my-library-space · 2 years
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Você sempre terá parte de mim E eu sempre terei uma parte de ti Você sempre levará uma sombra minha E eu sempre andarei com a sua ao meu lado
É difícil lidar com o passado E eu queria, pelos deuses, o quanto eu queria ter sido inteiramente minha para poder ter sido sua Queria ter lutado por você Queria estar com você
É difícil lidar com o passado Pois o eu do passado não sabia lidar com tudo, e confesso que a do presente ainda não sabe Pois sei também que você merecia alguém por completo, alguém real, mas eu estava totalmente quebrada Mas eu te quis, acredite em mim, te quis mais do que a mim
É difícil lidar com o passado Então eu tento manter o foco no presente e não pensar Deixar o passado com aquela que fui, e torcer para que ela não tenha te destruído também Deixar as minhas escolhas exatamente onde elas pertencem, e lidar com consequências que vêm e vão a cada memória
É difícil lidar com o passado É difícil lidar com presente E ainda será difícil lidar com o futuro Porque lembranças são como raízes, e por mais incríveis que elas tenham sido, elas sempre vão doer um pouco a cada dia Mas eu prometo dar o devido valor as partes que deixaram comigo quando passaram, as partes de quem um dia eu cativei.
(Também prometo ser completa, para não criar passados dolorosos. Para as raízes não doerem e as memórias não sangrarem.) (Instagram: @100textos_sobrevoce)
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vephrielarchive · 6 years
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at first I wasn’t going to grind for this hearthstone toy but then I realized it’s literally perfect for Cas
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nightingaletrash · 6 years
Casaia only worked up the courage to tell Ayrenn how she felt after the Planemeld had ended.
everyone in the Dominion just deadpans ‘nooooooooo, really? what a shock’ except for that one person who’s never in on anything and is genuinely surprised XD
Runa formed a bond with Serana very quickly whilst they were at Castle Volkihar because they both felt like outsiders with no one they could depend on. Serana helped her come to terms with her new existence as a vampire, and Runa helped Serana to gather the courage it took to leave the Castle and find Val with the Dawnguard.
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andauril · 6 years
full name: Casaia Barillion
gender: cisfemale
sexuality: pansexual/-romantic
pronouns: she/her
family: Endarno Barillion (father), Sirilwe Barillion (mother), Vindalmo Barillion (younger brother)
birthplace: Alinor, Summerset
job: Eye of the Queen
phobias: waking up to find she killed her wife in her sleep because I’m awful
guilty pleasures: she has a lot of interests but none that would be frowned upon; okay maybe sparring with your queen while only being lightly dressed counts
morality alignment?: neutral good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: extrovert
organized/disorganized: organized
close minded/open-minded: open-minded
calm/anxious: calm unless it’s the full moon, then she turns into anxious bc WHAT IF SHE KILLS HE WIFE IN HER SLEEP; being a werewolf is not fun
disagreeable/agreeable: agreeable
cautious/reckless: reckless
patient/impatient: impatient
outspoken/reserved: reserved
leader/follower: leader
empathetic/unemphatic: empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: optimistic
traditional/modern: modern
hard-working/lazy: hard-working
otp: Casaia x Ayrenn
ot3: idk, Casaia x Ayrenn x Naryu maybe bc c’mon it’s NARYU
brotp: Casaia and Raz
notp: n/a
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instacrew · 2 years
gifs de casaias fofofs
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aothundongphuc · 5 years
30 ÁO CaSaia Màu Xanh Đen - 30 ÁO CaSaia
30 ÁO CaSaia Màu Xanh Đen – 30 ÁO CaSaia
30 ÁO CaSaia Màu Xanh Đen – 30 ÁO CaSaia Màu Xanh Đen Xem các mẫu áo thun đồng phục In Áo Thun http://ow.ly/Fevh50umztw
View On WordPress
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thekeyspomade · 8 years
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#Repost @kopir_pomade with @repostapp ・・・ Hasil pemakaian Cassias Clay firm hold. Kekuatan : 5/5 (sangat keras dan kaku tetapi mudah ditata) Kilau : 1/5 (hasil matte tidak kilau). buat yg udah bosan dg pomade yg umum beredar dipasaran..lengket susah d cuci daya hold yg gk awet..silahkan jajal CASSIAS CLAY!!! jaminan kepuasan stelah memakai cassias clay..mau rambut sekeras dan sebandel karang.silahkan taklukan dg casaias matte clay..jawaban yg selama ini dipertanyakan dan di lahir lah sudah..CASSIAS CLAY.daya hold sangat kuat.awet gk luntur kena keringat.gak lengket.bantal dan krah baju anda tetap bersih.wangi fresh berhari hari jajal dan buktikan mas bro!! Info/order Bbm : 5790ff83 Line : boskopor_007 Wa only : 081991582017 Sms/tlp : 085356534872
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xikleteruz · 8 years
O homem encara o precipício na incerteza se pula ou fica. Analisa a distancia e mentaliza a trajetória da sua queda. Encara as ondas, agressivamente, golpearem as rochas quietas. Respira fundo. Aquele deveria ser seu ultimo suspiro, ainda tomando coragem. O céu ta claro, as nuvens brancas e ninguém ali para o-impedir de cometer aquela tolice. Quantas vezes se perguntou sobre o seu papel no mundo e naquele momento quem chorará a sua morte?! Sentia que todos tinham um proposito na vida, exceto ele. Sentia, frustradamente, o peso das decisões nas suas costas. A pressão da sociedade e da vaidade do mundo tomava conta do seu ser, e quanto mais fugia, perto estava. Seria um doloroso ponto final na sua historia, embora acreditasse que não acabaria ali. De repente, uma brisa forte toca seu rosto, avisando do erro que estava prestes a cometer. Agora contempla o mundo e observa as ondas acariciarem as rochas. 
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vephrielarchive · 6 years
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Cas and Eru celebrate their 5th year of Love Is In The Air!
A beautiful romantic jungle date~ 😊💕
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andauril · 6 years
okay but how is Casaia feeling about Summerset right now? is the constantly being mistaken for a newcomer wearing on her at all? and how does she feel about the general attitudes of Summerset's people overall?
She’s feeling very conflicted about Summerset and it’s people. On one hand, she loves Summerset. It’s her birthplace, she grew up there, and in fact spend most of her life there before she was disowned by her family and left Summerset out of shame. 
The problem is that her memories of Summerset don’t match the reality. But it’s not Summerset that has changed - she has. Before she left Summerset, she was JUST like those snobbish Altmer that now look down at her for being not a proper Altmer. Once she believed that by being born an Altmer and born into an old Altmer family from Alinor made her naturally superior to any outsider. She was prideful and arrogant and believed in her own superiority. And then she fell from grace and left Summerset …
And only upon her return does she realise how much she has changed, and that she no longer is the same person that left Summerset all those years ago.
And to now be on the receiving end of that superiority and that conscending attitude is like looking into a very ugly mirror. 
She’s changed too much. She has spend too much time among the other races - the Bosmer, the Khajiit, even the others who aren’t members of the Dominion - and among the Altmer who live away from Summerset, has mingled too much with the lower social classes to fit in with the Altmer of Summerset anymore. 
Right now, her feelings for her homeland, her birthplace, are complicated.
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estradadasilusoes · 9 years
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cuddlygorgeous · 10 years
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xikleteruz · 9 years
Não era amor, era fome #003
De repente é um “oi” seco na mensagem, um “boa tarde” sem animo ou alguma carinha, e você sente a pessoa se distanciar. No inicio imagina que esteja ocupada, atarefada com o trabalho ou a culpa é da operadora ruim que sempre tem algum problema. Depois nota que quase não se veem e, agora, a culpa atravessa os parentes, trabalhos e cotidiano. “Ta bom”, “tanto faz” e “você quem sabe”, são as respostas mais usadas, e se confrontar, estará sendo idiota. Nesse momento percebe que fez algo errado e começa uma corrida contra o tempo para recuperar a sua confiança, mas é tarde. Teve todo o tempo do mundo para mudar, mas não aproveitou ao seu lado. Não se importou tanto em manter o fogo aceso, quanto lutará para impedir que se apagasse. E assim, como tantas outras historias trágicas do amor, chega ao fim da pior maneira. Admiro a luta até o minuto final, embora ache burrice lutar para manter algo que nunca deu valor. Amar vai muito alem da palavra bonita. Amor é cuidar do outro, todos os dias e em cada momento.
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puroamoredistancia · 12 years
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vephrielarchive · 6 years
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glowy bird husbands
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andauril · 7 years
Casaia for character flaws :D
absent-minded / abusive / addicted / aimless / alcoholic / aloof / anxious / arrogant / audacious / has bad habits / bigmouthed / bigoted / blunt / bold / callous / childish / cruel / cursed / dependent / dishonest / disloyal / disturbed / dubious / egotistical / envious / erratic / fanatical / fickle / fierce / finicky / flirty / gluttonous / gruff / gullible / hedonistic / humourless / hypocritical / idiotic / ignorant / illiterate / immature / impatient / impious / impish / incompetent / indecisive / indifferent / infamous / intolerant / judgemental / lazy / lewd / liar / lustful / masochistic / meddlesome / meek / megalomanic / naïve / nosey / obsessive / oppressive / overambitious / overemotional / overprotective / overzealous / paranoid / peevish / perfectionist / pessimistic / phobic / rebellious / reckless / remorseless / rigorous / sadistic / sarcastic / sceptic / seducer / selfish / self-martyr / self-righteous / senile / shallow / smart ass / solemn / spineless / spiteful / spoiled / squeamish / stubborn / superstitious / tactless / temperamental / theatrical / timid / tongue-tied / unlucky / unpredictable / untrustworthy / vain / weak-willed / withdrawn
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