#castrated male
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transx-mogai-cafe · 1 year ago
♂️Castrated Male Transgender Man⚧️
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Castrated Male Transgender Man: an identity whereby one desires to be or identifies as being a castrated male while also being a transgender man.
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queenie-the-court-jester · 10 months ago
Does Cotton hate using condoms? I mean that bunny is horny 24/7 and keeps Cumming inside the reader 😭
What if the reader wants protection?
you will have to hold him down and forcefully put it on. The only way he won't immediately take it off is if you hold his hands and Dom him. He'll whine but eventually get over it. Just make sure you have plenty because one won't be enough to satisfy him
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I want to be on this journey so bad
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chicago-geniza · 3 months ago
Hi hello I am [redacted] years old and have been interested in historical cooking for at least a decade and only just now realized at 3.13 AM that "capon" means "chicken". I thought that was a whole other genre of bird, a game bird, like partridge or pheasant or quail. Fuck my stupid baka life
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i-swear-its-only-ironical · 3 months ago
I will say that with all due respect but America, what the actual fuck is wrong with your right wing politicians on Twitter?
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wonder-worker · 6 months ago
"Contemporaries acknowledged Bertha of Lotharingia's political ambitions and supraregional influence. Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus called her “the great Bertha” (τῆς μεγάλης Βέρτας) and highlighted that she reigned on her own (ἐβασίλευσεν) for several years after her husband’s death. [...] Bertha’s quest for power also seems to have prompted contemporaries such as Liutprand of Cremona to harshly polemicize against her in particular and against women striving for power in general [...]. Liutprand of Cremona describes her negatively as a highly influential and scheming political actor, whereas the contemporary Gesta Berengarii accuses “the Beast of the Tyrrhenian, lifted up as usual by poison” and “pouring wild hisses from the mouth” of having impeded Berengar’s imperial coronation, among other things by employing “the wealth of neighboring Charybdis." [Bertha has also been identified by scholars as the figure likened to the sorceress "Circe", who the Gesta condemned for allegedly corrupting Berengar's wife with "venomous words"]. Much more positively, the epitaph on Bertha’s gravestone in the church of San Martino in Lucca underscores Bertha’s royal and imperial Carolingian pedigree as well as her transregional prestige and influence."
— Daniel G. König, "Bertha of Tuscany's Correspondence with al-Muktafī bi-llāh in the Version of Ibn al-Zubayr."
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darkwood-sleddog · 1 year ago
you know i don't see accidental litters by themselves as a red flag necessarily, but when breeders are having them repeatedly (like at least once a year or so) i really begin to scrutinize their dog management. like you have been doing this so long. how is this still happening so frequently.
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itsagrimm · 6 months ago
metro 2033 Artyom: daddy issues
metro 2035 Artyom: being a daddy and having issues
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glitchinginhyperfixis · 2 years ago
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@sunflowersand-bees my fellow straight male 🫶🫶
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myplasticadversary · 2 years ago
Very amused by the prospect of Connor being very cis and gender normative whether male or female specifically because of how he/she idolizes reproductive success above all else
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jadeseadragon · 3 months ago
They know some bad boys whose testicles will soon be history. Or maybe a ranch hand's breakfast.
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Some good girls
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shelly-petrol · 1 month ago
Did you know that Santa's reindeer are all girls
The ones in books and movies don’t even look like reindeer 90% of the time. They’re just slightly stockier white tailed deer. Who’s to say they got the antlers right if they can’t even get the animal right.
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puzzlewagon · 3 months ago
wait actually i just looked it up and oxtail comes from the tail of either sex of cow... which i guess makes sense since we dont exactly eat the rest of the damn ox
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reasoningdaily · 5 months ago
Killer Mike, Charlemagne, & the castration of the Black male voter
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sharkkweak · 8 months ago
Being an FFA kid and a furry is an insane combo because I’m out here considering how my stupid cow kemonomimi would do on market
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thousandyearphantombunker · 4 months ago
radical feminism is inherently ableist. More so with terfs but it's baked in there no matter what it seems. From bullying men with mental health issues claiming women with hormonal issues aren't real women to claiming that mental illness is inherently super political and not just your brain being fucked up or claiming mass hysteria isn't a real mental illness or that men who have mental health issues are dangerous spoiled man children or that we're only mentally ill/disabled because capitalism and how the world won't accommodate to us and that capitalism is a result of the patriarchy and how proudly many radical feminists say they are proud to be bullies...
'if men suffer in silence why am I always hearing about it? they must either be over sensitive man babies or lying it must be a trend' or the even worse 'he probably deserved it' or anything along the lines of 'if you dealt with it for years why am I just hearing about it now'
I heard similar things about the 'me too' movement when women said they had faced sexual harassment or even got raped- its wrong either way. Women suffered in silence for years when it came to sexual misconduct because they feared how people reacted and many of them are still suffering because of those bad reactions. Disabled mentally ill or just down on their luck men suffered in silence for years because of similar reactions. Men aren't babied like you think they are, I saw how you reacted to the good doctor meltdown scene, I saw you guys claim the move Joker was gonna cause incels to rape women and cause riots. Your hatred of men and your ableism is astounding- when you hear a man is struggling with mental health issues and your immediate reaction is to belittle him and call him man child or creepy or that he's being too sensitive or become afraid of him- your parroting the same bullshit assholes said at the height of the 'me too' movement. 'its different when we do it! We're oppressed so it's okay and no longer counts as victim blaming or abusive!'- fuck off with that you guys are targeting men with mental health issues. You guys have the exact same mentality of 'grow a thicker skin' it's gross. Next you'll be saying 'pull yourself up from your bootstraps' and 'back when I was a kid I had to walk 20 miles to school'
'well we woman have repressed our anger for years and have dealt with all kinds of crap because of men! They keep talking about male loneliness but women are lonely too! Those men probably just want the right to rape women! They have no clue how much we have to deal with them and what a massive burden they are to us!"
I hear similar things when a disabled person talks about how we face genuinely traumatizing amounts of abuse and dehumanization or about how people purposely infantalize us to control and humiliate us or how we get discriminated against when we seek help - I'm gonna say it- as a disabled person I think we genuinely get the most shit regardless of gender- whether or not you think disabled men or women have it harder disabled people have to deal with so much shit- but we don't advocate for fucking violence against doctors or teachers or caretakers or able bodied neurotypical people! Y'all sound like your in a cult the same way Andrew Tate fans sound like they're in a cult.
Misogyny and misandry and the extremist paranoid transphobia especially transphobia against trans women are really the different sides of the same coin
Also if you say anyone deserves to be domestically abused yes that includes tradwives or women who have genuinely shit ass opinions then your beyond saving
Your not a feminist your a dick who thinks being a dick is a good thing
Radfems are inherently fucking ableist - I'm a women most radical feminist spaces yes even the ones that claim to be anti-terf make me uncomfortable because of this shit- y'all can say 'disabled women are still women' while attacking the shit out of the disabled community for pointing out you exclude them constantly! Or claim that we're only counted as a disabled because of 'the patriarchy and capitalism'
'being a misandrist is different from being a misogynist' okay so your a misandrist because you want women to feel safe, you want to fight against rape and having your bodily autonomy stolen from you
What part of that entails verbal abuse toward men? Or claiming tradwives deserve to get raped?
'oh well you see I'm fighting against our oppressors' by attacking them online and calling them over sensitive babies when they get emotional about it because talking about mental illness is hard? Also why are you victim blaming women who chose to be tradwives? Your misandry will always become racism misogyny ableism and transphobia
'if they get to whine about x issue as men then I get to bully them because they have no idea what we go through! And we're making sure they can't take a break from our problems!'
Whether or not you think we have a male suicide epidemic or a men's mental health crisis or think that women have it harder when it comes to ableism and mental health stigma your reaction to someone opening up about their issues should never be bullying.
I don't like JKR she's shitty and transphobic as hell from what I've heard- though I'll admit I never really looked into her actions too deeply so I don't know the full extent of her actions but I've heard y'all say shit like 'she deserved to be abused by her ex' and that shit is foul that is the most terf-energy shit I've heard. Y'all terfs don't just suck cause they hate trans people (that's a huge reason why they suck but it's not the only reason) but it's also because they police womanhood and claim women who don't fit what their definition of womanhood entails deserves to be hurt- if your anti transphobia but claim all tomboys are just self-deluded into internalized misogyny and their masculine traits are bad- your still an asshole. I guess your an anti transphobia asshole which is better than a transphobic asshole but still your gross
If you claim women who want to be stay at home mothers are traitors your an asshole
'you can't want feminine things because that's the patriarchy forcing you into a role that's inherently shameful but also liking masculine things is bad because that's the patriarchy making you hate yourself but we're also we're gonna bully you for not being feminine enough despite the we said liking girly stuff this the patriarchy talking and the fact that your masculine traits are result of health issues where still gonna antagonize you'
Radfems police womanhood and claim every woman they don't like from butches to tomboys and traditional feminine traditional women are upholding the patriarchy and have internalized misogyny and that only by fitting their definition of womanhood and their stupid standards and again a lot of their standards ableist
I hate terfs cause their transphobic yes but I also hate them and trans inclusionist radfems because of how they bully women who have health problems traditionally associated with men or bully women who have health problems that masculinize them and claim 'there not real women', how they bully disabled men, how they keep screaming that the 'not like other girls' mentality is bad while promoting it, saying women who aren't to their personal liking deserve the bad treatment they get from men (y'all isn't feminism supposed to be for everyone? Or something? But oh wait she said something bigoted so I guess she deserves death)
If your anti terf mentality stops at 'transphobia is bad' but still includes policing other women and attacking people over stigmatized disabilities
Your still being shitty. Your slightly less shitty but still shitty
Argue that ableism and mental health stigma effects women more than men, argue that the tradwife lifestyle can be dangerous
Don't be verbally abusive
Don't claim men are crying wolf about their suffering
Don't victim blame anyone ever. That includes tradwives and the men you claim are lying about their mental illness
Include disabled women in your feminism.
Include fat, anorexic, too tall, too hairy women in your feminism
Don't say shit like "Men are lonely? What what crybabies, they fucking should be." Or claim that "trusting men in even the smallest capacity is inherently dangerous and helping them will only hurt women" and then get shocked when people don't like the implication they are monsters
also again both of those lines are steeped in ableism and racism
If you hate men and wish their deaths you are not a feminist
If you dont believe everyone regardless of gender should be equal you are not a feminist
If you declare yourself a "proud misandrist" you are not a feminist
If you dont believe that patriarchy hurts men and boys too you are not a feminist
If you dont respect housewifes or stay at home mothers you are not a feminist
If you feel threatened by the mere existence of trans people you are not a feminist
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