#cause fortune really didn't go out much lol
shima-draws · 3 months
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More info on him below!
Name: Rozen (Codename: Cavalier)
Age: 32
Hair color: Strawberry blonde
Eye color: Magenta
Element: None
Rozen is currently a member of Nahu's party, but before then he was working as a high-ranked officer of an underground gambling ring 😳 It wasn't a job occupation he necessarily chose, he really ended up there because he had nowhere else to go after a tragedy occurred in his childhood. And speaking of which--
Rozen was abandoned by his parents at a young age, dumping him into the first orphanage they could find. This of course caused a lot of trauma and essentially made it so that he no longer trusted anybody due to fear of abandonment. He grew up bitter and angry at the world, living as a troublemaker and pretty much going by his own rules (which caused the director of the orphanage plenty of headaches). Unfortunately due to his prickly personality this made it nearly impossible for any one to adopt him--but he preferred it that way, intent on leaving the orphanage on his own as soon as he was of age.
This all went to shit when a new kid was brought into the orphanage, by the name of Malachi :)
Malachi's circumstances were completely opposite of Rozen's--he had a family who loved him, but their lives were brought to a violent end when they were suddenly attacked by a group of rogues after their fortune. Rozen looked at Malachi and immediately saw himself; angry, bitter and broken because of the cards he'd been dealt. This in turn lead to a very...rocky start between them, due to how similarly they acted around people. Rozen viewed Malachi as a little brat and basically had the opinion of "boo hoo you're an orphan well at least your parents loved you and didn't throw you away like mine did". (So, a biiiiit of jealousy there. LMAO) Malachi thought Rozen's arrogant and stand-offish personality was annoying and correctly called him out for being a total fake. They were definitely at each other's throats for a while!
All of this changed when Rozen got a bit too big for his britches and pissed off the wrong crowd. Surprisingly, Malachi rescued him from being beaten to absolute shit and Rozen was shocked that Malachi actually helped him. Nobody had ever shown him that kind of care all his life, and Malachi was in the same shitty situation that he was, except probably worse. Rozen started to soften up around him after this, and slowly started to drop his defenses and show his true personality. Despite Malachi finding Rozen's change of heart "creepy", and his sudden personality change kind of drastic, he couldn't help but grow attached to him too. Before long they were practically attached at the hip, and if you saw one of them you'd know the other wasn't too far behind.
At this point Rozen was fully himself instead of the persona/act he'd been putting on for all his life. AKA he essentially has the personality of a golden retriever, is kind of an airhead (or an idiot, according to Malachi), and is a total softie. Him finally showing his kinder side helped Malachi too, and eventually, after spending two years together, Malachi was crushing on him HARD lol. Of course, Rozen only really viewed Malachi as a best friend, especially due to their age difference (being 4 years apart, with Rozen being 17 at the time and Malachi being 13).
The two of them were determined to leave the orphanage together, either being adopted as a package deal or just leaving when they were finally of age. This came crashing down when a couple looking to adopt just Malachi showed up, and despite the pair's attempts to sabotage any sort of chance Malachi would get adopted, the couple was insistent on taking him home. This sparked some suspicion in Rozen, wondering just why they were so intent on Malachi. He soon found out that these people were connected to the rogues that had killed Malachi's parents--they were seeking the same fortune and knew that Malachi was the key to finding it. Rozen confronted them and convinced them to take him instead, as Malachi had told him he had no idea about his parents' riches so he'd essentially be useless to the couple. Rozen offered his services and promised he would stop at nothing to find them the treasure, as long as they left Malachi alone. The couple agreed.
Malachi, of course, was devastated to find out about Rozen being adopted (and right before he'd become of age too), not wanting to be apart from him. Rozen explained his reasoning and revealed it was all part of his plan--he'd go away with the couple and then slip back to the orphanage in the middle of the night, where he and Malachi would run away together. With a promise to return, Rozen left with the couple, and they stopped at a nearby manor for the night.
As Rozen was preparing to sneak out and back to Malachi, the manor was suddenly attacked. The couple who had adopted him were slaughtered in the ensuing break in, and Rozen barely escaped alive. One of the villains managed to catch him off guard and cut his eye, leaving him half blind. Horrified, he raced back to the orphanage, only to find the entire village engulfed in flames--along with the orphanage itself. Rozen immediately tried to run into the building, fearing that Malachi was still inside, waiting for him--but before he could do so, he was pulled back by a strange figure.
The figure revealed he was the one who organized the attack on the couple and their accomplices, explaining that they had betrayed his trust. The couple were the ones to initiate the fire in order to wipe any evidence that they'd visited the town in the first place, wanting to cover their tracks. The figure introduces himself as the head of an underground crime organization by the codename of Roi...you see where I'm going with this right 👀 He tells Rozen that, regretfully, there were no survivors, and Rozen breaks down in tears upon realizing that Malachi was gone.
Roi offers Rozen a place among his men, seeing as he had nowhere else to turn to. Rozen, too distraught and emotionally unstable, numbly agrees. This would turn out to be the worst decision of his life.
Roi takes Rozen back to his headquarters and has him sign a contract, essentially chaining him to Roi and the organization as a whole. Rozen is trained to become a master of deception and the overseer of the gambling ring, working at various casinos and resorts to scam big spenders out of their money. By the time Rozen realizes what he's gotten into it's far too late; there's no escape for him and he's completely under Roi's control. Escape means death, and while Rozen wouldn't mind dying to be reunited with Malachi, fear stops him from ever going through with it.
Years pass and Rozen's skills only improve. Out of all the "games" that go on in the ring he becomes an absolute master at cards and takes pride in it (his sleight of hand is actually insane). Being a non-elemental, he uses card-based magic as his offense. He becomes a well-known and respected (and feared) member of the organization, and Roi regards him highly, eventually promoting him and giving the codename "Cavalier". However, things are a bit different behind the scenes--Roi is merciless, abusive, and just an overall toxic person to be around, and Rozen is not excluded from his wrath despite being his so-called "favorite". Rozen has had to endure his abuse for years, and is in constant fear for his life. It's really bad 😭
Things start to shift when Roi brings in a new pawn by the codename of Valet. Valet is surprisingly sympathetic considering the type of people Rozen works with, and Rozen grows to admire his cool head, sharp tongue and intelligence. However, Valet begins to butt into his business, urging him to break free from Roi and find a better path in life. Rozen isn't too happy with someone intruding on his personal matters and lashes out at Valet, causing a rift between them. Valet only wants to help and doesn't want to see Rozen suffer; Rozen knows better than anyone that there's no escape from Roi and has resigned himself to his fate--and he doesn't want to see Valet get hurt either.
This is when Nahu and co. come in ;)
Nahu and co. are sent to infiltrate the gambling ring, and immediately things are thrown into absolute chaos. After many twists and turns (and plot), Nahu goes to face off against Roi in one final fight. Roi captures Rozen and chains him up, unwilling to let his perfect pawn go free, and poisons him so that he loses any strength to escape. While Nahu is absolutely wrecking shit fighting Roi, Valet sneaks up to where Rozen is being held and attempts to set him free. Through the haze, Rozen witnesses Valet trying to free him, and sadly reminisces about Malachi. Rozen tells Valet to let him go, to let him die--that way he can be with the only person he cares about again. Valet yells at him and says no, he can't die, because--
Valet is Malachi.
Recognition hits immediately. Valet has always seemed familiar to Rozen, though he could never put his finger on it. But now he can see it, Valet is Malachi, Malachi is alive, Malachi has been by his side this ENTIRE time and he is SUCH a fucking idiot for not realizing sooner--
Nahu defeats Roi, and before Rozen succumbs to the poison, Malachi threatens him and says he'd better not die before he can kick his ass. Rozen laughs and thinks I can't BELIEVE I didn't notice, they talk the same way.
Days later he finally wakes up to find Malachi beside him, and immediately bursts into tears. Malachi explains that he'd been rescued by one of the townspeople when the orphanage went up in flames. It left him with a few burn scars but it ALSO awakened fire magic within him, which he can now wield freely. Malachi was told that Rozen had been killed by the people who attacked the village--which weren't actually the rogues, the village had been attacked by Roi himself, and HE was the one to set the village ablaze. (So Rozen had even been manipulated by him back then. MAN) Malachi refused to believe that Rozen was dead despite all the evidence claiming otherwise, and spent the next 15 years searching for him. Malachi was eventually employed by a sort of intelligence agency that sent him undercover to the gambling ring, and that was when he found Rozen again and realized he was alive. However, while Malachi was 100% ready to blow his cover and escape with Rozen, he was coerced into staying for the mission, much to his frustration.
Malachi tells him that he hadn't thought of anything else for the past 15 years, and now that he'd found Rozen he'd never leave his side again 🥺 Rozen feels the same way. They both realize they're probably in trouble, with Malachi prepared to abandon his duty to be with Rozen and Rozen with his...complicated history being involved in an underground crime organization. LMAO
Luckily for them, Nahu is all about recruiting them, and they both agree to join his squad <3 Their new life together begins!! Rozen has to grapple with the fact that Malachi is definitely not the kid he used to know and has grown up, a lot. Malachi, meanwhile, has been in love with Rozen since he was 12 and is trying everything he can to properly express that. Rozen slowly comes to terms with the fact that yeah, he's probably in love with Malachi, and things just get more interesting from there as they dance around each other for months just trying to figure it out ;)
AND THAT'S HIM MY MASTER OF CARDS MY HEARTBROKEN KING MY SLUT TITTY-WINDOW THIGH-HIGH WEARING KING thank you for reading mwah <3 (Also Malachi will be posted soon I have to write his side of the story as well lol)
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rainbow-crane · 3 months
Ways Hiro Could've Been Plot-Relevant
I'm upset. We cope with listmaking
Expand on his business dealings. Hiro's supposed to be using his fortune-telling as a moneymaker, and by playing his ftes, you know he's wildly successful via exorbitant prices. So why not have him take advantage of everyone's panic in the killing game and start making sales? Sure, a good chunk of the cast will be able to see through it, but there are plenty of characters that could buy it (Makoto, Hina, Toko in the early-game, to name a few).
Have him and Makoto connect over both being framed. They literally set up the easiest way for the two of them to bond in chapter 3 and just. Didn't use it. I feel like this is the easiest way to make him feel more connected to the story (and player!) without having to alter the main plot all that much.
Investigate the supernatural! Hiro is pretty quickly established as having a ton of interest and belief in it, but believes it to be separate from his fortune-telling from a business perspective. If Sayaka and Kyoko both canonically have supernatural abilities, couldn't Hiro's own interest in the extraterrestrial play a role? After Kyoko reveals to the group her amnesia, Hiro could be the one to offer to help her figure it out, and potentially have the ability to pick up on her connection to the god of death (I could 100% see him referring to her as an 'angel of death' and misinterpreting his own reading as her being the cause, as more of a clue-in before she just drops that on us lol.) Also, having him know something's different/off about Kyoko would make him work as more of a role in the story and allow him to connect to Kyoko, trying to investigate in his own bumbling way but eventually sees her as a friend and wanting to trust her despite it. It'd double as a good reason for Kyoko to feel connected to the other survivors as well.
Accidental-older-brother-figure him. He's canonically several years older than the rest of the group; watch him accidentally start worrying over the rest of the survivors as the game goes on and give him a sibling-like relationship with them, particularly Hina and Toko. They all argue all the time anyway, so why not go that extra mile and sibling-code it? They squabble a ton, but when it comes down to an emergency, he should be the one putting himself between Monokuma and the survivors in the gym, defending Makoto and Kyoko in the ch 5 trial, checking on Jill after the bomb sends her flying. Let him worry about the others more!!!
This applies to everyone really, but you know how sdr2 and v3 have those unlockable scenes you can trigger by having the right items in your inventory? I really wish THH had those (besides the bathhouse one that doesn't count) so we could hang out with the other characters and let them develop more bonds with each other. I could see one with Hiro by getting him a new glass ball in chapter 2 and him giving out a free reading to 'test' the glass ball first, with Makoto, Chihiro, and Hina all getting readings. (Bonus points for Hiro supporting transfem Chihiro w/o expressly saying it. I'm imagining something like "I can see you're much stronger than you think you are, and self-doubt is your greatest enemy; keep being true to yourself" and her misinterpreting it as 'oh maybe I am cis and just haven't acknowledged it' and just. Tragic downfall)
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shxtodxroki · 1 year
𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜: 𝚃𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚒 𝙰𝚜 𝙰 𝙱𝚘𝚢𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍
Summary: What’s it like being in a relationship with Tamaki Amajiki?
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, brief description of a panic attack, mentions of food
Pairing: Tamaki Amajiki x Gender Neutral! Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
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- First things first, getting together with Tamaki isn’t a quick or easy process in the slightest, and it's important that you recognize that before trying to pursue anything with him
- It’s painfully obvious to everyone who’s ever seen him that he’s very anxious and doesn’t put himself out there or take risks easily, so getting into a relationship with him requires a lot of patience, kindness and understanding
- That’s how he knows that you’re the person he’s meant to be with, though. You weren’t put off by how long it took for the two of you to get together, you stuck by his side and continue to show him every single day that you love and care for him despite his anxieties, and he appreciates the effort you put in so much more than he could ever tell you <3
- But back to when the two of you got together lol
- You’d definitely have to be the one to ask Tamaki out officially. No matter how much he wants to be with you, he just can not force a confession directly out of his mouth
- Believe me, he’s so infatuated with you that he has tried, but the words get caught in his throat and his breathing quickens rapidly, causing his vision to get spotty and tears to fall from his eyes
- He falls into a complete panic attack, so even though he likes you more than he’s ever liked anyone before, he knows he’ll never be able to confess to you :/
- Luckily for him, you like him too! :)
- You’ve been friends with Mirio since you first came to UA due to his friendly, talkative and extroverted nature, and of course when the two of you started getting close, he just had to introduce you to his “super amazing best friend Tamaki!”
- And it definitely took a few meetings for the two of you to warm up to one another. Tamaki’s shyness made interactions stiff and awkward for a while as you didn't know how to help him feel comfortable around you, but you continued to try to reach out to him, and Tamaki worked hard to push through the anxiety in his gut and meet you half-way in your efforts once he realized you were serious about wanting to be his friend
- From there feelings just kind of developed naturally on both ends. Your personalities fit together easily, like puzzle pieces finally being connected, and you were both drawn to each other in a way neither of you had felt before and mutual crushes eventually bloomed between the two of you
- And you had your suspicions that Tamaki may reciprocate your feelings, as he tried to show you this in his own way after realizing he’d never be able to confess his feelings to you directly, so one day after lots of debating and searching for signs of his feelings, you decided to bite the bullet and just ask him out already, hoping and praying that you wouldn’t scare him off and lose the friendship you had built up completely if you were wrong and he didn’t reciprocate your feelings after all
- Fortunately, you had nothing to worry about, though, as Tamaki eventually managed to sputter out an admission that he would really enjoy going on a date with you after his shock eased up enough for him to get the words out
- Once the two of you finally get together Tamaki’s very much not a PDA person, though I’m sure everyone could have guessed this
- PDA means that attention is on him, and that’s just something that completely makes him freeze up in public
- He doesn’t mind hand holding, though, as that doesn’t draw much attention, so holding your hand or linking your pinkies together is his way of showing you love and affection when the two of you are in school or out in public together
- Because Tamaki’s so shy and quiet, he doesn’t get a lot of time to share his opinions, and he spends a lot of time in his own thoughts. Of course he has Mirio and Nejire to talk to, he’s comfortable around those two, but they’re the only people he was really able to be completely open with until you came along
- But being with you just makes him feel so comfortable, for once in his life he doesn’t feel like every action he takes or every word that falls from his lips is being judged, so he opens up to you in a way that very few people get to see from him
- Eventually the two of you get to the point where he’ll blurt out whatever’s on his mind to share his thoughts with you when the two of you are alone, and it always leaves a smile blooming on your face at how comfortable he is around you as you respond to his opinions and share your own silly, mindless thoughts with him
- One way Tamaki copes with his anxiety when he’s at school is by gnawing at the skin on his lips when he feels stressed, which leads to his lips being pretty chapped most of the time
- He was really self-conscious about it and nervous about kissing you at the beginning of your relationship because of this, he always avoided pressing his lips to your skin in any way out of fear that the rough, jagged skin would make you uncomfortable
- But eventually he confessed these fears to you when you asked if you could kiss him after you two had been on a couple of dates, and you reassured him that you didn’t mind his chapped lips in the slightest, and that you’d never judge him for something like that
- And after that conversation you make sure he knows that you carry chapstick around with you and that he's welcome to use it if he likes, but that you personally couldn’t care less if his lips are always chapped and will happily kiss him either way. You just don’t want him to feel self-conscious when, in your eyes, he’s the most beautiful boy you’ve ever seen, so if some chapstick can alleviate some of his anxiety and make him feel more confident then you’re happy to lend yours to him
- He likes it best when you put it on his lips for him, though :] It’s such a gentle and domestic act that it makes his heart absolutely swell with love for you as his face is covered in a cherry blush at your close proximity
- You also carry around snacks for him, since you know it’s important for his quirk! You keep his usual snacks that he eats before training on you at all times, so that you can offer them to him if he forgets his own or even if he just needs a little pick-me-up 
- And in return he always carries around an extra water bottle just for you :> 
- He knows that with how busy your lives are it can be difficult to remember proper hydration sometimes, so when he buys himself a water bottle he also buys one for you (and customizes it with cute little stickers of your interests/favorite things like the previous, thoughtful boyfriend that he is <3) and keeps it with him at all times so he can make sure you’re staying hydrated whenever he sees you (which is like, all the time lol)
- Oh oh oh! So y’all know those cute little couple heart-shaped lamp things, the ones that let you send a tiny message to your partner and they’ll receive it on their lamp and that you can control from your phone?
- Tamaki totally buys those as a gift for you on your anniversary or something like that. At first he was worried you’d think they’re lame and cheesy and wouldn’t like them, and he was very thankful when you got all excited about the gift and wrapped your arms around him as you pressed kisses across his face and thanked him profusely
- He knows you get to see each other pretty much every day, but he still likes being able to send you a “good night, I love you” message on the little lamps every night, and he likes being able to turn off your light for you to make sure you get a good night’s rest <3 (He knows he could just send the message as a text, but this feels more cute and personal to him)
- One of the best qualities Tamaki has in your relationship is that he’s an excellent communicator. The thought of losing you makes him feel physically ill, so he never wants any serious issues to develop between the two of you and always communicates whenever he’s having any kind of trouble, and encourages you to do the same with him
- If there’s an issue he wants to resolve it calmly and quickly before it can blow up or get out of hand, and if you’re struggling with something and need support, then he always wants to be right by your side helping you through your struggles however he can <3
- I know I said this before, but he’s seriously so, so thankful for all that you do for him. You help him through his meltdowns and panic attacks and the stress of being a hero-in-training and you absolutely light up his life, he truly thinks you’re brighter than every star in the sky and he just wants to show you the same love and care that you always do for him
- He wants to repay your kindness, to be an equal in your relationship and support you the same way you always support him
- And y’all know how he always refers to Mirio as the sun? Well in his mind you’re his star, he kind of sees himself as the night sky and you light up his world, filling him with a brightness that helps keep him going and allows him to be just as amazing and beautiful as you <3
- “Star” eventually becomes one of his pet names for you, and his other favorites are typically “babe” or “angel”. He only uses pet names when the two of you are alone or maybe around Mirio and Nejire on his best days, though, so you always cherish them whenever he uses one
- And even after you two have been dating for years, he still flushes at every nickname or ounce of physical affection you give him <3 He never gets tired or bored of you and your affections, you’ll always leave a swarm of butterflies in his stomach no matter how long you’ve been together
- Cuddling with Tamaki is typically a balance between him being the little spoon and you being the little spoon, depending on the day
- If he’s had a rough day or is feeling down he likes to be held by you, burying his face into your chest as his safe space as he allows his breathing to even out and his mind to clear in your gentle hold while you whisper sweet words into his ears
- But sometimes he also wants to hold you, to show you he can protect you and comfort you as well. Especially when you've had a rough day, typically he’s not the one to initiate cuddles but if he can see you’re struggling then his mind fills with determination and he easily wraps you up in his arms, running his hands up and down your back to soothe you and holding you until your stress or pain dissipates <3
- Overall Tamaki’s genuinely the most soft, gentle and loving boyfriend you ever could have asked for. All he wants is to make you happy, to prove to you every single day that he’s worthy of your love and that he loves you unconditionally as well <3
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Request - Anonymous said: Could I get some headcanons for Tamaki? I love him so much 🥹🥹🥹🥹 anything fluffy please!
A/N: AAAA y’all I always get so excited to write for Tamaki, this was so much fun and he’s literally my favorite character so I’m ALWAYS down to write for him! :D This actually ended up being way longer than I meant it to be because I’m delusional for him lol, but I hope you guys enjoy this! I have the next 5 days off of school thanks to testing for the younger grades lol so hopefully I’ll be posting more writing these next couple of days! My requests are also still open as of now, so if you have any requests feel free to send them my way and I’ll get them added to my request list (linked in my navi) asap! :)
Taglist: @rebloglikeyouneedtoo @papijean @trashy-bowtie @thekaylahub @eunoiasa @applepie-macaroon @ghostofscarley @lemonadae-caekie @swiftbyul @shinsosmatcha
If you’d like to be added to any of my taglists, you can fill out this form here! Thank you for your support <3
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reysdriver · 2 years
Stop The World | S.B.
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Sirius proposes to take you away at your arranged engagement party to Lucius Malfoy — sirius x fem!pureblood!reader angst
warnings: cheating but the good kind lol, reader is in an unhappy/forced relationship
words: 0.8k
a/n: this is like loosely based on the song Stop The World I Wanna Get Off With You by Arctic Monkeys (go listen its amazing) and I may be doing a part 2 later
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You were the only person wearing white in a sea of black or colours only a few shades away. That wasn't the only reason you were uncomfortable. You were surrounded by pureblood maniacs who only cared to be here so they could pester you with questions about having an heir immediately after graduating from Hogwarts.
Your family arranged a wedding between you and Lucius Malfoy, and you couldn't even voice your dismay for fear of being disowned and having nowhere to go. So, because you couldn't do anything else, you took a sip of your drink and tried to drown out the conversations around you. 
"Shall we dance?" Lucius asked you, void of emotion. 
You didn't give him a verbal reply. Instead, you just held out your hand for him to take and walked with him to the area where several other unhappy couples waltzed. 
His hands dropped down to your waist—too possessive for your liking—and you brought your hands up to rest on his shoulders. You danced, barely making eye contact or speaking or doing anything else couples do. 
Interrupting the tension of the dance, you saw Sirius Black walking closer to you and you held back a smile. Your eyes darted to the side so as to continue looking at him, and you concluded that he was, in fact, walking right over to you. 
"Malfoy." Sirius said, getting Lucius' attention. "Mind if I steal (y/n) for a dance?" 
He looked hesitant, but you knew the majority of that was just due to the rivalry between the two young men. 
You tried to get Lucius to leave, making a pointless excuse for him to go away. "Lucius, would you mind getting me another drink? And perhaps you could greet some of our guests on your way."
His mood remained largely unchanged, but he wanted to avoid making a scene over something so small at this party. He let go of you and walked away. You quickly resumed the dance with Sirius, only much more comfortable as you were in the arms of your secret boyfriend. 
"This isn't what you want. You know that." 
"And what is it that I want?" You asked with a cocky head tilt. 
"Me." The word caused you to roll your eyes, even though it was absolutely true. "But not just me. Anything but this, really."
You gazed into his silver eyes, imagining the happy life with him that he had insinuated with those few words. He was right, you wanted to get out of this life, but you felt trapped. It's not easy being a sixteen year-old with your life mapped out for you by wealthy relatives who couldn't care less about your happiness as long as the bloodline was continuing. 
"Well, it's a shame I'm already engaged." You said sadly, and he twirled you in sync with the music. 
He pulled you back into his arms, the two of you were perhaps even closer together than you had been a few moments ago. "But not married." He countered. "And even if you were, I wouldn't care. I would still offer to sweep you away and be with you."
You tried to keep your voice down. If other guests heard you having this conversation, you were sure it would not end well. "Well, my knight in shining armour, how do you plan to rescue me from this tower? I'm sure the dragons would not be pleased to hear I want out."
"You don't have to tell them. I plan on running away and living with the Potters, you should join me. I have my uncle's fortune, and I could buy us somewhere to live and keep us afloat after graduation." 
The proposal scared you more than anything, but it was everything you've ever wanted. You wanted to jump into his arms and have him carry you away that instant, but you saw Lucius coming back with a glass of champagne, and you knew you had to wrap up the conversation. 
"I'll be needing some air in ten minutes. I'll go out to the gardens, meet me there." You said quickly and quietly, then you unwrapped your arms from his shoulders and gave him a polite kiss on the cheek. 
Your betrothed—the official one—handed you the drink, and you took a sip with perfect etiquette. 
"Thank you for the dance, Sirius." You said, both of you holding back your joy from public eyes. 
"Thank you, my dear. This party is lovely, by the way." 
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lasandra · 13 days
Sketches of the Dragon Age men I've romanced + my reactions to their romance! For funsies!
Under the cut because it's quite long... There are spoilers for DA:O, DA:2, and DA:I (Probably not an issue because all these games have been out for 10+ years but I wanted to say, just in case).
These are just how 'I' feel about them. I'd love to hear everyone else's opinions on the characters as well! One thing I love about Dragon Age is that the characters are so complex that people can have very different opinions on them (and mostly not kill each other for it! :P).
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Alistair was the reason I started playing the game back in 2010. My father had been given the game by his best friend and he would always let me watch him play games. He hadn't gotten further than defeating the Ogre in the Tower of Ishal before he quit playing, however, much to 12-year-old me's disappointment. I had immediately fallen in love with Alistair and wanted to see more of him! I asked if I could play and fortunately my father was not as careful about checking game ratings/content and said sure!
Words cannot describe how stunned I was when I found out you could romance companions in this game, this was an entirely new concept to me that blew my 12-year-old mind. To this day Alistair is my favorite fictional man and I would destroy all of Thedas to protect him.
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I didn't have as positive an experience initially with Zevran as I barely took him anywhere with me initially (so my approval with him was always pretty low). Back then I figured he always would betray you when Taliesen shows up. One day I decided to run a playthrough where I romanced him. When I knew I was getting close to when Taliesen showed up I was sad, but thinking he was still going to betray me, I removed all his weapons and armor so that it would be easier to kill him. Boy was I surprised when he didn't betray me and was instead punching the other crows in his underwear... It was that playthrough that I realized how important it was to check approval lol.
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Anders and Nathaniel Howe had been my favorite Awakening characters. In my canon playthrough, I had protected the city but lost the keep, with Anders and Justice along with it. Or so I thought. When I loaded up DA:2 and saw him, I thought him being alive was a bug and was so excited that he wasn't dead! And when I saw that you could flirt with him, 13-year-old me was like, "Yeah, I'll be doing THAT!" It was all going great until the end of the game when he BLEW UP THE FREAKING CHANTRY! I was so upset, I wondered what I did wrong to make him do that. I loaded so many saves and started the game over 3 times trying to figure out how to avoid that. When I realized I couldn't stop him no matter what I did, I was completely and utterly devastated and PISSED. He is the reason I have trust issues in Dragon Age. I still choose to romance him sometimes because the guy is such a romantic but I do so expecting sadness and anger in the end lol. Knowing Hawke will never be as important as the cause and the fact that he LIES to Hawke, tricking her into helping him without full knowledge of what she's taking part in, will never cease to annoy me.
A lot, I know... He just makes me feel a lot of things xD It's a complicated love-hate relationship.
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It took awhile for me to warm up to Fenris but he is by far and a way my favorite DA:2 romance now. Things are complicated with him and within the romance but it's very clear that he actually cares about Hawke. I can relate to him a bit in one way, the reason he leaves after he and Hawke get together in Act 2. Trauma like that can really ruin things that should make you happy, and it can be very frightening when memories of the traumatic event surface, and the last thing you want to do is make the person you care about feel bad or like it's their fault. It just makes me want to give him a hug. Poor spikey boy...
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I really wish Bioware had had the time to do more with Sebastian. I really do. His romance has some cute moments (and there are some interesting implications if you rivalmance him) but he was made as a DLC companion and it shows. I still quite like his character though, I know a lot of DA fans aren't fond but yeah lol. He can be a bit of a dramatic pain in the butt if you don't kill Anders though. That is very valid criticism.
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Ah... Cullen... He was always controversial. A lot like Solas is now. There are people who hate Cullen's guts and people who adore him. I am quite obviously the latter. I wanted to romance him in DA:O, I wanted to romance him in DA:2, and then we finally got him in DA:I and it was better than I ever could have imagined.
Honestly, I kind of suspect that if I hadn't done Alistair's romance first, that Cullen's would be my favorite in the series. It's so sweet and he PROPOSES and married you IN-GAME. That's freaking awesome! And his ending slides after Trespasser just make me really really happy lol.
Alistair is still my favorite but Cullen is a very close second.
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Blackwall is a solid character and a sweet guy; his story and romance are very well written as well. Honestly though, he just looks too old for me. I was 16 when Inquisition came out and I'm 26 now. Dude looks like he could be my dad and so it's hard to convince myself that my characters would be interested in him. No shade to those who like him, just different preferences, and like I said, he's still a very compelling character and if he were younger or less bearded, I could probably enjoy the romance too.
While I make a big deal about Blackwall lying about being a Grey Warden, it's mostly just me picking on him. I actually do think it makes for an interesting narrative. It's so easy to sus him out when you've played Origins though lol! That being said, I DO make him become a legitimate Grey Warden because it just feels right to me and ensures that every Dragon Age game I play has at least one Grey Warden companion (so that everything is right in the universe).
Please don't hate me Blackwall fans lol!
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Am I a massive hypocrite for loving Solas so much while not being all that fond of Blackwall? Probably yes... But I can't help it! To be fair though, before I finished Inquisition for the first time (this was before the Trespasser DLC btw), I didn't even think I'd be interested. I'm a diehard Solavellan now, but I had initially just seen him as a pajama-wearing fade nerd (aren't I sweet?). As I've said I was 16 when I first played Inquisition and was too busy romancing Cullen to notice all the (in hindsight) obvious signs that there was more to Solas than met the eye.
When I saw that he was the dreadwolf... I kind of flipped my ever living shit. Fen'Harel had been the most interesting of the elven pantheon to me since I played my first dalish elf warden in Origins and now my Lavellan had the chance to romance him??? So naturally I did just that my next playthrough.
I didn't use the internet like I do now so I had no idea what was coming in Crestwood though. OOF! I was in shock. How dare this pajama-wearing fade nerd elven god just dump my poor Lavellan like that! Then Trespasser came out I had round 2 of getting my heart ripped out of my chest, dashed into a thousand pieces, and strewn about the fade in the most tragic way possible. *Is dramatic*
Cullen and Alistair may be my favorite romances for the romance itself, but Solas is my favorite romance for the overarching story. I mean, because the Inquisitor is seen by so much of Thedas as the Herald of Andraste, Lavellan is canonically a religious figure of the chantry whether she agrees with it or not. Solas is a religious figure of the elves. This means two religious figures from two separate religions get together and that is just SO interesting from a story perspective!
I can't wait to see what they do with the Solavellan romance in Veilguard. I hope it doesn't hurt too much xD
The Iron Bull:
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16-year-old me was not prepared for this romance... At ALL. My poor mostly innocent eyes lol (Cullen's too!). It's a fun romance though, and my default inquisition romance for my Qunari and dwarf characters. He's cool. Plus I had a bit of a crush on Freddie Prinze Jr when I was a kid so like, that makes it kind of neat!
Final Thoughts:
Bioware has always written truly amazing characters and romances and I am so excited to see what Veilguard has to offer. I am probably going to have to do two playthroughs at once so I can romance Lucanis and Davrin so I can play both without knowing too much in advance.
Like I said at the top, I'd love to know what everyone's opinions of the characters are! Loveya!
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imtrashraccoon · 2 months
I have a…. Request?
I dunno, what would your ideas be for a dragon nm, like he turns into a dragon and has horns and stuff.
Wow, I guess some of you really like dragons? I don't blame you cause I like them too lol. I assume you were asking in general and not necessarily about the recent Dragon AU for The Dark Fortress?
Dragon Nightmare Headcanons
Every couple of centuries, Nightmare gets bored of doing dragon things like pillaging the countryside, napping on his horde, fending off foolish adventurers, etc. When this happens, he likes to disguise himself and walk among mortals as one of them. Sometimes he looks like a human and other times he chooses to appear as a monster or beast.
Usually, he prefers forms that are regarded as conventionally attractive and where he can look important, such as a wealthy traveller. Although, he has on occasion decided to take on the form of an outcast from society, such as a beggar. Because of these experiences, he is well aware of the stark differences in how appearance plays into how people perceive you. He despises those who take advantage of their positions of power to step on the less fortunate, but he isn't one to go out of his way to call them out.
Well, that's what he likes to think.
On occasion, he's met a few individuals that stood out from the rest of the mortals. Maybe they were so persistent to be friends that he couldn't say no or maybe he found it in his cold, dark soul to help them. He does have a lot of gold after all and if that won't work, he's a powerful ancient dragon for crying out loud! So what if a pesky politician goes missing? They didn't deserve to live if they were going to treat people like that.
One of the issues with essentially being immortal is that he'll outlive everyone else. He tries not to get attached for this reason but sometimes he can't help falling for someone. He treasures the memory of each individual and he has a space in his horde dedicated to personal items from them. Most of the relationships he's had with mortals were platonic, although romantic relationships are possible if the person is extraordinarily special as he doesn't like letting people see his deepest emotions or secrets.
If you've been seeing the same mysterious stranger around town for a while, maybe show him some hospitality? Kindness is the easiest way into his soul, with possessing unusual skills a close second. He'd be rather touched if you made something specifically for him, especially if it took a long time to make like baked goods, although he also enjoys meat dishes.
You could also impress him with knowledge or proficiency with a weapon. If you're also a fan of riddles or manage to trick him, he would pay more attention to you. There isn't much that he doesn't know considering how long he's been alive but not every mortal knows about the obscure parts of history or how old weapons are best wielded.
You probably won't see his true form for a very long time as he doesn't want to ruin your friendship by scaring you. It's possible that you could witness him in his dragon form and not recognize him as the mysterious stranger. If he realized that you saw him, well, I suppose he's not going to finish raiding this town since he doesn't want you to get hurt.
When he trusts that you won't hate him or be terrified of his dragon form, he'll willingly show you what he really is. It certainly explains how he was able to give you expensive gifts! It probably also explains some of his more concerning behaviours...
He tends to act...possessive of you. People you thought were your friends start avoiding you and if anyone starts to pay attention to you, he gets irritated. If they're lucky, he'll just convince them to never talk to you again, but if not, well, he is a dragon...
He's only looking out for his favourite mortal. He doesn't want to upset you of course, but those people don't have your best interests at heart and he just wants you to be happy. If you notice that he's doing this behind your back and alienating you from your friends and family, it would be best to call him out on it. The last thing he wants to do is make you upset with him, so nipping these behaviours in the bud before they become a problem is a must.
He isn't above taking you away from your troubles after all.
On the topic of his true form, if you somehow find him cute or even attractive, he'll think you're joking at first. Although, once he realizes that you're being completely genuine, he's rather flustered. He's an ancient dragon who's laid waste to countless civilizations and killed thousands! His appearance alone has struck fear in the hearts of kings and yet you find him cute?! No! You may not "pet" him! He is not a mangy mutt nor is he soft!
If you insist on petting his head or back, he'll eventually relent, if just to prove his point and get you to shut up. Just don't touch his wings or his tail...and be careful around his eyes...
He didn't tell you to stop... No, it's not because he likes being pet. Your fingers are just a lot more nimble and are good at getting in the grooves of his scales that he can't reach, that's all...
You will end up in a cuddle pile later now that the barrier of touch has been breached and don't expect to be allowed to leave any time soon, especially because dragons are known to take long naps...
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writing-whump · 9 months
ma'am, for your consideration: arnie realizing he can weaponize his human fragility by forcing his bros to co-exist in the same space. Aka him purposefully getting hurt/sick and putting both Isaiah and Hector as his emergency contacts, because he's manipulative like that. I love this boy so much
Food poisoning
Hehe thank you for sending this! I was staring at this one for a long time, cause it has the right mix of drama and brother bonding, lol. It has a bit of a twist to it :D
Arnie sat down at the sushi place at the mall, going over his plan one more time.
He would make Hector and Isaiah talk. They couldn't avoid each other forever. And fortunately for him, neither could deny him anything when they were worried for him.
Shrimps were the perfect choice. A bit of runny nose, itchy eyes and some cramps that would go away quickly enough, but if he pretended he ate many, he could exaggerate the symptoms and have them both rushing to his side. He had been allergic to anything shellfish since childhood.
Arnie gathered the sushi rolls, shrimp and crab mixed in, some cucumber ones too. It was the kind of all-you-can-eat place, so why not enjoy himself why he was at it?
He kept coming and returning with new portions to his table with a great view from the upper floor to the lower one, where the exit and the escalator were. Watching people rushing in and out, the different clothes, the speed was Arnie's favorite pastime at places like these.
He got himself those Japanese cherries and a big coke to sip on when Hector suddenly shook his shoulder from behind.
"Hey. I thought I caught a familiar scent. What are you getting lunch for and not calling me?"
Arnie winced, wrinkling his forehead. "Hey. I didn't know you were in town."
Hector rolled his eyes, hurling himself into the chair opposite Arnie, immediately grabbing for the sushi on his carefully arranged plates. "This place is like 5 minutes from the pack base. It's the center of my work radius."
"H-hey! That's my food! Go get your own," Arnie exclaimed.
Hector grinned, throwing the sushi and the shrimp into his mouth, not even taking time to use the cutlery. "Oh shut up. You can't eat half of this amount, are you crazy? Way too much for your tiny human stomach."
"Very funny," Arnie glared. Now that he was caught like this, he couldn't pretend not to notice the shrimp or that he ate more than Hector saw him eat.
Not that there was much left to eat, Hector devoured his plates without even looking.
"What are you so hungry for? You had a giant breakfast," Arnie said in irritation, sipping on his Coke. Hector was like a bulldozer to his plans.
"Hungry like a wolf," Hector said with a wink.
Since the little New Year's debacle Hector had been a lot more cheerful and friendly, although that wasn't really his style.
Arnie had to appreciate the effort he was putting into looking like he was alright with Arnie getting messages and Saturday lunches with Isaiah. Like he was happy for him when he clearly wasn't.
Arnie wasn't sure what the most prevalent emotion was for Hector. Jealousy? The sense of betrayal and hurt? From him or from Isaiah? Seriously, couldn't the two just sit down and have a long talk about what happened?
Not that Arnie was getting much in that department. He still didn't dare to address it directly and Isaiah skillfully dodged the topic or ignored any hints Arnie threw in to warm him up to it.
Arnie all but lost his appetite as he watched Hector clean out the plates with speed and getting more.
"You in a hurry? You are eating like there is no tomorrow," Arnie commented with a scrunched nose.
Hector rolled his eyes. "You want me to have table manners at a mall sushi stand? For real? Couldn't you have picked one of the fancier restaurants down the street? We are at the center, we got money, why don't you enjoy it."
"Oh, and I thought you would tell me to eat something more local instead of a risky fish stuff." That's what Isaiah told him last time, which Arnie couldn't take seriously after Isaiah took him for their first lunch after years at his favourite sushi restaurant. This small family place made everything fresh right there in front of their eyes.
Hector gave him a look, his cheeks puffing out and he muffed a burp against his fist. "You are the smartass here. Fuuh, I'm full." Didn't make him slow down as he threw himself at the rest of his half-filled plate.
"Then stop eating," Arnie said with a fond eye-roll. "It's just a mall sushi place," he added teasingly.
Hector's eyes narrowed and he smirked, taking it as a challenge as he ate the last bits before getting more dessert. Arnie would have popped from that amount a long time ago.
"Urrrrp, okay I'm done," Hector said after the next 15 minutes, leaning back in the chair. "That was pretty good. The sushi seems a bit old and wrinkly, but the taste is good."
"Remind me why I don't usually invite you for lunch," Arnie said dryly as Hector burped, loudly this time. "Come on, let's take a walk by the river. Help you settle and all."
Hector just grinned shamelessly, standing up to pay the bill for both of them.
Hector could complain all he liked, the mall had a good location. Just next to the river, the bank made into a beautiful park with nicely cut grass, fancy trees and those little gym instruments along the way.
The weather was gray and uninviting, but the temperature was actually quite pleasant, so Arnie didn't complain as they made their way against the current.
Hector walked like an old man, unzipping his jacket to free space for his bulging stomach. Arnie didn't notice how huge it got from behind the table.
Hector even planted his hand on it, rubbing slightly as they walked.
It hit Arnie then that it was Sunday. "Wait wait wait. You don't have any work in town today. You came to- you wanted to have lunch with me! Just like Isaiah did yesterday!"
Hector gave him a sour glare. "That's not-not why I did it at all."
Arnie giggled. Oh my god, that was so neat. Hector couldn't stand him and Isaiah having something he didn't have.
"Stop-urrrp-stop laughing," Hector said angrily, cheeks turning red.
"You know, you can always come with me? Isaiah would be happy to see you," Arnie said, still smiling wide.
"Happy my ass," Hector grunted.
"Oh come on! I know you want to."
"That's not, hiccc, that's not the issue-" Hector stopped as they came to the little bridge that people took pictures from, leaning heavily against the railing as another hiccup shook his shoulders.
"What, you worried he is angry about any of the mean stuff you tell him? I'm sure he is not," Arnie said, a smug smile growing as Hector's eyes widened that he figured it out.
"He knows you. He would forgive you anything. Can't you just-"
"Okay, Arnie, stop, I-"
"No," Arnie interrupted, bracing against the railing beside him. The chilly air, the river flowing with such force, it all gave him courage to breach this topic. "I think it's time you act like an adult and had a talk-"
Hector suddenly heaved, hands gripping the railing and threw up over it.
Arnie stagged in shock, not expecting that. "Geez, a little warning, eh?"
Hector didn't seem to be finished, leaning over only for another projectile vomit to shoot out. Distracted by the conversation, Arnie only realized now that Hector was sweaty all over, pale and breathing hard, bracing against the railing with all force.
"Hex? Hey, it's okay, get it up. I told you it was too much..." Arnie said, carefully placing a hand on his back, feeling the muscles move underneath the jacket.
"Think-ughhh-think there was something wrong with the food," Hector said with a grimace, bowing to lean his forehead against the cool metal of the railing, still gripping it with both hands as if for balance. "My stomach's fucking killing me."
Arnie rubbed his back with more vehemence now. Was the mall sushi worse than he thought? Was it spoiled and he didn't notice? He didn't have a single bite and Hector said it tasted old...
"Ughhhh," Hector wrapped both his hands around his stomach, face going white and then abruptly red and then white again. "Christ, this fucking hurts."
"Okay, uhmm," Arnie wracked his head with what to do. They were stranded between the mall, the river and the park. And Hector never said a word when he was hurting, this was bad.
"Do you want to- wait, wait, don't do that!"
Hector's knees gave out underneath him and he crouched down, moaning.
"Let's sit you down on a bench. Look there is one right over there, come on." Arnie felt himself panicking a little, rubbing Hector's arm, trying to coax him to stand back up.
Hector just curled more onto himself, clutching at his stomach like his organs were about to spill on the sidewalk.
He was bright red, white spotches on his face and neck and his throat was bobbing dangerously with each deep heaving breath.
"Told you...not to trust cheap places like that," Hector gritted out between breaths.
Arnie felt cold settling in his stomach. The food was bad and he ordered it, was about to eat to make Hector worry about him. This was way worse than any allergic reaction, this was downright food poisoning. This should have been him, not Hector.
"I'm so sorry. Hold on to me." He managed to free one of Hector's hands and pull it around his shoulders, tagging at him to get him up.
Hector groaned, but let Arnie hoist him up. It was a fragile position, because Hector was two times Arnie's size, all muscle and height while Arnie had the slim built of a teenage boy.
Hector swayed on his feet and Arnie wrapped his arm around his back while supporting his chest with the other. If Hector fell down, he would take Arnie with him, no stopping it.
"Okay, steady. Don't fall down," Arnie begged.
Hector burped, then doubled over Arnie's arm and vomited again, chunky pieces of dark and light pink sushi all over the ground. The smell had Arnie's nose wrinkling in disgust and he held his breath, planting both legs apart to find a stable center.
A woman and a kid passing by scrambled away quickly with a squeal.
Hector's shoulders rolled with another heave, all muscles in his jaw clenching and tensing as he fought against the next wave, but it came all the same, another chunky slimy mess. At least it shot up with such force it didn't hit any of them yet, though it sprayed around as it hit the concrete with a splash.
"A-are you okay?" Arnie hated the anxiety that made his voice sound all small and childish but there it was.
Hector spat out a pink frothy mouthful on the ground, straightening up at his question. "Good-uuuuuurp-I'm good. A bench you said?"
"Yeah, right over there." Arnie used all his strength to turn Hector around and guide him towards the bench. He was left sweaty and out of breath by the time they made the five steps towards it, Hector swaying with each movement in a different direction.
Hector collapsed on the wood gratefully, immediately spreading his legs and bracing on his knees to burp loudly on the ground. Nothing came up this time, but his stomach had a piercing angry growl that had Arnie jumping up.
Hector moaned, one hand back to clutch at the top of his belly, hanging his head. It was terrifying how someone stronger than the world could be reduced to a shaking mess by food.
And it was all Arnie's fault.
The blond sat down on the bench as gently as he could, hands on Hector's back and upper arm, quickly soaking with sweat. 
"Feeling any better? It's not even been an hour since you ate, maybe you will get rid of it and feel better soon," Arnie said pleadingly, clasping Hector's shoulder as a sudden heave had him wincing.
"Everything's-... everything's spinning. Where..." Hector blinked several times, one hand still on his stomach but the other sneaking over towards his younger brother.
Arnie grabbed the hand quickly, clutching it tightly. "You feel dizzy?" This was getting worse and worse. He was seriously afraid now.
Hector shut his eyes, grimacing as he took deep erratic breaths.
"We need help. I can't get you anywhere like this. I'll call an ambulance." Anyone or anything to get Hector from looking like that, face contorting in pain.
"Nahhhh...I'm kay-justbadfoodsnonsnese..."
"Yeah, but your shadow won't work on food poisoning and you are slurring your words and-" Arnie pressed his face into Hector's shoulder trying to calm down enough to think. He couldn't just panic and leave Hector like this.
Would an ambulance work though? What if Hector's shadow acted up? It was fine now, not even budging, but that’s because Hector was used to Arnie. A bunch of strangers when he was confused, dizzy and in pain? Bad combination for a wolf. He could rip someone's head off and not notice.
There was only one solution. Ironically enough, Arnie would get his wish after all.
Still holding Hector's hand tight, he reached with his free hand to his pocket to get his phone out. The panic and the fact it was his left hand made him clumsy, but Isaiah's number was still there from yesterday.
Isaiah picked up on the first ring. "He-"
"Isaiah, thank god," Arnie interrupted. "You have to come get us. Hector's super sick, he can't even walk or see straight and I can't- I need to get him home, but maybe he needs a hospital? What if he needs a hospital, how d-do I k-know? I have no one to call, you know how angry he would be if I called someone from the pack in his state- can you come?"
"Arnie. Arnie calm down, you are talking too fast. Deep breaths. I'll come wherever you want. Now where are you?"
"At the park behind the mall? You know the big one in the centrum, I-I don't know w-what it's called..." Arnie was all but choking on tears right now.
Hector's grip on his hand tightened and he was heaving again, loud and horse guttural sounds accompanying the process. White pink vomit covered the ground between his legs and there was puke hanging from his nose and chin.
"I know where it is. I'll be there in a sec, you hear? It's going to be okay."
Hector made another horrible sound, moaning between burps. Arnie still held his hand, pressed between Hector's straining stomach and his tight.
"Arnie? What's wrong with Hector? Is he hurt?" Isaiah's voice was smooth and calm, holding the worry deep behind.
Arnie latched onto the sound. "No, but he ate really bad sushi and-"
Hector groaned at the mention like a hurt animal.
"And it hit him out of nowhere and he can't stop throwing up and Isaiah pleasepelasehurry..."
Hector gave him a side long glance, straightening up. His chin was slimy with spit and puke and Arnie realzied he didn't even have handkerchiefs on him.
"I'm on my way." Isaiah hang up.
Hector looked dazed, leaning back, rubbing at his stomach. It still looked full and distended, a sliver of skin sticking out from under his white shirt. Sweat run down his neck, creating a dark splotch around the collar.
"Feeling any better?" Arnie asked hopefully.
"Feeling awful. But it's fine. Stop crying, geez. It's not like it will kill me." Hector let his head hang back, voice raspy like he gurgled glass, sniffling. His hands hovered towards his face but he didn't dare touch it.
"I-I'm not crying!" Arnie protested, quickly swiping the back of his hand over his eyes to get rid the moisture. "You just look super bad, that's all."
Hector burped, cheeks puffing out with the movement. "Stop panicking and get me some napkins or something."
Arnie stood up at the order, Hector's face did look awful all covered in puke and saliva..."I can't leave you like this. Isaiah's on his way. Just a minute."
"The heck you calling him for?" Hector complained, rubbing at his chest, working out an airy burp. "Just caught me off guard, that's all."
"You can't walk and you are too heavy for me to-"
"No, you are just too tiny," Hector teased with a weak half-smile.
Arnie sat back down on the bench in relief. He knew what Hector was doing, playing it off like that, but it worked all the same.
"I'm so sorry," Arnie clutched his pants on his knees, "I should have been the one sick, not you."
Hector closed his eyes, head still leaning back, lips locked tight together. The stench from the puddle of vomit between his feet probably wasn't making it better. "What's that about? You couldn't have known it was bad."
Hector's stomach let out an unhappy gurgle, making the older blond wince and hiccup. "Ugggggh. Feels like there is a storm in my insides." He gulped down audibly.
"The nausea coming back?" Arnie said, palming Hector's arm anxiously.
Fortunately, that's when Isaiah appeared from the other side of the mall where Arnie now noticed the parking lot.
Isaiah quickly assessed the situation, frowning at both of them in concentration, a backpack half-heartedly thrown over one shoulder.
"Hello there. You need a ride home?"
"That would be fantastic," Arnie said, shooting up and tackling Isaiah in a hug. He was so glad they had someone to call, all but forgetting about his previous plan. He knew Isaiah would come, but it really counted now.
Isaiah huffed, staggering back a little, hugging him back with one arm. He squeezed Arnie's shoulders once, before sitting down next to Hector.
Hector didn't open his eyes, though his lips curled in a grimace. "Geez, I'm the one sick and the two are having the time of their lives."
Isaiah rolled his eyes, getting a bunch of paper towels from the backpack and handing them over to Hector. The sick man eagerly cleaned his chin and blew his nose.
"Let's see," Isaiah planted a hand against Hector's cheek. "You don't have a fever. How is your stomach?"
Hector's eyebrows drew together and he straightened, moving away from the touch.  "Cramping like hell, but manageable. Really, you are totally useless at this point. The fun part's over."
"That's good, at least you won't puke in the car. Ready to go?" Isaiah handed Arnie a small bag with all the dirty paper towels. The youngest quickly scooped them up and threw them in the nearest trashcan, happy to have something to do.
It was amazing how quickly both of them calmed down when Isaiah showed up. Hector was putting himself together for Arnie's sake before, but despite his words, his shoulders sagged in relief and his face went from angry strained red to only a bit sickly white.
"We are going to my place this time," Hector warned, which had Arnie's eyebrows shooting up in question.
Hector obediently leaned forward though, sidestepping the mess on the grass to get up.
Isaiah grabbed Hector's arm to help him stand, reaching to wrap his own around his back, but Hector stepped away. "Keep your grabby hands to yourself. I can walk." He swayed on unsteady feet, but kept himself upwards, which Arnie counted as a win.
Isaiah said nothing, slightly amused. He took the backpack that had Arnie wondering what other first help things he got into it to make it so big and the trio got on their way.
"Front or back?" Isaiah asked once they reached the car.
Hector eyed Isaiah's car with a frown. It was an older model of Audi. Not too fancy or obvious, but that was a quality vehicle.
Hector didn't answer, opening the back door and sitting down, though he didn't close it, lips pressed tightly together. Arnie wasn't sure if he was fuming at being helped, at how cool the car model was or if he was getting sick again.
Isaiah shrugged, sliding the backpack to the back seats next to Hector and starting the engine.
That's when Hector let out a loud belch and leaned forward, legs out of the car and braced against the door. He spat on the ground, his body going rigid.
Arnie hurried to his side, hand on his shoulder. "Starting again?"
"No-I just...fuck, give me a second." He was breathing fast again, grimacing, his stomach making loud bubbling noises Arnie could hear even over the running engine.
Arnie could hear the liquid running up Hector's throat before his brother leaned forward with a retch.
The first wave was small, pinkish in colour, but the next one was big and thick, all bright pink and orange. Hector was hurling it out with a force that had him almost face-diving to the ground, weren't it for Arnie's hold.
"That's disgusting," Hector panted, mouth hanging open. Arnie noticed Isaiah turned from behind the wheel to reach over, his hand now on Hector's back too.
Arnie hoped they weren't overwhelming him with all the touches, but Hector didn't seem to mind as another gush of puke joined the first one on the concrete with a loud splash. Arnie moved his feet away a little to save his shoes.
"You can't possibly have anything left in you," Arnie said in a stunned voice as Hector went from vomiting to a coughing fit, wrecking his whole frame.
"Huh, you wanna bet?" Hector said with a sound somewhere between a cough and a burp, leaning back. His face looked white and pinched again.
Isaiah had a bottle of water unscrewed and ready, holding it up for Hector.
The older blond took it and rinsed his mouth out before planting himself back on the seat, eyes shut and breathing fast, but getting slower.
Isaiah eyed him like he was an interesting puzzle to solve. His calm nerves had Arnie impressed. "Let's just drive. You can continue with that at home. The bag is right there, when you need it."
Hector muffled another burp, angrily looking at Arnie who took the offered bag, positioning it next to his sick brother.
The drive back was silent. Isaiah kept looking back at them in the mirror while Arnie watched Hector anxiously.
Hector, for his part, was tense and quiet, arms wrapped around his middle. He held himself as still as possible and Isaiah was driving carefully, but Arnie could tell the ride made it worse.
Just when they turned towards the building where Hector and Arnie shared an apartment, Hector suddenly grabbed for the bag and dry heaved over it for several minutes. The car stopped a long time ago, when he was finished, burping emptily into the bag, bringing up the smallest mouthful of brown-pink puke. It hit the plastic with a splash that had them all cringing.
Arnie was tired from the ordeal and he wasn't even the one being sick. The guilt burned his stomach like acid as he urged Hector to let go of the bag.
Isaiah circled the car, opening it, but Hector just sat unmovingly, sagging to the side.
Isaiah's expression softened. "I know you are wiped, bud. Almost home. You will lie down, sleep this off and be good as new." He cupped Hector's cheek gently, patting it until Hector's eyes unscrewed open. He didn't even have the energy to muster up a proper glare, sliding into Isaiah's ready arms.
Arnie was grateful for Isaiah's wolf strength as he held Hector up and dragged him inside, following after them with the backpack.
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wishing-stones · 1 year
hey there! first time asking and i am.. pretty nervous :') not sure how nightmare's body works for your au, but how would the boys™ react if nightmare was somehow weakened enough to have his passive body revealed under all the corruption and not die? (or yes die, if that's what you're about lol) thanks!
Awww don't be nervous! I don't bite.
Nightmare's body is largely permanently colored by the corruption, but it can weaken, and he's still a (mostly) complete, white-boned skeleton under it.
Without active corruption, Nightmare is around 5'6" (or your height) and has some damage around his right eye socket. The light still forms, but his vision isn't so great. (Still a far cry better than 'normal,' where he can't see at all). His eyelight in that socket is purple, and the one in his left is cyan, no matter what form he's in. Sometimes it'll be half-and-half, if he's especially weak or in his feelings, but he's usually got the full heterochromia thing going on.
Fortunately, it just kind of retreats into the inner void of his body/skull if it's too weak to fully encase him, so it's all or nothing with the curse/corruption. It won't kill him, but he is much more vulnerable when he's passive.
The guys would be surprised, to say the least, but they'd also make the (correct) assumption that he's not as sturdy as he usually is and should be guarded. Nightmare definitely tried to hide this, but with a bunch of intuitive, smart underlings, it's hard to maintain the illusion that 'everything's fine, I'm just going to stay in bed for a while.'
Still, no one's going to lose respect for him, or make fun of him (in any seriousness-- we all know Killer is Required By Law to give him some guff) in any real capacity. He'd get a little babied, actually, until he told them all to knock it off, and then it's only Axe who babies him. (He can't get Axe to stop.)
Everyone is sworn to secrecy, because he especially does not need Dream finding out about this. He'd never stop crying, and Nightmare doesn't want to deal with that, thank you very much.
This does happen every great so often, especially after things get reconciled with his brother. Without active malice and hatred to feed on, the corruption kind of ebbs away and 'rests' to regain strength, and then it comes back strong as ever. He's actually quite strong when it comes back because it's refreshed, and he usually feels his oats a bit when it comes back.
It's the only aspect of the curse/corruption that he can't really control. Since he doesn't have a ton of enemies anymore, or at least ones who would be able to take advantage of such a situation, it's just a mild inconvenience rather than a cause for alarm.
More little facts about this:
He sounds different while passive. If he tries really hard, he can get into his normal, deeper register, but it takes a bit. He sounds a lot younger (still an adult, but younger and higher) and gets a little bit sensitive about it, actually.
He's also sensitive about his height. He loses 8 inches or better, and he doesn't like it. Yes, he wears platforms to make himself at least taller than the others (save Axe) if he's up and about, and not sulking in his room.
He views it as an inconvenience, but he hates feeling vulnerable. He's worn the corruption so long, to not have it makes him feel naked, and it's not something he handles terribly well.
He's also more sensitive to: temperature, touch, elements, and Intent. He gets cold easily, so he's usually close to some heat source. This sometimes includes the boys, and they have cuddle-puddled to make him feel safer.
He will break out his crown and wear it. It's a newer one-- his old crown won't fit because it didn't grow with him. he wears a silver crown with a more elegant crescent moon fixture (not entirely unlike this, but solid and without decoration) with a three-quarter moon taking up the void of the crescent, leaving a small gap between the two. He also wears much less gold and much more silver, although he does wear gold with purple, since it's very regal looking.
Hand-in-hand with the above, he breaks out good fancy clothing, too, since he's not in danger of staining it, and it feels nice on not-corrupted bones. Silk, satin, velvet... very fine clothing.
He also wears a weighted cape. While he doesn't always have his tentacles out, he will over-correct for their weight when they aren't present, and he's fallen over before when turning because of it. (After Killer was done laughing, he helped devise the cape.) It's a lovely little capelet that hangs over one shoulder, but drapes otherwise evenly across the back to the small of his back.
He's usually passive for 1-2 weeks, and then it won't happen again for a couple years, if he's lucky, or 10-12 months if he's not. This only started happening once Dream broke out of the statue, so while it's a fairly new development, it's one that he's learned to deal with and has procedures for.
I mentioned it before with Dream in R&R, but his bones have kind of a pearlescent sheen to them. Dream's is warmer (like a cream pearl), but Nightmare's is cooler (like a silver pearl). They're both Demi-gods, after all.
Interestingly enough, I've been working with this idea recently.
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thewakingcloak · 8 months
The State of Things Present
this post was available for patrons a week early! please consider supporting me over on patreon!
I kept trying to make this post fancier and better and more engaging, and then I realized I was doing that thing where I make myself too overwhelmed to actually finish and post it. The other thing was I kept gunning for a once-a-week posting, and uh… yeah that's not sustainable. So here we go!
The Ghost of Spacefarer Present appears before you He whispers, very quietly, yet in a voice that resonates: "Time to resurrect the Spacefarer"
Ok so the spacefarer (me??) was very tired, but he's awake now and doing things!
Life status
We moved! My wife and kids and I packed up and headed some miles south of our previous house. It was a risk for sure. We didn't know how things would pan out. We really needed to get away from our old environment, our old town, our old house. We loved that house, and we'd said so to each other many times even as we were halfheartedly searching for a new one. But at some point that house had become too burdened with bad memories and traumas, not to mention that after the pandemic, we had no more real roots there. Everyone had moved away, the communities we were involved with had disbanded or changed. And anyway, my wife would be starting a new teaching job down south.
We were fortunate enough to find a new house we loved, and fortunate enough to be in a position where we could actually make the move. I'm aware this is a privilege, given the economy and the market, and so I can only express my thankfulness and consider it a blessing, especially as we healed through our grief.
I have an improved office now! This is where I work on my day job (software/web dev) and my unday job (Studio Spacefarer). With my genetics stacked against me, but also with my desire to be able to keep up with my kids and be there for my family, I collected a standing desk, a walking pad treadmill thing, and an ergonomic keyboard. I'm walking or at least standing most of the day now, which has made a surprising difference already.
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I was gonna post a wider view of the office, but my 3yo son ran up while I was taking pictures and started "working" (mashing the keypad), so this is automatically the better pic. Them's the rules.
Anyway, in short, we made it, and it hasn't been a smooth ride the entire time, but it has been well worth it. I've been able to get back into gamedev, which has been a huge boon to my mental health too.
Speaking of… (ghostly drumroll)
Game status!
The good stuff. Here's where I'm at presently with Episode III!
The game is completable from start to end (definitely NOT feature complete)
Jumping, swimming, and dashing all work like a charm and are super fun
Three enemy types have been added, including custom A* pathfinding for the sea monster
Two new collection mechanics (one is heart containers, the other will be a small surprise)
Depth sorting and fake-3D, as mentioned previously, which lets me do lots of fun effects
Day/night are now on a new system, and cave darkness is now a thing (I tried to implement this in PD2 but couldn't figure it out)
Palette swapping for night and lighting effects now uses GameMaker's built in layer effects
Much of the game is now decorated
Updated the game's palette to be more pleasing
Better borderless windowed mode, frame toggling, etc. (I'd made a post about a third party plugin I used to do this previously, but not long after that, GameMaker added an official setting to be toggleable at runtime, so I switched to that… much easier lol)
New audio library which has been a MASSIVE boon (Juju's Vinyl)
New flexible debug/inspector mode which allows me to change values on the fly more easily
State machine rewrite using structs instead of data structures--extremely flexible and less  error-prone (in fact the data structures here were the #1 cause of crashes in Episodes I and II)
Save system rewrite, also using structs instead of data structures (thus fixing the #2 cause of crashes in the first two episodes)
Adjusted the way walls get displayed in interiors--will make a post on this later
Lots and lots and lots and lots of bug fixes
Post end status!
I'm not exactly sure how to wrap this up lol, but y'all can be encouraging me, if you have the emotional space to do so! There's still a lot left to do on PD3, and it can be very daunting at times.
Next post up will be looking forward to the future of Studio Spacefarer. I'm very excited about this! Keep an eye out!
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warmilksz · 2 years
Do they like you back?
Disclaimer: this is not a fortune/tarot reading, I can't predict any futures and this is honestly for fun lol
Pick your character! Scroll down and center yourself. Breathe in and out and clear your mind. Pick any character from Spy x Family that resonates with you the most. And scroll down to find your number 🐱😜
This is actually my 1st time trying something like this so please forgive me for any mistakes! It's very small and not a specific reading!! Feedback is welcomed 😷💕
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I'm getting that they do like you. And I'm also getting that you like them as well. The thing is either one or both of you aren't exactly being honest with yourselves. Maybe this is a friend, coworker or someone you just didn't expect to like you back 🫣. It's seems despite this you have feelings for them and they are developing feelings for you in return even though y'all are pretending to not notice. I'm getting they don't plan on keeping this a secret and may confess soon enough.
For some reason im getting mixed emotions. Maybe you guys are in a "it's complicated " relationship or friendship. I think for some of you though, this person (probably masculine) likes you back, they want you and are willing to move towards something more with you passionately (maybe check another character). And for the others they are conflicted. They are trying to suppress their feelings but it keeps overwhelming them. Actually, this could be either two different people or the same person resisting how much they want you (two sides of the same coin!) Maybe cause of school, work or some other responsibility. In any case, they can't get you off their mind!
For this pile they definitely like you back. They probably have the hots for you too! I'm getting they feel very sexually charged and they want to support you and love you. They are very shy about it though. Maybe they never felt like this before and aren't sure how to go about it. They just can't stop dreaming about you. Even though they aren't sure you like them back and they may hesitate, their mind cannot be stopped 🤭. Cute!
For this pile I'm getting friends. They like you....as a friend. But don't sweat, it could be you guys haven't really gotten to know each other much. although they may not know you so personally, They enjoy ur company, and I'm getting airy light hearted vibes. So there is potential for this to develop into something. If not take solace knowing you have a friend in ur life! it will just take time and lots of 💕 love.
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our-ftm-experience · 22 days
I decided a month or so ago that I think I'm definitely a trans guy, but I've only come out to a few of my friends. It's kinda scary to me to come out to people again when I've gone by they/them and people kinda assumed I'm non binary for so long. My friends are all accepting, I also have some trans friends, but it's really daunting.
Also, I'm going to a new school in September, and I'm thinking of going as a guy there, but it's gonna be hard, because I can't ask to have my name changed on the register cause my family is transphobic, so idk if it's really a possibility to be known to most people as a guy, or if it'll be like my old school, where most people knew me as a girl and misgendered me, because I only came out to my friends (and wore pin badges, but so many people did that there that most people didn't notice).
I'm probably gonna kinda come out (?) when going to a pride parade with some friends later this week, but idk.
Do you have any advice on this?
I had similar experiences in high school! I first came out as nonbinary sophomore year, and then slowly started to transition to being transmasc, and then finally came out as a trans guy by the end of my senior year. I was also lucky to have trans/queer friends and mostly accepting teachers. I also did not get to change my name on the register even though I was socially transitioned 90% of the time (for similar reasons as yours). It took a lot of courage for me to do this, but I asked my teachers if they would refer to me as (X) and use (whatever pronouns I was using at the time). Most of them simply wrote down my preferred name on the roster so they would call that out instead for attendance. I was fortunate enough to not experience much transphobia from my classmates- and the teachers I felt iffy about I didn't come out to (I lived in a fairly liberal area, but it was also Central Texas lol). However, misgendering was an issue, and although I did try to correct people, I did get misgendered mistakenly sometimes. It is what it is. I wish you luck in coming out to your friends + your school if that's your decision.
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thai-with-booty · 9 months
Update - I am still at jibs home, been nice in a way to get away from my home life but does feel a bit like I gone from one madness to another. My neighbour messaged asking when I'm back, guess he hasn't had his dick sucked well for a couple of weeks and is missing it lol. I am meant to fly on the 2nd of January and I don't really see the need to hang around here causing more trouble. The time so far has been nice with Emil, there has been a lot of chatting and catching up as well as sex, I kinda wish I handnt started the whole thing with Oliver, it's causing me to be quite anxious.
So Friday night me and jib met some other friends and had a girls night out, it was great fun, I hadn't been out partying like that for ages and was nice, no men around for a bit and can relax and drink, drink too much, was calm at first but then start mixing drinks and doing shots. Me and jib get a taxi home, I help her to her room and she's pretty much passed out, she's still wear her dress and just laid on her back sleeping, I go to my room and get into bed with Emil, he's sleeping already. I got a message on my phone from Oliver, he wanted me to come down, I was tired and drunk and didn't want to, so first time I said no, there was a bit of back and forth and ultimately he sends me a really long message which was quite mean, even if it was true at parts. I get he was frustrated but writing a message like that was hardly going to get me to come down to him. Luckily for me I cuddled up to Emil and missed him lightly on the face, he wake and responded and we started kissing and leading into sex, we had sex and it felt better than usual, I think it was the alcohol and feeling shit with Oliver then being made to feel wanted. After he came I kept kissing him and basically in the moment I asked him to date me, looking back it was bad timing and not a conversation for then, he was saying not to discuss it now but I took it badly and know I was being dramatic, but I cried, and left him. He didn't bother to come after me, it was probably better, fortunately too Oliver wasn't around, that would have made it worse. I dramatically packed all my stuff and was sure I was leaving the next morning, I was feeling terrible about Oliver and now about Emil, I wasn't to get out. It took me a while to calm down but with my suitcase packed at the foot of my bed I fell asleep.
I woke Saturday morning to Emil bringing me some juice, he came to apologise, I did the whole feeling stupid, we talked and basically made up, we won't be dating, he still lives in Denmark being the main thing, but also he's studying and needs to focus on that and has a gf, though he doesn't mention her with me. We had sex, I felt ok at the time, I think I was still drunk, he left and I slept a little longer before waking with a hangover that pretty much wiped out all of Saturday. I kinda needed a day with nothing.
Oliver didn't really speak to me, though I was not around much during the day, he was watching football in the evening but I didn't go near, I stayed with Emil. I can't help but feel something is going to happen with Oliver, but hopefully he can just stew on it and I'll be gone soon. Jib and Oliver are hosting a big new year's party that they do every year, hopefully I can get a little lost in the crowd.
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darkstar225 · 1 year
Twice's 10th member being babysat by Girls Generation (SNSD)
A/N: Heyyy, I'm coming up with a lot of stuff for you guys so I can make up for the time I'm gone lol! Sry for taking so long to post :D I hope that my friend AlexHarris661 who gave me this idea on Wattpad likes it! :)
The request: Hi I really love your book. I want to request can you do where y/n is still a minor (like 14) and the members have a schedule until late night and they left y/n with girls generation and they all love her and she took a liking at Tiffany who thought y/n is adorable hugging a stuff dinosaur. They play games and feed y/n and at night Tiffany cuddle y/n to sleep and y/n want to visit them again because she had a lot of fun with them.
PS: Tysm for everyone who reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
The city of Seoul sparkled under the night sky as TWICE hurriedly made their way to their packed schedule. It was a typical day in the life of K-pop idols, and as always, their tightly packed itinerary left them with little time for anything else. However, today was different because they were faced with an unexpected situation... Y/N, their youngest member, who was only fourteen years old, had a school event that required her attendance.
As they gathered in their dressing room, concern etched on their faces, Nayeon, aka mom number 2, addressed the issue. 
Nayeon - I know we're all swamped with our schedule today, but our kid has a school event that she can't miss. We can't leave her alone at the dorm, so I was thinking... What if we ask Girls' Generation if they could look after her for the day?
The members nodded in agreement, relieved that there was a solution to their predicament. They knew that Girls' Generation were not only their seniors but also friendly and caring idols who had a deep bond with TWICE. It was a fortunate coincidence that they had a day off.
Jihyo, TWICE's reliable leader and Y/N's omma, took out her phone and quickly dialled a number. 
Jihyo - I'll call Taeyeon unnie. She's usually the one we talk to.
Within moments, Taeyeon answered the call. After a brief conversation, they arranged for TWICE's sunshine to spend the day with Girls' Generation. Despite the hectic schedule ahead, the TWICE members felt a weight lifted off their shoulders, knowing that Y/N would be in good hands.
As Y/N arrived at Girls' Generation's spacious apartment, she was met with warm smiles and welcoming hugs from the legendary K-pop group. The members of Girls' Generation had always been like big sisters to her, and she felt at ease in their presence.
Taeyeon, the group's leader, ruffled Y/N's hair affectionately. 
Taeyeon - We're so glad you're here, baby. It's going to be a fun day with us.
Y/N beamed up at Taeyeon.
Y/N - I'm excited, unnie!
The other members gathered around, introducing themselves to TWICE's angel and making her feel right at home. Sunny, Sooyoung, Yuri, Seohyun, and Hyoyeon all had a unique warmth about them, and it didn't take long for Y/N to feel like she was part of their family.
But it was Tiffany, with her bright smile and warm eyes, who captured Y/N's heart from the moment they met. Tiffany knelt down to the younger girl's eye level and extended her hand. 
Tiffany - Hi, sweetie. I'm Tiffany. I've heard so much about you.
Y/N shook Tiffany's hand shyly, feeling a flush of excitement. 
Tiffany - I know who you are! You're my favourite member!
Tiffany's eyes twinkled with delight (her moon eyes when she smiles are so cute). 
Tiffany - Really? That's so sweet of you to say!
The youngest's face lit up as she reached into her bag and pulled out a stuffed dinosaur. It was her favourite plush toy, and she held it out to Tiffany. 
Y/N - This is Dino, my best friend!
Tiffany took the stuffed dinosaur, hugging it close to her heart. 
Tiffany - Wow, Dino is so cool! You have excellent taste, babygirl.
The bond between Y/N and Tiffany grew stronger as they spent the day together. Tiffany showed the girl around the apartment, letting her explore the world of Girls' Generation. They played games, sang together, and even danced to some of TWICE and Girls' Generation's hit songs. Tiffany was impressed by Y/N's talent and enthusiasm.
As the day progressed, the members of Girls' Generation took turns preparing meals for Y/N. They made her favourite dishes and made sure she had a variety of delicious food to choose from. TWICE's lovebug was amazed by their culinary skills and felt incredibly spoiled by the attentive care they showed her.
By the time evening rolled around, Y/N was starting to feel a little tired. Tiffany noticed her yawning and gave a suggestion.
Tiffany - How about we get you ready for bed, sweetie?
Y/N nodded, suddenly feeling a bit shy. 
Y/N - Okay, unnie...
Tiffany helped her dongsang change into her pyjamas and tucked her into a cosy bed. As Y/N snuggled under the blankets, Tiffany leaned down and kissed her forehead. 
Tiffany - Goodnight, pet. Sweet dreams.
Y/N - Goodnight, unnie. *whispering with her eyes drooping with exhaustion*
Tiffany lingered by Y/N's bedside for a moment, watching the young girl drift off to sleep. She couldn't help but smile at how adorable and precious Y/N looked, clutching her stuffed dinosaur tightly. Tiffany had always loved children, and this kid had a special place in her heart.
Once Y/N was sound asleep, Tiffany quietly left the room and joined the other Girls' Generation members in the living room. They sat together, reminiscing about the fun day they had with Y/N.
Yuri spoke up, her voice filled with warmth. 
Yuri - She's such a sweet and well-behaved young girl. I can see why TWICE adores her so much.
Sunny nodded in agreement. 
Sunny - It's been a while since we had a little one around. She reminds me of when we were rookies.
Tiffany couldn't help but gush about Y/N like a proud mom. 
Tiffany - She's just so adorable, especially with her stuffed dinosaur. I could cuddle with her all day.
The other members laughed at Tiffany's confession, knowing how much she adored TWICE's cutie pie. It was heartwarming to see the usually glamorous and charismatic idol turn into a soft-hearted and affectionate caretaker.
As the night wore on, Tiffany decided to spend some more time with Y/N. She quietly entered the room and saw the young girl sleeping peacefully. Tiffany carefully climbed into the bed, making sure not to disturb the young girl. She wrapped her arms around Y/N and held her close, feeling the warmth of their shared embrace.
In her sleep, Y/N instinctively snuggled closer to Tiffany, burying her face in the older idol's chest. Tiffany smiled, her heart filled with love and contentment. She couldn't imagine a more precious moment than this.
The next morning, Y/N woke up to find herself still wrapped in Tiffany's comforting embrace. She blinked up at Tiffany, her eyes wide with surprise. 
Y/N - Unnie, did you sleep here all night?
Tiffany nodded with a tender smile.
Tiffany - I wanted to make sure you were safe and sound, sweetheart.
Y/N's heart swelled with affection for her new older sister or mom (lol). 
Tiffany - Thank you, unnie. You're the best!
After a hearty breakfast prepared by the Girls' Generation members, it was time for Y/N to return home. She gave each member a tight hug and thanked them for the wonderful day and night she had spent with them.
Tiffany knelt down to Y/N's eye level and whispered.
Tiffany - You're welcome to visit us anytime, boo. We had so much fun with you, and we'd love to have you back.
Y/N's eyes lit up with excitement. 
Y/N - I'll definitely come back, unnie. I had the best time ever!
Y/N had spent an unforgettable day and night with Girls' Generation, and as she returned home, she couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and contentment. The memories of their time together filled her heart with joy.
As she stepped into the TWICE dorm, her fellow members greeted her with hugs and smiles. They could see the happiness radiating from her, and they were eager to hear about her day with Girls' Generation.
Jihyo - Dinner is ready, baby! Come join us at the table.
Y/N eagerly joined her unnies for dinner, amusing them with stories of her adventures with Girls' Generation. She recounted how kind and caring they had been, and how much fun they had together. The members of TWICE listened with interest, their smiles growing wider with each passing story.
Nayeon - It sounds like you had an amazing time, kid.
Jeongyeon - We're so glad you got to spend time with Girls' Generation. They're like family to us.
As the evening wore on, Y/N's thoughts kept drifting back to her day with Girls' Generation. She had felt so loved and cherished by both her TWICE sisters and her new friends. It was an experience she wouldn't soon forget.
After dinner, as TWICE's honey was getting ready for bed, she couldn't shake the feeling of longing to see Girls' Generation again. She knew that it might be some time before their schedules aligned for another visit, but she couldn't help but express her desire.
As she entered the living room, where some of the members were gathered, she took a deep breath and spoke from her heart. 
Y/N - Unnies, I had the best time with Girls' Generation, and I really miss them already. Do you think we could visit them again sometime?
Momo, Sana, and Mina, the J-line, exchanged knowing glances. They could see the genuine happiness and connection Y/N had formed with Girls' Generation, and they couldn't deny her request.
Momo spoke up as her eyes filled with understanding. 
Momo - Of course, darling. We'll do our best to arrange another visit soon. You've found a special bond with them, and we want you to be happy.
Sana and Mina nodded in agreement. 
Mina - We'll make it happen, lovely girl.
Y/N's heart swelled with gratitude for her caring and supportive unnies. She knew that she was fortunate to have not one, but two incredible groups of idols who loved and cared for her like family.
As she settled into bed that night, she couldn't help but smile. She had found a place in both TWICE and Girls' Generation, surrounded by people who cherished and adored her. She knew that the future held more wonderful moments and memories with her two idol families, and she couldn't wait for the next time she would get to see Girls' Generation and bask in their love once again. And as she fell asleep, she could only have one thought:
I love my dear chosen family.
A/N: I'm sorry for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3
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celaenaeiln · 7 months
hi howve you been!
much better, thank you anon! I hope you're doing great as well!! <33
Just for that, do you want to hear a fun story?
In 1955, there was a Great Onion Debacle.
Yes. Onions.
A little backstory - in finance, there are financial contracts called "futures". What futures are is a contract that lets a person buy an item in the future for the price it costs today.
So in 1955, onion futures (contracts) -of all things! Onions are amazing though so I guess I understand - were the most traded commodity on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange which is like a trading company sort of like Wall Street. Two men, Vincent Kosuga and Sam Siegel, realized this and were like "man, we can make a fortune out of this!". So what they did was they bought literally metric tons of onions and onion futures. They bought so much they controlled 98% of all the onions in Chicago. They were now an onion monopoly.
Because they controlled all the onions, they now decide to short sell the onion futures. Short selling is when you sell an item now and then decide to rebuy it in the future when the price drops.
So basically imagine your selling a house. You'll make tons of money but once the economy improves, the the price of the house will drop and you decide to rebuy it and thus make a profit. Because you sold it for more than what you bought it again for.
And that's what the two men did. Because they had control of all the onions and onion-related trading, they controlled the onion market (lol this is literally so funny. "onion market") using supply and demand. In the market, the more you have of something, the less if costs because there isn't a need for that much of the item. Like if you have a super rare pokemon card or baseball card, you're going to sell it for more because there's a less quantity. Whereas if you had a normal card, you would sell it for less because it's in abundance and everyone can get it.
So that's what they did. After collecting all the onions in chicago, they basically dumped all the onions at once back into the market, and because there was so much, the price of the onions shot down. Not only that, once the onions spoiled, they would throw out the old and bring in new ones. From an outside perspective, it looked like there were sooo many onions and onion shares so the price of the shares dropped drastically too, making it really cheap. And when I mean he dumped them, HE LITERALLY DUMPED THEM! He took what onions he had left in storage and trucked them to the Chicago Board of Trade, literally flooded the market and streets with onions. Onions, worthless at that point, were dumped into the Chicago River! 30,000,000 pounds of onions! 14,000,000 kgs!
Kosuga and Siegel made millions. $1 in 1955 is equal to $11.51 dollars in 2024. Kosuga, mainly, made $8.5 million which is equal to $97,835,000!!! THATS ALMOST A BILLION DOLLARS COMING FROM SELLING ONIONS. That's freaking insane 😭😭😭 biggest almost scam of the century and listen to this -
While the guys were raking in the big bucks, the sheer amount of onions being shipped to Chicago caused nation-wide shortages of onions everywhere else!!!
The Commodity Exchange Authority caught wind of Siegel and Kosuga’s little game and they immediately initiated an investigation, while congressional held actual hearings on the issue. In the end, congress created an Onion Futures Act which banned the futures trading on onions 😭. The law is still in effect today, making onions the only banned trading commodity in the United States.
And here's the kicker - after creating possibly on the the biggest scams of the century, Kosuga got away with all this scot free. Despite the massive amounts of damage his calculated betting did to literally everyone else but him, he technically didn't break any rules because there were no rules on this for him to break. He even became a businessman and philanthropist and later on he opened up a restaurant called "The Jolly Onion Inn", and became a chef. The restaurant quickly grew until it was one of the most popular restaurants.
I don't know what the moral of this story is but if you're smart you can get away with any thing 😂😅
But the fact that onions caused the biggest scam of the century 😂😂😂 wild.
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sea-owl · 1 year
recently I've been thinking about the haruno clan being a powerful civilian clan and not a lot of people realize because they're busy with the shinobi shit and all that. sakura thinks they know, so she doesn't tell them, and then on a mission one day she gets found out somehow and team 7 loses their shit.
maybe cause of a proposal, or something? cause I imagine a merchant clan would be a good investment lol. she gets proposed to and they all go batshit lol
I also think it could be interesting considering she's tsunades apprentice, yknow?
You know what would be hilarious, if this happened during the genin days.
I imagine the Harunos probably traded in something related to plants, possibly teas or maybe even some plant based medicine. That's why Sakura chose medic nin later on because it was something she was familiar with. They were traveling merchants for a long time, probably in the last few generations they decided to settle down in different areas to have a more permeant base. Kizashi moved to Konoha himself from the Sand Village to help expand business. (I am always in the belief that at least one of Sakura's parents is from the Sand) Sakura really doesn't say anything because she thought they knew, yeah her parents live pretty humble, that has to do with the fact her family is so used to moving a lot it was better to travel light. It's not like she was hiding it.
Then one day they got a mission that just so happened to be in the town where one of Sakura's extended family member lived. Weirdly enough team 7 were requested specially. Kakashi knew that some members of a powerful merchant clan lived in that town but he didn't know the clan's name. Sakura was going to tell them it was her family but she thought it be funny to surprise them, after all they never bothered asking the merchant's daughter who the powerful merchant family might be.
They meet with the client and Sakura was immediately weirded out.
It started out normal enough. The client, Lord Inoue, had introduced himself and had said he hired them to help out during the negotiations with the merchant clan. They had planned to arrange a marriage between themselves and the merchants. Of course team 7 agreed so the village can get paid and they can get that bag.
Then things started getting weird.
Lord Inoue called in his son, Daichi, who looked to be fivish years older than the genin. Daichi got down on one knee in front of Sakura.
Several people proceed to lose their shit, including a member of the merchant family who was visiting to hear more about the negotiations from Lord Inoue. This being Sakura's pink haired aunt, Nadeshiko.
Aunt Nadeshiko proceeds to lose her temper and yanks her niece back. "Who the hell do you think you are trying to go behind our backs and propose to my niece without her father or me present! You broke lord! I will be taking my niece and if you have any hope for these negotiations to work you better pray for good fortune!"
Lord Inoue, trying to gain some control, sputters that he has the shinobi under contract and they can not go with her.
Without hesitation Nadeshiko turns to Kakashi, her hands already reaching for her purse. "How much do you need for me to buy out the contract?"
Kakashi is so fucking confused by this point that Sakura has to give the number.
Nadeshiko rolls her eyes. "That number is insulting. We will pay triple. Here is half." She proceeds to toss her purse at Kakashi and then walk out the door with Sakura in hand. The boys scramble after.
While walking out the boys see the matching Haruno circles on Sakura's and Nadeshiko's backs.
"Well," Kakashi said as he put the money away. "We know the merchant clan's name now."
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wishing-stones · 10 months
ahdifejbd you know I always get so stressed sending requests for meme things cause I’m always 10000000000% convinced that I’m going to be the 38th jerk to ask the exact same thing SO I am sending two letters that I think would be interesting ONLY because I am giving you the option to Choose One - NOT because I am asking you to write both!
I think Dream with B or C could be interesting in different ways!
B. Under cover of darkness. (Sunshine Boi Bein’ Sneaky sounds fun as heck. What kind of circumstances would require for him to do a sneak in the dark?)
C. A moment’s respite. (What do *you* imagine a moment of rest would look like for the guy who’s chronically Duty Bound to literally the whole multiverse?)
Again - pls pick *one* that suits your fancy OR one that hasn’t been picked already if someone else beat me to the punch lol. Happy Turkey Weekend, Friend! And pls take your time over the holiday weekend! Don’t overwork yourself!!!
Hahahaha, I think I'll go with C for him since I did B for Baggs already. Space out my same-prompts some.
I'll pick one later for myself once I've answered the bulk of these
C. A moment’s respite.
He's thankful for his little corner of the multiverse. He owed Ink a lot for helping him claim it and bring it to life.
The little cottage, perpetually bathed in the warm light of golden hour, is the perfect little place for him. He has enough spare rooms to house a few people, and his two best friends have their own spaces as well.
He has his gardens, his orchard, and his small stable with a single cow.
It was nice to be able to have such a comfortable home to return to. One that didn't remind him of his past failures, one that didn't reek of sorrow and death and anger. One where he could enjoy the warmth on his bones and the peace of birdsong and crickets.
As much as he liked to keep busy here by gardening or by general upkeep...
Today he was taking time to lay on one of the golden hills in the soft grass, listening to the wind quietly hush over the blades and petals of wildflowers. He was kicked back with his sockets closed, skirting towards the edge of sleep, completely at ease.
He'd been all but bullied into taking a day off-- no duty to the multiverse, no busywork in the garden-- they would take care of that-- and no worrying about anything. He'd started the day off with a long soak in his favorite bubbles and oils, and followed it up with reading beneath the largest apple tree in his orchard. Now, he was contemplating a nap in the sun, reminded of simpler times when such days of leisure were common.
It was only slightly painful to think about them, and to lack his brother to enjoy such a moment with.
... Perhaps Nightmare was similarly enjoying a day off. Stars knew that he had luxury in spades in his dark, imposing fortress. Grand marble baths, gilded chaises, massive hearths and wine aplenty.
Wine did sound appealing. Maybe he'd break a bottle of blush open later, at dinner.
It was the one thing he'd managed to negotiate with his friends-- he would be the one to make dinner for them all. Ink could create very fine foods from thin air, and Blue... was not as bad as he used to be.. but Dream took a special pleasure in cooking things from scratch. It was as relaxing to him as laying here, beneath the sun was.
He didn't know what time it was, nor did he really care. He could afford not to today.
He was fortunate to have such good friends. Perhaps his brother was similarly fortunate-- he could afford to take a day of leisure with his underlings handling whatever serious issues might crop up.
He hoped.
The one thing that would put the cherry on the top of the day would be the knowledge that Nightmare had similarly taken a day for himself. Perhaps Killer could harass him away from his perpetual mountain of paperwork. Maybe Dust could ensure he took time to relax. Cross could remind him of the many luxuries the castle had to offer, and Axe, naturally, handled all the food.
His phone was on silent today, but he retrieved it momentarily to contact Cross, texting him to maybe, gently, get him to take the day off.
[Cross] Don't worry about it, Killer has it handled. I think he's soaking in that huge spa bath he has right now.
With a content sigh, Dream pocketed his phone and curled up on the plush grass, tipping his circlet partially off of his head and drifting off into a well-earned, completely content nap.
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