#carpe diem hardware
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kristinanw · 1 year ago
Boston Galley
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An undermount sink, raised-panel cabinets, dark wood cabinets, quartzite countertops, and porcelain backsplash are featured in this medium-sized, elegant galley wet bar image.
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cattownshend · 1 year ago
Boston Galley
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An undermount sink, raised-panel cabinets, dark wood cabinets, quartzite countertops, and porcelain backsplash are featured in this medium-sized, elegant galley wet bar image.
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undohersad · 1 year ago
Boston Galley
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An undermount sink, raised-panel cabinets, dark wood cabinets, quartzite countertops, and porcelain backsplash are featured in this medium-sized, elegant galley wet bar image.
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checkndartz · 1 year ago
Boston Galley
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An undermount sink, raised-panel cabinets, dark wood cabinets, quartzite countertops, and porcelain backsplash are featured in this medium-sized, elegant galley wet bar image.
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londynwatson · 2 years ago
Boston Galley
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An undermount sink, raised-panel cabinets, dark wood cabinets, quartzite countertops, and porcelain backsplash are featured in this medium-sized, elegant galley wet bar image.
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Boston Galley
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An undermount sink, raised-panel cabinets, dark wood cabinets, quartzite countertops, and porcelain backsplash are featured in this medium-sized, elegant galley wet bar image.
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titleelovessomerhalder · 2 years ago
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Boston Traditional Home Bar An undermount sink, raised-panel cabinets, dark wood cabinets, quartzite countertops, and porcelain backsplash are featured in this medium-sized, elegant galley wet bar image.
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tomlaceyart · 2 years ago
Boston Galley
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An undermount sink, raised-panel cabinets, dark wood cabinets, quartzite countertops, and porcelain backsplash are featured in this medium-sized, elegant galley wet bar image.
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acontinues · 2 years ago
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Carpe diem Python leather shirt with silver snake hardware
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ibs-gateway · 2 years ago
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Boston Galley
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cosmicanger · 2 years ago
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Carpe diem Malaysian Python vest with 925 hardware
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futuretechno331-blog · 8 years ago
Weekend Project: It’s Time to Clean Your Computer, Inside and Out
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IT’S A TEDIOUS task you’ve been putting off for what could be years. But this is finally the weekend you do it; you’re going to clean your computer inside and out. That means scrubbing down those keys, wiping the fossilized fingerprints off your screen and deleting all the files that secretly downloaded when you were trying to figure out how to make a GIF.
WIRED’s Weekend Project is a series consisting of tasks you can do in your spare time to help make your life easier, increase productivity, or just build something really cool.
You Will Need
A microfiber cloth
Soft cloths for cleaning (don’t use paper towels)
Isopropyl alcohol
An hour or two
Exterior Cleaning
Before doing anything, you need to turn off your device. Unplug it as well. This is the most important step. If you don’t follow it you could do some serious damage to the hardware.
Clean the Exterior Take a soft cloth (a microfiber cloth is recommended), slightly dampen it with water and start scrubbing. Be careful when going around ports, you don’t want any liquid getting in there.
Screen Start cleaning the screen by wiping it down with a dry cloth. Go from corner to corner. Next, take the cloth and dampen it with some water. If you don’t think plain old water will get the job done, you could make a cleaning solution with 50 percent vinegar and 50 percent water. But don’t use cleaning solutions. In fact there are a lot of “Don’ts” when cleaning computers, so it’s best just to follow these instructions. Speaking of which, don’t drench the cloth. If it’s dripping wet, you overdid it.
Run the cloth over the screen. If you want to wipe in a wax on, wax off motion, that’s fine, but don’t get overzealous with your scrubbing; you’re not waxing a Ford Mustang.
Keyboard If you’re a multitasking heathen who eats while using the computer… well, you’re just like everyone else. It also means you have crumbs between, on, or inside your keys. You need to get those out before you come in with the damp cloth—like sweeping the floor before mopping.
Use a can of compressed air to clear the crumbs from the surface. If you don’t have one, a small fan may work and if you’re really desperate, you could employ a drinking straw and use lung-generated wind power. Just get the crumbs out.
Next, take out a clean cloth, the isopropyl alcohol, and some Q-tips. Take the cloth and dampen it with the alcohol. Run the cloth over the keys and make them shiny. Then take the Q-tip and get in-between the keys. You can dip the Q-tip in alcohol, but stop short of a full soak; you don’t want a puddle of alcohol to spew out when you press down.
Once you’ve run the key maze, the alcohol should dry within a matter of minutes. Voila, you’re halfway done to completely cleaning your computer.
Interior Cleaning
The inside of your machine is probably filled with more crap than the outside was. Boot your computer up and get ready to do the real dirty work.
Delete Files in Windows Windows 10 comes with an excellent storage manager. In the Settings app, click on System, then Storage. In this view, you can identify the folders taking up the most space, then sift through these to delete the largest files you don’t need anymore.
Chances are, your computer came with a bunch of programs pre-installed that you’ve never used, or that you don’t want. Get rid of these. Within the Settings app, click on Apps & Features, then find those apps you never use and delete them.
Next, launch the Disk Cleanup utility. It allows you to erase temporary files, which may improve the speed of your computer, and system files, which will free up some storage space.
That’s enough to earn you a few gigabytes of disk space. If you’re still hurting for space, there’s more to be done—Windows 10 is full of little hiding places for backups and temporary files. Thankfully, Microsoft has included several different cleanup tools with the OS, and the company offers an online guide to completing a thorough cleaning.
Delete Files in macOS Macs don’t come with a Disk Cleanup equivalent. To delete unnecessary files, you’re either going to have to pay for software to do it for you, or do it yourself. The latter will take some time, but at least it will be a walk down memory lane.
To to do a manual clean, target your Downloads folder, your Applications folder, and the “All My Files” view. For each one, launch a Finder window and go into List view: Choose View > As List, or click the List View button at the top of the Finder window. From here, you can sort the files based on size, with the largest files at the top of the list. This will help you can catch the biggest space eaters first.
You can also sort by file type. If you know you have a ton of videos lying around from when you tried to make a Star Wars supercut using scenes from the first six movies, you can find and delete them all at once by choosing “Kind” and finding the .mp4 files all clustered together.
Lastly, right click on the column headers in Finder and select “Date Last Opened.” This will let you sort your list to show you the things you haven’t touched in years. This is especially helpful in Applications—those apps you downloaded in 2011 and haven’t used since? Ditch them!
Zap Device Backups Do you have an iPhone or iPad? Go into iTunes’s preferences and click on Devices. If you see any backups for old devices you don’t use anymore (or devices you’re now backing up to the cloud), get rid of those.
Erase the Past Clearing your browser history is another way to cleanse your computer of toxins and hogged space. Go into your web browser of choice, open the preferences, and flush that browser history. You may have to reload some images and files the next time you browse, but you’ll free up hundreds of megabytes of space.
Finish the Job After clearing out all the gunk, empty the trash, which will delete these files and apps. Finally—and this is important—reboot your computer.
Curate Your Feeds After rebooting, there’s one more item that you’re going to want to clean out, and it doesn’t have anything to deleting items, it has to do with deleting friends. Not real friends; Twitter followers and Facebook friends. The ones you haven’t thought about in years, and the people who bring the least value to your social media experience. Take the time to go through everyone you follow and do not be afraid to make some deep cuts. The same logic applies to Snapchat and Instagram. It’s good practice to trim the fat out of your social feeds regularly, so carpe diem and clean house.
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arplis · 5 years ago
Google Alert - "Towel Hooks": Carpe Diem Hardware 1483-3 Aphrodite Shell and Column with Rosette Top Large Hook Antique ...
Carpe Diem Hardware 1483-3 Aphrodite Shell and Column with Rosette Top Large Hook, Antique Brass - Bath Towel Hooks -. Google Alert - "Towel Hooks" source https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://burkhart-engineering.com/Hardware-14833-Aphrodite-Shell-and-Column-with-Rosette-Top-676904/&ct=ga&cd=CAIyHDVjOGJiZmI1NmExY2E5NjA6Y29tOmVuOlVTOlI&usg=AFQjCNFhk9GqQwLk2dQRsVG0BoKSAlZ-sA
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librarieseverywhere · 5 years ago
on remembering
i wish i remembered to write down everything, like how Clem gets so comfortable in my lap sometimes that she rolls off, or how the shower smells so good right when you first turn the water on here. It’s probably one of the best showers we’ll ever have. 
Clem has diabetes, and it’s been hard. We’re still trying to get the insulin dose right, and the timing. She eats the food, now, and that is good. she’s put on a little weight, but she seems tired. I look at her and wonder if she’s older than we’ve thought. 
What are cats for, if not for noticing? if not for slowing down time and bringing you into the present moment? But how often do I sit with the cat purring in my lap, while I stare at my phone, scrolling through instagram. Still, she ties me to here. 
Like last summer, when B was out of town, and it was hot and sticky and I didn’t feel very good, and after I swam my laps at the pool, I came and laid on the couch and watched the week’s worth of Colbert episodes and Clem lay across me, and next to me for the whole time. 
Or the morning where she smashed into the window trying to get a bird, and jumped up, clinging to the window ledge, smashing a picture frame in the process. 
How about how every single morning she jumps up on to the bed with a little squeak and starts to nudge me awake? the sound of her footsteps on the stairs? the way she watches the birds out the back door, tail twitching? I want to soak it all in. I wish I recorded every moment, because while now it seems long, it won’t be. Someday, we’ll come to a day, when Clem is only in our memories. Now, when I think about the next 10 years, they loom large, but if I haven’t learned yet, they go, and soon you will be through them, on the other side. We forget to look back, only to the next 10 years from there. 
I’m only taking it a day at a time now, wishing more than anything to be on the other side of this. Still, it is my life. 10 weeks have passed this way. My trip is a distant memory. 
I thought of other things to record, and then i forgot, my mind jumps around so much, I’m always so scattered, I rarely follow through. I’m not so motivated when it comes to work or creativity - another form of work. I seek adventures and social outlets. I distract myself with pleasure. 
Though I love my work, and if I can get myself to dig in, my head swims with ideas that I can’t write down fast enough. The same with creativity - I have ideas. It’s not all crazy when I jealously stalk the journalists on Twitter- a part of me really believes I could do it. But I just don’t have the drive. 
I’ve been thinking about time, too, here, because what has been such a scary, stressful, grievous time in my short life, will surely be just a blip in the history books later. We won’t remember. The world will forget us, those who were not here will not care. 
I’ve never thought much about what it might have been like to live through the Depression or WWII. 
Why would anyone care that I couldn’t leave my house for 10 weeks? That we questioned everything - maybe some of us for the first time ?
We found out today that we’re moving - we’re excited, but as always, i’m sad, too. The house was good to us. It’s too good for us, hence the problem. The apartment will be “right-sized” and for that, we should be excited. a place we can afford on our own. 
sometimes, i forget to miss my life, to grieve, to pray, to hold a moment for those who are suffering the most, and for the life that could have been. sometimes, i’m consumed by it.
It’s memorial day weekend, but i won’t be wearing my vacation dress and setting off to camp. the energy isn’t there, not this year, because we have a stay at home order. my favorite holiday of the year. i’ve let it go. i’m not too sad about it. i’ve let is all go and just pray for a future where this isn’t a problem anymore. 
i’m supposed to pray for not going back to normal, but so much of what i want is monday night yoga and memorial day in virginia. I want my life from the last few years to be frozen in place, for no one to go anywhere. I want to tell these past years, “thank you” For Clem, for Andrea, for NYAPC, for Ellen, for Chris and Meredith, Gayle and Richard, the Pub and the People. Thank you for the vacation dress and Eckington and Mexico and Argentina. Thank you for live music and cook outs and healthy bodies. 
So clearly, I see now - I had everythign I ever wanted. My life was going up - my career was finetuning, my community was gathering, my dreams were there - lurking in the way i lived. 
we rush, even now, and i don’t sit with my thoughts. i don’t remember the tragedy around me. i get distracted and worried and agitated - about clem’s diabetes and money and moving and work and not working enough and being bored. 
I don’t write everything down - i had a poetic thought earlier that I wanted to write, poignantly, just drop it into a post and leave it. I forgot it, my mind now skimming frantically over the day. 
Something below the surface feels not quite right - and I’ll forget that nothing is quite right - that I should be wakng up on a schedule and riding my bike to Dupont and then coming home, maybe pretty tired, maybe sweaty, maybe with a million things to do, maybe after stopping for yoga or a play at woolly mammoth, or just a drink with a friend. 
those things seem impossible now, and they are. my days now are only tied to the time of the insulin injections - 8:15a and 8:15p. When would i go to dnner with friends? maybe we’ll live like this forever, after all. 
the world is still there, that’s what’s so strange. you can still call front royal canoe and make a reservation. you can take a walk and realize that all these other people are going to work, at the hardware store, the drug store, the Target, the Harris Teeter. They’re doing construction or rescheduling appointments at the dentist’s office. 
The deeper we get into this , the more we see how much we really can let go of, how little we need, how much we can detach. Another world is possible, indeed. They’ve gutted mine. Essential services are Netflix, FedEx, and Amazon. It’s uncanny. If I were the paranoid type, I might truly believe I was just a character in someone’s play brimming with sympolism and cultural critique. 
I got my teeth cleaned yesterday. Tomorrow I’ll vote, go for a run. The weekend stretches before us, tied only with the 8-8 rhythm. We’ll take the cat back to the vet Tuesday only to sit down to a condensed week. In a normal life, I might’ve taken Tuesday off - carpe diem! - salute the summer, and all that would have laid before me. 
I’m losing steam here, but I mind doesn’t feel done. like i’ve got so much more. I do. I need to pray - to say thank you and I’m sorry. I need to remember what sacredness is, to recite beloved poems and words, to hear them reverberate in me. Prayer, I know, is what makes me a more understanding, deeper person. Ocean Vuyong said something to the effect of what i always think - just going for a walk is my prayer - and so i say now - my rage, my sorrow, my joy, my anxiety, these are all my prayers. when i notice the trees, when i smile at my beloved cat, when i see a friend, when i hear a siren, when i wail with anger at the unfathomable circumstances we find ourselves in - these are my prayers - these are the moments of my life .There are only sacred and desacrated places. 
God, we are all you. You are in every detail, in all creatures, in every moment. Help me to slow down, to notice. That’s what love is. 
God, help me. Be with us - let this thing end. 
My work, too, gets in my head, and i think - shouldn’t i be learning more? doing more? becoming an expert in something? picking up a craft? demonstrating my creative side? prepping for a marathon? mostly i eat, but we’ve gotten tired of cooking. I read some, but we watch tv more. i shower when i don’t need to and i order things online that ship to my house. we complain and we fight. we’re here alone, without Ellen, and we miss her. We’ll miss this big old house. what we had was so fleeting, but it was good. 
I feel like my time has not been enough. like i should have done more. at least for work - learning more, trying more, building more, doing PD, and reading all the articles. i can barely see one day ahead. 
still i build in so much crap into my life - i keep busy and i forget to call my mother. i think about moving and vacation and gardens and take out food. I think about my 5 year plan and what i should do with my furlough time and what my research interests are and if i should apply for my PhD, now, and do it remote? would that be worth it? also, how do you make virtual experiences worth it? I should be trying to do interesting teaching strategies. 
I think about Clem and cat diabetes and new make up tips because I look at the internet too much. I wonder if my hair is getting uglier (it is) and if i should volunteer/help/donate money/send notes. i try to be good, but sometmes i forget to try, and then i just stare at my computer screen, flicking between twitter and email and blogs and maybe halfheartedly thinking about work, but at least i should have gotten up if i wasnt going to do any work. and then we watch tv. sometimes that’s all it is. sometimes i do online yoga or we skype a friend. sometimes we take a walk, but there’s nowhere to go. sometimes there are so many after work hours but i don’t call anyone or read my book or anything. sometimes, we go to bed and wake up late the next day. 
i should :
do my geography /sociology degree
a library degree
my Jon Batiste collage
learn to sing and play the banjo
read dozens of books and journal what i learn, really hold them in my heart
pray and pray and pray and contemplate and remember Roger and remember the Zapatistas and remember that my spirituality makes me more interesting, that my soul craves that connection in it’s core, that my love for NYAPC is huge, the place where 9th graders learn that God has no gender and that creation care is a critical part of being Christian. That politics are informed by our faith and that’s why we march and feed the hungry and demand clean air and clean water and a habitable future. 
i’m rambling. i’m hungry. so is clem. i’m sad we’re moving but happy to find another place i’m worried about money but we have plenty. i’m tired but don’t know what i’d do anymore anyway, or how to begin again. 
but maybe this, to vow again, to write, to pray, to contemplate, to share, to record. days and times and habits, they slip away and we don’t notice. 
like when i used to try and make smoothies - that was for a few years, but i don’t do that anymore. or when we used to eat bread and olive oil, like we did in spain, but somehow we stopped. nothing actually is constant - you learn that. i’m 33 and i remember being 23 both like it was yesterday and like that probably wasnt even me, just a movie i watched. i’m nostalgic for yesterday and 10 years ago and i wouldn’t change a thing and i wish i could try something totally different. it’s a mess, this whole thing, and i should at least make something beaiutiful out of it. like Mary Oliver, who knew to be joy and light anyway. 
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alltagsvlog · 5 years ago
Dies ist übrigens eine generierte Seite. Zum original Blog geht es hier. #livestream #A7III #deutsch Das größte Lob für mich ist, wenn Du mir einen Kommentar hinterlassen würdest. Mehr Info zu diesem und meinen anderen Videos findest Du hier ⤵ Hier lässt sich im Augenblick noch nicht viel schreiben. Carpe Diem hat sich bereit erklärt, mit mir zusammen ein Kaffeekränzchen abzuhalten und über "Themen" zu sprechen. Letztere haben wir aber nicht näher besprochen, wird also für uns selbst auch eine Überraschung, um was es eigentlich gehen wird. _ Meine derzeitige Ausrüstung: Kameras: - Sony A7III https://amzn.to/2PgUMjZ - Sony A7II https://amzn.to/3a6ehn5 - Sony NEX 7 - Sony FDR-X3000 https://amzn.to/32qlNGM - 2x Sony AS50 https://amzn.to/3c9vNZQ - Canon 70D - DJI Osmo Pocket https://amzn.to/2Pl5Lcc - iPhone X - LG V30 https://amzn.to/2wFcJSI Objektive: - Sony 24-105 F4 G FE https://amzn.to/2STjF7o - Sigma 24mm 1.4 FE (Sony E-Mount) https://amzn.to/2HUgo1y - Sony 28-70mm 3.5 FE https://amzn.to/32sQfjF - Sony 16-55 OSS https://amzn.to/2vcQXFB - Canon 18-55mm 3.5 https://amzn.to/3a7YlkB Mikrofone: - Rode smartLav+ https://amzn.to/38WW4IJ - Rode Video Micro https://amzn.to/2Vk2iOX - Rode Wireless GO https://amzn.to/2Vkiwaw Motorräder - Sommer: BMW F650 GS (Twin Spark)- Winter: Aprilia Pegaso 650 (ML / Cube) Zubehör: - Zhiyun Smooth Q - K&F Concept M8 Lavalier - Neewer Daylight Softbox - Neewer Quickrelase Plates Weitere Hardware: - DJI Mavic Pro - DJI Spark Fly More Combo - Macbook Pro 13' i7 (2017) - Final Cut Pro X - Motion 5 - Compressor Musik: i.a.R.: Epidemic Sound _____________________________ Die App zum Kanal Apple AppStore: https://ift.tt/2p0fI1E Google PlayStore: https://ift.tt/2HoxkL9 *) Links zu Amazon sind sog. Amazon Affiliate Links. Kauft Ihr über diese Links, bleibt für Euch der Preis absolut identisch, ich bekomme jedoch ein paar cent vom Kaufpreis ab.
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raystart · 5 years ago
In a Crisis – An Opportunity For A More Meaningful Life
Sheltering in place during the Covid-19 pandemic, my coffees with current and ex-students (entrepreneurs, as well as employees early in their careers) have gone virtual. Pre-pandemic these coffees were usually about what startup to join or how to find product/market fit. Though in the last month, even through Zoom I could sense they were struggling with a much weightier problem. The common theme in these calls were that many of them were finding this crisis to be an existential wakeup call. “My job feels pretty meaningless in the big picture of what matters. I’m thinking about what happens when I can go back to work. I’m no longer sure my current career path is what I want to do. How do I figure it out?”
Here’s what I’ve told them.
In a Crisis – An Opportunity to Reflect If you’re still in school, or early in your career, you thought you would graduate into a strong economy and the road ahead had plenty of opportunities. That world is gone and perhaps not returning for a year or more. Economies across the world are in a freefall. As unemployment in the U.S. passes 15%, the lights are going off in companies, and we won’t see them back on for a long time. Some industries will never be the same. Internships and summer work may be gone, too.
But every crisis brings an opportunity. In this case, to reassess one’s life and ask: How do I want to use my time when the world recovers?
What I suggested was, that the economic disruption caused by the virus and the recession that will follow is one of those rare opportunities to consider a change, one that could make your own life more meaningful, allow you to make an impact, and gain more than just a salary from your work. Perhaps instead of working for the latest social media or ecommerce company or in retail or travel or hospitality, you might want to make people live healthier, longer and more productive lives.
I pointed out that if you’re coming out of school or early in your career you have an edge –  You have the most flexibility to reevaluate you trajectory. You could consider alternate vocations – medical research or joining a startup in therapeutics, diagnostics, medical devices, or digital health (mobile health, health IT, wearable devices, telemedicine, and personalized medicine). Or become an EMT, doctor or nurse.  Or consider the impact remote learning has had in the pandemic. How can you make it better and more effective? What are ways you might help to strengthen organizations that help those less able and less fortunate?
Here are the steps you can take to get started: Use the customer discovery methodology to search for new careers.
Start by doing some reading and research, looking to the leading publications in the field you’re interested in learning more about. News sources for Digital Health and Life Sciences are different from software/hardware blogs such as Hacker News, TechCrunch, etc.
If you’re interested in learning more about a career in Life Sciences, start reading:
Medgadget– medical technology blog
MobiHealth News
Science Daily – medical research news
NEJM Frontiers in Medicine – New England Journal of Medicine
FierceHealthIT, FierceBiotech, FierceMedtech
Medcity News – news about the business of healthcare innovation
MDDI+QMED – Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry
In the Pipeline – commentary on drug discovery and the pharma industry
Xconomy – news and trends in life science
CBInsights – Startups in health
Reddit – search for topics of interest
If you’re thinking about educational technology start by reading EdSurge
And if you’re thinking about getting involved in social entrepreneurship, read The Stanford Social Innovation Review as well as the social entrepreneurship sections of publications like Entrepreneur, Inc., Fast Company and Forbes.
Get out of the building (virtually) and talk to people in the professions you’re interested in. (People on the front-line of the Covid-19 fight (e.g. first responders, health care workers) might be otherwise engaged, but others in the field may be available to chat.) Learn about the job, whether they enjoy it and how you can get on that career track.
Get out of the building physically. If possible, volunteer for some front-line activities. Think about internships in the new fields you’re exploring.
If you’re thinking of starting a company, get to know the VC’s. They are different depending on the type of startup you’re building. Unlike in the 20th century where most VC’s financed hardware, software and life sciences, today therapeutics, diagnostics, and medical devices, are funded via VC firms that specialize in only those domains. Digital health crosses the boundaries and may be founded by all types of firms. Get to know who they are.
Some of the Life Science VC blogs and podcasts:
Rock Health News – digital health VC news
LifeSciVC – Bruce Booth Atlas Ventures
A Healthy Dose – Bessemer Partners Podcast
The Long Run – Biotech Podcast
For edtech the VC firm to know is Reach Capital
Inexpensively pivot your education into a new field. An online education could be a viable alternative to expensive college debt. Coursera, EdX and ClassCentral have hundreds of on-line classes in medicine, health and related fields. Accredited universities also offer online programs (see here.) If you’re in school, take some classes outside your existing major (example here.)
My advice in all of these conversations? Carpe Diem – seize the day.
Now is the time to ask: Is my work relevant?  Am I living the life I really wanted? Does the pandemic change the weighting of what’s important?
Make your life extraordinary.
Lessons Learned
Your career will only last for 14,000 days
If you’re still in school, reconsider your major or where you thought it was going to take you
If you’re early in your career, now is the time to consider what it would take to make a pivot
In the end, the measure of your life will not be money or time. It’s the impact you make serving God, your family, community, and country. In the end, our report-card will be whether we left the world a better place.
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