#cass 💫
kinardbuckleys · 1 month
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all this time and i know you better than anyone else one trip around the sun and i’ll have to learn you again but i’ll hold onto every version of you
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finleyforevermore · 6 months
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bunibelles · 2 months
Hi Bella 🩷 I just wanted to wish you luck on your exams, I hope everything goes well. Rest. XOXO. 🩷✨
I finished my last final exam yesterday! :D So now I’m on my resting phase lol
Let’s just say yesterdays exam went better than Mondays exam :’D
Thank u for the well wishes tho!! 🌷✨
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merakimagic · 6 months
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He protects, He attack, He has panic attacks❤️‍🩹
[ List of Raph AU Characters ]
Gemini - @tangledinink Redline - @tmntredline TMNT 04 - @koolaidashley Cass Apocalyptic Series - @somerandomdudelmao Snapdragon - @bluesgras Lifes Mission: Save My Brothers - @daedelweiss Tiz Seperated AU - @tizeline Little Prince AU - @beannary Mutant Manhunt - @baskeigh-ball The Eldest Brother - @debb987 Mertle - @queewp Never Better - @less-depresso-more-espresso
All of these creations are absolutely beautiful and if you have not seen them yet I definitely recommend checking them out💫✨
{ Lil Rant 💜💫 } I love this beautiful, over protective, anxiety filled, single teenage mother with all my heart, but oh mi gosh do I have trouble drawing him🥲 Nothing but respect to all those who can draw this adorable tough guy as an absolute savage with a proper snout, cause while drawing this I learned that I... Can not. Same amount of absolute respect an admiration to those who don't get creative paralysis and can post every week and not just have random burst of "Hmmm, I suddenly don't want to do anything but draw now".
His Lil Brothers Crossovers:
Leo's making a scene Mikeys got mad skills Donnie rocks machines
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They're Mates - with Y/N Pt 3
Summary - Y/N decides she wants to learn to fly again.
Warnings/Other Notes - This one is in 2nd person pov because the first two chapters were looking at Y/N and Az’s relationship from a source not within their relationship. 2k word chapter- Again, some of these lines/plot points are inspired by, or directly quoted from, ACOMAF. This chapter takes place prior to the first two chapters.
Injury mentioned, though not super graphically. Reader relives/remembers having her wings cut.
Part One || Part Two || Part Three
You could feel the blade cutting into your wings. Tears spilled down your face as you screamed in pain, begging the Mother to make it stop. You were never going to fly again. The one thing that brought you unending joy, your only source of freedom, was being taken away.
The edges of your memories blurred. That voice, you recognized that voice.
That sweet, honey-like voice called you. Something in you warmed and the pain lessened. Like you were basking in the sun.
You shot up in bed, your legs tangled in the sheets. A cold sweat dripped down your face and that same smooth voice kept saying something, but your mind was still catching up and couldn’t process them, not right now. Your chest rose and fell rapidly and then there were hands cupping your face. Not those smooth hands in the romance novels, but hands with bravery and adventure etched into them. Hands that felt like home. Your eyes shot up to meet a pair of hazel ones. Azriel.
“You’re safe. I’m here, your safe. Your father can’t touch you anymore,” the shadowsinger whispered to you. 
You nodded and leaned forward to wrap your arms around him. He reciprocated. You chased away the nightmare, remembering where you were. I’m here with Azriel. With Cassian, and Rhysand. With Rhys’s mother. Az saved you. Your arms tightened slightly around the shadowsinger, burrying your face into his muscular shoulder. His shadows curled around the both of you. His scent felt like home. The same scent that you had become familiar with every time you fell asleep, the one still lingering in the bedding when you woke up and he was gone off to train, with a promise to come back in time for dinner.
Sharing a bed with the Illyrian didn’t start right away, not on purpose. It just happened one night. Azriel never made it back to his own bed, instead he fell asleep comforting you from the same nightmare. Then it became purposeful, falling asleep and not returning to his own chambers. And one night the shadowsinger didn’t even bother finding his way into his own bed, Az just went straight to yours. You certainly didn’t mind and Rhys’s mother never said anything.
“Azriel?” You asked against his shoulder.
He placed the gentlest kiss to your temple. One that reminded you of a waltz you heard one day in Velaris. “Yes?”
You lifted your eyes to look at Az’s face. “What if I never fly again?” Your chest started heaving again. You broke away from the shadowsinger and looked away. It felt like someone had lit a fire inside you. Not one that someone makes to keep you warm on an incredibly chilly night, but a fire started out of malice, one to kill and destroy.
Azriel’s features became softer, contemplative if that was at all possible. “Impossible…because I’ll teach you.” 
Your eyes shot up to his face. “Are you…certain? Do you not need to train? I don’t—”
“I would spend the rest of my life in that damned cell for you again, Y/N.” He paused. “Don’t think I wouldn’t teach you to fly. Unlike Cass and Rhys I remember learning. Both of them would tell you to just flap your wings. I understand the fears and mental blocks of being older.”
You let out the softest laugh, wiping a drop of sweat from your forehead. “Thank you, Azriel.”
He nodded in his silence, considering something a moment. Az stood from the bed, his pants sitting low on his hips as he disappeared into the washroom and reappeared a few moments later with a damp cloth. “May I?”
You nodded and he gently pressed the cool cloth to your forehead, making the sweat disappear as if it had never happened. His shadows flitted through your hair. Whispering to you. Care. Care. Care.
The shadowsinger tried to call them back, but they had a mind of their own, especially around you. You chuckled lightly. Silly little guys, acting like a bunch of toddlers. When Az decided he had done a sufficient job of wiping your face he pressed another kiss to your forehead before hanging the cloth to dry and returned. 
You were lying down in the bed when he returned. He climbed in next to you before pulling you against him. You both fell asleep and slept soundly for the rest of the night.
The following day you went into Velaris with Rhysand’s mother to run a few errands. Her skills as a seamstress were impressive and she used it as an opportunity to occupy a portion of her time. You stopped at your favorite bakery to pick up a few things for dinner that evening. You also found a used book on diplomacy that was on sale. Rhys’s mother kindly bought it for you; well maybe more for Azriel’s shadow who seemed desperately intrigued with it. When you returned home, to your surprise, Trouble, More Trouble, and Too Much Trouble, were already there. (Nicknames you had aptly given to Azriel, Rhysand, and Cassian.)
Too Much Trouble grinned when he saw you and clapped his brother on the back. “This one here got us kicked out early today for starting not one, not two, but three fights. I mean he looked like death coming to collect souls for the next life. Don’t insult, Y/N!!”
“Shut up, Cassian,” Rhys said, giving a pointed look.
“You weren’t any use, Cassian,” Azriel growled back while shoving his brother’s hand away from his shoulder. Az had a black eye and dried blood along his cheek bone. He didn’t meet your gaze but his shadows happily slithered over to you. Protect, Protect, Protect, they whispered to you. Then you understood the shadows’ need to be near you, hovering. The reason why you had a shadow over your shoulder since Az saved you from your father. A form of protection, something to keep you safe, something to report back to the shadowsinger if you were in danger. 
And that’s exactly what Azriel had done earlier that day. Defended you without remorse. 
You glanced at Cassian who had a bruise on his jaw and then to Rhys who also had a black eye. Rhys’s mother looked far from pleased. “Cassian. Rhysand. Upstairs! Clean yourselves up.” Her gaze turned to the shadowsinger. “Azriel. Sit .” His mother announced as she put the bags down from your earlier trip to Velaris. 
For all her softness, Rhys’s mother certainly had a sharpness to her not often seen. Rhys and Cass’s wings hung ever so slightly and only for a moment before they shifted again and they disappeared up the stairs. You followed them.
When you got to your room, you opened the book bought earlier that day and began reading on the bed. The sheets still smelled of him, of both of you. The shadow rested on your shoulder, appearing deeply engrossed in the words too. About fifteen minutes later you could hear the shadowsinger coming up the stairs. You knew it was him for the sole reason of his footsteps. You had learned how Azriel, Rhysand, and Cassian walked. The heaviness of their feet, the pace.
You could hear Az and Rhys out in the hall. “Your mom wants you,” is all you heard before Rhys is walking downstairs and the shadowsinger is walking into your room. You closed your book to look up at him.
“C’mon.” The shadowsinger stepped towards the small balcony and opened the doors. “You can’t learn to fly in here.”
“What,” you asked him, confused.
“You think I started the third fight for the fun of it?” Azriel asked, offering his hand out to you.
You only gave him a confused look, remaining on the bed.
He walked back towards the bed where you sat reaching for your boots. He knelt down on his knees. “Sure, the moron had it coming. That doesn’t change the fact that fighting with him for a third time got me the afternoon off to teach someone how to fly.”
Your mouth fell agape. “Azriel,” you admonished and a smile came over the shadowsinger’s lips before pulling on your boots. “I am perfectly capable of putting on my shoes, Az.”
He only offered you a hand after he tied them up. You took it before he swept you into his arms. You craved his embrace, more than so many other things. Azriel walked back towards the balcony and shot into the sky.
You never imagined how some people hate this, because Gods this felt good, felt like freedom. It reminded you of your childhood when you flew whenever you could, as if flying up into the sky might take you away from all of your problems. You just hoped the next time you flew it would be on your own wings.
Azriel landed in a clearing, gently placing you down on the ground carefully, to make sure you didn’t fall. “I want you to be careful. If anything hurts too—”
“I promise I’ll tell you,” you said to him with a nod. 
“Is it…is it okay…okay if I touch your wings? For correction I mean? Should it be… necessary?” The shadowsinger asked from behind you, almost nervously. For good reason. The concept of touching someone’s wings without permission, in particular females, was beyond inappropriate. 
You nodded, you could sense the shadowsinger behind you, observing your wings carefully. You could feel his eyes scanning up and down. “Azriel?” You asked quietly.
“I can’t say I am a healer and know the anatomy well, but perhaps we start at the beginning. Test the muscles, the ligaments.”
You nod, something feeling oddly intimate about the moment. You turn to face the shadowsinger whose face had contemplating written all over it.
“Try spreading them and tucking them in,” he said as you faced each other. 
You nodded, spreading your wings as best you could. Mother above you hadn’t actually tried to do this in a while. You grimaced but managed to spread them, pushing them to your full extent, spreading your feet to offer you more balance.
A small smile of pride was clear on Azriel’s face. “Now fold inward.”
You did, slowly, afraid to tear or rip something in your wings. You couldn’t stop the smile when you folded inward with success. 
“Good,” he said with a mild amusement in his eyes. “Try again.”
You spread your wings again, your muscles ached, but that was good. That meant they were there, that meant you had a chance. 
Azriel’s eyes followed the movements, and cauldron boil him if your form wasn’t the most stunning thing he had ever seen. The shadowsinger had to put more concentration into not letting his knees buckle under him than he would like to admit. Beautiful. Stunning. Lovely. Beautiful, stunning. Lovely, his shadows whispered in his ear.
You pulled your wings shut rather than slowly closing them which caused you to lose your balance slightly, falling forward. Azriel reached out to catch you before you could land on the ground with a light amusement in his eyes before he suddenly realized how close in proximity you were to him. 
You’d been this close before. By the Gods, you shared a bed every night, but something felt different. You gently rest your hands against the shadowsinger’s chest in silence. 
“Y/N?” He asked quietly, hands shifting to cup either side of your face.
You looked up to see his face leaning down slightly. “Azriel.”
You don’t know who leaned in first, maybe Azriel, maybe you. It didn’t matter, because moments later the shadowsinger’s lips were on yours. They were sweet, and salty, and soft and warm. Like a warm biscuit on a cold night. Your fingers wound up in his hair before he pulled away. “Was that okay?”
His response was pulling your lips to his again, harder, more desperately like he had lived in a dry dessert for centuries and you were a tiny pool of water in the middle of it all.
You returned to opening and closing your wings, building the muscle until it was as easy as walking, though it certainly felt like the cauldron was burning you alive when you woke up the following morning. But you couldn’t be bothered, you were going to fly again.
Taglist: @5onedirection5
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twincovesgame · 3 months
✨What D&D class would the Twin Coves RO’s pick in Baldur’s Gate 3✨
A very important question…
Azriel - Rogue 🗡️
Cass - Bard 🪕
Damián - Cleric ❤️‍🩹
Eli - Ranger 🏹
Kai - Wizard 💫
Lir - Druid 🦋
Rook - Sorcerer ❄️
Wren - Paladin ⚔️
Xander - Monk 🪷
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greenleaf777 · 6 months
The context is in ACOSF Cass questions Az about when and where he is exercising and Az responds that he does it there(house of wind) and at night.
Cassian: “Can’t sleep??”
Az: “Something like that”
Cassian: internally *cassian let it drop, knowing Az would have told him already if he had wanted to share what had been hounding him enough to exercise at night rather than in the morning with them.*
The answer to what had been hounding Azriel at night is answered in the bonus chapter.
The answer is ELAIN and how he can’t stop thinking about and wanting her. *Cough* not some redhead*cough*
*Audio clip of scene below*
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averagehorrorgirl · 6 months
Work in progress 💕 Hi and welcome! I do believe I should introduce myself :) So I'm Cass 21 female ace nerd. I've been writing since 6th grade and use it as a form of therapy and healing. I really struggle accepting people actually like my work so I always have drafts ready to be published but I'm my own worst enemy haha. Anyway stay awhile read some of my work and I hope you stick around :)
Request Rules: - No non-con/dub-con - No pedophilia - No incest Newest: Angel Wings Pt 2 2) I saved your fucking life (soap x reader) 3) Forged in War ( General Grievous x sith reader)
¤ Legend ¤
Fluff: 💫
Smut: 🔥
Angst: 😨
Author favorite: 💕
• Movies/Shows •
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Miles Quaritch:
A Second Chance
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Cooper Howard:
Cowboy Hat Rule
Then Fame and Fortune Never Could Compete
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Zemo x reader:
Angel Wings [pt 1] [pt 2] 💫😨🔥
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Michael Myers:
Bleeding Boogeyman
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Commander Wolfe x Padawan Reader
Captain Rex x Padawan Reader
Darth Maul x reader: Ferocity
Darth Maul x reader: Laced Chains
Dooku x reader
Darth Maul x reader: I was There From the Beginning 😨💫
Savage Opress x reader: Darkness Takes All 😨
Savage Opress x reader
Bounty Hunters:
Cad Bane x Senator reader: I Don't Follow You
Bossk x reader
Boba Fett x fallen Jedi: I Told You [pt 1] [pt 2] 💫😨🔥
Din Djarin x reader: Flinch
Jango Fett x reader + Cad Bane
General Grevious x sith reader: Forged in War 😨💫
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Billy Hargrove:
Dmitri Antonov:
The Enemy
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• Video games •
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Wired Hideaway
I Saved Your Fucking Life 😨💫💕
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Deathslinger (Caleb Quinn):
Just an Old Cowboy
Legion (Frank Morrison):
Picking up the Pieces
Pyramid Head:
Simple Kindness
Pinhead (Elliott Spencer):
Chains That Bind Us
Trickster (Ji-Woon):
I can Treat You Better
Kissed by Fire
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Nate (SS):
Friend's till the End
Mason (Nuka World)
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Joel Miller:
Tommy Miller:
I Gotcha
Long Time No See
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Previous chapter / Next chapter
a/n I go from not posting to posting every day. I know this might ruffle some feathers but join the party anyways. I really hope y'all will enjoy this one. End is near fam. ✨🤍💫🌟✨🤍
Warning: tiny bit of sexual interactions mentioned and tears.
You stood there, not sure of what to say or do. This was him admitting that he had played a part in this. Not just leaving you to swirl through assumptions. Rhys was admitting that it was him. Even if you knew it, it still left you surprised. You had settled on the fact that you weren't going to see the day that he was going to own up to it, but here you were.
"And that's all? That's all you're going to say?", for a reason, Rhys said. He probably had plenty of time in his five hundred years of living to come up with many reasons that would suit him, "When you break through the curse and get memories back, I feel it." Letting out an under-breath chuckle, you murmured, "I hope it hurts like hell."
Rhys never answered to that, and the words that left his mouth next almost made you want to lean onto something, "You never loved me." He phrased it as if he was so utterly hurt by that. "No, you lost it, Rhys", you couldn't believe your ears. Surely, he wasn't serious. He was just messing with your head like he always did, "But you didn't," he insisted.
"Was that why you took away my memories with Cass? You were jealous?", anger and frustration filled his eyes. "He was always by your side. Always. And you looked at him as if he was...", it was true you loved Cass a lot. He was your brother, and yes, you were close, but that only happened because Rhys had become cold toward you. As if one day he had woken up and decided that you were the problem. He no longer greeted you, he rarely answered you. It was him and Azriel. Even Cassian rarely did things with them. The dynamic was so strange, yet no one knew the reason why. 
"So, you made it your lifelong mission to take away all the things that made me happy then?", you asked as you stepped closer to him. This twisted madness was starting to drive you insane. Every loose thread you would find would lead you nowhere, and then you would dig up only more new nonsense that made no logical sense.
You took a moment to look at Rhys. Where was the boy that your mother raised? She kept that kind heart of his hidden from your father; it was always there when you were together. Where did it go?
"What have I done, Rhys? What did I do to make you do all of this?", you knew that being desperate was a weakness. Your gentle eyes searched for a flicker of softness in him, but you were met with a cold wall instead.
"You were perfect," he spat, "Star brought. A gift that no one had seen before. But you were too good, too naïve", "That's not a good enough reason to start all of this", your voice picked up once again. You were seen as an object your whole life. They all drank from you as if you were a never-ending energy source. But did they ever ask if you wanted all of this? If you wanted the power, that still felt foreign to you.
"I did this for you.", those words sparked a flicker of darkness inside you. Lies, lies, lies, there's no love there, it sang. Your fingers curled into fists as you tried to push away the need to blow up this whole place. You are okay, you told yourself; put them to sleep just like Eris told you to. "You did this for yourself, Rhys", you said, shaking your head. Droplets of that same red mist started to tap against the floor.
"He will turn you into a monster. Look at yourself now", your breathing picked up as control started to slip away from you. Your body seemed to scream at you, "Eris has done nothing but love me, and you know that too." Your hands started to turn black again. The night sky darkness crawled up to your forearms as you gazed at your brother, who stood only a couple of steps away from you.
"There was a time when I was ready to die for you, Rhys. Now I look at you, and I see a stranger." The arrogance that stayed on his face made you want to claw at him. Rhys closed his eyes for a minute, letting out a deep sigh, "You know what I regret?", you couldn't help but try to swallow the lump that started to form in the back of your throat. Waiting for his words to either bring you back for another life or fully shatter you to pieces. "I regret not putting you in a trance and getting you off my hands just like Helion suggested," your bottom lip quivered, but you quickly bit into it.
"You fucking dick, I'm going to rip you to pieces," you slammed into him, sending his body straight through the big glass window of the second-floor library room. Your fingers clenched his black silk shirt, as you two fell, pieces of glass surrounding you. A part of you told you that you should care that you were freefalling, but the rage that awoke inside you whipped out all the rational thinking. Rhys' breath was taken away by the impact of the solid ground, which sent you head first into the hard surface.
You picked yourself up quickly. Leaping at him once more as your left fist came into contact with his face. You were screaming. You only realized that now. Rhys took a hold of your wrist the second time you tried to hit him, twisting it harshly as he pulled you against himself. His arm came across your neck as he put you in a chokehold. You dug your nails into his skin. He pressed harder, cutting off the airflow as you struggled against his grip. Considering your height difficulty, your feet were dangling in the air, and your body weight pulled you down, only increasing the struggle to breathe.
Then you reached behind yourself. Instead of scratching his arms, your nails made contact with his face. Clawing at whatever you could get your hands on. You must have hit his eyes, because almost in an instant, his arms around you loosened as he backed away, covering the side of his face. You slouched to the ground, coughing harshly as your lungs drank all the oxygen they could get. At this moment, you were glad that your mother was dead. That she couldn't see her two children like this. You knew that her biggest dream was for you two to be each other's helpline.
"Things can crumble in life, but one thing that will never change is your love for one another. Cherish it," she would say. And she couldn't have been further away from the truth. If one thing changed, it was the love that bound you two as siblings.
"I did it all for you," you were crawling to brace yourself to stand up as Rhys approached, lifting you by the jaw. "I built you a happy life, but you just had to dig deep, didn't you?". You wondered if he was going to kill you. If he had been so fed up that now was his breaking moment. Your hands held onto him. Your shadows seemed to have sunk into his skin, with a flick of your mind twisting his body from within as you pulled him away from you. You could feel the darkness running through his veins. One thought, and you could eat him up from the inside.
"You put me into a fairytale that fitted your plans", even with you pinning him away from you he forcefully lifted one of his hands, "You want to see what I took don't you", those words were a well-calculated shot, that gave him enough of a distinction to reach for you again. "So let me show you, and I can promise that it'll hurt," he said. You didn't have a chance to say anything. You felt him ripping your mental shields open as he entered your mind.
You all sat around the dining room table. It felt strange because you were never allowed to eat with them. Your father always said that seeing you ruined his appetite. But you were there. Your father looked almost happy as he nursed the glass of wine.
"We finally settled on a deal with Beron today. You are to marry his oldest son, Y/N", your mother brought you closer to her chest; she smiled at you. Marry? Oldest son... You were supposed to marry Eris?
"You'll finally be useful to the family," your father slurred. You were a deal. Like a little present to gain your father's alliance. You looked at your happy face as your mother hugged you once again and asked, "Are you okay with that, dear?" Rhys was almost boiling as he gripped his own glass, but your face was radiant as you nodded your head.
You felt Rhys pressing harder onto your mind. You weren't sure if he was showing this to you through himself or if he was ripping curses from your memory in your own head.
"I've never seen an apple tree," you said as you sat in a field filled with said trees. Eris by your side. The apple trees. Eris. Eris had asked you about apple picking the first time you saw him. "Are you joking?", you rolled your eyes at the Autumn male, "You know I've been locked for years, right?" The red, glistening fruit caught your attention. Sure, there were plenty of apples at the bottom to choose from, but that one, even though it was near the top, seemed to be the most delicious. "Don't even think about it. It's too high," Eris warned you, but the smirk on your face only grew bigger.
"I have wings, remember?", "You can't fly in Autumn," yet the challenge seemed way too tempting as you quickly stood up. "Watch me," you muttered, but before you could flap your wings, Eris's arms were wrapped around you. "Y/N, it's too dangerous; Beron would lose his..." It was the first time he had touched you. And from the way that his words died down, you knew that he felt it too. It felt like a rush of electricity flowing through your body. Millimeters away, you could sense Eris's warm breath on your skin. And then you felt it. A tug. A golden thread that suddenly came to life right before your eyes. Mates, it sang to you—it's your mate. Your equal. Your other half. I’m yours. I’m yours. I’m yours.
Your heartbeat picked up. Mates. You tried to loosen Rhys' grip on you, but he pressed harder. If he was gaining strength, you were losing it, and the difference in power were evident.
"Don't cover up," Eris murmured into your ear as his fingers ran all over your body. Reaching for your hand that had moved to hide your exposed breast that he himself had freed from the fabric of your dress. Drunk on the feeling. You were drunk on the feeling of him. "I just...", you managed to say before his tongue wrapped around your tender nipple. Sucking on it gently before he bites down, causing you to let out a moan.
"We can stop if you want", "No", you protest instantly. Maybe even too quickly, and you find yourself blushing at how desperately bad you wanted him, "I just don't know how to.. I've never", you feel your brain glitch as two similar memories that were supposed to host the same experience overlap. So, everything with Az, "Filthy for someone who's never done this before", his words rang in your head. It's because you've done this before. Probably many times before.
Your body shook like all those times before. You manage to pull yourself out for a sliver of a second. The light blue sky filled your vision. A breeze of wind touched your skin. You could feel your body shaking. That same feeling of warm liquid running down your nose. But the minute of rest didn't last long, as you felt yourself being dragged under again.
"We'll find a way out," you don't even know where you were. Your mind was unable to pick up on the location. It seemed like a corner street that was pretty securely hidden from the main roads.
"You don't understand. Rhys hasn't been himself", it was you and Eris, both covered by the big hoods of the capes you two wore. His arms were wrapped around you tightly, "Look at me", his fingers found your cheek in the dark, even now you could see his flame-like eyes glistening, "I'll be fine, and by tomorrow we both will be out of here". Rhys had caused a scene that made Beron angry after you were betrothed to Eris. The friction between your families increased, and even your willing agreement to marry each other wasn't enough to calm them down. "I just have a bad feeling, Eris. I think something really bad is going to happen."
Eris lifted your chin up. You could feel his heart beating fast as well. "I fell for you the moment I saw you. I had a feeling that there was a piece of me in you. I was yours from the first look you gave me", "Eris", you muttered your eyes filled up with tears, "No matter what happens, we'll find our way back to each other". 
The rush of images flowed without control, and your fingers covered your ears as the noises picked up. "Stop," you bagged. You felt your body give out. It was too much. Too many things at one time. You weren't able to process them. You were on the ground, breathing heavily. No matter what part of yourself you touched, everything was covered in blood. Your eyes, ears, mouth, fingers. Rhys was frying your brain as if it was nothing. You wanted to fight back, but what was the purpose?
"Now you want to stop? No, we're going to keep looking, and I'm going to show you just what I did that night," but you shook your head. You couldn't. You had no energy in you. Silently begging Rhys to have mercy on you for this once.
The place looked filthy. At best, some sketchy old warehouses. Cobwebs were everywhere, and the only light was brought by the torches that blazed. Eris was hugged up, with chains cuffing both his arms and legs. You felt a wave of nausea flow over you at the sight of him. His face was swollen and bruised. Rhys and Azriel had a good go at him. Yet even in this state, he looked unbreakable. Was this the place they took him? Was this where Cassian didn't want you to go?
"You won't get to lay a finger on her," Rhys roared as he stepped closer to Eris again, "She's my mate," Eris said calmly before spitting the blood out of his mouth.
"Scrap that out of your mind, Eris; she will never be yours." Rhys dragged a blade over his chest, but he only bit his lip. Not a sound left his mouth. "I'll get you front row seat at how happy she'll be with Azriel once all of this is over", Eris only laughed, pulling at the uncomfortable chains that bound him, "She's already mine. She's mine in all ways possible", you watch your brother punch the man you love like he was a madman. Azriel stood to the side, just watching the scene unfold.
"You're going to forget about her and move on." Eris was breathing heavily now; oh, how you wish you could have done something. You would have given everything to save him from this. "You can beat me all you want; you can threaten me. I rather die than lose her", "What a shame because you will lose her. I will make her forget you  and have you watch it happen".
With the last bit of your power, you pushed your brother out of your mind. "Had enough already, darling?", he found this amusing, "So, you're a matchmaker as well?", you spat through gritted teeth.
"The males in that court are animals. Did you want a future like that? To be an object", "Says an Illyrian." You stood up carefully, your legs shaking. You couldn't believe that it was your brother. No...
"Why can't I feel the bond?", "I hid it from you, but you keep reaching for it," your body jerked again, nearly knocking you to the ground.
"Give it back," you murmured. Rhys just gazed at you with his cold eyes. "I said give it back," and as the shout erupted, it painted the ground around you with frosted specs. As if winter had come to night a couple of months earlier. Reaching out with your hand, you once again surrounded Rhys in your shadows. Ripping through his skin, you made him bow right before you. Your breath was labored. Why was he so stubborn? Why was he making everything so complicated?
From the corner of your eyes, you saw Feyre standing right at the entrance. She was shivering. You couldn't help but wonder how much of this she saw. However, your body acted before your mind could comprehend. You reached for her as well. Dragging her closer to you as she screamed out in fear. That's when Rhys perked up. For the first time, it looked like there was a heart beating behind his cold armor.
"She's pretty, isn't she?", you purred next to her face as your shadows swirled around her. "Two can play this game, Rhys", "Let her go; she has nothing to do with this." Wiping the blood from your lips, you looked at her.
"We're going to play a game, Feyre", "Please, I know nothing", you couldn't help but smile, "It's okay, you won't have to do anything", pushing some of her hair behind her ear you smiled at her softly, "Only die". 
Rhys roared at your words, pulling and pushing against your shadows as you reached for Feyre, your hand rested on her chest as you poured your darkness into her. Rhys gripped his chest as the pain tore through him. He yelled for the one he loved the most. Gradually feeling her heartbeat die down, and the warm mating bond faded away. After denial and fear came frantic panic as the void inside him kept getting bigger. Empty and cold.
"Bring her back. I can't breathe; bring her back," he pleaded as you let go of them both. Allowing him to embrace her limp body.
"Give back my bond, Rhys", "Y/N...", he wailed, fingers brushing over Feyre's skin that had started to feel clammy and cold. 
"Do you feel it, Rhys? That's how it feels to lose someone you love. To lose your mate. You still can justify your actions now?", he shook his head like a lost kid. A kid who not only got caught stealing cookies but also lying about not doing so.
You felt Rhys enter your mind once again. You felt him tugging at parts of your memory. Your being. Your legs gave out as your body fought through yet another wave of lost memories. Your senses were filled with images, and then you felt it. As if someone had finally let the string that tied you and Eris free. The warmth filled your body just as Rhys pulled away. His cries filled the empty field. You saw Cassian sprinting towards you just as you pulled all of your darkness back into yourself. Feyre took a sharp breath as her eyes snapped open.
Cassian wrapped an arm around you. You were so grateful that you finally had someone to lean on. You watched as Rhys cried, hugging Feyre closer to himself. Muttering words you couldn't make out. Then your eyes met his.
"I want you to know something", you swallowed hard as you braced yourself against Cassian, "Once this is over, and our deal to save Autumn is carried out. I never want to see you again. And if you'll ever try anything again, I will kill you", you turned from him without a second thought. Not feeling strong enough to look into his pleading eyes.
Cassian steadied your step, but you were instantly washed with that sickly feeling. As if something bad had happened. Your eyes met Cassian's and you knew that something wasn't right. "Cass...", you could tell that he was hesitant. You were weak, and after that scrap with Rhys, this was not something you needed to deal with. His hands grip your forearms as if he was preparing to catch you in case you fall, "Beron carried out another attack", you nodded your head but you could feel that that was not it, "Eris got caught up in it".
Taglist:  @highlady-ofillyria @starrstrucked @lahoete @esposadomd @percyjacksonspeen @powerfulpantera @bionic-donut @azzydaddy @marigold-morelli @meritxellao @mis-lil-red @piceous21 @atz-diary @shamelessdonutkryptonite @baebeepeach @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @brekkershadowsinger @kindaslightlyacidic @mali22 @maddietheshoe
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bomber-grl · 1 month
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I’ll write for… A-Z✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶
Key ~ .𖥔 ݁ ˖
Platonic - 💫
Romantic - 💗
Familial - 🏡
These are just the ones off the top of my head, if you’re wondering if I write for a fandom not here then I’d be happy to answer! (Also I’ll add here if I do, I just consume too much media and forget)
~ 𖦹₊⊹ Any gendered reader can be requested unless the character has a strict sexuality (ex: Gay, Lesbian)
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— Games ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
- For the Love of Gods
Astrellio ~ 💫💗🏡
Vidas ~ 💫💗🏡
- Into the Mist
Fin Derodine ~ 💫💗🏡
- Isle of Enchantment
Rogue Blackwood ~ 💫💗🏡
Serena James ~ 💫💗🏡
- Last Legacy
Felix Escellun ~ 💫💗🏡
Sage Lesath ~ 💫💗🏡
Anisa Anka ~ 💫💗🏡
Rime Solano ~ 💫💗🏡
- Monster Manor
Casimir de Gévaudan ~ 💫💗
Rainier ~ 💫💗🏡
Obey Me!
Lucifer ~ 💫💗🏡
Mammon ~ 💫💗🏡
Leviathan ~ 💫💗🏡
Satan ~ 💫💗🏡
Asmodeus ~ 💫💗🏡
Beezlebub ~ 💫🏡
Belphegor ~ 💫💗🏡
Solomon ~ 💫💗🏡
Simeon ~ 💫💗🏡
Diavolo ~ 💫💗🏡
Barbatos ~ 💫💗🏡
Luke ~ 💫🏡
Our Life: Beginnings & Always
Cove Holden ~ 💫💗🏡
Derek Suárez ~ 💫💗🏡
Our Life: Now & Forever
Qiu Lin ~ 💫💗🏡
Tamarack Baumann ~ 💫💗🏡
Sal Fisher ~ 💫💗🏡
Larry Johnson ~ 💫💗🏡
Ashley Campbell ~ 💫💗🏡
Todd Morrison ~ 💫💗🏡
Travis Phelps ~ 💫💗🏡
The Arcana
Asra Alnazar ~ 💫💗🏡
Julian Devorak ~ 💫💗🏡
Portia Devorak ~ 💫💗🏡
Muriel ~ 💫💗🏡
Nadia Satrinava ~ 💫💗🏡
Lucio ~ 💫💗🏡
— Animated Shows/Movies ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
Adventure Time
Finn the Human Adventure ~ 💫💗🏡
Jake the Dog ~ 💫💗🏡
Princess Bubblegum ~ 💫💗🏡
Prismo the Wish Master ~ 💫💗🏡
Fern ~ 💫💗🏡
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Zuko ~ 💫💗🏡
Azula ~ 💫💗🏡
Sokka ~ 💫💗🏡
Katara ~ 💫💗🏡
Aang ~ 💫💗🏡
Toph ~ 💫💗🏡
Jet ~ 💫💗🏡
Bee and puppycat
Bee ~ 💫🏡
Howell Wizard ~ 💫💗🏡
Crispin Wizard ~ 💫💗🏡
Wesley Wizard ~ 💫💗🏡
Cardamon ~ 💫🏡
Big hero 6
Hiro Hamada ~ 💫💗🏡
Cass ~ 💫🏡
Fiona and Cake
Fiona Campbell ~ 💫💗🏡
Marshal Lee ~ 💫💗🏡
Gary ~ 💫💗🏡
Simon Petrikov ~ 💫💗🏡
Gravity Falls
Dipper Pines ~ 💫💗🏡
Mabel Pines ~ 💫🏡
Stanley Pines ~ 💫🏡
Stanford Pines ~ 💫💗🏡
Star vs the Forces of Evil
Star Butterfly ~ 💫🏡
Marco Diaz ~ 💫💗🏡
Tom Lucitor ~ 💫💗🏡
Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse
Miles Morales (Earth - 42/1610) ~ 💫💗🏡
Gwen Stacy ~ 💫💗🏡
Hobie Brown ~ 💫💗🏡
Pavitr Prabhakar ~ 💫💗🏡
Tales of Arcadia
Douxie ~ 💫💗🏡
Eli Pepperjack ~ 💫💗🏡
Krel ~ 💫💗🏡
The Dragon Prince
Callum ~ 💫💗🏡
Aaravos ~ 💫💗🏡
Rayla ~ 💫💗🏡
— Anime ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
Assassination Classroom
Nagisa Shiota ~ 💫💗🏡
Karma Akabane ~ 💫💗🏡
Gakushu Asano ~ 💫💗🏡
Ryunoske Chiba ~ 💫💗🏡
Tomohito Sugino ~ 💫💗🏡
Yuma Isogai ~ 💫💗🏡
Black Butler
Ciel Phantomhive ~ 💫💗🏡
Grell Sutcliff ~ 💫💗🏡
Alois Trancy ~ 💫💗🏡
Finnian ~ 💫💗🏡
Blue Exorcist
Rin Okumura ~ 💫💗🏡
BNA: Brand New Animal
Shirou Ogami ~ 💫💗🏡
Michiru Kagemori ~ 💫🏡
Death Note
L ~ 💫💗🏡
Misa Amane ~ 💫💗🏡
Touta Matsuda ~ 💫💗🏡
Demon Slayer
Tanjiro Kamado ~ 💫💗🏡
Zenistu Agatsuma ~ 💫💗🏡
Inosuke Hashibira ~ 💫💗🏡
Mitsuri Kanroji ~ 💫💗🏡
Kyojuro Rengoku ~ 💫💗🏡
Muichiro Tokito ~ 💫💗🏡
Genya Shinazugawa ~ 💫💗🏡
Dungeon Meshi
Laois Toudan ~ 💫💗🏡
Shoyo Hinata ~ 💫💗🏡
Tobio Kageyama ~ 💫💗🏡
kenma Kozume ~ 💫💗🏡
Tadashi Yamaguchi ~ 💫💗🏡
Yu Nishinoya ~ 💫💗🏡
Jujustu Kaisen
Yuji Itadori ~ 💫💗🏡
Megumi Fushiguro ~ 💫💗🏡
Nobara Kugisaki ~ 💫💗🏡
Inumaki ~ 💫💗🏡
Junpei ~ 💫💗🏡
Mob Psycho 100
Shigeo Kageyama (aka mob) ~ 💫💗🏡
Ritsu Kageyama ~ 💫💗🏡
Reigen Arataka ~ 💫💗🏡
Teruki Hanazawa ~ 💫💗🏡
Tome Kurata ~ 💫💗🏡
Tsubomi Takane ~ 💫💗🏡
My Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya ~ 💫💗🏡
Shoto Todoroki ~ 💫💗🏡
Katsuki Bakugo ~ 💫🏡
Ochako Uraraka ~ 💫💗🏡
Hitoshi Shinso ~ 💫💗🏡
Neito Monoma ~ 💫💗🏡
Tamaki Amajiki ~ 💫💗🏡
Fumikage Tokoyami ~ 💫💗🏡
Denki Kaminari ~ 💫💗🏡
Momo Yaoyorozu ~ 💫💗🏡
Yuga Aoyama ~ 💫💗🏡
Eijiro Kirishima ~ 💫💗🏡
Tenya Iida ~ 💫💗🏡
Santa Sero ~ 💫💗🏡
Mezo Shoji ~ 💫💗🏡
All Might ~ 💫🏡
Present Mic ~ 💫🏡
Shota Aizawa ~ 💫🏡
Midnight ~ 💫🏡
My Love Story !!
Makoto Sunakawa ~ 💫💗🏡
Rinko Yamato ~ 💫💗🏡
Takeo Gouda ~ 💫💗🏡
Naruto Uzumaki ~ 💫💗🏡
Sasuke Uchiha ~ 💫💗🏡
Sakura Haruno ~ 💫💗🏡
Rock Lee ~ 💫💗🏡
Shino Aburame ~ 💫💗🏡
Gaara ~ 💫💗🏡
Sai Yamanaka ~ 💫💗🏡
Ouran Highschool Host Club
Haruhi Fujioka ~ 💫💗🏡
Tamaki Suoh ~ 💫💗🏡
Takashi Morinozuka (aka Mori) ~ 💫💗🏡
Kyoya Ootori ~ 💫💗🏡
Kaoru Hitachiin ~ 💫💗🏡
Honey Senpai ~ 💫💗🏡
Ritsu Kasanoda ~ 💫💗🏡
Umehito Nekozawa ~ 💫💗🏡
Sk8 the Infinity
Miya Chinen ~ 💫💗🏡
Spy x Family
Yor Briar ~ 💫💗🏡
Loid Forger ~ 💫💗🏡
Anya Forger ~ 💫🏡
Yuri Briar ~ 💫💗🏡
Frankie Franklin ~ 💫💗🏡
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
Kusuo Saiki ~ 💫💗🏡
Shun Kaido ~ 💫💗🏡
Riki Nendou ~ 💫🏡
Kokomi Teruhashi ~ 💫💗🏡
Kusuke Saiki ~ 💫💗🏡
Tiger and Bunny
Ivan Karelin ~ 💫💗🏡
Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun
Hanako ~ 💫💗🏡
Nene Yashiro ~ 💫💗🏡
Kou Minamoto ~ 💫💗🏡
Mitsuba ~ 💫💗🏡
Welcome to Demon School!! Iruma Kun
Iruma Suzuki ~ 💫💗🏡
Asmodeus Alice ~ 💫💗🏡
Clara Valac ~ 💫💗🏡
Sullivan ~ 💫🏡
Balam Shichirou ~ 💫🏡
Opera ~ 💫💗🏡
Kalego Naberius ~ 💫💗🏡
Shax Lied ~ 💫💗🏡
Ameri Azazel ~ 💫💗🏡
Yuri On Ice
Yuri Plisetsky (aka Yurio) ~ 💫💗🏡
— Tv Shows/k-Dramas/Movies ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
All of Us are Dead
Han Gyeong-su ~ 💫💗🏡
Lee Cheong-san ~ 💫💗🏡
Lee Su-hyeok/ Bare-su ~ 💫💗🏡
Maze runner
Minho ~ 💫💗🏡
Newt ~ 💫💗🏡
The Umbrella Academy
Luther Hargreeves ~ 💫🏡
Diego Hargreeves ~ 💫🏡
Ben Hargreeves ~ 💫💗🏡
Five Hargreeves ~ 💫💗🏡
Viktor Hargreeves ~ 💫🏡
Allison Hargreeves ~ 💫🏡
Klaus Hargreeves ~ 💫🏡
— webcomic/comics ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
Damian Wayne ~ 💫💗🏡
Bruce Wayne ~ 💫🏡
Jason Todd ~ 💫💗🏡
Tim Drake ~ 💫💗🏡
Dick Grayson ~ 💫💗🏡
Jon Kent ~ 💫💗🏡
Connor Kent ~ 💫💗🏡
Neo Collins ~ 💫💗🏡
Noah Collins ~ 💫💗🏡
Return of the Blossoming Blade
Cheongmyeong ~ 💫💗🏡
John ~ 💫💗🏡
Seraphina ~ 💫💗🏡
Isen ~ 💫💗🏡
Blyke ~ 💫💗🏡
— Books ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson ~ 💫💗🏡
Leo Valdez ~ 💫💗🏡
Nico Di Angelo ~ 💫💗🏡
Jason Grace ~ 💫💗🏡
Piper McLean ~ 💫💗🏡
Hazel Levesque ~ 💫💗🏡
Annabeth Chase ~ 💫💗🏡
Clarisse La Rue ~ 💫🏡
Will Solace ~ 💫💗🏡
Octavian ~ 💫💗🏡
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cass-the-mess · 6 months
🌺 About Me 🌺 I'm Cass, I'm 24
I'm an avid reader of all things and more recently and tentatively, a writer as well. I write mostly for myself and to help clear my mind, therefore I am not consistent in producing material, but I'm ever so grateful to see that people enjoy what I put out, and it motivates me to write even more!
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*** This blog is mainly NSFW, what I post and repost may containt adult themes, please browse at your own risk, I do not want to interact with minors and I will block accounts that do not display their age on their blogs. ***
💫 My interests as of now are mainly Baldur's Gate 3, Cyberpunk 2077, God of War, Call of Duty Cold War & Call of Duty Modern Warfare II.
💫 I do not follow a set schedule for writing (even though I wish I could), but I do tend to post in advance when I'm planning to release something!
💫 I'm a veterinary nurse and passionate about all things animal health and welfare, so you might randomly see me post about such things to raise awareness! I am open to questions, but please know that I can only offer advice and any medical concerns should be addressed by a veterinarian! ❣️🐶
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🌺 Masterlist 🌺 Call of Duty 🌺
Callsign: Zero (18+ Captain John Price X Reader) (Ongoing Series on AO3 - ON HIATUS)
2 years ago you saved John Price from an untimely death, only to disapear without a trace before he could thank you properly for getting him back home safe. You show up again 2 years later to help the task force defeat a new enemy. Tensions rise as you show your true colors and navigate through unresolved issues that puts you and your new team at risk. Are you willing to finally open up or do you keep pushing everyone away to keep yourself "safe".
TW for each chapter may differ, I flagged specific ones at the beginning of each new chapter, but general cw for canon typical violence, gore, past s*xual trauma.
Was it Real (18+ Vikhor "Stitch" Kuzmin x Bell! Reader)
Bell manages to break out of Adler's mind control early on in the game. She infiltrates the KGB to hopefully reconnect with the current leader of Perseus himself Stitch, angst ensues, old feelings emerge, betrayal happens, they deal with it in the most reasonable way: Shmex :)
CW: Dark themes, dubious content, SMUT, office sex, ex-lovers to enemies to lovers? Stitch is a bad guy ish, possessive sex, degrading, PWP, canon typical violence (this is COD) but not the main theme of this, they're in love but it's complicated because she's a double agent, not really a happy ending but also not a sad ending.
Take me Home (18+ due to violent & distressing themes Captain John Price x Reader)
What if Price was the one to fall by the hands of Makarov?
TW: Major character death, blood, gore, injury description, ANGST!! No happy ending here folks.
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🌺 Masterlist 🌺 Baldur's Gate 3 🌺
To Build a Home (18+ Halsin x Durge!Reader x Astarion) (WIP)
Set 6 months after the events of the game, you deal with the aftermath of rejecting Bhaal and the urge, you and Astarion finally decide to go see Halsin in Thaniel's realm in hopes of rekindling your old flames.
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kinardbuckleys · 10 months
presidential alert: two weeks until @sainteddie and i get married
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caedachi · 2 years
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📌 hi! i'm Cae, but you can call me Cassie or Cass!! i'm an artist that loves sharks, bright colours, and drawing cute and rad things 💕
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jnkangels · 5 months
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cass ⋆ nineteen ⋆ she/her ⋆ obsessed with Sevika ⋆ lesbian ⋆ men dni
taken anons ⭐️ , ☁️ , 🌼 , 💤 , 🐰 , 🌻 , 🎀 , 🌷 , 💫 , 🍄 , 🪼 , 🦔 , 🫧
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merakimagic · 8 months
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Ideas have a way of inspiring people... and I'm here for all of it🩵💫
[ List of the Leo AU characters ]
Gemini - @tangledinink Empyrean Weeping - @cupcakeslushie Tentative Devotee - @s0fti3w1tch TMNT 04 - @koolaidashley 2 Arms Left - @intotheelliwoods SeperatedLeo au - @dianagj-art Cass Apocalypse Series - @somerandomdudelmao Lifes Mission: Save My Brothers - @daedelweiss Blood Bath - @trubblegumm Snap Dragon - @bluesgras Hidden Hero - @egg04 The Night - @y0unginhumans
I love all of these AUs and the effort each person has put into them. If you haven't seen them yet I definitely recommend it.
[ I tried my best... bye bye ]
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Do That Again
Summary - You meet a certain fellow after your roommate starts dating some guy.
Content Warnings - Language, heavy drinking, characters getting drunk, underaged drinking (please tell me if I missed anything)
A/N - I wrote this mostly because there are definitely a lack of Cassian x Reader fics out there and as much as I love Cass and Nesta, this felt necessary. *Do not repost my work without my express permission.* *Do not copy my work.*
1k words
✨ 💫
You and Cassian. Cassian and you. Attached at the hip in every sense of the phrase. If someone was looking for one of you, they’d find the other. The only time you weren’t together is if you didn’t have a class together or if one of you was going to the bathroom and even then if one of you was drunk enough… you might be in a close proximity.
You met Cassian through your friend and roommate, Feyre. Feyre, after a shitty high school boyfriend, met Rhysand at a party. Rhys was… well he was something. It was one of those situations where someone falls first and the other falls harder. Feyre fell hard. Like inches of cement hard. You’d be grinning with smug intent while Feyre’s face was absolutely red after getting back from an evening out with Rhys. Somewhere in the madness of first year the two crazy kids finally were official. You ensured you would meet him before summer break. You did. 
As Feyre’s friend, and body-guard , you were of course critical of the man. He certainly had an ego. But below it all he felt right for your friend. He treated her like an individual, a partner—not a possession. The same night you met Cassian at a party. Admittedly you were a little drunk. Okay, you were more than a little drunk. Okay, fine! You were very drunk. Like hookup-with-your-friend drunk. Thankfully he was drunk too, less drunk, but still drunk. Somewhere between the drinks, bad music, and watching Feyre and Rhys be sickeningly smitten with each other you and Cassian found a connection. It was like in kindergarten when your eyes land on any random person in the room and think, you’re cool and we’re friends now. 
You woke up the following morning with a hang-over on a couch to Feyre and Rhys stifling laughter. Your friend informed you it was the suite Rhysand and his friends shared on campus. How a group of first-years got that was beyond you, but you didn’t complain. You were still wearing your clothes and thanked the heavens you saw no vomit either. You managed yourself awake to see Cassian sprawled on the floor. You met Azriel that morning. 
“For the headache,” he said, as he offered you a glass of water and Aspirin. 
The three of you suffered while Feyre and Rhys remained wrapped up in each other all morning. 
The connection with Cassian only grew faster. You kept in contact over the summer, both constantly joking about the disgust you felt for the budding relationship between your friends. In truth you both were happy for Rhys and Feyre. Upon your return for your Sophomore year of university, the friendship solidified itself. You were constantly together. Staying up late to get work done, eating, studying, getting stupid drunk at parties. Despite the humor and jokes, you also found a deep comfort from each other. 
Cassian adored physical contact, which was perfect because you did too. Something you discovered when you woke up on the couch in the suite to your dear friend have a nightmare. 
“Just a nightmare, Cass. Just a nightmare,” you reassured him. He had clung to you, falling back asleep soon after. 
By the end of Sophomore year, you were literally inseparable, constantly draping over the other whenever you hung out as a group. A group you drunkenly named, Rhysand’s IC , because he was constantly parenting the rest of you alongside Feyre. IC standing for Idiot Children . 
One particularly very early morning, around 1am, you and Cass were draped over each other on the couch in the suite. The conversation topic was stupid things you did as children, and Cassian was letting out a particularly loud laugh when a cold-faced looking Az stepped out of his room, asking you to “pipe down”. 
Your junior year, Cassian managed a suite that could fit you and Feyre and you all lived together. Often times the night would end with Feyre and Rhys finding themselves together with you and Cassian sitting together having a drink while you braided Cass’s shoulder-length hair, talking about trivial matters. 
Your final year, Feyre and Rhys chose to live off campus because they wanted a place to themselves leaving you, Cass, and Az to fend for yourselves. Az wound up with a single while you and Cassian chose to share a room to be closer to the center of campus. Azriel was a floor above you. You spent night after together, sitting in the corner of your room, watching a movie together, or talking, or sitting in silence enjoying the other’s company. In hindsight it was crazy how quickly college had gone by. 
Cassian had become your dearest friend through it all. His humor you adored, but it was his caring and passionate nature which had you feeling more deeply for him. And suddenly you were stumbling back from an We’re Almost Graduated party Rhys and Feyre hosted.
“There’s a spider on your shoulder!!” You shout as you stumble into your dorm room with Cass. You cackle as Cass squeals, squeezing his eyes shut. 
You step forward to flick the spider off his shoulder and he screams making you laugh and nearly keel over. He catches you before you do, a hand landing on your hip. An electric buzz bolts through you. For all the times you’d been in contact this felt different. Maybe it’s the alcohol, the fact that his hand has never been on your hip before, or the the excitement of graduation. 
“Cass?” You ask him, his hand still resting against your hip. Your breath hitches in your throat.
“Y/N?” His question is met with a moment of silence. And then suddenly Cassian’s hands are cupping your cheeks and he’s kissing you. 
Your eyes flutter shut before he’s pulling away. The kiss somehow intoxicating and sobering. There’s a stupid grin on your best friends face. “You know how long I’ve wanted to do that?”
He’s met with silence for a while. You are unable to move. Finally you manage words. “Do that again.”
There is a mild question in his eyes. 
“Do that again,” you repeat. 
Cassian doesn’t need to be told a third time.
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