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wimpygirlwebtoon · 2 years ago
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Ah, the age old question of whether it's best to walk or run still perplexes many exercisers today, especially us older "turtle" fitness goddesses. Find out which is best for your at: https://wimpygirl.com/plato
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wimpygirlwebtoon · 3 years ago
The Real McCoy
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Do you want to be cool? Are you always worrying about what other people will think of you? I understand. But being a Wimpy Girl doesn't mean that you aren't true to yourself. Find out more at: https://wimpygirl.com/the-real-mccoy
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wimpygirlwebtoon · 2 years ago
We All Scream For...
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It's the most wonderful day of the year…well almost. It's National Ice Cream Day! Woo hoo! Get the "scoop" at: https://wimpygirl.com/we-all-scream-for
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wimpygirlwebtoon · 3 years ago
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The Backstory:
Remember junior high PE class?
In PE class, at my school, we had to wear awful shortie, one-piece blue jumpsuits. We all had to be in our assigned row by 5 minutes after the bell, suited up in our blue rompers, accompanied by dorky socks and even dorkier white tennis shoes. (Back then cool tennis shoes hadn’t been invented yet.)
Each row had a captain who went up and down the line to check to make sure we were properly clad because if we were missing something, like a sock, we had points deducted from our grade. It was probably the closest thing I’ve ever experienced that was militaristic and I shudder just thinking about it.
I was probably the nerdiest, dorkiest girl in the class, so I was always on time ready for whatever types of athleticism the coach had planned for the day.
One day, I was the first one out on the gym floor, and the coach told me not to waste time before class, that I should be stretching to prepare for exercise.
I knew how to do jumping jacks and windmills, but I had no clue what to do as far as a stretch. So, I faked it. And, it wasn’t until I became a more serious exerciser as an adult that I began to understand the importance of stretching.
Now, as a “seasoned” fitness fanatic, not stretching before attempting any kind of exercise session could knock you way off your game…permanently!
As you go through any stretching process it’s important to remember your breathing. Breath in deeply as you stretch and then exhale as you release. Try to hold each stretch for 30 seconds and don’t bounce. Push the stretch to the point where you feel tension, but not pain. It’s also a good idea to “walk it out” after you stretch just to get the blood flowing and your body ready for more strenuous exercise.
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wimpygirlwebtoon · 2 years ago
Runner's High
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As far as I know, runner's high is still legal in all 50 states, Canada and Mexico. It's one of the biggest reasons I run and exercise.
Runner's high is euphoric and makes me feel like I've got life figured out. I don't. But it feels that way. Find out all about it at: https://wimpygirl.com/runners-high
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wimpygirlwebtoon · 2 years ago
Hit the Books
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Calling all bibliophiles! It's National Book Lovers Day everyone! In honor of this great day, I've put together a list of some of my favorite exercise/running motivational and inspirational books at: https://wimpygirl.com/hit-the-books/
Happy reading!
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wimpygirlwebtoon · 3 years ago
Happy Independence Day
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wimpygirlwebtoon · 3 years ago
Just Joking
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Today is International Joke Day. It's a day to make everyone around the world smile, giggle or have a hearty belly laugh. Find out more at https://wimpygirl.com/just-joking …and have a hilariously happy day!
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wimpygirlwebtoon · 3 years ago
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No pain, no gain
Pain while exercising? That's a good thing! If you have pain while working out and it goes away shortly after, then you are fine. If you have pain while working out and it doesn't go away, then something not so good is going on. Learn how to tell which is which at: http://wimpygirl.com/pain
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wimpygirlwebtoon · 3 years ago
Make Friends with Veggies
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It's not just for kids! Today is National Eat Your Vegetables Day, so how about making friends with your favorite veggies and discovering some over-the-top cool facts about them at: https://wimpygirl.com/make-friends-with-veggies/
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wimpygirlwebtoon · 3 years ago
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The Backstory:
Today is:
Global Running Day
This may be the only way I'll ever get to run with Kenyans! It is absolutely free, and a great way to show our love of running.
This is so cool. When you pledge to run your name and country will be visible across the bottom marquee on the site! Get Moooo-ving Wimpy Girl!
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wimpygirlwebtoon · 3 years ago
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The Backstory:
I’ve always thought that tan fat looks better than white fat. So, for years, I was a sun worshipper, and if I couldn’t find the time to be outdoors basking, I frequented tanning beds. I owned a gym in the 90s that offered tanning beds, so believe me, for many years my fat looked go-o-o-d!
But fast forward about 20 years. Not only do I have so many freckles covering my body that my name should be changed to “Dot,” but I’ve had around 10 skin cancers removed. Scary.
The good thing about skin cancer is that, if you stay on top of it, they can be removed before they turn malignant. And even better, skin cancer can be prevented by protecting your skin by covering up or with sunscreen.
So today, National Sunscreen Day, let’s take a look at why protecting our skin is so important.
Coming Out of Hibernation
Finally, finally it’s almost summer! Who doesn’t love to feel the sun’s warmth on your skin after being cooped up all winter? And since we’ve been sheltering because of Covid-19, we are all anxious to get out and about. Ahhh, let the sunshine in.…whoa, slow down there cowgirl. Before you go out you should protect yourself from the same sun that feels so good.
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the US today. More than 3.5 million people are diagnosed with it each year.Basal cell and squamous cell cancers (I’ve had both) are the most common types, and they make up 95 percent of all skin cancers. It’s the ultraviolet rays of the sun that are so damaging, and even being exposed for 15 minutes is harmful.
Not all Sunscreens are Created Equal
Nowadays it’s important to be sunscreen savvy because there are a variety of lotions and sprays that provide UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) and claim to protect you from the sun. But before you go out and spend a fortune, it is important to embrace a few sun-safety myths. I sure wish I had known this stuff when I was a teen using baby oil with a few drops of iodine to fry myself.
Myth #1:
The higher the SPF, the more protection. Most people think that the higher the SPF is, the more protection you will have. For example, an SPF of 100 should provide three times the protection of and SPF 30, right? WRONG! A product with SPF 30 will block 97 percent of the sun’s rays. Higher SPF’s are pricier (got to love marketing ploys) and will only block 1-2 percent more. There is no product that can screen out 100 percent of the sun’s harmful rays. Also SPF has no impact on how long the product will protect you. A lower SPF product will protect just as long as a higher SPF. Typically any sunscreen will protect about 2 hours or less.
Myth #2:
If you wear any type of clothing while outdoors, you are protected from the sun. It is the type of clothing that you wear that is important for sun safety. Darker and brighter colors absorb more UV rays than white or pastel colors. Likewise, heavier, more tightly woven fabrics provide more protection. A white t-shirt offers very little protection, and if it’s wet, even less. Fortunately, there are new high-tech fabrics that offer sun protection, so it is important to read the labels when buying beachwear. A hat that has at least a 3-inch brim all the way around will help to shade your head. Wearing UV-filtering sunglasses will protect your eyes.
Myth #3:
You can’t get sunburned on a cloudy day Even on cloudy days, up to 90 percent of the sun’s rays can get through to your skin. Since you can’t feel the heat of the sun on a cloudy day, you may be tempted to do without sunscreen. Don’t. No mater how cloudy, you can still burn.
Myth #4:
My makeup foundation has sunscreen. I don’t need anything else. This one I’ve said A LOT in my younger days. It’s true that makeup with SPF does provide protection, but it doesn’t work as well as traditional sunscreen. And generally you apply a thin layer of foundation without applying it to your ears, throat and the back of your neck. So even if your makeup has a built-in SPF, you should also use a regular sunscreen as well.
Myth #5:
Sun is sun. It doesn’t mater what time you go out in it. UV rays are strongest when the sun is peaking in the sky – about 10am until 4pm. If at all possible, you should avoid extended sun exposure during this time. If it can’t be helped, make sure you wear protective clothing and apply lots of sunblock.
Myth #6:
If you have dark-colored skin, you don’t need sunscreen. While dark-colored skin may not burn as easily as fair skin, the sun can still damage it. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends that everyone, no matter what color their skin is, should wear sunscreen, because everyone, no mater what race, gender or age can get skin cancer.
Myth #7:
Harmful UV rays cannot penetrate through glass Glass, like car windows, does block UVB rays, but not UVA. UVA rays can cause skin cancer. If you are sitting next to a window during a long car trip or if your office desk is next to a window, your skin could become damaged. Likewise, windows of airplanes, busses and trains do not filter out UVA rays, so it’s best to protect your skin while traveling even if you are not directly exposed to the sun outdoors.
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) publishes an annual guide to sunscreens. The group has reviewed and tested over 1300 sunscreens, so before you buy, you might want to check it out.
Read the Labels
Here are a few things that are important when selecting a sunscreen:
Broad Spectrum SPF 15-50. If a sunscreen is labeled as having “broad spectrum” that means that it filters out both UVA and UVB rays. This is a good thing. Water-Resistant. No sunscreen can claim that it is waterproof, but it can be labeled as water resistant for either 40 or 80 minutes. After you swim, it’s best to reapply regardless of the time designation. Mineral Based. These products contain zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide and will be less likely to irritate sensitive skin. Oxybenzone and Retinyl Palmitate. Avoid any product that contains these. Both can absorb into the body and cause allergic reactions, especially in children. They are not approved by the FDA. Powders and Sprays. It’s best not use spray-on or powder sunscreens because it is difficult to tell if the skin is completely covered. Also, an aerosol could cause problems if it is inhaled.
Expiration Date. Just like food and batteries, your sunscreen’s effectiveness can expire. The FDA requires that all sunscreens have ingredients that will last 3 years, but after that, you can’t be sure of the effectiveness. If you are pulling out sunscreen from previous years’ vacations, make sure you check the expiration date before use.
Wow! A lot to think about, huh? I’ll admit this might be screaming “TMI! TMI!” but, because of the mistakes I’ve made with my skin, I am a crusader for good skin protection. This is stuff I never realized, and then, it was too late. White fat doesn’t look that bad to me now.
Slather on the sunscreen Wimpy Girl, and enjoy your summer!
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wimpygirlwebtoon · 3 years ago
Asparagus Tips
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The Backstory:
Today is National Asparagus Day! 
May 24, 2022 Celebrated each year on this day
So, Let’s Discuss Asparagus
Did you know that asparagus is a member of the lily family?
The name asparagus comes from the Greeks and meant “sprout” or “shoot. Way before humankind knew anything about the benefits of super foods (like about 2000 years ago), folks in the Mediterranean area prized asparagus stalks because of their unique texture, as well as their medicinal and aphrodisiacal benefits. Oh really???
Asparagus grows in sandy soil, and can grow up to 10 inches in a 24-hour period.  And it comes in 3 colors: green, white and purple. White is probably the rarest of the three because it is so delicate, making it difficult to harvest. Purple asparagus is supposedly much smaller, but I have to admit, I’ve never seen a purple asparagus. 
Nutri-toon Details
Asparagus is one of the most nutritious veggies you can eat. It’s high in folic acid and potassium, fiber, thiamin and vitamins A, B6 and C. 
It can be eaten raw (supposedly – I’ve never done it) or cooked. It’s a quickie as far as cooking goes. The ancient Greeks and Romans used it for bee stings and toothaches, and more recently it’s been touted to cure hangovers. Go figure.
I guess nowadays asparagus spears would be considered “influencers” because of their plethora of tips…wink, wink!
How long has it been since you’ve had a few spears? For this Wimpy Girl, too long!
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wimpygirlwebtoon · 3 years ago
Friday the Thirteenth
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The Backstory:
So, I’ve just got to know. When you woke up this morning and realized that it is Friday the 13th, did you stop and think, “Oh, wonderful. More than likely, it’s going to be a bad day.”
I know, I know, you are not a doom-and-gloom Debbie Downer, and you probably won’t let a mere number or a day of the week effect your joy…or luck. But, come on, I bet you hesitated and vowed to be extra careful throughout the day, just in case. I know I did.
So where on earth did this hokey superstition come from, and why on earth have so many people through the ages been spooked by it?
People Didn’t Just Make this Stuff Up
Just like walking under a ladder, crossing the path of a black cat, and breaking a mirror, Friday the 13th has long been considered a harbinger of bad luck. (Just ask the cast of the Friday the Thirteenth horror film series.) Nobody is quite sure who or where it started, but it was a long, long time ago.
In western cultures, the number 12 is considered “complete.” For example, there are 12 months, 12 days of Christmas, 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 labors of Hercules, 12 tribes of Israel, and 12 eggs in a carton…things like that. But 13? It’s kind of an oddball number. How many 13th floors can you find in tall buildings? According to people who keep up with stuff like this, at least 80% of all tall buildings in the United States do NOT have a 13th floor. Most hospitals and airports also avoid using the number 13 for rooms and gates. The fear of the number 13 even has its own psychological term: triskaidekaphobia.
So, What’s So Mean About 13?
The 13th of the month probably got its unlucky designation about 700 BC when the poet Hesiod warned farmers about how unlucky it was to plant their crops on this day. It had something to do with the waxing of the moon. 
Many early Christians believed that because there were 13 guests at the table during the Last Supper it was a bad omen. And for a long time for dinner parties, gatherings, etc. folks believed it was extremely unlucky to seat 13 people at a table for a meal. It just wasn’t done.
During the late 19th century Captain William Fowler, a New Yorker, tried his best to remove the doom and gloom stigma surrounding the number by creating an exclusive society called The Thirteen Club. The group dined regularly on the 13th of each month in room 13 of Knickerbocker Cottage. They had a 13-course meal and before being seated each would walk under a ladder bearing a banner which read “Morituri te Salutamus,” Latin for “Those who are about to die salute you.” Four US presidents were members: Chester Arthur, Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison and Teddy Roosevelt.
So, What’s So Freaky About Friday?
So all this is well and good, but why is Friday considered so ill-fated? It couldn’t have popped up from nowhere. It’s the day before the weekend, TGIF, for heavens sake.
Again, many suggest that Friday’s negative rap was based with early Christian tradition. Jesus was crucified on a Friday. It was also said that Eve gave Adam the apple on Friday and Cain killed Able on (you guessed it) a Friday. Hmmm…I didn’t realize they had calendars back then.
Chaucer in Canterbury Tales fashioned Friday as “a day of misfortune.” But remember that Chaucer’s works are packed with irony and sarcasm. He would be a great Internet troll today. Nobody is quite sure if he was being superstitious or sardonic.
If you fast forward a few hundred years the English playwright Richard Flecknoe penned,
“Now Friday came, you old wives say, Of all the week’s the unluckiest day.”
Gotta love those old wives.
Mix Friday and 13 Together and KA-POW!
In recent history, there are many recognizable dates that that were the harbingers of terrible things. For example, December 7 – Pearl Harbor Bombing, and September 11 – Twin Towers Disaster were very grim days. But Friday the 13th has caused fear for centuries.
It was on Friday, October 13, 1307, that King Philip IV of France had hundreds of the Knights Templar arrested. Philip accused them of all sorts of illegal behaviors, but he actually wanted access to their vast financial wealth. Many of the Templars were executed and many think this was the start of the superstition.
But even more think that it wasn’t until the early 20th century that the combination (Friday + 13) really “set in” as something to fear. In 1907, Thomas Lawson wrote a book called Friday, the Thirteenth. Lawson was a stock market promoter (think Wolf of Wall Street) and created a fictional tale of a stockbroker who deliberately crashed the market on this fateful day. Lawson may be devilishly pleased that the stir his work caused has lasted over 100 years. Today, the fear of Friday the 13th habitually causes a loss of between $700-900 million in revenue because shoppers and investors don’t was to “press their luck” on that day. You can fly cheaper on Friday the 13th because no one wants to be in the air on the unluckiest day of the year. Blame Lawson.
On a more positive note, car insurance companies report that there are FEWER accidents on Friday the 13th. Everyone is being super careful, I guess.
So how’s it going to be for you today? Are you going to blow it off, take the middle ground and just be cautious, or hunker down in your safe place until midnight of the 14th?
Things have been quirky the past few years. So, who knows what might happen?
Frankly, to me, it’s just another day. I’m always cautious anyway…generally. Okay, maybe I’ll be a little more cautious today AFTER I’ve had my coffee.
And, if you are thinking of staying hidden, out of fear, my advice is to you is to throw a little salt over your shoulder and enjoy the day. You’ll be fine.
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wimpygirlwebtoon · 3 years ago
5k Runner's Prayer
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The Backstory
National Fitness Day is celebrated in the United States on the first Saturday of May. That’s tomorrow, so you have one day to plan how you are going to celebrate.
Being active and involved in some sort of fitness program can not only change your life, it can extend your life and in some cases save it.
Did you realize that:
♥ Your strongest muscle is your HEART! Just like any other muscle in your body, it needs to be exercised.
♥ The average person will walk about 70,000 miles in their lifetime. I’ll bet Fitbit is glad to hear this.
♥ Our bodies burn an extra 50 calories per day for every pound of muscle gained.
♥ No matter what your age or size, exercise is beneficial. It’s always going to be good for you.
♥ People who exercise for an hour a day, 7 days a week are 40% less likely to die early.  I don’t do 7 days a week, but I normally do 5. If, for whatever reason, I go for more than 3 days in a row without doing something, any kind of exercise, I morph into Snarky Girl. Not a good thing.
♥ Exercising regularly can help you sleep better.
♥ A brisk walk burns almost as many calories as jogging the same distance! Hip-hip-hooray!
♥ It takes about 6-8 weeks for your body to adjust to a new exercise program. Unfortunately most people give up too soon. Patience wins the medal when it comes to fitness.
♥ Weight training increases the number of calories you burn while resting.
♥ Only 10% of all people lose weight by dieting alone.
Okay, so being actively doing some sort of fitness program is a no -brainer.  But, what if you are already into some sort of exercise regimen. How can you keep motivated, and what can you do to celebrate Fitness Day?
Frankly, for me, running can get monotonous if you do the same path every day.  And staring at a screen while on a treadmill at the gym can get old. So, here’s a few ideas to keep you going:
Music Moves the Soul…and Your Feet
For me, running or exercising without music is like having a root canal without deadening. I’ve put in a lot of miles on a treadmill, and I know everyone around me knows when one of my favorite songs comes up on my playlist. In true Wimpy Girl style, I listen to a lot of Disney and show tunes. Capt’n Clean never works out next to me at the gym.
Variety Spices up Everything
For trail running, this is easy. If you get bored with one path, simply find another one. One clever app that I found for trail runners (and brisk walkers) is Zombie Run. There are all different levels, but basically, you (Runner  5) are one of the few survivors of a zombie epidemic and the app talks you through each of your runs as if you have been assigned tasks to help the human race survive. It’s great interval training because you have to speed up when a zombie starts chasing you. Sound effects are great!
If you are into a regular gym routine that is getting old, try a fitness class, or different kinds of cardio or weights. Get a trainer to help suggest different kinds of things you can do. Remember when you are bored with your exercise plan, your brain is going to come up with a plethora of excuses NOT to exercise. “New” is a good way to keep your  body moving.
Try…gulp…A Race
For me, during my lifetime, the scariest thing I’ve ever done was running my first 5k race. Okay, maybe not the scariest, but it was in the top 5.
If you can get past the “I’m old, I’m fat, I’m not athletic, I run like a dork, my stomach hurts” part, you might fall in love with it, like I did.
Most race runners are a little quirky, and fun people to hang with. They are encouragers. When you go across the finish line, they are there to applaud and whoop it up for you, even if they lapped you during the race.
If you are over 55 years old, for most medium-sized races (200-500 runners) your odds of winning a medal are pretty good. If you are over 65, your chances are even better. And, if you are in your 70s, placing in your age group is a given.
Heck, in one race, I was beat by an 86 year old woman. In another race, I got confused at the end, ran around all the vendor tents and ended up crossing the finish line from the opposite way! I ran another race benefitting brain cancer and there were folks who had had tumors removed from their brains that beat me. In fact, some of them could have probably carried me across the finish line, and I’m a big girl.
I’ve never been dead last in a race, and chances are, if you’ve been doing some sort exercise, you won’t either.
But you know what? Even if you are the very last one to mosey across the finish line, you are a winner because you have accomplished an incredible feat in loving your body enough to take care of it through exercise.
So, how are celebrating National Fitness Day tomorrow?
Get up and get moving Wimpy Girl!
Happy National Fitness Day!
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wimpygirlwebtoon · 3 years ago
In the Jeans
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The Backstory:
Hooray! Hooray! It’s National Salad Day!
Today, and actually all month, is a great time to pop some green by eating a plant!
I’ll bet you didn’t know that the Association for Dressing and Sauces created this event in 1992? I didn’t think so. Good trivia fodder for Jeopardy!
National Salad Month encourages us to incorporate more salads into our daily diet. You might say it ‘s a call to turn over a new leaf, change eating habits and get creative with salads. 
Days of Salads Past
The inquiring-mind geek in me found these absolutely riveting historical facts about salads:
4th Century BC Cheers for Chard  Aristotle wrote about the benefits of swiss chard.
1504 A Good Salad is a Work of Art In a painting called “Leda,” Leonardo di Vinci depicted the goddess of fertility holding a bouquet of lettuce. He was the first artist to paint salad.
1894 Ice, Ice Baby Iceberg lettuce was developed as a solution to long distance shipping issues.
1924 Hail Caesar! Not Julius, but rather Italian Chef Caesar Cardini, created (you guessed it) the Caesar salad. However, his version left out the  anchovies (fine with me) and only permitted the use of Italian olive oil.
1939 Belly Up to the Bar A Chicago restaurant opened the first salad bar.
Why Celebrate?
You may love salads, but if you are like me, you might not eat enough. And I have to be careful not to have a little salad with my dressing. Oh, how I love blue cheese. Even if cheese, another fatty dressing, or tortilla chips are prominently featured in your salads, you’re still bound to get some valuable nutrients from whatever veggies or protein may be hiding under the yummy stuff. But, this would be an excellent time to wean yourself off the fatty things that will make your jeans bulge.
Actually, I’ve come to love a green salad with an olive oil/balsamic vinegar dressing with a few mini-chunks of feta cheese. It will never beat blue cheese dressing, but my jeans thank me.
It’s Not so Easy Eating Green
If a plate of greenery makes you want to barf, don’t despair. We’ve got all month to celebrate, by experimenting and getting creative with salads. It’s okay to get fruity too. 
And remember, there’s very little guilt about eating salad. You shouldn’t feel bad about going back for seconds…and thirds! You are getting tons of nutritional value from chowing down.
A Cartoon Character Boosts US Salad Consumption
As much as I’d love to boast that this week’s toon helped folks eat more salad and get healthier, alas, it’s probably not going to have a nationwide impact.
But in the 1930’s the spinach and lettuce growers saw a 33% demand when a salty sailor named Popeye consistently saved the day and became invincible by wolfing down his spinach. 
Gotta love a guy with arms like that!
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Now, go work on yours, and enjoy your salads this month!
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