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Melanzane ripiene, melanzane alla beccafico, involtini melanzane e ricotta, caponata, parmigiana, pasta ncaciata, sformato pasta e melanzane, melanzane ripiene, pasta alla norma, involtini di pasta
N - Prontu o prontu Petru - Pronto nonna, sono io petru…. N - Prontu Petru, cori i to nonna chi, succidiu ti sentu chi pari hai u cori a punta ula (il cuore in gola) Petru - Nonna sono disperato. Devi aiutarmi nonna N - Oh cori mei, chi succidiu dillu a to nonna, non mi fari stari accussi scantata (spaventata) Petru - E’ tutta colpa di da rannissima testa di minchia di to niputi Filippeddu N - O Matri Santa chi fici? ti rigoi a maghina (ti ha rigato la macchina) comi l’otru ionnu? Petru - No Nonna peggio! Lo sai che devono venire i genitori di Samantha a mangiare da mia madre. Lei stava cucinando e le è finità la bombola. Dato che sono all’ aeroporto di Catania a prendere i genitori di Sammy N - E cu je Sammy Petru - Nonna è Samantha N - E figghiu mei parra mi ti scutu (fatti capire) chi ni sacciu jo di Sammi e colicaifraschi… Petru - Va bhe nonna, io sono a Catania, la mamma ha chiamato du scunchiudutu (cretino) di Filippo e gli ha chiesto di cambiare la bombola. Lui l’ha cambiata e ha aperto al massimo la valvola. Appena mia mamma ha acceso il gas sono saltati tutti i fornelli, si è fusa la plastica della cappa e mia mamma si è bruciata le dita N - Oh Santilibbiranti (che i santi ci scansino questi problemi) e ora come sta Petru - Bene, niente di grave ma non può cucinare e io ho qua sti minchia di parenti di Sammi che oggi per il viaggio non hanno mangiato niente. N - Va bhe portali in qualche ristorante Petru - Ma quali nonna, lo sai che nei ristoranti di vegetariano c’è solo il pane e Samantha non ci vuole andare. N - Allura scuta a to nonna, ma capiscimi quannu ti parru (ascoltami bene)!! Tu ora prendi i to soggiri (suoceri), e li porti a Taormina, gli fai fare un giro veloce, prendete na peritivu, parrati un po', quattru su i me dui su i toi (parlare del più e del meno) e poi venite qui da me. Anciulina mi ha portato delle mulanciane buonissime, quelle viola dolcissime. Sono grandi e piccole. Il tempo che tu arrivi e io ti cucinu a capunata, i mulanciani chini, a pasta alla Norma, la parmigiana. Tu alla pasticceria qui sotto prendi un Bianco e Nero di due chili, due chili di paste e siamo a posto. Petru - Grazie nonna, faccio così, ti do il tempo di cucinare e veniamo da te ma le melanzane non le friggere….. N - Eh San Gilommu, San Gilommu .. ( intercalare che finisce con “tanti cazzi nun ci vonnu” e ha il senso di “tanti vizi non ci vogliono) , jo i fazzu fritti! I mulanciani si ne frii su comi i fimmini senza sticchiu: nun sebbunu a nenti! Petru - Va bene nonna, fai come vuoi, saranno più buone. Quando arrivo però devo dare a Filippo tanti di quei calci in culo da farlo arrivare alla luna. N - Ma lassalu stari poviru figghiu! Iddu è già stammatu dell’ultima gita che ha fatto a Siracusa Petru - Perché che gli è successo N - Ah no sai? E’ andato con i suoi amici a Siracusa quando c’erano 48,8 gradi Petru - E allora N - Allora è andato a vedere il teatro greco e stu rannissimu cugghiuni u sai chi si è portato da mangiare? Petru - No Nonna N - Un paninu ca nduja Petru - Ca nduja, ma pacciu jè N - Si , diceva che u focu combatti u focu…! Ma quali focu … fatto stà che già c’erano 50 gradi al teatro greco, lui si è mangiato anche mezzo chilo di pane con la nduia sotto il sole, ma non la nduja normale, ma quella della comare calabrese Petru - Ah quella che appena la vedi già ti bruciano le emorroidi N - Esattamente, pensa come sutta du suli è diventato russu foco! Ci vinni un coppu i caudu che lo hanno dovuto buttare nell’acqua che c’è sopra il teatro per farlo tornare in se!! E’ stato due giorni con le ghiaccette del ghiaccio attaccate in testa tanto è stato mali Petru - Moriri avia, tu dicu jo!! Ha ragione suo fratello Massimo a chiamarlo “Le-dieci-piaghe-dell’Egitto” N - I dieci piaghi? ma lui da solo vale per venti Petru - Nonna, bonu parrasti…..
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Me reading your thing about the caudu: yeah, fantastic, art, interesting, i can with this, maybe need more. Me with the 2 pdf to read from college homework: God, help me.
I mean, I literally spent an entire day on that when I probably (definitely) should be doing uni shit, so I feel you.
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Aju dittu sempri ca cani nun ni vogghiu, picchì poi attocca nun sulu darici a mangiari ma suprattuttu nesciri co' caudu o cà nivi ppi purtalli a sfantasiari: ma uora macari senza cani m’arritrovu di notti e di capumatina, a purtari ’ntè strati u desidderiu di vidiriti, a fallu nesciri ca dintra a casa ’mpazziscia, e u fazzu pisciari a ogni cantunera, spirannu ca poi, tu passannu di ddà, u senti u fetu di mia e continui sciarannu l’aria a ma stissa prucissioni. Ho detto sempre / che cani non ne voglio, / perché poi tocca / non solo dargli da mangiare / ma soprattutto uscire / col caldo o con la neve / per portarli a svagare: / ma ora / pure senza cani mi ritrovo / di notte / e di mattina presto, / a portare nelle strade il desiderio / di vederti, / a farlo uscire / che dentro casa impazzisce, / e lo faccio pisciare / ad ogni angolo, / sperando che poi, tu / passando di lì, / la senti la puzza di me / e continui annusando l’aria / la mia stessa / processione.
Dina Basso
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On Ninuanni Names (14)
Earlier posts: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Interlude, 10, 11, 12, 13)
Hi all!
In recent months I’ve been doing a writeup of the naming conventions in the lands beyond the world, principally for the use of people playing Glitch or creating NPCs for Nobilis. We’ve moved beyond a complete list of name elements, as shown in the Interlude, to a more detailed study of the common names and poetic fragments tied to each.
Let’s do that now!
... well, I mean, obviously, not now now. Soon now.
First, you see, first, someone challenged me on the discord when I was making some sort of yandere/yonder/yodel pun to give the luthe (poetic fragment) for the name element yander-, yonder-, yodel-, and I felt that it was important to share that with you before we actually got started for the day.
And that’s:
“Dazed by your light, in your shadow walking, with feet stained red, through the valley o’ (wodel-odel-ley-hee-odel-ley-hee) woe:”
Elements: Yander-, Yonder-, Yodel-
Common names:
Yanderiel, yondere’s crown; Yodelariman, yondere’s destroyer;
Yodelin, yodeler; Yodelodela, yondere’s valley; and
Yondergard, yondere’s house.
Yodelodela (Example)
Dazed by your light, in your shadow walking, with feet stained red, through the valley o’ (wodel-odel-ley-hee-odel-ley-hee) woe: o! our sweet and wooded valley!
The funny thing is, it almost works. Like, if your game is only 80% serious, you can probably just stick this in, because it’s, like, 90% correct. ^_^
Another thing that came out of the discord was the realization that the Abhorrent Weapons are more properly named the Octarimani or Abharimani by the people of the void. The first has more gravitas, particularly when you look at the luthe, but the second has the benefit that it sounds like “Abhorrent,” which is cool if you ignore the fact that Abhorrent is a word in English. ^_^
Anyway, and now you know!
(Angelic, which is a more important language to think about if you’re looking for “ah, ‘Abhorrent Weapons’ is just what they heard the name as, it was actually ...’” is closer to Sanskrit, I think, which ... uh ... I don’t know any Sanskrit.
The web tells me that the equivalent word to Abhorrent is Ghr̥ṇita, so ...
Corinanta? Corinya? Hringité? None of them match as well.
Fascinatingly, google translate tells me Ghr̥ṇita is Scots Gaelic for love, although in fact it’s just confusing it temporarily for Ghaoil.)
OK, enough of that! Picking up where we left off ...
PEOPLE OF THE END [(secondary element first) OF THE PEOPLE OF THE END]
“I am born unto the people of the end:”
Elements: Galin-, Galind-
Common names:
Galindus, of the people of the end
If the names are an implicit narrative, then the luthes are a dramatic retelling of that narrative. Sometimes it’s easier than others to figure out what that entails. ^_^
PEOPLE OF THE VOID [(secondary element first) OF THE PEOPLE OF THE VOID]
“I am born unto the people of the void:”
Elements: Caud-, Gaud-, Gaut-, Gouth-, Joce-
Common names: Jocelin, Ninuanni
Jocelin (Example)
As may be discussed at a later time, there’s no standard stichic reading for the “-lin” root; instead, it arguably steals some of the gravity away from the initial root. Thus, while a name like “Caudus” would mean “of the people of the void” and use some variant on the luthe, Jocelin probably translates best as “Yup, I’m Ninuanni.” See also “Yodelin,” above.
“I bear the weight of the arching sky—bloatedly, it’s pressed on me—"
Elements: Tul-
Common names:
Tuluin, reliable
Tuluin (Example)
I bear the weight of the arching sky—bloatedly, it’s pressed on me— yet subtly it glimmers through: that small, smug hint of joy.
I felt like the pillar was column-like, so I wanted to convey roundness somehow, but I didn’t want to make assumptions about the name-bearer, particularly since the Germanic root is basically “tall” and not “stout.” I also didn’t want it to feel like carrying the sky was a noble burden, although arguably it is, because I don’t think people who do carry the sky are very happy with the sky most of the time. Maybe if they think deeply about the people they’re protecting they’re happy but not with the sky, you know? The sky is this dead weight pressure, this ten tons of fish in a net that you’re trying to hold up with just two hands pressure, this sickness of nausea only it’s on top of you and not just inside. That’s what I think it must be like, anyway, I don’t think I’ve ever done it.
(My memory isn’t that great so it’s hard to be completely sure.)
“The stars my dice, the stones my pawns, the lord of All is just a puppet in my game:”
Elements: Helde-, Heldu-, Hilde-, Ildi-
Common names:
Hildebad, gaming the battlefield; Hilderic, gaming the commander
Hildebad (Example)
The stars my dice, the stones my pawns, the lord of All is just a puppet in my game: one lone figure, trudging forward, through metal, ringing, screams, and blood.
*Dang,* Strategists are smug. I can just imagine the glasses gleam here.
“I am the jewel of the world and void—the precious stone that gives it worth. The daevas cry their praise of me:”
Elements: Pras-
Common names:
Prasede, precious light
Prasede (Example)
I am the jewel of the world and void—the precious stone that gives it worth. The daevas cry their praise of me: blue-white blaze in a scaled sky, and rose aurora shivering.
A cintamani riff, because I guess I never shut up about cintamani. ^_^
“You may pause, if you like, and gape in awe at me:”
Elements: Thoris-, Thraus-, Thraf-, Thur-, Thuris-, Tur-, Turis-
Common names:
Thorismud, prodigious strategy; Thursten, prodigious peace; Turin, prodigious
Thorismud (Example)
You may pause, if you like, and gape in awe at me: a stratagem, revealed.
I love the ambiguity of whether your pausing to gape in awe is at the stratagem or is the stratagem. Oh, heck, to be honest, I love this one in general. It’s just so bombastic! Which I think fits well with “I’ve decided that the perfect first element for my Strategist’s name is ... ‘prodigious.’“ ^_^
“I, the star of the promised day, have come:”
Elements: Aithan-, Atan-, Athan-, Tan-
Common names:
Aithanarid, promised vision; Athanaric, promised commander; Tanca, (my) promised
It’s probably pretty obvious that I wrote these last two one after the other. ^_^
“I am that which gnaws, I am that which bites; I am trackless, darting, scratching night; I am endless hunger, I am endless fear:”
Elements: Raus-, Res-
Common names:
Rausimod, rat’s strategy
I’m actually pretty fond of rats but the rats of the void are scary buggers and the Ninuanni know yet little, as of Glitch, of the rats of our broken world. If you assume that the Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine RPG is the canonical future of Glitch, which is TBH a really big ask, then at some point that may change; at some further point, perhaps, past that, the rats may even seize the rule of the nameless void.
“Through my grace can this be redeemed:”
Elements: Gist-, Qist-
Common names:
Gistigild, redeemer of the prize
Gistigild (Example)
Through my grace can this be redeemed: behold the spoils of my victory!
This is a good thing to name a child if you are also giving them a free lotto ticket with every birth.
“I am cast anew from the kimber-forge:”
Elements: Haid-
Common names:
Haideric, reforged commander
Haideric (Example)
I am cast anew from the kimber-forge: I alone may rule.
Modulo some mild debate, it is generally agreed that kimber, here, is short for kimberlite (with a similar dropped syllable in the original Ninuanni) and that “the kimber-forge” refers to a volcano—possibly any volcano, or possibly a specific one whose connection to the name root has been lost.
In some cases, this luthe would read better without the leading “I am,” but it wasn’t important enough to give two variations. I figure players who care enough for that to matter to them will either appreciate the minor roughness or, not appreciating the minor roughness, can fix it on their own. ^_^
“I name myself an ember’s child; a ling’ring troth, a fading flame; when I am named, no longer say:”
Elements: An-
Common names:
Anagastes, lingering/overstaying guest; Andag, remnant of the day; Andela, remnant of the valley;
Ansila, remnant of the soul
Anagastes (Example)
I name myself an ember’s child; a ling’ring troth, a fading flame; when I am named, no longer say: “a guest to bring great pleasure to your feast.”
This one was really hard! I wanted to just go with like, I name myself an ember’s child; a remnant piece of what has gone before:
... but a lot of the suffix luthes are implicitly affirmative or present-tense in subtle ways. That kind of thing just doesn’t work!
I tried a lot of different approaches and different fixes, but it wasn’t until I hit on the device of “no longer say” that I was confident in handling all of them.
“I am red-winged requiem for something lost:”
Elements: Sis-; Ses-
Common names:
Sisebut, requiem for the keep; Sisenand, requiem for the daring
Sisebut (Example)
I am red-winged requiem for something lost: the might of the ancient keep.
This one’s easier, because if the suffix luthe is too present-tense or too affirmatively existing ... well, λ-existing ... then it just becomes a description of the requiem instead of the thing it’s for.
Like, requiem charge, Sesavindra, is
I am red-winged requiem for something lost: Charge! Unto the ruin of my foes!
And Sisagastes, admittedly a pretty uncommon name, can be read as either requiem guest or requiem for the guest, depending on how you interpret
I am red-winged requiem for something lost: a guest to bring great pleasure to your feast.
And now you know!
“Peace like starlight drifts down around me:”
Elements: Rhim-
Common names:
Rhimvald, restful grave
Rhimvald (Example)
Peace like starlight drifts down around me: a six-foot bed gapes wide beneath white tree.
Rhimvald. What a guy.
“Need you know why? Then look no further:”
Elements: Ioch-, Yoch-
Common names:
Iochander, Yochander, because of that whole thing with the ending
Yochander (Example)
Need you know why? Then look no further: we stand within the shadow of the end.
Surprisingly enough, nothing to see here.
“Behold the circle, now complete, and gleaming in the endless night:”
Elements: Baug-; Hring-, Ring-
Common names:
Baugiba, ring-shaped merriment; Ringimir, hives
Baugiba (Example)
Behold the circle, now complete, and gleaming in the endless night: a merry celebration! Hubbub, drink, and laughter last until the day’s first light.
As a reminder, “-mir” is “fever.”
“Rain-flushed waters are my trust:”
[accepted variation] “Rain-flushed rivers are my trust:”
Elements: Ib-
Common names:
Ibegard, river-house
Ibegard (Example)
Rain-flushed waters are my trust: a strong-built hall to hold the river-road
I believe Ibegard was originally a profession name or title for local big shots who had control over a river crossing or functionaries who were responsible for one. From, like, dam engineer/overseers to particularly nasty bandits squatting on a ford to city-rulers with small armies and fortifications that just happened to be nearby. Probably only in a certain region of the Not, northwestish? The name became relatively common, which is sad, because I really like the variation for the luthe better than the primary version here, but it just doesn’t go well with the luthe for “-gard.”
“The clouds the feathers of my wings, the azure sky my throne and train: I am the noblest of all things:”
Elements: Aquinc-, Quinc-
Common names: Aquincias, big shot
I had to really go over the top here because Strategists are already royal by default. I mean, yeah, technically this name list is for all Ninuanni, including Deceivers, Warmains, and random Not-things that happen to use language, but it’s mostly for use by Glitch PCs for now. I had to go really over the top ^_^
“I am the ruins of an ancient day:”
Elements: Laid-, Laith-
Common names:
Laithagard, ruined house
“I have been named by the holy rites:”
Elements: Himne-, Hine-, Hinne-
Common names:
Himnerith, Hinnerith, sacral vision
Himnerith (Example)
I have been named by the holy rites: a spirit-seizing vision is unfurled!
I don’t actually know what being named by the holy rites entails, although I assume it’s a kind of anointment/ceremonial appointment sort of thing.
I guess I kind of envision standing on a stone platform with spiraly magical inscriptions while people chant at you and notional holy light shines down, possibly while dressed sort of like a swan?
(Or a horrible goose, maybe?
It is to different connotation but a similar sartorial effect. ...)
“White-feathered hair and a sapphire crown:”
[accepted variation] “White-feathered hair and a sapphire band:”
Elements: Saf-, Saph-, Sav-
Common names:
Savaric, sapphire commander
Savaric (Example)
White-feathered hair and a sapphire crown: I alone may rule.
I was on a bit of a bird symbolism kick for this stretch, I guess. ^_^
I think there are symbolic bird connections, particularly long-legged birds, in the Ninuanni sense of nobility and divinity ... but only pretty loosely.
Which is good, because unless they are literally Snuffleupagus it is probably best that Excrucians not be overly reverent towards, uh, Big Bird.
(What? Snuffleupagus obviously destroys things by snuffling them up, has a sanctuary of Sesame Street, and has muppet Arcana, so it’s not like it wouldn’t work ...)
“Once it hollowed me, once it drove me, once it followed me out into the grain; now, glut like the harvest moon, I set, and shrug at last that fell refrain from me:”
Elements: Sada-
Common names:
Sadagares, sated spear
Sadagares (Example)
Once it hollowed me, once it drove me, once it followed me out into the grain; now, glut like the harvest moon, I set, and shrug at last that fell refrain from me: “a spear yet thirsts to swim in blood.”
Another really hard one! It was tricky even to get around to the point of quoting the suffix luthe here, as you can probably tell by just how long and roundabout the prefix luthe here is. I’m pretty happy with the final result, though, particularly “glut like the harvest moon.” ^_^
“Amidst all tumult and all strife I have burnt lore into my bones:”
Canna-, Canno-, Cn-
Common names:
Cannabaudes, Cniva, scholar of the battlefield; Cneph, scholar of perseverance
Cniva (Example)
Amidst all tumult and all strife I have burnt lore into my bones: one lone figure, trudging forward, through metal, ringing, screams, and blood.
The name “Cneph” has fallen out of use in the modern day, owing to Cneph’s Creation of the world; in general, if a Strategist was named that, they will use the name no longer—either switching to a luthe-mate name like Cannofrid or abandoning their original name entirely. Still, as I’ve probably admitted to you in one of the early parts:
Here we go! Cneph’s name. ^_^
That’s all for today! We’ll pick up next time with the next root, “SEIZE,” but I’ve gotta sedate it properly first to make sure it’s not going to seize the day I’m posting in. ^_^
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The Tarmoores and the Witch-Queen - A Legend of the Shattered Pact
Across the history of the kingdom of Summerlund, one family name stands as the epitome of rulership - the name of Tarmoore. The Tarmoores ruled the kingdom of Summerlund for over 450 years, a period which is remembered as Summerlund's golden age. The Tarmoores varied in temperament, but all ruled fairly with concern for the people of Summerlund. The family tragically ended in 709 Seven Kingdoms Reckoning (SKR), and the seeds of their destruction lie in their own bloodline, as we shall see.
After 250 years of various kings, many of whom are barely footnotes in the history books, the crown fell to Candarus Tarmoore. Candarus is remembered as a strong warrior but a gentle man in private, as well as a champion of the common folk, who were often ground under the heels of the nobility who directly ruled them. He inherited a kingdom whose various barons threatened to tear it into pieces. Realizing that one man could not effectively rule such a large area, he chose three of his greatest knights and proclaimed them the Dukes of Summerlund. He divided his kingdom into three duchies called Estwode, Sudrast, and Ostralm and gave each of the Dukes one to rule in his name. Likewise, each Duke named three Counts, dividing their duchies into smaller counties. The barons were expected to fall in line behind the counts and the counts fell in line behind the dukes, each swearing fealty to those above them. Those barons who refused were soon ousted, and their baronies were given to those loyal to the crown. Through this feudal system, all of Summerlund came under the rule of the King in peace, and life improved immeasurably for the common folk of the kingdom.
Candarus' son Hubarus ruled in relative peace, but his son Aldwyn eclipsed even his grandfather in the eyes of the people. During Aldwyn's rule, an evil power known as the Witch-Queen gathered an army of undead and terrorized the kingdom and beyond. Aldwyn fought her armies at every turn until it was revealed that she was no less a person than his own twin sister, Adala Tarmoore. Anguished, Aldwyn confronted his sister, trying to turn her back to good, but she had signed a terrible pact with the demon prince Orcus for power, and she gleefully fulfilled her new masters demands that she carve out a new kingdom over the lands of the continent of Aldorath. Aldwyn was tormented by the idea that he had to destroy his sister, but he did not flinch at the idea. Aldwyn called the Seven Kingdoms together as they had not been gathered in 300 years. Many of them had been affected by the Witch-Queen's depredations as well, and they were glad to know more of her and have allies to aid them against her armies of the dead. This conflict was known as the First Witching War, and Aldwyn more than proved himself a capable general in battle. The Witch-Queen's armies were destroyed, and she fled into hiding. Summerlund very much became a "first among equals" in the Seven Kingdoms, and peace once again settled over the lands.
For the next 350 years, the Tarmoores ruled in relative peace. There were always battles with orcs and other raiders, but there was little mass conflict. In 705 SKR, however, King Varwyn Tarmoore was visiting the port of Talmathi when tragedy struck. The Witch-Queen suddenly announced her return in a terrible fashion, murdering him and a number of the royal guards on the city docks and starting the Second Witching War. Varwyn's 10 year old son Caudus suddenly found himself on the throne and expected to be a warlord. He rose to the occasion, calling another conclave of the Seven Kingdoms, and he led his armies to many victories over a new army of undead and proven to be a cunning tactician, despite his tender years. The Battle of Blackfields, however, brought an end to Caudus' reign. He was leading a group of Summerling regulars in escort to a group of Gristameri soldiers to bolster Eladrin warriors who were holding the Tavanion front. The battle seemed like it would be a quick and easy rout of the Witch-Queen's forces. What neither Summerling nor Eladrin knew, however, was that the Witch-Queen had contacted the ruler of Gristamere and made a pact. In exchange for their alliance, the Witch-Queen promised to restore to them rule of almost half of the continent of Aldorath, lands that they had once held before the Summerlings had come from over the sea. At the last minute, goblin archers began firing on their former allies, and bugbear shock troops attacked the king and his royal guard. King Caudus' body was recovered, but he was dead at only age 14, bringing an end to the Tarmoore line. Without support, the Eladrin were taken apart, and the Second Witching War took a darker turn. As orcs took advantage to begin conquering and despoiling the lands now known as the Orcish Steppes (formerly parts of Summerlund and Dalenshire), the Seven Kingdoms fell back in disarray, but, after redoubled efforts by the dwarves of Kurdenheim and the northmen of Norhast, Gristamere was defeated, the orcs were halted and pushed back some, and the Witch-Queen's forces were slowly depleted. She herself has yet to be seen again, but few believe that she is dead. Summerlund has been ruled by a series of other families since then, but none of them attained the fame and glory of the Tarmoores. Despite evidence to the contrary, many people cling to the belief that a Tarmoore heir survived and was raised in secret in order to protect them from the Witch-Queen's wrath. They hope that a Tarmoore will once again sit on the throne of Summerlund, bringing a return of the glorious days of old. (DM's notes: Obviously, this all ties into the history of my D&D campaign, but I wanted to offer it as an example of how you can build a history in your own campaign. The lost Tarmoore heir is my campaign's equivalent of the Once and Future King legends around Arthur as well as Aragorn from Lord of the Rings, stories that I love.)
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Propiziu ventu scinni senza frenu Nt’u vernu ca è ‘ra culla d’a burrasca Propiziu ventu subb’a terra aperta Oppuri dinta l’anima ‘e na fresca Propiziu ventu vuli nt’i capiddri E linchj i campi cu ra seminanza Ca po’ vulare finu addruvi i stiddri Su sparpagghjati dint’a luntananza Ventu ventu va Scarabocchjannu cu ‘ru fiatu ‘U cielu chjno e nuvole Ventu ventu va Cambiando rotta a tutto ciò che noi Chiamano i pensieri e i desideri Propiziu ventu i panni a ‘ru barcunu Unchjati sunu d’u respiru tuju E batti ccu na mana a ‘ri purtuni Scantann a gente addurmisciuta a ‘u scuru E rumurusu scinni nt’i cuscini Trasi nt’i sonni i tutti li criaturi E nesci fora subba li camini Oppuri da li crespe de li muri Vento vento va Scarabocchiando con il fiato Il cielo con le nuvole Vento vento va Cambiando rotta a tutto ciò che noi Chiamiamo i pensieri E i desideri Propiziu ventu bussa a la mi’ porta E spazza via duluri arraricati Amuri juti e cosi di sta sorta Occhj perduti, baci appassiunati Propiziu ventu dint’a casa mia Porta ‘a preghiera ‘e n’alitu sinceru E pi chir’omo ca s’ha jutu via Spegna d’u cori u caudu ‘e nu vraceru Ventu ventu va Scarabocchjannu cu ‘ru fiatu ‘U cielu chjno e nuvole Ventu ventu va Vento vento va Cambiando rotta a tutto ciò che noi Chiamiamo i pensieri E i desideri E i desideri E i desideri. (Tina e Valeria Nicoletta) #sanremo #sanremo44 #sanremo94 #sanremo1994 #festivaldisanremo #nuoveproposte Brano: Propiziu Ventu Immagine: Vento favorevole - David Bond - 2017 https://www.instagram.com/p/B_NYmp9lzEs/?igshid=10r2xljmp1ki2
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Aju dittu sempri ca cani nun ni vogghiu, picchì poi attocca nun sulu darici a mangiari ma suprattuttu nesciri co’ caudu o cà nivi ppi purtalli a sfantasiari: ma uora macari senza cani m’arritrovu di notti e di capumatina, a purtari ’ntè strati u desidderiu di vidiriti, a fallu nesciri ca dintra a casa ’mpazziscia, e u fazzu pisciari a ogni cantunera, spirannu ca poi, tu passannu di ddà, u senti u fetu di mia e continui sciarannu l’aria a ma stissa prucissioni. Ho detto sempre / che cani non ne voglio, / perché poi tocca / non solo dargli da mangiare / ma soprattutto uscire / col caldo o con la neve / per portarli a svagare: / ma ora / pure senza cani mi ritrovo / di notte / e di mattina presto, / a portare nelle strade il desiderio / di vederti, / a farlo uscire / che dentro casa impazzisce, / e lo faccio pisciare / ad ogni angolo, / sperando che poi, tu / passando di lì, / la senti la puzza di me / e continui annusando l’aria / la mia stessa / processione.
Dina Basso
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PASTA NCACIATA - La pasta ncaciata è la pasta al forno ripiena di uovo, prosciutto, melanzane, pezzettini di provoletta e una copertura generosa di formaggio. E’ la pasta della domenica o delle grandi occasioni, ma anche la pasta delle gite in campagna o al mare in quanto è buona anche fredda.
N – Prontu o prontu R - Ciao Maaa Rusaria Sugnu N – Oh gioooia comi stai? R - Mi doli anticchia a testa N – Saravi stu sciroccu chi nun fa rispirari; ta pigghiasti na pastigghia i moment? R - no , mi pigghiai l’ochì , ma dimmi comu fu a gita a Tindari, t’additivvitisti? N – Oh figghia, lassami stari che na junnata tantu tinta nun cia pozzu agurari a nuddu… R - E picchì Maa chi succidiu ? ti sciariasti ancora cu Procopiu u maritu d’ Anciulina? N – Non tu dicu chi succidiu ! u sai chi poi vinniru puru a signora Romanu e so maritu? R - Ma vha? ma comi u signor Giuseppe non pò vidiri a Procopiu e vinni a Tindari cu iddu? N – E chinni sai chi succidiu!! A signora Romano avia nchianatu unni mia mi si prova a cammicia nova chi ci laggai e telefunò Anciulina chi annava a Tindari pu votu chi avi ca Madunnuzza i quannu so figghiu mbistiu ca motu. Siccomi era tantu chi nun annava unni a Madunnuzza ci dissi di si. A signora Romano sintennu chi annava mi dissi chi puru idda vulia veniri allura pattemmu tutti quanti. R - Ma chi annastu ca machina di Procopiu? chidda è già tantu si cammina figurati a puttari attia a signora Romanu e Anciulina chi siti beddi rossi!! N – Noo, figurati, appena u signor Giuseppi sintiu chi aviumu annari cu Procopiu si ribbelloi, ni dissi chi ni puttava iddu picchi chidda i Procopiu nun è na macchina: è nu cessu. Figurati chi avi i roti tantu lisci chi paruni i camiri d’aria di bicicletti, u culuri i sta machina nun si potti mai capiri, i freni ci l’avia fari nto 2012 e ancora nun ci fici, d’intra ci su tri iditi i luddia e ora uttimamente coccadunu ci disegnò cu nu ferru na ciolla chi va da fanali a fanali: cu si setta davanti pari a cavallu i na ciolla chi roti R - Eccu è la fotografia perfetta del suo padrone: tale e quale, ciolla a machina, testa di cazzo lui!! N – Veramenti!, C’è Anciulina chi spera chi prima o poi o primu ncrociu Procopiu si mpadda cu coccadunu accussi si leva davanti a iddu e a idda R - Si figurati… a mala ebba nun mori mai!!! N – Puttroppu è veru. Intantu u signor Giuseppe dissi “Diu ni scandi e libberi si me mugghieri nchiana supra da scatola chi roti” e ni puttoi iddu pi futtuna picchì a metà da nchianata a Tindari da ciolla chi roti si fimmoi fumannu comi quannu brucianu i sciarri e a Anciulina na puttamu cu nui. Procopiu dissi chi sinni nchianava sulu e nui u cuntentammu R - Figurati se saliva con il signor Giuseppe! Sono uno da giuventus e l’otru ill’intererre, appena incumencianu a parrari si ncappanu. N – E nenti, siamo arrivati alla chiesa e allora la signora Romano è voluta salire le scale a ginucchiuni cu so maritu chi ci dicia mi si suggi “Semu nto dumila, a genti và supra a luna e tu fai ancora sti cosi du mediuevu” ci dicia, ma idda nenti cuntinuava acamminari a ginucchiuni “Ma jo no sacciu…. – cuntinuava iddu - mi fa cadiri a faccia nterra….Chi figura facemu….” a fini jo ci dissi ma lassa stari chi eravamu davanti a Madunnuzza e mi si stava mutu. Iddu incuminciò a parrari a buci fotti e sinn’annò o bar tuttu ncazzatu R - Ma picchì a signura Romano ha fatto tutta la chiesa in ginocchio? aveva un voto? N – Nu dissi poi quannu ni sittamu nte banchi e ci desimu i fazzuletti mi s’asciuga i ginocchi chini i sangu “Lui non capisce – ni fa – o non vuol capire, io un figlio lo voglio, lui si sente in colpa perché il figlio non viene e fa tutte queste scene, ma la Madonna mi deve fare questa grazia, io un figlio lo voglio” ci diceva e io e Anciulina a consolarla poverina chi ciancia comi na carusa. R - Mi dispiace povera signora, ma perché non ne adottano uno? N – Ma chi vo fare, ci ciccaru un saccu i soddi e poi iddu nun sta beni e non ci u dannu nu figghiu. Eh nenti, poi niscemmu n’annammu unni ci su l’alivi e manciammu a pasta ncaciata chi avia fattu, i cotoletti chi fici Anciulina e a totta chi puttoi a signora Romano. O so solitu Procopiu si miviu nu litru i vinu c’avia puttatu u signor Giuseppi e ninni scinnemu a Falconi pi fari anticchia i mari R - Ma finu a ora non mi sembra che sia successo niente di grave N – Scuta ! a mari u signor Giuseppi misi a machina nta nu paccheggio e Procopiu a piazzoi supra u murettu i cunfini ca spiaggia, unni si scinni di scali. Sa misi da i frunti picchi si scantava ca rubbavanu R - A da ciolla chi roti? Ma mancu regalata a vurrannu N – Eh nenti, annammu a mari ni bagnammu i pedi, a signora Romanu si disinfettoi i ginocchi, eravamu da beddi e pacifici chi a nu cettu puntu, o picchi manciammu, o picchì c’era un caudu chi non ti dicu, ci dicemmu o signor Giuseppe mi metti l’ombrelloni. Iddu u ghianta e cecca na petra mu tacca picchi c’era ventu. Ni trova una nica nica e u stava taccannu chi Procopiu menzu studdutu du vinu e du suli ci fa “ma chi metti sa cusitta doccu, accà, cia dugnu jo na petra chi si ghiama petra “ e va e ti pigghia na balata i Catania chi mancu iddu a putia,ma mi non ci dugna saziu o signor Giuseppe, sa pigghia e leggiu leggiu a potta vessu l’umbrilloni. Anciulina ci grida “Lassa stari sa cosa chi si ti cadi strupii a coccadunu” Iddu ci stava pi rispunniri ma mentre stava pigghiannu ciatu pi parrarri nun vidi na petra menza uricata, mesti e figghia mia ci scappa da petra di mani e ci finisci supra o pedi du signor Giuseppi…. R - Mhaaaa u mazzoi! N – Quasi! iddu si jetta i buci e du pedi ci diventa tuttu viola e sempri chiù rossu R - Ohn poveru signor Giuseppi tutti a iddu ci capitanu! N – Non ti dicu i buci, u scantu, jo ci dicu a Procopiu, “Cumpagnalu a Guardia medica picchi i sicuru ci rumpiu cocca iditu”. Picciò iddu e a signora Romano pigghiaru o signor Giuseppi e leggiu leggiu u puttaru unni a machina di Procopiu. U signur Giuseppi ciccava i apriri a puttera da machina ma nun ci riniscia allura Procopiu va ill’otra patti e spinci ma fa apriri e so mugghieri ci gridoi “Non spinciri chi a puttera è difittusa e si apri i coppu” non finiu i parrari ca puttera si apri e u signor Giuseppi du sfozzu non cadi du murettu unni c’era a machina… R - Mhaaa si struppioi! N – Otru chi si struppioi: sutta o muru era chinu i munnizza, buttigghi rutti, muraruvetti, ferru, filu spinatu, mobili rutti….s’ammazzoi!! Pi futtuna c’erunu du carusazzi chi appena u vistiru sataru nta d’ebbi e u pigghiaru tuttu lazziariatu, chinu i sangu e tagghi e studdutu du coppu R - O Matri Biniditta…. N – Di carusazzi u pigghiunu, u mettunu nta maghina e Procopiu patti comu nu razzu facennu fiscari i roti.. e Anciulina ci grida “Non curriri chi a puttera è difittusa…” nun finiu i parrari chi Procopiu fa na cuvva a sinistra, a puttera si apri e u Signor Giuseppi bola fora da machina. R - Muriu… sta vota muriu veramenti… N – Puru jo pinsai a stissa cosa ! Intantu Procopiu scinni da machina e ci grida a Anciulina “Ma ti voi stari muta chi ogni vota chi parri succedi na disgrazia….” e idda isoi l’occhi o cielu e dissi ”Madunnuza mei, facitimilla sta grazia, livatimmillu i frunti agli occhi, datici l’etennu riposu e anticchia i paci a mia chi è na vita cu suppottu”… R - Ragiuni avi, puvirazza…. N – Di du carusazzi chi l’avianu iutatu prima curreru e u pigghiaru e sta vota ghiamaru l’ambulanza e u ficiru puttari ca signora Romano o spidali e Procopiu ci annò d’arreti ca ciolla chi roti. R - Ma dicu jo , poviru signur Giuseppi, tutti a iddu ci mattunu. N – Jo ristai cu Anciulina chi si misi a riva o mari ciancennu pa disgrazia chi appi spusannu a so maritu. Intantu u tempu passava, passa n’ura, passanu du uri, tri uri e nenti, nun cumpari nuddu. Da spiaggia sinn’annavanu tutti e ristammu jo e Anciulina cu l’umbrilluni. Intantu scurava e nui eravamu dà. A fini ti cumpari Procopiu cu niputi du Signor Giuseppi mi si pigghia a so machina e Procopiu avia tutta a testa fasciata chi paria n’ovu i Pasca. Anciulina ci spiava chi c’avia succidutu ma iddu nenti, nun rispunnia. Picciò ninni girammu a casa. R - Ma chi c’avia succedutu a Procopiu? N – Mu dissi a signora Romanu quannu a sira a visti girari a casa. Dissi chi u signur Giuseppe ristoi ricoveratu. Avi na spadda menza spasciata, o pedi ci misiru u gessu e ci desiru occa vinti punti a tutti i banni. Du stottu i Procopiu, quannu nisceru o signor Giuseppi da sala gessi, sinni nisciu dicennu “Signor Giuseppe, u vidi chi nun era nenti, a fini poi, oggi n’addivittemmu.” R - Ma è proprio scemu, nun è chi fa finta, è propiu scemu di soi… N – U signor Giuseppi cu nu filu i buci ci fa, “Signor Procopiu avicinassi chi c’è diri na cosa tra mia e lei nta ricchi….” Procopiu si cala pi scutari chi vulia e u signor Giuseppi, appena l’appi a tiru, ci desi nu muzzicuni, ma nu muzzicuni chi a mumenti ci staccava a ricchia!! Dissi a signora Romanu chi apperu a veniri quattru nfimmeri mi spattunu e o signor Giuseppi c’appiru fari na gnizioni mi ci faciunu lassari a ricchia. A fini a Prospiru c’appiru dari quattru punti picchì a ricchi si stava scippannu. R - Ma a du stottu a testa c’avia scippari u signor Giuseppi. N – Non ti dicu a signura Romanu quantu era avvilita e mortificata. Nun sapia chiù a quali santu vutassi tantu era dispirata. Ti dicu a virità, mi fici tanta pena. R - Ma no mamma, vidi chi a Madunnuzza ci pinsiravi a idda N – Si, annoi mi ci spia nu figghiu e a mumenti divintava viduva R - Ma no mamma, nun ti prioccupare, è tutta cuppa i du stottu i Procopiu. U sai chi bonu tempu e malu tempu nun duranu tuttu u tempu N – Spiramu Rusaria, ca povira signura Romanu ci ni stannu capitannu chiossà i Giufà. Tindari = Tindari è la sede del santuario dedicata alla Madonna Nera; Ciolla = sinonimo di minchia; balata i Catania= lastrone di lava con cui si asfaltano le strade; si jetta i buci= incomincia a gridare; du carusazzi=due ragazzi di costituzione robusta; tuttu lazziariatu= tutto ricoperto di piaghe come San Lazzaro;
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Information – The Real Treasure
Hullo, Gentle Readers. There are many rewards that players look forward to when they are victorious. Slain dragons have heaping piles of gold. A slain lich may have magical devices in store that the adventurers can claim. There’s the adulation of the people, and contacts among the movers and shakers of the campaign world. And of course, there are those delicious, delicious experience points.
Everyone knows, however, that the real treasure is the fun and friendship you find along the way.
Argh. I’m sorry. I had to put that in there.
But, no, for my money, the real treasure is Information. If you run a deep story campaign as I try to do, there are lurking secrets aplenty. In my campaign, there are always questions to be answered: What became of the Old Ones, the ancient race whose existence was all but wiped from the knowledge of the world? Is the mysterious gladiator called the “White Cat” the sister of Ghost, the party’s shifter ranger? What is the deal with Caiphon, the mysterious entity who’s so interested in Tristan, the party’s Warlock? Why is Duchess Padwyn so interested in the parentage of Kidalis, the party’s paladin? What is the true nature of the Elder Elemental Eye? These are just a few of the questions that have popped up in my campaign over the last few months of gameplay, and I try to dole out information sparingly, so as not to give all of the secrets away.
For example, in my campaign, there is a famous line of kings, the Tarmoores, that ended about 300 years in the past. The Tarmoores are generally considered the greatest kings Summerlund has ever had, and rumors persist of a surviving heir, even though the Witch-Queen slew the last Tarmoore centuries ago.
Recently, while exploring the “Beneath” of Estwald, Summerlund’s capital, on a mission to rescue kobolds from yuan-ti cultists (long story), the party discovered a mysterious sealed crypt. In it they found the hidden tomb of Varwyn Tarmoore, the penultimate Tarmoore king. It mentioned he was the father of Caudus Tarmoore, the last Tarmoore king, and Dalwyn Tarmoore, who no one seems to have ever heard of. Caudus Tarmoore died in boyhood, giving no heirs. Was Dalwyn, then, the long-rumored Tarmoore heir who survived? And was this related to Duchess Padwyn’s interest in the genealogies of various noble houses, including that of the Kidalis? Not only is information a great reward, but it’s also a great jumping off point for adventures.
There are many ways to get information to the players. It can be found in ancient catacombs, as above, but what if it were contained in dusty books that’re jealously guarded by monstrous owners? Imagine a dragon that hoarded books over gold, or a mind flayer’s collection of psionic crystals, each containing the memories of those they have consumed. Perhaps a mad beholder priest has carved the words of its god into the walls of its lair with its disintegration eye, or an aboleth keeps in thrall the only sage who knows the answer to the question.
Even if you’re not a DM who builds a world with background that you want to give as information, your players will still want answers. Where does the lich keep its phylactery? Where is the vampire’s coffin? What riddle does the sphinx ask? Where exactly is the Tomb of Horrors located? One form of information with a built in reward is a map. If the players find a mysterious map to a long-forgotten dungeon, they may want to act on that information immediately, before anyone else can find the riches they wish to claim.
So don’t neglect the most ephemeral and, in many ways, valuable treasure of your campaign. Information, when given sparingly, could make your players proactive about seeking the next tidbit, and then the next, propelling your campaign forward to its climax.
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Ora ti cuntu nu fattu. C’era un paisi unni a miseria e a gnuranza ficinu veniri a guerra e a guerra puttoi timpesta i bumbi e ragnola i ghiummu. Nta stu paisi c’era na famigghia e chi risto nto menzu da motti e du focu. U patri muriu mentri ciccava pani pi figghi, a matri finiu sutta cimentu e matuni. Prima di moriri ghiamo so figghiu ranni e ci dissi “Potta a to soru chiù nica a ciccari a filicità nta n’otru paisi unni i to cugini ti spettunu”. Iddu pigghiò so soru e ncumincioi a camminari passannu furesti e disetti, mucciannusi quannu rivavanu i figghi da motti chi vulianu mazzari o quannu c’eranu i latri di animi chi vulianu rubbari. Rivaru nta na città a riva u mari e a carusa spiò o frati u ranni “è ca a filicità?” Ma u ranni rispunniu “no è chiù avanti”. Nta stu paisi u frati ranni travagghioi e a picciridda ciccava a limosina. A fini ficiru tanti soddi e quannu u frati ranni ci mustroi a nica, chista ci spioi “è chista a felicità?” E u frati ranni ci rispunniu “no ma putemu cattari nu postu nta na bacca e annari nto paisi da filicità”. Accussi si misiru in fila pi nchianari nta na bacca cu tanta autra genti d’ogni culuri. Patteru all’abba e annaru nto mari pi nu jonnu e na notti. Poi u tempu cancioi e u mari gridava e si isava e calava. A genti nta bacca si ittava i buci pu scantu. A bacca si inchia d’acqua e u frati misi a soru nu sabbagenti che avia cattatu pi idda. A bacca leggiu leggiu stava nfunnanu. U mari si facia sempri chiù fotti e i cavadduni eranu chiu ranni da bacca, a genti gridava e ciancia. Unu i chisti visti ca a carusa avia nu I sabbagenti e cicco mi ciu scippa. So frati u visti e u firroi mi ci misca, i dui ficiru a coppa finu a chi non caderu nta l’acqua e nta nu minutu sicunu scumpareru. A carusa muta muta incuminciò a cianciri picchi so frati nun putia chiù vidiri a filicità. U sabbagenti a tiniu a galla mentri u mari pari chi si stava cammannu. Cumpariu na bacca ianca cu omini vistuti i iancu chi parravanu stranu. A pigghiaru e sa puttaru cu iddi e da bacca a puttaru nterra, nta nu postu cu tanti letti unni omini vistuti i iancu e a vaddavunu nta tutti i patti : nta bucca, nte ricchi. Idda allura ci spioi si a felicità era da. Ci dissiru di no e a puttaru nta n’otra banna e da spioi ancora si era da a felicità e ogni vota ci diciano no e a spustavanu ancora e accussi tanti voti chi piddiu u cuntu; ogni vota chi spiava si a felicità era da, ci rispunnianu di no, tantu ca fini no spioi chiù. Nu jonnu cumpariu na signura chi dissi chi era so cugina e sa puttó cu idda nta n’otru paisi luntanu. Arrivaru nta na casa unni c’eranu i figghi da signura e tutti a strinceru e baciaru e ci desiru vesti novi e tanti giucattuli. Allura a carusa spioi a signura si da c’era a felicita chi ciccava. Idda a pigghioi e a strinciu e ci spioi chi sintia e a carusa ci dissi che sintia cauddu nto cori u stissu caudu di brazza i so cugina e chi ci vinia i ridiri da cuntintizza. A signura ci dissi “ u vidi chista è a filicita, è intra i nui comi nu ciuri chiusu e quannu semu cuntenti stu ciuri si apri e ni quaddia u cori” “e picchí prima na sintia?” spioi a carusa, e a fimmina rispunniu “picchi u ciuri nasci nto cori sulu c’è paci” a carusa pinsoi a so frati a so matri, o mari e ai tanti che lassoi areti a idda e strinciu a so cugina chiù fotti picchi puru pi iddi chi nun c’eranu chiù vulia anticchia I filicità”. “Ora fa a nanna - ci dissi a cugina – chi chistu è nu fattu e tutti i fatti finisciunu ca genti che ridi cuntenta, ma cu ni leggi sapi, chi nta vita vera nun è accussi, nun è accussì”
Ora ti racconto una favola. C’era un paese dove la miseria e l’ignoranza fecero venire la guerra e la guerra portò una tempesta eterna di bomba una grandine continua di piombo. In questa paese c’era una famiglia che rimase nel mezzo della morte e del fuoco. Il padre morì mentre cercava il pane per i figli, la madre finì sotto cemento e mattoni. Prima di morire chiamò il figlio grande e gli disse “Porta tua sorella più piccola a cercare la felicità in un altro paese dove i tuoi cugini ti aspettano”. Lui prese sua sorella e incominciò a camminare passando foreste e deserti, nascondendosi quando arrivavano i figli della morte che volevano uccidere, o quando c’erano i ladri di anime che volevano rubare. Arrivarono in una grande città in riva al mare e la bambina chiese a suo fratello grande “È qui la felicità?” Ma il fratello rispose “no è più avanti”. In questo paese il fratello grande lavorò e la piccolina chiedeva l’elemosina. Alla fine raccolsero tanti soldi e il fratello grande li mostrò alla piccola e lei gli chiese “È questa la felicità?” e il grande gli rispose “No ma possiamo comprare un posto in una barca e andare nel paese della felicità” Così si misero in fila per salire su una barca con tanta altra gente di ogni colore. Partirono all’alba e andarono per mare per un giorno e una notte. Poi il tempo cambiò e il mare incominciò a gridare, a salire e scendere. La gente nella barca gridava per la paura. La barca si riempiva d’acqua e il fratello mise alla sorella un salvagente che aveva comprato per lei. La barca piano piano incominciò ad affondare. Il mare si faceva sempre più forte e i cavalloni erano più grandi della barca, la gente gridava e piangeva. Uno di questi vide la ragazza con il salvagente e cercò di prenderglielo. Suo fratello lo vide e lo afferrò i due si picchiarono fino a che non caddero in acqua e in un secondo scomparvero. La bambina in silenzio incominciò a piangere perché suo fratello non avrebbe più visto la felicità. Il salvagente la tenne a galla mentre il mare si andò calmando. Comparve una barca bianca con uomini vestiti di bianco che parlavano in modo strano. La presero e la portarono con loro sulla barca e dalla barca la portarono a terra, in un posto con tanti letti dove uomini vestiti di bianco la visitarono: nella bocca, nelle orecchie. Lei allora chiese se la felicità fosse lì. Le dissero di no e la portarono da un'altra parte e li chiese ancora se la felicità fosse li. Le dissero di no e la spostarono ancora da un'altra parte e così tante volte che perse il conto; ogni volta chiedeva se la felicità fosse li, e le rispondevano sempre di no; alla fine lei non lo chiese più. Un giorno comparve una signora che disse che era sua cugina e se la portò con lei in un paese lontano. Arrivarono in una casa dove c’erano i figli di quella signora e tutti la strinsero e la baciarono le diedero vestiti nuovi e tanti giocattoli. Allora la bambina chiese alla signora se li ci fosse la felicità che cercava. Lei la prese e la strinse forte e le chiese cosa sentisse e la bambina rispose che sentiva caldo nel cuore, lo stesso caldo che avevano le sue braccia e che le veniva da ridere per la contentezza. La signora le rispose “lo vedi questa è la felicità, è dentro di noi come un fiore chiuso e quando siamo contenti questo fiore si apre e riscalda il cuore” “perché prima non la sentivo?” chiese la bambina “Perché il fiore nasce nel cuore solo se c’è la pace” La bambina pensò a suo fratello e ai suoi genitori al mare e ai tanti che aveva lasciato indietro e strinse più forte sua cugina perché anche per loro che non c’erano voleva un po' di felicità. “Ora fai la nanna – le disse la cugina – che questa è una fiaba e come tutte le fiabe finisce con la gente che ride contenta, ma chi legge sa, che nella vita vera non è così, non è così”
Now I'm telling you a fairy tale. There was a country where misery and ignorance made war and war brought an everlasting bomb storm a steady hail of lead. In this country, there was a family that remained in the middle of death and fire. The father died while he was looking for bread for his children, and the mother due to a bomb, came under concrete and bricks. Before dying, she called his older son and said, "Bring your little sister to look for happiness in another country where your cousins are waiting for you." He took his sister and began to walk through forests and deserts, hiding when the son of the dead wanted to kill them, or when there were the thieves of souls who wanted to steal them. They came to a big city by the sea and the little girl asked her older brother, "Is happiness here?" But her brother replied, "No, it is not here" In this country, the big brother worked and the little one begged for alms. They collected so much money and the big brother showed them to the little girl and she asked him "Is this happiness?" And the big one replied, "No, but we can buy a place in a boat and go to the land of happiness." So, they got in row to go on a boat with so many other people of every color. They left at dawn and went to sea for a day and a night. Then the weather changed and the sea began to shout, to climb up and down. People in the boat screamed for fear. The boat was filled with water and his brother put a sister's life buoy he had bought for her. The boat slowly began to sink. The sea was getting stronger and the waves were bigger than the boat, people shouted and cry. One of them saw the girl with the life buoy and tried to take it. His brother saw him and grabbed the two of them banging until they fell into the water and in a second disappeared. The little girl in silence began to cry because her brother would no longer see happiness. The life buoy kept her afloat while the sea went calm. There was a white boat with men dressed in white talking strangely. They took her with them on the boat and the boat took her to the ground, in a place with so many beds where men dressed in white visited her: in the mouth, in the ears. She then asked if happiness was there. They told her of no and took her to another side and she asked them again if happiness was there. They told her of no and they moved her from another side and so many times that she missed the bill; Every time she wondered if happiness was there, and they always answered her not, so in the end she did not ask for it anymore. One day a lady appeared who said that she was her cousin and she took with her in a far country. They came to a house where there were the children of that lady and they all shuffled and kissed her and gave her new clothes and so many toys. Then the little girl asked the lady if there was the happiness she was looking for. She caught her and squeezed her tightly and asked her what she felt and the little girl said that she felt warm in her heart, the same warmth she had in her arms and that she laugh and she was happy. The lady replied, "you see this is the happiness, it's inside of us like a closed flower, and when we're happy this flower opens and warms up our heart" "Why did not I first hear it?" Asked the little girl. "Because the flower is born in heart only if there is peace "The little girl thought of her brother and her parents to the sea and the many she had left behind and squeezed her cousin stronger because even for them that they did not find, she looking for a bit of happiness. "Now you're going to sleep," said her cousin, "this is a fairy tale, and like all fairy tales end up with people who laugh happy, but whoever reads this story knows that in real life it is not so, it is not so."
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Nascì e canusci l’azzurro e tu eri l’azzurru du mari, densu, caudu, immensu; tu eri l’azzurru du cielu ,ghiaru, infinitu, liggeru , io era comi n’isula nica nica e spidduta truvava paci e amuri, si o to mari mi strincia, si mi dubbava di baci da so spuma, e amava i carizzi di so unni. Nascì e tu eri l’azzurru infinitu e immensu unni u me cori s’apria e nto ventu bulava, felici Nascì e canusci u giallu e tu eri u giallu dumatu du ciuri i inestra, u giallu duratu di ciuri i zammaruni, l’oru infinitu di campi i ranu ommai sicchi unni bolanu i palummi e i merri, ciccannu nta pagghia l’uttima semenza. Tu eri u giallu sabbaggiu du zuffuru u to cori nfucatu d’unni u mei nasciu. Nascì e tu eri u giallu dumatu e sabbaggiu d’ unni u me cori nasciu e vessu u suli bulava felici. Jo nasci e caniusci u russu e tu eri u russu du curallu rubbatu nto silenziu du funnu du mari tu eri u russu sabbaggiu da lava chi nasci nto funnu da terra, tu si u russu di campi chini i ciura unni a natura cumanna e ventu e suli, brucianu, sdirupanu, regnanu Nascì e tu eri u russu passioni e re, cu me cori cumannava e vistia i sula filicità. Nascì e m’inzignai i culura, ma di culuri, tu mi nzignasti u sensu, chi ogni sfumatura avia, mi zignasti l’amuri chi ogni culuri mi dava. Cu sti culuri vistii l’anima mia e straviai pu munnu sulu pi ristari sempri cu tia
Sono nato è ho conosciuto l’azzurro e tu eri l’azzurro del mare, denso, caldo, immenso, tu eri l’azzurro del cielo, chiaro, infinito, leggero, io ero come una piccola isola e sperduta trovavo pace e amore se il tuo mare mi stringeva, si mi nutrivo con i baci della sua schiuma e amavo le carezze delle sue onde. Sono nato e tu eri l’azzurro infinito e immenso dove il mio cuore si apriva nel vento e volava, felice. Sono nato e ho conosciuto il giallo, e tu eri il giallo acceso dei fiori di ginestra, il giallo dorato dei fiori dell’agave, l’oro infinito dei campi di grano ormai secchi dove volano colombi e merli cercando nella paglia gli ultimi semi. Tu eri il giallo selvaggio dello zolfo, il tuo cuore infuocato da dove il mio è nato. Sono nato e tu eri il giallo acceso e selvaggio da dove il mio cuore è nato mentre verso il sole volava felice. Sono nato e ho conosciuto il rosso, e tu eri il rosso del corallo rubato nel silenzio in fondo al mare, tu eri il rosso selvaggio della lava che nasci in fondo alla terra, tu sei il rosso dei campi pieni di fiori dove la natura comanda e vento e sole bruciano, rovesciano, regnano. Sono nato e tu eri il rosso passione e sovrano che il mio cuore comanda e che vestiva di felicità Sono nato è ho imparato i colori, ma dei colori, tu mi hai insegnato il senso che ogni sfumatura aveva, mi hai insegnato l’amore che ogni colore mi dava, e con loro ho vestito l’anima mia e mi sono involato per il mondo, solo per restare per sempre con te.
I was born and I knew the blue and you were the blue of the sea, dense, hot, immense, you were the blue of the sky, clear, infinite, light, I was like a small lost island and I found peace and love only if your sea tightened me, I fed myself with the kisses of her foam and I loved the caresses of her waves. I was born and you were the infinite and immense blue where my heart opened in the wind and flew, happy. I was born and I knew the yellow, and you were the yellow of the broom flowers, the golden yellow of the flowers of the agave, the endless gold of the wheat fields now dried where pigeons flew and drifting in the straw the last seeds. You were the wild yellow of sulfur, your fiery heart from where my own was born. I was born and you were the wild and wild yellow from where my heart was born while in the sun was happy. I was born and I knew the red, and you were red coral stole in the silence at the bottom of the sea, you were the wild red of the lava that is born to the bottom of the earth, you are the red of fields full of flowers where nature commands and wind and sun burn, overthrow, reign. I was born and you were the red sovereign passion, that my heart commanded and who dressed me with happiness. I was born, I learned the colors, but you taught me the meaning that every nuance has, you taught me the love that every color gave me, and with them I dressed my soul and I went for the world, just to stay with you forever.
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