#casual nudity ghouls
iamthecomet · 1 year
Oh Comet,
I don't know why I am spending my Sunday evening thinking about ghoul balls, dicks and boobs just flapping and bouncing around but I here we are.
You know that when they're left to their own devices they run around the ghoul dorm naked as the day that they were summoned. Nudity is a normal thing for ghouls and they don't understand why some humans are so uptight about it. Dewdrop says that people are weird because "nobody is born wearing clothes". He has a point?
Unless it's practice time or he is out of the dorm for some reason Dew NEVER wears pants. You might find him in an oversized (someone else's) T shirt but that's it. No pants at all. If Imperator happens to walk into the dorm unannounced, he claims it is because he didn't feel like adjusting his tail.
Anyway, my point is that there are always balls and dicks and tits dangling and jangling in the ghoul dorm. If your sitting on the sofa in the common room at movie time and you turn around, you will most likely be eye level with Mountain's balls as he stands there behind you, one hand holding a bowl of popcorn as the other hand shoves handfuls into his mouth while he waits the next bag of microwave popcorn to be ready.
Sometimes the smaller ghouls (Dew, Sunny or Aurora) will climb up onto Cumulus and sit on her as if they are sitting in a Lay Z Boy recliner. They'll squish the back of their head or neck in between her boobs, like a head rest and nestle their butts down into her belly and thighs just like a comfortable chair. Pull up a blanket and within 5 minutes they're out like a light. They'll also sit on Aether that way too.
The funniest thing was that one night when Dew was sitting on Aeth as they both quietly read their books and ended up nodding off. One small ghoul using a larger ghoul like a chair, each with a book lying face down on their chest, reading glasses pushed to the ends of their noses, quietly snoring. Dew had a blanket pulled up on his lap like a granny and they both were wearing fuzzy slippers.
Swiss took a picture.
GREMLIN. Casual nudity ghouls my beloved! You know they genuinely don't care, barely even think about it half the time. It's an actual chore to get Sunshine to wear clothes at all ("they're so uncomfortable"). I think they do enjoy them from time to time for fashion reasons. They like to look good. But for comfort? Yeah, baggy shirts or sweaters with nothing under them. Sweatpants an no shirts. Just straight up nothing. You know Swiss has that photo locked an loaded too. Ready to send it out at a moment's notice for a variety of reasons. Aether probably has it as his phone background, honestly.
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ghcstcd · 2 years
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You know what? Creatures your Rain Ghoul
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lacontroller1991 · 5 months
Rumors (Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x F!Reader)
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Main Master List || Misc Master List
Summary: After you believed he was dead, it comes as a shock to you that he's alive and wrecking havoc.
Warnings: 18+, HEAVY LANGUAGE, drug usage, drinking, mention of cannibalism, violence, gun slinging, blood, nudity, fighting
Author's Note: I swear I'll work on my other requests but the Cooper Howard brain rot is REAL and its STRONG, anywho, first time so let me know how you guys like it :)
Word Count: 3k
In the wastelands of California, rumors get you killed and you’ve heard rumors. Whispers of his return. It’s been a while since you’ve seen him. Since he left you on your own in the middle of a gun fight to collect his bounty; and it nearly cost you your life. 
The last you’ve heard about him was that he was 6 feet deep and locked in a coffin with no way of escaping, unless someone purposely dug him out. Yet, you can’t think of a single person who would. Still, rumors spread like wildfire, and you’d be damned if you don’t try and get revenge.
The California sun beats down on your back. The heat weighs you down, but not as much as the pain in your chest. He let you believe that he cared about you. He really fooled you into a sense of partnership, romance, but you really should’ve known. Cooper Howard is a lone wolf, nothing and nobody will stand in his way. 
The site of Filly in the distance is a welcoming sight. If anyone has seen anything, it would have been here. It doesn’t take you long to cross the remaining distance, sweat dripping down your back as you enter the market. 
“Haven’t seen ya in a while (Y/N).” A local merchant snides with a creepy smile, showcasing his rotten teeth. Walking over to your side, he runs a hand down your arm and you resist the urge to gag. “What are ye in town for?” 
“Information.” You eye the stairs that are being fixed, along with other wooden structures, a signature sign that he’s been here.
“Looking for your Ghoul, huh?” His face is offly close to yours and it’s enough for you to draw your gun, casually pressing it into his side, causing him to instantly back off. “He was here two days ago. Got in a firefight with a knight, seemed like he was after a bounty.” You scoff. Of course he is. Anything for those damn vials. Vials. At the thought of vials a malicious smile forms on your face. Sooner or later, he will need to get more, and you’ll be there when he does. 
Holstering your gun, you flip him a bottle cap in appreciation before stalking off, heading to the one place you know he will be.
By the time the sun sets, you’re settled in an abandoned building, low enough to the ground where you can see what’s coming, but high enough to be out of any immediate danger. Wrapping your arms around yourself tighter, you can’t help but to think about the times where you and him would be shoulder to shoulder, barely touching, but enough to make butterflies fly in your stomach.
Despite his ghoulish appearance, you find him to be quite handsome. His rugged cowboy exterior does barely enough to hide the last shred of humanity he has, and at times, it was directed towards you. With a sigh, you let your eyes shut, sleep easily consuming over you.
“Please, let me go.” A feminine voice stirs you from your unconsciousness as your eyes blink against the harsh light of the sun. “Please, sir, I’m begging you.” Shuffling slightly, you peer your head past the concrete wall, spotting two figures, one in a blue/yellow vault-tec suit and the other in a cowboy hat with a lasso around the girl. 
“Well I’d be damned,” it’s hushed and to yourself, afraid of him hearing you and spotting you.
“I done told you vaultie, ain’t gonna happen. You deaf or sum?” His drawl sends chills down your spine as he nudges her forward with the tip of his gun. “Now hur-” his words are cut off by a coughing fit but his grip on the lasso remains. After regaining his breath, he wipes his mouth on the back of his sleeve. “Hurry up. I ain’t got all day.” You watch in silence as the pair walks past your hideout, unaware of your existence. Grabbing your things, you rush off after them, making sure to stay in the shadows as your brain goes through different scenarios of what could happen. Would you and Cooper make up? Would he try to kill you? Would you try to kill him? Does he even care? The closer they get to the supermart, the more you hang back, hand slightly hovering over your gun. 
Trying to listen to the conversation, you strain your ears but to no avail. Peeking over an abandoned car, you focus your eyes on the situation ahead of you, watching as he gestures for the girl to go through the sliding glass door. The minute they shut, he collapses on the ground and you resist the urge to go and help him. Sighing, you open the bag at your side, rummaging through a variety of equipment before your fingers run over the cool glass of the vials that keep him sane. “That’s just ironic,” you chuckle, looking back to him still laying on the ground, a slight tang of pity radiating through your chest. If there’s anything you hate about yourself, it’s that. You’re too soft for people who have no problem leaving you out to dry. 
You could confront him now, kick him while he’s down, but being dramatic is more fun. It’s useless trying to talk to him when he’s in that sorry state. 
An hour later and you’re still outside, covering from the sun and waiting for the right moment to make your appearance. The sight of the vaultie walking alone gathers your attention as you keep out of sight? Now how the hell did she manage to escape? You’re not an idiot, everyone and their mamas know that the SuperDuper Mart takes in bodies and harvests the organs, selling them to the highest bidder. So how on this God forsaken planet did she escape practically unscathed? As she walks further away you ponder the possibility that maybe you and everyone on the surface has really underestimated the ones who live below. 
Once she is out of sight, you rush out from your hiding spot and toward the mart, hoping to find him. “Well, he isn’t where I saw him last,” you huff out, drawing your gun from its holster as you walk through the glass door, keeping your eyes vigilant. With the mart being practically empty aside from overturned themed rides, it’s easy to hear a person stumbling around, knocking stuff over. 
By the time you spot him, his back is to you, head tipped slightly back as he downs a bottle of alcohol he found. The sound of you cocking your gun causes him to freeze in place, and if you were facing him, you would spot the smile on his face. 
“You ain’t gonna shoot me now, are ya?” Your silence is deafening and you don’t move an inch, not really sure if you would actually shoot him or not.  “Was wonderin’ when you were gonna find me.”
“It’s pretty easy to find a drug addicted ghoul these days, especially ones that have a penchant for the dramatics.” You keep your gun trained on his back as he slowly turns around, dropping the glass bottle and letting it shatter to the floor. 
“Me? Dramatic? I don’t think I’m the dramatic one sweetheart. You’re the one who came in here, guns blazing. I think you’re the dramatic one.” He takes a step forward, and another, and another, until his chest is pressed right against the nozzle of your gun. “Now why don’t you put your gun down and give Coop a big ki-” your gun whacks across his face, tearing the flesh slightly only for it to heal right away, causing him to growl. His gloved hand reaches up and wraps around your throat, hoisting you against the wall while you struggle in his grasp. “That’s no way to greet me. Where are your manners?” He asks, his southern accent penetrating each word.
“Fucker,” raising a leg, you kick between his with all you can muster and spit on his face, the shock being enough to let you loose and allowing you to slip out. 
He looks at you for a second before laughing sadistically, using his thumb to collect your spit and put it in his mouth, closing his eyes as if he was savoring it. “I missed you kitten.”
Scoffing, you holster your gun and take a seat on the couch, turning your attention to the tv where you spot a young, handsome, human Cooper Howard on the screen. “Really Coop? You’re that full of yourself?”
Shrugging his shoulders, he plops down next to you before taking another bottle and giving that a swig. “Was the only half decent shit in this hell hole,” at the mention of the place, you take a proper look around, bodies laying everywhere, some human, some ghoul, and even a robot.
“The fuck happened here?”
“Was traveling with a vault dweller, traded her for some vials but I guess she didn’t take too well to the idea of her organs being sold,” he comments nonchalantly, twisting off the cap of a vial and draining the liquid into his mouth while you look at him like he grew two heads. 
“You’re meaning to tell me that that vault dweller managed to do all this?”
“Did I stutter?” Now you know you really underestimated the people in the vaults. You honestly wonder if they’re all like this or is she just some random four leaf clover. “Why’d you come in here raisin hell anyway?”
Leaning back on the couch, you look forward to the tv, trying to concentrate on the handsome man on the screen instead of the one sitting next to you, “heard you were dead.”
“The details of my death have been greatly exaggerated. Still doesn’t answer my question,” he looks at you with a look that says ‘I frankly don’t give a shit’ but something deep down inside of you tells you that he does. 
“I’m pissed as hell that you left me. I thought we were partners?” Rolling his eyes, he laps at a random white powder laying on the table before leaning back.
“Don’t get your panties in a twist. Didn’t see a need to stick around. You got what you wanted and I got what I wanted. Seemed like a fair trade.” 
A sigh escapes your mouth as you take the bottle from his one hand and downed it, scrunching your nose as the alcohol burns down your throat and lights a fire in your stomach. How can he be so naive? You had initially joined him when you were both after the same group of people, but for vastly different reasons. He had wanted the large bounty on the head of the leader and you wanted to find your past lover, but somewhere along the route to finding them you developed feelings for the Ghoul sitting next to you, and you thought he developed them too. You initially didn’t spot him when the shooting started, too occupied with the Ghoul pressing his back against yours, the two of you working in tandem. Everything happened so fast and before you knew it, you were the only one shooting back at the group of people, most of them lying dead and your companion nowhere to be seen. The bounty was also gone.
He had left you on your own and it hurt. It also didn’t help that once the shooting was over and you remained, you found your former lover in the arms of another. It’s true that you found who you wanted, but at what cost? Was it really your lover than you wanted or was it Cooper Howard, the Ghoul, who you wanted?
Realistically, you know the answer. It’s pretty obvious by the way that when you heard he was alive, you practically dropped everything in pursuit of him. Taking another swig of the alcohol you ponder over your next course of actions. Should you admit your feelings for him or should you leave it? Looking back at the tv, you watch the former Cooper Howard get down from his horse, gun in hand and hat tipped ever so slightly over his eyes, much like how the man next to you does. He’s never going to be the same man again, you know that, but maybe he still has the ability to love? “I love you, you know?”
Cooper looks over to you with a puzzled look on his face before it goes blank and your heart sinks. If there was any sort of superpower you could have right now, it would 100% be mind reading. “You’re stupid.” 
“Right. Yep. Totally.” You’re pissed. You took a gamble and lost. Laid your heart on the line only for it to be destroyed. Swallowing down your pride, you get up from your seat and holster your gun, taking a couple of vials for safe keeping. “Have a good life Coop.” You don’t bother turning back, tears welling in your eyes. How could you have been so stupid? Of course he doesn’t return the feeling. You kick the dead body out of your way, too overwhelmed with your emotions to realize that he is calling your name. A hand wrapping around your wrist stirs you from your thoughts as he hand spins you around to face him, a soft look gracing his features.
“I ain’t finished,” it’s soft. Softer than anything you’ve ever heard from him but you yank your hand away, rebuilding the walls around your heart.
“I don’t wanna he-” he cuts you off with a rough kiss against your lips, his arms wrapping around your body and holding you close as his scarred lips move against yours. The kiss is rough, demanding, but also loving, intimate. It’s enough to make you dizzy. Pulling away, he keeps you in his grasp as you look up at him through blown eyes, trying to figure out what he’s playing at. “Coop?”
“Shh darlin’. You didn’t let me finish. I said you’re stupid. Stupid for loving someone like me. I’m no good for anyone, especially you, you should know this.” You can tell by the restraint in his voice that he fully means what he’s telling you. Smiling softly, you dust off his duster and pull on his vest, straightening out his clothes as he watches you, not really sure what to make of your intentions. 
“Y’know, there was this one cowboy I met years ago and when I asked how he survived as long as he has and you know what he told me?”
“What’s that?”
“We take it as it comes.” He closes the bridge between the two of you with his mouth against yours, this time it’s more eager. Taking in your bottom lip, he bites hard enough to draw blood, causing you to gasp in surprise. Using that to his advantage, his tongue slips in, exploring every crevice of the mouth that he’s longed for.
“Well ain’t this sweet. We have a ghoul and a ghoulfucker. I wonder what that sex looks like,” you and Cooper pull away abruptly, you eye the three men in sheriff uniforms while Cooper scowls, annoyed by their presence. Moving towards them, Cooper raises his hands in false surrender while you get behind his back, one hand reaching for his shotgun and the other reaching for your own gun, ready to draw at any moment. 
“What can I do for you folks?” The three men eye each other before pointing their guns at Cooper, you still standing behind him, ready to take on each of them.
“Destroying a legitimate business? That’s illegal around these parts,” one speaks up, aviators covering his eyes as he moves around to get a better view of you. “My my, don’t tell me this pretty little thing did all this damage. Why don’t you raise your hands sweetheart, let’s see that gorgeous figure.” 
If looks could kill, that man would be 12 feet under and blasted to high heaven with the biggest nuke Cooper could find. “I’d be careful if I were you, she may be pretty, but she's also a pint sized atom bomb.” His head tilts, telling you all that you needed to know. Reaching for your gun, you quickly shoot the two companions as Cooper lunges for the man who dared to flirt with you. Kicking the gun away from reach, Cooper wraps his hand around the throat of the sheriff and hoists him in the air while you loot their supplies. Turning the men around, you cut their pants off, leaving their backside exposed for Cooper to take his fair share of ass jerky. The man in his grasp squirms at the site of his counterparts being exposed, but Cooper’s grip doesn’t falter.
“Why are you sick freaks doing this?” The man continues to struggle in Cooper’s grasp, hands trying to claw away at skin but to no avail as you load your gun, sliding over to the duo. 
“Wanna do the honors sweetheart?” It’s rare that Cooper offers anybody anything, let alone a kill and it takes you a minute to process his proposal.
“We do this for the love of the game.” A gunshot rings out while the man goes limp in Cooper’s hand, brains splattered on the floor below you. Dropping the man, Cooper’s eyes flit to your body, chest rising and falling as you come off the adrenaline high. 
“Now that was hot as hell sweetheart. You sure know how to make an impression on an old man.” 
“Is that right?”
“‘m afraid so.” His eyes watch as you begin to unbuckle your armor, letting it fall from your frame to the floor.
“Then come and get me cowboy.”
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sovaghoul · 9 months
Casual nudity Ghouls reblog you agree
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sitp-recs · 9 months
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AO3 Wrapped - 15 rare pair recs
God bless the rare pairs! I haven’t read much in 2023 but what I’ve read definitely left a lasting impression on me. The @dronarryfest stole the show alongside some delicious Kinkuary treats, but I’m happy that I found time to explore wlw and one or two new ships. A massive shoutout to these incredible creators for sharing brilliant works with us. Please give them some love! Here's to a wonderful 2024 with more rare pair galore 🥂
💍 Something Old, Something New by @indigo-scarf (T, 3k) - Draco/Goyle
queerplatonic relationship | weddings | fluff
Draco said he would marry Goyle if they ended up single.
⚖️ One or the Other by @sleepstxtic (E, 3k) - Dorcas/Narcissa, Dorcas/Marlene
war fic | spy Dorcas | infidelity
Dorcas becomes a murderer at eight o’clock on a Friday night.
🛏️ The Roommates by @citrusses (E, 3.6k) - Sirius/Draco, endgame Drarry
rough sex | voyeurism | light D/s
Harry would later wonder if, that first time it happened, he hadn’t been meant to find out all along.
📷 collarbones like a bow, skin an arrow to the heart by @lqtraintracks (E, 4k) - Ginsy
non-binary Ginny | UST | Daddy kink
Gin’s adjusting the lighting for their next shoot when in walks the new model Luna was so enthusiastic about, and that’s when they know they’re in deep shit.
🪢 As We Tremble and We Bleed by @lqtraintracks (E, 6k) - Harry/Teddy
angst with a happy ending | infidelity (Hinny) | family dynamics
Or: Everybody commits angsty-hot adultery, is mostly miserable, and then finds happiness.
💧Boy Wonder by @maesterchill (E, 6k) - Dronarry
getting together | threesome | dacryphilia
Ron Weasley is a people guy. Gets on well with others, loves to socialise. Despite that, he can never figure people out. When Hermione reveals a very intimate secret about Harry, Ron begins to wonder about a few things.
♟️ Can't Start a Fire Without a Spark by @writcraft (E, 8k) - Ron/Harry
friends to lovers | jealousy | first time (Ron)
It’s getting harder to hear about Harry’s casual one-night stands, but Ron can’t work out why. He meets plenty of women, he wants his friend to be happy and it can’t be jealousy, because Ron is straight. Isn’t he?
🪶 Let Be, Let Be by @tackytigerfic (M, 10k) - Dronarry
established Drarry | Veela!Ron | jealousy | magical theory
Ron's never had a place to really call his own, so when the deeds to an ancient magical house in Bulgaria appear in his Gringotts vault, he ropes in his Curse-Breaker best friend (and his Curse-Breaker best friend's Field Healer boyfriend) to come and check the place out with him.
🐺 Stopper & Reeve by @vdoshu (E, 10k) - Drarry + Teddy
established Drarry | knotting | breeding kink | sex toys
Teddy gets his very first knot stuck in his fleshlight. And somehow that’s not the worst part of his day.
🐉 The Sun, Shining Above You by @oknowkiss (E, 14k) - Dronarry
dragon tamers Drarry | hurt/comfort | D/s undertones
Since joining up with the dragontamers, Draco counts his days in nights. Nights spent drinking in the commune mess, making poor choices he doesn't regret, for once. Nights he doesn't remember, and nights he wishes he could stop remembering.
🪴 Silhouettes by @sweet-s0rr0w (E, 17k) - Dronarry
established Rarry | sentient houses | grief | gardening
Draco's trying to fix the Burrow, Ron's trying to grieve, and Harry... well, just what is Harry actually doing, anyway? A tale of grief, gardening, and ghouls, bad memories, bad puns, and bad flirting, and nudity both accidental and very, very deliberate.
🧩 Things Remembered by avioleta (E, 17k) - Harry/Snape
memory loss | murder boyfriends | first time
Harry wakes up in an unfamiliar bed, in an unfamiliar hotel room, and with absolutely no idea who he is. The man he’s in bed with has no memories either. But they think, maybe, they’re assassins, because they seem to be very good at killing people.
🌶️ 🪙 Kinkuary collection by @sorrybutblog (E, 20k) - multiple ships & kinks
A collection of smutty ficlets written for HP Kinkuary 2023. Tags will be updated as chapters are added. Pairings are in chapter headings!
📻 empire builders by shecrows (E, 25k) - James/Sirius
friends to lovers | power dynamics | coming of age
James, Sirius, and a summer in the south of Devon.
🌶️ 🐺 Kinkuary collection by @wolfpants (E, 42k) - multiple ships & kinks
A collection of 28 short fics spanning different pairings and inspired by the Kinkuary 2023 prompts! A mix of M and E ratings. Expect rare pairs, Drarry, crossgen, group sex, dirtyhotwrong... you name it!
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big-iron-on-his-hip · 5 months
John Hancock headcannons bc I've been rotating him in my head for over a week :
(+Valencock mention)
He/it, Transmasc and pan
Power bottom / Dom top
He has BPD
Hypersexuality is his biggest coping mechanism besides chems
Addicted to Jet and Mentats. Used to do Psycho but he got clean from that.
A bit scrawny
Requires double the caloric intake of humans because ghouls run at almost double the temperature
He doesn't like eating, especially not socially
Battled with bullumia for a long time, especially when the pressure of being mayor gets to him
Casual boyfriends with Nick Valentine
Despite being a ghoul for over 30 years, he's still not used to it
Accidentally gives himself heatstroke at least 3 times a summer
No top surgery and is completely shameless about his body. Frequently walks around with his titties out during summer.
Nipple / tongue piercings
Public nudity isn't frowned upon in Goodneighbour, especially in the summer. It's not unusual to see the traders shirtless, regardless of their gender. Most tend to keep their pants on, though.
Only 5'4. Nick is 6'2. Despite their height difference, Hancock can easily carry Nick.
Surprisingly good at dancing but will only dance if he's drunk enough
Used to do drag shows at The Third Rail before he became mayor
Dabbled in being a stripper and can pole dance, but it's very rare he actually does
Secretly longs for a deep, romantic relationship but he's too afraid it would ruin his image
Street smart, but not book smart. Sometimes he'll ask or say something so unbelievably stupid it makes Nick's internal fans start whirring in frustration
Valentine sometimes sends him holotapes of his favourite pre-war songs and Hancock listens to them religiously. If he's in his office, chances are the radio is playing one of Nick's play lists
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bluravenite · 1 year
I love posting casual nudity ghouls and then forgetting because when I come back to my phone there's 99+ notifications of people saying some variation of "your ifrit is going to kill me with his pussy power" in the tags
No but in all seriousness I love reading the silly little tags y'all have no idea how happy it makes me to see people actually enjoying my art despite how shit being an artist can get in social media i love Tumblr sm I know if nobody else got me Tumblr got me and is wrapping me in a burrito blanket and gently demanding me for more ghoul penis tits 🥹💖
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ghouletteanon · 2 years
HI! I have an idea for youuuu. Soft ghoulettes. I know we do soft ghoulettes a lot, but that's because it's great. I just want to see them being all sweet with each other. Could be NSFW, doesn't have to be.
My first request, yey! You wanted soft, so you get soft cuddles featuring three tired post-ritual ghoulettes getting ready for bed. Not nsfw, but has casual nudity.
“Come to bed already,” Cirrus pleaded softly, pulling at the collar of Cumulus' robe so she could give her nape a kiss. Cirrus' tail sneaked around her waist to press the shorter ghoulette closer.
The ghoulettes were back in their hotel room after a ritual and all Cirrus wanted was to cuddle with both of her girls after the very limited bunks in their tour bus. Her clingy side only ever came out at times like this when she was tired and let her walls down.
Cumulus looked at her mate through the bathroom mirror, reaching her hand back to give Cirrus an awkward pat on the cheek. “I’ll be right there. Go bother Sunny.”
Cirrus put her chin on her mate's shoulder and pouted in a way she would never do in front of the other band ghouls who would probably mock her for it. “Sunny kicked me out of bed because she needed room to fix the blankets and the pillows just so.”
“Fine, just let me finish up." Cumulus knew better than to argue and just let Cirrus hold her from behind as she finished her night routine. Cirrus acted more like a sleepy koala than a fearsome ghoulette when she got in this mood but Cumulus it only made Cumulus love her more.
When they left the bathroom, the bed was apparently just so.
Sunshine was already curled up in her usual spot in the middle of the twin beds that they had pushed together before the ritual. Even on tour, they made sure to make the hotel room feel personal. That included Cumulus’ fairy lights, Sunshine’s favorite fuzzy blanket and Cirrus’ special memory foam pillow. The pillow was essential to everyone’s wellbeing on tour. Cirrus got headaches from normal pillows and a cranky Cirrus was everyone’s problem.
Cirrus let go of Cumulus as she climbed back in bed, on her usual side of the bed where Sunny had already put her pillow. She pulled the cover over both herself Sunshine, pulling her nude form close as she pressed a kiss on her partner’s temple mindful of their horns. “Thank you for fixing the bed.”
“Sorry for kicking you out," Sunny mumbled in reply and turned around to give Cirrus a soft kiss on the lips. Sunshine and Cirrus were similar in that they both crashed once the adrenaline from the ritual dropped. Cumulus sometimes joined Dew and Swiss after rituals to go out and party, but she always came back to her girls to wish them good night. Sunshine could go on if she kept the drinks coming, but she did like having one-on-one time with Cirrus as well.
Cumulus turned off the lights and made sure the phones were charged and ready for the morning before she finally disrobed and joined her mates. The other two were too caught up kissing and whispering sweet nothings to even notice Cumulus before she made them notice and pulled Sunshine flush against her, their bare legs intertwining. “Hi baby. You were amazing tonight. I could sense it even on the other side of the stage.”
Cirrus watched her two beautiful lionesses together, smiling happily as her tail caressed Sunshine’s side under the blanket. She had her two favorite people right where she wanted them.
All was right in the world.
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vampireterzo · 1 year
hook, line & sinker
was going through my blog and accidentally deleted my singular mushy may post like a fool so ! reupload
pairing: sunshine/rain, gen, casual nudity.
only warnings are about the quality of my writing
mushy may made by @forlorn-crows
Rain relaxes, submerged in the bath in his dorms. The magic holding his true form back falls away gradually, gills and fins hissing as they flare out to ripple in the steaming water. He sighs, sinking further to dip his head under, his horns bumping the tub with a clunk. His tail swishes up and out of the tub, dripping water steadily onto the tile floor.
He dozes, lazy and content, for a little while, his attendance not needed anywhere for the evening. That is, until a tap, tap, tapping wakes him from his dreams. He raises an eyebrow, snorting quietly. He has two options, one is to continue lounging in his bath *alone*, the other is the more fun one, to wake whichever inevitably sleeping ghoul rests on the floor of the bathroom. He gently, ever so gently, raises his tail up over the lip of the tub, finding a hand softly grasping it. Small and tanned with neatly manicured claws, grip loose on the flared fins of his tail.
Sunshine it is then.
He stretches long, lithe limbs and reaches for her hand, squeezing it.
“Sunny?” He calls, leaning up to see her curled on the tile, tail tapping lightly against the brass claw foot of the tub, sound asleep. “Sunshine?”
He reaches for her, resting a cool, damp hand on her shoulder. She’s removed her clothes it seems, as if she meant to climb into the bath with him and fell asleep halfway through. She snorts in her sleep, releasing her soft grip on his tail and rolling over onto her back, chest and belly on display, the jewelry Rain had gifted her after her first tour glinting in the low light of the bathroom. Rain grins, running a clawed finger between her breasts, gentle.
She blinks awake, waving at him.
“Hey, dude.” She says, stretching with a chitter. She reaches to her chest and grabs his hand, giving it a lazy squeeze.
Rain smiles down at her, wiggling his fingers in her grasp. He tilts his head back, a silent invitation.
Sunshine giggles, warm and bright, chittering like the sun warmed crystals that hang above Mountain’s bed. She slinks up to crawl into the bath, a little clumsy, legs still tingly with sleep. She settles, sprawled against his chest with her horns slotting under his chin like they lived there all along. She bites her lip, mischievous, and bites at the swell of the water ghoul’s chest, giggling again when his tail whips up to slap her thigh.
Rain looks down at her with lidded eyes and grabs one of her horns in his hand, giving her head a little shake.
Sunshine pouts and snuggles back down, kicking up a purr when Rain wraps her in his arms and trills, scenting the top of her head, gentle and sweet like ocean waves on a sunny shore.
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iamthecomet · 1 year
Daily update on into the eyes of fire, on yesterday and on today
You‘re so right. Being a perfectionist for me often means that I will not do something at all. Having that mixed with executive dysfunction just doesn’t work out great most of the time.
I‘m happy to talk to you about it, thank you for the offer! I‘m so excited to finish the first chapter, because then I’ll be able to tell so much more
I‘m also very glad that the day was better for you, and that your keyboard works again. For me it was a lot better as well. I had two friends coming over (that also stayed with me for the night) and it was really nice. We managed to finish watching season two of the Witcher, complained about overpowered characters and bad writing together
Then my ADHD kicked in as the others got really tired (they have a nighttime routine that took soooo long, goodness. I‘m glad if I’m able to brush my teeth for 3 minutes). It was pretty funny tho (I put this TikTok sound with „more passion, more passion, more energy, more energy, more footwork…“ on, held the speaker in my hands and danced around (it was a lot of fun tbh. I missed having these random bursts of energy, often caused by having a lot of sugar). It also made me tired so I got to sleep after that
Yeah! Casual nudity ghouls are awesome (they also made me more comfy with nudity, to the point of me running around shirtless at home from time to time. Yesterday even when my friends were over (it was so fucking hot). Like, I was always pretty comfy with nudity, but not to that point)
I did indeed get some drawing done! I finished the third panel of four on the third page (I just need the backgrounds for those first three as well, but I wanna do them all at once)
Today I had a lot of work to do and technically still do, but I am beyond tired and just gave up. Tomorrow will be two checkups and I’m absolutely not ready for one, but I fucking can’t anymore. I‘ll just try with luck because honestly, there is no way in hell I’m able to function enough to do work right now (I’m already glad that I managed to eat something now because my bloodsugar is probably way too low and I think it’s the reason for why I feel so terrible (physically) right now, so I think I’ll look for a sugary drink as well)
I have a headache but I’m really hoping that I‘ll be able to draw for at least an hour now, and that I’ll possibly even finish the third page
I Hope your day was good/is good, and that you got some stuff done that you wanted to do!
~ @owlishanon
Yay progress!! You've done so much work on it this week! I've gotten almost nothing actually finished this week, but it's ok. Sometimes things are just like that. I have a crochet project I'm hoping to finish today. And someday I'll get back into a consistent writing schedule, but probably not today. And your night with your friends sounds so fun!! All of my close friends live at least an hour and a half away from me at this point. So I don't get to have those nights as often as I used to. I hope everything went/goes well today. That sounds stressful, but I'm sure you'll make it through. You've got this!!
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ghcstcd · 2 years
Are you still drawing casual nudity ghouls?
If so have you drawn mountain yet?
If not have a good day, sorry for the dumb question!
I'll return to the Casual Nudity Ghoul project when I feel like it again. I've drawn five already, and that was quite a lot of work already. Mountain might be drawn for the series some day, should I choose to return to it.
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Could you please please please! Do Papas/cardiac and ghouls reacting to S/O being nervous to do anything because their trans, or coming out to them? (FTM and MTF)
First post in a long time and it’s not even my work! This is something @solofreakk answered for us FOREVER ago that I never even go around to pressing the 8 buttons to post it. How absolutely lazy can I be. But please enjoy (-kat) 
*cracks my knuckles* alright Oingos and Boingos and Those Who Are Neither i’m gonna do my best at this as a trans/nonbinary guy but i definitely don’t speak for everyone’s experiences, so… if you don’t like this i apologize. I want everyone to be supportive of you so if they sound repetitive I’m sorry! And I apologize in advance for not including MTF :( I just feel like trans women and men can have some similar experiences but in the end I don’t think it’s my place to write for them. If there are any trans women out there writing stuff for Ghost i would say Please Shamelessly Shout Yourselves Out In The Replies Ladies.
Papa I: He’s a bit too old for most activities that would reveal you being trans imo. A pride parade is too crazy for him, he doesn’t have the energy to go to the pool or something. If you did he’d just lay there in the sun with a ghoul waiting to open an umbrella when he’s about to start getting too crisp. So if you didn’t go swimming, or take your shirt off, it literally would not raise any questions. He’s not in the water. He might make an offhand comment about how you should enjoy yourself but you could very easily tell him you’d prefer to be sitting with him, and you melting his old man heart like that kills any other question he might’ve even had. If you do end up explaining it to him later, he kindly reminds you there’s nothing wrong with knowing who you are. Encourages you to feel comfortable around him, you shouldn’t feel like you have to hide who you are because of your past. No further questions asked. You can say what you’d like about yourself but he won’t press or get in your business.
Papa II: This man is totally comfortable with nudity. You being opposite is… weird. He’ll ask. Are you insecure? You can say it’s something like that. He’ll be able to tell that you’re kind of dodging the question and he’ll leave it alone. But you’ve piqued his curiosity now. He’s gonna watch you just a little bit closer than he did before. He’ll suggest you guys take a swim, or go to the beach, and when you shoot that down too, he’ll ask. “Is there a reason why?” You can try to make excuses, or be vague, or say a half-truth, but those mismatched eyes see right through you. He probably already knows. When you ask him if he does, he’ll just wrap you in a nice strong Papa II Rare Tender Hug™. “It’s nothing to be ashamed about, you know. It’s okay to decide you’re not what everyone said you were. It’s part of becoming your own person.” Would probably be more bold in asking what your future plans are for yourself. Later on quietly reminds you not to bind for too long, or helps you with shots, or is making sure you’re laid up in luxury if you get top surgery. Supports you even if you’re gnc and don’t bind or don’t plan to transition and would impart his death glare upon anyone who dared to misgender you or treat you poorly.
Papa III: Hope no one shoots me down for saying “Papa III trans man” but *eyes emoji*. He’s gonna recognize your behavior immediately. You sweat at the idea of going to the pool or the beach, you don’t wanna change in front of him, you get nervous if someone calls you pretty instead of handsome. He’ll see you very very discreetly tugging at your binder, or taking deep breaths. And he just knows. And he’s elated. He’s like “OH I AM GONNA MAKE YOU FEEL SO HANDSOME.” Immediately deploys plan “Compliment Anon ‘Til He Dies”. He’s telling you that your hair looks great today, your laugh is so masculine, I love the way your arms look, That shirt is so handsome on you, I’m lucky to have such a wonderful man in my life. Anything it takes to have you know how great you are. If you’re busy melting over the compliments, you might not immediately realize he’s caught on. You’ll probably think he’s just doing his regular Papa III schmoozing. Eventually, it clicks in your head. He’s lauding on you ‘cause he knows. So because he seems so cool with it, you finally work up the nerve to tell him. And he smiles at you and he’s taking his shirt off and whoa whoa WHOA HEY IT’S WORK HOURS MAN- oh. Oh. I see. That’s why. He buttons his shirt back up and pats you on the head and asks if you wanna get top surgery too, and if you say yes he’s literally writing you a check on the spot. He wants you to feel as comfortable in your body as he does in his and if you have any dysphoria woes he is all ears. He’s seriously like ride or die for you bro.
Cardinal Copia/Papa IV: He thinks your nervous behavior is totally normal, only because he is also nervous all the time. So he doesn’t even read into it. He’s totally clueless. You don’t wanna go swimming? Okay, yeah, actually he doesn’t really want to do it either. He’s pale, he’d just get burnt. Let’s stay inside all day in our pajamas. You don’t wanna put your pajamas on in front of him? That is also ok, hell let’s change in different rooms. You don’t even have to explain yourself, he just Gets It™. Eventually if you start wondering why he hasn’t asked about your odd behavior, you’ll just ask him. “Did you notice that I’m kinda… weird, about some stuff?” He’ll say he’s weird about stuff too, why should he pry into your personal business? So you press on and tell him you’re trans. You don’t want anyone else to know, for a myriad of reasons. You might start rambling about it, complaining about stuff, talking about what you want. And he’ll just… listen. Nod sometimes to let you know he’s hearing you, and you can keep going if you want. Finally you’ll end it with an exasperated and maybe slightly embarrassed sigh, but before you can apologize he’s pulling you into a hug. You are free to talk about it as much as you want, especially if you don’t tell anyone else. You’ve got all this stuff weighing on your mind and no one to vent it to, and he’s flattered you finally felt comfortable enough to let him know something so personal. 
Dewdrop: Dare I say it… I headcanon Dewdrop as trans too… He’s much more like me though, feisty and kinda gnc. Like III, he’s gonna catch onto your behavior immediately. He’s not gonna make any moves to let you know that he knows, though. Just quietly be in your corner. Well, as quiet as Dew gets. He’s gonna… violently be in your corner. If he finds out someone misgendered you or committed some related act he considers a heinous crime, they’re losing some teeth. He’ll take a chunk out of them if someone isn’t there to rein him in. Eventually when you confide in him that you’re trans, he’s telling you that’s cool. You ask him why he’s so chill about it and he’s just smirking at you. “What…?” You ask. “Seriously, what? Why- ooohhh…” You’re free to not bind around him because most of the time, he doesn’t. He’s not gonna judge you for anything. Whether you wanna be traditionally masculine or be lax about gender norms, he’s gonna tell you you’re cool as Hell no matter what. Admires your courage in coming out to him and will take your secret to the grave.
Aether: First may I start this off by saying I may or may not have asked Aether, like irl, if he said “trans rights”. To which Aether kindly and genuinely said, “Does [Aether] say “trans rights”? Of course trans rights!” So there you have it Fosters and Peoples. Mr. Quintessential Ghoul himself did indeed say trans rights and I’ve never been happier to have asked someone that. I digress… He’s not gonna focus too much on odd behavior or nerves. It’s not because he’s got his head in the clouds, it’s just because this is a Judgement Free Zone™. If and/or when you come out to him, expect him to say, “Hell yeah, you do what’s right for you!” He’s got your back. If you want help with something, say an outfit or you need a new binder, he’s gonna help you figure it out. If you ask him not to tell anyone else, his lips are sealed. 
Mountain: He is so used to being taller than everyone else so if you’re a short king (like me 5’3 man gang rise up [but not too high]) that does not make him ask any questions. He’s also out of your business when it comes to how you dress, or messing with your shirt, or not wanting to do certain activities, etc. He just… it’s not that he doesn’t care, it’s that he’s chill about everything. So chill in fact that eventually one day you just casually mention it. And he’s like, “Neat, you have lore.” Which is hilarious. He’s probably likely to ask if you’re making sure not to wear your binder for too long. He wants you to take good care of yourself, y’know, you’re really cool and you should treat your body kindly. He’ll ask if anyone else knows and if you tell him you’d rather they not find out immediately, he’s already giving you a thumbs up and making sure any question directed at your gender is immediately shot down.
Swiss: Swiss is too focused on having a good time and being good to everyone who deserves kindness to worry about why or why not you don’t want to go to the pool with them. You’ve got your reasons and that’s enough, although he’ll sorely miss you because he could use the extra help in fending Dew off in the water gun fight that most definitely will end in bloodshed if Aether doesn’t step in. Eventually he’ll convince you to maybe go, but not before you cave and tell him you can’t be seen with your shirt off. He’s smart enough to know what that means. No worries! And you know what? In solidarity he just won’t take his off, either. Will support you regardless of how you choose to present yourself and will sometimes casually gift you a new shirt or something, “because I think you’d look really handsome in it.”
Rain: Tender boy. He literally would not pry or push you to tell him anything you didn’t seem like you wanted to say. If you come out to him, that’s completely on your terms. I think he might eventually have a feeling, but he’s not going to make assumptions about you and will let you tell him when you’re ready, and even if you never do, that’s ok too. When you do tell him, he’s completely supportive and won’t make you feel any less of a man about yourself. Is a bit sad to know that you may struggle with dysphoria and he wants you to know that you’re a wonderful person, inside and out, even if you don’t always see it.
Cirrus: She notices your odd behavior, but she’s polite and chooses not to say anything about it. She doesn’t want to make you feel like she’s judging you or scare you or make you uncomfortable. She probably doesn’t flat out make assumptions about you, but she does think about it occasionally. Eventually when you come out to her, she completely understands. Sings her praises about how nice it is that you trust her enough to tell her something so personal about yourself, and says she’s thankful to have such a great person in her life. Also she’s always been your protective mom friend, but if you need anyone to get punched for saying anything transphobic, just let her know. Mama bear has got you. Mama bear has got claws. Hell, Cumulus will even help beat someone up. She doesn’t even need to know the reason. If Cirrus is verbally or physically abusing someone that’s good enough reason for her. You now have two powerful and protective mom friends, use this power for good.
Cumulus: She’s not gonna notice if you’re acting nervous or weird about anything. She’s focused on hanging out with you and having a good time and making sure you’re having a good time and that fun things are happening. If you go to the beach and don’t take your shirt off, not weird. Neither of you are even in the water, you’re probably making an impressive sand castle on top of a sleeping Mountain. If you’re at the pool, she’s okay with sitting on the side talking your ear off about anything under the sun (which currently includes all the other ghouls as it was a family trip to the pool). She wouldn’t notice if you tugged at your binder or had a higher voice or anything someone might think would be conspicuous. If and/or when you eventually come out to her, she’s like “Ooohhh, okay!” And honestly? She might forget. And then remember. And then forget again, and remember again. It’s just another thing about you, like your hair colour or what music you like. Doesn’t make you any less wonderful to her, and wouldn’t change anything about your relationship.
- @solofreakk
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skele-bunny · 5 days
Reverie's Current Content Masterlist Pt.2
Omega/Zephyr/Ifrit Spicy HC's
Dewther HC's.
T-Girl Dewdrop.
Ghoul Dances.
Ghoul Fights.
Phantom/Dew HCs.
Even more BPD Dewther!
Aether/Dewdrop - Jealousy.
Mountain/Cumulus - Free Flow.
Rain's Endometriosis.
Mountain/Rain - Fetch.
Casual Nudity.
Fire V Water.
Phantom/Ifrit HC's.
Aether/Dewdrop/Mountain - Occupied.
Rain/Aurora HC's.
(CW) Rain/Dewdrop - "Just The Tip?"
(CW) Aether/Dewdrop - Separation.
Diabetic Quintessence Ghouls.
(CW) Rain/Swiss - By the Water.
Spicy Ghoul Thoughts.
Dewther Piercings Pt.1.
Dewther Piercings Pt.2.
Ghoul Dynamics.
(CW) Zephyr/Ifrit - Final Moments.
T4T Friday - 1
T4T Friday - 2
(CW) Ghoul Hardships.
T-Girl Delta.
(CW) Camboy MountDewther
Weird Relationship Dewther.
Narcoleptic Dew Pt.1
Narcoleptic Dew Pt. 2
Scary Ghouls.
Mountain/Everyone - Attention.
Copia/Dew Courting.
ES Ghouls.
(CW) Fire Ghouls in the Infirmary.
Water Dew.
(CW) Water Dew - Newly.
(CW) Blood Moon Dewther.
Swissalps HC's.
Puppy Zephrit.
Even more puppy Zephrit.
Water Dew/Delta.
Water Dew/Wave 1.
Pet Play Swisstom.
Royal Rain Nsfw Rambles.
Pet Play Ghouls.
Water Dew/Wave 2&3.
Water Dew/Aether.
(CW) Swiss interpretation.
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copias-thrall · 4 years
Papa IV in all caps is: PIV
That is all.
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daggersandsparks · 6 years
;scar insecurities
Mairwen is covered in scars. They’re extensive, many of them are deep, and all of them have stories. And she has a lot of issues with letting people see them. But none of those issues are a sense of modesty. She’s not afraid of people seeing her without clothing. There’s nothing shameful about nudity. She doesn’t see it as all that sexual, either. Likewise, her insecurities with her scars don’t really come up during casual sex or while doing sex work. This is because, to her: sex, nudity, and her scars are not related in her mind. Partially also because she generally doesn’t see the people she has casual sex very often [if at all]. So longer she knows someone,  the more worried she gets. She has had issues with people calling her disgusting or ugly, especially when she was younger that lead to her considering them ugly specifically. And that’s often what she tells people is where her insecurity stems from. However, outside of the context of [casual] sex, when people see her scars, she feels disarmed. It isn't as much of an armor thing, as it was a weapon thing. She is a great sniper, she sees her main weapon to be how she can manipulate people, make them believe things about the world, and especially about herself. And letting them see her scars outside of sex, or if she generally cares about the person, can easily change that image that she has created. In a way that she usually can’t really control. She relies a lot on people under estimating her, but them seeing how extensively scarred she is proves that she had survived a lot. Or, to an extent, when she’s acting stronger or less fearful than she is, seeing the scars shows she’s not as indestructible as she pretends. If maintaining a certain image is one of her weapons, taking away that image is disarming her. And it’s in a way that she can’t take back. Her body is her body, she can only change it so much, and even if she could, they see that image and it stays and can change things. She usually feels far more comfortable with those who also have scars [including/especially ghouls] because their view of her is far less likely to change, at least dramatically. Even though when it’s someone she’s trying to be honest with, it’s too vulnerable.
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Was going to just continue in the notes of the Kase-san post, but I figured I'd make it some asks instead since more people will notice. Just wanted to recommend some manga and anime with queer characters and themes that isn't specifically about being queer, since that's mostly what I see recommended and, if you're like me, you kind of want some casual representation in addition to all of that since it's fun to be a protagonist in things besides adult realistic fiction exclusively. (1/11)
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure has such a massive queer fanbase that it deserves to be mentioned even if some of the canonocity is debatable or vague, though it’s generally accepted there’s few characters who are entirely straight. Author confirms DIO as being attracted to men and Jotaro as ace in as many words (he’s a Japanese dude in his 50’s, so he’s never going to use the term, but his wording makes it clear that’s what he has in mind), and also describes one arc as a love story between men.(3/11)
Yugioh GX of all things confirms at the end of the third season in the subs that the main character and his best guy friend are in love, and there’s a canon nonbinary/intersex character who’s (simplest terms) his partner for the rest of the series, but they start out as a villain because reasons (it’s complicated). Fushigi Yuugi has a trans lady as a main character and it’s approached pretty okay if lacking nuance, though keep in mind it was the 80’s and I’ve only watched 1/3 of the show. (4/11)
One Piece’s author confirmed that the Straw Hats are all “in love with adventure” in confirming that none of them are ever going to be interested in romance during the course of the story (aro), and the main character is explicitly shown as aroace in text without using the words, though One Piece will always come with the disclaimer that Oda is bad at women and that the trans characters (there are an impressive amount) are a “complicated” subject at best, so approach with caution. (5/11)
Flip Flappers takes the queer subtext of magical girl anime and just makes it text as blatantly and plainly as they possible can. Everyone knows what Yuri on Ice is by now. Dragon Ball Super (I know, right?) introduced two Saiyan women in the latest arc who are all but stated to be attracted to each other. It’s hard to tell if it’s just queerbaiting or if they really plan to go through with it, but they’re in the arc with the maybe-a-joke maybe-serious lesbian magical girls, too, so maybe?(7/11)
In the “it’s canon but they can’t show it” camp, there’s Girls’ Last Tour about two teenage lesbians who survive the apocalypse together that’s super chill. Been kind of heavy on non-sexual nudity in a couple episodes, though, so at least be aware of that. Cromartie High School is a weird show, and one of the characters is literally, honest to God Freddie Mercury, so that’s probably worth mentioning even if they don’t really reference him being a bi man. (8/11)
Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto’s main character has aroace vibes, and one of his guy friends is explicitly shown crushing on him and another guy. The anime hasn’t gotten to it yet (and might not since it probably won’t be renewed), but Please Tell Me! Galko-chan is about teenage girls talking about life, and sometimes they mention finding other girls attractive (and Sam Jackson). Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun’s main character is implied aro and another character is GNC/genderqueer and bi. (9/11)
One of the newer Tokyo Ghoul manga has a trans dude who wears a binder, though it’s a little shaky in terms of how he’s treated and there’s a chance they might pull the “and he was really a girl all along!” bullshit, but I haven’t read a ton of the part he’s in so I’m not really sure what he’s even up to at this point in time within the canon, so be aware of that and that it’s loaded with gore. Another guy loves the male main character, but see Hisoka for similar representation issues. (10/11)
That’s about all I can think of right now. Sorry for flooding you with all these, just hoping maybe people bummed out by the news might enjoy reading some stuff that’s presumably not created by pedophiles. Most of it’s wlw because that’s anime, but I did try to include as many mlm, trans, and otherwise queer things as I could remember to help get a decent set of options. Hope this is useful. (11/11)
Sorry this is late, I don’t answer things about anime because I’m the western comics person, but since no one else answered you, I’m just leaving your recs here. Thank you for sending them!!
- Mod L
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