whiskyarts · 1 year
🔮💕🖤💜💍 for the tts ask game
🔮- Something you wish had happened in the series?
I think really just a few writing things here and there, or things I wish they expanded on, but it's the same stuff that everyone else goes on about (Varian's villain arc, Cass' writing in season 3, ect.) so I won't get into it too extensively lol
💕- Tangled Otp?
At my heart of hearts I'm a Uknighted Dream diehard!! And by saying that I mean I'm a Uknighted Dream diehard. Sooo many people write it as New Dream ft. Cass, or Cassunzel ft. Eugene and uhhhh they're wrong because Cass and Eugene kiss and love each other too. Gotta get my ass on drawing more of them together + interacting soon
🖤- Tangled NOtp?
I don't think I really have any! No ships really make me go "ABSOLUTELY NOT!! NEVER!!!", mostly just ones that make me go "nah, not my cup of tea" lol. I'm open to anything tbh
💜- Characters you think should have interacted at all or more?
tbh I wish there was more Dark Brotherhood content in the show, or at the very least we couldda seen Quirin interact with the rest of the Brotherhood. Idk where that wouldda really fit in the plot, but I wouldda thought it was neat to see
💍- Would you marry anyone in the Tangled world?
I'm no homewrecker, but Eugene is literally The Man Ever. I can dream.
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iysure · 1 year
Which colors correspond to which emotion? For the Moon!Cass rock theory.
hmm, actually, as i far as i can remember from my thought process when i drew it, the concept of 'colours = emotions' was pretty divorced from the drawing itself; i was a lot more interested in drawing different kinds of rocks and cass's expressions were more secondary
that's why the pale purple is hard to place and the red doesn't look like fear: i just wanted to draw cool rocks
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not-eli · 10 months
Some peeps asked for Heather character analysis and that's literally what I live for so let's go
pay attention this is long.
Heather is portrayed since the very beginning like the perfect example of the word brat. Her literal first line is, "I'm calling my parents, you can't force me to stay here!"
Even though this could hint that she has a very close relationship with her parents, at the same time in the extra clips for the parents from home we understand that her parents aren't really so caring for her, since they were celebrating at the thought of her leaving.
Even if this can seem controversial, there's a perfect explaination for this kind of behaviour:
As an example, my cousin is a goddamn brat (so glad my family doesn't know about my blog), always whining and asking for my aunt's phone, even cussing in front of his parents, and he's about 5. The thing is, due the desire of not hearing him protest my uncles tried to please him in everything, giving him what he asked so he would stop crying.
i think that Heather's parents kind of did the same: They complied with her every request so as not to hear her complain, not because they cared about her but because they wanted her to keep quiet. Heather of course got used to this and that's literally all she knows. She knew that if she conplained, she would get what she wanted.
We also know that her parents used elettro shock therapy on her in order to "make her nicer" which also hints that they didn't have a goddamn clue of what to do with her.
Furthermore, in tda when she thought she was about to die she wrote her will where she left most of her possessions to her mother. Plus, when Chris offered the team a chance to talk to the person they were closest with, who was the person suggested to Heather? That's right, the mother.
When she "opens up" a little to Harold she asks, "do you think it's good to be hated by everyone?"
I think that her bratty behaviour, maybe even in order to gain a little of attention from her parents, led people to stay away from her and to cope she became even worse, trying to convince herself that it wasn't her, it was them.
In an extra clip (cannot find it) we learn from her younger brother that she was used to be seen as "unattractive" when she was younger, which adds to the whole "no one likes me but who cares" thing.
I have the feeling that she closed herself off for so long to avoid being seen as weak, someone who can't provide for herself. We know that her number one objective is winning and only winning, she wants the money and for what? To start a life of her own, show the world that she's Heather and she's so worth it.
However, we sometimes caugh some moments of weakness: When she broke down while teaming up with Harold, when she looked upset when Lindsay and Beth stayed away from her (who, to remember, were the only friends she made on the show), when she comforted Courtney after the whole cheating thing and lord, even when Sierra the creepy crazy girl got hurt she showed to care for her. Also, did you see how happy she looked when Cody called her "the good guy"? (well not exactly but you get my point) or when she won?
And when she fell for Alejandro, she probably thought that was stupid - why falling for a boy that will just slow you down, break your heart?
Heather is hated by everyone, it's true. But deep inside she's just a girl that never understood how the world really worked. She never got how she had to actually behave in order to be liked. When she and Alejandro had that lovey dovey honeymoon phase she genuinely looked so happy because he was treating her like a literal queen. In my opinion, she finally felt respected and that was enough for her. Until Chris mentioned the money that is.
She deserves to win again :(
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nerdasaurus1200 · 1 year
Branching on something I’m talking about in a thread with @cass-hector-simp and @th3p0rtalmaker
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So as we can see in the storyboards of Cass taking the moonstone her hand is bleeding, either from the black rocks bursting out of it or from her burn or both. In the storyboard version this is clearly a transformation that hurts. It is violent, is is bloody and intense. It is extremely painful.
And you still have most of that in the final transformation but as you can clearly see, there’s no blood
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Instead it seems like her entire body is glowing bright blue now that the moonstone is embedded into her chest. It’s almost like she herself is becoming the moonstone in the most violent way imaginable. She is the Moonstone, she is its light. To borrow a bit from my lore-building, she is becoming the avatar of Lunati. She is Lunati. In other words, I think this is a version where Cassandra isn’t quite human…more a magic-human mutant so they can avoid any explicit bloodshed if that makes sense. Where her body is more moonstone magic than human. And I’m mostly basing this on the fact that her entire body is magically glowing.
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And even in the final storyboard she might still be glowing cause there seems to be this thin blue halo around her entire body.
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i think alejandro and heather would think taylor swift is basic and boring n shit then they’d listened to a few songs and do some research then instantly think of her as a idol.
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bee-snail · 1 year
@th3p0rtalmaker @twotangledsisters @nerdasaurus1200 @meechatuck @cass-hector-simp
I think I'm going through the biggest mood swing I've ever felt in my life; if you're not busy, please send me requests of absolutely completely random ideas for me to draw ZT as (like, outfits or different forms and stuff!)?
because otherwise I might do something really weird to stop the brain from going cray-cray
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nerdasaurus1200 · 9 months
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@cass-hector-simp Here it is, one of the cutest Rapunzel outfits in all of existence
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nerdasaurus1200 · 1 year
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@cass-hector-simp inspired me to post this so here’s Cass in a wedding dress
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nerdasaurus1200 · 1 year
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As promised, here’s a little Sneak Peak of Save What Has Been Lost! Rapunzel and Cassandra are on their way to finding the Lost Lagoon, but when they reach a fork in the trail, the middle path is familiar to Cassandra…😈
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nerdasaurus1200 · 1 year
Okay so @cass-hector-simp just brought up this idea but I’m gonna go into a little more detail about it
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I feel like despite what viewers think, Cass actually had zero intention of actually seriously injuring or killing Eugene. The more I rewatch this scene, the more it feels like it was just a dumb idea for show
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Cause look at the rocks once Cass is distracted by Varian mentioning the final incantation. They’re not glowing so that means Cass isn’t crushing Eugene anymore
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And when Zhan Tiri instructs Cass to finish the fight, does she go back to crushing Eugene? No, she just makes random spikes shoot out of the floor to create a false sense of danger and urgency. However by now it’s too late and Rapunzel is already seeing red.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 1 year
Thanks to @th3p0rtalmaker and @cass-hector-simp the idea of Cass using the decay incantation is gonna be in my head tonight….I already have angst ideas around her and that incantation and it’s about to get so much worse.
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not-eli · 10 months
there are mutuals that share your same interests and talk to you peacefully
there are mutuals that become your literal besties (looking at you @cass-hector-simp)
And then there are those who disappear for months and come back with
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nerdasaurus1200 · 1 year
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@cass-hector-simp Is that one Buddy? Or do you think Buddy’s a different bat?
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