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Dear Domestic Dragon Trust,
I’m an autistic adult considering getting my first service dragon. Before I make the commitment, though, I have a question about their care that I’d like to ask to ensure I’m equipped to provide them with a healthy and happy life.
I live with my parents, who are separated, and generally go back and forth between their houses every two weeks or so. Would this be a problem for a dragon, from either a territory/stability or a horde perspective? If so, are there steps that could be taken to mitigate this, or is it a dealbreaker?
I’ve been doing my research, of course, and I’ve read a bit about helping dragons cope with a move, but I haven’t seen this issue addressed specifically. Of course, I would never want to bring a dragon into a situation that would cause them serious or prolonged distress of any sort, and I’m happy to look into alternative possibilities for either my support needs or my schedule of time at each house if my current situation wouldn’t allow a dragon to thrive.
Thank you so much for your time! I really appreciate the work you do. Best!
Thank for reaching out to us, we're happy to help. Exactly what service dragon best suits you, of course depends on what kind of support you would like them to provide. But considering your housing situation we recommend looking into adopting the smallest breed of domesticated dragon: the pocket dragon!
When bonded to a human they tend to spend as much time with them as possible and they love riding in pockets, hand bags, or hoods. Traveling between houses won't be a problem with a pocket dragon, because they will consider you their home.
When it comes to hoards pocket dragons tend to focus on small items and do not need a great many of them to thrive. They do tend to have a particular comfort-hoarding item that they should not be separated from, like a favourite button. But these are usually small enough to carry with you, just like the dragon.
Of course some people require larger dragons as their service animal. A pocket dragon won't be able to physically guide a human, for instance. But if you are looking for an emotional support animal with a talent for enforcing self care, you really cannot do better!
You can read more about this specific breed in our publications on their characteristics and their talents as service dragons. But you are always welcome to make an appointment to drop by for some information!
Best wishes,
~ The Domestic Dragon Trust
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Trick or treat!

Oh, this is fun, I somehow didn't expect anyone to send one to me :D Have some of these lil waffles in chocolate!
#asks#catwingsathena#these are lithuanian but very popular here in latvia too - inexpensive yet delicious
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truths, back again!
it's not even been a week into 2025 but it sure has been a whirlwind - my story truths has consumed a part of me and i've got to say this might be the quickest i've written something - day 6 and i'm writing Part Two already! you can find truths here where the new chapters are all uploaded and ready to be read!
and for those of you that haven't seen my last post about it, feel free to check that out, but in the meantime, i'll leave you with a little sneak peek at something coming up a little later in the story!
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“Has he been bothering you for coffee for a long time?” AJ asks me as we start down the street.
“Um…” I think. “Sort of. Yes. Why?”
“Explains why he’s so touchy.” He shrugs.
“It’s tough, trying to find a chance to get to know someone you’re interested in.”
“What?” I do a double-take. “Danny’s not- No- Is he?”
“Seems like it.”
“Hang on.” I stop walking and grab his arm. “You sound like you’re talking from personal experience.”
His lips twitch. “Maybe I am.”
My mind spins. He could be talking about anyone. His past. Anything. Not me. He can’t mean me. I don’t want to press further, it’s not my business, but my curiosity takes over and I just can’t help myself. “How would you go about tackling such a problem?”
“I wouldn’t say I’d tackle it. More like… Find a way to be with them without making it so blindingly obvious that you’re spending time together. It’s difficult sometimes, but for the right person… It’s worth it.”
I smile. His words are so sweet I think he might secretly be a Saint. “Well, whoever she is, she’s a lucky girl.” And I hope she deserves him. I really do.
“I wouldn’t call her lucky.” He murmurs, tucking his hands in his coat pocket. “She’s more than that.”
More than I will ever be.
~ ~ ~
now for the tag list!
(p.s if you'd like to be included/notified too, interact with this post :) p.p.s im finally getting around to updating it, so bear with me :))
@humbly-a-doppelganger @imawholeassmood @frostedlemonwriter @yrndrgn @abditorywriting
@riveriafalll @lead-to-code @casualsuitturtle @floweryprosegarden @joeys-piano
@catwingsathena @godsmostfuckedupgoblin @nothoughtsjustmhaandotherthings @anaisbebe
@drchenquill @leahnardo-da-veggie @tiredpapergirl @pastelpinkhobbies @a-mimsy-borogove @the-letterbox-archives @corinneglass @darkluminosity @kuebiko-writing
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Completionists of 2023 - 1/4
Thank you to everyone for filling out the completionist form - there were so, so many this year! Congratulations to all of you, you've done an amazing job! <3
So without further ado...
Please give a huge round of applause to the 2023 completionists!
Sen | @youphoriaot7 | youphoriaot7 on AO3
@redring91 | redring91 on AO3
Leyra | @lerya-fanfic | Leyra on AO3
Onyx | @onyxedskies | onyxedskies on AO3
Adam S | @tiamat-zx | TiamatZX on A03
Edd | @eddxxtzesz | eddxxtze on AO3
Bones | @the-fabulous-51 | vosian_nightmare on AO3
Kyanako | @kyanako5972
Multifandom08 | @multifandom08x | MultiFandom_08 on AO3
Tales of Edo | @talesofedo
Lex | @spritehouse | shortmc on AO3
@hithertoundreamtof23 | HithertoUndreamtOf on AO3
Aldrean Treu Peri | @aldreantreuperi | AldreanTreuPeri on AO3
MycroftRH | @mycroftrh | MycroftRH on AO3
DorsetGirl | @dorsetgirl1 | DorsetGirl on AO3
Ladybird | @blogger360ncislarules | OPSManager on AO3 | HettyRules on Quotev
@ajpendragon | ajpendragon on AO3
Merida | @murdadixon
@angsty-violet | HiddenViolet on AO3
@laffy-taffy-creations | Laffy_Taffy_C on AO3
Melissa Irene Burrowes | @fanficfox | MelissaIreneBurrowes on AO3 | MelissaIreneBurrowes on Wattpad
@atimeofyourlife | TimeOfYourLife on AO3
Whumpshots | @whumpshots
Shadowdancer | @therealrpalmas / @shadowdancer
Determinedwriter | @determinedwriter
Mod Asphodel | @thebnha-auhoard
Ollie | @evillittlebirdie | violinbthefire on AO3
Flaim | @flaim-ita | Jen425 on AO3
destinys_embrace | destinys__embrace on AO3
Acidiceye | @acidic-eye | Acideye on AO3
@stormxpadme | StormXPadme on AO3
Savebats | @savebatsfromscratch | SavebatsFromScratch on AO3
@astaldis | Molanna on AO3
@eternally-conflicted | eternallyconflicted on AO3
Moon | @moonlitva
Leigh | @dragonleighs | dragonleighson AO3
@habquchdu | HabQuchDu on AO3
Dewey | @honey-dewey | Honey_Dewey on AO3
Kitty | @mrmustachious | TheWeatherOutside on AO3 | TheWeatherOutside on fanfiction.net
Lynn!! | @justanotherinterneruser | AnotherInternetUser on AO3
@catwingsathena | CatWingsAthena on AO3
Ishara | @isharaneith
@adrift-in-thyme | Adrift_in_thyme on AO3
Kim | @sayitcanonlybeme | M1koo on AO3
Spring | @tachiharas-brother | advanced_fanatic on AO3
@h1myname1sv | himynameisv on AO3
OrlanitaMariciaCanon | OrlanitaMariciaCanon on AO3
[Completionist Post 2] [Completionist Post 3] [Completionist Post 4]
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Mina and Lucy snuggling after a long day of angst. (For @catwingsathena)

[ID in alt]
(I'm still taking art requests— feel free to drop an ask or comment with suggestions!)
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Thanks @albatris for the idea, from this post!
The post has links to two photoshop design files for making one of these, but if you're like me and don't have photoshop, I spent WAY too much time making a Canva version (uses all free elements, I don't have pro) and here's a locked version of the template! Feel free to make a copy and use it for your own WIPS!
(Yes, I couldn't resist the nod to the fact that this is set in the same universe as a couple of my other projects with some 'guest stars' from Magic & Silver)
@catwingsathena @nade2308 @the-one-and-only-valkyrie @telltaleclerk @ettawritesnstudies
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WIP title ask game
Thank you @telegraphavekiss for tagging me in this! I don't have a WIP folder but I DO have some very silly google docs titles.
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
The Confidential Fic
RWD Robot Gender
Lovecraft & Leathermouth
Single Dad Finbar
Vampire Office AU
Spiral Essay
With No Home to Return To
Weremouse AU
Killjoy Division
Anthony Telepathy Fic
Secret Mission Puppyverse
more puppyverse ig
So many of these have been abandoned or are on indefinite hiatus (mostly the ones from half-retired fandoms) but if they get interest I might start them back up!
I do NOT know which of y'all write fanfic to tag as many as I have WIPs but I'll nominate @catwingsathena, @caliburn-not-calculator, @shadow-and-purgatory, @kathbunny and anyone else who wants to participate!
#wip tag game#fanfic wip#fanfic tag game#comicaurora#comicaurora fanfic#rolling with difficulty#rolling with difficulty pod#rwd pod#rwd podcast fanfic#mcr fanfiction#my chemical romance#ls dunes#ls dunes fanfiction#the magnus archives#tma fanfic#danger days fanfic#danger days: the true lives of the fabulous killjoys#leathermouth#frank iero
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8, 13, 25:)
(in response to this ask game)
8. tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good.
Hmm... it would have to be @fourwingedsnake @catwingsathena and @writingphoenix! <3
13. what’s your comfort food?
Ooooo I love chicken tikka masala with rice! I have a recipe to make the sauce from scratch but there's this one jar brand from the store that I really like whose name currently escapes me.
25. what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.)
Definitely something handmade, doesn't matter what it is, because it showed that the giver put time and energy into making this thing for me.
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I got tagged by @catwingsathena, thanks for the tag! :D
Last song listened to: “STILL HERE (harsh sun version)” by DM DOKURO. The lyrics are really dark, but the song itself goes hard. Also I just think Solaria SynthV is really neat. Nine minutes of angry screaming go brrrrrr
Last TV/movie watched: Resistance: 1942 for movie night with my mom and sibling (it was free and my sibling is really into history). My sibling pointed out that Jacques sounds a bit like Jonathan Sims, especially in the bits of the movie where he’s broadcasting himself on the radio, so now Cary Elwes is my headcanon voice for Not!Jon. Also poor Juliet, imagine losing both of your father figures in a single night.
Current obsession: The Magnus Archives and horror podcasts in general! I signed up for two podcast Big Bang events, and I’m also working on a TMA Post-Canon Animatic where Jon, Martin, and Annabelle make it to Somewhere Else, but Jon doesn’t survive the journey, Annabelle is abandoned by the Web, and Martin is alone and broken and angry. The whole thing is just an excuse for me to draw unhinged Martin.
Tagging @bog-teeth, @foxtrotsicrra, @theclod3215, @hawkfurze, and @we-be-me!
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Dear @catwingsathena,
Thank you for sending in an application to be matched with one of our service dragons! Your needs and preferences suggest that a slightly older dragon would probably suit you best. A juvenile is easier to train for specific tasks, but a little less predictable and would also be more work for you. Right now we have two dragons in our training program that might be a good match:
Philly, a very steady, flightless dragon that weighs about 5 kilo's. She ended up in our shelter because her wings are no longer able to support her and we started training her when we noticed how clever and social she is. We are confident that she will be able to give all the assistance you need, including guarding the showers while you are in it. But while she is also very cuddly, she's not really playful. She's rather serious for a dragon and tends to ignore other animals.
Bagel, a rare crossbreed between what we guess must have been a common pocket dragon and a freshwater dragon. She adores water and is very curious and affectionate, also towards other pets. None of your requirements should give her any trouble, but we do think you might need to give her her own bracelet to hoard for herself, or she might try to keep yours.
If either or both of those sound like a good fit to you, we'd love for you to come to the shelter some day soon to meet them. It's a cliché, but the dragon really does pick the owner, and it's hard to tell what personality suits you best until you're face to shout with them!
~ The Domestic Dragon Trust
PS. We have enclosed your application form below.
Service Dragon Application Form
Size: I would prefer a dragon on the larger side of the pocket dragon size range—large enough to cuddle properly and be a pleasant weight on my lap (if I’m sitting up) or chest (if I’m lying down), but not so heavy that walking around with them in a cross-body messenger bag would be cumbersome or hard on my shoulders. Maybe roughly rabbit-sized?
Skills: the primary supports I would need from a service dragon are self-care reminders and light assistance, primarily with meals, meds, and showers. I struggle enough with showers that it might be useful for me to have a dragon who enjoys playing in water enough to want to get in the shower with me, but if that’s not possible, hanging out just outside the curtain and making reassuring sounds would be more than satisfactory. It would also be very helpful if my dragon could bring my migraine rescue meds when needed, encourage me to get up and stretch my legs if I’ve been at the computer too long, and/or pester me into eating and drinking water if I haven’t in a while. I don’t have nightmares terribly often (maybe twice a month on average, these days), but when I do I would greatly appreciate it if my dragon could wake me up. I’d also appreciate if they could grab my medical ID bracelet if I leave it on my bed or try to leave the house without it.
Personality: as I mentioned before, a cuddly dragon is a must. An ability to tolerate or even enjoyment of water would be helpful, for both shower purposes and because I live in an area with a lot of rain and like to go walking in it. Still, while playfulness is nice and an interest in finding things would be very helpful, I think I would do better with a fairly calm, laid-back dragon. My sleep schedule is very erratic (not because of when I go to bed or get up, just insomnia), so I would need a dragon who won’t be bothered by me being awake for hours in the middle of the night and getting up or turning on lights—the ability to nap when an opportunity presents itself might help, and I’d like it if they could sometimes hang out on my bed with me while I’m writing or resting (preferably without interfering with my typing too much).
Living Situation: I go back and forth between two houses approximately every other week. Both houses have at least one cat, and one of the houses also has a small dog (who is never allowed in my room, where I spend most of my indoor time). I spend long stretches of time walking around the block or going on the swingset at the park, and I love being outside in the rain. I also spend a lot of time sitting in my bed—it’s where I do most of my reading and writing, as well as resting. I have a part-time job to which I probably couldn’t bring my dragon for a variety of reasons, but my shifts are 4 hours, so I won’t be away too long.
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Oooooooooh, what's Memento Mori about? :0 👀👀
~ M <3

Memento Mori is (not surprisingly) an au focused on Graham and Oliver. Oliver moves into a new flat as his life falls apart, not looking into the history. It doesn’t take long for him to see a transparent figure of a man in his living room. He’s now forced to learn how to live with a very talkative ghost named Graham only he and one other can see and who has a habit of stealing antiques.
Bonus, bc @catwingsathena also asked about it, have a little bit I’ve written.
“So no one can hear you?” Oliver asked on their way home. Holding a bag of groceries Graham had made him buy. Why Oliver took orders from a ghost, seemingly unhappy with the food previously in the kitchen, he didn’t know. Not like it was the most important part. Oliver had apparently made himself look like a fool by asking the air what type of cereal he would buy.
“Not to my knowledge.”
“And no one can see you?” He took a quick look around. A feeling of being watched settled over him as he turned the corner.
“No. Well. I think Amy can see me. She’s a neighbour across the street, watched me from her flat thinking I wouldn’t know-“ Oliver stopped and looked at Graham, who just continued forwards “-She tried to convince the previous owners. Didn’t work and was told to stop it or the police would be called for harassment- hey, where did you go?”
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Febuwhump day 1, prompt “helpless!”
Helen exists, helps Jon escape the Circus of the Other, and does some self-reflection.
#febuwhump#febuwhumpday1#the magnus archives#tma#helpless#captivity#aftermath of captivity#nudity cw#child death mention#jon sims#helen distortion#the jailbreak verse#jailbreak jon and helen#(those last two tags are for me. the fic stands alone)
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It was his own fault he was so sick. He should have stopped traveling when he started feeling the creeping cold and numbing exhaustion sinking into his bones. Should have stayed put for a few days.
But he'd wanted to put as much distance between himself and trouble as he could.
He should have known, one way or another, it was going to find him.
A post-One Shot sickfic because Jack doesn't know when to stop and take a break...
@nade2308 @radical-sky @catwingsathena (since you liked my self-inflicted stitches fic ;)
#whumptober2023#no.13#it comes and goes like the strength in your bones#I don't feel so good#jack reacher#sickfic
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a little update straight from freshly dried ink
goodness me it's been a long time since i've been on writeblr - since early January I believe, and yes, it has been a long time, but I can tell you all now, with a great, big, stupidly wide smile on my face - that my time has been spent on important things, i've not just forgotten about Tumblr and let my blog go to waste (hell would freeze over before I ever let that happen),
my past month has been spent on things i couldn't update anybody about until they were done - and i can finally tell the wonderful world of writeblr that ruin's reprisal is done! final proofreads are complete (yes it did take me a long, long time to get through, but hey, juggling writing and life - especially at the start of semester 2 at uni - is an impressive skill i've been working on ever since I first found myself trying to write and I'm still learning the balance, even after years in the making) and i've got a fully finished off draft, if i can even call it that anymore, sitting in my files, and it's a day I never did think I'd get to, not considering this book has been around four years in the making, but I did it! it's done!
and another little update - truths, my little story I started on the 1st day of the year, ended up being around 3/4 complete by the end of January, which I'm very shocked about - I never thought I'd have it in me to create this story so quickly, and now that the week I took off writing it to focus solely on proofreading ruin's reprisal has finally paid off, I can get back to it! and i truly cannot wait to share more of truths and a few other things I have in store (which I'm not sharing quite yet, dear reader, you'll have to wait, but not for long, I give you my word)
but, to focus on the main point to this post - ruin's reprisal is done, which means... (insert drumroll if you will) i get to move onto the very final, polishing details - coming up with a blurb (the BANE of my existence), and more exciting things too! such as announcing a release date (soon, but tbd. ((deadlines be forgiving))) and creating a cover! (which I am both very much looking forward to and am equally terrified about) but for now, I can leave you all with a few stats about the book! Ruin's Reprisal is composed of 220,354 words, 566 pages, and 42 chapters (plus a bonus one i'm very excited about including since it's a glimpse at another character's pov during a very crucial scene - you'll understand come release, trust me :)) and who knows, there may be a little game full of teasers up my sleeve, we shall see, but for now, thank you for being a part of this journey and keeping my writing going writeblr, it means more than I could ever say to do it justice - keep writing and i'll speak to you all soon! ~ A Girl and Her Quill
~ ~ ~
now for the tag list!
(p.s if you'd like to be included/notified too, interact with this post :) p.p.s im finally getting around to updating it, so bear with me :))
@humbly-a-doppelganger @imawholeassmood @frostedlemonwriter @yrndrgn @abditorywriting
@riveriafalll @lead-to-code @casualsuitturtle @floweryprosegarden @joeys-piano
@catwingsathena @godsmostfuckedupgoblin @nothoughtsjustmhaandotherthings @anaisbebe
@drchenquill @leahnardo-da-veggie @tiredpapergirl @pastelpinkhobbies @a-mimsy-borogove @the-letterbox-archives @corinneglass @darkluminosity @kuebiko-writing
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you know, I’ve seen articles that say that the reason Americans eat such bland food is because of leftover culinary habits from when people would get food relief boxes during the Great Depression and just use whatever they had without being able to afford spices, that it became habit to think more about making sure each meal was nutritionally dense because of all the food scarcity.
It makes sense to me. It also reminds me of this one poem by catwingsathena
#That’s just one reason tho#Another reason is because a lot of people associate “simplicity” with “health”#There’s also influence from some sects of Christianity that associate deriving pleasure from food with overindulgence
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R, V and um... 3 and 12 about any character you want (mixing and matching ask games because I can)
Sweet, thanks! :D
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
I'm sure I've picked up a ton of influence from my favorite authors (J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis are perennial favorites). In terms of fanfiction, two authors who really inspired me to get into fic-writing in the first place are demonrubberducky and catwingsathena. Both of them sparked my imagination for how to take the characters I loved and have fun putting them in situations.
V: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
This is such an interesting question! While I'm always scouring source material for fanfiction ideas, I realize that I don't do that at all with fics— I guess I just don't even think of it as being my story to tell, y'know? This is different from the collaborative projects I've done (such as Blood of My Blood), where I'm actively encouraged to play along (and even then it can be a bit stressful because I don't want to contradict what someone else has written). I feel like it's cheating to say "none," but I'll say it anyway. ;)
3. Obscure headcanon: Lucy Westenra. She is deeply traumatized by hearing the Hans Christian Andersen story "The Little Mermaid" as a kid, particularly this ending:
“After three hundred years, thus shall we [the mermaids] float into the kingdom of heaven,” said [the little mermaid]. “And we may even get there sooner,” whispered one of her companions. “Unseen we can enter the houses of men, where there are children, and for every day on which we find a good child, who is the joy of his parents and deserves their love, our time of probation is shortened. The child does not know, when we fly through the room, that we smile with joy at his good conduct, for we can count one year less of our three hundred years. But when we see a naughty or a wicked child, we shed tears of sorrow, and for every tear a day is added to our time of trial!”
Lucy was so distraught by the idea that her being naughty could keep a mermaid out of heaven than she cried herself to sleep for three nights straight. Even when she grew old enough to stop believing it literally, the ghost of this fear still follows her around. (I really want to incorporate this headcanon into "Rewriting Fate," but I haven't found an opportunity yet.)
12. Crack headcanon: Mrs. Westenra. I don't really have many headcanons I consider "crack" because even if they're outlandish, my brain is immediately like, "All right, so how would I make this believable?" This is the most crack-y one, though: that Arthur found it hard to get alone with Lucy to propose to her because her mom was interested in Arthur instead and was expecting him to propose to her, not her daughter. (I wrote a fic based on this premise.)
(Ask game #1 here)
(Ask game #2 here)
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