#casually reveal what im referencing once all is said and done
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dipplinduo · 1 year ago
Sweet & Sour Dipplins: Fun Easter Egg
I just casually left two very hidden hints about some pretty significant things tha will be coming up in the fic within the last 5 posts that are on my blog prior to this one. One has symbolic implications. Another has storyline implications. They are NOT in your face because of the gravity of what they imply, and if you realize them they mayyyyy make you feel I'm evil LOOOOL
For those who like the hunt and wanna know now: have fun searching!! 😁✨
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chokememrstark · 7 years ago
The Soulmate Sam Never Asked For // Part 12
Ship: Samifer (Sam Winchester / Lucifer)
Words: 2941 (Chapter 12 / 12)
Fic Summary: Two months have passed and Sam, Lucifer and Raphael have settled down in their new home together. There's only one thing left to worry about: Gabriel. Lucifer is nervous and excited all the same when he finally gets to see his youngest brother again, but there are still a few obstacles in the way of happiness. Sam is glad that he can be by Lucifer's side through this, even if he never expected things to turn out this way.
college!AU, human!AU, soulmates!AU, dysfunctional families, abusive parents, dramatic romance, or romantic drama, your choice, big brother!Lucifer, soulmates hating each other, referenced alcoholism, death and abuse, some violence, and lots of feels, fluff and cuteness, some drama but not too much, lots of bickering, and two damn stubborn soulmates (!!)
Note: I’m so, so, so sorry that I’m posting the last chapter so late. I completely forgot Dx
Tagging: @shebahda   @sassysupernaturalsweetheart    @spnyoucantkeepmedown  @brieflymaximumprincess @multifandomhcsforinsanity @etysky @justasmalltownsuperwholock @humongouscandycoffee @daddycasstiel @nnegann @blakechaos08
If you want off the tag list or want to be added, just drop me an ask or IM!
Read on AO3!
 “Lucifer, are you coming?” Sam shouted out of the kitchen window. Lucifer was chasing Raphael through the garden for almost an hour now and it was getting dark already.
 When the two brothers came back through the terrace door, laughing and dirty as pigs, Sam couldn't help but chuckle. He ruffled Raphael's hair and told him to go take a bath before bed, while Lucifer got himself a coffee and sat down at the kitchen table. Sam followed suit, smiling at the huge grin on the blond’s face.
 “He recovered pretty fast, didn't he?” Sam asked and Lucifer nodded.
 “He did, yeah. He couldn't wait to get out of the hospital,” Lucifer smiled. “I can't blame him, he's been there for far too long.”
 “And you? Ready for the big day tomorrow?”
 “Ready?” Lucifer laughed and took a big sip from his mug. “Nervous as hell doesn't even scratch it.”
 “It's gonna be okay, I know it,” Sam assured him. “You’ve gone through all the formalities, they've talked to you, everything else will come easy. It’s a good place for kids, they’ll see that too.”
 Lucifer smiled weakly, but Sam knew his nervousness wouldn't be gone that easily. Over the last two months they had spent every day working on the house with Bobby, Lucifer whenever he could during the week, as he still visited Raphael at the hospital, and Sam helping him out on the weekends and in the evening.. They had fixed the windows and staircase, cleaned the whole place thoroughly and painted every wall inside and out. Bobby even surprised them one day by revealing something he had built when they took a weekend off: a small playground in the yard, including a set of swings, a slide and a tower with various climbing opportunities. Sam and Lucifer had no idea he was working on something like that and were equally stunned and surprised.
 With Bobby's help they had turned the slowly decaying house into a nicely looking and comfortable place to live at. Each of them had their own bedroom, the other two were reserved for Lucifer's brothers. Bobby even helped them clean out the attic and install a new ladder, so they were able to use it for storage in the future. They didn't even have to pay any rent, Bobby's only condition was that they took good care of the house and that was something they gladly agreed on.
 And now, after countless of appointments with the CPS and the family Gabriel had lived with for the last months, Lucifer would finally be reunited with his youngest brother. Raphael was already living with them for two weeks now and enjoyed it greatly, but both brothers were equally excited to have the little one back soon. And, if he was honest, Sam was too. He had never seen Lucifer like this before, he could only imagine how it would be having both of his brothers with them. Of course things wouldn't be easy, but they would manage somehow.
 After Raphael's bath, Lucifer went upstairs to put his brother to bed and Sam decided to go sit on the terrace for a bit to enjoy the cool night air. He had to admit that he really liked this place. It was much bigger and more comfortable than his dorm room and Lucifer turned out to be quite a pleasant housemate. Even with Raphael around it was all very peaceful. Things would be more lively with Gabriel, of course, but Sam was sure he'd like the house too, especially the playground. The most important thing, however, was that the brothers were far, far away from their father and Lucifer was already taking the necessary steps to become his brothers legal guardian in a few months, when he’d turn twenty-one. Once this was done their old man wouldn't have any rights over them anymore, which Sam was very glad about.
 The door behind Sam opened and a moment later Lucifer joined him on the terrace by plopping into a chair next to him.
 “Already asleep?” Sam asked curious and handed Lucifer a Coke from the table.
 “He was out before I even tucked him in fully,” Lucifer chuckled and leaned back into his chair. “No wonder, he ran around like a headless chicken today.”
 “He has to catch up on a lot,” Sam sighed quietly. “But he can do that now. He can be a kid again.”
 “All thanks to you.”
 “Bullshit,” Sam huffed and waved his hand. “I'm not his brother who did so much for him, that's your accomplishment.”
 “But you saved his life and gave him.a new home…” Lucifer cleared his throat and looked up at Sam. “You gave      us     a new home.”
 “It’s the least I could do,” Sam smiled warmly. “You kinda grew on me, I can't help it, and so did Raphael. I'm glad you're away from this tyran now at least.”
 “I like it here,” Lucifer smiled and looked around into the night. “I know this isn't really what you wanted, or what I wanted for that matter, but it's not as bad as I thought.”
 “It’s not what I wanted, no, but it's not the worst thing either.”
 “What do you mean?” Lucifer gave Sam a confused look that made the brunet smile.
 “You know I hate this soulmate crap, I don't think that will ever change. But now that I know you as a person and not just my soulmate it's different, you know?”
 “Yeah, I feel the same way,” Lucifer nodded. “I like you, but for you and not because I have to. Of course I'm thankful for all you did for me and my brothers, but that's not why I like you either. It's kinda nice being your friend, I can't always show that, but it's true.”
 “Lucifer, you've got your head full, you can't always show things like that, I get it. And you're not a bad friend either, I enjoy being around you. Even if it's not the way it was for my parents, I like this. And, well, maybe it's better the way it is.”
 “You mean without the love and devotion and relationship hassle?” Lucifer smirked and Sam chuckled.
 “Yeah, without all that stuff,” he agreed. “I mean, if it would happen I wouldn't say 'hell no’ anymore, but for now it's good the way it is, don't you think?”
 “I wouldn't say that either, but you're right.” Lucifer emptied his Coke and stood up. “It's good like this now, if anything else happens or things change we’ll find a way to deal with it. But it’s getting late. What do you think, time for bed?”
 “Yeah, it's a big day tomorrow, we need sleep.” Sam followed Lucifer inside, smiling slightly. The blond was right. If things changed between them they'd find a way to deal with it. By now he had accepted that they were soulmates, maybe this was the first step, he didn't know. What he did know was that he had found a great friend and that was enough for the time being.
 Lucifer was even more nervous the next morning than the day before. He had changed his usual bad boy attire to something more casual and friendly and, like every time he dressed like that, it made him look like a completely different person. While they waited for the doorbell to ring, Lucifer kept fiddling with his hands to the point where Sam longed for them across the table so he'd hold still for a moment. He gave the other a knowing smile when he looked up.
 “Relax, it's gonna be okay,” Sam assured Lucifer again, brushing a thumb over the back if his hand. “You'll see, there's no need to be worried.”
 “Do you think he'll like it here?” Lucifer asked nervously. “What if he wants to stay with this other family because he likes it better there?”
 “Lucifer, you're his brother! He won't pick strangers over you, don't think that.”
 “I hope so,” Lucifer sighed and weakly returned Sam's hand squeeze. “And I hope he can forgive me for putting him through this in the first place…”
 “You didn't put him through anything, that was your so called dad, okay? You fought for your brothers and to get him back, I'm sure he knows that.”
 “As long as he's not scared of me or wants to leave again…” Lucifer grabbed Sam's hand tighter. “I don't think I could handle that.”
 “He won't, I don’t think so. Now cheer up a bit, they're coming any minute now and you don't wanna greet your little brother with a frowny face, right?”
 “Of course not,” Lucifer said and smiled weakly at Sam.
 A few minutes later the doorbell finally rang and Lucifer jumped off his chair, nearly knocking it over in the process. Sam followed him to the door quickly and laid a hand on his shoulder as Lucifer opened it.
 “Luci!” A high pitched voice echoed through the air as soon as the door was opened and not even a moment later the little boy Sam had seen sleeping in the hospital before jumped into Lucifer's arms with the biggest smile on his face. Sam glanced over at the woman still standing in the door and noticed the smile on her face. A good sign, he hoped.
 “Miss Barker?” Sam asked politely and held out a hand for her to take, which she did and nodded.
 “You must be Mister Winchester, I suppose?”
 “Sam is fine,” Sam smiled. “Please, come inside.”
 Miss Barker followed the invitation while Lucifer stood up, still hugging his little brother. Sam closed the door behind them and they all walked into the living room, where Sam had prepared coffee already.
 “Please, have a seat,” Sam gestured miss Barker to sit, then turned to the blond. “Lucifer? Are you coming?”
 Lucifer gave Sam a nod and looked back at his brother.
 “Hey Gabe, how about you go upstairs and look for Raphie? He told me he had a surprise waiting for you.”
 “Raphie is here? Yippie!” Gabriel threw his arms up and squealed in excitement.
 “You just go up the stairs, slowly, and knock on the first door you see, can you do that? But be careful, Raphie just came home from the hospital, so no fighting, okay?”
 “Okay, Luci!” Gabriel laughed and off he went to find his brother. Lucifer smiled after him for a moment before joining Sam and the CPS woman in the living room.
 “Gabriel was very excited to see you again,” Miss Barker said with a warm smile into Lucifer's direction. “He missed you a lot.”
 “I missed him too,” Lucifer replied quietly, listening to the voices coming from upstairs.
 “As you can see,” Sam continued to speak as no one else seemed to do it. “The house is rather big and Raphael is already living here with us. We also prepared a room for Gabriel upstairs and the garden has a playground that I'm sure he'll like.”
 “You have put a lot of effort into this house, but I'm sure you know it will take some time before Gabriel can live here permanently.”
 “How much time?” Lucifer asked and turned towards her. “We did everything we could, I even began going through the process to become their legal guardian once I turn twenty-one. What else do I have to do to get my brother back?”
 “Lucifer, I never said you wouldn't get him back,” Miss Barker said and gave the boy a stern look. “Your living situation is more than suitable, Gabriel wants to come back and from my point of view there is nothing speaking against it. But this is a legal process that takes time, I can't change that.”
 “How long will it take approximately?” Sam asked again, taking the words from Lucifer, who was visibly upset and on edge already.
 “Since everything speaks for Gabriel living here, it's going to take around five weeks until everything is settled.”
 “Five weeks?” Lucifer was shocked.
 “Don't worry, during those weeks Gabriel will visit you regularly to see how things go when you live together. The first two weeks he may stay for a few hours, under my supervision, the following two weeks it will be during the weekend without me and the last week he may stay here completely. If everything goes well he won't have to leave anymore after that.”
 Sam grabbed Lucifer's hand, who looked like he wanted to argue, and held him back this way. Much to his surprise, the blond stayed silent.
 “Thank you,” Sam said as calm as possible. “I'm very glad you're giving Lucifer this chance. After Raphael's health has improved and he worked so hard to make a new home for them, away from their father, we just hope that Gabriel can settle down here with his brothers and have his family back.”
 “Yeah…” Lucifer mumbled and looked at Sam for a long moment. “I really want nothing more than to have both of my brothers back and see them grow up happy.”
 “I don't think there's anything standing in the way of that,” Miss Barker smiled and Sam noticed the shimmer in her eyes. She was emotional, a big plus for Lucifer. “I'm sure your brothers will be very happy here, it's a wonderful home.”
 “Yes, yes it is,” Sam nodded and smiled back at her.
 In the evening, after Gabriel and Miss Barker were long gone and Raphael went to bed - not without a heartfelt goodbye that actually made the CPS woman tear up - Sam and Lucifer sat in the living room to let the day run out. They had talked for a long time before and Lucifer had come to terms with having to wait a few more weeks until everything would be over, something Sam was very glad about.
 Now that tiredness began creeping in and he yawned behind his hand, Sam asked himself if this feeling of comfort he suddenly felt around Lucifer was due to the stressful day or just something he hadn't noticed before. It wasn't unpleasant at all, quite the opposite in fact. He actually liked it.
 “Thank you for your help today, Sam,” Lucifer suddenly said, ripping the other out of his thoughts. “I'm sure I would've screwed things up without you.”
 “I’m glad I could help, you know that,” Sam smiled. “Everything went well and I'm sure it'll stay this way. He'll be back with you soon, I know that.”
 “I hope so too,” Lucifer sighed. “I guess it's time to call it a day, I can barely keep my eyes open anymore.”
 “Me neither,” Sam agreed and suppressed another yawn as he got up. “It's late and it was a stressful day. Let's catch some sleep.”
 The two walked upstairs after turning off the lights. Lucifer checked on Raphael quickly, finding his brother asleep as he had expected, and closed the door with a smile. Sam watched him quietly, not even noticing the warm feeling in his chest.
 “Hey, Lucifer?”
 “You were great today,” Sam said. “I've never seen you so happy before. It was really nice.”
 “It's silly, but my brothers just make me happy.”
 “It's not silly,” Sam smiled and shook his head. “It's really cute actually.”
 Despite the dim light in the upstairs corridor, Sam saw the slight hint of red on Lucifer's face. It made the warmth spread to his stomach.
 “Thank you, Sam,” Lucifer eventually smiled back and, much to Sam's surprise, closed the distance between them instead of going into his own room.
 “Is something wrong?” Sam asked, slightly confused, and looked at the blond.
 “I don't think so,” Lucifer frowned, meeting Sam's gaze. “I just… would you mind if I… you know... ”
 “Not at all,” Sam smiled, using too now that he realized what the other was trying to ask for.
 When Lucifer leaned down and brushed his lips against Sam's, the warmth in the brunet’s stomach flared up immensely, as if a million flaming butterflies were flapping their wings. Sam closed his eyes slowly, just focusing on this new and utterly overwhelming sensation that seemed to spread into every cell of his body. He barely noticed that Lucifer laid a hand on his hip, all he could feel right now was this kiss and how dizzy and weak it made him feel.
 Despite all of Sam’s efforts to fight against being Lucifer’s soulmate from the moment they met, he had felt his walls crumble more and more with each passing day. He would have never expected things to take such a turn so soon, not even in his wildest dreams. When Lucifer pulled back after a very long and very nice minute, Sam couldn’t help but smile at him.
 “Changed your mind on not letting it get to you?” Sam asked sheepishly, to which Lucifer grinned.
 “Maybe a little,” he said. “If you don’t mind of course. I mean, we live together already, we’re friends… maybe it won’t be that bad.”
 “Yeah, maybe,” Sam sighed contently. “I think I can take a risk for once.”
 “I promise I won’t make you regret it,” Lucifer assured Sam and kissed him again - this one much deeper and not less thrilling as the first time.
 For the first time, Sam actually believed that being Lucifer’s soulmate might turn out to be a good thing. He was happy now, even if things were difficult sometimes, and he didn’t want to miss the other in his life anymore. And who knew, maybe they’d be able to make it work. Sam really hoped so at least.
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