#caught up with my sister and had a coffee with her so nature is healing
castawavy · 5 months
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before / next
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yellowcry · 5 months
'Til you can taste no more
Today Casita learned two things.
First is that even the calmer kids can get into an accident.
Second, you don't leave coffee on a table without supervision.
Pepa growled the cloud over her head thundered. She wasn't a morning person, but with three toddlers in the house, it was impossible to extend the nighttime.
The older kids were inseparable, more like siblings. When one of them wanted to start some shenanigan, the other would immediately join in. Luckily, Luisa didn't have her partner in crime. The house wouldn't survive it. And Jaime couldn't see her as often as kids that lived under one roof.
Casita clicked with a tile, pushing a cup filled with a steaming drink to Pepa. The woman smiled, about to take it. A good black coffee was the best way to start a good day and prepare for all the weather patterns surrounding it.
"Ouch!" Pepa was startled, jumping from her seat upon hearing her baby's whimpering. The wind grew around her, spreading tiny snowflakes around the dining room. They were melting on the warm surface, leaving wet drops everywhere. 
In just a split second, Pepa rushed outside, leaving her coffee on the plate. Right now her child was in pain and motherly instincts worked up, spreading with anxious cold. 
Dolores sat on the tilted floor, pulling her knee closer. Through the tear on her trousers, Pepa could see flayed skin, blood slowly dripping down. Her doll lay on the floor just next to her.
"Dolly, don't cry!" Isabela demanded nearby, patting her back. "I'm getting injuries all the time, Mi Mami will heal you!" 
Pepa kneeled next to the children, she knew the pain from the skinned knee. In her youth, she had often got into troubles that left her injured. "Sweety, don't worry, we'll heal you! Your leg will be even better than before in no time." She leaned, giving a soft kiss on a torn place. Dolores was way more careful than both of her cousins and rarely got injuries. But even she wasn't immune to accidents. "Your Mamí's magical kiss will take away the pain." The wind shook the flower petals, ripping the pink bouquets off.
Isabela crossed her arms, unimpressed and mad at the plants getting destroyed. A little leader she was. "You don't heal anyone with kisses." 
Pepa let out a soft chuckle, taking her child into her arms. "Sobrina, do you know what your Mamá says? The power of mother's love is magical!" 
Dolores blinked, still in pain but now distracted. She loved knowing everything about everything and this concept certainly got her interest. "Will my kisses heal Señorita Dasa?" She reached for the knitted doll, hugging it. 
Pepa smiled. It was so sweet. "Of course they will." She stood up, still with Dolores in her arms. "Let's get you to Tía."
The morning light was pushing itself through the windows, bright sunbeams crawled on the cupboards. Arepas con queso rustled on the stove.  Agustín was leaning toward Julieta in a kiss. Obviously busy with their own things. If Pepa didn't know her sister this well, she would laugh over the possibility of burning the food. But by now she knew that her sister was an expert in holding things under control. 
"Ew..." Isabela muttered, not bothering to be quiet. Her face winced from disgust over the sight. She ran to her parents, pushing her small arms between them. "It's gross! Stop!"
Julieta chuckled softly, taking a step back. Her eldest was such a brave little girl. Isabela's eyes looked from one of her parents to another, displeased with what she had caught them doing. 
Pepa yelled, nervous, holding her child tightly. Pouring with a light rain. "Juli, Dolores needs food."
Julieta's eyes shifted to her sobrina, and she gasped. Taking care of everyone was a part. of her nature and she obviously got scared for Pepa's baby.
She quickly took one of fresh-made Arepas, passing it to Dolores.
The child winced but took a small bite. Getting her to eat was getting insanely hard after she got her gift. Dolores was fussing each time she had to, upset with the sound of her own chewing. It wasn't anything new, Pepa could not remember the time when she got her gift well, but Mamá had said that it was ugly.
The skinned skin healed in front of their eyes. Just like always. Pepa breathed out in relief. The rainbow glowed over her head, as Dolores stopped feeling pain. The fact that her little child was now okay was so perfect that the sky started to cry from happiness.
Dolores giggled, placing her palm under the cold drop, and listening to how it smashed against her skin. Unfinished arepa that she held got wet.
It didn't continue for much longer, Isabela, seeing that her cousin was okay now, took her again. Now discussing what should they draw on Bruno's rat telenovelas scripts. Pepa knew how wonderful it was to have your partner in crime living right by your side.
Pepa wiped off her tears. The kids were getting so big. It feels like only yesterday she and Julieta were betting on who would give birth first. And by now two of them had their own gifts. They were getting so big, and oh, how much Pepa wished to hold three of them as newborns again. Alas, babies were getting bigger every day.
At least her coffee would always stay the same...
Oh, about it! She's better to hurry up before it turns cold.
Julieta returned to the cooking routine, listening to her husband's awkward flirt. He sounded like a teenager who knew nothing about romance despite years of marriage. But it was part of him that Julieta loved as much as everything else. And better yet, he gave her two wonderful girls. Noisy and mischievous sisters. 
Oh, what was Luisa doing right now? Julieta smiled to herself, kneading the dough. Maybe she joined the other kids, maybe she was with her Tíos. When there were three babies it was so hard to loom over everyone. How did Mamá manage to do it alone back then?
There was an evident thundering. Julieta could say she was used to the noise after almost thirty years since Pepa got her gift. With how emotional her sister was, entire Casita could hear the wind or thunder almost every day. Julieta wiped her tensed hands against her apron. Her eyebrows narrowed, eyes shifted to the wall. It was better to check on her sister as fast as she could.
Pepa stomped her foot with puffy cheeks. She crossed her arms, allowing rain to run down
her face, wetting her orange dress. 
Julieta placed her hand on her chest, standing in the doorway. "Pepa? What happened?" 
The gingerheaded threw her hand in the air. The thunder got louder. "My coffee had disappeared!" She waved at the empty coffee plate on the table. 
Really? Julieta sighed, trying to keep Pepa calm. They could always make another cup. And there was more chance that Pepa didn't actually make it in the first place. With all of Julieta's respect, she couldn't think of a single person who would want Pepa's coffee. Mama was too squeamish to use other people's crockery and cutlery. Felíx wouldn't do anything that could make Pepa upset even if his life depended on it. Bruno and Agústin just weren't fans of black coffee.
Luisa appeared from the doorway, pacing on her small legs. She giggled, holding a cup with obvious patterns of drawn rain. As their plates and cups were made to match their gifts because Mamá didn't want them to mess it up by accident, there was no doubt of whom this certain cup belonged to.
Julieta kneeled in front of her youngest, taking the cup from her. "Lulu, where was it?'
Luisa jumped, filled with energy that wanted to spill out of her body, and pointed at the table. "It's yummy! Wanna more!" She demanded, placing her palms on her sides. 
Years later, Julieta would still blame Pepa for making her daughter addicted to caffeine.
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lokfeedsthegays · 1 year
Hi, hello. Posting like crazy rn but
I wrote a test snippet for a Mako fic I’m working on!! <3
The basic premise I’m thinking for this fic is Mako, a few months after the events of ROTE, becomes a private investigator, and through some turn of events goes to the Fire Nation, where he encounters his aunt he didn’t know he had.
As he investigates further, a case that he thought would be small and brief unfolds into a conspiracy with him in the middle of it. To boot, he’s been feeling strange, and has suspicions of its source being from his takedown of the spirit vine engine.
Any feedback appreciated 👀
Mako sat in an unfamiliar position in front of the Pai Sho board.
The constant ticks of his aunt’s clock resonated throughout the room. It made a noise that was debatably worse than silence would be. It made him feel like every second mattered when there was no viable time limit to latch onto. His aunt was patient enough, sitting there with her fingers folded under her chin.
As still as the room was, with his aunt and the golden, ornate grandfather clock being his only company, Mako was having an unusually hard time focusing.
The reason for his negligence of what was right in front of him continued to elude him. Something in his core buzzed at him like a hit of coffee, or a bout of adrenaline when he was running. But there was nothing wrong in the house. Just a quiet game of Pai Sho with his aunt.
And yet, sitting there on the red floor pillow, leaning over the short table, he felt something was wrong. The feeling was persistent, yet unhelpfully vague. Every time he glanced up he could feel tremors in his energy, like waves coming off of her and hitting him, resulting in mounting suspicion and anxiety when there was cause for none.
And most unhelpfully, it made his scarred arm ache, which meant he had to move his pieces with his other hand.
Mako moved one of the boat tiles from its perch on the edge, testing the waters. His line was caught as he hooked a smirk from his aunt that meant he did something wrong.
“No, the boat tile can’t move that way, dear. Move it back and try again”.
Pai Sho being different for various cultures was no joke. Mako thought it ridiculous when Bolin asked Korra to standardize Pai Sho rules in the middle of their steakout all those years ago, but he started to consider his little brother’s perspective a lot more seriously now that plenty of his moves were wrong by Fire Nation standards.
And each critique his aunt gave him chipped away at his ego. “I’m afraid that would be a useless move here, Mako. You could do it, but that doesn’t mean you should”.
If it were an actual game, he’d surely be drowning.
“Sorry. You said that”, Mako sighed, moving his misstep back to its original position. The board was barely changed in what had to be nearly an hour. “I guess I’m just distracted”.
“By what?”
Mako hated the way he impulsively averted his gaze when his aunt looked at him. She looked so much like his mom, just aged. Which wasn’t a surprise; they were sisters. But it made him ache for the impossibility that he could ever see his mom older than she was in the pictures. Or his dad, for that matter.
The only victory of contentment he could have now was seeing Bolin grow old. But it wasn’t like it’d be the same. Bolin being around that long was a success Mako didn’t deserve praise for. It was a necessity; something natural and simple. Anything for his brother. But seeing his parents, just older…it’d mean his life would be a lot different. He was at the point where he was unsure if that was a good or bad thing. Maybe just different.
“I dunno. I’ve been having weird feelings lately. I mean, like, sensations. In my chest and my arm. I’m worried that there’s something Kya missed when healing me”. As he told her this, his chest buzzed at a harsher level, like electricity was trying to reach his mouth and get him to shut up. His wrist throbbed, sending mini shockwaves of pain through his fingers.
“You know, there are specialized healers here in the Fire Nation”, Keima hummed, reaching out to take his hand and examine it with a sharp gaze. “I’m sure they could help you sense what’s giving you trouble. We have resources. Maybe an Earth Kingdom acupuncturist would help”.
Mako shuddered at the thought of needles. “Uh, no thanks. On the acupuncture, I mean. But…’sense’ what’s wrong with me? These are reputable healers, right?”
Mako recalled when he and Bolin were younger, and one of their frequent betters got Bolin on a healing crystal stint. Luckily it lasted for about a week; it didn’t take Mako long to convince Bolin that rocks helping auras was stupid, and there’s no way they were spiritual. He couldn’t bend them not because a spirit made them, but because they were made of cheap plastic.
And, in his defense, a week was a very short time for Bolin to not listen to him on something.
“Oh, of course! They’ll just read your energy and determine what’s best for you in terms of medicine. If any. You may be fine, and just experiencing phantom pains”.
‘Reading his energy’ didn’t sound very reputable to Mako. He must have shown his doubt on his face, because Keima gave him a warm chuckle. “My dear, surely you know that we Firebenders have applications beyond battle, right?”
“Well, sure”, Mako grunted, “I used to use my fire to heat up me and Bo on colder nights. And I used my lightning in a factory job once”.
“Practical and smart”, Keima praised, only to immediately spin it around. “But brutish, all things considered”.
Mako couldn’t take the jab to heart. His mother’s side of the family was apparently pretty well-off. They wouldn’t have to use it for battle much, unless something like an Agni Kai rolled around. Mako never learned their formal styles of Firebending. Breathing and feeling the energy and warmth of the sun seemed like a slower process than what was ideal.
He could agree it had merit, but he didn’t have time to rely on the sun and take deep breaths. His desperation and sheer force of will seemed to be enough for him. When he trained with Zolt in Lightningbending, he was praised on how fast he could get a bolt out. That was all he needed. No seconds wasted.
He found his grit to have further benefits in pro-bending. Toza couldn’t give Mako proper training like he could with Bolin, but Mako still took to the teachings of Earthbending in as much as he could.
He heard how earth was an element that someone needed to face down if they wanted it to bend to their will. Hold their ground, keep a wide stance. Be unwavering and confident.
Mako initially found it tricky. How was he supposed to face down something that came from within? Fire was so reliant on him. But in a way, it worked. Fire was a part of him he could think about looking in the eye and telling it that it was gonna do what he said whether it liked it or not. It wasn’t gonna get out of control, it was gonna come out quick, and it was gonna keep him and his brother warm and alive, even if the sun wasn’t out.
It cut the time of his lightning generation in half.
But he saw how formal Firebenders moved. How normal Firebenders moved. They didn’t swing their arms around and punch and kick like they were forcing their flames to come out. Fire seemed to erupt from their palms, the arches of their feet, blossoming in a wide motion until they cradled it. They raised it. They let it go, then it died.
It was slower than what he did, but for some reason he envied it. Or maybe he just envied never getting the chance to learn it like they did. He wasn’t completely sure.
“We feel our chi- our relationship with the fire’s warmth. It relies and is born from our energy, and in that way, it connects to others. We can feel what’s tangled up and impure, and it tells us how to conduct those pathways into something better. Something healthier. That’s why I suggested acupuncture. It’s a natural next step”.
“I’ll be happy just to know what’s going on. For a while I couldn’t even Firebend in this arm, and it’s still giving me more trouble. I still can’t Lightningbend, and it’s hard to even write. My hand shakes”.
“Then we’ll see what the trouble is this afternoon. I’ll make an appointment with Yangun. She’s one of the best around this area. Don’t worry, we’ll get this worked out in no time”, his aunt said with a warm smile. Mako looked away, feeling like his stomach was doing somersaults, electrified by that buzzing from his chest.
“In the meantime, why don’t we continue? I’ll reset the board”.
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slutforelliealways · 1 year
Space Girl pt:2
Enjoy this! I want a slow burn and lots of parts so y’all better strap in for the ride, and if you’re just here for smut i gotchu but it won’t happen for a minute or two. Gonna start adding songs that remind me of what the two girls think of you, used a couple lines from Faye’s song in this one. Imagine Ellie and Abby both understanding it’s neither one or the other right now. Simply both.
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You: I fell asleep, meet me at our spot later tonight. If you don’t show up I’m taking that as my sign to walk away from you. Dress like you’ve got something to lose!
You put your phone down on your side table and sigh, rolling over to see the perfect sight beside you. Ellie was snuggled up with your cat Benny, he liked Ellie more than he liked you clearly. She had a faint smile on her face and you had a feeling she wasn’t really sleeping. “You gonna open those green eyes of yours and help me make breakfast or just keep snuggling my son?” You nudge her and she groans.
“He’s so warm and fuzzy I don’t want to disturb his slumber, but breakfast does sound nice.” She hesitantly sits up and Benny takes off toward the kitchen for his breakfast. “Whatcha makin?”
“I dont know i don’t have much, I know D and Jess are gonna be stopping by here shortly with coffee and some breakfast sandwiches. So we honestly don’t really have to make much, I figured we’d cut up some fruit and have a little fruit salad in front of the tv before they get here.” You shrug your shoulders and climb out of bed.
“Does Dina always come by your place in the morning?” She questions, rubbing her eyes as she rolls out of your bed. You couldn’t help but look her up and down, she looked so damn good even fresh out of bed. Her hair was messy and her lips were puffy from sleep still, your clothes looked perfect on her slim and toned body. You were in awe of the perfect specimen in your bedroom. “Hello?” She waved her hands.
“Oh sorry!” You snapped back to reality, “yeah she comes by seven days a week, we catch up and drink coffee and then go to work or class after. It’s kind of our thing, has been since high school!”
Of course it had been, you and Dina had known each other all your lives, your birthdays were only a week apart so you always had joint parties. Your parents were best friends so naturally you guys were, your friendship with Dina was more of a sisterhood. And boy did you guys fight like sisters, always figuring it out right after a big blowup and moving on from it. Dina had an older sister but she passed away before she was ever born, you knew it was hard on her but your friendship had came around and healed that part of her mostly. Her parents knew it too, treating you like their own child and scolding the both of you when you’d get caught sneaking out or smoking “pot” on their property. You loved Dina, you loved her family and they loved you. It was a natural choice when it came to college, both sitting by your mailboxes waiting for the letters to come in saying you’d both been accepted to attend. Dina was your rock, as you were hers. When someone would die you’d both laugh at the funeral, you went through a breakup? Dina would remind you their head wasn’t that good. Without D you were… nothing.
“You really love her huh?” Ellie smiled softly, tilting her head in anticipation for your response.
“Yeah”, you smiled and looked at the ground. “Yeah i really do.”
“Good, you deserve a person.” She grabbed your hands and soothed them with her thumbs. You felt your cheeks get hot and dropped her hands to move toward the kitchen. You took a couple steps before feeling arms wrap around your waist and your feet leaving the floor. “Why are you constantly moving away from me huh?” Ellie whispers in your ear.
“I told you, you make me nervous!” You squeal as your feet touch the floor again, she spins you around to face her.
“You know how beautiful you are?” Her face was soft and her eyes were piercing into yours.
“You’ve mentioned it once or twice”, your smirk forming.
“Yeah? Maybe I’ll keep mentioning it then.” Her hand moves up and strokes your cheek before falling back to her side.
“Maybe I’ll get a big head.” You turn again and move into the kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing all the fruit you could find. All you had was some apples and some blueberries.
“I don’t mind that, more for me to look at.” Ellie sat down in your bar stool at your kitchen island, her eyes held onto you.
“Whatever.” You roll your eyes and smile.
New message from Abs😍💕: Mind if I come earlier? I’d like to spend the rest of the day with you! Please say yes I’m already dressed.
You stared at the screen, it was only 5:00pm and your friends were all slumped on your couch in a weed coma. Dina and Jesse had arrived earlier in the morning, bringing coffee and breakfast sandwiches as expected. You all smoked and played video games for the entire day, Ellie had ran home and changed before coming back promptly to finish the round of Halo she had started with Jesse. It was all perfect, you almost dreaded leaving to see Abby yet you knew you at least needed the closure. Things got hazy for a second, you don’t remember getting ready nor putting your car in drive and going to your lookout spot until you were there parked in your favorite lot. Your heart was racing, you had texted Dina and let her know where you were and how long you should be gone. She didn’t reply but you knew once she woke up the first thing she’d do was check her phone and respond, you held your phone against your chest as you stared out at the ocean awaiting your guest. You saw headlights in the distance and your fingertips went numb, it was time.
As Abby’s car parked you unbuckled yourself and prepared to get into her vehicle, it began to rain as you stepped out of your car. “Great, is this a sign or what?” You exclaim to yourself. You yank her door open and hop in, already soaking from the short couple of seconds you were in the rain.
New Message From Dina bo Bina🤪🥵🤮: If u leave me here for longer than 2 hrs w these FUCKING LOSERS!!! I’m coming there and ripping you to pieces 🥰❤️❤️😌👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏼 xxxooo.
You smile as you quickly put your phone in your back pocket and sit back down all the way.
“Hey, sorry about the weather.” Abby blushed as you shook yourself off. “Here.” She hands you her jacket and you take it not being able to play off the shivers from the cold rain.
“It’s okay, you don’t control the weather.” You reply dryly.
“Yeah I guess you’re right”, she rubs the back of her neck, “so uh, how was your day?”
“You gonna tell me what you needed to tell me or are you just here to waste my time and gas?” You spit out.
“Okay, look I’m sorry for blowing you off. I don’t know how to handle you and-“
“You don’t know how to handle me? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Your cheeks got hot in anger and your patience began to wear thin.
“I mean, I just! You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, I haven’t felt this calm with anyone ever and that really fucking freaks me out!” She slapped her steering wheel in frustration.
“I slept with Ellie!” You blurt out.
“I’m sorry what? You fucked Ellie? We just had a fight, I’m confused.” Her body turned towards you.
“No I didn’t fuck her! She slept over, in my bed. And we cuddled, and had breakfast together.” You stopped yourself from smiling at the very recent memory, remembering she was still on your couch fast asleep hopefully awaiting your arrival back at home.
“Oh yeah cause that’s so much better and way less intimate!” You knew Abby loved the sex as much as you did, but sleeping together, now that was her favorite part of life since she met you. “Jesus Christ baby what the fuck! Look, I’m sorry for blowing you off! There’s no good explanation for it and I wish I hadn’t done it but I did, please can we just go back to how we were!” Her fists were clenched in anger and resting in her lap. You knew this new information had pissed her off, she’d never paraded you in public but she had always stepped in when it came to what was hers.
“You blew me off, she was there to pick up the pieces. I had fun with her, I could have had fun with you but you blew me off, again. So… I’m not sure what you want me to do with that. Look I gotta go, I appreciate you trying to explain yourself. I accept your apology but, fuck you? Yeah, fuck you. I gave you four months Abs, four fucking months and you wasted it! You want me back? Prove it! I’m done with you, I’m done with this! I’m so young, I’m super fucking hot! And at least Ellie is proud to just be around me, you couldn’t even bother to ask me to be your girlfriend. What the fuck even was the past four months for you? HUH?” Your voice became impatient, awaiting her response for even a second was too long.
“It was… I- I’m not sure. I love you.” The words made you choke, your eyes widening in shock. Maybe even horror.
Minutes went by, she tried grabbing your hands but they were stuck clasped together tightly against your chest. Your breathing was to the outside ear steady but, your breaths were too short and not enough. Your choices were pass out or, “I’m gonna go. Thank you for your apology, I’ve got some shit to sort out I guess.” You forced your legs to move first, then your arms and finally, your hands. You curled your fingers around the door handle and almost got the door open before Abby’s strong hands gripped your face and her arms pulled you close to her face. Your lips locked on instinct and routine, it felt right but sad. Like your lips belonged on hers but at a cost, your arms moved up and wrapped around her neck before your fingers interlocked in the back. Her hands moved swiftly down your body and landed on your waist, her arms forced you up out of your seat and before you could take another breath you were straddled on her lap in the drivers seat. She kissed you like she needed it, her lips weak at the touch of yours. Your tongue brushed against her mouth and she let you in, you explored the tip of her tongue and her mouth danced with yours in harmony.
Her hands trailed around your waist and moved up pulling your tight, light blue baby tee up until it tickled your under boob, you pushed yourself back grinding against her which was interrupted swiftly when her car horn blared and startled the both of you.
“Fuck!” You brushed your hair back with your hand, “this is wrong, I need to go. I really do have a lot to think about! Thank you for.. this.” You open her door and try to climb out as swiftly as you could but failing and stumbling, catching yourself on the side of her thigh. Jesus this couldn’t get anymore fucking awkward!
She grabs your wrist and steadies you, “Think, think long as super fucking hard. I’m waiting for you, I’ll wait till you come back.”
Your drive home was shorter than you wanted, your sobbing completely uncontrollable as the rain matched your tears. You parked in front of your apartment and took a deep breath as you wiped your face off. You pulled the sun visor down and flipped the mirror open to give yourself a couple of toothy fake smiles, “this choice is easy. Suck it up cunt!” You whisper to yourself and unbuckle as you open your door and step out of the vehicle. You walked up the three flights of stairs slowly and as you got to your door you took a couple more breaths, took the key out, unlocked your door and stepped inside. The living room was dark and the only light was coming from above your stove, a note with placed right below the light and you moved over to read it.
Went out for some pizza! Bring you some home pinky promise!!!!
-Space Girl
You smiled and brushed your fingers across the handwriting, you turned around and Benny startled you as he approached your feet. You picked him up and moved into your bedroom, as soon as your body hit the mattress your sobbing resumed. You were desperately trying to catch your breath, gripping at your throat and pounding on your chest to snap out of it. Your head throbbing from the pressure and your eyes stinging from the excessive rubbing trying to rid the tears that kept pouring. You finally sat up at the sound of your outside door unlocking, you hastily stood up and ran to lock yourself in the bathroom.
“Honey we’re home!” D’s voice lit up in the hallway.
“And we brought pizza and liquor, Ellie brought weed! Of course.” Jesse’s voice followed.
“Whenever you’re done shitting come meet us in the living room please”, Dina shouted and you could hear them throwing themselves on your couches and beanbag.
“Yeah okay, be out in a sec!” You managed to choke out while splashing your face with water. You looked messy, all of your makeup smeared and watered down. Your hair was knotted from the thrashing around in bed in your hysteria, you wiped the makeup off your face with a wipe and ran some water through your hair before brushing it. After one final look in the mirror you caught your breath and stepped out of the bathroom. “Oh! Sorry I wasn’t expecting you to be in here!” You had stepped into Ellie on your way out of the bathroom and smacked right into her chest.
“No I’m sorry I should have made my presence known!” She looks down at her feet in embarrassment. As she looked back up at you her face went panicked, “what’s wrong? How can I fix it?”
Your lip began to tremble and you knew if you talked about it you’d lose it, “nothing. I’m good sorry, just got my period so I’m like super emotional.” Your excuse didn’t convince her.
She pulled you in for a tight hug and kissed the top of your head, “I know it’s Abby. I know you still have feelings for her and that’s okay! We don’t have to talk about it, I can leave if me being here makes things harder for you-“
“NO!” Your voice startled the both of you and she pulled you back to look at your face. “No, I- I want you here. You make it easier to breathe. Please stay, stay as long as you can!” You lean back into her chest and she hugs you even tighter.
“I’ll stay until you ask me to leave, I can go home real quick and pack a bag and then come back. You can eat some pizza and catch up with Dina and by the time I’m back you won’t even have noticed I left.” She hums into the top of your head, peppering it with kisses.
“Yeah”, you nod into her, “yeah okay that would be good. Just be quick and come back as soon as you can! Benny and I will be waiting for you.” You look up at her and a smile begins to form on her face.
“Let’s be real I’m only staying cause of him”. She smirks.
“Yeah no I figured as much”, you chuckle and release your right grip on her but she remains locked onto you.
“Not yet, just- let me hold onto you for a little bit longer.” She buries her face back into your hair and kisses the top of your head again.
You wanted more but, not like this. Not sad and mourning your half-assed relationship with the schools biggest lesbian player. You wanted to kiss her happily and excitedly, like you couldn’t breathe and her lips were oxygen. She released her grip on you and you hesitantly took a step back, you gazed at each other for a few seconds before she cleared her throat.
“Alright so, I’m gonna leave for no more than an hour and then I’ll be back. I left some flower on the coffee table and I’m sure you heard Jesse mention the liquor, smoke or drink or both. Eat some pizza, i made sure with Dina it was exactly how you like it. I’ll be back so soon my love!” Her hand cups the side of your face and her thumb brushes your cheek, “try and have a little bit of fun whilst I’m gone.” She hums to you.
You nod and nuzzle into her hand more, “don’t be gone too long okay?”
“I won’t!” She reassures you.
D and Jesse knew instantly something was up, you and Ellie had exited your bedroom and Ellie had said a brief goodbye before walking out to go home and pack her overnight bag. You sat down beside Dina and she began shooting millions of questions at you before you even got a chance to get situated, “bitch you look a mess what the fuck happened? Did you and Ellie just fuck in the bathroom is that why it took so long? Where is she going? What happened with Abby?”
“Okay take a beat please, I’m fucking starving and this pizza smells amazing!” You open the box and shove a slice in your mouth before answering her questions, “I look a mess because Abby said I love you to me and then we made out and then I left. No Ellie and I did not have sex in the bathroom just now, and she’s going home to pack a bag so she can spend a few nights here. That answer all your questions? Can i please eat now?” You take another bite of your slice.
“I mean it answers some of them I suppose, why’d you leave Abby? I thought you wanted her to say those three words to you?” D’s brows furrowed in confusion.
“I did, I mean I do but… i dont know.” You shrug and finish your slice.
“It’s Ellie ain’t it”, Jesse chimes in reaching for the bottle.
“Duh! Of course it’s Ellie, why else would she be asking her to spend the night again. I fucking knew you two would end up together!” Dina squeals.
“Okay slow down we’re not together we’re just, I don’t know. We’re hanging out!” You assure both of them.
“Whatever, I know when you’re into someone and you’re definitely into her. You can be into both, don’t make a decision right now just get laid and have fun! You gotta tell me how Ellie is in bed!” Dina reached for the flower on the coffee table as she gives you her sage advice.
“If I didn’t know any better I’d think you wanted to fuck Ellie!” Jesse questions Dina.
“Oh please you know I’m only alive for you J, I just wanna make sure my girl is getting it good!” She assures her man before looking back to you, “please just take it easy, don’t take like so seriously right now. You’re young and hot you don’t have to settle right away. Not everyone is like J and I and find their soulmate young.” She begins breaking apart the bud and looks around for some rolling papers.
“I’ve got some in my room, let me go grab them.” You stand up and head into your room for the paper. As you pass your desk a picture catches your attention, it was of you and Dina. Ellie was in the background and you could see she was looking at you, a smile cascading across her face. Your face got warm and you felt your heart speed up, she’s always had her eyes on me huh? You hum to yourself as you make your way over to your bedside table and open the drawer for the papers. As you stand back up you hear a knock on your door and you squeal in excitement and rush to open it.
“Hey!” Ellie is standing with a duffle bag in one hand and a backpack thrown over her shoulder.
“Come in come in, we were just about to roll and Jesse is throwing drinks back already.” You grab her duffel and place it in the hallway.
“Who’s rolling? If it���s Dina you need to stop her, her shit always comes out all Frankenstein looking!” Ellie chuckles as she wraps her arms around you and squeezes you tightly. You hum into her chest and nuzzle your face in.
“Hey i fucking heard that you asshole! My shit comes out clean I don’t know why you’re lying about me like that!” Dina shouts from the living room.
“Come on, join us!” You grab her hand and pull her into the living room.
She crashes down on the couch and pulls you by your waist to sit in her lap and whispers in your ear, “stay close to me okay?” You nod your head and lean back into her.
“So are you guys, you know.” Jesse points at you and Ellie, your cheeks went hot but you didn’t get a chance to respond before Ellie interjected.
“We’re hanging out, whatever is going on between us is.. between us. So leave it alone creep!” Ellie chuckles and Jesse throws his hands up in surrender before throwing the bottle back to his lips and taking a swig.
“Just curious, I know you’ve been itching for this for a while Els! You finally got your girl, wanted to see if you’d claim her.” Jesse swallowed his shot and made a grimace at the taste.
Ellie clenched around you, you looked up to see her face was just as red as you imagined yours was. You flashed her a smile and spoke up for the both of you, “bit early to define shit huh? I think you just need to keep your nose away from our business yeah Jess?” Dina laughed at the burn and slapped Jesse’s arm.
“Babe leave them alone, remember how awkward shit was for us when we first started dating? You didn’t see my girl over here pestering you with questions about me!” She lit the joint she had finished packing and passed it to you.
“Not true! It was all questions about my intentions and what not, just wanted to give her a taste of her own medicine.” Jesse put the bottle down and made grabby hands for the joint.
“Wait your turn!” Ellie gently reached for the joint and put it back to your lips, you took a puff and she moved it to her lips and took a drag. Your body felt warm at the gesture and you couldn’t ignore the pulsing between your legs.
You squeezed your thighs together trying to get rid of the heartbeat your crotch was generating, you guys hadn’t even kissed yet and still you wanted to just rip your clothes off and pounce on her. Ellie’s hands were brushing against your waist, trailing down your thighs and then back up around your waist. The joint being passed around but all you could focus on was your breathing and keeping your cool, “everything okay lover?” Ellie whispered in your ear giving you goosebumps on your neck.
“Hm? Oh yeah no I’m just stoned I think.” You try to play it off.
“Bitch you are not fucking stoned! You could out smoke all three of us in a heartbeat and not even get buzzed off of it!” Dina shouts, totally blowing your cover.
“I haven’t smoked in a few hours, maybe Ellie’s weed is just really good.” You shrug your shoulders knowing you were totally lying to their faces. Dina passed you the joint and you took a puff before passing it to Ellie who once against put it back to your lips before hers.
“I know I have good flower but I’ve heard about you hun, I know you could smoke me under the table right here right now.” Ellie says as she exhales the smoke in her lungs before stifling a cough.
“You’ve heard about me? What’s that supposed to mean?” You shift in her lap and face her.
“I mean you’re kind of known to smoke heavy, that’s all.” She shrugs and passes the joint to Jesse.
“Yeah she’s not wrong you know”, Jesse takes a puff. “You kind of have had that reputation since high school.” He passes the J to Dina.
“Okay can we stop talking about me smoking anyone under the table? I’m stoned, get over it.” You defend yourself knowing it’s all a lie and you really hadn’t felt anything since you first sparked.
“Everyone leave my baby girl alone before I start fighting you guys”, D was throwing fists up in a fake fight.
“Your baby girl?” Ellie questions.
“Duh! I had her first! Only a matter of time before she realizes I’m the true love of her life and we leave the country to go live on a farm and raise animals and make sweet sensual love to each other!” D laughs out loud at the thought.
You smirk at her, “D, I am so in love with you let’s just pack our bags and leave right now!” You reach out your hands for hers and she takes them whilst laughing.
“Let’s go baby!” She smiles at you. You both let go and throw your heads back cackling at the little facade.
Dina and Jesse ended up falling asleep on the couch and you felt yourself getting tired as well, you stood up and reached your hand out for Ellie. “C’mon”, you whisper. She takes your hand and follows you into your bedroom. You closed the door and started pulling your clothes off to change into pajamas, your eyes drifted over to Ellie who was staring right at you in your underwear and you felt yourself blush. Instead of getting dressed you walked over to the bed where Ellie was sitting on the edge and straddled her lap, she moved her hands over your bare thighs and rested her hands on your ass.
“You know, I’ve always had a crush on you. Ever since middle school science class.” She spoke in a hushed tone trying to keep quiet.
“I know, me too.” You smirk at her.
“Oh yeah? Why didn’t you make a move?” She wraps her arms around your waist and pull you up further so your faces are merely inches apart.
“I did make a move, every year until college. I left notes in your locker, i always picked you as a partner for school projects, i even paid the lunch ladies extra every week so you could get a chocolate muffin free of charge.” You moved your hands so they rested on the back of her neck.
“That was you? Seriously? I just thought the lunch ladies were fuckin awesome!” She grips your waist tighter in shock and excitement over the news you dropped.
“Ellie, I’ve literally been doing everything to get your attention. You just were too busy competing with-“ you caught yourself about to slip Abby’s name in and stutter the rest of your sentence out, “I mean you just were busy looking at other girls.” You rub the back of your neck feeling awkward.
“Competing with Abby? You can say her name, she’s not Voldemort.” She chuckled.
“Yeah… competing with Abby.” Your cheeks got flushed at the mention of her name.
“You think we’re competing now?” The question caught you so off guard you didn’t know how to respond. “Hello?” She waved her hands in your face snapping you back to reality.
“Sorry, just wasn’t expecting that.” You blink a few times to refocus.
“Expecting what?” She furrowed her brows in confusion.
“You to ask me if I thought you guys were competing, are you?” You stood up from her lap and walked over to your closet.
“I mean no, not intentionally at least. To be fair though if we were competing it’s only because you’d put us in that situation.” She reached her arms for you to come back.
Your face got hot and you felt almost angry at her remark, “and what position have I put you in Ellie? You’ve got me on the edge of my seat here so please do tell!” You reached for your nearest sleep set and put the satin shorts on with the matching tank top.
“Look I didn’t mean anything by it i just was saying, you’ve kind of got us in a triangle here. I know something happened between the two of you today, I’m not mad I have no right to be. I just don’t want to waste my time if you’re just going to leave me in the dust. I’m all in for you, always have been.” Your heart fluttered and your gaze softened. “But your hold on me is scary, I’ve dealt with breakups but you’d be my first..” Her brow furrowed.
“You first what?” You walked over and placed your hands on her shoulders and stood between her legs. She placed her hands on your hips.
“You’d be my first heartbreak.” She looked down at her feet.
You pulled her face back up to meet your eyes, “I’m not here to break your heart, I’m not here for a triangle either. Not intentionally at least. I like you, Ellie. I like Abby too I won’t lie to you and say I’m over that but, you’re in my room right now. She’s not. She told me she’d wait for me to figure it out, I’m just very confused and tired and just-“ Ellie put her fingers to your lips and shushed you gently.
“I want you, I’ve always wanted you. But I understand I’m not the only girl for you. I’d like to-“
You crush your lips onto hers, after the initial shock Ellie closed her eyes and kissed into you deeper. “I’ve always wanted you”, you whisper into her mouth.
Authors note: Alright Pt:2 what do we think? It’s a bit jumbled still but I’m gonna do a flashback in the next chapter. I hope you’re hanging on for the ride and let me know who you want to end up with! No guarantees I’ll go with it but I’m curious to know! More of Abby in the next chapter as well so be on the lookout for that! Alright love ya!
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epicspheal · 2 years
Alright so now it’s time to talk about possibly my favorite aura power in cactusverse...aura healing! You may remember from the eighth Pokemon movie how Sir Aaron (and later Lucario and Ash) shared their aura with Mew to help heal it.  On the one hand, aura healing can bring someone back from near death (like with Mew)...on the other much like in the 8th movie overuse can cause the aura user to pass away. It’s a sad fact that there’s a high rate of aura user’s whose first aura power is aura healing either accidentally unaliving themselves or getting very close to doing so. The chances of this happening increases if the power is used on a mythical, legendary, totem or Alpha Pokemon or on a human who has naturally large auras like Leon or Nessa (Nessa does not have aura powers but her aura naturally massive)
It’s definitely one of the powers that one hopes manifest in someone connected to an aura guardian clan or who has connections. Lance, who I’ve mentioned before comes from a long line of aura guardians, manifested his aura healing powers rather early. Thankfully his clan had seen a little of everything over the generations so they were able to help him hone his powers
Most of my other aura healers weren’t so lucky. When Daisy Oak was a traveling as a coordinator she got caught in a bad storm with her Pokemon and her team got injured. In a desperate attempt to keep them alive while the storm passed her powers manifested which allowed her to heal her team but then collapse because she over-exerted herself. She was found just barely alive by some rangers and was taken into a hospital. This is one of Blue’s core memories of seeing his big sisters near d*eath thanks to her aura powers. To Blue, who has the power of Aura tracking (being able to visualize auras) his sisters once cheery yellow aura had turned greyish brown with light blue lightning crackling around showing how close she was to passing on. Unfortunately for the OG rival he’d have to witness more than one person he cared for nearly fall victim to aura healing. Red almost unalived himself on Mt. Silver using the aura healing powers he had manifested while living on the mountain during a particularly bad snowstorm. He got really lucky that Blue, Yellow and Leaf were making their routine trip up the mountain around the same time or he would’ve not made it. Also thankfully Yellow had aura healing powers so she could transfer some aura to Red while they made it down the mountain...only Red is much like Leon and has a large aura so he ended up accidentally draining more of Yellow’s aura unconsciously. So by the time the Kanto quartet made it down the mountain...they had two people who almost were barely handing onto life. And it doesn’t stop there for Blue. Enter one Cami Howard he meets while in Uni in Kalos and of course my little medical student OC has aura healing powers. It’d be nice if you know during their random coffee breaks or sparring matches Cami mentioned that she had powers...but that would be too easy, LOL. So of course Blue finds out about her (very uncontrolled powers) after she almost unalives herself trying to heal him when they got stuck on Kalos Route 20 near Snowbelle City.  Needless to say, telling Blue you have aura healing powers is a great way to uncover multiple traumatizing events for him. Give him a hug
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nmikaelsonimagines · 4 years
Gold Rush: A Klaus Mikaelson Imagine
Request from @lanadelswiftie​: Hiii i saw your post and i was wondering if you could do a gold rush post where klaus gets jealous of everyone wanting or being enchanted by the readers beauty?
Thoroughly enjoying writing the Evermore collection! Hope this is okay for you lovely, and enjoy x 
Want to hear the song? Find a link to it just below:
Gold Rush
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What must it be like to grow up that beautiful? With your hair falling into place like dominoes I see me padding across your wooden floors With my Eagles t-shirt hanging from the door
Klaus was always blown away by Y/N. It didn’t matter where they were or what they were doing, she always managed to take his breath away. She was beautiful, something he told her daily earning a blush that made him love her even more, and he knew just how lucky he was that it was her that he got to wake up to every morning.
She was perfect, he knew that. It was just a shame the rest of the world did too.
Y/N had scolded Klaus about his jealousy multiple times, telling him over and over again that it didn’t matter if others out there wanted her. She loved him and him alone. That would never change. But her words, however comforting, never allowed him to forget that she would be ogled at in the streets, that, undoubtedly, the same thing would happen later in the evening at his family’s ball.
But as she approached him, bare feet padding against wooden floors as she made her way over to the bed, her hair falling perfectly into place, only for him to tuck it behind her ear as he kissed her, he pushed his jealousy away.
He may have been the Devil in disguise, but here was an angel willing to save him.
At dinner parties, I call you out on your contrarian shit And the coastal town we wandered 'round had nеver seen a love as pure as it And thеn it fades into the gray of my day-old tea 'Cause it could never be
Whenever someone looked at Y/N like she was the only person in the room, Klaus felt two things. The first was jealousy, naturally, a desire to go over and kiss Y/N hungrily, showing the world that she was with him. If anyone wanted to get in the way of that, Klaus was more than happy to rip their head off.
The second was a gnawing doubt, a fear that maybe, one day, all it would take was a smile, and Y/N would fall for another. One day, she would sit him down and tell him that she’d realised he simply wasn’t good enough for her and that she deserved better than a monster like him. She would tell him that she was tired of pretending to love him, of feeling like she was just something for him to show off as they walked around town.
Klaus was scared of his nightmare coming true, of losing Y/N completely. He couldn’t imagine a life without her, couldn’t imagine a life without her touch, her smile, her kind heart, her beauty that blew him away every day.
But as she walked over to him, the fabric of her ball gown sliding over her body perfectly, he pushed away his fears, linking his arm with hers and placing a kiss on her cheek.
“You look beautiful, Y/N.”
She blushed again, and Klaus couldn’t help but smile.
'Cause I don't like a gold rush, gold rush I don't like anticipatin' my face in a red flush
It wasn’t long before Y/N caught someone’s eye. Klaus rolled his eyes as the man, dressed in a shabby tuxedo, hair untidy in the way that seemed to be fashionable in the twenty-first century. He turned to scoff at Y/N, but stopped in his tracks when she waved at the admirer.
“Do you know him?”
“He works at the Grill, gives me free coffee every Monday morning.”
Klaus refrained from saying what he felt, that the free coffee was only a ploy to get to Y/N, instead feeling his face go red, a darker crimson than that of Y/N’s blushes. He hated this, hated that Y/N was so unaware of how people were using her for her looks. He looked over at the man, making sure that Y/N’s eyes were elsewhere before he glared, giving his opponent the look he reserved for his enemies.
Much to his satisfaction, the man seemed to get the hint, moving out of sight. Jealousy was clearly going to be a guest at the ball tonight.
But as Y/N tugged him away, over to Rebekah, telling him all about her day and just what she planned to do tomorrow, jealousy became a distant thought, a third wheel, and Klaus reminded himself that he was her date for the evening.
And would be for the rest of her life.
I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch Everybody wants you
“You’re jealous.” Klaus rolled his eyes at his sister’s words as she tauntingly whispered them into his ear. “Anyone can see it, Nik.”
“Well maybe they should,” Klaus snapped back. His previous glare at Y/N’s friend hadn’t been all that effective. Y/N had told him she was going to say hi, and hadn’t come back for ten minutes. Klaus’s eyes were on the pair and he was seething.
He had tried really hard not to be jealous, not to be frustrated by Y/N enjoying the company of another man. But he couldn’t help it. He was waiting for the moment when that man would touch her, knowing that once someone had met Y/N, it was incredibly hard not to. He hated the way they treated her like an object, a marble statue, there only for their pleasure.
He had tried really hard, but there was only so much he could take. When he heard Y/N’s laughter floating across the room, he decided that it was time to take action. He stalked across the dance floor, ready to show her admirer just who he was trying to take Y/N away from him.
But, as he saw her smile, her eyes light up at the sight of him, her wave to usher him over, to meet her friend, to introduce himself as her boyfriend, all his anger dissipated, and Klaus decided to try and be calm.
Try being the key word.
Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you Walk past, quick brush
As calm as Klaus was trying to be, focusing on Y/N’s hand on the small of his back, he couldn’t help but notice the look in the man’s eyes. The glint as he looked Y/N up and down, no doubt wondering what it would be like to share a bed with her. That was knowledge only Klaus had, and knowledge only he would have.
It was going so well, his breathing steady, his jealousy and his temper at bay. And then-
“Well, Klaus, if you ever fancy sharing this one, you be sure to let me know.”
Hands slipped. Eyes widened. Snarls started to brew in his throat.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Well, I can imagine Y/N can be a bit of a handful, if you get what I mean.”
Klaus felt Y/N’s grip tighten on him, her words hurried. “Klaus, don’t. He’s drunk.”
He heard them, but he didn’t listen. Y/N’s words were just background noise as the sound of his blood pumping, raging, drowned out any sound. Y/N’s friend wanted to know what it was like to have Y/N touch him. Well, now he was going to find out what it was like to have Klaus do so.
He knew Y/N would be angry, but as she pleaded with him, a voice that normally would have brought him back down to earth fading into the distance, Klaus curled his fist, and threw the first punch.
I don't like slow motion, double vision in rose blush I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush
It wasn’t like Klaus particularly enjoyed hurting people in front of Y/N. But he couldn’t deny that there was something awfully satisfying about the bones crunching beneath his knuckles, the blood staining white shirts, the colour of it reminding him of Y/N’s blushes.
Y/N. She had her hand on his shoulder, trying to pull him away, to make him stop. A crowd had gathered as Klaus pummelled this man to near-death, the bartender now unconscious. “Klaus, stop, please.”
Everything happened in slow motion. Klaus’s vision cleared at the sound of her voice, as he turned and looked at her. There wasn’t any fear in her eyes, just a spark that threatened to blossom into a fiery rage. He knew he would pay for his actions later, knew as he stood and let Y/N pull him away from the scene, back into their bedroom, that she would scold him yet again for his jealous behaviour.
“Y/N, before you say anything, let me-”
His words were swallowed by her lips on his. She kissed him as if she wasn’t angry with him, taking him by surprise. She’d had many a reaction to Klaus’s jealousy before, but never one like this.
He wasn’t quite sure what to do, but as she continued to kiss him, lips moving in sync, his angel healing him from the wounds anger had etched into him, he realised he didn’t care.
Everybody wants you But I don't like a gold rush
“What was that for?”
“For defending me. No-one’s ever dared speak about me like that before, especially not someone who’s supposed to be my friend. Not that I’m condoning just how far you went,” she looked at him with those eyes that he could never resist, and Klaus desperately wanted to kiss her again, “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
“Y/N, I’ll heal.”
“So you don’t want me to undress you?”
A familiar growl started to build in Klaus’s throat, earning a cheeky grin from Y/N. She was stunning, and he was so lucky to have her. For her to stay with him in spite of everything, for her to love every part of him.
Klaus was always blown away by Y/N. It didn’t matter where they were or what they were doing, she always managed to take his breath away. She was beautiful, something he told her daily earning a blush that made him love her even more, and he knew just how lucky he was that it was her that he got to wake up to every morning.
She was perfect, he knew that. It was just a shame the rest of the world did too.
But maybe, just maybe, that didn’t matter.
Evermore Masterlist
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anyoneseenadam · 3 years
Home: Chapter eight
azriel x reader (acotar)
summary: (y/n) is a daughter of Persephone, still recovering from the trauma of her fall into Tartarus and doesn’t have time for a stupid, handsome, annoying, stunning, injured man. But now they’re stuck together in the middle of nowhere and there only chance of getting home is if she can heal him, and fast.
warnings: big spoilers for mark of Athena and house of Hades, also for the acotar series, eventual smut, blood, PTSD, graphic descriptions of violence, injuries and torture, enemies to lovers so az is a bit of a dick to start, swearing
word count: 1.6k 
a/n: ahhh this is the last part and I’m kinda sad but at the same time I don’t want to drag it out, I also have a new idea for a dorian x reader so it’s a good thing to finsih one but am still sad. I hope you enjoy I made it extra fluffy (also had a cheeky wee hint back to the first part)
You were sat in front of a large mirror, taking in your appearance as you listened to the noise downstairs, the hustle and sounds of people speaking as they rushed about in preparation a sharp contrast to the silence of your and Azriel’s shared room. The girl looking back at you in the mirror was beautiful. Her hair was pinned up, revealing a long neck adorned with a simple necklace your lover had gifted you. Your skin was clear as well, any blemishes you had, any scarring from acne you had picked at, was gone, replaced by dewy, glowing skin. In fact everything about you seemed to glow, your hair was shinier, your skin had a new ethereal sense about it, and you looked more like your mother than you ever had before.
You heard a clatter of plates downstairs and bit your lip with a slight smile, running your hands over you dress. It was baby pink, as you had commented that white may be a little on the nose, with a deep V-neck and white and pink flowers trailing down the heavy skirt, you had picked it out with the help of Feyre and Mor who had dragged you out shopping, giggling when you had stared in shock at the sheer number of dresses you only believed existed on Pinterest. You reached over the vanity and picked up the delicate gold dangling earrings that you had ‘bought’ (Azriel had technically bought them but you certainly paid him back) and put them on, gazing wistfully at your now pointed ears.
So much had changed so quickly. Azriel’s family were extremely welcoming, instantly treating you like they had known you forever. You became incredibly close with Cassian and Nesta, much to Azriel’s amusement, as you bonded over books with Nesta and a general love of Azriel with Cassian. Nesta was officially sold on you when she finished ‘Call Me by Your Name’ the day you gave it to her, the two of you discussing it all night as you made promises to find a way to show her the movie. Rhysand and Mor treated you like a sister, the three of you soon teasing each other, Amren genuinely laughing when you let loose your more creative insults. The only one who seemed reserved at first was Elain, but soon the two of you were spending hours in the garden as you taught her about the different needs that different plants had and how to grow them most effectively.
Azriel had never been more in love. He already knew you were mates but now that it was official, and possible, he felt like he was on cloud nine. He was in love with how quickly you feel asleep in his arms. The way you lit up when talking about your passions, hands moving widely. He was in love with the way your eyes sparkled constantly now, only rarely being overcome with shadows, ones that he had learned to help dispel, you were laughing more and had even started showing your back again. When you went to the House of Wind to train with Cassian and Azriel one summer afternoon you had removed your top, leaving you in a simple sports bra, not missing the mix of pride and desire in Azriel’s eyes as you continued your exercises.
“Can I ask what happened?” Nesta had asked late that day, Feyre looking up from her book, Nyx cradled in one arm. You had explained, and after, when you expected to be pushed away, Feyre had simply passed Nyx to Nesta and wrapped her arms around you, holding you for a long while, even when the Illyrians entered the room. When she pulled away you noticed the tears in her eyes and offered her a small smile, as she whispered to you.
“You’re with your family now, nothing like that will ever happen again.” And then you were crying too.
Now you were sat in your low-back dress with your hair up, scars on display for anyone to see. You had been woken at nine am by an excited chorus of fae women and all but shoved into a bath, your hair washed, and skin scrubbed until you felt new-born. You had been brought a strong, dark coffee and some honeyed toast as you sat soaking in the bath, your friends moving about outside tidying your room and fishing out everything you needed, before you were pulled from the bath and forced to dry. When you had walked back into the room, you found Mor wiggling her eyebrows as she passed you a bag which, on further inspection, you found contained an intricate set of baby blue lingerie making you laugh loudly as you thumbed the material. They had then crowded you, Nesta drying and styling your hair as Feyre did your face, treating it alike one of her beautiful paintings, Elain painting and filing your nails as Amren and Mor sat sipping on champagne, both donned in beautiful, dark silk dresses, as they discussed the day ahead. You felt alike a princess when they were done and had commented as much, gaining you a glass of champagne and a comment on how you looked like one too. However they soon left, claiming there was much to sort out downstairs and that they had no faith in the boys to get it sorted.
Now you were sat alone, your gaze had moved to outside your window where light snow had started falling. You stood and moved the open window, perching on the ledge, smiling when a robin landed next to you, flying to rest in your palm, it’s ruby coloured breast not making you flinch. You still had nightmares as you were still part god and probably always would have the dreams you had grown used to; however you were making progress.
“If you’re planning on running away that ledge is too high,” You smiled as you heard his voice, turning to see your beautiful mate smiling at you.
“Maybe Cassian can come and fly me out,” you challenged,
“Ha, ha.” He deadpanned and you giggled, standing to wrap yourself in his arms,
“In my world it’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the service,” you whispered into his chest,
“This technically isn’t a wedding,”
“That’s a fair point,” you muttered, and he smiled down at you,
“It would be a shame to deprive me of this sight, you look beautiful princess,” he spun you out of his arms and you giggled, making his heart swell with love.
“It would, wouldn’t it?”
“C’mon, we should go soon, Cassian’s already crying,” you laughed and grabbed his hand as he pulled you along and down the stairs. You gasped when you reached the bottom, there were flowers everywhere, the whole room transformed into a fairy wonderland that made you feel giddy. You smiled when you saw that Cassian was in fact, already tearing up as he stood to greet you, complementing you and thanking you for making his brother so happy, you had laughed and shoved him away in your emotional state, not wanting to cry so early, as you moved to the sink in the room that was spraying a fine mist of water, creating a rainbow.
“Oh Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, show me Nico Di Angelo, Camp half blood.” You threw in a golden drachma, the image wavered before revealing your friends and family on the other side, waving, and sending greetings. The inner circle came over and you all conversed for a while before Azriel was rather impatiently tugging on your hand and you moved onto the ceremony, with just your found families present. Having been raised mortal you insisted on exchanging rings, and Azriel was completely happy to oblige, obsessed with the feeling of pushing the ring onto your finger and kissing you, having someone that was wholly his, and who he was completely devoted to.
The rest of the day was spent curled under Azriel’s arm, sipping cocktails, and laughing as you were told all the most embarrassing things the inner circle could dig up. You ate delicious food and laughed with your friends, you heart aching at how naturally this happiness came to you now as you gazed at the man you loved.
You stood outside, breathing in the fresh air, and enjoying the slight chill that came through the thin shawl you had wrapped around you shoulders. Soon you felt a familiar hand press into your hip, pulling you into his side tightly. You looked up at him, still in wonder of how you landed such a beautiful man.
He caught your gaze, brushing a snowflake of your cheek and grabbing your hand, pressing a light kiss into the palm. “Penny for your thoughts?” He asked, gaze so full of love that tears welled up in your eyes.
“I’m just so glad you got stabbed,” you muttered, and he laughed before you continued, “I’m serious, I don’t know where I’d be if we hadn’t met, but you are everything to me and I’m so glad we pushed through, I’m so glad we fought to be together.”
“I love you.” He whispered into your hair as he pulled you in tightly, his scarred hands moving over your scarred back as you sighed, content.
“I love you.” You replied, pulling away and watching as a red admiral butterfly landed on a nearby poppy.
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Sixth Sense - Chapter 5
Paring: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 3,089
Warnings: Injury Recovery, Harsh!Tony.
Posted: 17/01/2021
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Waking up in Asgards infirmary wasn’t what you expected. You expected Odin to have someone transfer you back to earth so human doctors could handle you instead of him wasting his resources. But as you got up you jerked in pain. The stab wound was stitched and bandaged, but you had healed enough to move at least, only if you were careful. Your legs dangled over the edge as Odin walked in. You bowed your head refusing to look at him.
“You have awakened, child. How are you feeling?” You kept your head down, refusing to look at him. He was alone, which made you wary.
“I’m fine. But I must speak to you about what happened when Loki died. I tried to save him, as did Thor. But he died without the darkness within him. I healed him before you could speak again. He gave his life to save Thor’s.” That’s when you looked into his eyes. “He died a hero. I owe him my life.”
“Yes, Thor has told me of your endeavours.”
“When can I return to Earth? With Loki gone I have no purpose here.”
“You may leave with Thor when he returns there himself.”
“Thank you, Odin, and please, tell Asgard of Loki’s sacrifice.”
“I will.” A guard came up and whispered something in Odin’s ear. “Thor has arrived. You shall depart soon” You nodded as he left. Not long after a voice boomed through the halls disturbing your peace.
“Y/N” Thor’s voice echoed through the halls before he walked through the door.
“Thank the Norns that you’re okay!” Thor had hugged you tighter than needed.
“Ow- Thor- Wound!” You gasped in pain once he released you. He held his hands out almost touching you trying to examine you without making contact.
“I’m fine Thor. How’s Jane? Did you save earth again?”
“Jane is fine, and yes I did. Earth sustained some damage but I defeated Malekith.”
“What are you going to do now? ”
“I will return to Midgard. As will you. The Avengers need us.”
“Okay, Just, don’t tell Tony that I was involved. Say I got caught in the crossfire. He would hate to know that I was on the front lines.” You giggled at the thought of Tony yelling at Thor about your safety. You looked back at Thor, ready to leave.
“Let’s go home” You smiled as you got off the bed. Thor had held on to you giving you support as you made it down to the Bifrost. You had been dropped off at your balcony. You headed inside with Thor. Jarvis started speaking as you entered,
“Y/N you have arrived back safely. I shall inform Mr Stark of your arrival.” Before you could stop Jarvis a loud crash was heard from above you. Tony had dropped whatever project he was working on and started making his way down. Footsteps thundering above you. Thor had gently helped you down onto the couch as Tony walked in through the Elevator.
“Hey, Tony-”
“Don’t ‘Hey Tony’ me. Where have you been!”
“Uh. You see I went to Asgard to-”
“No excuses!”
“It’s not an excuse, Tony, just listen and I’ll tell you what happened” He huffed but stayed silent urging you to continue.
“I had to go to Asgard so I could- speak, to Loki.”
“You what?” His voice was quiet but strained. Trying to stay calm at the thought of it.
“Since I can read auras, and I read him when you caught him after the New York attack. I had already found one of his darkest secrets. So I thought if I went to speak to him, with Thor to keep me safe. Then maybe- maybe I could find out why he had attacked us. And I did.”
“So? Why did he?”
“Because he would have died if he didn’t. He was- He was tortured into submission, Tony. If he didn’t obey, he would have died at the hands of that awful creature” Tears began falling from your eyes, yet, you didn’t try to stop them. “He told me everything. All of his troubles, from his childhood to now.” Tony's face no longer showed anger, but empathy, and compassion. Seeing you cry, it made him rethink the situation. How had Loki acted while fighting them? Was he hiding his true emotions? Or did he just straight-up lie to you? He went with the question he wanted to ask, instead of sparing your feelings.
“Hey, kid. Are you sure he wasn’t lying or deceiving you? All he does is lie and manipulate-” Looking at him again the tears continued to fall as shock covered your face. You couldn’t believe that the man you looked up to, wouldn’t even try to understand someone else’s situation.
“Manipu- Manipulate? How could you say that? He- He died saving me, Tony! I saved him from his darkness, so he saved my life in return. I assure you. He was never evil.”
“Kid-” You couldn’t take his criticisms anymore, you were wounded, tired and as far as they knew grieving for someone you hardly knew. You had a connection after he opened up to you so much. Even if you knew he was still alive, you had to act as if he was gone.
“Look I’m tired okay. I just need to rest so my wound can heal.” Not giving anyone time to respond, you walked towards the hallway leading to your bedroom, closing the door behind you before you tried to rest. You heard them talk for a while, you assumed Tony had asked Thor of the details he knew, of your and Loki’s relationship- whatever it was. It wasn’t romantic, but it was more than friendship. It was an understanding of sorts.
You weren’t allowed on any missions until you were fully healed. Tony had insisted you stay in the penthouse until you were in full working order. It only took two weeks for the wound to heal. You knew it wouldn’t take long, but Tony was babying you so much it started to irritate you. So you did what any normal person would do. You left. You grabbed your backpack before heading to the elevator to leave the building.
You made your way through the streets of New York, going to the small cafe you knew wasn’t that far away. It wasn’t on the main street so it was normally quite empty. You walked in smelling the coffee and freshly baked goods. Being a regular there - when you weren’t on a mission- the cashier smiled your direction as you gave her a wave.
“Y/N! It’s been a while. Where have you been?”
“Well I kinda, got injured at work so I was told to take it easy”
“Well, working for the government is always dangerous. I’m just glad you’re okay”
“Yes, I’m fine, can I just get my regular please, Sophie?”
“Sure thing sweetie! I’ll bring it to ya once it’s done.” You gave her a small smile that she returned before getting your order. Sitting at the booth by the window you pulled a book from your backpack. Not long after Sophie returned with your order, you thanked her briefly before letting her get back to work. You enjoyed the serene moments you had here. It wasn’t fully silent, but it was never too loud for you. Taking a sip of your drink you looked out to the streets of New York. It was getting darker. You had left later than you normally would, thanks to Tony and his stupid ‘you can’t leave till you’re better’ rules. But it was still beautiful none the less.
While taking in the scenery a man sat across from you. You stared daggers at him to show you weren’t exactly interested, that was until you saw who it was. Loki. At least, you knew it was him by his aura alone. But he had used an illusion to give himself a different appearance. He had the same face, but he had shorter, light brown hair, that was curled. He also had some facial hair. He was wearing a black trenchcoat that was undone showing the white shirt he wore. And you had to agree, he was indeed attractive like that.
“Loki. I knew you were alive” You gave a shy smile before taking another sip of your drink.
“Well, I thought you might. You said yourself you can always see auras. So I assumed that even if I faked my death you would see through it.”
“Your assumption is correct” A small chuckle escaped your lips. Seeing him look so, Midgardian. It was so foreign, yet you enjoyed it. Having his company again was a nice feeling. Considering everyone thought he was dead, it was risky coming here, but even with the same face his appearance was different so no one would notice unless they were looking for it. You spent the rest of the time ranting about Tony’s stupid rules and overprotectiveness over you. Loki had just let you talk through it, the past couple of weeks had been so draining, so it was nice to rant about it to someone. Once you were done Loki just kept looking your direction for a couple of seconds before eventually responding.
“My judgement on this is that Stark seems so see you as a daughter, maybe even a little sister. So he naturally becomes overprotective when he thinks you’re hurt or in danger of any kind.” You thought about his words and they made sense. Tony had you by your side since you were a teenager. S.H.I.E.L.D found you through him. You never thought about it but he was like a father figure to you.
“That makes sense. But I guess I never thought about it. He is like a father figure to me. But he’s also one of my best friends. He took me in when I was younger.” You looked outside, gazing at the tower in the distance. “I should go back though, I’ve been gone for hours. He would be worried.” Loki frowned but stood up with you as you placed your backpack on your shoulder.
“Let me walk you back, it’s dark out.” A pout appeared on your face, you wanted to walk with him but would Tony recognise him?
“I could change my appearance again so Stark wouldn’t recognise me.”
“There are plenty of doppelgangers in this world. I’ll just tell him you’re my old friend who came to visit” You said goodbye to Sophie as she gave a thumbs up and a cheeky grin saying ‘go get him’. She had assumed you were on a date. Considering how long you spoke, you could see why. The walk back to the tower was short, you wished it would last longer. Since he was presumed dead you didn’t know how much time you could spend together. Granted you hardly spent any time together before today, but it was so nice, you wanted to do it again. And so did he. He never enjoyed time with a Midgardian before he spent time with you. You shared his interest in books, and quiet places. You listened to his problems and empathised with him. You cared for him. There was a new, unknown feeling bubbling in his chest. He didn’t know why, but he felt drawn to you. Could it have been your ability to read his memories? Had you implanted some of yourself into his subconscious? Or was it just that you had cared for him, so he cared for you in return.
Making it to the tower you had insisted he leave you at the door but he entered the elevator with you ignoring your pleas. You knew Tony would ask questions, but Loki was persistent. You knew Jarvis was listening in so you knew you couldn’t speak to him as Loki. But you had assumed Jarvis would update Tony on your arrival by the time you got to your floor. The doors opened and you had stepped into your apartment leading Loki inside. You placed your backpack on the couch before making your way to the kitchen to get a drink. Loki was observing your place, looking for the small details of it that showed your personality. Like the small paintings placed above the television. The pictures of your family you placed on the mantle. Even the way you organised your things. He wanted to know all about you.
“Jarvis, is Tony back yet?” Confused as to who you were speaking with, Loki made his way towards you before being startled by a voice.
“Yes ma’am, would you like me to inform him of your return?” He continued his way to you noticing no one was present when you came into view.
“Yes, but tell him I have a friend over. We met up at the cafe”
“Of course, ma’am” You rolled your eyes before scolding him.
“How many times have I told you to stop calling me that! You’re making me feel old” You grumbled.
“I’m sorry Miss Y/N”
“Who are you speaking to?” The look of absolute confusion on his face made you giggle.
“Oh, that’s Jarvis. He’s the AI.” You turned towards him, mug in hand.
“AI?” You nodded leaning against the counter.
“Artificial Intelligence. He’s basically the security system, he’s always watching, always listening.”
“Why doesn’t a lady have any privacy in this realm?” His voice was quiet like he was talking to himself.
“Yes, we do. But since I’m technically an Avenger, it’s all for my protection. But he will stop if I ask. Since I’m the only female under his watch, Tony made adjustments so I could get privacy when I wanted. It’s voice-activated though. The phrase itself doesn’t matter unless it’s my voice.”
“Interesting” He placed a hand to his mouth deep in thought before you heard the ping of the elevator opening. You didn’t need to look to know it was Tony. He walked into the kitchen as Loki looked towards the door. Knowing he won’t let you speak you let him do so first.
“Why did you leave? Where did you go? And who is he?” He emphasised as he stared daggers at Loki. But you knew not to act suspicious. You shrugged as you answered his questions.
“Because you had trapped me here. To the cafe. And this is a friend of mine.” Taking a sip of your drink you tilted your head towards Loki. Tony continued staring. If he kept looking he might recognise him.
“The names Luke” Loki held his hand out awkwardly and dropped it realising Tony wouldn’t take it. After he introduced himself to Tony you realised the tension was high. Clearing your throat, you put your mug in the sink before making your way to the doorway, which Tony was standing in. You stopped in front of him placing a hand on his arm.
“Tony, don’t ruin this for me. I haven’t seen him in ages, and your pretty intimidating since you’re a billionaire and an avenger. Just leave, please. We’ll talk this through when he leaves.” He looked at your pleading eyes before nodding silently. He left, but not before sending intimidating eyes back at Loki. Once you knew he was gone you exhaled the breath you didn’t realise you were holding.
“Jarvis. I would like a private conversation, can you mute all camera’s until I say otherwise.”
“Of course Miss Y/N.” You waited a couple of seconds before nodding your head Loki’s direction, indicating that you wanted him to follow as you walked toward the couch. You sat down gesturing to the seat next to you. As he sat down you moved your body to face him.
"Now then, I have some questions." He nodded urging you to continue."Why did you fake your death, I've had to pretend that I still think you are supposedly dead."
"Why to take the throne of course. If I became Odin no one would know."
"So you will use illusions to become Odin and take over the throne? But how will you do that with Odin still present?"
"Easy, I used a spell that My Mother- Frigga taught me"
"Used- so you've already done it?!" You leaned closer to him intrigued by his success.
"Of course. I just had to see you first." Leaning back once more you knew you had to ask.
"Well, where is Odin now?"
"A care home here in New York" You pondered whether you should ask him or not before deciding to anyway.
"Which one? Would you like me to keep an eye on him. To make sure he doesn't break from your spell. I'm not doubting your skill or anything. But he's the Allfather. He's powerful"
"There's no guarantee that he won't break free from it. But it should last a couple of years at least." Nodding to show your understanding, you held his hand between your own.
"I know that this is what you always wanted. But have you thought of the consequences" Questioning the God of Mischief would normally be a stupid act, follwed by an order, a threat or a beating of some kind. But he wouldn't hurt you. He had proved that when he saved your life, and returned to check on you after you were injured.
"I have. But this is the better option. Odin gave orders to stop Thor no matter the cost. Even if it ends in his death. I can't let him do that. So i took over."
"So the Odin that was with me-"
"Yes, it was me. But I couldn't let Thor know. Making sure the guards didn't kill him when he came to bring you back here was difficult. They questioned why Odin changed his mind so soon."
"Makes sense but-" The elevator opened halting your conversation. Cap walked in holding some papers. Shuffling through them before picking one up as he spoke.
"Y/N I know you just got back but you need to take a look at this" Eyes narrowing you walked towards him taking the paper from his grasp. Skimming through the documents you stopped and re-read the same sentence over and over again. Trying to make sense of it. These were unofficial S.H.I.E.L.D documents. It was Tony's statement. From when he found you all those years ago. And alongside it, was a picture. The item that was the source of your power.
Sixth Sense Taglist: @lovermrjokerr @lord-byron @lucywrites02 @violetica @quirkyreaderwriter @prettysbliss @ditsyisadumbadjective
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jamiedc-they-them · 4 years
Being May’s Daughter and an Older Sister to Daisy would include:
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Being Melinda May’s daughter means you are an expert at control.
She always urged you pursue whatever passion you wanted.
But she always saw that part of you would be a fighter.
Andrew wasn’t exactly thrilled.
But he was supportive father and cared for you both. 
In fact, an argument between the two was part of what made them split.
Neither ever told you that.
May, however, suspected that you always knew.
When you met Skye, you saw an innocent girl dragged into this world that looked fun, but one that held a lot of pain inside of it.
So, you trained her when May had to fly.
Despite that it had autopilot, May seemed to know the role you were choosing to play in her life. So, she let you be.
Skye was always wanting to let people in, but always waited for the other shoe to drop.
You seemed to recognise it and didn’t force her into talking about anything.
You just acted like an older sibling and friend in subtle ways.
Checking in on her when it was late and talking to her if she was up.
One time, when she had a nightmare, she woke to you waking her up.
She returned that favour to you when you had a nightmare.
It was about losing your mother.
Now, Phil Coulson always had fatherly instincts.
He knew you and May, obviously.
He played the role of a father to you.
But, assured you that he wasn’t replacing Andrew.
“He’s your birth father, Y/N. I’m never going to beat that. Just know I’m here if you need.”
Anyway, back to Skye.
That night when she woke you, you talked for hours.
May found you the next day asleep in the bed, with you having a protective arm around her.
May let you rest in.
Skye trusted you with a lot of things about her past after that.
She even trusted you about the usb stick with information about her parents.
When they found out about her ties with the Rising Tides not being cut, the team were disappointed.
You, however, took her side.
Your mother wasn’t exactly pleased, but only showed that through a look.
You, like the others did forgive her. But, in your eyes, she didn’t really have much to apologise for.
You took her aside before her talk with Coulson, “I know you’re probably nervous, but he won’t throw you out. I won’t let him…. I just wished you would’ve told us.”
She apologised, but you just shook it off.
She then came out of the office and sat with you, telling you about her actual goal of joining the team.
You just listened to her the whole time and didn’t judge her.
In the end, you hugged her assured her you would be there for her and help her in her search.
While you didn’t know much about hacking, you tried to help her where you could
When your mother kicks her off the plane and she go looking for Coulson, you sneak off to help her
“Y/N?! What the hell are you doing here?!” She asked
“Helping, obviously.” You respond as if it’s nothing
“But what about May --?”
“I’ll handle her when we get back with Coulson.”
She doesn’t say it, but she appreciates your company
She doesn’t have to though, as you can just simply tell
So, you follow through with her plans, including the one to drive into the water to get the car sent
“Sorry.” She says
“We’re alive.”
When you both play dress up, you play the role of your mother and Skye plays the role of Coulson
You’re a lot more convincing
You find Coulson and call the rest of the team
You’re the one who speaks
When your mother picks up the phone, Skye looks at you with a worried expression
But you don’t seem too bothered
“Y/N.” She greets
“Mom.” You return, politely
“Where are you?”
You look at Skye with a, “See? Easy.” Look as she drives you to where Coulson is.
After that, you become a partner to her in the field.
When she gets shot, you are one who beats Quinn up instead of your mother. She watches the door for you.
You stay with Skye whenever you can as she heals. You are just elated to have her be alive.
While you play older sister to Skye, you also do to Fitzsimmons.
If any of the three ever need anything, they come to you.
Normally starts of with “Y/N, can I ask you something?” If it’s either of Fitzsimmons with their manners.
You, of course, say yes.
When Ward betrays the team, it shocks and hurts you.
You are with Fitzsimmons on the plane and fight Ward to try and protect them.
You end up being caught, but a SHIELD team get you out.
When the team reunite with Jemma, you pull up in a car and enter the place.
May, in a rare moment of vulnerability, runs to you and hugs you tight.
She doesn’t say anything, just hugs you.
Skye is next in her hug, “I’m so glad you’re ok.” She says voice cracking.
You just hold her and rub your hand on her back in comfort.
Jemma thanks you for protecting them.
During the time, May starts training you again and you spar with Skye.
May see’s the sisterly bond between you two now: the loyalty, the laughs, the late-night talks.
Neither you nor May say it, but you can tell that Skye is a part of the family now.
You are the third partner in their little SHIELD team.
You try and be the one who goes in while Skye hangs back out of protectiveness. But she’s stubborn.
“No, I’m not letting you go in there alone, Y/N.” Seems that protective spirit has gone to her as well.
You ruffle her hair whenever you go past.
She’d act annoyed, but kind of find if nice in a way. With you openly being affectionate and showing her that you care.
If you’re ever hurt on a mission, she’s by your side either on site, or when you return.
“Hey, Y/NN, you need to stay with me, ok? You’re not dying, not now. May’ll kill me.”
When she gets taken by Ward, it’s you she has to convince last.
“I’m not letting you go with him, Skye.”
“You have to. You guys taught me how to look after myself. I’ll be ok.”
You sigh but let her go.
Then she gets her powers.
She’s scared shitless, but you stay with her as much as you can like you did when injured.
When the team argue about her showing them, you argue her case.
“She was scared.”
“She kept it from us!” Mack would say passionately.
“To avoid this reaction!”
“It’s ok, Y/N.” She tells you when she arrives at the door. She gives you a sad smile, but in her eyes, you can tell she appreciates it.
You visit her in her cell, so she doesn’t feel alone. But she can tell that you aren’t quite sure how to handle it.
“It’s ok, you know. I’m not hurt by it.”
“By what?”
“My powers. It’s ok to say that you don’t know how to handle it.”
There’s the last tenet of your sisterhood: honesty
When she leaves, you stay in contact as much as you can. She asks you how it’s going back at base, and you ask her how she is.
Then SHIELD go after her, and real SHIELD enter the scene.
Now you’re all having to careful and tread lightly with this new SHIELD.
When Bobbi comes back, she tries to explain it.
“Y/N, just let me –”
“If you so much as lay a finger on any of my friends or look at them the wrong way, I swear, we are going to have issues, Morse.”
However, your mother see’s it and reigns you in.
“I understand that you’re angry.”
“So, you want me to, what? Bottle it up?”
“No, use it for something more. They’re after Coulson, and he’s after Ward. We need to keep her heads on straight.”
“…Ok, you’re right. I’m sorry.” May just nods, forgiving you.
When Fitz leaves, you help devise the scam for him to get away with the real toolbox.
“Are you sure about this, Y/N? What if it backfires on you?” Jemma asks you, worried about your wellbeing with this situation.
You just smile at her caring nature, “If it does, then it hits me, and not you guys. Now go on.”
When Skye comes back, your smile is as wide as it can be.
You hug her so tight, “Welcome back, Skye.” You tell her in a soft voice.
“Thanks, Y/N.”
When you see her power, you are in awe, “Look at you!” She smiles and sends a wink.
She even pushes a bullet away that was coming for you.
Having to work again with Ward is difficult, but it’s a necessary evil. Just like your mother on the SHIELD board to argue Coulson’s case.
“Are you sure you have to go back?” You ask Skye when it’s her turn to do just that
“I wish I could bring you. I do, really. But they have a thing about outsiders”
“It’s ok. Go on, kiddo. Go be with your family.”
You know that she has her parents now, but it still hurts a bit that you might lose her.
“Hey, I’m not moving on, alright? I’ll still come back, and we can even team up! I’m not leaving you, Y/N.” She assures you.
Then it all goes to shit.
Everything happens quickly, but two team ups happen: Yourself and Skye/Daisy; you and your mother.
Now it’s you, Mack, and Daisy (Skye’s birth name) as partners
Daisy and you are almost completely in sync. She doesn’t even need to yell, “Duck!” anymore before using her powers.
You know each other so well.
Mack plays big brother and adores it when you both have that synchronisation. Makes him proud to be your partner.
Not that you don’t forget about him, you always include him in your fights and activities such as games.
You pass the controller to each other when someone dies in the game.
Late night game sessions and drinking buddies don’t go well.
Then Ward comes back and kidnapped you.
Oh, you bet your ass that Daisy is working day and night to find you.
You’re her best friend. And she nearly lost Simmons (her other best friend), so she’ll be damned if she’s going to lose you too.
May tries to pull her away but fails.
“Daisy, you need to take a break.”
“Not until we find, Y/N.”
“I’m worried about her too. But she can handle herself.”
“Not with Ward, though! I should’ve killed him!”
If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. And that’s what May does.
When they find you, they burst through the doors, more pissed than they ever have been.
Ward isn’t there, but you are, and that’s what matters.
Now they’re super protective over you now. Not only them, but the whole team.
Ward does a number on you mentally.
Jemma is extra careful with your wounds and keeps assuring you that you are doing well.
Fitz makes you some sleeping pills to try and help and makes you coffee every morning.
Mack gives you more and more hugs every day.
May checks in on you more.
Daisy…. well.
Daisy stays with you as much as she can. Whether that be in the same room as you, talking to you or being silent, going on missions with you.
She has your back all the way.
Whenever you flinch, she’s quick to withdrawal and apologise.
Sure, she’s worried and misses the spark that you had. But it’ll either take time to come back or it’ll be different.
Whichever it is, she’ll adapt. You’re her sister and best friend.
Then a version of Ward comes back and takes Daisy away from you guys.
Now May is very concerned about you. She can tell this is all building up to something with you.
Despite being her daughter and Daisy joking that you are pretty much May but bubblier. You are human after all.
Whenever they get closer to Daisy, May keeps you away.
You want to help Daisy, but you also know that you wouldn’t be able to handle it.
You start doubting yourself. Starting spinning ideas of, “What if?”
The whole team notices a shift in you. You miss more, take more hits in fights, you’re acting reckless more and now that your father is gone too, you’re spiralling.
And May is genuinely afraid that she can’t stop it.
One day, she goes to find you, only to find you gone and a note left behind.
It reads: “Mom, I know that this isn’t enough. But I can’t with this life anymore. You told me you’d support me through whatever I wanted to do. And I don’t think SHIELD is this. I’m done watching people die, mom. I’m done losing friends. I’ll make contact at some point. Just, let me be for now? Love you always, Y/N. PS. Find Daisy.”
Then there’s nothing for almost a few months.
When Daisy comes back after being freed from Hive, she doesn’t see you and fears the worst, “Is she…?” She can’t get the words out.
May shakes her head, “No, she’s just gone. She left.”
Then Daisy is gone too after Lincoln. Now May has lost two out of her three daughters.
Daisy, however, manages to find out what you are doing.
And what is that, exactly? Smuggling Inhumans out.
She watches from afar with her little scope, making sure you’re ok and safe.
She’s just happy that you’re alive. But doesn’t dare go close.
As Coulson chases leads on Daisy, May does the same for you.
She has a file that becomes bigger and bigger as she slowly pieces together just where you are and what you are doing.
Then Fitz finds it, “What is this?” He asks.
“It’s everything I’ve found on Y/N since she left. She’s running a smuggling operation of Inhumans to get them out.”
Fitz just nods, promising to keep it safe.
However, May does find a burner phone on her bed the next day.
She keeps it in her back pocket.
Daisy comes back first, and May is delighted to have one of her two missing daughter’s back.
However, it’s when Mace calls herself and Daisy in that shit gets real with you.
“There’s a situation developing.” The two share a look, worry filling them up.
“There was a fight between SHIELD and the watchdogs, some Inhumans were killed. But Y/N got away. But we think we know where she’s going.”
(Episode 4x13 - BOOM) They both capture the Watchdogs and find that they have been hunting you for a while.
When Shockley is going on a rampage, he see’s you in the road.
“Well, hell. There she is, Y/N May.”
You started firing your pistol at him but doesn’t do much.
Your gun clicks, “Sorry, sweetheart. I’ll make this quick.”
Just as your life is about to end, he is stopped –
By Daisy Johnson.
She moves to your side, holding out a clip for you. You take it, loading it in.
“You don’t touch her.” She snarls at Shockley.
So, it’s just like old times. Even if it cuts it a little close.
When Fitzsimmons arrive, they activate the machine and stop him.
Now, it’s silence, as the three stares at you.
You’re here, you’re actually here. They’ve found you.
Daisy doesn’t talk, she just hugs you.
You are taken aback by the action. But, before you can do anything, Fitzsimmons join the hug too.
“Come on, Y/NN, let’s go home.” Daisy says, taking your hand and pulling your dazed form along with her as Fitzsimmons flank you.
When May see’s you, that silence returns. You both can’t really seem to believe that you are seeing the other.
Coulson approaches you and put’s a fatherly hand on your shoulder, “Welcome back, kiddo.”
You might be about to cry here, but that’s besides the point.
You approach your mother with caution, “Hey mom.” You say, trying and failing to keep your voice steady.
“You’re back?” She asks you.
“I don’t think a normal life is for me.” You say, chuckling a bit.
She hugs you, squeezing you tight.
Her baby is home.
It takes a bit of Tim getting settled back in with the gang. But they’re patient with you, even with everything going on.
Then the LMD secret comes out. Your mother wasn’t the one you hugged.
You find Jemma and Daisy in hiding, close to losing it once again.
Daisy, being more in control, calms you down and sits you next to Jemma. She goes to leave, only to you try and get up.
“No, Y/N, I need you to stay with Jemma.” She asks of you, before she leaves on her mission of holding the LMDs off.
You all get out, holding hands in the Jet.
Then you enter that world.
The world where your greatest mistake is fixed.
However, as Daisy finds, your still May’s daughter. However, something is different.
You’re a TA for Coulson at his school. You aren’t a SHIELD agent.
You have a normal life.
It’s jarring to you at first, but you sink into the role as if it’s natural.
Meanwhile, you see that you and May are a bit distant here in this life, but there’s still a parental-child dynamic.
Jemma finds you first, at the school.
Then you meet with Daisy and all hug, having found one another.
Then you’re all right back in the thick of it, this time with Ward as you knew him: Kind, loyal, genuine.
To make it worse, you’re then stuck.
The rest of it goes pretty much the way most things do for you guys: badly.
However, when Daisy is caught, she brings up the fact that she knows you and that you are in the resistance to May.
You’re phone then rings, but you don’t answer, too busy helping the civilians in the base.
Now May is worried in this world too.
She springs Daisy, all in an effort to find you.
When she see’s you, she’s surprised to see you.
You’ve been a bit estranged as of late in this life.
She sees you are helping people and being in a natural element.
She’s reminded of the little girl who she used to be so close too.
“Y/N.” You turn in surprise to see your mother.
“Hi Mom.” You say, not quite sure how to act.
“I’m guessing you sure the report on the news?”
“Yeah, you’re footage. You did good, Mom.”
Tears come to her eyes at your praise.
Daisy smiles as she see’s the interaction.
You meet her eyes as you and your mother hug, you mouth to her “Thank you.”
You all get out, but you can’t even celebrate as Space them comes around and grabs you all.
You, like Jemma, are taken as a maid/slave and deafened.
You’re just kind of numb to this world, bottling it up.
You’re used as leverage against Daisy. She wouldn’t act brash if it would get her sisters killed.
And that bet was right.
When you are escaping and go to the lift, you’re shocked when Daisy wants to stay. You want to go to her and stay with her but May stops you.
However, Coulson stops that before it can even happen, Icing Daisy.
While May understands the reasons for you wanting to be with your best friend, she’s now a bit on edge with you.
So, when you go back to present day, she makes sure to keep an eye on you more.
Daisy, meanwhile, is a bit more evasive. Always fining ways to not go on missions.
It all culminates in the fear dimension.
You’re fear has always been losing your family. So, as you leave your room, the lights flicker before coming back on.
It’s everyone, dead.
You scream as you see it.
However, while this is going on, Daisy is also being tortured by the Doctor side of Fitz.
When that ends, your screams are still being heard.
The team (minus Daisy and Fitz) rush to you and see what you’re looking at.
Jemma quickly runs to you and assures you it’s not real. It takes a moment before you go with her logic.
Then she drops it, “Daisy needs you.”
You’re still a bit angsty after your trip with fear. But you’re little sister needs you.
You enter the room and see her lying on her bed.
You sit at the foot of it, knowing that she wouldn’t want to talk.
You just sit there, hoping your presence would be enough.
May enters a bit later, sitting next to you and taking your hand in her own.
After this incident, Daisy is a lot bossier and pushier.
You don’t mind it at first, but you do clash at times.
Then Ruby dies.
Then Coulson.
Then Fitz.
Then you’re in space and looking for your brother and you both have time to fix the gap in your friendship.
“I’m sorry.” She says.
“You’re good –”
“No, I mean it, Y/NN. I shouldn’t have been like that.”
“Daisy…. you couldn’t help it. We process things differently. Yours was more external.”
“And yours? I heard about your fear.”
“…. I don’t know if I have yet.”
“Me neither.”
So, that’s what you both do when alone together. You try and help each other through the shit you’ve gone through.
You just sit together in a room, writing reports, or in silence and looking at space.
You remind each other that you aren’t alone.
That you both have family right here.
Daisy even tells you about the kiss between Coulson and May. You both share a laugh at the story.
Returning home and reuniting with your mom is a blessing. You both hugs.
She’s even smiling!
But then you find out that Phil Coulson has sort of returned. This time with no knowledge of who he is.
Kind of like a shadow of himself.
Daisy and you are both freaked by it. Your father figure has returned but has no knowledge of himself or you both.
Despite being the older sister, Daisy is the one who snapes to attention and pulls you away. Pulls you around the corner before your breathing picks up.
“What the fuck?” You ask.
“Y/N,” She keeps her voice soft, “I know that this is fucked up. I know, trust me. But we can get through this, ok? You and me against the world, right?” She holds a hand to you.
You grasp it with your own, “Us against the world.”
That mantra is a thing you keep repeating as the two of you go on the truck journey with Sarge (Coulson’s shadow) along with your mother.
You can tell May is rattled too, but she seems to hold hope that this can bring Coulson back.
You aren’t so sure. You and Daisy both share that.
But you go with it for your mother’s sanity.
Coulson was the closest you had to a father after Andrew’s death. So, you understood with the way May felt about him would make her think this way.
You are the one to talk to May when she shoots Sarge.
“Seriously, Mom?”
“I don’t – I don’t remember doing that, Y/N.”
“…. I believe you.”
Then Izel starts taking over people, your mother being one of her victims.
When it comes to sharing information that no one else would know, Daisy is the one who clears you.
“When Y/N was on the run, she made a little grave for Andrew. It held a little silver box.”
May looks at you with sadness, but you nod and confirm it.
You are with Daisy when you hear that May is down.
While Daisy s hurt and blaming herself, she immediately looks to you.
You just stare at the radio.
“Y/N…. hey. Hey, look at me.” You do, “We’ll get her back, ok? We’ll fix this.”
“She – She’s dead, Daisy. My mom’s dead!”
“Hey, no! She’s just down. I promise you; she’ll be ok.”
It’s enough to keep you going, but now you and Daisy are fuelled by one of the most powerful things on earth: Hate.
She uses her powers; you fire every bullet that you have.
When your mother returns, you see that she’s weakened. She looks like a corpse.
She falls, but you catch her.
“Mom, mom, mom. I got you, I got you.”
Dais kneels next to you but holds one of May’s hands as you stroke your mother’s hair.
“Y/N…I – I wanted it to be him.”
“I know.”
Your mother gives you a smile that communicates something she doesn’t have a strength to say: I’m so proud of you.
Then she closes her eyes.
She’s gone.
Melinda May is gone.
Your mother is gone.
You let out a sob as it fully hits you.
Then a different version of Jemma enters the room and puts May in a pod.
Well, tries, but you interfere.
“No! Don’t you touch her!”
“Y/N They need to –” Daisy tries to stop you. But it’s Jemma who does it.
“Y/N, May will be ok. The pod will keep her alive.” She assures you.
“It better.”
Now you’re back in time. For you guys, only a few minutes have passed.
Robot Coulson is here, and May will live.
Your family is back together. But you aren’t the same.
You’re still processing.
Just before you leave to go out, Daisy stops you.
“Are you ok?”
“I’m fine.”
“Y/N, you don’t have to shut me out. It’s ok if you –”
“She died, Daisy! She died. And now she’s not. Coulson did, and now he’s here. I mean – I – I don’t.”
Daisy told you to stay on the Zephier. You did.
Then May woke up, as an empath who felt others’ emotions, but not her own.
She did, however, feel your familial love for herself and Daisy full on. Along with your conflicted feelings about her being back and alive.
However, it allowed her to be more in touch with you. As she could tell when you were lying.
That led to lots of looks from here that just told you that she knew.
It was nice though, like you guys were when you were younger.
When it all came to an end, May was a teacher, and you were her assistant.
You guys did the calls with the others.
Your family.
Sometimes, it would just be you and Daisy, catching up and having chats that lasted hours. May didn’t dare interrupt you then.
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kendricksendrick · 4 years
12, 30, and 39!
Ok so im a piece of shit and have no idea what these were referring to anymore so imma just write some random stuff for you!! (Sry in advance for spelling mistakes!)
“Help us turn our dreams into a reality?”
Beca smiles, halfheartedly at the pretty redhead offering her a flyer. Shes seems nice, way different than her friends back home, but still theres something about her that caught her eye and had her wandering over to the booth in the first place.
“Sorry i- I dont even sing. But thank you.” Beca offers one last smile before quickly turning and walking away from the booth.
It wasnt that the girls she had just talked to made her uncomfortable or anything, (well, the blonde that scowled at her throughout the entire exchange certainly made Beca uncomfortable) but that redhead? There was just something about her that felt so familiar to the freshman.
She shook her head, trying to wipe those sparkling blue eyes from her mind and headed back to her dorm.
-30 (or so) hours later-
“See you at auditions!”
And with that, the redhead (and boy toy) turned on their heals and left Becas shower stall.
What. The. Fuck. Had just happened??!
Obviously Beca knew what just went down, the redhead from that stupid acapella group had just invaded her shower and checked her out, thats what happened. She had to admit, although the entirety of the exchange was probably ranked currently at Number One on Becas lifelong list of ‘what the fuck’ moments, there was something inside of her telling her she had to see this girl again, this time on her own accord.
Beca let out a deep sigh as she turned the water on hotter than it needed to be. She just needed some time to think. And maybe do other things to a certain area of her body.
-39 days later-
“You guys waited up for me?” Beca was shocked upon arriving to a dorm filled with Bellas after her short trip to jail. Immediately making eye contact with Chloe after Kimmy Jin left, a smile painted itself onto Becas face.
“Of course we waited up for you.” Chloe was practically beaming at Beca.
Eventually the Bellas filed out of her rom, one by one until there was just one left.
“Thank you.” Chloe said in a soft voice. The two had been sitting in an awkward silence for only a few seconds after the last Bella left.
Beca shot the older woman a questioning look, raising an eyebrow and turning in her chair to face Chloe who had spread out on the bed.
“For you know, punching that dude, protecting us I guess.”
“Oh yeah, of course Chloe. It was nothing really.” Beca offered an awkward smile and got up, heading towards her closet as she realized she was still in her flight attendant uniform. “Sisters, right?” She turned and met bright blue eyes as she said that.
“Yeah.” Chloe sighed, she almost sounded lost in thought.
“Um Im just gonna change real quick i-“
“Yeah no, I won’t look, dont worry Becs.”
The younger woman blushed and the smile on her face grew as she watched Chloe turn away and pick up her phone. Something between them was off a little, like the air was filled with electricity or something, she couldnt quite put her finger on it though.
“Nothing you havent seen before Beale.” Beca pulled on a pair of sweatpants as she heard Chloe chuckle behind her.
“You do have a rockin’ bod, what can i say.”
Now was Becas turn to snicker. Pulling an old tshirt over her head she turned back around, a sweet smile on her face when she met Chloes eyes again immediately.
“Ya think?” Beca wasnt sure what exactly was spurring her on in the moment, but she quickly decided it didnt really matter.
She enjoyed Chloes company, while this was only the second time theyd ever hung out alone (first being a coffee date a few days after initiation, Chloe had wanted to apologize for the whole shower thing). There was still something about the senior that drew Beca in, made her want to know everything there was to know about Chloe Beale. Making her way over to where Chloe was seated on her bed she plopped down next to her new friend.
“Well, I have seen you naked.” Chloe winked, causing Beca to blush. “And I have to admit, youve got a nice rack, Becs.”
“Shut up” Beca erupted into giggles and shoved at Chloes shoulder. Never one to accept compliments it was a natural response.
“Im just saying.” Chloe shrugged it off. “But if you want me to shut up youre gonna have to try a little harder than pushing me Beca. I dont know if youve noticed yet but I talk. A lot.” Chloe smiled at that, and Beca once again took note of the sparkle in her eyes. “So just telling me to stop talking isn’t necessarily going to do the trick.”
“Are you trying to tell me to-“
The sly smile and way the seniors eyes darkened said it all.
“-yes” Chloe cut her off mid sentence.
And that was all Beca needed to lean in.
I hope you enjoyed this!! I really had a good time writing it, i know its kinda garbage but it was nice to get lost in my head and create this little fantasy world again. I havent written in a while but whenever I do something short like this I’m always in a better mood. Thank you for sending this, im so so so sorry jt took me forever to reply to it (writers block, school, work, the pandemic, yall know whats up hahaha) but I do enjoy writing once in a while even tho I cant articulate everything as perfectly as I like.
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lewis-winters · 4 years
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(gif by @lyselkatzfandomluvs)
oh? me? writing about single dad!lewis who is a disaster human being but a good dad to a precocious little girl named Bea who adores him but at the same time thinks her daddy is the silliest person to ever exist?
you bet your ASS i am.
anyway, here have this headcanon list:
Bea is Lew's little girl from a one night stand. her mom didn't want to abort, but she didn't want to keep her, either. Lew considered putting her up for adoption, but the second the doctors let him hold her he knew that that just wasn't an option.
at that point, Lew never really knew what love was. not really. but looking down at that lil bundle in his arms that resembled more a bean than human, he decided then and there that that is exactly what true love feels like.
Bea is AMAB and has always known she was a girl. Lew always indulged her, especially when she finally learned how to talk and walk and have opinions. if Bea said she wanted to wear a dress or play with dolls or grow out her hair, he'd let her and he'd sass down anybody that let her feel like she couldn't. bc of that, Bea never thought that she was anything but a girl for ages.
i mean, the only thing she truly hated was her name. bc it was a boy's name and was therefore very ugly.
when she was four, she told Lew and everybody that would listen that she wanted to be called Beatrix-with-an-X instead of the name they gave her. she heard it on tv one day and loved it so much, she just decided to use it and that was that.
I wouldn't say Lew didn't have his moments of crisis over it-- he had a whole paradigm shift, and he definitely had to read up some stuff and talk to people, but he never let Bea know it. that's his baby girl. and he loves her. he'd never forgive himself if he'd ever let her feel otherwise.
he calls her BumbleBea on a regular basis, but in his head and when referring to her to anybody else, he calls her Little Miss Nixon
occassionally Little Miss Hypochondriac if she's being particularly fussy that day
bc Bea is VERY fussy
she's under the belief that her daddy doesn't take care of himself very much. she is right. Lew does not like to admit it.
she prepares his vitamins and reminds him to drink water and eat his veggies
they take care of each other a lot
Lew makes sure Bea does her homework and is polite and gets dressed real nice and is making the right friends
Bea makes sure Lew remembers to brush his teeth or eat breakfast or drink water or dress up warm during the winter
their little mantra in the morning is--
Lew: Be good, but if you need to be bad--
Bea: Don't get caught!
Bea also understands sarcasm a bit too well for a baby child
Lew says it's the natural Nixon gene. Blanche says it's bc Bea spends way too much time with Lew.
Bea calls Lew two things: Daddy, on the regular, and Dada when she wants to be cuddled or carried or held or comforted
Lew has NO idea why she does, but every time he hears her call him Dada while holding out her arms in a silent request to be picked up, he melts into a puddle
George, Lew's old college buddy and Bea's godfather, and Blanche are her regular babysitters. she loves them both so much but she definitely loves Blanche more because when she's with Aunt Blanche she gets presents
George treats her like a mini adult, which just kinda reinforces why she's so fluent in sarcasm to begin with or why she's half as mischievous as she is.
Bea is a morning person. Lew is a night owl. when Bea was a baby, this was definitely a problem, bc she'd have Lew running to her side at 3 am, so much so that he just moved her bassinet to his room and then just little by little let her migrate to his bed and let her serve as his alarm clock.
but when she started to walk and talk and become big enough to do things on her own, they've come up with a system where she'd get up, try her best to make Lew coffee, then wake him up with kisses
the coffee is never good but Lew swallows it down anyway
Lew is very good at braiding hair for some reason
Bea always did say that her Daddy is fit to be a stay at home husband bc he keeps track of their household stuff better than his at work stuff
Lew doesnt work at the plant-- Stanhope didn't like the name Beatrix, let's just say. Lewis told him to go fuck himself. thankfully before doing that, he saved enough money to sustain him and Bea until he could find a job. also, he has a group of very good friends and an amazing sister who stuck by him and Bea, so really, leaving Nixon behind to get a fresh new start in New York with his baby girl was the best decision he has ever made
(Lew always says Bea saved him somehow-- taking care of another human being helped him learn, little by little, how to take care of himself. how to function. he wants to be a better man for Bea, wants to be able to be somebody she's proud of. and by wanting that and doing everything to be that, he's managed to heal himself. day by day. it hasn't been easy. but it has been worth it.)
(he still drinks, though. but never in front of Bea. and never more than a glass. he can't afford to go down that road right now. not with Bea.)
Bea meets Dick first. she's seven years old in a brand new school being run by her dad's college friend and her godmother, Kitty and Dick, fresh from his last tour in Iraq, is there to visit Kitty's boyfriend and fellow teacher, Harry, who is his old college buddy.
Bea likes Mr Winters very much and talks about him to Lew when she gets home
Dick, of course, is easily charmed by this precocious lil girl with an inquisitive nature and an oddly dry sense of humor. He's planning on getting a job in the school's administrative branch so he's there quite a lot. Bea always stops to talk to him, and he never fails to humor her. He rather enjoys her company.
Lew, otoh, is getting very jealous
all Bea can talk about is Mr Winters said this and Mr Winter said that and ooohhh did you know Mr Winters was a soldier? that's pretty cool
Lew has a 9-5 desk job. Bea doesn't think that's very cool.
bc of this, Lew does not like this Mr Winters on principle
All of Bea's godparents (George, Kitty, Lip, and Ron) and her Aunt Blanche think this is hilarious
Everytime Lew sees them, he grumbles about Mr Winters. This, of course, drives Kitty to find a way to introduce them.
so, during during the Parent Teacher Conference, Lew meets Dick. and he finds he does like Mr Winters after all. he likes Mr Winters a lot.
Dick, otoh, sees Bea light up and run into Lew's open arms, giggling when Lew peppers her face with kisses and raspberries, and immediately knows he is very much In Trouble.
Bea, being perceptive as she is, picks up on their mutual crushes on each other and thinks they're meant to be (she's right, of course) and immediately starts trying to push them together.
Bea: Mr Winters, do you like bad boys?
Dick, who most definitely has always had a thing for dark haired, rakish characters with hearts of gold and is also blushing very hard: Uh... sure I do
Bea: Great. Because my daddy is bad at everything.
it becomes Bea's mission to get her daddy and Mr Winters together
she doesn't have a plan for it. she just waits to throw them at each other at every opportunity until something happens.
she's very determined. Lew would stop and admire her ambition if only he wasn't busy fumbling into this new relationship with Dick while also doing his best to be a good dad.
and it's all very cute and fluffy and nothing bad ever happens ever bc this is my au, gdi, and i'm allowed to be as indulgent as i want, thank you.
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hlcreators · 4 years
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AUTHOR REC: mediawhore / @mediawhorefics 
Be sure to show some love and leave kudos and a comment!
The Murmur of Yearning (93k)
Four years ago, Harry Styles was forced into a marriage of convenience to enrich and ally both his and his promised's families. The sudden, and slightly suspicious, death of the Marquess of Haxshire, however, brings great disturbance to Crescentfield Hall and, as his late's husband's closest male relative, Harry unexpectedly finds himself the head of a family he never felt he belonged to. Between a meddling distant cousin hellbent on inserting himself in Harry’s life, his wicked and mistrustful mother-in-law and his late husband’s advisors refusing to help or take him seriously, Harry struggles in the fight to keep what he’s earned and make the Estate finally feel like home.
Luckily, he doesn’t stand completely alone and finds himself an unlikely ally in Mr Tomlinson, the elusive Land Stewart who has been taking care of the property in the shadows for years. Louis Tomlinson is caring, patient, and unlike everyone else, he doesn’t seem to think Harry committed a murder.
‘Sup (6.7k)
Gemma really wants her little brother to sign up for a dating app and get back in the game after a messy divorce. Harry thinks he’s way too old to swipe. They compromise to devastatingly embarrassing results.
Meanwhile, all Louis wants is to finish the play he’s been commissioned to write, but one of the regulars at his local coffee shop keeps distracting him.
ft. older larry, pushy gemma, harry being a disaster gay and silver fox louis.
Tired Tired Sea (113k)
As a B&B owner on the most remote of all the British Isles, Louis Tomlinson is used to spending the coldest half of the year in complete isolation, with his dog and the sea as sole companions. Until, one day, a mysterious stranger on a quest to rebuild himself rents a room for the winter.
The Blood of Words (33.7k)
Louis Tomlinson hasn’t sworn off relationships per se. He just doesn’t think he’s quite ready for one yet, despite his therapist’s encouragements. He’s comfortable in his position as editor for Styles Publishing and he’s happy to focus on his career while he gives himself more time to heal.
Enter his CEO’s brother, a boxer with a heart of gold who is determined to carve himself a space in Louis’ life and, more importantly, his heart.
Peace In Your Arms (1.5k)
The happily ever after ... Or a series of TEC codas 
the dead things we carry (25k)
September ‘49 He hasn’t seen him since that day in France, that horrible muddy day where for one terrifyingly long second, Louis really thought he was going to die. He winces with the phantom pain, the hand not holding his cane going to his stomach automatically, remembering the franticness, the tenderness, of Harry’s hands while Louis was bleeding out.
This is the man who saved Louis’ life.
For one second, Louis fears Harry won’t recognise him, but his eyes widen when he turns to his left and they meet Louis’. He takes a step forward, reaching for him with a shaky hand before stopping himself.
“Louis,’ Harry says with a shudder and Louis doesn’t think his name has ever carried more weight.
This is the only man Louis ever thought about kissing for real.
“Oh,” Mrs. Padley says, clearly taken aback. “You two know each other?”
There are some things people never fully come home from. Until, one day, if they’re lucky, home comes to them.
Things Gone Cold (24k)
"your heart is warm for things gone cold.”— Sophocles, Antigone
With his soulmate’s thoughts about him written on his skin and the world’s eyes trailing his every movement, Harry Styles is having a bit of a rough time releasing his second album in peace. And that’s not even counting the breakup. Or the car crash.
Through Eerie Chaos (102k)
For as long as anyone can remember, Old Hillsbridge Manor has always been believed to be haunted. Everyone in the village agrees and keeps a respectful, fearful, distance. New in town after a bad breakup and an internship that led to disappointment rather than a permanent job, Harry Styles figures taking pictures of the decrepit building could be a great new creative project. Or at least a much-needed distraction while he searches for a job and crashes at his parents’ new house. No one warned him about the apparitions though; about the music, the laughter, the people who flicker and vanish when you call after them, the echoes of a past that should be long gone… Harry has never believed in spirits but even he can admit that there’s something weird going on. What starts as mere curiosity evolves into a full-blown investigation and soon enough, Harry finds himself making friends with an aristocrat from the 1920s and struggling with finding the best way to tell him that he’s dead.
The Ghost Hunter AU where Niall lives to prove ghosts are real, Zayn is a skeptical librarian and Harry gets caught up in a century-old mystery and catches feeling in the process.
Sleep It Off (844)
I've felt better ! Hello 2017 !!
What do you mean he’s coming? (15k)
When Harry accepted to be his sister’s Maid of Honour, despite how non-traditional of a choice he was, he didn’t think writing a speech for the wedding reception would be this hard. Now, not only does he have less than two weeks left to find something moving and inspirational to say, but Gemma just confided in him that her old childhood best friend is going to be in attendance. The one who moved to LA and they haven’t seen in fifteen years because he was too busy becoming an Academy Awards winner. But hey, no pressure. It’s just Louis Fucking Tomlinson.
Harry is screwed.
a fully armed battalion (to remind you of my love) (5.6k)
“He was flirting with you by the way,” Niall says casually once he’s finished saying goodbye to Louis and he’s joined Harry outside.
“No he wasn’t,” Harry replies automatically, feeling his heart clench at the thought. Was he?
Niall simply raises a mocking eyebrow in response before wrapping his scarf twice around his neck.
“Not that it matters!” Harry says quickly, eyes widening. “I wouldn’t care even if he did because he’s awful and the worst.”
Everyone at Hogwarts knows that Professor Styles and Professor Tomlinson absolutely despise each other. It's too bad that they're in love.
Coax the Cold (86k)
England, 1897.
English Professor Louis Tomlinson’s passion for the occult has been a source of mockery and derision for most of his life. When he hears whispers of a travelling freak show newly established in London claiming the existence of a monstrous sea hybrid, half-man, half-fish, Louis sees it as his ticket to credibility amongst his peers. The summer he spends undercover working on the show, however, gives him much more than that.
All These Lights (34.8k)
“People vote for alphas because they’re strong and they’re not only beautiful but also mesmerizing. They make you want to give them all of your attention, make you want to beg for some of theirs back. They’re shiny, oozing sex appeal and a commanding presence, and people always want more and more. Omegas are enticing too for sure, but it’s not the same. It makes people uncomfortable. It doesn’t make them want to root for you.”
the canon fic where Harry is an omega and dreams come with a price.
wash him deep where the tides are turning (3.7k)
"When Harry finally tells Louis about his family’s curse and the true love spell that broke it, they’ve been dating for seven months, nineteen days and about twelve hours and Louis’ cock is buried deep inside his arse."
Part two of a practical magic au.
a long way down (to the bottom of the river) (24k)
“ Most people would call Harry silly for believing in curses. Childish would also be a probable insult thrown his way. In their little town full of little people, Harry’s whimsical nature and beliefs mean that he’s subjected to frequent judgemental looks and whispers. It doesn’t usually bother him. Most people don’t know about the magic thrumming through his veins or about how powerful words can truly be. Most people don’t carry around their ancestors grief like a burden. They don’t have to pay for deeds hundreds of years old like Harry and his family have. They get to love freely without fear.
Harry and his kin aren’t so lucky.”
a practical magic au in which Harry and his sister accidentally kill her abusive boyfriend with magic and Louis is the D.I working the case.
loose lips sink ship all the damn time (not this time) (39k)
“Louis Tomlinson is gay,” Fiona announces and she sounds calm at least. “That’s not a scandal,” Nick replies automatically even though he feels slightly sick. He needs to call Louis back. Now. “No,” Fiona agrees quickly. “But his underage gay sex tape is.” The one where Louis is outed via a sex tape he made before the X-Factor and Nick can't resist flying to America to give him a shoulder to cry on. Told through flashbacks, this is a story of getting together and getting back together.
all that i’ll ever need is in your eyes (4.2k)
Louis has known he's going to marry Harry Styles since he was eighteen years old. Five years later, he has the perfect proposal planned. Too bad he can't help blurting it out while they're detained at the mall.
hi hater, kiss kiss (3.8k)
Nick has had a crush on Louis Tomlinson ever since he first saw him perform on the x-factor. Almost four years later, he's finally accepted that their ongoing, unstoppable feud is the only thing the two of them will ever share. One game of Call or Delete with Niall Horan, however, starts to shake this belief.
your bones illuminate (5.4k)
High School AU Snapshots of Harry and Louis' relationship through their last year of sixth form. Warning: There is no plot. Only fluff.
the last people standing (at the end of the night) (7.4k)
Sequel to the greatest pretenders (in the cold morning light)
A year after his undercover assignment ended, Louis should finally feel at peace. With Cowell & Co finally dead or behind bars, his life is more simple than ever. It's too bad his feelings can't be buried as deep as the people he's lost.
An undercover cops AU
you think fashion is your friend, my friend (fashion is danger) (27k)
"Louis has one rule, and one rule only, that he simply refuses to break. He forbids himself to be attracted to anyone he might work with. No wanking to models who might wear his clothes! It’s hardly fair, considering he spends 95% of his time working with the most attractive men on the planet, but his career is more important. Besides, in Louis’ experience, it always leads to disaster. Harry Styles makes respecting the rule really damn hard though and Louis is not quite sure why."
the one where Louis is a famous British designer and Harry is the clumsy, most likely straight model that makes his heart race.
the greatest pretenders (in the cold morning light) (41.5k)
undercover cops/the departed au
Louis and Nick are on two different sides of the law and mobster Simon Cowell is not the only person they have in common. The one where Louis is an undercover cop and Harry is the court-ordered shrink who refuses to prescribe him Valium.
43 notes · View notes
werezmastarbucks · 4 years
coming back was a mistake!
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the reader bonds with kai over their shared dislike of mystic falls
previous part
word count: 3912
music: tomorrow never came by lana del rey
warnings: delena wedding
Kai leaned over Caroline, almost touching her ear with his nose. Nobody had any idea how a mortal witch boy was still capable on sneaking on vampires, but there they were. Caroline nearly hopped out of her pants when he started talking,
“So, what’s the deal with the pretty one?”
“God dammit! What is wrong with you?!”
Kai put on his patient face and waited until Caroline snapped out of her manic episode. He could never understand why it’s so hard to get over their indignation every time he was around, and just answer his questions.
“Is she, like, insane?”
The blonde vampire narrowed her eyes almost vengefully.
“The pretty one, Y/N”.
“What do you want with her?” Caroline snapped.
“Are you okay? Have you hit your head today?”
“I don’t have time for this”, Forbes brushed him away with her hand. She was dreaming about leaving this house as soon as possible. “Stay away from her”.
If she was a bit nicer, Kai would tell her it was too late, and that he was almost as good as the second base.
He wandered around the mansion until he found Elena. And approached her with the same question. This one had a slightly longer fuse. Where Caroline raged and started spitting atrocities, Elena would usually get worried out of her little mind about everyone.
“What’s the deal with Y/N?”
There we go. The nervous glint in her dark eyes. Oooh, how does Kai know about her? Oh my god, what has he done this time? Etc.
“Saw her talk to herself”.
Elena sniffed angrily.
Kai was honestly getting tired of them all.
“It doesn’t matter. I’m just curious“.
“That’s none of your business, Kai”.
“She’s also super secretive about why she only comes back once a year. Maybe I’m reading too deep into it, but I find it cryptic”, he smirked. Elena sighed.
“You just sound like you’re very bored. Find another source of entertainment”.
“I don’t want to. I like this one”.
Elena looked carefully at the witch. She already knew that look, although it hasn’t been too long for her studying Malachai. But this look said everything. He made his mind up. She shifted uncomfortably.
“Leave her alone. Please?”
Kai looked down on the brunette, frowning with a grin.
“I’m not gonna hurt her. You think I’m some kind of creep?”
He couldn’t hold back a chuckle. Elena rolled her eyes.
Damon entered the living room.
“You ready, Bastinda?” he asked, looking extremely bored. Kai nodded, playing along as if he was even mildly entertained by his neverending nickname spitting fountain or irony. Everybody had to pretend they find Damon witty, otherwise he’d get upset. That was one of the things that apalled Kai the most, why everyone was so worried about the fragile nature of this big idiot boy.
Just before they started the spell, he sensed his sister, as Damon’s head snapped towards the door. The vampire ears detected her angry footsteps, too. Too bad the vampires underestimate the famous Parker rage.
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You only realized your phone was left at the Grill when the morning came.
Cursing, worried and hungover, you drove there, a bit blinded by the sunlight. August did not have mercy on anyone.
It was bad enough your head was spinning. While Jerry the bartender who was still alive went to the DJ booth to ask around about your loss, you sat at the counter, sucking on water with lemon, and looked around. Everything appeared completely normal. You wondered if people remembered what had happened to them last night. Whether anybody got hurt. You were so dizzy on the new weird feeling of closeness, you were borderline indifferent. You even asked yourself if Kai the witch boy did something to you to knock you a little but out. Being here, you can expect anything.
The kissing part was good though, and overall, he was good. It felt good.
Jerry returned, shrugging.
“He says some guy came and picked it up this morning”.
“Crap”, you groaned. “Which guy? Tall and dark?”
Jerry smirked like an asshole.
“Everybody here is tall and dark, but yeah”.
You couldn’t have come up with a better description of this wretched place.
Where to look for him now? The Salvatores seem to know him. Can as well begin from there. You lowered your head (carefully) and put it on the wheel. Not again. All the roads in Mystic Falls lead to the Salvatore boarding house, don’t they. You can’t go one year without any adventures. Every August, you say to yourself you’d be extra careful, not talk to anyone, not engage in anything, just sit at your house, and maybe you’ll be spared. It never works. Last year there was this werewolf invasion. The year before that, an insane witch coven that was in the middle of waging vampire genocide when you arrived. The year before that, someone slit the last Miss Mystic Falls’ throat in the park right in the middle of a juggler’s performance at the fair. This shit, every year. This town is cursed, there was no doubt about it. Now, you break your own rule, and go on a date with this witch guy, and he’s a fucking awesome storyteller, and witty as hell, and you feel something except regret and exhaustion for the first time in years, something like excitement. Like you’re waking up. And now you’re hungover, and he has your phone, and you have no idea where he is.
You started the engine and drove slowly, without a hurry, thinking, if I run out of gas before I get there, I might as well not reach them at all.
The front lawn of Damon and Stefan’s house was as green as ever, the sun blasting its deadly rays down on one slender crabtree standing aside like a shy teenager at the high school party. The big dark windows even looked friendly in the light of the day.
Leaving the car, you observed the house. It never changed throughout the years. The sound of closing the car door hurt you a little bit, but you already left your sunglasses inside.
Then you saw Elena in the window on the second floor.
She did not behave like usual. She was a vampire, and vampires don’t get scared anymore. Elena was banging her fists on the window like she was unable to break it, and yelling something you couldn’t hear. Suddenly, a loud thump came from the inside of the house, as if an elephant bumped into a wall at full speed.
The only reason Elena would be beating on the window like that was if she was locked in with magic.
Frowning, you kinda realized Kai must be inside. What has he done this time? You caught yourself thinking about him as if you’ve known him for years now. The little shittery in his eyes said it all pretty well.
Honestly, you just needed your phone.
You entered the house, pushing the unlocked door, and stood in the hallway to listen. You could now hear Elena screaming on the second floor. She was trapped like a cat in a cabinet, and rushing from wall to wall trying to get out.
Someone else was apparently throwing furniture at the walls in silent fury. That must be one of the Salvatores.
You stepped on carefully, and tried to get into the living room, when there was stumbling, and, like in an 80s slasher, Kai Parker limped out into the corridor, holding his side. His white shirt was stained with blood dripping through his fingers. The wound was very deep because the blood wouldn’t stop. However, his face had a completely normal lively color, which confused the hell out of you.
“Hey!” he called, with effort. He even waved at you with his bloodied palm.
“How are you after last night?”
You stepped to him, putting your hands on the wound, and he let go of it, placing his arms onto your shoulders. Your knees caved in a little under his weight.
“What the hell happened? Have you attacked them?”
“Me?” Kai exclaimed, “no, that’s my sister. She came, locked the vampires up there, and stabbed me, and then escaped like the little coward she is. Olivia, that is, not Joe”.
“I thought you only had one sister left”.
“Nah, I hadn’t told you the whole story”.
You both looked inside the living room where the things were just... they were just misplaced chaotically like, as the siblings fought, they were throwing armchairs around. You led Kai towards a couch and sat him there, pressing his hands into the stab wound, and stepped away towards the kitchen to look for something.
“You can heal yourself, right? You have magic now?”
“I can’t heal myself, I can only siphon life force out of someone to cater the cut. If you’re willing to sacrifice your life, I’m all down for it...” he mumbled. Walking around the turned up coffee table, you stopped, and sighed, as the old, old feeling filled you up yet again. Exhaustion, yes, that was it, the eternal Tired of doing the same thing again and again, going through this unnatural circle.
“Hey, I’m bleeding out here, babe, you wanna... uh...” Kai looked down at his wound, curious, because he, too, knew now something’s wrong. It looked like it didn’t hurt him anymore.
While you were standing over his body, laid on the floor, like a bird. His childlike lean, smooth face dead calm with his eyes open, white shirt all soaked in his bright red blood. Migraine was drilling into your temples with force. You looked back at him sitting on the couch.
Kai looked back at you. He was a clever boy. Way quicker than the rest of them here. They were all wide eyes and miriads of extra questions, pacing around the room when trapped into the corner. Parker seemingly understood everything right away.
“I’m already dead, aren’t I?” he asked.
You remembered what he said last night. And it actually made your heart shrink a tiny bit.
Your hands were now clean, the ghostly blood having vanished, as all life left him. Now he was clean, too, no holes in his shirt, and he sat up straight. You knew he was slowly losing feeling in his hands and skin, too, and you hurried back to touch him before he completely forgets.
You fell down next to him heavily and took his arm, and he looked at his own fingers interlocked with yours.
“I’m dead again?” he repeated, with a little bit more irritation.
“And how do you see me? Does everyone in this town has a thing?”
You shrugged.
“I see dead people. It’s in the water, I guess. You know how they tell to never drink from creeks and stuff...”
Kai looked a little flustered. He would probably take it much worse if he was alone now.
“So, you were talking to ghosts last night?”
You pulled on his hand.
“You were stalking me?”
“Yeah, I was. I thought you were a mental patient”.
Kai threw his head back and looked in the tall window. His dark eyes turned grey as the light touched them. He looked beautiful when he was that calm.
“Damn it. What now? I have never died permanently before”.
You said,
“I don’t know. If I don’t let go of you, you will stay here forever”.
He eyed you, pondering.
“Who lives in your house?”
“My dad and grandmother”.
“And who’s on the football field?”
You shuddered on the inside. You wanted to smack him on the nose, but knew better than to assault people who have just passed and were fragile already.
“Kai, why were you even there? Were you, like...”
“It was my field. I came there every evening to watch the huskie...”
“Her name is Mist”.
“Edgy. Okay. I was coming there every evening to watch Mist, and then you just showed up and started running. Not my fault”.
“But I didn’t see you”.
“You’re averting again. Come on, Y/N”, he shook your hand lightly and squeezed it. He wasn’t noticing it, but his fingers were losing sensitivity and he kept squeezing your hand to feel the warmth. Soon, everything would go hard and cold to him. Even the sunlight.
“I’m dead. Tell me. My last wish”.
It was hard like swallowing rocks. Your own mind was so good at avoiding this that you came up with thousands of questions instantly. You wanted to ask why his sister killed him. Why she didn’t touch the vampires. How did she even outpowered him. Kai was drilling you with his grey crystal glance, and you finally managed to look him in the eye.
Out of all people, you were sorry he was the one to die. He didn’t seem like a very good fella, but it’s not always goodness that you like in people. He seemed bigger than Mystic Falls, greater than the local drama. This town wasn’t supposed to devour him like that. You didn’t know what his death meant to their odds at getting Bonnie back. What if he was the only one who could reach her?
“When I was fifteen, Damon’s ex came into town and started waging chaos”.
“I’m not surprised”.
“Uh-huh. She was going around, turning people, and manipulating them and generally just turning our lives into hell”.
“Oh, she sounds fun. Was her name Katherine Pierce by any chance?”
“If you know her, I’m going to send you to hell right now”.
Kai’s brows went up.
“You can do that?”
“I mean, when I let a ghost go, they go wherever they’re supposed to. You’re definitely going to hell”, you shrugged.
“Oh, yeah. Okay”.
Kai looked like he was a little bit hurt.
“She used compulsion on me, just to entertain herself, and during a PE lesson I stabbed a girl I went to school with. On the second lap, as we ran the mile. I got pissed at running, I hated it. I was so tired all the time, and she told me to act out when I get irritated at school. The worst thing, to this day, I don’t know if the stabbing was a part of her compulsion, or mine”.
You thought about her, standing there at this very moment, on the same spot where you left her every year.
Day and night, in her yellow tank top and sports bra, cycling black shorts and uncool old Nike trainers, her long brown hair in a messy ponytail, and one earring in her right ear. You knew every part of her face because she stared at you all the time.
Kai was quiet for some time, as if trying to read into you.
“That’s it?” he said suddenly. You were taken aback.
“You stabbed a chick because a vampire compelled you, and now you return every year and cry there? What are you punishing yourself for?”
You shook your head in disbelief.
“Why don’t you just send her the hell off? You can do it, right? What are you bitching about?”
You let go of his hand, and he stared at it, looking a bit lost, like all the people who died. Despite of his shattering insensitivity, he still made you feel for him. People were all the same when they died. They all looked like children who are just figuring out they were lost at a huge foreign train station.
“Look, all I’m saying...” he was still looking at his own hand, “don’t stress about what you don’t have to stress about”.
“I killed her, Kai”.
“Yeah, and today my own sister killed me”, he reasoned. He looked so seriously betrayed as if he was not aware of the irony. “People die. Sometimes they die horribly, in their bloom, you know, when they’re about to do something great”.
He crossed his arms on his chest with a grudge.
“I thought you had some kind of tragedy there, or at least were insane”.
“I get why Damon dislikes you”, you muttered. Kai puffed.
“You’re very hard to love”.
“Yeah, I’ve been told”.
You looked at each other. Fresh day somehow brought memories of last night, and you thought about it simultaneously.
“But you liked our date though, right?”
You nodded.
“I would even go on a second one if you... stayed alive”.
“Let me go down there, and I’ll think of something. Or you can join me”, he eyed you up and down, “I hear it’s pretty hot in here”.
You could see he nearly gave you a wink. Even if you kissed him now, he wouldn’t feel it on his face. God dammit.
“You want advice?”
“Go away and never come back here”.
You were holding on a thin thread supported by the connection. You were sorry to see him go as you let him slide away. As you opened your eyes, he was gone from the couch, and from the room, and there was only his body left.
The spell wore out eventually, and Elena, together with Damon, ran downstairs, already aware of what happened. They must have heard you talk to the invisible spirit.
“Awesome”, Damon snarled through his teeth, kicking Parker’s body, “amazing. Little shit”.
He was puffing, walking around the room, nearly banging on the walls. Elena was standing in the middle of the room, devastated.
Everybody was hurt in a certain way by the death of the guy hated here the most. Turned out, everyone needed him after all. Whether to get Bonnie out, or to finally merge, or just to know him a little better. Deaths were pointless, you knew that better than all.
You went to the football field, in the afternoon for the first time, to see her.
She was cemented there just like you wanted her, mortified she’d follow you around. Kai was sharp and rude, but on point. You were punishing yourself. It’s not like Maddie made you drive through the country every year just to see her.
She was waiting for you, looking with glass eyes like she was for the last seven years.
The sun was still high up, almost no shadows on the spacious court.
It was like it all made zero sense now. You didn’t know what made Kai Parker the chief advisor on your mental stability, but suddenly you saw everything completely clear. Maybe it was hangover. You had no need to keep all the ghosts around you. You were in charge of them, not the other way around. You bumped into them, you could tell them to go, or just leave them there if you didn’t care. Many years away almost made you think you didn’t care.
“Go”, you said to Maddie. And she was gone. No more laps around the field.
You went home and said the same to your father and your granny. And just like that, the house was empty again.
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“I know you decided not to ever come back again”, she chanted, “but... I mean... I will understand if you refuse to come, but everybody would love to see you, and it will definitely mean a lot”.
Unfortunately for your morale, you were already standing over a sports bag.
You sighed into the phone.
“Okay, I’m gonna say it once, because I love you, and will never say it again...”
Elena held her breath.
“I don’t think... I don’t think Mystic Falls is the worst place on Earth...”
“Wow”, Elena hammered, “hold on, can I put you on the speaker? They gotta hear this”.
“So, you will come?”
“Only because it’s your wedding. And only for the wedding. Then I’m going back”.
“You’ve heard the town has sold the house, right? You’ll have to stay with us. Y/N, it’s going to be awesome. We’ll have girls’ nights... oh my god, Caroline will tell you everything about...”
You rolled your eyes so deep you took a peep at your own brain. There was nothing in there. Absolutely nothing, apparently.
...here we go, the freaking sign, the Livingstones house, the bridge... all the same. It’s like a cursed room where the winds are on the loop. With its own aesthetic, of course. The blood-red clock tower produces long, hollow sound as its hands move. People going batshit crazy here. Everything is one long deja vu. The only thing that stood out was somebody missing. Somebody who was admittedly too cool for this place, and was scarily good at slow dancing. Somebody who would never be fit to help, and who still did. That person.
Elena and Damon’s wedding was everything one could imagine. Flower arch, check. Bridesmaids matching cream dresses, check. Soft elevator music, check. Caroline hair being out of this world, check. Damon smiling like one million dollars, check. Stefan suffering quietly in the corner, check. Jeremy getting drunk and knocking over a table, check. Dancing to the same ten indie songs, check. Bonnie was back, which was good. They did find a way after all.
You were comfortably unimpressed, because it was home. It was entertaining enough. Catching up, listening to all the crazy shit that happened during these two years you were absent.
Apparently, Klaus has been harassing Caroline with his undying love, and she wasn’t having it, although it was clearly a perfect vampire scenario. Some demonic weird crap brushed over the city when Damon was brifely involved with gathering souls for hell. Could’ve been a job for you, he winked at you like the rascal he was. You should’ve seen the whole madhouse unraveling when we opened the gates, and all these sinners started rushing out in all directions, he complained. It took him weeks to get them all back, and he still wasn’t sure he caught everybody. It’s not like they did a head count, right?
You stopped drinking.
“You mean the souls escaped from hell?” you asked, surprised that they weren’t more concerned about it. And also, what a generic topic to discuss at his wedding. Charming.
“No, the people. Physical entities. They kinda just... pfft. Hopped out. Those who were, you know, quicker”.
The burning question made it hard to swallow champagne. How did they not mention the obvious?
“And... who did you shove back?”
“Hm, just a bunch of losers. I mean, they’re people, or creatures, for that matter. Not all of them are human. I’m sure some weirdos are still out there.. So you be careful. Elena said you wouldn’t stay long, huh? How about the Harvest Festival though?”
“I don’t know. Harvest Festival is lame, Damon”.
“Yeah, it is”, Damon agreed, searching for his beautiful wife with his eyes. One second ago she was somewhere among the people, and now she was gone. “But the after party...”
“Ah, that. Sure”.
“Nobody’s bothering you anymore, are they? You can stay for a little while”.
You swayed your head without expression.
“Where the hell is she?”
Music changed, and nobody really noticed, except for you. You don’t notice if you don’t listen. You never got your old phone back, by the way. You had no idea where the dead boy put it, and whether it was him at all who took it from the Grill.
But now Lana was on speakers, and you suddenly remembered.
“You better go look for her, Damon”, you warned him, looking around.
The vampire felt the change in your mood.
“What is it?”
You gulped down your glass of champagne and smiled wide, for real.
“Second date”.
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Smugglers and Killers (Favored Ones, Part 18.)
Series description: Many things were surely fucked up in the year 2038, but no-one ever told anyone how all of it went down. What happened before a group of people left for Seattle to handle personal matters? Why did one girl refuse to leave all of it be? And why there were so many dead in the end?
Quote for the chapter: “I'm just a poor, wayfaring stranger... Traveling through this world below.” - Johnny Cash
Part summary: As the whole incident slowly settled down, new problems started to arise. 
A/N:.So, we soon be on a family trip to Seattle, guys, how are we feeling about that?
Warnings: Angst, some more angst and a bit of fluff. 
Word count: 4.8 K
Tagging:   @nemodoren @xxgoldenhour @missdictatorme​​ @peakymarvels​​ @davnwillcome​ @pickleriiick​ @jodiereedus22​ @gladiosamicitias​ @tamkashi​ @eternallyvenus​ @avengerssstuff​ @fangirl-inthe-us​ @avery-miller​ @mikah-writes​ @mad-hatter-98​ @sadiaafrin99​ @flavorishy
Series master list: H E R E
Joel Miller’s playlist for the bonfire occasions: H E R E
Youtube playlists: JACKSON DAYS | SEATTLE DAYS
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Early spring of 2038, twenty days from departure to Seattle:
When you'd woken up for the first time, Ellie and everyone else forgot about the hatred inside for a small while. You were drugged and high as a living fuck, talking complete nonsense. Sure, Ellie desired to talk to you about the strangers, but at the moment, she was just laughing happily at your expressions and monotone voice, just like Dina, Diego and Jesse did. Joel wasn't in town to see you awake, but everyone was sure you'll have plenty of time to talk things out later.
Surprisingly enough, Ellie was standing at his doorstep, accompanied by Dina when he got back from the hunt. It made him grin to know that his baby girl had healed enough to talk to him once again - only if he'd know how downhill will the conversation go. But just like the man he was, he invited both ladies in and made them a cup of coffee and tea.
"So, you two hit it off, huh?" - Joel rose his eyebrows teasingly, having Dina chuckle at what he'd said. But both the girls nodded. Ellie was nervous about the whole matter - it was stressing her out enough to sit with Dina as her partner in front of Joel, but the matter she came to talk about was making her even more nervous. - "I'm proud of you, kiddo. You know I am." - Joel smiled at his daughter of sorts heartwarmingly and Ellie felt as her girlfriend's palm held hers a bit tighter.
"We'll put all the politeness aside, for now, Joel. I came to talk about the patrol." - Ellie licked her lips, lifting her look to look at the old man. At this statement, Joel leaned his back into the chair, letting out a long sigh. Sure, he should've seen this coming. While he knew when to stay put and calm, Ellie saw the world from a different perspective. She saw and felt different about the situation, and it was fair to hear what she had to say. So, with that, Joel nodded to let Ellie know he's listening. - "I want to go after them. Dina and I, we are going as soon as Y/N tells us who they were." - And with that, Joel closed his eyes, shaking his head with clear disagreement.
"You think I'll let this slide, Joel? I know you're pissed too, you know I just want the revenge she and Tommy deserve and you want it as well." - Ellie spoke out frantically. - "And you'd do the same fucking thing as soon as something happened to me. You wouldn't stay put and waited for things to play out, come on." - The girl looked into the man's face. His expression was unreadable and stoic. He was just called out because he didn't pack his damn stuff and went after them immediately, as Ellie thought she should've done. This wasn't about fear or about staying put. This was about making sure you were doing good in the first place.
"Kiddo, I think you should calm down in the first place, 'kay?" - The man spoke out after a moment of digesting the information. - "I am not waitin' here, sittin' around to see how it plays out. I get what you're goin' through rite now, trust me, I've been there. But..." - Joel tried to speak with the girl confidently, but she just sprang up on her feet. Dina was just sitting there in silence, afraid of what's yet to come. She told Ellie Joel won't agree to this short-fire plan she came up with, and there is was.
"Calm down? Are you fucking serious? I thought that the fact you've been fucking her for the last few months might make you do something for avenging," - "Ellie, sit down. We can solve this without bein' rude." - Joel answered rather calmly, but it could be heard that he's about to lose his nerve soon as well.
"No, you don't get to tell me when to sit down and shut up, Miller. I'm doing this for her." - "And you think she'd want that? Kiddo, she's a good person, she wouldn't jump straight to violence." - Joel defended you while looking the girl in the eyes. He was playing around with his tongue and teeth, biting on his bottom lip and trying to stay concentrated on the conversation. - "And how can you know, hm?"
"Oh, good Lord, that's what bitin' your ass? I know that girl for quite some time now and her moral compass is oriented differently than mine or yours." - Well, this was getting heated up fast. Dina would swear she hadn't felt this uncomfortable for some time and let her say, she and Jesse had the most awkward conversation ever when they were breaking up. - "Oh, great. You're talking shit about morals, given the fact you've started fucking my best friend? You did it even when you knew what she means to me? She is like my sister, Joel, but you just had to come around and fuck the shit up as you always do." - Ellie threw her hands in the air, staring at the man in silence for a while just like he was staring back at her.
"I am sorry to break it down for you, kiddo, but I have a family to protect 'ere now. And somethin' to get a hold on. All your great plan is goin' to do is make you both killed, mark my words. But I ain't be stoppin' you since I'm just that old fucker who had practically took advantage of your best goddamn friend." - Joel chuckled ironically, leaving to open the door for them. At that moment, Ellie stopped and winked a few times, realizing what she'd just said. These things were just nasty to say out loud, even with the given context. Sure, you were her best friend, but you and Joel had every right to date... If you liked each other and felt something for the other one. Which you surely did.
Sure, Ellie had the right to be angry about the matter, but she in no way had the right to blame Joel or to tell either of you to cut the things off for good. It was a weird situation to be in, but when she looked down on Dina, Ellie knew that no-one had the right to judge someone else's romantic choices. And as long as you two were happy, there was nothing left to say. And the redhaired girl knew that... Yet with the things she already told the man, it was too late to tell him. Dina smoothed her palm and caught it to hers, standing up.
"Listen, I'm sorry," - "Leave my goddamn house." - Joel mumbled when Ellie wanted to apologize as he was leaning into the open door, one of his thumbs was slipped behind his belt. So, she wasn't talking to him for years and now, when she and Joel made up in a way, she pulled a complete 180° stunt. That was just fucking great. Although she knew that Joel isn't her and he'll calm down as the time will pass, she couldn't help but feel bad for the words. She just smiled sadly and nodded, walking out of the house with her head held down.
"I'm sorry, Joel." - Dina told the man quietly, offering him a quick comforting hug before running after Ellie. She bit Joel's ass for a long time after she and Dina left. Did the girl think he wasn't grieving and in pain? Did she think that he's living in this small fortress of comfort that didn't allow him to see the things around? You were a person he deeply cared for, so, of course, he was shaken when Bobby allowed him to see you for the first time after the incident. There were a few days when Joel was forbidden to see you because Maria didn't know what his reaction will be. It was on the wild range of basic randomness. It could be everything from being outraged to saddened. When Joel begged to see you for the tenth time, Maria finally agreed. Even if you got better than when Dina had driven you into the hospital, you were still looking as if the people have beaten the fucking shit out of you. The man reminisced over everything as he concentrated on making a craving of the hind you've seen last year since he thought you may like it.
And ever since he sat down to hold your hand, he couldn't but think it all had something to do with him. He wasn't sure how could any of that involve him, but because of a habit, he was sure that it was somehow connected to him. Joel visited both you and Tommy when he found the courage to, yet he always sat by your side way longer. It was making him calm seeing you slowly getting better, seeing as your skin tone slowly started to resemble the one he remembered. Sometimes, he came overnight to sit by your side the whole night, just watching over you.
Ellie was right. If the things weren't as they were at the moment, he'd go after these fuckers immediately. He had the habit of getting into a rage too quickly - but this time, you needed him there more than he needed to avenge you. Sure, you needed him there just metaphorically, but he needed to be there for you. There was no way around it - he was, indeed, in love. For the first time in the last twenty-four years. And he'd do anything just to keep you safe.
Naturally, people were sure that he'll take you to his house once you'll be able to leave the hospital. Sure, there were the weirded-out stares when he came for you, but honestly? Just like you've said, the people could go themselves. What did they know about you or him, about what you had going on? Maria seemed to be on board with the fact that you were a serious couple, slowly accepting you as a new addition to the family just the way she was adjusting to Dina. You two were always close friends she had in Jackson, but this was a whole new level.
"And here he comes. Howdy, you handsome cowboy." - Was the first thing Joel had heard you say after a few weeks and holy moly, the man was almost on the verge of tears at that moment. You weren't looking healthy, but at least you weren't looking like someone whos dying either. You put down a lot of weight thanks to your prolonged coma, you were sitting in a wheelchair and it could be seen that you're fucking tired. Yet as long as you were sitting there and smiling at the man, none of these mattered to him. - "Youre ready to sing the whole songbook for me, huh?" - You asked and grinned when he leaned down to steal a kiss from you.
"When exactly I said I'll be singin' for you, girl? My memory doesn't seem to be workin' as it used to." - Joel grinned back, looking over to Maria who came to the room to greet her brother-in-law. They shared a short hug before Maria took him aside.
"Listen. You need to be careful with her now, 'kay? She ain't one of the girls to break down under the gentlest blow of the wind, sure, I mean... Her head is probably more fucked up than her body. She had some wild nightmares last night, and she was mumbling some name from her sleep, but I didn't catch it." - Maria told Joel seriously, watching you make some small talk with the nurses, laughing through it. - "Also, you should know that she and Dina are on thin ice... I heard them screaming at each other because of something involving both you and Ellie yesterday and listen..." - The woman caught Joel's shoulder when the man almost turned away from her annoyedly. - "I don't know what it was about, but take the things slow for now, you promise?" - Maria sighed and in the end, she had Joel nodding.
Great. Not only that he and Ellie had some bad blood between them, but now you and Dina started to argue as well... Those were some great fucking news. - "How's my baby brother doin'? Heard he woke up yesterday." - Joel changed the topic and at that, he saw Maria tearing up. First, it was hard to tell if she's happy or sad, but she nodded and smiled in the end.
"It's still your brother my husband inside of that head. His bones are fine now, so give him two weeks and he'll be standing on his feet again." - The blonde woman whispered happily, feeling the stress washing off of her slowly. At that, Joel smiled and nodded, freaking out when your head suddenly appeared next to his palm as you tugged his shirt.  
"Are we going or what?" - You asked, looking at both him and Maria. - "Dude, I haven't smelled the fresh air in weeks and you don't know how eager am I to take a motherfucking bath." - A hum left your mouth as you thought about pouring yourself some water. Joel sure as hell was surprised with your cussing - you didn't cuss as much before the incident, at least not around him.
"I shouldn't leave the girl hanging. See you around Joel, and... Look after her." - Maria teased you with a smile, wiping the tears away. At that, you chuckled with a dry tone, giving her a daring smile back. - "I am not a baby, Maria. And you sure as hell ain't my mother." - You bumped her thigh with a faked drama, having the woman laugh lighthearted.
"But you can't even walk for now. So you're a baby. Jesus, Joel, tame her down." - Maria joked, leaving you two alone for Joel to take you home already. The man gladly pushed the wheelchair to your house to pick some clothes from there while you made him talk about the weeks he spent without you. He was glad to have you poking fun of him again, making jokes, and speculate about things, no matter how much you were swearing.
"Which ones should I take?" - Joel asked while you sat in the doorframe, watching the man packing your stuff. - "The ones you find the sexiest, of course. That makes sense." - You answered him almost immediately, having the man shaking his head. You were impossible at times and it caught him off guard every time. - "You keep on dreamin', girl. I'll take the most comfortable ones for starters." - Joel dismissed the innuendo. With a loud sigh, you rolled your eyes.
"You, Miller, are not fun. I can't wait to get my hands on you." - You mumbled with a dreamy smile on your face. That made Joel sit on the edge of your bed, looking you into the eyes. - "I told you to keep on dreamin' and there's no way you can go around that, young blood. Not until you feel better." - He told you, seeing your expression to soften a bit.
Even if you weren't in a state to acknowledge that, you've missed him dearly. This man was something out of the world. And you almost didn't remember that you two were an official thing in Jackson until Maria had told you what happened that night when he and Seth argued about Ellie. That was probably the wildest realization you had ever since you've woken up. - "Heard you have some trouble with Dina, wanna tell me 'bout that?" - Joel asked you suddenly, having you sigh.
Dina came to ask you about the whole incident thing and God, it pissed you out. The audacity to ask people rude stuff Dina sometimes had was quite unbelievable. You had just woken up, disoriented and with the drugs still wearing off and she was already there, asking you stuff. This matter was the kind you had to solve inside your head first before talking about it with the others. You remembered some pieces from the time you were in limbo - like Abby's face. Not her entire face, but you knew that you'd recognize her eyes anywhere, on any given material. The whole Abby issue was something you weren't ready to talk about with anyone just yet - especially with Joel when he was the one you've endured so much pain for.
"She wanted to ask me things about the cottage, so I told her to fuck off for now. And she took it way more personal than I anticipated her to, given it's Dina who I was talking to. On the other hand, I've heard you had a beef with Ellie too. What was that about?" - You asked back to make him uncomfortable as well. The man looked away for a second, fiddling around with his fingers to figure out some answer. - "The girls wanted to talk about the whole thing with me as well, but... I don't think it's my turn to decide who's goin' to die or not. But if you'd like to visit 'em and you know at least somethin' 'bout these people, baby girl, you can count on me." - Joel whispered, declaring his loyalty in this fucked up situation.
It felt like the safest moment to tell him that Abby was there to look for Joel. She was purposely searching for the man, and given what kind of a person Joel used to be before Jackson, you were willing to believe that he has done some fucked up shit to a person she knew. And she wanted to avenge them... But... Would you be any better if you'd go after them because of what they've done? Would that solve something at all? Or would there be just more blood? So you've just smiled at Joel, looking back to the wardrobe.
"Don't forget to take my granny panties too, I know they're turning you on." - A joke left you, but it didn't come across as funny at all. All it was was a desperate escape from the situation inside your head. Yet your man hummed in agreement, packing some more of your stuff. As soon as you were at home, you've decided to take a bath like the big girl you were - determined that you'll climb the staircase on your own. Joel was doing some stuff around the house, so once you felt like you're ready, you caught the railing and swung yourself standing, just to scream out in pain.
Joel ran after you immediately, checking on the situation - and it was quite funny how quickly his eyes widened in horror as soon as he saw what you were up to. His palm slipped on your waist and he put your arm over his shoulders to make sure you'll be standing on the a-ok foot. - "I was just about to prepare us some bath, you're ruining the surprise." - You chuckled to hide the pain. It was anything overwhelming, yet it didn't feel right to stand up on your own just yet.
Nurses told you to take things slowly because it was kind of expected of them to be the adult ones out of you two, but you were a hotshot at the end of the day. You wanted to feel empowered and independent, but the things didn't quite play out the way you anticipated. - "Jesus, I thought you've hurt yourself. You want to open up the wound again, or what you're after?" - Joel huffed angrily, helping you to climb the stairs up. It didn't feel as bad when you had someone to help you out with walking up. The discomfort was way lesser. So, making sure you're contained, Joel got you a bath of hot water.
The man sat by your side for a fairly long time and chatted with you until it came to undressing. Even with that, he helped, acting like the most polite gentleman around with it. Slowly, you gathered yourself to take the bandages off your thigh, checking on the scab. The skin around it was now pretty weird, but it was more or less turning into a scar. Bobby promised you that you'll be soon enough allowed to walk on your own. Joel was weirded out when you limbed to him, unbuttoning his shirt with a gentle smile.
"Hey there, Texas. How ya doin'?" - You asked with the most overly dramatic Texas accent ever. Joel furrowed when your hands slowly got to his belt, unbuckling it skillfully. - "No sex, I swear. Just a bath." - You made a scout promise before rolling the t-shirt from his torso. When you took in the view of his chest covered in gentle hair, you nuzzled in, taking a deep breath in. You were both alive and safe. What could be better in this awful world?
A subconscious smile appeared on your lips when you felt as he leaned his chin into the top of your head, exhaling slowly as he smoothed your back, entwining his fingers at its small. When you made him step out of the jeans, you both somehow puzzled into the bathtub so closely that there wasn't an inch where you could move around. But that was what made it even better. Soon enough after you both laid down, you heard the man snoring lightly. So you just laid there until the water got really cold, and when it did, you woke him by gently soaping his calves.
"Damn, I've fallen asleep?" - Joel asked you with the typical sleepy-raspy voice. With a chuckle, you nodded, soaping your shoulders and upper arms. - "'s okay. You're an old man." - A tease left your lips when you felt him shifting behind you as he leaned in to kiss the nape of your neck. After a while, when you let the man smoothing the skin on your back and soap your hair, you turned your head at him.
"What?" - Joel chuckled, kissing one of your temples. - "Nothing, you're handsome," - You smiled and kissed him. Once you both put on some clothes, you agreed that you won't the bandage on for the night.
"You up for a movie?" - Joel asked with anticipation, but he knew that answer as soon as you stretched and yawned. Your look traveled to a book in his nightstand, which made you smile as you took it into your hands.
"What is this about? Space for Idiots?" - You asked, putting the book on its place before you sat into the blankets. Joel nodded, walking up to you. - "Ellie likes space, so... I wanted to make her happy with knowing some stuff. Doesn't look like Imma about to use it, though." - The man sighed, watching you laying down. So he just closed the door, tugged you in, and left to his carpentry workshop to work on a few pieces. When he was sneaking into the bed again, you were already dead asleep, yet he couldn't help himself and leaned in to smooth your hair. - "You up?" - Joel asked and kneeled beside the edge of your side, smiling at you.
"Not anymore, you couldn't help yourself, could you?" - You whispered, sending him a crooked, sleepy smile. It didn't take the man too much time to lay down next to you, making sure he has you curled up to his side carefully enough to protect your thigh from any possible impact that would hurt you. - "You still up?" - Joel smoothed your back. Was he about to say it out loud? Oh, dear Lord, he was. Was he ready to say it out loud? No, he fucking wasn't. But things were the way they were. - "What are you after, Miller?" - You hummed into his chest, being half asleep already.
"Uh, just a little somethin' to tell you, baby girl." - The man got out tenderly. There was so much emotion that it made your head sprang up so you were looking at him as your fingers smoothly caressed the small spot under his collarbone. He closed his eyes, exhaling once more. Jesus, you've never seen Joel so nervous about anything in the whole fucking world. - "I love you." - The man licked his lips and continued staring into the ceiling. He was so nervous he could barely look at you - you felt his heart jumping under your fingers as if it was about to have a stroke. At that, you chuckled and kissed his clothed chest, putting your head back there. It was cute that this was officially the first time when his palms got sweaty, and if it would be light in the room, you'd see that he's blushing.
"And I know that. You don't have to tell me... All it takes is to show me you mean it, Miller." - You whispered, hugging his side with your palm carefully, bringing the man even closer. He was petrified of the idea of not hearing it back. You told him just before you encountered the strangers, and now, when he was somehow sure it's safe to put his heart out there, you won't tell him back? - "You know I love you too, stop holding your breath, will you?" - You chuckled and felt as his chest lowered suddenly as he breathed out.
The other night, there was a surprise party for you and Tommy. That 'we're pretty glad you're alive, shitheads' type of party which greatly resembled one of the winter dances. You and Tommy with your partners were sharing one table as the people came in to congratulate you, even if survival was barely considered a thing to congratulate for. While Jesse came to your wheelchair and pushed his body on yours, making you laugh, Ellie has been torn apart between talking to you and not talking. Dina was mad at you and Joel was mad her, no matter how unimportant it seemed to be. Ellie saw your confused gaze flying over to the two girls and she could tell that you're confused why you're not there.
So when ten p.m. came, she walked directly to you, ignoring both Dina and Joel, pushing your wheelchair to the dancefloor. It was funny when she sat on your lap and you both felt the wheelchair practically tearing apart under you. But you just hugged her waist and laughed with her. The girl wasn't the one to cry, but when she looked at you being all happy and healthy, she teared up as she put her forehead onto yours and closed her eyes. Other couples were dancing while you two just sat in the wheelchair, sharing a moment of friendly emotions.
"You scared me back there." - Ellie whispered, looking around and winking in a fast pace to shush the tears away.
"No fucking way. I told Dina they've come late to the party." - A nasty grin assured her that you're taking her interest seriously.
"Do you remember something from the..." - "I remember pretty much everything, thank you for bringing that up." - You shut the girl off. Ellie's eyes widened and her breath hitched. You remembered everything. You remembered the people, you could have a clue about who they were. You could... - "Whatever you're thinking about now, Williams, drop it. At least for today. Can we be just happy I've survived that shit for one evening?" - A sigh left you. You knew the look Ellie was giving you. And you almost didn't trust that shell drop it. - "Dina already told me what you're after. And I need a few days to think about all the shit. Tommy and I agreed that we won't be talking about it with anyone until we feel the right time has come."
"So you wanna go after them?" - Ellie asked mesmerized. You didn't give her a clear answer, but there was a little light of rage and hatred inside your eyes. She didn't know the reason yet, but she already knew that you were pretty much ready to hunt these sons of bitches down one by one.
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solastia · 5 years
Tuqburni | Finale - Healing
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Pairing: Yoonmin x Reader
Word Count: 5,308
A/N: Here we go, the “Official” ending. I will still eventually put out “Finale: Heartbreak” as an alternate version for those that wanted her to move on, as well as a small epilogue later on (will be nice and smutty and set in the future). For now, though, this is the end. It has been a very long journey with this fic as life often got in the way, and I thank (most of you) for being patient with me. I hope you learned a few things along the way. Each and every one of you is important and precious, never let anyone make you feel like you are a second choice or inferior. All relationships are complicated and communication is key no matter your dynamic. But especially so in polyamorous relationships. If anyone ever makes you feel like “the other” or “the third,” talk to them. If they won’t listen, leave. Your worth is not based on other people. You are worthy all on your own. Also, the weekly plan that my character follows is a real system that works. It was given to me by my counselor who I thought was a nut herself at the time, but it worked so well. I’m still working through a lot of stuff myself, but this weekly routine saved my life. 
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It had only been a few months so far, but it felt like a lifetime. 
Seokjin and Namjoon had tried to talk you into staying with them, but you’d decided it would make you feel too guilty to rely on them like that and invade their space. Instead, you were now renting your own apartment. It came furnished and the lease was month to month so you could leave at any time. It felt nice though, having your own space, even if it didn’t allow pets. Especially once you’d been able to reduce Jin’s visits to no more than three times a week. 
Taehyung and Jungkook, friends of all of yours and signed to the company you worked for as idols, finally came back into town a few weeks after “the incident” while you were still staying with Jin. You’d forgotten they were due back and only discovered they were here when Yoongi and Jimin both showed up with black eyes and bruised cheeks. You had assumed they came from Jungkook - who had always looked up to you like an older sister - but you were pleasantly surprised to learn they had been inflicted by his boyfriend Taehyung instead. He had proudly admitted it during lunch one day while demanding a turn at petting your hair, and you wondered if he too saw you as a sister or a pet. Either way, you were touched that he thought enough of you to try to “defend your honor.” 
Still, it wasn’t like you never saw Yoongi and Jimin. You still had to work with them, obviously. Jimin worked on the other side of the building, but he had taken to eating his lunch with you, and you were usually joined by Namjoon and Jin so you didn’t feel too pressured. There was still the looming cloud of ‘someday’ that scared you, but without being forced to pretend to be and feel a certain way every day you were able to look at him in a new light. 
The Jimin that you saw now was one that you had caught glimpses of before. He was sweet and kind, but quick-witted and prone to just enough wicked humor to make him interesting. Unfortunately for you, he seemed to also be a natural flirt and making you flustered was as easy as breathing for him. After a couple weeks, you finally started to flirt back and the results were incredible. He would blush and act so shy that he would practically duck under the table. Seemed he could dish it out but couldn’t take it. Honestly, you were beginning to really look forward to your time with him every day. 
With Yoongi, it was naturally a little harder. Your first day back to work had gone a long way towards smoothing things over a little. Yoongi had actually dropped to his knees and bowed along with his apology. He apologized for the way he’d spoken to you that day, as well as for dragging you down into the mess that your relationship had become. The two of you had cried together and hugged, and he promised to go to counseling as well when you mentioned you had signed up to see someone. Anything, he promised. 
“I’ve been horrible and selfish, but not once did I ever stop loving you. I think I’ll love you until the day I die. I’m going to work hard to deserve even the scrap of affection you might still have for me. If you decide that you want to move on, that’s fine. Whatever makes you happy. But know that I’ll always be here loving you and you can come to me for anything at all.” 
Those words felt like a tattoo on your heart. A promise of forever if you ever wanted to reach out and take it. 
But first, you needed to learn to love yourself before you could accept it. You needed to learn to be strong and figure out more about you as a person before becoming a part of something so complicated again. Maybe then you would believe that you were an important part of the relationship, rather than a side piece or someone that they settled for. 
The first step was signing up for a therapist. She was a little pricy, but out of the four other people that you’d talked to before settling, she’d been the only one that made you feel genuinely comfortable. You were pretty self-aware of your flaws and why you had them in the first place, so it wasn’t like you needed someone to hold your hand and drudge up every painful memory. You just needed help trying to get past it all and get to a place where you were comfortable with yourself. 
The therapist was chill enough that even you thought she might work for Jimin and Yoongi as well, and they quickly made appointments with her when you told them. You obviously weren’t able to know what they were talking about with her, but you’d noticed after a few weeks that both of them seemed a little lighter. Jimin practically sparkled whenever he joined you at lunch and Yoongi was quick to smile when he joined you in your combined studio, sometimes sneaking a coffee onto your desk that was just the way you liked it. He’d even started bringing your dog Holly to the office every day so that you could spend time with him. 
Jimin and Yoongi admitted that several of their sessions have been as a pair since they had the added trauma of Yoongi’s prior attempt on his life. They asked you to come to a couple yourself since you were part of it as well. You were the one to find him and help him through all of it, and they felt that it would help any lingering bitterness or fear from the incident would be helped that way. You agreed and started attending once a month as a group. 
She was wonderful for you, you thought. You never felt judged, not even when you brought up the relationship with Yoongi and Jimin and how it was handled. She simply let you talk and then asked you what you wanted. To close your eyes and envision what you hoped was waiting for you at the end of this journey. 
Yoongi’s face was the first thing you thought of and wasn’t surprising. That Jimin was right there next to him and holding out a hand towards you was. You wanted this to work. You wanted to be happy, and you wanted them to be happy. Without you, if that had to be it. With you would be even better. Somehow Jimin had slotted himself a place in your vision of the future.  
One of her biggest things that she preached was finding a routine that made you feel happy and safe while building your sense of self. She claimed it was an essential part of healing for many, especially those dealing with past trauma like you. That while many of the tasks she wanted you to do seemed silly or self-indulgent, that in the end you might discover more about yourself and develop healthy habits. So, she assigned you a weekly routine to follow. 
There was Me Monday, in which you spent the entire day “dating” yourself. It was a little difficult considering your work, but the day was essentially pampering yourself as much as possible. You eat what you want to eat, you watch what you want, when you get out of work you go do what you want. You use that day to get massages or pedicures. She said it was to teach you that it’s okay to be a little selfish from time to time. That taking care of yourself and putting yourself ahead of someone else on occasion wasn’t a crime. It was healthy because at the end of the day no one else can live your life but you. 
Try Something Tuesday was essentially what it sounded like. You take that day to try something new. You tried out new hobbies, new activities. Anything that you had once said no to because you were scared, this was the day to do them. So far you’d gone to dance classes and discovered you were actually pretty good, went to play laser tag with Jin and his friends, and started biking almost daily with Namjoon. Jungkook has been trying to talk you into going skydiving and the fact that it terrifies you tells you it’s probably going to happen eventually. 
Work through it Wednesday was the day you went to see your therapist. You’d work through the list you had to make throughout the week of things you wanted to cover. A lot of what you went over was stuff that you pretty much knew inside your head, but she would drag it out of you and once it was out there and being spoken about by another person, it helped to see it in a new light. She covered everything from your abandonment issues to the fact that you had never fully put your trust in Yoongi in the first place. That you had always expected him to drop you at any moment and when he brought Jimin in, for you it was simply confirming what you had been telling yourself all along. That you weren’t worthy of being loved and no one would want you. When that came out, she essentially told you to snap out of it. That you shouldn’t let your anxiety win. There was a lot more to it, but you were working on it. 
“Them” Thursdays were one of the more difficult days. Since she counseled all three of you and all of your ultimate goals were to someday find your way back to each other, she allotted you all one day to spend some time all together. Nothing romantic or sexual - simply re-learning each other and discovering how you work together. The first few Thursdays had been borderline painful. You’d all met in a cafe for coffee and awkwardly sat around the table. Jimin would try to talk about funny things he saw on the internet or some anime he was watching in an attempt to kill the silence, while Yoongi usually seemed content to listen while he stared at you like a lost puppy. When it was obvious that something needed changing, your therapist suggested other locales. Places that would give you all a shared experience and something to break the ice. 
The spot that finally worked its magic on all of you was the cat cafe. On your first visit, it was obvious as soon as you all walked in that Jimin was in heaven. He cooed at and cuddled every single one that would let him. You’d never thought of Yoongi as much of a cat person and figured he would just lay around and nap somewhere while you and Jimin played. He did lay out eventually, but was soon joined by at least six cats that all decided he made a perfect bed. 
“Look, they recognize one of their own,” Jimin had giggled to you. 
It soon became a place of comfort for the three of you. Somewhere that seemed to make you all happy and comfortable enough to talk. You were all very careful not to make promises, as that’s not what these visits were about. They were about healing. About getting to know each other on a new deeper level without the pressure of romantic entanglements.
It wasn’t like you all weren’t still attracted to each other, obviously. There were still moments where you would be laughing and glance over at Yoongi only to find him piercing you with hooded eyes, biting his lip in the way that you knew from experience meant he was holding himself back from kissing you. Even Jimin would sometimes flip a switch and go from a giggling dork to running his hands through his hair and looking like sex personified as he stared you down.
Of course, it probably also didn’t help that - unless they were lying - neither of them had even touched each other like that in months. They claimed they were staying in separate bedrooms and didn’t want to do anything that could jeopardize everyone’s healing. You mostly believed them because Jimin was always free of hickeys or other marks. Yoongi always left a mark. This made you feel both relieved and guilty. Relieved because that would mean if you decided to start over with each other, it would be from the beginning for everyone. You wouldn’t feel left behind. But you also felt guilty because it seemed like such a selfish thing to expect from them. To expect them to not fuck around when you weren’t even promising getting back together seemed messed up as hell. However, it was Jimin’s idea in the first place and Yoongi had completely agreed with it, so you supposed it was up to them if they wanted to continue that or not. It’s not like you’d know if they did do something since you didn’t live there anymore. 
After “Them” Thursdays was Friend Fridays. Once you began to talk to your therapist more, you realized that your life had pretty much revolved around Yoongi to the point where you hadn’t even maintained or started any friendships outside of the ones you met through him or work. Which wasn’t too bad in your mind, since that meant you had Jin and Namjoon as well as Jungkook and Taehyung, and they were the best friends anyone could ever ask for. However, your therapist recommended seeking out friends of your own that wouldn’t be thrown into the middle of a war should your relationship ever go south again. Friends that were just yours that would have things in common with you and that you could count on to be there for you. This was all easier said than done, as it was hard for adults to make friends outside of work. But you did your best, chatting up other people that you met through your dance classes or other activities. You had a tentative meetup on your next Friday with some girls you’d met at the park. Yoongi was going to leave Holly with you after work and you were going to meet them there and have a meetup with all of your dogs. It wasn’t bad for a first step, you thought. 
Sensual Saturdays was...well, pretty much how it sounded as well. It was your day to convince yourself that you were attractive and desirable. During your sessions, you’d apparently compared yourself to Jimin far too often. You often mentioned how much more beautiful you thought he was than yourself, how you wouldn’t be surprised for anyone to pick him over you. How compatible Yoongi and Jimin were in bed. So, in order to help you cease - or at least lessen - how often you talked down yourself and get you to view yourself in a new light, a day was set aside for you to work on precisely that. You would buy yourself lingerie and walk around in it at home until you were comfortable enough to actually begin to admire yourself in it. You bought a huge mirror for the back of your bedroom door and played with yourself in front of it, curiously watching your expressions as you imagined it was Yoongi’s fingers instead. It was definitely a work in progress and you weren’t sure you’d ever be considered on Jimin’s level realistically, but you were beginning to at least find it more believable when someone complimented you on your appearance. 
Silent Sundays was a day you took to recharge. You left your phone on silent, you kept the TV off, and you ignored everyone. You spent the day writing in the journal you had to keep for therapy, going over everything that happened that week and how you felt you had changed versus what you felt you still needed to work on. You’d also read or draw, sometimes write lyrics, maybe do some baking. It was usually on Sundays that you missed your little house the most, as you pictured a Silent Sunday spent there instead. You’d probably spend it outside working on the garden in the backyard. Holly would walk back and forth between you in the garden and Yoongi muttering curses as he built something on the patio. Jimin would probably come outside to bring you both drinks and peck you on the cheek before he rushed back inside to watch his show, not wanting to stay out in the sun too long. It was such a believable scenario and you could see it so clearly that your chest ached with longing. 
The fact that Jimin was always right there whenever you pictured going home wasn’t lost on you, either. You were beginning to accept fully that somewhere along the line you had dropped your wall of bitterness long enough for him to charm his way through and you were as whipped for him as everyone else was. For every thought you had of Yoongi, one of Jimin followed soon after. You’d imagine Yoongi’s sexy smirk and intense eyes, then Jimin’s lips and strong muscles. You’d think of Yoongi’s quiet thoughtfulness and warm heart, then Jimin’s kindness and cheerful energy.
Whenever you thought of home, you thought of them.
A decision would have to be made soon, but you were pretty sure it was already made in your heart. However, in fairness to yourself, you were going to do one last thing. Try to move on
Jung Hoseok was an absolutely gorgeous man. He was tall and lanky, but with the toned muscles you were used to seeing on dancers. And his smile was dangerous - one moment it was brighter than the sun with adorable dimples, the next it was a smirk lethal enough to melt anyone.  
You had noticed him around the company before, but you’d never really talked to him. He was good friends with Taehyung and Jungkook, and Jin always spoke fondly of him, but back then you were just so wrapped up in Yoongi that only him and those immediately close to him gained your interest. You were a little disappointed you’d never talked to him sooner. 
He was bright and loud and quite possibly the most fun you’d ever had on a date. He was proud and passionate about his work, loved his family and friends, and was absolutely perfect. And yet everything he did, you compared to ‘them.’ Or wondered what they would think. Things like, “Jimin must love this guy.” or “Yoongi would be wishing he would choke on a bread roll just for a moment of quiet.” 
All throughout dinner you couldn’t shake the feeling that this wasn’t where you belonged and that he would never be the one. But he was so nice and kept you laughing with his hilariously animated stories that you couldn’t just bail. Instead, you stayed and ordered another glass of wine and giggled as he continued entertaining you. 
An hour later you’re both standing outside of the restaurant making your goodbyes in front of your taxi when his gaze suddenly changes from friendly to smoldering. His eyes rake you from top to bottom and you remember that today was Sensual Saturday. You’d certainly dressed the part. He couldn’t see all the black lace lingerie you had on underneath your red sheath dress, but you’d unquestionably left little to the imagination.  
“So, uh, it’s really unusual for me to ask on a first date, but...maybe we could take this to my place? If you want? It’s just...you are so fucking beautiful and sweet and totally too good to be true. I’ll even throw in breakfast, although I’m a shitty cook. But I’d make it up to you for dinner.” 
“Wow. You have all day tomorrow planned too, huh?” You joke nervously. The two and a half cups of wine you’d had with dinner were settled comfortably in your tummy, warming you in places that made you think that just maybe you could go through with this. You weren’t blind - he was fucking hot as hell - but the thought of being with anyone other than Yoongi, or even Jimin, was terrifying. But your new motto of trying to do things that scare you, along with this being ‘Sensual Saturday’, led you to believe that you really needed to do this. 
“Yeah, kinda pictured a day spent in bed, watching some movies, ordering Chinese...you can tell me to fuck off if you don’t want to or you want to wait. I won’t be offended,” he shrugs, his little grin deepening a dimple. 
You sigh and grab his hand, leading him towards the taxi. “Tell him your address.” 
His eyes widen like he can’t believe his luck and he stutters out his address to the driver. He leans back and buckles in before tentatively reaching over to grab your hand. It’s nice and warm, with pretty fingers. But even then you’re comparing his hands with Yoongi’s beautifully vein-laced ones. 
The building you’re led to is a nice apartment complex - quite a bit nicer than the month-to-month one you’re renting but not fancy enough to make you feel out of place. As he excitedly pulls you into the elevator and onto his floor, you realize the light buzz of alcohol that was clouding your thoughts was slowly easing away, leaving the light thrum of anxiety and discomfort room to grow. 
It definitely wasn’t him. He was sweet and funny and super, super hot - did you mention he was hot? He just wasn’t ‘them.’ 
You steeled yourself, however, because you owed yourself this. You owed yourself a chance to move on, to experience someone else. Surely this feeling would dissipate once you, you know, got going. People did this stuff all the time, why couldn’t you? 
His apartment was nicer than you expected. Clean and bright, with cute little accents here and there that spoke of his colorful personality. It even smelled amazing, which seemed odd for a bachelor pad. Like citrus and vanilla. 
Hoseok knelt down and helped you out of your heels before standing up to take off his blazer. 
“You need a drink or anything?” 
You shake your head, wanting to get started before you can talk yourself out of it. He smirks, obviously thinking you’re just nervously eager for him. 
He walks up and cups your jaw, tilting your face up. 
“Can I kiss you?” 
“Yes,” you whisper, closing your eyes as he moves closer. 
It’s a nice kiss. Slow and sensual, barely any tongue, and he strokes his thumb across your cheek the whole time. Any other person would feel excited and be touched with how sweet it was. It was like he was silently promising this wasn’t just sex for him. It only served to make you feel guiltier that you weren’t being totally honest with him. 
When he pulls away, his eyes seem a little dazed as he escorts you to his room. Again, nothing to complain about there. The room is nice and clean, smells good, has a few cute Snoopy stuff animals laying around. He’s gentle leading you in and maneuvering you to sit on the bed.  
His breath is shuddering as he slowly leans in to kiss your jaw and work his way down. You can feel a slight twinge of interest since your neck is one of your weak spots, but it dies down again once the expect bite never came. Yoongi was a biter and always left marks that you proudly wore, no matter how many people told you it was tacky. Your neck and chest were his favorite places to do it, so when Hoseok simply traveled around leaving light kisses and maybe a lick or two, you were nearly disappointed. Also slightly relieved because what if the boys saw a mark on you? You could nearly see Jimin’s eyes tearing up now. 
Hoseok inhales and moans, making you jump a little because you’d nearly forgotten about him you’d been so stuck in your own mind. His hand slowly slides down and up, reaching under your dress. His hands are nice enough, but they don’t have the expert feel of Yoongi’s fingers knowing your body like the back of his hand. Or even Jimin’s - thicker and earnest to learn and please. 
You cringe when he slips into your panties because you know he’s going to feel you’re as dry as a desert down there. 
Sure enough, he pauses and his shoulders slump. He slides his hand out and peeks up at you. You can tell he’s forcing himself to smile, but his eyes are soft with understanding. 
“I’m not doing it for you, am I?” 
You rush to explain. “Oh, God...it’s not you. It’s so not you. You are unbelievably hot and funny, just so sexy and I really wish I could get out of my head, but...”
“Yoongi and Jimin, right?” You nod and he sighs, sitting up on the bed next to you. “Jin hyung told me not to get my hopes up, but you are so pretty and sweet that I think I lost my head there a little bit.” 
“I’m sorry,” you murmur, turning to look down at the floor. 
“Nah, I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t make you feel pressured or like you had to come here with me.” 
“No, of course not. I thought if I just tried I could...with you. You are amazing.” 
Hoseok sighs and smiles sadly, twisting your heart. If you were another you, not so stuck on ‘them’, you’d grab this man up in a heartbeat. 
He chuckles and helps you up. “Fine, but let them know if they fuck up again I’m coming for you.”
You blush and let him lead you out of the room. “Thank you, Hoseok. If it’s not too awkward, I’d like to be friends. Not like the bullshit line people say when they really don’t mean it, but really friends. You can hang out with us in the cafeteria at work on Monday if you want.” 
He looks surprised for a split second before the tension in his face melts and he smiles genuinely at you. 
“You know what? I might just take you up on that.” 
“Okay. Thanks, Hoseok. And I’m sorry, again.” 
“It’s all good. You can still stay the night if you want? I have an extra room and I promise no funny business unless you ask for it.” 
You giggle and slide into your heels. 
“No, thanks though. I’m gonna...” 
“Yeah,” he nods in understanding. “Be careful.”
“Thanks. I’ll see you.” 
You escape to the elevator quickly, ordering a cab on your phone. When you’re done, you lean your head against the wall and sigh. Honestly, you’re not sure if you’re doing the right thing. Hoseok was incredible and had so much potential, but you’re you and you have to do what’s right for yourself. And given how much you can’t stop thinking of two certain people, your path is clear. 
The taxi pulls up to the familiar little house and you quickly slide out after paying and just stand there, looking at it. 
It still looks the same. You weren’t sure what you were expecting, but it still looked like home. Yoongi still kept up the yard, though your flowers looked like they might be struggling a little bit. He’d forgotten to put his basketball away again since it was just sitting there in the driveway waiting to get run over. Jimin must have been sitting on the porch reading earlier because one of his mangas was on the wicker table. 
You take a few steps closer, amazed at how your chest felt lighter with each one. As soon as you walk up one of the stairs you can hear Holly at the door, scratching a little and whining. 
“Yah, you mongrel. What’s your problem? You too good for the doggy door in the back now?” 
You grin shakily as Yoongi’s complaining filters through the door. Once you’re close enough to hover your hand over the door you can hear Yoongi shuffling closer to the door. Your heart is pounding and you can feel your eyes filling up and you fight to contain yourself. You knock twice. 
Yoongi cracks open the door, his confused expression morphing into disbelief once he sees you. 
“Hi,” you say breathily. 
He gulps and quietly responds, “Hey.” Holly happily hops all over the place and does circles to try and get your attention. You smile at him then turn back to Yoongi. 
You both are quiet for a moment, looking each other over. His eyes roam over your outfit is wide-eyed wonder. 
Jimin wanders in fresh from the shower, running a towel over his head still. 
“Who is coming by this late?” 
You poke your head to the side and wave a little. 
“Hey, Jimin.” 
“Noona?” He smiles happily, rushing over to join Yoongi at the door. “You look incredible. What’s going on?” 
Yoongi already knows. You can see it in the way his shoulders have relaxed like someone just lifted the weight of the world off of them. A single tear travels down his cheek as he smiles softly at you. 
“We have to keep going to counseling. I’m not going to go back to the way things were. We are going to be better than that. We are going to communicate and talk everything through. If I’m the one not talking about something I should, call me out on it. This is going to be equal and no one is going to feel left out.” Yoongi nods enthusiastically and reaches out a hand that you eagerly grasp. 
Jimin gasps as he catches on. 
“Noona, you’re back?” 
“I’m all in. With both of you, if you still want me.” 
You hold your free hand out to him and his smile grows bright as he accepts it and tugs you inside the house before enveloping you in a hug. Yoongi shuts the door and takes Jimin’s place when the other pulls back. 
He cups your jaw and his face comes so close you can see his lip trembling with barely contained emotion. He sighs and lays his forehead against yours. 
“Welcome home, Princess.” 
Jimin wraps his arms around you both from the side, placing a quick peck on both of your cheeks. You blush and cuddle further into Yoongi’s hold, feeling right for the first time in a very long time. 
You know it’s not perfect yet and you all still have a lot to work on and figure out, but for now, this is perfect. 
Because home was ‘Them.’ 
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
National Enquirer, November 9
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Duchess Kate sets the record straight on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle 
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Page 2: Ben Affleck is wasting away and friends fear he’s taking his new health regimen too far as the six-foot-four star usually weighs 208 pounds but has shriveled to a spindly 165 -- a nutritionist put him on a sensible meal plan but he’s altered it with his own fantastical ideas such as he won’t go near bread and he’s ditched pasta and he’ll eat cantaloupe and blueberries one day and nuts and seeds the next and he’ll only drink boiled water and green tea for 24 hours then break his fast with a small bowl of quinoa -- instead of pumping iron he does exercises using his own body weight like ten-minute planks -- Ben thinks he looks great but his pals fear he’s traded one addiction for another
Page 3: Love-hungry Katie Holmes is thrilled to have a new man in her life but she’s breaking the bank to keep him happy because Katie is picking up the tab wherever she goes with Emilio Vitolo Jr. because it helps her feel she’s in full control of the relationship but Emilio may be taking advantage of Katie’s generosity because Katie has been showering him with designer clothes and jewelry and even paying for a personal trainer to whip him into shape -- Katie enjoys giving her guy things he can appreciate because he’s made her so happy but she may go broke doing it and it’s not like he doesn’t have any money; he’s worth a cool $1.5 million himself
Page 4: CNN rocked by sex scandal -- Jeffrey Toobin’s sleazy sex scandal has rocked CNN but it’s just the latest in a string of scandals at the network 
Page 5: Axed Fox News anchor Ed Henry fought back against his co-worker’s rape charges in a blockbuster lawsuit by handing the court explicit selfies and texts in an attempt to prove their tryst was consensual 
Page 6: Ryan Seacrest is downplaying his latest shocking absence from Live with Kelly and Ryan but the TV dynamo is battling a mystery illness that may force him to sign off for good -- the co-host who is a well known as a workaholic skipped out on the daytime show for the third time this year and used the coronavirus pandemic as his excuse -- Ryan was suffering badly from flu-like symptoms on the weekend before his absences but came back negative for coronavirus however doctors remain baffled by Ryan’s ongoing battles with exhaustion and weight loss and stroke-like symptoms, disgraced perv Bill Cosby’s latest mug shot shows he’s a shriveled shadow of his former self and the fallen funnyman flashed a maniacal grin while refusing to look into the camera in the picture snapped behind bars in September and he’s unshaven and his hair is ratty
Page 7: Lizzo has embarked on a radical vegan diet and extreme exercise program to save her life -- doctor warned the 350-pound singer that her daily intake of 5000 calories a day was a dangerous path to self-destruction and she needed to change her life or lose it and Lizzo finally got the message and is committed to this program but it’s been a living hell for her 
Page 8: After surviving a fiery crash at the Daytona 500 NASCAR hero Ryan Newman is locked in an ugly $50 million divorce showdown with his estranged wife -- Ryan and Kristina Newman split in 2019 after she was caught having an affair with another man and paying her love $450,000 and now Ryan’s lawyers are trying to freeze Kristina who was once referred to as the First Lady of NASCAR out of his fortune -- court papers reveal the two split in July 2019 when Kristina went to live with her boyfriend U.S. Army Captain Joe Schwankhaus who is the Chief Operations Officer of Kristina’s company VRX USA 
Page 9: Ellen DeGeneres debuted a high-flying pompadour hairstyle on her new talk show but the makeover still doesn’t get to the root of her recent problems and although her hair may be rising her show’s ratings are falling 
Page 10: Hot Shots -- pregnant Kelly Rowland, Andy Cohen took his son Benjamin for a stroll in NYC, Will Smith held court in L.A. while shooting King Richard a biopic about the dad of tennis greats Venus Williams and Serena Williams, Angela Bassett caught a drive-in screening of One Night in Miami in L.A. 
Page 11: Grieving Lisa Marie Presley has broken her silence over the suicide of her beloved only son Benjamin Keough saying her heart and soul went with him sharing her heartbreak on what would have been Ben’s 28th birthday and she added she’s dedicating herself to raising Ben’s twin half-sisters and actress sister Riley Keough, Chaka Khan refuses to duo with Ariana Grande again saying she’s not gonna do a song with no heifer -- Chaka and Ariana worked together in 2019 for the Charlie’s Angels soundtrack
Page 12: Straight Shuter -- DWTS pro Emma Slater kept a handle on her coffee while steering her e-bike (picture), it pays to be Brad Pitt’s girlfriend as his new squeeze Nicole Poturalski has doubled her modeling fees, dancing siblings Derek Hough and Julianne Hough are out of step over her sloppy personal life and his hot new judging career because these two were supposed to be the next Donny and Marie Osmond but his solo career is exploding while hers is falling apart, Madonna has always been a big believer in astrology but now she won’t even meet with people if it’s not written in the stars and she’s spending a fortune to have an army of people read her charts 
Page 13: Losing his beloved son to cancer has sparked new fears for fragile Robert Redford because Robert has struggled with his own health over the years and losing his son to bile-duct cancer is extremely worrying; he’s already frail and this has friends fearing the worst, Jeff Bridges is confident he’ll win his battle with lymphoma by coupling medical care with a strict vegan diet and chanting and spiritual healing techniques
Page 14: Convicted wife killer Scott Peterson may soon walk out of prison and grisly photos lawyers say could set him free -- following years of appeals California’s Supreme Court overturned Scott’s death penalty and now another appeal is forcing a lower court to reexamine his conviction for murdering seven months pregnant wife Laci Peterson and their unborn son Conner -- if Scott gets a retrial his legal team will be allowed to introduce new evidence including crime scene pictures that Scott’s former defense attorney said suggests Laci’s disappearance was an abduction by a satanic cult 
Page 15: Former child star Zachery Ty Bryan of Home Improvement was jailed overnight and released on $8500 bail following his bust for a fight with a galpal at an apartment complex in Eugene in Oregon -- the drama comes on the heels of Zachery’s split from wife Carly Matros the mom of his four kids
Page 16: Ryan Reynolds can’t wait to film a new rom-com with close pal Sandra Bullock but it’s causing tension with wife Blake Lively even though Blake trusts Ryan and would never forbid him from taking this part but the idea of him getting cozy with Sandra again still makes her uneasy -- now Ryan and Sandra are signed up to do The Lost City of D and despite Sandra’s denials they ever had a romance Ryan is gushing about them getting back together 
Page 17: Isolated and overlooked Today show host Hoda Kotb is being bullied off the morning show because of tepid ratings and the absence of former sidekick Kathie Lee Gifford and Mean Girls treatment by co-hosts Savannah Guthrie and Jenna Bush Hager have pushed the disillusioned anchor closer to the door -- Hoda recently filled out paperwork to adopt a third child and she’s clearly putting more emphasis on family than her career and it sends the signal she isn’t happy with her role and is not thinking of Today as her top priority, trainwreck Matthew Perry is holed up in his new Pacific Palisades beach pad  pounding out an explosive tell-all and his former Friends are quaking about what secrets he may reveal -- Matthew wants to rush the book out while interest in the Friends reunion special which was postponed by the COVID-19 pandemic remains high -- he knows an uncensored account of his time on Friends and his drug issues would be a bestseller and he intends to blow the lid off his on-set romances and address rumors he and Jennifer Aniston were more than friends 
Page 18: American Life -- her tall tale: I have the longest legs in the world 
Page 19: Jessica Simpson has been flaunting her body after dumping a shocking 100 pounds but buddies worry the drastic drop in size isn’t natural and suspect she’s been taking diet pills again and they’re worried this could escalate into a big issue
Page 20: Devastated Reese Witherspoon was hit with a depressing double whammy -- the death of her dog Pepper from cancer and the delay of her long-awaited sequel Legally Blonde 3, Hollywood Hookups -- John Cena and Shay Shariatzadeh wed, Ashley Hebert and J.P. Rosenbaum split, Cardi B and Offset on again
Page 21: Bruce Willis is back in another Die Hard but this time it’s a commercial for Advance Auto Parts and Die Hard batteries and it’s a clear statement on the state of his career that Bruce has to revisit his amazing past to make a fast buck in the present, Giada De Laurentiis has been given the green light to get married by her 12-year-old daughter Jade -- Giada has dated TV producer Shane Farley for five years and he’s been living with mother and daughter for five months during the pandemic lockdown which gave Jade a firsthand look at what it would be like to have a new daddy and Shane’s passed the test with flying colors 
Page 22: Cover Story -- Prince William’s heartsick wife Kate Middleton is breaking her silence about the royal family’s tumultuous bitter break with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to set the record straight and save Britain’s monarchy and she’s tired of all the rumors and lies and backbiting and after all the drama and negativity she wants to get the truth out there and end this unprecedented crisis that’s endangering the monarchy’s survival -- friends are trying to convince Kate to do an official sit-down TV interview about what really happened between once-inseparable William and Harry and how Harry and Meghan tore the family apart even before they moved to America but Kate is resisting because she fears that could backfire like Princess Diana’s TV tell-all about her marriage to Prince Charles 25 years ago -- Kate had to turn the other cheek often after Meghan joined the family and she offered to help Meghan adjust to royal life from the start but Meghan rebuffed her and Kate in tired of Meghan painting her as the bad guy especially when it was Meghan’s antics that tore the family apart -- Kate also is upset that Harry and Meghan are portraying themselves as victims of a world that’s against them while she and William take on a phenomenal workload to cover the responsibilities the Sussexes left and losing precious time with their own three children and it’s hard not to be bitter but Kate is trying to take the high road and forgive Meghan and move forward
Page 26: With their marriage hanging by a thread Tori Spelling fears Dean McDermott will cheat on her again while filming a new TV show in Canada for six months; Tori wanted to bring their 5 children to Canada with him but Dean put her off saying it would be too distracting -- she’s been a jittery mess and he can’t stand to look at her and he only took this job because they need the money, Melanie Griffith is frustrated with Chris Martin and wants him to put a ring on her daughter Dakota Johnson’s finger -- the couple have been dating since 2017 and Melanie’s fed up with waiting for Chris to pop the question -- Melanie began to lose her patience after the couple reunited following a split last June when Chris won Dakota back with promises to settle down 
Page 28: COVID Vaccines: What you need to know
Page 32: Miley Cyrus claimed she once spotted a spaceship over Hollywood and even locked eyes with an alien but she also admits she’d bought weed wax from a guy in a van in front of a taco shop, whiny Kris Jenner is blaming social media for killing off Keeping Up with the Kardashians after it helped the reality TV clan make a mint
Page 34: Ozzy Osbourne is terrified a doll has cursed him -- Ozzy told son Jack Osbourne on their Osbournes Want to Believe show that Robert the doll was responsible for his recent bad luck and failing health, Tom Cruise and his Mission: Impossible 7 team caused chaos at an Italian hospital by filming there during the COVID-19 pandemic -- Tom and his crew including 100 security staffers plus trucks and other equipment descended on the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome for a week and legions of fans also flocked to the filming creating even more commotion in the streets outside the hospital and adding to the bedlam the production commandeered an elevator drawing criticism as hospital staff were treating 140 coronavirus patients with 12 in intensive care -- filming was done in an administrative section of the hospital but still sparked an official protest as well as complaints from trade union members
Page 36: Health Watch 
Page 38: Superhero screen pals of Chris Pratt rushed to rescue the actor’s reputation after he was mercilessly dragged into a silly social media meme when a Twitter user posted pictures of Chris Pratt and Chris Pine and Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans captioned with the instruction one has to go but a flood of responses slammed Pratt as the worst Chris causing his Marvel co-stars to prop him up such as Zoe Saldana and Robert Downey Jr. and Mark Ruffalo and Jeremy Renner and Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn and Chris Pratt’s wife Katherine Schwarzenegger also bashed the social media bullies, Matthew McConaughey kept saying alright alright alright to making romantic comedies until the day he was so fed up he turned down $14.5 million to do another one -- Matthew revealed in his memoir that he didn’t mind making a string of mindless rom-coms because their paychecks rented the houses on the beach he ran shirtless on but he eventually wanted to try something else so he turned down a big payday so he could get more serious 
Page 42: Red Carpet -- Drew Barrymore 
Page 47: Odd List
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