snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 months
I just had this random idea of Catclipse & the kitten blood twins sensing another robot, has become a kitten, and just heading to kitten Solar’s (current) dimension & visiting him while he’s still tiny.
They just full-on steal kitten Solar. Meanwhile Moon's chasing them and bawling that his best friend is now getting catnapped by cats while he's trying to come to terms with Solar still being alive but just tiny and furry.
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naviclenek0 · 2 years
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Hai haaaaaiii~
Still got art block but let's ignore the bad quality
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@snowe-zolynn-rogers I decided to draw the cat.
More info in the undercut
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I was originally going to base him on spotted tabby, but I found out about the pinstripe, and I decided to try drawing that pattern… Needless to say proportions are off by a lot, but I think for my first attempt in a while with drawing it’s decent.
Fun fact, I listened to this song on loop while drawing this Kitty.
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abbadonandhisparadise · 2 months
Catclipse may not be canon anymore but damn it i'm still sharing this
Catclipse design by @realizinau
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realizinau · 3 months
Did ya get to see the eclipse? It was pretty!
I did and I may or may not have cried- truly was not prepared for how pretty it was LMAO
You know what, to celebrate the eclipse I'll share with you guys a silly extra concept I did a while ago <3
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Catnap no longer, but Catclipse :3c
This was just a funny lil design I had in my brain, like if Catnap rejected his moon motif in favor of an eclipse one, like in the name of REBELLION and HAVING HIS OWN IDENTITY
This won't be canon in the au itself, just wanted to get the idea off my chest :)
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superfurriends · 7 years
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Waiting for the eclipse....or thinking about fish...either way #catsofportland #catfeaturesofig #catsofinstagram #catstagram #solareclipse #catclipse
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 months
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Kitten Solar for the soul
Mama cat Sun and her three kittens
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Eclipse: *slowly and carefully moves his tail to hold Lunar’s*
Lunar: *holds his tail back and slowly wags both of them around*
Eclipse: *melts against him*
Monty, whispering: The kids are so cute getting used to each other again.
Moon, taking a video: This is going on the channel, shhh.
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Lunar: *holding tails with Eclipse*
Eclipse: *squeaks at him*
Lunar: *squeaks back*
Moon: Really? I mean I knew Monty was dramatic but not that dramatic.
Lunar: *squeaks at him*
Sun: Monty wouldn’t do that.
Eclipse: *squeaks*
Monty, sweating: Monty did what now? What did you tell them?
Moon: *takes off after Monty*
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Imagine half-broken Roombaclipse breaking down on his way to Monty and just powering down seeing Monty talk to Moon, thinking it’d be his final moments as his roomba gives out from the abuse he’s been been put through as a roomba by the twins and KC.
But Monty later finds this inactive roomba half broken and dead in his minigolf course and takes him in, putting the AI it has into a nano kitten body until he can figure what to do with the high AI it has. Eclipse wakes up as a kitten and only to be treated like he’s wanted and loved and he never wants it to end.
Monty gives him treats, food, cuddles, unconditional love, anything he could ever want. Eclipse finally understands why his brothers like the coddling and the love and just trusting someone else. Monty, for his part, is blissfully unaware that he’s changing Eclipse for the better as he loves and spoils his new kitten, ‘Cheshire’.
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Sun: *aims a laser pointer near Eclipse*
Eclipse: *goes after it like a bat out of hell*
Sun: *wiggles it on the curtain to the balcony*
Eclipse: *dives for the curtain and falls right down into the ballpit*
Sun: Oh my god, I’m so sorry!
Eclipse, from the ball pit: HATE YOU!
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Catclipse, after they turn his vocals back on: Please don’t turn me back?
Monty: What? Why not?
Catclipse: I don’t want to go back! Here I get treats and pets and love! I don’t want to go back to being a room!
Monty: You were a room?
Catclipse, having a panic attack: I CAN’T GO BACK! Don’t make me go back!
Monty: Well, ya can’t stay a cat forever. Let me at least make ya a kid body like your brother?
Catclipse: And I still get love and cuddles and treats?
Monty: You still get love and cuddles and treats.
Catclipse: Okay…
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Karen: *kicks Catclipse off into one of the pools Gator Golf*
Monty: Ches! You are banned! *fishes Catclipse from the water* Come here, Chessy, it’s okay.
Monty, drying him off: Good boy, Chessy. You’re safe now. Get out of my golf course, lady. You kicked my cat!
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*pours a bowl of kitty friendly wine for kitty eclipse *
one for mommy and one for baby
Ah, kitty wine. Hopefully it's not catnip or he'll be zoned out for hours.
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Monty: What a good boy, Ches. You are the best cat ever.
Catclipse: *happy whirring*
Monty: So cute. What a cute kitty.
Catclipse: *rolls over for pets*
Monty: My god, you’re adorable.
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