#cassie did not look or sound or act 13 in the real show anyway
bluntshavingrazor · 5 months
I was watching some kind of VR game/movie thing, which was based on the cartoon Bounty Hamster. The protagonist, Cassie, had fallen into a coma and woken up as an animated skeleton 100 years later. The entire plot was Cassie viewing the logs from the eponymous Bounty Hamster where he spends his whole life waiting for her to wake up. It was absurdly depressing and Cassie then became an alcoholic despite being a) a skeleton and b) mentally still 13 years old.
Incidentally, I think this is the most anyone has thought about the British sci-fi cartoon Bounty Hamster since 2003.
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bookdragonlibrary · 5 years
Second Tuesday YJ appreciation
1-3 ; 4-6 ; 7-9 ; 10-13 ; 14-16 ; 17 ; 18 ; 19 ; 20 ; 21 ; 22 ; 23 ; 24-26
—————————— First Impression
- Is that... a Reach ship? Could it be linked to the machine? It’s fonctionning, nothing good...
- 4 days later. 
- I love how Garfield is respectful and aknowledges Kaldur and M’gann efforts despite the situation. Batman should take him as an example...
- A public Team. So is that what he had in mind in the previous episode? I’m relieved. So much clever that what I thought! But the bad guys will probably guess if there is a public Team, there also is a covert Team. Not all of them were aware of this...
- Kaldur being a protective Big Brother :)
- Lex restricted even more the JL? What does he want them to do? Charity missions and gala?
- Strikes against meta people :( Not really surprising as we have strikes against POC and queer people... Humankind really doesn’t like difference, does they? :(
- Of course bad guys would find a way to make profit of humans. We already do it with pollution,
- Gar has good points actually! My boy had mature so well!
- It’s me or Traci is drown way differently when she is in civics and hero costume? Her face seems different.
- It’s them at the end of the previous episode! And there’s a picture with Gar and Perdita. #RelationshipGoals I agree!
- “We’re gonna start a revolution! A... a small one anyway.” xD It would be a revolution in YJ verse and against the Light actually :)
- “Get on board or get out of the way!” xD And Conner is not really proud about this and probably wonders who told this to Gar xD Who bet Wally?
- “Green skin. Can’t hide.” He’s already a famous star anyway. But easily recognizable because of it.
- “Public doesn’t always get I’m a different guy.” Aw sweetie :( 
- “They already know what I have become. Now I want to show them who I have become.” So powerful :)
- “And there were no way I was gonna let this be a no girl squad.” / “Group needed a little color.” Seriously writers? Can’t they have real character motivation? Like Cassie wanting to be aknowledged as a true hero (to show her growth since her insecurities in season 2) or Virgil wanted to be known as a hero (since in the previous episode the girl didn’t know Static). This kind of comments are in the 4th wall dimension, something the fans see, not something the writers say to show they have included diversity in their characters. It’s something you show, not tell, or it doesn’t have the same impact on the fans. 
- But I like Jaime and Virgil friendship
- “Not ready. Noy yet.” That would also have been a great occasion to give them character development. Like Forager is supposed to be dead, Terra still copes with her abduction and Traci doesn’t trust her control on her powers yet (her hero insecurities) and develop why Halo isn’t ready yet. 
“Guessing we’re too old. Whoa. When did that happen?” Technically Conner is 8 so he can still be part of their Team and I would have love Artemis being with them as their Team lack of martial arts :)
- So it’s Teen Titans Tower but in Hollywood instead of San Francisco? And it’s called the Hub.
- Wait... where’s Traci? I know she’s the only one who isn’t part of the Outsiders or lives there but still!
- “This is so crash!” I agree Bart!
- “Finally! I mean: thank you!” Brion is so glad to have his own personal space again :) The bioship should have felt pretty small compared to his room in a royal palace.
- “Who’s paying for all this?” “Gretchen Goode.” xD
- “Now that what I call payback!” “This is a sympathy bump.” I love Cassie and Virgil frienship! Finally a girl and boy being BF without love involved! :D Please, writers, let’s them stay BF! :( I want Cassie to give poor flirty advice to Virgil when he meet a girl he like xD But fans, still feel free to ship them ;)
- Poor Forager :( 
- “No way 6 teenagers are gonna to live here alone and unsurpervised.” *she says while looking at Violet and Brion* “Yeah, who knows what might happen?” Those two make love (with their respective boyfriend) in the Cave, didn’t they?
- “I would be happy, honored to act as a den mother.” Helga, stop saying honored, that’s weird and suspicious... What everyone else doesn’t find it suspicious?!
- 3 days later. It feels like it’s the same day, doesn’t it?
- Nowadays teenagers reflex: record it before to go in safety...
- Does he... play against himself? Super cute!
- EyeSpasm? What kind of technology is that? Something to make livestream? I don’t like the “Spasm” on it... Look like Granny’s goggles to me...
 - So the Reach ship makes a move 6 days after?
- “Mother of God!” Brion is still so funny while he’s angry xD
- “No drill, the Reach are back!” “No, just no!” My poor babies, please no more trauma for them :( maybe we’ll have flashbacks of Bart’s past and Jaime’s while on mode?
- Kaldur is so great and... beaten to easily? I know it’s Reach tech but I thought he would manage longer as he put Blue inconscious in season 2...
- He’s DEAD? No, he’s ok! Don’t give me heart attack like that! I had enough with Forager already!
- “Chill, Aquaman!” Is that supposed to be a joke? You know, because it’s winter and/or Kaldur is Atlantean.
- *fangirl laugh* I hated that... I just hope she won’t get hurt because the fangirling makes people dumber...
- “My spectacles” Is that an old word for glasses? “Gratitude.” This girl definitely has a high rank vocabulary.
- “Stay calm, citizen, and stay inside.” Cassie feels a little unease and  in a confident character :) Not confortable yet with speaking with the population yet :)
- “Superamalgamated.” No clue of what she said...
- Love that Virgil has a techonological plateform now :) 
- Helga seems so proud of Brion :) Ok, maybe she’s not evil, but just overprotective like I thought...
- “Please, miss, you must get to cover.” Give up, Kal, she’s a teenager AND a fangirl, no way she stay out of danger...
- Wait, why Joan is at hospital? What happened to her? :(
- Aw... Ed showing the Team to his proteges :3 And Wendy is laughing!
- “Maybe it was a bad idea to do this in mid-air.” You think? Didn’t Scarab tell you about this? “This is a really bad idea, Jaime Reyes. You should...” “Don’t worry, Scarab, I’ll handle this!” By the way, why we don’t hear him? It would be interesting to have his pov since it’s the Reach in front of them!
- The scream doesn’t seem to be Jaime’s voice but Brion’s...
- Aw... Mom Arty is sad they’re leaving :( Or did they already have? Violet is crying :( “One last sleepover.” They haven’t leave yet.
- So cool Gar is introducing his team :)
- The Sheriff is funny but what kind of American accent is that? Is it cliché? I find it annoying :/ (no offense, it’s just difficult to understand)
- “We prefer protégé.” = “don’t call us sidekicks!” in season 1 xD But more diplomatic.
- Whisper A’Daire and Intergang are back! Blue already met her in season 2 with Superboy. And here are Scorpia A’Daire (her little sister I guess?) and Cairo Defrey. Is she from Egypt? Is she old or does she have metapowers with her white hair?
- Scooby Doo vibes? I mean the Team appeared in an episode, so why not? Wait, so the two girls are from Scooby Doo Team too? (Don’t know their names in English...)
- This bip doesn’t look good... The big ship is awake again! So the Reach will come? But it seems pretty empty so? Did the signal activate because of Whisper’s line? As she said they didn’t succeed?
- “Look what they’ve done to our library!” It’s just a glass sir, pretty sure it’s no big deal compared to a destroyed city... Have you seen Central City after Neutron?
- Tommi Tompkins, sound like a boy name... Wait! Is Tommi transwoman and his dad just use his dead/birth name? He’s really a jerk :( 
- He’s on Lex Luthor’s side, that’s why...
- The ship is huge! Is it the same than where the heroes and Runaways were abducted in season 2?
 “This is so moded!” “No way...” “Yes way! I mean: look at us! We’re in chackles!” They still have the same dynamic! :’)
- When the bad guys told you to call the JL, you know you’re in trouble! Except if you’re a dumb jerk...
- He called the US Air Forces. Is he dumb or... No, there’s no other explanation that stupidity (I mean a lack of knowledge, but essentially common sense...)
- And... they’re dead... Mayor, your stupidity caused two deaths (maybe 4?) of soldiers. Are you proud? Remorsed? “No, no, no!’ He’s a stubborn dumb jerk, isn’t he?
- “Mine aren’t (tied). Just handcuffled.” and they break free so easily it’s funny xD Why do you think they use collar in Belle Reve, stupid mayor?
- Tara’s flashbacks are heartbreaking :( She couldn’t see her parents again after her kidnapping :( 
- “Do you see how brave Tara and Violet are? You can be brave like them.” *Violet hides because of thunder* It was sweet and funny :) And Artemis is educating Lian to be brave like her parents and auntie :)
- Big sisters Artemis and Tara :) It’s rare to see Tara smiling, those family moments do good to her :) 
- Gar still likes to perch on people’s shoulder :) 
- “No baddies, just their bones.” Bart, the Reach are insect-base, they don’t have bones... Wait, could be the bones of the abducted teens in season 2 who didn’t have the metagene? Virgil said there were kids they never saw again and they were only 5: the Runaways plus Chimmer. Where were the other kidnapped kids? Dead. And that won’t make any sense the Reach stay on that ship to die at the end of season 2... And the Team didn’t kill anyone while saving the abductees. So yeah, it have to be the murdered abducted kids :’( 
- “bad news, there are still militaries air force.” The mayor is really stupid or the soliders didn’t get the memo their colleagues are dead in one blow?
- “Good news.” “Please no bad news, Please no bad news.” “Bad news.” “Urg!” xD
- Virgil’s sarcastis comments are back! xD
- Gar still has clever solutions :) 
- Of course, Ed is worried :) And Wendy doesn’t have the collar anymore! The Team did inspire her! :D 
- Joan :( 
- Big Bro Kaldur is so proud of them!
- “No concept of how much that thing is gonna cost to get out of my lake?” Sorry, mayor, we thought Brooklyn was a democraty, not Tompkins’ kingdom... And the taxes aren’t your money either but serve the city... --’
- “A Young Justice League” that a recall of the show title, isn’t it?
- “We are all Outsiders.” Catchy indeed!
- “Relax, your time will come.” Tara can’t wait to act, but against what? against who? Those family moments didn’t stop Tara for working with Slade :( 
- Is she looking at Lian? Why? :o :(
- So the ship was indeed empty for 2 years. Man, Jaime and Bart would be so mad at them when they’ll learn the Anti-Light thing and that they knew there were no Reach on it... 
- Lag’aan! Is still in the hero game! Only for Atlantis or he’s part of the League now?
- Oracle!
- So Kal was indeed holding back!
- Who is the second guy? He looks like Garth’s old brother. Edit: name’s Wyynde. he appeared in the tie-comics. 
- “I don’t think he’s ready for that, for this.” M’gann also talks about the lies and secrets the Anti-Light has to come up with. She doesn’t want that responsibility and burden on her brother’s shoulder. And maybe fears his reaction to this.
- What is the Anti-Light mission?
- Brucely and Wally plushie! Wait... is that text sounds? This’s Tara but where is... In Lian’s room? In her own room? Are they sleeping in the same room just like Violet and Artemis?
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