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starsmuserainbow · 5 months ago
Honestly, Lightning had never been exactly good with... feelings like this. Maybe because she tended to - quite literally - just ran away whatever bothered her, maybe one would say her childhood was to blame, whatever -- she wasn't eager to know a reason. It just sucked in moments like this, when it felt like she should be saying something more, be more comforting, but she simply couldn't think of anything 'right' to say.
"I hope I'm not bringing back too many memories by reminding you of him." Because that can't be pleasant. "But... thanks. That can only be a compliment." If he meant so much to Fulcrum, being similar in whatever way must be a good thing.
Fulcrum hummed in agreement at the last part. He certainly had a lot of thoughts - and a lot of blaming to give - about how it happened, but he wasn't about to trauma dump on Lightning.
Instead, he took in a deep breath and then let it go, feeling the edges of the hole around his heart ease along the way. He kept his arms crossed, however, subtly hugging himself.
"It's alright," he breathed. "I mean- I wish he was still here of course, but I'm glad I got to know him when I did... You, uh, actually remind me a little bit of him, to be honest."
"I think you two would have been great friends."
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the-delightful-temptation · 1 year ago
micheal: "You seem to be in good moods....aesma"
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He indeed was. A day filled with people lusting to each other and to himself is perfect for him, until the moment that word reaches his ear. He hasn't heard that name since he fell from heaven, and there he was. Michael, calling him that way.
“Michael.. what a pleasant surprise.” The pleasant had a big tone of sarcasm. “I was having a great day..”
A mixture of Nostalgia and anger came into the sin when he heard his angelic name. 
“You know, my name is Asmodeus. Asmodae if you want to be a bitch about it.”
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king-of-wrath · 1 year ago
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She's totally not peaking out from behind the barn, why is the Wrath ring leader on the family farm?
Satan was currently distracted, his winged back facing the barn. Several imps were moving around him, each doing some kind of task. Sally's parents were there, talking to the Sin and one of his imps.
Of course, Satan's loud voice could be heard from Sally's hiding place.
"So, here's what I'm thinking: that spot just over the ridge, if it's got good soil, then I'll just draw the property lines and put it up for sale. If those mountains over there have metal, then I'm opening it up for mining. But if there's just nothing out in that general direction, then I'm not gonna touch it."
From the sound of things, Satan was having his people survey the land on the other side of the plains.
"There's a two-thirds chance you're getting some neighbors---unless there's a problem with that. You're not using those places, right?"
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sosoawayrpg · 1 year ago
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Os personagens Astrid, Attina, Fada Azul, Vaga de Fada, Fawn, Habitante Red Kingdom, Harris, Humpty Dumpty, Lacey, Mavis, Michael Darling, Vaga skeleton Hércules, Vaga Pirata, Sheila, Simba, Sr. Cabeça de Batata, Sra. Potts, Tiana, Arista, Fergus, Sinbad, Tinkerbel, Morticia, Blair, Rosetta, Espantalho, Caçador, Jonathan, Megara, Merida, North, Princípe Kit, Shang e Zarina encontram-se disponíveis para aplicações, assim como seus rostos mágicos FC Freyan Allan, Kiana Madeira, Meghann Fahy, Elizabeth Olsen, Bruna Marquezine, Sydney Sweeney, Deborah Ann Woll, Josha Strawdowski, Tom Blyth, Sabrina Carpenter, Margaret Qualley, Michael Provost, Yaya Dacosta, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Sadie Sink, Jesse Williams, Martin Henderson, Jessica Chastain, Greta Onieogou, Cecilia Chancez, Paul Rudd, Avan Jogia, Kristine Froseth, Nesrin Cavadzade, Dove Cameron, Ningning, Kim Taehyung, Luke Pasqualino, Alex Saxon, Samantha Logan, Luca Hollestelle, Santiago Cabrera, Nicholas Galitzine, Lewis Tan e Kim Minjeong.
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starsmuserainbow · 7 months ago
Honestly, for a few fractions of a moment there, Lightning had feared that she would have had forgotten something about how to use the magnets, and just both screwed their pretty much only chance at defeating the robot as well as their likeliness to get out of this battle. As soon as she saw it starting to work though, Lightning only held herself upright for long enough still to see it... what exactly? Shut down? Die? Collapse? None of these felt quite right for this frustrating robo-dino. Nonetheless, as soon as it fell down and didn't seem to be a danger anymore, Lightning let herself fall back flat onto the ground and let out a few chuckles between both a little bit of panting and some groaning from the pain that still remained with her for a few more moments.
She did raise her arm to give a thumbs-up into Fulcrum's direction though, despite everything. "Dinosaurs are extinct again!", Lightning exclaimed, and maybe like half a minute later she sat herself upright as her body started to heal away the pain.
His ears were still ringing. Fulcrum was silent as watched as Lightning did not get up when the robot charged at her, and for a second he was scared. He didn't know she was faking. His heart dropped.
With a surge of adrenaline, Fulcrum jumped to his feet to lunge after the monster, only to fall back onto his hands and knees after a few steps, panting. His body needed another moment to recover.
His efforts and shortcomings ended up being irrelevant. Lightning attached the last magnet to the beast. The lights on the magnets changed as the circuit was complete, and a second later the robot paused. A low hum emanated from the machine. It looked at Lightning, tilted its head, and then its outer shell caved inward as the magnets forced it to implode.
With a final whir, the robot's head and tail lowered as the machine shut off.
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everglot-victor1a · 1 year ago
with: @castleofmuse
where: teatro de tĂŁo tĂŁo distante
O que Everglot mais queria naquele momento era respirar. Para alguém que sempre teve as decisões tomadas por si ter tanta liberdade algumas vezes parecia ser sufocante. Com os últimos acontecimentos, a virada de ano, e agora mais aquela sensação de que ela não conseguia entrar em harmonia com o resto do reino. Sabia que haviam mais humanos como ela, mas todos pareciam tão especiais? Capazes de domar dragões, de enfrentar as coisas que não concordavam, até mesmo serem de alta patente na segurança, e ela? Quem ela era? A crise de identidade que Victoria se encontrava estava só aumentando naquele começo de ano. Ela precisava por um pouco os pés no chão. E a única coisa que conseguiu pensar de sua antiga vida que ela realmente gostava era a música.
Não sentia falta dos pais, muito menos do noivo psicótico, as roupas cinzas e todas as regras. Suas mãos foram ao piano. Desde que Victor passou a trabalhar ali, ela algumas vezes entrava para vê-lo tocar. Sempre não querendo mostrar as poucas habilidades que tinha em comparação a ele. Hoje, era o que ela se apegava. A música, ao amor de simplesmente ouvir algo que acalmava sua mente e coração. Não queria aquilo como profissão, mas sim para acalmar sua mente dos pensamentos nebulosos que ali se passavam. Fechou os olhos conforme tocava sinfonias que sua mãe proibia por serem "perigosas para jovens damas". Ela hoje via familias tão felizes. Amizades tão duradouras. Que iam contra tudo que um dia foi ensinada.
Quando reparou que não estava mais sozinha o calor subiu para as bochechas. "Sinto muito. É seu horário de ensaio? Eu não queria atrapalhar. Já vou recolher minhas coisas e ir." Anunciou envergonhada de estar ali sem permissão.
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sakura-after-hours · 2 years ago
@castleofmxses​ sent: ino could only grin as she pulled the final knot home of the rope she had wrapped around her wife's leg. "This is a good look for you sweetie" 
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Sakura tried really hard not to wiggle so much as Ino tied the last knot on the ropes. They dug into her skin and made her shiver a bit. She hated to admit it, but she liked feeling helpless like this. Putting the control in her lover’s hands, “You must have studied how to do these knots for a while, Mistress.”
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stagtic · 5 years ago
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@castleofmuses​ said:  
Sexy deer man!
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“ ... don’t. Call me that. ”
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the-delightful-temptation · 1 year ago
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"Why not just obliterate the Imp?" (micheal to ozzie?)
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“I most definitely will.” The sin could feel his skin burning just reminding of the audacity of the imp. “He is lucky he didn’t introduce himself, or revealed where that fucking rat is hidden or else he would be dead already.”
Ozzie takes a deep breath, regaining the control of the flames before continuing to speak.
“But he has no leverage anymore.. I will end him.”
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trickislanders · 2 years ago
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(🍹): The legendary trickster was enjoying himself with all drinks he could offer… but someone is sitting on different chair yet it’s something that he could look into… “Well well. Stranger in empty bar and still have to drink here, ain’t it right?”
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a-girl-named-angel · 5 years ago
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ANIMAL: Doesn’t have a specific favorite/likes them all
COLOR: Blues, gold, greens,
MONTH:  April (I guess? This though has never occurred to me before 🤷‍♀️)
SONG(s): The Flower Garden (Joe Hisaishi), Miss the Girl (Eddy Dyno & Fiji), Señorita (Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello), The Things We Did Last Summer (Seth MacFarlane)
PLANT:  Roses, Jasmine, Dahlias
SMELL:  Citrus, freshly cut grass, wet pavement, the ocean, campfires, baked goods fresh out of the oven.
SEASON: Spring
FOOD: Cinnamon swirl bread (No Raisins!!!), bacon, steamed vegetables 
DRINK:  Water, orange juice, tea
Tagged by: @sangcineus
Tagging: @castleofmuses , @redlineoffate , @watchfxrthefangs , and any other mutuals.
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whosthatspidermon · 2 months ago
"He hates the cold," she informed him, looking up and around them. Her hands rested on her hips, an attempt of displaying confidence. But, the way her fingers dug into her costume gave away her anxiety over her missing companion.
"Give him somewhere warm and quiet and he'll have a new happy place."
The mention of a Rockruff made her perk up a bit. "Really? I didn't know that existed, that's really coo- no," she cut herself off, sighing. "I'm looking for my Tarountula. He's round, shiny, kind of a pain..." She pulled out her Pokédex, displaying the shiny Tarountula in question. In all ways, he looked harmless. Maybe even a bit pathetic.
"I think HQ spooks him a bit," she sighed. "He's not used to being around so many people yet. I'm Caitlyn, by the way. You can call me Cait."
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crazy-tea-lover · 8 years ago
Hey I was just wondering is this rp fandom still alive at all? If so could you recommend some blogs? I've recently revisited this series, and it reminded me of how much I adored it.
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{ Sorry for my extra super late reply, noonie! Of course the fandom is alive, and what more - more alive than it has probably ever been! Oh my, listing them all would be quite a task, but I’ll try to. I will mention canon characters blogs only, bc listing all the OC blogs will take me another hour > , Note: Even if I think the blog is ???/non-active it doesn’t mean the mun won’t come back Note: Feel free to complete the list, bc I totally missed some people.Alice Liddell (I will def miss a lot of Alices uvu)asktheoutsideraliceliddell (semi-active)alice-to-not-alice  (currently non-active, but there is hope ;v;)alicetheoutsider (???)outsider-in-wonderland  (active, mostly crossover)miisantrophical (a brand new, super pretty Alice!)sweetaliceliddell (semi-active/active)young-maiden-alice-liddell (active)oxtsxder (semi-active)therules-enforced (multi-muse, including Ace, Jokers and Alice)outsider-in-chains (semi-active)memorynoalice (???)arvsu (semi/non-active)alice-linndell (non-active)aliceliddell144 (???)harassed-but-loved(non-active)kidnappeddowntherabbithole-blog(non-active)heartsforeigner (non-active)cynicwithaheart (non-active)aliceliddell-theoutsider (???)aliceisinthecountryofhearts-blog (???)
Blood Dupremadlylethargic (a brand new Blood, woo!!!)the-demon-whispers (Krysta is more focused on Sebastian for now, but Blood is there too I think~)
Bloody Twinsgateguardingslackers (semi-active)bloody-tweedle-twins (active)pairrouge-blog (???)bloody-twins-atthegate (active)
Boris Airaychxshirecxt (semi-active)cheshireboris (non-active)magentibus (non-active)punkcheshirecat (???)fluffypinkperson (multi muse)kureji(active)
Gray Ringmarcask-the-lizard-aide (???)echsenartig (non-active) lizard-assassin (semi-active)fiftyshadesofringmarc (???)lizardsan (semi/non-active)
Nightmarealptraumdamon (active)asicklydreamdemon (active)ice-like-dreams  (along with Crysta)
Mad Eggsmad-eggs-onthewall (hella active~)
Peter Whitecold-sunday-afternoons (???)alicesoneandonly (active, a citta blog)whterabbit (a new Peter I think~)tick-tock-rabbit (non-active)
Gowlandthe-musical-marquis (semi/non-active)lahargirl (semi-personal of sorts)
Aceheartstray (non-active)ask-the-knight-of-hearts (???)dearacemeetboris (multi muse)some-k-nights (active)nefeliibxta (multi muse)
Julius Monreytheguxrdianoftime (non-active)a-solitary-stitch-in-time (active)pester-the-clockmaker-blog (semi-active)masteroftheclocktower (non-active)worlds-unnumbered (multi muse/active)
Elliot Marchrabbitthatgoeswoof (non-active)elliotxmarch (???)noxioushxre(???)rule-breakers (multi muse)
Pierce insomniacdormouse-blog (???)
Vivaldiqueen-vivaldi-of-hearts-blog(???)chronically-hysteric-queen (semi-active)queenvivaldi-blog (???)paintsroses (a new Viva!)castleofmuses(multi muse)
Sydney Blacktsukiakarinoniji (multi muse)monosweet (active)Crystaask-crysta-snowpigeon-blog (non-active)ice-like-dreams (semi-active)
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sosoawayrpg · 1 year ago
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Personagens sob aviso. E NĂŁo, nĂŁo Ă© unfollow. Venham falar com a gente!
Explicação: Sam e eu sempre vamos no inbox de cada player perguntar como estão de vida, se precisam de alguma coisa, se quer continuar conosco. Tudo. Unfollow aqui é basicamente pedido ou sumiço completo em chat. Como eu tô com probleminhas na conta da central, vou fazer a lista com todos os que estão pendentes de contato. Sim, vai ter mais de um char por player. Não, não vai ter char com mais de semanas de inatividade (eles já falaram comigo, obrigada <3).
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txngledbxnds · 7 months ago
"Mhm," Duchess nodded. "Do you remember where it is?" Her head was getting fuzzy, and she was finding it hard to think. "It's pretty straight forward really."
There were some students milling around, a lot of them looked over to see who was entering, a few little gasps were herd as James continued to walk through the school, carrying Duchess. They could see that something wasn't right.
Doctor Hank MCoy, aka Beast was indeed in the infirmary. He had been busy working on blood work and what not, trying to find solutions to medical problems, when he could sense, something was, off, but he couldn't uite put his finger on what. He looked up from what he was doing, his eyebrows knitting together in a frown, trying to peace together what it was.
Duchess was about to ask James why, when the view shifted before her very eyes and they were outside the mansion. "Oh, thank you, much smoother than Kurt's. He has to go through some sort of pocket dimension akin to hell when he teleports. It's a bit...jarring.
Sorry, yes, please. I think I've lost the use of my legs and will fall if I try to walk." Duchess replied, now heavily leaning on James. "We need to find Doctor Hank McCoy. He'll be able to run tests and see if this is permanent or not." Duchess was sure she was slurring her speech a little now, and she was starting to feel extremely tired.
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lizardsan-blog · 9 years ago
@castleofmuses liked for a starter !
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“ I’m surprised the rabbit is not with you, your Majesty. Shall I fetch you anything in his place ? ” I wonder where he’s run off to -- I wouldn’t dare to leave Lord Nightmare’s side unless there’s a task. Although, he runs from me. All. The. Time. 
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