#caudecus beetlestone
solvevi · 4 months
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do you guys remember lw3
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dhuumy-thicc · 1 year
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sooo that new outfit...
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DoF:RefTE chapter 2 - Champion of the Queen
Dreams of Freedom: Reforging the Edge
Chapter two: Champion of the Queen | (AO3 link)
On the way out of Jennah’s throne room, Logan nearly runs into Caudecus. Sorry, the Lord Legate Minister Caudecus Beetlestone the Wise. Him. More importantly than his pompous litany of titles, he is Jennah’s biggest political opponent… and the reason Logan and Jennah can’t formalize their relationship. (Jennah is being overly cautious about him in Logan’s opinion, but he isn’t about to question her decision.) Logan gives him a polite smile. Caudecus smiles back at him surprisingly warmly before passing on towards the throne room.
Logan stops and stares at Caudecus' back, chills running down his spine. As the doors to the throne room close on the Legate Minister, Logan almost turns to go after him. But - there's a battle on. Logan doesn't have the time to supervise Caudecus while he presents whatever matter is troubling him this time. Logan hates the thought of Caudecus in the same room with the queen - especially with that disturbing smile - the man is plotting something. He won't do anything in the open, Logan is sure of that, but Logan likes to keep his own physical eyes on problems. Maybe he can post some extra Seraph in the throne room...
Concern yourself first with the centaurs at the gate, Captain, and leave me to handle our... internal affairs.
Anise has her job, and Logan has his. With an effort, Logan turns away from the queen's doors and heads back to Seraph Headquarters.
He can't spare any men from the fight in Shaemoor, especially Logan will be joining them and unable to oversee administrative matters from HQ. Nevertheless, he sends an aide to summon two Seraph - qualified and vetted by Logan himself for such tasks in the past - who can provide an extra eye in the queen's throne room until Caudecus leaves. Or, ideally, until the centaur attack is over and the danger passed entirely...
The aide salutes and dashes out the door, passing Lieutenant Groban on his way in. Logan turns to him and raises an eyebrow, inviting his report.
“Captain, none of the Seraph at Krytan Freeholds heard any word of centaur movement in the area. Their scouts had reported in not half an hour previously at shift change - the centaur camps they’re watching are still there. Captain Tervelan himself assured me no centaurs had come toward Divinity’s Reach - from the south or the east.”
Logan frowns. That's good, but he is still uneasy about the situation. He makes light of it in the presence of his men, though, relaxing his shoulders and putting some relief in his voice. “Well, that must simply mean the force at Shaemoor is quite light! Hm, possibly a diversion of some sort… Did you issue any additional instructions to Tervelan’s command?” Light force or no, the centaurs know their shift changes somehow, and the garrison is hard pressed without reinforcements. Logan will have to tread very cautiously.
“No, Captain. Do you think we should take precautions there and at other locations?”
Logan frowns for a moment, considering it - but there is not much to be helped if other attacks spring up. “No. Our garrisons and outposts are well-manned and prepared for attack. Tervelan’s command will be on their guard already, knowing we are seeing unusual centaur activity, and otherwise the attack on Shaemoor doesn’t hinder our efforts on the battlefields further out. At the request of the queen, I’m going to the garrison to coordinate the defense. You stay here and forward me any relevant reports. I was going to arrange for supplemental forces from inside Divinity’s Reach to exchange with some of the newer soldiers - I’m giving you that task. The forces at the garrison are underequipped to deal with the attack. We will also require additional forces to fully man the garrison for all shifts plus some standby. Also, the centaurs have displayed a knowledge of our shift changes. There may be an information leak, so be aware of that." Logan would mention Caudecus, but all he has is an odd smile and an uneasy feeling - plus, the minister has a history of unproven allegations, suspicions, and rumors that universally slide off Caudecus and his reputation like water off snake scales, and Logan doesn't want to wade into politics with his men right now.
“I’ll handle it, Captain.” Groban salutes.
“Good.” This is the real reason the man never gets field experience anymore… he loves paperwork. And I prefer the field work.
Logan turns and heads out the door of Seraph Headquarters - small in comparison to the doors to the throne room right next to it - with a view of the elegant Palace Gardens occupying the center of the city of Divinity’s Reach, slowly lightning up as dusk sinks into night and the city's magical lights come out. Logan glances toward the throne room; Caudecus is likely still in there, too. If Jennah's hurt... but no. Jennah is depending on him to protect her city, to prevent the centaurs from even coming close. The whole kingdom of Kryta depends on it. Jennah depends on it.
Fresh determination rises within him, and Logan strides with purpose toward the edge of the Palace Gardens, where a waypoint - an iron-wrought sigil with a blue glow floating high above the ground - glitters in the city’s magical lights.
Standing beneath it, Logan calls to mind the image of the waypoint in Shaemoor, at the intersection of the village’s main roads. Magical blue dust - the same hue as the waypoint’s glow - fills his vision, and when it fades, he is standing at the crossroads in Shaemoor. To the north, up the road, he can see the massive gates of the city - good, physical distance between here and Jennah. Westward, on Logan's left, lie the Shaemoor Fields, rich farmland upon which Divinity’s Reach depends; and, to the east, the road to Shaemoor Garrison.
The Shaemoor Inn stands right across the town square, and a Seraph sergeant standing in the doorway turns to him and salutes, fist to chest. “Captain Thackeray!”
"Name and rank, soldier."
"Sergeant Walters, sir! I report to Lieutenant Francis."
Logan nods. “At ease, Sergeant. Report on Seraph numbers and disposition.”
“I’ve set up a perimeter around the village, Captain - mostly with the recent graduates of the Academy. The more seasoned Seraph are at the garrison.”
Logan nods. “Good. Where is Lieutenant Francis?”
“At the garrison, sir," Sergeant Walters answers promptly. "He left me in charge here at the village."
Just then, another man - a middle-aged civilian - comes out of the inn. “Captain Thackeray! Are we in danger?”
The sergeant sighs. “I’ve told you, Mr North - “
Logan holds up a hand to silence the soldier. The civilian needs to hear it from the living legend himself, Logan Thackeray of Destiny's Edge. His fame might have gone sour in the last few years since he became Seraph Captain, but already a crowd had started gathering.
“Sir,” North says, straightening and meeting Logan’s eye with only a trace of trepidation, “are my people in danger?”
“Your people?” Logan asks, a sinking in his stomach.
“I am the Mayor of Shaemoor, Captain,” North says, almost snapping, eyes darting to the gathered people.
“My apologies, Mr North.” Logan feels slightly sick. Shaemoor is inside his jurisdiction, he should have known who North is. He should have asked his aide about that when gathering his information on the region. What a way to gain the confidence of the people, not knowing who their mayor is... he needs the confidence of the people. Without that, there's no hope of he and Jennah formalizing their relationship... and he'd just insulted their entire village.
North glances back toward his people, clearly worried that if he doesn't have the respect of the Logan Thackeray, he'd just lost the respect of his people - but Logan knows better. The people will back their own, local, elected mayor above a national, distant hero they'd never met and to whom they can - and often do - attribute any incompetencies, failings, or insufficiencies of the Seraph, from poor legal resources to inadequate peacekeeping... He hurriedly moves on to consider North's initial question about danger.
Safety procedures, of course, dictate the village should go on lockdown. Curfew, rather, this late in the evening. Logan eyes the inn the mayor had come out of. It's sturdier than other buildings; has a good vantage point on the road the garrison and second-story windows to shoot from if necessary. The inn could probably hold most of the village for a night; in fact that'd be safest. Not to mention the people would all be in one place to evacuate to the city if things get out of hand.
But Logan feels the stares of the civilians on his back - civilians who would be out of home and possessions if 'things get out of hand' - and North is still radiating a bit of self-righteous indignation. Logan needs the support of the people. He stiffens in determination. The only way to solve this disaster is through helping them with their disaster. Luckily enough, fighting centaurs is something Logan excels at. “You and your people may be assured there are no concerns at present, Mr North. The centaurs are few and far from any other effort on their side of the war; this is probably a foolish attempt by one of their officers to do something great for recognition among their own people." Logan glances around and sees relief on their faces - they're buying it. They trust him, despite the offense. "The queen has commanded me to personally see to this battle - be assured it will be handled safely and quickly. You have no need to worry - I'll be sure to keep the centaurs out of Shaemoor.” Logan pauses, then adds to North, “if you do feel unsafe, feel free to tell your people to stay indoors; leave the fighting to the Seraph.”
The crowd raises a light cheer, and North's stance relaxes immediately. "Thank you, Captai," the mayor says, looking greatly relieved. No doubt he also appreciates the delegated authority; Logan had done that on purpose to assuage the sting of Logan's earlier disrespect.
Just to reinforce it, though, Logan falls into the performance of a high-ranking, competent, and qualified military officer, and makes a solid salute, fist thumping his chest, to North. "I have to be getting to the garrison, Mayor North. I'll see to the defense of your village."
Sergeant Walters gives him a funny look - that is not the proper context for a military-grade salute - but it underscores Logan's point to the civilians quite effectively.
Logan knows quite well how to perform for an audience - he is now perceived as a public servant of the people, and a nationally recognized and therefore competent one, too. Logan even turns square to Sergeant Walters and gives her a salute. "Keep an eye on our civilians, Sergeant." There, a possessive thrown in. They love that. If the women in this village hadn't been swooning for the dashingly handsome captain of the queen's court already, they will now, tormented by the knowledge that he is good and taken. Then, he spins on his heel and marches with perfect form through the square. The civilians scatter, staring, whispering among themselves. Logan catches admiring tones, giggles, a mention of Champion of the Queen, and even a reference to Destiny's Edge.
That last puts a bit of a damper on Logan's otherwise cheerful mood, but he ignores the whispers with military focus and marches down the road toward the garrison, a watermelon patch to his right, and doesn't relax until he is too far from the square to be made out distinctly. Then he drops the rigid march and huries along at a quicker pace toward the battle, albeit with a smile on his face.
Shaemoor is a village that won't forget Logan Thackeray any time soon, or his heroics; Logan wishes he could make such an impression on every village in Kryta. With the support of the people, he and Jennah could conceivable defy tradition - and Caudecus, and all the nobles and ministers - and formalize their relationship.
However, despite Logan's battle prowess, his poor skill at managing the civil side of the Seraph's duties - peacekeeping, judiciary, prison management and maintenance, non-criminal affairs, finances and taxes, paperwork - often earns him distrust and resentment, especially when clearly demonstrated as he just had with North - and Logan had worried. A captain without the support and trust of the people - regardless of his actual accomplishments - would find himself working against the people rather than with them, and such a captain would, if he didn't lose his job, have to be banished to the front lines of the war and replaced. (Groban probably has North's name and office memorized.) Logan would probably be happier on the front lines, doing the parts of the job he enjoys and is unanimously acclaimed for his prowess at, but that would mean being away from Jennah for many weeks at a time.
And, while uncustomary, it is still within reason - just barely - for Jennah to marry her left hand and top Seraph Captain; less conceivable a mere high-ranking officer, away past Guardian's Pass. Logan is merely a commoner in Kryta, and that's all there is to it. If Ascalon were still a human nation, where the Thackeray name carried its full weight, then their marriage could be spun as a political union - but, alas, it is not so. As Logan is a hero in his own right, such considerations could be waived - if not for the opposition of Caudecus and the people in the name of tradition - but the more Logan looks like an incompetent Seraph Captain, on top of the hierarchy chain and more bureaucrat than soldier, the less friendly the people would be to a match so far outside custom.
But clearly, Logan had been worrying too much - something he tends to do when it comes to Jennah - if the reception in Shaemoor is anything to go by. Clearly his military prowess is enough to offset the civil damages done by his otherwise lackluster performance of his domestic duties. The people took his word for everything and went joyously about their evening, certain that the legendary Logan Thackeray of Destiny's Edge would handle everything. It was a little risky, telling them to go about life as usual, but Logan is sure he can handle the centaurs, given his personal presence on the upcoming battlefield. His military renown isn't for nothing, after all, and it is on his accomplishments with Destiny's Edge that he'd attained his position, and those skills on which he keeps it.
Logan has passed the watermelon patch, and now the road runs along the top of a high embankment, the Altar Brook (more of a river at this point) running far below. Ahead, the island in the middle of the river - connected to both banks by bridges and the only way into Shaemoor and Divinity's Reach - is home to Shaemoor Garrison, currently under attack by centaurs.
Logan enters Shaemoor Garrison to the organized chaos of the back lines of a battle; aides rushing back and forth, officers shouting, armor clanging, and men on the walls showering insults and arrowheads at their opponents on the other side. Logan breathes deeply, forgetting his worries. This is his element. This is his place. These are his people, and this is his war. This is where he shines.
“Lieutenant Francis!” Logan calls. Heads turn at the sound of his voice, and the activity moves, if possible, a little faster.
Logan fights for Queen Jennah of Kryta; for her safety, for her country, and for her love.
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stormsworder · 17 days
6, 16, 18 for Commander ask game
(also I can't see the ask button the GW2 sideblog)
(I uh, need to figure out why it's not, I've never run a sideblog before and I'm still kinda a Tumblr newb >>;; )
6. Has your commander been in any non-platonic relationship(s)? If so, with who, and how has that relationship shaped them as a person?
Danielle has been in two non-platonic relationships! The first was with Demmi Beetlestone, the two having grown close in the Order of Whispers despite being quite different in personalities and initially not getting along. Demmi was the one who softened many of Danielle's rough edges and helped her to open up more, and they both came to admit their feelings not long before that fateful mission to Caudecus's manor. Demmi was both the first one Danielle came to love and also the first experience of profound heartbreaking loss.
Her second relationship ended up being with Livia. Initially they began as trading sarcastic barbs and hunting the last Mursaat as well as whatever remnants of the White Mantle still existed. Livia's more flirtatious nature often ended up with Danielle getting flustered and slowly recovering from the void Demmi's loss left in her heart. They initially grew into a more casual friends with benefits kind of relationship (I think is the term) that, after Danielle fell at Balthazar's sword, the two came to realize their feelings and shifted into a proper relationship. Her relationship with Livia has taught her that it was ok to move on after mourning Demmi and that doing so wasn't a betrayal to her first love's memory. (And let's just say in how my friend and I write, Livia definitely teaches Danielle some more unconventional things).
16. Outside of their own race and culture, which other race and/or culture is your commander most interested in? Why?
I feel like the easiest response here is a bit of a cheap one, especially since the Norn are the race she ended up raised by as a child due to krait attacking her home village. She's been so ingrained into Norn culture that she reveres the Spirits of the Wild more than the human gods by this point.
So for a different race/culture, I would have to go with the lowland kodan. The way they seek balance with and revere nature has drawn her interest as she's met and befriended them, and being among them has been peaceful and relaxing in a way she hasn't felt in a very long time. It's one of the cases that, when she finishes with her duties as the Wayfinder/Commander, she'd like to spend more time among them to learn from them and just avoid the constant fight that feels as if it's been her life for years.
18. Is there anyone your commander idolizes? If so, what is the root of this idolization? Have they ever met their idol, and did the meeting change their perception of said idol?
Ooooh now this is a tricky one to think on for answering. As a rescued orphan raised among the norn, it was Eir who became her idol as she watched and learned of her during her time recovering and healing. Eir became her idol because she balanced both strength with gentleness, protecting others and being a fierce hunter yet kind enough to save and help a traumatized child. So in this instance, her idol was someone she grew up over the years learning the ways of the ranger from.
For an idol she hadn't grown up knowing... Danielle came to idolize Glint. The idea of a Champion of Kralkatorrik defying her fate and her circumstances to rise above them and fight to protect the world? That story was indeed inspiring to her. The little bit she met of Glint primarily reinforced her perceptions of the dragon, as she was revealed to have known her fate yet still persisted despite it, despite what fear there had to be.
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This part of the story continues from "Thrown Off Guard", in which Tybalt and Gwen delayed Demmi Beetlestone's pursuers by sending her tracking charm off with a disguised Tybalt instead of the actual Demmi.
In the finale, "An Apple a Day," Tybalt and Gwen reunited with Demmi on the way to the Chantry of Secrets, the Order of Whispers's headquarters.
Tybalt announced that Minister Caudecus's chosen commander, Landon, was still following them, and asked Demmi if she was sure she wanted to do this. It feels a bit like we missed some part of this conversation? It's not like she could go back now.
In any case, Demmi said she'd never been more sure of anything in her life. In a sudden cinematic, she went on that she now realized they wouldn't stop hunting her until they'd killed her. The planned sanctuary with the Order would save her life, but she'd have to stay hidden and passive indefinitely, and she was tired of running.
Tybalt assured her that the Order would set her up with a new life, but Demmi was sure they'd find her then, too. Her father's spies extend even to the Black Citadel. (Presumably Charr spies if they blend in at all? The idea of any Charr selling out to Caudecus is pretty deeply unsettling tbh.)
Demmi added, "Anyway, what good would a new life be while the dragons destroy Tyria? I can't just sit idle while the world burns."
Well, good for her.
I haven't always liked her, and Gwen had her reservations about a sheltered noble directly connected with her family's suffering, but I think this genuinely impressed her. (She's quietly softened quite a bit towards Tybalt, too, but doesn't realize it.)
Gwen asked Demmi what she was going to do, and Demmi was actually pretty clear. She knew that she could hide in the Chantry or that the Order could obliterate her pursuers if they so chose, but she wanted to face her father's henchmen herself.
Gwen agreed that it was time for Demmi to stand up for herself (which I think actually fits with her having earlier doubts about her). She promised that she and Tybalt would back her up, though. After the cinematic, talking to Demmi revealed that Demmi was planning on joining the Order of Whispers herself. Gwen noted that Demmi had seen a lot and was glad she was taking a stand. I suspect this conversation was the first time Gwen sounded really approving, and Demmi now realized that she'd impressed her at last.
Demmi went on to say that her father taught her a lot and she would turn those lessons to the Order's benefit. Cool. Gwen asked, perhaps a little cautiously, if Demmi thought they could actually defeat Caudecus and save Queen Jennah and Kryta. At last, a standard response that works really well with a human PC from Kryta!
Demmi said that she hoped so because the queen is a good woman and humans are strong. I don't think Gwen ideologically cares a whole lot whether Jennah is a good person or not (she doesn't support monarchy as a system just because the current monarch happens to be personally decent), but pragmatically it makes a difference, and she does agree about the strength of their people. She might agree "We are" and give a slight, ambiguous smile before the (canonical) segue into whether Demmi was ready to face the commander.
Demmi said she'd start with Commander Landon and move onto freeing Kryta from Caudecus's influence. Gwen said, "Then the Order will stand beside you," which seems perfectly reasonable for her to say.
Gwen then had the chance to talk to Tybalt, and I'd forgotten how deeply heartwarming that conversation is. He said:
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I think Gwen, to her own surprise, realized this was actually pretty true. There'd be a moment when she silently wrestled with her strong sense of her family's legacy—barely surviving the Charr conquest, her parents dying in the assaults on Ebonhawke, and her resulting desperate youth on the streets of Divinity's Reach—and her commitment to the Order and Tybalt's endearing personality. It shouldn't matter how nice he is personally, but it would be difficult even for her to carry on a grudge against him or fail to grasp that he was special.
(Meanwhile, me: I... I just have something in my eye.)
The canonical response, a professional "We work well together, Tybalt," does work pretty well for something she'd say as she processed her internal struggle.
Tybalt went on with an adorable
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Tybalt undoubtedly knew her background from the time of the assignment, and specifically that she's a strong Ascalonian partisan with a deep grudge, so this may be part of the reason he was so nervous about asking in this scenario. Mostly it was just his own insecurity, though.
Gwen, meanwhile, felt a complicated mixture of gratification, uncertainty, guilt, practical approval, etc. She finished for him, "To work with you again?" In canon, she'd go on, "I'd love to," which is possibly moving a bit fast for her. But she would say something reasonably affirming. Maybe an emphatic "Certainly" and holding her hand out. Tybalt would clasp it with his paw while giving his canonically babbling response:
Oh, yeah? Really? That's great! Hey, wow. That's great of you. So, was there anything you needed to know?
So they slightly gruffly moved on (I think both of them are a bit LALALA I SAID NOTHING about exposing vulnerabilities, though Tybalt is actually a gentler personality than Gwen). Gwen, slightly amused despite herself, pointed at the apple barrels lined up in front and was like ... so how do they figure into the plan?
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The canonical response is "I'll just wait and see," but I think Gwen is smart enough to realize "They look real, right?" implied they weren't real and something else was going on. She'd just lift a brow but say nothing, I expect.
As part of the preparations, Tybalt gave Demmi his rifle and assured her she'd be okay. Demmi nervously said she'd be ready. Tybalt just went:
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I'm ... I'm just getting that speck out of my eye.
I think even Gwen had a lump in her throat at that. She's had to stand alone a lot; even when she had bandit friends, she couldn't really trust them. The idea of someone having her back only happened with Logan, that was only recently, and he's just one person. The idea that this isn't just Tybalt but what her life is going to be like now would just be "...oh. Oh." But she wouldn't say anything, just mysteriously had to clear her throat.
Commander Landon ruined the moment (asshole) by telling Demmi to surrender or die as several more Order agents materialized. He told her hiding on a remote island wouldn't work, she was under arrest, blah blah blah.
Demmi told him to tell her father she's not his little girl and she's free of both him and Landon. That seems kind of weirdly personal wrt Landon—it seems like there's something about their relationship we haven't been told, though maybe he's just so prestigious in her father's service that she was under his thumb for a long time. Or they're exes, who knows.
He added, "If you think a few apple barrels will stop me, you're going to be disappointed."
Tybalt's time to shine! He said that it was Landon who had some disappointments coming: Demmi wasn't going back with him and those weren't apple barrels.
*exploding barrels*
Heh. Good for him.
The fight ensued—Landon had guards with him and he himself is a champion, but the exploding barrels did a number on them and Gwen remained overpowered for level 40 missions. As Tybalt, Gwen, Demmi, and the agents were clobbering Landon, he said:
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Hey, fuck off.
(I think Gwen actually felt the same way.)
I'm not surprised the Ministry Guard is ableist, tbh. But still, asshole move.
Tybalt rose to the occasion spectacularly:
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a) For a moment, I was thinking "maybe you shouldn't have given your whole name and rank to a Ministry commander working for a corrupt schemer," but then realized it's not like Landon was going to live to tell anyone.
b) "that's Agent to you!" is presumably a reference to Gwen (since he's a Lightbringer, as he just said), though at this point, she was still an initiate. But he was clearly impressed by her and expected to keep working together, so he knew her acceptance was forthcoming and a matter of form. But it's nice that he stuck up for her, too :)
Demmi told Landon he'd never capture her alive and then they killed him off. Landon got a very dramatic "I die ... for Kryta." Sure, bro.
Afterwards, Demmi gratefully told Gwen and Tybalt that they'd both saved her and given her purpose. She was going to become a real operative and someday be as cool as them (not her phrasing, lol). She wanted to do what they do—save the world!!!
Well, they're working on it, anyway.
Tybalt kindly told her that she'd be a great agent someday, and for now, her information would help save people's lives. At this point, Gwen was probably thinking "people like Deborah." She wasn't about to tell Demmi that her father got Gwen's sister enslaved, but she's gone from somewhat holding it against Demmi to being like, okay, this girl is trying to save people like my sister, good on her.
Tybalt directed Demmi into the cave, where a different Lightbringer was waiting to take her into the Chantry of Secrets (a very cool name for espionage headquarters, btw). Maybe they'd meet again someday.
After that, Gwen told Tybalt that she owed him some apple cider. When he first mentioned it at the beginning of the arc, she was thinking "when hell freezes over," but at this point, her tone was just a bit dry but not sarcastic.
He was basically ... yep, you do, but the Preceptors want to see you.
Canonically, the PC asks who those are, but IIRC Ihan already explained this to her, and I think Gwen would remember (though it's understandable that the game would want to remind players how it works). So I think she just went "The Preceptors!" and was thinking, oh shit, what did I do wrong?
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He's too good for this world.
I think Gwen, to her own surprise, took comfort from him loping beside her, but didn't think about it too much as she tried to replay any occasion where she might have messed up badly enough to bring down the wrath of the Preceptors.
And I think I'll end there!
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destinysedgelords · 4 years
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i don’t want to explain or think about this any more than i have to, but just know that i was paid gold to draw caudecus x sabetha
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asklordfaren · 7 years
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Caudecus Through the Ages
((In honor of this blog coming back, have an ask we never posted from back in the day! Caudecus’s relationship with Faren, drawn long before Bongo ever had a canon model.))
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commanderyes · 3 years
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The Commander And First Blood
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hydrowing · 3 years
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“I have a head like a cat. I have feet like a cat. But I am dumber than a cat.”
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inkspot-fox · 7 years
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(This is still hands-down my favorite part of the Head of the Snake living story episode)
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theriverbornface · 8 years
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Best line of the whole game. Praise the one who brought this idea up.
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dhuumy-thicc · 2 years
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i'll post more pics tomorrow (if i remember) but for now i will bless your feed with maid joko and maid caudecus... aka jocus
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I'm going to take this opportunity to talk about Logan! Yeehaw!
I mained human so I kinda liked Logan. I've always been biased toward him. I didn't necessarily think he'd made the right decision, but I supported his right to make it. Like he said in the Dream-vision of him: you would have made the same choice, any of you, if the one you loved was in danger!
Basically, it was a bad spot all around. Lose-lose situation. He made the most of it. That was my view.
I'm planning a rewrite of Edge of Destiny (someday lol) to make it better + clearer what was going on with Logan + etc.
And I found something: the narrative in the book does not condemn or exalt either decision. Either decision would have been bad, no way around it.
One problem: that's not how books work.
The way the climactic decision-point works is that you make a personal sacrifice for the good, moral quality being extolled by the narrative. If the thing you sacrificed was, itself, considered good by the narrative, there would come a surprise twist that would mean the thing wasn't actually sacrificed, as a "reward" for making the selfless decision to uphold good and moral purity or whatever.
The problem with Logan's story is that neither option was presented as the 'moral, good' option. As Logan was leaving, Eir said "you have to do what is right," but beyond this, no indication is given to Logan which option is morally superior. You can? sorta? infer that of course the main conflict with the dragon is the preferred one. Rytlock and Eir's dialogue after Logan leaves also clarifies this.
But Logan himself was never presented with a clear moral dichotomy; he was merely given the trolley problem, which is bad however you slice it.
I bet Logan would have haters even if he'd stayed; Kryta would have fallen into disarray. The Ministry would have taken power. We'd have Caudecus in charge. Human/charr relations would heat up. We'd have the return of the White Mantle like snap, or else all-out anarchy. Humanity would be toast. Logan would get all the blame from the playerbase.
So in my rewrite of Edge of Destiny, I'm fixing the problem. I'm going to assign a clear moral status to each option, and make it clear where Logan stood on that moral issue when deciding. How did I pick which option was favored?
Easy. I look at the rest of ArenaNet's storytelling. Their centuries of lore and worldbuilding. The lessons of the other story arcs. Anet's message is consistently unity. Stand together. Stand strong. The races stand unified. The Orders stand unified. With unity, many impossible things [slaying an Elder Dragon] may be achieved.
So the preferred option, the morally good option according to the storytellers, was that Logan stay. Stand with his allies. Represent human/charr unity. Defeat an Elder Dragon.
And, somehow, Queen Jennah would survive, because love and protecting people is not morally bad. If Logan sacrificed the queen for the sake of the moral truth of the narrative, proving his selflessness and commitment to the ideal of the narrative, then the queen would survive to "reward" him for his virtuousness.
It doesn't seem in-character for Anet to write Jennah as a typical damsel-in-distress, hero-gets-the-girl type of story, BUT: he didn't. Logan DIDN'T choose the morally-good option.
Typical Corruption arc: hero begins with the ideal of the story (unity is good), then over time, some negative trait overtakes him. Greed, selfishness, over-protectiveness, whatever - and leads him to destroy everything he holds dear (Destiny's Edge; his broship with Rytlock; Snaff dying; Glint, hero of humanity, dying; Kralkatorrik surviving).
I think if the book had actually written Logan like this (with the base game of GW2 being his redemption arc), he would have a lot less hate. I think a lot of the hate comes from the fact that the Edge of Destiny narrative DIDN'T outright condemn Logan's actions. And even the base game is a bit vague.
Logan didn't get his comeuppance for his bad choices (beyond the queen ditching him a few years down the line, I suppose). That's where the hate comes from.
Because nuanced, flawed characters exist, and those are the best kind. I really like Logan's character. He's one of the most human characters in the game. I like that for him.
(Also, perhaps, some of the hate stems from the assumption that Logan was simping the whole time. I'd be fed up with him too, actually, if that were true. But the queen for sure returned his feelings. Logan was acting within the bounds of an established relationship.)
This has been
Character Study: Logan Thackeray (part II)
thank you for reading!
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cvik · 8 years
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Press Release
In light of recent revelations posted across Kryta, the Consulate of Vabbian, Istani and Kournan Affairs (CVIK) reaffirms its allegiance to the authority of the rightful heir to the Krytan Crown: her Royal Majesty Jennah, Queen of Kryta and Regent of Ascalon, descendant of King Doric.
The Consulate is an organization dedicated to the preservation of Elonian history and culture within Kryta and Tyria at large and in doing so respects and follows all laws passed in respect to the governance desired by Queen Jennah of Kryta, and upheld by her military branches.
CVIK maintains a vested interest in the development and safety and security of Ossan Quarter of Divinity's Reach, as well as, Kryta and Tyria as a whole. The Consulate CONDEMNS all actions with the intent to destabilize and bring about chaos.
Within the Ossan Quarter, the Consulate provides a spiritual center (the Temple of the Earth, Sky, Moon and Sun) that focuses on the worship of the True Six through Elonian symbols, as well as, a place of healing and cultural rites through a variety of traditional ceremonies. In this trying time, if you feel your faith faltering, do seek refuge within the Temple. We are open to all.
Long live the Queen! And may the Six see us through this difficult period in Kryta’s history. Signed, The Council of Elders Consulate of Vabbian, Istani and Kournan Affairs Ossan Quarter, Divinity’s Reach Kryta
The above public notice was found in the various newspapers of Kryta.
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Last time in the Order of Whispers story line, Gwen and Tybalt questioned the villagers about the disappearance of Demmi Beetlestone, daughter of the same Minister Caudecus whose actions got Gwen's sister sold into slavery for around a year.
With some allowances for Gwen's personality along the way, our intrepid duo discovered that Demmi had reached the village but vanished just before a bunch of Ministry Guards arrived. Gwen snuck into the Ministry commander's room while Tybalt spooked dolyaks, and found a letter from pirates, demanding a ransom for Demmi. Gwen and Tybalt promptly decided to embark on a tricky stealth/rescue mission to get Demmi (and her information on her father) back.
This time, they went downstairs and Gwen calmed down the innkeeper by smoothly lying about the dolyak distraction (the charm option). Very her!
Next up in the story line: the rescue mission, in which Gwen and Tybalt went undercover as pirates.
Somewhat predictably, Gwen's pirate outfit looked less like the cool coats that most in-game pirates wear than some Halloween sexy pirate costume:
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Tybalt admired Gwen's outfit (...) and then went over the plan—Gwen would distract the pirates while Tybalt searched the camp. She was surprised and rather indignant about being the distraction. Tybalt insisted that she'd be great at misleading pirates and, once again, told her to trust him.
Gwen's (canonical!) response: "You worry me, Tybalt..." True enough, and she might be unbending just enough to actually say so. But Gwen actually is pretty suited to misleading people, so it's not like he was wrong.
Tybalt went up to the pirates and in the most pirate-y pirate talk imaginable, challenged them to a drinking competition with Gwen. She was basically "wtf?" and, again, he told her to trust him. He was perfectly pleasant about it, but he repeats it so often that I feel like it's got to be a hang-up of his, especially considering my dim memory of [redacted]. He's trusted enough to be a Lightbringer, but maybe part of him can't really accept it or something.
Anyway! Tybalt's pseudonym was Two-Tibs A'whisker (lmao) and Gwen's was long but shortened to Blackjack. Tybalt challenged the pirates' second mate to a drinking contest at the wager of two gold. The second mate was actually pretty enthusiastic.
I won't get too into the actual mechanics of the drinking competition, which are a bit involved. But Gwen went up against the pirates' "favorite cheap date", One-Drink Drake, who morosely said "I hate you guys." She easily beat him. Then she beat Kiplr the Tippler. Lastly, she (suitably enough!) went up against a Charr, Grana Guzzlemaw. Grana was actually a decent challenge, and when Gwen won, she mumbled "wise one ... teach me ... your ways."
Gwen: .........
The pirates conceded victory to Gwen, and Tybalt showed up in time to demand their winnings from Second Mate Khebril. He (Khebril) left to fetch the gold, and Tybalt quickly caught Gwen up on his search—Demmi was under heavy guard across the water.
Gwen dryly replied, "So there was a plan after all—beyond getting me sloshed, I mean." It actually fits their early-stage dynamic pretty well.
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Yeah, he's definitely fixated on that.
Tybalt and Gwen snuck across the water (presumably after collecting their gold) and tried to talk their way past the guards, but Tybalt's pirate talk failed him and they immediately realized Tybalt and Gwen were intruders. The fight wasn't difficult, though, and from inside, Demmi exclaimed that she'd help if she could get a sword.
After the battle, Demmi went, "Aren't you a little sober to be a pirate?"
That's got to be a Star Wars shout-out, yeah? In any case, Gwen coming off as sober after drinking three pirates under the table affirms my belief that she'd have an iron stomach. Gwen told her that they were there from the Order of Whispers to get her out, Demmi admitted that she'd started to wonder if the order forgot her, and asked about the plan.
Gwen: "Sort of. The idea starts with "run for it" and generally goes downhill from there."
So the three of them ran off, fighting pirates along the way, and in the meanwhile, Demmi said, "Some rescue. No wonder you're called the Order of Whispers—nobody would brag about this."
Yeah, definitely a SW reference. Also, don't talk to Tybalt like that >:(
Tybalt: "Watch it, princess."
Good for him.
(Even Gwen might feel reasonably sympathetic there, given her baseline distaste for aristocratic arrogance. She's setting aside a lot of personal feelings to prove herself here.)
After fighting all the pirates, Tybalt said he'd escort Demmi the rest of the way, and Gwen set out to rendezvous with them in Lion's Arch.
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destinysedgelords · 3 years
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yeah i don’t actually remember WHY my friends were joking about caudecus (beetlestone) x caudecus (bloodstone), it was in a voice chat at one point, BUT  i know i sure did draw it
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