khruschevshoe · 9 months
Me, really not understanding why people don't like the Long Game: It's got the best example of both the worst of humanity and the best in Adam and Cathica, it's got a great first example in New Who of one of my favorite tropes "this timeline is really not where it's supposed to be at, let's go investigate," it's literally the Doctor and Rose solving a mystery together, it's got a great cheesy, bad-CGI villain that skewers Capitalism like all the best episodes do, it's got amazing NineRose chemistry/moments, it introduces Satellite Five (which might just be my bias coming in, but three of my favorite episodes of all time-The Long Game, Bad Wolf, the Part of the Ways) all take place on Satellite Five, so it gives me nostalgia), it has Simon Pegg chewing the scenery, it reinforces why the Rose/Nine dynamic works, and have I mentioned that I love Cathica with all my heart? Anyway, in this essay I will-
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Eight favourite shots of every Doctor Who episode > The Long Game (2005)
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devotedlittlefreak · 3 months
What if I hid my love so as not to compromise myself, and you did the same to survive the competitiveness of the system I fought? What if it changed the narrative anyway ? The very course of human history
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I just rewatched the Long Game, I must have been 11 or 12 when I first saw it, and I was so happy to see Cathica and Suki! For some reason this episode impacted me a lot, it was the one I had in mind when I restarted my NuWho run
I mean, you can read it as just political resilience, but I had this feeling that this was about love. But I felt as if this was a memory actually? I just expected a scene where Cathica hold/acknowledge Suki's body (I don't remember being a preteen too well, so there's that)
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Doctor Who 1x07: The Long Game
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charlicpace · 9 months
NAME INSPO: doctor who edition ! it's official, i'm back in my insufferable era, and i can only apologise in advance. let's be real, we should just skip the entire list and create a set of twins called gallie and freya, you in ?
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I genuinely wouldn't have this any other way.
Rip each other to shreds, ladies.
those who fought valiantly but didn't make it under the cut:
Clive (Rose)
Raffalo from Crespellion (The End of the World)
Jabe (The End of the World)
Gwyneth (The Unquiet Dead)
Toshiko Sato (Aliens of London/World War III)
Cathica (The Long Game)
Suki (The Long Game)
Sarah Clark and Stuart Hoskins (Father’s Day)
Dr. Constantine (The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances)
Nancy (The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances)
Lynda Moss (Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways)
Unnamed Female Programmer (Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways)
Novice Hame (New Earth)
Mrs. Moore (The Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel)
Zachary Cross Flane (The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit)
Ida Scott (The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit)
Danny Bartock (The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit)
Scooti Manista (The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit)
Ursula Blake (Love and Monsters)
Nerys (The Runaway Bride)
Thomas Kincade Brannigan and Valerie (Gridlock)
Alice and May Cassini (Gridlock)
Tallulah (Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks)
Frank (Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks)
Jenny (Human Nature/The Family of Blood)
Tim Latimer (Human Nature/The Family of Blood)
Billy Shipton (Blink)
Kathy Nightingale (Blink)
Chantho (Utopia)
Morvin and Foon (Voyage of the Damned)
Bannakaffalatta (Voyage of the Damned)
Caecilius (Fires of Pompeii)
Evelina (Fires of Pompeii)
Soothsayer (Fires of Pompeii)
Ood Sigma (Planet of the Ood)
Miss Evangelista (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Proper Dave (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Anita (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Val, Biff, and Jethro Cane (Midnight)
Unnamed Hostess (Midnight)
Rocco Colasanto (Turn Left)
Capt. Erisa Magambo (Planet of the Dead)
Yuri Kerenski (The Waters of Mars)
Maggie Cain (The Waters of Mars)
Addams and Rossiter of Vinvocci (The End of Time)
The Unnamed Curator (Vincent and the Doctor)
Canton Everett Delaware III (The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon)
Lorna Bucket (A Good Man Goes To War)
Rita (The God Complex)
Brian Williams (Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
John Riddell (Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
Emma Grayling (Hide)
Journey Blue (Into the Dalek)
Orson Pink (Listen)
Perkins (Mummy on the Orient Ecpress)
Rigsy (Flatline)
O'Donnell (Under the Lake/Before the Flood)
Cass (Under the Lake/Before the Flood)
Bennett (Under the Lake/Before the Flood)
Heather (The Pilot)
Jenny (The Doctor’s Daughter)
Jake Simmons (Age of Steel)
Katherine (The Girl in the Fireplace)
Ross Jenkins (The Poison Sky/The Sontaran Stratagem)
Eve Cicero (The Tsuranga Conundrum)
Daniel Llewellyn (The Christmas Invasion)
Diana Goddard (Dalek)
Rita-Ann Smith (The Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel)
Shona (Last Christmas)
Vivien Rook (the sound of drums)
Unnamed Male Programmer (Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways)
Dee Dee Blasco (Midnight)
Lee Clayton (fugitive of the Judoon)
Sabra (Time Heist)
Mr. Copper (Voyage of the Damned)
Psi (Time Heist)
Pete Tyler (age of steel)
Ohila (Hell Bent)
Professor Docherty (The Sound of Drums/The Last of the Time Lords)
Hath Peck (The Doctor’s Daughter)
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
@autistic-puffin Alright, one episode left of season 1 [insert screaming]
So, some of my favourite things about nine:
the way they're clearly relearning how to interact with any kind of person, only really good at conversation at the beginning if there's danger
doctor internal monologue: "what would be the best thing to show rose - a woman I've just met - to make her think I'm so cool? I know, I'll show her her planet exploding!"
the fact that they're really so fragile and learning to be again and scared of rose leaving them on the one hand, but on the other is so scared of getting too close (the "domestics") and opening up for fear of what will happen (and what happens... well, we know...)
but also will have a whole trauma response the second time they ever met ("we're falling through time, you and me, and if we let go...")
in retrospect with the war doctor, the way they interact with the dalek in the last sequence of that first episode almost feels like they can't access those memories, like there's that "version" of them locked in some part that could have been re-released if not for rose, but what's left is these half-spoken sentences that just trail off and into "oh rose. they're all dead." and that sense is there anyway, but as a metaphor with the later war doctor reveal, that performance hurts all the more
the way they smile when they say "fantastic" is like a new person being revealed
nine knew from early on in the episode "father's day" that the way to save everyone was for rose's dad to sacrifice himself, and never even had it as a consideration, never mentioned it to anyone, even said they had no idea what to do (until the tardis key), even though that was an option
"It's brilliant! I'm not sure if it's Marxism in action or a West End musical."
(in reference to wwii) "Beat the Germans, save the world - don't forget the welfare state!"
this is reading into it, because I fully didn't realise all those dancing references in empty child/doctor dances were meant to be sexual (the bits about jack, sure, but all of them? and it doesn't even make sense, anyway) point being, I always read it as a way of showing the doctor coming back into themself, learning to hope and have fun and not always worry about the other shoe dropping. joie de vivre as it were. so I love the bit at the end where nine says they can dance and I will continue to read it as I always have done
nine's very direct way of inspiring people and seeing people once they've started coming out of their shell -- the way they talk to the bride-and-groom-to-be in father's day, to cathica in the long game, to jabe, to gwenyth, to harriet jones, to nancy, to lynda with a y (also so often it's women in RTD's stories). the journey nine goes on is so vast, from rebuffing rose several times in the first episode and thinking the worst of people, to remembering why people are amazing and inspiring better versions of them
I'm always somehow just. sad. and touched. by the way nine talks about the pig that was experimented on and then shot. they were so upset by the callousness of it. nine cares about peoples names as well. they're consciously making a point of life and death mattering
by contrast the conversation with blon in "boom town" about being a killer. nine is doing better, consciously. nine has seen violence on a massive scale and is choosing not to perpetuate that and is learning (also in contrast to "dalek")
by the time "lynda with a y" came into the picture it was like they were ready for a whole family -- rose, jack, the more the merrier
and coming up I know in the last episode: "Coward or killer?" "Coward." and "you were fantastic, you know that. absolutely fantastic. and you know what? so was I."
generally nine was so imbued with a sense of vulnerability that's begging to be seen and coming from being so raw and hurt and closed to the beauty of living because of the violence they've experienced, and then relearning it and re-embracing the classic ethos of dw, as well as that fair play for all idealism that feels quite inspired in some ways by eccleston's own socialism and rtd's ideals (did enjoy the "no third term for thatcher" socialist signposts to indicate the 80s, I feel like we need to bring that energy back into dw again)
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fiv · 10 months
Then comes “The Long Game” a wonderfully weird Doctor Who episode with a charismatic villain … or stooge.
God Doctor Who is fun when it’s weird.
So I totally forgot about the “Bad Companion” that is Adam Mitchell. Man he sucked, good riddance.
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I loved the chemistry growing between Rose and the Doctor. They have this really fun energy at times and even when he gets frustrated about Adam and gives Rose a hard time about it he still shows signs of caring about her.
How can I watch this episode and not mention “The Editor” played by Simon Pegg, who was clearly enjoying himself and I can’t say I blame him. He has that sinister playful energy that reminds me of Tom Hiddleston’s turn as Loki.
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Christine Adams comes off well as Cathica who plays heroine to Adam’s blundering villain. Also Tamsin Greig cameos here which is fun.
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I know that some find this episode a bit dull and without real threat, but come on, Simon Pegg rules here.
A very solid 3.5 out of 5.
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khruschevshoe · 10 months
You have to understand that the reason why Nine is my favorite doctor is not because he is grizzled or edgy or a bad boy- it is because he is, fundamentally, kind. He is full of hope and optimism and compassion and he tries to convince himself that he is wrong to do so because the world tries to convince him otherwise (Jabe's death, Dalek, Adam, the Time War, the Slitheen, etc.) And yet at every opportunity he is given he is in awe of the majesty of the universe and the wonder of human kindness and Rose is important because she reinforces this over and over, her ferocious humanity, her relentless empathy, her flirty teasing, her incredible warmth, the fact that she reaches out to a Dalek with kindness.
And it's not just Rose, either- there is Jack and Cathica and Jabe and Lynda with a Y and Harriet Jones and even Mickey and Jackie, they are all so incredible, so flawed and complicated and wonderful and Fantastic.
I love Nine because he is hopeful and kind and a coward, not a killer, any day. I love Nine because of the absolute sheer, healing joy we see as he gets to shout "Just this once, Rose. Just this once. Everybody lives!"
I love Nine because, at his core, he is the Doctor. He is a healer. He is angry and traumatized and carrying the weight of the universe but most of all, his heart, damaged and broken and so full of love for the universe and humanity and one girl in particular that he welcomed the time vortex into himself without a single regret. He regenerated not with tragedy or regret, but with pride and optimism.
I love Nine because "You were fantastic, Rose. And you know what? So was I."
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technoturian · 1 year
I knew that lovesick quarren was Cathica from Doctor Who. My super power is apparently recognizing voices I've only heard once in obscure guest roles.
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dwsoundtracker · 2 years
1x07: 0:31:59 - 0:32:33 (cathica promotes herself)
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forget-about-me2 · 2 years
I'm sorry, I'm rewatching the Long Game and on floor 500 they find a couple of human skeletons around the information chair and one in it that have died while being used by the Editor, which in itself is horrifying.
But then later on Cathica in order to safe the day ends up yeeting the skeleton in the chair out of it so she can use it.
Mind you, when I say yeet, I mean
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I know it is urgent and like they are about to die and all that. And admittedly they get blown up after that anyway, but that is still a human body.
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zorilleerrant · 9 months
rewatching Doctor Who: hmmm. damn it would be real tragic if Eva was told she needed a wife for cover but then she fell in love with Cathica because. well. Cathica. and had to carry out her missions all the while knowing one day she would break her beloved's heart. and she did. but not the way she thought
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emme-ari · 9 months
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Doctor Who Art Challenge - Season 1, Episode 7 "The Long Game"
I really should have taken a picture of my first sketch, because it was sooo much better. I don't know where everything went wrong, but I'll just have to accept it and move on. Reference pic of Cathica (Christine Adams) who was gorgeous in the episode. I had a different scene I wanted to draw too, so maybe in the future you will see more of this episode. On a different note, I just wanted to remind everyone of Simon Pegg in this episode.
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all round 1 votes can be found here send obnoxious opinions on side characters to here please reblog and kvetch about why your fave isn't winning
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egyptroyal · 1 year
Rose watched as the Doctor and Adam talked. Saying goodbyes. Of course, she wasn't going to take the flack for Adam's mistakes - those mistakes were his. He wanted to see the stars and fainted. Wanted to explore a bit and the TARDIS was almost stolen because he let them dissect him and stuff a chip inside to open his head for that villain's plot.
He wanted to benefit himself - to show off. To who, she didn't know because it wasn't for her benefit: that, she was sure of.
The only one that saved them was Cathica. No thanks to him.
Yet, she kept her thoughts to herself as she focused up on what they were saying.
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'But I want to come with you.'
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'I only take the best...'
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'I've got Rose.'
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'Rose, Rose. Oh, my God. Rose, take me with you.'
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Rose's eyes casted downwards and anywhere else in the room except for their pleading eyes. Her silent reaction to the argument, the conversation was enough until Adam begged for her to change their mind. Her decision was clear: she wasn't going to Adam's defense. Not after this. Not after what happened. Once was a mistake but, twice?
She scritches at that little dry spot between the ear, neck and back of the jawline and just as easily decided to turn back inside the blue box.
It was a gentle and silent 'that sounds like thats not my problem let me go' from her expression as she did so.
The TARDIS dematerializes both of them far from Adam and his new problem as she went up to the console, "So, want to rest up, Doctor, or are we going somewhere else?"
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