#catch me dead before posting hazbin again
hauntedhowling · 6 months
Invincible fans im sorry, Hazbin fans suck it up
This came to me in a fever dream.
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srslysierraa · 3 years
Oh! No no darling! I was the stupid one who didn't see what I wrote, I'm so sorry for the confusion (I'm so embarrassed rn) TT
I meant fem! HUMAN*! reader. Again im sorry :(
Twist Of Fate.
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Prompt ;; what happens when you wake up realizing you're at the mercy of an actual demon? Would you be scared? Frightened? Traumatized? Well, the situation is definitely concerning, even more so when the very same familiar face you've lost long ago went out of his way to save you.
Type ;; hcs, comfort, alastor getting angry for you, harsh words, a bit of gore.
Chars. Involved ;; alastor [hazbin hotel]
A/N ;; yes i used the same header pic as another one of my writings, I'm in too much of a not mood to actually make another one pls forgive me. Other than that I'm so sorry for not posting that much — or at all these past few days, i haven't had any energy to do so. But I'm slowly getting it again and this hcs were a bomb to write, so pls enjoy ^^
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Heavy breathing.
Crimson red walls.
Hands tied together with a big puffy bow to decorate just how much it hurts your wrists.
And the very not human like creature in front of you.
You couldn't even open your eyes wide enough to see who it is, or what they look like. Not like you'll recognize em with how they currently look anyways.
Apparently they're someone you used to know- well, more like someone you used to despise has been sent down to Hell.
Meh, not that surprising.
What catches your attention more is how you got down there, a very much living breathing human just trying to live your life and not knowing what the fuck this is.
Are you dead? Then why do you still look like a human? Or at least your hands looks like human hands.
Are you sure this ain't a case where they misjudged you and you're supposed to be in Heaven?
Your mind blanked for a second, tired from wringling around in your tied down fetal position as the monstrosity in front of you prances around the room.
You could barely make out what they said, speaking about how you got kidnapped and brought here.
Turns out you got into a feud with your old enemy's best friend or something like that? So now they're mad at you for it?
Huh, no wonder the very displeasing attitude radiating from the stupid person(?) Thing? In front of you was familiar.
You wanted to mock them but held back on the idea, as much as it would make you feel good you're still not sure how capable they are.
Not to mention you're literally tied down.
They insulted you. Bringing up all the times you've been quote-on-quote "ruining their life and it's their time to ruin yours". Hands on your face as it almost choked you from the way they're picking up your face despite the position.
Is this how it's actually going to end? Sharp nails digging in the side of your face as your past and present enemy laughs at your misery?
And in Hell out of all places?
You're not sure how you'll get out or if you even able to, but right then and there something happened.
The sound of the doorknob turning caused both you and the demon in front of you to look back, only to be met with absolutely nothing.
A shiver ran down your spine, before-
This time, it sounded like fabric or a rope. With a hint of excitement and hope you look down, somehow, your hands were.. free?
You looked around for a hint of who might be helping you at the moment, but nothing was on sight.
The one who kidnapped you though, they were far from happy.
"What the fuck did you do." It sounded more a demand than a question, as they back you to a corner. "You really do want to die huh?!"
Claws out and sharp almost blade-like nails came to greet you hello, as they point one of their fingers to your neck.
"Should've fuckin' killed you when i got the chance, bitch." They hissed, slowly walking forward. And then they smirked.
The sharp thin blades swinged themselves towards you, pointed exactly at your neck and face. And-
The sound ringed grotesquely in your ears as you instantly closed your eyes, hands shaking and mouth ajar as you steadied your breathing.
Your breathing?
2 seconds passed, and no, this isn't a delay at all. You were,, alive? Surprisingly. So what was that sound?
A deep breath was taken as you mentally prepared yourself to open your eyes, maybe you really have been slashed to pieces, bloodied body and ripped skin and the only thing keeping the illusion of safety was you keeping yourself in a bubble of your mind as you let your eyes close.
Maybe you'll feel the excruciating pain after this moment where you opened your eyes.
But the image in front of you was anything than you imagined.
The one torned apart wasn't you, it was them.
One giant black spike presented itself with the opportunity of going through your Kidnapper's body from the ground up, piercing a hole through it.
Then, a hand. Slim fingers entangling themselves around their neck as a crackle can be heard from what you assumed was the hand's owner putting so much force as to break what's in their grasp.
Then, a glimpse. You hear more cruel actions as you felt limp, legs deactivating below you while the scenery of your enemy's head getting pierced was being presented as you fall. And then the face of the wrongdoer.
Red coat and a cheeky smile, sly expression and something so familiar that you can't exactly explain.
And then darkness as a thud was heard from the trauma you just created purely based what you just witnessed, the malfunction of your brain to comprehend what happened caused your body to shut down, until you wake up in a comfortable bed.
You felt like you just went through Hell, both figuratively and literally. Cold drops of sweat rolling down your face were visible as you looked into the mirror.
And his reflection was there.
Startled, you turned back, but the familiarity of the man was no doubt something you've seen, so you slowly crawled back.
"Now, now, dear!"
The cheerfulness of the voice caught you off guard, as heavy breathing of your own accompanied his chirping.
"Am i not gonna get a thank you? I did save you after all!"
It striked you so fast you didn't even realize it till you say it, you're not sure you're right but,
"..Alastor?" "There it is, my beloved (Y/n)! My nonexistent heart was about to break at the thought of my sweetheart forgetting me. Now, how do you do, Princess?"
Fear and relief rushed through you, as you freezed at the image of your long lost.. friend? You have always developed a crush for Alastor, and though never told him, you were almost positive he knew. In fact, you kinda hoped that he would return those feelings, which made his death all the more sadder for you.
"Lost for words, i presume?" "..you, saved me?" "Indeed-y!" "How?"
You blurted up, but his eyes only find their ways to yours. "Some things are better left unsaid, darling." He commented, taking his staff as he opens back a portal to his realm.
"Wait- uh." "Hm?" "Are you... going?"
Another smile. God you hated it, and as different his appearance be, it still has that stupid charm of his. How can you resist?
"Nonsense! I'll always be with you one way or another, Darling. Don't forget that."
He says as he steps into the portal, leaving you behind as you sit uncomfortably in your bed. As you were about to lay down in what you assume was another dream, something catches your eye.
Is that, a shadow?
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roommatesandwiches · 4 years
Hoof and Paw
An old Alastor x Reader WIP I found that I thought would be good enough to post but can't be bothered to finish. I've lost interest to write for Hazbin (and pretty much Hazbin itself) but I am writing an Invader Zim fanfic series (it's a Reader-insert, of course) if any of you are interested. As always, it's on my Ao3 account, TwinklingMayViolets (EDIT: I changed my username. It's dinosaurus_maj now)
I know this blog has been sort of dead, but like I said in the tags of my first post this is just for HH wips and nothing else so it will be pretty inactive most of the time.
Some context for the following WIP: I imagined the reader character to be a wolf demon and an Overlord and there are some descriptions of that here. You knew Alastor when you were alive and had (still has) a massive crush. You didn't know about his life of crime.
There he is. Alastor. The one and only. You sigh as you stare through the window, your eyes never leaving the brown-haired man you have been pining over since you were alive. He says something and his colleagues laugh. You don't know what the joke was, but you know that if you heard it you'd laugh, too. Alastor just had that effect on people, with his constant, bright and cheery smile and likeable personality. His good looks also played in the factor of women falling all over him, not excluding you.
A strong wind blows over you, threatening to steal the parasol out of your hands and lifting the skirt of your dress. You huff to yourself, brushing some stray strands of hair out of your eyes. You adjust the grip of your gloved claws on your parasol that effectively hid your more inhuman appearance from the living. Your ears squirm uncomfortably and irritatedly underneath your hat. Look at yourself. You're a demon Overlord feared all throughout Hell, and yet here you are, swooning over some human in the living world. He wasn't just 'some human', though. "You hunt?" "Yes. What of it?" "Nothing. That's just... A rather unladylike thing to do." "Sewing and cooking is not considerably 'manly' either." You find yourself sighing at the memory, at a time long past. This was your punishment. You had missed your chance when you were alive, and now you'll never get one again. There's a chance that he might follow after you into Hell when he dies--whenever in Hell that'll be--and you've heard of friends, families and lovers reuniting in the afterlife, but you shouldn't bet on it. Sure, you've got the money to now, but you shouldn't. The café bell jingles, pulling you out of your thoughts. You turn away right as Alastor and the other men working at the radio station step out of the establishment, deep in a conversation you'd love to be a part of and once could've been. Shoot. Well, your time is almost up anyway. You better head to the rendezvous now before Lucifer makes on his own promise and leaves you stranded up here. Like Hell you're gonna lose all your hard-earned power and territory because you'd been staring too long at a man. Still... You had been hoping for more. It was merely wishful thinking, but you couldn't help it. Slipping a handkerchief out from your sleeve, you quietly drop it on the pavement and start walking. Please notice it, please notice it... "Excuse me, miss." Your ears almost knock your hat off your head when they prick up with excitement. You turn slowly, making sure to keep your head low and nose hidden behind your scarf. Your hat hides the rest of your pale face, but it shows just enough for your eyes to be able to meet his. They're just like how you remember them; striking ambers that steal your breath away and send your heart fluttering out of your chest. You never thought you'd ever see his bright, beaming smile directed at you again. In his hand he delicately holds the dropped handkerchief, offering it to you. "I believe this is yours?" His voice is like honey to your pointed hound's ears, sending your mouth curling into a smile on your face in a mirror of his own. "Yes, it is," you say, your voice embarrassingly soft and almost breathless. You reluctantly reach out, conscious of your clawed fingers hidden beneath your lace gloves. Without any incident, you accept the handkerchief and quietly release the breath you had been holding. "Thank you." Alastor gives you one last, wide smile that makes his eyes squint before rejoining his colleagues. You tear your eyes away before you can see him go. When Lucifer asks, you deny the tear that rolled down your cheek and tracked a dark trail on your pale skin. --- There's a purge going on all around Hell. It's not the yearly extermination, no. Another demon is going on a killing spree, and it's not like one Hell's ever seen, according to your allies that have been here for centuries and Lucifer himself, who's no doubt sitting with his wife and daughter in that fancy manor of theirs with buckets of popcorn as they watched the carnage unfold. You can't say that you're doing the same. You would've, if some of your allies hadn't gone ominously silent. Well, not exactly 'silent'. As soon as you lose contact with them, your radio would switch on and you'd hear their screams as this genocidal demon turned them inside out. You were impressed, but also on the defensive. Whoever this was obviously had some mad power if they can take down some of your long-standing allies and fellow Overlords. You'd love to run out there and face the challenge, but whatever rational thought and sanity you had left in your mind told you that that would be suicide. You didn't want to lose your territory as well along with your life. Besides, if this demon kept this up, they would become an Overlord in no time, and you could meet them then when they're not on a murderous rampage. So you're huddled in your bunker, cozied up in your chair with your wolves sitting around you as you cleaned your rifle. Your radio is playing the carnage from your coffee table and your puppies keep a good distance between it and them. You'd tried to mute it, because one could only listen to agonized screams and chaos for so long, but it wouldn't go any lower than it already was. This demon's power was rather interesting. What you found amusing was the jazz music playing as well as the bloodcurdling screaming. When this is all over, you'd love to exchange techniques and maybe form an alliance with him. He's quite the entertaining fellow. The demon is talking among the loud music and screaming. The other sounds are too loud for you to hear him clearly but you catch a few words now and then. He's cracking jokes in a chipper tone, as if he were simply having a grand old outing with some friends and not splitting heads and tearing out organs. There's a brief moment when the screaming stops, and you're able to hear him loudly and clearly. "We're all just having a clot of fun out here!" There's a squelch and a loud groan. "If any of my listeners would like to join, feel free to—" You don't hear the rest as his victim continues their pained screeching, which suddenly silences in the next minute. You don't really notice, though. Because this radio demon sounds strangely like Alastor. --- As many expected, the Radio Demon quickly rose in the ranks and is crowned the Overlord title overnight. You're envious of how quickly he's made a name for himself and yet you're intrigued. Just who was this fellow? How and why was he so powerful? You yourself had impressive power with the ability to create your hunting dogs, but it pales in comparison to what Alastor could do. Alastor. That's right, his name was Alastor, the same name as the man you had loved while in the living world. This may only be wishful thinking, but could he be your Alastor? The only way to find out was to meet him and see for yourself. That's why you're sitting in Lucifer's lounge this evening, awkwardly squeezed in the spacious room filled to the brim with demons. There are Hellborns and mortal souls alike present, some of them looking rather bitter at losing some good allies to a fresh manifestation. In celebration of the Radio Demon's beautiful mass-genocide and new title, Lucifer had arranged a gathering and invited all Overlords to give everyone a chance at forging an alliance with him—or to start a bloodbath, either is good. You had come just for the sake of meeting him and maybe exchange a few words, but you'd be lucky to even see him in this turn-out. You just might start the bloodbath now with how many times someone's stepped on your tail in the first hour already.
(Yeah, that's all. If you're curious: the Reader was supposed to see Alastor and not recognise him. You dance with him, and his voice sounds too much like the man you once knew. You both end up hitting it off and going out to either the balcony or just somewhere less packed to talk a bit. You ask him his name, you tell him yours, and after recounting some of your time in the living world you know for sure that this was your Alastor and he knows you. Idk what happens next, maybe he confesses that he has feelings for you and maybe you kiss or something. I think when writing this I hit the same problem as when I was writing Movie Night: I realised I had no idea how to write dialogue lol. Also, I think I wrote this while I was having ideas for part 2 of the Roommates series and abandoned this in favour of writing that.)
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ab5ter-2-0 · 4 years
Thank you so much for the ask!
This got pretty long, so Answers under the cut~
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
I’m current focused on My Hero Acadamia, so my current main ships are BakuDeku, KiriBakuDeku, TodoBakuDeku (and, really, any ship inolving Izuku XD) Also Gerlat x Jaskier from the Witcher And BillDip, but that’s never really faded
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
When I first joined the Voltron Fandom, I only shipped Klance, but then my mutual started to ship Shance, and so I ended up shipping it w/ them, along with Shklance~ The same happened w/ Jaskier x Any witcher, just from my mutuals XD Also w/ KiriBakuDeku, but more w/ the people I started following
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Dipper from Gravity Falls - Dipper was one of my first favourite characters and will always be my fave from the show XD Izuku from My Hero Acadamia - My first comfort character~ Leo from Blood Blockade Battlefront - When I first watched the anime, I fell in love with his character, I really couldn’t tell you why XD Nagisa from Assassination Classroom - Loved his character, tho my boy deserved better ;-; Hinata from Haikyu!! - One of those falling in love with his character immediately again XD Honourable mention; Lance from Voltron - He’s my favourite from the show, without a doubt
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
Geshian Impact - One of my Twitter mutuals is in the fandom, so I see a lot of posts on my Time line K-Pop - Several of my friends and mutuals are in the fandom, so I know lots about it without being part of it XD Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss - I’ve watched the show, but I don’t really interact w/ the fandom much. That being said, my mutuals tend to post a lot about it, but I don’t consider myself part of the fandom
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
This may go over some people’s heads bc I very rarely see content on it, but Assassination Classroom, Anime; I’m not a huge fan of the ending. The catching up w/ all the students in their futures is fine, it’s the part before where the main character just... ups and forgives his abuser. It... doesn’t sit right w/ me. We see that she... tries to improve, but she and her ex decide to get together again ‘for the sake of their son’ and... that typically doesn’t end well And his dad is completely absent, I initially thought he was dead, but nope! I just... don’t like how the end turned out and prefer the idea of Nagisa moving away from his parents when he realises he deserves better But, eh, maybe I don’t know enough XD Also, (Separate Fandom) I don’t care how strong he gets, Izuku will always be a precious bean to me (He’s too dumb to not need protection, he’s too self sacrificial XD)
Thank you again for the ask! Hope you don’t mind my rambling~
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Aiden’s Highway to Hell: Watch Dogs/Hazbin Hotel Crossover
Hey everyone, I’ve started writing my first ever fanfiction and I’ve gotten great reviews over at AO3, so I figured I’d share it with all of you, as well! Not sure if I should post the whole story over time or not, but for now, I’ll leave you the first chapter and link you to the full story on AO3. Be sure to like and review! I’m also open to suggestions if you have any.
Summary: After the events of the first Watch Dogs, Aiden Pearce finds himself on the wrong end of a rescue gone wrong and ends up in Hell. His only ticket out? Through the Happy Hotel, where he must repent for his crimes and give up his vigilante ways for good. Only true remorse and a change of heart will be his saving grace. Sounds simple enough, but when he finds an old enemy and some not so friendly demons along the way, Aiden will learn that the road to redemption is long and difficult. Will Aiden be able to turn himself around and live an honest life? Will he be able to escape hell? Or will he be exterminated? What else is in store for The Fox? Tune in and find out!
Chapter 1: Hellbound
It was a cold February morning in the city of St. Louis; a perfect day to start cleaning up the streets and getting back into the swing of things. 
At least, that’s what Aiden thought as he got in his car and began to head towards Indigo Drive, where his Profiler was informing him of a crime in progress.
‘Another day, another assault…’, thought Aiden as he floored the gas, tearing down the highway. ‘I’ll get this over with and then try out that new diner. Nothing beats a good omelet.’ As he got closer and closer to his destination, a sense of uneasiness began to creep up on the battle-hardened vigilante. Why did he suddenly feel this way? He took down many an armored soldier before this with relative ease. This was going to be no different.
3 miles to the crime scene.
The unsettling feeling only grew worse. Shaking his head in disbelief, Aiden did his best to ignore the fear. Fear is what gets people killed in this line of work. Although he realized the importance of trusting his gut, Aiden knew damn well that he was merely overreacting. Perhaps he could use a vacation, he had endured quite a bit over the past few months. That’s it, the work was just getting to his head. Nothing to be worried about.
1 mile to the crime scene.
Aiden started to have second thoughts about interfering with this one. He couldn’t put a finger on it, but something felt seriously off. ‘No, I must. I can’t stop now, not after everything I’ve sacrificed’ he almost pleaded to himself. ‘I’ll do it, even if it kills me’. The anxiety was starting to peak at this moment; Aiden could swear his hands were starting to sweat. Embarrassing. How could someone who was so used to dropping the hammer on every person who came in between him and his niece’s killers suddenly be so timid? He NEVER had second thoughts before in his entire life. He couldn’t imagine what Jordi would ever say to him if he could read his mind. Thankfully, he never had to find out. All he needed to worry about was incapacitating his target and getting the hell outta Dodge.
“You have arrived.”
The robotic sound of his GPS snapped him out of his thoughts, prompting him to hit the brakes in order to study his surroundings. Under the bridge, perfect. His target wouldn’t even see him coming. As Aiden exited the car and screwed the silencer onto his pistol, he felt a cold chill blow over him. Gotta love that brisk St. Louis weather.
He powered up his Profiler and started searching the docks where the giant blue circle he had come to know and (not) love glowed back at him on the screen. After around 5 minutes of searching, he finally found his target: a tall, slender man in a black hoodie with the hood raised. It didn’t get any easier than this. Aiden hid behind a bridge support, keeping a close but safe distance between him and his potential prey. The man was clearly not in a hurry; he had no idea what was waiting for him just 10 feet away. As Aiden continued to tail the man, he saw it: a woman and child were tied up and were squirming around on the deck of a red and white boat that was sloppily docked about 25 yards away by Aiden’s prediction.
Easy pickings.
Aiden holstered his pistol and prepped his baton. He was gonna make this one hurt. He pulled his mask up and quickly approached the man. With a few well-placed swings and a liver shot for the cherry on top, the man went down onto the muddy grass with a satisfying thud.
‘See? Not even remotely a problem.’, thought Aiden as he ran over to the boat to free the hostages. He couldn’t help but feel proud of himself; not only did he get to save a couple of lives, he also didn’t have to break his back to get the few joys of being The Fox. That was all fine and dandy, up until the part where Aiden realized he made a gigantic tactical error.
“See you in HELL, scumbag!” came the sharp, high pitched voice of a second person that Aiden didn’t even account for. Before he could even turn around to confront the ambusher, it was too late. There was a bang, a flash of blinding white light, so bright that even the blind would have to shield their eyes from it. It was strangely beautiful, not even the slightest bit annoying. No pain, no blood… nothing. After what seemed like hours of this, he could hear the faint sounds of sirens and yelling, before suddenly feeling like he was falling. Not just falling, but freefalling. As in, going down a rollercoaster with nothing but your own body, hurtling towards a seemingly endless void. His speed and velocity only seemed to be increasing. Holy shit, this was REALLY fast. How was he not on fire from this much speed?
Aiden, too terrified to scream or flail, simply closed his eyes and braced himself for what was inevitably coming. This was the end, he knew it. He should’ve trusted his gut and just went to that stupid diner. For a brief moment, he regretted everything he ever did. The Fixer contracts he carried out, the convoys he destroyed, the cars he had stolen, but most of all, the people he put in danger… Nicky, Jacks… no, don’t think about her again…. dammit… even Lena. For the first time in what felt like forever, The Fox felt tears coming on. The intense speed at which he was falling didn’t even bother him anymore. The regret was heavy, burdensome. All of his past sins came to haunt him one last time before he met his fate. He supposed he deserved it. What a bitter pill regret is.
Aiden felt an impact so hard, he thought all of his body parts disconnected at once. All of the wind was instantly knocked out of him, the beautiful white light now gone. He was dead. But wait… he could still feel his arms and legs. He could still feel pain. So much pain…
All of the energy once within his shaken bones instantly disappeared. He felt like he could sleep forever. Isn’t that what he was doing? He honestly didn’t know anymore. All he knew was, he was splayed all across some hard surface… asphalt? It felt rocky, like asphalt. He tried moving his left arm slightly. It hurt a bit, but he managed to get the appendage out from under his body.
So far, so good.
He tried moving his right leg and was greeted by a tremendous amount of pain that rippled throughout his entire body.
Not good. Horrible idea.
Clearly, he wasn’t dead. At least, he didn’t think so. Also, what a nice warm atmosphere he was feeling. Wait… atmosphere? He was dead! He started hearing other ambiance sounds. Cars passing by, the distant chatter of human sounding voices… what the hell was going on? Only one way to find out. He tried to pick his head up to moderate success, managing to catch a glimpse of a very dark sky and what seemed like a wall of neon before letting his head smack against the pavement-like surface again.
It was bad enough he got shot in the damn head, now he had to be reckless and let his skull drop like that. He lifted his head again, this time getting a clear view of what was right in front of him. Aiden couldn’t believe it: he somehow ended up in a city! But not just any city; it was a city bathed in an eerie red fog, with a brightly lit sign around every corner. The buildings were tall and strangely shaped, some tipping to the side, others having jagged edges that jutted out at very peculiar angles.
‘Where the fuck am I?’, thought Aiden as he very slowly managed to get to a sitting up position, every muscle he moved screaming out in pain. After a couple minutes of scanning his surroundings in more detail, Aiden noticed something else: nobody else looked human. Well, they did, but they somewhat resembled some kind of animal or something. He quickly looked at his own hands, his eyes trailing down his chest and eventually stopping at his legs and feet. Somehow, Aiden looked completely unchanged. Everything about him was completely normal from before.
Breathing a sigh of relief, he started to try and get to a standing position. This time around, he managed to get it right the first time. He felt some cracking here and there, which, compared to the previous attempt at moving, was a welcome sensation. Anything was better than pain at this point. Spotting a vending machine nearby, Aiden decided, against his better judgment, to throw himself towards it to at least have something to hold on to.
That didn’t happen at all.
Aiden ended up almost rag dolling right past the machine as he awkwardly plummeted to another painful and embarrassing defeat.
“Well… that went well”, scoffed the vigilante bitterly. After spending another seemingly long time to get back on his feet, it finally hit him: this was no ordinary vending machine. “Heroin… acid… cocaine… molly… what the hell?”
He was beyond confused at this point. A vending machine that dispensed drugs?
Before he could ponder the situation any further, Aiden’s thought process was interrupted by a long scream followed by a what sounded like a laser blast. Adrenaline now kicking in, Aiden headed towards the general direction of the noise. It didn’t take him very long to pinpoint the source: a pair of creatures, jet black in color with icy halos over their head, open firing on some person vaguely resembling a frog. Their laughter was very chilling, half robotic and half distorted with a moderate amount of static. The sound cut through the air like a hot knife through butter.
Suddenly feeling mortal again and terrified beyond rational thought for the first time in his life, Aiden bolted for the closest street as one of the creatures turned to face him with a menacing smile. Heart pounding, Aiden managed to quickly limp a couple blocks before the adrenaline left his body, forcing him to come to a screeching halt under a small overhanging roof, slumping against the wall to catch his breath.
Aiden quickly scanned the building. “Looks like a hotel. Perfect.”
Without further delay, he opened the door, which was strangely unlocked, and quickly hid inside and slammed the door shut. Finally feeling safe, he let all of his weight rest against the hefty metal frame. The air was very still. The seconds seemed like hours as Aiden tried his best to keep his breath under control. He thanked his lucky stars that the place was abandoned. At least, until he suddenly felt something extremely sharp and extremely metal stick him right above his spine, followed by an intense and hostile female voice coming from behind him.
“Don’t move a muscle, asshole, or I’ll end you.”  
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