houseorgana · 8 years
caseyballvins replied to your post “Twin Suns was among the best Star Wars storytelling I have ever seen.”
WASN'T IT. every second i think of it, it keeps getting better and i was already at 100% about it.
IT WAS AMAZING!!!! I want to gif it immediately but also I’m still processing so I can’t ahhhhhhh
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brella · 8 years
"Yes This Was Why" really sums up everything i feel about wally/artemis T B H. i just. they were so stupid and they were so young and then FINALLY they just chilled the fuck out and realized "wait we don't have to yell our feelings we can just like each other and be together". K I D S
MARIA STOP I’;M GOING TO CRY. is it not a miracle of love that if they had not had such a bad first impression they would have immediately been in like with each other and probably gotten together even quicker than conner and m’gann. because they just. click. but because they are dumb kids they keep getting in the way of their own feelings for the sake of continuing 2 look like they are annoyed with each other, you know, for uh, Appearances, until one of them legitimately thinks the other died before his eyes and he loses his mind trying to figure out ANY WAY she could still be alive. like. i had forgotten how prevalent wally’s whole “denial” theme was. he denies everything. not just magic (which he denies because he can’t control it and that scares him, which, omg), but his own feelings, and the big scary things like death and loss. artemis “dying” tears him down the middle and i am SO FUCKED UP ABOUT THIS. i wrote 100 fanfics about this back in the day and i want to write 100 more. 
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jncera · 8 years
caseyballvins replied to your post: oh my god i just realized it was called “missing...
HON <3
and to think i’m going to be entrusted with a phd some day ha hahaaaaa joke’s on everyone!!!!
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meggannn · 8 years
fanfic asks: 2, 11, 18, 26, 35
2. things that motivate you
reading great fic. i read stephen king’s “on writing” a long time ago and he says something that i’ve always taken to heart, and i’m paraphrasing here: “you can’t wow somebody with your writing if you haven’t been wowed yourself.” also particularly, seeing my friends write new fic is encouraging. it starts as a “i’m jealous and mad at myself for not writing atm and they are” kind of way, but i try to turn that energy into “if they can do it, so can i.” about two years ago i was caught in a really nasty cycle of self-hatred and -doubt and impatience at myself for not Creating More and for not already having accomplished something “real” as an aspiring writer and i don’t want to get caught in that again. the only thing that really seems to remedy that is to read as equally as i write, because for me at least one inspires the other.
11. do you listen to music when writing?
sometimes. a lot of the time it’s helpful, sometimes it’s just distracting. when just write for a long period of time aimlessly or just need to get something down on the paper, it’s helpful; when i have a lot of ideas crowding my head and i need to get the words down exactly as they’re in my mid, it’s distracting. but i benefit a lot from having background music, so what’s more likely to happen is i’ll discover a song or few songs that match the tone/mood of the fic or relationship i’m writing, and then i’ll write while listening to them on repeat.
18. favorite pairing to write 
varric/hawke has been a joy to write the few times i’ve done it (hopefully with many more chances to come). shepard/garrus is surprisingly difficult; i think it’s because they’re military professionals and therefore a lot more smarter and competent than most characters i write, lmao.
26. story you’re most proud of
errghh. of all time? this is hard, i’m proud of a lot of different stories but for different reasons. “water on mars” was the longest fic i’ve written in years and i’m proud i got it a) completed and b) the vision in my head more or less matched what i got written down. “golden if you let me” is my favorite character exploration (hawke). “stars from a distance” had some writing that i’m most proud of though. i think i’ll leave it with those three lol
35. single story or multi-part story?
single...... when i come up with an idea i usually assume it’ll be a one-shot and plan around that. there’s only one time in the last, like, five years i’ve realized something should be longer than one chapter, and i’m still stuck on the first chapter of that one -- multi-chapter fics kind of scare me tbh. i’d love to do more one day but i don’t think i have the discipline for it, and it reminds me too much of Ye Olden Fanfic Days back in middle/high school when i would make shit up as i go along which resulted in just terrible stories lmao.
asks for fanfic writers
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miadearden · 8 years
@caseyballvins replied to your post “Why are you so eager for YJ Wally to be dead? Do you hate him? :(”
oh god i'm seeing this and getting flashbacks to me in 2013 so sure wally wasn't dead... yikes.
oh man those 2013 flashbacks are wild
@arrynzek replied to your post “Why are you so eager for YJ Wally to be dead? Do you hate him? :(”
Weirdly I hope he is dead because I've made my peace with that and if they bring him back my heart won't be able to cope
to me like - it’s narratively a done deal that he’s gonna be back - so my opinion on it pretty much stops at “among other things, season three is going to involve wally coming back”
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jessaminelovelace · 8 years
12, 14, 24, 42
putting this under a read more bc it gets kinda long 
12. favorite place to write
my room!! it doesn’t get much simpler than that lmao
14. easiest character to write
at this point, sharon. i feel like i just know her so well that writing other people is a lot harder, like i actually have to try, but sharon just comes so easy to me now
24. favorite scene you’ve ever written
omg this is such a hard one i..... don’t even know. it might just be this scene from a short thing i wrote about sharon still being undercover and steve taking her out on a date on valentine’s day:
“Steve pulls into a tiny, old fashioned ice-cream parlor fifteen minutes after they leave the apartment, and Sharon’s eyes widen slightly when she sees it.
For one, she can’t even remember the last time that she’s been on a date. It had to have been at the Academy, for sure. And even then, their options had been limited. Only upperclassmen had free reign of DC, and the right to have cars on campus in order to leave as they pleased. It was still super strict, besides, their hours carefully counted, sign-in sheets for going out or coming in. Sharon had never studied as hard as she did at the Academy.
She turns to Steve in surprise because aside from the aspect of being on an actual date, or, in this case, a replacement date, Sharon has never seen this place before. She had thought that she knew all there was to know of DC: all of the secret nooks and crannies, the best places to get burgers.
He just keeps surprising her.
“Is this okay?” he asks for the second time that night, and Sharon bites on her bottom lip. No one’s ever really asked her what she wanted, what she liked, what she wanted. All of this is new to her.
“Of course. Who doesn’t like ice-cream?” she asks him, and his eyes sparkle with something, and Sharon thinks that she doesn’t want this night to ever end. How different it is, to not be herself for a while. To be just a girl, on a date with her cute neighbor, eating ice-cream and laughing like teenagers. No responsibilities, no SHIELD, just them and the open night sky. Before her doubts about Aunt Peggy can creep in, before she can remind herself that he is a job, nothing more.
Steve takes them to the window near the side of the shop and they both order three-scoop cones. Steve pays and they make themselves at home at one of the three tables in front of the shop, underneath a cute red umbrella.
Sharon doesn’t think she’s ever laughed so much in her life. Their ice-cream melts along their knuckles while Steve tells her stories of him and his friend when he was little, and even though she knows he’s talking about Bucky she pretends not to. The stories are funny, but she can tell that he’s leaving details out, because how can he tell plain old Kate that he grew up in the 1920′s and still looks like he does today?
Even with all of this, they grin at each other and Sharon tells him her own stories, omitting her own facts, and they both lean over across the table and feel as though they haven’t felt anything in years.
A phone ringing startles them away from each other, Sharon leaning back in her wooden chair, almost not being able to believe how close they’d been; practically touching foreheads as they were speaking. “It’s Al,” he mouths at her, and Sharon nods in understanding. The super.
Their night is over.
Steve hangs up and grabs Sharon some napkins from the take-out window, holding his extra helmet for her until she’s done cleaning herself up. Their fingers brush when he hands it over and Sharon tries not to jump back at the electric shock of it, her first un-forced, un-scripted touch of the night.
“I had a great night tonight, Steve,” she whispers into the crook of his neck as he drives them back to their apartment building, so quietly that she doesn’t expect him to hear, but of course he does anyway. Super-soldier hearing; she’d forgotten. Sharon seems to forget a lot when she’s in his presence.
Her hands shake uncharacteristically when she feels him shudder, just the tiniest bit, as her breath hits his ear. “Anytime,” he answers, and she closes her eyes, leaning into him for the short time that they have left. Before she has to be Sharon again, before he has to be Captain America again.”
42. do you plan or do you write whatever comes to your mind?
i literally just sit down and wing it. sometimes i have certain scenes that i write out and try to weave together beforehand, but mostly i just write whatever comes to mind
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irisannwest · 8 years
1, 12, 23
1. Any scars?
I have one above my left eye, because I was an idiotic 1 year old who thought jumping off a tv was a good idea
12. Favorite color?
Torn between mint green and pastel colors
23. Favorite song?
I really, really, really do love Blackbear’s 90210.
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dinahdlance · 8 years
coffee (for the guessing game fanfic thing)
surprisingly nothing in my wips with coffee!
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herasyndlla · 8 years
CHANGED MY URL. meant to do this earlier in the day for the star wars rebels finale airing but i didn’t want to come on here and get spoiled SO it’s happening now
caseyballvins >>>>> herasyndlla
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miirabel · 8 years
sorry you had a rough day! i'm sending good vibes and warm feelings your way.
Thank you so much, that’s so kind of you! ♥ It’s all better now, I even got all my accounts back so that’s something~ All the positive feelings back to you, darling, have a wonderful day!
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fudeh · 8 years
Tumblr media
@caseyballvins @miadearden Shut up annica that's your department since you're so old
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brella · 8 years
lol your friend is savage. OKAY WALLY NEEDS TO CONTAIN HIMSELF SO I CAN BE CALM. i keep wondering if when i (finally) rewatch yj i'll still love them as much as i did when i first watched it or if i've grown out of it but then i see something of them (like the ninja boyfriend moment) and i'm like AH YES SIGN ME UP FOREVER THEY GOT ME GOOD. THEY TRICKED ME.
WALLY SERIOUSLY NEEDS TO CHILL LIKE I HAVEN’T EVEN GOTTEN TO DISORDERED YET AND HE NEEDS TO CALM DOWN. we all know u are in love with artemis crock and thinks she is cool and shoots arrows good, it happens. it is nothing 2 be ashamed of. 
i wondered too if i would find them as fully charming as i did when i was a wee one but like tbh the second he starts yelping “WHO ARE YOU” my heart began to grow, much like the grinch’s. and then bereft happened and they like, just happened to both instinctively stumble off in the same direction, and wally probably guided them to shelter even though his head was about to split open and he did not know this girl at all. and then they held hands, like, twelve times? just because? and he picked her up and carried her and her face was tucked into his neck and he was like “sorry, they’ve got bigger arrows” and she said “thanks” in a genuinely surprised tone because no one had ever helped her or looked out for her in her life and i was like Ah Yes This Was Why
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ernestetcelestine · 8 years
@caseyballvins aaaaa good to know thanks !! that makes me rlly happy
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miadearden · 8 years
@caseyballvins replied to your post: @caseyballvins replied to your post “Why are you...
no jokes annica. didn’t you hear? jokes died, they didn’t go to the speedforce they aren’t coming back.
shoot you got me there
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herasyndlla · 8 years
my dearest pal diagonally across the continent from me  @brella​  tagged me to do this. this was very fun to do. i shall tag... @fredelster @miadearden @tanosoka @fudeh
(ah attempt #2 at posting this. gotta love changing that url and forgetting how to do anything on tumblr)
5 things you’ll find in my bag:
my kate spade wallet i dropped a lot of money on after my previous and FAIRLY NEW wallet broke while i was shopping. it’s lilac and tiny and perfect. it’s good wallet.
my kobo one which i read a lot of star wars books and fic at work when no one is in the store and i have nothing to do. also what i’m rereading harry potter on rn (but have stalled out cause i’m at The End).
so many receipts
5-6 different lipsticks/paints i threw in my bag for work and never took out leaving me always wondering where that one nude lip colour is.
wether’s originals
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom:
my star wars shelves my dad put up for me so i could clear up space on my desk (and so i could justify getting all the star wars rebels pop funkos).
my french bulldog throw pillow i bought cause it makes me think of my sister so when i miss her i look at that. she loves french bulldogs.
four sets of bookshelves. not including the star wars ones.
my stuffed dog toy i’ve had my entire life and plan on being buried with.
my wardrobe door covered in harry potter pictures.
5 things I’m currently into:
star wars. yes i know, a HUGE surprise!
i’m reading dc comics again finally and guys, the flash comics are SO GOOD. i’m super into them. they’re so up my alley right now.
running. i... i like running at the gym a lot.
sleeping at last. i pretty recently got into their music and it’s just so lovely to listen to.
i'm getting back into podcasts but this feels like a cheat answer cause currently i’m listening to a star wars one BUT IT’S SO GOOD. campaign. it’s so funny and it’s really good. i’m not far yet but i really like it. (i’m going to next catch up with not too deep and then i’m going to start listening to wolf 359.... or whatever it’s called i’m too lazy to go check what the name is right now).
5 things on my to-do list:
go to the gym... which i didn’t do today. i’m going on tuesday
work on my lines for the play i’m in. i know my rehearsals have only just started but i want to Impress my director. she’s very cool.
i should get back into the minimal weight work i was doing at the gym...
continue rewatching star wars (again) and live tweeting now that i have that live tweeting twitter account
start looking for auditions... again... forever. OH. BOY.
5 things people may not know about me:
i am originally from the united states. i was born in st. louis. we moved to toronto when i was two because my parents didn’t really like st. louis and didn’t want us growing up in the american school system. and toronto was the best option for my dad’s job. so now i am a dual citizen.
i have a twin sister! oooooh mysterious ~~~~
i’m lactose intolerant so i drop a lot of money every day so i can act like i’m not lactose intolerant.
i need glasses/contacts. i only wear contacts though so while i university, i surprised a lot of people if i ever showed up with glasses. everyone thought i had good vision. HA. jokes on them.
um.... there’s not a lot that’s interesting about me you guys don’t know because there’s not a lot that’s interesting about me. i’ve been to alaska...
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fudeh · 8 years
@caseyballvins same ppl who hate on supergirl or jimmy
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