#castiel is a heavenly being and animals are a part of god’s choir
forbestiel · 1 year
cas and his random disappearances except every time he shows up he has new information that’s oddly specific to the people in that week’s case. whenever sam & dean ask how he figured that out they get replies like “the squirrel who lives across the street from the Smith’s told me” or “the pigeons who eat in the parking lot saw it happen”. until one day they’re leaving a library or something and a little robin flies down onto the grass near the curb. the brothers don’t notice until they suddenly hear cas speaking very seriously like “yes. i see. and you say this werewolf has a trailer in the woods? i understand. of course. thank you.” meanwhile sam & dean just hear chirping yet when they show up at the random location cas sprouts it turns out that yes, apparently cas was not joking when he said he receives his information from animals
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