#caro angelo
greenteadumplings · 1 year
When Lotus Casino episode airs people are gonna go feral over a flicker of a boy with black hair by rewatching and zooming the same scenes over and over just to spot him.
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zuccherodisqualo · 4 months
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ciao ciao weekend
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yesterdaysanswers · 2 years
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koufax73 · 2 months
Lucio Battisti: prigioniero del mondo #sottotraccia
Come da tradizione (recente) dedichiamo agosto alla lettura: per il 2024 abbiamo deciso di ripubblicare una serie di pagine tratte dal volume “Italia d’autore” (Arcana, 2019), dedicato ai grandi cantautori che hanno fatto la storia della musica italiana. Ci sono stati due Lucio Battisti: il primo figlio di Dea e Alfiero Battisti nasce nel 1940 e muore a soli due anni. I coniugi Battisti decidono…
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berylcups · 4 months
PT 2-How La Squadra react to you calling them their nickname/term of endearment:
CW: mentions of polyamory and queer relationship discrimination
Notes: Here's part 2! This was actually pretty fun! If anyone has similar HCs/reacts they would like please send them in! It was refreshing to do something fluffy-ish rather than just lewd for once! I’m still working on Sorbet and Gelatos personalities so I hope they don’t seem too generic or stereotypical, but theres not much of them to work off of…other than them screaming and dying. Yikes. But I hope you all enjoy! 💜Beryl
Risotto: “Rissi, I’m heading to the grocery store.” You announced turning the knob to his office. “ is there anything special you want for dinner tonig-oh shit” you saw he wasn’t alone. Prosciutto and Pesci were in the room with him talking about some target.
“I’m so sorry- I didn’t know you were busy- I’ll come back later.”
Prosciutto cleared his throat upon hearing that cutesy name and Pesci looked away trying to hide his blush.
“We can touch base on further details later. This should be enough to get started with.” He dismissed them, acting unaffected by the name.
They promptly took their leave, just leaving you and your beloved leader alone.
“I’m so sorry, Risotto. I didn’t know you were busy. I should’ve known bette-“ you stuttered worried you embarrassed him.
“It’s fine.” He cut you off. “It’s just the guys. They know better than to mess with me about the names you call me.” He chuckled. 
“Although for future reference…” he started looking up at you with a serious expression. “This might be a habit you should break. If any of our enemies know we are connected, they might try to harm you and I just couldn’t live with myself knowing I caused your demise.” He said. “I already lost one too many people dear to me.”
You walked over to him by the desk and gave him a huge hug. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise you that.” He hugged back and gave you a soft kiss on the shell of your ear. 
“Good. Because the day you die is the day I die. I love you Angelo/a.” He sighed in relief. 
This big guy has to be stoic 24/7 so in front of others he’s going to keep things professional. As far as he cares in front of the guys you can call him all the names you want but he isn’t going to acknowledge them 😂 call him zaddy and he’ll just continue talking about what mission is next… or if you’re overdoing it he’ll give you a warning “ok, that’s enough.” type of look. 
Of course in private he’ll call you pet names but… he’s not very creative but he’s dramatic so he’ll call you the vita mia, cuore mio, caro/a, and angelo/a. 
Prosciutto: “Prosci I’m back! The mission was a success! It’s all thanks to you that I’m able to work by myself now!” You said happily as you came through the door. 
“Prosci??? Pfft” formaggio snickered. 
A few of the others were snickering or trying to hold back a smile. Prosciutto put an end to this quickly with a deadly glare. 
“Really? That’s wonderful news Y/N. I’m very proud of you.” He said as he guided you to somewhere a little more private.
“Y/N… I love you with all my heart but remember what we agreed upon?” He asked. “We must keep our affections private.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Prosciutto. I must have really embarrassed you.” You said dejectedly looking away from him.
“No. Never.” He said firmly as he gently lifted your face to meet his. He gently bumped his forehead up against yours. 
“You are my beloved partner and I love you no matter what. But in this world we must remain distant in front of others so I can protect you.” He explained gently caressing your face . 
“Also… we have to set a good example for Pesci. He may be a mammoni but he has so much potential and it’s up to us to help him unlock it. Understand?”
“Understand.” You said with a small smile.
“That’s my good angelo/a.” He smiled back and kissed you on the forehead. 
He’s not very affectionate in public but he is chivalrous. He’ll open the door for you, pour your wine, take your jacket, etc… 
In private he’ll call you his favorite pet names with a kiss on the cheek.
He’ll use the classic names like Tesoro, Caro/a, Bambino/a, or calls you his angelo/a. 😇
Sorbet & Gelato:  “Sorby Gelly I’m upset!” You whined.
“Aww what’s wrong lil sundae?” Asked Gelato.
“You know the drill-come sit down and tell us what’s wrong.” Added Sorbet patting Gelatos lap.
You moped over and somehow found your spot in the dog pile of legs and laps on the chair.
“You know Valentines is next month and I saw this cool fancy spa I wanted us to go to-“ you started with putting the magazine page in their faces. “Seeee??? But they are all TwO pEoPlE oNlY!!! This is unfair! They act like the entire world is monogamous and straight! Bullshit!” you complained.
“Oh, that does look nice. I could use a massage, my back has been killing me lately.” Sorbet read through the page.
“Mud baths and facials too? I’m in.” Gelato looked at the pictures.
“But what about the restrictions?” you asked.
“Oh Y/N. Do you have any idea who you’re in a relationship with? We’ll get you that perfect valentine's day, whether they want to serve 3 people or not.” Gelato cooed, patting your head to comfort you.
“Of course they’ll take care of us…if they wanna live that is.” Sorbet added rubbing your back. “Or we could show them our knife collection instead. Their choice.”
“Yay~! I can’t wait! I’ll be sure to add a reminder to my calendar to make a reservation for later.” you said gleefully.
“Anything to keep our little sundae happy~.” they both said in unison and kissed you on both sides of your cheeks.
“...” Illuso gulped trying to hold back the bile rising in his throat. The PDA is just overwhelming!
The other men in the room wanted to throw up from the mushiness. It's gotten worse ever since they added you into their relationship but they know better than to say anything after Illuso made fun of you three and ended up with a knife in his thigh. 
Sorbet and Gelato are the kings of PDA! They are always cuddled up on one another and now you’re included on the love fest. They are gonna sit on your lap, you're gonna sit in their lap, you're gonna sit on one's lap while the other sits on your lap, etc. And they’re generous with the pet names as well!
They both like names that match up with their names, so you get named after frozen treats like Sundae, Granita, Sherbet, Snowcone…along with the typical names like caro/a, tersoro, and amore too. They have a long list of names to call you, so it doesn’t simply end there!
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leonflashy · 2 months
Spesso mi soffermo a cercare di capire le persone invece che di mandarle direttamente a fanculo, cerco di capire i loro stati d'animo, cerco di comprendere i loro gesti, le parole, gli atteggiamenti, ma invece dovrei fregarmene come fanno loro, trattarle come si meritano, cioè con un bel calcio nel sedere, ma non sono cosi. Forse perché do un peso alla parola ''amicizia'' o" all'amore" e, per me, è un valore inestimabile, si fa presto a dire amici o fidanzati, ma dopo è il tempo e le azioni che giudicano se davvero è quel sentimento o quel legame come si vuol dire, mi piacerebbe aprire il cervello di alcune persone e vedere se, all'interno, hanno un cervello o un ometto che balla la break dance magari con una canna in mano come in un famoso film, vorrei cercare se hanno dei sentimenti o se sono talmente pieni di sé stessi da passare sopra alla gente come un treno in corsa, ti riempie di balle, ti fa credere di essere pulito e limpido come un angelo ma alla prima che ti giri ti pugnala alle spalle! Ecco vedi caro\a il mio\a se vogliamo chiamarti cosi, leggi bene queste mie parole e cerca di farne buon uso, cerca di non far più quello che hai fatto a me, cerca di viverti la vita al meglio e lasciami vivere la mia, cerca di non guardarmi in faccia quando mi vedi, girami al largo per non farmi altro male, non cercare un discorso con me, non voglio sentire le stupide parole bugiarde di un falso ipocrita quale sei tu. Vedi la vita è fatta di scale , cè chi le scende, in questo caso tu, e chi le sale, come faccio io. Rimarrai sempre un nulla perché tutta la tua vita è fatta di innumerevoli e inutili bugie, ti circonderai di persone come te, false e ipocrite, perché solo quello sai fare, vai per la tua strada fatta di menzogne e di giochetti stupidi che io andrò per una via sicura e trasparente quale sono io. Non ho bisogno di raccontarti storie non ne voglio di persone come te. Non so che farmene di un ipocrita quale sei tu. Viviti la vita al meglio ma ricorda che il male che si fa alle persone ritorna tutto indietro come un boomerang, non sai quando e non sai come ma ritorna, troverai un giorno chi ti userà, ti imbambolerà di frottole, ti farà credere chissà che, ma l amara verità ti ferirà ed allora ti verrò in mente ma ti prego scacciami subito, non voglio passare nemmeno un lurido minuto in quel tuo mondo putrido.
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cuddlecow · 2 months
Hello!! Could I request headcanons of how Franco would treat the reader? Like how he shows affection towards them, what are his nicknames for them etc :3 Thank you so much for writing for him, he needs more love <3
Sure thing! I apologize if this is a bit short! Let me know if there's more requests you'd like to see fulfilled, Anon!
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Franco Barbi Showing Affection
Franco's love languages are physical touch, quality time, and sometimes words of affirmation. I suppose he can be a bit of everything depending on his mood! He loves cuddles, and loves to curl up to you.
If you're Franco's lover, he's totally infatuated with you. From the way you move, to the way you speak, he loves all of you.
His nicknames for you are always endearing. Sometimes he automatically says things in Italian, and the way it rolls off his tongue is absolutely beautiful to you.
"Dear! / Cara! / Caro!"
"My love.. / Mia amata.. / Mio amato.."
"Sweetness. / Dolcezza."
"Angel! / Angelo!"
Franco loves you with all his heart and he's gonna shower you in love and gorgeous names.
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ilovespec · 2 months
Shark Love ~
yandere Fem! gang leader × Civilian Fem ! reader.| part 3
Part 1
Part 2
Characters description
WARNINGS!!!:beating, description of alcohol consumption, yandere behavior, Miki BEHAVES LIKE THE FUCKING CRUEL SIDE OF A DOLPHIN, yandere HAS ANGER PROBLEMS, yandere is a woman and Y/N too, height difference, size difference, I REPEAT YANDERE IS A GANG LEADER !!! And there are also her closest subordinates and just small fry.
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And so... Y/N has been dating Squalo for over a few months now!! And Squalo was so caring.. Breakfast in bed.. Constantly helps with everything... Even if Y/N comes home tired from work, Squalo helps her change her clothes! In short, the woman of dreams... but.. and there are some oddities behind her.. She is often photographed by Y/N, and just loves to take pictures of her.. she ALWAYS cooks for both of them... And during their relationship, Y/N never cooked on her own! And she never brought her to her house... Maybe Squalo just doesn't want to.. It's her right, but that's a little bit... Just a little bit. But the surprising thing is that Squalo is CONSTANTLY in time... dazhvadzuvzhaddeuzadad... Uhhh... "nights" with Y/N, always leaves bite marks on her shoulders , neck and throat with her sharp, shark teeth... As if showing that Y/N is hers. Maybe she's just a little jealous... We are all human , we all get jealous sometimes..
And today, Squalo and Y/N went on another "date"... AND IT WAS A MEETING OF THE STRONGEST AND BIGGEST GANGS OF THEM AND OTHER CITIES !!! There were so many people there.. More than a few hundred .. Maybe even a few thousand ! This scared Y/N. quite a bit..Today she was wearing a dark blue dress, under a strict Squalo suit, and in general their entire team was dressed in shades of blue... Miki was in bright blue, Martina was in light blue, and as already described Squalo and Y/N were in dark blue. Squalo took a cigar out of her pocket and lit it. And at the same time, gently hugging Y/N by the waist, I sat down with her at the bar..
-Squalo: I'll have a "Long Island" cocktail, please. And to my companion (your favorite alcoholic cocktail).
-Y/N: haha! You already know so much about me..
Squalo leans back on the bar stool, looks Y/N in the eyes and speaks clearly with a toothy smile.
-Squalo: Oh~ Mia tesoro...I know absolutely everything about you.
Then, Squalo laughed at Y/N's disheveled and slightly scared face, and stroked her cheek with her thumb
-Squalo: hehehe~ don't worry mio caro ~ I just I'm kidding..
Imperceptibly , Miki and Martina got into a fight with them from behind !
-Miki: Hey... Boss, I'm even a little jealous that you're in a relationship with such a cutie.. Maybe this.. Hehe~... Let's divide her into three... Eh ? -
Miki did not have time to finish , as Squalo abruptly rose , and loomed over her ...!? But then she turned to Y/N for a couple of seconds with a soft smile
-Squalo: mio angelo, don't worry.. I'm going to step back for a few seconds.... To chat. With Miki, in the meantime, sit with Martina.
After her words, SQUALO GRABBED MIKI BY THE COLLAR, AND DRAGGED HER AWAY!!! So that Y/N doesn't see it..And while both of them were gone, Y/N chatted sweetly with Martina about everything ^^
while Y/N and Martina were chatting sweetly, some guy came up to them and ROUGHLY took Y/N by the elbow.
- Rude guy: Hey~ angel !!! Shall we dance?
Before Y/N or Martina could respond, this brute picked her up in his arms and took her to the depths of the dance floor, preventing Martina from finding them. And started dancing with Y/N...First the waltz... Then the tango.. And he moved between many dances . And finally he spoke..
- A rude guy: hey ~ you're such a charmer ~ it's strange that you're dating such a monster. Would you like to start dating me? ~ I am the founder of the dangerous forests group ~ and we are at enmity with the wild sea -
Before he could finish, he abruptly fell silent, and finally released Y/N from his death grip, and she almost fell from relief. But she was immediately picked up by 3 PAIRS of STRONG HANDS !! She turned around and saw her 3 rescuers.. Squalo..Martina...and Miki , SHE IS NOTICEABLY AND BADLY BEATEN (you already know who) , they blocked Y/N with themselves in three, but Squalo took a couple of seconds to kiss Y/N and gently pat her on the head BEFORE THEY STARTED FUCKING BEATING HIM IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DANCE FLOOR, AND HIS GUARDS ARRIVED !!
After an hour and a half, this "battle" was over.. And we all understand who won. OF COURSE, DAMN OUR TRINITY!!! And already sitting in the car , all three of them were noisily discussing this fight and laughing , and Y/N was sitting quietly on Squalo's lap, and fell asleep as Squalo pressed her with one hand to her chest , and stroked her back with the other, as Y/N was noticeably nervous about the events of tonight and the night..But after she passed out , she didn 't hear the conversation between Miki and Squalo.
-Miki: Hey~ Boss!! ~ why is your whole room covered with her photos !?!? And you beat me up like that.. Just for my joke! I know that she is your girlfriend and that you will easily kill me if I start flirting with her..
Squalo with love.. No... She looked at Y/N with obsession , who was sleeping quietly on her lap, and kissed her affectionately on the top of her head.
-Squalo: Why am I behaving like this with her..? Because she is clean. She is the kindest, sweetest and cleanest person in this city.. no. In my life. You don't even realize how much my love for her is, "dolphin.". We called you that because you love to torture others.. Well, and because of your sexual pleasures. You rape fucking everything that moves. You're really a piece of shit.
Miki bursts into loud laughter , for which she gets kicked in the back by Squalo
-Miki: OUCH!!!. Boss! For what?!
-Squalo: Don't laugh so loud.. Can't you see that Y/N is sleeping?!
-Miki- okay-okay.. I'm silent.
I think you're wondering...and why didn't Martina say even one word in this discussion? She just passed out 10 minutes after they got in the car, lol.
When they arrived at Y/N's house, Squalo waved to her two subordinates and went into Y/N's apartment (Y/N just gave her the keys to the apartment a long time ago, they are dating after all..) and already more deftly and silently than the first time, she changed Y/N into pajamas, and herself Squalo changed her clothes , in plain black sweatpants and a black turtleneck. After all, she has a long night's work ahead of her. She called one of her groups, in her gang .
-Squalo: Hey. Come and visit my angel's house. And if even a hair falls off her... I'll give you to Miki..and I'll tell her to be "creative."
After 10 minutes , several cars arrived , from which AT LEAST 15 PEOPLE got out , all in dark clothes and with a gun in his hand... Squalo came out and they bowed to her meekly.
- The leader of this group: Boss shark.. We will guard your sweetheart's house all night while you work... I promise, not even a speck of dust will fly off her..
-Squalo: I really hope so.
Then she got into one of the cars, where Miki, Martina and a couple of her "guard dogs" were already waiting for her. Although she herself was already more like a "watchdog megaladon". Well, that's not the point now, because Squalo and her team have a hard night's work ahead of them. Namely, the complete extermination of the entire gang of "dangerous forests" from the face of the earth.
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How do you like this part? To be honest, now that I'm posting this at about 2:34 a.m., AHAHA!!I generally write all my "stories" at night ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
mio tesoro: my dear
mia angelo: my angel.
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by the way, look at what a cute kitty I saw on the street when I went to get boiled corn <3
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the-ace-with-spades · 2 years
So as a Polish person, I both love and hate Polish! Ice as a headcanon, but my grandma is half-Italian and somehow this manifested into Italian! Mav so here we go (spoiler: there's a lot of food involved):
Mav's mom was first generation Italian born in NYC, lived in Staten Island until she married Mav's dad - her family was from Bologna
Mav, despite the hero worship he had for his dad, was mamma's boy
she could speak Italian well and did so around the house but never taught Mav, and what little Italian he could speak, he forgot once she died and he wasn't around the language
she, however, left him their family cookbook, entirely written in Italian, and so recipes are the only text he can understand without googling a lot
after he retires, he wants to take some Italian lessons with Ice
as mentioned in one of my post's tags, the few words he remembers and are still natural to him are pet names; he calls Ice caro (dear??) like his mom called his dad, mio angelo, tesoro (sweetheart/honey??) and when Bradley was small and he was tired, he'd call him bambino
He also uses sei un raggio di sole (you are a ray of sunshine) sarcastically when Ice is grumpy -- it's a phrase his mom used when he was grumpy as a kid
he couldn't say 'I love you' to Ice for some time so instead, he'd say ti voglio tanto bene and then eventually moved to ti amo and then to English
he actually really likes to cook, he just needs to cook for someone - he was taught that cooking is a sign of love so he likes to cook for their family, but not just for himself
Bradley couldn't eat nutella for years b/c Mav's homemade nocciolata was so much better. Ice could literally kill for his nocciolata-filled bomboloni and ricotta and strawberry jam crostata
Slider often 'visits' them to get their leftovers and had once asked Mav to make him aubergine parmigiana and shrimp risotto as a birthday present
Mav makes Ice tiramisu as a pick-me-up when he needs to leave for long
Mav loves wine but it must be complimentary with the meal
he makes his own pasta and if you're in the kitchen while he's making it, he's going to use you to roll or knead the dough for him
when Carole was getting sick but still staying at home, he'd make batches of ravioli, tortellini, tortelloni, mezzelune, cappelletti -- any stuffed pasta that could be frozen and then quickly boiled -- so Bradley would have dinner when Carole was having a bad day
he refuses to ever make fettuccine alfredo as a rule b/c it's boring and its american, and will never make meatballs to serve with spaghetti, but Ice broke him and he now finally can do the americanized marinara sauce
their house has plenty of jars -- homemade pesto (3-4 different kinds), a mayo-sized jar of oregano, thyme, rosemary, a jar with grana padano in the fridge and a whole shelf filled only with different kinds of oil, cooking wine and vinegar, and a little garden with fresh basil and, once they moved to San Diego, tomatoes. Ice has to remember to water it when Mav is away in the summer
he does the stereotypical arm waving and shoulder shrugging while talking but only when he is either worked up or tired
they also have that one special kind of plates, white with blue and yellow decor and sunflowers on the main dish plate
As a bonus, Polish Ice headcanons:
Ice's mom emigrated during WWII but his dad was second gen born in the US -- she was from Gdansk
he can cook pretty well, especially polish recipes, since he often helped her cook at home
he, however, hates cooking. But he will absolutely stress-make pierogi if he can, usually a huge batch of like 50 or something
he did hand over the polish recipes to Mav - the only thing is, Mav refuses to make bigos for him (b/c he'd need to make his own sauerkraut and it stinks)
he drinks his vodka neat, in a glass, not as shots, adds coke if he's going for a 'light-drinking night'
he occasionally goes to mass at a Polish church - he, usually, doesn't understand most of what's being said but his mom used to take him to one each Sunday and it's now a form of comfort
His favorite childhood meals were placki ziemniaczane (potato pancakes) with mushroom sauce and pyzy (type of dumplings) with plums, which Mav can now make in his sleep
he's never attempting to learn Polish
but he wants to visit Gdansk and the Polish seaside once every few years
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elyuzts-echo · 3 months
"Childish cravings."
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Sum: Squalo craved for affection, more specifically, tickles. He didn't want anyone else to know, but Tiziano found a way to make his dear partner accept his cravings.
This is a tickle fic, if you're uncomfy w that sorta stuff then feel free to scroll :)
ANYWAYSS-- fic under cut :3
Squalo wouldn't admit it, but he loved physical affection. Especially if it came from his dearest, Tiziano. But in the past few days, the red-haired man felt a desire for something along the lines of physical affection. Every time he wanted affection, he would go to Tiziano, but this time, he kept it to himself. Resulting in him altering his mood, which consisted of being more moody and a bit defensive aswell.
This "affection" was tickles.
Tiziano knew something was up, but he didn't exactly know what to do yet. The two had a relationship where that was built on trust, so knowing that Tiziano wasn't being honest with him, made him feel worried. So, he would do something that every partner would do: Ask if their significant other was ok. Squalo would always reply with a sheepish "Yes", but Tiziano could see straight through his lies. He knew Squalo was hiding something from him.
One sunny day, Squalo was lounging in the bedroom he and Tiziano shared. Trying to distract himself from the thought of his bizarre desire to be tickled. "This is humiliating..." He would mumble to himself. What did he do to think of something so childish? As he thought, Tiziano peeked in the bedroom, walking over to Squalo as he stood on the bed. "Amore, I'll go run some errands at the market, okay?" He says softly, pecking the other male on his cheek. Squalo looked over at him, giggling softly. "Alright. Stay safe, Caro." He replied.
As the two looked at each other for a while, Tiziano broke eye contact, turning around to walk out the door of the bedroom, waving bye to Squalo. As the blond did so, Talking Head slipped into Squalo's tongue, and the other stand user didn't even realize. Besides, he was pretty silent while he waited for Tiziano.
When Tiziano came back a few hours later, the sky had become dark. He walked into the bedroom to see Tiziano, still in the same position. "What's wrong, angelo?" The blond asks. Tiziano replied, "Nothing.." He mumbled. Talking Head hasn't made a move yet. From now on, Tiziano activated his stand to actively alter Squalo's replies. "You sure?"
"No," Squalo replied. His eyes widened, he was supposed to say yes. What was happening? Was it Talking Head? Tiziano simply smirked. "Oh? Do you perhaps... Want something?" The male asked, thinking of affection, but he didn't specifically know what kind of affection Squalo wanted. "Yes," Squalo replied. Shit- It certainly was Talking Head. He was meant to say no!
Usually, Squalo was able to counter Tiziano's stand in most instances, but he didn't have enough strength to think of the opposites. And Tiziano was willing to go to town with this scenario in which he had the upper hand. "Hm... Do you want physical affection, amore?"
"Yes," Squalo replied. He'd given up at this point. He felt humiliated, and he knew that he couldn't hide his desire anymore. Tiziano was able to read his mind as he hopped onto the bed with Squalo, looking down at him and his right hand slowly inches down to the other male's hip. "Do you want this?" Tiziano asked, squeezing the other stand user's hip, causing him to squeal. "Ehek! Y-Yes..." He mumbled, blushing already.
Tiziano called back Talking Head, so now Squalo could speak freely. "Poor you... How long have you hid this from me..?" He asked in a flirty tone, his left hand snaking up to Squalo's wrists, holding it above his head, while his right hand continuously squeezes Squalo's hips. Alternating from the right to the left side of his hips, making the timing unpredictable. This caused Squalo to spill some soft giggles.
"A fehew dahays.." He replied. "How much is 'few days' exactly, dear?" The other male added, his hand now going up to scribble gently on Squalo's stomach. Which caused him to squirm more frantically as his laughter became louder. This is what he wanted so badly. Hell, he didn't even know why.
"Not going to answer? Alright then." Tiziano smirked, his fingers continuing to dance on Squalo's sensitive stomach. He loved to see his darling boy smile and laugh. It wasn't every day they were able to act this. All childish and playful. "Tihihiz!" The other male squealed, squirming around like a little bug under his lover. He tried to hide his stomach, but it was a fruitless effort.
Tiziano could sense that Squalo still wanted some more tickles, so he decided to get right into it. With his hand that was previously tickling him, he slowly lifted up Squalo's shirt to expose his stomach. Squalo's eyes widened. "Ti--Tiziahano! Dohon't--!"
"Don't what?" The blond asks, poking Squalo's belly button, which elicits a rather loud squeal from him. It's go time. "Don't do this?" He teases, before lowering down his head to blow a large raspberry on his lover's stomach. "AHAHAHAK!! NOHOHOHO!" Squalo squealed again, arching his back slightly as he tried to squirm away. Tiziano just smiled, giggling along with him. "Oh, you want another one, amore?" Tiziano asks, before blowing another one, this time directly on Squalo's belly button. Loud laughter roared throughout the room from the second raspberry! Poor Squalo couldn't handle another one...
That was until Tiziano blew another raspberry, then another one... Squalo was now a blushing and laughing mess. "PLEAHAHASE-! FERMARE!!" He pleaded through loud cackles of laughter. He was nearing his limit with the amount of raspberries his lover was giving. After one last raspberry, Tiziano let up. His hands retracted from the other boy's body to give him some space.
"Happy now, Squalo?" Tiziano asked, lying down next to Squalo as he enveloped the now giggly boy in his arms. "Si.." He muttered, "You were about to kihill mehee.." Squalo added on. "Oh shush, I would never kill you, pretty boy." Tiziano teased, kissing his cheek.
The rest of the night was filled with cuddles and words of love... Andd maybe some pokes to the side and stomach aswell. But in the end, Squalo felt a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders, and he was happy that his partner was able to help with his childish cravings of tickles..
End !! <3
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papesatan · 1 year
Ieri il piccolo Romeo m’ha fatto fare un giochino con le mani (che non saprei ripetere) per capire se fossi angelo o diavolo. Con mia magra sorpresa, ahimè, ne è venuto fuori che sono un fottuto demone pazzo di corna. Non sto a sindacare i motivi per cui Romeo abbia deciso di verificare la mia vera natura (del resto se grido tutto il giorno, lancio quaderni, fulmino spietato e incuto terrore, mi sembra anche lecito porsi un dubbio), ma mi fa ridere il cuore e penso che sarebbe bello poter capire sempre chi si ha davanti con un semplice rituale (giuro che domani me lo faccio spiegare e vi creo un tutorial, così almeno questa la risolviamo). Dopo avermi svelato, Romeo m’ha squadrato un po’ sconvolto, ma saggiamente ha continuato a studiare senza fiatare. Oggi, invece, s’è messo a ridere dicendo: “Sei un grande”. La cosa mi tira a pensare. Se compreso chi è inferno, non lo evitiamo, allora a che serve saperlo scoprire? In effetti, caro Calvino, il problema non è tanto saper riconoscere chi inferno non è, per quello basta un gioco con le mani che nemmeno ricordo, il difficile è volersi davvero allontanare da ciò che più è male. Noi i nostri demoni li conosciamo benissimo, sono tutti intorno a noi, li vediamo ogni giorno e gli vogliamo bene, ci affondiamo il forcone nelle vene con un voluttuoso sorriso, e ci piace così. Ogni tanto, quando mi scordo d’esser Azazello, abbraccio Romeo e gli do una tenue carezza. Quantomeno, spero di essere un buon diavolo.
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justforbooks · 8 months
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In 1962, Federico Fellini placed advertisements in Italian newspapers seeking a woman to play the lead character’s mistress in his next film, which would eventually be titled 8½ and released the following year. The successful candidate, he wrote, should be “somewhat old-fashioned … with a pink-and-white complexion and a small pea-hen’s head on a Rubens body, very soft, flowery, maternal and opulent”.
The director auditioned as many as 5,000 applicants. “An interminable procession of ladies who had deserted their worried husbands and children came forward,” reported the writer Angelo Solmi in 1967. It was rumoured that the whole endeavour was merely a publicity stunt and that all along the role had been earmarked for Sandra Milo.
Milo, who has died aged 90, was a vivacious presence marketed as “the Italian Judy Holliday”. She and Fellini had met on a summer evening in the coastal town of Fregene; she happened to be passing a cafe where he was seated with his screenwriter, Ennio Flaiano, who knew Milo and called her over to introduce them.
Fellini was determined to coax Milo out of her unofficial retirement for the role in 8½ of Carla, mistress of the film-maker Guido (Marcello Mastroianni), who installs her in a nearby hotel while he is preparing his science-fiction epic.
When Fellini offered her the part, she reminded him she had quit the business, following savage reviews for her performance as an aristocrat’s daughter in Vanina Vanini (1961).
However the next morning, she was woken at home by the arrival of the director, his cinematographer and assorted technicians and make-up assistants, who had come to shoot a screen test. “They took me and put that famous little hat on my head,” she said, alluding to Carla’s fluffy white ushanka.
She was dressed in a black redingote festooned with violets; all at once, the lights were on her. “My God, what a thrill,” she recalled. “I felt like that was my world, and those were my people. I felt like I was flying.”
She signed the contract, agreeing to gain weight for the role. Shortly afterwards, she fell pregnant, though Fellini kept her chained to the trough all the same. “Every time Federico sees me off the set he tells me to go eat something,” she complained at the time. “I feel like a Strasbourg goose.”
When she finally emerged on set in costume at Cinecittà, Fellini and Mastroianni told her: “Welcome back. You’re home.”
To the ravishing dreamscape of 8½, which won two Oscars and is widely considered Fellini’s masterpiece, she brought an earthy vitality and rambunctiousness, as well as her unassailable beauty.
Fellini cast her again in his first colour film, Juliet of the Spirits (1965), this time in a tripartite role opposite his wife, Giulietta Masina, as the dissatisfied title character. Milo played Suzy, a hedonistic neighbour who hosts orgies, wears feather boas and plunging necklines, and cavorts in a treetop house where a slide connects her bed directly to a swimming pool. Milo is also seen as Iris, a spirit, and Fanny, a circus ingenue.
He sought to cast her a third time in the autobiographical Amarcord (1973), and even shot a screen test with her. But her husband, increasingly jealous of Fellini, forbade her from accepting. Milo’s declinature, the director said, left him with “an air of melancholy”. He told her: “I have something of a feeling we won’t see each other any more.”
In 1982, she published Caro Federico, a thinly veiled account of her time as the director’s lover. Fellini’s biographer John Baxter described it as “largely imagined”, and even Milo admitted eventually that it had been mostly a work of fiction. Fellini claimed never to have read the book. “I don’t even want to smell it,” he said.
Milo was born in Tunis, and moved with her family to Tuscany during her early childhood. At the age of 15, she wed Cesare Rodighiero, but the marriage was annulled after 21 days. She found early work as a model in Milan and began acting after moving to Rome, making her film debut in the comedy The Bachelor (1955).
Roberto Rossellini helped launch her career with General della Rovere (1959), which starred Vittorio de Sica as a Genoese con-man recruited by the Nazis, but Vanina Vanini was a notorious flop.
Fellini films apart, she gave her finest performance in Claude Sautet’s Classes Tous Risques (1960), in which she played an actor who becomes caught up with a gangster on the run. The film got lost in the shuffle at the time of its release, its elegant classicism upstaged by the more radical and irreverent Breathless, which had opened shortly before, though Sautet’s picture is recognised now as an exemplary policier.
Milo gave up acting for a second time in the early 1970s. Despite returning to the screen at the end of that decade, she was known latterly more for her appearances in gossip columns and on television as a presenter, talkshow guest or reality-show participant.
Reflecting on her time as Fellini’s muse, she confessed it had not always been easy. “Sometimes he’d make me feel indispensable, marvellous, as if I were the only woman he’d ever loved. And then he’d treat me like a nothing, a nobody.” She maintained that she loved him “truly, madly, deeply, stupidly”.
She is survived by three children: Debora, from her relationship with Moris Ergas, who produced films of hers including Generale della Rovere and La Visita (1963); Ciro and Azzurra, from her marriage to Ottavio De Lollis; and by a grandson. She was also briefly married to Jorge Ordoñez in 1990. All her marriages ended in divorce.
🔔 Sandra Milo (Salvatrice Elena Greco), actor, born 11 March 1933; died 29 January 2024
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copiasghoulfriend · 2 years
Per Aspera Ad Inferi
Here is a story that I am currently working on! It's really bad but I've been dying with these ideas ... and I'm going to produce a masterpiece. I will upload this first chapter to AO3 in the morning.. so Tumblr.. you get to see it first. PLEASE don't bully me -- it's bad. The Italian is based from the translator so I can't promise if anything is correct! PLEASE ENJOY! ❤️
TW: Mentions of Cheating, Bullying -- just please be cautious!
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Chapter One:
Copia and Terzo’s favorite thing to do besides performing was watching how beautifully the Sisters sang during their class time. They both had their favorite sisters and it was blatantly obvious. They would constantly talk in Italian so no one else knew what they were talking about. The best thing about this freshman class of Sisters - they were all diverse and no one looked the same. One sister in particular was Ellie - she was shorter than the rest of the girls. She had multi-colored hair that was short and shaggy. Her appearance was quite beautiful with her larger features that both attracted the two men.
“Cardinale, che ne dici di quella sorella Ellie (Cardinal, how about that sister Ellie). Eh?” Terzo whispered into Copia’s ear with a smug look on his face.
“È davvero stupenda. La sua voce suona come un angelo. Una delle mie sorelle preferite. (She's very gorgeous. Her voice sounds like an angel. One of my favorite Sisters.)” Copia replied with a grin on his face.
“Un adorabile Ghoul mi ha detto che quando è arrivata per la prima volta ha avuto un'avventura con il nostro caro fratello. (One lovely Ghoul told me that when she first arrived that she had a fling with our dear brother).” Terzo replied leaning back in his chair.
“Terzo, non voglio sentir parlare della tua vita sessuale. Per favore, tienilo per te. (Terzo, I don't want to hear about your sex life. Please keep it to yourself.)” Copia replied, rolling his eyes.
“Cardinale, il nostro caro fratello ha avuto una storia con la sorella. Quando lei è arrivata era in un brutto momento e hanno subito legato. Lei ha tirato fuori il meglio di lui: era finalmente avvicinabile. Detto tra noi, la prego, cardinale, non lo ripeta. Secondo l'ha tradita durante il loro ultimo ciclo di tournée.Lo scoprì da un'altra sorella e non lo perdonò mai. Sono passati alcuni mesi e lui spera ancora che lei gli conceda un po' di tempo. Si assicura costantemente che lei stia bene e che si sia sistemata. Grazie ai nostri adorabili ghoul. Sembra adorabile, forse le piacerebbe uno di noi? Eh? Forse non è il tuo tipo, ma è sicuramente il mio. (Cardinal, our dear brother had a fling with the sister. When she arrived she was in a bad place and they instantly connected. She brought out the best in him - he was finally approachable. Between us, please cardinal, don't repeat this. Secondo cheated on her during their last tour cycle. She found out from another sister and she never forgave him. It's been a few months and he still hopes that she'll give him the time of day. He constantly makes sure that she's okay and settled. Thanks to our lovely ghouls. She seems lovely, maybe she would go for one of us? Eh? She may not be your type but she's definitely mine.)” Terzo whispered, eyeing Ellie hard.
Ellie made direct eye contact with Copia and a blush filled her cheeks before she looked away. Mary, who was very popular, was constantly bullying her and today was the last straw that Terzo or Copia could handle. They both heard Mary abuse Ellie and degraded her. She grabbed her backpack that was behind the stage and ran out of the room. Copia looked at Terzo sadly and sighed.
“Mary, what the fuck are you doing? Do you want to be…eh.. Kicked out of the program? You’re so damn close. Stop being rude to Sister Ellie.” Terzo spoke loudly as he stood up from his chair.
Terzo was usually never upset about Sisters beating each other up. It was strange he seemed really interested in her life story as well. Copia was confused about his change of actions. But, Copia decided that he would worry about that later and go check out Ellie.
Copia looked high and low for her but eventually found her out in the courtyard under a tree. She looked extra beautiful in the sunlight with the wind gently toying with her hair. He watched her for a bit before slowly approaching. When finally in her space, he cleared his throat to catch her attention.
“H-hello.. E-Ellie I came to.. Eh…. make sure you’re okay? Do you mind if I sit?” He said softly implying to sit next to her.
“Of course, Cardinal. I’m okay, not doing great but thank you for checking on me. It means alot. But, confused on why I was the subject between you and Terzo?” She replied sitting up straight.
“You… u-understood our conversation? Oh goodness, I’m sorry! I didn’t know you …” He stuttered quickly.
“Secondo was teaching me until that happened. So, yes I understood every single word.” She replied with a sad tone.
Her attention was drifting towards the Emeritus balcony. Secondo was up there with a Sister. Copia could see her expression change drastically. She frantically gathered her things and shot herself up. 
“My apologies, Cardinal. Excuse me.” She said turning around quickly and disappearing back into the abbey.
He watched Secondo with the Sister for several minutes and studied their body language. The face of the sister was what shocked him the most. Whatever he felt at this point had to be buried because fighting Secondo was not an option, at least for Copia. The pair were kissing each other and that’s when Copia decided he had enough. He took a single deep breath and got himself off the ground. His mind raced as he walked helplessly down the halls in the abbey. Copia accidentally ended up at the doorstep of Secondo. His leathered fist was about to knock on the door when it suddenly opened. A small sister came rushing out with tears down her cheeks and bite marks on her neck.
“Excuse me, Mary.” Copia said, moving out of the way and catching Secondo’s gaze.
“Entra, cardinale. Ho la sensazione che parleremo di una certa Sorella. (Come on in, Cardinal. I have a feeling we're going to talk about a certain Sister.).” He harshly said, turning around to gaze out the giant window facing the courtyard.
“Non voglio invadere la tua privacy... ma perché l'hai tradita? Perché dovresti fare qualcosa di così... peccaminoso? (I don't want to invade your privacy.. but why did you cheat on her? Why would you do something so... sinful?)” Copia replied, closing the door with some force.
“Cardinale, non mi aspetto che tu capisca. Alla fine sarebbe successo. Ma non volevo che accadesse così in fretta. Che tu ci creda o no, l'amavo. Sì, eravamo fottuti amici. Ma .. questo vecchio ha coltivato sentimenti. Non si adatta bene qui come speravo. Che Suor Mary otterrà ciò che le spetta. Ellie, oh mia cara Ellie... spero che si innamori di te o di Terzo. (Cardinal, I don't expect you to understand. It was going to happen eventually. But, I didn't mean for it to happen so quickly. Believe it or not, I loved her. Yes, we were fuck buddies. But.. this old man grew feelings. She doesn't fit as well here as I hoped. That Sister Mary will get what's coming for her soon. Ellie, oh my dear Ellie... I hope she falls in love with yourself or Terzo.)” He spoke with a monotone still facing the window. “Adesso, per favore, vattene dai miei alloggi. Dì al mio stupido fratello di comportarsi bene con lei. (Now, please get the fuck out of my quarters. Tell my dumb brother to behave with her).
Copia did as he was told and closed the door slowly behind him. He took multiple deep breaths and let everything he found out sink in. The dinner bell had started ringing and he made his way to the dining hall slowly. The hall was already full with sisters and brothers with the emeritus family at the head of the room. He nodded to the sisters as he approached the long table with Primo and Terzo filling their glasses with wine. Copia had a spot next to Terzo on the end and watched all the sisters mingle with each other.
“Where’s…Ellie? Have you seen her?” Terzo asked while slowly scanning the room.
“I haven’t seen her since she ran off earlier. Secondo was being…eh…chatty with Mary on that balcony of his.” Copia replied, fixing the napkin on his lap.
The hall doors opened slowly and Ellie walked in awkwardly looking around with swollen eyes. She headed for the food trays but my eyes shot across the room to where Mary stood up with her gang of Bullies. Copia swallowed hard because he knew something was about to happen. Mary and Ellie slowly approached each other and I slowly looked at Terzo. They couldn’t hear what was being said but the loud bang of the food tray caught both of their attention. Terzo stood up immediately and saw Ellie on the ground as she wore her dinner. Mary and her friends walked away laughing and caused an uproar in the hall. The laughs echoed off the tall walls and flooring. Copia and Terzo both caught Ellie’s eyes as she slowly wiped tears and food from her face.
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kaisarionn · 7 months
Can I ask for some fluff? I'd love to see Secondo with and angel reader, where at first Secondo HATES the reader because they bother him often but they end up becoming friends?
A/n: thank you for the request! Sorry for taking so long, I hope you enjoy this!
Word count: 571. GN angel!reader. Pure fluff!!
Angelo 💚
When you first arrived at the ministry you got on a lot of peoples nerves despite- or perhaps even because of your sunny disposition and overall kind attitude. It took a while for everyone to get used to you, but eventually they did, except for Secondo, he has been a little bit of a tough nut to crack since he is weary of angels such as yourself.
It took a lot of effort and some coaxing on your end to get him to like you, but after much persistence and many baked goods, you finally managed to get through to him. He was a little hesitant to let you in at first since he assumed you had an ulterior motive or something of that nature, but once he realized you meant no harm everything was smooth sailing from there.
“Buona notte, caro. Are you ready to watch our movie?” Earlier in the week you had somehow convinced Secondo to watch your favorite movie together, with the promise that you would watch his favorite movie sometime. “Yeah! I have everything ready for us, so come sit.” You gently pat the spot next to you on the couch, that has a nice soft blanket for him to use.
“Ah good, good. I brought the poppy corn like you asked.” Secondo is embarrassed about saying ‘poppy’ rather than ‘pop’ though he seems to be a bit relieved when you don't tease him about his little mistake. “Oh good! I had forgotten all about that.” You smile and cuddle up closer to him since he is practically radiating warmth and the ministry is always so cold.
“Well good thing I remembered it then.” He chuckles as he wraps an arm around you to keep you close to his side, knowing you tend to get cold easily. You turn on the movie and start snacking on the various assortment of foods you brought. Some of them are your favorites, but most of them are things that Secondo told you he liked eating as a kid.
“I hope you like this, it’s one of my favorites.” Secondo almost doesn’t catch your words since he is already engrossed in the movie, but fortunately he does. “I like it so far, it is very nice” You feel just a tad giddy hearing that he likes the movie thus far, but you keep it to yourself so he can enjoy the movie in its entirety.
As the movie progresses you start to get very sleepy and slump against Secondo in your slumber. At first he tenses up feeling you go limp at his side, but looking down to see such a peaceful and angelic look on your face instantly makes him relax. He gingerly picks you up to carry you to bed, making sure to tuck you in tightly under the covers.
Just as Secondo is about to leave he feels you reach out to grab his hand. He assumed that maybe you were doing this subconsciously, but when he feels your grip tighten and he hears you mumble something under your breath he knows you want him to stay. “Okay mio angelo, I will stay.”
He quietly laughs as he crawls into the bed next to you, getting under the covers and pulling you close. “Mm.. thank you..” You mumble drearily as you cuddle into him, but Secondo doesn’t catch any of it as he is already fast asleep.
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ma-pi-ma · 1 year
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Tu caro amico, forse io faccio poco per te, ma il poco che ho e do è dal cuore. Tu quello che fai per me è molto, già solo la tua presenza mi arricchisce.
Angelo Giordano
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abatelunare · 9 months
Buona o cattiva
L'ennesima polemica che sconquassa il campionato di calcio italiano finisce per riproporre un tema assai caro all'animazione giapponese. Alludo all'uso della tecnologia. Il potentissimo (almeno all'inizio) robottone Mazinga Zeta, sosteneva il suo creatore, Professor Kabuto, può essere un angelo o un demonio, secondo l'utilizzo che se ne fa. Il corollario è che non esiste una tecnologia buona o cattiva: esiste un uso buono o cattivo di essa. Il che mi spinge a dire che non il VAR è il problema. Ma la persona che ne valuta le immagini. Se è un incapace o un prevenuto o un ignorante o quel che volete ch'egli sia, lo rende del tutto inutile. Perché l'errore c'è. E rimane.
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