#castiel interrogating the cat
vaicomcas · 10 months
Castiel's continued interrogation of the cat
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That got me thinking about a whole episode of just Cas following the cat around to continue interrogate the cat.
And its shot mostly from the perspective of the cat-- like those popular internet footages of Mr. Kitters the cat with his GoPro neck camera.
The cat is outdoors in its own territory (and it's also a different cat in my AU... the one in the show called Cas a dumb ass and I have no use for it).
You'd see the cat dashing around, the whiskers in the foreground, the fuzzy paws pattering on the ground, then you see Cas squatting in front of the camera, squinting sternly.
So the cat runs away, and you see the rapid approach of a wall, the cat scales it in one leap and is now on the rooftop, but then Cas is right next to him, having teleported.
Then the scene zooms out and you see Cas and the cat standing together on the roof, looking down at a peaceful scene of trees and houses and gardens from a birds-eye view, and the sun is shining and the lilac bushes are swaying and the squirrels are running, and Cas and cat just tilt their respective heads and enjoy the moment.
And then sometimes the cat is in a tree, hopping from branch to branch, and Cas floats next to him, sometimes upside down in order to talk eye-to-eye with him, asking various questions.
And one time a hawk swoops down and its talons nearly catches the cat, then the next moment its legs are in the grip of a large hand, and offscreen you hear Cas telling the humiliated hawk very politely that he has some business with the cat, and if the hawk wouldn't mind extending a professional courtesy, one winged creature to another, and let the cat go.
And maybe Cas brings some evidence for the cat to look at, and the cat stares into Cas' eyes, and with a stone cold face slowly and deliberately swats the evidence off of the table. Edited to add: but Cas just levitates them right back to the table, and the cat is finally defeated and cooperates. (and also because the cat likes Cas of course).
Yeah I'd like to watch that very much.
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phrysic · 4 months
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how do i draw cas
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warpedwings · 1 year
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Happy Caturday.
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shedontlovehuhself · 5 months
Currently watching the first episode of Dead Boy Detectives and seeing all the day players from spn has my head spinning! Also the way death is styled and her hair(I see them).
A Kipling mention!!
And a talking cat!
Edit: Ruthie!!!!
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forbestiel · 1 year
cas and his random disappearances except every time he shows up he has new information that’s oddly specific to the people in that week’s case. whenever sam & dean ask how he figured that out they get replies like “the squirrel who lives across the street from the Smith’s told me” or “the pigeons who eat in the parking lot saw it happen”. until one day they’re leaving a library or something and a little robin flies down onto the grass near the curb. the brothers don’t notice until they suddenly hear cas speaking very seriously like “yes. i see. and you say this werewolf has a trailer in the woods? i understand. of course. thank you.” meanwhile sam & dean just hear chirping yet when they show up at the random location cas sprouts it turns out that yes, apparently cas was not joking when he said he receives his information from animals
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milfcodeddean · 2 years
zukka and destiel like unlearning your powerful father’s bullshit indoctrination and your sibling(s) trying to kill you for defying Him and then jailbreaks and saving his family and its the older sibling without the powers being sooo special to someone who seems so superior to an outsider 
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pascalsummers · 4 months
You Give Them a Magical Companion (Team Free Will x Male Reader)
A/N: So this idea of mine originally started as just stuffed animals given to them but I wanted to give it a more 'supernatural' vibe lol. I couldn't find an exact mythology for what I wanted to do so I took a bunch of inspiration and just made my own thing. I'll probably make another post later on fleshing this idea out because why not?
What you need to know for the sake of this post is that the reader can imbue an item (Usually Jewelry) with a magical creature influenced by the wearer. Anyway with that out of the way consider this my birthday gift to you all, and enjoy!
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When it came to Dean you decided that a bracelet would be the best option for him. Mostly because you remember Dean complaining about rings getting scratched up when opening beers and him getting hit in the teeth by necklaces. He will forever deny fanboying over the fact that his companion turned out to be a wolf but that doesn't stop him from subtly bragging about it once in a while. Dean's companion is mostly used during hunts to help track down monsters or sometimes help in battle if Dean really needs it. When not on a hunt Dean can be found hanging out in the Batcave with the wolf sitting close by.
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For Sam, you decided that his item would be a ring. You didn't want to choose anything that stood out too much and a ring seemed like the perfect subtle piece of jewelry. Sam was a little worried that the world would decide to make his animal a moose but much to his relief, it turned out to be a simple owl. The owl became a kind of study buddy for Sam as he would ask his companion to find certain books for him while he focused on other tasks. In return, Sam would give the owl scratches which it would coo at, and eventually, he even made it a small nest in his room for it to rest on whenever it wanted.
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Figuring out what item to give Cas was a challenge since Cas didn't seem to have a big opinion on the matter. Eventually, though you decided that he would have a necklace. When Cas accepted the gift and saw that his companion was a cat he was confused but of course accepted it. Cas didn't know what to do with his new companion but after a bit of contemplation, he decided to get all the needed items for a cat owner and set them up in his room in the bunker. Though Cas's companion didn't require any food or water to live it did eat any food and drink any water that Cas gave it. Usually, the cat can be found perched on Cas's shoulder watching the people of the bunker.
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Thinking about how Crowley you knew that a brooch would be a good choice for him. You thought it was the perfect fit for someone whose closet seemed completely made of suits. When Crowley laid eyes on his tiger companion he thought that it was an apt creature to be paired with. Crowley is quick to befriend the companion and learn as much as he can about it. During meetings and interrogations, Crowley will sometimes let the tiger sit close to him as a way to add a little extra intimidation factor. When not busy with something Crowley will let his companion roam around especially when Crowley's with the Winchesters just to annoy them a little bit.
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scoobydoodean · 8 months
do you think dean only valued cas for his powers/usefulness? i know we see him enjoying his company but do you think he would if cas had never done anything for him? this isn’t deancrit more than simply pondering
Of course Dean values Cas for more than his powers/usefulness. Dean loves Cas. Cas is family and his best friend. If Dean only cared about Cas being useful, he wouldn't have kept Cas's coat in his car for a whole season (after Cas betrayed his trust and broke his brother's brain and everything). He wouldn't have refused to leave Purgatory with Benny before finding Cas. He would have banished Ishim to save his own skin in 12.10. He would not have argued with Sam about sending Lucifer into battle against Amara inside Cas. He wouldn't have sat pleading with Cas and calling him family as Cas was beating him to death. He wouldn't have plead with Chuck to bring back Cas and kill him and Sam (15.19). Cas couldn't have been his big win in early season 13 that turned him off the path of suicide if he only cared about him being useful. This compilation video is quite exhaustive and worth a watch.
I find your second, related question very perplexing. There’s an implicit premise in that question that I object to, and that premise is that if we were to remove Cas "doing things" "for" Dean over the course of season 4 such as:
Cas showing sympathy for Dean in 4.16 to the point of getting demoted (which very much did mean something to Dean).
Cas helping Dean leap out of the flow of causality in 4.18.
Cas in 4.20 (completely of his own accord because he knew it was wrong) reaching out to Dean through Dean's dreams and begging him to meet so Cas could tell Dean the angels were going to start the apocalypse only to get attacked by angels and dragged kicking and screaming back to heaven for reprogramming before he could rebel.
Cas rebelling and helping Dean try and stop Sam in 4.22.
What we'd be left with is a sort of "neutral" but still "good" Castiel, deserving of Dean's love and friendship, but potentially denied it because he failed to do what Dean wanted him to do in 4.18 and 4.22. In reality, if we remove Cas's acts of rebellion in season 4 (which are predicated upon Cas's doubts and convictions and desire to do the right thing—not him being some poor lovesick puppy) what we are left with is someone who uses Dean.
So let's not get it backwards: Dean and Cas's relationship starts with the angels only valuing Dean for his usefulness—not the other way around—and season 4 Castiel is Dean's handler. He shows up periodically to order Dean to do things for the angels (4.07, 4.09, 4.10, 4.16), take him places against his will (4.03, 4.16), tell him vaguely what his destiny is (4.02, 4.16, 4.18, 4.21), and get him to do things for heaven's purposes like prevent seals from being broken and interrogate demons for information. Cas holds the power between them every single time they are in a room together, and without the acts of rebellion that contrast his colder moments, all we are left with is someone who might get to tell Dean he has doubts in 4.07 and might get confronted by Anna over his complicity in the evil the angels are doing in 4.10, 4.16, and 4.22, but who never actually acts on his convictions and doubts because he is ultimately (at best) a coward who values the safety of orders over what he knows is right.
Without Cas's acts of rebellion, we don't get some poor neutral wet cat. We get someone who learns his superiors are going to carry out an apocalypse that will kill billions and does nothing. We get someone who threatens to throw Dean back into hell if he doesn't obey, threatens to harm Sam if Dean doesn't stop him from drinking demon blood (4.03), manipulates Dean into doing things Cas wants him to do (4.15), kidnaps Dean to force him to torture someone (4.16), and kidnaps Dean again to store him in a gilded cage while his brother unleashes the apocalypse... and then afterward, he'd be expected to help Zachariah force Dean to say "Yes" to Michael with manipulations, beatings, and threats to Dean and everyone he cares about. Expecting Dean to love that Cas (because why? Because Cas feels "bad" about treating him like a living doll?) is essentially a demand that Dean develop Stockholm Syndrome.
Season 4 Cas and Dean are not friends (Cas himself says this first, in 4.02). When Dean asks Cas to rebel in 4.18 and 4.22, he is not asking that of Cas as a friend who wants Cas to do him a favor. He is, as a human being—begging his angel handler who he knows has doubts to be a person instead of choosing to behave as a mindless robot whose only function is to unquestioningly carry out heaven's orders when he knows the orders are wrong (Anna does the same thing in 4.16 and 4.21!) In 4.22, Cas makes an assertion about his care for Dean. He says he's "sorry", but with every intention of continuing to hold Dean prisoner and carry out the apocalypse, and Dean punches him in the face for it because Cas isn't a friend at all and his "sorry" is empty if he's just going to continue being Dean's kidnapper (Anna rejected the same sort of false-ringing "sorry" from Cas in 4.10 when he was about to execute her).
One of the most perplexing beliefs in fandom about Cas that I tend to encounter is the idea that Cas rebelled against heaven entirely and purely "for" Dean. Most of fandom pushes this idea with no ill will because it's romantic, while smaller sectors of fandom push this narrative as way of claiming Cas gave Dean some kind of benevolent "gift" when he fell and Dean now owes him for eternity for Cas being so selfless and nice and loving, and Dean doesn't appreciate his sacrifices enough. Cas did not rebel as some "gift" to Dean. Cas chose to do the right thing.
Cas's entire season 4 arc is about him struggling with doubts about God's plan. He and Uriel keep getting orders they struggle to understand, and they both (in very different ways) end up realizing they can no longer obey without losing all sense of identity and violating all of their beliefs and convictions (4.07, 4.10, 4.16). Without Dean even knowing about it at first, Cas already rebelled against heaven in 4.20, after finding out the angels were going to start the apocalypse. He simply got caught and punished back into obedience. When Dean convinces Cas to rebel in 4.22, it is the second time Cas is overtly choosing to rebel against heaven and the apocalypse plan. The first time in 4.20 has nothing to do with Dean begging or pleading—he didn't even know. Dean convinces Cas to uphold his already existing convictions in 4.22. He pleads with Cas, saying, "You were going to help me once, weren't you, before they dragged you off to Bible camp. Help me now—please!"
What attracts Cas and Dean to one another over the course of season 4 is their mutual care for others—their love for people and their desire to do the right thing. Cas keeps showing Dean that, while he is struggling and conflicted, he loves humanity and he wants to do the right thing. He just isn't sure what that is (4.07, 4.16). Dean understands that and it attracts him to Cas. Dean's conviction and bravery in standing up to Cas's superiors to protect humanity, in turn, attracts Cas to Dean. A Dean who does not fight and claw for the sake of love is not someone Cas would have grown to care for in the way our Cas does, and a Cas who never rebels is not the man Dean grew to care for either. Maybe in a coffee shop AU, they meet and Dean likes that Cas is a bit of a dork. But in the actual canon of the show, removing Cas's conviction and desire to rebel does not make him a neutral character who just isn't "useful".
The love that develops between Dean and Cas's has nothing to do with what one "owes" the other or how "useful" they are to each other because their connection was never about that to begin with. It's about common values and common love for humanity. You cannot remove either ones convictions and rebelliousness in canon and have the same story and the same characters revolving around one another with the same mutual respect and mutual understanding. Dean loves Cas for his personality, and also for his rebellion. Not because Cas's rebellion makes Cas useful, but because it is a reflection of Cas's values, convictions, and character in the world they both live in, where they are both asked to make choices that go against their convictions by forces of evil and choose to fight and claw for what is right.
Of course there's a lot to Dean and Cas's friendship. A whole 12 seasons of content!!! There are moments where I think Cas starts to feel like he only exists to be useful to others, but there are also moments where Dean feels like Cas just wants to use him too, or like Cas doesn't give a shit about him and considers him a burden or disposable. There's a strange urge in fandom to frame Dean and Cas's friendship as one where only Cas is ever left feeling insecure or hurt, and that is wildly false.
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Favorite Quotes from Supernatural
(That literally nobody asked for, but I’m bored)
What kind of house doesn't have salt? Low sodium FREAKS.
It's not food anymore, Dean, it's Darwinism!
I lost my shoe.
(to Gabriel) So which one are you? Grumpy, Sleepy, or Douchy?
I've been tortured by the Devil himself. So you, you're just an accent in a pantsuit. What can you do to me?
You can't take the trick out of the Trickster.
[Entering a Gas 'n' Sip] Ooh, smell that cancer. Delicious!
Hello, trickster
Lucifer, you are my brother and I love you. But you are a great big bag of dicks
Dean and I do share a more profound bond. I wasn't going to mention it.
My 'people skills' are 'rusty'.
What part of ‘I don’t know’ escapes your understanding?
It's funnier in enochian.
This isn't funny, Dean! The voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
Hey, assbutt!
I'm an angel, you ass.
You know I can hear you both, I am a celestial being.
You have a Guinea Pig? Where?
Why is 6 afraid of 7? I assume it's because 7 is a prime number and prime numbers can be intimidating.
Let's play Twister.
I'll interrogate the cat.
You know what I like about him is that he’s sarcastic, but he’s thoughtful & appreciative too.
Cass, get out of my ass!
Well that's great, because without your power, you're basically just a baby in a trench coat.
Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray to Castiel to get his feathery ass down here.
I'm sitting in a laundry-mat, reading about myself... sitting in a laundry-mat reading about myself. My head hurts.
Driver picks the music; shotgun shuts his cakehole!
I mean come on, we hunt Monsters! Normal people - they see a monster and they run, but not us; we search out things that want to kill us. You know who does that? Crazy People! We are insane!
I'm Batman.
Saving people, hunting things, the familiy business.
Fight the fairies
Keep grinding. No matter how much it hurts, no matter how hard it gets, you got to keep grinding. And that's how we're gonna win. And we're gonna win. We're gonna save Cass, we're gonna ice the Devil, and we're gonna shank the Darkness. And anyone that gets in our way, well, God help them.
Hey. You know who wears sunglasses inside? Blind people. And douchebags.
Hello, boys.
As you may recall: patience isn't one of my virtues... well, I don't have any virtues... but if I did I'm sure patience wouldn't be one of them.
Torture? Brilliant. Can't wait to see Sam in stilettos and a leather bustier, really putting the S-A-M into S&M. Honestly, boys. What are you gonna do to me that I don't do to myself just for kicks every Friday night?
I torture all my friends. It's how I show love.
You know what humanity's greatest creation has been? Music. That and nacho cheese. Even I couldn't have dreamt up that deliciousness.
Helped them?! I've saved them! I've rebuilt Castiel more times than I can remember. Look where that got me.
Sorry if it's a bit chilly. Most people think I burn hot. It's actually quite the opposite.
Think about it: dad made everything, which means he made me who I am. God wanted the Devil!
Upper bunk? Lower bunk, or do you wanna share?
Snapping necks and cashing checks is what I do.
You know what they say? He who hesitates, disintegrates.
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cherrythepuppet · 3 months
What if Stone acted like Castiel when drunk? Like yknow says some of the strange stuff Cas says
"I found a liquor store. And I drank it"
"I'll interrogate the cat"
"Why is 6 afraid of 7? I assume it's because 7 is a prime number and prime numbers can be intimidating"
"Please accept this sandwich as a gesture of solidarity."
"Make your voice... A mail"
The first one is something Cas has said while drunk but the rest of just some of my favorite quotes from that little angel goober
Just a thought
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jenanigans1207 · 5 months
Part 2 of the squares I have made so far for my castiel blanket!
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12: an excerpt of the anti-tracking tattoo Cas gets when he’s human
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13: an ode to The French Mistake and actual Misha Collins with my attempt at the twitter logo. Hola, Mishamigos!
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14: “I’ll interrogate the cat.” Love him so much
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15: a honeybee. I might redo it to make it smaller if I have time, might not because the point is to actually see the design and not a mostly blue square??
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16: angel wings. Grey on tan like Cas’s trenchcoat as if they are on his back. I don’t ever want to attempt another pair of wings again, these might have been the worst one to date.
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17: cowboy hats from that time Cas and Dean were cowboys :)
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18: an ode to everything Cas learned from the pizza man
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19: an interpretation of: “freedom is a length of rope, god wants you to hang yourself with it.” It’s a noose and I intended the words to label the noose, as if the words are the cause of death. But freedom was too long and I didn’t feel like it would appear as if it was labeling the noose, so I changed it to “free will” to fit better and still get the right vibe.
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20: a calendar of the month of September with a star on Thursday, September 18th as an ode to the introduction of our beloved angel of Thursdays!
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gaycey-sketchit · 11 months
Had fun with this last time and this show ran long enough and had enough things happen in it that we can do this again!
Reblogs are appreciated, and I'd love to know how much Supernatural you've seen and how confident you are that you picked the right answer! (Including if you've never seen it and are thinking "what is Supernatural even about?") Please nobody spoil what the right answer is in the notes, I'll tell y'all once the poll ends :)
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mathewforest · 10 months
“I’ll interrogate the cat.”- Castiel (S8: E8)
Such an amazing episode.
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halfsizehellboy · 3 months
early seasons castiel is so funny. anytime he has to play FBI dean's just like "sorry, he's new" and then has to cover for the nuclear power core of autism right next to him that keeps interrogating cats.
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scarecr0wsam · 3 months
just finished 8x08 and now i’m forever cursed with the knowledge that castiel can communicate with animals. why can��t he interrogate cats more often
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ltleflrt · 2 years
I got the "I'll interrogate the cat" cat toy from Stands, and I'm delighted to report that it is Castiel's favorite toy 😆
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