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10 Ways You Can Advocate for Animal Welfare This Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month
Make a difference this Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month by taking action for animal welfare. Explore 10 powerful ways to advocate for animals, from supporting legislation to adopting from shelters, and be a voice for those who can't speak for themselves.

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HOLA BITCHACHOS ! it me, mini and we out here again, FINALLY ! to everyone new, i’m excited to meet you all , love you down , scare you , and plot ! hmu on discord 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐢 🔥#0644( is better ) , but if not imma try my best to get to you ASAP ! to all my old peeps . . . . 😈 😈 😈 😈
* for stats, and the past etc , if ur curious , you can read all of kylie’s intros HERE
chicago’s very own kylie castillo has been spotted on madison avenue , with a striking semblance to Becky G ! you may know them as @kyliebby or hitting the front page of tmz as Chicago spitfire returns with a crash . according to tmz , you just had your 22nd birthday bash . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re competitive , but being confidents might help you . things that would paint a better picture of you would be acrylic nails, a lit up joint and oversized sunglasses .
*** i haven’t rpd since we went on hiatus , soooooooooo , pray for me 😂
FULL NAME: kylie valentina castillo NICKNAMES: ky, kyky, k, kybby AGE: 22 HEIGHT: 5 ft BIRTHDAY: April 15th ZODIAC: aries HOGWARTS HOUSE: slythindor (slytherin + gryffindor) ETHNICITY: mexican NATIONALITY: american GENDER: cis female PRONOUNS: she/her ORIENTATION: bisexual RELIGION: agnostic-catholic TATTOOS: a peach on her ass, #2 tramp stamp and canon becky g tattoos
kylie is the first and only child of andres castillo, and third child of valentina castro. kylie’s parents had her at 20 during the time her mother lived in mexico for a year . thankfully her dad’s family were well off and could afford to take care of the child ; her parents tried making it work for about two years, her dad taking on the role even for her half brother but because of the class difference between her parents families, and the different careers, plus the stress of young kids , it didn’t work out.
growing up, kylie lived in mexico up until she was 8, moving to LA to live with her dad’s family, but by the time she was 9 , she was bouncing between LA and CHICAGO , not really living with her parents but her family members, primarily her grandparents and uncle ( tito ) . her parents were young , and they wanted more for themselves . her dad rose to be a star soccer player in mexico , also playing for both Barcelona fc and Real Madrid fc . her mother started up a health and beauty business in Chicago called VIVA ESTHETICS , specializing in skin care , makeup , nails , hair , etc . the company blew up with having notable clients and giving upscale service .
needless to say , her parents gave kylie and her siblings ( mainly half , besides one ) everything they wanted materialistically , but nothing physically or emotionally . kylie didn’t even grow up with most of her siblings ( her parents bounced around a lot ) , she grew up with her cousins , whereas she’d having a couple annual meetings with her own parents and siblings .
kylie was in LA for the rest of her childhood , living in chicago just for middle school before attending 4 different high schools in a different place every year because she’d be bouncing between family ( . . . . and just getting kicked out . ) Madrid/Barcelona (gr9) , London (gr10) , Los Angeles (gr11) and Chicago (gr12)
her growing up was messy , and not consistent , but kylie has a big heart for those that have been with her since day 1 ! even when she bounced around a lot , she was always super close with her grandparents on both sides , constantly calling them , or on facetime . she even has a favourite uncle ( tito ) from her mom’s side . tito pretty much was kylie’s older brother growing up , you know , he was the teenage uncle teaching his niece to swear as a baby lol . kylie learned being bad from seeing , she’s ALWAYS been stubborn , so when someone tells her she can’t hang with the boys , or won’t steal a car - - - - you bet kylie will do what you told her she can’t , and she’ll prove it with a cake face of makeup .
tito was a producer growing up , working with street artists and always making beats in his room . that’s where kylie got an appreciation for music . so whenever she was skipping class , she’d be in the studio , making excuses as to why she’s not in class and no one questioned her .
when she was in school , she wouldn’t listen , be that kid in the back of the class sleeping , or just not paying attention . and when she was in the halls , she’d get into SOME kind of fight , sometimes without even asking for it .
music was the one constant for her, so while she was skipping class , kylie was producing her own music, constantly making videos and on social media promoting herself, and she was successful at 13 ! signing to a label , and being groomed by said label over the years , releasing a few eps . she gained recognition through her freestyles online and her features on songs at 18 , going on to sell arenas , win awards , and a lot of things .
about a year ago , kylie dropped her first album , a few months after that , she kinda just disappeared from being in the public eye . this b*tch literally GHOSTED EVERYONE . she didn’t give anyone a clear reason , even her fans were confused . it’s been pretty rare to catch a photo of her , and when you do it’s weeks or months between .
behind the scenes , she’s become a producer for her own roster of artists , creating her own minor label , a sub division of sony records , FRENCH KISS RECORDS , that no one knows she owns or is behind . she’s trying something new after being known as the spitfire . . . which she is , but she’s been chilling after dropping almost everyone .
about a week ago, kylie dropped a teaser on her instagram for a new collaborative song , and the next day , photos of her moving back to new york were all over TMZ . . . . and that’s all folks , we’ll see what chaos this shorty createssss :)
oh and she has a black cat named mijo , who is her child . that is all .
#wealthyhq:intro#oh wow#im rusty af#SKSKSK#chileeeeee this took me awhile#thats right i rlly called her shorty LOOOL#ok#imma get to mssges and read everyones intros <3
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do you have any recs for learning about screenwriting / how to screenwrite? i'm one of those writers who kind of sees things like a movie and i'm wondering if things would work out better for me with a new medium. thanks in advance!
I hope you’ve got some time to read all of this because it got really frickin’ long.
I was introduced to screenwriting in a Writing Lab in college and followed suit into a Screenwriting IA (Integrative Activity, where students demonstrate what they’ve learned over the course of their studies in the Cinema and Communications program).
So admittedly, most of what I learned was from two teachers who already knew their stuff and worked in the industry. However, I was so interested in pursuing screenwriting once I’d fallen in love with it, that I bought all the “optional” resource books my Screenwriting teacher had recommended.
The Screenwriter’s Manual: A Complete Reference of Format and Style by Stephen E. Bowles, Ronald Mangravite, and Peter A. Zorn Jr. really has the basics for what you need to learn how to get into screenwriting. It is available on Amazon for a range of prices.
I also read significantly through The Screenwriter’s Problem Solver: How to recognize, identify, and define screenwriting problems by Syd Field and to be honest it can actually be useful for any kind of story writer, as I perused it and applied some of its content to a few films I found were really poorly executed.
I own, but have not significantly perused:
Story: Substance, Structure, Style and The Principles of Screenwriting by Robert McKee
My uncle who is a screenwriter recommended highly, I personally haven’t dived in yet because the McKee has a stupid disclaimer about why he chose to use He pronouns to refer to the writer throughout the book which was a bit irritating so I just covered it with a sticky note and let it sit for a while.
Writing Short Films: Structure and Content for Screenwriters by Linda J. Cowgill
*Writing Tools: 55 Essential Strategies for Every Writer by Roy Peter Clark.
*Showing & Telling by Laurie Alberts
*Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within by Natalie Goldberg (currently reading)
*Take Off Your Pants! : Outline Your Books for Faster, Better Writing by Libbie Hawker.
* = not screenwriting specific, general writing.
Two other books that come highly recommended by both of my uncles who work in the industry are: Save the Cat by Blake Snyder, and Screenplay: The Foundations of Screenwriting by Syd Field.
Since I didn’t learn this completely on my own, I don’t have many online resources, but a quick google search of “Basic Screenwriting Format” should yield you some decent results. HERE is one I found, which has a few book recommendations in it as well. Airtable has resources for screenwriting as well but I am not as familiar with it, search “screenwriting” in the template section.
Here’s what I can recommend right off the bat, sign up for Celtx. It has free and paid subscription services, and you can keep 3 projects on your account at a time, but you can also just download them as PDF’s to free up space and reupload them later and the format will be in tact. Scrivener also has a screenwriting word processor, but it’s a (one time) paid program.
There are many other word processors for screenwriting, but the best for beginners is Celtx. Most processors these days do the formatting for you, unlike 10-20+ years ago when you had to figure that shit out yourself. All you have to do is get familiar with where everything goes.
Which brings me to the next part of my answer…
A Screenwriting Crash Course
For a whole fucking load more of information, look under the cut.
First and foremost, I think it’s important to understand that the narrative description / action / description (all terms used interchangeably) is written in present tense 3rd person, and that you should focus on describing exclusively on what can be SEEN and HEARD. You should also try to be as concise and brief as possible. I found this was quite freeing because while I do love the metaphorical descriptions in prose, screenwriting is a very snappy and visual medium to write in.
Another thing to understand is that beyond learning the basic formatting rules of screenwriting, you can pretty much bullshit formatting you’re not sure about. I’ve read many screenplays where certain elements were not consistent, such as whether or not the writer chooses to put their characters’ names in CAPS every single time (you should at least do so when the character is first introduced).
It’s actually really easy to find scripts of your favourite films online with a quick google search, it might take practice but I’ve managed to build a decent collection of screenplays that I like to read and get an eye for certain formatting tricks that won’t be in a “how to” book. Screenplays also read very quickly. There’s a general rule of 1:1 for page:minute, meaning 1 page is usually equal to one minute of screen time, and if not, it usually averages out.
I’m going to pull some quotes from The Screenwriter’s Manual to give you a bit of an idea of where you can start: pg 25 - 44, 49 - 63
You can find photos of the table of contents HERE if you’d like to message me directly with specific questions, I’d be happy to send you photos of the section you want.
The Staging
The first component in the scene line [or slug line] provides the most basic information about the set-up for the scene.
The staging is ALWAYS abbreviated and followed by a period. There are only two choices for a scene:
INT. for an interior set, informing the reader that the scene takes place in an inside environment
EXT. for an exterior set, specifying an outside environment.
1. The Location
The second component in the scene line is the location in which the scene takes place.
The location follows the INT. or EXT. designation and is separated from it by two character spaces [most screenwriting processors will do this automatically].
Do not abbreviate any words in the location component of the scene line. For example,
INT. APARTMENT is correct, and INT. APT. is incorrect.
It is absolutely essential that every specific location be distinguished from every other location.
If Joe lives in an apartment, then you can call that location INT. APARTMENT But if, in the same screenplay, Bob also has an apartment you can no longer use INT. APARTMENT as a location for Bob’s apartment.
To eliminate confusion, one solution is to call each apartment location by the resident’s name: INT. JOE’S APARTMENT and INT. BOB’S APARTMENT
Once a specific location has been identified in the scene line, all subsequent scenes taking place in that location MUST be identified in exactly the same way.
The location identifies where the activity and dialogue take place…
… if John lives in a multi-room apartment and John is currently in his bedroom (so that other rooms are concealed from view), then the scene line must read, INT. JOHN’S BEDROOM or INT. JOHN’S APARTMENT, BEDROOM
[If the action moves from one location to another there are different ways to indicate it; one would be to created a new scene line to indicate the new location, or to indicate the new location in the description like “John walks out of his bedroom and into the LIVING ROOM”. ]
A scene line can take either of two common variations:
Most often, the scene line will define a specific location, such as INT. JOHN’S LIVING ROOM which limits the field of view to the area where the “camera” is placed.
If the scene takes place in a more generalized location, you can write it as an open scene, such as EXT. COLLEGE CAMPUS … By identifying the scene in a generalized way, you are indicating that it is not important to your narrative to identify precisely where on the campus this scene takes place.
The third component of the scene line indicates the general time at which the scene begins.
The time follows the location and is separated from it by a character space, then a dash, and then another character space.
[ example: INT. JOHN’S HOUSE, ATTIC - DAY ]
The time component of the scene line is most typically specified as a simple DAY or NIGHT. However, the time component can define a more precise period of the day or night. For example, DAWN, MORNING, AFTERNOON, RUSH HOUR, etc.
… You CANNOT specify an exact time, such as 3:30 PM, in the scene line. If such a specific time is required, you need to [include it in your description]…
When there is no lapse of time from one scene to the next, the time element in the scene line could simply be, CONTINUOUS. … if the time lapse is very brief, then you could use something like, MOMENTS LATER, A FEW MINUTES LAYER
If a scene takes place in a location in which there is no way to gauge the visible time (DAY or NIGHT), then that element is omitted from the scene line.
[example EXT. PARIS, FRANCE - DAY (1946)
If a scene opens with a moving vehicle within the location, then that can be indicated in the scene line. For example… INT. JOHN’S CAR - DAY (MOVING)
Description imparts the necessary detail to the essentials of the scene, describing such features as the characters, sets, props, and any necessary action and sound cues.
It is generally best to keep the level of detail focused on the actions and dialogue that comprise the narrative. That is where your attention and the reader’s interest should be directed.
By describing the particular props and decor in a scene and how each character dresses or grooms, you can suggest such character information as personality type, emotional condition, religious affiliation, economic level, artistic taste, and for forth.
First, establish the scene, describing only what is visually apparent in the location and giving only as much detail as necessary.
You cannot describe anything that cannot be seen… until they have been revealed.
You do not need to itemize things that are generic and would ordinarily be present, such as furnishings, colours, arrangements, [etc]…
However you MUST specify anything that is unusual or essential to the scene.
[ My uncle imparted me with a great tip; screenwriting doesn’t maintain traditional prose rules about paragraphs. You should try to keep your descriptions a maximum of four lines, and feel free to break them up into one-line or even one-word for emphasis.]
You can only convey what is happening at the moment… [No what has happened or what will happen].
You CANNOT provide any biographical, psychological, or situational information [about your characters] unless you can find visual means to do so (such as a newspaper article, a television program, [etc.])…
Each character must be introduced in the description the first time [they] physically appear in the screenplay. This includes not only major characters, but also supporting characters and even minor characters and groups that function as characters.
When a character is introduced, [their] name is ALWAYS typed in ALL CAPS regardless of whether the character is identified by a proper name, a profession, or an appearance… EVANS, AGENT ONE, DERELICT…
Once a character has been introduced, all subsequent references to that character’s name in the description should be written in a normal manner with initial caps… Evans, Agent One, Derelict…
As the screenwriter, you know who is a major character and who is a supporting or minor character because you have the entire story in your mind. The reader, however, is in a different situation.
… The amount of detail you provide about a character’s appearance and demeanor will give the reader a key to that character’s important in the script.
As a guide, when characters are introduced, you need to make clear how important each is going to be by tailoring the description and context accordingly.
[ You should describe their appearance and what they are doing when you introduce your characters. There are many different formats to describe a character when you are introducing them, and none of them are the hard and fast rule, you will probably end up settling for your own preferred method].
WARREN EVANS, late twenties, intense, handsome with closely cropped hair and a neatly trimmed moustache, is working with cool precision at one of the hundreds of banks of wiring terminals. he is dressed in coveralls and wearing thin latex gloves.
A character’s age can also be assigned a numerical designation, such as…
WARREN EVANS (late 20s), ruggedly handsome, dressed in…
Seated at the table is CINDY LEWIS, late 20s and very attractive…
[ Generally you should only mention eye colour, skin colour, height, weight, hair style/colour if it is relevant to the narrative. ]
In addition to using CAPS to introduce characters in the description, there are established conventions for other elements that need to be typed in CAPS but only if they affect the narrative…
Those elements include:
all essential costumes, props and decorany important action, effects, or emphasisany required music or sounds
Although some of the following instances require CAPPING, many will be judgement decisions.
You CANNOT identify every costume, prop, or decor on the set. Ordinary objects that have no special significance to the narrative should be left [ in normal text].
… if a certain prop is important to the story, you should CAP it when it first appears, regardless of whether it is important to that particular scene.
CAPPED words can be effective only if they are used sparingly and appropriately, if CAPPED words are used too frequently, their significance will be lost.
The dialogue element, [also] called the dialogue-block, of the screenplay format consists of three components:
the character-name specifies which character is speaking…the dialogue reveals what is being said by that charactera parenthetical, when necessary, instructs [or indicated an element of] how or to whom the character [is speaking]. EVANS (to the group) Sorry I’m late. This round’s on me.
ALWAYS contains the character-name and dialogue, and it MAY, if helpful, also contain parentheticals.is ALWAYS single spaced with no blank lines that internally separate the individual componentsis ALWAYS preceded and followed by a single blank line
[ Parentheticals should not be used too often, you should be attempting to provide context for how the character is delivering their line in the description by providing adequate mood/intensity/emotion.]
A character-name is the designation used for the speaker…
… Once a character-name has been established, you MUST consistently use that name from that character.
For example, if you’ve introduced the character as COLIN PRYCE in the description, then you will probably want to use the designation COLIN or PRYCE in the dialogue-block.
Everything that the actor speaks that is heard by the audience is dialogue.
[Dialogue] is ALWAYS written in basic prose with initial caps and proper punctuation.
To emphasize a particular word or phrase you should underline it.
[ Off-screen: when a character is not physically present in the scene peaks from a nearby location, close enough that they could enter the scene. Such a character might be speaking from a room out of view or from behind a concealed area.
Voice-over: (1) a voice heard from a mechanical device such as a telephone, radio, intercom, tape recorder, answering machine, walkie-talkie, etc. (2) The voice of a narrator, which is required when the dialogue is spoken by an unseen narrator. (3) The thoughts of a character, applied when a character is visually present and what is heard are their thoughts.
Usually, a character who is speaking dialogue is visually present within the scene. However, there are two important exceptions: off-screen and voice-over.
The off-screen (O.S.) and voice-over (V.O.) cues
- ALWAYS follow the character-name on the same line- are ALWAYS enclosed in parentheses- are ALWAYS abbreviated in upper case.
Parentheticals are a convenient device to convey specific information about how the dialogue is being said…
[Parentheticals] are ALWAYS enclosed by parentheses… are restricted to words, phrases, and fragments… ALWAYS apply to the dialogue that immediately follows it.
Parentheticals need to be concise and direct, indicating such brief information such as:
- to whom the character is speaking (to John), (into phone), (to himself)- a particular gesture or mannerism(raising his glass), (looking at her watch)- how the dialogue is being spoken(angrily), (coughing), (softly), (thick ____ accent)
Because parentheticals are limited to words and phrases, they [should always be written in lowercase and with no punctuation, for example:
No more than two directions should be included in any parenthetical. If two directions appear they should be separated by a semi-colon:
(to the class; loudly)
- a (beat)- a (pause)- an (interrupting)
[A (beat) indicates a change of thought, suggests a moment of indecision, or conveys a dramatic effect.
A (pause) signifies that a break in the dialogue occurs. This is most often used in phone conversations.
An (interruption) indicates that the dialogue begun be the previous speaker is being interrupted by the current character (there are a few different ways you can format this). ]
I won’t go any further than this because this is already extremely long, but ultimately I invite you to take a look at some of the scripts (here and here) I’ve written and doctored as an amateur screenwriter as well as digging up your own favourite movie scripts which will give you a good idea of how to implements what formatting.
#anon asks.#answered asks.#writeblr#am writing#screenwriting#resources.#writing advice.#on screenwriting.#long post.#my resources.
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Ways to Introduce Your Dog to Other People and Dogs
Nervous about your dog’s first play session? Is it going to be the first time they’re out of the house? Do you have neighbors with dogs and you want your dog to feel comfortable around them? Well, it can be scary. It truly can. So, what can you do then? There are ways to introduce your dog to other people and dogs. Thankfully, they are easy to follow and you should practice them sooner than later. So, read on to learn about the best ways to help your dog become a lot more social.
This info is provided by Fancy Paws, the best dog grooming services in Chicago.
Baby Steps
The best way to help your dog become social is to let them go at their own pace. Every dog is different. If you adopted one then they might not be as social as one that was born with siblings. We’ve seen the behavior changes depending on the early dogs of your dog. So, consider this before pushing them into a bigger and more scary environment for them. Baby steps are one of the best ways to introduce your dog to other people and dogs.
Do not go to dog parks - yet
Neighbors and dog owners are going to recommend dog parks for your dog’s first experience. No, don’t do this. As we mentioned, becoming social is a whole new experience for them. What we recommend is maybe looking for a neighbor’s dog so they can start exploring.
An important aspect is that you help him to share space with children.
Another tip that can help us is to socialize with other animals. Like cats, horses, and farm animals. This helps the dog to know the world and to identify smells.
As mentioned earlier, having the dog visit many places. In its formative stage will be important. So that when he grows up he feels comfortable everywhere.
The sounds: this is another important point. We must get him used to adapting to various sounds. Dogs are often afraid of loud sounds, and it is normal. It helps a lot if we help him socialize with some loud (not too loud) sounds. like loud music or the sound of drums.
Another way to make our dog socializable is to take him to the best pet grooming services in Chicago for a bath often. Bring him to our Dog Spa Chicago, we will give him the best attention. In addition, we recommend you our deluxe dog bath Chicago.
Call us and Schedule an appointment: 773–510–1470
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New Pet Products, Medicine Showcased at Western Veterinary Conference
Las Vegas, – Horsing around in Las Vegas isn’t Normally like this. Dr. W. Leon Scrutchfield surrendered his secret would be to be fine ‘n simple when playing the horses, or in their own situation when playing with horses that suffer toothaches. Dr. Scrutchfield is a professor and chief of field services for large creatures, at Texas A & M University College of Veterinary Medicine – College Station. He gave a talk called “Equine Dentistry,” and was among 180 introducing veterinarians revealing new research for animal care in the 72nd Annual Western Veterinary Conference, Feb. 20-24, 2000.
More than 7,000 pet care professionals attended the seminar held in the Las Vegas Hilton and Riviera Hotels in what is arguably the biggest instructional veterinary convention in the country. In addition to the educational sessions, pharmaceutical companies, pet food manufacturers and companies which produce an assortment of pet toys and equipment for vets showed off their products. Scalpels were exhibited using plush stuffed toy cats and dogs, kitty litter was spread, flea products sprayed and at least one daring spokesperson even ate kibble for a skeptical vet who dared to inquire, “but does it taste good? ”
Here are some highlights:Dr. Gregory Hanson of Davis, Calif. explained that vets once treated pets for pain when they literally cried out for help, yowling or howling. “For one thing, we finally have the means to not wait long,” he explained. In addition, he pointed out that new research indicates pets may not display distress even when they’re experiencing severe pain. “They can’t tell us – and instinctively they just don’t express their pain. Instead their energies are directed at recovery. As an instance, a postoperative dog lying silently was until very recently supposed to be comfy. However, in reality that dog might not be comfortable in any way. As a livelihood our default must be to treat for pain unless the creature convinces us otherwise. ”
Hanson also spoke about the advantages of combining pain relief medications. Done properly and carefully, the effectiveness will increase and the potential for side effects may lessen.
“Ooops, missed that litter box,” is the number one pet behavior complaint, but little research has trickled out to ascertain why some cats think outside the box. Dr. Sharon Crowell-Davis and Dr. Wailani Sung of the University of Georgia – Athens are now in the process of compiling results from their still-to-be-published study.
At a sneak preview of her results, Crowell-Davis showed of these cats with box issues, four of ten pay their eliminations, in comparison with all the squeaky management group where seven of ten covered their excrement. Also, problem cats don’t invest as much time at the box sniffing about compared to cats that consistently reach their targets. This means if your cat isn’t covering up and isn’t sniffing its bathroom, see, you will soon have a kitty with poor aim. Crowell-Davis and Wailani additionally found most litter boxes to be too small.
Dr. Ken Bartels is on the frontier of laser medicine. He explained new tactics to deal with cancer without traditional chemotherapy or surgery. A special drug (called a photosensitzer) is injected intravenously to the pet and also manages to travel to the cancerous tumors where the vet points a laser light, aims and fires. The laser light activates the cancer fighting drug, and “bang zoom” the cancer cells have been blasted away. This treatment has been used with success on cancer of the nose cats and with skin and esophageal cancers in both dogs and cats.
Bartels, of Stillwater, Okla. is the president-elect of the Oklahoma Veterinary Medical Association, and also a long-time proponent of laser operation. He said in 1990 less than two dozen practices around the nation had laser engineering, and they were largely at veterinary teaching associations. Nowadays, there are approximately 700 lasers in practices across the nation. He supposes that the moment the year 2010, 90% of all veterinary clinics will share the cutting edge technologies, that's the ability to perform surgery without actually cutting with a scalpel.
Bartels suspects even elective surgeries, such as spay/neuters, will increasingly be performed utilizing lasers. “There’s less trauma to the body because the operation is less invasive, there’s less pain to the animal and normally a faster recovery,” he says. Possibly the most immediate and pressing use for laser surgeries can be for reptiles or birds. These critters are expert at masking illness, so often by the time that they ’re diagnosed, they might be severely sick. It’s no operation that necessarily kills birds or reptiles, it’s the strain of prolonged recovery – using laser gear, this becomes much less of a problem.
Unfortunately, since the average laser operates anywhere from $25,000 to $50,000, the cost of laser surgery is at least for now somewhat costlier than traditional surgery.
Even vets were tangled in a web of confusion, seeing private boxes in which 12 company reps pitched their sites. Some sites focused exclusively on veterinary clientele, others – like pets.com – are for e-commerce attractive to the public.
Brand-new is petplace.com, a virtual veterinary medical dictionary plus a source for preventative medicine and wellness programs, launched by pets.com.
Another new website, goodnewsforpets.com is really targeted to members of their pet press.
Chemical behaviorist Dr. Karen Overall from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine – Philadelphia, talked in Good detail concerning obsessive-compulsive disease (OCD) in puppies. She introduced evidence that dogs may have hallucinations, demonstrating a videotape of a dog pouncing on fanciful mice. Dogs can also present OCD by chasing their tails, self-grooming, or pursuing imaginary flies. Overall additionally clarified separation anxiety, sound phobia and thunderstorm anxiety in dogs. She says in all situations, the evidence seems clear that the brain chemistry has been altered. She and other investigators are compiling evidence that indicates when medication or behaviour modification is demonstrated to be helpful, the brain chemistry returns to normal.
Just as brain chemistry levels may impact a pet’s psychological well being, there might soon be medical means to actually measure dominance aggression in dogs. Overall says pee display data shows different amino acid measurements in dogs that are aggressive. If nothing else that is evidence that something neurochemical is happening in these competitive dogs.
Dr. Thomas Goerblich of Munich, Germany was covering the conference for what amounts to the German version of Dog Fancy and Cat Fancy. He clarified , in Germany veterinarians are reluctant to be interviewed since vets aren’t permitted to advertise their practices, so that they ’re exceedingly cautious to not misconstrue anything they say to the press as self marketing. “It’s convinced not that way in the states,” he states. Goerblich, who's a veterinarian, was schooled in Germany but trained at the Chicago region. He states despite the fact that there are more pets in Germany than before (5.6 million adults and 5 million dogs), there are also more vets than previously, and lots of trained as vets simply can’t find a job.
Dr. Andy Eschner, manager of professional services at Iselin, N.J.-based Merial (manufacturer of animal health products, such as Frontline) talked about how synthetic pyrethroids (most often labeled permethrins) are potentially deadly to cats. All these are place on flea control products for dogs, that are mandated by legislation to have labels warning against usage on cats. The dilemma is that the packing might have that warning in small print, but resemble the packaging of Frontline or Advantage. Don’t be fooled. When used anywhere near cats these products are potentially very hazardous. Eschner points it out ’s potential that a chummy cat rubbing up against a medicated dog might be adversely affected.
Note: This guide is copyrighted by Steve Dale and can be applied as source material and for reference only. It can't be reprinted verbatim. Please contact Steve Dale at [email protected] if you have any questions.
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Master Post of OCs
Hell Hostel Edition
Hell Hostel
Ruby Hulme: A human who left her family and home town to seek fame and fortune in New Chicago. However due to the racism of the times, she was turned down from nearly everything; but found work at the Hostel thanks to Sheeper. She's currently a Dancer; but she also is doing the Hostel's every other errand as a part of her Induction.
Grimhold 'Grim' Sheeper: Half Reaper, Half Succubi, All friend shapes, he is a lanky being who only wishes to sing and dance than reap the souls of the dead. He only does so to win his father's approval. Ruby is the first friend he's had in years and he considers her his musical partner.
Grimwald: Sheeper's usually stern, silent and annoyed looking father and Lamby's currently seperated husband. He's the embodiment of 'Im going to WORK MYSELF TO FUCKING DEATH.' He's usually smoking and has a dead lilly in his buttonhole. Sheeper desperately wants his approval.
Lamby Sugars Sheeper: A Buxom busty beautiful Succubi noted for her prominant sheep like features. She's the Grim Sheeper's husband and Grimwald's currently seperated Wife. She's the head liner of the Dante Lounge in the Hostel
The Brothers Black: Lamby's musicians, a group of black cat brothers who came up to New Chicago with Lamby from Louisana. They'd do anything for their girl
Cho: A chinese American Succubi who dyes her hair blonde. She's very dedicated to dancing and does burlesque to save money so she can one day attend a ballet school
Tina: A Very timid Succubi with a cute little nose, she's still very hesistant of the whole exhibitionism thing even though she's been doing it for over a year. She's eager to do her best and doesn't speak up much.
Bella Bell: Lamby's prodigee, she's being groomed to be a headliner one day like a lamby. She's rather naieve about things, but a geniunely sweet person. She's best friends with Charlotte.
Charlotte: Retired the day Ruby showed up because she was in the bathroom vomiting from morning sickness. A very beautiful succubi and the southern belle type, she wants to try and get married to her boyfriend and baby daddy next spring.
Billy the Bull: The Bouncer for the Dante Lounge, no humans get in without a pass. He's apparently Charlotte's baby daddy and plans to marry her as soon as they get enough money together.
White Widower: A FtM Spider monster who runs the bar on his own. He's apparently Kelly's Stepbrother and they are the best of friends. He's the sympathetic ear for all the drunken patrons.
-The Heathens: A group of murderers for hire that seem to operate from out of the hostel.
Kelly Rosie Marple: A pink mothman who aspires to be a musical comedian; but sticks to gunning people down to keep himself in the latest of fashions. He can switch very fast from joking to killing
Johnny Thompson: A church Grim who was raised by a mobster after his church was torn down as a puppy. He has very sociopathic tendancies and has manipulative behaviors beneath a layer of innocence.
Miss Jackson: A gorgous Were-Cat, Miss Jackson is a paid gun for the highest bidder. She often prefers stabbing her victims over shooting them.
Nobody Noone: A shapeshifting being whose default form is unstable and lacks a nose. He spends his days either being a cheap but damned good lawyer for hire and an agent for talent. He seems to work with the Heathens.
Ida 'Itsy Bitsy' Bitten
Glasgao: The Mysterious silent smiling Kunoichi get away drive for the Heathens. She operates a cab service out of her modified hearse; most rides end in her eating her fares.
Hostel Management and Workers
Helena: The Hostel's owner. She was in a very terrible car crash when she was young to the point where she is wheelchair bound and horribly scarred. She refuses to leave her room because of this, but still manages to operate the hotel to maxmium efficencey.
Nurse: Apparently, the being who takes care of the beloved owner of the hostel, Nurse is a Shadow, a symbiotic being who forms an intense bond with a human. Nurse is the eyes and ears of Helena, so she knows everything that goes on in the Hostel. It's possible she's big enough to cover the entire vent and pipe work of the Hostel.
Salvador: A dead small time mobster who was gunned down in the very lobby of the hotel, he lingers around still and acts as the Consierre. He's responsible for making sure everyone is doing what they need to be doing.
Sexy Knickers: A notably purple lust demon who has abstained from following her predcessor's job choices. She runs the elevator and is well known for her dry british accent.
Walled Up Wally: A BellHop who died in the hostel for spying on a mobster's girl thru a peephole. His body is still stuck in the wall and he still spies on people
Boucher: The head of the kitchen and chef, Boucher is actually the first monster brought into the Hostel when Helena was a little girl. He was a Gluttony demon traded in and is actually very depressed over this still. All the vampire waitstaff answers to him and Dimitri is his favorite boi.
Carrigan, Edmund,Killroy and Arthur- Vampires, Waiters, and a Colony, they dutifully serve the Hostel's residents their meals. They do tend to suck dry the steaks which upsets Boucher greatly. They all rag and sort of bully each other around in a 'bro' way.
Dimitri-Damphire and busboy, he's Boucher Favorite. As a Damphire, he is fated to live a half life and will most likely not live long enough to see adult hood. He aspires to be great chef like Boucher
-Hostel Inhabitants/ frequent visitors
Ledago LeDago: a Voodoo Priest who apparently has the money to afford the top penthouse apartment on the top floor. He hosts lavish parties for his godly sponsers and often works as a tailor for the mob.
Mimi Dregwood: the Hostel's Necromancer, she has an entire floor to herself so she can expermint. A cross between a mad scientist and a whore, Mimi is a woman of the world and of science.
Asmodeus Luxuria: A very extravagant Lust demon who no one is really sure what he DOES, but he has money to spare and he spends it very liberally.
Goodhuman: A boogeyman who plays the Piano in the Lobby in the evenings. Is a real gentleman and class act; is somehow related to Asmodeus
Jina: an Ouija board headed spirtualist, she runs a racket doing tarot readings, crystal ball scryings and connects people to the realm of the spirits via spirit skype.
William Peartree: One of the police's top investigative detectives, Peartree is actually a blood slime, capable of identifying any kind of blood. He is a very neat and tidy individual and leads a quiet romantic domestic life with Hackles that he will laugh off if anyone brings it up.
Hackles: A Were-Corgi with temper to spare, he works with the police and is one of their best officers because of his sensitive nose. Although he's the embodiment of literally 'vibrating with anger' he leads a quiet romantic domestic life with Peartree that he will absolutely deny if anyone asks.
Maxim Tentrill: A hardboiled PI who has been recently Inducted into monster society by force. A Shadow being's essance has been tattooed to his arms which will peel of and form defenseive tentacles. Usually works along side Peartree and Hackles; but is unaware of their relationship
Skoll Wilder: Apparently a priest and spiritualist for a church called New Hope. Although fully human, he was inducted into monster society as a child.
Sin: A tiny nun who follows Skoll around constantly. She is actually a Sin Eater, which is an ancient beast capable of purging sin from someone's soul. She was brought down from the mountains to the city by Skoll.
Father Garrett: The head of New Hope Church and Orphanage, he is a kindly werewolf who wishes to help all those in need. He and Skoll have worked together to find homes for Vampires who have been rejected or had to leave the vampires who bit them.
-Two Tailed Yakuza: CAT MOB
Mr Deuce: The leader of the Two Tail Yakuza (basically the Nekomanta mob.) He is immensely ruthless and will kill anyone who gets in his way. His first name is apparently Egg. He runs his operations out of Worth Manor.
Natalia Deuce: Deuce's devoted big wife, when Mr. Deuce is away, she runs the show.
Kristen Worth: Apparently, she's the human who saved Mr Deuce as a kitten from drowning in a bucket. She was in an abusive marriage for the longest of times until her husband mysterious dissapeared and Mr. Deuce became her benifactor. Now she and her daugter are members of the New Chicago Elite
Anna 'Babe' Worth: Deuce's human ward, she's the one who named Mr. Deuce 'Egg.' She doesn't remember her birth father clearly, but sees Mr. Deuce as her father figure (although she doesn't know he's a cat.) She lives on a cat covered house with her mother and is extremely happy with all the kitties.
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Say Hello to House Calls
The post Say Hello to House Calls by Mary Schwager appeared first on Catster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Catster.com.
Danielle Rothman’s beloved cat, Petey, has never traveled well. The day her family got him, they had an unexpected kitty extra-cat-ion (or just go with extrication) on their car ride home.
“My mom decided to hold him in her lap,” Danielle says. “But he crawled into the door of the car and got stuck. We had to take the car to the mechanic, and they took the door off to get the cat out.”
They laugh about it now, but they learned their lesson: Petey prefers to stay in one place. So, when he needs vet care, Danielle arranges for a house call.
“This seemed like the kinder approach,” Danielle says. “He’s the classic definition of a scaredy-cat.” And the visiting vet wasn’t fazed by Petey’s aversion to strangers. “My husband had to catch him and put a towel over him to calm him down. The vet put him in the bathroom sink,” Danielle says. “The vet was really knowledgeable, answered all our questions and got down to business.”
Related: Mobile Vet Care — 4 Advantages and 1 Drawback
Photo: kali9 | Getty Images
A house-call comeback
Mobile pet professionals are a growing trend. The house calls of 2020 are hip, in some cases high tech, and many say that they are affordable.
You can book appointments online or via an app. A medical clinic on wheels offering minor surgeries and X-rays may roll up your driveway. And when it comes to cats, house calls are usually win-win.
“If you have ever taken a cat to the veterinarian, it is noticeable how stressed they are. In their home, the cats are relaxed,” says Dr. Karie Johnson, veterinarian and co-founder of the mobile clinic VIP Vet Visit in the south Chicago suburbs.
Photo: Chalabala | Getty Images
Better for your cat?
House calls could even help keep your feline friend healthier.
“The vet office is a stressful environment that can cause anxiety for a cat, which can weaken their immune system,” Dr. Johnson says.
Veterinarian and owner of Vet At Your Door in the Portland, Maine, area, Dr. Deirdre Frey says she’s seen cats come into animal hospitals so freaked out they’ve vomited or had accidents.
Dr. Frey fears some owners, hoping to avoid that kind of agony, may put off bringing their cat to the vet.
“I do feel like people may forgo either concerning symptoms or vaccines because they’re weighing the stress it would put on the cat,” Dr. Frey says.
And the more relaxed a cat is, the better exam a vet can perform.
Former Army veterinarian Turnera Croom, who now runs Dr. Croom Mobile Veterinary Service in Southwest Michigan, gets resourceful on cat house calls.
“We ask that the owner close off any major hiding places,” she says.
Dr. Croom also uses a cat pheromone spray called Feliway. “It’s supposed to smell like the natural scent of cat contentment, and it does appear to work a lot of the time.”
Dr. Turnera Croom, who runs a mobile vet service, tends to one of her feline patients.
Time to say goodbye
Industry experts say in-home pet euthanasia is in huge demand.
Kelly Meister-Yetter says she was frustrated when her regular vets refused to come to her home to put her cat to sleep. “I didn’t want my cat’s last moments to be ones of fear.”
So she searched online and found a vet offering house calls. “I thanked her profusely, a number of times, for being a mobile vet because putting my beloved cat down in her own home was really important to me,” Kelly says.
Pet professionals on wheels
Vets aren’t the only pet professionals on the move.
Your cat can sit on the couch while Caitlin Isbister from Pet Acupuncture Works in the Boston, Massachusetts area, stops by for a home-treatment session.
“When I’m treating cats, usually, the pet dad or mom will stay with the cat during the treatment,” Caitlin says. “They also keep a hand on them to gently encourage them to sit with the needles.”
And Linda Schmoldt is one brave house-call pro.
If you live in Manhattan, she will come to your place and bathe your cat. Linda’s company, Spiffy Kitty House Call Cat Grooming, isn’t afraid of a challenge.
“Lots of groomers are scared to groom cats,” Linda says. “Cats move so fast and have seriously sharp teeth and claws. They’re beautiful beasties.”
If you’re thinking, “Do cats need to be groomed?” Linda says some breeds need their day of beauty more than others.
“Old cats can get awfully greasy and sad looking,” Linda says. “I restore them to their former glory.
And Persians, no surprise, need at a minimum to be groomed monthly, or you wind up with a knotted weirdo instead of a beauty queen. Siberians and Maine Coons and Ragdolls need help, a lot of help.”
Is in-home care for your cat?
Danielle says she is sold on house calls for Petey. “He is important to us, so we prioritize his care. It was not as expensive as you think,” Danielle says.
Top photograph: Elnur | Dreamstime.com
Read Next: Have You Ever Felt the Need to Break Up with Your Vet?
The post Say Hello to House Calls by Mary Schwager appeared first on Catster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Catster.com.
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Artifact Series C
C. Everett Koop's Scalpel
C. Henry Kempe's Teddy Bear
C.D. Atkins' Orange Juice Jug
C. H. Bennett's Ball of String
C. L. Blood's Bellows
C. S. Lewis' Wardrobe
C. S. Lewis' Writing Pen
C.S.A.: Confederate States of America Film Poster
Cab Calloway’s Zoot Suit
Cabbage Patch Monkey Doll
Cable from the Warsaw Radio Mast
Cai Lun’s Paper
Cain's Stone
Calaveras Skull
Calico Jack's Belt
Calico Jack's Flintlock Pistol
California Gold Rush Mining Pan
Caligula's Battle Armor
Caligula's Sandals *
Calvin Coolidge's Kerosene Lamp
Calvin Graham’s Sailor Suit
Calypso's Conch
Camera from the Ed Sullivan Show
Cameron Todd Willingham's Lighter
Camille Flammarion's Flammarion Engraving
Candles from Jeanne Calment's 100th Birthday Cake
Candle from the Conspirators Camp
Cangjie’s Oracle Bone Script
Canister of Greek Fire
Canister of Inconsolability *
Cannon from the Battle of Narva
Cao Cao’s Beard Brush
Captain Adrian Snow's Gauntlet
Captain Edward John Smith's Hat
Captain Gallagher’s Sword Hilt
Captain Hendrick Goosen's Trawling Net
Captain Joseph White’s Mattress
Caracalla's Bathing Amphora
Caravaggio’s Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence
Caravaggio's The Lute Player *
Carbondale Oppressing Iron *
Cardea's Hinge
Cardinal Richelieu's Table Knife
Caretaker Ribbon *
Carey Loftin's Gloves *
Carl Barks' Animation Cels
Carl Hagenbeck's Circus Wagon
Carl G. Fisher’s Acetylene Headlight
Carl Gustav Hempel's Apple
Carl Jung's Cuckoo Clock
Carl Jung’s Sofa Cushion
Carl Laemmle's Nickelodeon
Carl Linnaeus' Cravat
Carl Linnaeus' Herbarium
Carl Magee’s Parking Meter
Carl McCunn's Driver License
Carl Ray's Paint Brushes
Carl Sagan's Jacket
Carlo Collodi's Bracelet *
Carlo Pellegrini’s Spats
Carlos Arredondo's Hat
Carlos Hathcock's Feather
Carlos Marcello's Favorite Table
Carmen Miranda's Maracas
Carmine Galante’s Cigar
Carnation Flowers from the Carnation Revolution
Carrie Nation’s Hatchet
Carrie White's Prom Dress
Carry-on Bag
Casey Jones' Pocketwatch
Casey Martin's Golf Club
Casey Martin’s Golf Tee
Casimir Pulaski's and Michael Kovats de Fabriczy's Hessian Cavalry Swords
Casimir Zeglen’s Bulletproof Vest
Cask of Amontillado
Caspar Wistar’s Shutters
Cassandra "Elvira" Peterson's '58 Ford Thunderbird
Cassie Chadwick's Pearl Necklace
Cassius Dio's Silver Coins
Castle Crasher Knight's Weapons
Catequil's Clubs
Caterina Sforza's Spine
Catherine de' Medici's Corset
Catherine of Aragon's Wedding Ring
Catherine O'Leary's Cow Bell *
Catherine the Great's Scarf
Catherine the Great's Slippers
Catherine the Great's Washing Board *
"Cats" Vinyl Record
Cattle Skull
Caucasian Eagle Automaton
Caught-in-the-Throat "Laff!" Sign *
Cauldron of Annwn
Cauldron of Rebirth
Cave of the Piasa Bird
Cecil B. DeMille's Riding Crop *
Cecília Meireles' Rose Pen
Cellphone from the Set of Dollhouse
Celtic Red Deer Hide
Ceramic Black Buffalo
Ceramic Figurine Collection
Cernunnos' Torc
Cesar Chavez's Hoe
Cesar Chavez's Trellis
Cesira Ferrani's Atomizer
Chain from St. Mary of Bethlehem Asylum
Chains Used to Topple Saddam Hussein's Statue in Firdos Square
Chair from the Norrmalmstorg Bank Robbery
Chalice of Dionysus
Chalkboard Erasers from the Tanganyika Laughter Epidemic
Champagne Glasses From the SS United States
Chandelier from the Montansier Opera House *
Chandre Oram's Flag
Chang and Eng Bunker's Wedding Rings
Chang Apana's Detective Badge
Charlemagne's Crown
Charlemagne's Stirrup
Charles II of Navarre’s Bandages
Charles II's Croquet Balls *
Charles II's Executioner Axe
Charles VI’s Pillow
Charles Addams' Harpsichord
Charles Algernon Parsons' Gramophone Horn
Charles Angibaud’s Mortar
Charles Babbage's Gears
Charles Babbage's Difference Engine
Charles Baudelaire's Second Volume of Les Fleurs du mal
Charles B. Franklin’s Camshaft
Charles Bell's Rolls of Canvas
Charles Blondin's Tightrope
Charles Blondin's Unitard
Charles the Bold’s Livery Collar
Charles Bourseul’s Telephone
Charles Bowles' Flour Sack
Charles Calvert's Tobacco
Charles Carpenter’s Bazookas
Charles Correll's Amos 'n' Andy Taxi
Charles Coughlin's Collar
Charles Cretors’ Popcorn Cart
Charles Cullen's Scrubs
Charles Darwin’s Magnifying Glass
Charles Darwin's Spyglass
Charles Davenport's Syringe
Charles Dickens' Badminton Racket *
Charles Dickens’ Desk
Charles Dickens' Scotch
Charles Dodgson's Rosary
Charles Douglass’ Laff Box
Charles Édouard Guillaume's Balance Wheel
Charles F. Urschel’s Blindfold
Charles Fort’s Newspaper Clippings
Charles Fort's Umbrella
Charles Francis Hall's Coffee Cup
Charles Goodyear's Synthetic Rubber
Charles Hanson's Rocking Horse *
Charles J. Guiteau’s Revolver
Charles Jeffries' Skeleton Army Cap
Charles Kingsford Smith's Airplane's Undercarriage Leg and Wheel
Charles Knight's Hail Cannon
Charles Lindbergh Jr.’s Baby Rattle
Charles Lyell's Tool Belt
Charles M. Schulz's Pumpkin
Charles Macintosh's Socks
Charles Manson's Metal Guitar Pick
Charles Manson's VW Bus
Charles Martel's Stirrup
Charles Minthorn Murphy’s Bicycle Rollers
Charles Osborne's Water Cup
Charles Page's Cross
Charles Peace's Gold Pocketwatch
Charles Pearson's Tin-Can Telephone
Charles Perrault's Seven-League Boots
Charles Portal's RAF Pin
Charles Ponzi's Money Clip *
Charles Richter and Beno Gutenberg's Paper Roll and Pen
Charles Richter's Fountain Pen and Cap
Charles Simic's Fork
Charles Wells’ Roulette Wheel
Charles Whitman's Sniper Rifle
Charley Parkhurst's Whip
Charlie Chaplin's Bowler Hat
Charlie Chaplin's Cane
Charlotte Corday's Hairbrush
Charlotte Perkins Gilman's Wallpaper
Charlton Heston's Rifle
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Chen Si's Motorbike
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Chester Moore Hall's Achromatic Lens *
Chesty Puller's Bullet Shells
Chesty Puller's Five Navy Crosses
Chicago May's Lipstick
Chicago Wheel
Chief Tecumseh's Robes
Chimariko Tribe Shaman Drum
Chi Medallion
Chicago City Key Chain
Chinese Baoding Balls
Chinese Chopsticks
Chinese Doubling Pot
Chinese New Year Good Luck Knot
Chinese New Year Red Envelope
Chinese Orchid *
The Chinese Sandalwood
Ching Ling Foo’s Bowl
Ching Shih's Katana
Chiune Sugihara's Visa Stamp
Choe Bu's Diary
Choe Museon’s Hwacha
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Christchurch City Cathedral Spire
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Christiaan Huygens' Pendulum
Christiaan Huygens' Prism
Christian Doppler's Tie
Christian Mortensen's Thread and Needle
Christina the Astonishing's Thurible
Christine Chubbuck's Pearl Necklace
Christine Skubish's Toy Blocks
Christmas Lights from the Rockefeller Tree
Christmas Pyramid
Christmas Truce Submarine Ornament *
Christopher Columbus' Brooch *
Christopher Lee's Bowtie
Christopher Lee's Copy of The Lord of the Rings
Christopher Müller’s Gold Tooth
Christopher Reeve's Superman Cape
Christopher Robin Milne's Sketchpad
Choe Bu's Diary
Chōjun Miyagi's Gi Belt
Chowchilla Kidnapping School Bus
Chromatic Bermuda Kite
Chrysippus' Wine Bottle
Chuck Jones' Glasses
Chucky Doll
Chuck Yeager's Favourite Record *
Chuck Yeager's Flight Helmet
Chun-Kwai Seducing Vase *
Chung Ling Soo's Plate
Chunk of the Chelyabinsk Meteor
Church of St. Pancras' Altar Cross
Chyren's Rapier
Cinderella's Carriage
Cinderella's Glass Knife *
Cine-Kodak 8 Model 25 Camera
Cintamani Stone
Circe's Wand
Cirque du Soleil Leotard
Civil War Snare Drums
Clap-board from Thriller
Clara Barton's Gloves *
Clarence Birdseye's Food Freezer
Clarence Birdseye's Heat Pump
Clarence Saunders’ Turnstile
Clark Gable's Grooming Kit *
Clark Wiley's Cage
Claude Alexander Conlin’s Crystal Ball
Claude Alexander Conlin's Thought Control Turban *
Claude Louis Berthollet's Snuff Box
Claude Shannon's Chess Board
Claus von Stauffenberg’s Plastic Explosive
Claus von Stauffenberg's Suitcase
Clay Models From Corpse Bride
Clement Moore's Pen
Clementine's Ballcap
Cleopatra's Perfume Jar
Cleopatra's Preserved Asp *
Cleve Hall's Airbrush
Clever Hans’s Horseshoes
Clint Malarchuk's Blood-Stained Jersey
Clipped Wings of Pegasus
Clock Face and Hands from the Original Big Ben
Closet Door
Clothing Folding Laundry Hamper
Clyde Barrow's B.A.R. Machine Gun
Clyde W. Tombaugh's Photographic Plates
Coclé Cat
Coconut Husks from Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Coco Chanel's Handbag
Code of Hammurabi Tablet
Cold Feet Shoes
Cold War Air Raid Siren
Cole MacGrath's Amp
Cole MacGrath's Courier Jacket
Collection of Jimmy MacDonald's Sound Effect Devices
Colonel Sanders' Suit
Colossus Computer Vacuum Tubes
The Colt used by Clement Vallandigham
Columbia Space Shuttle
Combustable Figgy Pudding
The Comfy Chair
Complete Encyclopedia Brittanica, Circa 1966 *
Confucius' Flip-Flops *
Confucius' Lantern
Congo the Chimpanzee's Paint Brushes
Connor Kenway's Tomahawk
Conrad Haas’ Nozzle
Conrad Reed's Gold Nuggets
Consoling Valentine's Day Chocolates
Constance of Penafiel's Throne
Constantine the Great's Crucifix *
Constricting Yo-Yo
Conversation-Stopping Robot
Convincing Dreidels (canon)
Constantin Stanislavski's Eyeglasses
"Cookie Thieves Beware" Cookie Jar
Cookware from the Iron Chef Set
Copper Bowls of Life and Death *
Copper Roof Panel from the Plaza Hotel
Copy of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial from the Alamogordo Landfill
Coraline Jones' Doll
Corbels from the Church of St Mary and St David
The Cordwaining Shoebox
Cornelis Drebbel’s Micro-Telescope
Cornelis Drebbel's Oar
Corner of Moses Stone Tablet *
Corrupted Zalgo Computers
Corsican Brother's Vest *
Corn Popper
Corvo Attano's Gas Mask
Customer Service Cell Phone *
The Cottingley Fairies
Cotton Club Matchbox
Cotton Swab from the Phantom of Heilbronn
Count of St. Germain's Ring *
Cover of the Book of Kells
Covered Wagon
Craig Jackson's Watch
Craig Shergold’s Greeting Cards
Cranston's Police Blotter
Crazy Horse's Tomahawk
Creighton Abrams' Hat
Cretan Labyrinth Archway
Cristofori's Piano Keyboard
Cross Brace from the LZ 129 Hindenburg
Crown Devon Honey Pot Preserves Jar
Crown of Minos
Crown Prince Sado's Sandals
Crowns of Peter and Ines
Crying Heart Piano
Cryogenic Gas Heater
Crystal Skull
Crystalline Diamond Necklace *
Ctesibius' Water Clock
Cuchulainn's Post
The Cudgel in the Sack
Cuevas de los Cristales Selenite Sample
Cupid's Arrows
Currier & Ives Advent Calendar *
Curtis Ebbesmeyer’s Friendly Floatees Bath Toys
Cutthroat Kitchen's Hatchet
Currency Changing Wallet
Cy Young's Baseball
Cybermen Outfits
Cymbal-Banging Monkey
Cynebil of Porththorp's Jawbone and Skull
Cynthia Doll
Cyrill Demian's Accordion
Cyrus Teed's Orrery
Cyrus the Great's Achaemenian Tapestry
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Do you know which dog breeds originated in Tibet?
Tibet is the cradle of Zen Buddhism and a mystical place par excellence. Geographically, it is located in a region northeast of the Himalayas in Asia, within present-day China. There also originated famous dog breeds that perhaps not everyone knows that come from there, and that are very loved and popular. Do you want to know what are these dogs from Tibet? Read on.
This post is produced by Fancy Paws, the best pet grooming services in Chicago.
Tibetan Mastiff
The origins of this dog date back to almost 4,000 years ago in China. From the beginning it has been a breed of dog widely used for the work of shepherds. It was widely used in the Himalayas as a guardian of herds and villages.

Shih Tzu
In Chinese, Shih Tzu means “lion dog” but being such an independent dog, the nickname “cat dog” is not exaggerated. The Shih Tzu originates from China where it was a sacred animal in the palaces. Its ancestors are dogs from Tibet called Lhassa Apso, which the Dalai Lama would have given to the Chinese emperors around the 17th century.

Tibetan Terrier
Despite its name, this dog has nothing of Terrier except the mischievous and funny character it sometimes shows. When it arrived in Europe, the British looked for a name for it, first they called it Griffon but in the end they decided to call it Tibetan Terrier. The Tibetan Terrier is a very old breed from the mountains of Tibet. Bred basically in monasteries, monks used it as a companion dog and shepherds used it to guide their flocks.

Tibetan Spaniel
The Tibetan Spaniel has always been one of the favorite breeds of Tibetan monks, who bred them in their monasteries and used them to spin the prayer wheels. The origins of the Tibetan Spaniel are quite uncertain, in China there are some representations of very similar dogs dating back to 1100 BC. It is possible that this Spaniel comes from the first Pekingese.

Tibetan Kyi Apso
The traditional range of the Tibetan Kyi Apso is on the Tibetan plateau near Mount Kailash; the breed is said to have been present in its range since ancient times. It is believed that at some point it diverged from the Tibetan Mastiff as a distinct variety. In its area of origin, the breed was traditionally kept to protect livestock from predators, as well as to guard the homes and settlements of its masters.

Lhasa Apso
The Lhasa Apso is considered in its country of origin, Tibet, as a symbol of luck. As its name indicates, the Lhasa Apso originates from Tibet (Lhasa is the capital) and did not become known in the West until the beginning of the 20th century. The breed is supposed to have appeared around 800 B.C. from the hands of Tibetan monks and nobles. Others believe that its origin is not so ancient and speculate that the Lhasa Apso is the result of a cross between the Tibetan Terrier and the Spaniel.

If you have any of these dogs and need a bath, do not hesitate to contact our Pet Grooming Salon in Chicago. Our services give us the authority to be recognized as one of the best Dog Grooming Salon in Chicago. What are you waiting for to meet us? We recommend you the fantastic Deluxe Bath For Dog Chicago.
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3 Standard Teaching Guidelines For Superior Managing Of Your Dog
Dog training can be enjoyable or it can be a battle. How you and your puppy preceive education drastically relies upon on how you method instruction. This post shares with you three widespread errors puppy proprietors make when education their puppies and how you can stay away from them.
A hard-headed queen of England was suggested to abdicate and flee, mainly because her tiny army and fleet have been no match for a extensive Armada launched against her place by Spain to restore Catholicism. Elizabeth requested, "Why not?" - and viewed from the shore as her "Sea Puppies" destroyed the Armada and set up England as the pre-eminent electrical power in the planet for practically 4 generations.
In Northwest Indiana, 2x2 Rescue will celebrate Ground Hog Day with its initial massive adoption occasion of the yr at Hungry Hound Boutique & Grooming situated at 8243 Wicker Avenue in Saint John. The celebration operates from midday until eventually three p.m. and will function dogs, cats, birds and it's possible some other critters from the local and Indianapolis Chapters and Photos by Fetch Portraits.
For one particular matter, dogs are great for our well being. Scientific tests have demonstrated that elder citizens who have the companionship of a pet, especially if they are widowed, stay lives that are for a longer time, happier, and much healthier than a statistically related sample of elders with out animals.
Stop by PetSmart on the Near North Side at 1415 North Kingsbury Street in Chicago from 11 a.m. until finally 3 p.m. for an adoption and informational event for Chicago Pet Rescue. Examine out the pet dogs and Guinea Pigs.
There are several places that you can go to buy pet urns and memorials. But for broader variety and additional alternatives, the best spot to shop is on-line. If you want to have your urns personalized, there are some on-line shops that can do this for you as nicely.
Don't Punish Your Canine- This may possibly turn into incredibly tricky to do especially if you are a new operator. But unfavorable reinforcement is not as efficient as beneficial reinforcement. Unfavorable reinforcement youtube.com/..... assistance is just counterproductive. When you scream, yell, strike or punish your pet you make him/her fearful and on edge. Your dog will by no means know what to count on from you that means regardless of whether you will be great or indicate. When he/she feels this way it interferes with his or her capability to hear, reply, and take in your teaching.
Foothills Animal Shelter lately celebrated the very first anniversary of their new developing. They are ready to use 30,000 sq.-foot facility to present substantially wanted local community services and teaching for the metropolitan areas of Jefferson County. Along with pet very first assist, they also provide Puppy trainng classes. Foothills Animal Shelter is located at 580 McIntyre Road near the Indiana Exit at 6th Avenue. To find out far more, check out their web site or phone 303-278-7575.
The parents electricity was completely drained and defeated and the mom had admitted quite a few mothers and fathers elementary error. She believed using self-control would talk to her son that she did not love him. Her insecure strength designed her a pleaser. She felt generally stating indeed was the finest way to convey her love. I could also inform the father experienced checked out months or yrs in the past. Youngsters are as sensitive to strength as canines and the boy could sense but not understand his mother and father weak point. He understood his parents didn't have regulate, so who did? Audio familiar bosses?
Welcome your new pet into your family members by pursuing this record. When you deliver a new pet house you need to comprehend that your new "addition" is frightened at initial. Do not power your pet to get adjusted but consider to make him or her as at ease as possible.
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W.R.C. SERVICES has provided dog walking services throughout the City since 2009. Services include part and full-time walking, boarding, in-home sitting, puppy care, cat sitting, dog running, and pet pick-up and drop-off services for grooming and vet appointments. The staff walks up to two dogs at a time, and all walkers have been screened and are insured. #Dog #dogwalker #petsitting #pettaxi #petcare #dogsitter #chicagodog #chicagodogs (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB3aw2bnpqM/?igshid=2vpwk103n5su
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Web Marketing- SEO Services
Web Marketing- SEO Services is courtesy of: SEO company
Web Marketing - Search Engine Optimization Method for Business
Exactly what’s it prefer to help a world class Search Engine Optimization? What secrets could you amass on website promo? The Search Engine Optimization business is hot, amazing and difficult. While most individuals want to boost as well as promote their site, internet coupon companies commonly take care of such varied clients, it develops their instincts wherefore jobs and also what do not operate in the SEO video game. This post presents a few methods, pointers and myths regarding how to SEO your site into GOOGLE paradise.
Web content + Search Engine Optimization = Top GOOGLE Positions
If you have excellent web content and good SEO techniques, you’re websites must do rather well in the internet search engine. If you have SEO packed web pages full of garbage keyword expressions, one way or another, you’re gon na pay the price. There are way too many billions of dollars at risk for economical methods to elevate search engine rankings for long. Integrate great web content with excellent Search Engine Optimization impulses and also bang … you’re website web traffic will certainly escalate. Right here are some typical ideas, you could have heard, however are worth duplicating.
Site Layout - SEO Method
If you can not highlight as well as grab the message off of your site - keep an eye out! If you can not get it as well as paste it into a document, how do you assume an online search engine is going to read it put it in their online search engine. Certain, individuals will tell you, do not fret, the internet search engine index it not trouble. Maybe they are right, my gut claim Watch Out! Maintain it basic!
Keyword Phrase Selection - SEO Method
You can spend hours investigating your key words, try great deals of combo’s and also still get no results in the search engines. What the problem? CONTENT! The keywords and also the material have to move with each other. As an example, if you cover pet dog pet grooming as well as switch to a couple of pet cat brushing instances, you may beat your SEO efforts. If you write for the internet search engine like you were speaking to a 10 years old, you’ll most likely get much higher SEO results.
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Meta Tag Mania - SEO Technique
There are lots of meta tag ways to’s to read as well as confuse you. Right here’s a tip for writing better meta tags - claim you’re asking out on a date as well as just say what you have to say without all the bull corn. For instance, “I’m ah, mosting likely to be in the area this evening, as well as ask yourself if you would certainly ahh. oh yeah as well as I just rebreed something … ah, just what was I aiming to claim is ahh, there’s a wonderful film tonight if you would love to ah … Now compare that speech that never got to the point with, "Look girl, I assume you’re beautiful, would certainly you like to see a film with me?” And shut up!!!
Copywriting - Search Engine Optimization Strategy
Ditto for the copy writing - less is extra. Claim you’re composing for NPR. Exactly what do they do? They tell you exactly what they are going to inform you, tell you what the have to say then tell you exactly what the informed you. NPR are no dummies, if that’s just what they do, it should excel so get on the band wagon as well as blow your trumpet.
Image Tags - Search Engine Optimization Technique
By the time you’re worried about including photo tags to Search Engine Optimization your site, you either have an excellent site method, way up their in the online search engine or you’re a SEO junky that needs assistance. No body could ensure you # 1 rankings on Google so do not set your sails for difficult objectives. Someday, we’ll all wake up in the 1980’s once again and also uncover the sense of flexibility people back in pre-internet period.
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Water Damage Restoration Company Announces New Eastern Region Vice President
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=23364 The growing commercial water damage restoration firm of Blackmon Mooring & BMS CAT, announces the promotion of Jeremy James to the new position of Eastern Region Vice President.Employed since 2011, Jeremy has managed all aspects of sales and operations across the Dallas and Fort Worth markets, ensuring his team is satisfying customer needs. As Eastern Region Vice President, he will oversee operations in six of the company’s 17 markets: Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Nashville, and Washington, D.C.“I’m in awe of how self-fulfilling this kind of business and position can be,” said James. “It is truly rewarding when you are able to help others in times of need. My goal here is simple: encourage a sense of urgency so we can provide a speedy recovery in order to get normalcy back into the lives of our clients.”Prior to working with Blackmon Mooring & BMS CAT, James spent 14 years at PepsiCo-Frito Lay, also based in North Texas. His ‘in the trenches’ experiences allowed James to groom his career from being on a route to becoming a leader within a Fortune 500 company.“I’ve been heavily entrenched with the local market, from the day-to-day operational force to developing relationships with the sales department, and working alongside our production team,” said James. It is this kind of team mentality that resulted in his promotion.“Jeremy has the boots-on-the-ground experience to lead our Eastern region,” said Tom Head, president of Blackmon Mooring & BMS CAT. “While he will office out of our corporate headquarters in Haltom City, he will be extremely hands-on in each of his six locations on a daily basis to ensure we are providing the best level of customer service possible. It’s this kind of leadership that will translate into consistent growth and a positive return on company assets.”Blackmon Mooring & BMS CAT specialize in all types of damage restoration, clean up and reconstruction services for both commercial and residential customers. For more information on Blackmon Mooring & BMS CAT, please visit BMSCAT.COM/Why-US.
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