username shii I can't even blame her
username hold on a minute bc which view is homegirl talking about??
username idk but all of them are looking gooddd
username ik thats not a whole man up on my wife's bed half naked...
username no right... hope he knows hes sleeping in my reserved spot y/nsdiary hes just warming up the bed for you, trustt username nah bc im distraught
username its so much going on right neoww
username y/n and imani serving as per usual
username ok but what are max and lando doing up in these likes??
username i was js about to say... username i mean y/n's been invited to a race before maybe they're just friends?
username Can I call you Rose? 'Cause you're sweet like a flower in bloom…
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liked by oscarpiastri, mclaren, y/nsdiary, and 567,293 others
Tagged: oscarpistri
landonorris the view is just spectacular
y/n'sdiary this man is who i'd be if i never had an original thought in my life
username not her clocking himmm oscarpiastri GAGGED username lando are u js gonna let oscar and y/n eat you up like this??
username whos the girl in the last picture??
username are we not going to talk about how oscar is looking like a snack in that picture??
username now wait a damn minute...
whosimani whos the smoking hot chick in the last photo🫦
landonorris shes all mine ↪ username my heart just broke into a million tiny pieces ↪username nah wdym by this lando??
username Can I call you Rose? 'Cause you're fragrance takes over the room...
I Wanna Plant You in my Heart, Oh, So Love Can Grow
Y/n and Imani had bought tickets to attend the Miani Grand Prix since they happened to be in town. Y/n wasn't so much as interested in formula one as Imani was so she was pretty much just tagging along for the ride. It was Thursday and they had come in for what was known as "a pit-lane walk" because Imani had wanted an oppurtunity to talk to some of her favorite drivers. Most notable were Oscar Piastri and Lewis Hamilton. Y/n, personally was a Lando girl. She wasn't a hardcore fan but she tuned in every once in a while and used social media to keep up with everything going on within the formula one community. They were walking around when someone bumped right into y/n knocking the cold matcha out of her hand. It had gotten over her and the opposing force. She looked up, feathers a bit ruffled and was jumpscared, mostly because she expected some rando, with the face of Lando Norris. They were both frozen for a bit before he helped her up. After he had helped her though he stared at her for a long time and she just averted her gaze before accidentally getting caught in his eyes. She let out a soft laugh at the situation before apologizing. Lando's eyes momentarily widened before he quickly began to stutter out apologies. Y/n just laughed at his nervousness before he offered to help her find some clean clothes. Y/n looked at Imani who had given her a thumbs up before giving her that look with her eyebrows raised which made Y/n let out a soft sigh. She took Lando up on the offer and they walked off. Many people looked up at them seeing them both giddy and drenched in Matcha. The upcoming weekend Lando had won and joked with Y/n about having her come and visit again along with a cup of matcha in hand.
Can I Call You Rose? 'Cause Your Thorns Won't Let Blood In Too Soon
It had been almost 2 months since the incident and since then Lando and Y/n had kept in contact. At the moment Lando was trying to convince Y/n to go to the beach and have dinner with him but as more than friends. Y/n had turned the idea down due to being scared of the prospect of a romatic relationship. Eventually due to a bit of convincing from Imani and communicating her feelings to Lando directly she had given him a chance. She had dressed up in a cute pink two piece in which she wore her swimsuit under. She had 2 gold necklaces stacked on top of eachother, one shorter than the other along with some lightly colored bangals. Her makeup was pretty light and she had on strawberry sceneted perfume. She heared the doorbell ring and rushed down with her purse before taking a deep breath and fixing up her hair. She opened the door and was met with a giant boquet of pink flowers. Lando angled the flowers in his arms so that he could make himself visable but also be able to take in her look. If the weight of the flowers hadn't kept him grounded he would've thought he had died, had ascended to the heavens, and had seen an angel. He took her in with all his five senses. His eyes had been blessed, his ears had the pleasure of being able to listen to her soft voice, his hands had the ability to caress and hold hers, his nose was able to take in the scent of strawberry that surrounded her, and his mouth was able to taste wonderful cooking. He never wanted to depart from her. She invited him in and had him place the flowers on the dining table until she came home later to figure out where to place them around her house. He held out his hand for her and led her to his car.
"What a gentleman you are tonight Mr. Norris." Y/n teased with a soft smile on her face.
"Only for you Mrs. Norris." Lando teased back earning him a soft slap from Y/n.
They ate at the restaurant first before going to the Beach soon after. It was late evening but the sun still had yet to set. Y/n wore a swimsuit but didn't plan on going in the water. She had brought a book. It was more out of habit since she was stuck watching her siblings play instead of being able to enjoy the trip. Lando had gotten into his swimsuit and wasted no time jumping in the water before coming out a bit after. He gave her a look with his eyebrow raised and she immediately got up, book long forgotten, and began to run. He chased her for a while, letting her think she was getting away before sneaking up behind her and wrapping his arms around her torso.
"Lando, no. Don't do this to me." Y/n had said dramatically while dying of laughter, already out of breath from all the running.
"Sorry love, it had to be done." Lando says laughing as he now moves one his arms under her legs and runs into the ocean.
After they were both soaked and tired but for Lando the most important thing was that Y/n had fun.
Current Time
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liked by landonorris, whosimani, mclaren, and 524,936 others
Tagged: landonorris
y/nsdiary meet mr. totally in love with me
landonorris and proudly so
y/nsdiary u tryna be the patrick to my kat? ↪ landonorris always baby username well damn, i love this for herrrr username glad to see that shes being treated like a queen
whosimani ya'll are cute ig
y/nsdiary like she didn't tear up when i told her the news
username ouhh i see you girl
username the famed caption stealer
mclaren can't wait to see you guys in the paddock again soon!
y/nsdiary cant wait to be back!!
username I js know he lets her embrace her inner child
whosimani AND DOES!!
username Can I call you Rose? 'Cause your roots have the power to consume...
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liked by y/nsdiary, mclaren, oscarpiastri, and 736,927 others
Tagged: y/nsdiary
landonorris Meet Mrs. Norris. The woman of my hours, my days, my years, and hopefully my forever. There is never a day spent in her arms in which I lack love. I thank my God for you every time I think of you and I hope that you know that you are the pinnicale of my existence.
y/nsdiary nah because you have me over here trying not to sob, you couldn't have waited till I wasn't out?
landonorris nope, the world needed to know how deeply rooted in my heart you are ↪ username thats it, im never settling username girl js like me fr, i do not need those people knowing im a crybaby ↪ liked by y/nsdiary
username my girl just looked at me and sighed
username just looked at my bf and sighed
maxvertsappen1 my gf wants to hang out with your wife.
landonorris sorry shes never leaving the house again ↪ y/nsdiary Mr. Norris, dont make me beat you up again. y/nsdiary I WOULD LOVE TOOO
username I love them together so badddd
username I wanna plant you in my heart, oh, so loving grow
And that's all folks, follow for more amazing stories!! Remember to leave suggestions in my box!
Please like and reblog, not necessary but would help out!!
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jazzthatonewriterchick · 1 year ago
Daddy’s Home (Gojo x Black!F!Reader 18+ One Shot)
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“Daddy’s home, baby. Now take your fucking clothes off.”
Pairing: Satoru Gojo x Black!Fem!Reader
Synopsis: It’s been 3 years. You believe your fiancé is dead. You’ve been attempting to move forward in your life without him there beside you. You try to grieve properly in order to move on….until he comes home. And he’s more than ready to make up lost time.
Warnings: MANGA SPOILERS; Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINORS GTFO); Grief; Mentions of Depression, Death & Suicide; Alcohol/Drug Use; Feral!Gojo; Rough Sex; Ripping Clothes; Dirty Talk; Cunnilingus; Forced Deepthroating; Face-Fucking; Multiple Positions; Gojo Giving You Deep Dick; Breeding Kink; Unprotected PIV Sex; Creampie; Cum Eating; Ownership; Gojo Makes You a Mommy; Aftercare; Degradation; Petnames (Baby; Little Girl; Mama; Sweetheart)
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
*IMPORTANT NOTE: In the manga, Gojo is only sealed for 19 days, but in the time of the rest of the manga being written and illustrated, it was 3 years. So the timeline of his being sealed and freed will be 3 years.
Writer’s Note: I’m coping. AND celebrating my man's birthday!! The happiest birthday (and week and month) to my favorite boi! 💙💙💙 -Jazz
You’ve never felt such pain before.
It isn't pain that can simply be fixed with a band-aid or a kiss, like a scrape or a cut. It is a deep, cavernous, emotional pain that you have never experienced before...not before losing your fiance. The man you adored and cherished. Your best friend. Your soulmate. Your sunshine peeking through the dark, gray clouds.
But since losing him, all your days are washed with gray. You can't stand any sunny days now, knowing that he loved them and would want to do something–anything–to seize them. "C'mon, baby, let's go get some ice cream!" he'd cheerfully shout. Or "let's go biking" or "wanna take a walk in the park with me?"
Now, all you do is lay in bed and watch the days go by, the pain you feel too much. You've never experienced something so profound and intense. It causes you to cry every single morning into the night until the pink of dawn comes again.
It's been like this for three years now since you lost him forever. It still feels weird to say that: forever. You thought you'd have forever with him, but it was ripped away from you all that time ago during the Shibuya incident. It was a bloody war, from what you've heard; a massacre. So many innocent people perished.
The lives that were spared were among the other Sorcerers and his students, including Nobara who managed to survive Mahito's attack . You visited her all that time she spent in the hospital after the attack as the doctors worked to save her eye. In the end, she lost it, but gained a false one just last year that looks exactly like her real one.
Nanami also survived. It was a close call, apparently. Yuji had found him and attacked Mahito before Nanami could face his violent death. Half of his face and body are completely scalped, but he doesn't try to cover them. They are his battle scars; a reminder of what he is fighting for. He still resides in Japan though you've all been telling him to retire and go to Malaysia. "Not until he's back," he'd fiercely say. "I'm not resting until he's out of that damn box."
He checks on you as do Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara, to ensure you're okay. Shoko spent the night with you a few times until you firmly told her to stop. "I'm not gonna slit my wrists or anything," you scoffed. Shoko pursed her lips at you as she smoked her cigarette on your balcony. "No, but you might drink yourself to death first," she mumbled.
And yes, you have been drinking. You've also been smoking. Weed and alcohol are all that cure the pain, at least for a little while. You don't have to see his dazzling smile or snow-white hair behind your eyelids when you fall asleep high as a kite. It's unhealthy and you know that, but what else can you do?
You have nothing to live for anymore. Your fiance is gone. You try to tell the others this, who have worked tirelessly all this time to find a way to bail him out. 'It's been three years!' you think. 'If they haven't found a way yet, they never will. He is never getting out of that box or the Prison Realm.' And that is the sad, horrible truth.
You curl yourself into a ball now, wrapped in one of his crisp button-up shirts, naked underneath. It is twelve in the afternoon. You haven't eaten or gotten dressed, only showered and brushed your teeth (after Shoko sent you a text to do so). Tears stain your eyes which still sting from your sob session the night before. "Satoru," you whimper into the pillows. "Come back to me, please."
You know this isn't possible, but you wish to God or whoever makes miracles happen that it was. How can you live in a world, in a realm, where your love isn't here? You were going to get married, in spring of 2024. He had promised you after a wonderful night of dinner, champagne, and dancing on a private yacht he ordered just for you two.
When he got down on those long legs, one knee propped up, and presented you with that box, you could feel yourself melt. "After all of this is over," he promised, "after I make this world safer for you, let's do it, baby. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you." He gave you that big, gigawatt, hopeful smile as you felt tears pour down your cheeks, ruining your makeup. "You up for seein' this face forever?" he joked.
That night, you answered him. Over and over again, making love until morning. Until you were both spent and ached so good from twisting your bodies in a hundred different positions. Until your thighs were soaked with his cum and all you could see, hear, and smell was him.
You were more than prepared to spend the rest of your life like that with him...and now, that's all gone. A fresh wave of grief overcomes you and you grip the pillow, stuffing your face into it. Once again, you say the same words you've been saying for three years like a prayer: "Satoru, come back to me. Please."
The sound is so loud and abrupt that it scares you. You sit up immediately, your heart lurching into your throat. You look around the room only to find it empty, but then hear the familiar sound of the front door closing from downstairs. Someone is here. But who?
"H-Hello?" you call. "Shoko, is that you?"
No answer. It is completely silent all except for the birds chirping outside your window which only adds to the ominous feeling of the situation at hand. You never gave Shoko a spare key to your home and you're the only one who can get in and out. So who the fuck is in your house?
You then hear the familiar sound of footsteps coming up the stairs, one by one, as if the stranger is taking his sweet time doing so. You instantly reach for your phone to dial 911 and retreat to the bathroom across the room, but stop when a shadow crosses the bedroom wall, and then a figure appears in the threshold of the bedroom you used to share with your fiance.
You stare at the figure hard as if it's difficult for you to decipher it, but it's impossible not to know who it is. You can tell from how tall he is as he stands there, towering over you in the doorway. You can tell from his lean body sinewy with muscles under his black clothes. You can tell from his pale skin, snow-white hair you used to love to run your fingers through, and iced, blue eyes that stare right through you.
That same lovely, adorable, sexy, dazzling grin crosses his pillowy-soft, pink lips as he stares at you from across the room. “Honey, I’m home," Gojo chirps as if he just walked in from a hard day at work.
You stare him down, afraid to move or speak in fear of ruining this or exposing it for what it is: a trick. A mirage. A hallucination caused by too much alcohol or weed (unlikely, but still). Is this a dream? Are you dead? Did you go ahead and drink yourself to death like Shoko foresaw?
He walks toward you, slowly as if to not frighten you further. You stay on the bed, afraid to move. You're trembling. He finally stops just at arm's length from you, that same smile and warm gaze still on his face. “T-Tarou?” you whisper, finding your voice.
“In the flesh," he replies in that easy, sexy drawl that you've always loved. So careless. So laidback. His expression grows concerned, his brows drawn together. “How ya doin’, baby?” he asks. Your heart flips at the sound of that pet name. You haven't heard it in so, so long.
You scamper towards him, wanting to get closer to him, but then stop, afraid to. He doesn't react to either, still standing there and waiting for you to process this. “No,” you whisper. “This isn’t real. I’m just high as fuck right now.” You put your hands in your hair, gripping the dark coils/braids/locs/curls/twists harshly.
You know that this isn't possible. You haven't touched any weed since yesterday morning, wanting to give yourself a break. Gojo whistles as he nods at the bong sitting on your bedside table. “Well, judging from that, probably so. You got any left? I could use it after the 3 years I’ve had.”
You don't answer. You barely even breathe, afraid to do so in fear of putting a tear in the fabric of this moment and ripping it apart. You still can't tell if this is really happening. Is it a trick of your cursed grief making you see shit? Could it be that a Curse is here and has somehow taken over Gojo's body, and now, they're here to kill you? You would rather take that than this uncertainty.
Gojo suddenly raises his hand toward you as if to touch you, but doesn't. “Touch me," he encourages. Though hesitant, you lift a tentative hand and stroke your fingers over his veiny arm. All you feel is solid, soft, warm skin. Gojo's smile gets bigger. “See? I’m real. It’s really me, baby.”
And suddenly, the fog over your mind has been cleared and you can see clearly. All is for certain, including that the man standing here is your man. Your 'Tarou. “It’s really you,” you whimper. “Oh, my God….oh, my God!” You can't stop the tears or the blubbering as relief and utter joy wash over you.
Gojo opens your arms for you and he barely budges as you shoot into them, not even making him stagger. You bury your head in his chest, breathing in his scent and moving your hands over his back muscles. “I’ve missed you,” you sob. “I’ve missed you so, so much, Satoru! It’s been awful!”
He holds you tight to him, solid and absolutely real. “Shhh, I’m sorry, Y/N,” he coos. “I would’ve come back sooner, but I had to take care of some things.”
You pull away to look up at him through your blurred vision. He doesn't appear hurt or bruised. In fact, he looks the exact same he did before he was sealed in that box. “What do you–“
“And I’ll tell you everything after I get some pussy.”
You pause, processing his abrupt words. “What?” you scoff. “But what about all that's happened? How'd you even escape the Prison Realm? Have you eaten or drank? What about–"
Gojo, impatient, presses a long finger to your lips. “Forget about all of that right now, Y/N. Worry about the fact that you haven’t seen me in three years and you’re dying for me to put you in the mattress again.”
Then that familiar, dark, lustful look crosses his eyes like an eclipse, taking over him. “I think you’re understanding me clearly," he says, his voice dipping an octave lower than usual. “Daddy’s home, baby. Now take your fuckin’ clothes off.”
You stare at him hard, wondering if he is serious. You haven’t seen him in three years. You have so many more questions to ask him. Like what did he do while sealed? Did he see Yuji, Megumi and Nobara before he came? Were they the ones that got him out? Is he okay? 
But from the way he is staring you down like he wants to take a piece of you, you can tell that all of those questions will have to just wait to be answered. Plus, the last one is already answered for you: no, he isn’t okay. He is fucking feening for you. He needs you. You can tell from the way his hands grip you closer and from the feeling of his semi hard-on pressing into your thigh from inside his pants. 
You can’t imagine what three years without sex was like and you don’t want to. So you’re more than happy to give him whatever he is looking for right now. “O-Okay, Gojo,” you softly stutter. Your hands move to his top to unbutton it, first starting at the bottom. But your hands fumble and shake as if this is the first time you’re doing this for him. 
“Takin’ too long,” Gojo growls, impatient. Tearing your hands away from his shirt, he immediately rips the $1,000 top off of you, revealing your laced bra and panties underneath. You squeak as he does so, alarmed. “Gojo, your shirt!” you gasp, especially when the buttons fly all over the place. 
“Forget the fuckin’ shirt,” he says, his voice all but a rasp. "I’ll get a new one. It’s not fair how sexy you look in my clothes, sweetheart.” He presses his lips to your chest, breathing you in for a moment. “God, I’ve missed your smell,” he sighs. “I’ve missed how you feel. I’ve missed you so, so much.” He pulls away then, looking down at your hand. “And you’re still wearing the ring,” he points out. 
You look down at your hand where the sterling silver engagement ring sits, its diamonds sparkling at you. “Of course,” you whisper. “I never took it off. I’m engaged to you.” You want to tell him that you always dreamed he’d come back, that you wanted him to see you with it when he did. 
“So there’s been no one else?” he suddenly asks, his eyes sizing you up. “You haven’t been with any other man besides me?” Immediately, you shake your head. “No, Daddy,” you whisper, immediately falling back into the soft, obedient, submissive state that you always slide into with him as if it’s natural to you. And it is. He makes you feel so safe and loved and kept. It’s impossible not to do so all for him. “There’s been no one,” you say. “No one can ever make me feel the way you do.” 
A crooked smirk crosses Gojo’s lips that has you quivering in between your thighs. “So one has played with this body but me?” he asks. “No one has played with that pussy but me?” Again, you shake your head, your breath becoming short and labored. His eyes seem to dark even more, becoming an ocean blue. “That’s what I wanna hear,” he whispers. Then his lips are finally, finally, on yours, his tongue dancing and swirling with yours, creating a wet, sloppy, feverish kiss that takes your breath away. 
You moan wantonly into his mouth, wrapping your arms around him. Oh, how you’ve missed this. How you’ve only prayed to feel these lips again. At some point during the dizzying kissing session, Gojo pulls his clothes off, breaking apart from you to strip himself of his shirt, pants, and shoes, leaving himself in his designer briefs that look way tighter than usual.
Actually, now that you’re noticing it, his entire body looks buffer than usual. Gojo has always had muscles but was leaner three years ago. Now, his muscles are more defined, pushing up against his shirt when he has it on. 
He smirks at your wandering eyes. “Something you like, mama?” he purrs. He takes your hand, running it over his hard abs and chiseled abs where his pink nipples are hard for you, ready to be sucked. “Something…different?” 
“It’s just…you’re so…” You shudder in delight as he slides your hand down his stomach that you could bake cookies on. “Big,” you decide, running your free hand up his forearm. “You don’t have much to do in the Prison Realm except work out and masturbate,” he chuckles. “I wanted to be bigger and stronger for you when I was finally free. And I wanna let you know something, baby.” He leans in then, pressing his lips against your ear. “It’s all yours,” he whispers. “This body…this cock…everything. All of it is yours.” 
You shudder again as his dirty words swirl in your mind. He pulls away, smirking at you. “Lemme show you what I mean.” Then, instantly, he is snapping off your bra and flinging it away before his lips and hands are latching to your nipples. He sucks and licks at your hard, brown nipples like a hungered man, his hands groping the sensitive globes and pinching your nipples with his long, piano fingers. “Look at these beautiful fuckin’ titties,” he says, more to himself than to you. “I’ve missed my girls so much.” 
Your head falls back and your mouth opens, captured by the pleasure he is giving you. “S-Satoru,” you whimper. Every graze of his teeth and lick of his skillful tongue has your pussy gushing. You haven’t been this wet in three years! Actually, you haven’t even been horny in three years. No one has ever been able to arouse you the way Gojo can. 
You find yourself rolling your hips against his knee as your hands grasp his broad shoulders for balance and leverage. Gojo hums as you grind your wet, panty-covered pussy against his knee, smirking up at you playfully. “Grindin’ that pussy on my leg, hm?” he tuts. “Even after three years, you’re still a little slut. I wouldn’t have it any other way though.”
He gives one of your titties one last suck before he shoves himself away from you. You stare up at him, confused, while he only gives you a stern look. “Get on the bed and open your legs. I need that pussy in my face.” 
You are helpless to refuse him, especially when your pussy is begging and sobbing for the same thing. You quickly hurry onto the bed and sit back onto your elbows as you open your legs for him. Gojo is between them immediately, his hands ripping off your panties as if they are no more than strings. As soon as he gets a look at your puffy, wet pussy leaking for him, he groans and his cock visibly twitches in his pants. “Shit,” he hisses. “I’ve missed her too.” 
And then he’s giving in like he would the cleanest, purest, bluest waters, his hands under your ass to give him a better angle and a better way to plunge his tongue deeper inside you. He laps and sucks at your pussy and sensitive clit, his tongue flicking and swirling around your hole like he needs it. Craves it.
You grab at his hair, pushing his head deeper into you as you wail and moan to the heavens above. “O-Oh, my God!” you cry out to the ceiling. “‘Tatoru, yes, more! Please give me more! Don’t stop!” 
Your voice bounces off of the bedroom walls, unbound and unashamed. You haven’t had this kind of pleasure––so intense and explosive––in so long. His wet mouth and soft lips feel so good. His nose brushing against your clit as his tongue swirls inside your pussy is beyond. You feel incredible…too incredible. Gojo works his mouth fast, pulling you quickly towards an orgasm that gathers in your core and threatens to tumble down over you.
“Wait, Daddy!” you protest. “Slow down! ‘M gonna cum too fast!” 
Gojo’s blue eyes peer up at you through long, white lashes as he continues to lap at your cunt. “Do it,” he demands. “‘Cause I’m finna make you cum as many times as I want to. I’ll make you cream your pretty brains out till dawn, baby. I’m making up for lost time.” 
He ducks back down, going faster, and even adding his long index and middle fingers inside of the wet, tight depths of your pussy. Your walls clench around him instantly as he expertly finds your G-spot and begins gliding his fingers up against it, encouraging you to cum with every stroke of his fingers and tongue. “Do it,” he orders. “Cum for me. Cum around my fingers and my tongue, gorgeous. I’ve got you. I promise.” 
And you know he does. He grips one of your hips with one hand as he finger fucks you with the other, humming “mm-hmm” and other encouraging words that are smothered by your pussy as he drags you closer to your orgasm. When it finally breaks, it crashes onto you like a wave, causing your back to arch off of the bed like you’re experiencing an exorcism. “Fuck!” you sob as you feel your body shake and shudder through your earth-shattering orgasm. 
Moans of Gojo’s government and curses to the stars leave your lips as Gojo carries you through your mind-blowing, body-shaking, earth-quaking orgasm…and even after, when your body aches and your heart is pounding, he continues to eat your pussy.
He continues to lap and suck at your lips, cleaning up the cum that dribbles out your hole and down your asscrack. He licks there too, moaning breathlessly and wantonly as he does. Finally, when he is good and satisfied, he pulls away from you and sits back onto his hands, breathing heavily with his chin and lips shiny with your juices and his saliva. 
A weak moan leaves your lips as your pussy twitches in delight and exhaustion at being stimulated. You feel so, so good. So free. You finally feel as if the sun has finally shown itself behind the gray clouds that have darkened your life for three years. You look at your man adoringly, wanting him to know how much you love him and how good he has made you feel. “Gojo,” you sigh. “That was amazing. I–“ 
“Open your mouth,” he demands. You button your lip, your words failing you immediately. You stare at him blankly, your post-orgasm brain not quite processing his words. Gojo sits up on his knees on the mattress, grabbing his cock in his pants. “You fuckin’ heard me,” he growls. “Open that slutty mouth, now. Don’t make me tell you again, little girl.” He pins you down with an intimidating look that is only intensified by his sapphire eyes. 
Once again, you can’t deny him. While still recovering from your orgasm, you open your mouth wide for him, your plump lips covering your teeth and your tongue out. Just the way he likes it. Gojo walks towards you on his knees and stays beside you as he unbuttons his pants. In one swift motion, he takes down his pants and his briefs, causing his cock to pop out. The long, thick, veiny appendage, bubbling with pre-cum from its pink head, lightly slaps you in the face, causing you to gasp. 
Gojo grabs your neck rather roughly, pulling you towards his cock without properly preparing you or waiting for you to prepare yourself. You stare down at his large dick, alarmed at how hard he is. The veins in his shaft throb as does his head that is quickly turning from a soft pink to an angry red. “Gojo, hold up–“ 
But your words are interrupted by his cock sliding between your lips. A hiss of relief leaves Gojo’s lips as he grips your neck, beginning to rut his hips deep into your mouth. “Sorry, mama,” he groans, “but I can’t be nice to that throat today. I’m just too pent-up. You understand, right?”
You can’t even answer. His cock is too thick; too big; it stretches your mouth out too wide, making your jaw hurt. But all you have to do is breathe through your nose and take it, which Gojo tells you to do so, as he begins to fuck your throat like it’s your pussy. Like it’s his own personal fleshlight. 
“Fuckin’ fuck yes!” Gojo loudly grunts, his voice completely primal and animalistic as he roughly fucks your throat. Though he has fucked your throat before, this time, it feels much, much different. He grips your hair and makes your scalp sting with how much he pulls it. He plunges your throat so fast and so hard in your sloppy throat that saliva drips down your chin and down your tits. He turns your face into his fuck toy, doing with it as he pleases. 
But though primal and animalistic, he is still completely involved with your pleasure. When you suddenly feel his fingers quickly rubbing your clit after licking his palm, your body lurches and your thighs twitch while you whine and protest feebly around his cock. “Theeeere we go,” he chuckles. “That’s what I want. Feel good with me, mama. This is where your weak, right? Right here?” 
He applies more pressure, rubbing your rosebud in time with his thrusts into your throat, his balls swinging against your chin. All you can feel, taste, and smell is him. Your senses are completely overtaken by him. “T-Tawou!” You moan around his cock. “Two mwuch! ‘M sensitive!” Your words are a muffled, jumbled mess around his thick dick, causing more spit to fall from your mouth as you try to speak. 
You go to close your legs, but Gojo’s hand yanking on your hair stops you short. “Uh-uh, sweetie,” he teasingly says. “Don't pull away. You owe me this.” He pushes your head farther down his cock, bottoming out in your mouth, causing him to moan so loud that it echoes in the bedroom. “You owe me this for stayin’ so damn sexy after so long. How is that even possible?” He questions you repeatedly as he fucks your throat harder and faster, grunting as he does so. "How's that possible, huh? Huh? Tell me, baby.” 
You are turned into a total and complete hole the more he fucks your mouth and flicks your clit, bringing you to yet another orgasm that has your thighs shaking. Finally, he releases your hair and lets you pull away, causing his cock to pop out of your mouth. “Gonna cum!” you whine, spit and cum all over your mouth. “I’m cummin’ again, Satoru!” 
Gojo stares at your pussy like a kid in a candy store as you cum once again, gushing all around his long fingers and all over the bedsheets. “Gooood girl!” he praises you. “Cum on these fingers, baby. Gimme what I want, but don't get too distracted, mmkay?” He takes his cock and slides himself back home into your mouth even as you moan and your body writhes on the bed. 
“Yes, yes, yes,” he chants, transfixed by the way your body moves and your pussy clenches. “That’s what I want. This is what I need.”
He rubs at your clit until he can feel your exhausted body jerking from the aftershocks. He finally pulls away from you then, cock and all, though he is still hard and throbbing. “I need to fuck you now,” he growls, desperation in his eyes. “And I can’t stop until I cum inside you, baby…without a rubber. Is that okay with you?” 
You blink at him, your sight slightly blurred from the two orgasms and your throat raw from it being fucked into oblivion. He must know that you will say yes. He must know that you’ll say yes to anyone he wants or needs. But yet, he still asks because safe sex has always been a priority with him in your relationship. He has always used condoms and has always made a point to not do anything involving PIV sex if he happened to run out.
But now, here he is, telling you that he needs to fuck you raw and cum inside you, possibly breeding you. And you find yourself burning for the same thing like a wildfire has lit inside you. You lean back against the pillows and open your cum-soaked thighs for him, showing him your glistening, puffy, sensitive pussy. “Yes,” you reply. “Fuck me, Daddy. Cum inside me. Breed me.” 
Gojo stares at your pussy, spread open for him like it’s spun gold. Suddenly, the loving, silly, goofy man you’ve grown to love is gone, replaced with one who is starved, rough, demanding, and merciless. It thrills and frightens you.
“Oh, you’re gonna fuckin’ get it, girl,” he growls before he grabs you, tosses you onto your back, and gets on top of you. “I’m gonna fuck you till you’re spent,” he promises as he throws your legs over his shoulders and prepares to slide deep inside of you until his balls touch your ass. 
When he says this, he means it. Baby, Gojo has you in every position known to man.
He starts first by fucking you in missionary, giving you deep, deep dick that nearly touches your soul and makes you see stars. One of his big, veiny hands wraps around your throat, squeezing gently on your windpipe, while the other pins your thigh open as his cock plunges in and out of your wet, sobbing cunt. He pounds you into the mattress, his big body pressing against yours and his hips nailing your pelvis. 
Then he has you on top in 69, his hands groping and smacking your jiggly ass while he, once again, stuffs his face in your cunt. You suck his dick in time with his tongue laps, gagging and slobbering all over his cock much to his delight. It is sloppy and dirty and messy…and you love every minute of it.
You love how his pubic hairs tickle your chin the deeper you slide him down your throat. You love how your eyes sting with tears as he tickles the back of your throat. You love the way his tongue slides from your pussy hole to your asshole, lapping at each one as if they’re the best things he’s ever tasted. 
He fucks on your back, hanging off the bed. He fucks you on your stomach, your ass tooted up while his feet are firmly planted on the bed, hammering his dick deep inside of you. He sucks you on your side, his hands cupping your jiggling breasts while his lips caress your neck and shoulder. And he makes you cum every. Single. Time. 
By the time he has you on your knees with his cock buried deep in your pussy once again and your arms pulled behind your back, your body is aching for rest and your pussy is a mushy, gushy mess around his cock. 
But still you persist, moaning and screaming at the top of your lungs the harder he fucks you. Your voice, along with his own, the creaking bedsprings, and the sound of skin slapping against skin, fills the air around you. “Yes, yes, Daddy, yes, fuck me!” you babble, your words a jumbled mess.
Gojo cackles from behind you, loving how slutty and broken you are on his cock. “You feelin’ good, baby?” he asks. ���This dick makin’ you feel good? Don’t have to use those damn toys or those fingers anymore, no. You’ve got me now and I’ll take good, good care of this pussy.” 
He slams his hips harder against your ass, making it bounce and jiggle. The harder he goes, the more intense your orgasm gets and you find yourself about to have your sixth orgasm of the day…or night. Is it nighttime now? You can't tell. You’ve been at this for hours, fucking and cumming all over the bed. You don't even know what day it is anymore.
All you can think about is Gojo’s dick and cumming on it. “Shit, I’m gonna cum again!” you sob. 
Gojo’s hand circles around your throat, choking you. “Cum on this dick,” he demands. “Do it! Fuckin’ do it for me, baby!”
And you do. Like a puppet on a string being controlled by the white-haired, big-dicked man behind you, you writhe in the air and cum all over his cock. A weak, long moan leaves your lips as you come undone, all self-control leaving you.
Gojo pulls out of you with a hiss, talking about how “fuckin’ tight” you are. When you’re released, your arms fall to your sides as you crumble onto the mattress, falling face-first into the pillow. Your body is hot and sweaty, your pussy is twitching, your ass is stinging from his assault on it. You are completely spent. 
Gojo leans down to kiss your forehead, smiling at your exhaustion. “Aww, is my baby tired now?” he coos. You weakly moan in response, too tired to speak. “Too bad because I still need to cum inside you. You did ask me to breed you and I’ve gotta make this count.” 
Before you can even protest, he is grabbing your weak body and forcing you onto your knees, hiking your ass up for him. He sinks into your overly sensitive, used pussy once more, drawing a moan out of both of you. You let him do as he pleases, too exhausted to fight or argue.
He takes hold of your hips and ruts into you like his life depends on it, nailing that spot again and again that makes you see the entire universe behind your eyelids. It feels so damn good. He fucks you at a breakneck pace, going faster with each second that passes. “O-Oh, s-shit!” you scream into the mattress. “F-Fuck, Daddy, f-f-u-uck!” 
Gojo’s fucking is egged on by your moans, his pelvis slamming into your ass and taking your very breath away. “Take this cock,” he groans. “Take all of this dick, baby. It’s yours. All of it is fuckin’ yours. It always was and always will be.”
He hikes up his leg and fucks you on one knee, causing him to grow louder and his moans to become more desperate and needy. 
“God, I missed this!” he whines. “I’ve been fucking burning for you, baby. Needed you so, so much!”
You picture him in the Prison Realm, his hand wrapped around his cock as he is surrounded by darkness and loneliness. As tears spring into your eyes, you lift yourself up onto weak arms to look back at him. “Then show me,” you whisper. “Show me how much you’ve missed me. Cum inside me, ‘Tarou, baby.” 
You begin to toss your ass back into him, meeting his every thrust. Gojo takes what you give him and serves it right back, moving in tandem with you. “You want me to cum?” he asks.
You nod, moaning and whimpering as you feel his cock begin to swell inside you. “You want me to feel that pussy up?” he grunts. “Want me to make you a mommy? Want me to give you a kid? My kid?” 
He begins to pound your pussy into the mattress again, picking up speed. You can feel your last orgasm rising, ready to rip through you. “Say it to me, mama,” he demands. “Tell me you want my baby. Lemme hear it.” 
“Yes!” you cry out. “Yes, Satoru, I want your child! I wanna mother your baby!” That must please Gojo because he begins rolling his hips harshly against your ass, rutting into you like he’s trying to fit a home run. His handsome face is red and glittering in sweat, his snow-white hair plastered to his wet forehead.
“Can’t wait to see you full with me,” he groans. “Can’t wait till this tummy is round with my baby and those tits are full of milk. You’re gonna look so, so pretty carryin’ my baby, sweetheart. You’re gonna be the best mommy ever.” 
And he’ll be the best daddy ever. That is all you can think as you feel your own orgasm rising at the same time as him, like the sun and the moon rising in unison in the sky. Forever bonded. Forever together.
“Gonna cum,” Gojo warns. “Gonna cum deep inside you. You’d better cum with me too. Cum all over my cock, baby. Cum with me while I fill this little pussy up.” 
You nod and wail into the pillow, gripping it for dear life as another blinding orgasm rips through your body. Gojo fucks into your wet, cum-soaked pussy until he feels his own nut coming and he desperately fucks you to chase his high. “Cumming!” he babbles. “‘M cummin’, I’m cummin’, I’m cummin’!”
And when he fills you up, it’s explosive. It’s deep. It’s intense. It fills every part of you, filling you with warmth and the feeling of being absolutely filled to the brim. You weakly moan as you feel his cum fill your tummy, no doubt reaching your womb. He stills for a moment, plugging his cum inside you, before slowly and sloppily rocking his hips into you to fuck his cum deep into your pussy. 
When he is finally sure that you’re good and bred, he puts his hands on his narrow hips and whistles tiredly. “Shit,” he sighs. “I really needed that.” You moan in agreement. He then pulls out of you slowly, causing you to whimper quietly as your aching pussy is no longer filled.
He stares at it between your thighs, humming appetizingly. “Mmm, now that’s a sight: a pretty, fucked pussy drippin’ with my cum. Don’t mind if I do.” 
Then his mouth is between your thighs again, lapping gently at his and your cum mingled together all over your pussy and inner thighs. You arch your back for him, moaning softly at his soft, careful tongue strokes.
When he finishes, you turn to him, finding his semi-hard cock dripping with your mingled fluids. “You still got some left here, Daddy,” you coo before moving to lap up the cum you left behind on his cock. He allows it, his hand in your hair while he sighs about how good you are. 
Once you are cleaned up and all is said and done, the two of you finally lay side by side in your bed, together again at last. You curl into his chest, leaning your head against his heart and wrapping your arms around him. He welcomes it, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead “Welcome home, baby,” you whisper as you look up at him. “Now you gonna tell me how you got out?” 
He looks down at you, almost as if he forgot he was supposed to answer a bunch of your very important questions. “Oh, Itadori did that,” he explains like he’s telling you the weather. “He’s a smart kid, y’know. Say, you up for some sushi? I’m cravin’ some fish right now.” 
All you can do is laugh and kiss your man before getting the takeout menu that you keep in the nightstand next to the bed. All the important questions can wait.
For now, all you want and need is him.
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hees-mine · 1 year ago
𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 - 𝐋.𝐡𝐬 𝐩𝐭 𝟓
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Pairing: heeseung ⚥ reader
Warning: mentions of smut, taboo relationship, reader says no but doesn’t mean it, angst, suggestive.
Genre: 18+, best friends dad, smut, single dad, taboo relationship, minors do not interact!
WC: 3k
Safe to say that you and Heeseung continued your forbidden hookups behind his daughter's back.
As inconvenient as it was, you were hooking up every day, sometimes at your house, sometimes at his, or maybe even in the parking lot, depending on how needy you both were.
At least a month has gone by, and the same enthusiasm that was there when you first met was still thriving.
So much to the point he was trying to do more with you than just have sex, suggesting that when you are both free, you should go on a date, and that's when you realized that this had gone way too far.
You couldn't keep doing this because it was wrong. You know you said that before, but now it was starting to get real.
You made a mistake in the beginning by fucking your best friend's dad behind her back, but now you're going to right your wrong and break things off with Heeseung before things went even further.
And right now was the perfect time to do that. He had texted you earlier to see if it was okay for him to come over, but you replied, telling him you'd go to him instead.
He was quick to protest, insisting that he'd come to you, but after a little debate, he finally gave in and let you come over to his.
The whole walk there, your heart was beating uncontrollably, and you felt sick to your stomach, but you knew this was the right thing to do, and it had to be done now.
Arriving at his door, you knock, letting him know that you've arrived, and just seconds later, he's swinging open the door as if he's been waiting by it this whole time.
Okay, he was, but he was just excited to see you today. It was early. He had a day off, and his daughter wouldn't be home for a while, which gave you both the free time that you've both been craving for. "Hi, princess," he opens his arms automatically and brings you into his chest as he inhales your sweet scent. "Missed you." he leaned back to take a look at you, exhaling a soft breath. "Come in." You nod and follow him into his kitchen, not bothering to take your shoes off at the door cause you'll be leaving soon. "Come here" when you feel him so close and nearly engulfing you in another hug you knew you had to cut ties with him now before you fell into his arms and ultimately his bed.
"No," you mumbled and put your hands on his chest, staying at a reasonable distance.
Obviously, he's confused by the sudden distance you put between the two of you, and you can tell by the look on his face, and he has every reason to be confused. "Why?" He takes a step closer, invading the space you just created by placing his hands on your shoulders. He looks down at your eyes, searching for answers and stupidity. You look at his lips. They look so inviting, but you quickly shake off the inappropriate thought and continue with your original plan.
"Cause we can't," you say, feeling weak in the knees just from the scent of his cologne.
"Oh, princess, but we always do." he cups your cheeks in his warm palms, tilting your head upwards so he can properly look you in the eyes before zeroing in on your lips.
His face was just inches away from yours, but you somehow managed to compose yourself and push him off. "Not anymore." You hated how weak and pathetic you sounded. Your body was betraying you right now. Your mind wanted one thing, but between your legs, it wanted another.
He didn't even budge, which made this even harder, but you had to do something that let him know you didn't really want this and you were serious this time. "Why not anymore? You still want me. I know you do," he whispers and bends down, ghosting his lips over your neck.
"Hee," you moan and tilt your head to the side. The feeling of his lips kissing all over your sensitive spot had you losing your mind, but again, you're somehow able to break free from this lust-induced trance and pull away, only for him to press you against the wall and trap you between it and his body.
"See?" He whispers in your ear, his right hand cupping your pulsing core, and you're so embarrassed by how wet you are just from the slightest touch. The hold he had on you was so strong, but today, you were going to break free.
"Stop." he doesn't listen and slips his hand inside your panties, and your face gets hot when he starts toying with your wet folds. 
He hums in response, used to the initial apprehension of you not wanting to be with him, but just like every other time. He knew things would end with you below him, drenched in sweat and full of his cum.
You gripped his wrist weakly, attempting to get him to stop, but your knees were already buckling in response to his touch. "No," you breathe deeply, pushing his hand out of your underwear, but he continues to lick just beneath your earlobe as both his hands grip your waist.
"Princess, stop fighting it. I know it's wrong, but we both want it, and that's all that matters." he tries to slip his hand back inside your underwear, but this time, you are quick enough to push his hand away.
"This has to end now. I'm sick of lying." You bite your lip nervously.
He chuckles, proceeding to grab your wrists and pin them above your head as he ruts his bulge against you, and you moan out from the feeling of the outline of his dick rubbing into your mound. "Now, what was that?" He grins and goes in for a kiss, and he melts at just the thought he'd been dreaming of kissing you all day, but when you didn't reciprocate his actions, he tried to persuade you to kiss him back by licking over your lower lip begging for your permission meanwhile the only begging you were doing was for him to stop.
"Heeseung, stop!" You flailed in his grip, but he kept you still, trying to get you to kiss him.
"Y/n, please," he mumbled, trying to chase your lips, but you turned away from him, and he felt his heart sink cause he knew he was losing you, and he couldn't, not right now and not like this. "Come on," he let go of one of your wrists and gripped your jaw, forcing you to stay still and let him kiss you.
He smashed his lips against yours, and despite your whines and protest, he kept going, trying to make you want him as much as he wanted you. "Shh, baby," he ripped the buttons off your top and started groping your chest while he kissed you.
When he freed your one hand, you used it to push against him, and he barely moved. "Stop," you whimpered helplessly. You wanted him so bad, but you had to stop this. Whatever you and him had together had to end.
"No, I know you want this," and you did so badly you wanted him. Even if you were saying no, your body was screaming yes and begging for his touch.
He tried to slip his hands behind your back and take your bra off, but you used every last ounce of power in your body to push him off. "No!" You yelled, and he stumbled back, but he still wouldn't let you go.
"Y/n, please don't do this. I need you." he pressed you against the wall even harder, making it impossible for you to get free. "We can't stop seeing each other now." You were struggling, but he was far too strong. You grabbed into his collar, trying to push him, but like the times prior, he still didn't move. "You can't just come into my life and walk away not like this." he closed his eyes tightly, a pained expression on his face as he leaned closer to you. "Kiss me" like before, you didn't, but he didn't stop either. "Kiss me, please," his voice softly shook as he begged for your reciprocation.
You were hitting his chest, arms flailing in any direction, trying to get him away from him. Your attempts failed until one hit landed, and you accidentally struck him across his exposed chest and scratched him. He gasped from the sudden pain, his eyes shooting open to look at you, and you shoved him for the last and final time.
You didn't even push him that hard, but he stumbled back a few feet cause the scratch caught him off guard, and that's what it finally took for him to realize you were serious about not wanting to be with him anymore.
His breath was ragged, his shirt crumpled, and his eyes flashed back and forth, trying to scrounge up the right words to say and apologize for his actions. He wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable; he thought he could talk you into it and get you in the mood like all the other times, but he wished he would have just stopped the first time you told him no. He didn't know he was making you feel threatened enough to hurt him. "Y-y/n, I'm sorry, I didn't mean t-"You couldn't even look at him anymore because you couldn't stand to see the hurt look on his face and the red scratch on his chest. This was all your fault, and he was apologizing like it was his. "I'm sorry," he reached for you, but you quickly stepped back, sending a stinging pain throughout his whole heart.
He was literally panicking, not knowing what to say or do. He just wanted to hold you and apologize over and over until you trusted him again, but the more seconds that passed, the more he felt like he was losing you.
You quickly grab your shirt in the corner and scramble to make yourself look presentable before leaving his house utterly discombobulated.
Your heart was racing, your panties were wet, and all at the same time, you were sad and hurt cause whatever you both had going on was now over.
He looked down at his chest, tracing over the scratch, and he looked back at you, getting ready to utter another apology, but it was too late. You were already gone.
It was good while it lasted, but all good things come to an end.
Weeks had passed since the incident, and Heeseung obviously wasn't happy about the turn of events, but he did his very best to avoid you cause the last thing he wanted to do was make you uncomfortable again.
If you truly didn't want him, then he'd accept it, but he wasn't exactly ready to move on. Not after all you did together. It'd take more than just a few weeks for him to come to terms with reality.
Every time you came over, he just stared at you with those huge, round, innocent eyes of his glossed over with what you could only surmise as tears. He'd greet you so as not to cause any suspicion from his daughter and then quickly retreat to his office so you wouldn't have to be close to him.
Your heart sank cause you knew he was hiding because of you. You knew that expression he gave you every time you walked through his door. It was nothing but sadness and maybe just a hint of hope.
He knew what the two of you had was wrong, but he didn't know you could just drop him so easily like that, and with seemingly no remorse, you looked happy while he was miserable.
So miserable that he just cooped himself up in his office and worked around the clock to take his mind off whatever it was you and him had going on.
Obviously, his daughter caught onto his off behavior, so she tried to do something to cheer him up. "Hey, Dad," she walked behind him, placing her hands on his shoulders.
"Hi, sweetheart," he tilted his head and gave her a quick peck on the back of her hand. "You need something?" He says, still paying attention to his computer.
"Why don't you come to the kitchen? I made dinner for us tonight." he immediately whips his head in her direction.
"Sweetheart, why would you do that? You know I always cook for you," he said, obviously dissatisfied with himself.
"I know, Dad, but you looked busy and tired, so I thought, why not?" He sighed and nodded his head in understanding.
"Fine, but don't do it again. Just call me next time." he pointed his finger in her face as a warning.
"I'm an adult dad," she whined.
"But you'll always be my baby, and you're under my roof-"
"Yeah, yeah, your roof, your rules, whatever." She rolled her eyes and exited his office.
"Hey! Get back here. I didn't raise you like that." he shut off his computer and quickly followed her to the kitchen. "Apologize now, young lady," he chuckled as he entered the kitchen, and the breath got knocked out of him when he saw you sitting at the table, his smile instantly fading upon seeing you.
His daughter noticed the exchange. "Oh, sorry, Dad, I invited y/n over again without telling you," she pouted.
"No, no, sweetheart, it's okay. I'll just have dinner in my office so I'm not interrupting." he didn't look your way at all and made his way to the stove to serve himself.
"No," she whined. "You're always cooped up in your office. It's been weeks since we had dinner together."
He sighed. It's true, and he felt bad knowing that his daughter was missing him all because he had a falling out with you. "Okay, sorry, I'll stay but go and sit your butt down so I can serve you" he ruffled her hair, and she smiled happily, skipping over to the table to sit down and await her dinner to be served. "And she said she's not a baby," he laughs quietly to himself.
Heeseung plated dinner for all of you and sat down to catch up with his daughter about what she had been up to. He actively avoided speaking to you, which hurt, but deep down, you knew it was for the better, and you knew he was only respecting the boundary that you had set.
Somehow, the topic turned into boys and relationships, which heeseung was quick to shut down because no boy was worthy of his little girl. 
"But Dad, I really like him," she whined.
"Fine," he sighed. "I want to meet him first, though." She nodded happily that he approved. "And he's gonna have to go through my gauntlet."
"No buts, sweetpea, now eat before your food gets cold." 
You couldn't help but smile. It was so nice to see how close he was with his daughter. You knew he must have been a great dad if his daughter talked to him about boys so freely.
"Okay, but Dad, what about you? You've been single since, like, forever," she giggles, and you shift uncomfortably at the mention of him being in a relationship.
"Ouch," he laughed playfully. "Daddy's off the market." 
"Come on, I know you're lonely. You've been single ever since she left," she reasoned.
It's true his ex left them both high and dry. The topic wasn't sensitive to either of them cause after what she did, they had no feelings toward her whatsoever. After his marriage ended, he really wasn't thinking about anything else but his daughter's future and making a good living for her, doing his best to be a parent for her. Even if he sometimes didn't understand her, he still did his best to play his role as a father and give her everything she wanted, even if it meant going to the dad and daughter dance wearing a hot pink suit.
"I don't know, pumpkin. I'm a busy man; I don't have much space for that kind of stuff." you didn't know it, but you breathed a sigh of relief knowing he wasn't actively looking for someone. Yes, it was selfish, but if you couldn't have him, you didn't want anyone to.
"Just try and find someone you like. Don't try to make me happy by being with someone who seems like a good mom. I don't want a mom; I just want you to be happy." Heeseung smiled warmly at that. That was his little girl, always thoughtful, always looking out for his happiness. He couldn't ask for a better daughter. 
"Okay," he picked up his napkin, wiping his mouth. "There's this girl that works in the office with me, and she's made advances towards me a couple of times, but maybe next time I'll reciprocate." he shrugged nonchalantly. He said that just to make her happy. He knew he couldn't move on from it, especially not that fast.
All of a sudden, you felt like you were going to puke. Just the thought of him with another woman tore you apart inside. 
His daughter smiled happily, hoping a woman could come into her dad's life and make her happy. "What about you, y/n?" Heeseung went stiff in his chair, praying that you weren't with somebody else. It'd break him if you were interested in someone who wasn't him.
You acted like normal and just said whatever random name that came to mind. "You know Jake?" you said it just to try to make Heeseung jealous, but by the uninterested look on his face, he didn't seem to care.
Why would he, anyway? You were the one that ended things between you and him.
Your friend giggles, nodding her head. "He's nice. I like him too." You and Jake had been friends for a while, but you were never attracted to him like that. Sure, he was cute, but that was the extent of it, and as for him, he was already interested in somebody else.
Heeseung scoffed and discreetly rolled his eyes. What kind of dumbass name was Jake? The more he thought about it, the more he got upset because that meant you were with another guy that wasn't him.
He immediately got jealous and upset because Jake was probably nice, he was probably your age, and he probably made you happier than he ever could.
Every bite of dinner tasted bitter after hearing that you liked someone else. Did you ever really even like him to begin with, or was he just easy to have sex with?
It was probably just meaningless sex cause he had to be honest with himself. He was old, you were young, you had a life, and he lived in the office. While you could be having drinks on The Weeknd, he'd be doing paper. Work, you belonged to two different worlds, so maybe you breaking things off was for the better, even if it didn't feel like it.
And maybe it was best when you came over a few weeks ago and told him that it was the last time.
⟱ ⟱ ⟱
Thanks for reading please reblog and leave feedback.
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jirsungs · 6 months ago
ep 28: no girls allowed at rockway rehearsals!
word count: 1.8k
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As against your will, you pull up to Ningning's apartment, letting out a begrudging sigh as you wait for her in your car. You send her a quick “i'm outside” text before turning up the volume of the current song on Aux. Creep by Radiohead, Jisung sent you the Spotify link a couple of days ago, telling you to think of him whenever it comes on. 
As corny and somewhat cute as it is, you do think of him when you hear the song's melody, and you can't stop the blushing smile that forms on your face when it does. You sing along to the music, occupying yourself as you wait for Ningning.
I want you to notice
When I'm not around
You're so fuckin' special
Not even five minutes later, your eyes catch your best friend running down the stairs of her apartment complex. You assume she rushed out because of her hurried appearance; her hair was still left unbrushed, and her right Doc Martens shoe was untied, making her almost trip down the stairs. You stifle a laugh. 
But when she enters your car, you notice her makeup is still fresh, and her eyeliner is precise and properly taken care of. 
Your smug smirk has Ningning breaking the silence first. “What?”
Her pretending to be clueless makes you smile, "Oh, nothing, nothing. You just look… very pretty today.”
Ningning squints her eyes at you, already knowing that a tease from you is on its way, so she starts it for you.
“I wanted to look presentable!”
This, you laugh at. “The Rockway guys have seen you worse, well, except him.”
You send her another smirk, to which she whines at your attempt to tease her about her little crush. Feeling a bit of sympathy for your best friend, you start the car and begin to drive off.
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The scream of “Y/N!” from Mark and Haechan is the first thing to welcome you and Ningning when you both enter the old garage or, to be specific, Mark's parents’ garage. The said band members are the only ones there at the moment, and they immediately run up to give hugs. 
Haechan engulfs you first; he lifts you off the ground, causing you to smack his shoulder to put you down. When he does, Mark takes his turn hugging you, and you glimpse at Ningning and Haechan doing their designed handshake.
Soon after, the rest of the Rockway guys walk in with water bottles and snacks in their hands, provided by Mark's mother. But once Jisung takes notice of you, he messily drops the snacks he was holding into Chenle's arms. Before the poor guy can react, Jisung's already pushing through to quickly get to you. 
While Jisung runs up to you, the band pays no mind to it as Chenle and Jeno set the snacks down on the table in the corner, and Haechan takes a bite of the assorted crackers as Mark double-checks the sound of his guitar.
A smile is plastered on your face at the sight of your boyfriend. “Hi, Ji–” 
His sudden embrace cuts you off, and instead of saying anything about it, you just let it happen. You love his hugs; he's the epitome of warmth and comfort, plus, he always smells nice.
Your hug sadly doesn't last long before Ningning cuts in, “Gee, hello to you too, Jisung.”
But you don't take her petty commentary to heart, especially since you're used to it. Jisung rests his arm around your neck before he apologizes and greets with a “What's up, Ning,” to which she replies cheekily at the acknowledgment. 
When Ningning walks over to Jeno and Mark and is out of earshot from the two of you, Jisung leans his head down to whisper, “Is it just me or does she look more put together than usual?”
You smack his chest gently at this: “Park Jisung, you’re so mean,” but your boyfriend isn’t affected because, from the raise of his brows, he’s not convinced, so you continue. “She texted me if I was free to hang out, but I told her you already invited me, so… She joined along because of you-know-who.”
Jisung’s mouth forms an O: “Ohhh, that explains it.”
You chuckle and lift your hand to gesture for his black glasses that are resting on the bridge of his nose. Upon seeing his approval, you happily remove them from his face, put them on yours, and look up at him with an excited smile. He looks at you like you’re the only girl in his world. You love it when he looks at you like that, despite it making you weak in the knees every single time. 
“Don’t look at me like that, you weirdo.” You smack his chest again, but just like before, he pays no mind to you trying to hide your flustered state. If anything, he’d like to see more of it, which explains why he gives you a quick kiss on the lips.
“You look pretty in my glasses.” 
To Jisung’s happiness and your dismay, he was able to see more of it. But, as always, you can’t stay mad at him. 
Plus, thanks to his nod toward Ningning, you don’t miss the awkward tension between her and Jeno after being left alone by Mark, who quickly gets the hint. From your observation, Jeno either complimented or embarrassed her with the way her face grew pink. But your small worry about it possibly not being the first reason disappears once you see Jeno make her laugh. 
“Something tells me that this rehearsal will end up being a love fest,” Haechan says disgustedly, which Chenle laughs at. From the corner of the garage, they eye their two band members, who are in different stages of love. Jisung is deep into his super-whipped-and-would-do-anything-for-his-girlfriend, while Jeno has just entered his awkward-like-high-schoolers-in-love stage. 
Luckily, Mark notices the attention shift in the room and brings the band back to focus. “Alright guys, let’s start this up!”
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Surprisingly, Rockway’s able to rehearse for three hours with no distractions; it’s only surprising because Jisung and Jeno aren’t going completely heart-eyes for the girls and are focused on their task at hand. 
The gig they were practicing for was said to be a big one. You remember Jisung gushing about how excited he was once he found out that a music producer reached out to Mark and talked about potentially signing them if they could surprise them again.
After those three hours, Jisung and Jeno found themselves starting to get handsy, which was unfortunate for the rest of the Rockway bandmates. They’re positively sure that it wasn’t intentional by the two guys, but once Mark called for a ten-minute break, everything went south. Ningning, who was highly encouraged by you to walk over to Jeno, became a stuttering mess around him, leading them both to become awkward again, while Jisung pulled you onto his lap, messing around with his drums.
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Mark walks over to Haechan and Chenle, who are back in the corner. “Okay, new rule: no girls allowed at Rockway rehearsals.” He sighs exasperatedly, his two fingers on the bridge of his nose, as he tries to calm himself down. “As much as I love them, Jeno is embarrassing to watch, and Jisung is… also embarrassing.”
Haechan snickers and takes a sip of his water, and Chenle pats the stressed Mark on the back. “Oh, come on, man. Rehearsal’s been going great. We already lost Jisung to Loverboy Land, but—” He motions for the two guys to look over at Jeno, who was sending them a desperate eye signal of help: “We can help Jeno.”
“You know, it’s kind of funny seeing Ning get all quiet around a guy she likes when she’s literally the scariest woman we know,” Mark adds.
Mark and Chenle jog over to the awkward pair and Haechan stays behind, telling them he’ll catch up after he’s finished drinking his water. When he’s done, he grumbles, “I knew this was gonna happen,” and rushes to the rest of the group.
When you call Ningning over and she’s left occupied, Haechan, Mark, and Chenle take their opportunity to snag Jeno away with the remainder of the ten-minute break to stop this awkward madness from continuing. 
Mark’s the first one to start it with a smack on Jeno’s arm: “Dude, what the hell are you doing? I thought you were good with girls!”
Jeno winces in pain while Chenle inputs, “Where’s your supposed Jeno charm, or whatever you call it? You look like an idiot out there!”
Anticipating another scold, Jeno looks at Haechan, who raises his hands in defense. “I dunno, man, I just followed them.” He puts his hands down and continues, “But since you’re already waiting for advice, Ning’s already opened up to you; stop acting scared and let her in.”
Jeno sighs, already familiar with the advice given: “Guys, I’ve been trying! I thought we made progress when I made her laugh earlier, but I doubt she found it that funny…”
"Oh, puh-lease, did you not hear her? She was still giggling over it when we started rehearsal.” Chenle says.
Haechan butts in, pouting, “Jeno gets funnier and attracts women... Oh, Lord, how sad has my life become?”
The said man rolls his eyes, and Mark takes this time to advise more: “Jeno, you like her, don’t you?”
“Of course I do, but I don’t want to make her uncomfortable if she doesn’t feel the same way.”
Once hearing Jeno’s idiotic response, the boys reply with Haechan’s “Oh my God!” while Mark and Chenle face-palm. How could someone be so oblivious?
The commotion sparks Jisung’s interest, leading him to excuse himself from you and Ningning and join his friends. He adds himself to the small huddle between Haechan and Chenle. 
“Hi, guys. What’re you talking about?”
Startled by the younger one, Haechan puts his hand on his chest and says, “Geez, Sungie!” 
But Jisung only giggles, “My bad. But if we’re lecturing Jeno on how horrible he’s doing with Ning, please fill me in.” He ends with a cheeky smile. 
Sensing Jeno’s annoyed whine at the mention of his current dilemma, Mark beats him to it. “You know what?” he eyes Jeno and Jisung. “Band meeting after the girls leave.”
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From Mark’s stern attitude, the rest of the band rehearsal was a little bit rocky. No one dared to cross a line with him, keeping their mouths shut unless Mark asked for input on any potential improvements.
After the guys said goodbye to you and Ningning and Jisung gave you his regular goodbye kiss and “text me when you get home,”  you left, leaving the Rockway guys alone. With Mark. And he was scaringly over the edge. 
After calling the end of rehearsal, Mark huddles the band together. Before he speaks, he puts his hands together, almost in prayer, and exhales, “From now on, NO GIRLS ALLOWED AT ROCKWAY REHEARSALS!”
To this, Jisung pouts, “Can Y/N be an exception though?”
But all Jisung gets is a combined “no!” from the band. 
The younger whines in response, “Then, is Ning included in that?”
His whine leads everyone to turn to Jeno, whose face has turned a bright shade of pink. “She's… different and doesn't count.”
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previous ☆ masterlist ☆ next
note: ning lore is now revealed, and jaem finally got the answer!!! 😍🙏 i can't believe this chapter marks three chapters left until i have to officially say goodbye to this smau 😭
🎫 (open taglist!): @idkwhatursayinh @sunghoonsgfreal @multifandomania @nanaxwi @odxrilove @sourrpatched @hancafe @chaellaa @dojaejunging @jising-jisang-jisung @heheheeral @haechansbbg @renjunsversion @onlyhyunjin @woshixinqgiu @jiiieun @pinknjm @mrsbyun-baek @neozon3nha @joyzluvr @aerivrs @nosungluv @haechology @beomgyusonlywife @injunnie-lemon @tommina @222low @film-sea @vantxx95 @cyjzzl @nctrawberries @woorcve @vklve @bee-the-loser @lostinneocity @zzurao @hoonieluv
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lee-laurent · 7 months ago
Playing House - Luke Hughes
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Summary: Tori makes the decision to introduce Riley to Luke
content: angst, some fluff, arguing, kissing, money issues
wc: 2.5k
notes: here it is! as requested by one of my anons :)) this is part 5 of the done trying series! here we goooo
Tori woke up to the sound of her phone buzzing repeatedly on the bedside table. She groaned, reaching out to silence it, but the name on the screen made her sit up immediately.
John Marino.
"Hello? Is everything okay?"
"Hey, Tori. Sorry to call you so early. Riley wanted to talk to you."
Her heart melted at the sound of her son's voice. "Mama! Hi!"
"Hi, baby! Are you having fun with Dada, Nanny, and Pop?"
"Yes! We has pancakes!"
"That sounds so yummy! Are you being a good boy?"
"Uh-huh. Miss 'oo, Mama!"
"I miss you too, Ri-Ri! I'll see you super soon though, okay?"
"O-tay! 'Uv 'oo!"
"Love you too, Riley. Be good for Dada."
She heard John take the phone back. "He just wanted to say hi. I'll bring back tomorrow morning, as planned."
"Right. Thanks, Johnny. See you then."
As she hung up, she felt Luke stir beside her. He blinked a few times, then smiled sleepily. "G'morning."
"Morning, Lu," she replied, leaning in to kiss him. "Riley called. He misses me."
"Of course he does. Who wouldn't?" he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. "So, what's the plan today?"
"I was thinking we could relax for a bit, then maybe go for a walk? Show you around the neighbourhood."
"Sounds perfect," he murmured, his voice still heavy with sleep. "But first, more cuddles."
Tori laughed, snuggling into his chest. "Deal."
Later that morning, they were walking hand in hand through the park near Tori's apartment. The sun was shining, and the air was warm- the perfect day to be outside. The found a spot near the small pond, enjoying the peacefulness.
"I love this place," Luke said, looking around. "It's nice and calm. Feels like we're not even in the city at all. Miles away from everything."
"It's been my little escape since we moved here. Riley loves it too. He calls it the 'duck park' 'cause of all the ducks, which unfortunately sounds like 'fuck park' when he says it, but we move."
Luke laughed. "I can't wait to meet him properly. I hope he likes me."
"He will," Tori assured, squeezing his hand. "You're great with kids. I've seen how patient and kind you are with all the kids that come to fan events."
"I guess. But this... this is different. This is your son. I like need to make a good impression."
"You will, Lu. Trust me."
The rest of their day was spent adventuring. They walked around the neighbourhood, talking about everything and nothing. By they time they arrived back at Tori's apartment, they were both beyond tired.
As they settled onto the couch to watch a movie, Tori's phone buzzed again. This time a text from John instead of a call.
Can we talk tomorrow when I drop off Riley?
Tori sighed, "Looks like John wants to talk tomorrow. Probably about you."
Luke nodded, "Figures. But we'll deal with it... together."
"Together," she grinned. Luke chuckled, pressing a loving kiss to her cheek. She shook her head, pulling him in for a proper kiss.
Tori was a bundle of nerves the next morning. She busied herself by tidying up the apartment, acting like her two-year-old would notice whether or not the place was clean. Luke tried to reassure her multiple times, even trying to pull her back into bed, but she could clearly see the tension in his eyes too.
"I- Luke I think I should talk with John alone to start. I know him... and he'd just get angrier if you were there."
"But I want to help you, Vic. I wanna be there to back you up."
"I know, babe. But... just trust me on this one."
"Fine. But if he raises his voice, even just a little, I'm coming in to beat his ass."
Finally, there was a knock at her door. Tori opened it to find Johns standing there with Riley. She felt a knot form in her stomach as John stepped into the apartment, his expression grim. Riley was already distracted, happily playing with his toys in the living room, , with Luke sitting nearby, making car noises to match Riley’s play. She took a deep breath and led John into the kitchen, bracing herself for the confrontation she knew was coming.
"What's this about you introducing Luke to Riley?" John started, his voice low but edged with anger.
Tori crossed her arms, trying to keep her composure. "John, Luke is an important part of my life now. Riley needs to know who he is. Slowly. We'll take it slowly."
"An important part of you life?" John scoffed. "You've barely even been together. He's just another hockey player. He'll probably just break your heart. You really think that's a good idea for Riley? For our son?"
"It's not about him being a hockey player. You know I'm not a puck bunny, John," Tori shot back, her frustration showing. "It's about him being someone else who cares about me and in extension cares about Riley. Someone who wants to be there for us."
In the living room, Luke was playing with Riley, making sure the little boy was entertained. He could hear the heated conversation in the kitchen and felt a pang of concern. He wanted to support Tori, to show John that he genuinely cared for Riley, but he respected Tori's wish to handle it herself.
"Hey, buddy, wanna race cars?" Luke asked Riley, trying to keep his focus on the child.
Riley giggled, nodding enthusiastically. "Yes! Vroom! Vroom!"
John shook his head, his fists clenching at his sides. "You barely known him! Wh- what if he leaves you?"
Tori's eyes narrowed. "You don't get to judge my decisions, John. I'm careful, I don't let just anyone in like this. Luke isn't like other people. He cares about me. And he wants to care about Riley too."
"And you think that's enough?" John challenged. "Does he have what it takes to be a dad? You think just because he says he cares, it's okay to bring him into my son's life? What if Riley gets attached and then Luke leaves? Huh? What if Riley gets hurt?"
"Riley deserves to have people in his life that love him. And Luke wants to do that. He wants to be there for Riley, to be a positive influence."
John sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I just... I don't want Riley to get hurt, Tori. He's already been through so much."
"I know," Tori replied gently. "But keeping him away from people isn't the answer. Luke isn't trying to replace you, John. You'll always be his dad. He's just trying to be there for Riley, to be a friend."
Luke turned to Riley, who was now making his toy car zoom circles around the coffee table.
"You're doing great, Riley!"
Luke looked back to the kitchen, then at Riley, weighing the situation. He took a deep breath and called out, "Tori, maybe I should talk to John too."
Tori turned her head to Luke, her eyes softening. "I appreciate it, Luke, but this is conversation that we need to have alone."
John also glanced towards the living room, his expression hardening at the sight of his son playing with Luke. "If he has something to say, he should say it now."
Tori reached out, placing a comforting hand on John's arm. "John, please. Let's just talk, okay? Don't... don't worry about Luke right now."
They stood in silence for a moment, the tension slowly easing. Finally, John nodded, though he still looked conflicted. "Okay, fine. But if he ever hurts Riley, Tori, I won't forgive him. Or you."
"He won't. I promise."
John sighed again, the fight leaving him. "Okay. I will try to be civil."
"Thank you," Tori smiled. "For Riley's sake."
John nodded, heading towards the door. "Bye, Riley. Dada will see you later. You have fun with Mama and Luke."
"Bye, Dada! 'Uv 'oo!"
"I love you too, baby."
After John left, the atmosphere in the apartment lightened. Luke continued to play with Riley, who was still a bit hesitant but seemed to overall enjoy Luke's company. Tori watched them for a moment, her heart filling with love and affection for both her son and Luke.
"Hey, Riley, do you wanna show Luke your favourite car?" Tori suggest, kneeling next to her son.
Riley looked up at his mom and then back at Luke, his small fingers fidgeting with a toy car. He seemed unsure, glancing between the two, seeking reassurance from his mom.
"It's okay, bud," Luke said softly, smiling at the toddler. "I'd love to see your favourite car."
Riley slowly reached out, handing Luke a small fire truck. "Dis one," he murmured, still clinging to Tori's side.
"Wow, this is a really cool fire truck!" Luke said, examining it with genuine interest. "Does it make sounds?"
Riley nodded, pressing a button that made the fire truck's siren wail. He glanced up at Luke to see his reaction.
"That's awesome!" Luke exclaimed, his enthusiasm making Riley smile.
Encouraged by Riley's reaction, Tori suggest they go to the park. "How about we take your fire truck to the park, Ri-Ri? We can play on the playground and look at the ducks."
"Yes!" They all put their shoes and headed out, Riley clutching his fire truck tightly.
At the park, Riley stayed close to Tori at first, his eyes wide as he observed the other children playing. Luke sat down on the grass, setting up a small area with Riley's toys.
"Riley, look! We can drive your fire truck on this road," Luke grinned, drawing a pretend road in the dirt with a stuck.
Riley watched for a moment, inching closer, intrigued by the game. He glanced at Tori, who nodded encouragingly.
"It's okay, sweetheart. Go play with Luke."
Riley finally sat next to the boy, still a bit tentative but clearly interested. He placed his fire truck down and together they drove it along the makeshift road, adding little sound effects and making up stories about rescues.
As they played, Riley's shyness began to fade. He started to laugh more, his small voice growing more confident as he directed the fire truck and explained a story to Luke. Tori watched on with a smile, feeling an immense sense of relief.
After some time at the park, they headed back home for lunch. Tori prepared sandwiches while Luke and Riley played with more toys in the living room. Riley was now fully engaged, laughing as Luke pretended to be a new character in their game.
"Mama, 'ook! 'uke is dino!" He exclaimed, pointing at Luke, who was stomping around and making growling noises.
Tori laughed, setting the plate of sandwiches on the table. "That's awesome, Ri! Let's eat lunch, and then we can play some more."
The next few hours were spent playing, completely skipping over Riley's afternoon nap completely. He was too busy playing with Luke.
Dinner time was always an adventure with Riley. As they sat around the small kitchen table, Tori served up plates of spaghetti, Riley's favourite food after mac and cheese. Luke took a seat next to Riley, who was already eagerly stabbing at the noodles with his little plastic fork.
"'Ook, 'uke! I do it all mine-self." Riley exclaimed, proudly showing off his newfound skill.
Luke watched with an amused smile as Riley attempted to twist the spaghetti onto his fork, only to have most of it slip back onto his plate. Undettered, Riley tried again, managing to get a very small clump of noodles into his mouth.
"Great job, buddy!" Luke praised, genuinely impressed by Riley's determination.
Riley beamed, his face lighting up with joy. "Tank 'oo! Mama show me."
"You're doing great, Ri-Ri. But remember to take small bites," Tori added.
As dinner continued, Riley's enthusiasm led to more spaghetti ending up on the table and his high chair than in his mouth. He giggled as a particularly long noodle dangled from his chin.
Luke couldn't help but laugh. "You're making quite the mess, little man," he said, reaching over to wipe a bit of sauce off Riley's cheek.
"'Ghetti is fun! 'Ook, 'uke!"
With that, Riley took another forkful of noodles and lifted it high, causing several noodles to fall on the table. He giggled, kicking his feet, waiting for Luke's reaction.
"Whoa, that's some impressive skill. You might need to teach me how to do that."
Tori shook her head in mock exasperation. "You two are a pair," she said fondly. "But let's try to keep some of the food on the plate, okay?"
Riley nodded, his face serious as he tried to be more careful. Despite the mess, the atmosphere was filled with warmth and laughter. Luke felt like he belonged, enjoying the simple moment with his girlfriend and her son.
After dinner, they all moved to the living room for some relaxation. Tori flipped through their apps on the TV before settling on "Paw Patrol," one of Riley's favourites.
"Patrol!" Riley cheered, clapping his hands as he snuggled into Tori's lap.
Luke sat beside them, throwing his arm over Tori's shoulder. "I've heard a lot about these puppies. Which one is your favourite?"
"What his name, Mama?"
"Marshall, bubba."
"Dat one!" Riley pointed at the screen where the fire pup was making a daring rescue with his friends.
"That's a good choice, bud," Luke nodded, making a mental note to research the rest of the characters in the show.
As the episode played, Riley's eyes remained glued to the screen, occasionally glancing up at Tori and Luke with a large green. Luke couldn't help but feel his heart swell at the sight. The little boy was growing on him, and quickly.
After the episode ended, Tori stood up and stretched. "Alright, Ri-Ri. Bathtime."
Riley pouted, but slid off the couch. "O-tay, Mama."
Luke followed them, watching as Tori began filling the tub with warm water, adding a generous amount of bubble bath.
"Need any help?" Luke asked.
"Sure," Tori laughed, handing him a cup. "You can rinse his hair."
Riley splashed happily, creating mountains of bubbles. Luke carefully poured water over Riley's head, using his hand to shield the boy's eyes.
"You've got this down, buddy," Luke said, impressed by how easy the toddler was being.
"Tank 'oo, 'uke! Bubbles are mine favourite!"
"Mine too."
Once Riley was clean and wrapped in a fluffy towel, they all headed to Tori's bedroom for storytime. Riley picked out a book he loved to read over and over again, "Goodnight Moon." He climbed onto the bed, snuggling between Tori and Luke.
Tori began reading, her voice soft and soothing. Riley leaned against her, his eyes growing heavy. Luke listened intently, feeling a sense of peace wash over him.
"Night-night, Mama. Night-night, 'uke," Riley murmured, already drifting off to sleep.
Luke picked him up, carrying him down the hall to his room. Once he was settled in his crib, they closed the door quietly behind them. Tori turned to Luke, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you for helping me tonight. It means a lot to me. And to Riley too."
Luke wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. "It was my pleasure, V. I loved every minute of it."
Together, they made their way back to the living room, ready to enjoy the rest of their evening, knowing they were building something special not just for themselves but for Riley too.
Victoria prayed it would stay that way...
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marclef · 9 months ago
a special gift for you guys, for this very important Fake Peppino Friday.... after a week of near-continuous work, i present to you the biggest mess i've posted so far to tumblr:
The Fake Peppino Headcanon/Biology/Anatomy/Whatever the heck this is Post
really just a bunch of headcanons, ideas, and other stuff i've complied together for Fake Peppino, illustrated to the best of my ability. i hope you enjoy! ✨✨✨
(caution: lots of text and assorted Frogs up ahead)
now.... who's ready for walls of text and drawings?
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Fake Peppino is a homunculus, made in the shape of Peppino by Pizzahead. He's much taller than the real Peppino, 8 feet tall compared to Peppino's 5 1/2 feet. He was created using the DNA from Peppino (either skin or hair cells), old pizza, and frogs (think Jurassic Park). His entire body, including the hat and "clothes", is comprised of a strange goop, with no flesh organs or bones, though certain areas are made out of specialized goo, meant for an intended purpose.
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He can stretch his body to inhuman lengths, though he usually only does this with his legs, mouth, tongue, and arms. His goopy body is extremely strong, able to withstand tearing and most puncture wounds. Attacks from knives or similar weapons are pointless, as it doesn't really harm him, and will likely just lead to him absorbing the knife into himself and retaliating. However, repeated attacks, especially physical blows, can tire him out, and explosives can harm him, splitting his body into pieces if particularly strong. This doesn't kill him, though, since he can reform his body.
If threatened, or trying to get into a tight spot, Fake Peppino can deform his body into a blob-like mass, allowing him to flee, squeeze into small areas, or melt into the floors/walls. He usually keeps his eyes and brain intact, to see his surroundings and act accordingly. The rest of his body, despite deforming and becoming mushy, can still function, meaning he could still eat in this form if he wanted to. He finds tights spaces comfortable, and can often be found squeezed into unlikely places, such as small containers, trash cans, and cabinets.
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If greatly threatened, though, or sufficiently angered, Fake Peppino can pool all of the energy into his body into growing larger, by rapidly burning energy into making more goop/cells. This is very tiring, generally only used as a last resort. The process generally makes his head and body much larger, with his limbs, as well as eyes/brain, staying mostly the same size. He is dumber in this state, with all energy and thought going into eliminating the target, something that Fake Peppino doesn't like. He avoids lashing out like this unless he absolutely needs to.
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Despite his frog DNA, Fake Peppino doesn't do well with water or other similar liquids. Thanks to his sturdy stomach walls, he can drink most liquids just fine, even fluids that would be dangerous to humans. It's his outside "skin" that's the problem, since it can't absorb liquid properly. Prolonged contact with water or other liquid will quickly cause him to deform, unable to keep his humanoid form, until he's sufficiently dried off/absorbed the liquid properly. He greatly dislikes being wet because of this, and will go to great lengths to avoid it. Warmer liquids are slightly more tolerable, being much more comfortable, so warm, bubbly baths are welcome.
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The brain and eyes are connected directly, with the brain protected by Fake's squishy head, and the eyes popping out the widened eye sockets. The brain is made of very specialized goop, and works very similarly to a human brain, sending signals to all parts of Fake Peppino's body.
However, despite it being the central control center of his body, smaller bits of brain cell goop are distributed through the rest of his body, allowing him to control other parts separately. So, even if parts of him are detached or otherwise removed, he can still control them, for a time. After some time, these parts die off though, losing control and deforming into inert goop. He mainly uses this ability to split "clones" off of himself, controlling them to attack perceived threats.
Being made of goop, Fake's brain can withstand damage a normal brain can't, but he still prefers to keep it protected underneath his head. It dries out a bit in the open, too, which he finds uncomfortable.
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Fake Peppino's eyes are very strong. Though he's often seen with a cross-eyed look to him, he's constantly watching his surroundings, even if it doesn't seem it. He has excellent night vision, often using this ability to easily stalk and sneak up on prey in the dark without being spotted.
He doesn't need to blink, but he still closes his eyes to sleep, when he's very happy, or during certain actions, such as swallowing. His eyes are one of the most vulnerable parts of his body, though, and attacking them would be a way to easily disorient him.
Fake Peppino's sense of smell is also impressive, being able to smell things long before he sees them. He uses this ability to easily find food, prey, or simply something he wants. The mustache under his nose (which, same as his "hair", is also made of goop) is sensitive, and he doesn't like others touching it.
Fake Peppino often sniffs things he's interested in, including strangers, to try to get a sense for them. He never forgets a particular smell, which makes it easy to tell if a familiar person is nearby. He often sniffs others while holding them or being given attention, likely as a form of interaction. Plus, he just thinks most others smell nice.
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Despite, like the rest of him, being made of goop, Fake Peppino's teeth can harden to be extremely tough. They soften if he needs them to, such as when he deforms. His bite force is very, very strong, comparable to a hippo's bite. He doesn't chew his food too often, though, and only really chews up food he finds particularly tasty, such as pizza. His frog-like instinct usually compels him to swallow most foods whole. His teeth are more often used to grip things, such as prey items, or to carry things around. He enjoys carrying things he likes around, and will carry smaller friends around gently with his mouth.
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The stretchiest part of Fake Peppino's body is his tongue, which can stretch to several times his body length. It is very sticky, coated with a clear, saliva-like goop that fills the inside of his mouth as well. Like a frog, he uses it to grab onto and eat food from afar, or to grab items he doesn't feel like using his arms to. It's very strong, and can drag even very heavy objects. The tongue's extreme flexibility allows him to reach it nearly anywhere, even down his own throat if he really wanted.
Usually, Fake Peppino uses his tongue to snatch fleeing prey items, and he can wrap it around their body to make them easier to eat. He often leaves his tongue dangling slightly out of his mouth, due to its length, but also making it easy to strike with if needed.
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Fake Peppino's "stomach" is a very special case. It functions like both an organic stomach, and similarly to a lung as well, constantly moving by pushing air in and out of himself. He can use this to inflate his body, making himself bigger for intimidation (like some frogs do), or to shrink himself down by releasing all air from himself; this is generally used if a prey item is being uncooperative, to cause them to suffocate. To help keep live prey in place as well, he's able to close off his throat with a mass of goop, preventing escape.
The constant movement of the stomach makes digesting meals easier, allowing them to be coated by a specialized goop that absorbs and dissolves what it covers, like stomach acids. Fake Peppino's stomach can digest almost everything, aside from very tough materials, such as most metals, very solid plastics, tough minerals (like rocks), and bones. Anything he can't digest, he simply spits up eventually, generally in a place it can be disposed of, such as the trash.
His stomach is very sturdy and stretchy, able to withstand almost anything, and can stretch as much as needed to fit what's inside. As such, there's not much of a limit to how much Fake Peppino can eat. Eating too much makes him sluggish, though, as his body tries to process it all. Fake Peppino is most content with a reasonably-full stomach, and is generally quite calm and relaxed after a large meal. Belly rubs at this point are greatly appreciated.
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If needed to, he can reach his arms back into his own throat, to grab something from inside of his stomach. He doesn't do it often, due to most things he eats being digestible, making carrying stuff around in there fairly pointless. This is only ever really the case if it's something too difficult to spit up, or something that wasn't supposed to be eaten in the first place.
There is no further digestive system, however; all food eaten is 100% absorbed in the stomach. Everything he eats is converted into more goop like him, leaving no trace behind, unless it is undigestible. Bones from eaten prey such as rats get thrown out, or disposed of in an appropriate spot.
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and... though I didn't get to drawing them, here's a couple extra unsorted headcanons/dumb little tidbits I just felt like sharing!
He makes lots of strange sounds, communicating more through groans and frog-like croaks than trying to speak. He CAN talk, but not well, mostly in broken, short sentences, and usually speaks "backwards". He can understand others just fine, though he struggles with especially long and complicated words. The sounds he makes when not talking are generally unintelligable, but his mood and tone can indicate how he feels. He uses the ability to inflate his body to produce very loud, aggressive sounds when trying to ward off threats.
His gooey body is what allows him to cling to walls and ceilings with ease. He sticks to walls while trying to stalk prey, or just to play around with friends. Though, in some cases, he'll cling against the walls or ceiling if frightened, finding them a safe vantage point. If you're in the dark and feel something creeping its way towards you, it's likely Fake Peppino, silently stalking you from the walls.
Despite his inhuman traits, Fake Peppino generally doesn't like the idea of eating humans. He still sees himself as somewhat human from his time spent believing he was the real Peppino. Attacking or eating things he doesn't see as prey is kept as a last resort, or if he's extremely angered. As of now in my canon/AU, there is only one person Fake Peppino has killed in this way. He didn't like the taste.
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laswells-ashtray · 26 days ago
Soooo because I can't write this properly, so I'm entrusting you with this.
Nik hurt Price comfort.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
Nikolai knows he isn't a young man anymore.
He hears men in their twenties make internet references that go over his head, they all sound like gibberish but apparently, they're humorous to surrounding 20-something year old men.
There are specks of grey starting to appear when he lets his stubble grow out and one stubborn steel strand behind his left ear that he can't seem to hide when he tucks his hair back.
But the excruciating sharp pain that spreads throughout his knee more often than not when he gets out of bed in the morning is a slap in the face to the man he once was.
Realistically he'd always known that the work he does would catch up with him but something about taking that extra minute in the morning just so that he can move without his right knee going out from under him is humiliating.
It isn't just his age, old injuries have a way of making themselves known but it would seem that the older he gets, the longer the list of pains that ail him.
Nikolai is a grown man, he can admit that it awakens an insecurity inside of him that he thought buried. Is he still good enough for John? He had proven himself many years ago but he no longer has the same vitality and agility that he had so often taken for granted.
John is a man in his prime. When did he pass his?
There are many things that a man can ponder whilst waiting to regain the full use of his right knee and yet Nikolai always seems to fall back into that swirling pool of shame and self-doubt. He has yet to find a way out of the water without letting himself drown, choking back into awareness.
One hand rests on the edge of his nightstand, holding him steady as he keeps his weight on his left leg. It's a practised routine by now.
Curling his toes into the carpeted floor beneath him acts as a source of amusement, it is one of few actions that can offer him a distraction as he waits out the aching.
John's string of curses as he batters his pinky off of the doorway is as close to a greeting as he'll receive, he believes that the phrase Sergeant MacTavish would use to describe his partner's ordeal is Fucked It.
The captain somehow manages to overcome his anguish as he approaches Nikolai, stopping in front of him and offering his knee a look of contempt as if the joint had assaulted him personally.
When will it become an inconvenience to him? A flaw that he just can't see past.
"Still playing up?"
He offers John a reluctant nod, there's no use in denying the obvious.
"Why not sit down? It's clearly worse than usual and you're only doing yourself more harm standing, give it a bit of time as you sit down then try to walk around again later."
John's suggestion is deliberately gentle and by the look on his face, Nikolai knows that he's expecting a fight. Maybe he expects the pilot to blow up at him like he has before on one of his worst days, a memory that causes guilt to hack away at what little parts he has that remain undamaged.
Instead, he lowers himself onto the edge of their bed and pretends to miss John's obvious relief.
The other man is quick to park himself beside Nikolai only to fall back until he's sprawled on top of the duvet, fingers hooked on the edge of the mattress as he stares up at their ceiling.
"Back's fucked today. Was thinking of staying in for a bit but if neither of us are up to it then we could go for a lazy day. Bed and Bond, best way to go."
He glances down at his partner, catching the faint grimace on his face as he tries to shift his weight off of the lower left side of his back.
For both of their sakes, he can succumb to his desire for laziness in the name of pain relief.
"C'mere, lie down with me. Can get a catnap in if I've got a good-looking man in my bed and he'll let me use him as a pillow."
The sincerity in John's tone is almost sickening, as is the warm look as he lifts his head just to admire Nikolai. There's an undeniable honesty about the devotion that the other man dedicates to him, his very existence even in its worst state is something that John cherishes. It almost makes him feel bad for doubting them both.
So, he nudges John's shoulder and waits for the other man to settle back onto the side of the bed that he had abandoned only an hour ago before he makes the move to lie down. The pain in his knee is no longer torturous, throbbing lessened to a mere irritation.
The pilot feigns exasperation almost as well as the captain often hides it. "Flattery will gain you nothing."
In lieu of responding, John just plants his face on one of his tits and nuzzles into his chest hair.
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jkmyluv · 1 year ago
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Pairing : Boxer jk × Female reader
Genre : Established relationship, Boxer au
Summary : Spending the whole day going on various dates with your boyfriend, starting from amusement parks to trying sushi for the first time with your boyfriend.
Warnings : Female reader, Butt taps, KISSES, a few suggestive comments but no actual smut, making out, shy reader and jk, Reader hates sushi (sorry if u don't lmao), cringe couple shit.
The bright light shines down on your and your boyfriends face as you struggle to get into your boyfriends car. "Need help getting your cute ass in there?" He asks causing you to groan, "Its all your fault jeon, shut up" you speak up glaring at him.
He feigns innocence and teasingly replies while holding his chest pretending to be hurt, "baby it was not me who was whining yesterday night to go faster"
"Its not my fault my boyfriend doesn't know how to fuck properly that I have to beg him to do the bare minimum" you look up at him with a teasing glint but immediately regret it when you see his dark gaze.
"And thats why you squirted three times yesterday, was yesterday not enough brat?", causing you to immediately smile and peck his cheek,
"I'm just kidddinngggg jungkook, don't be mean and start the car, I wanna go ride all the rides and don't be scared ill protect you",
causing jungkook to scoff, "Lets see whose the one who ends up crying like a baby". The car ride is pretty silent except for jungkook singing and cursing at people for not driving properly.
"You're so handsome" causing jungkook to look away from you and blush "get down baby we're here"
Here you were standing in the line for about 40 mins to get on the ferris wheel, because according to jungkook its very romantic, "jungkook i can't do it please, its so hot i can't even stand" you say while taking heavy breathes causing jungkook to look at you while rasing his eyebrows, his hands grip your waist and pulls you closer, " If u wanted me to carry you so badly, all u could've done is asked instead of whining" he smirks and abruptly lifts you up causing you to yell at him.
"Jungkook are you dumb, put me down there are kids here, put me down you idi-mmph"
You feel jungkooks lip press onto yours harshly and his hands grip you tightly in his arms, you start feeling all giddy inside until u feel him pull away and lick a stripe up your cheeks. "JUNGKOOK YOU'RE DISGUSTING"
Jungkook puts you down and back hugs you so that you won't be able to hit him, "baby thats just how I show i love you, and u smelled so good" causing you to admit your Defeat.
The sun starts setting down and jungkook decides that its time to picnic in the park,so you and you're beloved boxer boyfriend sit on the mat that you layed out.
You both were lying on your stomach and facing each other, jungkook had one of his hands on your hips holding your long flowy skirt down, and your hands were caressing his eyebrows, eyes, his scar, his lips, as you lean to Peck his lips.
"Did I tell you, you look really pretty today and the skirt looks really good on you"
"You did" , "nothing wrong with saying it again, you're so pretty, the prettiest and the cutest, even though we argue like kids sometimes, but that's something I wouldn't change for the world." This makes you tear up a but as jungkook was never really someone who spoke his feelings, you push his chest and make him lay on his back and lay on top of him with only your lower body on the mat and your upper bodies pressed together, you start pecking all over his face and whisper lovingly " i love you so much jungkook, you're so cute, the cutest cutie pie"
causing jungkook to groan, "I'm not cute baby, way to ruin the moment" causing you to giggle, "just like how your hard on is ruining the moment by poking my stomach, can't even be romantic with my boyfriend" you huff and lay down on your side facing away from him pretending to be mad.
Jungkook pinches your hips, "cmon turn around" and you don't.
But jungkook takes this as a perfect opportunity to hit your butt, the sound of his hands hitting your butt echoes through your ears as you yelp and bring your hands to cover your rear. "Stop that jeon, it hurts" making jungkook coo and rub your butt and he proceeds to pat it, " there you go all better or do u want me to kiss it better?"
"Talk to me when your hard on is gone", you say.
Jungkook sighs and lifts your head and slides it onto his arm, as a pillow and hugs your waist from behind. "What are you doing" , "spooning my baby, what can I do when my girlfriends being all cute and sexy, ofcourse I'm gonna get hard" you blush as you feel his hard on on your back.
You turn around in his arm and wrap your arms around his neck, making him wrap his arms around your waist, you both smile at each other and you slowly inch closer, you feel his breath on you're lips and you pull him closer and press your lips on his, his hands immediately grip you tighter and pull you closer causing you to whimper. Jungkook groans at that and pushes his tounge inside your mouth roughly and grips your chin to pull you even more closer, making you pull away from the absence of air, whimpering. But you have no time to catch your breath as a pair of lips proceeds to press itself on your lips and jungkooks hand pulls you even more closer, you try pushing him away by his chest, but he doesn't even budge.
"I c-cant breathe m-mphh* resulting in jungkook to finally pull away and giggle.
All this loving peace lasts for a moment until we see an old couple walking up to us yelling about public indecency causing you to freak out and get up and trying to make jungkook get up, "jungkook come on let's run", "baby tf are they gonna do, let them fucking come ill take care of them, don't be scared"
"JUNGKOOK IF YOU DONT GET UP RIGHT NOW I SWEAR IM GONNA CRY" this threat results in jungkook complying as you both hold each others hands and make a run for it as the old couples curses slowly dissappear into thin air and the only thing that's audible is the laughter that vibrates off of your chest, and the pure love you have for each other, at this moment you silently look up at jungkook and admire him and you realize how lucky you are to have a man like him.
"Stop looking at me like that if you don't want me to eat you", "you know what I'm hungry jungkook". After a back and forth argument of where to eat, you both decide to eat at this sushi place, as you told you're boyfriend you've never had sushi.
"Come on baby order anything you want, I'll pay" causing you to giggle "ofc sugar daddy"
"I can be your daddy if you like"
"JUNGKOOK", "I'm sorry"
You regret this, you can't eat it, you feel like throwing up, "it tastes so bad, how do people eat this?" Causing jungkook to act like he was offended "how dare you say that to my baby, she tastes so good, baby you don't have to eat it, order something else If you want"
That night when you had food poisoning, jungkook was the one who held your hair back when you threw up, he was the one who made sure you fell asleep with no discomfort, he made sure to stay awake to ensure you don't wake up in the middle of the night due to discomfort, he was the one who made sure you were warm and comfortable, he was the one who loved you, he was the one who put up with your tantrums, he was the one who let's you cuddle him every night even though he pretends to hate it, he is the one who always offers a shoulder to cry on or put your legs on.
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iloveparkjonggun · 1 year ago
Lookism men x wife!reader
characters included; Gun, Goo and Jake. reader is fem, nicknames(dear, sweetkins, princess etc) , characters are aged up, SFW, fluff fluff AND fluff.
A/N: after finishing lookism, i couldn't stay silent any longer, i HAD to write for them despite literally having no idea how to, i suppose that this is the first time i'm writing something properly, haha. Anyways, have fun reading <3
_____ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚_______
. . . . . ╰──╮Park JongGun╭──╯ . . . . .
Gun aged like a fine wine, you must admit. The day you laid your eyes on him for the first time ever still replayed in your mind, although you wouldn't really admit it. Witnessing with a new student while you were just chasing around your cat was the least thing you expected, and that attidute of his, you didn't expect that either. You were 16 at that time, young and full of life. Life was dready sometimes, that's a fact that no one could never get rid of including you, but who cares? We're here to have fun, and that's how you lived your life. When you gave Gun a slight smile along with a wave for the first time, he just replied with a single glance and turned away. He was odd, you thought. You were familiar with the most of the students in your school, and since he was a new face, you just wanted to greet him kindly. And how did that thug react? Exactly.
That's when that guy, who's name you learned later sucesfully inserted himself in the bad side of you, you could easily tell that he was a delinquent from the way you looked, but still you can't judge a book by its cover, but including that attitude with that presence? yeah, he definetely was a delinquent.
You just had no idea how the time melted so quick, the guy who used to be nothing but a delinquent in your eyes years ago was now behind you, arms roaming around your waist, stroking you as if you were a sculpture while you were just trying to cook dinner. ''Dear,'' you call out, a smile unconsciously appearing in your lips. ''Go take a shower first, you must be tired after work.''
He almost purrs while nibbling on the side of your neck, ''I am. So let me reduce my exhaustion.'' You could feel him inhaling your scent, lips contacting with your skin, leaving several soft kisses which caused you to giggle slightly. ''Alright, enough. Go shower, dinner's almost ready.'' You turn your head, leaning closer to him. knowing what you were up to, he moves his face to the side, his cheek waiting to feel your lips on it. Expecting to greet with his cheek, you greet with his lips instead, tasting the cigaratte at the same time. Damn it, you think. You fell for this move again. The chuckles coming from him while he makes his way to the bathroom only increases the heat of your cheeks. With a sigh, you continue to cook, a smile on your face.
. . . . . ╰──╮Goo Kim ╭──╯ . . . . .
''Princess!~'' cooed Goo, grinning with his full teeth, seeming utterly excited on whatever he was about to show you. ''Guess what just happened.''
''What?'' You answer, pair of eyes still glued to your phone, which instantly goes noticed by your husband. A frown already on his face, he leans his head to your phone, blocking you from the view of your phone. ''Look at me, not at the phone.'' He narrows his eyes and gives you that pout. You put your phone aside, now your full attention on your needy husband. Resting his head on your lap, he gives you a cheeky smile.
''Guess what day tomorrow is!''
''September 11th?'' You ask, one eyebrow slightly raising as you played dumb.
''Yes it is but, that wasn't the answer i was looking for.'' His lips quivers, before he tilts his head ''Don't tell me that you forgot, Y/N~'' He whines, which was when you decide that it was the time to drop the mask. A chuckle could be heard from you as you gaze down at him.
"Silly. what do you think that i was searching at my phone?''
''Wha- hey, you're just trying to change the topic now!''
''No im not, dumbass. I was searching for places to spend your anniversary.''
''Stop trying to change the to- Oh.'' Hearing those words causes the pout replace with a smile which easily reached his ears. ''Aww, sweetkins!'' In a blink of an eye, Goo was now straddling your lap, throwing his arms around your neck while he buried your head on his chest, rubbing your head on his chest as he hugged you. ''I knew that you didn't forget about it!''
'' 'Course i didn't forget, how could i- Goo get the hell away from me i cant breathe.''
''Oh.'' From his facial expression you clarify that he forgot how heavy and muscular he was for a moment. Now, you were the one on top of him, sitting on his laps as he hugged you, grinning up at you through your chest. ''Better now?''Your hand extends to his blond hand on its own as you smile back. ''Better.''
. . . . . ╰──╮ Jake Kim ╭──╯ . . . . .
You were gazing at the big deal street with your husband, head resting on his shoulder, his hand slowly stroking your waist, keeping you close as the cheerful talks of the people mixed with each other on the background while you both enjoyed each other's company in silence ''How odd.'' You break the silence first, recalling memories. ''Years passed, yet, this street still looks the same.'' Glancing up towards Jake, your smile widened at the sight of the smile displaying on your beloved's lips.
His irises' attention was now on you instead of the street as he smirked. ''How odd.'' He repeated your sentence, ''Years passed, yet, you're still beautiful as you were before.'' lips slightly parting away, you couldn't even reply to that sudden compliment, but your face sure did, which earned a loud laugh from your husband as he brought you closer, while you frowned, eyes on your shoes, attempting to hide your red cheeks despite already being aware that it wouldn't work.
''Damn you romancist.''
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hai7ani · 1 year ago
静かな SHIZUKANA haitani rindou
sfw, an extra to the home collection ⛆
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you get into an argument with rindou on the way to the supermarket on a saturday evening and the first thing he says after you make up is "i love you," into your ear when he kisses your neck in the middle of the canned food aisle.
groceries are for sundays, but you're really craving for some yakult right now so you said to stop by the store for a quick grocery run and rindou nods.
the two of you engage in a conversation and it slowly turns heated when the car stops at a red light and the argument isn't really that deep. it's over something silly, rindou and you both know that, but you're getting upset with his words and he's growing frustrated at your curt replies and neither of you knows what exactly it was that has you crossing your arms and looking out the window instead when he tells you to look at him. you're just upset and you don't know why.
please look at me.
i don't want to.
he observes you through his peripheral vision with one hand gripping the steering wheel and the other arm propped up by the window -- his head leaning on it -- and he sighs when he feels himself getting overstimulated. he thinks the angry red lights of the car in front are mocking him for his position -- getting you upset and pouty and he doesn't know what to do -- and he wipes a palm over his face.
you notice rindou's defeat beside you and shift a little in your seat, suddenly feeling a bit awkward with the silence. the radio is playing very faintly through the speakers -- rindou always turns it down whenever you're both speaking in the car -- and you move to adjust the volume louder. a session of the weekend radio talkshow comes up and you both (you're sure he's hearing it too) listen as the hosts talk about the major factors causing a relationship to fall apart.
your lips tremble a little when they mention the point of "lack of communication and understanding" because that's exactly what the both of you just did and you scratch at your forehead. rindou quickly switches it to another channel, a pop song playing in the background and you start breathing properly again.
he pinches your arm gently and you look at him. "sit properly." he says softly, noting towards your slouchy body and you sit up straight at his reminder. he helps you to adjust the flat pillow propped behind your back against the car seat and you lean back down to shift to a more comfortable position. rindou grabs your bag from your lap and places it behind under the carseat, "better?" you nod when you feel yourself getting relaxed and he starts driving again after making sure you're feeling okay.
when he pulls up to the parking lot, you quietly unbuckle your seatbelt and exit the car before he can tell you anything. he's wanted to make sure you're both okay before getting out but you seem so upset and overwhelmed and rindou understands. though he can't help but feel his heart tighten when he sees only your back and you're standing in front of the car quietly crossing your tiny sling bag over your torso, adjusting it so that the handle doesn't press on your bump. your white linen dress sways softly when gentle wind blows past and he thinks you're so pretty. the dress fits you so well and your hair is done nice and he really wants to tell you all that. but you start walking ahead when he locks the car with a beep and he can only follow behind you -- he can only watch as you enter the store and smile softly at the familiar old man (the security) standing by the doors.
rindou reaches for the cart after nodding at the old man as greeting and he props his elbows on the handle, pushing it forward and he sulks while following behind. you don't talk to him and he doesn't talk to you, but he's silently admiring the outline of your body from behind and he's eyeing the way your hips sway with every step you take. he watches as you compare prices and grab a little of something for the house and he can only smile to himself when he sees you grabbing a 5+1 bag of kitkat and a bar of kinder bueno's from the shelves and place it in the cart side by side.
rindou checks in there and sees how you're placing things together. his carton of milk and your box of green tea side by side. grapes -- his favourite -- in two boxes instead of one even though it's expensive because you know he likes eating it. your favourite broccolis in one big plastic bag sealed tight and sits in the corner buried underneath his protein powder and some frozen foods.
and you're busy eyeing different spaghetti sauces when he calls for you. "baby," you look behind to see him holding a big can of familiar milk powder and your heart softens. "you needed this, right?" you nod and he nods -- doctor fujita recommended that you try it on your last appointment and you've sent a photo of the brand to him before and he remembered.
and while you stand there staring at him who is busy checking the words on the milk powder, you find yourself not upset with him anymore. you think you were being unreasonable with him earlier. you want to say you're sorry -- that you didn't mean it when you called him a jerk -- and you want to get closer to him. and so you do. you move on your feet, abandoning the mission at hand (he is far more important) and you stand beside rindou while he rearranges the mess in the cart. everything is toppled on top of each other and he doesn't like it when he thinks the detergent powder is way too close your broccoli.
"i'll do it." you push his arm gently and he lets you take control. he watches as you arrange the things properly and when you're done his heart feels more at ease as you slide yourself between him and the cart while pushing it forward.
"was looking for the brand of spaghetti sauce my friend recommended. i can't find it though." you murmur and he wraps an arm around your body, hand moving to place itself on your belly with the other wrapped around yours and holding onto the handle. "what brand?" you tell him the name and he sees it straight away -- right at the top of the shelf and he swiftly grabs it down for you. "this one?" you smile sheepishly when you realise you're just too short to find it and he pinches your nose, a teasing smirk plastered on his lips and you pinch his cheek in return.
rindou pulls you close by your waist after you place the can down and he kisses the side your head, inhaling the scent of your shampoo and you smile into his chest. he leans his head down next and presses a soft kiss to your neck, then to your collarbone and you flush when you see someone walking past. but you don't push rindou away -- you never do. you think it's a bit silly to be this intimate in public and rindou has never been a pda type of person but a part of you thinks it's sweet when you've got your quiet husband clinging onto your pregnant body and kissing all over the exposed areas of your torso up.
"sorry," he rubs at your back and you lean your head on his shoulder, cheek squashed and he pecks your forehead after brushing your hair away. "didn't mean to get you angry." you shake your head with a frown, "i'm sorry for calling you a jerk." you bury your face in his jumper and wet the fabric a little because you feel so bad calling him that -- it just came out of nowhere -- but he simply hugs you close, whispering that it's okay and he knows that you didn't mean it. and you spend a minute or two apologising to each other and you think he's so prince charming when he looks up to smile at the elderly lady observing the two of you from beside.
you smile, a bit shy when she praises your love and rindou bids goodbye when she walks off with her grandson tugging on her shirt. "baa-chan, who's that?" he asks. "just two people in love." she says.
and rindou leans his head back down to your neck and sways your body in his arms softly to the jazz music playing through the speakers and you pat his back. "love you, pretty." your cheeks warm at his sudden confession and you kiss his shoulder. "love you too, handsome." it's teasing and he knows and he taps on your ass subtly. you kick his leg and hurriedly look around to make sure nobody actually saw that and he stifles a laugh when he sees how panicked you are.
and you both walk around the store for the remaining of the trip with your body caged between his and the cart. every now and then, rindou sneaks little kisses to you when he thinks nobody is looking and you grab one of his hands to place little kisses on his knuckles then place it on your bump.
"love you." and he says it again when you both are waiting in line to checkout and you press yourself closer to him at that, relishing in his warmth and his love. "i love you, too."
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reblogs are appreciated! ૮₍⇀‸↼‶₎ა thank you for reading <3
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starsomens · 5 months ago
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 10 •... 𝓘'𝓿𝓮 𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓬𝓪𝓶𝓮
̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿   ‿ ̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿
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Warnings: Guns! Violence! Mentions of Blood and fighting and stabbing! Horribly written action i am so sorry...characters depicted to be hurt, blood mentions, chloroform used, language, DESCRIPTION CHARACTER DEATH!
̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿   ‿ ̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿
Unaware of how many hours had passed, you only knew that you had dozed off briefly. Despite your best efforts to free yourself, your attempts were futile. Unknown to you, someone was outside orchestrating your rescue. In a nearby forest, just off the property, Noah and his men were preparing their move.
"We do this clean, short, and efficiently," Noah spoke as he stood among his men. Their vans parked just outside of Lucien's perimeter "Get Y/N, kill who you must and get the fuck out. I don't want one hair on her head gone is that understood?"
"Yes sir!" his men cry in unison, Jolly then steps forward
"Folio will head the initial group to create our entry point, then my team and I will follow to ensure a clear path for Noah to locate Y/N," he gestures towards Nick, who is equipping the van with surveillance and medical gear. "Nick is our support; his word is our command. If he says we retreat, we retreat."
"Yes sir!"
Folio rolls his ski mask down to cover his face his signature grin still evident on his face "let's rock this bitch."
He loaded his bullets into the chamber, started his bike, and revved the engine. Leading the first group on his motorcycle with the rest following on foot, they approached the gates, which were rigged to blow open, providing Folio with the opportunity to charge in. Most would consider this move foolish, but there was a reason he was known as The MadMan. Diving headfirst into danger only fueled his adrenaline rush.
Although Nick remains in the rear, he is crucial as their sniper. Despite the distance, he is the most skilled sharpshooter they possess. The abrupt breach of the front gates startled Lucien's men, who rushed from the large house, armed and prepared to shoot any intruders. With shots exchanged, some men fell while others were merely grazed by bullets, providing Jolly and his team the opportunity to advance, paving the way for Noah and additional reinforcements.
Noah has one goal, and one goal alone. And that was to get to you. Knowing Lucian and the layout of his building, he knew that he kept most captives in the basement. Now, typically most people would not be attempting something like this however, Noah was not most people. Lucien knew exactly what he was capable of. And that’s why this place was crawling with so many of his goons. But it wasn’t enough to stop Noah.
The door to your cell swung open as Lucien and Denise stepped inside. You could barely make out the commotion outside, but you were certain it was Noah causing it. Denise moved around you, untying the ropes that bound you.
"Get up," you hear a click, and suddenly, you're staring down the barrel of a gun mere inches from your face. "Looks like your hardheaded boy is here," Lucien growls deeply. As soon as the ropes loosen, you rise from your chair and wait for Denise to come into view, her piercing blue eyes scrutinizing you from head to toe.
"look at you now," he sneers "just a pathetic bitch who had got lucky for a few months," a shit eating grin graced her face
"and look at you...Noah still doesn't want you," you lean in closer "what a pathetic little bitch....chasing after a man who doesn't care about her or her dumb ass little-"
Another sharp slap comes to the same cheek from before, this time it stung so much more than before. Before you could react a clothes was held up against your nose and mouth. You struggled and fight as Lucien grips yours arms behind your back. Your visions blurs, you can't breath properly, your knees felt weak, you blink you blink your eyes to stay awake but you are consumed by darkness in mere seconds.
As they ascended the stairs into the cooler, darker parts of the building, bodies were dropping like flies. Each door was violently forced open in a frantic search for you. Yet, each room revealed itself to be just as vacant as the previous, escalating his desperation. At last, reaching the final door at the corridor's end, he kicked it in, expecting to find you tied to an empty chair. His blood boiled with rage, his heart pounded against his chest, the rush of blood roaring in his ears. He knew you had been there, and now you had vanished once more.
“FUCK!” Let out frustrated grunt as he kicks the chair against the wall “ I don’t care how you do it, who you have to kill, turn this place inside out. And fucking find her,”
“Oh we don’t have to go there now do we Sebastian?” a familiar voice comes close as shoes click their way down the hall. His eyes are empty of any compassion or empathy. Looking over his shoulder his eyes land on none other than Alfred.
Betrayal. Bastard. Mother Fucker. Piece of shit!
Noah brushes past his men and grab Alfred by the collar and shoves him against the wall "You fucking bastard, where is she?!"
"Now Mr-" Noah crashes his forehead against his nose. A crack and groan filled the hall
"Shut the fucks up and tell me where!" Noah was not up for playing any games. He presses him into the wall more, putting pressure on his throat,
"L-Lucien's o-ffice...."He stutters, blood trickling down his nose and into his mouth. Noah releases his grip, and he collapses to the ground. Looking at his men he says,
“Tie him up, take him to Nick. I’ll deal with him later,” he commands his men, and if looks could kill. Alfred would have been obliterated on the spot
“Yes sir,” the pick up Alfred and start to escort him out of the building. Alfred knew exactly where he was going, and it would be far from anything pleasant…. Securing his gun into his waistband, he starts running out of the basement and up to the last floor where Lucien would be,
“Noah!,” his ear piece rang “what are you doing—“
“I’m not going to let her sit there waiting for something to happen to her,”
“Think for a second Noah! This is what he wants!” Nick tried to reason with him “you need to think! He could be planning to kill you!"
"Well what the fuck else am I supposed to do Nick?" Noah asks in frustration as he ascends the stairs to his office.
"I've got a plan, but you need to stall him," Nick said typing away at keyboard in the VAN, "Stall him until I'm able to blow a portion of the building, it'll be enough for us to get Y/N, and get out of here," it wasn't a solid proof plan, but the main objective here was to get you out.
Noah stands outside the office, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He harbors a fierce desire to confront Lucien for daring to touch you. Shifting his gun to rest out of sight behind his back, he grasps the handles and pushes the double doors open. They swing wide to reveal Lucien in his usual place, seated behind his large desk, a cigar perched between his lips.
As Noah stepped in, it was reminiscent of the first time he had been accepted into V.A.N. His footsteps were softened by the carpet as his gaze swept the room, searching for any discrepancies or concealed adversaries. However, what he discovered was Mathew, slumped against the wall, appearing almost lifeless. He stops a few feet away from the desk
"where is she..." he asks once
"You know, I still remember the day I took you under my wing. A teenager with nothing but potential," he said, rising from his desk and approaching a portrait on the wall. It depicted a younger Noah, standing beside him and other members. "I recognized a bit of myself in you. You were detached, strategic, willing to do whatever it took to rise to the top… and now, look at you."
He turns to face Noah with a sneer "killing my men for some bitch who ain't worth half of what you are,"
Denise slithers into the room like a snake sneaking up to its prey. She comes up to Noah and trails her fingers over his shoulder to rest on his chest,
"Hi Noah...did you miss me?" she asks in an annoyingly sweet tone. Noah was still focused on Lucien
"She didn't want you, left you, disrespected you… just leave, marry Denise, take over V.A.N. It will all be over, you can start anew," he steps forward two steps, "and we can continue as if none of this ever happened."
"Where is she...." Noah asked once again, ignoring Denise and disregarding Lucien's offer "Just give her back, and I'll leave....."
"Well she is here," he scoffs as he walks towards a closet off to the side of the room, opening it your body slumps out of the space, motionless "Just not in the best state"
"Y/N," he rushes to you and kneels at your side. Holding your head in his hand as his other gently touches your face, smoothing over the purple mark growing on your cheek. "y/n, princess come on wake up for me..." he said it so softly. Like he didn't want to wake you, but he needed to know you were alive, that you were okay....
"You got 2 options here Noah," Noah didn't dare look at Lucien "You can leave here in one piece, and follow what should be. Or you can both go down...or should I say three," he huffed referred to Mathew still slumped against the wall
"Lucien...." he gently laid you on the ground as he slowly rose from the ground "....do you remember when you beat the shit out of me for touching your shit?"
"Little shit....you had to learn to not touch what's min-" a punch landed right to his jaw cutting him off from his sentence. He groans as an intense anger burned inside of him "Oh you Mother Fucker!" The two exchanged blows and ducks, swings and throws. Lucien was hit, Noah had sustained a nose bleed.
All the commotion stirred you to finally come to
"mmm...n-noah...." you just knew it was him. His fuzzy figure as he ducks and swings. While Lucien may have trained Noah, he was older and slower, Noah was much swifter and managed to get Lucien into a headlock.
"Noah it's ready! Get the fuck out, now!" Nick speaks into his ear. Using all of his force, he tried his best to push Lucian into the corner of the room. He runs over to Matthew and grab him by the shirt and shake him a bit. His eyes blink open, still in a daze
"Fucking wake up Mathew come on-ah!" Lucien is on Noah again gripping him into a headlock. Noah thrashed and tried his best to get out of the man's grip. He took a chance and reached behind him and pushed his thumbed into his sockets, freeing himself.
Just like a guardian angel coming to his rescue Jolly stops in the doorway. Finding Noah to get him out of the building before it was blown.
"Jolly get Y/N out of here!" he grunts as he blocks blows and tries to land more,
"Noah we need to--"
"TAKE HER NOW!" There's a loud thump as he pushes Lucien to the wall and holding him there for Jolly to pick you up. Jolly runs inside, grabs you and picks you up, running out of the room. Your hand weakly reaching for Noah as he becomes a small fuzzy figure. You felt as though you were moving in slow motion, you could feel every step Jolly took, every turn he made, once outside he rushes you to Nick. He lays you down in the emergency bed in the van so Nick could examine you, making sure there were no severe injuries. Jolly was about to leave the VAN again before you grab his hand stopping him
"W-where's Noah?" you ask
"He's still inside, I'm going back for him-" Jolly answers grabbing a pistol and loading it
"Jolly you can't we're about to blow this shit-"
"He's still fucking in there!"
"The count is already happening I can't fucking stop it!" The two long haired men were going on it. Jolly wanted to rush in, and Nick couldn't stop the count down. While they were arguing, time was ticking by. You stand up and move as quick as you could out of the van and start walking towards the large building again. You were convinced if you stumbled fast enough you could make it to Noah. Meanwhile Jolly and Nick call after you to come back. You felt as if you were so close! So damn CLOSE!
The building busted into flames before your eyes. The loud explosion made yours hands fly to your ears an duck down for cover. Looking back at the scene all you could scream was,
. . . . . . .
It was so sudden when the explosion went off. It threw both Lucian and Noah off-balance. Not even worrying to fight one another anymore, but to cover their heads from falling debris. When Noah opens his eyes once again, he was surrounded by rubble and fire. Most of the building was still intact, but before was starting to cave in on itself. He was still conscious, which meant he still had a chance to get out.
He coughs into his hand, trying to block out as much smoke as he could. He knew this place like the back of his hand he could run out without even looking up. Once he was on his feet and he started to walk his ankle was then grabbed by a grip of pure venom.
“You!” Lucien coughed “you’re not going anywhere! If I go down, you’re going down with me and this shit hole!!” There was a sudden sharp pain in Noah’s ankle. Lucien wasn’t going down without a fight, and chose to shank. No falls to his knees again as he screamed out in pain.
this wasn’t the first time that Noah had seen the fury in his eyes. However, he never thought that he would be on the receiving end of it. He tried to shake him off as best as he could. But the smoke was starting to get to him, and his vision was going fuzzy.
The floor underneath Lucien started to creek as his knee sinks into a hole in the floorboards. Noah had to get out of there before the floor came in on itself. He padded his waistband to find his gun, only to find that it was empty.
“You…little shit. Coming here, attacking me, blowing up my fucking building. Over some bitch who can’t keep her mouth shut—“
And those were his last words. Before bullet went straight into the side of his skull, loosening the grip on nose ankle. Gazing at the bullet hole, he follows the path that the bullet took to see Matthew holding up the gun that was used to kill the head of the mafia. The heavy weapon shook in his hole from the adrenaline and trauma that his body has endured.
He stands up and walks to Noah. He grabs his arm and swings it over his shoulders, holding his waist as they stumble out of the burning building. With every step, Noah felt his lungs grow tighter, and his ankle burn. Matthew was saying something, but he couldn’t exactly make out what it was.
His body felt weak, as if he was ready to collapse and fade into darkness, spiraling down towards an endless hell for all the crimes he had committed. His breath was short, and he couldn’t keep his eyes open.
The only thing he could hear from Matthew’s muffled words was your name. Just the sound of your name. It was almost as if his life started flashing before his eyes. All he could see was you—your smile, the way your nose crinkles in the cold, the way you always sat in the same spot on the couch. Everything about you filled his mind…those eyes…those eyes he loved.
how he'd love to see them before....before....bef....
"NOAH!" you screamed watching the place go up in flames. Noah's men flooding out of the doors running back to safety. His men were there...but Noah wasn't. You're back on your feet stumbling to the building but Folio stops you
"Y/N don't! Stop what are you doing-"
"Noah is in there I have to-"
"Y/N you can't go int here you'll get yourself killed!"
"Noah is in there!" you slowly stop fighting as you watch the flames devouring and breaking down the building. You could feel yours eyes burn with tears as Nick guides you back until you see a figure walking towards you.
"Noah?" you whispered. as they come into view you see it's Matthew practically dragging Noah away from the building. He makes a few more steps until they both fall to the ground. Nick stops moving and turns back to look behind him, Jolly starts to rush over and so do you. You run to them, you heart is pounding, your hands sweaty and your eyes full of tears and hope. You get to them and fall to your knees
"Noah, Noah? Noah look at me!" you bring his head into your lap, his eyes were closed and his breathing shallow "Noah please! Open your eyes.....Please!" you sniff as your tears fall from your eyes and on to his face
"Please....I need you to wake up....please....I love you..." you wrap your arms around his body as best as you could and rock him in your arms, "I love you..I love you...I love you...please...." your body starts to shake from your cries
Jolly steps toward you carefully, ready to comfort and console you
"Noah...please wake up...please baby look at me please....I....I need you..."
"Y/N....come on let's get back to the-"
*COUGH COUGH* Noah's body convulses in coughs as his lungs fill with clear air and comes back to consciousness. Your hands come up to brush the hair from his eyes and to caress his dirty but soft skin
"Noah...Noah you're alive..." he gives you a weak smirk and says
"I couldn't....*cough* not say I love you back,"
“You’re so….stupid,” you said as Noah does his best to hold you in his arms. He knew that those words meant that you were glad he was alive. And he was beyond grateful to have seen your face again. But most of all to hear that sweet face of those three words. While you checked on Matthew Noah was carried back to the van by Nick and Jolly.
His men would arrive later to cover up the scene, making it look as if nothing had happened. For now, you both needed medical attention. In the van, Nick insisted on giving you a full body scan. You protested, saying you were fine and just a bit roughed up. But Nick knew better than to skip medical treatment. Noah would never let it go if even one scratch on your body was left untreated. In your opinion, Noah, who was severely roughed up, needed most of the attention.
As Nick looked over the scans from VAN's medical scan he stopped for a second to overlook something.
"Y/N, do you feel strange at all?"
"well, aside from my cheek I'm just fine," you said slightly flinching as Noah applied a cold pack to your cheek. Nick printed out the results on the screen and handed it to you both. Reading through the reading as best as you could one word stood out to you. Your eyes were blown wife, Noah took the paper from you and looked it over again and again,
"I think we should get you to a hospital before we confirm anything...but in the mean time....it looks like you're going to need a bigger car Noah,"
"so.....what happens now? Especially with this?" you asked and Noah looks at you. His hand comes up to caress your face. His thumb running over the skin under your eye
"now....." his other hand comes down to your stomach and rests on top of it. Knowing what his future holds, what he has to do, and who he has to do it for. Your forehead comes to meet his, beat up, bleeding and bruised and all he could feel in this moment was his love for you and your baby,
"We rebuild this kingdom our way.…”
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raaorqtpbpdy · 11 months ago
What Fades, and What Never Will
After Danny's accident, he starts acting strangely, and after exhausting all their other options, Jack and Maddie call upon a long-time friend who once had a portal accident of his own to try and get Danny to open up.
For the Prompts: In another universe, Maddie and Jack did visit Vlad in the hospital, and stayed in contact. What happens when Danny has his accident 20 years later? [from @kinglazrus]
After the accident, the Fentons can't help but notice something wrong with Danny. And since Danny also has that terrible symptom of "being a teenager", he refuses to tell them anything. So they reach out to the only person who could possibly help: an old friend in Wisconsin. [from Mimca]
And Like Danny, Vlad also has an unfading death scar—several of them, actually. Dozens of pock scars mar his skin all over his body, a permanent reminder of his slow, painful death from ecto-acne. [from me :)]
Read also on Ao3
[Warnings for mentions of past trauma/death, and past hospitalization]
Danny's accident had given his parents quite the scare. Their son nearly dying put a serious damper on the excitement of their portal working properly, to say the least.
But after that, even though Danny insisted he was fine, and the doctors said he was in the clear, medically—they couldn't help noticing that there was something wrong with him. Maybe that was a bit harsh, maybe it would be kinder to say there was something off with him, or something different about him. But whatever it was that was different about him... it seemed very wrong.
Maybe it was like Jazz said, and he was just traumatized from the accident and isolating from his family as a coping mechanism after his parents' invention had caused him so much distress. But if that were the case... why was he going into the lab so often? Much more often than before, and it didn't seem to bother him at all to be in a place where he'd experienced so much... distress.
They tried several times to talk to Danny about it, but he also appeared to be exhibiting unrelated symptoms like 'being a teenager', which of course meant he refused to tell them anything and suggested that they, 'butt out of his business' when they pressed even a little bit.
After about a month of trying and failing to get through to Danny in any way shape or form while whatever was going on with him only seemed to get worse, they decided to call in some back-up. As it happened, Danny wasn't the only person they knew who'd had an... unfortunate experience involving an experimental ghost portal. 
Maybe... hopefully, their old friend from Wisconsin could help.
After a month of complete failure to connect, Jack and Maddie started to think that maybe he was the only person who possibly could.
Although they stayed in fairly regular contact with him, they still hesitated to ask him to come all the way out to Amity Park from another state entirely. But Vlad seemingly thought nothing of making the trip out to see them and have a chat with their boy.
After his own accident with the proto-portal, they were the only friends of his who didn't cut ties with him because they found him too grotesque to look at. They'd visited him in the hospital often, and gave the doctors all their research in the hopes that it might help cure him. Although the doctors hadn't asked, and Jack and Maddie were pretty sure they'd just thrown all the research away.
Eventually, Vlad's ecto-acne went away, although it was years before it vanished entirely. He was always terribly self-conscious about it. He refused to be in any of their wedding photos because of it, even though he was the best man. 
And even when the ecto-acne itself finally went away, it left scars, dozens, maybe hundreds of them. Vlad often complained that he had to spend a small fortune on foundation and concealer to keep them covered, even though Jack insisted they made him look cool and mysterious. Vlad argued that they made him look sickly and unkempt.
It would be good to see him again after so long. Oh, sure, they called and e-mailed each other all the time, but they hadn't seen Vlad in person since they moved to Amity Park. Danny had only been four years old at the time, so he almost certainly didn't even remember the man, even though Vlad was his and Jazz's godfather.
Two days after reaching out to him, late Saturday morning, there was a knock on the door. Jazz was the one who answered. It took her a moment to recognize the tall, gray-haired man in a fancy suit standing there, but eventually she did.
"Uncle Vlad?" she asked. "We haven't seen you in ages. What are you doing here?"
"Your parents called me the other day and asked me to come down," he replied easily. "I heard about poor Daniel's accident. They were hoping I might be able to commiserate with him, since I was in a similar unfortunate accident myself with our prototype portal many years ago." 
Jazz nodded slowly. "That... could be good for him. Personally, I'm pretty sure it was a traumatic experience for him, but he won't talk to anyone about it."
Vlad's expression was sympathetic. "It would be a traumatic experience for anyone. May I come in?"
"Oh, right," Jazz stepped aside to let him through the door into the house. "Sorry."
"Think nothing of it," Vlad said. "Are you parents around? I'd like to say hello."
"Down in the lab," Jazz told him, pointing to the basement door.
He nodded his thanks, remarked how good it was to see her, and what a lovely young woman she'd grown into since he last saw her, and then headed down into the lab to talk to her parents.
"Maddie?" he called down. "Jack?"
"Vladdie!" Jack shouted.
As soon a Vlad reached the bottom of the stairs, he was tackled in a massive bear hug. His arms were pinned to his sides and the breath squeezed out of his lungs.
"Let go of me you big oaf!" he wheezed out.
Jack dropped him with a good-natured laugh, and Vlad gasped for air for a bit before chuckling with him.
"It's good to have you over, Vlad," Maddie said, though she didn't move from where she was standing over a laboratory apparatus. "I would walk over to greet, but I'm holding volatile chemicals at the moment. Just give me a minute to stabilize the experiment." 
"It's quite alright, Maddie, dear," Vlad said. "Don't rush on my account; especially not where volatile chemicals are involved."
"Thank goodness you're here, Vladdie," Jack said excitedly. "I'll finally get to show you all the new inventions we've made since moving here."
Vlad gave him blundering old friend an amused smile. "And approximately what percentage of these inventions actually function as intended?"
Jack looked sheepish, though the excitement didn't fade from him.
"Oh, but here, I thought you asked me to come all the way down from Wisconsin to talk to your Daniel," Vlad added. "Perhaps seeing all your hundreds of failed inventions and a dozen or so working ones can wait?"
"I guess so," Jack agreed, though he seemed very reluctant.
"Yes about Danny," Maddie said. 
She'd apparently finished at the apparatus and was carrying a rack of test-tubes to the nearby freezer to be stored until the next phase of her experiment.
"We told you he had an accident in the new ghost portal," Maddie said. "I thought we'd disconnected the power source before leaving it unsupervised, but I guess not. The doctors say he'd fine, physically, and Danny insists he's fine, too, but... something just doesn't seem right with him anymore. Jazz says he's traumatized, but he doesn't seem anxious in the lab at all, so we're just not sure. 
"Obviously he won't talk to us, but we were hoping, if you told him about your own experience, that he might be willing to talk to you."
Vlad nodded thoughtfully. "You know, he probably doesn't remember me," he pointed out. "To him, I'll be a stranger prying into something he probably doesn't want to even think about, let alone discuss."
"We know it's probably a long shot, but we had to try something, you know?" Maddie looked more worried than Vlad had seen her since he was still laid up in the hospital. "I'm just... I'm worried about him. We all are. He's been acting so strangely lately, cagey and short-tempered, maybe it is just stress, but it can't be healthy for him to keep it all bottled up. You'll at least try, won't you?"
Vlad looked at her distraught expression and nodded once, firmly. "I'll try," he agreed. "But if Daniel does talk to me, and he asks that I not relay what we talk about to his parents, I won't violate his trust."
Maddie shook her head, a sigh of relief escaping her. "That's fine," she said. "We don't need to know everything. We just want him to have someone he can talk to, so he doesn't have to bottle everything up. Right, Jack?"
"Absolutely," Jack agreed. "Whatever's best for Danny is good enough for us."
"Alright then," Vlad said. "Is he here now?"
"I think he's out with his friends right now," Maddie said. "He'll be back for dinner though. At least, he'd better be."
He removed his jacket and hung it on a hook next to a lab coat, which he put on in its place. It must've been Jack's judging by the way he practically drowned in it, but he rolled up the sleeves without complaint and ignored the way the bottom of it touched the floor when he bent his knees even a little bit.
"Then, for now, how about I give you both a hand in the lab," he suggested. "Where might I find a spare set of safety goggles?"
Danny was late for dinner, but he didn't miss it at least. The Fentons weren't really a regular family dinners kind of household, so when they told Danny they would be having a family dinner tonight, he knew there would be consequences for skipping out. Still, he was surprised to see a mysterious, well-dressed guest at the table when he hurried into the kitchen.
"Uh... hi?" Danny greeted, awkwardly taking a seat between his dad and his sister.
"Daniel, so nice of you to join us," the stranger greeted with a smile. "You know I think this is the best chicken casserole your mother's ever made."
"Not that it's a very high bar," Maddie joked.
"Don't say that, Maddie," the stranger said. "You're a... perfectly adequate cook."
Maddie laughed out loud.
"Um, not to be rude or anything, but... who's this?" Danny asked, jerking a thumb over at the stranger.
"Oh, that's right, you wouldn't remember Vlad," his mother told her. "He's our friend from college, and you kids' godfather. He was really close with the family when we lived in Wisconsin, but since we moved, he mostly just talks with me and your father over e-mail. I'm sure we've mentioned him before."
Danny did vaguely recognize the name Vlad. This was probably the same Vlad his dad called Vladdie and gushed about while his kids tuned
"Yes, the last time I saw you, Daniel, you were only four years old," Vlad said. "At risk of sounding like an out-of-touch old man, you've certainly grown since I saw you last."
"Yeah, that tends to happen in ten years," Danny pointed out. He narrowed his eyes at Vlad, scrutinizing him. "What brings you all the way out to Amity Park?"
"Oh, I was doing some business a couple towns over, and figured since I was so close, I might as well pay a visit to some old friends."
It was a perfectly plausible excuse, especially since Danny was pretty sure his parents had mentioned their Vlad was some kind of businessman. It didn't ease Danny's suspicions at all.
Throughout dinner, Vlad maintained a casual, friendly conversation with the rest of the family, easily defusing Danny's loaded, accusatory questions. When dinner was over, Danny went straight up to his room. He'd had a long day and was hoping to turn in early, even though he knew he wouldn't be able to actually fall asleep until well after midnight, if he slept at all.
He wasn't expecting a knock on his bedroom door a few minutes later.
Vlad being on the other side of it was less of a surprise. He glared at Vlad, but the man seemed completely unperturbed.
"I have a confession to make," he said.
"Oh yeah? I'm shocked," Danny replied sarcastically.
"I didn't want to bring it up in front of everyone and put you on the spot," Vlad said. "But the truth of the matter is that your parents asked me to come in the hopes that I might be able to talk to you, commiserate, I suppose, about your recent accident in their lab."
"And why on earth would I talk to you about about it?"
"Because I know what you're going through," Vlad replied.
"No offense—actually, yes offense," Danny said, "but I'm pretty sure you have no idea what I'm going through."
Vlad raised an eyebrow, and then his blue eyes glowed a sinister red. Danny gasped and his eyes blew wide in shock.
"No offense, Daniel," he said, "but I'm pretty sure I do." He let the light fade and smiled, a little smug, but not unkindly. "May I come in?"
Danny nodded mutely and let Vlad through before closing the door behind him.
"You're like me," he said incredulously. "How?"
"The portal in which you had you own accident was not the first your parents made," Vlad began to explain. He straightened up Danny's blankets before taking a seat on his bed. "When we were in college, the three of us formed a paranormal science club, and we made a prototype portal. It didn't work, but it did turn on and... badly injured me when it did so. 
"Your father turned it on, actually. He got a little over-excited and hit the button prematurely. I was very angry at him about it for a while, but... bygones." He shrugged. 
Danny continued to stand in the center of his room, staring openly at the man who'd already made himself comfortable and was casually describing what must've been a horrific accident—if it was anything like Danny's, that is—as if it were nothing more than another boring anecdote about his past.
"I spent years in the hospital after my accident," Vlad continued. "Your parents were the only people who ever visited me. I was so unsightly after my own accident that all my other quote-unquote 'friends' couldn't stand to look at me."
"You look alright now," Danny observed.
"Ha!" Vlad barked a short laugh. "Not without effort, I assure you."
"Do my parents know you're—"
"Oh, heavens no, can you imagine the embarrassment?" Vlad scoffed. "Of all the things to do me in, ecto-acne was what did it. No, bad enough I had to suffer the nasty condition for so long, nobody needs to know how much it truly affected me."
"Ecto-acne?" Danny questioned.
Vlad waved him off. "Never mind that. Now that I've told you my story, would you care to share yours?"
Vlad patted the empty space on the bed next to him. "You can lock the door if you're worried about someone coming in."
"No, you'll just tell my parents," Danny said. "You're their friend, not mine."
"If you don't want me to tell them, I won't tell them," Vlad refuted. "In fact I said as much to them earlier today. Death, even half-death is a very personal thing, and no matter how close I am to your parents, I would never disregard your privacy in such a matter. I may be their friend, but I'm your godfather."
"You promise you won't tell them anything?" Danny asked.
"I promise," Vlad confirmed, then smiled lightly. "Cross my heart and hope to die." 
He patted the bed beside him again, but this time Danny sat. He didn't speak at first, but after a long moment of getting his thoughts in order, he opened his mouth an began to tell his story.
"My friends and I were just... messing around I guess," he said. "I told them about my parents portal, and how they were upset because it didn't work, and they wanted to see it, so I showed them. Sam wanted to get some pictures, and she asked if she could get one of me inside. At first, I said no because I thought it might be dangerous, but... I figured the portal didn't work anyway, and it would be kind of cool, so I did it.
"She got her picture, but then, on my way out... I guess I put my hand on the wall. I don't know what happened, I felt something move under my fingers and then... the portal turned on."
"You were inside it at the time?" Vlad asked, sounding surprised. "Standing fully inside?"
"Yeah," Danny confirmed. "You weren't?"
Vlad shook his head. "No, the prototype portal was only about as big as a desktop computer monitor. I couldn't have stood inside if I wanted to. I was standing in front of it when it turned on, and it... well, I suppose you could say it quite literally blew up in my face."
"Oh..." Danny got real quiet for a moment, and then asked, "Do you still remember how painful it was when it turned on?"
Vlad stiffened, and he got a faraway look on his face. "Every day," he replied. "That agony has stayed with me for twenty years."
"That's comforting," Danny grumbled.
Vlad tilted his head in acknowledgement. "I wish I could give you better news, but something that changes you on such a fundamental level was never going to simply fade away."
"The scar will, though, right?" Danny asked. "He pulled up his sleeve to reveal an angry red Lichtenberg figure sprawling across his forearms and disappearing under his sleeve. "The doctors said it should fade in a day or two, but it's been a month now and.... But you said the portal blew up in your face, and I don't see any scars there, so it will fade, won't it?"
That scar felt like it was staring at Vlad even harder than he was staring at it. His eyebrows drew together in sympathy and anguish. He reached into his pocket and his fingers closed around the small make-up kit he always carried around for touch ups.
"I'm afraid not, my boy," Vlad said apologetically, and pulled up his own sleeve to reveal the pock marks scattered on his forearm. "I use make-up to cover the ones on my face, but death scars never fade. Be grateful you only have the one."
Danny stared down at the marks with despair written all over his face.
"If it's any consolation, you do get used to them," Vlad assured him, pulling his sleeve back down to cover the marks. "It will always remind you of what happened every time you see it, and the memories will always hurt, but the pain, like all pain, gets boring after a while, and starts to carry less weight."
"Really?" Danny covered up his own scar again, but looked up a Vlad hopefully.
"Yes, really," Vlad said. "Humans are the most adaptable creatures on the planet, and, despite everything, you are still human to some extent. As am I."
Danny smiled a bit at that. He'd be ruminating on the fact that he wasn't fully human anymore for the past month, and the reminder that he was still human, at least in part, was more than welcome. It was a nice reprieve, actually.
"How long did it take for you to realize you had changed?" Vlad asked. "Not long, I suspect."
"No, not long at all," Danny said with a slight laugh. "I went into the portal human and came out a ghost, so that was my first clue. When Jazz and my parents came down in a rush after hearing my screams, I was able to change back just on impulse, although I had no idea how I did it at the time. I think maybe I just passed out and turned human automatically.
"Then I got rushed to the hospital."
"So... it was instantaneous for you?" Vlad asked, his brows furrowed in confusion.
"Yeah... it wasn't for you?"
"No, it wasn't," Vlad said, his shoulders slumped and his face fell. "My... condition took much longer to kill me than that. It was years before it had run its course and I discovered how it had changed me and what I could do."
As soon as he saw the pity on Danny's face, Vlad averted his gaze. It had been twenty years since his accident. He didn't need pity anymore. He never had.
"That sounds awful," Danny observed.
Vlad almost laughed at how obvious the statement was.
"Yes, quite," he agreed. "But I've had plenty of time to come to terms with it. You, on the other hand, are still in the existential angst part of your journey. 'What am I? Where do I belong? What do I do with myself? How should I use these powers? Did I even deserve to half-survive? Should something like me even exist?' these questions and more keeping you up into the wee hours of the night. Am I close?"
"Dead on, actually," Danny said, his shoulders sagging. "I haven't been sleeping very well lately."
Vlad put his hands behind him and leaned back slightly on the bed.
"Well that's in part because you simply don't need as much sleep as you once did," Vlad noted. "The more time you spend in your ghost form, the less sleep your human form needs. It's all to do with the delegation of energy. 
"Ghosts and humans regain energy and use energy in ways that are too different to be compatible with each other. Your human brain, body, and internal functions can't consume energy when you're in ghost form, so you don't need to recharge as much in human form, and vice-versa. You may have noticed you don't get hungry as much as you used to either."
"Yeah, actually," Danny confirmed, a little incredulous.
Vlad smiled at him. "I had to figure all this out on my own, but if you accept my help, you won't have to go through all the trial and error that I did. I'm more than happy to teach you. 
"I'm only planning on staying in Amity park for a few days because I do have to get back to my business eventually, but I'll give you my contact information, direct line so you won't have to go through my assistants. That way, if you have any questions, or need help with anything, you can reach out to me, and I'll do my best to answer any question you may have."
For a long moment, Danny just stared at Vlad, like he was trying to see through the thick layer of make-up on his face to the scars beneath. Vlad inhaled deeply and tried not to squirm under the teenager's gaze.
"Why are you being so nice to me?" Danny asked. "Just 'cause you're friends with my parents? You barely know me."
"For the same reason you were willing to open up to me, even though you don't have any memories of me before today, I suppose," Vlad answered with a shrug. "It's... it's a relief to know that I'm not alone anymore, especially after all the years. It's terribly lonely to be one-of-a-kind, isn't it?"
Danny nodded and looked down at the floor.
"Besides, even if we don't know each other very well anymore, I'm still your godfather," Vlad reminded him. "I do rather have a responsibility to be nice to you, even if you were a wretched, awful boy, which, thankfully, you don't seem to be."
The not wretched, not awful boy chuckled softly.
"Now, is there anything else you want to talk about?" Vlad asked. "It's getting fairly late."
Danny shook his head. "But uh... thanks for coming all this way just to talk to me."
"I would have flown in from another country," Vlad assured him. He stood up from the bed and straightened his clothes. "Would you uh... like a... hug or something? Physical affection isn't really my forté, but—"
"No," Danny cut him off. "No hugs, thanks."
"Good, good," Vlad agreed awkwardly. "Ah!"
He reached into his pocket and took out one of his business cards. On the back, he wrote his personal phone and email address, along with the words 'direct line', so that Danny would be able to reach him directly.
"Hold onto that, reach out whenever you need to," he said, handing the card to Danny. "Might I suggest that, now that you don't need as much sleep as you used to, you use the extra time to work on your homework? Your parents tell me your grades have been slipping since the accident, and while that's perfectly understandable, you really ought to try to maintain at least a 'C' average. 
"Trust me, you don't want to be in high school any longer than is absolutely necessary, I assure you. Your life will improve dramatically after high school graduation, and anyone who says 'high school is the best years of your life' is an idiot of the highest caliber. I spent a good portion of my college years hospitalized, and it was still better than high school. You do not want to be held back a year."
"Noted," Danny said, looking vaguely horrified at the prospect. "I'll get going on that homework."
Vlad nodded curtly and left the room. He headed down the hall to Jack and Maddie's bedroom, but of course they hadn't gone to bed yet, so instead he headed down to the lab to say goodbye before he went to his hotel for the night. They had offered him their couch, since they didn't have a guest room, but he had politely refused. It wasn't as if he needed to save money on this trip, and the four-star hotel he'd found was much more comfortable than their old, stained couch.
"Still working into the wee hours, I see," he commented when he reached the bottom of the stairs.
"Vladdie!" Jack greeted, boisterously as always. "How did it go with Danny."
"It went very well," Vlad replied. "After I told him about my experience, he was willing to open up to me about his—although as I expected, he asked me to keep it between us. Still, I think you'll find his demeanor will start to improve now that he had some one he can relate to. He'll probably never be exactly as he was before, but no one ever is."
Maddie stepped over and wrapped her arms around him in a hug. "Thank you Vlad, truly," she said into his ear, and he blushed so hard he feared that Jack might see it through his many layers of foundation. "You're a life-saver."
He cleared his throat when she let him go. Even after all these years of being happily friends with her and Jack, his feelings for her hadn't gone away entirely. They probably never would.
"Think nothing of it," he said. "I'm always happy to come to the aid of my god-children, and to you."
She smiled at him, and Jack gave him a hearty pat on the back that nearly bowled him right over. Another thing that hadn't changed after all these years was that Jack still didn't know his own strength.
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I only came down for a brief chat and to say goodbye—"
"No! You're leaving already Vladdie?" Jack looked positively crestfallen.
"Relax, Jack," Vlad said. "I'm only going to my hotel for the night. I'll be back tomorrow. The three of us have a lunch appointment, remember? And I agreed to go bowling with you on Saturday. I'm staying in town for six days, you dope." He shook his head, though he couldn't deny it was just a bit fond.
"Oh, hehe. Right," Jack said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "We'll see you tomorrow, then."
"Wouldn't miss it, Jack," Vlad said. "And it's been a delight as always, Maddie. Goodnight."
"Goodnight, Vlad!" they both called up after him as he ascended the basement stairs with a hidden smile.
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the-violet-diaries · 2 days ago
Broken Backstories: A Theory on the Past of the Wanderers in Love and Deepspace
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Is it just me or has anyone ever thought about the bounty hunt Wanderer Heartbreaker's origin? Like, what would this tear drop-shaped creature have gone through to become what it is today? And what about the other Wanderers?
Maybe this is actually already true and i havent picked up on it yet because im just dumb, but here's my theory so far on the Wanderers in the game: They were once ordinary humans with ordinary lives that were unfortunate enough to come in contact with some type of disease or physical or mental obstacle in their lives that transformed them into these "monsters."
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One of the best examples I can think of to compare this scenario with is the kdrama Sweet Home. The drama is set in a completely ordinary human world like ours. Some strange, seemingly transmittable disease causes people to start becoming monsters, turning Seoul into a complete dystopia.
It is later revealed, however, that all these demons were once human beings that reincarnate into the embodiments of their deepest and darkest desires or fears.
For example, the monster that can't see properly but has the sharpest hearing:
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An earlier scene shows Cha Hyun Su (Song Kang) trying to "distinguish the monster inside" before he himself gives in to the transformation.
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This pattern or theme of a seemingly dystopian world where the battle is between humans and another species framed as "dangerous" by the humans is reoccurring in many books, shows, and movies. So, my thought process is that the same might apply for some Wanderers in LaDs, if not all.
I was fighting Hearbreaker, the tear drop-shaped Wanderer in Bounty Hunt the other day, and this entire idea just came to me and I literally cannot unthink it now. Like, it makes so much sense!
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The battle seems ordinary at first, with a gorgeous amusment park-themed setting and nice bg music. But then the Wanderer up for bounty appears. A droplet of water, shedding tears and following you around with pain in its eyes as it begs for you to accept its love. Sound familiar? Yes, sadly, most of us can relate. The longing to be accepted.
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And what is our mission? To get rid of it.
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Now, im not trying to hate on the LaDs team or anything. I love bounty hunt and its something i play often. But i just find it sad that a bounty is placed above a harmless creature which clearly seems to be suffering from loneliness and, as the name suggests, heartbreak.
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The other Bounty Wanderers each have their own distinct qualities. And the saddest part is that even if they may not have all once been human like MC, they are hunted and killed for their weaknesses, and will likely never recover.
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Well, anyway, that was kinda weird i think i took that a bit too deeply that was just a quick idea dump lol. 😅😅 I may be misunderstanding some details but I've played LaDs for quite a long time so I'm not so sure because so far nothing much has been revealed regarding the origins of the Wanderers besides Ever and its affiliations but i may be wrong. there are so many other theories out there we'll just have to wait and see! but anyway I hope you guys enjoyed! lots of luv 4 u i know u need it ❤️❤️❤️
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his-angell · 11 months ago
"It's okay not to be okay." (p.sh)
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plot; (y/n) was going through it. Work was stressing her to no end. She couldn't function properly anymore. Thankfully, Seonghwa was there to help get her head back in the right spot. paring; Park Seonghwa x fem!reader genre; comfort, angst word count; 1.9k warnings; cursing, reader drops a glass, crying, yelling (not arguing), pet names, reader pulls at her hair, established relationships, 3rd person, request?; no
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(y/n) dropped everything at the door when she got into the apartment. Work was nothing but shit. The same thing it was every day. Sitting at a desk, checking people in and out, in and out. It got tiring. She kicked everything to the side of the walkway so Seonghwa could get in without tripping.
She went to their shared bedroom and flopped onto the bed. She buried her head into her pillow and screamed into it. A scream turned into choked sobs. She kicked her feet and threw a tantrum on the bed, messing up the sheets. She groaned as the clothes she wore only seemed to irritate her more. She quickly undressed, throwing on one of her boyfriends plain white shirts and a pair of shorts. She couldn't stop crying after she started..
She went to the bathroom, coughing from how hard she was crying. She paused to stare at herself in the mirror. Her lip trembled. Mascara stained her cheeks, her lipstick had smudged. She whined before throwing her hair up and washing her face, rather aggressively might I add... She dried her face and sniffled. She flicked the light off and went to the kitchen. She was still crying, but she wasn't as loud anymore. That was until..
She reached up to grab a glass, her vision blurry from tears. She didn't have a proper grip on it. She jumped as she dropped it on the ground. She stared at the shattered glass, throwing her head back. She sat on the floor, a bit away from the pile and hugged her knees. "Shit!" She cried, yanking at her hair.
She was so in her own bubble she hadn't heard Seonghwa come in. The man entered and was immediately putting his stuff down and slipping on his slides to rush to his lovers aid. "Baby! Baby, hey! What happened?" He gently grabbed her hands, prying her fingers away from her hair. He tilted her head up, trying to catch her gaze. (y/n) pushed his hand away. "Go away!" She yelled. "I don't need your help!" She sobbed.
She got defensive when she was upset. She hated being babied and treated like she was fragile. Even if thats what she needed, she didn't want it. Seonghwa nodded softly and pulled his hands away. "Okay, okay. But I need you to tell me what happened, (y/n)." He said, not pulling his gaze from her. He caught on to her tendency a few months after they started dating. He understood and gave her space, but he always kept a watchful eye on her.
"I fucking dropped a glass, what do you think happened?" She snapped at him. Seonghwa hummed, glancing at the pile. "Okay, you dropped a glass. Is that what caused you to break down, or was it something else?" The man tilted his head. "Why can't you just leave me alone!" She shot off the floor and went to storm out of the kitchen.
Seonghwa shot up faster and grabbed her waist. "Don't. You don't have your slides on. You'll get glass in your feet." He picked her up and stepped over the glass, setting her down far enough away from the glass. (y/n) tensed up, the feeling of his hands making her hot. She was overstimulated. She was winding herself up more than necessary. She flapped her hands. "I said go away! You're really starting to piss me off, Seonghwa." She grumbled.
Seonghwa nodded. "I'm sure I am. But until you tell me what's wrong, i'm not leaving." He said. He didn't like pushing her to talk. But he knew that she was gonna be angry until whatever was bothering her came out. It always took a little pushing for her to finally open up. He didn't sheer away under the glare that was shot at him. "You irritate me to no end." She rolled her eyes. Seonghwa hummed quietly and nodded. It didn't bother him, because he knew she didn't mean it. She was just upset.
"I- Everything shit, alright?" (y/n) spit out. "Work it the same thing every day! My boss always telling me i'm doing something wrong! Costumers always yelling at me for no reason at all!" She wiped her face angrily. "This guy the other way said what I was wearing looked 'whoreish'! Whoreish?! What does that even mean?!" She laughed in disbelief. She put her head in her hands and sobbed quietly. "I'm so stressed, Hwa, I can't handle it anymore." She cried.
Seonghwa listened to everything she said. Nodding softly so she knew he was listening. He walked over to her and gently hugged her. He placed a kiss on her head. "It's okay." He said softly. (y/n) quickly wrapped her arms around him. She sobbed into his chest. Seonghwa rubbed her back.
After a few moments of standing there, he pulled away to cup her cheeks. He gently swiped away her tears with his thumbs. "It's okay not to be okay, you know that?" He said softly. "It's okay to be stressed, and upset, and angry. You just can't ball it up, understand?" He said. She nodded a bit. "I know it's hard talking, so don't talk. Write it in your journal, paint it, draw it. Anything. But don't bottle it up, because when it spills over, it stresses you out even more." He stroked her cheeks gently with his thumbs.
He pursed his lips. He took a deep breath. "I think.. You should quit that job. I can support us just fine." He said. Her eyes widened. She blinked at him. "No- No! I can't let you do that! You know I can't let you do that." She laughed in disbelief that he would even try and run that past her. "Okay, then I'll be able to support us while you find a new job. That you like!" He pointed a bit. "And with a better boss. I don't need you in a workplace that stresses you out. Okay?" He said softly. She sighed and nodded a little. "Okay. I.." She trailed off as she looked back down.
After a moment she finally looked back up at him with glossy eyes. Her lip trembled. "I'm sorry." Her voice shook. Seonghwa shook his head. "Nuh-Uh, none of that." He said, swiping away her tears once more. "It's okay not to be okay, (y/n)." He repeated. "I wanna hear you say it." He said. She furrowed her eyebrows. She shook her head a bit. "I can't.." She whispered. "But you can." Seonghwa hummed.
(y/n) closed her eyes before sighing quietly. "I.. It's okay not to be okay." She said. Seonghwa smiled softly. He gently poked her sides a bit. "Thats my girl." He said softly. She squealed lightly, giggling as his fingers tickled her sides. "Hwa stop!" She slapped his chest gently. Seonghwa chuckled and took his hands away. (y/n) took them and kissed his finger pads. "Thank you." She whispered. "Nothing to thank me for, doll." He hushed. "Yes, there is." She looked up at him, seriousness in her eyes.
"Thank you for still loving me, even after I have moments like these." She whispered, almost ashamed of her breakdown. Seonghwa tutted softly. "You expect me to just stop loving you?" He tilted his head at her. "You're my forever, (y/n). Even if that means comforting you when you don't feel your best." He kissed her forehead. "I love you, princess." He hushed against her skin. "I love you too, Hwa." (y/n) took a deep breath and leaned up to peck his lips.
She pulled away and peaked behind him. She frowned. "I-I'll clean that up.." She messed with his hoodie gently. Seonghwa shook his head. "No, you're not." He poked her nose gently. "You are gonna go wash up. Then you're get blankets, and pillows, and find a movie for us to watch." He grinned softly. Her eyes lit up. "Movie night?" She asked. He nodded. She smiled brightly and kissed him. She pulled away after a few moments. "Thank you. You're the best boyfriend ever." She moved to kiss his cheek. Seonghwa chuckled softly as she rushed to go wash up and get blankets and pillows.
After picking up the glass, making tea, gathering snacks, and Seonghwa changing into his pajamas, they cuddled on the couch. They didn't really watch the movie, it was mostly commentating the whole thing, pointing out how silly the acting was. Seonghwa was in the middle of explaining the love triangle that (y/n) said she didn't understand, when he heard soft snores. He paused and looked down. The bag of candies she had was slipping out of her hand. Her eyes were shut, and her breathing was evened out. He smiled and gently grabbed the bag of candies, setting them on the coffee table.
He didn't want to disturb her, but he knew they would both wake up with sore backs if they slept on the couch. He gently pushed her up enough so he could stand. He leaned over and picked her up, hushing her as she whined. He carried her to bed and tucked her in before getting in on his side. "I love you, princess." He whispered, kissing her temple and wrapping his arms around her waist. "Mm.. Love you.." (y/n) mumbled, half asleep. Seonghwa chuckled and closed his eyes, matching up his breathing with hers. It didn't take long for him to drift off..
all writing rights are reserved to @his-angell do not repost or translate my work without my permission. reblogs are appreciated.
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