Fic Rec Friday - 6/9
Fuck Standards by@intotheruins Pairing: Meg Masters/Castiel Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Tags: Supernatural Kink Bingo 2016, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Castiel, Alpha Meg, Rough Sex, Rough Foreplay, Rimming, Spanking (implied) Word Count: 3,224 Summary:  Neither of them were anything resembling “traditional.” They both liked it that way. Written for the College AU square on my spn kink bingo card.
My Thoughts It’s unfortunately rare to find female alphas in fan fic and even rarer t see them engage in explicit sex. This fic was a nice change not only in the fact that we get to see both of those things but that we also get the wonderful versitility of female alpha/male omega sex It’s fun, snarky, and kinda sweet as well. Meg and Cas are both written really well and the pull a lot of sassy and some sweetness out of each other. 
intotheruins has written other rare pairs and polyships such as wincestiel, winjimstiel, cas/bobby, denny, and sam/bobby. I highly suggest you check this author out because there is plenty of variety and wonderful stories here!
Runaway by @samanddeaninpanties Pairing: Sam/Cas, Sam/Claire, Sam/Cas/Claire Raiting: Explicit Warning: Creator Chose Not To Us Archive Warnings Tags:Soulless Sam Winchester, Possessed Claire, Angelic Possession, Possession, Dubious Consent, Loss of Virginity, End of the World, Demon, Dean, King of Hell Dean, Queen of Hell Abaddon, Sam Has a Large Cock,, Angst, Emotions, Cock Warming, Marathon Sex, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Episode: s10e20 Angel Heart, Season/Series 10, Alternate Season/Series 10, Bossy Castiel, Vaginal Sex, Age Difference, First Time Word Count: 1,540 Summary:  She can’t afford anything nicer than dirty sheets, cockroaches, rooming next to prostitutes and she’s not sure when he’ll show - but she stays in her motel room and imagines the relief she’ll feel when he says yes.
My Thoughts  I feel that I should mention this is dubious consent, so if that is a no-go for you you might not enjoy it. However, I still strongly reconmend it because of how wonderfully written Claire is here. We really get into her head and understand what she’s feeling and her voice in the narrative is excellent. Soulless!Sam here is a total dick and I love it. It’s good.
outoftheashes has written seveal rare pair fics and wincestiel and winjimstiel + benny. If you’re interested in darker stuff I strongly suggest you check out this author. 
Jet-Packing by @bloodandcream Pairing: Sam/Meg Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Tags: Alternate Universe, Neighbors, Cuddling & Snuggling, vegetarian sam, Aromantic Meg Word Count: 1,412 Summary: It’s not the fact that she’s still fucking her hot neighbor after several months that bothers her. It’s that she stays the night. Falls asleep in his bed. Wakes up big-spooning the giant. Then he makes breakfast for her. Sometimes Meg even lets him kiss her goodbye at the door.
It’s disgusting.
My Thoughts  Aro characters are a quick way to my heart and I absolutely adore the way Meg is written here. Actually, I adore the way this author writers Meg all the time but that’s beside the point. I also really love that while Sam is a nice guy Meg isn’t totally comfortable with his affections and he’s fine with that and allows her to be comfortable in her own ways. It’s mostly pwp but it does hit on that aspect of Meg’s comfort with romantic touching and I really appreciate that. 
bloodandcream has written so many rare pairs! Seriously, check out this author! I can almost guarantee you there will be something you’ll like in their works, whether you prefer femslash, slash, polyships, or het ships, you will not be left wanting here. 
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