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This was actually one of the first ones I made, and could have been better... but it's still cute, so I'll share!
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missorland · 2 months
Since it's going to take longer than expected to publish my Zestmilla one-shot, I'm going to share some of my headcanons ;)
Carmilla has a king-size bed and sometimes her daughters sleep with her like when they were children
Zestial is THE KING of self-control. There are soooo many times a day when he wishes he could grab Carmilla's face and kiss her like it’s the end of the world, and yet he remains stoic and formal most of the time (while internally he's simping)
When Clara and Odette were little, Carmilla used to sing to them at bedtime. Zestial stayed to "help her put the girls to bed" (he just wanted to hear her sing). He was always the first to fall asleep
Carmilla needs glasses. She hates wearing them, because she thinks they make her look old, but Zestial DROOLS every time she wears them at home
Carmilla knows how to dance all kinds of dances (it's easy to guess from her outfit) and although Zestial is not that good, he has learned different styles so he would be prepared if one day she offered him to dance with her
Based on Zestial being a very old man, his opinion on women before meeting Carmilla was somewhat retrograde. He didn’t give much importance to women ideas, aspirations or personality, but when he met Carmilla and her daughters he felt so ignorant and stupid for not having given women credit until then.
Carmilla is an absolute workaholic, but starting at 11 pm Zestial FORCES her to go to bed, and if she resists, he offers to massage her scalp or feet. She can't stay awake for more than 5 minutes after that
Now some NSFW headcanons hehe
Zestial likes to go slow, kissing every inch of skin, and although Carmilla appreciates it very much, most of the time she has to take control to finally get to the fun
The sexual combination between an English Lord who died in the Middle Ages and a latina dancer woman who possibly died in the 70s or 80s is quite curious. Before Zestial learned how many things could be done with a woman, he was literally like a puppy at the mercy of a beast
Carmilla loves Zestial's voice, she finds it terribly sexy. He knows it and uses it to his advantage, whispering obscenities in her ear while he fucks her deep and slow
Just like Carmilla loves Zestial's voice, he gets even hornier when Carmilla moans or curses in Spanish. Often Carmilla's screams of pleasure in her language are what makes him finally cum
One time, Carmilla's daughters caught them having sex. Odette was completely traumatized, while Clara seemed to be having fun. Neither Carmilla nor Zestial looked them in the face for a week
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barblaz-arts · 7 months
HELLOOO!! Im in LOVE with all your Chaggie (and Wenclair obv-) art!! I was wondering if youd be up to share your thoughts on the other hazbin characters? Simply cuz Im very curious and youve been a favourite content creator of mine for a while whose opinions and takes on different things i value A LOT! So id love to hear your thoughts on the rest of the main cast(and more if youre up to it hahha)!
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The main cast huh
Hmmmmm I dont particularly hate them, but I have some opinions that people might not like and I'm aware there's a lot of uh sensitive people in this fandom, so I never said them unprompted
But since you asked!
Let's start with the infamous Alastor. I think he's a very entertaining character! His horde of simps annoy tf outta me when they're being misogynistic and homophobic towards Chaggie and Vaggie, but I quite liked him when I make myself forget certain parts of the fandom. He's funny and conniving and intriguing. The fact that he apparently sold his soul is super interesting to me. I'm on board with the people theorizing that he sold his soul to Lilith. I bet he's cozying up with Charlie so that he can use it to break his contract somehow. Feel like he also used the deal with (presumably) Lilith so that he could be strong enough to be the overlord he became.
With that being said, I'm really surprised with the direction they took with him. You'd think that with him being a favorite of the showrunner and the fandom, he would probably be portrayed as the coolest mf in hell. But I really like that it isn't really the case within the show. Certain denizens dont even know him and older overlords like Zestial seems to scare him and Carmilla just dgaf about him. Hell, Alastor's loss to Adam was a lil embarrassing ngl. Like. I know he's one of the oldest human souls and that's why he's powerful but... It's Adam.
Something about him that I noticed is that he seems to be more bark than bite. In particular in his duet with Lucifer, initially Lucifer had the upper hand because he's objectively more powerful, humiliating Alastor with his angel magic, but what Alastor used to his advantage was his words and charisma, as can be expected of a radio host. He's always taunting his enemies, but does it actually make him stronger than them? He "won" that duet with Vox but Valentino said Alastor only"almost beat" him when they had an actual fight. He ruffled Lucifer's feathers but at the end of the day Lucifer is still leagues more powerful than him. He talked big when he was fighting Adam but he almost died and had a breakdown over it.
He's really a lot less "cool" than I expected the show would have him be portrayed as. Kinda pathetic honestly, how he's so insecure and angry whenever he isn't the strongest guy in the room. And i actually really like that! He reminds me a lot of Rumplestilstkin from Once Upon a Time.
Something I kinda hesitate to say tho is... I dont want him redeemed. I dont want him to actually care about the hotel crew and change his ways. I like him as the fucked up man he is and really want to see how fucked up he can be, just so that if he ends up being the huge antagonist, his downfall would be all the more satisfying. Like yunno that moment when Light/Kira was finally defeated? I wanna feel that again.
Angel Dust
I love him! We found his dialogue a lil annoying at first in ep 1 but the writers did a lot better in ep 2. He's a neat guy. His character gives interesting implications for me as to what makes a person a sinner in this show. While you have people like Alastor who obviously ended up where they did because a cannibal murderer, I get the feeling Angel ended up in hell because he was abusing his own body, which is a sad thing to think. If I remember right from my own catholic upbringing, abusing the body is considered a sin because your body is a temple. To think that Angel could be in hell for poisoning himself, not for harming others, is just sad man. I look forward to seeing more of his journey.
I'm not touching on how his SA was tackled btw. While I'm a victim of sexual assault myself, what i experienced was far from what Angel does on a REGULAR basis,so I don't feel like i have any personal or professional right to say anything about it. Not every victim's case is universal anyways. All I can say is, his line about purposefully damaging himself so he could be broken enough to no longer be Valentino's "favorite toy" hit me harder than I ever expected this show to.
Confession: I... I dont feel all that attached to Husk at all, I am so sorry Husk stans 😭
Okok that feels so mean to say I'm so sorry. I actually hesitated to say anything because I dont want to hurt people's feelings. But since you guys are asking and I dont like not being genuine, I'm telling the truth.
A lot of my feelings about Husk is heavily affected by the fandom anyways to be perfectly fair. Why? Because a lot of criticisms against Vaggie is easily applicable to Husk, maybe even more so, and yet I dont see even the same level of hate towards him that Vaggie received because his chemistry with Angel is so much better than Chaggie... Apparently...
I just dont see Husk as a character outside of being a plot device for Angel's development yunno? I get it, he isn't a main character like the main 4 are(Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, and Angel), i just find it hard to well and truly like him because of the fandom's double standards. When we found out someone was gonna die in the finale, my brother and I actually thought it was gonna be him because he doesn't have a big enough role to play in the plot to be a HUGE loss, but has a significant enough connection to a main character to have an EFFECT. He very much just felt like the love interest for Angel and nothing else. Which isnt necessarily a bad thing, but is frustrating when i see sooo many people label Vaggie as such(when she isnt!) and hate her SO MUCH for it.
I wanna see more of him tho I really do. Like the man used to be an overlord. He said he wanted to find someone who could relate to "the gruesome ways in which he's damaged" but what does that even mean? Yes i know about the castration but aside from that what suffering is Alastor putting him thru when all he has to do is be a bartender rn? There must be more and I wanna see it and finally feel for him.
I love her a lot. That's it. The character ever. Her gremlin energy reminded me so much of Peridot, it's great. Kimiko Glenn did a fantastic job as the comic relief character and I hope she gets her own song next season. Her basically being everyone's little sister was kinda adorable even tho she's probably the scariest person in that hotel next to Alastor. I hope she gets to stab Valentino next. Just kill that MOTHerfucker
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hells-wasabii · 8 months
Master list
Hi guys! I figured it was time to make an archive of all of my works so far. On the list, I've included the requests that I am currently working on as well, indicated by the 'in progress' next to them in bold.\
This thing is constantly getting updated, so i definitely recommend coming back every now and again to see what's new!
edit: general does not mean that its not romantic, if it's a character x reader its automatically shipping whether its pre relationship or an established relationship, if its a 'with (insert)!reader' its platonic. Alastor is the exception, I write him with a sort of platonic life partner in mind.
I hope you enjoy your reading!
General Headcanons x g/n reader Alastor x doe!reader (Headcanons, General) | Part 1 Alastor x doe!reader (Headcanons, Fluff) | Part 2 Alastor x stronger reader (Headcanons, General) Alastor x son of Zeus m!reader(Headcanons, General)
Charlie x son of Zeus m!reader(Headcanons, General)
Angel Dust
Angel Dust x Husk x fem!reader (Headcanons, General, Fluff) Angel Dust x reader (Headcanons, General, Fluff, Angst, NSFW) | Part 1 Angel Dust x reader (Headcanons, General, Fluff, Angst, NSFW) | Part 2 [in progress]
Angel Dust x Husk x fem!reader (Headcanons, General, Fluff) Husk x reader (Drabble, Fluff, "Catching Feelings")
Sir Pentious
Sir Pentious x reader (Headcanons, Fluff, NSFW) | Part 1 Sir Pentious x reader (Headcanons, Fluff, NSFW) | Part 2 [in progress] Sir Pentious x fem!reader (Headcanons, Fluff)
Vox x obedient assistant!reader who’s hypnosis immune (Headcanons, Fluff) workaholic!Vox x workaholic nb!reader (Headcanon+Drabble, Fluff) Falling Asleep On His Shoulder | Vox x nocturnal Overlord m!reader (Drabble, Fluff) Vox x Overlord of possession!reader (Headcanons, General) Vox x death!reader (Headcanons, General)
Valentino w/ a wife!s/o (Headcanons, Fluff) | Part 1 Valentino w/ a wife!s/o (Headcanons, Fluff) | Part 2
Meet Cute Gone Wrong (Drabble, General) Velvette x autistic m!reader (Headcanons, General) Velvette x reader who's Carmilla's youngest daughter (Headcanon+Drabble, General, Fluff, Angst) | Part 1 Velvette x reader who's Carmilla's youngest daughter (Drabble, General, Fluff, Angst) | Part 2 Velvette x fem!reader smut(Drabble, NSFW, Smut) Velvette x sycophantic assistant fem!reader (Headcanons, general) Velvette x fem!reader who had an abusive ex (Drabble, Angst, Fluff) [in progress]
Carmilla x fem!reader smut (Drabble, NSFW, Smut, Fluff) Carmilla x injured during extermination day fem!reader (Fic, Angst, Fluff) Carmilla x wife!reader (Drabble, Fluff) Carmilla x imp m!reader (Headcanons, Angst) Carmilla x fem!reader who had an abusive ex (Drabble, Angst, Fluff) [in progress]
Lucifer x sad!reader (Headcanons, Fluff) Lucifer x deaf!reader (Headcanon+Drabble, Fluff) Lucifer x shorter m! reader (Headcanons, General) Lucifer x reader slowburn (Headcanons, Fluff) Lucifer x son of Zeus m!reader (Headcanons, General) Lucifer x southern!reader (Headcanons, Fluff)
Cherri Bomb
Softness In Unexpected Places (Drabble, Fluff)
Softness In Unexpected Places (Drabble, Fluff) Rosie x imp m!reader (Headcanons, General) Rosie x fem!reader smut (Drabble, NSFW, Smut)
Zestial x reader (Headcanons, General) Zestial x wife!reader (Drabble, Fluff) Zestial x fem!reader smut (Headcanons+Drabble, NSFW)
Jealous!Adam x reader (Headcanons, General) Adam x seraphim fem!reader (Drabble, Fluff(simping)) Adam x injured exorcist!reader (Headcanons, Angst) injured!Adam x sinner!reader (Headcanons+Drabble, Angst, Fluff) Adam x 19th century angel!reader (Headcanons, General) [in progress]
Lute x son of Zeus m!reader (Headcanons, General)
Sera x reader (Headcanons, Fluff, NSFW) Sera x reader (Headcanons, Fluff) [in progress]
General (nonromantic)
Hotel staff/residents with seraphim child!reader (Fic, Plotcentric, Nonromantic, General) Husk with teenager at his bar (Drabble, Nonromantic, General)
Will add more charters as I write for them, if you don’t see something you like feel free to send in a request!
Edit: this is an old Masterlist, please see blog navigation for new list -wasabi
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cheesyv · 2 months
Rating Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss Ships
I was originally going to post 2 different things (one for HH & another for HB) but I decided I would bring them together cause there are some ships involving characters from both. So This is gonna be a long behind post :]
This should be obvious but for those who might get confused about the colors:
Green - For the higher rated ships. I love or think that ship could work
Orange- For both high and low rated ships. I’m on the fence for that ship. So I could have easily given it a lower or higher rating
Red - For lower rated ships. I hate or think that ship couldn’t work
Alastor/Lucifer 10/10 I’m a sucker for enemies to lovers tropes 😭 like I know it’s most likely not going to be canon (and let’s bfr a lot of our ships won’t be) but that’s part of the fun. I find the fics and art hilarious and absolutely adorable. I think the cutest thing is them being in a QPR 🤭
Husk/Angel 10/10 They are cute. Husk and Angel talking, bonding and all that fun crap lol
Alastor/Rosie 10/10 I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the idea of them being in a QPR.
Charlie/Vaggie 9/10 They are so cute and supportive, and fit well together
Vox/Lucifer/Alastor 8/10 Lucifer and Vox become Alastor’s simps, and pull him into all their crazy ‘adventures’ 💀 They start dating but Alastor doesn’t fully comprehend it. I find it kinda funny to imagine Lucifer & Vox thinking they’re all dating but that doesn’t even pop up in Al’s head. (Let’s be for real, Alastor is just barely holding himself together and “tolerating” them and maybe eventually growing fond of them)
Lucifer/Vox 7/10 I like the idea of them partnering together (in fake dating or partnership in hating and fighting Al) to spite Alastor.
Alastor/Vox 6/10 I’m not the biggest fan of this ship. I enjoy the art I see and find some of the comics funny/cute but truly my heart will always belong to radioapple 😔
Vox/Val 10/10 They are most likely already sleeping together and act like a old married couple in the show, just work on Vox’s obsession with Alastor (and Val’s character but you know that probably ain’t happening) and BOOM could be good (tho I think Val finds amusement in Vox’s obsession so idk).
Val/Vox/Velvette 3/10 Don’t really see them all actually dating or being more than business partners/family.
Adam/Lucifer 4/10 Yeah that would totally work 💀 cause Lucifer totally didn’t fuck both of his wifes and I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried it on Adam too. Plus I feel like there would be alot of beef between them. (Adam did attack the hotel and Charlie, they might have some more history then just wife stealing cause you know heaven/earth stuff) But i must admit I like the fan art of them.
Alastor/Angel 4/10 I just don’t like the idea of them together very much. 🤷‍♀️ no specific reason honestly, I never liked the ship even during the plot
Val/Angel 1/10 You understand. Val is shit and treats Angel like he’s shit.
Lucifer/Lilith 7/10 Im suspicious of Lilith. 🤨 I really hope she actually cares about her family 😔 I like seeing them in the garden of Eden and raising Charlie like a happy family but idk, something is off about her. I also love the angst 🤭
Rosie/Lilith 6/10 Is kinda cute but I don’t know enough about both characters (especially Lilith). 🧐 If they are even actually who they say they are (theory post) 🧐
Adam/Lute 8/10 I like this ship, they obviously have history and some sort of chemistry. The relationship might be alittle unhealthy tho. I also like to think of them in a father/daughter or mentor/mentee type relationship.
Cherri/SirPentious 7/10 Sir Pentious likes it and deserves love. I’m a little fiffy on this one cause of Cherri. But she can definitely gain genuine feelings (too bad he’s not within her reach anymore 😏) so I’ll give her some slack lol
Zestial/Carmilla 8/10 I ship it. They obviously have some sort of history and are friends.
Charlie/Emily 1/10 They’re so alike that I see them more as sisters than anything.
Charlie/Alastor ?/10 I don’t know anymore 😭 I used to not like it but now this ship is slowly growing on me. Especially after reading this. <- That post just makes sense and honestly I wouldn’t be mad if it was canon. It’s making me question “everything” lol
Husk/Lucifer 8/10 I like it as a platonic ship. I think they be good friends and can easily talk to each other. I really like @drazhaq’s comics of Lucifer cuddling Husk and him not being overwhelmed talking to husk.
Husk/Alastor 3/10 Not a big fan, I prefer Huskerdust
Cherri/Angel 2/10 They are best friends and I don’t think Cherri would be a good partner for Angel. Plus he’s gay.
Striker/Chaz 6/10 Honestly? They both got some sex drive in them lol. Wouldn’t be to bad if Chaz wasn’t dead ☠️
Chaz/Moxxie/Millie 1/10 I don’t like it. You can tell Moxxie and Millie didn’t like it either
Chaz/Blitzo 3/10 wouldn’t have worked out 🤷‍♀️ plus Blitz ?loves (?that’s what imma use lol) Moxxie and Millie to much to go dating someone who’s hated by them and (I must add) a lousy fuck/fucker.
Martha/Mayberry 7/10 😭 They realized the man wasn’t worth it so they hooked up instead. I’m not against it 🙌 if they got over their differences then sure, go for it ladies.
Stolas/Blitzo 7/10 ugh 😩 Honestly hate the way things are going and how they treat each other (specially Blitz). If they can’t figure it out, it’d be better to just split up and go on their separate ways. But I do want them to work out their issues and become happy together. They are so cute together when they ain’t doing the toxic tango.
Loona/Octavia 2/10 See them more as siblings, friends or mentor/mentee
Stolas/Stella 1/10 Hell no :)
Stolas/Striker 1/10 Striker was literally paid to kill Stolas. Even tho Stolas finds him hot doesn’t mean it’d work out lol.
Stella/Striker 4/10 They can go fuck off with each other :)
Fizzaroli/Blitz 10/10 As a romantic ship, hell no. As a platonic ship, hell yes. I’m glad they made up and are friends again, they are such a good duo :) (Tho I won’t complain if there’s some platonic make out sessions between the two /J)
Fizzarolli/Ozzie 10/10 They are ADORABLE together 😭 They way Ozzie is with Fizz makes me happy.
Moxxie/Millie 10/10 They are perfect for each other. If you ship one of these characters with any one else, how dare you 😠
Verosika/Blitzo 3/10 Obviously Blitz doesn’t like her like that and Verosika doesn’t anymore. They had their struggles and I’m glad in the end it was somewhat “sort out”. I hope they can be friends at least, if not that’s understandable.
Mammon/Fizzarolli 2/10 Mammon’s true love is money 🤑 and he treated Fizz like shit just to get more.
Stolas/DudeThatAskedHimToDance 6/10 Ah. I think it’s cute and could be healthier and less harming than the relationship Stolas has with Blitz. If Stoliz doesn’t work out then this could be an option. 🤷‍♀️
Loona/Vortex 7/10 I think they’d be cute together but you know he’s already in a relationship with bee
Lucifer/Stolas 7/10 Two emotionally damaged dads? They’d be cute and would bond over being hurt by someone they love and their relationship with their daughters. But I think I like the idea of them being friends way better.
Verosika/Valentino 3/10 I don’t know 💀 I’ve been thinking about this one for a day or two. I’m just gonna say no
Ozzie/Angel 3/10 like the idea of Angel going to Ozzie for help/work, but nothing more
Loona/Cherri 7/10 Honestly? Two badass people = badass power couple lol
Loona/Charlie 2/10 not a big fan 🤷‍♀️
Blitzo/Angel 6/10 It could work, both are vulgar and brash. They got issues that could be worked on together. But those issues they got can also be a big problem in the relationship (as it is in helluva boss between Stolas & Blitz). But, if not romantically, then they could be great business partners.
Stolas/Angel & Fizzarolli/Angel 6/10 Platonic ship! Could go two ways: a good fuck or besties for life. I love the idea of them shopping and gossiping together. I don’t particularly think they’d work as a couple tho.
Fizzarolli/Angel/Stolas 6/10 Platonic ship! Could definitely be besties. Bonding over the lovers and tyrants in their lives, going shopping etc. Don’t think they all would/could be lovers.
What’s your favorite/least favorite ship in HH & HB?
✨ Thanks for reading :) ✨
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astraaa3 · 7 months
A Vaggie or Carmilla x fem reader smut? If that’s okay!
A/N: Y'all I'm so sorry for the late responses. I had exams. T>T Anywayyys, I'll try grinding out all of the requests asaap. Thank you so much for the request hyenalover2630. &lt;3 Also, an unrelated sidenote my roommate (I live in the college dorms) is not so silently judging me for being a degenerate. But she's one as well, and besides the anime simping she simps for K-pop girls groups as well. (the two of us are the K-pop and metalhead roommates trope and it's hilarious). Anywayys, back to the degenerate shit everyone is here to read, hope you enjoy it.
Note: Still looking for someone to proofread the mess I write because I ain't letting my roommate read it. (she already peeps on my laptop I do not need further mortification). Feedback is greatly appreciated and welcomed.
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Carmilla x Fem!Reader (Smut shot)
Carmilla seems like a usually gentle lover, like, she'll make sure both of you end up satisfied by the end of your love-making.
That said, "usually" doesn't mean always. When she comes back home irritated she will make full use of having a lover to calm down (of course, with your enthusiastic consent; we love a respectful queen)
Depending on the nuances of annoyed versus mad, she will get you to do different things for her.
If she is mad, well, she doesn't want to risk hurting you, she is a powerful overlord after all, and as much as she respects you, she knows you are still weaker than her. So, when she is truly mad, she will ask you to bring her a drink and as she calms down sipping from her glass, she'd have you sit on your knees beside her chair, her free hand stroking your head. Once she's calmed down, she will absolutely cuddle in bed with you, as she tells you all about what happened that day.
If she is annoyed, more specifically, if you are the one to annoy her, well, she has multiple ways of shutting you up. Most of the time you'd end up with your head buried between her thighs, a toy shoved up your pussy as you struggle to concentrate on eating her out. (to be furthered on ;] )
Carmilla is the QUEEN of aftercare. No matter how little time she has until she has to get started on paperwork, you can bet your sweet little ass that she will pamper you. And in turn, you'll give her a back massage. (with how much she stands bent over paperwork her back hurts a lot, so when your hands rub the knots away, she can't help but let her more vulnerable side out, letting out small moans and grunts of relief as your hands to their magic)
The two of you mostly have sex in your shared soundproofed bedroom. Carmilla loves her daughters a lot, so she doesn't want to risk them hearing the two of you going at it. On a few occasions, the two of you would make out or at most do some over-the-clothes grinding in her office. Anywhere else is a nope, she has a reputation to uphold and it's already mortifying enough that Zestial caught the two of you making out in her office once. (that is a story for another time; let's just say it ended up with you flushing furiously and running out of Carmilla's office with a squeaked-out apology)
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The Smut-shot
You were laying on the couch grinning like a fool while spamming the hell out of Carmilla's phone with random texts, memes, pics, voice messages, calls, and gifs. Your lover (or as you have her on your phone: wifey) has been busy with work these last few days. The extermination counter shortening, the secret to killing angels, and her business were taking up a lot of her time as she was planning for the worst-case scenario. You understood why she was so stressed. After all, you loved her and you loved her daughters like they were your own children. You were scared for their safety as well. That said, right now you were more worried about Carmilla. She spent the last few nights in her office, planning out every possible and impossible situation. So, you decided to do what you do best: get her attention. And like the annoying idiot you could be, you decided to spam her until she had to come home.
Your wishes become a reality pretty quickly as Carmilla storms inside the room.
"Our room. Now." she says her eyebrows furrowed as she stomps towards your bedroom, her heels clacking as she walks.
You follow after her, giggling. As you close the door to your bedroom behind you she presses you against the wall, claiming your mouth in a searing kiss before you can get any excuses out of your mouth. Her hand slips under your pajama pants and panties, her fingers quickly finding your entrance as she wastes no time before burying one of her fingers inside of your cunt. The finger curls up pressing up against a sweet spot that makes you whine into the kiss, your hips wiggling as you try to get more of that feeling. Her other hand, however, pins your hips in place. Her finger still making back-and-forth motions inside of you Carmilla breaks the kiss looking at you with an annoyed look.
"I will not hear any words that are not a safeword out of you today. Alright? No whines, no pleads, no nothing. You will lay on the bed like a good girl, you will eat me out and if I feel like you deserve it, maybe I will let you cum. Am I understood, love?" she says pulling her hand out of your pants.
You nod with a pout as you go to lie down on the bed shrugging off your pants and blouse. Carmilla heads to one of your toy drawers pulling out a bullet vibrator. You glare at the toy like it personally offended you since it was one of the toys that had a broader range of vibrations. Aka, more ways for your lover to make you regret spamming the shit out of her phone.
You muffle a whine a she sticks up the lubed-out vibrator into your pussy, mock-glaring at her as she quickly retracts her hand from your folds. The moment she lays down on the bed you lay your head onto one of her thighs trying to give her your best kicked-puppy look. Laughing she strokes your hair motioning you forward towards her folds as she starts up the vibrator.
"You know there is no chance of me falling for that sweetheart. Now, get to it before I decide that you being a crying mess is my new favorite look on you," she says her hand brushing off a stray strand from your forehead.
You kiss your way up her thighs, giving them small butterfly kisses and soft bites, making your way to her pussy, pressing a few soft kisses to her clit before pressing your tongue between her folds your tongue expertly running up and around her hole before moving your way back up to her clit lavishing it with attention. Apparently, you still being able to have some technique to your eating out was not a good thing since Carmilla suddenly turned up the vibrator to the max. You cry out, your voice muffled between her thighs. You struggle to keep your composure licking and sucking desperately at her folds your head becoming a fuzzy mess as Carmilla keeps altering the settings of the vibrator. You lap at her messily, your teary eyes looking up at her, small whining noises leaving your mouth. She smiles at you, her face flushed from pleasure, her hand grabs the back of your head pushing your head up toward her clit, and like a starving person you latch onto it licking and sucking desperately. Her thighs squeeze around your hand as she cums, turning off the vibrator before you can do the same. Carmilla pants smirking as she sees your teary-eyed face. She pulls you up pushing your head between her breasts. Pulling out the vibrator she replaces it with her fingers massaging your clit before two of them find their way inside of you. She tilts up your head kissing you as her fingers quickly bring you to your own orgasm. Panting you lay your head on her chest as she cuddles you.
"I know I have been busy with work darling, but you can always say you want to spend time together instead of blowing up my phone." Carmilla mutters out sleepily her days of constant work finally catching up to her.
You nod pressing a quick peck to her lips as you hug her, her warm body lulling you to sleep.
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seramilla · 6 months
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Even though Seramilla is the focus here, we still simp for Zestial, Carmilla’s faithful friend and doting godfather to the girls. I mean look at this man! How can you not adore that smile???
This is the artwork James Monroe Inglehart will be signing on Streamily.
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Odette is currently still depressed and in the corner
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overlord-zestial · 6 months
Zesty Zestial, how would you react if you ever proposed to Carmilla and she said yes?
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“ unlikely, that scenario… “
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zestialtheancient · 6 months
Carmilla looks disappointed. "How are you scared of a baby?"
*he's simmering*
I art not AFRAID. They simply DISGUST ME. My so called reaction of "fear" was my attempting to restrain myself from smearing it into the pavement.
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 years
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last updated ; 24/06/24
listed below is everything that i have published on this account for hazbin hotel — characters are organised alphabetically by first name.
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
smut hcs — general [here]
smut hcs — dominant male s/o [here]
alastor / the radio demon
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
hcs — having a gomez/morticia-esque dynamic with a fem!overlord s/o [here]
hcs — being caught off guard by his feelings for a transmasc reader [here]
hcs — saving an injured!fallen angel!reader [here]
hcs — shorter transmasc s/o who steals his clothes [here]
hcs — emo s/o [here]
yandere hcs — househusband + working s/o [here]
smut hcs — general [here]
smut hcs — helping his s/o ‘relax’ [here]
one shot — “the perfect gentleman” (nsfw)
angel dust
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
hcs — having an affectionate male s/o [here]
hcs — spanish speaking s/o [here]
hcs — emo s/o [here]
platonic hcs — having a verosika-mayday-like friend [here]
platonic hcs — lashing out at younger sibling figure [here]
platonic hcs — what type of older brother he’d be [here]
smut hcs — reacting to his s/o having intimate piercings [here]
carmilla carmine
one shot — ‘//title pending\\’ (nsfw)
charlie morningstar
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
hcs — verosika mayday!s/o [here]
smut hcs — thigh riding [here]
drabble — thigh riding + vaggie [here]
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
hcs — genderfluid s/o who acts like verosika mayday [here]
hcs — emo s/o [here]
lucifer morningstar
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
hcs — verosika mayday!s/o [here]
hcs — chubby s/o [here]
hcs — s/o from the ‘cult family’ [here]
hcs — transmasc s/o who steals his clothes because it gives them gender euphoria [here]
hcs — bonding with a hotel resident over a shared love of ducks [here]
yandere hcs — general [here]
yandere hcs — fallen angel s/o [here]
smut hcs — general [here]
smut hcs — being edged [here]
smut hcs — dominant male s/o [here]
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
platonic hcs — simping over the same bad boy as her friend [here]
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
yandere hcs — general [here]
smut hcs — general [here]
smut hcs — segmented alphabet [a/i/k]
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
sir pentious
hcs — s/o who died in the 2000s [here]
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
drabble — thigh riding + charlie [here]
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
hcs — shorter transmasc s/o who steals his clothes [here]
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
hcs — butterfly demon s/o [here]
multi-character posts
platonic hcs — the vees (valentino / velvette / vox) with a reader who works alongside them as an equal [here]
poly hcs — yandere!alastor / yandere!angel / yandere!husk and a gender neutral s/o [here]
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dolce-tenebra-toscana · 2 months
Vento Infernale au
La Squadra and their favourite member of the Hazbin Hotel/Helluva boss cast ( considering is a crossover, they interacted at least once or they regularly see each other for plot reasons )
Risotto: Carmilla and Zestial
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He may not be an overlord but Risotto is a heavily respected hitman and his services ( along with his team ) are often requested by Carmilla and Zestial themselves.
They usually talk about work but all 3 of them bond over the connection they have with their " family " and that they would do anything to protect them.
Carmilla's daughters are especially fond of him since he teached them the basics of self defense in Carmilla's absence, the overlord deeply appreciated that he took time to listen and find suitable weapons/combat style for her Clara and Odette.
Wine time between the 3 became a regular thing after some time~
Prosciutto: Stolas and Asmodeus
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Prosciutto met the big guy Ozzie through his partner Fizzarolli ( Fizz had a show in Pride and was being followed by a bunch of creeps, so Prosci decided to help the imp hoping to get at least some type of reward....he did but definetly not the one he was hoping 🤣) and after being granted special VIP membership to Ozzie's second location in Pentagram city ( bear with me again, it's for plot reasons ) he was introduced by the Sin to Stoals as well.
The 3 of them bond over the fact that they always want to appear to their best and the high expectations people puts on them, their love for expensive stuff and the fact that all 3 are k*nky af.
So they meet in Ozzie's penthouse to chat and enjoy a good show (Asmodeus and Stolas also gave him a " i simp for imp " t shirt when they found out he was into imps as well lol)
Illuso: the Vees
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Ok we talking about Heathers here....BUT WAY WORSE!!
If Illuso wasn't already part of the hitman team Vox, Val and Vel would have definetly asked him to join the V club but they all soon learned about his loyalty to the Squadra ( they lowkey respect that )
Vox asks the onryo sinner opinions about what trashy tv entartainment the mass needs cause Illuso is really quick on catching gossip; Val likes to party with him and they like to be the talk of the s*x clubs of the turf ( Valentino asked him to perform in some of his movies as well and illuso may have accepted...but no one knows in which one ) Velvette considers him a fashion icon, not as much as herself but definetly a close one! They love to make Voxtagram lives where they lay down the laws of what's " in " or not and loves to bully people online/on the runway durin vel's shows....so yeah these 3 together vibe but it's a nightmare for whoever is in their proximity
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zestialmorde · 2 months
Zestial, a simp is a person who is perceived as overly submissive or even desperate for the attention or affection of someone without receiving anything in return 😭
And I won't lie to you, you kinda do give simp vibes 😔
"Carmilla adores me the same, if not more, than I adore her. Blasphemy!"
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infernal-feminae · 6 months
💖 💖 💖
send a 💖and the mun will talk about a random mutual they love and appreciate!!
Jack's Zee will always be my main Zestial. They've done most of the work of filling in the spots canon has yet to fill. I enjoy reading their little headcanon posts and seeing their art! I also love how we mutually agreed that Zee and Carmilla are married even though they're not actually married lol.
I like how Dodger's Vox can go from charismatic and flirtatious to the manipulative bastard he is lol. The secret admirer plotline with his Vox and Carmilla is definitely one of my favorites. I still need to interact with his other muses but I've enjoyed what I've seen so far!
Luci will say the most unhinged shit on the dash and I LIVE for it lmao. They're an agent of chaos but also just so genuinely sweet??? I've just started interacting with them but they are so understanding and nice. Also, I support them in their Vox simping XD
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jadzio · 5 days
Hey, I know it's been a lil while, and that you're busy, but I've been wondering about something. In the past, you have mentioned that Velvette is your favorite character from Hazbin, and I'm curious - what's the reason for that?
It mostly surprised me because of how little screentime she gets (I believe she has roughly 4 scenes, where she got to speak). I have also had instances where I came to really love side characters that the story didn't put much focus on, but I also don't recall any of them ever making it to my number 1 spot, so yeah.
But I will admit that I enjoyed her quite a bit. Her VA did a great job, and I do like the fun archetype of the 'snooty self absorbed rich girl that is also pretty short I guess' (with Pacifica from GF, Qiyana from League, and Disgust from Inside Out being some other examples I liked).
And Resepctless is a bop, of course. Plus it also strongly implied that Velvette is somewhat delusional (as Vox was shown to be the backbone of her group, being the one with biggest influence, that also sorts situations out - while Zestial didn't loose any relevance, judging by the way folks on the street reacted to him), which could be a fun thing to explore in Season 2.
I wonder if there's anything more to your enjoyment of the character, or if it's just the stuff I already said. After all, we all have our favorite tropes and archetypes, and a character would often become my favorite for simply fitting into the ones I like!
But I suppose there's no harm in asking :3
dw dw
I may answer a bit late, but hey at some point I will claw out some time...
Velvette is my fave from hazbin, but Beelzebub is my fave from the whole hellaverse.
I dont think she is delusional tho. I think that line was just either puffing up your coat to appear bigger and more threatening to the other overlords or all the v's i think thinks of themselves as the most important. We see a lot of vox, but id say that its vel who keeps things running the most. She isn't running and wasting time on simping for someone who won't even look at em (I mean angel for Val and alastor for vox). She feels like she needs to pick up crap after their toxic yaoi and feel the consequences the most.
And I think zestial might have lost some influence. I mean if u only take what folks from the street think of him, I mean they acted like that when they've seen alastor too, but its harder to argue that he remained in the same power as before. I think most sinners would reacted that way, cause 1 overlords, 2 who knows what they are up to, 3 they are known to take souls so u know u can still think lowly of someone and still be scared of them if they have a granade in their hand. Sides Val might have said that cause maybe v's have millions of souls due to the powers shift and more of the new sinners coming to them for technology., while zestiel might have had only a few thousands, strong ones, but less in numbers. Maybe she thinks those old souls can't do much anymore as opposed to their millions. also situation just had changed, they've discovered that angels are not immortal. so she wants a new approach to the situation and not be dragged by old unchanged ways of ye old. Also also all that was to prode and poke at carmila to cause her to outburst. I think she is smarter then u give her credit to. she knows its Carmilla and is trying to get out more info in the way she knows how. also it might have been again puffing up your coat to bring more overlords to her side.
But to answer ur question, I think i need to go back to queen bee. My love for her started for a beautiful design and its still a big part of it ofc. But... Idk how to describe it. She kinda awakened/opened some part of me if even just a lil (not like sexually i already know im pan/furry don't at me). Some part that been hidden away. one thats more spunk and free in her expression. More femme but in this specific way. This all didnt change my life in a dramatic way, but it pry open the door for other stuff to influence it.
And thats where Vel comes in. Trough that opened door, a lil bit. She also has an amazing design. But she is also spunky and not afraid to speak her mind and have a lil fun with it. She is respectless and a lil but of a bad bitch and Idk that kinda resonates with me a lil. I sometimes wish I had that confidence to flip off other plp (when deserved obvi) and dress in unusual ways.
overall idk you can all attribute my interest in them both to excellent design. but that's my theory on why
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alerstor · 6 months
Carmilla is watching him
"Carmilla! Why, what a thoughtful visit!" He let out a deer like sound in satisfaction.
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