#cats us tour 6-2
statisticalcats2 · 4 months
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Seven Cat Calls 2024
Week 3: Rum Tum Tugger
Jason Derulo John Partridge Hank Santos
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lionblaze03-2 · 11 months
people really be out here saying they hate CATS (musical) and that cats is dogshit etc etc and then only show images of or refer to the 2019 movie. GIRL... THAT ISNT CATS... WATCH 98’ P L E A S E. Then you will at least respect it as a ballet show because that’s what it is at it’s core. Fuck
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He was just sitting there during intermission. Menacingly.
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pixiedustjellicle · 2 months
I have such a difficult time connecting with the Cats community now. Part of me feels like maybe I'm too old for the current fandom(I don't feel old, but I'm certainly not 19 anymore). Or that perhaps it's because I don't much care about ships. Sometimes I worry that I intimidate people, and I'd hate that. Let me introduce myself and how Cats has shaped my life, and maybe I can find my people?
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I first saw Cats at a tiny local theatre when I was eight. I fell in love with it, and even though I didn't have the movie yet, I spent months afterwards with just the poem book and highlights album. Eventually I got the 98 VHS too- and then another local theatre put it on when I was ten! I got to see it twice there. And afterwards, I made up my own attempt at a costume, turned our spare room into my attempt at the set, and put some chairs in there to put on the highlights show for some friends of my mother. The CD was worn out, I went on with the show, and they even gave me a card and a new CD afterwards- the London 2 disc set! Looking back, I think how embarrassing it probably was, but I was so happy and proud of myself in the moment. Two more years later, US Tour 5 came through Nashville, and I got to go and stagedoor for the first time. I wore a tail I made and one of the actresses told me I had a perfect Bombalurina tail twirl. For all those years, I worked Cats into school projects, I drew nothing else. My mom put up with it for so long, and I still thank her to this day.
And then I went into middle school. New school, new students, and I started getting bullied for it. I found other musicals I didn't get bullied for- Phantom, Wicked, and Sweeney- to latch onto, and I kinda put Cats in the back of my head. I still loved it, but my hyperfixation had waned thanks to mean kids, and other than occasionally watching the 1998 movie, I didn't think much of it for years.
But the US Tour 6 announced a date in Nashville. I hadn't seen the show in eight years, and I wasn't about to miss it. I had already started taking an interest in cosplay, but I'd never made a costume like that. I remembered admiring the CCDB as a kid though, and I told myself I was totally capable of making my own, just to go see the show in costume. And I did.
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And the cast were SO sweet, and I started finding Cats fans on Instagram. I thought I could do better on the costume, so when the show stopped in Chattanooga a couple months later... I did it again.
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The pandemic hit and I lost my job. Immediately I started getting work making Cats cosplays for others, and I haven't stopped since. And when the show resumed, I made an overnight trip to Memphis to dress up again!
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And then, I saved until I could finally go see the Royal Caribbean production (front row all three performances), and got to cosplay on the cruise and get a picture on stage with the cast! This was absolutely everything to me, especially seeing the original choreography as opposed to the revival. I definitely cried. (I'm in the middle bottom row!)
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I've gotten to make some costume pieces for three regional productions of Cats, in the Dominican Republic, Atlanta Georgia, and most recently Georgetown Texas. I've won some local cosplay contest with my costumes, too! And I'm lucky enough to own a few original pieces- though I've had to part with some too.
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My love for this show has spanned just over 17 years now. I adore the story, the costumes, the choreography, the sets, and the characters. It's part of how I learned I am autistic. It's given me confidence I didn't know I could find. And every time I get to see it live, I feel like I'm where I belong. The fandom has felt quiet. And I'm not sure if that's just because I don't know where I fit in? So here's hoping I can find my tribe.
Favorite productions: Original Broadway, Moscow, and Mexico 2013/2018
Favorite Cats: Jemima/Sillabub, Bombalurina, Demeter, Munkustrap, Tumblebrutus, Jellylorum
Favorite songs: Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats, The Song of the Jellicles and the Jellicle Ball, Macavity
Favorite cats to cosplay: Etcetera and Victoria
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yanderederee · 3 months
Windbreaker Official Q&A!
Part1 › Part2 › Part3
I have reason to believe this is the last of the cast for the Q&A event!! I had a lot of fun learning sentence structure and more complex kanji when translating this! I hope everyone enjoyed!♡
Q&A Hosted here!
1.) What would you spend 500 yen on?
Tsugeura: “I'll drink the specially-made protein shake from Muscle Power!”
Kaji: “Add to hair dye.” (t/n: I wonder if he has to keep up with dying his hair often?)
2.) If you were to travel in Japan, where would you like to go?
Tsugeura: “I want to follow the professional wrestling tour!”
Kaji: “The ocean, though I can't swim.” (t/n: this one took me by surprise! Kaji can’t swim!!?)
3.) What is your favorite seasoning?
Tsugeura: “Rock salt! It's full of minerals and good for your body!”
Kaji: “Chili oil, I don't use a lot though.”
4.) What do you think about before going to sleep?
Tsugeura: “How to defeat a lion!”
Kaji: “About the guys from my class that I met today.”
5.) What would you eat for your last supper?
Tsugeura: “It's got to be meat for sure.”
Kaji: “I’d eat a mountain of ice-cold peaches.”
6.) What happened recently that made you happy?
Tsugeura: “I've gained muscle mass!”
Kaji: “Lisa the cat has become a little attached to me.”
7.) What would you do if a stranger of the opposite sex asked for your contact information?
Tsugeura: “Oh, yeah! Tell me about your virtues next time!”
Kaji: “-gasp- ..!!! WHY?!” (t/n: THE WAY HE SCREAMS?)
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week - July 25, 2023
If you're ready to "paws" for a moment of joy and laughter, read through stories that'll leave you feeling inspired. It's time to fetch some happiness, one headline at a time!
1. Missouri Gov. Mike Parson signs bill outlawing pelvic exams on unconscious patients without consent
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A little-known practice that allowed medical students to perform pelvic and other intimate exams on unconscious patients without their consent is now banned in Missouri after action taken Thursday by Missouri Gov. Mike Parson.  
2. Indonesia market caves to pressure, ends dog, cat meat trade
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Authorities on Friday announced the end of the “brutally cruel” dog and cat meat slaughter at a notorious animal market on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi following a years-long campaign by local activists and world celebrities. An anti-animal cruelty group will move the remaining live dogs and cats from the slaughterhouse to sanctuaries
3. Colorado food bank receives donation from Taylor Swift. She has been donating to food banks across the country during her "Eras Tour."
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Taylor Swift made a donation to Food Bank of the Rockies on Friday before playing two sold-out stadium concerts in Denver.
Food Bank of the Rockies announced Swift's donation and said it will allow it to purchase food for 75,000 meals. 
4. Earth’s atmosphere can clean itself, groundbreaking research finds
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Researchers at the University of California, Irvine, have found that a strong electric field between airborne water droplets and surrounding air can create a molecule called hydroxide (OH) by a previously unknown mechanism.
This molecule is crucial in helping to clear the air of pollutants, including greenhouse gases and other chemicals.
5. US woman, 55, searching for long-lost Singaporean pen pal, 56, reconnects with him after 30 years
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The pair started exchanging letters way back in 1983 when they were still in their teens, but lost contact after 10 years of correspondence.
Now 55 years old, Kelly is eager to reconnect with Cheng, and has been actively searching for him via appeals on social media.
6. ‘Intuitive’ pet who ‘hears’ for deaf owner named National Cat of the Year
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An “intuitive” cat who helps his deaf owner by alerting her to sounds around the house has won a national award.
Zebby was named Cats Protection’s National Cat of the Year 2023 in recognition of the way he supports owner Genevieve Moss, 66, by alerting her to noises like the phone ringing or a guest at the door.
7. Australian sailor and his dog survive two months at sea
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An Australian sailor who survived two months in the Pacific Ocean by eating raw fish and drinking rainwater is "stable and very well", a doctor says.
Sydney resident Tim Shaddock, 51, and his dog Bella left Mexico for French Polynesia in April, but their boat was damaged by a storm several weeks later. They were rescued by a trawler this week after a helicopter spotted them.
That's it for this week :)
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abigail-pent · 2 months
I love a long layover. It's the best way to start a trip when you're traveling east. I have done this now 3 times: Amsterdam, Oslo, and now Reykjavik. this isn't counting the airline-sponsored long layover in Lisbon I did on the way back home (flying west). I don't count that because I don't think it was as successful and also it was an airline sponsored program so it feels like cheating, a bit, to me.
a big part of the point of a long layover is to power through the inevitable jetlag by giving yourself a little bonus trip, as a treat. the point is to be a bit sleep deprived and EXTREMELY hype about it. the point is to get to that place where you're just riding the edge of having an out-of-body experience - exhausted enough to have a laughing fit in a museum, not so exhausted that you can't function.
Anyway if YOU want to do this too, here are my tips:
1) always pick a city that is well-connected to the airport. preferably by metro. you can do this with a bus connection but I think that's playing on hard mode and you'll have to leave yourself more time.
2) always pick a city that has at least one thing you're really excited about doing or seeing! but don't try to do too much - pick one thing to make the big focus of the day. if it's a small city you can reasonably try to see it all, or to see most of it. if it's not a small city, focus on one area to explore.
3) plan plan plan. I like to make a list in Google maps where I save all the points of interest. that way you don't waste time trying to decide what you want to do next - you can have a small menu of good options, and go with how you feel on the day.
4) redeye flights are your friend! then you get there in the morning and you have most of a day in your layover place. then you fly to your actual destination that evening. but crucially - you have that time *to tire yourself out* so your first evening in the new place is a good, restful sleep. then you can be fresh for your first full day in your actual destination.
4.5) take out your damn contacts before the redeye.
5) when you get to your long layover place: keep it moving! walk as much as possible! always be doing something! you're like a shark, keep moving or you'll die - or, more realistically, fall asleep. and that will fuck up your trip.
6) don't have more than one cup of coffee when you get to the layover spot. one will perk you up after the redeye. more than one will fuck up your good restful sleep you have the next night.
7) you will mostly remember how you felt. don't try to take in information, like with a walking tour or something. take in vibes, experiences, food. take in the wonder of flight and culture and language.
8) stay hydrated. stay sunscreened. I am so sunburned right now and I'm mad about it.
9) pack your carryon mindfully. I'm talking toothbrush and socks. keep that shit accessible. also you want to take a backpack, not a roller bag, and you want to make sure it's comfortable for you to carry.
10) if you can check your luggage through to the final destination, that's best. otherwise, make a plan for your main bag. lots of airports, train stations, and bus stations have luggage lockers. research them! use them! and account for the time needed to use them when you plan out your layover.
11) try to meet at least one cat. bonus points if you impress a hot British stranger at a coffee shop with your well-planned trip, and then vanish into the day and meet the cat right after.
12) don't let your travel companion forget her laptop at the Oslo airport.
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how could anyone ever doubt how much taylor swift cares about her fans when:
1. she is the queen of using second (and third) stages to get closer to her fans on tour to ensure that, even if her fans can’t afford the ‘best’ or pit tickets, they can get close to her and have an awesome view.
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2. taylor invited her fans into her homes for secret sessions and trusted her fans with her unreleased albums, despite this being a risk to her safety and increasing the likelihood of leaks / spoilers about her new music.
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3. she has risked her safety multiple times by walking through the crowd on her tours to say hello to fans, hug them and squeeze their hands to show her gratitude for them coming to her show and to make them happy.
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4. she has never done a paid meet and greet. all her meet and greets are free and she is known for giving her fans her undivided attention and time when meeting them.
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5. taylor held swiftmas where she sent her fans presents and turned up at a fan’s home with presents. she even included handwritten cards.
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6. taylor has a reputation for knowing her fans’ names and recognising faces when she meets them.
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7. taylor is very personable with her fans - she bakes them cookies, let’s them talk about their worlds and let’s them hold her cats.
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8. taylor puts on shows that are 2+ hours long and will perform medleys to be able to include as many songs as she possibly can in her sets. she will even sing surprise songs, all to ensure that her fans get to hear the songs that they love.
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9. at her shows, taylor has included pre-show meet and greet for fans she’s chosen (usually from online interactions or ‘taylurking’) and post-show meet and greet for fans who her mum or her team (taylor nation) chose at / during the show. did i mention both meet and greets are free as well as taking a long time?
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10. not to mention, the countless hours taylor has spent interacting online with her fans, especially in previous years which she spent a large amount of on tumblr interacting with thousands of fans: following them, liking & reblogging their posts, and having inside jokes with them.
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yes, taylor swift is a capitalist business woman. she’s no different to her male peers in the music industry, or her female peers for that matter. her success is just much greater than most. taylor swift’s success is as large as it is for three reasons: 1) her talent and hard work; 2) her business mind and work ethic; and 3) the relationship she upholds with her fans and the way that she is able to generate an investment in her music and her storytelling. of course she wants to break records, of course she wants to make money and of course she wants to be a successful star, however whilst achieving all these things she has remained nothing but humble and grateful to those who believed and invested in her. taylor recognises that her fans are a huge part in where she is today & shows that through all of her efforts above, and more. never doubt that. <3
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harrisonstories · 1 year
So here's something interesting...
The Beatles Derek Taylor Never-Before-Heard Collection of Lost Beatles Recordings: Including the 1967 Kenwood Sessions and John Lennon Private Recordings
This is the track listing from the description:
Tape 1: Unheard Beatles Sgt Pepper Rehearsals from Kenwood late 66 early 67
Run time is 56 minutes, songs include:
Revolution #9, mainly John in many accents, George can be heard, Paul too, Ringo one time, Terry Doran is also heard being interviewed by John, Terry Doran was ‘The Man From The Motor Trade’ on Sgt Pepper, every identical animal sound effect from Good Morning Good Morning is featured throughout, probably pre-dates Pepper and John has the sound effects saved, cockerel, hens, sheep, horse, pigs, cat, dogs etc, the very ones used on Pepper. Sitar drones almost all the way through by George, Piano backdrop also
Track Listing:
That much Control
Monte Carlo rally sound effects Terry Doran is Jack Brabham Formula 1 racer
Cat Feeding Services (Monty Python esque sketch)
A million miles away, John Indian accent Beatles far east tours in 66
Crazy banjo song, JL bellows
I’m aware of the situation monologue
Swing your partners
Lennon.McCartney complaining about the heat
John and George shouting over a very loud backing track
John/Paul counting in 123 testing, JL turns it into a poem.
Dear Prudence very early demo John wrote it way before 1968
British Police are pigs, in an Indian accent
Tape 2: George Harrison With the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band and Jimmy Page.
15 tracks, 59 minutes George with his Thames Valley muso friends, Jimmy Page, Jon Lord, Joe Brown, Sam Brown, Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah band (Neil Innes, Legs Larry Smith, Vivian Stanshall) Alvin Lee, all songs written by the Bonzos and George, all recorded at FP.
Track Listing:
George into talk while playing guitar, introducing a new song
Brazil take 1 written for the Handmade films project Brazil (never went to production)
Brazil take 2
Brazil Take 3
Sooty Goes to Hawaii
Mandalay monologue for handmade films production of the same name
Sooty Goes to Hawaii #2
Sooty Goes to Hawaii #3
Operatic Aria sung by Georges father-in-law and Olivia Harrisons dad Zeke Harrison, I doubt that Olivia has heard this
Bullshot theme song for Handmade films completed production.
Hare Krishna chant by everyone
Chant 2
While my Guitar Gently weeps with Jimmy Page on guitar
Same with Alvin Lee on guitar
if I Needed Someone
Tape 3: George with Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band band, all co-written 25.30 mins, 16 tracks
Track Listing:
Intro Legs Larry Smith
Do You Remember
Nothing Ever Changes
Urban Spaceman
Isle of Money (I Love Money)
Can you Groove (George)
There’s a Bright Golden Boil on my Penis
I Like Cesar
Misery Farm
When You Gotta Poop
Now You’re Asleep
Telling me The End
Viv Has Gone to Heaven
Mandalay Monologue #2
Tape 4: John Interviews Yoko 1969
Recorded by John in 1969, 45 minutes, John questions Yoko’s motives for being with him, discusses very personal matters, very revealing.
Tape 5: Yoko with Dr. Artur Janov
Yoko’s Primal Scream therapy 1 hr 40 mins, of very personal therapy, Yoko discusses John, music and very personal issues including John’s friendship with George.
Tape 6: “One From The Nursery” Unreleased John Ono Lennon Album
John and Kyoko Cox Tittenhurst Park
Run time is 47 minutes
4 tracks
Lots of John talking and playing acoustic guitar (sounds like his J60E) recorded at Christmas time, Various songs stand out, all written by John & Kyoko
John, I Love You
I Wish You Were my Father.
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queen--of--shadows · 2 years
Healing Shadows: Part 4
Azriel x Reader
Summary: Reader is a gifted surgical healer and water bender. Rhysand needs her help when he finds out about Feyre’s risky pregnancy. Azriel finds out reader is his mate.
Warnings: mentions of surgical wounds and scars
Word Count: 1,896
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Part 4: Truth
Nuala and Cerridwen cleaned up, removing any trace of the traumatic morning, while you and Rhys set up a cozy array of soft quilts, plush blankets, and thick pillows in Feyre’s old room so she could nest with baby Nyx. “Feyre, let me know if you need anything, I’ll be in my--” You stammered as you felt the heat rise to your cheeks.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” Rhys questioned, raising a brow.
“Nothing, I’m sorry. I was about to say my room, I didn’t mean to assume I could just take over the guest room. I…Is there somewhere else I should bring my bag?” You only had your supplies with you, not foreseeing that you would end up moving in so soon.
Rhys and Feyre shared a sympathetic look. “Y/N, please, consider the House like your own home. Take whichever room you prefer. If you want to stay in the guest room, by all means, do,” Rhys continued, “We have no problem using another room for guests.” He gave you a warm smile, and you knew he meant it.
Your chest swelled with joy and gratitude at their generosity. Turning to Feyre, you said “I’ll be in my room. Shout if you need me.”
It was late and although you were physically and emotionally exhausted from the day’s events, sleep escaped you. Soaking in a long steaming bath usually helped, but maybe it was the nerves of being in a new home. And not just any home, but the High Lord’s. You still were having a hard time believing the trajectory of your life changed so drastically in just a few days.
You paced in your room, read a few chapters of the book Nesta had lent you, trying to tire yourself out, but after a half hour gave up. Maybe I just need some tea, you thought, grabbing a robe from the dresser and making your way downstairs.
The House was dark and dim, save for the faelight torches along the length of the stairs. You were already familiar with its layout, or as much of it that you’d seen so far. Nesta had mentioned she would give you a tour of the Library tomorrow, and Cassian offered to show you around the rest of the House and the training ground on the roof.
With one hand against the wall, you made your way into the opulent kitchen. Beautiful white marble glistened underneath the iridescent faelight. You grabbed one of the torches to guide your path to the end of the room, pulling back the thick curtains draped around giant floor-to-ceiling windows, revealing the famed starry Velaris night sky and a full moon. Even though you had spent most of your life here, the sight still took your breath away.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Azriel whispered.
You jolted back and turned to face him, not realizing he was in the kitchen before you had come down.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” he chuckled, bringing his hands up in innocence. His deep, breathy laugh caressed your soul. Azriel was donning a simple black ensemble, the V-line cut of his sweater showcasing dark sweeping tendrils of his tattoos across a broad, muscular chest. Your heart began to pace and you were sure he could hear its pounding. Moonlight shining bright on him from the window, you couldn’t help but marvel at his perfect features. The sharp angle of his jaw, his soft, full lips, and gorgeous, blazing hazel eyes. His shadows slithered around his arms and shoulders, and you looked down to see one of them wrapping up your leg, like a cat brushing and winding against you. A cheeky smile spread across your face as the shadow slid up and around one leg, then the other.
Meeting his eyes again, you realized you hadn’t said a single word.
“Yes, it’s beautiful,” you breathed. Turning back around, you continued, “I’ve loved the night sky since I was young.” Azriel hummed in agreement, taking a seat at the oak table in the center of the kitchen. You just noticed the odd-shaped chairs, and as he sat down, it made sense that they were fashioned to accommodate their massive wings.
“I was going to make myself tea, would you like some?” You looked to Azriel for his response, but he just stared at you, as if searching for an answer from you in turn. His cold, beautiful face yielded no emotion.
“Sure, thank you.”
You worked in comfortable silence, steeping the tea, unsure what to say or how to make conversation. He was the notorious Shadowsinger, and although that alone didn’t scare you, you had just been invited to move in and were still getting to know everyone.
Straining out the rich chamomile drink into two mugs, you handed him one before deciding to head back upstairs. You wanted to stay, some feeling in your gut telling you to take a seat, but figured it would be better to avoid any situation that would cause you to gain feelings for someone in the Inner Circle. The few moments you’ve had with Azriel thus far already had you in bed at night, imaging his tall lithe body, pushed up against yours.
Azriel wrapped his hand around the mug and your fingers, warm and strong. He looked up at you as if expecting more, but you instead pulled back with a soft smile and mumbled goodnight.
You didn’t notice the shadows that followed you back to your room, slithering along the cold stone floors in the darkness.
You were kicking yourself as soon as you shut your door.
How will I ever fit in around here?
The tea worked its magic to clear your mind, and with heavy lids, you drifted away into a deep sleep.
The following day, you were awoken by a loud knock at your door. “Come in,” you grumbled, eyes still half-closed.
“Morning, Y/N!” Mor squealed as she let herself in, her citrusy cinnamon scent filling your room. Jumping onto your bed and propping her head on one elbow, she asked “How did you sleep?”
Her eyes sparkled as she awaited your answer. “Fine,” was all you could manage. How did she look so good this early?
“Madja is here. She said she wanted to come check on Feyre and Nyx.”
Rubbing your eyes and pulling on your robe and slippers, you followed the tall blonde downstairs.
You entered Feyre’s room to find Cassian holding Nyx with Azriel seated next to him, both cooing over the baby. He was looking healthier and stronger by the day. Rhys was helping Feyre out of bed and onto the couch so you and Madja could look at her wounds. Madja slowly peeled back the bandages and gauze from yesterday morning. She whipped around, meeting your eyes with a menacing gaze that made you want to shrink.
“Why do her cuts still look so fresh?” Madja’s words shook you out of your sleepy stupor, and an icy fear mixed with rage washed over you.
No…please, please don’t say anything.
You didn’t respond.
“What does that mean? Are they not supposed to look like this?” Rhys asked, his night-kissed power slowly thrumming throughout the room. All eyes were on you, again.
“Madja? What are you talking about?” Feyre protested.
She didn’t shift her gaze away from you.
“I thought you were going to tell them. When I asked for your help, I meant all of it.”
You threw your head back in frustration. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Madja,” you replied coolly. “I performed the surgery, Nyx is healthy and Feyre is healing appropriately. Her wound is already closing.”
You prayed that everyone would believe you, despite Madja’s death stare.
“Y/N, what are you hiding from us?” Rhys knew how to sound like the High Lord when he needed to. Guilt and shame-- you suddenly felt horrible for not telling them the whole truth. Fine, they offered you their home and trust, the least you could do was give them this.
“Rhys, Feyre, I’m sorry. I haven’t been completely honest with you. I…” You were having a hard time putting your thoughts into words. “I have healing…powers? Magic? Something beyond just my surgical skills. I’m not entirely sure what to call it. I learned a lot from studying medical texts, but my healing power is similar to...” 
They all stared at you, awaiting your explanation.
“It’s hard to describe, and I haven’t fully mastered it yet. I need to practice more, but essentially I can heal using water.”
The blank stares you received in return had you stumbling over your words as you continued, “I think it would be better if I just showed you.”
Focusing on the glass of water next to Feyre’s bed, you took a deep breath and closed your eyes to center yourself. You searched deep down in your core for that power, that magic that hummed along your veins, allowing you to bend water to your will. Opening your eyes, you lifted one hand with a flicking motion of your wrist, the water following, easing out of the glass and into the air like a fluid rope. You turned your palm towards the water to stop it, and then continued to bend and twist your wrist and fingers, weaving and dancing the water through the air, not unlike Azriel’s shadows when they wreath around his neck and limbs. You were so focused, you didn’t notice the multiple sets of eyes darting back and forth between the water and you.
“Incredible…” Azriel all but whispered to himself.
Halting the water above Feyre, you motioned for her to lay down on the couch. The room was silent as if everyone was holding their breath, watching you command the element to your will.
With one hand holding the water still above her, you used your other to lift Feyre’s tunic above her abdomen to reveal the site you had cut into just a day ago. Using both hands, you twisted the water into a circle and brought it down above her wound. “This may tickle,” you warned. Feyre nodded, and you were grateful for the trust shining bright in her eyes.
You slid the water across her abdomen, willing the magic from deep inside you into the liquid. The water began to glow a soft blue, illuminating Feyre’s belly, and you moved it in long strokes across her wounds as if you were washing and wiping with a towel. You continued for a few seconds, the redness from the stitches slowly subsiding, and the wound fully closed. You were done with a few more strokes, then eased the liquid back into the glass on the nightstand and reeled your power back in. The water stopped glowing.
“That was…unbelievable,” Rhys muttered. “Y/N, it seems you have a sort of elemental magic. Have you tried using your power with other materials?”
Already following his pattern of logic, you responded with a sigh and shook your head in disappointment, “I have, but for some reason, I’m not able to connect with the other elements. I don’t know why, but it seems I’m only able to do this with water or other fluids that contain water, like--”
“Like blood,” Azriel finished for you, wearing the cold mask of the Night Court’s Spymaster.
“Yes, like blood.”
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statisticalcats2 · 5 months
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US Tour 6-2 (2022)
Munkustrap, Sillabub
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Camomile pt. 17 [Ghost x gn!Reader]
pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4, pt. 5, pt. 6, pt. 7, pt. 8, pt. 9, pt. 10, pt. 11, pt. 12, pt. 13, pt. 14, pt. 15, pt. 16, pt. 17
AN: Another oneeeeee.
Synopsis: Closely follows the “El Sin Nombre” mission from mw2 (reboot). Rights to the game developers <3 Word Count: 1.8k Warnings: canon divergence, canon typical violence, guns, wounds, swearing, brief mentions of sa etc Ghost x gn!Reader (Callsign: Rags): Note about pronouns at the bottom :)
✧˚ · .
You hood is yanked from your head and you squint at the harsh fluorescent lighting. 
Your eyes widen as they meet the brown ones in front of you.
He’s in a suit and wears a matching balaclava to the men at the gate. He rests a hand on your shoulder, holding your gaze.
“How did you–“
–“No time.” He cuts you off, “Listen, give them good intel in there. Don’t lie, tell them everything they want to know or you’ll die here.”
“Everything?” You know it’s part of the plan and partially your idea but you’ve been trained not to give up intel. This goes against everything you’ve learnt as a soldier.
“Everything.” Alejandro confirms, “Mexican special forces, American PMCs, Shadow Company, Philip Graves – all truth.”
“Even your name?” You ask, unsure of how much is too much. But there’s a screech and elevator doors open, cutting you off.
A man stands, a double leather holster overlaps his brightly patterned shirt. He’s bald with a dark beard and a chain rests on his chest. Your gaze flicks up to his and he grins at you like a hungry shark and it takes everything in you not to gulp like a cartoon character. You settle for a shaky breath.
“¿Es ella?”
“Sí, señor.” Alejandro replies, pushing you forward with a firm shove.
The man tilts his head, still smiling.
“You got a name, chica?” 
You swallow. No lies. 
“They call me Rags.”
“¿Qué tipo de nombre es Rags?” He laughs, reaching forward to grip your upper arm. “Let’s go.”
You tug back slightly, eyes hard. “I want to see El Sin Nombre.”
He turns back to you and grips your jaw tightly, wrenching your neck forwards and into the light.
“You’re only alive because you may have some information.” He squeezes harder and you bite your tongue. “It better be good perra or I’ll let my men have their way with you.”
He shoves you away with a laugh.
“Get the fuck out of my elevator.”
✧˚ · .
You’re shoved down the narrow hallways, trailing Diego as he gives you a scuffed version of a tour. Finally you’re pushed into a dimly lit room a the end of a corridor. The floor steps down and there’s a single light casting a hard glow on a cluster of chairs where two men in army uniforms are slumped; bound and gagged. Another sits with his back to you in more civilian attire.
“Valeria.” Diego says as you enter, “There’s one more. A gringo.”
The woman, Valeria, stands behind the two uniformed men. She’s in a tank top and jeans, a scarf around her neck and holster on her hips. She looks at you with an interest smile, almost like a cat.
“Sit down.”
The man to her left shoves one of the soldiers off a chair. He slumps over and rolls to the side, unmoving. You eye her warily as you cross the room, someone’s laid a tarp down in a poor attempt to keep the blood spatter from the polished wood floors. You swallow thickly as it squeaks underfoot, careful not to lose your balance with your hands still zip tied in front of you.
“¿Quién es?” Valeria asks, stepping in front of you to talk to Diego. There’s an authoritative air about her and Diego’s body language suggests she holds the power here – though it’s his house.
“El nombre es trapos.” He replies as she questions him. “They came to us.”
You watch as she circles the man like an animal hunting its prey.
“And you let them in?”
Diego stands stock still. “They say they have information.”
You flinch as Valeria kicks out his legs from beneath him and holds a knife to his throat.
“¡No la conocemos y nos ha visto la cara!”’
“Valeria.” Diego gasps against her hold, palms raised in surrender. “We need intel, they could help us.”
She spits a threat to him in spanish before removing her hold and shoving him forwards. He lands on his hands and knees before scuttling to the side. 
Valeria’s gaze turns to you and she pulls out a gun from her holster. She holds it in a casual way which almost feels more threatening than the guards before. She’d use the gun to maim – a bullet to the head would be too easy.
“Children!” She says, swishing her hips as she comes to stand in the centre of the circle of chairs. “This is simple: I ask questions. You answer truthfully.”
She swings her gun around. “Do not lie to me.”
She turns to you, eyes dark and calculating.
“Recently we were protecting a friend in the mountains. Someone attacked us there. Who?”
The man across from you sends you an anxious glance. You realise he isn’t in civvies – he’s in the army but wears a jacket unlike the other two.
“Fue un caos. No lo vi.” He stutters and Valeria tuts.
“English. For the gringo.”
He gulps. “I-I think it was the Rivals Cartel.”
Valeria stares him down for a moment before turning to you. 
“Your turn, blanquita. Who attacked us?”
“It wasn’t cartel.” You say, mouth dry. It feels as though your betraying your own. “It was Mexican Special Forces.”
“We found the bodies." Valeria narrows her eyes and turns back to the man in front of you. “Now, how would an outsider know they were Mexican Special forces and not you?”
You watch as the man swallows, Diego pushing himself up from where he was sitting in the background – rolling his sleeves as he approaches.
“M-maybe she was there!”
Diego hisses something at the man in spanish and Valeria leans over the man menacingly.
“There were outsiders helping the Mexican Special Forces. Who were they?”
“We – we heard them yelling – some in English. They were with the gringos – like her!”
Valeria turns to face you and you meet her gaze.
“American PMCs. A group called Shadow Company.”
Diego curses from where he stands behind the man and Valeria spits at the ground.
“What proof do you have?”
You jut your chin out, “check my pocket.”
The woman leans forward cautiously and pulls the patch from your pocket. The overhead light casts harsh shadows and highlights her muscular shoulders; arms covered in tattoos.
You lick your lips nervously as she studies it. “Shadow company insignia. Proof.”
Valeria drops the hand holding the patch to her side and leans over you, warm breath fanning over your face.
“Who leads Shadow Company? Give me a name.”
You feel less guilty saying the Americans name. He hasn’t earned your trust like Alejandro has. 
“Phillip Graves.”
Satisfied, Valeria pushes off the chair and away from you, studying the insignia again as Diego chuckles.
“Fill graves. I like that.”
Valeria passes the patch to him before turning back to you.
“This man …Graves. What does he want?”
Your jaw ticks slightly. “He wants the missiles you’re moving.”
The man across from you scoffs and says something under his breath. It seems to anger Valeria and he speaks in rapid streams of spanish. Diego approaches him, gun in hand and his voice raises. He’s begging for his life.
You watch, eyes wide as Diego pressed the gun to his temple and pulls the trigger. Blood and brain matter splats wetly across the floor and you hold back a gag. It’s easier to pull the trigger than be forced to watch someone else do it like some sick play.
You’re grateful when Valeria rounds on you, filling your vision and blocking the now-dead man.
She leans down, her knife in hand.
“How nice.” Her dark eyes bore in to yours as she cuts through the zip ties around your wrists. “You did good. Well done.”
She turns and walks to the door, the other men in the room stepping out of her way. 
“We’re going upstairs.” Diego beckons you forward. “Come on, chica.”
✧˚ · .
Diego shoves you roughly into the elevator and converses in spanish too complicated for you to understand. Valeria still watches you with her calculating gaze, only looking up when the elevator dings and the doors open. 
A man in a suit and balaclava waits at the top – a guard.
“This is where you wait, Rags.” Diego shoves you into the arms of the waiting guard and barks an order at him. The guard presses you roughly up against the wall as Diego disappears down the hall with Valeria.
The guard holding you says something to other guard nearby. He says something back before chucking a pale mask at the one restraining you and exiting through a door nearby.
“Your alive.”
The voice catches you off guard. You almost forgot he was inside with you.
“Alejandro!” You sag in relief, arms still against the wall as your friend pretends to search you for weapons. “I’m glad you’re alive too.”
“What did you find?” He asks, squatting to pat down your pants.
“El Sin Nombre is in the penthouse – third floor.”
“We’ll need a keycard.”
“Diego has one.” You reply, remembering the man fidgeting with it and using it in the elevator.
Alejandro finishes his fake search and hands you a mask and a knife.
“Take this.”
You slide the knife into your belt, feeling considerably safer with a weapon. “Why a mask?”
“Some people here can’t be seen with the cartel.” He says, already striding away from you and down the hallway. “Comms are hooked in.”
You slip it on, rolling your neck as it itches against the skin there. His voice buzzes in your air. 
“Radio check?”
You give him a thumbs up. “Copy.”
“You’re good.” Alejandro confirms back, “Let’s head out.”
✧˚ · .
AN: ok here’s the situation re pronouns. This dialogue was so damn hard to write gender neutral esp since I don’t know a lick of spanish. The spanish is the only part that is gendered and the logic here is that Rags is most likely fem presenting and so that’s the language used. I’m a she/they girly and I get it’s probably insanely disappointing for my other enbies out there to find gn content. I’m sorry to disappoint but at the end of the day I’m trying to get these out as fast as I can on top of uni and don’t quite have the capacity to be as thorough as I’d like when it comes to this. I plan on turning this into an OC fic eventually and Rags will be afab and use she/her pronouns in that. The rest of this fic will stay generally gn though :)
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@crosshairs773fp @alanalanalanalanalanna @ghostlythots @hyperfixationwhore @shinebright2000 @sae1kie @hotaruteba @karurururu @rorel1a @http-paprika @thriving-n-jiving @lazybutsmexy @zozosrandomthings @jinxxangel13 @tumblinginoz @kee-0-kee @moonsua1 @freeseeker @kaoyamamegami @01trickster10
Reply if you want to be added :)
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Very rare posting of a photo of myself because GUYS LOOK WHAT I SAW-
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snail-pot · 2 months
KuroDai Fic Recs: Pt. 2
Part 2 of "KuroDai Fic Recs: Pt. 1" -> Enjoy :D
Tell Me Your Love Will Never Fade by YaelaTheWordsmith [Teen]
In which Tetsurou is reminded of just how fragile life can really be. A soulmate AU where you see colours when you meet your soulmate, and lose them when they leave you - or when they die.
oblivious by konepmi [Teen]
It’s said that on a certain day of the year, a journal will appear beneath your pillow. When is unknown. Some get their journals as early as four, others as late as ninety. This knowledge is terrifying for some, not so for others. Let’s just say Daichi and his soulmate got off to a rough start.
it's been twenty years (but a man keeps his word) by Nate_de_Coco [Teen]
Kuroo finds an old letter from his school days, telling his 6th grade crush that he’d have to postpone their “date” because he hasn’t gotten that week’s allowance yet. So he hits up Sawamura Daichi on Facebook, twenty years later, to let him know he has money for that date now.
A Very Big Knife by blackjapck (27dis) [Gen]
a.k.a the 'forcing my boyfriend with a culinary degree to cook with a very big knife w/ friends' stream.
For KuroDai Week 2021 day 6: Youtuber/Streamer
crushes get handcuffed for twenty-four hours by rainshowers [Teen]
Daichi sticks his tongue on the roof of his mouth, trying to keep his outside composure calm even though his whole body feels like it’s been placed inside a solid block of ice. “Why did you ask us, then? We don’t have crushes on each other.”
The Unlocking of the Alchemist's Heart by YaelaTheWordsmith [Gen]
Kurodai Week 2021 - Day 2 - Urban fantasy/Supernatural Tired of being hounded by relentless suitors, alchemist Kuroo Tetsurou announces that he will marry the person who manages to take the silver key to his gates that's tied to his cat's tail. Many try and fail to get the key, and only blacksmith Sawamura Daichi shows kindness to the cat, simply because no one else would. But what is Kuroo to do when the one man he wants to marry refuses to take the key?
#PriusCutie by KRSNope [Gen]
Daichi did everything right this morning. He was headed to work early, he got gas before he left, and triple checked that he had everything he needed for the day. The biggest meeting of his career so far and he was going to crush it. That was until he got stuck in the worst traffic the city had seen in years. So there he sits. Two exits away from his office building. Little does he know, his morning commute is about to get a lot more interesting. Honestly, a lot more Hallmark too.
Cornelia St by KRSNope [Teen]
Kuroo is a very famous musician, recently in his hometown after a long tour trying to decide the next move in his career. Sawamura Daichi is a small town boy in a bigger city getting and education and trying to make music that would make his mom proud. They meet on a perfectly pleasant spring day.
Like The Tide, You Pull Me In by solarsunfire [Teen]
Sawamura Daichi is on a trip to Tokyo for a conference when he collides quite literally with Kuroo Tetsurou—a man gravitating slowly through life, in search of happiness but decidedly lonely. Both go their separate ways and think nothing much of their brush with each other until they later realize that maybe, fate isn't quite done meddling with them just yet.
Hello Again by HomeForImaginaryFriends [Gen]
In a world where you can hear your soulmates thoughts when they are close Sawamura is too distracted by the thought of food to notice his us right beside him.
Eyes On Me by Finnthebunneh [Teen]
No one could predict it, nor understand how it worked, when it started or the frequency of those dreams. What people did know— and the only two things they had ever known about those dreams— was they will notice that one stranger will often appear in their dreams, and they will never be able to see that person's eyes for their sight will blur when they shall attempt to do so.
Daichi unconsciously assumed that he would never have any soulmate dreams, he was simply happy and content living day after day. That is, until the day he noticed a black-haired man be part of his dreams more and more often. "That doesn't mean anything," Daichi said; but was it really, when he started to look forward to meet that man at night, and feelings unintentionally bloomed, becoming stronger and stronger as time passed?
semantic satiation by breadlamps [Teen]
"Every Monday, without fail, someone will confess to Kuroo Tetsurou. Without fail, he’ll answer, ‘If you can make me fall in love with you in one week, then I’ll go out with you.’ And for one whole week, that person gets to experience a perfect relationship with the perfect boyfriend; but on Sunday, like clockwork, Kuroo will say, ‘I’m sorry, but I couldn’t fall in love with you,’ and break up with them. And then on Monday, the cycle begins again." When Daichi asks the infamous Kuroo Tetsurou out on an impulse, the last thing he expects is for Kuroo to accept. With each passing day, the feelings between them begin to develop into something more - and they both start to wonder what will happen once Sunday comes around.
Blow a Kiss to Your Lover by meetyouatthemoon [Gen]
Tetsurou and Daichi had a silly little game that they started even before they were dating: whenever one of them blew a kiss to the other, they would always catch it.
My Brightest Star by Finnthebunneh [Teen] (<333)
Daichi’s eyes were locked on the Kuroo showed in the picture. Handsome and classy. Talented and wealthy. Collected and full of confidence. That was the Kuroo Tetsurou the world saw. He was perfection and beyond in the eyes of the world. Yet, in Daichi’s eyes, he never saw that Kuroo. What he saw was very different: he saw a Kuroo Tetsurou that the world didn’t see; a Kuroo who, before being a celebrity owned by the world, was simply a man who behaved in the funniest way around his crush. That was the Kuroo Daichi knew and liked.
Sawamura Daichi lived in a small city in peace until the day he saved a stranger being chased around the city by a mass of people. He never knew the stranger was Kuroo Tetsurou, vocalist from the popular music band NekHoshi. So when Kuroo showed up in Daichi's coffee shop the next day, Daichi did expect receiving Kuroo's gratitude from saving him, but never was he expecting to get a love confession.
You're Just What I Need by Stacysmash [Mature]
As a caregiver living in Tokyo, Daichi is used to caring for elderly individuals or people too injured to care for themselves. When he meets his newest client, a handsome, young mangaka who simply has no time to take care of his needs, Daichi finds himself in the awkward position of finding his client a bit of a distraction and vice versa. Kurodai Weekend Day 1: Celebrity AU
Happy reading!! :))
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pinkheart22 · 7 months
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Taylors Swift's phone region is set to a country with the spelling of Favourites with a "u" instead of the US spelling of Favorite
Probably British English. Is this a hint to something?
The only photo there in Favourites is of her fingernail colors. All albums of these colors are re released as Taylor's Version except Debut. Will Debut (Taylors Version) be announced in Europe? Her overalls are also floral and resemble that of the debut era.
Plus, the only one in New is her with patches on her sleeve, a nod to the patches in the Album Variants? I made another post on this.
ALSO, the albums "Favourites" and "New" Across from each other each are 1's. Which together make 11, TS11.
ALSO, ALSO, if true about Debut, then Debut is Album 1 in her discography and TS11 is NEW!! Which would Explain the 1 photo in each album. Plus, She's in the section of photos called ALBUMS.
Favourites ablum = Debut, her favorite albums, her name. and NEW for literally her new album.
Still not sure yet what the album "NEW" with 200 photos is other than maybe the reactions of everyone listening to TTPD??
My only other guess with the Numbers is that 5,688 & 200 are all in one line at the top. Because the 5 is before the comma this would be the month, so MAY and 6+ 8+ 8+ 2+ 0+ 0 = 24 Which would then be MAY 24 (5/24) Taylor has a Eras Tour Date here for Lisbon, Portugal w/ Paramore. This could be a possible announcement date for Debut TV as this is in Europe, or something else...?
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5+ 2+ 4 = 11 for TS 11 BUT if you do (5/24/2024) that 5+2+4+2+0+2+4=19 and 24-5= 19
APRIL 19 Release Date of TTPD - This one might be a grasp, but still the numbers somehow add up.
THEN --- If you add up all the numbers on her albums screen you have: 5+ 6+ 8+ 8+ 2+ 0+ 0+ 1+ 1 = 31 ...The age Taylor was in 2021 which is when she probably started TTPD and apparently created the song/masterpiece: "you're losing me". (she still would be 31 at this time because she wouldn't turn 32 until December that year)
And 31 backwards is 13.
AND HEAR ME OUT - HER CATS ARE THE INSPIRATION FOR THE TTPD ALBUMS COLOR SCHEME because who better to work at The Tortured Poets Department then the Itty Bitty Pretty Kitty Committee. Can't Spell Cats without TS.
"A committee is a select group of people who work together to complete a project. A department is the name given to an office or building where a specific type of work is done."
image source : taylor swifts tiktok april 1 2024
@taylorswift @taylornation
theory posted Feb 29 2024
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matan4il · 1 year
I just miss them, so let’s share a quick round of Mileapo good-natured silliness. Feel free to reblog and add stuff if you feel like it! *hearts*
So Mile’s currently in Belgium and what did he post from his vacation? This picture of a closed clothes shop. And while the style of the outfits in the window display could fit either of them (bless the overlap in their fashion style), I noticed something in the back.
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A horse saddle! Which might sound funny, unless you remember that Mile has said on more than one occasion that Apo is like a horse in his opinion (hard to earn his trust, but if you can, he’ll take you to some amazing places).
Meanwhile, Apo shared on the same day a pic of a black cat with greenish eyes. Mile loves cats and particularly black cats with green eyes, he has for years.
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(This allows me to reminisce for a second on Feb 25, when they were doing KinnPorsche the World Tour the day after Apo’s bday, when Apo wore a shirt with a horse on it, and Mile arrived at the event with a cat shirt. During an interview, Apo was asked what Mile is getting for him as a gift, and for a second there, Apo’s fluent speech disappeared, and he stared down at Mile’s body peeking out... Credit to @workinclass​ for the gif)
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The next day, Apo shared a pic of green flowers. Mile LOVES green roses and his fans are even named after that love. I’m not sure green roses actually exist naturally (i.e without dyeing). So this pic might actually be the closest you can find in nature to Mile’s love.
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Mile re-shared a story showing a gold Rolex. At two events this month, Mile and Apo were seen wearing matching gold Rolex watches (at their Jul 6 Song Wat visit, and their Jul 14 taping of promotional material, both done for their movie Man Suang), but generally speaking, Apo is known to really love them.
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What else? Apo’s been sharing a TON of pics of spicy food. Apo is not known as a great lover of spicy food, but you know who is? Mile.
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Then on day 2 of a 3 day festival in Belgium that’s open until 1 a.m, at about 9 p.m suddenly Mile was seen going on Weibo, the only social media site Apo can use while in China. Mile left a GN message to fans, then went on to like every single one of Apo’s China posts, then he left a comment reflecting his contentment at Apo chilling, and interacted with absolutely no one and nothing else.
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More to come?...
(for my other Kinnporsche/Mileapo posts, check out this tag)
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