#catching Aizawa up on all the things he missed this week
chainslobber · 2 months
Isn't it funny how Eri's whole plotline was that she had to learn how to smile?
Isn't it funny how she was with Pops for a while who could've given her anything she wanted and she still wasn't happy?
Isn't it funny how we never saw Kai smile--not once--in the entirety of his character development? And people are going 'well at least Pops gave him a home-"
Kinda seems like he was a piece of shit, just saying.
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thehusbandoden · 1 year
You Flinch During an Argument -Bakugo Katsuki
I finished this yesterday but forced myself to wait to post it due to my one part a day pattern I've had going on.
Anyways~ as I said in Shoto's part, I did make this one a bit angstier, but I hope I didn't stray too far away from the original prompt :'). It's kinda bittersweet lol but I kinda like it.
Angst to fluff/Comfort | Kinda bittersweet~ | 993 words | female reader
Warnings!: arguing, yelling, being scared of your partner, parents arguing (the kids were not present), kids being left at school (not for very long), caps, excuses, self hatred, and insulting themselves (Bakugo). Please let me know if I miss any <33
Dabi | Hawks | Todoroki Shoto | Bakugo Katsuki | Midoriya Izuku | Shigaraki Tomura | Aizawa Shota | Amajiki Tamaki | Kirishima Eijiro | Shinso Hitoshi
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You both had been fighting for at least half an hour, screaming at one another for this and that. It started with Bakugo 'forgetting' to pick up your sons from school, and has now escalated into you screaming at him for not 'caring about this family' and his yelling about how hard he works for your family.
No one was totally to blame, both parties had some points that were right, and some that were wrong. But it should have never reached that point.
Blazing anger filled Bakugo as he stepped towards you, planning on simply getting closer to you to somehow try and make you see his side of things. He didn't mean to forget about picking up his kids, he loves his kids, he was simply engrossed in talking about them to his friends as he gamed, totally forgetting about the time and the fact that they were at school, waiting for someone to pick them up.
In truth, Bakugo felt bad. Really bad. But you wouldn't stop, so he continued, his unwavering pride making it near impossible to simply apologize and leave the argument behind.
Storming towards you, Bakugo stopped dead in his tracks as you flinched from him, eyes holding a certain terror. Wait- did you- did you think he was going to hurt you?!
Apologies and 'are you okay's were caught in Bakugo's throat as he opened his mouth, too terrified to speak.
Y/n.. his y/n was scared..of him. HIs y/n- the person that tore him out of his 'I don't care about anything or anyone' stage. She brought him out of his dark pit of self loathing, hating himself for how weak he was, how he couldn't do anything compared to that idiot Deku. She brought light into his world, she is his light. His first and last love, his wife, his center, his other half, his partner, his reason for life, the mother of his children, his one and only lover, his queen, his everything.
And he scared her.
Screamed at her for something that was his fault.
Treated her so badly that she flinched away from him- terror filling her eyes.
Her gorgeous e/c eyes. The same eyes that his sons had inherited. Now he's brought tears to three sets of those goregous eyes. What a scum bag.
Pain seared through Bakguo as he embraced his y/n, knowing if he left now she would entirely break, thinking that he was giving up on her. On their love. When in reality, he would't be. He would never dream of leaving her, or their beautiful children.
Because no matter how much of an a-hole Bakugo may be, he would never stoop that low. Never. And so he held her, and continued to hold her as she tearfully cussed him out, telling him how much she loved him and how much of an a-hole he was for treating her like that, their kids like that.
He just held her, telling her that he was sorry, that he knew, that he would make it up to her -and their seven year old twins- somehow.
And for now, that was enough. His love, and comfort was enough as you clung to him, insulting him while telling him that you loved his idiotic self in the same sentence, telling him that you loved him too much to not be able to forgive him.
And that if he was serious about making things right, that you would help him.
Because you were Bakugo y/n*. You chose to take his name and become his wife. Bakugo has helped you through so many up and downs, so you would do the same for him. Because he truly loved you, and you truly loved him.
*Japanese last names go in front of the first name to pay respect to the family name, and that's why Kirishima and Bakugo's other classmates call him Bakugo instead of Katsuki -to pay respect to his family name-. So you would be (in Japan anyway) Bakugo y/n (if you choose to take his last name) and strangers/aquaintnesses/not so close friends and co-workers would call you Bakugo instead of y/n. Annd due to me not liking Bakugo a whole lot I call him Bakugo or Baka/Bakuhoe instead of Katuski and call Todoroki and Midoriya, Shoto and Izuku- do you get what I'm saying?? I hope you do <33
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Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated<33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way, minus reblogging.
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bkglovergirl · 5 months
Hi there! So I was wondering if you could make a fic about bakugou x reader, where she and bakugou were childhood friends similar to him and deku, but the reader has been obvious about her crush on him, always complimenting him, telling him she likes him, even going to UA with him.
He would always straight up rejects her but lowkey likes her, (moving forward to kats arc where hes being a better person lol) the reader still makes him bentos from time to time, always follows him but it doesn't seem to 'irritate' him as much (hes just so happy with her always taking his side), patching him up ect. you get the picture
that is until a girl from class B started taking a liking to bakugou as well and theres a senario where reader gets the wrong idea and think that they're dating class B bitch who always tries to get on her nerves, but in reality bakugou straight up rejects her
reader changing bla bla bla, bakugou being like "WHYD YOU STOP BABYING ME STUPID ASS??!"
readers like "wtf?" bakugous like, "if you we have a problem talk to me, im your bf after all"
sorry if its long. i had a wonderful dream id like to relive ❤️
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Bakugou X Reader
Childhood friends to lovers
I love the miscommunication trope, the ending is a little bit different.
Word Count: 2.3k
Ever since you could remember and much to Bakugou’s dismay you, Deku, and him have been childhood best friends. One thing is very well known between the trio. You have the biggest crush on Katsuki Bakugou. You make sure it’s known. The first time you realized you liked him, you told him almost right away. You both were around the age of seven and were at a playground fooling around. Neither of you guys had gotten your quirks and you “trained” at this particular playground every day whenever you could. You were running chasing the “villain” Deku around and around. Both your faces had dirt covered and you knew with how your clothes looked your mom was gonna be upset at you but who cares? You didn't.
“I’m gonna get you!”
“Nuh-uh!” Deku runs behind the slide and you follow after. 
“Boo! Huh?” He had disappeared, quickly you looked around and saw him running up onto the base of the playhouse and into one of the small tunnels that connect the two. You run after. Not paying attention you miss one of the steps on the stairs and fall. Bakugou close behind went to go catch you and it was right then and there his quirk manifested and burned your arm as he grabbed you. “Ow! Ow!” You whined looking up at Bakugou. 
“Are you okay?!” Deku comes running back down towards you both and you are slightly dazed so Bakugou asks again, “Are you okay!”
“Your quirk! Bakugou your quirk!!” 
“I KNOW STUPID BUT ARE YOU OKAY?” You and Deku both give each other a look before looking at Bakugou. 
“Yes, I’m okay!” you lied. “Bakugou, your quirk!” He smiled, and it was almost like you watched his ego form right then and there. 
‘Hell yeah, I got my quirk before you two!' He turns and puts his arm out away from you guys and gives a small blast. “Look how cool it is!” After some of the excitement dies down, you manage to beg Bakugou to give you a piggyback as he walks you home after you both drop off Deku. “I don’t see the point in this.” He adjusts you on his back a bit to make it more comfortable for himself.
“Think of this as payback.” You giggle as you hear him groan. “Hey Bakugou?”
“I like you.”
Years later you guys got into UA together and lucky for you and Izuku, in the same classroom as well. Confessing to Katsuki happens at least every other week, and him rejecting you happens every time. You both have gotten into a schedule. You’d walk to school and on certain days bring him a Bento box. You’d go to class and try and do everything with him if Mr Aizawa allows it. At the end of the day, Katsuki always walks you to your dorm before walking to his. 
You knock on Katsuki's door and hear some grumbling before he answers the door, “Why can’t I get you at your dorm? Why do you always come to mine?” You shrug and hand him the Bento box you made him. “You gotta stop making these.”
“You say that, but you love it!” he rolls his eyes and takes it out of your hands. You both start walking to class together. “So I was thinking you and I could pair up because I heard Izuku and Todoroki are gonna pair up.” 
“Why do you always wanna pair up together.” “To save you from the embarrassment of not getting picked.”
“I would get picked!”
“Absolutely not.” You go to open the door to the classroom but Katsuki quickly opens it for you, you smile and walk in. 
You follow him to lunch and sit next to him. He grumbles his small complaint but quickly eats the food he complained about. He never says thank you or compliments the food, but you know he appreciates it by how empty he leaves the bento once he’s done. “It’s cold.”
“Stop complaining, maybe you should have brought your jacket.”
“Alright asshole my fault I forgot it!” The bickering goes back a forth a bit before you stand up, “Walk without me I need to talk to Denki about something.”
You switch the song on your phone before putting it in your skirt pocket and walk to class. You smile seeing Katsuki ahead of you and run to catch up but stop quickly. Katsuki is handing a girl his jacket and she’s smiling at him. Your heart sinks and you feel nauseous as you watch him open the door for the girl. You look at his face. ‘Is he blushing?!’ you bite the inside of your cheek and walk into the classroom. You hear Katsuki call after you but you ignore him. The small banter between you two is non-existent and the whole class quickly takes notice because you are uncomfortably quiet. The notes Katsuki passes to you go unread and you push them off your desk. Katsuki is panicking in his head, he is going through every single thing he’s done today and he can’t think of anything he has done wrong. You were fine at lunch and if anything happened you wouldn't ignore him, if anything you'd whine and complain to him about it. To Katsuki’s surprise, he’s really annoyed you aren't complaining to him. The bell rings and you quickly stuff your bag with all your things and speed walk to the door. “Hi is Katsu there?!” of course, you would run into her and Katsu?! Who the fuck does she think she is? Everyone is staring at the two of you, you step to the side to let the girl in and she runs up to Katsuki. “Katsu!” Your classmate's eyes follow the girl and look at you thinking the same exact thing you are. You shrug and walk out.
The next morning you walk to the classroom by yourself. Denki and Izuku come to check on you but you wave them off saying you are okay. Before they both walk away you quickly ask Denki to be partners in training. He gives a look to Izuku before agreeing. Katsuki walks in minutes later, late. He tries to talk to you but Aizawa tells him to get into his seat and he obeys. 
Training starts a couple of hours later, and just like you guessed, no one wants to partner with Katsuki. He watched as you walked over to Denki when Aizawa announced that you all should grab partners. He’s crushed but shakes it off. His pride stops him from walking up to you. Kirishima takes one for the team and partners up with Katsuki. The training goes well, and surprisingly, you and Denki are a great team.
“I think we should be a team more often, Y/N!” You smile, agreeing with him. The next set of teams that are put against each other are You and Denki vs. Kirishima and Katsuki. During the whole fucking battle you manage to avoid Katsuki, you don’t know how you manage to pull that off and neither does he because he tried so hard to come after you specifically. By the end of the battle you and Denki come out victorious and Katsuki is pissed. Katsuki rips off his gauntlet looking at you and Denki walking off together and talking.
“Denki I-”
“Kaminari.” he corrects.
“Kaminari.” You smile. “I just don’t get it. Who the fuck is that girl?! Where did she come from? I’m with Katsuki so much how did I not notice there was another girl.”
“Doesn't he reject you all the time?”
“A part of me doesn't like it’s a rejection. He likes the things I do for him, but his rejection seems like a wait, not a no.” you put your hands up to your face, “I’ve liked him since we were little. The memory of me first liking him is imprinted into my body! How do you just get over that? How do you get over Katsuki Bakugou.” Kaminari puts his hand out to stop you from walking into a wall. You look at him and his face is looking at you with confusion.
“What do you mean by imprinted?” You roll up your sleeve and show him the big scar that was left on your body. 
“This happened when his quirk first manifested. It was by accident and instead of celebrating his quirk he made sure I was okay first.”
“That doesn't sound like Bakugou.”
“I KNOW!” You rest your back against the wall, and Kaminari leans against it facing you. You don’t know how long you talked, but at some point, the talking turned into scheming. Katsuki comes walking up and the girl is right next to him talking away and honestly, he’s annoyed. It takes everything in him not to scream in her face. He sees you first. Then he sees Kaminari leaning against the wall next to you. At the same time, you see him first. Then the girl walking next to him. He takes note that he’s changed and cleaned up after training, you guys aren't even changed out of your hero outfits and are still all messy. The training ended an hour ago. He stops walking which the girl next to him takes as a green light to wrap her arms around his arm. Kaminari notices and quickly stands in front of you to block your line of view.
“Don’t look it’s only gonna hurt more.”
“Come to my dorm.”
“Come to my dorm right now.” You grab his arm and drag him away aggressively. Kaminari has to stop himself from complaining your grip hurts.
Katsuki got up early enough to get to your dorm room. He knows this is the time you leave, he knows your exact schedule to the T. He knows your whole life and who you're close with so he’s honestly so fucking confused why you walk out of your dorm room and run up to Denki fucking Kaminari. On top of that, you hand him a bento box. His fucking Bento box. He’s stunned and stands there like a dumb ass watching as you walk away with him.
Class is giving him a headache. He just feels the need to take as many pain pills as he can. You and Denki have been joking around non-stop and it doesn't help that you sit in front of Katsuki and Denki sits in front of you. The class feels like forever. There is no training today so it is just class and he doesn't know how long he can just sit here and watch as you painfully ignore him. He concludes he’ll talk to you before lunch but that plan is quickly foiled as the girl from class 1B comes barging into the classroom like she owns the place and attaches herself to him. Katsuki watches as you stare a second before Kaminari puts an arm around your shoulder and walks you out of the room as quickly as he can. He makes a new plan that he’ll talk to you at lunch but that plan is also quickly ruined as the girl blocks him at his table so he can’t get up and go to you. So as your plan goes perfectly, he gets a perfect view of you and Kaminari sitting and having lunch together. He then makes plan number three, he’ll follow you around until he gets the perfect moment to yell at you. It’s perfect. He follows you to class with the annoying girl talking away. He sits in pain the whole rest of class as he watches you and Kaminari fool around the whole time.
“Why are you following me around.” You turn to look at him. You landed at your childhood park once you realized Katsuki was following you around. It’s cold and you hug yourself.
“So she speaks.”
“Don’t be an ass Bakugou. Why are you following me?” Katsuki’s stomach sinks. At least he knows how you feel now.
“Bakugou?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“What’s wrong with me?”
‘Don’t act fucking stupid.” He takes off his jacket and gets closer to you, You take a step back. “See what I mean?! I’m trying to give you my jacket and you step away from me! What the fuck Y/N!”
“Sorry, I don’t want what another girl got.”
“What are you- oh…”
“Yeah oh! Kaminari told me I wasn't being stupid but maybe I am! Maybe I should have stopped liking you when you rejected me the first time! BUT NO!” you get closer grabbing his shirt, “You make it so fucking difficult to not be in love with you!” He stares at you and leans down, as much as you don’t want to, you push him away. “No this had gotta stop. I’m not gonna let you keep toying with me and I gotta stop being so delusional.”
“You aren't being delusional.”
“Really because that girl has gotten more attention than I have gotten from you in years. Every time I confess since we were kids you act like I didn't say anything!”
“I just wasn't ready for things to change.” you scoff at him.
“It was always going to change! Did you like dragging me along? Where did that other girl come from?” you sit down on one of the swings and kick some wood chips. Putting your hands on the chain.
“I just wanted to make sure I liked you and I wasn't just… I don't fucking know! You're the only girl who has been in my life that wasn't my mom!” you glare at him.
“Listen Y/N, I know it was stupid but I just needed to know before our relationship changed and I fucked everything up.” “So what was this conclusion from your stupid fucking experiment?” Katsuki takes this as a green light to come closer to you. You don’t say anything.
“That no girl compares.”
“Wow, Romeo it took you that long?” Katsuki stands in front of you and puts his hand on top of yours. You look up at him.
“Yeah, I know.”
“I’m not confessing again.”
“I know.” He leans down and kisses you. 
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specialagentlokitty · 6 months
Aizawa x reader - could you ever forgive me
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Looking at your phone a little bit, you frowned as you walked to the apartment.
It wasn’t like Aizawa to message you saying that you needed to talk, and usually it meant there was something serious to talk about.
Letting yourself in, you set everything down by the door, making your way into the living room.
He looked up from where he was sat on the couch, and you noticed how some things were missing from the room, his work, his laptop, his little collection of books.
“What’s going on? What’s wrong?”
He gestured to the spot next to him, and you walked over, sitting down.
While you kept your gaze solely focused on him, he couldn’t even meet your gaze, instead he focused on staring at your hands.
You reached out, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Hey? What’s going on?” You whispered.
He took a deep breath.
“I think it’s best if we end things.” He calmly replied.
Your hand fell, and you furrowed your brows in confusion.
“What? Why? Did something happen?”
“I just can’t see a future with you, I’m sorry. I’ve already taken all of my things, I just think it’s better this way for the both of us, I’m sorry.”
Without even giving you a chance to reply he left, and you were left there staring at where he was sat.
You didn’t know what to do, or what to think, for two years you had been living with him, for three years you had been seeing each other, five years since you realised how you felt about him.
So much time you had spent with him right by your side and now he was just gone? What were you supposed to do in that situation?
You didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry, you wanted to believe he was just joking, but you knew him better than that.
You slowly got up, going for a shower where you just sat against the wall with your head in your knees quietly crying.
You couldn’t sleep in your bed, so you laid on the couch but you still couldn’t sleep, you couldn’t even bring yourself to look at your phone knowing you were going to see his face on your Home Screen.
You didn’t sleep that night, so you called your work, letting them know you weren’t feeling well and you would be taking the rest of the week off.
It wasn’t a lie, you weren’t feeling well, you felt sick to your stomach, you felt like this was all just a fever dream, and maybe you’d wake up and it would all be fine, but you knew it wouldn’t.
You hated walking around the apartment because you’d still see his photos up on the shelves, or catch a glimpse of something he had given you.
When you went into the wardrobe you saw he left a few sweaters in there, and you walked around in one of them.
You had tired messaging him, tried calling him, but they all went without a response, you tried his best friend and he said he didn’t know what had happened or why Aizawa ended things.
After nearly a week of being locked up inside your apartment, you went back to work, hoping to distract yourself, but you’d still come home hoping to see him.
Even now, it had been nearly a month since you broke up, and you were sat at work with your friend who placed her hand on your shoulder.
“Come on, you need to change that photo.” She said gently.
“I can’t… if I do I know it means he’s never coming back…”
She sighed softly.
“Come on, let me change it for you, I’ll pick an amazing one I promise.”
You nodded your head, giving her your phone.
You knew she was right, but you also knew what you were never going to be able to change that Home Screen photo by yourself, so you had to get somebody else to do it for you.
She happily handed your phone back with a grin, and you let out a little laugh as you looked at the goofy photo of her.
“Thanks Rosie.”
She beamed brightly.
“I made you laugh! I made (Y/N) laugh!” She cheered.
Putting your phone back in your pocket, you lightly pushed her, making her stumble a little bit.
“I don’t care cause I made you laugh!”
“Go away lurker.”
She walked off cheering, letting you go back to your work.
It took another month for you to start going out worth your friends, and they made a point of going bar hopping one weekend, so you decided to join them and a few of their other friends.
Sitting at the table, you stirred your drink with your straw, watching as a few of them danced around and a guy slipped across from you on the other side of the table.
“Hey, you’re Haku, right?” You asked.
He smiled, giving you a nod.
“Yeah, sorry we haven’t talked much, Rosie likes to drag me along with her whenever so goes dancing. I thought you looked a bit lonely, are you alright?”
You pushed your drink away, letting out a small sigh as you nodded.
“Yeah, I’m just not feeling well. I think I’m going to go home, can you let them know?”
“Yeah, of course. Do you want me to call somebody to come get you or something?”
You shook your head standing up.
“No, I think some air will do me good. Thanks.”
He nodded, letting you leave the bar, and you began to wonder the streets.
You didn’t really want to go straight home, and you started looking for something else to do, and you found a convenience shop still open so you walked in.
Looking around, you crouched down as you looked through some snacks on the bottom shelf, and you found yourself thinking back to Aizawa as you looked at his favourite one.
Sniffling a little bit, you rested your arms on your legs, holding them in your hands.
“Does getting snacks make you sad?” A man asked.
You jumped, letting out a small yell as you threw the bag at him.
It hit him in the face, and he rubbed his face with his hand.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you!” He rushed out.
You wiped your tears away, looking up at him.
He was tall, and thin, a little sickly looking maybe with dark eyes and blond hair, wearing incredibly baggy clothes.
He held his hands up, so show you he meant no harm.
“I just heard someone crying and wanted to see if they’re alright. Are you okay?”
You nodded a little, pushing yourself up from the ground, walking over you picked up the snacks and put them back.
“I’m so sorry I threw them at your face.”
He laughed a little.
“It’s fine, I would’ve done the same thing. It’s late? Did someone hurt you? Are you scared?”
You smiled a little at his concern, and you shook your head.
“No, nothing like that. I’m just tired I guess, I should head home. I’m really sorry again!”
With that you left.
You decided buying snacks could wait until you were sober, so you went back the following night when your head was clear, and you avoided that aisle.
Looking and some other things, you shrugged and tossed some of them into the basket.
You heard movement nearby, and looked over.
“Oh hey, it’s mr chip face.” You grinned a little.
He laughed a little, rubbing the back of his head with a sheepish smile.
You recognised him this time as All Might, the number one pro hero, or at least the retired pro hero now. You’d heard all about it.
“Hi, I hope you’re doing better today.”
“I am, thanks. And thank you for checking on me yesterday too.”
He smiled, nodding his head as he walked over, setting his own basket down.
“I’m Toshinori, I see you are here quite a bit. You always buy snacks, that’s not healthy you know.”
This made you laugh a little.
“Yeah, I know. I just don’t have much effort to cook I guess, and constantly eating out is expensive you know? Oh and I’m (Y/N)! It’s nice to meet you.”
“You’re dating Aizawa right? I think we may have met once at the UA sports festival.”
He watched as your smile immediately fell.
“We broke up…”
“I.. I’m sorry!” He rushed.
You sighed a little bit, shaking your head at him.
“It’s okay, I guess he hasn’t told anybody. It was a few months ago.”
He nodded his head.
“I take it that’s what the snacks are for?” He asked.
“Yeah, can’t beat a bit of comfort food.” You laughed softly.
He smiled at you, holding out a pack of chocolate.
“Have you tried these? They’re good.”
You took it from him, having a look at it.
“I’ll have to try it, thanks.”
You offered him a wave as you left.
You began to see him a little more often around, but usually in the shop where you learnt he was buying snacks for the students.
Eventually he mentioned a cafe, and took you to it.
It became a routine and it was nice to finally speak to somebody new he wasn’t always asking about you and Aizawa, who wasn’t checking you were okay all the time.
It was nice to have caring friends, but after four months you just wanted to move on from Aizawa, maybe that’s why you spent so much time with All Might, but you knew you weren’t ready to be more than friends.
He was nice, and you didn’t want to hurt him by making him into a rebound.
He respected that, he was just happy to have a friend as well.
“You know there’s a Halloween festival going in if you want to go?” He asked.
“Oh cool really? I love Halloween!”
You walked across the cafe with his drink, setting it down in front of him as he showed you his phone.
“Oh they’ve even got a haunted house! I love those! They’re so scary!”
He laughed a little bit, grinning up at you.
“Do you want to go? I’ve never actually been to a haunted house?”
You gasped.
“No way! Toshinori that’s not acceptable!”
He gave a sheepish laugh.
“I guess I’ve never had time, now I’m retired it’s just trying to find things to pass the time I suppose. I have teaching going for me, but that’s not every day. Young Midoriya said I should try do more I haven’t done yet.”
You sat back down in your seat.
“We’ve got to go! Come on! I’ll even be the big strong hero to protect you!”
This made him laugh.
“I don’t doubt it.”
You began telling him all about them, and after a little while longer, he walked you home, making sure you were safe before leaving.
You went in, showered, and changed into a sweater and shorts before heading to the kitchen to reheat some dinner.
You decided you were going to home a movie marathon to yourself to relax.
You had gotten maybe halfway through your second movie when there was a knock on your door.
Looking at your clock, you saw it wasn’t all that late, so you got up, thinking it could’ve been one of your friends.
Opening the door, you came face to face with Aizawa leaning on your doorframe.
“Why’re you here…?”
He lifted his gaze, and you saw he was beat up, blood running down his face.
“I thought you were in danger…”
Taking his hand, you pulled him inside without thinking and closed the door and locked it, leading him into the bathroom.
Sitting him on the edge of the bath, you grabbed a few clothes, rubbing the sink as you grabbed a hair band as well.
You stood in front of him, tying his hair up, and you carefully unwrapped his scarf for him.
You dropped it in the bath and grabbed a cloth, putting it in some water before walking over, taking his chin between your fingers as you began to clean his face.
He carefully watched you, and you didn’t look directly at him.
“Are you okay? Are you safe?” He asked.
“I’m fine.” You replied.
He sighed, and you tilted his head to the side a little so you could get a look at the cut on his face.
“You don’t need stitch’s, hold this.”
Taking his hand you held it to the cloth, grabbing another so you could dry his face.
“Thank you.” He said quietly.
You grabbed his scarf, walking over to the washing machine you turned it on the walked away without another word.
With a sigh he followed after you.
“(Y/N), can we talk?”
“You’ve had months to talk and you didn’t seem interested then.” You snapped.
“I know, I screwed up, I get that, but I have an explanation I you to let me explain my actions, whatever you decide after I’ll respect that decision but you deserve an explanation.”
You sat back down on the couch, and he stood in the other side of the room.
“You have no right coming back, I was just starting to move on… then you have to come back…”
“I know. I left because I thought you were in danger…”
You scoffed a little.
“Your scarf will be clean in a minute, take it and go away.”
He walked over, setting the cloth on the table, and he sat next to you, he took out his phone and held it out to you, showing you a message.
“I got a text from an unknown number saying they were going to come after you, so I thought if I kept my distance they would leave you alone. The police were working on tracking down this person and arresting them, we’ve just brought him into custody. I know it was irrational of me to just leave, I know I hurt you, but I owe you an explanation.”
You didn’t say anything, you just got up and walked away so he trailed after you.
He reached out, taking your hand, and he spun you around, placing a kiss to the palm of your hand, and held it to the side of his face.
“I can’t see a future with anybody but you, and I love you, only you. If you don’t want to see me ever again I understand, but I’ll keep looking out for you, and I’ll keep you safe, no matter what happens between us you’ll be safe.”
He gave you a smile, leaning down so he could press a kiss to your cheek, then he moved back.
“I never meant to hurt you so much…”
He walked to the washing machine, taking out his scarf and he tossed it in the dryer, staying there while you kept to a different room.
You wanted to run into his arms and forgive him, you wanted to just hold him tight but how could you after so much pain you went through trying to move on?
Could you find it in your heart to ever forgive him?
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xothatnerdykid · 11 months
love you like oxygen
Your pro hero boyfriend has barely been home the past few weeks because of his hectic schedule, so you decide to surprise him when's patrolling one night and steal some of his time (as well as a few kisses). Aizawa Shouta x fem! reader. Sliiiight NSFW (definitely suggestive, bordering on foreplay). 1.3k words.
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Dating Shouta could be hard sometimes. His life is a constant juggle between being a UA teacher by day, a pro hero by night, and a single dad to 23 kids on top of being your boyfriend. So, of course, you understand it can be challenging to find some quality time with him.
Although you’ve only been together for less than a year, you don't really go out on dates anymore. Because when you used to eat out at quiet restaurants or take a walk through the park, he usually couldn't make it through the whole date without getting an urgent phone call about school or his hero work, and then having to excuse himself. Eventually, you get so tired of having to finish your dinner by yourself or go home alone that you start spending most of your free time waiting for him in his apartment.
Most days he gets home at a somewhat reasonable hour, all things considered, and you happily spend your time together eating the dinner you cooked for him and just lounge around and talk until you fall asleep. Then you like to lie in bed in the morning and watch him gear up and get ready, even helping him shave or share a coffee together before he has to kiss you goodbye while you start getting ready for work, too. It’s nice, you think, to share all these mundane moments of everyday life with him.
But he’s been coming home so late the past few days that you’re usually already asleep. And the only thing you wake up to is a plate of breakfast on the table and a little text telling you to have a great day. 
After two weeks, you decide you’re tired of missing him and get off work early to surprise him. 
You briefly wonder if it was even a good idea to come looking for him when he’s out on patrol, given the hectic (and dangerous) nature of his work. You didn't want to get in the way or distract him too much from anything important he might be doing, especially not if it meant putting anyone at risk.
So you call Hizashi to ask if he might know where your boyfriend is, and you tell him about your little plan. He says it should be fine if you catch him by the time he’s usually on break, and he helps you track Shouta’s patrol route for the night. You thank him before you hang up and head out. 
Although you had meant to surprise him, you suppose he’s just too good at his job to let you. You startle a little when he catches you, and you turn around to face him. He’s hanging upside down from a fire escape with his goggles obscuring his eyes. 
You don’t doubt that it’d be an intimidating sight to anyone else; this tall, imposing man, blending in so well with the dark and moving so quickly and quietly in the shadows. But seeing him silhouetted against the glow of the city lights with a small smirk playing on his lips just makes you realise how much you miss him. And how much you want to show him that. 
"Fancy running into you here, stranger." His deep, raspy voice comes out teasing and flirty. 
A warmth spreads over you at the sound and you take a step closer. “Hey there, hero. I could say the same to you.”
"And to what do I owe the pleasure of this lovely surprise?"
You smile softly, reaching up to touch his face, tracing his jawline. “I was hoping you could help me with my little problem.”
He chuckles, his upside-down grin nearly disarming. "Whatever it is, I’m all yours.”
“You see, my boyfriend hasn’t been coming home for the past few days and I've been feeling a little lonely lately because of it.” You pout a little.
“Is that so?” His hand finds its way to the small of your back, pulling you a fraction closer. The simple gesture, tender and affectionate, sends shivers down your spine. You lean into his touch, the feeling of his hand against your skin comforting. “Do you want me to keep you company then?”
You nod, dipping your head slightly so your lips softly brush against his. The anticipation builds like an electric charge in the air. His closeness is intoxicating and you feel your heart race, each beat like a drum echoing your desire for him.
“Like I said,” he breathes, his thumb lightly grazing your lips. “I’m all yours.”
Your hands trail down to his eyes to pull his goggles down, and you smile at the look on his face. “There you are, handsome.” 
You grab his jaw and kiss him like you’ve been wanting to all week, molding your lips against his with a burning desire to be closer. Your hands find their way to the nape of his neck, fingers tangling in and fisting his unruly hair until you feel him groan.
"I've — missed you," you murmur against his lips between kisses, savoring the taste and warmth of his mouth.
"Kitten, you have no idea how much I've missed you," he growls, his voice low and husky. You reach for him again, but he pulls away. You’re about to ask why when he flips himself right-side up, landing effortlessly on the ground to tower over you. 
“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you all week.” He pins you against the alleyway, both his palms flat against the surface beside your face, and he draws you closer until you're flush against him. “Thinking about all the things I want to do to you.”
Your breath catches in your throat when you feel his knee slowly creeping up between your legs, and he crashes his lips into yours once more. 
The taste of him is deliciously exhilirating, the sensation of his skin against yours a heady concoction that sends your senses into a whirl.
"Then why — don’t you—" You try to gasp, “Stop — thinking — and just —”
Unable to form a coherent thought anymore as he kisses you senseless, you reach behind you instead to touch his hand and trail your fingers up his arm, over his chest, and down his abs, feeling his toned muscles through the fabric of his shirt. You hook your finger through his belt to pull him closer. 
Feeling his hips slot against yours knocks the air from your lungs. 
“Shouta,” you can’t help but whine and roll your hips against him, desperately seeking friction. 
His hands grip you tighter as he groans into your mouth. He stops to look at you — your dark, blown out pupils, chest panting and face flushed with desire — and grabs your jaw, smirking. “You know I can't resist you when you're like this, right, kitten?”
You smile slowly through the haziness of the desire clouding your mind. 
“Tell you what. Why don’t you go back home first,” He leans in to press a lingering kiss behind your ear, stroking your hair. “And I promise I won’t be far behind?”
“You’re no fun,” You protest petulantly, fingers clutching at his shirt. “Can’t you take a day off from saving the world just for one night?”
He smiles at you softly. “I’m sorry, love, for today and all the days before that I haven’t been around much,” He takes your hands and brings it up to his mouth, looking into your eyes as he kisses your knuckles. “I intend to be plenty fun when I get home later. How’s that sound?”
Your cheeks warm at his words and all the things they make you imagine. “Don’t take too long, then.”
“I won’t. I’m counting down the seconds as we speak.”
With one last stolen, tender kiss, Shouta watches you leave before he heads back out into the night. The ache of having to say goodbye again is softened by the sincerity in his promise of making up for lost time and the eager anticipation of being in his arms soon.
(The noise complaint you get from his neighbor the next day is a small price to pay, and it makes him laugh a little when you show it to him, so…even just for that…)
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billiethepumpkin · 6 months
Crave: Shota Aizawa x Reader
Warnings: Rated X. This content is intended for those ages 18 years and older. If you are a minor, do not interact.
Contains: AFAB!Reader. Dom!Aizawa. Pinning to the wall. Teasing. Penetrative sex. Unprotected sex. Female and male anatomy.
Author's Note: All characters are written to be adults because I am an old fuck :)
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Long days haunted the two of you. Aizawa had long days of training, and longer nights of mixed activity, either spending nights in the school dorms or stopping villains under the starlight. You were pursuing your own desires, studying and working, coming home exhausted. Sometimes you didn't even have the energy to prepare a decent meal for yourself, just settling on instant ramen before falling into bed.
And Shota... You had no idea what must be going on in his head. You talked almost every day. He made sure there was enough room in his life for you, always. But you still missed him, still ached for him. Sometimes when he walked past, you caught a whiff of his scent and had to keep yourself from swooning. You hadn't spent the night together in weeks. You craved his muscled warmth, his rough hands... Simply his touch.
And, oh, did he miss yours. When you sat together at lunch, it was all he could do to stop himself from taking you right there in the teacher's lounge. He would catch the scent of your perfume, the fruit and blossom of your shower gel, and Aizawa became feral.
That was why, when he learned he'd have the night off from patrol, he'd immediately texted you, "I'm coming over."
You couldn't help but smile. Maybe you'd strip right then, so that you'd answer the door naked for him. Or maybe you'd leave the door unlocked and wait for him in some pretty lacy thing in the bed. No time for that. You'd go with the first option.
You slung a silky robe around your arms, letting it hang at your sides. Your breasts displayed in front of you, your nipples stood at attention. You waited for the knock on the door. It came quickly. Had Aizawa run here? Your heart jumped anyway.
You opened the door, and Shota's gaze met your eyes first. He had been telling himself that he was just coming over, that he wanted to spend real time with you. But you both knew that Aizawa was just as lonely as you were, just as needy and pent up.
As if some invisible force came over him, Shota picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist and pushing you inside. In one swift, slick movement he shut the door, locked it, and pinned your back against it, your hands above your head. The only thing really holding your weight was one hand and his strong torso. One second passed. Two. Three. Aizawa hadn't even kissed you, hadn't even touched you in any of your most sensitive places. But even as he stayed inches from your face, your eyes seemed to glaze over at his touch.
Usually he could play this part, could be powerful and dominant, could pin you to the wall and edge you until you were on the verge of tears. But today--not today. Today, he needed to take you. Now.
He pressed his lips to yours. Instinctively, your hands found purchase in his long, tangled hair. Shota's hand found its place on your jaw, simultaneously pinning you to the wall and claiming you as his own. Your lips moved to the skin on his neck. And suddenly, you were clawing at his shirt, biting at his flesh. It was like you were trying to climb inside his skin, remain in his touch for the rest of your days. You couldn't help but squirm against him, your bare sex rubbing against his body. You couldn't even feel any of his skin touching you there, but he knew how badly you needed him, too. You had to be dripping, thought you might cause a puddle to form on the hem of his shirt.
Aizawa didn't care.
As your teeth and lips and tongue slid over his neck, around his ears, Shota shifted his weight and moved to carry you somewhere more solid, somewhere he could get his pleasure too.
The couch. It was close enough.
He settled your bare body on the couch, your arms still desperately clinging to him. But he stood up, pulling out of your touch. You couldn't help but whine at the loss of contact. But you sighed at the sight before you as Aizawa tugged his black shirt over his head. "Spread your legs, baby," he purred, settling down on his knees in front of where you sat. "I want to look at you." You whined again at the thought. Just take me already, you thought. You couldn't stand being out of reach from him. "Come on, honey. I'm going to help you," he persuaded, running a warm, rough hand over your soft thigh.
Butterflies ruled your stomach now, your breathing heavy as you shifted your weight and spread your legs, awkwardly settling your feet on the couch on either side of you. "That's my girl," Aizawa crooned. He pressed a kiss to your inner knee, similar kisses creating a trail to where you needed his touch most. He caught your scent. Not your perfume, not your soap. No, the scent of your quivering, weeping pussy before him. You swore you saw Shota's eyes roll into the back of his head.
You threw your head back in protest. "Please, Sho," you whined, involuntarily wiggling your hips. If you could get just a brush of attention...
"Shh," he shushed, his callused thumb brushing over your more sensitive lips. "I just want to look," he clarified, his eyes locked on your pussy. His thumb weaved in and out of your heat, playing in your slick as Shota tried to tell himself he wouldn't cum just as he entered you.
But the sound of your whine, your desire--your need--for him... It was almost too much for him to handle.
You weren't sure when he'd unbuckled his belt and let his pants and boxer briefs fall to the floor, but you were pleasantly surprised when he stood up and situated himself above you. You wouldn't look away. Wouldn't even blink, you promised yourself. You had to watch this, soak in everything you could, remember this later--every single word and breath and movement.
Shota settled his tip at your entrance. His shaft was an angry red, bleeding into the warm dark brown hair at the base. You could feel how warm he was, even without him actually entering you.
Aizawa braced himself and took several deep breaths before he plunged deep into your wet, aching cunt. A groan escaped his lungs, and now he was watching your eyes roll into the back of your head.
On instinct you closed your eyes to take in the feeling, the pleasure. But Shota again grabbed your chin, tilting it so he was looking you right in the eyes. "Don't look away, baby," he commanded. "I want you to remember every bit of this."
He began to pull out of you and plunge back in, over and over, again and again. And it seemed that you could feel every millimeter of his cock, every vein, every wrinkle. You couldn't help the way your mouth hung open, the way your lungs pushed out moan after moan as the pleasure intensified with every thrust of Shota's hips. And no matter how much you wanted to close your eyes, fall back into those habits from every other time, you didn't. You fought those habits to keep looking at him, right into his dark eyes. You felt him everywhere, all at once. Your hands tangled in his hair. His hands gripping your thighs and hips. His cock slamming against your cervix, bringing you shamefully close to that high you were so desperately craving.
It snuck up on you. And, out of nowhere, you tumbled over the edge into bliss. You couldn't help it. Your pussy clenched and pushed and squirmed around Shota's hard cock.
Aizawa pulled out before he had his own orgasm. He carried you into the bedroom.
That was just one of many he planned on giving you tonight.
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gamergirl-niffler · 10 months
Cześć myszka! To ja, Paulinex. Czytałam te twoje headcanony dla Genshina i powiem, że mi się spodobały bardzo! Takie pocieszne! Ty, a robisz też inne fandomy? Bo wiem, że lubisz też akademię bohaterów. To słuchaj, sprawę mam, jakby dało radę uprosić się o takie mini mini headcanony dla All Mighta, Endeavoura, Aizawy, Dabiego, Izuku i Twice'a - ich ukochana w tajemnicy adoptuje kociaka! Z góry dzięki! ❤️❤️
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Adopting kitten is secret! That's such a cute idea!
Hope you like it!
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All Might
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- He is surprised.
- Toshinori went to get some shopping to make the dinner that the two of you could enjoy, and he returned to a little fluff ball jumping around the living room, trying to catch a little bell while still rolling it around.
- Are you home? Did he forget to close the window and the kitten sneaked it?
- "Y/N? You home?" He asked a little louder, still not sure what happened.
- "Toshinori!" You came into the living room and greeted him with a tight hug, which he gladly returned.
- "Would you mind telling me what's that? Of course, I know it's a cat, but what are they doing here?" He asked, holding you close.
- You just gave him an innocent smile. "Well, I adopted a kitten. Surprise!” 
- To your own surprise, he wasn’t angry. In fact, he was very opposite to angry.
- Pretty soon, the kitten got more attached to him.
- As soon as Toshinori was up, the little kitten was up as well, happily trotting behind its beloved human
- This actually made you a little jealous.
- Little cat always lurked around, ready to attack and play with him.
- When it comes to you, the kitten only wanted to play when Toshinori wasn’t around.
- You were basically a replacement for the best human.
- In the end, even if you adopted the kitten in secret and as a surprise, it was a good move.
- The kitten brought Toshinori a lot of comfort when you weren’t around. He never felt alone in the flat.
- You called the kitten "Small Might" just to mess with your boyfriend a little but with all honesty? With the way the kitten got attached to him? It was a very suiting name. 
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 - He was gone for two weeks, and he came back to see your shared apartment filled with cat stuff. What even was that?!
- You came out of your room and squealed happily, seeing him back home.
- For a moment, he forgot about the odd stuff until he noticed a little head curiously sticking out from your hood. Big eyes just looking at him.
- He looked at the kitten, and the kitten looked right back at him.
- "Where did you get the kitten? You didn't tell me," Izuku said, sounding almost hurt.
- You pulled away and took the kitten out of the hood to present it to your boyfriend. "Well, say hi to Kyo," you introduced, and kitty meowed proudly. "I took him from the street... I just found him on my way home."
- Izuku smiled and gently patted the kitten's head. Maybe you weren't a hero but you saved a little life. He couldn’t be mad. "Welcome at your new home."
- Both kitten and Izuku got attached to each other pretty quickly, of course not excluding you.
- Kyo was always happy to see you both.
- When Izuku was too busy to play, the kitten was going to play with you. Reverse happened when you were busy.
- The best moments in the kitten's life were the ones where both of you paid attention to him.
- This kitten was spoiled with all the love he deserved.
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- Last thing he expected of you was to see you up when he got home from night patrol. It was the middle of the night, and you were all bouncy and happy waiting for him in the kitchen of your shared apartment. "Why are you up, kitten?" 
- "I just wanted to see you, I missed you and I have a surprise for you," You explained, getting even more excited.
- Shota sighed, feeling tired. He just wanted to go to bed and snuggle with you before he needed to get up to deal with unruly young heroes.
- You walked away and soon returned with a little kitten in your arms. Little fluff ball meowed and looked at him.
- He blinked, looking at the kitten and then at you. "You got us a kitten? In secret? Y/N..." 
- "I know, I know! But we talked about this, yeah? We talked but never did anything on that decision, so I decided to 'go behind your back' let's say," you explained with a sweet smile.
- Suddenly, there was a quiet meow that definitely didn't come from the kitten in your arms.
- Shota let out another sigh and removed his Capturing Weapon to get better access to the upper part of his costume. 
- You blinked, confused and then gasped, seeing him pull out a ginger kitten. Kitten meowed while the other meowed happily to see a playmate.
- "I found him during the patrol. It's raining, so I couldn't leave him all alone," he explained, scratching kitten's head.
- Two kittens were better than one! 
- Of course, they both were more into Shota. He was a cat magnet, but you didn’t mind it, seeing how much happiness they brought him.
- Seeing Shota working on students' papers with kittens napping on his lap or right on the table was a different kind of cozy.
- Kittens effectively filled up his days, making them much more bearable.
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- You tried to sneak past him once you got home, which turned out to be a big fail.
- "Trying to sneak past me, huh? I thought you can do better than that," Dabi muttered, wrapping arms around you. You were pulled closer to his body. "Did you get tired of me, princess?"
- You immediately shook your head. "No! Of course not, Touya. I just... I wanted to get to the bathroom," giggling, you shrugged.
- Touya was about something, but a quiet meow interrupted him.
- You went red and tried to escape his grasp, but he didn't let you. Without even asking, Touya reached under your jacket and pulled out a kitten. ”What the hell?"
- After giving him an apologetic smile, you scratched the back of your neck. "I just adopted the kitten... Surprise, I guess?"
- "Just keep that fur ball away from me," he said, giving the kitten back to you.
- Despite his clear dislike of a little creature, the kitten kept trotting back to him. Especially when it got cold.
- One time you caught Dabi petting and playing with the kitten, which was adorable.
- When Touya was napping on the couch, little cat often jumped on his chest or snuggled in the crock of his neck
- Overall, he was on good terms with 'little rat' as he liked to call the cat.
- He loved this kitten, but would NEVER admit it.
Enji Todoroki
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- He was furious! 
- You dared to bring a cat home that wasn't even yours?! 
- "Y/N! Come here!"
- Of course you came over as soon as he called you in, and you could see how mad he was. "Care to explain?" He asked, pointing at the kitten.
- "Well, it's a kitten," you gladly explained, playing dumb.
- Enji wasn't in the mood for playing your stupid game. "I will put it as simple as possible. You get it out of the house, or I'll kick it out myself."
- You blinked, looking at him, from his face you could tell he wasn't joking. "B-But Enji. I can't just give it back... I always wanted a kitten and I thought it would be nice to have some furry..." You tried your best to explain it to him.
 - "You think I care? You went behind my back, without even asking me for permission to get a cat!"
- You winced at his raised voice. "B-But it's just a harmless kitten. I'll train it so it won't scratch anything or pee anywhere... Please, let me keep it."
- "I said no. Get rid of it, or I will, and I can't promise it will end up in good hands. You have a week," with those words he walked away. You just picked up a kitten and sighed. "Let's find you a good home, little one."
- For next week, you were looking for someone who could adopt the kitten and gave it a good home.
- Enji didn’t pay any attention to the little animal. Even when the kitten came closer to get warm, he just pushed it away.
- You even tried to maybe talk him into the idea, but it just ended in yet another fight.
- After a week, the kitten was gone, in a new, good home. You still felt bad because of it.
- Todoroki just patted your head. "Don't you ever go behind my back again." 
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- "Jin! Jin, come here. I got something to show you," You waved at your beloved with a smile.
- He was immediately right next to you. "What? What is it? C'mon! C'mon, show me what it is, starlight," Jin was basically bouncing from excitement.
- You kissed his cheek and then opened your jacket to reveal the head of a cute kitten. It meowed loudly, looking at both of you.
- "Kitten?! You got us a kitten? You never said you want one... OH, IT'S SO CUTE!," he said, scratching the kitten on the chin.
- "Forgive me. I did that in secret to surprise you, so ta-da!," you giggled and pulled the kitty out so he could hold it.
- "I forgive you, but I am also mad you didn't tell your boyfriend," Twice nodded, busy patting the kitten. "It's so amazingly fluffy, I love it, but it will leave a flat messy with fur." 
- Kitten became "Twice Jr." and was the center of Jin's attention.
- Junior was your REAL 'fur baby'
- He was showing it to everyone! Shigaraki and Dabi were not impressed: it was just a cat. Hawks said it was cute, but Toga loved the kitten as much as you and Jin did. They both dressed kitten up in cute and funny outfits.
- Kitten seemed to have a calming effect on him. 
- When the identity crisis came, you together with kitten were there to calm Twice down. 
- Junior became Jin's best companion, of course kitten wasn’t replacing you, but it's just as important as you. 
- Even if you did this in secret, he was really happy you brought this little, additional ray of sunshine into his sad life.
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atarathegreat · 3 months
Hi can I get a Bakugo x reader
(Honestly I have this Oc and I kinda based it of her but I wanna switch it more of a reader type thing)
What if reader has a electrokinesis power where they can confuse ppls energy to shoot out lightning but what if something happened to them causing them to leave UA leaving bakugo (her lover) confused on why they disappeared (yk breaking up) but years later they see each other again reader doesn’t really wanna talk to ppl even tho they used to be talkative
You can end it with fluff if you want (sorry if it’s to much😭)
UA second year. You weren't sure you were prepared for it. Sure, you survived the first year and all the trials it brought for you. But doing it all again?
You walked beside your mother into the school, not for classes or for meeting teachers. No. You were dropping out.
During your first year, you learned to grip your powers while also fighting for your life. Forcing the aura of another, or even your own aura, to morph and become an energy you could tangibly use took a heavy toll on your psych. It was a slow progression into mental instability. Your quirk was just too... much.
None of your friends received warning of the major decision you had made, aside from a vague message to the group chat and a private DM to your boyfriend- ex-boyfriend- Bakugo.
Bakugo tried to get ahold of you after the strange text. He wanted to know what the hell you were going on about, but you were completely ghosting everyone. Had you decided to join that idiot Deku and his group? No, because you hadn't even shown up to class. Aizawa didn't even seem concerned with your absence. Aizawa knew something was going on, he knew what was happening, but he refused to share the information with anyone who asked.
For the first few weeks, everyone was busy trying to contact you and trying to figure out what your texts meant, then they started reminiscing like you were dead.
Mina's favorite story was about the time you had glared at a man in public for calling your outfit cringe until you managed to spark him with a pinch of his own dark aura. Or the one Kaminari loved to partially tell: the time you got so angry at a group of jerks that you screamed until bolts of electricity shot out of your pores to tase all of them. Bakugo was getting sick and tired of hearing these stories about you. He missed you like hell and hearing about you was only hurting him.
Hearing about how you were so perfect with your quirk or about the time you absolutely obliterated a group of heroes who tried to test your metal.
"Shut up!" Bakugo screamed, throwing the controller of the gaming system to the floor. Everyone stopped to stare at him, shocked by his outburst. "I am so sick and tired of hearing about everything she was fucking perfect at! We get it!"
Even with all his yelling, he wasn't mad or anything. He understood their want to keep you with them in UA despite the fact that you left them. Aizawa silently ushered the boy back towards his dorm, giving the vaguest explanation to your disappearance.
He went through the rest of UA with the same bitter attitude, refusing to take part in any conversation that had to do with you. Even when he started his own agency and worked alongside Kaminari and, to his surprise, Momo, Bakugo would not speak about you. The man didn't know how to feel about it, being a grown adult and still yearning for his high school girlfriend, or at least that love he felt for her.
It's not until he's on patrol that he catches sight of you. You hardly changed. Older, yes, but still the same. Same hair, same face, same walk.
"Y/n." He doesn't hesitate to grasp your elbow, not thinking about how you may have moved on, gotten a new partner. He doesn't care. "Why'd you leave? Why didn't you say anything?"
"Still not beating around the bush, huh?" You chuckled awkwardly at his stern expression. Of course he would want to know. You dipped out without a word to anyone as to why. "Don't piss around with me, woman. Explain yourself." Bakugo backed you into a corner, not really caring that people were taking pictures of him. To those extras, he probably looked like a hero cornering an innocent woman, but to him, he was keeping your face from the photos. Obviously, you wanted privacy, right? That had to be a part of why you left UA. It only made sense.
"I couldn't take it... my quirk..." You mumbled, "It posed too much stress on me mentally... I had to leave for my health..." How long had you waited to be honest with Bakugo? How long had you waited to see his handsome face and apologize for leaving without footsteps? Too long.
Bakugo squished you more into the corner, keeping you out of view of lenses as people shouted at him for him to leave you alone.
"I've got you... you'll stay hidden..." Bakugo sighed, "You should've said something, jackass... we all would've understood."
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namjoon-koya · 2 years
Thank you for taking my request? It was beautifully written.
I was wondering if I can another Headcannon of Aizawa, FatGum and Hawks seeing their s/o coming back a long mission and were about to greet them but Eri runs over to them first, their s/o kneels down arms open and gives Eri great big hug?
Just something sweet and adorable.
Thank you and take your time writing it.
a/n: sorry I’m late on this again😭 but I hope you enjoy it! This was a really cute request! Also I only wrote for Aizawa and Hawks just because I was struggling a little bit to figure out what to write for Fatgum, but I hope you enjoy it!
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People usually never saw Aizawa smile or at least act happy, he was always sleeping in his sleeping bag or just had a plain look on his face, but not this time. You were gone for a few weeks for a mission and it required you to be away from home, Aizawa wasn’t happy to hear you say you were leaving; but he understood that it was part of being a hero. Even while a few of his coworkers didn’t notice the glee in his eyes it was Toshinori and Hizashi who did notice.
“Are you excited that they’re finally coming back?” Eri asked as she continued to draw onto a piece of paper, he wanted to say hell yeah; but instead settled on saying yes to her question. He knows you wouldn’t appreciate hearing Eri say hell yes, if you asked her if she wanted pancakes for breakfast. “Done! Do you think they’ll like it?” Eri asked showing Aizawa the drawing she was working on, it could make out a family on the drawing.
It was Eri, you and him together holding hands, in the background it read “WELCOME BACK!” He knew anything Eri gave you, you would love it. “They definitely will” he said gently smiling at Eri. He heard the door click open and that’s when he saw you walk through the door, he wanted to run over to you and hold you in his arms. Even while it was just a few weeks of you being away, it almost felt like you were gone for a year.
Aizawa was getting ready to walk over to you, but that’s when he saw small flash run right past him. Eri beat him to you first, she was quick to open her arms wide open and you were quick to catch her in yours. You picked her up and gently spun her around “Eri! I missed you so much!” You said happily, “I missed you too! I’m happy you’re back home”
You looked over at Aizawa and saw a warm pleasant smile on his face, you knew he was taking in the scene in front of him. “Aren’t you going to say you missed me?” You asked him, Aizawa gave you a teasing look “course I didn’t miss you, it was quiet without you.” “Liar! You told me you didn’t like the house being quiet since they weren’t home” Eri that little traitor, but she was right. It was too quiet without you and he disliked it, he walks over to you and gently plants a soft kiss on your lips.
“Welcome back”
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Hawks was excited to see you again, both of you did hero work. Yet most of the time it was you who had to leave on a mission trip, mostly because the hero commission told him he has to stay behind while you had to go. He didn’t like it, but he knew you wouldn’t argue against it. Aizawa, All Might and Eri were waiting for your arrival at the airport, while hawks never really formed a bond with Eri. You did you were there when they rescued Eri from overhaul and were there when she was recovering in the hospital, Hawks saw how gentle you were towards her which made his heart explode.
He felt a nudge against his shoulder, it was All Might getting his attention “here they come” he said winking at Hawks, shit if only he could fly towards you already and hold you in his arms. He missed you a lot, more than you could even imagine. At nights without you next to him he felt restless it was too cold without you next to him, when hawks saw you he felt his feathers fluff up at the sight of you. (His feathers did the same thing when he first noticed you during a meeting and of course it’s noticeable and he was EMBARRASSED because endeavor asked him about it)
When you got a bit closer Hawks was getting ready to run up to you until he saw someone else had beat him to you first, it was Eri she had his arms wide open and you were quick to drop your things and give her a hug back. Hawks was a bit jealous just because he wanted to give you a hug first, but seeing how happy you made Eri made him happy as well. You told him the things she went through when you and the others saved her, it was obvious you being there made her feel safe. “sorry I couldn’t hold her back, Eri was really just excited to see them again” Aizawa said as he walked over to Hawks, “don’t apologize it’s fine”
Once the both of you locked eyes onto each other that’s when he walked over to you, “hey there dove, it’s nice to see you again” he said planting a kiss on your forehead “what no kiss on the lips?” “Hey there’s a kid right in front of us” you rolled your eyes at him, “I really did miss you” he said again “so did I”
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grwnsz · 1 year
bad days [todoroki shoto x m!reader]
tws : overworking, stress, small mental breakdown
context : m/n is in a relationship with todoroki shoto
-> what happens when m/n is behind in work and todoroki helps :)
It was difficult. Internship under your parents was really difficult. They worked you to the bone with the ever rising expectations they have for you to outperform everybody, you were worked twice as hard as any other of your classmates. Everyday, you would come back to your room and immediately pass out before making it to your bed. Perhaps it was the intense strain you've made on your body or the fact that you've been working for hours in the rain that made you catch this fever. Nevertheless, the headaches and nausea was nothing compared to soreness of your body from working yourself to death this entire week. However, you did not expect the illness to last this long. Unable to get out of bed for the past week, you were well-behind in class. It was not helpful with midterms coming up as work just pilled up. The vast amount of classwork and homework you had to finish, materials to catch up on and training to complete created immense amount of stress on your body as you forced your weakself out of bed and revised on materials you've missed out (provided by your peers).
"[M/n]?" A familiar voice called to you, snapping you out of your focus. Todoroki stood at the entrance of the door holding up a tray containing a bowl of porridge and a glass of warm [fav drink]. He quickly placed the tray down on your vanity table and rushed over to you.
"[M/n]? You're burning up..." He frowned as he felt your forehead with his, "What are you doing out of bed?"
His voice was calmed and not panicked but you could tell a sense of worry from the tone of his voice.
"I...I have too much to catch up on, I can't stay in bed any longer," You turned away and looked at the list you curated on the things you had to get done before the midterm exams that was one and a half months away. It was long and you were not even halfway done. You let out short and heavy breaths as you struggled to keep your lungs from collapsing.
"[M/n]...you're still sick, you're not in the right condition to be studying right now. You need to rest and let your body recover," He nudged you and held your hand to keep you from writing.
"Please, I need to get this done! I'm not even halfway on the things I have to catch up on, and I'm running out of time," Your voice cracked and you struggled to keep your tears from filling your eyes. All the stress from studying and pressure you've been putting on your unwell body was finally getting to you.
Todoroki watched silently as you breakdown into small sobs and tried to wipe your tears. He turned to your bed and pushed away the duvet you neatly folded on your bed. Stacking pillows against the bedrest, he easily picked you up and sat you down on your bed, covering you with the duvet. You were trying to struggle and get out of his grapes but your body was far to tired to gather the strength to resist. You slumped into the backrest he created for you and pouted, tears continued to stream down your face as you thought about the mountain of work awaiting you and how it was piling up at the second.
He took tissues and wiped away the tears from your face, "Knowing your situation, Aizawa-sensei can give you an extension. There is no reason to put so much stress on your recovering body."
"But!" He shushed you by shoving a spoon of his homemade (with some help of Midoriya) porridge into your mouth.
"Chew," He said. He wore his usual blank face yet his actions and words were filled with care and compassion that made you feel warm and fluffy inside. Dissipating the stress you were feeling, allowing you to calm down and relax.
"You sure?" You croaked. You could barely speak from the fever you've been experiencing, impacting yout throat.
"Mhm, it's unfair for you to complete all the work you've missed out because you were sick from overworking, you deserve a break," He hummed softly and caressed your [h/c] hair gently as you swallowed the warm porridge.
The porridge and [fav drink] was soon finished. The mental and physical stress you were putting on yourself was not as heavy anymore. However, the image of the pile of work that was towering over you wouldn't disappear from your mind. Poking at you from the depths of the darkness in your mind. Todoroki noticed how you kept glancing at your work desk.
"If you want, I can tell you about the stuff we learnt in class today...like a bedtime story," He offered, you smiled in delight at his offer as it gave you a chance to catch up on work in a more enjoyable and light-hearted way.
It took less than ten minutes for you to slowly fell asleep to Todoroki's soothing and gentle voice.
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anniebear-92 · 1 year
The Adventures of An UA RA
Part One - Move In Week
Summary: You are a third year UA hero student who is also the RA for class 1 A's dorm. It's move in for the new students and you are there to greet the fresh faces to the new year! If only you knew the year you were in for...
Warnings: SFW, jokes, crack-headed energy etc. One joke alluding to an adult type object.
Info: College AU, UA is a university and all students are college ages (18+). Dorms have been in place for all ages from the beginning of the year in this AU.
Clutching the clipboard against your sweater, it brushes the embroidery of UAU, showing pride for the school you had attended for three years as of today. Now in your second year as a Residential Advisor the itch to meet your new students crawled up your back, a scratch you couldn't reach or get rid of no matter how hard you tried.
The students would be arriving any moment, their first week to work on moving in their belongings to their new room before classes would officially start next Monday. Hoping they were anything like your previous year students who had been almost angelic, this year could only serve to be even better! Right?
Checking the watch on your wrist it was a few minutes past when their homeroom teacher Mr. Aizawa stated they would be gathering at the building so you could direct them to their assigned rooms.
Your gaze raised a bit startled to find a very bright blonde rushing towards you, rolling bag scuffing along the ground as he rushed over.
"Are you a student here?"
His eyes drug over your appearance as you cleared your throat and nodded.
"I am a Third year here. I'll be your Resident Advisor for this building. You'll hear more when we get everyone here though. Can I grab your name so I can mark you present?"
His face lit up like a light bulb, nodding furiously. "Denki! I'm Denki Kaminari."
Your pen scratched against the paper, marking the little box next to his name indicating he was present as a few others began trickling over. Taking their names as they arrived one by one, you found only a few had yet to arrive.
An Izuku Midorya, Mina Ashido and Occhaco Uraraka.
The students chatted amongst themselves, they were definitely a colorful bunch so far, especially a certain blonde haired student who had called you an extra and almost refused to give his name when asked for role call. After noting you were the RA for the building he finally gave in with heavy reluctance.
After a few more minutes a pink haired girl with matching skin tone came hustling up while carrying at least two bags over her shoulders while dragging along a large one with yet another bag sitting on top let you know she was indeed Mina Ashido. She was followed by a brunette girl with a bob and pink cheeks.
The only person missing was this Izuku Midoriya person. You raised a hand and decided it was time to go inside the dorm, knowing full well not everyone always shows up on the first day or they may have decided to rescind their attendance.
"Hello Everyone! Can I grab your attention?"
Your voice rang out over the courtyard, soon to be drowned out by the chatting of students introductions and laughter. Clearing your throat you tried again to no avail, even your claps to grab their attention like kindergarten, only had a few shoot you side eyed glances in confusion.
Having enough, with a deep sigh the air around began rushing slightly as it lifted you into the air, body feeling light as you hung a few feet off the ground.
"Over here! Yes... me here in the air, hello!"
Finally catching the crowd's attention and shock that you now floated in the air a few feet above them all turned with silence to give what you had been seeking.
Returning your feet to the ground gently, you gave them the most welcoming smile one could muster.
"Welcome everyone to a new year at UA! I am Y/N L/N and I will be your Residential Advisor here this year. If we can all gather our things we will go ahead and shuffle into the lobby so you can all get situated before I hand out room assignments."
Turning you shoved a key into the lock and pushed the doors wide open for the students to finally enter the building that would be their homes for the next few months of the school year. As the final student entered the silver doors a green haired boy came running up, breath coming quick from having ran his way up the walk. His bag clutched tightly to his chest he found you watching him with intrest.
"Are you my Izuku Midoriya?"
His freckled cheeks turned a bright red while a small squeak left his lips. "Yes... I'm Izuku Midoriya."
Shining him a smile you waved a hand to indicate for him to follow the others inside. His eyes averted from yours, ears pink as he shuffled inside quietly with his bag still tightly held in his arms.
Now in the lobby you watched as the students peeked around in interest of the common areas, couches and kitchenettes in the area.
Waiving them all over you asked they take a seat at the couches for your little orientation before providing them their room numbers so they can start moving their stuff inside.
Reintroducing yourself due to the late arrival, you indicated that you would be their go-to for the rest of the school year. Your office would be located on the fourth floor should they need your assistance, otherwise on their room assignment form would be a phone number they can call at any time to reach you.
You handed a stack of papers to a student with navy colored hair and spectacles that shined in the light. He handed out a paper to each person as you indicated rules that would need to be followed in order to remain in the dorms.
One of the male students in the rear you thought was called Sero raised his hand.
"Yes sir?"
He pointed to a line in the middle of the page with a long finger, "This says no quirk use... so we can't use our quirks in the dorms at all?"
You shook your head while raising your hand to the same posted rules on the wall. "No, this means that your quirks cannot be used in the harm of others or campus property. If you have a quirk that creates fire and you set something ablaze there will be consequences."
A student with dual colored hair nodded with a quiet, "Good to know."
You quirked a brow, probably best to get a list of quirks from this group.
The same student as before raised his hand again, "Yes sir? Again."
"So my quirk creates tape from my elbows? If I wanted to say, fix something with my tape can I do that?"
You shrugged with a slight nod, "Sure, I guess. Though I am here to call maintenance so if anything is broken you would want to report that to me so we can get it fixed properly. However knowing you have that quirk if I find someone taped to a wall or ceiling I'll be coming to your door."
He shrunk into his seat a bit with a look of disappointment. Glad that was nipped before it happened.
You finished out the rules, indicating girls were on one side, guys on the other. Any inappropriate conduct would not be tolerated, such as sneaking into the other gender's restrooms, stealing, destroying property etc.
A hand shot up and your eyes landed on the owner. The hand was tiny, almost like that of a small child, the boy attached was no larger. At first you had a conflict thought of was this kid even college age?
"Yes... uh, Mineta?"
He placed his hand down with a smile, "So there's not co-ed showers here?"
Your brows lowered a bit from your hairline and a head shake from you. "No this facility is not co-ed. If you are found in violation of these rules in particular, I take very seriously by the way, you will be removed from campus permenately."
He lowered his hand and eyes shot around to disapproving looks from any female who sat near him, including your own stern glare indicating you were serious about the words you spoke. The safety of your students was one of the most important things to you.
After all questions were quelled, No alcohol is not allowed, no you cannot blast your childhood rival just for breathing.. No not existing either. Now that you were done with your presentation it was time to lead the students to their rooms.
The group followed behind you as you led them up the stairs to the first floor, giving keys one by one to those whose rooms you passed and leaving them to unpack their bags. Making your way through each floor and giving another stern reminder to the small purple boy if you catch anyone violating rules there will be issues and he hurried inside his room with such haste.
The final floor which included your office you handed off the keys to each student and decided it was time to enter your own room. On the door your name was listed with "RA" afterwards, and a small blurb to please knock on your office door beside it during business hours.
Inside your room was already decorated with your own tastes, having been on campus for at least a full week prior to the students arriving to prepare. Lounging in your chair you closed your eyes. The first week was always the hardest, getting everyone settled in and used to living apart from their parents usually for the first time.
A knock at your door broke you from your comfort and you hopped from the soft surface. Opening the door you found yourself in front of a smiling redhead with hair sticking out of a bandana he had wrapped over his forehead.
"Hi! I'm Kirishima... I was just curious about our room rules about decorating?"
You smiled and waved at the door beside your room. "Sure, let's go into my office. I gave you a list of rules, did it not answer your question?"
He followed you like a lost puppy and shook his head, "Nah, I just wanted to hang a few exercise equipment from the ceiling. Wasn't sure of the rules regarding that." You swung the door to your little office open, the inside simply decorated with yet again your taste lining the walls and surfaces. A desk sat with a few comfortable looking chairs and you led him to one of them.
He took a seat as you rounded the desk and placed yourself into your rolling chair. "What kind of exercise equipment are you hanging? As long as it doesn't damage the structure of the room it should be fine."
He leaned back in the chair, one muscled arm sticking out of a cut off shirt wrapped around the rear of the other chair beside him. "Ah just a punching bag, maybe a chair later."
Cocking a brow at the chair his sharp toothed smile lit up his face and you leaned forward. "Kirishima, just a sitting chair right?"
His eyebrows furrowed and his smile slipped a bit in clear confusion, "Wait, what kind of other chair is there?"
Biting your lip to hide your smile at his innocence you shrugged, "Forget about it. Just a reminder UA does have multiple work out facilities on campus including a simple one in the basement of the dorm for your use."
His bright smile split his face once again, "Yeah, I saw that. I'm super excited to put them to use before classes start. So I'm cool to hang that punching bag?"
Nodding you watched as he stood and offered his fist out, bumping your own he offered a salute before turning to exit the office. "See you later RA, stay manly!"
Blinking in complete confusion on what he meant by that you shrugged and shook your head before pressing the button to your computer's monitor to fire it up. You were typing up a report to the class' teacher about how move in was going when yet another knock came at your door.
Lifting your eyes you found the bubblegum girl standing in your doorway. She had a smile on her lips that went all the way into her dark eyes.
"Hey! Got a sec?"
You nodded and indicated to one of the chairs, which she dropped into immediately.
"So I wanted to come over because we're going to be neighbors and I wanted to get to know you! Are you a student here? Or did you graduate?"
Giving her a polite smile you watched as she leaned forward and propped her chin against her fists as she watched you with interest.
"Yes, I am a third year student. I'll be graduating at the end of the school year and becoming a full fledged hero."
She gasped loudly, "You're a hero student?" Nodding to confirm her question she scooted her chair forward with a screech against the floor that had your eye twitching.
"Who do you work under?"
Chuckling you turned from your computer and leaned forward. "Ashido, right?"
She huffed and waived her hand, "No, No, Mina."
Eyes flipping from her for a second before trying again, "Sorry, Mina. Yes I will be your neighbor and senior here. I don't currently have a placement because I am your RA, I have to be on site for emergencies. I will have one later and one of you will most likely be placed as my back up for when I'm at the agency. I did work with Hawks last year though..."
She inhaled deeply and you already regretted this conversation as she prepared another squeal. "Oh Hawks? He's so hot, what was he like?"
Letting your head fall to stare at the floor you let out another laugh of incredulous origin.
"Don't you have a room to unpack?"
Her lip jutted in a pout and she sighed. "Yes I do, I just wanted to get to know you since we'll be next door!"
You shot her a smile and she mirrored immediately. "We have all year for that, so for now go ahead and get your stuff unpacked. Tonight we'll have a little mixer to get to know each other before classes start."
Shooting out of her chair she rushed out with a promise she'd see you there. Letting you head rest against the back of your chair with a loud sigh. So far this group was proving to be more hands on than last year. It had been some hours after you let the kids unpack that anyone had bothered you within the first day or two.
You computer chimed with the arrival of an email from the dorm's teacher Aizawa who resided in the teacher dorm on the first floor. It was a list of the students and their quirks so you knew how to prepare for each student's needs and prevention of dorm damage.
Reading along your eyes began widening in surprise with each name and quirk you took in. Fire and ice, tape, Acid, freaking explosions?
Pulling up a new email you drafted to building maintenance ordering extra fire extinguishers for your floors based on the explosive personality from the person whose quirk was literally that. Several other preventative items were placed in the body of the mail before hitting that send button.
This was going to be quite the year... you could already tell.
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veryace-ficrecs · 2 months
Animal Transformation fic recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
One Piece
Cat’s Cradle by Hazel_Athena - Rated T
In which a run in with a new Devil Fruit user leaves Sanji with an unexpectedly furry problem.
stay by itsmylifekay - Not Rated
Sanji doesn't know what he's done in a past life to deserve this, but somehow when Zoro gets turned into a cat he's the one stuck on babysitting duty. How someone that small can cause so much trouble, he'll never understand. But even after all the hell he's put through, he still manages to fall in love.
raise ev'ry fallen star by greenyogurtelephant - Rated T
“I’m supposed to be finding this guy, Prince Sanji of Germa,” Zoro explained, figuring he might as well be honest with the rabbit about his initial impressions of the missing royal. “Typical, right?” he grinned. “More like the Prince of Dumbass Kingdom, wandering off and getting lost. Moron’s probably so coddled he couldn’t even fight his way out from under wet bread.” The rabbit glared up at him from behind the heavy fringe of tawny hair, its nose scrunching indignantly. Zoro ran a finger over the handsome face depicted on the curling paper. "But something about it doesn’t seem quite right,” he admitted softly, voicing his doubts aloud for the first time. “While the honorable thing for me to do is complete the quest… I’d like to hear his reasons for leaving when I find him. Sometimes lost things should stay lost.”
Humane Society by smilebackwards - Rated M
Once Erik finally allows himself to decide that Charles is pretty much the best thing since sliced bread, he spends the next week being incredibly bitter that he's Charles' cat and not his boyfriend.
serious koala business by chiasmus, stlkrchck - Rated G
Erik has no particular fondness for animals, so he isn't entirely sure what to think when Charles is turned into a stuffed bear. I’m alive, not stuffed, Charles points out, and a koala, for your information, which isn’t technically a bear.
Guided by bad_peppermint - Rated G
Charles - telepath, youngest tenured Columbia professor of all time, blind - is very happy with his life. Or he was, until someone turned his guide dog into a man.
My Hero Acadamia
as small as an elephant by feelingstabby - Rated T
Izuku’s lip is trembling, and he hates it. Sensei just doesn’t understand. He doesn’t see what Izuku does every time he closes his eyes. “If you are incapable of following basic orders,” Aizawa says, sounding like the storm outside, “you can give up your dream of being a reliable hero.” The harsh words are another nail in the coffin, and when thunder breaks around them, Izuku thinks he does too. Or, the one where Izuku and his sensei are turned into cats and have to learn to trust each other while struggling to find their way back home.
When I Said Being a Cat Would Be Nice, This Isn't What I Meant by lostintheclouds321 - Rated G
During an unexpected villain attack, Shouta finds himself in an unfamiliar area suddenly turned into a cat of all things. Before he can even begin to enjoy this transformation or try to find his friend, he's cornered by a group of middle schoolers and has to be rescued by none other than Midoriya Izuku.
Regrets™: Yagi Toshinori Rendition by Hayato (TheLennyBunny) - Rated T
Toshinori meant to catch the villain, not be caught by his Quirk. He guessed this was his life now. At least he had feet.
The Witcher
this animal i have become by splendidlyimperfect - Rated T
“Look,” Jaskier says, holding his hands up in surrender as he slowly approaches the wolf. “I’m really just trying to help you. It’s the least I can do for you saving those people, but honestly, I can’t do much if you bite my hands off.” The wolf, which stands nearly half Jaskier’s height and is bleeding heavily where the crossbow bolt is sticking out of its leg, bares its teeth and snarls.   “Oh, knock it off,” Jaskier grumbles irritably. “I’ve been growled at plenty; you don’t scare me.”  Six months after Jaskier leaves Geralt on the mountain, he finds another white wolf.
rare species by winterbucky (WinterLadyy) - Rated T
Almost 2 years after the moutain, Geralt is coping. He's fine. He's making great decisions like taking a contract on an ice troll at the start of winter, in the mountains. The hunt goes wrong and he finds himself dying in a ravine, covered in snow, cold and alone. And then, like an angel descenting from heaven, is the cat. A rare species of cat, a snow leopard that seems determined to keep Geralt alive, even against his own wishes. Geralt can do nothing but let him, and maybe talk - he was always better at talking to animals and he has many regrets to comb through. or i do uno reverse on the wolf geralt trope and make jaskier a big kitty after the moutain and geralt, ofc, doesn't realize. thats it
The Literal Bear Hug by almaasi - Rated G
Suddenly, Cas was a bear. This was not supposed to happen.
on little cat feet by museaway - Rated T
Dean fears Cas has been killed on a hunt when he discovers a small cat sniffing around the remains of his trench coat.
Star Wars
The Wisdom of Cats by inkpenpaper - Rated T
Cody felt it was a sad reflection of the amount of poodoo the 212th had dealt with over the course of the war that his first reaction to his General turning into a cat wasn’t panic, but resignation that he owed Rex another 50 credits.
Paws and Reassess by blackkat - Rated T
While on a training mission, Wolffe picks up a sorry, scrappy stray cat and smuggles it back to Kamino with him. (Jon Antilles has the worst luck of any Jedi, and that's saying something. But maybe this particular bout of terrible luck has a clone-shaped silver lining. And potentially a lot of Sith-shaped complications. Opposable thumbs would probably make this whole thing a hell of a lot easier to deal with.)
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djunkiejunk · 30 days
Behind the Scenes: The Secret Omega *CHAPTER 11 - Holiday Rush
AO3 Link
Summary: Kimi plans and goes through the holidays with Shouta and Hizashi.
*Chapter 11 - Holiday Rush
The holidays were always rough for Kimi. Since the loss of her parents, the celebrations always left such a sour taste in her mouth. It felt like there was always something missing and no amount of time with her friends or her grandmother could fix that.
This year, she found herself extremely anxious since she wanted everything to be perfect for her alphas. It was the first holiday season she would spend with them, she couldn’t believe it. The last several months seemed to have flown by and she was thrilled with the progress that was made.
Kimi bites her lip as she looks over her calendar again, trying to prep herself mentally. November 8th was Aizawa’s birthday and Hizashi had planned two dinners. A small one for their coworkers and another one at the restaurant they went to when they first met.
Then the following week, there was a Society ball that she was expected to attend with her alphas. She had to make sure she got a dress and make sure that her alpha’s outfits were prepped as well. Not to mention, she was nervous about showing up since she had yet to get pregnant and just knew it was going to cause rumors to spread.
The week after that on November 23rd was Thanksgiving. Nemuri was going to come over and so Kimi had to make sure she had things prepped in advance. If she was able to find the time to do that, it would make things on that day just a little bit easier. 
The next week, Kimi was going to take a train to see her grandmother for a couple of days. Some other family members heard Kimi was going to be visiting and planned to stop by as well so they could all spend some holiday time together. 
Then there were various holiday events the following month that the alphas had to attend, so Kimi had to make sure that she had things for them to exchange. She had also promised the creative team at the agency that she would help with creating some holiday items so she had additional meetings to attend on top of everything else. 
With a deep sigh, she closes her planner and moves over to the window, looking down at the world below. She could practically feel the stress of the holidays creeping under her skin. She looks at the yoga mat that’s rolled up under the ottoman and decides to be proactive about her nerves. 
While the first few stretches feel extra forced, after she gets into her routine the crawling sensation slowly dissipates. Instead, it’s replaced with the slight stretching and burning of muscles that help shift her focus.
Moving into the tree pose, she absorbs the world below her once more. Her breathing settles to a calmer rhythm as she watches the cars and people move below her. Clouds loom in the distance, reflecting the changing colors of the sky as the sun slowly starts to dip into the horizon. After a few more steady breaths, Kimi slowly lowers herself out of her pose and puts her yoga mat back. 
After a quick shower, Kimi’s in the kitchen, preparing dinner for the pack tonight. It’s one of the rare weekdays where neither of the boys were assigned for patrols.
She hears the front door open right as she starts finishing up getting everything prepared.
“Honey, we’re home,” Hizashi sings in English as he enters.
Kimi giggles. “Hellooo,” she sings back. “Dinners almost ready. Feel free to get comfy and I’ll get the table set.”
Her alphas shout their thanks as they do just that. As they approach the table, Kimi starts putting out plates and food. Much to her protest, Shouta and Hizashi help her with the last few things. Her protests die as they give quick pecks as they go by. 
Once Kimi sits at the table, she takes a quick moment to soak up the rare sight of everyone at the table. 
Hizashi catches her staring. “Everything ok?” he asks with a bit of concern.
“Oh, yes. Sorry, was just enjoying you two both being here for dinner. Don’t mind me,” she waves him off. 
Hizashi’s look turns to one of pity as Kimi starts to load up her plate. The boys follow and everyone starts eating.
“How did today go?” Kimi asks between bites.
The boys give non-commital answers as they bite.
“Wasn’t awful,” Shouta says, finally giving Kimi some semblance of an answer. 
Hizashi jumps in, “Lots of emails and meetings today. End-of-year prep and all that.”
Kimi hums. “Sounds like we were doing the same thing today,” she says with a small giggle.
Shouta seems to regard her but doesn’t say anything. 
“We’re not working you too hard, are we?” Hizashi asks. Kimi immediately shakes her head.
“Oh no. Not at all. Just wanted to get myself prepped for the season, ya know? The next couple of months are going to be crazy.”
Hizashi watches intently as she answers, as if looking for one of her tells when she lies. Not finding any, he gives her a small, unsure smile. “Ok, love. Just checking.”
Kimi catches onto his concern and rushes to placate him. “Thank you, ‘Zash. I’m all good. The holidays are just always so hectic. Wanted to get ahead of it. I’m just extra thankful my heat is not until after everything. Boy, would that cause a mess of things,” she laughs.
“When’s your next one?” Shouta asks.
Kimi smiles. “Thankfully the week after New Years.”
“That’s right,” he says with a solid nod. 
“It’ll be nice, we can end the season with a bang ,” Kimi giggles. Shouta lets out a breathy laugh. Hizashi quickly points at him and pats Kimi’s shoulder.
“Oh, you got ‘em!” Hizashi teases. He had been rubbing off on Kimi, the two of them exchanging puns trying to get Shouta to laugh, much to his dismay. 
Kimi and Hizashi laugh as Shouta playfully rolls his eyes and shakes his head. “You two are too much,” he teases.
Hizashi waves him off from across the table. “Eh, you love us.” 
“I do,” Shouta replies warmly. Kimi can’t help the big grin that spreads across her face. There’s a beat of silence as the trio enjoys one another’s presence. The boys finish up their plates as Kimi continues to eat.
“We should probably figure out where to go,” Shouta says, pulling out his phone. 
“For my heat?” Kimi asks. He nods in response. 
“Oh, somewhere tropical ,” Hizashi blurts out. 
Shouta gives a disapproving noise. “Don’t want to chance the flights being canceled because of the weather.” 
“Ok, so somewhere close,” Hizashi says as he thinks of more ideas. 
“Did we want to just stay here?” Kimi offers. Both her alphas reply with negative noises.
“We goofed up the last two. We’d really like to take you somewhere nice to make up for it,” Hizashi explains. 
Kimi scrunches up her face in concern. “You really don’t have to. It was just because of work that-,”
Shouta holds up a hand, making Kimi stop. “As your alphas, we should have made sure that things were in place the first heat you went through. You’ve had to endure reprimand on our behalf which is not something I’m happy about. We’re going to be taking you to a nice place to make up for that, understood?”
Kimi blushes, feeling slightly small under Shouta’s intense gaze. She bites her inner lip, eyes darting between her two alphas. She locks eyes with Shouta, who waits for her response.
“Yes, alpha,” she responds meekly. He relaxes and gives her a soft smile.
The three go back to thinking about destinations, shooting back and forth a couple of ideas. Shotua puts down his phone, crossing his arms as he looks at the ceiling. “Hizashi,” he addresses his husband. “Would it be possible to rent out that hot spring again?” 
Kimi lights up, hoping for a positive answer. Soaking in the hot springs post-heat sounds amazing and would probably shorten her recovery period. 
Hizashi smiles at Kimi’s eager face. “Let me see what I can do,” he answers his husband with a smile.
Later that evening, Kimi and Shouta are curled up on the couch watching a show when Hizashi plops next to them. 
“Just got off the phone with the hot springs,” he tells his mates. Kimi’s attention darts to the blonde. 
“Sounds like they’re going to be able to make it work. Since we’re going to be there after New Years, they’re willing to shut things down for us.”
Kimi lightly squeals, maneuvering to give as much of a hug as she can. “Thankyouthankyouthankyou,” she squeals. 
“Of course,” Hizashi grins. He grabs her hand, bringing it up to his mouth to give a chaste kiss. “Anything for my sweet little omega.” 
Kimi beams through her blush. Shouta readjusts himself on the couch so Hizashi and Kimi can cuddle better. “That’s going to be perfect,” he muses. “We’ll probably be able to recoup a lot easier.”
“I was thinking the same thing,” Kimi says, snuggled up into Hizashi. 
He runs a hand through her hair, soaking up the happy waves pouring out of his omega. “I’m just glad I was able to make it work. It was kinda iffy with the timing, but I was able to make some magic.”
“That’s because you’re just so amazing,” Kimi sing-songs. 
“I try,” Hizashi dramatically sighs making Kimi giggle.
Attention turns back to the show they’re all watching for a few minutes before Shouta excuses himself to use the restroom. Once he leaves the room, Hizashi moves to whisper in Kimi’s ear.
“Hey, so you know how Sho’s birthday is next week?”
Kimi nods, listening intently to her partner. 
“Well, I was thinking. Nemuri got you those cat ears and tail when you were first with us, right?” 
Another nod from Kimi, who glances towards the hallway, making sure Shouta isn’t there.
“I think it would drive Sho wild if we came home from the bar with his coworkers with you in that getup. Maybe a cute strappy piece as well?”
Kimi bites her lip, thinking about the idea. She looks up at her alpha with a smile before nodding once more.
“I can do that,” she whispers back to him.
Hizashi gives her a wicked grin back in response. “Good. He’s going to love that. Thank you,” he bends his head down and gives her a small peck on the head.
“What’s going on in here?” Shouta says, startling them both.
“N-nothing,” Kimi rushes to say as Shouta stands behind them.
“Mmhmm, sure,” he deadpans before leaning down to be at eye level with Kimi. The look he gives her tells her she’s in for a long night. 
“Alright, Sho’,” Kimi says, bouncing up on her toes to kiss him goodbye. “Have a super fun birthday, I’ll see you later tonight.” She hands her alpha the specially made birthday bento she spent the morning on and waves off her two alphas as they leave for work.
After they’re gone, she continues her normal routine for the day. She cleaned up the kitchen, did some yoga and strength training, vacuumed and mopped the apartment, and finished up with a quick refreshing shower. After putting on her clothes and makeup for the day, she heads down to the lobby to wait for the SUV she’s ordered to take her shopping. 
She politely speaks to the doorman as she waits, cooing over the fact that it’s her mate’s birthday and she wants to make it super special. He wishes her good luck as her SUV pulls up and she waves him goodbye. 
The car ride isn’t overly exciting, but since a lot of people are at work, there’s less traffic than usual. Fifteen minutes later, she waves the driver goodbye as she gets out. Since it’s the middle of the week, the mall isn’t super busy which Kimi is thankful for.
She makes her way through the mall, getting some skincare and makeup she needs before making her way to Midnight’s lingerie store. As she enters, she’s greeted by a familiar face.
“Kimi! Long time no see, how’ve you been?”
“Audrey! It’s so good to see you,” Kimi greets back with a giant smile. “I am doing so good. How are you doing?” 
“Oh, same old same old, nothing new to report here. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you last! Enjoying your new alphas?” her voice dips with intrigue. She places her elbows on the counter and rests her hands on her hands.
Kimi comes up to the counter with a slightly excited bounce. “Yes,” she coos. “They’re absolutely amazing. I couldn’t be happier.”
“Oh, I am so happy to hear that!” Audrey beams. “I was a little worried since we hadn’t seen you in a while, but I’m glad you’re back.”
“Yeah,” Kimi giggles. “Midnight kinda set me up with everything I needed for a while. Just coming in today to get some last-minute things for one of their birthdays.” 
Audrey stands up with a slight squeal. “Oooh. What we thinking?”
Kimi looks over to where the lingerie is. “I need a new piece to wear. Something that would go well with a pair of ears and a tail. Preferably with straps if possible.”
“Oh, very nice, very nice. Let me see…” Audrey trails off as she walks over to the lingerie section with Kimi in tow. She comes to a floral lace crotchless bodysuit. “Normally I would recommend this since you’ll have the back open for the tail. But, it’s too lacey, hm?”
“Yeah,” Kimi agrees as she looks it over. “But it’s really cute. I might have to get it later. I like the little heart charms in the front.”
“Right? Want me to grab one just in case?” 
Kimi rocks her head back and forth slightly as she thinks. “Mm, maybe. Yeah, worse case I say no, right?”
“Exactly!” Audrey says, grabbing one in Kimi’s size. Kimi looks over to another set on the other side of the section. It’s a strappy piece with a lot of o rings connecting everything. 
“Oh, what about this?” Kimi asks. “Kinda seems more his style.”
“It’s cute. But look,” Audrey says, pointing at the photo of the back. “The straps come right over the butt. It’s going to get in the way of the tail. 
“Ooh, darn,” Kimi says, putting it back. “Have something close to that though? That’s like exactly what he likes.” 
Audrey looks around. “Hmm… Is a little lace ok?” 
Kimi thinks about it. “Mm, it depends. Whatcha thinking?” Audrey moves to another part of the section, grabbing a top and bottom on a hangar. The top and bottom are straps with small bits of lace that cover half of the breasts and the front of the panties.
“Ooooh, that’s cute!” Kimi says, taking it from Audrey’s hand. 
“Super cute! And since there’s no back, you should be able to wear the tail with no problem.”
“Perfect!” Kimi coos. 
“Oh!” Audrey says with a clap of her hands. “Do you have a backless skirt and a collar?”
“Uh,” Kimi looks around while she thinks. “I don’t think so. I have a necklace that can come up like a collar but it’s not like a collar collar, ya know?”
“Yeah, I get you. Well, the skirt is a must-have so let's start with that,” Audrey says, moving to a different section of the store. She grabs a short, black skirt that matches the strappy set Kimi has in her hand. “There ya go,” she says, handing it to Kimi before heading to a section of the wall that’s just all collars.
“Hm…” she says looking over everything. “Anything call out to you? Or did you want to stay with the necklace?” 
A simple black collar with an o ring stands out to Kimi, so she reaches up and grabs it. “I like this. Seems like it would match,” Kimi says, looking it over.
“Oh,” Audrey says, getting an idea. “That does match. I think we may have one like it with a leash too.”
“Ooh,” Kimi says, putting it back. Audrey scans the wall and grabs a collar and leash combo that matches what Kimi was holding previously.
“Yeah, here we go, what do you think?”
Kimi looks the set over. “Yeah. Yeah, this is cute. Thank you! This is going to make him so happy,” she smiles. Audrey lights up. 
“Yay! Ok, was there anything else you wanted? Did you want to look around? I could put this up front while you browse.” 
“Yeah, that would be great,” Kimi smiles. “Thank you.” She hands her selections to Audrey and starts walking around the store. As she does, her phone buzzes. She checks it, seeing that she has a text from Hizashi.
Hizashi: Hey, slight change of plans. You’re coming to dinner with us tonight. 
Kimi: What?
Hizashi: Yeah. One of Sho’s students saw his bento and was asking about his girlfriend. Sho said it was his assistant who made it and then Thirteen was insisting that you come.
Kimi: You could have made up an excuse on my behalf. I’d just hate to cause an issue.
Hizashi: Nah, ur good. Nem kinda played into it, think she wants to see you. ;P Just gotta make sure you act like our assistant.
Kimi: I can do that. 
Hizashi: That’s my girl. Having a good day? 
Kimi: Yeah, just picking up some things for tonight. 
Hizashi: Oh? Like what kind of things? Kimi: image sent
Hizashi: Is that Nem’s store?
Kimi: Maybe… ;)
“Everything ok over there?” Audrey asks from the counter.
Kimi startles slightly before giggling and putting her phone away. “Yeah, sorry. One of the alphas was just texting me.” She makes her way over to the counter.
“Think this is going to be it for me,” she tells Audrey. “Sounds like the birthday celebrations are getting bumped up so I gotta go home and prep.”
Audrey flashes Kimi a knowing grin. “Sounds exciting! Hope you have a great evening!” She rings Kimi out and they wish each other goodbye, hoping to see each other more frequently. 
After calling an SUV to get her home, Kimi stops by a tea place to grab a fun drink before making her way home. After letting her driver know to take her home, she checks her phone again, finding another message from Hizashi.
Hizashi: Fuck Sho is so lucky.
Kimi: You’re so silly! I did the same thing for your birthday!
Hizashi: I know, I know. Just can’t but feel a little jealous! He’s gonna you all to himself looking super cute! Can’t help but want it.
Kimi: We can spend some time together another day. :) Gotta make sure he has a good birthday!
Hizashi: I know, ur right.
Hizashi: Gtg, class starting. C u later tonite! Luv u!
Kimi: Love you! :* 
As Kimi places the bags from her shopping trip onto the large bed she shares with her mates, her head rolls through a game plan for the night. The dinner is planned for 6 tonight as per the guy’s schedule. That gives her plenty of time to get dolled up and dressed for the evening without having to rush. Then, when she’s there she’ll make sure to leave earlier than the boys so she can get prepared for the rest of the evening. 
She lays out both outfits for the night on the bed including the accessories she plans to wear for both. She takes one last look at the time before deciding to have a small lunch before she starts her adventures for the afternoon.
Kimi: Just got here, are you guys already here?
Kimi stands outside the restaurant where Shouta’s coworkers are taking him for his birthday dinner. Prepping for the colder November weather, she has on thicker tights and a sweater on top of her normal black pencil skirt and turtle-neck blouse combo. Instead of heels, she dawns thick socks under black boots since the weather hinted at rain.
 She also grabbed an extra plain leather jacket and white scarf as she left the house and she finds herself extra thankful. The crisp, cold air seems to just blow right through her.
 Looking up from her phone, she makes eye contact with the hostess.
“Can I help you ma’am?” they ask. 
Kimi does a quick look around, trying to see if she can find either of her mates. “Um, yes. I’m supposed to be attending a dinner here for a birthday. I’m not sure what it would be under.” 
“Not a problem,” they say with a polite smile. “Who’s birthday is it? Maybe I can help.” 
“Thank you,” Kimi smiles back. “It’s my boss, Aizawa Shouta’s birthday today. But his business partner, Yamada Hizashi may have also made the reservation.”
The hostess turns their attention to their system, looking for either name that was mentioned. A loud, “ Oh, Kimi~,” startles the both of them. 
Midnight comes striding over, before grabbing Kimi by the shoulders. “There you are! We’ve got a seat saved over here for you,” she practically purrs.
Kimi gives a quick polite bow and a thank you to the hostess before allowing Midnight to pull her into the restaurant. They walk to a private room where Kimi can hear some familiar voices on the other side.
“Here she is,” Midnight sing-songs as she opens the door. “Isn’t she just darling? Look how cute she is tonight!”
Kimi blushes and tries to hide it with a polite bow. “Thank you, Miss Midnight, and thank you all for having me.”
Midnight waves her off. “Of course, of course. Come, sit by me,” she ushers. Kimi politely follows, taking the seat between Midnight and another hero. Midnight’s quick to make introductions.
“Kimi, this is Thirteen, she’s our search and rescue teacher. Next to her is Ectoplasm, he’s our mathematics teacher. And then that is Cementoss, he’s our modern literature teacher.” As everyone was mentioned, they either waved or nodded. Kimi made sure to politely bow back, wanting to make a good first impression. “And of course those two you know,” Midnight teases, addressing the last two people at the table.
“Hey,” Yamada says from across the table. “Introductions are my thing.”
Midnight merely waves him off. “Nah, if you did introductions, we’d be here all night while you go on and on about everyone’s quirks and backstories,” Midnight teases. 
A couple of chuckles emerge from the table and Kimi takes a chance to glance at her two mates for the first time tonight. They’re both still in their work uniforms, looking a bit worn down from probably a long day. 
Kimi gives another polite bow. “It’s very nice to meet you all. Thank you again for the invitation.”
“Of course,” Thirteen chirps. “We just had to meet the lovely assistant that made Eraserhead his birthday bento.”
Kimi laughs sheepishly. “Haha, yeah, sorry. I might have gotten a little carried away. I just try to always make birthdays a big deal.” 
She chances another look at Shouta, who doesn’t seem entirely involved in the conversation. She assumes it’s just to keep up the charade though and tries not to take it personally.
“Well then, I guess that means I can expect a bento for my birthday then too,” Midnight teases. 
“Of course, Miss Midnight,” Kimi agrees with a chuckle. “I’d be more than happy to.” 
“How long have you been working at their agency?” Thirteen asks Kimi.
“Since April,” Kimi smiles. “I’m super happy to be working for them, they’re all so very wonderful.”
“Did they pay you to say that?” Cementoss jokes with a deadpan tone. Kimi and a few others laugh.
The waiter for the evening stops by the room to introduce themselves and get the orders for the evening. After they leave, Thirteen lightly nudges Kimi. “You didn’t get a drink.”
“I got water,” Kimi offers.
Thirteen rolls her eyes in response. “I meant like a beer or something.”
Kimi chuffs out a laugh. “Oh, no sorry. On a special diet so no alcohol for me.”
“What are you pregnant?” Thirteen teases. A slight pang of sadness shoots through Kimi’s heart but she puts on her best smile to hide her true feelings.
“Ha ha, no. Just watching my figure is all,” she beams. She can practically feel the awkward air between the three people who know her secret as they all seem to shift in their seats. 
“How about you,” Kimi offers, trying to get the attention off of her. “Do you have any family?”
Thirteen shakes her head with a slight smile. “No, no pack for me. Hard to do with a busy schedule. The students make it all worth it though.”
Kimi hums. “I’ve heard that before,” she muses, glancing over to her alphas. “You all do fantastic work though, teaching the next generation of heroes. Not to mention the other subjects you teach them. It’s very admirable, I’m honored to be sitting with you all.”
Thirteen flashes a wicked grin. “Ok, they have to be paying you to say that,” she laughs with the other teachers.
Midnight wraps an arm around Kimi’s shoulder. “No, no. That’s just how our little Kimi is. Always so sweet,” she coos. “There’s been such a change in the agency since she’s been there. Way more smiling faces.”
Kimi blushes. “You’re going to have them thinking I’m paying you now,” she chuckles. 
The waiter comes back with everyone’s drinks and appetizers. Kimi’s quick to pour everyone their drinks for the first round as a sign of respect. She pours some of her water into a glass so they can all cheers to Aizawa’s birthday before drinking. 
Conversation about schooling picks up and Kimi listens in politely. She loves being able to hear more about other students with interesting quirks and the challenges of schooling them. She continues to refill drinks throughout the night, even as dinner is served.
As the night goes on and more drinks are poured, Midnight and Thirteen slowly start to lean more and more on Kimi. Soon enough, she’s sandwiched between the two intoxicated heroes, trying her best not to disturb them.
Ectoplasm takes notice of her predicament with a chuckle. “Are you quite alright there?”
“Yes,” Kimi says with a smile. “But I may need some assistance getting them up. I’m going to have to head home soon.”
Ectoplasm nods his head before opening his mouth and letting a fog cloud dart past her. With a poof, two clones of Ectoplasm appear behind her and help move the drunken heroes off of her.
She gets up and politely bows. “Thank you. I should be getting home now,” she announces. 
“Let me walk you out,” Yamada offers, which Kimi greatly appreciates.
She says her goodbyes and wishes Aizawa a happy birthday again. He waves it off, thanking her for coming along. 
Outside, Yamada waits with Kimi for the SUV to arrive.
“You did really good tonight,” he says softly. “Think you’ve got them mostly fooled.”
Kimi looks up at him with a knowing smirk. “Thankfully,” she says with a relieved sigh. “Miss Thirteen was really hounding me there. Got worried for a second.”
“Nah,” Yamada rebuffs. “Seemed like you knew just what to say.”
Kimi gives a soft hum of appreciation, knowing best to take the compliment.
“Going to get ready when you get home?” Yamada asks with an alluring tone.
Kimi slightly bites her lip, looking away in slight embarrassment. “Yeah,” she nods.
“Good,” he purrs. “I can’t wait to see the look on Sho’s face. Maybe wait on the bed for him?”
The SUV pulls up and Kimi looks at Yamada out of the corner of her eye. “I can do that,” she states before entering the SUV. 
Yamada opens the door for her and helps her get in before waving her goodbye. A few minutes into the drive, her phone buzzes.
Hizashi: See you soon, kitty.
Shouta walks into his home with his partner later that evening. The day’s events have him both physically and mentally exhausted. While he’s thankful to his coworkers for taking him out to celebrate his birthday, he can’t help feeling a bit burnt out. He’d prefer nothing more than to just crawl into bed and get some much-neglected sleep.
He’s surprised to find most of the lights off in the house. There’s some illumination coming from behind his bedroom door,  but the rest of the house is mostly cloaked in darkness. 
He gives his husband a quick concerned look, knowing this is out of the ordinary for Kimi. His partner merely shrugs with a knowing smirk. Shouta slightly squints his eyes as he takes off his shoes.  
Making his way over to the small source of light, he opens the door. The uplighting in the room is turned on, as well as the lamp on the farthest night table. The room has a warm feeling to it, though the shadows from the rest of the house still creep in. 
Shouta’s eyes quickly lock onto the figure in the room. Sitting coyly on top of their bed is Kimi. His eyes trace over the big, fluffy ears on top of her head, blending into her hair. She wears very little as straps criss and cross across her body, amplifying her best features. A small bit of lace protrudes from the straps, slightly covering her breasts. 
Below the straps is a small, black skirt that just barely covers her front. A tail can be seen coming from Kimi and lying on the bed next to her. Shouta finds himself excited to explore its origins. Lastly, his eyes graze over the long socks sitting upon his omega’s legs.
Finding himself utterly speechless, he stands in the doorway, staring at his mate on the bed. He notices she’s wearing a collar as she lifts her hand behind her neck, grabbing a leash and turning it around so it’s front and center for him.
“Happy birthday, Shouta,” Kimi says, voice laced with honey as she playfully wiggles the leash. Hizashi peaks over Shouta’s shoulder, grinning madly. His hands come around his waist as he encourages the other alpha to walk into the room.
Finding the ability to move his legs, Shouta slowly makes his way to the edge of the bed, standing tall above his omega. His heart pounds in his chest as one of his fantasies sits before him, begging to be explored. 
Kimi playfully crawls to the edge of the bed, sitting on her knees in front of him. From her movement, he’s able to tell that the tail is in fact a buttplug like he hoped. As well as her socks seem to have squishy cat feet on the bottom of them. His body practically starts to vibrate as excitement pours into him. 
Kimi offers Shouta her leash with slightly hooded eyes and a coy smile. “Would you like to play with me?” she asks. “I’m all yours tonight.” With a tilt of her head, Shouta looks over to the chair in the corner of their room to find his husband. Hizashi merely winks as he readjusts himself in the chair.
Turning his attention back to Kimi, he slowly accepts the leash, gently taking it out of her hands. His eyes continue to look at her, selfishly soaking up the view.
She giggles. “What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?” Playfully, she sticks out her tongue and winks. 
Shouta allows a breathy laugh to escape his mouth before he pulls on the leash, directing Kimi to stand in front of him. He spins her around, eyeing the straps contorting over her skin and enhancing her curves. 
His eyes dip further, seeing where the sleek, fluffy tail is coming from. He lifts it up, slightly stroking it before giving the butt plug a slight pull. Kimi gasps as her ass clenches around the tail, trying to keep it in.
“Such a good kitty,” Shouta coos, breaking his silence.
Kimi's stomach flutters, making her bite her lip. 
“So pretty. All dressed up for me,” he says, turning her back around to face him. His hand moves up to caress the side of her face. 
“Will you let me play with you, kitty ?” he emphasizes the last word with a gravely tone.
“Of course,” Kimi says, a bit bashful. 
A wicked grin greets Shouta’s face as his eyes slightly darken. “So perfect,” he mutters to himself. He lightly pushes on her shoulder, directing her to get on her knees. Obediently, she drops to her knees, sticking her butt out a little to emphasize her tail and placing her hands out in front of her, pushing out her chest. 
Shouta stares at Kimi as she bats her eyes coyly in front of him. The leash is long enough to reach her while she’s still on the floor, making her smile when he gives it a light tug instinctually. 
“Fuck, you look so good,” he says, entranced. His eyes greedily soak in the view of his omega on the floor before him. His hand reaches out to stroke behind one of the cat ears on her head.
Kimi leans into it, playing along and closing her eyes at the touch. She opens them slowly, keeping them heavy and focused on his face. 
He smirks and lightly jerks on the leash, making her sit up taller. “Why don’t you be a good kitty and suck me off?”
Kimi smiles and lifts her hands, but stops when there’s another jerk on the leash. Shouta tsks at her.
“Kitties don’t use their hands,” he playfully chides. 
Kimi places her hands on her thighs obediently. Her face comes to the front of his pants as she quickly tries to figure out how to get his cock out of his pants. She fumbles with the button, trying to get the fabric around it off with her lips before gaining some success with her teeth. 
After a few tries, she’s able to successfully pull it up and over the button, mentally congratulating herself. The zipper is far easier, though she does have to pull a little harder mid-way to help get over the prominent bulge. She nuzzles her head into the cock, mouthing it through Shouta’s boxers. Above her, he gasps and lightly jerks his hips at her movements.
 Her teeth lightly chop the top of his pants as she guides them down his legs before repeating the action with his boxers. 
Shouta’s cock stands proudly in front of Kimi’s face. She licks her lips before wrapping her lips around the tip of his cock and looking up at the alpha. His hungry eyes stare back down at her. There’s a fierce desire in them that has desire starting to pool in Kimi’s core. 
Determined to impress, she slowly lowers herself partially down his cock. She moves back and forth, allowing the drool that’s pooling up around the corners of her mouth to help coat his cock. She moves further and further down until she is confident enough to attempt taking everything into her mouth.
Shouta grasps at the hair behind her ears as she bottoms out on his cock. He groans as she slowly pulls back, staring up at him. His head rolls back and she continues the motion a couple of times. 
“Fuck,” he hisses. “Good kitty. You know just how I like it.” His complement goes straight to her core and she readjusts to soothe some of the ache. Shouta takes notice and is quick to tease her.
“Oh yeah? Getting wet just from sucking cock?”
Kimi bobs her head on his cock making him hiss in pleasure again.
“Such a good kitty,” he coos. Distracted by the pleasure, he allows the leash to fall from his hand. His head rolls back again as he thrusts a couple of times into her mouth. “Fuck, so good,” he mumbles.
Kimi moans around his cock, eyes occasionally closing as Shouta fucks her throat. His hand occasionally stroking her hair and ears as she moves over his cock. After a particularly harder thrust, she slightly gags and he’s quick to help pull her off.
“Sorry,” he pants. “Got carried away there.”
She coughs a little and wipes the corners of her mouth. She looks back up at him with watery eyes.
“It’s ok,” she giggles. “Just glad you’re enjoying yourself.”
He responds with a pleased hum, extending a hand to offer her help up. She takes it happily before sitting on the bed in front of him.
“Did you want to continue?” Kimi prompts. She moves her hands to behind her back and sticks out her chest a little, accentuating her breasts. 
Shouta curses under his breath. “Yes. Please ,” he responds, practically whining the last word. 
He spends his time winding her up until she’s begging for him to either touch her or fuck her. Spinning her around, he takes her from behind, enjoying the view of her ears and tail bouncing with each thrust. Her skirt falls to the side, giving him a perfectly framed view of her ass while he fucks her. Her toes curl in her long socks, pushing out the puffy paw pads. He can’t help the way his hips aggressively snap into her, losing himself to his fantasy. 
One hand pulls on her leash, making her turn her face so he can see her pleasure. The other hand slams her back onto his cock over and over again. Occasionally, he pushes the tail plug with his thumb, enjoying the extra mewls and moans that fall from Kimi’s mouth. 
When he starts to get close, he pulls out and moves them up further onto the bed. Hizashi smiles from his place on the chair, slowly stroking his cock at the view.
Kimi’s chest fills with pride as she sits reverse cowboy on Shouta’s cock. Both of her alphas stare at her with lust-filled eyes as she bounces on Shouta’s cock. Her breasts, ears, and tail bouncing with her as she chases both her and Shouta’s orgasm.
Hizashi finishes before the two of them, entranced by watching his partners enjoy themself. He moves to the bathroom to start the tub while Shouta and Kimi enjoy each other more. 
Shouta eventually sits up, adjusting Kimi so she’s sitting in his lap, still facing away from him. He picks up his earlier relentless pace, slamming her onto his cock while tweaking her nipples. She cums easily and gets worked up into multiple orgasms as he keeps hitting her g spot. 
The hand on her breast moves to her clit and she bucks wildly as the overstimulation takes over her. Her squirming makes Shouta grip and slam harder, fighting to keep her on his cock. After a particularly hard thrust, he shouts as he cums deep in her pussy. 
The pair take a second to catch their breath, both falling into each other. Hizashi watches from the bathroom, leaning on the frame.
“Fuck, you two. That was hot as shit.”
Shouta and Kimi breathlessly laugh before Shouta helps carry Kimi to the bathroom. Her alphas help her remove her makeup and the tail plug before they all climb into the tub.
“You really like the ears, huh?” Kimi says as she cuddles into Shouta’s chest. One of her hands is intertwined with Hizashi’s, making sure he doesn’t feel left out.
“I did,” Shouta drawls, enjoying the warm water on his skin. One of his hands rests on Kimi’s head behind the ears that are still on. “You look so good with them on.”
“You really do,” Hizashi adds. “Thought it was just going to be something Sho’ likes, but I gotta admit, it was hot as shit seeing you get plowed with them on.”
Kimi blushes as she sinks a little further into Shouta’s chest. “Guess I’ll have to wear them more for you guys.”
“Please,” both the alphas say in unison. A small chorus of chuckles bounce off the walls of the bathroom. Kimi closes her eyes as she savors the feeling of her alphas surrounding her in the tub.
She opens them and she’s waking up on the morning of Thanksgiving. She’s a flurry in the kitchen, whipping up various meals for later in the evening. The Society ball had been canceled for her due to last-minute hero work for the alphas, but she finds herself thankful for not having to deal with judging eyes the whole evening. The doorbell rings and she bounds over, wanting to be the first to welcome Nemuri into their home. She’s welcomed with a tight squeeze that has her squeezing her eyes shut.
When she opens them, she’s off to spend a week with her family. Only to blink again and have tears in her eyes as she heads home. Her suitcase filled with thoughtful gifts and food from her extended family, wishing her well in her relationship. 
As she wipes away the tears, she finds herself cozying up in front of the fireplace to watch American Christmas movies with her alphas on a rare night they all have off. Though it may not actually be Christmas, they treat it like so, exchanging gifts and basking in the warmth of one another.
She blinks again and is standing on top of the roof with her alphas, ringing in the new year. Shouta snuck over from his patrol and will soon leave again, but she’ll have Hizashi to keep her company for the rest of the evening. She laughs as they both try to kiss her at the same time before they all divulge in a kiss fest between the three of them, all while trying to spill the drinks she brought up for them.
As she opens her eyes from another blink, she watches as a familiar hot spring comes into view. The holidays are over and her heat is incoming. She can’t help but let out a soothing sigh, all of her work is over. The holidays are once again gone just as quickly as they began.
0 notes
astraymetronome · 3 years
Chasing a Tail of Wonder
He wasn't trying to get in trouble this time! It just seems to follow him everywhere, he’d been minding his own business and now this happens!? Come on! How come he always seems to attract it! He'd be surprised if his teachers didn't hate his guts at this point!
Though, waking up in a box and being significantly shorter wasn't something he expected after an encounter...
Things have been far too peaceful and some of 1-A miss the normal shenanigans! Plus this trope is too stupid and cute to pass up!
Inspired by The Frustrating Ordeal Of Not Being Known (Beyond A Tail And Whiskers) by Otaku6337.
Please be aware that I wrote the Summary before the actual story, so I apologize if some things don’t make sense. It’s kinda like a writing prompt, anyways, enjoy! It's been worked with on and off for a month or so with a two-week break... So keep that in mind as well.
You’d figure that at this point it would be an inside joke between the class. It was, in all honesty, but this was getting out of hand. He was fine with acting on the occasion about a situation. Pretending to be upset about something or to act as a problem. Izuku had managed to get some chuckles and smiles out of Aizawa so he wasn’t complaining about anything. He’d been asked to head up to a nearby gas station to get snacks for the Dekusquad since it was movie night and his turn to buy stuff.
He didn’t mind having to go get anything, it was simply an excuse to focus on himself for even a couple of minutes. Walking was nice, Aizawa had given him permission, as long as he got back within 15 minutes, so he had about 5 minutes to grab stuff and the rest was walking. He was halfway there before he heard some noise to his left. He gave it a quick glance, the deepness of the growing black was slightly intimidating but he chose to ignore it, now wasn’t the time.
He had spent the walk there racking his brain about what they wanted, and possible alternatives for the snacks in case they didn’t have them or were out. He didn’t think much of the shuffling behind him as he moved. His mind seemed to prioritize it once he felt something rough brush the back of his neck. He turned around quickly as his hand moved to his neck feeling the back of it. He felt uncomfortable at the warm liquid he felt removing his hand quickly. He looked at his fingers, recognizing the crimson he was all too familiar with. He winched and took his hoodie hood and threw it over his head. He was quick to push it against his neck as he kept his eyes on his surroundings.
He saw someone move in front of him as he swallowed his nerves and got into a defensive stance, prepared to fight. He saw something jump out in front of him as he put his arm out and shoved them away. He watched as a hand grabbed his wrist and the woman, his attacker, grinned at the action. He pulled his hand away as she took a step back clearly not needing to do anything else. He felt dizzy as he put his hand to his head, shaking it quickly as he glared at her. “What did you do?” He asked, clearly giving up on getting away, wanting information from her instead, if he ran then the chances of finding him were worse.
All she did was smile as he fell to the ground, catching himself as he looked up. “I needed some of your blood for it to work, thank kami you ignored me.” She said as her eyes gave a yellow glow, they had cat-like slits as he felt everything go black.
Izuku has no idea if it took him so long to get up, all he was aware of was it was dark and he was inside some form of the box he sat up feeling a little off as he looked around, clearly confused. “What… What happened?” He asked himself, instead of hearing his voice he listened to sloppy meows and yowls. He looked around immediately, feeling his hair stand on his ends as a hissing sound rumbled through his throat.
He quickly started to look around, shouldn’t this be darker? He shouldn’t be able to make out the fact he is cardboard by sight alone. The smell and feeling against his feet were making it obvious. He could feel something touch his foot as he sat back down, quickly sitting up as he looked around trying to see it. He saw the lack of any feet simply instead having small little paws as he brought his hands up to look at them, instead of another set of dark paws. He was quick to get onto his feet moving to walk before he faces the plant. He sat up quickly as some panicked chirps and mewing squeaks escaped him. He looked behind him at the feeling of something moving to try and sit kinda at his back legs. He had a long fluffy tail that faded from a dark brown at the tip to a cream closer to his body. He looked at himself, the amount of fur and his pattern told him he was a cat, he also had an idea of his breed, turns out that listening to Aizawa talk about cats was helpful.
He was a Ragdoll Tabby mix, probably a rare sight, but he knew full well he didn’t want to be seen. He was quick to push against the box’s flaps with his face. He nuzzled his nose through a gap, he could tell it wasn’t taped down as he pushed and maneuvered the starchy package out of his way. He propped himself up immediately feeling the rain in his fur, he thought it felt humid in the box... This was worse. He stood up on his hind legs, his tail swishing around in the box like a duster as he sniffed the air, this was getting easier. It took a second but the moment his weight shifted he tumbled from the semi-dry placement and onto the wet pavement. It was dark out, Izuku didn’t need much to tell him that, the lack of traffic sounds, no cars zooming past, no walkers. The sky was dark as well but it would have been a lot louder. Izuku wasn’t sure if his clothes had shifted with him, or if they were left behind but he knew they were most likely taken by his attacker.
Izuku gave an upset growl as his ears pinned back, of course, he’s the one to who this always happens! It’s nothing new, he wasn’t even sure of where he was as he glanced around. He was only a couple of blocks away from the store! The woman who attacked him didn’t even bother taking him far away. His ears immediately perked back up at the realization as he traded his anger for determination. He glanced up at the sky, the sun was already down, so it’s been at least 30 minutes since the moon's placement at most... An hour and a half. Aizawa should be in the area! He didn’t bother trying to be sneaky, he was a cat, and no one gonna think much about a cat! Though... Now that he thought about it... How was he gonna tell Sensei it was him? Was this permanent?!
A panicked little meow escaped him as his determination was short-lived. He looked around a little as he continued to try and head in the direction he remembered, ignoring the growing shiver as he was drenched. He knew Aizawa would stay out looking for him even in rain, they’d both probably need hot towels to not get a cold or something. He finally made it to the store noticing the lights were still on. His eyes lit up when he noticed a mirror, he trotted up to it pretty quickly looking at himself, as he thought, he was right about the given breed. He was glad his eyes were still green and that his eyes didn’t change with him, he wasn’t color blind at least. He could see in the dark, which was a little confusing but he wasn’t gonna complain.
He moved to hop up onto the brick next to the window. He looked inside, trying to see anyone he recognized, and his eyes immediately lit up at the sight of familiar faces. Present Mic was talking to the storeman and Aizaw was checking around everything. Midoriya didn’t even think before he jumped from the window to get under the area by the door so he could shake a little. He was quick to get the water out of his fur, he was still pretty wet but at least he wouldn’t drip. Izuku started to try and push at the door, it allowed cats and he was the size of a kitten, a little over 6 months from his growth appearance. All he wanted was to get inside and get to Aizawa, so he started to get closer to the door. It had a stopper that kept it open a little. He could fit his head inside, feeling the cold of the store and removing his head. It’s either wait out here and start to warm up or go inside and get cold... He’d take his luck inside.
He had to twist and maneuver himself around to squeeze inside, he may be small but the gap was pretty tight. He took a couple of steps in and shook again, licking at his paws on instinct. He then snapped from the thinking and instead moved to rush over to Mic’s legs starting to meow as he looked up. “Sensei! It’s me! I’m down here!” He said despite knowing the teacher would only hear a cat. The blonde looked down, his eyes said one moment as he gently started to scratch behind Izuku's ear, immediately he felt like melting into it. Damn, who knew to pet actually felt great. He snapped out of it as he moved from him to try and spot his teacher. He noticed him after a moment and trotted over to him. “Aizawa!” He said quickly, the teacher looking over in his direction at the slightly distressed sound.
The teacher seemed to blink for a moment as Izuku headed over to him. He crouched down in front of him and put his hand out for Izuku to sniff. He didn’t bother, knowing the man wouldn’t try to hurt a cat even if it tried to kill him. He pushed his head into the hand immediately starting to involuntarily purr at the familiar contact.
Aizawa didn’t know what he was expecting, you let the Problem child out to go do something, and 30 minutes later he still hasn’t returned. So he headed up to the area only to find his student's phone on the ground and not Midoriya, he would have rather seen his student unconscious right here than missing. He rushed over to the store, crashing inside with a huff as he swallowed nervously. “Hey! Have you seen a green-haired boy come in here? He’s short, 5’5”, bright green eyes?” He asked, a head shake being the man’s only response.
He held the phone up in his hand, pushing his student’s phone into his pocket as he pulled up his own. He needed to call ‘Zashi.
The blonde showed up pretty quickly, he had informed him that he told the students to keep an eye out for Midoriya, but they weren't allowed to leave the campus, a safety precaution brought in after the Training Camp and Bakugou’s kidnapping. “I knew I should have fucking walked him! I swear when we get him back I’m gonna fucking put a tracker on this kid!” He said quickly. This kid was always in trouble but he knows he doesn’t do it on purpose.
“Shota... He’ll be fine, go check where you found his phone, I'll see if the store owner has security cameras. The attacker probably walked past the place.” He said as he took a couple of steps inside. The black-haired hero then immediately pivoted on his heels to go check the area. He found nothing out of the ordinary, it was going to rain soon, so he needed to check for any blood or anything that could show signs of a struggle. He was near an alley, the attacker either came from there or pulled him into it. His student could be there, knocked out.
Aizawa held his weapon at the ready as he sneaked in. He was aware of everything around him, the sound of a trash can rattling stole his focus as he got closer he removed the lid quickly, and a tabby cat with bright yellow eyes fled the area in a rush. He was a little confused but continued to look. After a second his brain took a moment to think, what was so important that the cat would have gotten stuck inside? He peeked inside as his heart immediately jumped to his throat, he recognized the plastic that stuck from the wallet. He lifted it up pretty quickly opening it up, Midoriya’s money had been stolen, he knew full well that the boy would have just given it up in order to keep from a fight but with his missing status it was looking more like he had been kidnapped, and the kidnapper took his money as a constellation prize since nothing else was missing.
Shota groaned to himself as he put it in his pocket as well, he couldn’t find him, so being abducted seemed like the most logical explanation. He headed back to inform Mic of his finding and to hopefully get some good news on the security cameras. The rain had started to pour shortly as he entered the store looking up to see Mic arguing with the owner in English.
“Mic?” He asked as he got closer to them seeing how upset his husband was. He knew that the blonde liked having the boy in his class but he didn’t think it would trigger his emotions. He’d always sit and listen as he ranted about the writing and Midoriya’s practically perfect English. He had theories that one of his parents spoke English and had been teaching him from a young age but never finished the teaching. The boy was fluent to the point it seemed like a native language so it surprised him to find out he’s never left Japan. The boy had a bit of a darker tone to his skin than most of his classmates, he wasn’t the only one who didn’t look like they were purely Japanese.
Mina’s father was from Africa, Aoymada’s parents were actually French, and he was just born in Japan. Bakugou’s mother was half German, and Midoriya’s mom had some Native American in her, they didn’t know much about Midoryia’s father but he lived in America. Though the green-haired boy’s skin tone and ability to understand Spanish made them believe his dad was Puerto Rican or of the sort.
“He won’t show me the feed! We need to see it to help determine what happened.” He told him with a huff. The black-haired man looked over at the stranger who had his arms over his chest, a content looks on his face. It’s possible he was involved in the kidnapping...
“Keep working on him Yamada, I’ll work on looking around the store. Maybe he dropped something or is around. He’s more formidable than we think.” He told him before walking over to start looking around. He couldn’t destroy anything, despite the growing urge to do so. He simply went ahead and peeked through everything and checked the back door, during his double-check he heard the door jingle. Looking over, nothing came to his eyes so he returned his attention to the shelf. He looked over as Mic stopped his yelling. He noticed the cat by his feet trying to get his attention.
Shota was just about to get to his feet and pick it up before the creature instead rushed over to him. He looked down and started to pet the fluffy thing. “You sure are a talkative thing.” He said with a little smile to the mews and other various sounds it made. The purring gave him time to look for a collar. Instead, he found matted fur and a still bleeding scratch on the back of its neck. He sat up and looked around a little, noticing the wrap on one of the shelves. He whistled to get the owner's attention, pointing at the bandages. Hizashi put down ten dollars and the owner nodded.
He noticed how the cat didn’t fight against the wrapping, considering it was so young and had probably never used it before. He just was trying to get the bleeding to stop and it seemed to work as he scooped the small thing up, giving a confused mew at the motion.
Aizawa was glad this fluff ball showed up. He wasn’t forgetting about Midoriya but it was keeping him calm and such as being scratched under its chin watching as it leaned into the contact. Mic looked over at the black-haired man with a bright smile on his face as he turned and gave a smirk. “He has a camera that faces outside. It should have sight down to the corner.” He told him as he smiled. Aizawa held up the cat with a little smile, before commenting on the information.
“Hear that?” He asked it before turning away and sighing. “Just a little longer Midoriya.”
You’d figure that his eyes would give him away, turns out he can’t really do that when the man never makes eye contact with him. Izuku was a little annoyed at being carried around but he knew better than to cause unnecessary stress and a new problem for his teacher, considering the man was so worried about him. At the mention of his name, he was quick to sit up and crawl onto the tall man’s shoulder moving into the cloth as he peaked out of it trying to get them to pay close attention to him. Aizawa didn’t even react to his action, just letting him do so as he started to go and meet up for the feed.
I’m right here Sensei! Am I really that different?! He rolled his eyes, his tail swishing around in annoyance. He gave a little huff and pushed his head out of the fabric, he hadn’t realized how much it smelt like his teacher. It was pretty relaxing since he was basically surrounded by the smell of a man he recognized and knew was safe. He didn’t know people had individual smells, he knows Aizawa owns cats, but he could make out their own smells without even knowing them. It tells him he’s safe, that this man owns cats and knows how to keep them happy and healthy.
It took a little but eventually, they found one that showed something. It showed himself walking, the tension in his shoulders was obvious from such grainy footage. He felt a growl rise in his throat as the woman began to show up on the screen. Her eyes were colorless but he knew the piercing yellow that made him want to hide. He felt a hand on his back, claws coming out pretty quickly in response, but he pulled them back once he felt them dig into the skin below. Sorry, sir... He said to himself as he released the flesh and fabric.
The black-haired man turned to look at him, seeming a bit concerned about his response to the woman. He felt himself get removed from the warm area as he was scratched at, purring immediately from the contact. He kept his eyes open watching the teacher as he held him in front of him. After a moment he put his paws out, placing the front two onto his nose. He watched the dark spears he had as he felt them stare into his own vibrant ones. He blinked a couple of times, keeping his paws on top.
He watched as he was moved, giving a noise as his paws were taken from the hold. He felt like he wasn’t stable, trying to grip him with his claws. He felt himself being moved around, observed and shifted in order to gain information. After a couple of minutes, he was returned to his hiding area. He listened to his two teachers as Aizawa made a comment. “Turn back the recording.” He asked.
Once it was returned they noticed the woman dragging the unconscious boy into the alley after about 5 minutes, leaving with a box and walking past the store. He got them to go back to when he was attacked, noticing the reaction with his neck and the boy's concern and such, they could barely make out the sight of three cuts on the back of his neck, deep enough to bleed, but too shallow to cause permanent damage or any scars. Izuku could make it out, just barely as he pushed his head out of the mass of fabric and gave a little meow. “Do you recognize it? Please tell me you do, I at least want to be acknowledged.”
The man looked over at the cat, his eyes purely focusing on the creature's neck. After a second as the video continued he saw her walk past again, holding the box, before he removed Izuku from the scarf again.
Aizawa wasn’t sure of what to do, the video wrote out what had happened, the boy was attacked and he couldn’t have been left in the alley so he was either kidnapped or taken somewhere else. This cat showed up, with the same injury his students had, and from the same direction, as the villain did. He looked down at it, matching his gaze with its bright eyes. A meow, seemingly in response, his tail, swished around. He was quiet for a couple of seconds putting a hand on the bandages, the cat wasn't stopping him. This wasn’t the usual behavior of an animal, they liked to hide when wounded, keep people they don’t know a way and refuse to be picked up.
This cat was calm, clearly comfortable, small, and overwhelmingly trusting. Its estimated age and origins should have removed most of those assets, a street cat would be horrified of him. Being picked up or even near a person would have caused a feral reaction and not a friendly one. The cat started to squirm in his grip, trying to get down. He listened, letting it carefully land on the ground, then watching as it pawed at the door. Mic looked confused so he simply shook his head and followed it into the main area after opening the door.
The cat was constantly checking behind it to make sure he was following, it squeezed out the door and he followed, opening it instead. It watched the rain, peering back at him before jumping into a sprint and running in the direction the woman went. Shota followed quickly, not reacting to the strangeness or the glances he was given, no doubt the cat checking to make sure he was still following. The cat stopped shortly, by a box that it pawed at. Inside was Midoriya’s clothes, his shoes, and some space that had cat hair and showed the cardboard.
He could make out blood, on the cardboard and the clothes, though it was watered down. He watched as the cat jumped inside and started to paw at the clothes and then sit up as it looked up at him. He crouched down and spoke as he ruffed the cat’s head, messing up the wet fur. “What the hell did he get into..” The cat reacted with a little growl at the statement, moving over to him and putting its forepaws on his thigh, and biting at the wallet in his pocket, he pulled it out, the cat immediately biting and trying to pull it from his grip.
He let go, letting it go with what it was doing, it probably had an intelligence quirk. He watched as it opened it and pulled the hero card from its placement, being surprisingly delicate, before tapping its paw on the name. He blinked a little as Mic finally caught up, putting an umbrella over him and the cat as the blonde spoke. “What's going on Eraser?” He wasn’t surprised about this, Yamada hadn’t noticed what he had.
“I think this is Midoriya.” Aizawa was never one for easing people into statements, but the cat’s meow in response was enough for him to be one hundred percent with it. He put his hand on the animal's head, scratching behind his ears, and receiving the sound of a purr in response to his action. He would have expected Izuku to have been more uncomfortable at the contact, but this form probably made him more susceptible to the likes of a cat.
“I knew those eyes looked familiar!” The blonde quickly said, causing a glare from the black-haired man and the kitty. He quieted down quickly putting his hands up in defense as he spoke. “Sorry, I got too loud.” His voice was calmer and seemed to be fine by his student as he stepped forward and sat down in front of him, looking up in a way to the motion being held. Mic listened, lifting the fluffy thing up.
Shota looked over at him with a little hum as he stood up as well. He brought his hand over, petting his head before waving Mic to follow. “We need to get going, it’s best if we start to head back. We can ask questions later.” He said in a far more relaxed tone than normal. He knew it sneaked out but he didn’t mind, his problem child was safe so he wasn’t going to complain.
It was a short walk back to the dorms, well the teacher’s dorm. Midoriya had moved from Yadama’s grip to Aizawa’s shoulders as they got closer, clearly to hide from the unwelcoming mob of teachers and a couple of students.
Shota didn’t mind him, the boy wasn’t hurting himself or causing him any trouble so it was fine, as long as he didn’t fall or pull on the scarf. He could hear quiet purring and feel fur up against his neck, the warmth of the figure was nice compared to the cold and rain. The slight shivering was concerning but he wasn’t surprised, it had been raining and he’d been out in it for a while. He walked over to Midnight as she waved him over, next to her were Iida, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Momo. He looked at his students, he could tell the others must have convinced Uraraka to go to bed since it was later now.
“Eraser! Did you guys get Midoriya?” She asked, Aizawa could feel the small cat move at the sound of his name, clearly sitting up to pay more attention, his tail slipping from the fabric and showing behind him.
“Yes, we found the little listener!” Mic quickly added having to keep his laughter buried at the sight, the students quickly looked around for a glimpse of the familiar green hair unaware of his presence.
“Where, Aizawa-Sensei?” The redhead questioned as he looked up, the mentioned man hid a smile behind his scarf as he felt some shifting, bright green eyes peering from the darkness as a fluffy face pushed through the fabric.
The walk back was calming, Izuku was so relieved to have been found out, they knew he was himself, well mentally himself. He gave up one Yamada-Sensei’s hold, it wasn’t very nice to be held to someone’s chest like a baby, so he jumped over to Aizawa, the man didn’t even flinch when he did this, it was probably common with his other cats. His shoulders were broad enough that he could comfortably curl upon them as he hid in the fabric. Being so hidden was so comforting for some reason, he normally preferred to stay around others or alone, he couldn’t help but purr as he curled up in the dark. He was using some of the man’s hair to hide the more pale bits of him.
His neck hurt, he knew the reason why, and honestly just wanted it to stop. The teacher’s skin was warm in comparison to the surrounding air and other objects. His hair had a constant smell of cranberry that was undoubtedly non-noticeable when he was normal, it was a bit of a surprise since he hadn’t pegged the man as a fruit guy. Midoriya couldn’t help but yawn as his ears picked up at the sound of his name, Midnight-Sensei having spoken. He sat up and managed to keep a lookout, seeing familiar faces feeling his purr increase on instinct at the warm sight. His brain didn’t really process the blonde's words, only able to infer them from Kirishima’s response.
He nuzzled his head out of the fabric as he made eye contact with the speaker, he smiled to himself before speaking even though they couldn’t understand. “I’m right here!” His words were simply meowing as he saw Midnight start to laugh. They looked at each other, completely dumbfounded as Aizawa put his arms up, Izuku crawling into the warm skin with zero hesitation as he was comfortably held.
“Iida, go get Koda. I do not care if he is asleep, he needs to translate.” He said as he held him close. He pushed his head into the hand, noting the little sigh that escaped the older male as he petted him. The teen blinked in response, giving a nod and rushing in the direction of the dorms before Mic called out to him.
“Walk him to the teacher’s dorm please Tenya!” He didn’t hear any response, guessing it was a wave or thumbs up as he felt the hold on his shift as Momo nervously messed with her shirt. Izuku looked over at her, his tail swishing as he put a paw out and meowed in her direction. The teacher eyed him, seemingly understanding as he waved the girl over.
She listened, taking steps closer before he moved to wiggle from the man's grip and maneuver into her. She tensed as he did so, but Aizawa didn’t pull him away. He seemed to know, or at least understand, what he was doing. A meow left him as he spoke, even if they couldn’t understand. “Momo, you can just pet me if you want.” After a moment his mind went fuzzy as she finally gave in to the advances and scratched behind his ears.
Izuku came to her grip still, noticing how much calmer she was as she handed him over to Koda. His eyes widened as he immediately scrambled up, hopping onto his shoulder as a laugh left the quiet boy and those who witnessed his desperation. After a moment the larger teen spoke, surprising him at how clear it was. “You.. are Midoriya right?”
“Thank Kami! I was worried they’d start to treat me like an actual cat if I hadn’t pulled them to my stuff.” He spoke actually feeling heard for once as a smile crossed the familiar face.
“It’s Midoriya all right.” He said, a relieved sigh coming from everyone in the room as he turned to face the lot of them, his ears perking up as Yamada shooed the other’s out. They left after plenty of convincing and his own promise to let them pet him tomorrow if he was still like this.
“Okay I need you to tell us what he says, Koda,” Aizawa told him, getting a nod before turning his attention back to the animal on his shoulder. Izuku watched him, his tail swishing around on his shoulder blade as he spoke. “Alright, how did this happen?”
He sat up at the question, looking at Koda as he spoke to the translating teen. “I was hit by a quirk, I don’t remember most of her details but her hair was black and her eyes were this bright yellow. I think she needed my blood in order to use it as well as touch, that would explain why she cut me and the wrist contact.” He entered a bit of a ramble that the other boy didn’t bother trying to explain.
“Alright, anything noticeable about her? Other than the eyes?” Shouta asked, watching as his student moved down from Koda’s shoulder and instead onto the couch behind him, easily giving a little jump to make it. His little look back paired with a sound clued him in on the fact it was an apology, especially when the quieter of the two used sign language to respond.
His student spoke again as he looked to Koda for translation only to have started speaking without any prompting. “No, but I think her quirk allows her to turn into a cat as well, she just needs to use the same form of approach, cut her hand then grab her own wrist, and then she’s good to go.” He nodded as the cat sat down. He walked closer to Midoriya, putting his hand on his head to pet him as the boy nuzzled into the contact with a purr. His dark eyes looked in the direction of the student who simply watched the exchange, guess he didn’t say anything.
“Good job kid, I'm glad you didn’t go seek out a problem this time.” He said with a smug chuckle when the boy responded with some form of growl that quickly melted into a purr as he scratched behind his ears. Koda had started to quietly laugh as he turned to the black-haired man, quickly sharing his words.
“Midoriya was gonna get on to you before you hit a soft spot.” He said honestly, he was glad to see his student smiling before the boy quickly added to the statement. “A soft spot basically makes a cat's mind go a little numb, he’s okay though just in a bit of bliss,” he said with a shrug as the teacher scooped the melting warmer mass in his arms, keeping a gentle motion behind the mentioned ear in order to keep defiance to a minimum as he looked over at his shy student.
“Head to bed, we can finish this conversation in the morning.” He got a quick nod from his student before they headed out as he headed in the direction of Recovery Girl’s room. When Midoriya disappeared they basically told her to stay as a safety precaution. It wasn’t really needed at this point, but he’d at least as the wound cleaned.
He’d stopped the petting after a moment, it didn’t really matter since the boy still acted like a limp pool noodle, a purr still resonating in his throat. “Eraserhead, you better have a good reason to be coming in here with another cat when your student is still missing.” Her voice was overwhelmingly stern as he held the cat up and blinked his eyes open. As soon as Midoriya recognized the woman he moved closer to the teacher, not out of distaste for her but more due to the fact of her scolding him when he was normal, this size would make it easier.
The teacher laughed at the cat as he put him on the cot before looking at her. “It’s Problem Child. Transformation quirk, she turned him into a cat.” He said honestly as she nodded and sighed as she stepped closer to him.
She sighed as she noticed the bandage on his neck and turned to the man. “Three scratch marks?” She asked calmly as her head tilted and she started to remove them getting a bit of defiance as the boy moved away from her grip and such.
Her quiet words of ‘Stop Squirming’ were quiet as he responded, “Yeah, I wrapped it, he’s a little squirmy on people making contact with it. I think Kota said he’s a bit influenced by the quirk, he acts a bit more like a cat.” She seemed to understand as she waved him over.
Shouta listened as he headed over and pointed at his back. He put his hands on the boy's back to hold him down, a bit of a hiss leaving him. “Hush it, Problem Child, we aren't gonna hurt you. Chiyo just needs a good look at your wound.” He watched as eyes quickly turned to look up at him. His eyes seemed more feral than anything as the bright green met him again. His tail moved around very upset as he growled a little, no longer fighting them as the older woman removed the bandages. It wasn’t bleeding anymore, but she could feel a bit of heat coming from the wound, either infection is a thing from the quirk or he was getting an infection as she moved and let go of the cat.
Aizawa let go of him too, watching as the boy took a few steps back before sitting again and wincing as he moved his head. The bandages had definitely been keeping the pain down. “Shouta, we need to disinfect it, he’s getting an infection I don’t know how this will correlate to when he’s back to normal so it’s best to clean it now.” He nodded in response as he crouched down and made the cat look at him.
“Kid,” He started, the eyes turning to him, they had a softer look to them as he glanced over, sitting down on his feet basically becoming a loaf. “We need to clean your wound, it’s for your own safety.” A meow was all he got in response as the boy laid his head down a little, it made the wound bleed a little more but at least it was not clogged with an underlying infection.
Recovery Girl got to work quickly, cleaning it despite the couple of protests the boy couldn’t keep down at the stinging and such. Once he was wrapped back up she gave him a head rub before removing the contaminated bandage and glove to throw away. Once her hands were clean she sighed and looked up at him. “Make sure he eats, keep the wrap on all night, and bring him back around noon for a new bandage and another check.” he nodded in response as he picked up the boy before she handed him multiple half-cut painkillers. “These should be the right size to help him. Give him one every 8 or so hours, and hide them in with food since he can’t really swallow it.” The man nodded and moved to start heading back to his dorm.
The pros were used to Eraser bringing in strays though he wasn’t surprised when, once he had brought Midoriya in, the teen hissed in response to Midnight’s approach. He held in his laughter as the boy scrambled up to his shoulder to hide in the scarf as he felt him bury his nose in fabric. The woman looked offended as she crossed her arms over her chest, he figured by now she’s figured out why cats don’t really like her. “I figured he’d at least be a bit more trusting!”
He sighed and waved her over, getting the woman to follow him into the kitchen, he placed down some stuff from the cabinets and snagged a small container for the meds. He then spoke to the woman as he started to put the meds away. “Cat’s noses are sensitive, so your quirk is more noticeable.” He told her as the cat's head peaked out, he could tell Midoriya was trying to show that was the truth.
“Can you get out some of the leftovers? I’m pretty sure Problem Child missed dinner, plus he needs to take medicine.” She nodded in response as she moved to the fridge, the cat jumping onto the counter and sitting down politely. He looked over at him and gave a bit of a smile before speaking to his student. “Does chicken and rice work for you?” He was given a nod in response and sighed as he started to crush up the half pill a bit more, just to make it easier on him.
Midnight moved and went ahead and slid the warmed-up food over, he put the medicine over the top before waving his student over. He was glad to see he was simply just eating and not caring for the painkillers inside. He pets his student's back, getting a loud purr in response as he simply ate. He finished up most of it before not being able to eat anymore. He didn’t care for the wasted food, glad he had finished the medicine that had been added. Ectoplasm had entered and gently ruffled the top of the animal's head, not aware of the student’s situation.
“So, what are you calling this one?” He asked as he grabbed a cup of water from the sink. Shouta looked over as he scooped his student up, watching as his student scrambled into the scarf and on his shoulder.
“Midoriya.” He said simply, the cat’s meow and the puzzled look on Ecto’s face was enough to make him smirk. After a hot moment, he spoke up, bringing a hand to scratch under the fluffy thing’s chin. “He was hit with a quirk, Chiyo is gonna do some research to figure out who got to him. All we know is how she activates her quirk and a bit of her description.” He said simply as Shouta patted the other male's shoulder.
He walked past him heading up to his given room, Coffee might be upset about having another cat around but the brown fur ball can handle his student for a couple of days. He pushed his door open, Hizashi calling out to him as he peeked around the corner. The mentioned cat was by his feet before she looked up, probably smelling his student. “Sho, how’s the listener doing?”
It didn’t take much for Izuku to notice the new smell, he’d eaten what Aizawa had given him, making sure to get the bits that had the meds since he really wanted to get the pain under control. Hiding in his scarf was very calming, it gave him a warm safe feeling that he could barely keep his purring down and quiet. He knew his teacher was being calm and surprisingly gentle with him at this size. It was very confusing as he sighed and just nuzzled into the crook of his neck for warmth. He was purring as his tail swished around a little before he heard Mic.
How much time had passed since he’d hidden away? He poked his head out and looked down at the cause. Midoriya noticed the cat, she was a dark brown color and clearly had short hair but overall a very pretty cat, looking up at him as she spoke. “You smell like one of dad’s students.” He watched her as his sensei nudged him to move, so he listened, leaving the shoulder and being placed on the floor by his teacher.
The other cat took a few steps closer so he went ahead and hid behind Shouta’s legs, he looked at her and up at his teacher who looked down at him. “Kid, she’s not gonna hurt you.” He said calmly, moving his leg out of the way and leaving him be. The teacher left for the kitchen and, as much as he wanted to follow, Izuku simply sat down and looked over at her debating if he should speak or not, but she beat him to it.
“I’m Coffee, does he just call you kid?” Coffee seemed polite, he’d give her that, but he also didn’t wanna risk getting hurt while he was like this. He took a few steps closer, she didn’t seem like a threat and he sat down as she got closer.
“Y-yeah, it’s better than being called Problem Child.” He watched her ears perk up as he mentioned the clearly familiar name. She walked closer to him, sitting down right in front of him. She was a lot bigger than he was as her tail moved around and such, she seemed to be smelling him as she brought her nose onto his head.
She moved her head back and then responded, “So, is this some form of power thing? I mean, I remember something about one of Dad’s students being able to talk to animals, but not turn into one.” He looked up, feeling her trying to figure it out as she started to walk around him, noticing the bandages as she sniffed them.
“A-ah, yes and no? I was hit by a quirk, I'm Midoriya Izuku.” He told her calmly as she moved away from the area and instead went ahead with licking behind his ear. He flinched from the unexpected contact before she made him loaf on the ground.
Coffee was purring as she continued stopping to speak, “You have an infection… Some blood is in your fur so I’m cleaning it up.” He looked over at her as his ear twitched and he felt embarrassment flood him as his tail swished. “You need to take better care of cuts and such, kid.”
He was quick to add to her statement, “Hey! I couldn’t do anything! One moment I was normal, the next I was waking up in a box.” He said as he moved to head into the kitchen, but his steps seemed a little sluggish as sleep started washing over him like a wave. He watched as his teacher took a few steps over to him and as he was picked up, pretty quickly trying to get onto his shoulder. Everything got fuzzy after that, turning black after even he doesn’t know how long.
Aizawa wasn’t very surprised by the lack of trust Izuku had for the other cat in the room. His student wasn’t very trusting normally and cats are known for being territorial so the reaction was all but denied. He left as he heard Coffee start a “conversation”, at least what he assumed to be one. His eyes immediately found his husband, moving to wrap his arms around his waist as he buried his head into his neck. He should have expected a situation like this at some point, Midoriya just attracted problems and never got a proper break when he tried, but he was at least glad he came out of it with just a little infection.
Yamada turned to look over his shoulder as he noticed his husband's grip. He brought a mug over, which was quickly received by the black-haired man. “How have you been holding up?” He asked as Shota started to chug down the liquid. That seemed to be all of the answer the blonde needed as he continued. “Well, you never told me how Midoriya is.”
“The kid’s gonna be fine, he has the start of infection so Chiyo put him on some stuff just in case after cleaning it. He’ll probably pass out soon, I honestly just hope he’s not under something when he does.” He told him pretty quickly as he put the now empty mug down, reaching for the pot. His husband swatted his hand before putting it to the side.
“If he’s going to bed soon, then you don’t need to be drinking coffee. One cup is enough love.” Hizashi said as he started to pull his hair up. Aizawa wanted to fight out of the contact but he didn’t really care, it would be easier to go to bed with it anyway. He moved to get a juice packet from the fridge before he saw the tiny ragdoll enter the kitchen. He couldn’t help the smile at how sleepy he looked as he scooped up the cat. Izuku moved to try and get by his neck so he helped the teen before he fell asleep.
“He’s out like a light, might be best if we let him curl up on the couch. Coffee will keep an eye on him.” He told the blonde when he noticed the other cat looking up as he held his student. He walked over into the living room and took off his scarf, if she liked to curl up in it then it might bring his student some peace as well. He placed it down and slipped him inside of it as Coffee hopped up to join. He couldn’t help but spot the couple of licks she gave his head before curling up around him.
“Aw... She's like a mom!” He listened as his husband peeked out and turned off the kitchen light. “We should let them sleep, it’s late. Let’s go to bed, Sho.” He looked over to have his cheek kissed by his husband as he sighed and nodded.
“I swear if he doesn’t sleep all night, I’m gonna be upset,” Aizawa said, making sure Coffee heard it, maybe she could keep him asleep when the meds wore off. He followed his husband's pull and moved to head to their room as he basically moved to curl up in bed. He really should shower, but it’s late and he can always do that in the morning. He snuggled into his husband’s form, a small smile forming as he felt Hizashi’s hold. It stayed so firmly, not even slipping away as he felt sleep overcome him; without a problem for once.
It took about 2 more days before Izuku returned to normal. The entire time he was a cat, he couldn't help but cling to the pro who found him. It was a lot easier to help to be touch starved as a cat since he basically just had to walk up to someone and they'd drown him in attention. A large number of his classmates just wanted to carry him around, he ended up just staying on Aizawa’s shoulders the entire time they had class or when the pro napped.
He would visit Yamada and Aizawa’s place since the time he spent as a cat seemed to give him a general understanding of Coffee. He basically knew everything she needed and the pro wasn’t sure if it was that he could talk to cats now or if it was simply because she babied him when he was the size of a kitten. Anytime he sat down or she caught the way he smelled she’d curl up in his lap or try to get over to him.
Hizashi was pretty sure she imprinted on him, basically adopting their student as her kitten despite the fact that he was human and not exactly a child. Midoriya didn’t seem to mind, she worked wonders on his mental state. Coffee managed to help him be a bit calmer and less anxious. It was nice to see his student become more open with what was on his mind and stop flinching when he was approached by a teacher or peer.
It took less than two weeks for him to get dragged into another situation, after all, Izuku is still a problem child. Whether or not he’s a cat or a human.
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p0et-is-my-persona · 2 years
I'm Sorry
Dadzawa!Platonic!Shota Aizawa x Student!Gn!Reader trigger warnings: Lots of cursing(the second word of the fic literally), scars, hospital. Think I got all of them. @yahoooooooooo0 : Imma just slide in, Angst to Fluff time baby. What about Aizawa with a gn student reader who fights against him in the test to go to camp or whatever, but lets just say Aizawa kicks them and they hit their head almost dying. Happy ending ofc! A/n: A minute turned into a day.Thank you again for this request! I don't ever forget my requests. It's fun to look at the entire thing and go: "Whoa, I did that?" Also 'important' announcement soon. ENJOY!
Holy shit. Shit. Shit! He's going to catch up to me soon!
Why did I, ME, Have to go solo against my own teacher?!?!?! Okay. Breathe He's maybe around the corner so if I go-
*Footsteps…..Running footsteps*
"L/n," "L/n?" "….."
Aizawa Shakes you lightly, "Y/N!?!".
*Radio/Walkie Talkie beep*
"Aizawa what happened?"
"….I-" A sob left your teacher.
"Aizawa, where's Mx. Y/n L/n?" ***
You remember waking up in the hospital room; You remember the frantic-ness the had appeared in the romm when you awoke; You however don't remember what happened exactly…
One second you were plotting your solo against Aizawa, the next you were being flown into a wall.
Aizawa barged in the room.
"Y/n I am so sorry, I shouldn't ha-" His sincerity was interupped by a snicker.
"Mr. Aizawa, don't apologize for that."
"What?" Your panicked teacher questioned.
"I signed up for this shit. Yes, it hurts like a bitch, Recovery Girl or not." Your snarkyness and sarcasam didn't help the situation mutch.
"It was still not okay for me to act the way I did. I'm really sorry."
"WHAT DID I JUS-" *Sigh* "Nevermind that. I accept your apology."
Recovery Girl came in the room.
"Mhm. Now eraserhead dear would you please leave Mx. L/n alone for the meanwhile? At this rate they won't be able to go to class for at least a week!"
You had just been released from Recovery Girl's office. Under her strict orders "No hero training for AT LEAST three days."
You had just gotten out of the shower and when you wiped the mirror you almost fell back in shock. You had scars all over your your torso, and to top it all off you had a four inch scar from your ear to your forehead just missing your eye. It took you a little bit to fully comprehend what happened.
You don't regret it though. You got some experience. "I really couldn't imagine if he went easy on me."
"Mr. Aizawa?"
"Yes, Mx. L/n?"
"I really do accept your apology, and-" you had started to tear up, "I apologize for the behavior of my peers." You had began to fight back breaking down infront of your father figure.
"Y/n, come here,please." you walked where you were scarf-to-face
Aizawa put his arms around you and hugged you. And you, hugged back.
There was just silence for a second just a second, long enough for you to process that things were going to be okay.
168 notes · View notes
vampireloverz · 4 years
don’t be scared, little one
Tumblr media Tumblr media
pairing: demon! shouta aizawa x gn! reader 
words: 3.4k
cw/tw: exophilia/teratophilia (seriously its not just dude with ears and tail you’re gonna fuck a demon), dubcon, size difference (i may have gone overboard with this lol), fear, tummy bulge, cumflation, botched exorcism, minor degradation
—  “You broke whatever ties I had to this place, to my life, I can barely remember anything now.”
“Thats, uh, good! Right? Now you can leave!”
His booming laugh falls over you like ice water, his ruby eyes catch in the light and you feel a scream start to build in your throat. “You’re so stupid. Now I can touch you.”  —
✰ ✰ ✰
You really should’ve been more skeptical when the price of your new apartment just seemed too good to be true. You didn’t care, it was too perfect to pass up. It’s close to work, the neighbors are quiet and nice, the elevator actually works. The downside is that you're pretty sure it's haunted. There isn’t blood or slime dripping from the walls, no terrifying nightmares plaguing you but there’s definitely... something around you, watching you. You didn’t notice it at first, you rationalize misplaced objects and mysteriously broken cups and plates as stress from the move. But after a month you can’t find any more excuses for missing clothes and randomly torn sheets.
“Okay, I get it!” you shout into your empty apartment when your T.V. cycles through channels so quickly it makes your head spin, “I’m living in your home and you’re upset, but I’m not leaving! Since you won’t actually speak to me, maybe you can talk in a different way. I’ll be back soon.”
You leave a piece of scrap paper and pen on your table when you leave. When you come back you find one word in small, neat handwriting. Shouta. 
✰ ✰ ✰
You can live with a ghost, you actually think it's kind of cool at first. You manage to get some more information from your spirit roommate by using a notepad. He writes how old he was when he died, how he loved cats, his birthday, but nothing as important as his name. He doesn’t ever actually appear in front of you, but you manage to catch glimpses of him in mirrors and reflections on your phone screen. You know he sits by you on the couch when you watch movies, the air around you grows icy and the seat beside you sinks a little.
He’s helpful, always floating things over to you when you need them and turning off your lights when you’re too cozy to leave your bed. You actually like him a lot, even if the two of you have never really talked. 
That is, until he starts doing creepy things. 
Normally when you’d change or shower he’d tinker with objects in the living room to show that he wasn’t peeping. Recently, however, you’ve stopped hearing things outside your door and instead feel ghostly fingers graze against your bare back. 
Every time it happens you jump about a foot in the air and whip around like you’ll actually see Shouta standing there. You never do.
You’ve been waking up at all hours of the night, jolting awake when the temperature under your covers takes a nosedive. A dip in the mattress like there’s someone laying next to you. You can’t bring yourself to say anything, to move, you just stare at the empty space until you end up falling asleep again.
You randomly end up spending a night at a friends house after your car breaks down and you experience the first uninterrupted rest in weeks. You decide you have to get rid of Shouta.
You start to spend more time out of the house, you don’t need him looming over your shoulder to see you researching exorcisms. You don’t want to spend money to have some phony come over just to sprinkle some salt and take your cash, so you decide to do it yourself. You find some random occult website that doesn’t look too sketchy and begin to prepare. You buy candles and chalk, you think it’s strange that it asks for a lock of your hair and some blood but you ignore the warning in your gut to do as it says.
✰ ✰ ✰
You finish sketching the circle and prick your finger with a pin, wincing as you squeeze out a drop of blood onto the floor. The moment it hits the tile, Shouta appears in his translucent phantom glory. Even in death, he looks tired, you briefly think that he actually looks quite handsome. His long hair falls around his shoulders as he looks down at where you’re kneeling, his face like that of a disapproving teacher. 
“Did you really want to be rid of me that badly?” his voice is nice, deep and smooth, but a little odd, it almost sounds like there are multiple people speaking at once. 
“Huh,” you say intelligently, “you’re a real ghost.”
Shouta sighs, “Of course I am. Now can you please stop this, you aren't doing it right.”
You ignore him, you’ve already come this far and you really don’t find his antics cute anymore. “Shouta, listen, I'm sorry but I need you out of here. Don't you wanna rest in peace anyway?”
“If you fuck this up something bad can happen. Really bad.”
“Whatever,” you’re not going to waste time talking to a ghost, you pull your laptop closer to you and start to read the incantation off the website.
“Hey, hey!” Shouta tries to step forward and close your laptop but your binding ritual seems to have actually worked, he can't step outside of the circle you've drawn. “Quit it! That’s not gonna get me to leave!” his voice warbles and he groans like he’s in pain.
You flick your eyes up at him and see a shadow pass over his face, his eyes going from black to red and back in an instant. Anxiety creeps up your spine but you keep reciting the spell. You speed through the last sentence as quickly as you can, a sick anticipation building in your stomach like the moment in a movie right before the jumpscare.
You can't look up to see if Shouta is gone, you know he isn't. Or maybe he is. You just know that you don't think you can look up to see what's panting like a beast in your living room. 
The dead silence in between its breaths and thick dread presses around you like a perverted hug. You realize you’re trembling, fear gripping you so tightly you feel bile rising in the back of your throat. You are positive you won’t like what you’ll see but you have to know, you have to look up. 
You manage to lift your head to face two crimson eyes suspended in swirling darkness. What looks like black smoke rolls off it in waves in time with its breathing. The top of its head grazes your ceiling even as it's hunched over, you can't wrap your head around how enormous it is. Pinned under the stare of that thing you can barely manage to breathe, as if it's reaching out and physically crushing you. Something about its gaze feels familiar, but that can't be. Right? Oh shit.
“Shouta?” you manage to squeak out.
The creature tilts his head and rumbles so loudly that it makes you jump, hands flying to your mouth to cover your little gasp. 
He makes the same noise again, like a thunderstorm rolling through your living room, almost like he's laughing. You feel slightly more at ease somehow. At least you didn't summon the Devil, an evil you know is better than one you don't, right? Your mind adjusts a bit to his figure, still vaguely human but so wrong. Whenever he breathes it's like his whole form changes, wriggling and shifting unnaturally, like when you pass your hand through smoke. You’re fascinated by him but you can't deny that he looks absolutely terrifying. You're sure that if you manage to get out of this alive you’ll have nightmares for days.
You swallow down your fear to speak, “Shouta, what… what did I do to you?”
He’s silent for a moment, eyes sparkling with some dark amusement. 
“You broke whatever ties I had to this place, to my life, I can barely remember anything now.”
“Thats, uh, good! Right? Now you can leave!”
His booming laugh falls over you like ice water, his ruby eyes catch in the light and you feel a scream start to build in your throat. “You’re so stupid. Now I can touch you.” 
He moves, the first heavy thud of his foot hitting the floor makes you shriek and jump up just to land back down on your behind. Your arms shoot back to hold you up so you don’t fall completely on your back and your mind screams at you to get up, run, do anything, but you can’t. You just watch, helpless, as he slinks towards you, rolling his shoulders like he’s getting comfortable in his new form. Your head tilts back to keep eye contact with him, he takes up your entire field of vision. 
Writhing shadow lifts toward you. A hand, you realize, inhuman as it is. It’s big, gargantuan compared to you. He makes to grip your throat then pulls back like he realizes that, if he does so, he could hold your entire head in his palm. You watch a lone tendril, a finger, move forward and wrap around your neck. The knuckles of his other fingers press against your chest, you can feel your heart thudding against them. You’re surprised that under the shadow there is something corporeal, something so warm and weighty.    
Shouta leans forward and opens his mouth, the several rows of sharp, jagged teeth staring back at you makes your heart nearly stop. His tongue lolls out, inky black and impossibly long with shiny spit coating every inch. Why does the sight of it make you feel… excited? No, that can’t be it.
His tongue makes contact with the corner of your mouth first before it slides slowly across your face, up against your cheek and back down again. It’s so warm and almost nauseatingly slick that it makes you shudder and dig your fingernails into the floor. He licks the sweat away from your temples before sliding down to your neck, almost like he’s grooming you. His breath fans across your skin, goosebumps spreading over your arms and legs despite the warmth. 
The tip of his tongue wriggles against your lips, pushing and prodding languidly until he gets impatient and forcefully parts them to press his tongue against your teeth. You don’t know why but you open your mouth for him and are rewarded with a chuckle that almost sounds like he’s purring, the sound echoes in your chest. 
It can hardly be called a kiss, his tongue fills and explores your mouth until you gag at the sensation of it slipping past the back of your throat. You’re alarmed when you realize you can’t breathe, hands frantically pawing at his finger around your throat. Shouta doesn’t move, just continues worming his tongue around inside you until you’re lightheaded, until you think you’re going to pass out. It starts to sound like you’re underwater, your pulse thudding in your ears as the edges of your vision begins to black out.  
He finally pulls back, taking his tongue and hand away as you sputter and suck in greedy gulps of air. You feel him on you again once your coughing subsides, eagerly palming your chest like he didn’t almost kill you.
You feel so faint and weak that you don’t protest when he drags his hand down your torso, ripping through your clothes with ease. You sob when a claw catches on your nipple. It seems to amuse him, he gives a pleased hum as he throws your torn clothes to the side. 
He flips you onto your stomach, so quick and rough it punches the air out of your lungs. You’re still disoriented, vision swimming as you try to lift yourself up. One massive hand holds your head down to the floor, your face turned to the side so you're still able to see him if you strain, and his other tears your pants away to shreds. The tips of his claws graze your thighs none too kindly as he knocks your legs apart, you wince at the pain and hope he doesn’t rip through your skin. 
As if he can read your thoughts, you wouldn’t be surprised if he could in this form, he speaks, “I don’t intend to harm you, little one.”
“So let me go!”
He laughs, “I also don’t intend to do that, you don’t want me to anyway.”
Before you can ask why he’d say that, he slips a hand between your legs. You’re mortified to find yourself incredibly turned on, you didn’t even notice the wires for fear and arousal getting crossed and intertwined. 
You sob, squeezing your eyes shut and trying to hide your face on your floor. 
“Want to know something I remember about being alive?” he voice grates against your ears, you hate that you’re beginning to like it. “Pretty little things like you were just my type.” 
The first touch of his cock against you makes you yelp, it slides between your thighs until it nudges your belly. Your eyes widen, there is no way that is going to fit inside you. 
It doesn’t feel human at all, it’s so unnaturally heated and textured that you wonder what it would feel like in your hands. 
“Don’t worry,” he humps against you and groans, “I’m not that cruel, I’ll make sure you’re prepared to take me.”
You can’t manage to move more than trembling against him, sighing when his cockhead brushes against you just right, just enough to make the heat between your legs burn even hotter. He snickers at the small, sniveling sounds of pleasure you let out. Pinpricks of shame sparking along your cheeks, somehow embarrassed to be aroused in front of this demon, to be turned on by him, because of him. You can’t help it, the anticipation of him splitting you open on his cock has you panting as he humps you, he’s just so enormous, so all-encompassing and warm against you.
The tip of his cock leaks against you, spreading heated slick across your stomach. You feel something damp and warm prod against you and you choke on a moan. Shouta’s tongue licks in circles, his thick spit pooling on your skin until he pushes inside. It’s a strange feeling, having something so slicked up and smooth writhing around inside you. You listen to his open mouthed pants as he pumps his tongue in and out of you, you swear that with every push inside it grows bigger, thicker. You bring your hand between your legs to feel where he’s pushing inside you and you groan at the feeling of his spit sliding down your fingers. 
“Go on,” he slurs, “touch yourself.”
You whimper and take your shining wet fingers away to do as he says. His tongue still moves in and out of you at a steady pace, even as your insides spasm and clamp down on him.
“Oh, are you going to cum?”
You nod as best you can, cheek squishing onto the floor as you work your fingers over yourself frantically. You can’t believe you’re actually about to cum but you can’t even pretend that you don’t want to. You push yourself back onto his tongue as you work yourself through your orgasm, whining and panting all the while. 
Your hand falls away even as he continues to thrust his tongue inside, stretching you until he’s satisfied. When his tongue slips out you feel hollow and empty, already aching to be filled by him again.
Shouta slams one hand by your head, snarling. “You’re ready now.”
You watch, horrified, as his talons sink into the floor just an inch away from your face when he begins to mount you. His other hand pushes down on your back to hold you in place as he pushes into you. 
Tears cling to your lashes, his cock is too big even after he stretched you so much. It’s uncomfortable at first, it aches and burns so badly that you bite the inside of your cheek to distract yourself. Shouta’s tongue licks the tears away from your face, it feels oddly soothing. You hear his claws pop out of the floor beside you, one by one thunking out of the tile as he sinks further into you. 
When he reaches between your legs you panic, talons should not be going there. He grunts when you squirm but continues to move, he’s smart enough not to claw you when he pushes a bent finger between your legs for you to hump against. The pleasure makes you relax a fraction, sighing and trying to push yourself forward onto his knuckle. 
“Taking me so well, I never would’ve known you’re such a whore.”
You jerk and feel yourself tighten around him, “I’m— ah— not! ’M not a whore!”  
“Yes you are, you’re my little whore now,” he sneers. He finally stills his hips but continues to rub himself against your front. “You’re so tiny, I don’t think you can take all of me inside.”
You feel like you’re going to black out, you’re so full of him that you can barely breathe and there’s more? Pathetic, fucked out noises escape you as he starts to pull out.
“Oh— oh! Fuck, oh, my God!” you cry out when he pushes his cock back inside you.
“No gods here, little one, only me.”
He starts slow, you can’t be sure that it’s for your sake or if it’s because your body is resisting the intrusion so much. But, fuck, it feels good. You’ve never been filled like this before, don’t know if you ever will be again. You’re sure that no amount of your own fingers or human dick or toys will ever make you feel this amazing. 
And yet, you want more. You nudge your hips into him, wincing at the pressure that washes over you until pleasure replaces it. He hums and starts to fuck you a little faster, the drag of the unique texture inside you makes you throb. You push one hand onto the floor to prop yourself up and push back into him, chasing the satisfaction of his cock hitting so far inside you. 
“Greedy,” he muses.
You yelp as he lifts you up, the way one of his hands can wrap all the way around your torso makes your stomach makes a bolt of heat shoot between your legs. 
Shouta’s arms wrap around yours from behind, pushing you against his chest with no room to move. He holds you in place so your arms are pinned between his forearms and biceps. He clasps his hands behind you, colossal palms push against the back of your head forcing you to look down at how you’re splayed open, legs dangling limply. 
“Oh,” you hiccup, “fuck.”
Every time he thrusts into you your stomach protrudes, bulging out just enough to be visible, the thought of him sheathing himself fully in you makes you dizzy. 
“You want more?” he asks, taunting you, “Do you think you could handle me?”
You don’t know, don’t care, you just want to cum. 
“Yes! Fu—ck! Haaaah— yes, yes!” you babble.
He drives the last rest of his cock inside, pushing the thickest part of himself past the last bit of resistance your body has. He’s crammed so deep into you that you think you can feel him in your throat. You keen when you watch your stomach distend. You go blind for a moment when he pulls out and pushes back in, being completely filled is making you woozy. You giggle, hysterical as he forces an orgasm out of you. No matter how much you thrash in his grip you don’t throw him off his rhythm. You wail as he fucks you, you can't even find the strength to close your mouth. Your tongue slips past your lips and Shouta’s tongue slides into your mouth, not enough to choke you this time. You can feel your combined drool fall onto your stomach and between your legs, sliding against you pleasantly. 
Shouta growls, the volume of it shakes your very bones as he presses his hips up into you with such force you think something might break. His hands press down on your head until you’re almost bent in half, you’re so limp and boneless that you can’t even struggle against him.
He doesn’t warn you that he’s cumming, you just feel hot, fat ropes of his seed fill you. It almost burns, his cum is even warmer than his cock and there’s too much for your body to handle. Your stomach pooches out as he fills you, even though so much seeps out of you that you can feel it slide down your thighs and onto the floor.
Shouta’s tongue leaves your mouth to slip down to where you are connected , collecting his spend on his tongue just to shove it into your waiting mouth. You swallow it down eagerly, sucking on his tongue like it’s the last taste of water you’ll ever get. 
He pulls his tongue out of your mouth and nuzzles the back of your head, “You’re my plaything forever now, little one.”
✰ ✰ ✰
first time writing for a gender neutral reader so lmk how i did! :o
this is was inspired by my love for venom (im sure thats obvious lol) and this ask from @misterhoneyyandere​, ever since i read it shadow demon aizawa has been living in my brain rent free ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ also i hope u like this mr honey djdkdndndn
and thank you to @hqmonarch for beta reading kiss kiss ( ʃƪ˘ ³˘ ) 🤍  
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