#catalina núñez castillo
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acapulcopress · 4 months ago
Quedó instalada la LXIV Legislatura de Guerrero
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CHILPANCINGO, Gro. * 1 de septiembre 2024. ) LXIV Legislatura | Guerrero En sesión pública y solemne realizada este domingo en el Salón de Plenos “Primer Congreso de Anáhuac”, rindieron protesta de Ley los 46 diputados y diputadas integrantes
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de la LXIV Legislatura al Congreso del Estado, para el periodo comprendido del 1 de septiembre de este año al 31 de agosto de 2027. El magno evento contó con la presencia de la encargada de despacho de la Secretaría General de Gobierno, Anacleta López Vega, representante personal de la titular del Ejecutivo estatal, Evelyn Cecia Salgado Pineda, y del presidente del Tribunal Superior de Justicia, Raymundo Casarrubias Vázquez. Antes de la toma de protesta, la diputada Leticia Mosso Hernández, presidenta de la Mesa Directiva en el último año de ejercicio de la LXIII Legislatura, en funciones también de presidenta de la Comisión Instaladora, rindió un informe pormenorizado de las actividades realizadas por este órgano. Acto seguido rindió protesta ante el Pleno el diputado Jesús Parra García como presidente
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de la Mesa Directiva para el Primer Año de Ejercicio Constitucional de la LXIV Legislatura, mismo que se encargó de tomar la correspondiente protesta a los diputados Arturo Álvarez Angli, Catalina Apolinar Santiago, Joaquín Badillo Escamilla, Vladimir Barrera Fuerte, Marisol Bazán Fernández, Carlos Eduardo Bello Solano, Diana Bernabé Vega, Ana Lilia Botello Figueroa, Alejandro Bravo Abarca, Gloria Citlali Calixto Jiménez, Alejandro Carabias Icaza, Gladys Cortés Genchi, María Guadalupe Eguiluz Bautista, Guadalupe García Villalva, Jacinto González Varona, Erika Isabel Guillén Román, Jhobanny Jiménez Mendoza, Julián López Galeana, Erika Lorena Lührs Cortés, Violeta Martínez Pacheco, Rafael Martínez Ramírez, Glafira Meraza Prudente, María Inés Montiel Servín, Leticia Mosso Hernández, Obdulia Naranjo Cabrera, Rebeca Núñez Martín del Campo, Araceli Ocampo Manzanares, Jorge Iván Ortega Jiménez, Hilda Jennifer Ponce Mendoza, Luissana Ramos Pineda, Leticia Rodríguez Armenta, Marco Tulio Sánchez Alarcón, Pánfilo Sánchez Almazán, Pablo Amílcar Sandoval Ballesteros, Claudia Sierra Pérez, Héctor Suárez Basurto, Citlali Yaret Téllez Castillo, Aristóteles Tito Arroyo, Bulmaro Torres Berrum, Jesús Eugenio Urióstegui García, Robell Urióstegui Patiño, María del Pilar Vadillo Ruiz, Víctor Hugo Vega Hernández, Beatriz Vélez Núñez y Edgar Ventura de la Cruz. A la instalación asistieron también el senador Manuel Añorve Baños; el coordinador estatal de la Guardia Nacional en Guerrero, Ulises Orduño Ocampo; los secretarios de Finanzas y Administración, de Educación y de Planeación y Desarrollo Regional del Gobierno del Estado, Raymundo Segura Estrada, Marcial Rodríguez Saldaña y René Vargas Pineda; el magistrado presidente del Tribunal de Justicia Administrativa, Luis Camacho Mancilla; las presidentas del Instituto Electoral y de Participación Ciudadana del Estado y de la Comisión de los Derechos Humanos del Estado, Luz Fabiola Matildes Gama y Cecilia Narciso Gaytán, respectivamente; el auditor superior del estado, Marco César París Peralta Hidalgo y el vocal ejecutivo de la Junta Local del Instituto Nacional Electoral, Donaciano Muñoz Loyola, entre otros muchos invitados especiales.
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www.acapulcopress.com Read the full article
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atletasudando · 1 year ago
Atractiva nómina para el 21k y el maratón de Medellín
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Fuente: RunningColombia El Maratón Medellín 2023 de este 3 de septiembre será la carrera de las cifras récord, para la prueba que llega a su edición 29, ya que competirán 18.600 atletas, se tendrá la Expo Runners más grande y se contará con el lote de atletas élite más numeroso de su historia. En total serán más de 50 atletas profesionales en las distancias de los 42 y los 21 kilómetros. El grupo lo encabeza Jeison Suárez, del Equipo Élite Asics, campeón del año pasado en la distancia de maratón, en la que su compañero Franklin Téllez terminó segundo, y también estará en la línea de partida. Jeisson impuso el mejor tiempo de la carrera (2:15:53), desde que se llevó a cabo la distancia de los 42 km por primera vez, en 2012, en la prueba que nació en 1994 y que desde 1996 comenzó a disputarse como media maratón. Jeison Suárez es el actual campeón y recordista del Maratón Medellín (2:15:53) En total, para la XXIX edición de la carrera medellinense se inscribieron más de 18.600 atletas, de los cuales 3.500 serán para los 42 km, más de 8.000 para los 21 km, 5.000 para 10 km y 1.500 para 5 km. Y en cuanto a los atletas élite habrá un lote de más de 20 corredores y más de 30 para los 21 kilómetros, lo que garantiza un gran espectáculo en estas dos distancias, que partirán a las 5:30 de la mañana de este domingo 3 de septiembre. Nómina élite maratón varones: Número Atleta Representación 1 Jeison Suárez Colombia – Equipo Élite Asics 2 Emmanuel Oliaulo Kenia 3 Dickson Kimeli Cheruiyot Kenia 4 Paul Kipkemoi Kipkorir Kenia 5 Franklin Téllez Colombia – Equipo Élite Asics 6 Carlos Mario Patiño Colombia – Caldas 7 Víctor Hugo Ocampo Colombia – Antioquia 8 Sergio Rodríguez Colombia – Caldas 9 Edison Guanarán Colombia 10 Yesid Orjuela Colombia – Bogotá 20 Rito Antonio López Colombia – Antioquia 41 Jonathan Camilo Castillo Colombia Nómina élite maratón damas: Número Atleta Representación 11 Margarita Núñez Perú 12 Yuliana Navarro México 13 Sandra Marcela Rosas Colombia – Boyacá 14 Ana Milena Orjuela Colombia – Bogotá 15 Yolanda Fernández Colombia – Bogotá 16 Caroline Chepkirui Tuigong Kenia 17 Francy Jerop Kenia 18 Mildrey Johana Echavarría Colombia 19 Aideth Anaya Colombia – Antioquia Nómina élite media maratón varones: Número Atleta Representación 33 Joseph Kiprono Kiptum Kenia 34 Crhistian Vásconez Ecuador 35 José Luis Rojas Perú 36 Fabián Jimmy Gómez Ecuador 37 John Tello Colombia – Arroz Zulia 38 David Gómez Colombia – Porvenir 39 Cristian Moreno Colombia – Equipo Élite asics 40 Javier Peña Colombia – Fuerzas Armadas 42 Santiago Zerda Colombia – Bogotá 43 Oscar Quitián Colombia 44 Oscar Acosta Colombia 45 Rodrigo Jaramillo Colombia 46 Robinson Reinoso Colombia 48 Edinson Bernal Colombia – Fuerzas Armadas 49 Yeisson Parra Colombia 50 Miguel Amador Colombia – Bogotá 51 Juan Camilo González Colombia 52 Juan Camilo Morales Colombia 53 Robinson Ordóñez Colombia 54 Helber Zúñiga Colombia 55 Yony Erazo Colombia Nómina élite media maratón damas: Número Atleta Representación 23 Muriel Coneo Colombia – Porvenir 24 Diana Landi Ecuador 25 Carolina Tabares Colombia – Antioquia 26 Leidy Lozano Colombia – Marathon 27 Jhoselyn Camargo Bolivia 28 Rocío Marisol Cántara Perú 29 Alexandra Aldana Colombia – Boyacá 30 Daniela Montero Colombia 31 Sonia Catalina López Colombia 32 Sandra Milena Gutiérrez Colombia Read the full article
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laprincesaelena · 4 years ago
EOA Ship Appreciation Week Day 7: Anything Goes!
a/n: how is it the last day of ship appreciation week already?? this week went by so fast, but time flies when you’re having fun!! this week has been so much fun, and i’m so glad i was able to participate!! i can’t thank you all enough for your love and support this week, i really appreciate it! also, if you haven’t noticed, i haven’t posted a day 6 fic yet. i didn’t feel great the other night, and i had no motivation for writing, so day 6 isn’t done just yet lol. not to worry, that (and a cheesy thank you note for the support this week from yours truly) will be posted in the next couple of days!
i’ve had this fic written for a couple of months now, but i wanted it to be posted today, on my birthday! of course, as if i haven’t projected myself onto elena enough, i headcanon her birthday as my own, february 20th. so, i wanted to make sure this was posted on our birthdays! this takes place mainly on elena’s birthday, and a couple of my adorable gabelena kiddos make another appearance!! it’s just good ol’ family fluff, and i hope you all enjoy!!!
fic is below the cut!
Elena wrapped her arms around her husband and held him close as she said goodbye, goodbye for quite a while. Paraíso was experiencing a similar conflict with a group of malvagos as Avalor had faced before Elena became queen. Elena was still a close friend and ally of Valentina and the kingdom of Paraíso, so she vowed to help them in whatever way she could. She talked to Gabe, and then the both of them talked to Valentina and Manuel, and the four of them decided on sending Avaloran reinforcements to the region, just in case. Besides, the Avaloran royal guards were trained in magic, which Valentina knew would be extremely helpful (and, she wished she had thought of that idea first!). So, in a week or so, a good chunk of Avalor’s royal guard would be sent to Paraíso, and that unfortunately included Gabe. That week went by faster than Elena would've wanted, she was going to miss her husband so much. But, she wasn't the only one who'd miss him.
Their three year old daughters stood beside them on the steps of the palace, wanting to say goodbye to their papí as well. Once Gabe let go of Elena, he knelt down to the girls, and wrapped them both in a hug. Their oldest, Catalina, was very in touch with other's emotions, and she could sense that her mother was worried, so of course, she worried too.
"Are you gonna come back home, papí?" she asked him, her brown eyes filled with concern.
Gabe held his daughter even closer, he didn't want her this concerned about his wellbeing at such a young age. "Of course i will, mija." he reassured her. "I hope to be back in about two months, just in time for your birthdays."
"Can you bring us home a present?" Carolina asked. "Maybe a Paraísan parasol? Oooh, or maybe a big, sparkly tiara!" Though Carolina was definitely Gabe and Elena’s daughter, her bold and girly personality would fit in quite well with Valentina.
"Maybe so." Gabe replied with a smile. "Is there anything you'd like from Paraíso, Catalina?" he asked.
Catalina thought for a moment, before nodding. "Maybe some Paraísan chocolate?" she asked.
Elena jokingly gasped, and looked over at her husband. "You sure this is our kid?" she asked. "These two have been raised on avaloran chocolate, which is obviously the best, thank you very much."
"Oh, she's all ours, mi amor." Gabe replied with a smile, before turning his attention back to his daughters. "I’ll put in your word with the queen, I’m sure she'll be able to get you the most delicious box of it." he said.
Catalina smiled, knowing that she had a box of Paraísan chocolate to look forward to once her papí came home. Though she'd miss him very much, she had something to think about before he came back!
Gabe wrapped his girls in a tight hug one more time. He couldn't wait to come back home to them, he'd miss them so much, along with his wife and son. Speaking of his son, Elena came over to him with six month old Luis in her arms.
"There's someone else who'd like to say goodbye to you," Elena said with a smile, and handed Luis over to his father. Luis smiled being in his papí's arms as Gabe kissed him on the cheek. Gabe was a little bummed he'd miss out on a month or two with him, and possibly a couple of milestones, but he knew Elena would keep him updated.
"And I’ll miss you so much too, mijo" he said, and ruffled the little bit of hair Luis had, which made him laugh.
Elena looked over at Gabe with their children, she was really going to miss this. Sure, it's not like he was going to be gone forever, and it's not like he was going to be in combat every day for months, but still, she just wanted to skip right to the spring when he'd be back home safely. The kids loved their papí so much, and she knew that they'd miss him as well, especially the girls. Elena would have to try her best to fill in for him for the next month or two, but hopefully she'd do alright.
Gabe’s parents had also stopped by to say goodbye to their son, so once they had talked to him for a moment as well, Elena handed Luis back over to Blanca. Even though she had technically said goodbye a couple of minutes earlier, she just had to hold him and say goodbye one more time.
Elena wrapped her arms around him and held him close. "Stay safe," she said to him. "I’ll miss you."
Gabe held Elena tight as well, and placed a kiss to her forehead. "I’ll miss you too.." he said. "Take good care of the kids for me."
"Of course I will." Elena replied, before looking up at him and pulling him in for one last kiss.
Elena didn't ever want them to break apart, since she didn't know when the next time she'd be able to kiss him would be, and she hated the thought of it. She hadn't been away from him for this long since the very beginning of their relationship, when Gabe wasn't even home for their first Navidad as a couple, since the guard was out searching for Victor, Carla, and Ash. But, after a moment or two, they did have to eventually break away.
"Say hi to Val and Manuel for me, alright?" Elena asked him. "I love you.”
"I will," Gabe replied. "I love you too."
With that, it was unfortunately time for Gabe to leave. Elena went and stood beside her girls, and wrapped an arm around each of them, holding them close. Gabe looked up at his family one more time with a wave, before hopping onto Fuego, bound for Paraíso.
Elena stood and watched as he and the rest of the royal guard who were accompanying him left, and stayed on the palace steps until she couldn't see a single one of them anymore. Carolina got bored of that quick, and went right back inside. But, Catalina stayed right beside her mamí, also watching her papí fade off into the distance.
Once they were out of sight, Elena turned to her daughter and picked her up, resting her on her hip. "I heard abuelo and abuela are making pan dulce, would you like to help them?" she asked.
Catalina’s face lit up, and she smiled and nodded. "Yeah!" she said.
Elena was glad to see her smile again, hopefully she'd be able to distract her enough while Gabe was gone, she didn't want her to worry about him more than she already had been. She kissed her daughter on the cheek, and the two of them headed inside.
For the next few weeks, life without Gabe was certainly an adjustment. It felt strange to Elena going to sleep in an empty bed every night. The hardest part had to be managing their three children on her own, or at least with less help than she'd usually have. Of course, her grandparents were always willing to help her out, as were Isabel, Naomi, or Mateo if they were free, but sometimes there were situations where Elena knew Gabe could step in, or know exactly what to do. But, Elena always tried to remember that every day she got through was one day closer to Gabe coming back
Ever since she was a little girl, Elena would always look forward to her birthday, but this year was different. Elena knew Gabe wouldn't be home for it, and she knew that even though she'd have her kids and the rest of her family and friends to celebrate with her, her birthday wouldn't be the same with Gabe not there. She secretly wished he'd be able to come back home, but she knew she would only be getting her hopes up, just for her day to end in disappointment when he doesn't show up. So, the night before her birthday, she fell asleep with a sigh. Maybe the two of them would be together to celebrate in her dreams.
Elena woke up suddenly to two little voices, as well as them shaking her awake, and jumping up and down on her bed.
"Mamí! Mamí! Wake up!" Carolina said as she continued to shake her awake.
"Happy birthday, Mamí!" Catalina exclaimed, and fell down on her mamí, wrapping her in a hug.
Elena smiled, and wrapped Catalina in her arms, but not before pulling her twin sister into the hug as well. She held them close and kissed them both on the cheek.
"Thank you, girls!" she said, smiling big.
Luisa was the one to let the girls into their mother's room in the first place, and she also had Luis in her arms, so all of Elena’s children could be there to wish her a happy birthday. Luisa came over and placed Luis in between his sisters, so Elena could hold all three of her children close.
"Happy birthday, mijita." she said, and kissed her granddaughter on the forehead.
"Thank you guys so much!" Elena replied with a smile. Even though Gabe wouldn't be there today, she was so grateful for her adorable little family. She hadn't even been awake for five minutes, and she already felt so loved on her birthday.
"We have to have breakfast!" Carolina said. "Bisabuela made confetti pancakes! And we can have whipped cream and sprinkles on them!" she added.
"Did she, now?" Elena asked. "Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go down and dig in!"
The girls wiggled their way right out of elena's arms, and headed straight for the dining room, their bisabuela following behind them. Elena sat up, still holding Luis in her arms. She looked down at her son with a smile, and kissed him on the forehead.
"We’ll have breakfast together, how does that sound?" she asked him. All Luis responded with was a smile, so she'd take that as a yes.
Elena brushed her hair and made herself look slightly more presentable, but with it being her birthday, her schedule was completely clear for the day, so she didn't mind walking around the palace in her nightgown.
When Elena made it downstairs to the dining room, the girls were already enjoying their breakfast. Well, if by enjoying one meant Carolina meticulously placing different colors of sprinkles onto her whipped cream. Catalina was already actually enjoying hers, simply decorating the top with rainbow sprinkles.
"Those look beautiful, girls!" Elena said as she sat down and got her own plate already.
"Thank you! But I think mine is the most beautiful." Carolina said, still alternating between colors to create a pattern of sorts.
"They’re both very beautiful in their own ways." Elena replied. "Now..which colors should I use on mine?" she asked them.
"Do red!" Catalina suggested. "That’s your favorite!"
"No, do pink!" Carolina insisted. "That’s my favorite!"
"Alright, how about I do all our favorite colors?" Elena suggested. "Red for me, pink for Carolina, purple for Catalina, and..Luis doesn't have a favorite color yet, so how about blue?"
The girls nodded in agreement, that would work. Carolina handed over the colored sprinkles to her mother, so she could decorate hers as well. Elena’s certainly wouldn't be perfect, as she was currently multitasking, holding Luis to feed him in one arm and decorating her birthday pancakes with the other. But she was used to it by now, that was just her life as a mamí, and she wouldn't want it any other way.
Once Elena had finished decorating, the twins agreed that hers looked beautiful as well. Then, the three of them, well, four of them, technically, all enjoyed their very colorful, but delicious breakfasts.
After breakfast, it was time for the royal family to get ready for the next part of their mamí's day. Naomi had offered to take them all sailing, and since Elena couldn't resist a day out at sea, especially on a day as beautiful as this one, she had to agree! She dressed her girls in coordinating dresses, of course, with a matching bow in their hair. Luis too was dressed in a cute little outfit. That was one of Elena’s favorite parts of being a mamí, she loved making her little ones the best dressed in the kingdom.
The second Carolina heard that they were going sailing, she started to complain. She didn't like going sailing, since it was always too windy, and it ruined her hair. But, once they got to the docks, and Naomi told her they might see a marposa or two, Carolina immediately perked up.
For the next few hours, they sailed all over Avalor Bay. It was a calm day when it came to the water, but of course, to get a sailboat to move, wind was necessary. So, Carolina wasn't too thrilled with the wind, but seeing a few marposas approach their boat was the highlight of her day. Luis enjoyed the marposas as well, for when they'd jump into the air or do some sort of trick, he'd giggle. Catalina just enjoyed being there with her family. She wouldn't say she loved sailing as much as her mamí did, and not even close to how much her tía Naomi did, but she didn't mind it. Except for when the seas got rough, that's when Catalina really didn't like it. What if the boat tipped over? But, thankfully, it was a calm and beautiful day, and she knew they'd return back to port safely.
But, Elena did notice that they had been out sailing for quite a long time. Not that she minded, she did love to sail, and she loved hanging out with Naomi, but Luis definitely needed a nap, and he ended up falling asleep in his mother's arms. But, Naomi kept sailing around, saying she just had to show them all one more place! This seemed a bit suspicious, but with it being her birthday, Elena knew it probably had something to do with that. But, what was Naomi planning? Or what was she involved in?
Finally, as the sun began to set over the harbor, Naomi finally brought them back to port. Luis was fast asleep in his mother's arms yet again, but he'd be waking up from his second nap that day very soon. Naomi came back with them to the palace, so she could also be there for her best friend's birthday. The rest of the night would simply be for presents and cake, but Elena had a feeling her family was up to something.
When they arrived back at the palace, everything seemed to look normal. But, they hadn't gone inside yet, maybe that's where a surprise was waiting for her! They stepped inside the palace, and everything looked exactly the same as when they left. Maybe Naomi really did have so many places to show them, and wasn't trying to distract her after all..
Elena, her kids, her grandparents, Gabe’s parents, along with Isabel, Naomi, Mateo, and a few members of the staff gathered in the parlor while Elena received her presents. Elena smiled as she opened the card from her girls, they had made it themselves. A barely legible attempt at "love, Catalina and Carolina" was signed, as well as a couple of scribbles from Luis. Though Elena loved getting actual presents too, these handmade gifts from her children were so special to her, and she'd treasure them for the rest of her life.
Elena hadn't noticed, but Naomi had left the room for a moment while she was opening her last few presents. Once Elena had opened her last one, and looked around to make sure she hadn't missed any.
"Alright, guess that was the last one!" she said. "Thank you all so much, I absolutely love everything!"
"Hang on!" Naomi said, coming back into the room. "I’ve got one more!" she seemed to be struggling, carrying a very large box, wrapped in blue wrapping paper, with a red bow on top. Elena definitely wasn't expecting this, but she was quite curious to see what was inside!
"Wow, Naomi, you already got me enough, this is too generous of you!" she said as Naomi placed the box in front of her.
"Oh, it's not from me." Naomi replied with a smile, and went to sit back down on the couch.
"Then who is it from?" Elena asked, looking around the room to see if anyone would claim it. But, no one said a word.
"Look inside! Maybe there's a card in there, or some clue to who it could be from!" Luisa suggested.
Elena raised an eyebrow, but did exactly that. She ripped off the wrapping paper, only for it to be a plain cardboard box. Maybe there was something inside? So, Elena’s opened the box, but it was completely empty!
"What? Naomi, you made it seem like this box weighed a hundred pounds!" she said, looking over to her best friend. "What are you up to?"
"Oh, shoot, did I wrap the wrong box?" Naomi asked, appearing confused. "Maybe I left it out here.." she said, and stood up to open the door. When she did, there was someone standing there, and that person was all Elena truly wanted for her birthday.
The moment Naomi opened the door, Elena immediately recognized who was there. It was none other than the love of her life, her Gabe. Elena gasped as tears began to fill her eyes, and she quickly stood up and ran right over to him.
Gabe smiled and laughed as he opened his arms to her, and caught her tight. Elena wrapped her arms around him and pulled him in for a kiss. She didn't want to break away this time either, since it had felt like so long since she had kissed him. But, eventually, they did have to let go.
"Happy birthday, Elena." Gabe said with a smile, holding her close.
Elena just couldn't hold back her tears, but she didn't mind, since they were definitely happy ones. As much as she loved all of the gifts she'd received that day, all she truly wanted for her birthday was for Gabe to be home. And, she was so surprised that her wish actually came true!
"Y-you're back!" she said through her tears. "B-but I thought you wouldn't be home for another month!"
"Well, I will need to go back later tomorrow," Gabe explained. "But, I talked to Valentina and Manuel, and they let me come home to celebrate with you!"
"Oh, I don't care if it's just for a night, I’m just so happy you're home!" Elena replied, still not letting go of him.
Of course, the girls were so excited for their papí to be home as well, and they rushed over to their parents, and hugged onto his legs. "Papí!" they cried in unison.
Gabe smiled and reached down, taking each of his girls into his arms. He kissed them both on the cheek and held them close.
"Hi, girls!" he said. "I’ve missed you two so much!"
Catalina wrapped her arms around him, and leaned her head on his shoulder. She had missed her papí so much, and was so happy that he was home too. But, her sister, as excited as she was about their father being home, had a bit of a different thought process.
"Did you bring our gifts?" she asked him. "From Paraíso?"
Gabe laughed, not surprised at the fact that was Carolina’s first question to him when he came home.
"Those will be coming when I’m back home for good," he explained. "But, there were some extra sparkly tiaras and the most beautiful parasols being sold for Valentina’s Day last week, and I may have one waiting just for you..."
Carolina’s face lit up at the thought of this, she couldn't wait for her papí to bring those home for her!
Elena then turned to her family and friends, who were all smiling at the sweet moment between the little family. "Were you all in on this?" she asked, to which all of them nodded.
"Oh yeah, and if you didn't already notice, I was the distraction to keep you out of the palace so they could get Gabe in here without you knowing." Naomi replied.
"That did seem a bit suspicious to me, but I definitely didn't think that was the reason why!" Elena replied with a smile. "Thank you all, so much."
"Well, now that our guest of honor is here, what are we waiting for?" Luisa asked, standing up. "A delicious tres leches cake is waiting downstairs for us!"
To the twins, this sounded great! They leaned down to get back on the ground, and headed straight for the dining room, with the rest of their family and friends following behind them. On her way out, Isabel, who had been holding Luis, handed him over to his papí. Gabe smiled, even though it had only been a few weeks since he'd last seen his son, he seemed like he had grown so much!
"And I’ve missed you too, mijo." Gabe said to him. Luis looked up at him with a smile, he clearly missed his papí a lot too!
Elena reached over and took Gabe’s hand in hers, and held it tight. "Let’s head downstairs, before the girls eat all that tres leches cake on us!" she joked. Gabe nodded in agreement, and held Elena’s hand tightly as well, as the two of them made their way into the dining room.
Once they entered the dining room, everyone was seated at the table, anxiously awaiting the arrival of the birthday queen. A seat at the head of the table was empty for Elena, along with a seat beside it for Gabe. On the table was her cake, decorated beautifully by her abuela, with multiple candles arranged around it. Elena smiled, she was so lucky to have such a loving and supportive group of family and friends that will always be there for her.
Elena sat down in her seat, and after a cue from Luisa, everyone at the table began to sing the infamous Avaloran birthday song.
Today is your birthday, we're all here for you!
So make a big wish, and it will come true!
You’re one whole year older, and so we all say,
We love you Elena on your special day!
Usually, sitting and waiting for the song to be over was the most awkward part of a birthday for Elena, but this year, it just seemed different. She smiled and glanced around the room, grateful for everyone there. Then, once the song was over, she called her girls over to help her blow out the candles, since she knew they loved to help out with that. Then, in a group effort, the three of them blew out each and every of them, and Elena was ready to begin another year.
Everyone then enjoyed their cake, which was definitely delicious, tres leches was one of Elena’s favorites. Then, luis started to get tired, so Elena went upstairs for a little bit to get him to bed. Not too soon after, it was the girls' bedtimes, and Gabe and Elena tucked them both in. The girls were so glad their papí was there to read a story to them and kiss them goodnight too, they'd missed him so much. Then, once the kids were all in bed, Elena and Gabe headed back downstairs for another hour or two of the party. Then, all of their guests either headed home or headed to bed, so Elena and Gabe headed upstairs as well.
Once they reached their bedroom, Elena closed the door behind her, and soon found herself leaning against her door, with Gabe pulling her in for a kiss. Elena wrapped her arms around him and kissed him right back, she had missed him (and this) so much.
Once they broke apart for a moment, Elena smiled and was about to say something, but before she even could, Gabe scooped her right up in his arms. She smiled and laughed, and leaned her head on his chest. Gabe placed Elena down on their bed, as she wrapped her arms around him, holding him close as they kissed once again. She really wished that Gabe could stay home for good tonight, but even if he'd have to go back tomorrow, she was so glad to at least have tonight with him.
The next morning, Gabe and Elena were fast asleep, all cuddled in each other's arms. They were both up very late the night before, so they ended up sleeping in a bit longer than they had planned. Or, maybe it was just the fact that they never wanted to leave each other's arms, for if Elena never let go, he wouldn't have to leave again, right?
Gabe noticed Elena start to wake up, so he held her a little closer, and kissed her on the forehead.
"Good morning," he said with a smile.
Elena stretched out a bit, and smiled too. "Morning.." she said.
"So, did you have a good birthday?" Gabe asked.
"I had a great birthday, it just kept getting better and better!" Elena replied.
"I’m going to assume that my gifts were your favorite?" Gabe replied.
"No, no, Naomi’s cardboard box was definitely the best." Elena joked. "I’m kidding, I’m kidding, yes, yours were my favorite, all of them."
"Well, I’m glad you loved them.” Gabe replied with a smile.
"I sure did," Elena replied. "But I love you even more." she added, and pulled him in for a kiss.
"I know you'd just love to lay here with me all day, and I’d love to as well, but I do have to leave tonight.." he said with a sigh.
Elena sighed too, she really didn't want him to leave. But, she was very lucky that he was able to come home for her birthday, and she wanted to spend as much time with him as she could before he left.
"I guess you're right.." Elena replied. "We should probably get up soon, then.”
"I think so too," Gabe said. "Besides, the kids will probably be looking for you, especially Luis."
"Good point!" Elena responded. she rolled over to start to get up, and headed over to her vanity to begin brushing out her hair. She sighed, knowing that in only a few short hours, Gabe would be headed back to Paraíso once again.
“I really wish you could stay a bit longer, even for another day..” she said.
"Trust me, I wish I could too." Gabe agreed, getting up as well. "But hey, you'd rather me come home for just a night instead of us having to be apart for your birthday, right?" he asked her.
Elena nodded as he came over and wrapped his arms around her from behind her. "Absolutely," she said, placing her hands on top of his. "I was so happy you were able to come and celebrate with us, I wouldn’t want to spend my day with anybody else..”
"Well, unfortunately I do have to go back.." Gabe replied. "But, we're closer to when I’ll be back than to when I left, and I’ll be back home for good before you know it."
And, the next few weeks did go by very quickly for Elena, but, the week and a half or so before Gabe was due to return felt like years. Elena had seemed to come down with some sort of bug, and was so sick. At one point, she could barely even get up and out of bed, she was so weak from barely being able to keep anything down. She was definitely glad that she got the cute reunion with Gabe she had hoped for on her birthday, since she didn't know if she'd even be able to get out of bed to welcome him home. But, even though she still wasn't feeling the greatest, on the day he was coming back, Elena forced herself out of bed. She did manage to keep down a couple of fluids, hopefully that'd be enough to keep her on her feet for the rest of the day. 
Elena was so looking forward to Gabe coming home for a long list of reasons, but one of them was something she hadn't thought of before he had left. Her diagnosis a a week or so back was pretty basic, most likely just a bug or a virus. But, Elena knew that she probably should've been feeling better a few days later. It had been practically two weeks, and she still felt terrible, along with not being able to keep much down at all. She thought back and tried to rule out some things, such as if it were just something she had ate, or if she had been near anyone who may have been sick. But, there was one more thing she hadn't ruled out just yet, and she wanted to wait until Gabe was back home to do so.
The day he arrived back home, his family was waiting for him exactly where he had been when he left. Elena and the girls stood on the palace steps, and of course, Luis was there too, and smiled the second he saw his papí again. The twins rushed down the steps as soon as Gabe hopped off of Fuego. He picked them both up and kissed them on the cheek, before showing them what he'd brought home. Carolina was thrilled with her pink Paraísan parasol and extra sparkly tiara, and Catalina received a box of Paraíso’s finest chocolates, as well as a hand-painted fan.
Then, he went up the steps to see Luis again, before heading over to his wife, and picking her up and spinning her around. But, he didn't know that Elena had been sick, so he was a bit confused when she asked him to be put down, usually she loved when he did that! Elena stood away from him for a moment, tightly wrapping her fingers around her thumb, something she had learned could help her hold off a bout of nausea, or getting sick.
"Are you alright?" Gabe asked her, concerned.
Elena nodded, and took another moment to take a breath, before turning back to him. “Yeah, I am, it's just that i've been pretty sick lately, and I’m still not feeling too great." she explained. "I was told it was just a bug or virus, but I feel like I should've felt better days ago if that was the case..”
"You can go back to bed if you're not feeling good," Gabe replied. "You didn't even need to come out here if you weren't feeling good, I’d understand."
"No, no, the fresh air is probably good for me, anyways." Elena responded. "But the thing is, as I said, I feel like I should've felt a lot better by now, so I don't think it's really a bug or virus.."
"What do you think it is, then?" Gabe asked. He seemed to get a bit more worried as she continued to speak, he really hoped she was alright. Sometimes Elena had a tendency to hide her symptoms and insist that she was fine, but what if she did that, and whatever she had got worse?
"Well, I was thinking back as to what it could possibly be, and you remember my birthday, right?" Elena asked. "You know, that night?"
The second Elena mentioned that date, everything clicked for Gabe, he knew exactly what she was getting at. "Oh.." he said. "Do you think you're.."
"I don't know," Elena replied. "I wanted to wait until you came home to find out, so I’m having the physician stop by later today.”
Gabe nodded. "Well, whatever it may be, I hope you feel better soon," he said, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. "And if you need to rest, or you need me to get anything for you or help you out with anything, please let me know."
"I will." Elena replied. with that, the two headed back inside the palace, to continue on with their day.
For the whole rest of the day, Elena couldn't stop her mind from racing. This didn't work out too well for her, as she noticed a few things around the castle beginning to emit a purple glow, which was never a good sign. Her anxiety also didn't help her nausea, in fact, it made it worse. So, for a good portion of the day, as she had been for the past week, Elena was in bed. Even then, she couldn't stop herself from thinking of the possible outcomes of tonight, or the rest of the week.
Once Gabe had put Luis in for a nap, he headed back to his and Elena’s room. He too was a bit anxious to find out whether or not Elena’s intuition was right, but he wasn't half as nervous as she was. He found her laying in her bed, fidgeting with her hands, which was usually a sign she was very anxious, other than her emotion magic showing off obvious signs.
Gabe sat at his wife’s bedside and was about to say something to her, but before he could even finish his sentence, the physician arrived, and Elena immediately sat up.
“Let’s just get this over with.." she said to herself.
"Whatever happens, just know that everything's going to be okay." Gabe reassured her in a whisper. “And, I’m always with you."
Elena smiled slightly and leaned her head on his shoulder. He was right, no matter what the outcome was, they'd always have each other.
Soon, a second diagnosis had been agreed upon. The physician only had to say one word, “congratulations,” for Elena to know. Her intuition was correct all along, she was pregnant again.
"Here we go again..."
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bloganimallibre · 6 years ago
Cámara de Diputados aprueba proyecto de resolución que busca autorizar la matanza de perros asilvestrados, Chile
En la sesión del pasado martes 5 de marzo, la Cámara de Diputados aprobó con 98 votos a favor, 34 en contra y 19 abstenciones, un proyecto de resolución que solicita al presidente Sebastián Piñera dar urgencia al proyecto de ley que busca eximir de responsabilidad a quienes ejecuten la conducta enmarcada en el delito de maltrato animal tipificado en el artículo 291 bis del código penal, específicamente a “quienes deban matar a uno o más perros salvajes actuando en protección de ganado, el cual sean dueños o responsables”. Además de otorgar facultades al Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero para hacerse cargo de los perros “baguales”.
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Este proyecto de ley al que se insta la urgencia fue presentado el año 2014, y señala que busca hacerse cargo de aquello que no considera La Ley de Tenencia Responsable, y es establecer el concepto de perros “asilvestrados” o “perros baguales”, abriendo la posibilidad de que sean cazados, asesinados, y maltratados sin impunidad en las zonas rurales de nuestro país.
Aprobar esta modificación al delito de maltrato animal es contrario al trabajo en la promoción y educación de la ley de tenencia responsable, y el avance obtenido estos años por los derechos animales, sobretodo cuando la existencia de estos perros “asilvestrados”, es en gran medida, es debido al abandono y no esterilización de los animales.
Hacemos un llamado a la población a contactarse con aquellos diputados que votaron a favor o se abstuvieron, y hacerles saber su oposición al proyecto, y así buscar impedir que sea aprobado el proyecto de ley en una próxima votación.
A continuación, el detalle de la votación de cada Diputado:
Alarcón Rojas, Florcita
Alessandri Vergara, Jorge
Alinco Bustos, René
Álvarez Ramírez, Sebastián
Álvarez Vera, Jenny
Alvarez-Salamanca Ramírez, Pedro Pablo
Amar Mancilla, Sandra
Ascencio Mansilla, Gabriel
Auth Stewart, Pepe
Baltolu Rasera, Nino
Barrera Moreno, Boris
Barros Montero, Ramón
Berger Fett, Bernardo
Bernales Maldonado, Alejandro
Bianchi Retamales, Karim
Bobadilla Muñoz, Sergio
Boric Font, Gabriel
Brito Hasbún, Jorge
Calisto Águila, Miguel Ángel
Cariola Oliva, Karol
Carter Fernández, Álvaro
Carvajal Ambiado, Loreto
Castillo Muñoz, Natalia
Castro Bascuñán, José Miguel
Celis Araya, Ricardo
Celis Montt, Andrés
Cicardini Milla, Daniella
Cid Versalovic, Sofía
Coloma Álamos, Juan Antonio
Crispi Serrano, Miguel
Cruz-Coke Carvallo, Luciano
Del Real Mihovilovic, Catalina
Desbordes Jiménez, Mario
Díaz Díaz, Marcelo
Durán Espinoza, Jorge
Eguiguren Correa, Francisco
Espinoza Sandoval, Fidel
Fernández Allende, Maya
Flores García, Iván
Flores Oporto, Camila
Fuenzalida Cobo, Juan
Fuenzalida Figueroa, Gonzalo
Gahona Salazar, Sergio
Galleguillos Castillo, Ramón
García García, René Manuel
Garín González, Renato
Girardi Lavín, Cristina
González Gatica, Félix
González Torres, Rodrigo
Gutiérrez Gálvez, Hugo
Hernández Hernández, Javier
Hernando Pérez, Marcela
Hertz Cádiz, Carmen
Hirsch Goldschmidt, Tomás
Hoffmann Opazo, María José
Ibáñez Cotroneo, Diego
Ilabaca Cerda, Marcos
Jackson Drago, Giorgio
Jarpa Wevar, Carlos Abel
Jiles Moreno, Pamela
Jiménez Fuentes, Tucapel
Jürgensen Rundshagen, Harry
Kast Sommerhoff, Pablo
Keitel Bianchi, Sebastián
Kort Garriga, Issa
Kuschel Silva, Carlos
Labra Sepúlveda, Amaro
Leiva Carvajal, Raúl
Leuquén Uribe, Aracely
Longton Herrera, Andrés
Lorenzini Basso, Pablo
Luck Urban, Karin
Macaya Danús, Javier
Marzán Pinto, Carolina
Matta Aragay, Manuel
Melero Abaroa, Patricio
Mellado Pino, Cosme
Mellado Suazo, Miguel
Meza Moncada, Fernando
Mix Jiménez, Claudia
Molina Magofke, Andrés
Monsalve Benavides, Manuel
Morales Muñoz, Celso
Moreira Barros, Cristhian
Mulet Martínez, Jaime
Muñoz González, Francesca
Naranjo Ortiz, Jaime
Noman Garrido, Nicolás
Norambuena Farías, Iván
Núñez Arancibia, Daniel
Núñez Urrutia, Paulina
Nuyado Ancapichún, Emilia
Olivera De La Fuente, Erika
Orsini Pascal, Maite
Ortiz Novoa, José Miguel
Ossandón Irarrázabal, Ximena
Pardo Sáinz, Luis
Parra Sauterel, Andrea
Paulsen Kehr, Diego
Pérez Arriagada, José
Pérez Lahsen, Leopoldo
Pérez Olea, Joanna
Pérez Salinas, Catalina
Prieto Lorca, Pablo
Ramírez Diez, Guillermo
Rathgeb Schifferli, Jorge
Rentería Moller, Rolando
Rey Martínez, Hugo
Rocafull López, Luis
Rojas Valderrama, Camila
Romero Sáez, Leonidas
Rosas Barrientos, Patricio
Saavedra Chandía, Gastón
Sabag Villalobos, Jorge
Saffirio Espinoza, René
Saldívar Auger, Raúl
Sanhueza Dueñas, Gustavo
Santana Castillo, Juan
Santana Tirachini, Alejandro
Santibáñez Novoa, Marisela
Sauerbaum Muñoz, Frank
Schalper Sepúlveda, Diego
Schilling Rodríguez, Marcelo
Sepúlveda Orbenes, Alejandra
Sepúlveda Soto, Alexis
Silber Romo, Gabriel
Soto Ferrada, Leonardo
Soto Mardones, Raúl
Teillier Del Valle, Guillermo
Tohá González, Jaime
Torrealba Alvarado, Sebastián
Torres Jeldes, Víctor
Trisotti Martínez, Renzo
Troncoso Hellman, Virginia
Undurraga Gazitúa, Francisco
Urrutia Bonilla, Ignacio
Urrutia Soto, Osvaldo
Urruticoechea Ríos, Cristóbal
Vallejo Dowling, Camila
Velásquez Núñez, Esteban
Velásquez Seguel, Pedro
Venegas Cárdenas, Mario
Verdessi Belemmi, Daniel
Vidal Rojas, Pablo
Von Mühlenbrock Zamora, Gastón
Walker Prieto, Matías
Winter Etcheberry, Gonzalo
Yeomans Araya, Gael
0 notes
jaimeariansencespedes · 7 years ago
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01 - Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Nació en Jerez de la Frontera en el año de 1488/1490 y falleció en el año 1557/1558 en Sevilla, España.
02 - Fue un descubridor y conquistador español que exploró la costa sur de Norteamérica desde la actual Florida pasando por Alabama, Misisipi y Luisiana y se adentró en , Nuevo México, Arizona y en el norte de México hasta llegar al Golfo de California, territorios que pasaron a anexionarse al Imperio Español dentro del Virreinato de Nueva España.
03 - El rey Carlos V de España le otorgó el título de Segundo Adelantado y lo nombró capitán general y gobernador del Río de la Plata, Paraná guazú y sus anexos. y fue el primer europeo en llegar a las cataratas del Iguazú y que exploró el curso del río Paraguay.
04 - Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca nació en el seno de una familia hidalga. Aproximadamente en 1512 se alistó en las tropas de la Liga Santa de 1511, formada por varios países, entre ellos España, para luchar contra Francia.
05 - Dentro de la Liga Santa sirvió en las campañas de Italia en las compañías de Bartolomé de Sierra y de Don Alonso de Carvajal.
06 - Participó en la Batalla de Rávena y poco después pasó a ser alférez en Gaeta. Posteriormente, como militar luchó en conflictos acaecidos en España.
07 - En 1520 peleó en la Guerra de las Comunidades al tiempo que, huérfano de padre y madre, pronto entró al servicio de la Casa de Medina-Sidonia como mensajero.
08 - Participó en la Toma de Tordesillas y en la Batalla de Villalar. En 1522 combatió en la Batalla del Puente de la Reina, en Navarra.
09 - El 17 de junio de 1527, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca partió de Sanlúcar de Barrameda, rumbo a América, como tesorero y alguacil mayor en la expedición que capitaneaba el gobernador Pánfilo de Narváez, que tenía por objetivo la conquista de Florida y la búsqueda de la Fuente de la eterna juventud, entre el río de las Palmas y el cabo de la Florida.
10 - La expedición estaba compuesta por 600 hombres y cinco barcos. En Santo Domingo, 140 marinos abandonaron la expedición y en Cuba murieron 70 hombres en una fuerte tormenta, pero llegaron finalmente a la costa de Florida el martes 12 de abril de 1528. En la bahía de Tampa vieron casas indígenas.
11 - En Aguas Claras, actual Clearwater, los indios les indicaron a los españoles que el oro se encontraba "más allá", en la provincia de Apalache, en la parte norte de Florida.
12 -  Fueron con sus barcos hasta esa región y los anclaron para seguir a pie, aunque Cabeza de Vaca no estaba de acuerdo, al pensar que era territorio hostil y que no tenían ni raciones ni modo de comunicarse con las tribus que encontraran.
13 - Sin embargo, no quiso quedarse a cuidar a los barcos para que nadie pensara que era temor lo que le impedía continuar y que no se comprometiera su honor.
14 - La provincia de Apalache debió ser el nombre antiguo de Tallahassee, al norte de Florida, pero el paisaje que se describe parece similar a los Everglades, que se encuentran en la parte sur de la península.
15 - Fueron por los pantanos usando balsas y a nado. El caballo de quien se ahogaba servía de comida a los supervivientes. En esas zonas pantanosas donde el agua les llegaba hasta el pecho, sufrían ataques de indios con flechas y tenían que combatir con sus arcabuces y ballestas.
16 - Los indios Apalaches eran altos e iban desnudos y usaban arcos grandes y muy anchos y lanzaban flechas con mucha puntería capaz de herir a los españoles a pesar de sus corazas.
17 - En su trayecto, se toparon con más de veinte naciones indígenas. Camino del poblado de Aute sufrieron otro ataque con flechas. Desde la bahía de Tampa, los españoles tuvieron que hacer frente a huracanes y tempestades.
18 – Devoraron  los caballos que les quedaban y fueron en busca de la costa, llegando a la desembocadura del río San Marcos, actual río St Marks y regresaron a los barcos. Como no tenían cañones, barcos ni materiales improvisaron fraguas con cañones de palo y pieles de ciervos.
19 - Posteriormente forjaron los estribos de los caballos, espuelas y materiales metálicos de ballestas e hicieron herramientas. Con esas herramientas cortaron madera e hicieron cinco barcazas, que les sirvieron para navegar por la costa. Siguieron hacia el Este y encontraron una isla con canoas, en las que embarcaron. En sus canoas se sobrevino sobre ellos otro ataque de indios flecheros que hirió a todos los miembros que quedaban de la expedición, incluido el propio Cabeza de Vaca, que fue herido en la cara.
20 - Navegaron 30 días por la costa hasta llegar a la desembocadura del río del Espíritu Santo, conocido actualmente como río Misisipi. Hoy, no se sabe si esta expedición fue la primera en descubrir la desembocadura del Misisipi o dicho mérito debe atribuirse a Alonso Álvarez de Pineda.
21 - Entonces sobrevinieron corrientes y vientos que separaron las embarcaciones y la embarcación de Cabeza de Vaca terminó en la isla de Galveston, que él bautizó como isla Malhado (isla de la Mala Suerte). En ese momento se encontraron él y su grupo sin Pánfilo de Narváez y abandonados a su suerte.
22 - Solamente 15 hombres estaban vivos, pero fueron tratados bien por los indios carancaguas. Era una tribu que repartía sus pertenencias y que carecía de mandos.
23 - Les quisieron hacer físicos y doctores, porque ellos curaban las enfermedades poniendo las manos y soplando y les pidieron que hicieran eso para que ayudaran en algo, pero los españoles se reían de esa costumbre y por eso les quitaban la comida hasta que hicieran lo que les decían.
24 - Posteriormente, fueron repartidos como sirvientes de las familias de indios. Los 15 hombres acordaron mandar una expedición de cuatro hombres a Panuco en busca de ayuda, pero la expedición fracasó.
25 - Tras seis años de vida como indígena, aprendiendo la cultura del mimbre, el camuflaje y la guerrilla, además de a conjugar chamanismo con los conocimientos médicos que arrastraba de la cultura europea.
26 - Durante algún tiempo Cabeza de Vaca ejerció de mercader entre los indígenas del territorio comarcano a San Antonio y la costa tejana. Llevaba conchas marinas y caracolas a los pueblos del interior cambiándolas por cueros y almagra, esto último lo usaban con frecuencia los indios de la costa para sus pinturas.
27 - En Matagorda, cerca de Galveston, Cabeza de Vaca se encontró con algunos de sus antiguos compañeros de expedición: Andrés Dorantes de Carranza, Alonso del Castillo Maldonado y Estebanico y juntos fueron en una nueva travesía.
28 - Por temor a los aborígenes de la costa y creyendo que en esos territorios del norte encontrarían oro, remontaron el río Bravo, en vez de dirigirse al asentamiento español en el río Pánuco. Durante el viaje hacia el noroeste de México, ejercieron de curanderos mediante la imposición de manos y el rezo de avemarías y padrenuestros en latín.
29 - Cuando Cabeza de Vaca extrajo con éxito la punta de una flecha que un indígena tenía clavada cerca del corazón, la fama de curanderos y gente de bien entre las tribus indígenas ya no les abandonó.
30 - Se ganaron la voluntad de los nativos e hicieron varias exploraciones en busca de una ruta para regresar a la Nueva España por lo que hoy es el suroeste de Estados Unidos y norte de México.
31 - Tras deambular durante largo tiempo por la extensa zona que hoy es la frontera entre México y Estados Unidos llegaron a la zona del río Bravo, siguiendo el curso del río encontraron tribus dedicadas a la caza del bisonte con las que convivieron.
32 - Finalmente a orillas del río Petatlán, hoy llamado río Sinaloa, en el pueblo de Bamoa Guasave, restablecieron el contacto con un equipo de exploradores españoles en el año 1536 a pocas leguas de Culiacán, asentamiento español.
33 - Durante aquel viaje recogió las primeras observaciones etnográficas sobre las poblaciones indígenas del golfo de México, escribiendo una narración titulada Naufragios, considerada la primera narración histórica sobre los territorios que hoy corresponden a Estados Unidos, fue publicada en 1542 en Zamora y en 1555 en Valladolid, en la cual describe sus vivencias y las de sus tres compañeros quienes atravesaron a pie el suroeste de los actuales Estados Unidos y el norte de México.
34 - Tras este viaje tomó consistencia en América un mito muy similar al de El Dorado, que es el de las Siete Ciudades de Cíbola y Quivira, llenas de oro. Los cuatro supervivientes de la exploración hablaron en México acerca de comentarios de ciudades colmadas de oro. El virrey de Nueva España organizó una expedición al mando de fray Marcos de Niza, que fue acompañada de Estebanico.
35 - Durante la marcha de la expedición Estebanico murió asesinado por indígenas, que hicieron huir al resto, y el fraile relató a su regreso que la historia de las ciudades colmadas de oro y joyas era cierta. Entonces se envió una expedición militar dirigida por Francisco Vázquez de Coronado para encontrar el lugar pero la búsqueda demostró que la historia era falsa.
36 - Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca regresó a España en 1537 y consiguió que se le otorgara el título de segundo adelantado del Río de la Plata. A finales de 1540 inició desde Cádiz su segundo viaje que le llevó al sur del continente americano. Arribó a la isla de Santa Catalina, en el territorio español que entonces era llamado La Vera o Mbiazá  - actualmente es parte del estado brasileño de Santa Catarina - y que correspondía a la gobernación del Paraguay.
37 - Desde dicha isla arrancó en un viaje por tierra, a lo largo de casi cinco meses, con el propósito de llegar a la entonces villa y fuerte de Asunción del Paraguay, sede de la gobernación del Río de la Plata.
38 - Guiado por indígenas tupís-guaraníes cruzó con su expedición la selva paranaense. Fue el primer europeo que descubrió y describió las cataratas del Iguazú: «el río da un salto por unas peñas abajo muy altas, y da el agua en lo bajo de la tierra tan grande golpe que de muy lejos se oye; y la espuma del agua, como cae con tanta fuerza, sube en alto dos lanzas y más».
39 - Al llegar a Asunción pronto entró en conflicto con los capitanes y colonos españoles allí establecidos, quienes, alentados por Domingo Martínez de Irala, rechazaban la autoridad del gobernador y sus proyectos de organizar la colonización del territorio olvidándose de perseguir los quiméricos tesoros de los que hablaban los mitos indígenas. Finalmente ocuparía el cargo de gobernador el 11 de marzo de 1542.
40 - Su propósito de erradicar la anarquía y domeñar a los insurgentes provocó que los descontentos se sublevaran en 1544 y enviaron a Cabeza de Vaca a España acusado de abusos de poder en la represión de los disidentes, así como el incendio de Asunción en el año anterior.
41 - En realidad, por haber exigido el cumplimiento de las Leyes de Indias, las que protegían a los indígenas de los abusos de los conquistadores, entre otras medidas poco políticas. El Consejo de Indias lo desterró a Orán en 1545. Pena que, quizá, no llegó a cumplir pues Cabeza de Vaca recurrió la sentencia y siguió peleando hasta el final de su vida con el propósito de ver restablecido su honor, ya no su hacienda.
42 - Aunque los últimos años de su vida son una incógnita quizá, por los documentos encontrados por algunos historiadores cuyas obras se reflejan en la bibliografía, murió en Sevilla el 27 de mayo en 1559. Es improbable, como han afirmado otros, que tuviera algún cargo de relevancia en sus últimos años. Aunque no consta, pudo haber tomado los hábitos y acabar sus días entre el silencio de un monasterio. Revista Historia del Perú - [email protected]
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tarifa2 · 8 years ago
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acapulcopress · 4 months ago
Eligen a Jesús Parra como presidente de la Mesa Directiva de la LXIV Legislatura de Guerrero
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CHILPANCINGO, Gro. * 29 de agosto 2024. ) LXIII Legislatura | Guerrero En Junta Preparatoria, las diputadas y diputados electos eligieron este jueves a la Mesa Directiva que coordinará los trabajos correspondientes al Primer Año de Ejercicio Constitucional de la LXIV Legislatura al Congreso del Estado de Guerrero. Con 41votos a favor y una abstención, se eligió como presidente de la Mesa Directiva al diputado Jesús Parra García; a las diputadas Marisol Bazán Fernández y Gladys Cortés Genchi como primera y segunda vicepresidenta; al diputado Édgar Ventura de la Cruz y la diputada Erika Isabel Guillén Román como secretarios propietarios, y como suplentes los diputados Pánfilo Sánchez Almazán y Julián López Galeana. La sesión estuvo dirigida por las diputadas y diputados integrantes de la Comisión de Instalación encabezados por la diputada Leticia Mosso Hernández, presidenta de la Mesa Directiva de la saliente legislatura. La LXIV Legislatura quedó integrada por las diputadas y los diputados Arturo Álvarez Angli, Catalina Apolinar Santiago, Joaquín Badillo Escamilla, Vladimir Barrera Fuerte, Marisol Bazán Fernández, Carlos Eduardo Bello Solano, Diana Bernabé Vega, Ana Lilia Botello Figueroa, Alejandro Bravo Abarca, Gloria Citlali Calixto Jiménez, Alejandro Carabias Icaza, Gladys Cortés Genchi, María Guadalupe Eguiluz Bautista, Guadalupe García Villalva, Jacinto González Varona, Erika Isabel Guillén Román, Julián López Galeana, Erika Lorena Lührs Cortés, Violeta Martínez Pacheco, Rafael Martínez Ramírez, Glafira Meraza Prudente, María Inés Montiel Servín, Leticia Mosso Hernández, Obdulia Naranjo Cabrera, Rebeca Núñez Martín del Campo, Araceli Ocampo Manzanárez, Jorge Iván Ortega Jiménez, Jesús Parra García, Hilda Jennifer Ponce Mendoza, Luissana Ramos Pineda, Leticia Rodríguez Armenta, Marco Tulio Sánchez Alarcón, Pánfilo Sánchez Almazán, Pablo Amílcar Sandoval Ballesteros, Claudia Sierra Pérez, Héctor Suárez Basurto, Citlali Yaret Téllez Castillo, Aristóteles Tito Arroyo, Bulmaro Torres Berrum, Jesús Eugenio Urióstegui García, Robell Urióstegui Patiño, María del Pilar Vadillo Ruiz, Víctor Hugo Vega Hernández, Beatriz Vélez Núñez y Édgar Ventura de la Cruz, todos los cuales rendirán protesta ante el Pleno en sesión pública y solemne el próximo 01 de septiembre. www.acapulcopress.com Read the full article
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acapulcopress · 5 months ago
Se registraron todos los diputados de la LXIV Legislatura de Guerrero
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CHILPANCINGO, Gro. * 21 de agosto 2024. ) LXIII Legislatura | Guerrero Diputadas y diputados electos que integrarán la LXIV Legislatura al Honorable Congreso del Estado de Guerrero culminaron este miércoles su proceso de registro ante el personal de la Secretaría de Servicios Parlamentarios del Congreso del Estado. Con este procedimiento realizado del 19 al 21 de este mes, el Poder Legislativo se prepara para instalar el Primer Año de Ejercicio Constitucional de la LXIV Legislatura, cuyos integrantes rendirán protesta el próximo 01 de septiembre en el Salón de Plenos del Poder Legislativo, en sesión solemne a la que se darán cita también representantes de los Poderes Ejecutivo y Judicial del Estado. Realizaron sus respectivos registros por el partido Morena: Jacinto González Varona, Gloria Citlali Calixto Jiménez, Joaquín Badillo Escamilla, Marco Tulio Sánchez Alarcón, Héctor Suárez Basurto, Diana Bernabé Vega, Marisol Bazán Fernández, Violeta Martínez Pacheco, Carlos Eduardo Bello Solano, Vladimir Barrera Fuerte, Leticia Rodríguez Armenta, Rafael Martínez Ramírez, Catalina Apolinar Santiago, Guadalupe García Villalva, Citlali Yaret Téllez Castillo, Luissana Ramos Pineda, Ana Lilia Botello Figueroa, Aristóteles Tito Arroyo, Araceli Ocampo Manzanares, Jesús Eugenio Urióstegui García, Glafira Meraza Prudente y Lloyd Walton Álvarez. Por el Partido Verde Ecologista de México (PVEM) se registraron Alejandro Carabias Icaza, Arturo Álvarez Angli, Gladys Cortés Genchi, Obdulia Naranjo Cabrera, Hilda Jennifer Ponce Mendoza y Yazmín de la Mora Torreblanca. Asimismo, por el Partido del Trabajo (PT) asistieron a registrarse las diputadas y diputados electos Leticia Mosso Hernández, Claudia Sierra Pérez, Pánfilo Sánchez Almazán, Edgar Ventura de la Cruz y Norberto Ceballos Suástegui. De la misma forma, por el partido Movimiento Ciudadano (MC) acudieron para registrarse Julián López Galeana y Erika Lorena Lührs Cortés. Por el Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) se registraron Jesús Parra García, Alejandro Bravo Abarca, María del Pilar Vadillo Ruiz, Beatriz Vélez Núñez, Víctor Hugo Vega Hernández y Bulmaro Torres Berrum. Por el Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD) hicieron lo propio Robell Urióstegui Patiño, Jorge Iván Ortega Jiménez, Erika Isabel Guillén Román y Rebeca Núñez Martín del Campo, y por último, se registró por el Partido Acción Nacional (PAN) la diputada electa María Irene Montiel Servín. www.acapulcopress.com Read the full article
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