#casa acton
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Casa Acton, Hobart, Acton Park, Tasmania, Australia,
Designed and built by Josh FitzGerald & Millie Ashton.
#art#design#architecture#cabin#retreat#dwelling#tasmania#acton park#hobart#casa#acton#casa acton#josh fitzgerald#millie ashton#millwork#nature#minimalism#australia
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o conto que não escrevi
no caminho para o trabalho acendi um cigarro e comecei a tecer, mentalmente, um conto sobre uma personagem chamada anna. ela tinha um ar meio eslavo meio floresta e meio cheiro de cômodos envelhecidos. jovem - uma boa parte dos meus personagens não passa dos vinte e seis anos. imaginei ela olhando através da janela, quer dizer, não imaginei a cena exatamente, imaginei em mínimos detalhes como a escreveria. os adjetivos, as características do ambiente, a maneira como as velas projetavam sombras nas paredes, uma atmosfera amarelada, marrom, cor de livro de sebo. anna se lembrava da última vez que havia tentado ver o mundo lá fora, de como as botas afundavam na lama e de como a mata ao redor da casa parecia mais alta, mais violenta e mais mortal que nunca. chovia (mas é claro) e ela foi arrastada pela mãe logo que ficou cansada demais para continuar correndo. foram puxões de cabelo, uma parte do vestido rasgada e, de quebra, a bolsa com os poucos livros que tinha foram deixados para trás. afundados entre água e areia, entregues ao tempo e à destruição; exatamente como anna se sentia. pois bem, estamos falando de muitos anos atrás, então é claro que anna não pôde ligar para sua melhor amiga da cidade e contar como os pais eram maldosos e como se sentia presa e encarcerada. foram três dias de cama para que ela recuperasse as forças. essas meninas vitorianas… nesse meio tempo a mãe, que eu chamei de Esther no meio do caminho e o pai Roger discutiam veementemente sobre a maneira como anna demonstrava um interesse estridente pelo mundo além das dependências do casarão. a mãe chorava, dizia que era culpa dos malditos livros que o irmão mais velho insistia em trazer da capital e o pai atribuía o comportamento malcriado da filha a intervenções demoníacas. ou estava doente (completamente insana) ou estava possuída por seres das trevas. a opção de anna ser totalmente consciente das próprias decisões estava fora de cogitação.
é claro que àquela altura eu já estava fazendo caras e bocas. é problemático isso de ter inspiração no meio da rua porque me transformo em todos os personagens ao mesmo tempo e, quando percebo, estou olhando para uma senhora de setenta e dois anos como se vivêssemos um romance proibido.
uma vez o tal irmão da capital, que eu ainda não havia pensado em um nome, disse para anna que as mulheres estavam começando a assinar os livros com nomes masculinos para evitar o preconceito, a perseguição e a crítica injusta. claro que isso fez com que anna entrasse em estado de euforia. nas raras vezes em que ia até o centro da cidade, observava os poucos exemplares em lojas de conveniência e tentava adivinhar quais daqueles livros haviam sido escritos por mulheres. uma vez cismou com Acton Bell porque uma mulher jamais poderia escolher um nome tão feio (a resposta é sim).
o ponto é que não tem ponto. eu estava passando pela maldita construção de todos os dias e acabei me distraindo completamente do conto. não imagino que tenha tido um final feliz (minhas histórias raramente têm) mas gostaria de ter descoberto um pouco mais. afinal, o que anna tanto buscava lá fora? conhecimento? aventura? amor? e se ela, em algum momento, conseguiu escapar da jaula de pedra que chamavam de lar, isso valeu a pena? fez com que ela se sentisse viva? trouxe a anna a satisfação tão desejada? e o irmão..? por que ele agia diferente dos outros homens da época e contava para a irmã todos os segredos do mundo que uma mulher não poderia ouvir? eu imaginei anna de branco, um vestido simples, à moda império/grego, botas marrons e um cabelo bem escuro que carregava tranças espalhadas como pedras de cachoeira.
o cigarro acabou na última esquina para o trabalho e quando dei os últimos passos antes de mergulhar totalmente na vida real, tentei olhar uma última vez para o "sonho". que maravilha é escapar um pouco de si…
arrivederci, anna! já sinto saudades.
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Recordando a Charlotte Brontë. Novelista y poeta inglesa, la mayor de las tres hermanas Brontë que sobrevivieron hasta la edad adulta y cuyas novelas se convirtieron en clásicos de la literatura inglesa. Ingresó en la escuela de Roe Head en enero de 1831, a los 14 años. Dejó la escuela al año siguiente para enseñar a sus hermanas, Emily y Anne, en casa, regresando en 1835 como institutriz. En 1839, asumió el cargo de institutriz de la familia Sidgwick, pero abandonó después de unos meses para regresar a Haworth, donde las hermanas abrieron una escuela que no logró atraer alumnos. En cambio, se dedicaron a la escritura y cada una publicó por primera vez en 1846 bajo los seudónimos de Currer, Ellis y Acton Bell. Aunque su primera novela, "The Professor", fue rechazada por Editoriales, su segunda novela, "Jane Eyre", fue publicada en 1847. Charlotte Brontë (21 de abril de 1816 - 31 de marzo de 1855).
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Londres, 08 de Agosto do Ano 1 - Quinta - Doc - 25 anos.
06:00 - Acordamos e corremos. 07:00 - Voltamos, tomamos banho e nos arrumamos. 07:45 - Tomamos café em casa:
08:30 - Trabalhamos. 12:30 - Almoço com Anne:
13:10 - Voltamos ao trabalho. 17:00 - Saio e vou para vacinação: Paddington Central
18:40 - Jogo com Jord e Sabri: Badminton club Ealing, Greenford, Chiswick, Acton and West London
20:00 - Chego em casa, tomo banho e coloco pijama. 20:40 - Janto:
21:00 - Durmo.
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Napoli, aggrediscono e rapinano due giovani di smartphone e contanti: 4 minori arrestati
Napoli, aggrediscono e rapinano due giovani di smartphone e contanti: 4 minori arrestati. Su delega del Procuratore della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di Napoli e del Procuratore della Repubblica presso il Tribunale per i Minorenni di Napoli, si comunica che stamattina la Polizia di Stato ha dato esecuzione ad un'ordinanza di custodia cautelare in Istituto di Pena Minorile emessa dal G.I.P. presso il Tribunale di Napoli, su richiesta della Procura della Repubblica presso il Tribunale per i Minorenni, nei confronti di quattro soggetti (due tunisini ed un egiziano di 17 anni, un tunisino diciottenne) in quanto ritenuti gravemente indiziati del delitto di concorso in rapina pluriaggravata. Per lo stesso episodio, ad inizio Maggio la Polizia di Stato aveva dato esecuzione ad un'ordinanza di custodia cautelare in carcere emessa dal G.I.P. presso il Tribunale di Napoli, su richiesta della Procura della Repubblica, nei confronti di altri due soggetti, rispettivamente di 20 e 18 anni, entrambi di nazionalità tunisina. La sera del 17 novembre 2023 in questa via Ammiraglio Ferdinando Acton, presso l'area Giardini del Molosiglio, due diciassettenni bengalesi hanno subito la rapina dei rispettivi telefoni cellulari e di una banconota da 50 euro ad opera di un gruppo giovani extracomunitari, poco prima scesi da un tram, che nella circostanza hanno colpito le vittime con calci e pugni prima di dileguarsi con la refurtiva. Il provvedimento in parola compendia le risultanze di un'attività di indagine, avviata immediatamente dalla Squadra Mobile di Napoli, coordinata dalle Procure della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di Napoli e presso il Tribunale per i Minorenni di Napoli e articolatasi mediante l'esame delle immagini degli impianti di videosorveglianza presenti in zona nonché di quelli installati a bordo del tram sul quale avevano viaggiato i rei, oltre che sull'individuazione fotografica positiva effettuata dalle vittime. Degli odierni arrestati, due sono stati rintracciati presso gli I.P.M. rispettivamente di Bologna e Nisida, ove si trovavano già ristretti per altri procedimenti penali; altri due, invece, presso due diverse comunità per minori site a Caserta e nella provincia di Benevento. I due maggiorenni tratti in arresto ad inizio mese, invece, erano stati rintracciati, uno, presso la Casa Circondariale di Como, ove si trovava perché anch'egli già ristretto per altro procedimento, l'altro, con l'ausilio della locale Squadra Mobile, nel comune di Isernia. Il provvedimento eseguito è una misura cautelare, disposta in sede di indagini preliminari, avverso cui sono ammessi mezzi di impugnazione, e i destinatari della stessa sono persone sottoposte alle indagini e quindi presunti innocenti fino a sentenza definitiva. ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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Emily Bronte: nata per la passione
Una donna che scrisse un solo libro, diventato un classico della letteratura ottocentesca… Emily Bronte nacque il 30 luglio 1818 a Thornton, nello Yorkshire (Inghilterra) terzogenita del reverendo Brontë e di Maria Branwell. Alla fine di aprile del 1820 si trasferì con la famiglia ad Haworth, sempre nello Yorkshire, dopo che al reverendo fu assegnata la chiesa di Saint Michael and All Angels. Nel settembre 1821 Maria Branwell morì e sua sorella Elizabeth visse per un po’ con la famiglia del cognato per aiutarli e nel 1824 Emily entrò nella scuola di Cowan Bridge per figlie di ecclesiastici, con le sorelle Charlotte ed Anne. Altre due perdite colpirono la famiglia Bronte nel 1825 infatti morirono, colpite dalla tisi, le sorelle maggiori di Emily, Maria ed Elizabeth. Abbandonata la scuola, i Bronte continuarono la loto istruzione in casa, leggendo e imparando le arti femminili. Nel 1826 il padre, di ritorno da un viaggio, portò una scatola di soldatini ai figli, che diventarono I Giovanotti, protagonisti di varie storie scritte dalle sorelle. Charlotte ed Emily nel 1835 entrarono ella scuola di Roe Head, ma dopo tre mesi Emily tornò a casa e il suo posto fu preso dalla sorella minore Anne. Il 12 luglio 1836 Emily scrisse la sua prima poesia datata e nel 1838 entrò come insegnante nella scuola di Law Hill, ma dopo sei mesi torna a casa. Nel 1842 Emily e Charlotte partirono per Bruxelles dove frequentarono il Pensionato Heger, ma alla morte della zia Elizabeth tornarono a casa e ognuna di loro ereditò 350 sterline. Emily tornò da sola a Bruxelles nel 1844 e cominciò a trascrivere le sue poesie in due quaderni, uno senza titolo, l'altro intitolato Gondal Poems. Charlotte trovò il quaderno nel 1845 e decise di pubblicare un volume ed Emily acconsentì. purché il libro uscisse con uno pseudonimo. Nel 1846 venne pubblicato Poems di Currer (Charlotte), Ellis (Emily) e Acton (Anne) Bell (Brontë). Un anno dopo uscirono Cime tempestose di Emily, Agnes Grey di Anne e Il Professore e Jane Eyre di Charlotte. Cime tempestose sollevò un gran clamore, perfetto per un romanzo pieno di significati simbolici, dove domina una sensazione di tensione e ansia mista ad attesa per la rivelazione finale. Il 28 settembre 1848 Emily prese un raffreddore durante il funerale del fratello, morto di tisi. e si ammalò della stessa malattia, morendo il 19 dicembre. Read the full article
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Casa Acton, a moveable 53sqm bush dwelling in Tasmania. Casa Acton is a truly remarkable build that was completed by the home owner and architect, Josh Fitzgerald of Archier.
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Casa Acton by Archier
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Qui nella mia stanza devo prendermi cura dei miei capelli. Li lavo ogni mattina nel lavandino di pietra ollare dalle nove alle undici e quarantacinque. Lava lava lava lava ti farà girar la testa. Lavarmi i capelli deve essere un ballo, un ballo all’alba. Ho così tanti capelli e tanto miele han risucchiato che devo lavarli a ciocche. La stanza diventa umidiccia come una grotta marina, non si asciuga mai. Sto a piedi nudi e in un andirivieni di calate nel lavandino sondo il mistero. Le parti già lavate stanno arrotolate per terra e aspettano pazientemente. È come cercare di lavare le alghe. È scomodo e complicato ma è il lavoro che faccio nella vita.
Poi, quando l’orologio della torre scocca mezzogiorno, in un andirivieni dalla finestra li porto, ciocca per ciocca, e li lascio calare giù per tutti e cinque i piani fino a terra. Li lascio fuori a asciugare. Li lascio fuori per dare loro una vita propria. All’inizio pendono come una corda, stanno lì appesi alla finestra come vecchi cereali gialli che nessuno vuole mangiare. Poi, se soffia, come si spera, il vento, se li prende la brezza, ciocca per ciocca, giallo per giallo. Mentre li asciuga, il vento se ne impossessa; mentre si asciugano si muovono rapidamente come mille sanguinerole. Dopo, quando li riporto dentro, si stendono sul pavimento di pietra come chicchi in un granaio.
Da molti anni la gente si raduna per guardarli calare e asciugarsi. Non appena l’orologio scocca mezzogiorno la gente grida: SIGNORA! SIGNORA! CALA LE CIOCCHE! Sono diventata un’attrazione turistica e non posso farci niente. I pullman turistici arrivano quotidianamente, con una registrazione dei fatti il più delle volte falsi riguardo a chi sono e cosa faccio. E poi c’è la folla degli universitari, che a quanto pare mi hanno adottata, e una donna obesa che viene tutti i giorni e con un bastone picchia i bambini che cercano di afferrare i capelli e tirarli. La gente o è molto devota o è molto disgustata. Spesso mi scrivono. Naturalmente non rispondo perché i capelli non parlano ed è ai capelli che scrivono. Giusto la settimana scorsa sono arrivate cinquanta lettere in risposta al documentario di una troupe televisiva che era venuta quel luned�� a riprendere i capelli lasciati a penzolare. Eccovi un estratto casuale da queste lettere:
Concord, New Hampshire
Cara Signora delle Ciocche, i Suoi capelli sono conturbanti e commoventi. Li amo. Non ho potuto vederLa in faccia sul nostro schermo a diciotto pollici, ma ho visto i Suoi capelli. Vedevo la Sua bella casa vittoriana. Ma stamattina lo psicologo della trasmissione ha detto che forse la chiave per spiegare il Suo fenomeno è la morte. Ha detto che i Suoi capelli lunghi sono il sintomo di una fobia della morte. Non lo sa che trapassiamo ad una vita più grande? Non lo sa che NON ESISTE una cosa come la morte? C’è solo il cambiamento. Morire è un’esperienza gloriosa per coloro cui capita e anche per coloro che resistono ancora un po’ è gloriosa, se possediamo un reale intendimento.
Sinceramente Sua, Beatrice Engle
Acton, Massachusetts
Cara Ciocchepazze, per piacere, cerchi di rendere il mondo più sano di mente non più pazzo – va già male abbastanza. Che Dio la benedica e la aiuti – lei ha bisogno di aiuto.
Senza firma.
Anne Sexton, Il libro della follia
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Casa Amor vibes 🏝✨ (at David Lloyd Clubs - Acton Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRv8jUGrMWj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Day 108: Sunday April 18, 2021 - “Baby Shower at The Finca”
Post Contributed by Audrie’s reflections after Baby Shower
O H B A B Y ! !
We were beyond SHOWERED with so much love! It was a downpour in the Old Pueblo yesterday! It felt like a monsoon of generosity, caring hands, smiling faces, joy, and happy presence. My tanks are so full of gratitude and love today!
When we think of our tribes, and how they create this unique village, it overwhelms me to know how incredibly blessed I am to be supported by the best kind of humans. All of those near and far that make an immense difference in my life. In our lives.
My family - they are my center. It all starts and ends here. And my friends — they are the chosen. And I can’t tell them all enough now grateful I am that they continue to choose me.
From my longest time bestie who rolled around in diapers with me, all the way up to the caring new neighbors (one that showed up with a literal truck-load of diapers & wipes!). And all the incredible beings in the middle that have stuck with me. They are all so loved and appreciated. And they really showed up today to love on us, and love on this tiny human in the womb.
To all those that were able to make it by the Actingham Casa yesterday and to all those that sent your love from afar, the love filled packages continue to arrive, and we are overwhelmed by the joy this little Acton-babe is already bring to our lives. Oh little one —The love you will feel when you are here! Gosh, all this for you still on the inside. The world is eagerly waiting for your safe and sound arrival.
There are no words to fully thank my wonder-woman-Sister! She is the one that put on the magic. She is genius. She is brilliance. And her time and energy gifted to us, the pictures don’t even do the beauty of the day justice. She thinks of every thing. Our carport was so beautiful! I didn’t want to take any of it down! And it wasn’t just my sister, but my brother in law too, he is the quiet helping artist hands behind so much of the beauty too, and he poured so much time and care into this beautiful day — We are so grateful.
And then there was all the hard work from my momma giving her countless endless hours at the sewing machine, making the handmade masks, the girls outfits, and the homemade blankets & nursing clothes for the baby! Thank you.
And of course the Hubby - Jake really put it on in the back yard to occupy busy kiddos, and family in the house, keeping our puppy children safe and happy, flipping burgers and monitoring the pool, making everyone feel welcomed and loved with full bellies and good memories here at our Finca. Jake acted as the bookends of the day keep the wheels on the bus moving.
We have yet to tackle the mountain of gifts that are mounting in our great room, we will dive into that next week after our Babymoon escape to San Carlos this weekend. We went to bed tonight, brains and bodies exhausted but hearts overflowing.
Song: Rising Appalachia - An Invitation, A Celebration
Quote: “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants." ~Isacc Newton
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Day 38-42 - Night Hiking to Tehachapi
The section between Acton (mile 444) and Tehachapi (mile 566) was hot, dry, "proper" desert. So we decided to not just skip the hottest part of the day by taking a siesta, but to completely turn our schedule around and do most of our miles at night. Typically that looked like: starting to hike around 1800-2000 stopping around 0100 to sleep for 3-4 hours, hiking some more until about 0800-1000, and then trying to sleep all afteroon.
Leaving Casa de Luna (mile 478), our first night took us past a small cave (mile 486) near Lake Hughes that was conveniently located for us to stop and sleep in. The cave was musty, but warmer than outside so we tried sleeping without our bags - just jackets. Gaelen woke up cold, but Ian was out cold instead.
The second night we arrived at a horse trailcamp (mile 508) where lots of people had set up tents - as it was the only water source around. Trying to set up tents quietly in the dark, we zonked out. The next morning Ian overslept, waking up just as Gaelen was leaving camp. Adjusting to the night hike schedule took some effort and wouldn't really click for a few nights. That day we hiked a bit longer into the day (well Ian did) to reach Hiker Town (mile 517) near Antelope Valley, CA where we spent the afternoon lounging. Hiker Heaven, Casa de Luna, and Hiker Town form a famous trio of layovers after which support from trail angels will begin to wane.
Our third night, we had a new experience in our journey: walking along the Los Angeles Aqueduct. For about 11 miles our elevation hardly changed as we followed one of the large pipes connecting water from the Owen's Valley to LA County. The Aqueduct system is as contentions of an historical issue as it is an engineering marvel (please read the Wikipedia article). Arriving early in the morning at the only tap into the pipe's precious cargo (mile 535), we laid out our bags to sleep. Ian woke up twice fully out in the blazing sun before moving to more permanent shade - suffering decent sunburns to his face, chest, and arms. Chilling with about a dozen other hikers under the bridge as they cycled through the shade like the hands on a clock was quite fun for Ian. Meanwhile, Gaelen had found a bad ass lean-to and slept the day away (perhaps the wiser choice?).
That evening we set out for another long-ish water carry, but right before Tylerhorse Canyon (mile 541) Ian's headlamp gave out. Hiking a few more miles by moonlight before it set behind the hills, we set up camp early that night. The next morning we set out to finish the push into town, but before noon we were driven to seek shelter. We stuggled to find any shade or respite from the sun... Ian eventually rigged his ground cloth and trekking poles into a semblance of a sunshade and tried to nap. By early afternoon Gaelen had had enough and decided to be miserable while at least gaining miles. Ian dithered for a few more hours before continuing. Meeting up at the last water before the highway, Ian dithered further in the oppressive heat while Gaelen reached town and booked a hotel. By the time Ian reached the highway (mile 566) it was 2100 and too dark for any motorists to see his thumb. Luckily, a bus brought him to the hotel by around 2230.
At Ian's request, we took a Zero day in Tehachapi. Ian's feet had been a constant bother since Santa Clarita and he began to suspect his shoes were partly to blame. It didn't seem right to be on the 3rd pair going on 4th at only 500 miles into the trek. Ian also needed to spend some time fighting with AT&T to switch from his old pre-paid plan to a standard plan, and acquire a new (temporary) headlamp. At least REI made it easy to have a (permanent) replacement mailed ahead to the next trail town. Ian's Nana had also sent cookies to celebrate reaching 500 miles - which we devoured!
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Ten tiny houses that make the most of their compact plots
Stacked volumes and space-saving floor plans feature in this roundup of 10 tiny houses around the world, from an Australian mobile cabin on wheels to a micro home in Tokyo with a pair of funnelled roofs.
Top: photo is by Studio Edwards. Above: photo is by Kai Nakamura
House Tokyo, Japan, by Unemori Architects
Japanese studio Unemori Architects built this corrugated steel-clad house comprising several stacked boxes on a 26-square-metre plot of land in densely populated Tokyo.
"You have to be experimental and clever with regards to its utmost usage and we looked towards how diverse and extendable the space could be within the tiny plot," said the studio.
Find out more about House Tokyo ›
Photo is by Studio Edwards
Base Cabin, Australia, by Studio Edwards
Base Cabin is a geometric micro home that features a sleek rubber skin and is mobile thanks to a set of wheels on which it can roll.
Melbourne-based Studio Edwards took cues from the recognisable A-frame hut for the cabin's design, which was created in this shape for its structural efficiency as well as to give a neat and compact appearance.
Find out more about Base Cabin ›
Photo is by Andrés Villota
Casa Parásito, Ecuador, by El Sindicato
With a floor plan of only 12 square metres, Casa Parásito is a tiny parasitic home that sits atop an urban building in Quito, on which it relies for support and services.
Architecture office El Sindicato attached the dwelling to the existing building with steel foundations and included a bathroom, kitchen, bed and living space in the design, as well as save-spacing storage areas.
Like Base Cabin, Casa Parásito is formed from an A-frame timber structure that aims to make the most of limited interior space.
Find out more about Casa Parásito ›
Photo is by Joe Fletcher
Koto x Abodu, USA, by Koto and Abodu
British studio Koto and American homebuilder Abodu created their eponymous collection of identical prefabricated Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) for sites in San Jose, California.
With a limited width of 4.26 metres, the Koto x Abodu model is designed to be easily transported and features various save-spacing elements – from storage under the home's only bed, to a built-in bench in the living room and a petite galley kitchen.
Find out more about Koto x Abodu ›
Photo is by Henry Woide
Jupp House, UK, by Phillips Tracey Architects
One-storey Jupp House was designed to replace an old garage and shed on a plot of land at the end of a suburban garden in Acton, London.
Local firm Phillips Tracey Architects clad the house in dark brick and grey zinc. Internal floor space of just 66 metres is made up of two connected wings that display an irregularly angled roofline.
Find out more about Jupp House ›
Photo is by Hoang Le
TH House, Vietnam, by ODDO Architects
Crowned emerging architecture studio of the year at the 2021 Dezeen Awards, Vietnamese practice ODDO Architects stacked five storeys onto a backland plot to create TH House, a family home in Hanoi.
Despite its only four-metre-wide and six-metre-deep site, the house is designed to feel bright and airy through the addition of lightwells and perforated walls that open out its interior spaces.
Find out more about TH House ›
Photo is by Ruy Teixeira
Casa Container, Brazil, by Marilia Pellegrini
Brazilian architect Marilia Pellegrini demonstrated the potential of reusing shipping containers by designing a micro show-home inside a pair and decorating the interiors with minimalist Nendo furniture.
Created in São Paulo, the repurposed Casa Container is comprised of two 12-metre long containers that have been covered in sleek white Dekton, highlighting how industrial objects can be disguised and transformed to create luxury housing.
Find out more about Casa Container ›
Photo is by Masao Nishikawa
Jewel, Japan, by Apollo Architects and Associates
A skinny, L-shaped structure defines Jewel by Apollo Architects and Associates, a black steel-clad home in Tokyo that is just 1.4-metres-wide on its smallest side.
Building with a crowded site in mind is a common approach to contemporary urban Japanese houses, due to finite and expensive land. For this project, the architecture firm was especially limited by the "flagpole" nature of the plot – square with a narrow approach in a heavily populated neighbourhood.
Find out more about Jewel ›
Photo is courtesy of Grimshaw Architects
The Peak, Australia, by Grimshaw Architects
Prompted by the desire to provide affordable housing for young people in urban parts of Australia, Grimshaw Architects designed a set of 35-square-metre micro homes for Kids Under Cover, a charity that supports the country's homeless youth.
Called The Peak, the non-profit prefabricated homes are especially created to accommodate affordable IKEA furniture and have high ceilings in order to give occupants a greater sense of space inside.
Find out more about The Peak ›
Photo is by Koji Fujii Nacasa and Partners
Love2 House, Japan, by Takeshi Hosaka
Architect Takeshi Hosaka built a tiny Tokyo house for himself and his wife that features a pair of funnel-like roofs that tops a total floor area of only 19 square metres.
The height of Love2 House's slanted ceilings opens out its compact interior, which features a dining table located in close proximity to the street, while skylights and a floor-to-ceiling sliding door connect indoor and outdoor spaces.
Find out more about Love2 ›
The post Ten tiny houses that make the most of their compact plots appeared first on Dezeen.
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WATCH // Year One Anthem - VALORANT from Carl Addy on Vimeo.
Director: Carl Addy Cinematographer: Menno Mans
Editor : Paul Hardcastle Colourist : Oisin O'Driscoll Sound : Phil Bolland
Directors Assistant : Alfie Johnson Script Writer : Bobby Lewis EP : Dougal Meese Live Acton Producer : Elliott Tagg Live Acton Producton Manager : Stephanie Werrell-Smyth Live Acton Producton Assistant : Nadine Leswi Live Acton Producer : Danika Casas, Theresa Marth New Business Producer (script consultant) : Josh Moore Sr Producer : Erin Hicke Producer : Kate Ryan Producton Coordinator : Aubrey Bang-Guerin
Costume Designer & Stylist: Ameena Kara Callender
Production Designer: Dan Betteridge
Service company: B2Y
2D 2D Lead : Peter Hodsman 2D Team : Adam Arnot, Alfie Vaughan, Dan Adams, Georgina Ford, Jay Bandlish, Mahesh Mane, Navin Kumar Nukala, Badrinath Chinimilli, Nithin Babu, Tarun Kemtur, Venkatesh Srinivasan, Arunraj T Asaithambi, Pushpendra Singh Bhadauriya, Sathya Sagar Kolli, Abhrajit Ganguly, Avinash Sapale, Dibin Dharmendran, Dipika Salunke, Dumpala Surender, Krishnakant Yadav, Manavi Saikrishna, Narendra Kumar, Nilesh Kale, Noti Malakondareddy, Pratheesh Ancheriyil, Ravi Naik, Romishbhai Sindhi, Saloni Mehta, Saurabh Patankar, Selvakumar Somasundaram, Shrikant Jadhav, Vignesh Rajendran, Washim Hasan, Pranay Ambolkar, Rakesh Gharti, Vijesh Sharma, Anilkumar Chauhan, Harish Kumar, Jyoti Nikam, Prasad Thorve, Gareth Parr Online : Philip Ineno, Holly McLean
CG CG Lead : Alan Williamson CG Team : Andreas Graichen, Gabrielius Burokas, Hannah Bahyan, Joao Pires, Joshua Cur%s, Paul Tempelman, Roman Vrbovsky, Tatjana Ljubimtseva, Tony Atherton, Vicky McIntyre, Rachel Ward, Risto Puukko, Adem Suleyman, Arunkumar Akavaram, Vikas Shinde, Aatish Ranjan1, Arpit Gangrade, Indrajeet Kumar, Manoj Ravi, Sathyaraj A, Showber Shadik, Upasana Choudhary, Verru Ramesh, Vinayak V, Subhankar Mazumdar, Agnimitra Sarkar, Vudatha Sai Krishna, Amal Arjun J P, Aritra Kumar Sarkar, Bhavesh Budhkar, Gauri Razdan, Girish GR, Krantikumar Rawat, Naveen Srinivasan, Sri Lahari Valmikam, Arnab BhaCacharya, Pradeep KaCa, Sudhir Verma, Vijay Mohan, K Yashwanth Deepak, Balamurugan-l, Bhushan Ghurade, Dongili Varaprasad, Nirgun Gawade, Santosh Ambre, Vivek Shedge, Daniel Stern
DESD Design Lead : Will MacNeil Design Team : Jessica Gaynor, Filiberto Chiarinelli, Ewan Davidson, Raquel Fernandes, Sam Singleton, Henry de Leon, Maxim Goudin
TK Colourist : Oisin O'Driscoll Colour Assist : Cassie Benedict, Jonathan Brandenburg, Billy Dawson, Cris%na Giribets, Megan Lee, Rory Leighton Colour Producer : Cameron Aper
EDIT Edit House : Trim Editor : Paul Hardcastle Assistant Editor : Joseph Henshaw Producer : Polly Kemp
AUDIO Audio House : Factory, UK Senior Sound Designer : Phil Bolland Head of Production : Lou Allen SIREN Executive Producer : Sian Rogers
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WATCH // Year One Anthem - VALORANT from Carl Addy on Vimeo.
Director: Carl Addy Cinematographer: Menno Mans
Editor : Paul Hardcastle Colourist : Oisin O'Driscoll Sound : Phil Bolland
Directors Assistant : Alfie Johnson Script Writer : Bobby Lewis EP : Dougal Meese Live Acton Producer : Elliott Tagg Live Acton Producton Manager : Stephanie Werrell-Smyth Live Acton Producton Assistant : Nadine Leswi Live Acton Producer : Danika Casas, Theresa Marth New Business Producer (script consultant) : Josh Moore Sr Producer : Erin Hicke Producer : Kate Ryan Producton Coordinator : Aubrey Bang-Guerin
Costume Designer & Stylist: Ameena Kara Callender
Production Designer: Dan Betteridge
Service company: B2Y
2D 2D Lead : Peter Hodsman 2D Team : Adam Arnot, Alfie Vaughan, Dan Adams, Georgina Ford, Jay Bandlish, Mahesh Mane, Navin Kumar Nukala, Badrinath Chinimilli, Nithin Babu, Tarun Kemtur, Venkatesh Srinivasan, Arunraj T Asaithambi, Pushpendra Singh Bhadauriya, Sathya Sagar Kolli, Abhrajit Ganguly, Avinash Sapale, Dibin Dharmendran, Dipika Salunke, Dumpala Surender, Krishnakant Yadav, Manavi Saikrishna, Narendra Kumar, Nilesh Kale, Noti Malakondareddy, Pratheesh Ancheriyil, Ravi Naik, Romishbhai Sindhi, Saloni Mehta, Saurabh Patankar, Selvakumar Somasundaram, Shrikant Jadhav, Vignesh Rajendran, Washim Hasan, Pranay Ambolkar, Rakesh Gharti, Vijesh Sharma, Anilkumar Chauhan, Harish Kumar, Jyoti Nikam, Prasad Thorve, Gareth Parr Online : Philip Ineno, Holly McLean
CG CG Lead : Alan Williamson CG Team : Andreas Graichen, Gabrielius Burokas, Hannah Bahyan, Joao Pires, Joshua Cur%s, Paul Tempelman, Roman Vrbovsky, Tatjana Ljubimtseva, Tony Atherton, Vicky McIntyre, Rachel Ward, Risto Puukko, Adem Suleyman, Arunkumar Akavaram, Vikas Shinde, Aatish Ranjan1, Arpit Gangrade, Indrajeet Kumar, Manoj Ravi, Sathyaraj A, Showber Shadik, Upasana Choudhary, Verru Ramesh, Vinayak V, Subhankar Mazumdar, Agnimitra Sarkar, Vudatha Sai Krishna, Amal Arjun J P, Aritra Kumar Sarkar, Bhavesh Budhkar, Gauri Razdan, Girish GR, Krantikumar Rawat, Naveen Srinivasan, Sri Lahari Valmikam, Arnab BhaCacharya, Pradeep KaCa, Sudhir Verma, Vijay Mohan, K Yashwanth Deepak, Balamurugan-l, Bhushan Ghurade, Dongili Varaprasad, Nirgun Gawade, Santosh Ambre, Vivek Shedge, Daniel Stern
DESD Design Lead : Will MacNeil Design Team : Jessica Gaynor, Filiberto Chiarinelli, Ewan Davidson, Raquel Fernandes, Sam Singleton, Henry de Leon, Maxim Goudin
TK Colourist : Oisin O'Driscoll Colour Assist : Cassie Benedict, Jonathan Brandenburg, Billy Dawson, Cris%na Giribets, Megan Lee, Rory Leighton Colour Producer : Cameron Aper
EDIT Edit House : Trim Editor : Paul Hardcastle Assistant Editor : Joseph Henshaw Producer : Polly Kemp
AUDIO Audio House : Factory, UK Senior Sound Designer : Phil Bolland Head of Production : Lou Allen SIREN Executive Producer : Sian Rogers
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