Some Books, My Dog, And A Whole Lot Of Crazy
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Indie author of My World of Glass (also goes by the name Rose Winters) and self love advocate. My life is my own and nobody can take it from me.
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mandytremelling-author-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." -William Shakespeare . . It's a new week! I'm excited to see what it brings, especially since I'm going on vacation. Because of this, I'm sorry if I dont get back to you quickly. . . ALSO! Mixing my businesses a little bit, tomorrow (June 4, 2019) my book goes on sale! Free Kindle copy, and my paperback will drop down to 50% off! All to celebrate the main character's birthday. ❤ Go check it out on Amazon! It's called My World of Glass by Mandy Tremelling. 💙 It's a story about a young woman who has to experience PTSD, survivor's guilt, and try to learn who she can trust. It's definitely worth a read! (And it's currently 5 🌟. Read it and review it!) (at Erda, Utah)
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mandytremelling-author-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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Thank you to everyone who came to see me tonight amd enjoy the other author's presenatations! It was so much fun to talk about my writing process and how I get into everything. 💙 remember, if you've got questions, email me! (at Middle Canyon School)
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mandytremelling-author-blog ¡ 6 years ago
Pen Names- Is it worth it?
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Every writer is eventually faced with the same conundrum: Do I write under my legal name, or do I create an alternate persona to write with? I have been asked so, so many times why I chose to write with a psuedonym.  So, buckle your seatbealts, boys and girls, I’m going to explain why I use a fake name.
Rose Winters
Oh, so you didn’t know Mandy wasn’t my real name? Well I guess we should start from the beginning. When I published my first books (Beyond the Unknown and book 2 Revealing the Unknown) I was a minor in high school (though I wrote the books in middle school). And not only that, I had been using direct quotes and characters from my school! This wasn’t something I wanted attached to my name. I wrote a couple scenes that were very near and dear to my heart and were a little embarrassing to be sharing, but the story needed them. So that was why I published under Rose Winters when I first published.
Mandy Tremelling
Now, after that explanation, you’re probably saying “But, Mandy, you’re not a minor anymore! Your novel My World of Glass doesn’t have any characters based off of anyone you know! You didn’t use direct quotes from people around you! By this logic, you shouldn’t have used a penname!” Well, you’re right, on all accounts.
I chose to continue with a fake name because, after all these years, I’ve enjoyed keeping my writing life seperate from my real life. I compartmentalize many parts of my life, it’s easier for me to manage my anxiety and other issues that way. So I wrote under Mandy Tremelling this time. It’s nice to be able to have run into people in town who had my book recommended to them, they read it and like it, and try to recommend it to me when I see them reading it. I enjoy the Clark Kent feeling of anonymity. (Plus, you never know, maybe eventually 'I’ll be cool enough to have crazy fans. And I gotta test their skills to see if they can find the real me in the clutter! I joke.)
How to: Pen Name Edition
When I was finding a name to publish under in High School I read all the articles and everything I could to figure out how to come up with the perfect psuedonym. (And I had to learn what that word was, too)  I talked to lots of authors and heard lots of opinions. What I finally came to understand is every author has different reasons and ways to go about this. Kind of a let down, I know. But there is really no right answer. From pen names that are just initials (Hello, JK Rowling) to gender changes (Robert Gailbraith, also Joanne Rowling) or even complete persona changes (George Orwell is the author of Animal Farm, but is actually named Eric Blair). There are so many very famous ways to come up with an alter ego.
Rose Winters was fun to come up with, but also a little embarrassing (just like the novel was to publish). The name Rose came from my middle school crush. He would call me Rose for a super silly, middle school-romantic reason. I also drew roses on every surface and with every medium I could get my hands on. (My frosting roses were pretty epic.) So that name was easy to figure out. Middle school Rose had everything to do with the Beyond the Unknown books. Winters was a little harder to figure out. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to make up a fake surname like the first name, or what. Luckily I had a writing mentor during the time I was writing the books who helped out. She writes online under a false name as well, the first and last names both coming from family surnames. So I decided to take my mother’s maiden name and use it as a surname.
Now the embarrassing part. I walked around everywhere calling myself Rose Winters. I was so proud of how it sounded. After I published, though, was when my mom lovingly reminded me, “But my maiden name is Winter, not WinterS.” But Rose Winter didn’t sound as cool, or roll off the tongue, as well as Rose Winters. So it stayed.
Mandy Tremelling was easier to come up with. I kept the same concept, I used a nickname and a surname from my family. After I published under Rose Winters, all of my family was so disappointed that they wouldn’t be able to see my name on a cover. But I still didn’t want to write under my legal name. So I took my family’s nickname for me, added it to a family name, and there came my new psuedonym. (They still aren’t pleased, but whatever. Can’t make everyone happy!)
The Takeaway
Coming up with a fake name is a much more daunting task than one might think. Whatever name you choose will be stuck there, on the internet history, forever. Sure, if you Indie Publish, it’s kinda easy to replace the name on the cover and paperwork. But the internet is fickle, and we all know what’s on the internet stays on the internet. (Which is why I still have an active [email protected] email address open which I still get fanmail in, as well as my [email protected] email I get writing requests in.) Once your name is out there, it’s going to be out there. It’s scary and intimidating, and the name may not come as easily to you as you’d wish. But it’s a helpful and fun part of the writing process.
If this doesn’t answer your questions and you have more for me, please reach out to me! Either on Twitter ( @MandyTremmy ) or Facebook, or email, or whatever, please let me know if you have more questions and I will happily answer them for you!
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mandytremelling-author-blog ¡ 6 years ago
J.S. Strange
J.S. Strange lives in Wales. He writes murder mystery and horror novels. When not working, Strange works as an editor for the BBC, and lives with his two black cats, Miley and Dolly.
Murder on the Rocks
When PI Jordan Jenner returns to work following the death of his mother, his first case involves a murdered writer... James Fairview has been killed. As a member of a prestigious writing group hosted by bestselling author Joseph Gordon in the heart of Cardiff, Jordan not only has to cope with solving the mystery, but also deal with press attention. As Jordan investigates, he discovers his mother's death may not have been so simple. And when another writer is murdered, Jordan realises the killer could strike again...
A murdered writer, a mysterious death, and a group with jealousy at its heart, this is Jenner's toughest case yet. A cosy murder mystery with a gay male detective, Murder on the Rocks is the first in the Jordan Jenner Mysteries series. If you're a fan of classic whodunits you will love this! A perfect read for those looking for Welsh crime fiction.
I wake up in the morning and shower. After that, I get a coffee to start the day. I then head to my writing room, where I set about writing my current work in progress. I either focus on the novel at hand, or I work on admin, answering emails, finding ways to promote my work, that sort of thing. I don't set a word count, instead writing as much as I can, whilst working out the story as I go along.  
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mandytremelling-author-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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My World of Glass
Mandy Tremelling
I dare you to find a better feeling (and sound) than autographing your published novel with a gold sharpie. 💙 So many of my readers have been so excited about this book and I am so happy I've been able to impact lives like this. 💙
My grandma gave it a pretty great review too. So you should take her advice and read it. 😉
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mandytremelling-author-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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“Mom. Do you have to write RIGHT NOW? You could always pet me instead.” #writinglife #dogsofinstagram #puppylove #furmom #amediting (at St. George, Utah)
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mandytremelling-author-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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We're on day 3 of our winter rain. I love it so much. 💙 even if it is a little cold. (at St. George, Utah)
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mandytremelling-author-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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They're here!!!! My copies of my book i published have arrived! If you haven't picked up yours (digital or paperback) please do! I really would love to know what you think!! 😍 . #writerscommunity #myworldofglass (at St. George, Utah)
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mandytremelling-author-blog ¡ 6 years ago
On Editing
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I have talked about it before. It deserves a repeat.
I HATE editing! If editing was even half the fun of writing the story i wouldn't have a problem. I just hate hate HATE reading my own works!
I reread my favorite authors a lot because every time I do I can come away with something new and exciting. But there's literally NO WAY for your own writing to surprise you! It gives me no satisfaction to read my own writing!
Anyone have any suggestions?
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mandytremelling-author-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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We walked down the street to the pet supply store he loves so we could buy him a birthday treat. He chose one and we were paying and they found out it was his birthday. They came back with this mega treat and handed it to him. He took it and walked right out the door. He held it the entire walk home and is so proud of it. 💙 He's 5 now and I don't know what I'd do without him. 💙 (at Lovin' Arms Pet Center)
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mandytremelling-author-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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Starting my 2019 with a girls night out to the movies. 💙 It was pretty fun! Thank you @m.page5 for being my St. George little sister and being willing to spend a night together, talk about boys and college and drama, and loving me like i love you! 💙 #letsgo2019 #thenutcrackerandthefourrealms (at St. George, Utah)
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mandytremelling-author-blog ¡ 6 years ago
We're entering the new year!
In my life I've had many dreams and goals and resolutions. All in the effort to become more ME. Learning who Miranda (Mandy) myself is, has been one of the hardest things to discover. But every year I get closer to the woman i want to be and every year I swallow the fear that who I am isn't enough. But who i am IS enough.
"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you." (Dr. Seuss) Even as you grow and change, no one can be YOU better than you can.
I took this photo a couple years ago. But it encompasses who i was when I graduated from high school.
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mandytremelling-author-blog ¡ 6 years ago
I have a few decent hobbies. I'm a musician, a writer, and a photographer all rolled into one. What hobbies keep you up at night? My story characters will, my photography edits will, and sometimes those pesky songs that won't get out of my head.
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mandytremelling-author-blog ¡ 6 years ago
This is so relatable.
Me trying to explain writing to my non-writer friends:
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mandytremelling-author-blog ¡ 6 years ago
Right now I'm looking for two or three more YA authors to include their books with my newly published one in a free book giveaway! If you have any suggestions on who i should reach out to, let me know!
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mandytremelling-author-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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I'm looking for someone who has time over this winter break to Beta read my book I wrote in November. It's a first draft, I haven't started editing yet, but I'm looking for someone to give me help finding plot holes and things i need to fix. (So I'm givi g you 100% permission - PLEASE- to tell me what you hate about my writing). It's half the length of my book I just published, it's a baby! If someone's got time please help me out!
If you don't want to read something this rough, you can totally go buy my new book instead. I'd love some Amazon reviews on there. ;)
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mandytremelling-author-blog ¡ 6 years ago
My book is released paper back and kindle versions! (If you buy the paperback you can get the ebook version for free!) I am so proud of this book. It is everything I wanted for it (except I indie published. But I had the impression it was needed) If you read it, I promise something will come out of it just for you. 💙
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