#casting magic sans pants
legitimatesatanspawn · 2 months
Okay so I've never seen illustrations of the source material before.
But this sight gives funny reason for Mickey's outfit. Like, we know why MICKEY dresses like that because aside from specific short films or video games he rarely wears a shirt.
But? OG Sorcerer Guy? Where's your pants?
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legacygirlingreen · 4 months
Part 4, Chapter 7: Repository III (the final) // Sebastian Sallow x Reader
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AN: I apologize for this unedited mess. I am also so sorry I’ve been swamped and haven’t uploaded. I have a lot going on right now in my real life and writing has taken a backseat to it. I plan to finish this series soon. Thank you all for holding out with me. This is mostly just filler. Again, sorry.
Pic belongs to @99luka9 on Pinterest! (Not sure if they have a blog here as well but I found in on there)
Warnings: mention of blood, death, violence
Word count: 3,800
Link to Masterlist
The more Sebastian dug into the stone the more blood began to pool in his palms. Sweat dripped down his brow and down the sides of his neck, as well as down his nape, before trailing into his shirt collar. As he went to push yet another piece of piled up rumble to the cave floor, the slick of his palm caused him to lose traction, resulting in him slamming his fingers into the harsh surface as he let out an expletive.
Frustratedly he wiped his hands on the surface of his pants in an attempt to once again gain traction before resuming his efforts to push the stones. The more rubble he cleared, allowing him to gain more information as to what was happening on the other side. More loud taunting, more loud crashing, and thankfully more spell casting. He couldn’t quite make out what she was shouting from wherever this opening would lead, but he could hear the distinct sound of a spell hurling through the air followed by the occasional roar or groan of Ranrok. Everything about this reminded him of how broken she had felt when he rushed into the house with Solomon hot on his heels while he gripped her bleeding body to his chest.
Solomon. That was the strangest part of the ordeal. The more he continued to dig, the more he could hear her sole voice calling back against the goblin. He knew that Solomon had been trapped inside the cavern with her, and a part of him hoped that at the very least the man was alive to help keep her safe, but given the lack of hearing the man’s gruff voice or simultaneous casting there only left a few options for his uncle’s fate: the man was knocked out, the man ran, or he was already dead.
And as callous as it seemed, Sebastian didn’t really care which of three it wound up being.
In fact, Sebastian knew that if he got inside with only the ability to save one of them, he would save her with no hesitation. Solomon may be blood, but that didn’t make him family. Especially after finding out what he had done to Anne, and leaving his love to die at the hands of Rookwood, he had no love left in his heart for Solomon Sallow. That - and years of abuse at the man’s hands didn’t exactly bode well. In some small ways it might be better if Solomon was already dead, he thought. That way he wouldn’t have to kill Solomon himself.
Eventually he pushed aside just the right stone to cause the majority of them to fall away, opening up a small hole which he could see lead into a tunnel. Seeing it as the only way forward he crouched the best he could, pushing through until the tunnel allowed him to once again stand to full height. Inside it appeared similar to San Bakaar’s fourth trial and the location in which he witnessed the memory of the keepers confronting Isadora.
Sebastian felt a chill run up the entire length of his spine before it settled against his nape as he shuddered remembering what he had seen. In some ways he respected San Bakaar more than the others - as the man seemed to understand his policy of using whatever means necessary when your life's on the line. Even during the keeper’s time at Hogwarts the killing curse was forbidden. Knowing all four of them agreed to use it on Isadora in order to protect the wizarding world from her demented actions of corrupting the purity of ancient magic with human pain, made him more inclined to trust their judgment. It also made him glad that he taught the girl how to use it in extreme circumstances.
“Sebastian I am not so sure about this…” she spoke as they rounded that all too familiar staircase of the restricted section. The weight of the books he was returning pressed into his forearms. This was not to do with Anne that he had come back here. In fact he’d given up searching months ago after she finally convinced him they would find a way with ancient magic. But for some reason, after a night where she’d stumbled back even later than his shift with Sirona, covered in blood from poachers, he decided maybe raiding some of the healing spells would benefit her.
“We are just returning what I borrowed. Not taking anything else, I promise” he told her with a sigh.
“What did you take?” She asked cautiously, worried he’d have slipped back into old habits.
“Healing spells they just don’t teach at the school. I wanted to be able to teach them to you. I’m sick of seeing you stumble back broken and bloodied.” He explained, finally coming back to the spot in which he’d removed a few tomes on advanced healing.
“Oh. I thought - nevermind” she said, coming forward to help place the books back on the shelf near him.
“You thought, what? That I was messing with dark magic again?” He asked playfully, not concerned about her response because he genuinely hadn’t. Sebastian had no reason to be embarrassed or start a fuss over something he wasn’t engaging with any longer. And if he was honest with himself… he felt better. His head felt clearer. His back, less weighted.
“Well… why else would one sneak into the restricted section…?” She asked as she peaked open one of the books seeing it did in fact have very complex healing spells before putting it back on the shelf.
“Pornographic material” he said with a shrug.
“What?!” She shrieked and he laughed at her response as he pointed back to a dimly lit alcove all the boys at school had heard about. It was true that several boys always found a way to sneak in and raid it. On occasion he’d grabbed a few on his way out to make the trip more worth it…
“Yeah some of them even moan and make noises and such-“ he started and she smacked his arm as he chuckled.
“Stop being a brute and just put back the healing books you stole. Merlin, why am I courting such a delinquent?” She asked.
“Because you love me?” He teased stretching his hand out, which she graciously took.
“I do. And I’m also glad you stopped looking into dark magic. I know there’s been circumstances your knowledge has come in handy but… overall I prefer not using it as a first resort”
“I agree. I admit, I might’ve started getting a tad loose with some spells I shouldn’t have. I do still think it’s important to have knowledge of dark magic. And there are times I think the ends justify the means…”
“What are you talking about?” She asked, feet stalling as she looked at him.
“Well, if you do face Ranrok, and he has you pinned down without a moment of your life or his, I would prefer to know that you at least knew the killing curse. At that moment I believe it would be a justifiable means to kill him. And I don’t think the ministry would care either given goblins and human rights aren’t the same. But either way, I would like to know you would do anything to keep yourself safe if it came to that. Not as a first choice but a last resort” he explained, somewhat timidly. He knew she didn’t love the use of dark magic, but she never discouraged him trying to gain understanding of it. She saw past the black and white nature of it all, and it was something he deeply loved and admired her for.
“Oh… I hadn’t really thought about it.” She said nervously.
“You don’t have to-“ he tried to explain he wasn’t demanding she learn one of the three unforgivable spells on his account purely, but she cut him off.
“No. You’re right. This is too important. This magic is too dangerous to leave in Ranrok’s hands. I should at least know what to do if it came to that. Not necessarily for my sake but everyone else’s” she explained leaving him stunned.
“I’m really surprised you are so quick to want to learn an unforgivable curse” Sebastian told her honestly.
“Like you said, this mission is important and killing him may be the only way to protect it. Come on down here. I’ll show you the athenaeum. It’s where I went that day you took the fall for me. You can teach me in there how to use it” she said, dragging him along further into the restricted section.
Sebastian had been surprised at her willingness to see the greater good and now he just hoped that she had both paid attention and was alive to make the call if it came down to it.
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Finally having a plan seemed to help. The more she continued to use the attack strategy suggested by Sebastian, the more Ranrok began to absorb the pain as the magic separated from the toxicity contaminating it. This strategy seemed to be the solution, however the more desperate Ranrok became, the more she continued to be knocked down with his futile attempts at preventing her from removing his power.
Each fall felt worse on her already aching body. But at the end of the day, she knew that she would need to stop the goblin, even if it was the last thing she did. This was too important to give up now.
The swirls and conflicting magic surrounded them both as he drew smaller. And then with the most deafening scream of pain did the blast of red and black magic surround them as Ranrok once again returned to his original state.
“You are… but a child…” he grunted out in pain as he stared up at her.
“You shouldn’t understand anyone on account of being young” she spat as he quickly moved to his feet once again, only to be shoved down by her usage of the ancient magic around them.
Watching in horror as the last of the pain entered the goblin, he rose from the ground, screaming in agony as the pain she removed became too much. In horror she watched as she slowly began to glow, breaking apart into thin ash like parts before suddenly he was gone.
A gasp left her lips as she fell to her knees, shocked that it was over. It was finally all over.
Loud banging filled the space before the cavern lurked, loud sounds of falling rocks once again filling the space as she looked above. The chamber she was in began to collapse, as she struggled to rise. Energy depleted from the fight with Ranrok, she wasn’t sure she would be able to stand long enough to search for a way out.
And in her heart she found comfort in knowing at least everyone would be safe. The world at large had been saved. The likelihood of her walking away was low. And yet, she simply wanted to be granted the opportunity to say goodbye to him. To the handsome Slytherin boy, who had taught her so much. Who had shown her great care. Who had loved her beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Laying down, she simply closed her eyes, accepting her fate. Perhaps her mind's eye could recall his big brown eyes one more time. Or imagine all his adorning freckles. If she really concentrated she almost felt as if she could hear his voice shouting her name. What she wouldn’t give to feel him hold her one last time.
But then she felt it. A dirty trick of the mind to shift to the afterlife is what she assumed, but when she opened her eyes and saw the cavern collapsing just behind his head she gasped.
“Bash” came the hushed whisper before she was desperately pulled into his arms as he stood.
“Hold on, we are getting out of here. Just hold onto me” he spoke before whistling loudly, the sound of loud flapping filling the space as her eyes drifted closed. Flashes of feathers, falling debris and his worried face filled her mind before it all faded to black.
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“Mr. Sallow set her down on the cot so the nurse can look over her injuries!” Professor Weasley shouted as the rag tag team of staff and students bust into the hospital ward.
The girl, having lost consciousness somewhere on the journey out of the repository, was still perched in Sebastian’s arms. The boy damn near growling earlier when someone tried to remove her. Lurching forward he set her down, unaware of the wards existing students.
Their friends and educators all coming around to stare down at the battered girl who had saved them. Well, all of them except one.
“Sebastian…” whispered behind him and when he finally tore his eyes from the girl he saw Anne.
“Annie…” he said in shock, having forgotten until now that poppy spoke about his witch find a cure.
“What happened? Where’s, where’s Solomon?” She asked, looking around.
His mind flashed back to the cavern, seeing his uncle crushed on the floor no longer breathing just as he had fled. She had whispered something akin to Solomon before she had fainted but he already knew the man was gone.
“He didn’t make it Anne” he spoke softly as his sister begun to wail loudly. Ominis coming forward to remove his sister from the already chaotic scene, he turned back to his love who still had yet to wake as the nurse began to try and heal some of her injuries.
“Is she going to be alright?” he asked softly as the nurse turned to him.
“I’d say so. Diagnostic spells show most of the damage is external, not internal.” The nurse spoke mending gashes and wiping away blood. As she did so, he took note of the already pink forming scar along the girl's face, now running through the middle of it. It wasn’t the kind of mark that happened by accident, the way it looked was deliberate. Poppy’s cries in the room of requirement were all he needed to know that it had been the result of Rookwood.
“Merlin…” he whispered as Professor Fig tugged him aside.
“It’s best to let them clean her up first. I need to speak with you” the man spoke and all he could do was nod. Deep down Sebastian knew the man was likely playing the events in December over in his mind, recalling how awful the boy had reacted to seeing her injured. Sitting at the edge of a separate bed he sighed.
Soon he found himself in front of the professors. Sebastian hadn’t noticed that Professor Weasley had escorted out all the other students, leaving only Leander who sustained a slightly sizable gash on his leg. But when the adults stared down at him as they refrained from talking he grew confused.
“Mr. Sallow you need to remove your shirt” Professor Sharp said sternly as he looked up confused.
“What?” Sebastian asked as the man harshly pointed at the wound on his shoulder. “Oh. I forgot about that…” he said gritting his teeth as he tried to unbutton the shirt with his non dominate hand.
“Adrenaline can make the body forget the trauma it’s experienced. It doesn’t look as bad now but still shouldn’t take too many chances with it.” The man said as he finished using spells he knew from his time at the ministry to examine the wound. Knowing the nurse would likely be too busy, helping the young Sallow man fell to him in responsibility.
“Is everyone decent?” Came a voice behind Professor Sharp who simply nodded as Matilda Weasley came forward.
“Mr. Sallow. I am going to need much more information this instance.” She demanded.
“Alright.” He spoke grumpily.
“Do you have any kind of idea the danger you put yourself, and your classmates, in?” She asked.
“Did you? Because from what I have come to realize, is that only Professor Fig and I were aware the danger everyone was in this whole time. I was likely more prepared than most of you to handle this”
“That doesn’t excuse your actions-“
“I will not apologize for wanting to make sure she walked out of there alive. Give me detention for the rest of the year. Expel me. Lock me in Azkaban. I don’t care. She is alive and going to be okay. That is all that matters to me” he spoke with exasperation.
“Matilda, perhaps given none of the students were in danger we should consider thanking Mr. Sallow for his assistance. Has they not arrived I am not sure even we all would have walked away” Professor Sharp spoke up.
“The distraction provided by Mr. Sallow and the other students allowed us to gain the upper hand during the battle.” Hecat pointed out.
“Yes but, they could have been hurt. How would I have explained it to their parents or the headmaster?” She questioned.
“Considering Sallow and I are the only two who got hurt, new fifth year excluded, I’d say it’s not something we need to be concerned with Professor Weasley. Chalk it up to some Slytherin resourcefulness and Gryffindor bravery.” Leander grunted as a house elf finished wrapping his leg.
The woman sighed before looking around. Eyes landing on the floor network as two figures emerged.
“Everett found me but when we made it back to the cavern everyone had left” Andrew Larson spoke walking forward with Officer Singer.
“What in Merlin’s name happened here? What is this I hear of a goblin attack?” She asked looking around at the battle worn professors and few injured students.
“Yes. And it appears several of our students mounted a counter offensive” she said with a frustrated sigh.
“Students?! The minister-“
“Will be delighted to know that Hogwarts has such brave, resourceful, loyal and intelligent students that they would be willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. Going so far to go against the measure we took to ensure their safety” Professor Weasley spoke.
“I will need to contact the minister and start a full investigation into the matters-“ Officer Singer began before Matilda once again cut her off.
“Tomorrow. These students, and us for that matter, have been through a great deal. Let them rest. Recover from their injuries before we go bringing up such events again.” She said sternly, nodding to Sebastian that his witch was alert.
No longer caring about the logistics he ran forward, sliding onto his knees as he took to her bed side.
“Sebastian?” She asked gently as he grabbed her hands in his own, kissing the skin along the back of her hand firmly over and over again.
“You are alive. Merlin be praised, you are alive!” He said excitedly as he no longer cared about the hospital ward full of people as he reached his hand out along the back of her neck and brought her into a kiss. It conveyed all the fear, anger, love and pain he was dealing with at all that had happened.
Breaking away to catch her breath the sighed in pain before looking back up at him sadly. “Sebastian… Solomon he…”
“I know” he told her, not really finding it in his heart to care about it at the moment.
“No. He saved me. I was falling. I - I would’ve died had he not saved me. And then he fell to his own death. Sebastian, it was horrible…” she said as tears began to well up in her eyes. He reached forward, hoping to provide comfort as she sobbed. Inside, the boy knew it was rather callous to not feel bad about his last remaining adult relative being gone, but after what he did to Anne, what Solomon did to him and most importantly what he had let Rookwood do to her, he didn’t care.
“We don’t have to discuss it now… you are alive and that’s all that matters” he told her gently as he wipped the tears from her face and she nodded. Reaching towards the table beside her bed, she produced Solomon’s wand and handed it to Sebastian.
“I managed to grab this before everything happened. I thought Anne might want it. But Sebastian-“ she started to speak as the girl in question ran forward.
“Why do you have our uncle’s wand?!” She shrieked.
“We got separated and he was with me when Ranrok-“
“So it’s your fault.” Anne spoke harshly as a gasp fell over them.
“Anne, I’m not sure we have all the information to make claims like that-“ Ominis spoke but the girl interrupted.
“No. She walked out. Solomon didn’t. That’s all I need to know” Anne responded.
“Anne. You have no idea the vile things Solomon did to even you. He-“ Sebastian started only to be interrupted by the witch at his side.
“You are right Anne. Solomon sacrificed himself to save me. And there’s nothing I can do to bring him back or make it okay. I’m sorry.” She said sadly.
“Maybe if you weren’t so careless he’d be alive. It is all your fault.” She spat before standing up.
“Anne! She saved you-” Ominis said standing up and rushing after the girl who was fleeing the hospital ward, leaving Sebastian and her to sit in silence over what had happened.
“Poppy told me what happened. Don't worry. Anne doesn’t know what Solomon did to her. We will talk to her-“ he spoke after a moment and she stopped him.
“No. Let Anne grieve him. She deserves that. I won’t take that away from her” she told him.
“She deserves to know she was dying because Solomon is a coward.”
“Sebastian, I will not be the reason your sister loses the image of her protective and loving uncle.”
“He was anything but that. I won’t have her speak to you that way. You saved her. For heaven's sake, you saved us all '' Sebastian told her sternly.
“And right now she is a girl who is sad over her Uncle’s death. She should be allowed to do that.” She replied.
“Not at the sake of your good name” he told her.
“We will tell her eventually. Right now I really just want to rest.” She said sadly.
“I have talked to Officer Singer. Tomorrow you will all report to discuss the events of today first thing in the morning. Classes have been canceled. For now you are released to go rest.” Professor Weasley spoke before turning on her heels to discuss with the other professors.
“Let’s get you back to the dorm-“ he spoke and she shook her head.
“Room of requirement. I can’t… I don’t want to face anyone right now” she spoke and he nodded, helping her rise to her feet and start down the stairs to their private sanctuary.
To be continued…
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papyrusgayfont · 2 years
* all the miraculous episodes coming out are making me think about my miraculous ladybug/undertale au, so uh I’m just gonna talk about that for a bit
* I just wanted to explain the characters a bit, who’s actually in the au, who’s not, etc
* basically, all of the original Miraculous characters are in the au, but they’d mainly just be side/background characters. Some would be more involved, like Marinette, Nino, Alya, basically most of the class, but for the most part the au would focus on the Undertale/Deltarune cast
* Adrien did exist in the world of this au, but he passed away, idk when exactly that would’ve happened, but probably soon after the monsters were freed
* Unlike the show, Adrien wouldn’t be a sentibeing (assuming he is, he could not be, but there’s so much evidence that suggests he is that it’s basically confirmed), so therefore Emille would exist. She wouldn’t be around for Gabriel’s shenanigans, she’s probably staying with Amelie, idk, but, yeah
* the list I made of which UT/DR characters replace which Miraculous characters is kinda misleading, no one is really “replacing” anyone, since no one would take anyone’s personalities, just the miraculous that the character uses, who gets akumatized, and their role in a given episode (so, for example, Sans would get the snake miraculous, but he wouldn’t really act like Luke or usually take Luka’s role in an episode. He would get akumatized into Truth and Silencer, but other than that, there really wouldn’t be any similarities between Sans and Luka)
* ok now onto some more general things:
* Berdly x Jockington would be a thing, because I decided to do that. For some reason. The relationship would probably start to form in like, Dark Cupid or smth, idk
* Max’s mom and Berdly’s mom would be married, also because I decided to do that
* Susie would have been adopted by Alphys and Undyne, mostly because I like the idea of Undyne adopting Susie in Deltarune, so why not I’ll put that in here
* Frisk and Chara would be able to switch between who’s controlling Frisk’s body, the way that you can tell them apart is that Frisk would wear their blue shirt with purple stripes and brown pants, and Chara would wear their green shirt with a yellow stripe and beige pants. Kris would wear a hoodie with a darker green and a darker yellow stripe and idk brown jeans or smth I don’t know fashion
* the rabbit miraculous would still be a pocket watch, but it would have a chain so you could put it around your neck, and for Kris it would be camouflaged into Chara’s heart shaped locket
* in the show, it’s been explained that the reason a child holder has to detransfrom after using their power once is because they don’t have enough energy for the kwami to feed off of, so the kwami has to eat and recharge. For monsters, the kwami would have to feed off the magic they use to form their physical bodies, and so that’s why they would detransform after using their powers once
* the Gabriel Agreste company would also have an acting company as a part of their brand, apart from the fashion company, and that’s where Mettaton would have worked before the main events of this au
* Mettaton, at this point in time, wouldn’t want to leave acting completely, but he would want to take a break, so that’s why he would be the theatre teacher at Françoise Dupont High School. Alphys would be the second science teacher, and Undyne would be the second gym teacher.
* Dess and Noelle would live with Asgore in his house, since Asgore wants to take care of them after Rudy’s passing and their mom leaving them
* both Mettaton and Papyrus would be gay, but Mettaton would publicly be out, and Papyrus wouldn’t (I’m not saying that the world of this au would have homophobia/transphobia as a problem, like 99% of people in this world would be accepting, but ofc there would be those few)
* some of the akuma villains would probably be some of the darkners from Deltarune, since the dark worlds wouldn’t be a part of the au, and I’d just like to include them (so Markov - Queen, Bob Roth - Spamton, Burgerpants - Jevil, etc)
* I’ve got some (very basic) ideas for how certain episodes could play out: for example, Silencer. Essentially, the episode would mostly be the same, the only difference would be that the band isn’t “Kitty Section”, it would be a band that Papyrus started in his spare time, and Mettaton is their manager. Papyrus would have designed the costumes, and seeing that they were stolen, he and Sans would go and confront XY and Bob Roth about it, and Sans, upset that his brother’s work is being stolen, and also hearing that XY has blackmail on Papyrus (see Papyrus not being out), gets akumatized
* for Papyrus being a sentibeing, I don’t have it fully finalized, but I was thinking that the object that holds his amok would be a piece of his scarf that Gaster used to test and see if what he was doing would work
* for “Felix”, I was thinking he could be a shapeshifting monster that was Papyrus’ old friend from the Underground, who knows that Papyrus is a sentibeing, and wants to try and protect him from any harm that Gabriel could bring him
* for Mad Mew Mew’s “Queen Bee” arc, in the “Miracular” episode of the au, instead of Mad Mew Mew never getting to be Queen Bee again, she and Ladybug would come up with a plan where she would come up with a new costume and name for her so that she could still wear the bee miraculous, but Hawk Moth wouldn’t recognize her. This would lead into the season 3 finale, and then the “Queen Banana” episode, where we’d learn Mad Mew Mew’s new superhero name and her new outfit
* ik these are all horrible ideas, but my brain will literally not let me think about anything else, and I just had to write them down
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asknarashikari · 11 months
Special Grand Prix: Halloween Edition! (its the only Rider season that makes impromptu immediate dress up possible, so I'm using the Geats cast XD)
Tsumuri: Welcome! For the special Desire Grand Prix!
Keiwa: Eh? Special Grand Prix?
Neon: Is it the same as Michinaga’s Special Grand Prix.
Michinaga: Don’t drag me into this.
Keiwa: At the very least, I don’t think this is a dream.
Daichi: Really? Now I’m intrigued.
Michinaga: Its none of your business Nudge Sparrow.
Sae: While I’m confused why I’m here, I am intrigued as well. *glares at Michinaga*
Sara: Keiwa? What are you talking about?
Tsumuri: After the Special Grand Prix, we’ll see what the other Special Grand Prix is all about.
Michinaga: Oi!
Neon: Come to think of it, where is Ace?
Ace: Did someone call for me?
Michinaga: And here he comes.
Tsumuri: Ace-sama with be the one to judge how you carry your costumes. Ace: *appears wearing this*
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Michinaga: So Gaudy.
Sae: Couldn’t agree more.
Keiwa: Carry?
Tsumuri: Correct, everyone’s costumes has already been decided!
Neon: Eh?!
Keiwa: I hope it isn’t as bad.
Sae: Forget being bad, I hope it doesn’t cater to a specific kind of audience.
Michinaga: Who chose the costumes?
Tsumuri: No one.
Tsumuri: I will demonstrate.
Win: Why can’t I join the others?
Tsumuri: Because you’re a DGP staff, Win-san.
Win: Is that why Ace is judging instead of being part of the game.
Tsumuri: Hai!
Tsumuri: Now, roulette spin!
*a blank roulette spins and stops at a certain point and Win’s clothes changed for his street wear… to him wearing a carved pumpkin on his head, shirtless, with black pants and barefoot, carrying a lit up lamp*
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Neon: Ha…
Sae: So our costumes are randomized.
Tsumuri: At least for the first round.
Ace: I look forward to seeing how everyone performs.
"[Geats is] the only Rider season that makes impromptu immediate dress up possible, so I'm using the Geats cast"
Uh... Wizard has magic? Gaim has a Fruit Jesus who could turn his ugly ass Fruit Jesus outfit into a more bearable normal outfit? Saber has a Book Jesus that put his friends in animal onesies while turning himself into Momotaro? Build had Misora turn from a nearly comatose girl to internet sensation Mii-tan in like five seconds flat? 😑
If that's what Win ends up in, I'd hate to see what everyone else ends up in. Especially the girls... knowing the DGP audience it may be something even more humiliating
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wakita7 · 2 years
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Ensorceled!Sans (alias Ens)
Ens physically resembles Classic except that he may have luminous purple eyes and is slightly taller.
As for his clothes, he wears a midnight blue and purple round-ended cape whose hood he keeps on his head, attached by two buttons and a rope forming an 8 at the neck and whose sleeves are long enough to hide his hands. He also wears a fairly large white T-shirt tucked into wide off-white pants tied with a braided belt. He wears pointy shoes with off-white low heels tightened by brown laces. Also, he keeps a blue scarf under his cape.
Ens is able to levitate and cast enchantments. Apart from that, he can just like many others without using bones, Gaster Blasters or shortcuts, he is also good at dodging. He is quite powerful but pacifist, and will not be the first to attack.
He's someone who enjoys sleeping as well as jokes, even if they're not always understood, it doesn't seem to matter much to him. He appears to be in the west, but he is still thoughtful and far from oblivious.
Always having the same soft and calm tone, as well as the neutral face, one never really knows if he is serious or if he is ironic.
EnsorceledTale is an AU based on magic and enchantments. Sans was created by an enchantment by Gaster, just like his brother. In this AU, magic is present on a daily basis, helping and protecting the inhabitants of the Underground.
Ens, after some long researches, found a way to travel through the multiverse with the help of portals created with his magic.
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magic-hcs · 2 years
*slams hands on table*
It's angst time!
The couple has their first big argument and in the heat of the moment skele says some hurtful things while hurting s/o physically too, if you're not comfy with a slap, then maybe a shove. s/o only holds the painful spot and looks at them heartbroken and fear in their eyes before turning around and silently walk away from them, hiding the building tears. 💔
With Charon, Red, Syrup and one of your choices!
*rubs hands together evilly* good idea anon. Let’s make these boys suffer😈
Warnings: shouting, cursing, arguments, hurtful words, pushing, mention of not being able to breathe for a moment, angst
Red: UF sans
Syrup: US papyrus
Charon: UF papyrus
Razzle: SF Sans
Let’s cast some magic and see what we’ll get! ✨
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Red: “shuddap with yer fucking ‘everything is going to be fine’ attitude! stars, how’d i ever see something in ya, yer so god damn annoying.”
Red feels his soul ache the moment he said it. It started to crumble as he saw the hurt and unshed tears inside your eyes. He didn’t mean it, he regretted it the moment the words left his teeth. Red wants to take them back and move to hold you, afraid that if he doesn’t you’ll leave forever. But that side of him has been shoved in the back while the anger has taken the front row seat. And it was unwilling to relent its control to the more sensible part of him. It had been itching to take the wheel with every little mistake that happened today.
“Y-you…you can’t mean that…surely.” Your voice is so quiet Red almost didn’t hear it. The anger has left you as you tried to mostly reassure yourself that this wasn’t true. The sensible part of Red noticed the subtle movement of your arms going to hug yourself. Red feels as if he’s surrounded by an ocean of dark, heavy water. It’s dragging him down ever deeper into its abyss, he’s suffocating with no way to correct the wrongs.
Red had never hated himself that much then right in this moment.
“keep telling yerself that, sweetheart.”
Red stands corrected.
He wanted to punch himself. Restrain himself. Anything to stop the lies he hears coming from his own voice. He doesn’t want to listen to it anymore, and goes to cover his non-existent ears. Becoming surprised when he finds himself actually covering the sides of his head. The lies have stopped and Red feels relieved. Until he sees your face.
Your lips had been moving, and a hand had been placed on his shoulder. The concern and sadness in your eyes and expression faded away into hurt. Before that hurt transforms into guilt for half a second, and then anger.
You had been talking.
Red feels your hand clenching just a bit tighter on his shoulder. Magic is crackling in the air. His next action was a reflex.
“don’t fucking touch me!”
Red’s eyesockets widened as he watched in slow motion how your body got engulfed by a dark red hue. He wasn’t fast enough to stop his arm from swinging. It just took a second for the magic to respond. But once it did, Red felt his entire being go cold. Your body got slammed into the wall, hard. Red swears he hears a crunch echo throughout the room as you fell limp. The only indication that you were alive was the desperate gulps of air you took. By the fear in your eyes it was certain your lungs were unable to absorb the oxygen from the gulps of air.
Fear grabbed Red’s plummeting soul in a vice grip, jagging its claws in it and not letting go.
“babe!” Red exclaims, rushing over to help you in any way he could. His panting is erratic as he slides the last bit of distance on his knees. He goes to hold you but you slap him away. It wasn’t a slap filled with any strength, yet it was enough to render Red frozen in place. He watched you struggle to get up, watched as you finally were able to really breathe again, watched as you glared down at him, tears trailing down your face. “S-stay-“ you coughed, voice hoarse and breaking. “Stay. The. Fuck. Away from me.”
Red didn’t dare move from his position on the floor as he watches you limp out the room. Passing by the messed up cake - the cake meant to be a surprise for you - on the table. The words were misspelled, but it was an easy fix.
Unlike the unfixable mess Red just made… And all he had to blame, was himself and his short temper.
Syrup: “Don’t you walk away from me Syrup!” You call out to him as he power walks away from his problems like always. Damn him and his long ass legs. Where’s that godforsaken air which he always trips over at the most inconvenient times when you actually need it?
“You can’t keep avoiding this problem, Syrup!”
“watch me.”
“God dammit Syrup, stop acting childish and actually listen to me!”
You grab his hand, which he snatches back almost immediately. “i’m not childish.” Now he partly faces you, waiting. His expression is troubled, a mixture of many emotions, you could make out a few of them: nervousness, frustration and ruefulness. At least he’s hearing you out now hopefully.
“What the heck was that back there?” You ask, already able to guess the answer. But it would better to hear it from Syrup himself.
He scoffs. Looking as if he’s already done with the conversation. “sibling squabble obviously, honey. you got healthy eyes dont you?” Syrups snarks. Turning to face you fully now, teeth half way parted in a sneer. His shoulders were tense, he may have had his hands in the pockets of his hoodie, but he looked ready to lunge at any moment. Like a predator - no - like a cornered animal.
You ignored the sharp pang inside your chest and the horrible twists - like a knife - turning inside your stomach. He could’ve ditched the insult in your opinion. But that’s not here and now, you could get angry and lick the wound- which was deeper then you would like to admit - later.
You tried to keep the frustration out of your voice: “That-! That was not just a sibling squabble. Whatever that was that I just witnessed, was down right vicious. To both parties involved.” Your making motions with your hands to illustrate both what you saw and what your feeling right now. Syrup is glaring down at you as he goes to stand in your personal space. “then don’t watch or stick your nose in business it doesn’t belong.” He almost growls out. Too lost in both the heat and emotions from the fight he just had with his brother and this one to think clearly.
Magic is crackling in the air like a firecracker about to explode, you don’t notice it.
“I can’t.” You hiss through your teeth, fist clenching. You feel your skin and brain boiling. “I live here too.”
“then maybe you should pack you things and leave,”
His words were a slap to the face, your left stunned in place. Eyes widened in shock and betrayal. Syrup had been the one who kept insisting that you should live with both him and his brother. He had been the one who dramatically claimed he missed you so much when you were away.
“good riddance.”
You don’t see how Syrup staggers in horror at his own words. As if not being able to believe what he just said. You don’t notice how he slaps a hand against his teeth. You only saw the color red. You don’t hear the muffled whispers forming an unfinished: “i-i, i didn’t….i’m sor-“ for the blood pulsing through your ringing ears drowns out the sound. You don’t notice you’re already storming towards him until your right in his face.
“FUCK YOU! YOU ASSHOLE!” It leaves your mouth before you register it. Your hands move on their own, pushing Syrup with all the strength you could muster, you don’t notice the tears stinging your eyes. Syrup staggers. His shocked and horrified expression turns into rage. He pushes back. But just a bit too hard, with just a bit too much magic mixed in. You’re hurled back, landing unfortunately on your side.
Everything is quiet as your gasping for breath. Once air returns you, you stumble to your feet. Tears freely flowing down your cheeks. Your body hurts, but your heart is hurting much more. You leave Syrup alone with his guilt, his grief and some last words. “Don’t think of finding me until you got your shit straight.”
Charon: “I Do Not Understand What You’re Going On About. I Handled It.” Charon huffs while opening the door for you to walk through. You hissed out a thanks through your teeth. It was a rule the two of you had made pretty early on; even while in disagreement, you would still treat eachother with respect.
“Oh, handling it you did indeed. By losing your temper and throwing the guy through a window!” You seethed. Charon could tell by the way you paced back and forth in the room of your shared apartment that you were trying your hardest to keep your calm. He could feel his patience starting to slip as well. Grinding his teeth together before answering. “See! I Handled It!” He says while gesturing a hand towards you. “You Just Admitted It! Why Keep Bringing It Up If We Are On The Same Page!?”
You snapped your body around and moved into his space. Charon tried to move back but you followed him. “It’s the way how you handled it!” The skeleton in question glared down at the finger you used to jab into his chest. Noticing his glare you snatch your finger away as if the fabric of his clothes burned you. You looked apologetic, guilt flooded into your eyes and opening your mouth to properly apologize. But the frustration from the unfinished argument was just a bit faster. An inhuman growl and shout came out your mouth, followed by a: “Goddammit, Charon!” You put some distance between the two of you, for both your sakes. Taking a deep breath and holding it in for a second before releasing it all in one go. Pressing your fingers against your lips you stare at the floor.
Charon wasn’t fairing any better then you in the ‘keep-emotions-in-check’ sector. Feeling his magic bubble and flare with every deep breath he’s forcing himself to take. The adrenaline from the situation that had started this argument was still coursing through his bone marrow. And it didn’t do him any favors in the long run. Mind blank with the only instincts chanting to ‘strike first before being struck down’ left to keep him semi functional were unhelpful to say the least. He couldn’t think clearly, only thoughts of wanting to keep you safe running through his mind. Why couldn’t you get it? Why did you want to be such a pacifist?
You spoke up again. “What you did to that guy…” there’s a pause, you’re gathering your thoughts to form a sentence that wouldn’t trigger the both of you before continuing. “What you did…is no way we handle things here. Maybe it had been down there, but not here.” You avert your gaze, directing it to the floor. The fire within you has been put out, you looked so tired. Charon stares intensely at your exhausted form.
You would’ve been dust within seconds…
“Fucking hell, Charon. This is so fucking complicated…why couldn’t you just keep your goddamn promise for once.”
The way your voice sounded so broken set something off in Charon’s mind. Without knowing what’s he’s doing, he lunged at you. Pushing you against the wall with his hand clenched over your clothes. You stare at him with fear. But Charon doesn’t notice, terror grips at him.
‘don’t pick a fight and lose the will mid way.’
‘never take yer eyes off the person infront of ya.’
‘never show yer weakened state to anyone, paps.’
Charon isn’t completely there. Repeating the rules Red had drilled into him since his early childhood in a desperate plea for you to defend yourself. Forgetting he’s no longer underground, but instead on the surface. Once Charon meets your eyes does he still. Your eyes were filled with fear…Fear.
Fear, not of what he was warning you for…but fear of him…you were scared of him…
He realizes he’s been holding you up in the air by your shirt, eyesockets widened in horror he snatches it back, holding his hand against his chest. He stares at it. Not hearing what you said with a hoarse voice.
An emotional massacre is raging inside Charon’s own mind. Self hate, remorse, and hurt fighting for forefront seat like rabid dogs.
He’s staggering away from you as you try to ask what’s going on. Your still willing to give him a chance, but he ruins the last sprinkle of hope all on his own.
He hasn’t called you human ever since the two of you had the first ever deep emotional talk.
Charon could see by the look on your face that he just set fire to the last bridge the two of you painstakingly build together. And he has to close his sockets to refrain himself from taking it all back. You deserve better.
He actually really loved how much you cared about him, despite his many unforgivable faults. He’s holding in his breath until he hears you running away. Once the door slams shut did he Charon let go. Sinking to the floor he feels his soul tremble. He automatically goes to put magic into enhancing his hearing, listening for you. Only now, your not happily giggling after receiving a goodbye kiss from him. Your weeping while running away from the house as fast as you could.
Once he can’t hear you anymore does he snap. Letting his soul take the reign it lashes out in fury, self-loathing, grief and heart-ache. The feelings tears an inhumane roar from him as bones shoot out from the ground around him. He’s destroying it all, destroying every memory, every thought of you that remained.
He sags to the floor defeated.
A little voice in his mind - once drowned out by the others- whispers to him that breaks him all over again.
What was this fight really about if not the fear of hurting and losing one another?
Razzle: Razzle was sometimes a bit protective. You knew this very well. He even warned you about it before letting you commit to a relationship with him.
But this was going too far.
Razzle’s been refusing to let you go to work ever since the broadcast on tv, stating a terrorist group has been targeting work places similar to yours. Don’t understand wrong, you get why he would ask you to work from home when the terrorist attacks were getting near your work place. What you don’t get however, is that he still refused to let you go to work again after the terrorist attacks were getting further away from your work location.
Ok, he may be a concerned about the possibility of the terrorists coming back, fine, you’ll go along with it for another two weeks to put his mind at ease.
But then came the straw that broke the camel’s back: You were supposed to have meetings with your team online while Razzle stood in the corner like a creep overseeing the entire thing.
What the hell is going through his mind that makes that a logical course of action?
So here you are, trying to get a straight answer out of him instead of the vague statements you didn’t have any use for. It doesn’t go smoothly and both your stubbornness and perseverance caused this conversation to go down hill fast. It turned into a heated shouting match about absolutely nothing and everything at the same time.
“Why are you like this!? I’m not a fragile child in need of protecting, I’m my own independent person!” You cried out in frustration. Razzle clicked his non-existent tongue in response. “HARDLY MY DEAR. YOU ARE LIKE A HEADLESS CHICKEN IN A CROWDED PLACE WITHOUT ME TO BE YOUR MAP!” Razzle sneers, rolling his eyelights. “YOU ARE LOST WITHOUT ME.”
That was a low blow even for him. He knew you got insecure about your horrible sense of directions sometimes. Was him reassuring you it didn’t bother him in the slightest - he was rather happy to aid you whenever you needed it - just a lie to make you feel better?
New fresh sadness and rage fueled your veins, your mind was racing and you shouted out the first words that came to mind.
You did not let the exact words you’ve just said sink in, nor did you wait for Razzle’s reaction - whose eyelights seemed to shrink till they became tiny dots in a black abyss, the levender color has slightly faded into a gray, his expression was that of someone who just saw their world crumble and collapse - turning to hurry away from both Razzle and this heartache.
But fear had overtaken Razzle, he was hurt, he was scared, he didn’t want you to leave. You’re one of the best things that happened to him - besides Coal and Mastiff - he couldn’t lose you like this. Never like this. Razzle hurries to follow you, reaching out to grab your arm. He didn’t know his own strength. Squeezing just a tad to hard, he ends up jagging his sharp claws into your skin. (Of all the times Razzle didn’t wear gloves, why had it to be this specific day?)
Your scream in pain renders him frozen. Snatching his hand back, staring at it as if it was something horrific. He doesn’t hear your exact words, it’s being drowned out by the deafening sound of ringing. His head snaps up to you, your almost out the door, Razzle tries to apologize but his non-existent throat is closed up. And it’s too late anyways, you slammed the door shut. The ache in his soul brings him to his knees, unable to support the weight that just got slammed into him. He doesn’t know what to do, his soul is cracking, and all he has to blame for is himself.
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Thank you for participating in this spell, I hope it was to your satisfaction!
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symphonyofeternity · 2 years
Hii, Xerophi here, and I sculpt things for fun. I don’t post much in general, but I’m flattered some of you want to follow me and I’m super blown away that people thought it looked official?! I’m into clay these days, so if you don’t mind seeing some clay art floating around every now and then, welcome aboard! 
This is a making-of post, and I’m mostly putting this out there to encourage people to try their own hand at making figurines! It’s also not really a tutorial, though if anyone’s curious I gratuitously watched some Youtube videos that cover most of the way a figurine gets sculpted and put together.
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Super Sculpey Firm (Gray) (about 95% of the project) + Premier Air Dry Clay for patch jobs (when I deemed the polymer would suffer brittleness from further baking)
Tamiya Polyester Putty for patching over cracks, imperfections on the surface
Armature wire- Gotta have a skeleton!
Various Tamiya Acrylic paints
A block of wood to mount figurine to (lol)
Pretty typical clay sculpting tools 
Long post ahead!
To be honest I’ve always been really interested in how anime figurine garage kits (unofficial, unassembled, unpainted figurines) are produced, but unfortunately, most of the details are in Japanese, so I settled for following a bunch of makers on Twitter and did my best to piece together steps from their postings. Unfortunately I’m not skilled enough yet to go the full way of making molds and resin casts for a piece like this but I think I can say I’ve finally leveled up with sculpting figurines in general with this project! I learned a lot along the way. 
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I started with his face. And it was not good. The hat too. Proportions were a bit difficult to maintain when I approached it from such a piece-wise method, so I tossed them both and just... completely redid them the next day using the body as reference.
I pondered a lot about what expression I wanted him to have. Since Legends Arceus gave us the brilliant gem of seeing him smile after battle, I thought it was a largely bittersweet thing to be able to witness. I wanted to preserve the intensity of his expression, but also allow the joy of battle to shine through. So... at certain angles, he does appear to have a bit of a smile! 
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A rough addition of muscles to the armature. Clay works remarkably like skin and muscle too, stretching and flexing as I pose him. This let me envision the way his tunic would flow over the torso. Made it look a biiiit tight on him…;) Once the tunic was done, used some 91% alcohol to smooth surface imperfections over the clay, then I tossed it sans arms into the oven. Wasn’t sure how I wanted the arms yet. Legs were easier, Ingo’s pants are a little looser at the bottom now than they were in BW.
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Grew a brain and remembered I had perfectly good reference material to size and proportion against and wouldn’t it be cool if my figurine matched the same scale as the Best Wishes Partners series?
Dunno what BW Ingo thinks of his raggedy counterpart though. Prolly nothing good?!?!
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Got some sculpting mesh wire and cut and formed it in approximation of how I wanted the coat to be shaped, temporarily stuck it to the body, and then carved the rips and tears in before baking. Removed the mesh after its job was done, you can see the diamond grid pattern it left at the bottom of the coat. No worries, there’s magic for that later.
Top of the coat is sculpted directly over the tunic, and the collar is done in a similar fashion to the coat, clay over mesh wire, mesh removed, then the piece is glued on.
He gained a small metal peg at the back to help temporarily hold up the bottom half of the coat along with some helper tape.
The coat was the main reason why I decided I wasn’t experienced enough yet to attempt making a mold and resin cast. I have no idea how I’d even cast such a thin piece to begin with.
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Hands! I took a small piece of clay, flattened it into a square for a palm, and sculpted the fingers individually with a piece of metal in each to stick to the palm with. Damn the Best Wishes figurines for the gloves- meanwhile I’m here trying to get knuckles, bones, and nails to show up because they went hard on his hands in his design so I decide to as well. I also finally settled on paying homage to his iconic over the shoulder pose, finally baking the arms into place. 
The first iteration of the Sneaseler warden bracelet got added. It turned out far too thick to fit in his sleeve with the hand attached, so I wound up having to make a second one (pictured) to replace it. The base of a Hisuian Pokeball got added and later touched up to stupid levels of detail. (You can’t even see most of the damn bracelet in his sleeve >:( why did I work so hard)
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I struggled with getting the coat to meet smoothly across the seam, but turned out I didn’t need to. Tamiya putty turned out to be an insanely good filler and masker, I could have done fine after gluing the pieces together but I only realized this at the end. Of course if I were making a proper garage kit, it’d be bad form for me to send people something they’d have to work so hard to attach properly.
At this point I didn’t want to bake the polymer any more, too much baking and it gets brittle, and I was already working at a tiny scale and with really thin pieces, so I brought in air dry clay (Premier brand), which is reasonably capable of sticking to polymer with a little water, and sands very smoothly later, to help fill in too large gaps. 
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Lowest point of the project visually- I’ve never used Tamiya putty (the yellow stuff) to this extent, but I’ve seen some Japanese artists literally slather their whole project in it before seemingly sanding or carving it back down to detail. I have no idea how they manage that except what must be a shit ton of patience, but I tentatively went with the leap of faith, using it wherever I felt imperfections. The underside of the coat, marred by the mesh, got filled in at this point. 
Tamiya polyester putty is a two part putty that cures in roughly an hour and is sandable to nearly a polish. It cures to a hard surface that is easy to carve and incredibly easy to sand, hence why it gets used to fill in imperfections and cracks. It works its way into these places very nicely too, as it basically starts in a cream form.
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I sanded everything until it got smooth and flat again, then airbrush sprayed over it with Mr. Finishing Surfacer 1500 gray. This primer has the nice additional feature of settling into small areas of imperfections and smoothing them over as it dries. Places where imperfections show up were continuously patched with the Tamiya putty, sanded, and primed over until I was satisfied.
Still wasn’t happy with the length of the legs or the tilt of the head since I messed up the neck by making the wire connection too tiny to rely on, so his head kept wobbling or turning (or fALlING-). Fortunately nothing’s glued, not even the legs, so I can adjust his height and add/subtract clay to my liking until the pose is good.
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Drew in guidelines to the pattern on his coat. Added the buttons, realized he had too much of his coat still to warrant subtracting the lost button, so I shrugged my shoulders and rolled with it. 
Using painter’s tape, I masked anywhere I didn’t want to spray, then airbrushed in the black, then brown. The primer turns out to be the perfect shade of gray for his palette, so I just masked over it to keep it in the places I want. Skin got a bit of realism added to it by shading it in lightly with dust ground from a pastel, then sprayed over with finisher to seal it in.
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Printed out the Pearl Clan symbol, cut it out with an xacto knife, and glued it on. My printer sucks, so I darkened it with some paint. It helps at this point the paper juts up just a bit so I could carefully paint over it without touching the tunic below. Added some finisher spray over it to make sure it sticks. 
Nuked the left leg last second, and replaced it with a longer version, because I was unable to stand (haha) the poor positioning of the original. 
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Aaaand he’s done! 
One of the most important lessons I learned during this was not to over do it. If I started struggling, started making more mistakes than usual, I just straight up stopped then and there. I wanted to make a piece I could be proud of and forcing myself when I was clearly done mentally wouldn’t be good for me or the end result.
I’m happy to answer any questions or talk about figurines and sculpting! I’m entirely a hobbyist but I felt like it was difficult finding good information on how to sculpt anime figurines in general so if anyone’s curious about this stuff, I’d love to bounce some thoughts on the topic.
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Iiiin the meanwhile I want to work on a Sygna Suit idea for Ingo and Chandelure next! Maybe finally give Emmet some love too after xD, Now that we have the butler bros I feel like we’re not gonna see anything else for them for a while longer =A=
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circus4apsycho8 · 3 years
Hey chobleb! SO GLAD TO HEAR FROM YOU! Of course you can <333 Ilyt!! You're cool as well :DDDD
I decided to write this in second person so it can be applicable to everyone. Plus I feel like I’m bad at other POVs haha. This is your pretty generic uwu-sans-asks-you-out-on-date-in-the-underground oneshot but I still hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Sans x Reader
Warnings: mild cussing maybe i dont really remember
It’s not even time to leave and today is already a disaster.
Clothes are strewn about your room, Undyne is trying to calm you down, Alphys is going through your wardrobe and you’re in the midst of a breakdown.
“I can’t do this,” you say, clutching your chest. “I-I-“
“You can, nerd!” she says. “Just take a deep breath. It’s just Sans, and you’re only going out for lunch. That’s all.”
You exhale shakily, butterflies swirling in your tummy. “I’m so nervous, though…”
“That’s just b-because you’re overthinking th-things,” Alphys chimes in as she pulls something out from your closet.
“Exactly. Once you get there, you’ll realize how chill it’ll be,” Undyne says, patting you on the back a few times. “Looks like Alph found an outfit for you. Go try it on.”
You sigh, standing from the side of your bed. Alphys smiles softly as she hands you a dress. It’s an older one – one that Mettaton had designed for you a while back. It was too fancy for most occasions, but not for a date at the MTT Resort. You take it and enter your bathroom before changing into it.
Huh. It…actually looks kind of decent. Well, you expect it would – after all, it was tailored to fit your specific figure. The colors compliment your skin and bring out the color of your eyes. It’s flattering, but not too showy.
You step out of the bathroom, and are met by quiet gasps from your friends.
Undyne says your name softly. “That. That is the one.”
“It’s p-p-perfect! You look so pretty!”
“Thanks,” you mutter, too embarrassed to say anything else.
“Now, wear these shoes…and bam! You look great!” Undyne declares. Alphys nods in approval before she comes up behind you and pushes you out the door of your room.
“N-Now go wait downstairs! Sans will be here any s-second now!”
You roll your eyes as Undyne ushers you down near the front door. You’re too nervous to sit, so you walk around while fidgeting. Mind racing, you notice just how fast your heart is beating.
It’s then you hear a knock emanating from your front door. You suck in a deep breath before gathering you shattered nerves and opening the door.
There stands Sans, one hand hidden behind his back. He’s dressed in a light blue button-up and dark dress pants.
“hey,” he greets, a faint blue staining his zygomatic arches. He smiles, using his free hand to rub the back of his cervical vertebrae. “wow…you look so pretty…”
Your eyes widen as the blush returns at full force. “Oh…thank you. You look handsome,” you compliment, offering him a small smile.
He chuckles in response. “thanks. oh…these are for you.” He pulls his hidden arm out from his back, revealing a bouquet of flowers that must have come from Asgore’s garden.
You gasp in delight. “Sans! You didn’t have to…” You take the bouquet, staring at it in fascination. Such lovely flowers! “Thank you! I’ll go put them in a vase quickly.”
You quickly go to set the bouquet somewhere safe before you hurry back to the doorway. Sans offers a hand to you as you shut the door.
“may i?”
A giggle escapes you as you take his hand. “You may.”
“good, ‘cause i know a shortcut.”
“Yes, your teleportation. We know this.”
He winks. “let’s go. don't wanna be late to our reservation.”
With that, you feel the world fading beneath your feet as he whisks you through the void. Your head begins to spin as you feel the world rematerializing once more.
“Whew,” you say, your head spinning. Sans slips an arm around your waist to keep you upright.
“you okay?” he asks.
You take a moment to gather your bearings, not yet noticing his arm. “Yeah, I’m good now.”
“good,” he says softly, releasing his grip on you. You smile, noticing that the butterflies in your stomach have settled. Undyne was right – it’s just Sans, and you’re comfy with him.
Sans gently loops his phalanges through your fingers, and you don’t pull away.
Dinner was – well, it was fantastic. It was a teeny bit awkward at first, but soon enough the two of you were laughing and just overall having a nice time. The food was good, and Sans insisted on paying much to your dismay.
“hey, there’s one more spot i wanna take you to,” Sans says, tugging you out of the restaurant. You giggle, following him.
“Where are we going?”
“it’s a surprise. close your eyes?”
You obey, closing your eyes as he teleports the two of you through the void once more.
“keep your eyes closed. i'll guide you to the spot.”
“Okay. I trust you!”
With that, Sans loops his arm around your waist and guides you through the area. You try to figure out where you are by using your other senses. Judging by the sound of rushing water, and lack of a freezing cold temperature, you can assume you’re in Waterfall. But where is Sans taking you?
“k, you can open them now.”
You open your eyes, and gasp. Sans has taken you to a dark cavern filled with echo flowers, a small stream, and gems embedded in the walls and ceiling. The only illumination here is provided by the echo flowers.
“I don’t think I’ve been here before,” you note, smiling. You turn to Sans, studying how his bones are cast in the soft blue light of the flowers.
“it’s a secret hideout my bro and i have. i don’t think anyone else comes here.”
“That’s crazy,” you note, lifting the skirt of your dress a bit so you can kneel in front of an echo flower. You smile as Sans settles next to you.
“These flowers are so cool,” you note, gently touching one of the flower’s petals. It softly echoes back what you just said. “I wonder how they work? I mean, I understand it’s, well, magic, but still. It’s so incredible…”
You trail off, studying the flower for a moment later before you glance at Sans once more. He’s gazing at you with soft eyelights.
“you’re so beautiful,” he mumbles, tone soft as raises his right hand to cup your cheek.
Your blush returns tenfold as you melt into his touch. You press his hand against your skin and smile.
“Thank you,” you reply, holding his gaze and scooting closer to him and wrapping your arms around his neck. “You know, you look so cute all dressed up.”
He chuckles lightly, brushing your cheek with his other hand. “thanks.”
Now, you’re so close that your nose is lightly pressed against his nasal bone. You still haven’t dropped your stare, and soon enough, Sans leans forward, pressing his teeth against your lips.
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x0401x · 3 years
Jeweler Richard Fanbook Short Story #15
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Richard-sensei’s Cooking Classroom
On a bright morning in Kandy, a provincial town from Sri Lanka, a man was standing still in his kitchen. Leaning against the wall was a Japanese book titled “Breakfast for People Who Live Alone”. There were three items on the menu. Just an omelet with ketchup on top, boiled sausages and fruit salad yogurt.
Regardless, the kitchen where the man was standing was an explosion of colors, as if it were the atelier of some Dadaist painter. Perhaps he was wrong in trying to make an omelet, the blond man thought, tilting his head despondently. Loved by the god of beauty, his blond hair swayed smoothly, and on the wall behind him, the exploded omelet was scattered in all directions, giving off an artistic atmosphere. It was obvious that in order to cook an omelet on a frying pan, it was necessary to shake up said pan, but the specific method of how hard one should shake it had not even once made an appearance in his life, much like fairies and unicorns from fictional stories. As a result of him jerking the pan with moderate adjustment, the omelet had flown off, hitting the wall and dripping down under the influence of gravity.
The beautiful man cast his eyes at the opposite side of the kitchen with a melancholic look as well. His golden eyelashes reflected a rainbow-colored prism and shone like an emerald-green sea under the morning sun. In a corner, where a microwave and water heater sat on top of the kitchen table, something orange had burst all over the place from within the microwave. Just why did food blow up so often, the man wondered, silently ashamed of his ignorance for trying to reduce just two rules of thumb to common sense. When he put three vacuum-packed blood sausages in the microwave and warmed them up, the sausages lost their original shape with a faint explosive sound. Obeying the instructions that said, “Bain-marie or microwave”, the man had chosen the microwave, which seemed less difficult, but probably due to some process being neglected or the heating time being incorrect, the sausages had undergone a magical transformation, looking like some sort of eerie monster.
Moving his feet so as not to make a sound, the man headed to the dining room, lightly placing a hand on the large table and elegantly gazing at the tabletop. Fragments of yellow and green were floating on a sea of white.
“Fruits yogurt,” the man whispered, as if it were a magic spell, heaving a spring breeze-like sigh.
It was just chopped fruits floating on yogurt. Taking into account the possibility that he could not cut the fruits too meticulously, the man was out of luck to have a slicer with him, and by the moment he realized that this one was apparently not supposed to be used for fruits but rather for slicing things such as cabbages and carrots into thin pieces, the fruits that he had failed to chop had gone flying over the table, surrounding the bowl of yogurt and instantaneously creating a Genesis-like scene on the tabletop. It was chaos.
On 360 degrees, no matter where he looked, it was a foodstuff hell. After looking around one more time at the artistic misery he had created and sighing coarsely, he started anew and began doing a quick cleaning.
   “Morning, Richard. You slept well, I see.”
“Good morning, Seigi. So you wake up early even in Sri Lanka. Short sleepers have shorter lives. Didn’t you go to bed yesterday when it was already past midnight?”
“That’s fine for today. I have a guest here, after all. I’ll catch up with my sleep tomorrow.”
“I have not done so much to be called a ‘guest’.”
“There, there; let’s leave that for after we eat.”
His face looking like he was checking on something, the man whose appearance was impeccable even first-thing in the morning, as usual, glanced at the kitchen and dining room of my Sri Lankan house, and then let out a tiny sigh, stopping by a place close to the garden.
“Hey, could it be you woke up early this morning? Like, around 5AM...”
“I wonder if it was my imagination.”
In this three-story house, the first floor was a shared space for the dining room and bathroom, while the second and third floors had bedrooms. The room that I used as my main one was on the second floor, and the room on the third floor was used when Richard came over to be my overseer, but only the first floor had a bathroom. Whenever someone was going down to the first floor, one could tell by the sound of them stepping on the stairs. That was no big deal when I was alone, but this was the kind of house that would disturb other people’s sleep if I didn’t walk quietly whenever I needed to use the toilet in the middle of the night.
At around five o’clock, probably because I was drowsy, I had the feeling that someone had gone downstairs. I went back to sleep thinking that maybe Richard, who was looking after me despite having a jetlag, felt like having a late-night snack or something, but it was apparently a wrong guess.
Said man, dressed in a soft-looking shirt and the beige pants that he usually wore when he was relaxed, was standing still with eyes wide-open. It seemed he had noticed what was on the table. I was happy with the reaction.
“I’ve got breakfast for us. Hope it suits your taste.”
“Why? You said yesterday that your breakfast was just cereal and fruits.”
“I indeed said this yesterday, but I wanted to show it’s really not like that every single day. I also didn’t want you to worry for no reason.”
Plain omelets, sausages and fruit salad. For some reason, this house had many pottery dishes from European brands instead of Sri Lankan ones, but they were working out well for today. The paintings of green and pink pedicels over a white background were apparently from a German brand. It was actually my first time making a breakfast like this, which looked like it could show up in a commercial for some newly built apartment building and wasn’t as filling as its appearance suggested, but it had been surprisingly fun.
“I saw the recipe book in the kitchen. It’s a present for me, right? Thank you. I was happy to read a book in Japanese after so long, so I decided to make the part that showed up when I opened it into our menu. Now, now, please have a seat and eat up.”
For about solid ten seconds, Richard stared at the one-plate breakfast, his gaze looking like he was seeing a stone that he had never set his eyes on before, but then, after giving a start as if just remembering that I existed, he sat down with his same-old graceful demeanor.
“Well then, shall we?”
And so, Richard ate breakfast next to me. At times like these, this man would become extremely well-mannered, taking notice of and praising the details, such as the fineness of the omelet’s texture and the beauty of the fruit cuts in the yogurt, as if he were evaluating a five-million-yen jewelry or something. Even while being in Sri Lanka, I sometimes thought that if there were teachers like him in middle or high school around Japan, it would save many children.
“Thanks; that makes me happy. I’m benefiting from it too. Getting so many compliments for just boiling sausages.”
I didn’t know very well how to describe Richard’s face when I said that. His expression seemed like it could be the theme of a masterpiece painting, as if the exceptionally beautiful man had suddenly been reminded of an indescribable pain in the depths of his chest, but was struggling not to expose it in his facial expression. When I asked what was up, the reply was a gentle smile. His usual face was already back.
“I believe I have already said this several times, but you are extremely smart. You decipher the texts, assemble the methods in your head and put them to practice. There are more hardships in this process than you can imagine. Nevertheless, you specialize at it. This is clearly a talent of yours. Be sure to cherish it.”
“I will. But, well, I think doing my best because someone else’s gonna eat it also counts.”
For security reasons, I wasn’t allowed to invite guests to this house. I was sometimes called over to the house of a local friend I had made, and then I’d cook a simple dish there, but guests that make several meticulous dishes on the spot were probably not very welcome. So whenever there were days like these, when “guests” officially recognized by the house’s owner, Saul-san, occasionally came over, it was a great opportunity for me have a change of pace.
While thanking Richard for washing the dishes, I cleaned up the dining room and before moving on to stone study, which was my daily routine in the morning (at any rate, I had to examine stones thoroughly, guess their prices and drill the right and wrong ones into my head; pretty simple), I asked him about lunch. Richard-sensei was very busy. No time for leisure.
“You’ll be off again in the evening flight, right? What we gonna do about lunch? If you’re leaving at three o’clock, then you’ll still be in Kandy at noon, right? Can we go to a restaurant I like?”
“What a good thing it is that you found a ‘restaurant you like’ in this country. Allow me to accompany you.”
While smiling, Richard was about to let out a yawn, yet he hastily bit it down. He was like a prideful cat. As I thought, he seemed a little sleepy. When I suggested him to go to bed again, he said that he didn’t mind it, since he was going to sleep in the night flight either way. And yet he was calling me a short sleeper.
I glanced at the dining room and the kitchen. They were neatly organized. From their tidy and orderly state, I could tell with just a look that I obviously hadn’t cleaned them to this point last night. There wasn’t a single speck of dust on the floor. Despite the difference between the inside and outside of the house being so vague. There was no evidence left, but it was clear that something had happened here. Not a murder, but a more peaceful and heartwarming incident. The suspect showed no signs of confessing. So I wouldn’t say anything either. No particular comments on the multiple rags and some food remains at the bottom of the organic waste bag. I only had one thing that I wanted to say no matter what, so I hoped he’d just let me say it.
After finishing the meal, I waited for the beautiful man to stand up, and then I went behind Richard, clutching his shoulders. I was going to say it before he turned around, asking what I was doing. It was best if I didn’t see his face. There was no telling what I could say when I was staring at him in fascination.
“I myself don’t know very well what I’m talking about, so I want you to forget it in two seconds, but I was reeeally happy for this morning. Really happy. To a shocking extent.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I said I didn’t know either, right? I don’t get it, but anyway, I was happy. That’s all! Aight, study time.”
Without looking at Richard’s face until the very end, I started knocking a thousand gemstones in my workspace on the first floor. I had to look over them while it was morning. This was my current job. Richard didn’t say anything else, but his back looked calm under his shirt, so I was a bit relieved as well. Thinking back on it now, I had taken the wrong path at that time. I should have told him “not to overdo it” more clearly.
Two weeks later, Richard came back, but this time, I heard a small explosion at 6AM. Three times in a row. What did it take for things to turn out this way? The current time was already 7AM. Between getting up right now or not, which one would be less of a hassle later on? I didn’t even want to think about what had been made of the dining room. There was no one other than the two of us in this house and this wasn’t a matter that I had to go as far as asking the landlord, Saul-san, for advice on, so I knew I was the one who had to deal with it anyway. I wanted someone to decide in my stead. What should I do?
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lonelyghosts-stuff · 4 years
Peppermint and Pinewood
Peppermint and Pinewood (Draco Malfoy x Reader)
Draco Malfoy x muggleborn, Slytherin! Reader
Although the time setting isn’t too important, I envisioned it taking place somewhere in the fifth year.
Warnings: none really? I mean, I guess bullying, mild angst, and fluff lol. I dunno if Draco goes a little off-canon character wise here but I tried to make his personality as close to the source material as possible.
Word count: 4,581
Note: This is my first ever fan fiction I’ve ever written so yea.
Read it on wattpad too:
It was another bad day. After getting yet another berating from Snape due to putting one too many dried lavender flowers in the Calming Draught potion and subsequently losing five house points from Slytherin, y/n found herself once again the target of insults and sneers. As if being a muggle born placed in Slytherin wasn't bad enough, it seems like every single mistake made, no matter how simple or innocent it may have been, was held against her as if it was the highest insult to the wizarding world.
Following a long walk down the hallway to her next class, a cold and judgmental presence drew near. With his steely gray eyes, Draco Malfoy looked down upon y/n.
"Well well... looks like the mudblood lost us even more points! As if it wasn't enough of a plague upon wizard kind and the Slytherin House to have a mudblood part of it..." Draco leaned in towards y/n towering over her by at least 15cm (about 6 inches rounded up) and continued "we have to further suffer your utter lack of any practical skills in class. I mean, bloody hell y/l/n! We've been learning the calming draught for what, the past three days? And you still managed to screw that up. If it was up to me, your kind wouldn't even be allowed in the magical world much less Hogwarts; as pathetic as this school is."
After the cacophony of insults and belittlement, Draco continued onward, gesturing his cronies to follow...
Only, they didn't follow right away. Crabbe and Goyle decided that it was their time to shine and decided to push y/n around, knowing full well she wouldn't do anything to stop them. With some rude comments and pathetic chittering of a laugh, Crabbe gave y/n one final shove sending her onto the ground and spilling out her supplies including books, quills, and a jar of ink. Despite the squawking coming from Crabbe and Goyle, Draco looked more bemused than anything. While he should be laughing at a lowly mud blood getting what they deserved, he felt empty. He almost pitied y/l/n.
"Crabbe, Goyle, hurry up or we'll be late to D.A.D.A. and I sure as hell am not losing any house points because of you buffoons." Draco demanded, leaving y/n on the ground, scurrying to clean up the mess.
Eventually one Slytherin classmate and their Hufflepuff friend spotted y/n and helped her clean up.
"Scourgify! There you go! All better now!" The Hufflepuff chirped as the Slytherin handed y/n the last of her things.
"Are you sure you simply tripped and fell?" The Slytherin doubted y/n's story. "I mean, you aren't the most popular nor liked in Slytherin."
"Oh uh yea. I know where you're coming from but I promise it was just a little trip. Just me being clumsy is all!" Y/n fumbled through her response. "But thanks for the concern Mallory!"
Mallory was one of the few Slytherins who didn't despise y/n for her blood status. Coming from a home where her dad is a wizard and her mom's a muggle, not even muggle born, she found herself sympathizing with y/n.
"Hey y/n, promise us you'll come for help if you really need it, okay?" Susan Bones the Hufflepuff, a caring and hardworking witch who, while maybe initially coming across as weak and a pushover, is not one who is past fighting someone in order to defend her friends.
"Yea yea I promise I promise." Y/n chuckled. If only Mallory was in y/n's dorm room. Things would be a lot better for sure.
After a couple more minutes of reassuring Mallory and Susan that she was alright, y/n begrudgingly made her way to her next class with her fellow housemates of the same year, Defense Against the Dark Arts. While not her particular favorite due to the inconsistency of the instructors, y/n found herself enjoying D.A.D.A. more than most classes due to not only the wide variety of skills and spells learned, but the hands on approach of applying said new skills in practical situations. It was certainly a sight to behold when she transformed her boggart from Voldemort to a mere Pansy Parkinson, shackled by her ankles no doubt by Filch. Of course this only earned y/n more nasty comments hurled her way as well as an unappreciated "gift" from an owl left on her bed, but y/n felt that the site was worth it nonetheless.
D.A.D.A. was unfortunately highly uneventful that day as the class merely reviewed the basic defensive and combative spells from previous years (a shocking amount of students performed poorly on the review exam and thus the whole class had to suffer). On her way out of the class, y/n was met by another Slytherin, none other than the she-devil herself, Pansy Parkinson. As if on cue, the moment y/n stepped out of the classroom and was out of sight of any faculty, y/n was roughly pulled by the hand and pushed into the neighboring, empty classroom by Pany who promptly closed the door behind her, holding it shut.
"Hey let me out of here! Pansy you downright insufferable git!" Y/n burst out, an uncommon instance that was released due to pent up rage from days of harassment.
"Nuh uh! Maybe when you learn your lesson that Draco is mine and you'll neeeveeer be more than a pathetic, weak, and intolerable mudblood!" Pansy chortled in a sing-songy voice.
"Pansy I swear to Merlin..." y/n started before stopping themself to recompose and calm down. "Pansy, I'm asking nicely... please, open the door. I have no clue what you are talking about with Draco, but you don't need to worry. I want nothing to do with that cocky, rude, hair-gelling bastard, okay?!"
"Augh?! You think that pathetic excuse for an apology is gonna cut it? Nuh uh! Maybe you need some more time alone to think about your actions, y/l/n. Colloportus!" And with that, y/n heard the doors click locked, Pansy mumble the anti-alohomora charm, and the ever fading footsteps of Pansy proudly striding away.
Feeling all of her built up emotion come to a boil, y/n allowed herself to blow some steam off while she was alone. Casting one destructive spell after another, the classroom suffered greatly from the y/n’s rage.
"BOMBARDA! STUPEFY! DIFFINDO! INCENDIO!" Y/n proclaimed with much fervor before stepping back in fear.
The last spell carelessly cast quickly caught the ratted tapestry curtains over the windows, sending them ablaze. In the panic, y/n stumbled back to the door before pounding on it wildly for help. Fortunately for her, her absence in her next class and last class of the day was reported and McGonagall was passing by to look for her. Quickly reversing the rushed anti-alohomora charm on the door and then following up by unlocking it, the door swung open as y/n fell through, almost onto the ground before catching herself.
After extinguishing the fire with a quick flick of her wand and a mutter of 'aguamenti' and long winded conversation filled with explanations, denial, and intense pleading, McGonagall decided it was in the best interest to remove 100 points from Slytherin for the utter lack of safety and human decency.
Of course this didn't go well for y/n. That evening she found herself locked out of her own dorm room as her roommates found the blame for the points lost resting solely on y/n. Making her way to the empty common room, y/n sat on one of the couches in front of the green, crackling fire. Equipped with nothing outside of her button up, vest, and pants, y/n used her robe as a blanket and cuddled up on the couch.
At that moment, y/n's bottled up emotion overflowed and she sobbed into the couch cushion. Feeling more like a burden than a human, y/n repeated in her head the insults she's heard many times. "Hinderance. Pathetic. Weak. Worthless..." she choked out between sobs. "Filthy... little... mudblood."
Before y/n could even get one wink of sleep, a door creaked open revealing the prince of Slytherin himself, Draco. Only, unlike most other times, Draco was sans henchmen. Presumably, Draco snuck out for one reason or another and was only returning about now. As Draco stepped into the light, he noticed a covered figure on the couch. Draco glimpsed at y/n h/l h/c hair, quickly deducing it was y/n.
"What are you doing out here this late, y/l/n?" Interrogated Draco. "Shouldn't you be in your room?"
"I could ask you the same thing. Wandering about this late at night, you could lose us house points or worse depending on what suspicious activities you are into." Y/n mumbled as she tried to tune out the excess noise, not caring anymore about how she responded to Draco.
"Harsh, but fair." Draco let out a rare chuckle.
For some reason, hearing Draco chuckle sent warm tingles throughout her body from one hand to another. This is just barely a fraction of a side of Draco she wished she could see all the time. Before getting too caught up in daydreams, y/n remembered it was Draco's fault in the first place that she's even locked out of her room at all.
"Well, to put it short, I'm still a, as you say, a filthy mudblood and it would appear as if torturing me and locking me in an abandoned classroom wasn't enough for them so they decided to lock me out of our own room." Y/n vented with both a sense of exasperated relief as Draco stood silently, stiff as a board, as if he was shocked as to what he was hearing.
Draco took a moment to drink in y/n. Her e/c eyes, red and glossy from tormented crying. Even in this state she was still breathtaking. Wait, what? Breathtaking? Draco suddenly forgot how to speak as his mind raced from his sudden observation. She's not pretty, right? She's just a muggle born, a disgrace to the wizarding world! Is that all she is though? And only a muggle born, not a mudblood? Draco panicked internally for a brief moment before finally recollecting himself and regaining his composure.
"Oh." Was all Draco could manage at the moment. Appearing deep in thought, Draco organized a response. "As much as I would love to hear more of your life problems, I have a room to go back to. So... um... good night..."
Draco awkwardly turned around and shuffled towards his room, pausing only for a brief moment and throwing a quick glance over his shoulder as if he was contemplating something. He quickly shook off any feeling of turning back and entered his room for the night.
The school year progressed without much of anything significant happening outside of the common bullying and stress of the holidays approaching. It was almost winter break and, as usual, y/n would be staying at Hogwarts for Christmas. Her parents always took a long vacation over Christmas break and figured they would save money by leaving y/n at school where she would still get food and housing without them having to pay for an extra plane ticket. Y/n didn't mind too much. She had always been pretty independent from her parents, but she loved them nonetheless. They all loved each other but they weren't very affectionate about it, a factor that probably contributed to her apathetic approach to most things. While always hopeful to be invited to one of her parents annual holidays, y/n also looked forward to the more or less peace and quiet of having the common room and school mostly to herself with the exception of the other few students who also remained for the holidays.
Unbeknownst to y/n, ever since their interaction at night in the common room, Draco has been secretly watching her. While seeing her in such a devastated state should logically make him happy as she is only a muggle born, Draco felt anything but happy. It was almost like looking into a mirror for him, seeing her broken. It reminded him of his many nights of anxiety and depression after getting an earful from his father about how he wasn't "good enough" or constantly feeling inadequate compared to the "chosen one", Potter. From that moment on, Draco avoided y/n. Y/n didn't really think anything of it except that she appreciated the extended periods of peace and silence between the other students' insults. This of course only prompted Crabbe and Goyle to try to make up for their ring leader's apparent avoidance and growing distaste of picking on y/n. Fortunately for y/n however, Crabbe and Goyle were quite dim witted and easy to outsmart or avoid. Another development for y/n was that, after her time in the abandoned classroom allowing her to let off some steam, followed by her mini rant to Draco, she found herself able to stand up for herself a bit more, much to the chagrin of Pansy Parkinson. Now when Pansy strode up to y/n with a cocky and mischievous smirk plastered on her face, y/n simply looked on with a strong and unavoidable expression of mere annoyance and anticipation of disappointment. Pansy would try to insult y/n only for y/n to retort with a simple motion of dismissal or a clever comeback.
"Well if it isn't the local mudblood of Slytherin!" Pansy would shout with falsely placed pride.
"Well if it isn't the local tramp of Slytherin!" Y/n would respond with a mock curtsy. "What an absolute honor to be in your presence. Oh, and of course the presence of all the guys you try to hook up with."
Pansy would only stare on, gobsmacked and dumbfounded. She would walk away trying to act as if y/n's responses meant nothing to her, but her embarrassment would be evident with the bright red burning at her cheeks. Y/n would always take a silent pride in herself when she managed to hold her composure and deliver lines to Pansy that would shut her up without the need to stoop down the Pansy's level herself.
The days progressed even more until it was eventually the last day before the Christmas holiday. As the other students were packing their things and saying their goodbyes, y/n spent her time in the library or in the Slytherin common room, sitting next to one of the many windows looking out under the Black Lake. Y/n would often sit by the windows and look at the fish and grindylows swim by, almost entranced by the aquatic life that resides within the lake. Y/n always hoped to spot the giant squid someday, but outside of the rare silhouette of a tentacle, she was disappointed. Of course her biggest achievement of her many nights of lake gazing was when she spotted a mermaid right outside the window. The mermaid smiled a soft and ethereal smile before singing a peaceful song, lulling y/n to a restful sleep. Y/n would constantly be on the lookout for that same mermaid each night, even more so than the giant squid, but was unfortunately commonly met with mere fish or the occasional grindylow that would give her a wicked smile. At the end of the day, students began to turn in for the night in preparation for leaving bright and early in the morning to go home or wherever for their Christmas vacations. Y/n, on the other hand, stayed up, sitting on the couch and watching the green flames dance and in the fireplace. A wave of contentment washed over her as she looked forward to a peaceful break. She had just been told by Mallory that, while she was leaving for the holiday, Susan Bones would be staying as her she had no family to return to (her family having been killed personally by Voldemort in the First Wizarding War) outside of her aunt Amelia Bones who was attending to business all holiday. Y/n looked forward to spending some time with Susan, especially knowing how hard the holidays are for her due to her family's past. She has already planned on taking her to Hogsmeade for some quality time as a “girls’ day” together and to make sure that, despite her circumstances, she would still have the best Christmas possible.
As y/n sat alone, mesmerized by the fire and picturing her plans to hang out with Susan, none other than Draco Malfoy once again stepped into the picture. He didn't directly approach y/n, more or less standing off to the side and looking outward at the lake. Y/n eventually directed her attention away from the fire and noticed Draco staring out at the lake. He seemed a lot more fidgety than usual, almost as if he was nervous or dreading something. 'It couldn't possibly be he's not looking forward to going home, could it?' Y/n thought to herself as she observed Draco's body language. After a brief minute, Draco turned around as if to head to bed only to notice y/n staring at him.
"Ah! W-what are you doing here y/l/n?" Draco jumped slightly, caught off guard.
Y/n quickly looked away, feeling her cheeks burn in embarrassment from being caught. "I, uh, well..." she calmed down and recomposed herself, "if you don't remember, despite yours and most everyone else's wishes, I'm still in Slytherin so I have just as much of a right to be here as you!"
"Oh. Yea. I mean, that's not what I meant." Draco fumbled through his sentences, his nervousness becoming more and more obvious. "I meant, what are you doing here, here. Shouldn't you be in bed so you'll be ready for the holidays?"
Once again, y/n found herself saying, "I could ask you the same thing." Y/n gave a playful yet unconfident smirk.
Defying anyone's best guess, a faint pink rose to Draco's cheeks, completely catching y/n off guard. He quickly tried to laugh it off before continuing to uncharacteristically stumble his way through the conversation. "Uh, yea. My bad, sorry."
Once again, y/n was caught completely off guard. 'Did the Draco Malfoy just say, "sorry"?' Draco didn't even seem phased by the absurdity of what he just said.
Quickly moving on from what just happened, y/n spoke up, "Well, to answer your question. No. I'm not leaving for the holidays. I'll be here all Christmas break."
Almost as if without a second thought, Draco made his way over to the couch area, sitting on the chai directly across from y/n. His previous nervousness seemed to fade away as he responded, "So, why are you staying here? How come you're not going home or traveling somewhere?"
"Well, my parents like to go on big fancy trips for the holidays and they figure that they can save money by leaving me here."
"Oh. Does that bother you at all? That they just leave you behind while they go and have a great time?"
Y/n shrugged, trying to ignore how weird this whole situation is. "Not really. It's always been like this. They never really went on vacations outside of an occasional camping trip with me when I was still living at home and they wanted to take advantage of the situation of me being at a school away from home to go on a nice trip while I was being cared for. We still go camping over the summertime though, so that's fun."
Draco was amazed, listening intently to every word that came out of y/n's mouth. The concept of needing to save money was pretty foreign to him, but he found himself able to relate to her situation of not having the most affectionate family.
"So, what about you, Draco? Why aren't you in bed? No doubt your family has some extravagant plans for the holiday." Y/n asked, turning the tables on Draco.
As soon as she asked this, the previously present nervousness and dread returned to Draco's face. "Oh, uh, not tired yet. A lot on my mind..."
"Well, surely your family has something exciting planned. I mean, you are a Malfoy after all."
As if she just pushed a button, Draco seemed to flinch away at the mention of his family name. For a brief moment, his nervousness was overcome with an irritated, defensiveness as he snapped, "Well it's not all perfect like you so clearly think!"
Y/n flinched back as he shouted this, confused by the sudden change in attitude. Draco noticed her almost immediately shut down, losing any joy that previously graced her face.
"I-I'm... sorry... I didn't mean to shout." Draco sighed. "It's just that-"
"No, I'm sorry." Y/n interrupted. "I saw you were clearly uncomfortable at the first mention of your family and I shouldn't have asked again... you don't have to say anything you don't want to."
"Thank you." Draco simply said. He began to stand up to head to bed before y/n got to say one last thing
"Draco. I-", y/n cut herself off, questioning if she should really finish her sentence. "I'm... always here if you need anything. Okay? I may not know of your family's background or yours, but I'm no stranger to hardships. I'm always here if you need help with something or even just someone to talk to."
Draco looked at her with a face full of mixed emotions. Uncertainty, confusion, fear of letting someone in, fear of pushing her away, and more. He was quiet for about a whole minute as he stood there, looking at y/n.
"But, why? Would you care about me? I've been nothing but cruel and rude to you. Why would you care how I feel?" Draco suddenly asked, breaking the silence.
"Just because you may not be the most pleasant person in the world to be around doesn't mean you don't have your own battles and issues in life, nor does it mean your issues are any less valid than anyone else's. You're still a human and... I care about you just like anyone else...", y/n looked down at the floor as she quietly said the last part.
Draco stood there, silent and uncertain about how to respond. Another minute of silence passed and, without a second thought, Draco turned around and walked to his room. Y/n kept looking down, berating herself in her head. 'You went too far you idiot! You just had to push it and make him feel uncomfortable...'. Y/n lied down onto the couch and closed her eyes as she tried to fall asleep.
As Draco walked away, he stopped for a second and whispered under his breath, "Thank you... y/n. Merry Christmas."
The night was rough for Draco; he couldn't sleep as he replayed the conversation in his head over and over again. When the time reached 1:30 am, Draco decided to get up and go for a brief walk to clear his head. He opened the door from his dorm room and quietly snuck out so as to not awake his roommates. Making his way down into the common room, he spotted y/n still there, only asleep on the couch. He quickly deduced she must have been locked out of her room again and that was another reason she wasn't in bed yet when he first came across her. He quietly walked over to her and looked at her. Despite her messy hair and unconventional sleeping position, she had a peaceful look on her face as she slumbered. As he turned away to continue his short walk, he heard a noise come from y/n. When he turned around, he noticed her shivering in her sleep. The fire had died down since he was last here and y/n was without a blanket or anything else to keep her warm. He wanted to relight the fireplace but he also didn't want to risk the sudden light waking her up. He eventually turned back to head to his room as y/n laid there.
The next morning, Draco and his friends were getting ready to leave the school and board the trains. A smirk was plastered on Draco's face, one which did not go unnoticed by Pansy.
"Hey Drayyyy!" Pansy cooed in a sickeningly sweet tone of voice. "What's got you so happy this be-a-utiful morning?"
Even Pansy's annoying presence couldn't dampen Draco's mood. "Oh it's nothing. Just looking forward to leaving this joke of a school is all." Draco proudly lied, his thoughts clearly elsewhere.
Despite many more attempts of learning what the truth was from Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle, Draco remained silent on the truth.
Back in the Slytherin common room, y/n began stirring awake. Surprisingly, she slept through the commotion of the other students leaving for Christmas. Stretching and yawning, y/n stood up off the couch, accidentally dropping the jumper that was draped across her onto the ground. Without hesitation she picked up the sweater and slid it on, quickly leaving to brush her hair and get ready for the day to take Susan to Hogsmeade.
Once in Hogsmeade, y/n lead Susan to Honeydukes to pick out an assortment of sweets.
"Thank you so much for all of this, y/n. I really appreciate it." Susan beamed as she grabbed a chocolate frog with one hand as her other held a box of treacle fudge.
"Of course. It's my pleasure and it's a nice change of pace from a normal school schedule. And one never needs an excuse to go to Honeydukes!" Y/n responded gleefully.
After they made their way back to Hogwarts with their bounty of sweets and a few items from Zonko's, Susan led y/n to the Hufflepuff common room so they could indulge themselves.
After taking a big bite from a liquorice wand, Susan spoke out, "oh I've been meaning to ask you, when did you get that jumper? It's been cold all winter but I haven't seen you wear it all!"
Y/n looked down at the jumper. It was green and silver in the Slytherin colors with a big, snake S in the center. "You know what? I don't know... I just woke up this morning and it was draped over me. I'm not sure how I got it."
"Weird. Maybe you made an impulse purchase and completely forgot?"
"No, I don't think that's it. It's a little big for me too. Maybe Mallory bought it for me and left it as a surprise? I know she's a bit bigger than me so that would explain it."
"No that can't be. She got you a new scarf and matching mittens for Christm-shoot!"
"Susan!!!" Y/n burst out laughing.
"Oh no I'm so so so sorry!!! Please don't tell Mallory I told you! She's been planning this for a week! Please act surprised when you get it! Aghhhh I'm so dumb!" Susan panicked as her face flushed from embarrassment.
"Don't worry don't worry!" Y/n chuckled loudly. "I'll act surprised I promise!"
"Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" Susan cried out as she stuffed her mouth with a pumpkin pasty.
The rest of the Christmas holiday was full of fun and funny times like this. For the first time in a while, y/n looked forward to getting up in the morning and seeing people. She would always wake up bright and early, brush her hair and her teeth, and slip on the mysterious oversized jumper. While it still bugged her and Susan as the jumper's origin remained a mystery, y/n was grateful to have it nonetheless on these cold, winter days.
It also had a pleasant scent of peppermint and pinewood cologne too.
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keelywolfe · 3 years
FIC: Keep Breathing (standalone)
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Summary:  Edge can handle this. He can. All he has to do is keep breathing.
Notes:    I forget where I saw it, on twitter or discord, about Edge being unable to understand what he felt when he saw Stretch. This is what sort of evolved from it.
Tags: Spicyhoney, Papcest, Angst, Feels, LV Trauma, Hurt/Comfort, Pre-Relationship, Canon-Typical Violence
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
Breathing, that was what was important. In, out, deep, slow breaths. It took a few before the icy Snowdin air seemed to help smother the fire currently burning in his chest. Edge kept it up, slow breaths, in and out, and he didn’t have lungs, but he still needed air, his magic greedily incorporating the oxygen as the sense of smothering he’d felt in the Swap brothers’ house faded.
His bones felt hot and achy, the snow beneath him melting and soaking into his trousers as he sat curled up on the ground behind the house, out of view of any passersby on the streets. Not far away he could hear the crunch of footsteps and words blurred by distance, pedestrians heading to the shops or perhaps Muffet’s for a treat. Their laughter was clearer, unknowing that he was close by and listening, and Edge buried his face into his updrawn knees and did not wonder at what they might think if they saw him here, if their concern would turn to fear with a simple Check.
It was rare that he made such a foolish mistake. If his brother’s lessons hadn’t taught him caution, then life in Underfell certainly had. One was cautious or one was dead, there was little room for error. Although foolish was far too sedate a word for this. Insanity might be closer, to come here to this softer world with his LV still sizzling in his soul. He’d thought it was safe, that it had settled enough or perhaps wished it so desperately to be true that he’d convinced himself it was.
He should have known better.
Bounty hunters were supposed to restrain themselves to the deeper parts of Snowdin woods where no one lived, only existed, those who lumbered about with their minds lost to their LV. Supposed to, but anyone willing to bounty usually had high LV themselves and the irony that they would probably become what they hunted in the end was not often lost on them. When they were teetering between hunter and hunted, anyone unlucky enough to cross their path could be the one to set them off and send them over the brink. Edge’s luck had been especially poor today to come across a hunting pair while checking the traplines and if he’d been only slightly slower, a fraction less dedicated to his training, he would have simply been more dust added to their growing pile.
He hadn’t killed them, though it had been a near thing. Only taken them down to one HP and left them panting in the snow to either drag themselves away to try healing or perhaps finish each other off. Either way, they were likely as good as dead, but he refused to take them over the line. His own LV was already high enough, he shuddered to think of the amount of XP that would come from killing a hunter, much less two. He hadn’t stayed to see which option they chose, only hurried back to Snowdin proper without trying to seem as if he was hurrying. The walk had seemed endless, fraught with peril as anyone who dared check him would find him vulnerable. No one did, their ingrained wariness of the guard keeping them from trying their chances.
He’d arrived home with no fresh XP, but his soul still felt as if it were lit on fire from deep within, crying greedily for more. He likened it to a voice in the back of his skull, one that grew louder with every LV up and made cold demands for more payment in dust. He’d learned to ignore it, mostly, except for these moments when his soul felt as if it was swelling in his ribcage, hovering hot and bloated in his chest, and wresting control back seemed to take longer every time.
He should have called Blue then to cancel their cooking lesson, offered his regrets and made plans for another day. He should have and hadn’t, selfishly telling himself that he had it under control because he hadn’t wanted to cancel. He’d wanted to come to their shared cooking lessons, wanted to be here in this world with its abundant supplies and residents that walked the streets easily without having to peer out their front doors before stepping out into crisp air that didn’t taste of bitter, lingering dust. The same air he was so desperately inhaling now.
Tacos were the order of the day, a simple dish with a thousand variations. He’d been helping Blue chop up the brisket that’d already spent the day roasting slowly in the oven and he'd absently reached for a scrap of gristle that would otherwise be heading to the waste bin, only to have Blue playfully slap his hand away.
"Ah, ah,” he’d laughed, his starry eye lights bright and amused, “you'll spoil your appetite."
And in that one split second, his control broke free of his increasingly tenuous grasp and he'd nearly struck back. He could still see his intention in his mind's eye, to slap this little aggravation out of his way, how dare they lay a hand on him when they should be cowering at his feet, how dare they, how—
He'd reeled it back in almost instantly, but the damage was done, the urge lingering. He wouldn’t allow it control. He couldn’t. Edge turned on his heel and walked out, ignoring Blue's confused calls for him to come back, he was only teasing, Edge…?
He ignored it all, hasty strides taking him out into the cold snow, fleeing as if the hunters were still scrabbling at his heels and not one small, confused skeleton. He’d gone, one hand clawing at the front of his shirt to let in some much-needed cold air and didn’t stop until he was around the house at the back door that led downstairs to the machine. His boots slid in snow hardpacked from so many others walking through it and he’d slipped, falling heavily to the ground. His flight back to Underfell paused as he crawled over to lean against the house and all he could do was heave in long, slow breaths to ease the aching burn in his chest.
Around him, lights were coming from the windows of the other little houses, cutting through the darkness. Artificial dusk had fallen at some point after he’d arrived, and those houses were filled with Monsters who had no idea who was in their midst. Their souls weren’t like his; they were innocent, as pure as Blue’s, and—
He’d been so confused, apologizing profusely even without knowing what he was apologizing for. Edge would have to think of something to tell him, some excuse for his poor manners. Better for Blue to think Edge rude than the alternative; that he’d very nearly beaten him bloody in his own kitchen for the tiny sin of teasing. He needed to get and keep control over himself, and right quickly. Any moment now Blue might come looking at him, all innocent, solicitous concern.
He didn’t want Blue to see him right now, didn’t want anyone to see him. But the voice that suddenly came was from no one he’d considered at all.
“you okay?”
Edge whipped around to see Stretch leaning around enough to peer around the corner, his lower half still concealed by the house. One of his ever-present cigarettes was smoldering between two fingers, ash falling from the tip into the snow, so much like dust—
“What the hell do you want?” Edge snarled, his guilt suddenly swirling with the tension Stretch always brought with him. There was something about Stretch that had simply irritated him at first sight, something that he couldn’t put to words. It couldn’t be his lazy ways or his attitude or even his way of dress. Sans was much the same and he didn’t provoke the same reaction. But there was something, something in his enigmatic smile or the cant of his hips that made Edge’s soul stir in a way reminiscent of LV. Like now, fanning the already agitated heat inside him even hotter.
Stretch only shrugged. He’d always taken Edge’s dislike of him in stride, offering the occasional sly insult and little more. “just what it says on the box. are you okay?”
Someone of the science mind might find it interesting that all of them sounded so differently. Papyrus’s voice was surprisingly nasally for someone who had no nose, and Edge’s own ranged into higher pitch, almost a screech at times, and it took considerable effort to keep it to a lower tone. The low rasp of Stretch’s, like velvet polishing marble, was surely a sign of the Universe’s bizarre sense of humor; he didn’t deserve such a voice to use while he snored his life away.
“I’m fine,” Edge said shortly.
“uh huh. fine. you’re always fine, huh. bet your ass you are.” He exhaled smoke through his nasal aperture and it wreathed his face, his cigarette glowed brighter as he took another drag. The glowing ember briefly illuminating his face, giving it an eldritch cast and making his resemblance to Edge even more uncanny than normal. "even when you’re not.”
Did he know what Edge had been thinking? Difficult to say with him, there were times when Edge envied that carelessly bland expression, so difficult to read, even for his own brother.
“Am I supposed to be grateful for your concern?” Edge asked instead. “I see you looking at me. I know what you think of me.”
“yeah?” Stretch said mildly. “you think you got the inside scoop of what’s on my mind?”
Edge closed his mouth hard and turned away. No, no, he didn't and that was part of the problem, wasn't it. He didn’t know what went on in that head, couldn’t begin to guess. He only knew that despite sharing a face, it was nothing like what was in his own.
Stretch finally stepped around the corner entirely, sauntering closer and seeming not to notice Edge’s barely stifled flinch even as he snarled, “Get that filthy thing away from me—"
He trailed away as Stretch tamped out the cigarette on the bottom of his sneaker before he could finish, tucking the remaining butt into his pocket.
Stretch sat down next to him, seemingly equally unperturbed by the snow soaking into his clothes and Edge’s unwelcoming expression. Not touching, but close enough if one want to reach out a hand. Or a fist.
“what am i thinking,” Stretch mused, “hm. tell you what, let me give you a quick rundown. right now, i’m thinking that i wanted to check on you ‘cause you ran out of my house like you were getting chased by a bony bat out of hell. even my little bro’s most creative cooking ain’t that bad. i wanted to make sure you're okay.” He shrugged, an easy roll of shoulders. “that's it, it's not that deep.”
That was untrue. The fact that he came out at all meant something and Edge didn’t understand what. Unless his goal was to keep Blue away, a sensible choice if that were so.
Stretch didn’t wait for him to gather his wandering thoughts. "you think you know what’s on my mind? let me tell you something. you come from the wrong side of the multiverse and shit is rough for you, right? you think i don’t get that? you think that sitting here cushy in my slice of the universe means i don’t get what it’s like for you?” He tipped his head towards Edge, half a smirk lifting the side of his mouth and Edge wondered if he were being mocked. “well, you’re right. i don’t. but only takes one look at your face to guess that.” His hands didn’t seem to know what to do without their usual vice. They rested on his knees, his thumbs rubbing absent circles against the coarse material of his cargo pants. “i don’t know what it’s like to live in your ‘verse and you only think you know what it’s like in mine. we’re that much alike, ain’t we.”
“I have LV.” And you don’t was left unspoken.
“i know. but i’d be the last person to judge you about that.” His smirk twisted into something almost bitter, some humor that Edge couldn’t place. “the very last.” Stretch sighed and climbed to his feet with a groan, pressing both hands into the base of his spine as he arched. He held out a hand and after a moment, Edge took it. his gloved fingers against Stretch’s bare ones. ”come on, my bro’s been working hard on his weird ass tacos. ‘preciate if you could choke down a bite or t—hey!”
His yelp was loud, echoing then lost in the cavern overhead. The moment he was on his feet, Edge pushed Stretch against the house and finally that casual façade cracked, his sockets startled and wide as Edge pinned him against the wall. That hot, heavy feeling in his soul surged again, overwhelming the linger dregs of LV and all Edge wanted was to wipe away that easy smirk, touch the untouchable.
Only that startled expression changed into something else, unexpected and unreadable. “well, now, didn’t know this was already on the menu.”
“What?” Edge only managed that single word before Stretch kissed him, full and hard, right on the mouth. His teeth were already parted and Stretch’s tongue slipped smoothly between them, moving against his own. Edge might have expected the taste of cigarettes and it was there, a little, the slightest taint of ashy nicotine. That taste was quickly swallowed up, engulfed, transmuting into unknown honeyed sweetness and warmth.
Stretch’s hands were resting on Edge’s chest, his bare, bony palms flat against his uniform shirt, bleeding warmth through the cold air around them and it was too fast, too much. Edge jerked back and stared speechlessly into Stretch’s face. His eye sockets were half-closed and within them, lights burned, their normal pale hue tinged with a strange cocktail of orange and blue.
His mouth moved as Edge stared, reforming that lazy smirk before he said, “you wanna go right here or take this up to my room?”
The words made no sense to him, nothing but pointless yammering. Then he realized he still had Stretch pinned against a wall, pressed to him from chest to pelvis.
Oh. He thought Edge wanted sex. He didn’t, that wasn’t why, but the actual reasons were fuzzy now, distorted. Why had he pinned Stretch to the wall? He was no longer certain. That confusing roil in his soul whenever he saw Stretch only surged harder as if straining inside his ribcage, LV only a careless afterthought, drowned out by the taste of sweetness lingering on his tongue. He breathed in hard through his teeth, but the cold air didn’t deaden that tingle, the burn shifting from his soul to his mouth. He didn’t know, he didn’t understand, he couldn’t—
Edge backed off, almost stumbling as he stuttered out, “I…I didn’t…”
That easy sultry expression shifted, Stretch’s gaze narrowing. “no, you didn’t, did you. pity,” he murmured. He dusted himself off as if to sweep away any lingering traces of Edge’s touch, already reaching into his pocket for his lighter and cigarettes. “welp. on we go, then, to dinner and probable indigestion.”
All Edge could do was follow him, noting that his back was infuriatingly dry while Edge could feel his own snow-wet clothes clinging uncomfortable to his bones.
Stretch turned the corner and abruptly stopped, wariness dropping briefly across his face before it smoothed away. Edge didn’t think, pushed in front of him automatically to face whatever threat dared to invade this world and instead found his own brother standing there.
With his slouching stance and his hands tucked into his jacket pockets, some might mistake Red for harmless. It was a mistake few survived and even Edge was wary of that casual menace. Red’s gaze narrowed as he looked at them, crimson eye lights sweeping over them both. He ran his tongue over his teeth, the tip digging into the gold one. “heya, ashtray. whatcha doing out here with my bro?”
The lazy warning was unmistakable, and Edge stiffened, already bracing himself to take the brunt of his brother’s temper. Stretch only stepped around him, flashing that careless smile as he tucked a cigarette into the corner of his mouth. He cupped his hands around the flame of his lighter, breathing out a cloud of smoke as he said, “nothing i wouldn’t do with you.”
“that ain’t much reassurance.”
“heh. wasn’t trying to be.” He strolled on, skirting around Red with an extra sway in his narrow hips as if he was just another obstacle in his path and left Edge to deal with his brother.
The moment he was out of sight, Edge swung around to glare at Red.
It had little effect on his brother, it never had. He only offered his own shrug, the roll of his shoulders infuriatingly similar to Stretch’s. “just makin’ sure you ain’t gonna lose your head, boss.”
Edge narrowed his gaze, hissing out, “I don’t need your help!”
The word was soaked in doubt and Edge stormed past him, ignoring whatever else Red said as he went back into the house where Blue was surely waiting. There were apologies to be made and tacos to be eaten. At least whatever it was that Stretch stirred in his soul had settled his LV, that heat was banked back, for now. He could handle anything else that came his way, he didn’t need help from anyone, not even his brother, and if seeing Stretch sitting at the dinner table made him inhale slowly through his open mouth, his mouth watering not from tacos but from a memory of sweetness, it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter if that taste lingered, if that strange feeling still sat heavy in his soul.
None of it mattered, so long as he kept breathing.
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thatgamefromthatad · 3 years
Mobile Game Review - Helix Waltz (Recommended by @raimi)
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🎻 What is this app? Helix Waltz is a dress up game with an elaborate storyline that heavily involves character interactions. On the App Store it’s described as a “thrilling ballroom drama set in Baroque style dress,” which I think accurately reflects the sort of vintage European court-style setting the game takes place in. The setting also has fantasy elements, including characters of different “races” such as elves and people with animal ears and tails called Orens.
The game follows a main storyline as well as various side storylines and has a large cast of characters with their own personalities and preferences, all of whom you can build up your relationship with, which will affect their interactions with you depending on the level of favor you have with them. Rather than playing out in a linear set of stages or chapters, the story progresses as you accept and complete missions and attend balls where you have the chance to encounter other characters attending the same ball. There’s a bit of freedom in that sense where you can attend any of the available balls you want and encounter any of the characters that are there without necessarily following the main storyline, building up favor and getting to know anyone you want.
The dress up part is structured somewhat similarly to other dress up games I’ve played - there are various items in different categories (hairstyles, headwear, dresses, shoes, different types of accessories, etc.) with different attributes and rarities that will affect your “chic” level at any ball or other outing you attend, as well as how other characters perceive you depending on their preferences. You can have “beauty contests” with other characters you encounter at balls that compares your outfit’s chic level to theirs and there are other parts of the game where your outfits can compete with others players’. You can gain new dress up items through completing quests and through a gacha-type mechanic where you draw from different sets of potential items.
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📝 Review Summary: The sheer number of different characters you can interact with in this game is very impressive, and it’s definitely entertaining getting to know them all and try to build relationships with them. I definitely found myself getting invested in certain characters and wanting to progress through the storyline so I could learn more. The art in this game is also very beautiful, which includes both the character designs and clothing items.
The follower who recommended this game noted that there is queer representation, including a trans character, which is a positive aspect, but I noticed there was not a lot of BIPOC representation, specifically a lack of characters with dark skin and limited options to have dark for your own character. The default character you play is white with very pale skin, and from my understanding from doing a little research, skin color changes are included as makeup items which definitely seems wrong, not only because you have to get your hands on the right item to have darker skin but because skin color as makeup seems to imply blackface, even if that’s completely unintentional (the makeup items in this game aren’t technically just makeup - they also change the shape of facial features). I definitely think this game should add different base skin tones, as well as characters who aren’t all super pale.
Full review below:
👍What’s good about this app? The enormous cast of characters in this game and the multi-faceted system involved in gaining favor with them and getting to know them are definitely this game’s biggest assets, in my opinion. Each character has their own unique personality, backstory, style, relationships and role within the in-game society, but what’s really enticing is the fact that the story tends to build up a bit of mystery and intrigue about different characters and families/factions, which motivates you even more to get close with certain NPCs and learn the different secrets they hold. The game is pretty immersive that way in the sense that your goal of building up enough trust and prestige to gain access to the most interesting intel/gossip aligns with the main character’s goal of integrating and positioning herself strategically amidst higher society.
That sense of immersion also comes through in the way the game is structured to allow you to interact pretty freely with the characters rather than following a linear path from one encounter to another. You encounter other characters similarly to how you would if you really were a young noble in this sort of society - by wandering around ballrooms or other settings and seeing who you run into or seeking out those that you already have some level of relationship with. You can even get letters from them! You can choose to follow closely to the main plot, or pick your favorite characters and go out of your way to interact with them, or a mixture of both. This game really focuses around character interactions in a way I’ve never personally seen before, and it’s very impressive - and fun!
Another great aspect of this game is the art, which of course is an important aspect for any dress up game. I’m not very well-versed in fashion in general, but I can say from an average Joe perspective that the clothing items and outfit sets are overall just very pleasing to look at and give me that sort of mouthwatery fashion-p*rn feeling whenever I see some extravagant “look” whether it be from real life, a game or any other sort of media. You could say I’m easily pleased though since I can say that about just about any other dress up game I’ve played or been widely exposed to (Love Nikki, Time Princess etc.). One thing I think is especially cool in this game is the perfume category which I can best describe as creating a kind of animated aura around your character that differs in appearance depending on the perfume. This works well with the fantasy-type setting of the game and gives a little extra magical oomph to the outfits. Other outfit pieces can also be animated, like jewelry that sparkles for example, which is also a nice touch.
The last positive thing I’d like to mention is the theme song of this game that plays in the main menu (and pretty much everywhere else except outings), it’s so beautiful and I love it so much I added it to my Spotify playlist I listen to every day lol. The song is Sans Toi by Sarah Natasha Warne if you’re curious.
In the video below you can see a perfume item in action creating a galaxy-like aura around the character, and hear a short clip of the song as well.
[Video Description: A screen recording showing a fully dressed-up character wearing a luxurious red white and gold robe over an ornate black and white collared top with a red vest and loose-fitting brown pants that have two golden stripes at the end of each pant leg. They are holding a sword, have long blond hair tied in a high-set ponytail that drapes over their left shoulder and have a large, circular golden ornament position behind their head resembling a sun or halo. They are wearing dark stockings and black high heels, and there is a sparkling, swirling aura around them with streams of light changing color from blue to purple flowing toward them. The rest of the character and clothing is still except for jewelry and accessories that sparkle and glow and some golden parts of the clothing that shimmer.]
👎 What’s wrong with this app? There are a few minor flaws with this app such as a glitch(?) I experienced a few times where I was talking with one character and another character suddenly appeared and then disappeared, which I’m pretty sure was a glitch because after it happened for some reason I wasn’t able to complete any of my goals at the ball. Also if you don’t have a great internet connection it can be very frustrating because the game will freeze often, although I can’t criticize this that much since my internet connection just sucks and I’ve experienced this with other games before that are just highly reliant on having a constant internet connection.
Probably my main problem with this game is the lack of diversity in skin tones, both in the cast of characters and in your options for your own character. Like I said there are dozens of characters in this game but from what I’ve seen so far they almost all have pale/light skin. I don’t really think the setting of this game is an excuse considering it’s a fantasy setting and there are definitely characters from different regions or backgrounds but they all just happen to have very light skin. Another reason I think there should definitely be more diversity is that there are definitely themes of racial discrimination in the story - some characters will spout stereotypes and hateful comments about other races, in reference to fantasy races or other social groups in the game, and I’m definitely not saying the targets of those comments should be dark-skinned, I just feel like if you’re going to touch on those subjects but have little to no representation of the people who experience that kind of discrimination in real-life, it seems a bit hypocritical. As a disclaimer I am mixed-race (East Asian and white) and semi-white passing with pale skin so I’m not an authority on the skin tone issue specifically but my opinion as someone reviewing this game is that there’s no reason to not have more diversity in the game, even regardless of whether it involves the themes that I mentioned.
Below is just a handful of the NPCs but as I scrolled through the list pretty much everyone had pale/light skin, Gedanh is the NPC with the darkest skin tone as far as I know:
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As far as a lack of diversity in selecting a skin tone for your own character, that didn’t specifically stand out to me at first considering the main character is a pre-established character and not as much of a self-insert as in other games like Time Princess, but the fact that you can change your facial features using “makeup items” and skin tone is also locked to certain makeup items doesn’t seem fair, since it makes whiteness the default and limits darker skin tones to these specific items and corresponding makeup looks. I’m not sure what adding diverse base skin tones would look like from a programming perspective for this game but with everything else this game has going on that is so complex and impressive I feel like there’s not an excuse in this day and age to exclude something as basic as different skin colors.
While the lack of diversity is definitely my biggest criticism of the game, I’ll just add that another flaw is that many aspects of the game can be confusing and despite a pretty lengthy series of tutorial quests that teach you about different parts of the game, I still have some confusion after playing for a while. For example I’m still not even completely sure if winning a beauty contest against a character strengthens your relationship with them, and I had to look at the Helix Waltz wiki to learn how to investigate NPCs’ preferences and exactly how remaking clothes works etc. The wiki and other players are a great resource, but having more guidance in-game, even if it’s in the Help/FAQ section (which I checked and still didn’t have all the info I needed), would be an improvement.
🪞Full list of features (there are a lot but I’ll try to cover them to the best of my ability):
Storyline (main plot, side plots that unlock when you strengthen your relationships with characters and event plots)
Quests (there are quests that go along with the plot or events as well as daily quests. The daily quests are more simple such as “talk to X amount of NPCs” or “attend X amount of balls” while the other quests involve having interactions with specific characters, wearing specific dress up items to certain events, etc.)
Dress up (you dress up for every ball or other outing you attend. Each ball will have a different clothing attribute, such as a certain color or style, that increases your chic points if you wear items with the corresponding tag. Different characters also have style preferences but you need to investigate to find out each character’s preference. In addition to dress up before events, the mirror section of the main interface allows you to make whatever outfit you want with the items you have, which will be the outfit your character wears during scenes outside of outings. There are different categories of items corresponding to different parts of the outfit and for some categories you can wear more than one item from the same category, such as wearing a different bracelet on each wrist)
Balls (this is one of the two main ways you will interact with characters and complete quests. There are a few balls you can choose to attend at any given time, hosted by a specific family or faction, with specific characters attending that you can check before you enter the ball. Once you enter the ball and dress up, you can choose to approach a certain character if that option is available - I think you can only approach characters directly if you’ve already talked to them at the ball or if you are wearing an outfit they like but I’m not sure about that part - or you can choose “wander around” and have the chance to encounter different characters who are attending)
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Other outings (in addition to balls there are other places in the game where you can encounter other characters, such as the slum and the tavern, and these outings work similarly to balls in terms of character interactions)
Conversation (for basic conversation you pick from a selection of topics and you can gain favor with a certain character by correctly picking the topic they prefer. There is dialog to read for every conversation although these are stock conversations that repeat so you’ll usually want to just speed through them. When you increase your relationship with a character you can unlock special conversations with them that are more unique and tied to the plot)
Q&A (sometimes a character will ask you a question and depending on if they like your answer it can boost your favor with them)
Beauty contests (while conversing with a character sometimes you can have a beauty contest against them comparing your outfit to theirs, and if you win you get points that I believe go toward earning in-game currency - another thing I’m not 100% sure about. I think you can only have a beauty contest with female characters but there is at least one male character I’ve been able to have a beauty contest with. Sometimes a character will immediately force you into a beauty contest when you encounter them)
Dancing (sometimes when interacting with a character at a ball you’ll have the option to dance with them which opens up a short memory-based minigame. I think completing the minigame correctly yields similar rewards to winning a beauty contest. I think you can only dance with male characters as I’ve never had the option come up with female characters so far)
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Gathering intel (intel is a resource in the game that is used to learn more about characters and that can be exchanged with characters for rewards. While wandering around a ball you may have the chance to eavesdrop on characters and gain intel)
Gift Box/gacha mechanic (The Gift Box section of the game is where you can draw from different gacha-type pools for items and resources. Different pools take different currencies and have different sets of items)
Remaking, dyeing and enchanting clothes (you can change the style or color of some clothing items if you collect the right resources, which changes both the item’s outward appearance and attributes that go toward chic points/gaining favor with different characters. You can also enchant clothing items, which changes their appearance and increases their chic points)
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Events (there are limited-time events such as events that offer limited-time items/gacha pools and limited-time quests)
Illusion Contests (one way you can compete with other players in the game rather than NPCs. You are given preset clothes items to choose from in order to put together an outfit, and can give the outfit a name. Your outfit is scored based on a voting system where two outfits are shown and players can vote for one or the other. You get rewards based on how many votes you get and you also get rewarded for voting on other outfits)
Championship (another way to compete with others players using your owned items rather than preset items. I have not participated in the championship myself yet but from my understanding you make one outfit to defend against other players challenging you and then make outfits to challenge other players’ defending outfits. The players you have the option to challenge will be the same rank as you so the competition is balanced and I believe this competition is based on the attributes of your items and a theme set for the current championship cycle, a bit more like a NPC beauty contest than the voting-based Illusion Contests.)
⭐️ Overall Rating: 4/5 (this would definitely be a 5/5 game if they fixed the racial diversity issue but it’s unfortunate that a game that’s otherwise so complex and engaging - and has LGBTQ+ representation - drops the ball in this area. I definitely hope they at least add the ability to have different base skin tones in the future.)
I really enjoyed this game so thank you to @raimi for suggesting it! If anyone else has any game review suggestions feel free to send them 🥳
31 notes · View notes
whatudottu · 3 years
So I’m sure y’all (ben 10 fans specifically) know about the episode Inspector 13? And how Gwen couldn’t used her mana like she usually does?
Yeah, those are my thoughts today and I’m gonna talk about ‘em.
Let’s get this out of the way first, pure full Anodites will not have the same trouble that Gwen has, regardless of form. Basic reason here same as normal, they’re pure mana and Gwen is a fleshy human with a spark, so inherently there’s already a difference in the flow of mana.
But are other species capable of magic and mana manipulation?
Heck yeah!
Knowing what we’ve seen with Anodites already, sans Gwen of course, they’re the... uh... hmm let’s say playboys of the universe. Much in the same way that humans can’t keep it in their pants, Anodites don’t have pants in the first place and would definitely proliferate with life spanning galaxies. And just like with humans, there is a chance that any hybrid child of an Anodite can have the spark.
But does that mean that Gwen can use mana as each of the aliens she turns into?
Heck no!
At least not on first try.
Now let me explain. Humans have a filter on their flow of mana, one which Anodites don’t possess, but other species have that same filter. Why? Well, it’s their DNA of course, it’s what separates them from the pure energy beings of Anodites, the unfiltered raw flow of mana. This filter is there because while Anodites are filled with mana, a hybrid with a spark produces their own unique life energy that interacts and mingles with the flow of their mana.
But what does that mean for Gwen?
Given that the spark is not... uh... entirely genetic (there’s a need for an Anodite SOMEWHERE in the bloodline for the spark, but it doesn’t come up in DNA), it should exist through each transformation. But the issue here is that, while the spark stays the same, the filter wildly changes.
Gwen, as herself, is athletic and light on her feet, so her mana floats, twists and turns, and when solid, is akin to glass. But as Diamondhead, suddenly there’s more weight and less dexterity. There’s a difference that opens a new set of rules for Gwen that she’s never had to deal with, and just like at the start of her magic career, things don’t work exactly as they should.
I’m done with the whole analysis side of this thought, but the main reason why this is on my mind is because... well... I didn’t like how the show handled the differences in mana manipulation. It’s maybe a sneaky little episode rewrite, and maybe a little more interesting version of the ‘getting-used-to-another-person’s-powers’ trope... which I’m pretty sure is a thing. I don’t know I’ve seen it before a few times so whatever.
ANYWAY! Moving on to what I would’ve like to have happened, let’s go in order of Gwen’s transformations.
As stated (and is obvious), Petrosapiens aren’t very known for their light weight and dexterity, so one’s magic would reflect this. How this will affect their mana would turn the free flowing looseness of floating mana into physics based materialisation. But what makes this different to a Petrosapien’s natural crystalkinesis?
Let’s demonstrate with Diamondhead.
A falling Gwen would realise quick that her attempts at making platforms would fail, seeing them fall alongside her. However, producing these solid objects took nothing away from her physical levels of energy, meaning Diamondhead wasn’t growing fatigued unlike with typical crystalkinesis. Gwen would have the ability to form as much ‘crystals’ as she wants in order to keep her from crashing too heavily into the ground.
This use of mana is more so built upon traps, because they last a lot longer and barely need concentration to work. Used as a replacement for crystalkinesis, a Petrosapien ain’t gonna get very far, because these ‘traps’ work on everyone even if they can disperse the constructs. No, it’s better to stay away from the constructs because they amplify sonic waves (the mana vibrates as if like a tuning fork) and can create shatter explosions if struck the right way. For the latter, if y’all have seen the dude pressure plating a diamond, it’s like that.
Now, let’s talk about the second alien Gwen transforms into, Clockwork!
Chronosapiens are a little more robotic than Humans and Petrosapiens, especially Anodites, so their filter of mana is a lot larger. It is the fact that they are alive in the first place that let’s them use magic at all, but their mana capabilities are extremely limited. It’s like being trapped in a metal suit, where it’s hard to allow the internal spark to manipulate the external environment. But what if one doesn’t use external magic?
Clockwork can work like this.
Gwen may not manage to bypass the filter and create mana constructs, or even a flowing tendril, but she can find ways for her modified magic to work. Clockwork keeps the spark internally, so why not help that along with less offensive and defensive skills, and instead more utility casting. What does this mean? Flight, babes! But instead of the traditional sort of flight, Gwen finds that she can ‘walk on frozen time’ and ‘slip through the seems’.
Okay maybe that sounds a little too much like the Esoterica power set, but it’s not like seeing a fourth dimension and accessing the inaccessible. It may appear to be the same, but just like how people may perceive Clockwork to have super speed, even though he’s just slowed time for everyone else, it’s just a matter of perspective. But in general, learning to use mana outwardly would need more time than Gwen had.
Moving on to alien number 3, we have Humungousaur.
Now, in terms of filters, Vaxasaurians have a little more access to mana manipulation than Petrosapiens and especially Chronosapiens, but they have a whole lot of life energy due to their size, which has an effect on their spark. While the dexterity of their magic can be comparable to Human’s manipulation, the strength of it is quite limited, so while a Vaxasaurian may be dependent on their physical bodies for attack and defence, magic is just a bonus action.
So how would Humungousaur use magic instead?
Well, while Gwen would engage in a good old round of fisticuffs, she can use mana like a lasso/whip to trip opponents and yank them this way and that. And by ‘this way’ I mean directly into her punch, like you’re the ball of a paddle-board. It’s definitely more of an assistance type of magic, and it’s definitely not strong enough to support the weight of Humungousaur, but Gwen can control the battlefield by controlling the stability of the enemy.
Think hunting and gathering, this is where a Vaxasaurian’s magic thrives, where it helps with restraining and retrieval rather than attack and defence, they’ve already got THAT down. Prime Vaxasaurians, with their size increase, would lose the use of their mana when at max height, but Reboot Vaxasaurians can emphasise their tail shockwave with magic to make it even more deadly.
Up next is Upchuck, and boy is this an easy one.
Gourmands already have a natural relationship between themselves and energy, so someone with the spark can super enhance their energy bile. To the point where it’s almost unnecessary to actually eat anything to get at least some sort of fire power. Of course, with a Gourmand’s small squishy body, they are perfectly capable of throwing up defences (I swear that pun was an accident), but who needs defences when you’ve got a whole arsenal of explosive mana.
But there’s a little issue with Upchuck that Gwen has to get over.
The problem? Gwen’s a little self-conscious about a Gourmand’s abilities. Mana is the flow of life energy, so if the flow is restrained by embarrassment, it doesn’t act at its full potential. Upchuck can certainly try to use magic as a crutch to avoid needing to eat and spit her way in, but the free flowing stream cutting off is inhibiting the strength of her defence too.
SO! When Gwen finally caves and eats some metal, there’s enough power to blast a hole into the techadon factory big enough to get inside with time to spare. Aside from enhancing the blasting power of a Gourmand’s natural energy, the use of mana manipulation can change the ‘weaponry’ of the attack, which can turn into a gassy smokescreen (burp) and a sticky ball (loogie) to name a few. A Gourmand’s best strength is confidence, so Gwen would need to adapt her mana the same way.
And last but not least, we have Rath stepping up to the plate.
Now, Appoplexians are... rather straight forward and fight tooth and claw rather than strategically. They have a similar mana to life energy filter ratio to Humans, but that doesn’t mean that they’re just as magic friendly. Mana manipulation typically requires coherent thought other than the urge to beat someone up.
But Rath can use magic, and here’s how Gwen works it.
Cutting to the chase, there’s no range mana attacks, at all. For one thing, Rath would find it cowardly, another being that unlike ripping out a turret and throwing it at something else, there’s not enough brutal violence. And utility magic is not even considered. That needs some planning, and the only plan Rath has going into the fight is to WIN! And Gwen is not immune to the urge for violence.
So what happens instead, Gwen would accentuate a punch, slash or block with the extra kick of mana. Enemy fist approaching at 5 o’clock, t-minus 2 seconds? Mana armour. The techadon warrior is regenerating a little too fast for liking? Mana blade! Inspector 13 is being an annoying little techadon engineer with his constant downplay of their abilities? MANA PUNCH!
And after all that, Gwen gets to be in her own skin again. Some of the abilities she learnt that day don’t translate to her Human form. She can’t form crystal traps, she can’t slip between the seams of time, she can’t modify the properties of her mana. But some of the techniques she learnt can be adapted into her regular fighting. She can manipulate the battle field, she can construct armour on the fly.
But most importantly, she can see the differences of life energy, and how they effect magic use. Seeing a range of different mana manipulation, Gwen has unlocked a more open perspective on magic and can learn so much more, her expectations of Human magic pried open wide.
I think THAT would’ve been neat.
But instead we got same face syndrome not to rag on the episode haha.
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themsource · 3 years
SOULciety Character Profile 3
Age: 28
Job: Guard Major - Oversees all the platoons under their various Guard Captains in each district of Ebott.
Personality: Brash and Blunt she is almost exactly like her original counterpart, only she has far more tact when it comes to delicate situations and making friends. A creative soul, she enjoys live performances and acting. She is also very dedicated to her country, but not so much the royal family.
Appearance: Has long wild red hair that flows around a tall blue and red fin which curves from the crown of her head down to the nape of her neck, matching the set of fins that pass as her ears. Completely blind she also wears a cybernetic visor (think close to jodie laforge with cyberpunk 2077 twist) across her eyes to help see and that produces digital eye replicas so others can tell her facial expressions, it also lights up in different colors and pixels dependent on her mood. Dresses in an off shoulder white tank top and blue military pants and combat boots. A band of the Deltarune adorns her left bicep, and she had a set of three gills just above each hip spanning from her front to back. [PIC]
Weapon: Halberd
Random 1: She is against SOUL technology and hates how she must depend on it for every day things such as sight. 
Random 2: Met Sans at one of his music performances and became best friends with him over a shared love of it.
Random 3: Hates anime and cartoons over how unrealistic and exaggerated they are, would prefer to watch Action movies or Macbeth.
Random 4: Can’t stand cold food but is an excellent cook.
Random 5: Still friends with Papyrus, but they spend their time mostly with him trying to ‘convert her to the anime deskside’ and her constantly turning him down in various hilarious ways. Their training sessions are actual combat.
Random 6: She adores MTT, mainly for how his mech body relies on non-soul technology.
Random 7: Her natural eyes are solid white due to loss of magic color, and blindness is a birth defect as a side effect of the SOUL magic powered society.
Age: 26
Job: Scientist
Personality: Outgoing and sociable, only shy when meeting idols and  people she admires both in the work place and at anime conventions and cosplay cons. She is passionate about her work and has a great dislike for people that mock her and her friends hobbies and interests. Slow to anger but when done pops off with a mouth like a sailor. Fascinated with discovering new things and enjoys traveling.
Appearance: The shortest out of the cast she wears a pink Rar Rar Doki Doki head band and a black lab coat, under which is a hot pink set of nurses scrubs. She wears contact lenses that glow in the dark and often has many colorful bracelets lining her wrists and arms. [PIC]
Weapon: Kusarigama with a Justice SOUL housed in the iron weight. Electrified to it turns whatever it strikes to ash or catches it on fire.
Random 1: When shy she doesn’t stutter, her hands stim.
Random 2: Is second best scientist next to Gaster, Sans is her assistant despite him being Gaster’s brother. They rarely hang out outside of the labs as Alphys detests the jokes Sans likes to pop off about manga and anime just to rile her.
Random 3: She and Pap started as rivals over who was number one Rar Rar fan, but eventually ended up falling for each other. (They still argue over it occasionally but it’s flirty now)
Random 4: Was friends with Chara and Asriel.
Random 5: Loves sweets and candy. Her favorite snack is candied apples.
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zevi0la · 4 years
Wag kana iyak ha
76924 196235 74948 243536 51624 157373 154089 245473 257867 239159 239820 4039 254903 1241 124919 63207 100287 222359 154951 28061 67226 28359 125838 42751 86322 93125 260151 49189 28018 242166 98771 259880 38827 81971 164946 252067 118261 141699 103454 102317 78392 52038 92888 146170 140437 76281 56047 257486 121132 12709 187334 232255 232255 76273 131406 173289 55907 135440 178640 48680 247587 70178 39487 84663 213693 121009 249935 189774 186729 117046 164345 202735 162075 51212 4295 218436 145303 205437 223438 146105 23933 38886 73936 237026 205427 104036 248318 146843 3743 121136 114634 168501 116602 229151 45689 237889 117435 242163 142422 27027 25940 61748 153284 236393 230775 16835 254152 132572 132572 205856 87639 175124 267949 104619 1158 144726 97984 114619 247970 248800 95558 37030 43621 238547 236283 136018 163398 92050 96999 137191 74648 70475 247229 168175 234921 88347 117957 35962 136088 98879 259201 87152 181235 42912 201358 114790 38691 236481 200631 257164 267987 147751 77146 183191 159852 224514 32380 208152 123768 199489 62529 122161 90791 73206 152299 90641 105671 268803 72737 118565 128142 182543 259739 162377 92414 108371 200629 158150 72345 9138 114118 5944 78100 222995 138839 8189 165888 102016 196044 208863 134460 86152 15752 142440 36590 71710 248618 186139 63675 10002 210268 241043 170027 220041 193448 213624 42460 241296 93008 72953 60624 35634 43525 183414 84531 80199 221306 225945 9037 56185 13176 166411 185184 11350 78525 180027 164869 43742
111257 234642 271920 197780 259837 110813 93335 157478 226208 172132 274458 274826
228626 275085
With title
107817 Masturbation Maid
181008 Mating Oni Daugther
183714 Mating Oni Mother
230041 Micro Bikini Loli
114883 Oreimo Colored
146595 You Damn Coward
197074 Reco Seku
245855 Oni Rem Book
51332 Juri Game
251067 Loli Onsen
127894 Aikatsu Summer Idol
118282 Yukinya!
94579 Ano Natsu Okinawa
123554 Teisou Kannen Zero
206250 Naked Swimming Class
258972 Naked Swimming Class 2
75165 Girls In The Frame
85289 Cast Aoi
217410 Seikatsu Shuukan
102839 The Light Of Tsukimi Manor
123450 The Sex Life Of Tachibanas
228433 Saekano Meguri
254730 Naked Randoseru Meet-up
200855 I Saved An Elf Loli
225792 I Saved An Elf Loli 2
194036 Playing Shop
79081 Azusa Attack 1
79181 Azusa Attack 2
107668 Azusa Attack 3
245000 Azusa Attack 4
234741 Tanaka's Sister's Secret
256161 Schoolgirls' Breast Exposed
254838 Guild Girl And Goblin Slayer
258741 Archwizard Explosion Magic
175399 Giving Something To Megumin
214111 Mc Gakuen
127981 My Neighbor Rina
73758 Kuroneko Yukata
62886 Kuroneko Cosplay
110648 Battle Of Kuroneko
256857 Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Manager
262664 Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Manager 2
178983 We Fucked Like Rabbits
264018 Yet Innocent Maiden
168120 Short Pants And Others
112373 Popularity Of Short Pants
201031 Traumerei
150933 Hello Lolita!
233766 Helpful Mother
207964 Brother Sister Make Proper Love
142825 A Certain Village Custom
182290 Hero, Demon Queen And Her Elf
225904 Boobfree codes
‌229144 253687 238577 236509
‌227675 229085 233245 266177
254351 265855 239842 219847
239749 230566 253104 230185
251974 253091 251489 238030
260614 245023 232887 233547
262158 262870 239312 255129
244530 246963 256050 215459
243725 233770 250704 261819
261830 215658 256404 260028
261789 241254 268580 262407
262252 201814 250193 236036
262889 243933 245697 239750
128983 95364 223815 225080
110332 225767 97247 231139
266116 217037 160657 182439
205089 176495 199121 199425
184068 186615 224644 129479
251524 153374 146499 258212
163532 255244 269825 235914
247103 138365 124624 219718
168941 265918 205995 191390
‌225496 259137 231681 161688
‌199613 259260 260433 235532
‌88323 272117 170213 256613
‌258382 224942
/g/181556/ - Fudeoro Sisters
/g/152456/ - Mou Teitoku No Soba
/g/167936/ - Inma Mo Mikata
/g/139048/ - shojo soushitsu
/g/185592/ - Gensoukyou Rakuenka Keikaku 11
/g/191427/ - Kousei Iinkai
/g/175015/ - Sister Breeder
/g/142825/ - A Certain Village
/g/182290/ - A hero taken prisoner
/g/192845/ - Toaru Natsu
/g/192849/ - Toaru Fuyu
/g/183099/ - Adolescent calculation
/g/192143/ - Blonde no koigokoro
/g/142825/ - Toaru mura no Fudeoroshi Jijou
/g/153856/ - Tenryuu Onee-chan fo naisho no Yasen Enshuu!!
/g/158404/ - Kusogaki
/g/136026/ - Megaflower x flower
/g/188918/ Kodomo no Ecchi
/g/193876/ - Razoku no Yoru
/g/193984/ - Houkago Rendezvous
/g/76119/ - Broadcast Girlfriend
/g/192874/ - Koyomi Fechi
/g/107180/ - Harem Bukai no Boku
/g/110900/ - Kiniro
Just wanna share some of my stocks...
167466 165684 254048 175015 174016 142825 129128 171417 129128 95809 239567 247021 46579 123580 171417 173543 197422 187835 217832 206573 169546 193107 190805 220309 211112 132768 97945 164783 206446 251608 90182 256018 138470 110826 175494 134764 145647 212562 179166 214784 176977 191434 191434 239536 236342 227702 204425 205079 85333 254935 232837 232385 232341 254087 50535 235202 94159 52365 255034 153045 159457 173235 96270 196020 191774 230332 95298 89514 73649 203027 217404 65573 255457 199874 233133 205367 233693 50046 234191 209455 206366 253799 39249 172197 243552 223998221050 217456 225019 234165 258245 247696 258212 258465 86493 258133 244327 260640 261171 244996 202634 165950 220967 120977 204746 142850 99439 232439 246032 200948 265804 25913 262861 196077
155489 257528 267270 177044 267502 184840
144714 228575 268002 267980 227439 267980
268015 89502 228575 220893 160609 261107 110747 235532 248196 228948 259361 235032 139512 257528 260369 261650 234174 116174 239732 213835 146913 216227 182290 117013 259600 139512 258479 173101 235532 258488 264551 263661 242668 154884 150096 265842 259137 781573 234734 244436 265841 265837 255337 110955 265842 266301 928040 122557 135420 209519 265756 136489 242517 266965 134035 266613 183469 244996 255662 267352 208797 267270 267043 213560 261868 267352 186938 267369 263516 266942 111292 233513 262069 172807 263960 184840 266495 252548 267617 193770 2217119Before silencing myself for a few days because of my hate posts I will bring thy holy codes!
/g/181556/ - Fudeoro Sisters
/g/152456/ - Mou Teitoku No Soba
/g/167936/ - Inma Mo Mikata
/g/139048/ - shojo soushitsu
/g/185592/ - Gensoukyou Rakuenka Keikaku 11
/g/191427/ - Kousei Iinkai
/g/175015/ - Sister Breeder
/g/142825/ - A Certain Village
/g/182290/ - A hero taken prisoner
/g/192845/ - Toaru Natsu
/g/192849/ - Toaru Fuyu
/g/183099/ - Adolescent calculation
/g/192143/ - Blonde no koigokoro
/g/142825/ - Toaru mura no Fudeoroshi Jijou
/g/153856/ - Tenryuu Onee-chan fo naisho no Yasen Enshuu!!
/g/158404/ - Kusogaki
/g/136026/ - Megaflower x flower
/g/188918/ Kodomo no Ecchi
/g/193876/ - Razoku no Yoru
/g/193984/ - Houkago Rendezvous
/g/76119/ - Broadcast Girlfriend
/g/192874/ - Koyomi Fechi
/g/107180/ - Harem Bukai no Boku
/g/110900/ - Kiniro
/g/135193/ - It's my win!
/g/161488/ - Shota Teitoku to Nyuukyo Time
/g/65433/ - Jirettai no Yo!
/g/182327/ - Sakeno Seiton
/g/78651/ - Harem Time
/g/190230/ - Boku no Bimama
/g/191880/ - Sanae Hamaru
/g/180600/ - Sakaki-san Satisfaction
/g/105465/ - Sakaki-san Franchise
/g/173023/ - Tiny Evil
/g/191049/ - Kono Suba 1
/g/191851/ - Kono Suba 2
/g/167112/ - i'll be your cat
/g/177754/ - Sloppy Sister
/g/187016/ - Nanyou no Vacances Sakusen
/g/165961/ - Love-ridden
/g/165962/ - Pandemoniucodes for you :))
198964 Countryside
104436 Mismatched Thoughts
213681 Cultivating Bigger Pleasure
242460 Bokujou: Happy End
255869 Today, Surely
116018 Kahanshin No Otsukiai
165310 Suki Suki! Okaa-san
187047 Shirasaka Koume To No Kankei
116272 Akiko-san To Issho
274000 Hame Kama
93335 Henkano
165961 Love-Ridden
250500 Koishi-chan No Bitch Na Hon
264061 Idol Refle Sex
110896 Uchi No Imouto Ga Sukoshi Kawaii
187095 Nuki & Koki
32591 Kosu Tora
151436 FuckBuddy Collection
231188 Minatsu's Fault
275485 Nurunuru Deriheru
275306 Sweet Whispers
205199 Most Distant Neighbor
274796 The Drunk Mouth Of My Neighbor
274412 Kyousei Zecchou Batsu Game
71646 Otonashi Kotorisan
273719 Oshiri Ai
273849 Strength and III
120744 PuniKano
172759 Dogful Days
273337 I Will Serve You Tonight
273132 Watanabe's Day Off
273222 Koukando Analyze!
272129 Dog & Cat Roleplay
271958 Enemy Girl
271892 Poolside Reward
217727 Uruka-chan To Ichaicha Shitai!
271431 Toshoshitsu O Shimete Kara
271282 Hidden Quest
270752 Natsu Ni Tabetai Ecchi Na Oniku
268920 Kirino Senpai's Secret Bath
209986 Secret Bathhouse-san
157640 Secret Bath
159099 Swap On The Beach!!
267615 Mezase! Rakuen Keikaku
241790 Sex Intersect
267975 Sobaya No Harusan
266826 A Dark Elf's Pregnancy Petri Dish
267372 Kissing In The House
215018 Teletari Military
122697 Hame Pero
274494 Dendenden Bu
241018 The Archangel Of Love, Love Mary
270184 The Three Older, Mature Sisters
37475 Marshmallow Nyan Nyan Whip
177286 Akujo Kousatsu
152809 106661 102222 154215 246366
Please keep it 107817 M maid
181008 Mating Oni Daugther
183714 Mating Oni Mother
230041 Micro Bikini Loli
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magic-hcs · 2 years
Have some crack xD
The couple is at the store grocery shopping, having separated to be me efficient in their quest.
After a while the boy hears some ruckus some aisles over.
Rapid footsteps are approaching and s/o slides around the corner (barely catching themselves) and dashes towards skele.
"Drop everything and run!" They shout, running past him towards the exit. "Go go go GO!"
Turns out s/o pantsed a male Karen and now his shrieking Karen wife was after s/o swinging her handbag over her head while the husband is wobbling behind with his pants still around his ankles. 😂
With Charon, Coal, Bear and Razzle.
- owl anon
Omg this is golden owl anon! This was so much fun to write, I hope you enjoy it just as much as I did!
Warnings: food will be thrown
Coal: SF Papyrus
Razzle: SF Sans
Bear: HT Sans
Charon: UF Papyrus
If you like what you read, please consider dropping a comment.
Time to cast some magic and see what we’ll get!✨
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Coal: The unsuspecting boy is just minding his business, looking through the cereal isle when he hears it.
First his thoughts went to Razzle possibly causing a storm with another customer about how they should add what kind of wine in what meal. But he couldn’t hear is brother’s loud pitched voice booming across the store, so he dismissed the thought.
Mastiff had wandered back from his hunt for double fudge brownies and melo cakes, dumping them into the shopping cart before looking into the direction of the noise. He looks back at Coal with a questioning face. Coal shrugs in response and Mastiff decides to check it out. It isn’t long until Coal hears rushing footsteps and a cackling voice he recognizes well. He snaps his head towards the source, sockets widening when he spots both you - the love of his life - and his brother, sliding around the corner, sprinting towards him.
That’s all he needs to know that the two of you had done something. Of course the two of you did. When didn’t you do something? He watches as a furious woman sprints after you two, swinging her hand bag over her head. Shrieking about someone being pantsed. It is in that moment that everything clicks for Coal and he has to decide his next course of actions in the next 2 seconds. It’s a decision easily made.
Coal let’s you run past him as you shriek a “GO GO GOOOOOO!” But before Mastiff could sprint by him, Coal grasps him by the hood of his jacket. It was obvious from the start. Coal watches as the pantsed guy hobbles around the corner, the shrieking woman ever getting closer. Mastiff looks at his brother with terror, knowing what he was going to do.
“bro…” he tried to bargain, but Coal spoke up first.
“long live the king.”
And threw Mastiff into the fray, practically saying ‘deal with your own mess’ before taking the cart and phased through the shelves, cart and all to avoid getting caught by a flying handbag. He had shopping to do if he didn’t want an angry Razzle scolding him for hours on end. Coal would excuse you this time. Because he had to admit, what you did was hilarious. He was going to need to hear the full story from you later.
Razzle: Razzle trusted you with the task of getting the correct wine while he would cover the ingredients for the dinner tonight. He was just about done with everything on the list. Deciding between two of the same type of unions, when he started to wonder what the hell you were doing to take so long - picking between different kinds of wines wouldn't take an hour.
After another ten minutes of waiting, Razzle had enough. Making his way to the liquor aisle, a ruckus was heard as he got closer to his destination, the source came from where Razzle was headed to. He was at the last corner when you barreled past him. A smile - which he knew all too well foretold chaos - on your face as you managed to stop yourself from faceplanting into the wall just in time.
"CARE TO TELL ME, DEAR, WHAT TOMFOOLERY YOU BROUGHT ON THIS TIME FOR TORIEL'S SAKE?" Razzle asked, not even surprised at what just happened in front of him. Your head snapped towards him, and as you were about to open your mouth to answer him; a chunk cheese got slapped right against the wall next to your face. You jumped away from the wall, glancing back in a panic before diving straight out of the way as a wine bottle hurled past you, shattering against the wall.
"No time to talk! Gotta run!" You shouted at Razzle, grabbing his hand and sprinting towards the nearest empty cart. Giving it a good shove before jumping in it, dragging Razzle with you. Leaving your own chock full cart behind. It wasn't long before an angry woman rounded the corner, with many wine flasks and bag in hand.
"YOU BRAT!!" She shrieked. If looks could kill, then Razzle would've been dust the moment her eyes met his.
One thought went through Razzle's mind.
"Just cover me!" You exclaimed as another wine bottle whizzed past you, shoving your body to the edge of the cart to swivel past it.
"Fine! Fine! No more going on shopping trips I got it! Stop talking and cover me dammit!"
Razzle looked back at the manic woman running behind the two you. She was quite slow, he noted. Even for a woman in high heels - he could outrun her with ease in heels even higher then hers. A man struggling to keep his pants up, hobbled around the corner. And Razzle couldn't stop himself from cackling at the absurdity. His serious attitude came loose as he held up his right hand, the left eyelight flaring in a dark lavender light.
An unrestrained chuckle left him as he used his magic to catch a new bottle of whine that was thrown at him. The grin on his face was downright feral.
With a swipe of his left hand he encased bystanders in a purple hue, pushing them to the side as he let a shelf fall to block the way with just a flick with his right wrist. The two of you were so banned from this store, but Razzle couldn't seem to care.
Bear: This boy was just so happy to get some ingredients for tonight’s family dinner with you. Had Ben happy chuffing all the way to the store. He would spend quality time with you AND look at the abundance of food at the same time! Having separated to cover more grounds, Bear was looking through some vegetables when he heard the familiar taps of your shoes hitting the tiles.
At first he was happy to hear you coming back, thinking you’ve found your part of the list. The happiness gets thrown out the window the moment his mind registered that you weren’t walking over towards him, you were running. Bear’s head snapped towards you, causing a dizzy spell but he wasn’t focused on that. He was focused on your figure sprinting towards him and the blob behind you who seemed chase you. Adrenaline coursed through his body at the thought of you in danger. He was ready to take down the threat that was chasing you, whatever the blob was. But the way your voice exclaimed with glee made Bear calm down a little.
“We gotta run! Go goooo!!”
It was then that you came close enough for Bear to make out your face. You looked like a cat who stole the sardines, coming to skirting halt in-front of Bear you grabbed his hands. “Come on! Drop everything and run!”
With a glance behind you, you went off running again.
Once your words got processed, Bear reacted on instinct. He ain’t gonna leave all this food! Are you mad?! Bear scooped as much food as he possible cold in his huge arms and ran after you. He didn’t understand what was going on exactly, but the way the blob started to scream about public indecency Bear had a vague idea what was going on.
Didn’t stop him from going along with you though.
There was never a boring day with you around.
Charon: All Charon wanted was a calm day going to the grocery store with his brother and mate. One normal shopping day…was that too much to ask?
If it concerned you then yes.
It was what he had ultimately signed up for when he started dating you. Not that he considered this side of you a flaw. Not at all, on the contrary, it was part of your charm that made Charon fall for you in the first place. But the man couldn’t help but long for some normalcy amidst all the chaos. Call him outdated, he didn’t care.
It has started as slightly normal. Charon sending Red alongside with you to get something from the other side of the store. Hoping Red would keep an eye on you. Not that he didn’t think you could handle some chaos by yourself, you could. Charon has experienced it firsthand. No, it was to make sure you wouldn’t cause the chaos.
It wasn’t long until a racket was heard, originating from the exact place Charon had send you and Red to. He could already feel a headache coming on, almost certain he knew who caused it.
Red appeared with a ping soon after. Sweat coating his skull and a tight grin on his face. “ah-hey, boss.”
He still called Charon boss in public, even though he didn’t have to keep that ruse up. Old habits die hard.
“Hello Brother,” Charon replied, glancing behind Red he expected to see you. But you weren’t with him. “Where Is My Dove, Brother?”
Red started to sweat more.
“aheheh, promise not to get mad, boss?”
“I’ll Be The Judge Of That Brother.” Charon huffed, he was getting impatient, tapping his boot.
He wasn’t angry at his brother, frustrated yes, but he was mostly worried about you.
When Red didn’t answer him, Charon spoke up again, “I Am Waiting.”
“aheheh, well-“
“ya spousey may have…pantsed a guy…and-“
“pantsed a guy, boss.”
Of course you did. Scratch headache, Charon was about to experience an entire migraine. He facepalmed, groaning in frustration. One day…of peace, that was all he asked.
He didn’t have to ask twice, Red hurried to show him the way, leading Charon straight to you. Where the two brothers were greeted by the sight of you using the dodging skills Charon has taught you to your advantage. Dodging all kinds of food products being hurled at you by an angry woman shrieking like a banshee. A crowd had formed around the two of you, and behind the crowd was a guy with his pants down at his ankles.
You were taunting the lady as you expertly side stepped everything. And Charon couldn’t help but have a newfound respect for you. He would’ve been shamelessly proud if it wasn’t for the fact that you were doing this in a grocery store. Charon was about to step in and drag you with him when the security entered the chaos. You let out an “OH SHIT!” And booked it, finding the two brothers easily in the crowd you sprinted towards them. Grabbing Red by the hood and Charon by the scarf.
“Drop everything and run! I don’t wanna go back to jail!”
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Thank you for participating in this spell, I hope it was to your satisfaction!
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