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deborahdeshoftim5779 · 6 years ago
Israeli Elections 09/04/2019
I’ve not been particularly impressed at the showboating and insults being hurled by politicians during this Israeli election cycle. 
However, I hope the Israeli people can see through the rhetoric and vote wisely for the good for their country. 
Top priorities:
No tolerance of Palestinian terrorism. 
Strengthening the southern border against more rioting in Gaza. 
Defence and recognition of Jewish families living in Judaea and Samaria.
Cutting off terror channels from Iran, Lebanon and beyond. 
Vigorous pursuit of Israeli political interests on the international stage. 
Continued rigorous pursuit and fighting terrorism. 
No more prevaricating over a two-state “solution”. 
Defence of Zionism on the international stage.
Closer interaction with Jewish diaspora across the globe. 
Whoever has concrete plans (not just rhetoric to get elected) to deliver this should be elected. 
Good luck!
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eretzyisrael · 5 years ago
The anti-Semites at @AliAbunimah's @intifada are now targeting one of today's most promising and enterprising young journalists, @josh_hammer. (1/8)
Not surprised to see that the @intifada has placed @josh_hammer hammer in its anti-Semitic sites. Can’t have an unapologetic, knowledgeable and proud Jew working at @Newsweek. (2/8)
It blows @AliAbunimah's mind that journalism isn’t an entirely closed guild that allows only anti-Semites to opine on issues of burning importance to Jewish people, starting with the right of the Jewish state to exist, continuing with Jews' right to support the Jewish state (3/8) 
without risking abuse from the @intifada-supported BDS brownshirts who seek to deny freedom of speech and assembly from Zionist Jews on college campuses and beyond. (4/8)
Unclear why @Twitter allows a hate site like @intifada to post on its platform. There is nothing there that isn’t geared toward persecuting Jews in the US and worldwide or to demonizing/working toward the annihilation of the largest Jewish community in the world – Israel. (5/8)
This hate site denies Jewish history and rejects right of Jewish people to learn and defend history. It compares the only liberal democracy in Middle East to Nazi Germany and slanders our brave and wonderful soldiers by comparing them to Nazis. It is scum and has no shame. (6/8)
@mentionsshould be congratulated for breaking with crowd and embracing fundamentals of journalism by hiring . It is a badge of honor that attacked me in its hate piece on Josh, along with my friends and colleagues and (7/8)
I can think of no greater compliment than to be reviled by a site whose name itself is a call to a bloody, genocidal campaign to exterminate the Jews. (8/8)
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thenewsguru · 6 years ago
Dan Bongino: RT CarolineGlick: How do we know Airbnb's policy is pure antiSemitism? 1. Only delisting Jewish-owned properties. 2. Not delisting properties in Turkish-occupied Northern Cyprus. https://t.co/zcuBxDi682
Tweet by James
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videoaction · 6 years ago
I'm shattered by the news that @arifuld was murdered. He was a hero of Israel in every way, and a good neighbor, here in Efrat. He was a good person. May G-d avenge his blood. May his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion.
— Caroline Glick (@CarolineGlick) September 16, 2018
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purezionist · 8 years ago
please go, join @PamelaGeller- @NonieDarwish- @CarolineGlick- @Milo- and OTHERS, to protest #CUNY USING YOUR TAX $$ To invite her as key speaker, in PUBLIC STATE UNIVERSITIES. Don't stoop to fascist LEFT behavior, Get educated, show great respect to amazing speakers...dont get goaded into fight. SIT DOWN, SIGNS IN AIR, SHOW RESPECT TO LAW....Show NYC what adults look like! Share the protest, Reblog, sign petition. Mostly, let's show the country how grown ups use protest AND FREE SPEECH! Get educated about Linda Sarsour and her vile beliefs, anti semitism, PRO SHARIA LAW, she shockingly was a founder of the recent women's march. Explain to me, what woman would follow her? Believes women in Saudi Arabia are better off than Western Women....
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deborahdeshoftim5779 · 5 years ago
I did not realise that the ICC has in fact decided to prosecute Israel on suspicion of committing war crimes during Operation Protective Edge in 2014. I personally find this decision incomprehensible. 
If Israel had bombed Gaza entirely without provocation, then such an investigation would be justified. But to hold Israel responsible for alleged war crimes when they were responding to terrorist fire, and trying to destroy stockpiles of weapons wickedly placed in schools and hospitals subverts reality and justice.
One cannot say that Israel has never made grave errors or acted beyond restraint. But the country clearly cannot be equated to the terrorists that it is fighting on a daily basis. This prosecution undermines Israel’s justified, legal right to self-defence against terrorist aggression-- a right that Israel has, on the whole, executed with great restraint. 
Was it not a few weeks ago when new rockets were fired into Israel from Gaza, destroying homes, schools, and endangering Israeli civilians? Israel has often endured such attacks for days or even weeks before retaliating. By claiming that there is a basis for prosecution, as chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda claims, she effectively disregards the harm caused to Israel by this onslaught of terrorism. 
In the above article, Israeli journalist Caroline Glick suggests a political plan to fight the ICC. Whether or not all of these stages will work is another question, but Israel cannot continue to play ball with this level of cynical abuse from international organisations. 
To me, this signifies why national independence and sovereignty are inalienable. It’s one thing to investigate countries that abuse human rights-- quite another to conglomerate as a gang to delegitimise a nation that more often than not, complies with the law. 
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deborahdeshoftim5779 · 6 years ago
If America’s “Deal of the Century” lives up to its pretentious title, then President Trump should not dangle it over the Israeli people like a carrot. Why does he have to wait until after the elections? This is nothing but playing politics.
I understand that America and Israel are allies, but foreign intervention during the negotiating process is not in Israel’s interest at all. It is based on several fictions, chiefly that settling the Palestinians is a responsibility, let alone integral to the negotiations. In fact, foreign powers had offered a concrete plan of settlement as far back as 1947, which the Arabs unanimously refused, even though it granted them more land than the Jews. 
A refusal to recognise Israel, the demand for a fictional “right of return” for a people who actually increased in number since 1947, and the continued sponsoring of terror are all stumbling blocks to peace. Foreign intervention during the negotiating process minimises those clear obstacles, because many nations refuse to recognise these threats, let alone hold the Palestinians equally responsible for their future. 
Many foreign powers demand similar outcomes for Palestinians through concessions from Israel. Yet Israel has conceded land on several occasions, to no gratitude or positive change. These failed ideas must be thrown out. The only way this can be done is refusing to negotiate on behalf of either the Israeli’s or the Palestinians. Let them do this themselves. No one has anything to lose. 
This means that the Israeli’s will not be obliged to accept proposals that threaten security just because they are friends with the country making said proposals. This is the danger of relying too much on America. If, as some reports suggest, President Trump seeks to establish a Palestinian State in spite of historical failures and current realities, then Israel is stuck. 
Curiously, one of Trump’s Israel branch said they wouldn’t force their plan on Israel, that Israel could refuse certain parts if necessary. This indicates that they do indeed have some contentious or displeasing propositions. If these do indeed form part of the plan, they must be important. But if Israel isn’t obliged to accept them, why propose them in the first place? To please the Palestinians? Are the Palestinians required to make any concessions?
Trump’s administration won’t answer these questions, and the Israeli’s have no idea. Even former Trump ally Caroline Glick says she will now oppose this plan-- though, like the rest of us, she hasn’t seen it yet. Like most Israeli’s, she doesn’t fancy giving away any part of Jerusalem to the very people who illegally invaded it in the first place. Unfortunately, Netanyahu has hopped and skipped around the prospect of a Palestinian State, probably part of the reason that MK Naftali Bennett and Ayelet Shaked broke away to form the “New Right”. 
Israel and America may be friends, but even great friends should learn to say no to each other. 
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eretzyisrael · 5 years ago
Last week many readers asked me to send the link the the BlackLivesMatter platform that defames and criminalizes Israel and calls for an end to US support for Israel. I responded with links to articles that were published in response to the publication of the BLM platform in 2016, noting that the platform linked to by those articles had been removed. A few of my readers contacted me in response and said that the website had moved and gave me the new link. Here is the link to the platform. The sections on Israel can be found under the "Invest-Divest" link. https://m4bl.org/policy-platforms/invest-divest/ After you're on this link, download the document called "Cut Military Expenditures Brief." Before I quote the precise passages in the paper that specifically discuss Israel, I want to note something newsworthy which has been largely overlooked to date. A few days ago, in response to the BLM calls to defund the police, Sen. Tom Cotton asked rhetorically whether their next demand would be to defund the U.S. military. The answer is that this is already their demand. Its in their platform. The brief, which opens by asserting, "America is an empire that uses war to expand territory and power," calls for the defunding of 50% of the U.S. military budget. The specific passage is quoted below, because it is followed by a demand to end military support for Israel. It bears noting that BLM gained legitimacy after spurring rioting in Ferguson, MO in 2016 when then president Obama hosted them at the White House in February 2016. At the time, Obama lauded the group saying "They are much better organizers than I was when I was their age, and I am confident that they are going to take America to new heights." The meeting lasted for four hours. Here is a link to one write-up of the meeting: https://www.theguardian.com/…/black-lives-matter-meet-presi…
Here are the excerpts from the BLM platform that relate to Israel:
From the opening section titled "What is the problem?":
"The US military accounts for over 50 percent of discretionary federal funding, a total of 598.5 billion dollars spent annually...In addition, approximately 3 billion dollars in US aid is allocated to Israel, a state that practices systematic discrimination and has maintained a military occupation of Palestine for decades. Together with Egypt -- Israel's most important regional ally -- this figure represents nearly 75 percent of all US aid dollars."
"The US justifies and advances the global war on terror via its alliance with Israel and is complicit in the genocide taking place against the Palestinian people. The US requires Israel to use 75 percent of all the military aid it receives to buy US-made arms. Consequently, every year billions of dollars are funneled from US taxpayers to hundreds of arms corporations, who then wage lobbying campaigns pushing for even more foreign military aid. The results of this policy are twofold: it not only diverts much needed funding from domestic education and social programs, but it makes US citizens complicit in the abuses committed by the Israeli government. Israel is an apartheid state with over 50 laws on the books that sanction discrimination against the Palestinian people. Palestinian homes and land are routinely bulldozed to make way for illegal Israeli settlements. Israeli soldiers also regularly arrest and detain Palestinians as young as 4 years old without due process. Everyday, Palestinians are forced to walk through military checkpoints along the US-funded apartheid wall."
The platform then lists a serious of goals its implementation will achieve, under a section titled, "What does this solution do?" Among its promised achievements:
"Cuts the US military budget by 50%, which will lead to the closure of over 800 US military bases [in] the US [and] around the world, the elimination of the sale of weaponry to violators of human rights, reduces the use and stockpiling of nuclear weapons and return all troops back from the current theaters of war."
Among the Federal actions the platform calls for, the first is:
"Build invest/divest campaigns that ends US aid to Israel's military industrial complex and any government with human rights violations."
Among the State action the platform demands:
"Fight the expanding number of Anti-BDS bills being passed in states around the country. This type of legislation not only harms the movement to end the Israeli occupation of Palestine, but it is a threat to the constitutional right to free speech and protest."
Its call for local action includes:
"Map out local infrastructure needs and pass resolutions calling for the necessary reinvestment and rebuilding efforts. Coordinate direct actions of solidarity with South Africa, Palestine, Columbia and liberation movements across the globe."
It bears noting that one of the organizations cited as working on BLM policy is Adalah - The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel. Another is The US Campaign to End the Occupation. Another is The American Friends Service Committee.
These are all groups that take leading roles in the anti-Semitic BDS campaigns in the US and worldwide which target Jewish Americans for sanction and ostracism for daring to support the Jewish state.
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eretzyisrael · 5 years ago
President Trump took issue with continued American Jewish support for the Democrats after Tlaib and Omar gave a press conference libelling Israel in furtherance of their anti-Jewish, BDS agenda. For his actions, he is again being falsely defamed as an anti-Semite. American Jews who wish to deny leftist anti-Semitism, pretend that BDS is primarily directed against Israel. After all, if the likes of Omar, Tlaib, AOC and the rest only hate Israel, then they aren't anti-Semitic. They just hate Israeli Jews. (And anyway, those Israeli Jews must have had it coming to them.) But the truth is that BDS in America is directed primarily against American Jews. Its goal is to silence them as a political force in America. American Jews who support Israel are ostracized in universities, and even in high schools. They are subjected to abuse in every quarter. Examples abound. Last month, a Jewish patron of the arts, Warren Kanders was forced to resign his position as the vice chairman of the Whitney Museum's board of trustees. Kanders was subjected to a massive, intense campaign of demonization by Palestinians and leftists for his "crime" of owning a security company that sells tear gas to Israel. The Whitney, which has featured overtly anti-Semitic exhibits in the past, is now officially off limits to pro-Israel Jews. Also last month, the Associated Press published a defamatory article about Simon Falic for his pro-Israel philanthropy. The message was obvious. American Jews considering supporting Israel are now on notice, if they dare support Israel, they can expect to see their reputations dragged through the mud. Let's now ask a question, how do these defamatory campaigns harm Israel? The answer is that they don't harm Israel. They harm American Jews. How do BDS campaigns on college campuses harm Israel? The answer is they don't. They harm American Jews. Israel, to be sure is harmed by a diminishment of Democratic support for Israel. And there are many things Israel needs to do to protect itself from this. But these are issues for the medium and long term. The immediate target in all of these attacks is the American Jewish community. And the immediate victims of all of these assaults are American Jews. Now to the issue of Tlaib and Omar. These woman have chosen to dedicate their time in office to advancing BDS -- which again, targets American Jews first and foremost. And rather than denounce them for their anti-Semitic actions that harm American Jews specifically, the Democratic Congressional leadership has rallied to their side. In their press conference this week, the two women's hostility towards Israel and its supporters was palpable. The fact that they had anti-Semitic Jews standing with them didn't make their efforts less hostile. Indeed, their use of Jewish fig leaves made their efforts more hostile. They are seeking to coopt Judaism while demonizing Jews. President Trump's statement that Jews are disloyal if they support Democrats was clearly a response to that display and to the party's adamant refusal to call these woman to order for their open hatred of Jews and the actions they are taking that directly faciliate the anti-Semitic BDS campaign in the United States. In other words, while the Democratic party is enabling and empowering these overt Jew haters, Trump has been taking them to task for their bigotry. And rather than thank him for his support, 75 percent of American Jews are joining their fellow Democrats in giving a pass to their party while pillorying Trump for daring to be their friend. Given the context in which Trump made his remarks -- that is, the Democratic Party's open embrace of anti-Semites and anti-Semitic messaging -- it is literally impossible for even a semi-literate person to misunderstand what he was saying. Moreover, it is telling that the same people insisting that Trump's statement was anti-Semitic are giving a pass to the Democrats for refusing to take any action to rein in their Jew hating members. It shows the disingenuousness of their sudden professed concern for anti-Jewish bigotry. American Jews refuse to see what is happening to them while it is happening. The likes of Tlaib and Omar are rendering them political non-entities. By attacking Trump, the main politician supporting them, while giving a free pass to the Democrats who are facilitating discrimination against them, American Jews are disenfranchising themselves. Democrats see they can abandon the Jews without consequence, and Republicans see that there is no point in sticking up for the Jews who will hate them no matter what they say and do. This is a tragedy of epic proportions, first and foremost for the American Jewish community but really for America as a whole and for the Jewish people as a whole.
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