#carmella asking the important questions as usual
magicmalcolm · 10 months
Sami Zayn: "Finn slipped on some ice this morning. Landed right on his butt."
Carmella: "Oh my God! Is the ground okay?"
Finn Bálor: 😠
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helplessly-nonstop · 5 years
Slip of Ice (A. Black smut)
It’s that time of year again, folks! Chrismuts for us all in the WWE fandom! I originally had the 21st but due to complications, I switched day! Shout out to @toxiicpop for putting together one of the strongest bands of writers imagined! Without them and my wonderful counterparts in the Discord, I wouldn’t be here! anyway, here’s my contribution to @25daysofchrismuts! 
OC, Highness, just wants to have a normal Christmas time with her best friends but when Charlotte lets it slip that the two are in love with her, she freaks and thankfully, Aleister is there to take her to the hospital. 
WC: 5,651 words 
Warnings: smut, broken ankle, voyeurism (hi discord chat!!!) unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, you lil shits), vaginal sex, riding, fingering, uh, yeah
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I slipped into the Performance Center and glanced around with a small sigh. Baron and Aleister wasn’t here tonight, which meant that I was all alone for the night. Bayley tackled me in a hug and I groaned with the force of it before she chirped, ”Guess what, guess what, guess what!” 
I couldn’t help but smile at the young brunette. She was like a little sister to me and always had so much energy. Some days it felt like I couldn’t keep up with the energetic woman, but she somehow always managed to change my mind in a matter of minutes. Who knew, maybe today wouldn’t be so bad without my two best friends.
“What are we doing today, Bails?” I asked as we made our way to the ring. She grinned and shouted, ”Christmas decorating!” I stopped short. I’m sorry, what? 
I had been working at WWE for a little under a year now and this was the first time that I saw how the Performance Center organized for the holidays. Christmas, for the longest time, was a hit or miss situation in my family; either it went excellent or all hell rained loose at my house. If I was being honest, I didn’t think that the PC decorated for Christmas, considering that most of the people who worked around here were usually frowning or screeching their heads off. Huh. Who knew?
“Stephanie is practically holding us at gunpoint since we didn’t get the decorations up before the first of December.” she informed me as we joined the rest of the Superstars there for the day. My eyes widened then I asked, ”Wait, is that why Baron and Aleister aren’t here?” She stopped momentarily, almost as if she was considering her answer wisely, and answered, ”Something like that.” And with that, she joined the rest of the Four Horsewomen, leaving me alone. 
I groaned and drug a basket labeled,’Ribbons for turnbuckles’ over to the ring. Tossing it onto the apron, I climbed inside and begun thinking of a pattern to do these green and red nightmares in before Stephanie called out my name followed by a color sequence. I nodded in acknowledgment and started to wrap the black turnbuckles in scarlet and emerald. 
Once I reached the top one, I pulled the ends of the two colors together and wrapped them into a tight bow. Finn clapped his hands together at my decoration and praised, ”Not bad, Highness. I think Steph likes them.” We turned to the boss woman who nodded in agreement with what the Irish man offered and I asked, ”You want to help me finish it then?” 
He grabbed two more rolls of the different colors then walked to the opposite side of the ring before starting to wrap the other turnbuckles identical to how I had the first one done. I glanced around quickly then spotted Banks near the radio and yelled, ”Sasha, turn on some Christmas music, man!” She grinned and cracked the volume dial up as high as it was allowed then flipped the switch, Carol of the Bells ringing back to us. 
I hummed along idly and I started my last thing of ribbons when my phone buzzed in my back pocket. I pulled it out and a smile broke across my face when I saw who was calling. Quickly answering, I held the phone to my ear and chirped, ”Hi!” Baron’s small chuckle greeted me in return then he stated, ”Hey. How’s the PC?” 
I glanced around the building at his words and smiled when I saw the wonderful holiday chaos. Kevin and Sami were wrapped up in garland, Carmella and Truth held an end each for a large pole with numerous sized Christmas bulbs hanging on said object, while Braun and Xavier, who was on Big E’s shoulders, helped each other set up the tree, that was at least ten feet tall. Bayley and Sasha were organizing an evil looking snowman army while Alexa Bliss chased poor Adam Cole around with an Elf on the Shelf, the NXT champion shrieking in protest. 
I laughed and finally answered when Baron called my name, ”It’s going great. I’m sad that you’re not here with us though. I miss you.” Oh no. Why would you say that, stupid? He stopped for a moment and at first, I thought he had hung up on me, only for him to respond, ”I know, baby doll. I miss you too. But I’ll be home soon, okay?” 
Baby doll? Baron had never given me a nickname, an endearment was a big step. But nevertheless, it made me sigh with delight then I murmured, ”I know. See you soon?” He laughed and I could see him nod as he retorted, ”Yeah. See you soon.” And with that, he hung up, leaving me with a stupid smile across my face. Nia settled on the apron as I finished up the ribbons then pointed out, ”Someone is happy. What gives? Who’s the dude?” 
Her series of questions drawled in some of the other girls who began grilling me about my now red cheeks then I held up a hand and insisted,”It was just Baron.”
“Corbin? You do know that he and Black are at odds with each other, right?” Charlotte asked, leaning against the apron as she buffed her nails. I turned with a frown, interested in the new information before Stephanie called me over. I held up a hand then looked down at my blonde friend and asked,”What are you talking about?” 
Sasha snickered and patted me on the arm then she observed,”Highness, you must be blind if you can’t see it.” My eyebrows furrowed together but before I could question them further, Steph called my name again and I groaned then stared at them as I stressed,”This isn’t over yet, alright?” The older woman smiled at me as I approached her then she handed me something that wasn’t unfamiliar to me. Mistletoe.
“Stephanie, do you really think I’m the right person to hang this? I mean…” She waved me off then insisted,”Nonsense. You can do it, champ. Just grab a chair and hang it wherever you want it.” I smiled softly then took the small plant and made my way towards the main entrance, snagging a chair from a table I passed by.
 I climbed on top of the chair then steadied myself before attaching the small plant to the hook. I smiled at my work then turned to come down, only to step on my loose shoelace, beginning to tumble off the chair with a squeak. Someone pulled me into their grasp and I peeked an eye open, breathing a sigh of relief when I noticed who had rescued me. 
“You told me you weren’t in town.” I accused, narrowing my eyes at the person holding me. 
“In my defense, I wanted to surprise you. Did I?” Aleister asked, raising an eyebrow at me. I pursed my lips and muttered, “Yeah, you surprised me. Would you mind letting me down now?” He gave a small laugh then replied, “I suppose so.  You shouldn’t stand on a chair, you never know who’s around to save you.” I nodded in understanding then he placed me on my feet with a brush of fingers to my hair. 
He glanced upwards then murmured, “We’re standing underneath the mistletoe. Do you know what that means?” My fingers tightened into the sides of his shirt then I leaned forward as I asked, “You’re going to kiss me under the mistletoe then?” He gave a small nod and began to lean downwards to meet me halfway, only for Bayley to interrupt us.
“Highness, someone wants you outside.” my friend called out to me and I turned with a confused expression. Why couldn’t that person come inside and see me if it was so important? I glanced over my shoulder to Aleister then rushed out, “I’ll be right back, I just need to go see who it is.” 
“I’d be more than happy to join you outside.”he offered, sliding closer to me. I stretched a hand out to him and he quickly accepted it, leading me outside. I glanced out the door and frowned when I realized that no one was out front. 
“Okay, this isn’t funny. I’m really annoyed right now.” I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest. 
“Baby doll.” I froze at his voice and turned, surprised to see Baron standing there. I stared at him for a moment then rushed to him, jumping into his arms. He jerked me into a tight hug as my legs circled his waist, causing his leather jacket to squeak. 
“You told me that you were in Kansas for a visit with your mom.” I muttered into his neck with a pout. He gave a small laugh then replied, “I just wanted to surprise you, baby doll. I knew you were coming back from the road so, here I am.” I glanced over my shoulder and asked, “It kinda feels like you guys orchestrated this.” Baron looked over my head to see a now scowling Aleister Black, with his fists clenched by his sides. 
“I’m afraid not. When Charlotte told me that you were coming home, I figured that you had been roped into the holiday decorating for the Performance Center, as everyone else is.” Aleister informed me, smoothing down the front and sides of his shirt from where I had crinkled the silk of the material. Baron allowed me to slide to my feet then I gave a sheepish smile before I replied, “Oh… I’m sorry about your shirt, I didn’t mean to crinkle it inside.” 
“That’s alright. I’m just upset that we didn’t get to kiss, Princess.” Aleister said casually, flickering his dark gaze up to Baron.
Out of the corner of my eye, I took notice of Baron tensing and my blood ran cold. Why did I care what he thought? It was just a kiss under the mistletoe but I felt like I needed to emphasize that to my taller best friend. 
“We’ve got a show tomorrow and Tuesday and I need to talk with Hunter to see what he’s thinking for this match.” Baron stated as he walked past me. I reached for the hem of his jacket but he brushed me off, muttering, “I’ll see you later, Highness.” My mouth fell open as he walked inside then Aleister asked, “Are you okay, love?” 
“You know, I think I’m just going to head back to the hotel. I’ve got to deal with a few things, so… yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow, Aleister.” 
Tomorrow rolled around, with us being flown to Michigan for the show and I had a match with Charlotte, of all people. I, unfortunately, hadn’t been able to talk with her about what she meant when she said that Baron and Aleister had been fighting. And boy did she take advantage of that in our match. 
“You know that they’re fighting over you, right? Vying for your attention, desperate for you to date them and not the other. Poor you, I guess.”she informed me as I grappled against her hold. I paused at the admission then I snapped, “You’re lying, quit trying to get in my head.” 
“Highness, I just wanted you to know. I care a lot about you and I know how hard it is to choose between the people you love. Just don’t let it get to you too much. You’re a smart girl.” I struggled in her grasp then she immediately took advantage of my distraction to slam me into the mat before twisting into her Figure Eight. I didn’t even bother fighting it, instead, I tapped out the moment she applied the pressure. 
I rolled out of the ring and limped up the ramp, with my hands pressed tightly to my forehead to sell my disappointment of losing. But the information had my head spinning: was Charlotte telling the truth? I stumbled into the backstage and Bayley reached a hand out to steady me as she asked, “What the hell did Charlotte say to you? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” 
“She said that Aleister and Baron are fighting for my affection like some stupid love triangle movie bullshit.” I muttered as she led me to a chair. My head fell between my knees before I groaned, muttering, “I can’t believe this. What am I going to do now? I can’t just reject them!” 
“Reject who?” My head jerked up and Aleister tilted his head at me for an answer. Of course it would be him to overhear my turmoil. I stumbled to my feet then muttered, “No one, it doesn’t matter.”
“It kind of feels like it matters. Is everything alright?” Aleister asked as I began to make my way towards the exit for a breath of fresh air. I glanced over my shoulder and informed him, “It’s nothing, really. I’m fine, Aleister, please, just go back inside, I want to be alone.” He gave me an unsure glance then urged, “Please, just talk to me, okay? Please, I promise I won’t judge you.” I scoffed and rolled my eyes as I replied, “Last I checked, I never cared what anyone thought of me so being judged really doesn’t bother me. But what does bother me is the fact that you won’t leave me alone. So please, just go away.” 
“Highness, wait, please!” I jerked away from him when he reached for my arm as I walked out the side door, eager to reach my car. As I pulled away, I slipped on a patch of ice, my ankle twisting at an awkward angle with an awful crack. Aleister tried to grab me by my forearms, only to miss me by mere inches. 
I let out a small, shuddering breath then tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as he crouched beside me. Tender fingers cradled my ankle and I jerked against the touch with a cry, the tears now beginning to trickle down my cheeks, “Don’t touch it, you twat! It hurts!” Aleister nodded in understanding then informed me, “I’m going to pick you up, just hold still, okay?” With a small nod, he scooped me into his arms bridal style then carried me to my car and murmured, “Okay, unlock your car so I can put you in the passenger seat.” 
“Where are you taking me?” I murmured after doing what he asked. He gave a small sigh and slid me inside as he answered, “To the hospital. There’s no point in taking you to the trainer if it is broken because they’ll just send you there. So, we’re skipping over that and just going to the big professionals.” 
I buckled myself up then crossed my arms over my chest. This was not how I wanted my Christmas time to go. But it was Michigan, of course there was going to be ice outside. Aleister slid into the driver’s seat and cranked the engine over before turning the heat on, the Detroit winter air already creeping in on us. I stared at his profile for a bit then jerked my head away when his eyes flickered towards me with an inquisitive look. 
“So, who was the person you were going to reject?”he asked casually and I jerked my head up to look at him. He glanced at me then turned his attention back to the road as he replied, “Of course, you don’t have to tell me, I would just like to know if I’m still in the running for your affections.” 
I paused at his admission then murmured, “Please tell me you’re joking.” Deep down though, I knew that he was serious. Aleister pressed gently on the brakes as we approached a red light and he said, “My love, I don’t joke about the way that I feel. You don’t have to decide on the way you feel now or even a month later. But I will feel the same either way.” 
“Look, it’s not that I don’t feel the same, trust me. It’s just… what about Baron? What do I say to him?” I asked, shifting in my seat to face him. He gave a small sigh then glanced over at me as he answered, “That is something that only you can answer, Highness. Why don’t you find some Christmas music, so we’re not sitting awkwardly in silence?” 
I reached forward and turned up the volume, knowing that I had the newest Pentatonix Christmas album in the CD player. I leaned forward and untied my shoe before gingerly peeling the footwear away from my tender foot. Aleister took another turn, obviously following the road signs that instructed him which area the hospital was located, then he asked, “Is it swollen?” 
“To the size of a grapefruit.” I answered as I lowered my foot once again. He nodded in understanding then pulled into the half-full parking lot. Half of my mind joked that the hospital should have been busier since it was the holidays, while the other half was ecstatic to get in and out of the ER as quickly as possible. 
“Do you want me to carry you inside then put you in a wheelchair or would you rather wait in the car while I go get one for you?” Aleister asked, fingers hovering over the keys as he waited for my reply. I sighed softly then answered, “You might as well carry me inside, there’s no need to leave the car running longer than needed.” He nodded in understanding and killed the car then hurried around to carry me. 
He carried me in silence and the moment that we entered the hospital, the nurse running the front desk glanced up to greet us, only for surprise to overtake her expression as she yelped, “Oh my! Let me help you!” She rushed over and pushed a wheelchair to us, stating, “It seems like you have a bit of an issue.”
“Yeah, the ice apparently had it out for me.” I muttered, annoyed as Aleister rolled me into the waiting room. She nodded in understanding then said, “Yes, well, that does seem to be a common problem around this time of year. I’ll get you some paperwork to fill out then a nurse will come to get you to put you in a room, dear.” I gave a small mumble of thanks before Aleister pushed me towards the corner of the waiting room then he claimed a chair beside me as he stated, “If you wanted to spend time with me during the holidays, all you had to do was ask, Highness.” I narrowed my eyes then turned to glare at him as I replied, “Trust me, this is not my idea of fun, Aleister. And this was definitely not a tactic to get you to spend more time with me.” 
“It’s called a joke, Princess, I do hope you’ll learn what that is one day.” I scoffed at his response and replied, “Oh, I’m the one who needs to learn what a joke is? That’s real rich coming from the guy who has maybe smiled twice in November. I don’t even think I’ve seen you smile at all in December and it’s halfway through the month.” He pursed his lips at me then replied, “I’m not even going to dignify that with an answer.” I shrugged and finished my paperwork, eager to get my ankle x rayed so I could go back to my hotel room then sleep until Christmas rolled around in eight days. 
Thankfully the nurse in charge of placing people in specific rooms was quick and diligent, with a time estimate of about fifteen minutes until the nurse practitioner arrived to take me to my assigned room. Aleister helped me out of the wheelchair then set me on the bed before claiming the chair beside me. 
I shifted until I got as comfortable as I could manage then began to zone out, allowing my thoughts to run rampant. I briefly wondered what Aleister was doing then a random thought came to mind and the words fell out, “Are people who watch porn voyeurs?” Aleister lifted his head slowly from where he was staring at his phone then stated, “I’m not sure I follow.” I let out a small sigh then considered my next words carefully before I began to explain what I meant, “Okay voyeurs are people who get off by watching people have sex, right?” 
He nodded once again, urging me to continue, “Well people who watch porn typically get off when watching it. So technically, aren’t all people who watch porn voyeurs?” Aleister stared at me for a moment then set down his phone as he stated, “Sometimes you really make me wonder what is going on inside that mind of yours.” 
I laughed and reached for the remote, eager to find a good Christmas movie to watch while we waited for the doctor to arrive. I quickly landed on Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, which caused me to grin with delight. As I grew up, this was always a family favorite to watch when December finally rolled around and it would always hold a special place in my heart.
Twenty minutes passed, as the nurse predicted, then the doctor who would take me to x-ray arrived, clearly prepared to finish his shift. The tests were run quickly and just as I had feared, I had broken the talus. He gave me a boot to walk in until I got to an orthopedic doctor. Aleister glanced up 
inquisitively as I hobbled back into the room with my discharge papers then asked, “So how’s the ankle, Highness?” 
“Broken, as expected. I’ve gotta say though, I was not expecting my holiday to go like this.” He nodded in understanding then chirped, “Come on, Princess, let’s get you back to your hotel room so you can get home to your family on time.” He wrapped an arm around my waist to help ease the strain that I had against my ankle. 
I nodded in agreement then he helped back to the car, where the Christmas music in my ears lifted my half shattered spirits a bit. We returned to the hotel and somehow managed to avoid the incoming snowstorm that was about to strike over Detroit. He helped me into the elevator and into my room where I hobbled to my bed, eager to get the heavy boot off so I could elevate and ice the now broken talus in my right ankle. 
“Okay, my love, are you settled in?” Aleister asked, sitting at the foot of the bed. I gave a small nod and he began to leave, only for me to catch his hand as he walked past me. He glanced down at me inquisitively then I stated, “Listen… I wanted to thank you. I know you were supposed to go back home for your holidays but instead, you helped my clumsy ass go to the emergency room to prove that I had a broken ankle. Not a lot of people would’ve done that for me, so I really appreciate that. Thank you.” 
He stared down at me for a split second then sat down as he murmured, “Well, there is a way that I’ll accept an apology from you for sticking around instead of going home and leaving you by your lonesome self. But only if you agree.” My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion then he traced his thumb over my bottom lip, his dark eyes following the motion. I lifted my gaze and asked quietly, “You still want to kiss me, even though I’ve made the past few hours of your life an actual nightmare by having you lug me around like a sack of potatoes?” 
“My love, I will always want to kiss you, no matter what I do for you. The only question is, do you want me to kiss you?” Aleister murmured, lifting my chin upwards with two fingers. I licked my lips and whispered, “I’d let you do so much more than kiss me.” He closed the gap between us then I tangled my hand in the front of his shirt before pushing him onto the mattress so I could climb into his lap. He gave a small laugh then chirped, “Oh someone’s eager for it.” 
My gaze narrowed at his comment before I grinded downwards, drawing a gasp from him, and I warned, “Watch it before I kick you out and you’re left with a hard on for Christmas.” Aleister laughed at my threat but let his hands flop to the mattress as he encouraged, “Oh please, don’t, my love. I promise you I’m not making fun of you for being eager. Hell, I think that makes you all the more beautiful. But go on, take what you want, Highness.” I tugged his shirt off then allowed my nails to scrape down his chest, causing his skin to prickle underneath my touch as I reached the button of his jeans. 
“You’re sure you’re okay with this?” I asked, waiting for his answer. Aleister flicked his gaze up to mine then murmured, “This is going to be a Christmas gift no one will ever be able to beat, my love. So please, unbuckle my jeans and ride me.” I did as he encouraged then struggled out of my own outfit, thankful that my ring gear wasn’t overly complicated to take off. He clasped one hand over my hip while the other slid between us, clearly seeking the wet thatch of curls between my thighs. 
I sighed at the first brush of his fingers then he murmured, “You’re already so wet for me, love. I told you that you were excited.” I licked my lips and replied, “Actually, you used the word eager.” Aleister raised an eyebrow at my correction before he shook his head and replied, “Why, yes of course, Your Highness, I am sorry that I got my own sentence wrong.” I laughed quietly then rocked against his fingers before wrapping my hand around his cock. He groaned at the first touch and his eyes fluttered closed as he muttered, “You are an evil woman, Highness. Are you going to fuck me now?” 
I wrapped my other hand around his wrist and pulled his hand around, eager to guide the head of his dick to my entrance. Flickering my eyes up to him, I asked quietly, “Are you sure that you want this?” Aleister groaned then hissed, “You stubborn woman, I already told you, I’m ready for the best damn Christmas present you could give a man.” I slid down his member and a growl rumbled through his chest and I damn near purred at the sound. It was undeniable to anyone with ears that Aleister’s voice was like music, just the right sound to make your day unforgettable. 
I raised my hips slowly then sunk back down with a small sigh, eyes fluttering when his hips jerked slightly. I rode him steadily but never fast enough to jostle either of us. Whether it was my brain trying to avoid crushing him with my weight or to prevent jostling my ankle, I wasn’t entirely sure which.
“Come on,Highness,  you can do better than that. Bounce on my cock, lovely.” Aleister encouraged, gripping my hips as I rocked downwards. I gave a small huff then replied, “I’m trying my best, okay? I’ve got a broken ankle and you’re not exactly helping me out.” He laughed in response and chirped, “Oh, I’m sorry, but weren’t you the one who climbed in my lap ? Because I do distinctly remember that.” 
“Ugh, you’re such an evil bastard. You probably couldn’t fuck me right, anyway.” Out of all the stupid things that could have flown out of my mouth at that moment, of fucking course it would be that. Dark eyes narrowed and his tattooed fingers tightened around my hips as he asked, “Is that so? You don’t think I can fuck you until you’re gasping for air and pleading with me to slow down so you can get a cohesive thought through your pretty mind?” 
My teeth sunk into my bottom lip at the imagery that flowed through my head then I traced his clenched jawline with a single digit before I murmured, “Baron would’ve insisted on fucking me instead of me riding him.” His upper lip curled with his distaste for my comment then he cradled the inside of my right knee, careful not to hit my ankle, before slamming me onto my back. He pinned my injured leg to the bed with his own then gathered my hands into his grasp, pressing them above my head. 
“I’m going to make you regret ever mentioning that bastard in this bedroom, lovely.”he warned before snapping his hips up to mine. I arched in his hold with a delighted cry then 
“Oh god, I need it please!” I sobbed, nails digging into his side and shoulder, his tattoos barely hiding the crescents that the scratches had left behind. 
“Yeah? Highness needs my dick harder? Little Princess has made it to the Naughty List but maybe if she’s good enough, I’ll put in a word for her with the Big Man.” Aleister murmured, before clamping his teeth down on my shoulder. My hips jerked against his hold then I pleaded, “I can be good, I promise, please!” 
A knock sounded at the door then someone called inside, “Highness, do you think we can talk for a bit? I really need to talk to you about something.” We froze at the sound of Baron’s voice then I started to push at Aleister’s chest, hissing, “Move, I have to send him away.” 
He stared at me for a moment then a devious look overtook his handsome features before he called out to Baron, “The door is open!” My eyes widened when I realized what he had began to plot in the milliseconds that had just passed then he grinded upwards, drawing a soft cry from me. Baron turned the corner into the bedroom area then froze at the sight that greeted him. 
“What the actual fuck?” Corbin hissed, eyes narrowed at us. I glanced over Aleister’s shoulder and immediately took notice of the way that Baron looked in the light of the Christmas tree that was on the desk beside him. It was almost criminal how good he looked in the reds, greens, and blues that the lights offered up. 
Aleister flicked his gaze to the taller man then admitted, “She’s the prettiest damn Christmas present you could ask for, isn’t that right, Corbin? If you’re good enough and keep that big mouth of yours shut, I’ll let you watch her.” My best friend met my gaze then questioned, “Is that okay with you?” 
“I don’t care, please, I just want to come already!” I snapped, allowing my head to fall onto the pillow behind me. Aleister laughed quietly at my urgency then kissed the underneath of my jawline, sucking a hickey into the skin as I keened in his ear. He cooed softly to me then murmured, “It’s okay, my love, I’m going to make you come for me. Just watch Baron for me, okay? Tell me what you see.” I licked my lips then watched as Baron settled in the chair across the room, the small Christmas tree still shrouding him in the holiday colors. 
“He-he’s just sitting there, watching us… wait no, he’s unbuttoning his pants and he’s- oh God! Fuck please, Aleister, I can’t! Please just make me come.” I begged him, fingernails digging into his skin as the briefest of tremors began to rock through my body in anticipation of my orgasm. He let out a small laugh then replied, “Just a bit more, sweetness, then I’ll let you come around my cock, okay? What’s he doing now?” 
“Oh my fuck, fine! He’s touching himself, watching you fuck me. He looks so good, fuck, he’s got the Christmas light glow and please! Please, please, Aleister, I need to come!” I insisted, my free leg wrapping around his waist to the best of my ability. 
“Fuck, look at that pretty pussy clenching down. Are you trying to get me to fuck you harder, Princess? All you have to do is open that mouth of yours and beg for it.” Black informed me, giving a particularly harsh thrust, causing me to cry out, fingers clenching in the sheets below us. 
“I have begged, you ass! Keep this act up and I swear to God- oh fuck!” He pressed deft fingers to my clit and began to rub tight circles in the hard nub, pushing me into the delightful bliss that my orgasm offered me. He slid out and groaned as he came, the ribbons of come streaked across my torso, then my head hit the pillow and I murmured, “Oh you’re so cleaning that up.” 
“Yes, my love, I know, Just sit there and relax.” Aleister said quietly before kissing me on the cheek. He rolled off the bed and glanced over to Baron then stated, “Good luck on getting her back, King Bitch.” And with that, he disappeared into the bathroom in search for a washcloth to clean the come off of me. Baron came to a stand and tucked himself back in his jeans before he informed me, “Dinner tomorrow? We can talk about… whatever the hell just happened.” 
I nodded and he waved goodbye before leaving my hotel room with a half bowed head. I stared at the chair that he had been sitting in then turned my attention to the glittering Christmas tree. This was a holiday that I would definitely never forget.
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slahtiz · 5 years
❤ sami & mella B)
@inzaynity | silly ship meme. | accepting !!
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Where was their first official date?  they don’t particularly remember. it’s not that they don’t remember the date itself, they do! but it happened after a house show, it was somewhere after 11pm, and at first she thought it was a joke. they’ve hung out before, for years, and they’ve already expressed their feelings  --  but they’d never had a date. until he tiredly asked with, with a grin on his face. they ate burgers somewhere in a city they’ve never been before, it was fantastic
What is their favorite date location?  café’s. also places where they can eat something.
How many dates before their first kiss?  none. well. one. that late night burger date. they did express their feelings before, but they took it slowly from then on. mella personally was afraid to rush things, afraid to fuck things up. but yeah. tired awkward kiss.
Who asked who out first?  sami asked her. for the official date, at least. all the other dates before, as friends? it was mella who took the first step of their friendship
How many dates before they considered each other a couple?  a few. they were both rather insecure, because it was unlike any relationship they’ve been in before
How many mutual friends do they have?  quite a lot! like, half the roster probably
Which one of their friends is most likely to get in between an argument between the ship?  bayley.
Which one has more friends?  mella.
Which one has introduced the other to more people?  mella.
Did they start out as friends and made their way to a couple, or were they a couple almost right away?  hahahahahahaahha. yes. oh my god, yes. they’ve been friends for years, developing a friendship pretty soon after meeting in nxt. took them a while to realize they’re more than friends.
What do they argue about the most?  very early on, it was about his self-loathing. later, their jealousy. now? the “good side” of the hotel beds.
How do they usually solve their disagreements?  talking. they learned rather quickly that communication is the key.
Do they argue a lot or not very often?  not very often anymore. sometimes one of them gets a real outburst because they’re stressed or insecure or something happened. but that’s usually solved rather quickly.
Who admits to being wrong more often?  i’d like to say both, but it’s probably sami. carmella is just too stubborn, and oftentimes she just tries to never mention that subject again so she won’t have to admit that she was wrong
Who is more likely to initiate sex?  whoever feels like it.
Do they prefer to do it in a bed, or do they prefer a chair, or perhaps the shower?  Maybe other spots?  honestly, they prefer to do it wherever. every spot is good when they’re suddenly in the mood. kitchen counter works too, they noticed that some warm sunday morning
Do they practice any kind of bdsm in the bedroom at all and if so, what kinds?  no.
Who’s usually more dominant in the bedroom?  mhmm, sami.
Lights on or off?  whatever. if they’re already off, they’ll stay off. if they’re on, they stay on. they’re not ashamed of their bodies.
Do they share any kinks?  they once did it backstage, does that count?
Does either one have any kinks that they don’t have in common with the other?  not that they know of.
Have they ever had sex anywhere public before?  read two questions ago
Who would be most likely to suggest bringing in a third person and who would that person be?  i don’t think anyone would like to share the other.
When are they most likely to cuddle?  in the safety of their own apartment, where no one can make photos and share them on the internet.
Where is their favorite place to cuddle?  the couch. the bed. a chair, like, sami usually sits normally when mella gets the urge to cuddle and just sinks on top of him.
Who’s usually the big spoon?  depends on who needs to be the little spoon most that time
Do they cuddle often?  YES. they’d cuddle even more if they could, and if they weren’t followed by cameras all the time
Are they married?  If not, is it something that could happen between them?  enganged. so it’s certainly something that could happen
If they are married, where did they get married at?  If not married, what is their dream wedding location?  i’m going out on a limb but it probably wouldn’t be a church. i can actually picture them getting married outside? maybe with some mountains in the back?
If married, who proposed to who?  If not married, who would be more likely to propose to who?  sami proposed.
If they are married, which one moved in with the other?  If not married, who would be more likely to move in with the other?  they already own an apartment; and they chose a new apartment together once they had decided to live together.
Do they have kids?  If not, would they consider having kids?  not right now. mella doesn’t want to give up her career yet. but they’d sure consider having kids
How many kids do they have?  If no kids, how many kids would they want to have?  sami keeps saying the more the merrier. maybe two, though.
What are the children’s names?  If no kids, what would they name their kids?  they have not discussed this yet, there are lots of names who won’t be chosen though (they know too many people).
What are three random headcanons you have about the ship that are not related to romance or sex?  1) sometimes mella sneaks little notes into his backpack, especially when it’ll either be a while till they see each other again, or if he has a match he thinks more important than others. 2)  they facetime and call daily when they’re on the road, especially while being on different brands. they write a lot too; but they try to never argument via text messages because there’s always a misunderstanding. 3)  they’ve never missed a big match from the other. even back in nxt. they always made time in their schedule to be there for them, to support them, to cheer on them. and to wait for them backstage, no matter the outcome.
Which one is more likely to suggest getting pets?  sami.
Which one eats more snack foods?  sami. carmella is afraid to gain too much weight, so she cut down on snacks (but only on snacks).
What is their favorite movie to watch together?  home alone.
What is their favorite tabletop game to play together?  does uno count?
What are your three absolute favorite things about this ship?  1) they always support each other. no matter what. through everything. 2) they’re so tender with each other. softer than anyone would probably expect. soft touches, soft kisses. soft 3am talks. 3) they’re able to be themselves. no masquerades, no fakeness. just their true selves.
What is one thing you don’t like about this ship?  when they’re heated, they sometimes say stupid things they don’t actually mean. especially before / in the beginning of their relationship. it got better over time, but sometimes they’re still yelling before thinking.
If you had to rate this ship on a scale of 1-10, what would you give it?  10. always and forever.
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balorclubbabe · 7 years
Never Gonna Happen
Enzo Amore/OC (smut): Despite his constant playful flirtations, you and Enzo have never been anything more than friends. After a drunken night at the club, and a questionable morning after, you learn how he really feels about you.
(This is my first fic on here, I’m so nervous but I hope you all really enjoy it! It ended up waaaay longer than I anticipated.)
Special thanks to @imaginingwwesuperstars for being super supportive and an all-around sweetheart, ily. <3
“Come on, where are you?” I said quietly to myself, as I rounded another corner only to be met with an empty hallway. With a huff, I adjusted the bag that was hanging over my shoulder, contemplating my next move. I hadn’t had a match today, and after using most of my free time to get some training in, I had one last task to complete before I could head back to the hotel to relax.
Before whipping out my phone so I could text one of them (which I probably should have done sooner, in retrospect), I spotted the pair that I had been looking for; my close friends and fellow wrestlers Enzo Amore and Colin Cassidy. They had just beaten Anderson and Gallows for the tag team title, and I had been fruitlessly trying to track them down for almost half an hour now so I could congratulate them.
“Jeez you two haven’t been easy to find today. But congrats, I can’t believe you did it!!” I threw my arms around Cass, struggling only slightly due to his wide torso.
The big guy grinned, ruffling my hair playfully. “Ay you know we’re busy guys! But thanks kiddo. ‘Preciate it.”
“What? Pfft, you know the realest guys in the room had it in the bag! Don’t tell me you were havin’ doubts, sweetheart.” Enzo slung an arm over my shoulder, teasingly putting his whole weight onto me.
“Of course not! Still, that was an intense match! I thought for sure Anderson had you at the last second with that pin, Enzo!”
I felt my heart skip a beat (or two) when I pulled away and saw that Enzo was smirking at me. That trademark smirk that left me feeling weak in the knees, paired with the pet names he’d give me like “sweetheart” or “doll”.
It was safe to say I had a fairly large crush on the one and only “Smacktalker Skywalker” that seemed to grow a little every time I saw him. Enzo was one of the very first people who welcomed me when I got moved up to Monday Night Raw and was without a doubt one of my closest friends there (along with Cass of course). Despite his cocky, trash-talking persona, the real Enzo was not only funny, but also one of the most kind-hearted people I knew. Always asking if I needed anything, helping me train if I had an important match coming up, or even listening to me vent when things didn’t go exactly as planned in the ring.
I will admit though, there were times where my thoughts concerning him would be the furthest thing from…friendly. I guess that’s when I realized my feelings were maybe more than just a “crush”. Reminiscing back to times where he’d do something insignificant, like throwing an arm around me or planting a kiss on my cheek after a particularly good match; those little things were it all took for me to lay awake late at night, fantasizing about how badly I wanted him in my bed and all of the not-so-friendly things I’d picture him doing to me.
My thoughts were interrupted when I suddenly heard Cass saying my name, waving his large hand in front of my face. “Did ya hear me?” I blinked, glancing at the duo, both of them having looks of clear confusion on their faces.
Shit, I was completely zoning out without even realizing it. “S-sorry I uh, spaced out for a second there. Long day, you know? What were you saying?”
Cass raised an eyebrow at me, but ignored my odd behavior and repeated himself. “I said, did you want to come out to the club and celebrate with us tonight? The one around the corner from the hotel? We were gonna head there in a few hours if you’re up for it.”
“Sure! I was actually just about to head back to the hotel anyways. I can change and meet you guys there later.”
Cass opened his mouth to speak but the buzzing of his phone cut him off, chuckling when he glanced down and saw the message displayed on the screen. “Mella’s freakin’ out because she doesn’t know what to wear tonight.”
I giggled, picturing the blonde haphazardly rifling through her suitcase, throwing items of clothing across the room out of frustration. “Well that makes two of us then. Tell her backup will be arriving shortly.”
Enzo shot me a wink as he and Cass headed in the other direction to their own respective dressing rooms. “Can’t wait. See ya later then, doll.”
Trying to ignore the butterflies fluttering in my stomach after he said that, I made my way out of the stadium and back to the hotel.
No sooner did I close the door to my room behind me did I hear a frantic knocking against it.
“Open up!!” On the other side stood Carmella, a handful of dresses squeezed tightly against her chest, practically bouncing in place as she waited for me to answer. She darted inside when I opened the door, tossing the dresses onto my bed. “Thank GOD you’re here girl, I’m having a frickin’ crisis.”
I laughed, dropping my bag in the corner. “So I’ve heard. I don’t know what to wear either so you’d better be planning on helping me out too.”
The blonde popped the gum she was chewing loudly, eyes dancing over each dress as she spread them out one by one. “I just really wanna wear somethin’ that’s gonna have Colin drooling the second he sees me! I narrowed it down to these few so gimme your honest opinion.”
I “hmmm’d” for a few seconds, “Let’s see,” as my eyes travelled over the dress, when I finally pointed to the one at the far end of the bed; fitted, strapless and and a dazzling shade of gold. “I know it’s not leopard but try that one on. Trust me, Cass won’t know what hit him.”
Ignoring my playful jab at her usual style of attire, Carmella nodded in affirmation and pulled her shirt up over her head. This was nothing new to me. Not just because of the countless times we’d changed together in the locker room back when we were in NXT together, but the fact that Mella was like a sister to me. Plus, she had been the one to introduce me to Enzo and Cass, which is why it bummed me out that she wasn’t on Raw with us. Being that she didn’t have a match on Smackdown tomorrow, she had come into town to support Enzo and Cass for their title run. “So any ideas on whatcha wanted to wear?”
I shrugged, opening the closet where the few dresses I had brought to the hotel with me hung, mostly for the purpose of any interviews or events that could potentially pop up last minute. “Not sure yet, I was hoping to get your input. You’re my go-to for fashion advice after all. And it’s been so long since I’ve gone out so I definitely wanna look good.”
She soon stood next to me, hands on her hips, making similar contemplative noises and continued to crack her gum between her teeth. “Mmm try that one on, ya look good in red. Plus I’m pretty sure it’s Enzo’s favorite color.” She sang the last sentence, adjusting the bottom of her dress.
I froze and turned towards her only to be greeted with the Cheshire-like grin that graced her bubblegum pink lips. “What does that have to do with anything?”
She shot me a puzzled glance, pulling the dress off of the hanger. “I’m trying to impress my man. Ain’t you trying to impress yours?”
I scoffed as she held the dress up against my still-clothed body, tilting her head to the side as she did so. The dress was fitted, low-cut and stopped just above the knees; definitely something a person would wear if they wanted to impress a certain someone. “He’s not my man, Mella. Enzo is just a friend.”
“Yep, this is the one,” she placed the garment in my hands, a skeptical look still painted on her features. “And I thought you and I told each other everything, hmm? Girl, I’m not blind! I’ve seen the way he looks at ya! There’s gotta be somethin’ there.”
With a sigh, I slid my yoga pants off of my legs and threw my tank top to the side, slipping the dress over my head. “You know how Enzo is-zipper, please?” Mella shuffled behind me, sliding the thin metallic piece up carefully as I continued. “He’s always flirty, that’s sort of his thing. Plus, we’re such good friends and I don’t wanna fuck that up, you know? So yeah wishful thinking, but never gonna happen.”
With her hands on my shoulders, the blonde spun me around so that we were now facing each other, giving me a once over. Seemingly ignoring my last statement, she smiled gently and said, “You look perfect. C’mon we still gotta figure out what shoes we’re wearin’.”
After helping each other with make-up and hair, Mella and I took a cab over to the club, the drive turning out to be about five minutes. I knew walking was a realistic option as well, but in heels we’d both be down for the count very quickly. As we stepped out of the car, I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t a little anxious to see Enzo’s reaction to my outfit. Soon after making our way inside the colorful, flashing lights above and the music pumping through the speakers invaded my senses. It had been far too long since a bunch of us had gotten together for a night like this and given the occasion, it was the perfect excuse.
We made our way to a VIP table in the corner sectioned off by velvet rope, which had already been commandeered by Sasha, Bayley, The New Day, and of course, Enzo and Cass. They definitely had a head start on Carmella and I judging by the glasses and bottles littering the table.
I watched as Cass planted a kiss on Mella’s lips, and leaned down to whisper something into her ear, probably about how amazing she looked tonight, which was evident by the blush on her cheeks and the smile on her face.
Enzo came towards me with a teasing smile on his face, speaking much louder than usual (which was saying something since he was always so loud) thanks to the thumping music. “Fashionably late, huh?”
I let out a laugh, shrugging my shoulders and trying my damnedest not to stare at him. Having changed out of his eccentric leopard-print ring gear (of which I was very fond of), he was dressed simply in a pair of jeans and a tight black t-shirt, but accessorized heavily with an expensive looking watch and a chain, always finding a way to add a little bit of flashiness. “You know Mella. Plus I had to decide what to wear too, you know.”
Momentarily shifting her attention from Cass to Enzo and I, Carmella cupped her hand around her mouth, calling out, “Doesn’t she look great, ‘Zo?”
Enzo chuckled, eyes dancing over my ensemble. “Yeah. Yeah, you look amazin’. Red’s a real good color on ya, sweetheart.” Enzo briefly turned his back to grab something from the table, allowing me to shoot Carmella an “I can’t believe you did that” look, which she shrugged off, winking at me as Cass handed her a drink.
Enzo turned back around, a drink now in his hand that he passed off to me. “Here doll, got you a Jack and Coke to start ya off. You got some catchin’ up to do, though. Everyone else has been drinkin’ since we got here.”
I thanked him and took a rather large gulp, making my way over to the table to join and greet everyone else.
A few hours had passed since our arrival and it was safe to say I had definitely caught up. After the drink Enzo had bought me I had another. And another. Then I ended up doing a handful of shots with Sasha and The New Day, who I had experienced my fair share of drunken antics with since I’ve known them.
Whenever she could, Carmella would sneak by my side, whispering not so subtly into my ear, “Well?” or “Any progress?” which would be met with a resounding “no” every time. He was the same old Enzo, treating me more like a friend that he casually flirted with instead of a potential love interest; a touch or two here, a lingering look there, but nothing more. What was I expecting, after all; for him to pin me against the wall and kiss me in front of everyone? I sighed loudly at her third time around, parroting my words from before, “Never gonna happen, Mella! Let’s just have fun!” and continued drinking.
The last shot of whiskey I took didn’t have nearly as bad of a burn going down as it did when I started drinking. Xavier clapped me on the back with a hearty laugh, clearly impressed by my tolerance. “Look at you go, girl!! You want me to pour you another one?”
I shook my head no, laughing as Big E passed a shot to Sasha, who grimaced at first, but threw it back regardless. “I think I’m good for now you guys!”
Kofi chuckled, “Aw c’mon don’t be such a lightweight! I’ve seen you party before, I know you’re nowhere near done!” He held the empty shot glass towards me, nudging my arm.
Shakily, I got to my feet, “Later, I promise! I’m gonna go dance for a little bit!!” And after a few seconds of wobbling, I managed to keep my balance as I made my way to the dance floor with Sasha, joining Carmella and Bayley.
As my body moved with the beat of the song blasting through the speakers, Carmella danced next to me, having had her fair share of alcohol as well. She leaned towards me, trying to shout above the bass. “He hasn’t taken his eyes off ya since we got here! I swear to god, he totally wants you girl!”
It took me a few seconds to process what she had said, but sure enough I glanced over my shoulder back at the table and low and behold, Enzo was looking directly at me. As our eyes met, he shot me a smile, placing his empty drink on the table next to him.
With my newfound liquid courage, I shot him a wink, continuing to sway my hips from side to side. Why not, right? If he could flirt with me, who said I wasn’t allowed to flirt back? It was harmless, after all. From the corner of my eye, I saw him stand up and start to make his way over to me.
Carmella gasped in delight and took this as her cue to head back over to the table with Cass while Bayley and Sasha briefly wished me luck before they moved to the other side of the dance floor. Clearly Carmella had informed them of the situation with Enzo and figured this would be the perfect opportunity for me to be alone with him. Not that I particularly minded, of course.
I continued to dance alone, pretending not to notice that he was walking towards me until I felt him lightly press against me from behind. “Never knew ya were such a good dancer.”
I felt his hands position themselves on my waist as I peeked up at his face, which had that damned sexy smirk painted on it. Even though I was in heels, he was still almost a whole head taller than me. “Yeah, I’ve been told I’m pretty good.”
Enzo laughed, his lips close enough to my ear that goose bumps were beginning to form all over my body. “Oh yeah? Is that right?” I could smell the liquor on his breath and it almost made me want to kiss him more than usual. I could tell he was feeling buzzed, though still seemed to have a decently level head.
Nodding confidently, I continued my movements as nonchalantly as possible, as if I didn’t care if he was there or not, which couldn’t be further from the truth. “Why? Don’t believe me, Enzo?”
His grip on my waist didn’t loosen as I sensually danced against him, rolling my lower half so that it ever so slightly grazed his crotch. Through the jeans I could feel his arousal pressing against my ass.
He didn’t seem to hear, nor care about my question, which didn’t really need an answer judging by his reaction. “I know I said it before, but you look fuckin’ hot in this dress, sweetheart.”
I couldn’t help but giggle, leaning my head back into him so I was looking at him almost upside down. “Oh yeah? I don’t think you used the word “hot” before. But thanks. You’re lookin’ pretty hot yourself, babe.” I had dropped the pet name as a sort of challenge, trying to gauge his reaction.
He licked his lips, eyes glued to my form. “Hey I’m sayin’ it now, ain’t I? Doesn’t that count for something?”
I tried to casually shrug, but my body betrayed me and shivered the moment I felt his warm lips press against my neck gently, which earned a chuckle from him. “I-i guess so.”
Enzo moved his head back up to whisper into my ear. “Then let’s get outta here, huh? So I can let ya know how I feel ‘bout you in this dress. Whaddya say, doll?”
All I could do was nod as he took my arm and pulled me through the crowd of people. I only had time to glance in Carmella’s direction, knowing she’d kill me if I left without telling her, but she was nowhere to be found. Instead the one I spotted was Cass, who had a giant grin on his face, shaking his head in my direction as if to say, “Have fun, you crazy kids”.
We managed to catch a cab fairly quickly, riding in complete silence, making the merely five minute drive feel like an eternity. We scurried through the lobby to the elevator, the doors barely having time to close behind us before Enzo was on me.
Our lips were immediately fused together, his tongue exploring my mouth while his beard tickled my face as I threw my arms around his neck, pulling him as close to me as possible.
He pushed me against the wall, mouth attaching to my collarbone. “You look…so fuckin’ sexy in this dress…been thinkin’ about doin’ this all night, baby.” His lips found mine again in a fiery kiss, his hands firmly grasping onto my ass.
I writhed against him as he bit down lightly on my bottom lip, only stopping when the elevator dinged open, bringing us up to his floor.
After a few short strides down the hall, Enzo hurriedly tried to swipe the keycard, flinging the door open when it finally worked.
He unceremoniously shoved me onto the bed, practically throwing himself on top of me shortly after. Our lips reconnected as our hands began exploring one another, mine crawling underneath his shirt and his groping my ass, a silent sort of way of saying “This is gonna be mine”. He pulled away with almost a gasp for air, his voice a low, sensual whisper. “The dress is gonna have to come off, sweetheart. Don’t wanna go ruining it, do we?”
Before I could respond, I felt his hands bunch the fabric up and pull it up my thighs, causing me to groan when his fingers lightly brushed against my already wet slit.
His eyes met mine, his facial expression shifting from disbelief to pure arousal. “You ain’t wearin’ any panties, baby girl?”
I chewed my bottom lip, whimpering as one of his fingers worked its way inside of me, my walls clenching around the digit almost instantly. “O-oh shit Enzo.”
Clearly pleased at the sounds he was eliciting from me, he pecked me quickly on the lips before sinking lower, moving so that he was in between my legs.
I felt his beard brush against my inner thigh and I heard him mumble, “Gotta taste you, princess,” as he ran his flattened tongue up my folds, causing me to jolt from the sudden rush of pleasure.
Satisfied with my response, his tongue delicately began to circle my clit, while slipping another finger inside. He “mmm’d” when he felt my body quiver against his mouth, mumbling against my skin, “Tastes so fuckin’ good,” before continuing his actions, his pace borderline agonizing. His fingers began to curl inside of me while his tongue worked every last inch of my pussy, nibbling gently when he felt that he hit a rather sensitive area.
My hands found their way into his blonde hair, my eyes squeezing shut as I slowly began to feel my orgasm creep up on me. “E-enzo! Oh shit I’m so fucking close, please don’t stop!”
At hearing this, he began to pump his fingers into me hard and fast while still using his tongue to lap at my clit. My body began to shake as his speed became relentless, drawing a loud moan out of me as my orgasm ripped through my body, followed by several smaller shockwaves.
Enzo ceased his motions and moved back up, pressing his lips against mine in a sloppy kiss, allowing me to taste myself. He grinned when I began to lift his shirt up over his stomach, and assisted me by pulling it over his head the rest of the way. I sat back up in the meantime so he could tug the zipper of my dress down. I tore the fabric down and kicked it off right after my heels, over the other side of the bed, leaving me in just my lace red bra.
I couldn’t help but admire his well-toned body as he began to stand up to remove the rest of his clothing. It was no secret that Enzo was in good shape; besides seeing him wrestle, the two of us had gone to the gym together more times than I could count. But seeing him now, standing before me about to be naked was almost too much. “I think you’re still a little overdressed.”
Enzo laughed, unzipping his jeans and kicking them off, “Gotta fix that then,” which left him in only his tight leopard print boxer-briefs, his cock straining against the fabric, making a rather large tent.
“Still had to wear some leopard, huh?” I teased, biting my lip as my eyes trailed over his prominent hard-on.
Chuckling, his hands went to the straps of my bra, fiddling with them, “Maybe I wanted someone to see it. I know ya like my leopard ring gear, babe,” He hurriedly undid the clasp and tore my bra off of my body, dropping it to the floor. Giving my breasts a light squeeze, he gently rolled my nipples between his fingers, eyes glazed over with lust. “Oh shit…these are real fuckin’ nice baby…”
As he played with my breasts, I hooked my fingers in the band of his underwear and slowly slipped them down so they fell around his legs, trying my hardest not to flush red when his cock sprung free.
He seemed amused by the look that must’ve been on my face, humming when I moved my hand so that my fingers grazed over his erection ever so slightly. Grunting when my hand clasped around him, Enzo buried his face in my neck, peppering kisses wherever his mouth could reach. “Shit baby, don’t go teasin’ me now…”
Still recovering slightly from my orgasm, I sunk to my knees, giving him a few pumps with my hand before slowly taking him into my mouth. My eyes flicked upwards, meeting his as I ran my tongue over the entirety of his length, earning a loud moan from his throat. Not breaking eye contact, I swirled my tongue along the head for a few seconds before allowing him to slip past my lips once again. His hands buried themselves into my hair, tugging ever so slightly, as if to encourage the steady pace I began to build up as I bobbed my head up and down on his length.
Just as he hit the back of my throat, causing me to lightly gag around his cock, he pulled me back off of him and grabbed me by the arm, roughly jerking me back up towards him. “As much as I enjoy your mouth on me, I don’t think I can wait anymore. Gotta feel ya, baby.”
If possible, I felt myself grow even wetter at hearing the culmination of all of my thoughts about him coming from his mouth; this was practically everything I had ever wanted with him. Plus his accent made the words he was saying all the sexier. “Then don’t wait, Enzo. I need you-I’ve needed you for so fucking long.”
He embraced me again, this time softly and slowly, whispering against my kiss-swollen lips, “Hands and knees for me then, baby girl.”
I shuddered and immediately obeyed him, crawling on all fours, feeling him get onto the bed behind me, and jumping when he gently press his cock against my entrance. I clamped my eyes shut and waited for that blissful moment that I had literally been dreaming about, but it never came.
Instead I felt him run his right hand gently down my side until it reached my ass, squeezing roughly. “Beg me for it, baby. Gotta tell me how badly ya want it.”
This man was going to be the death of me; after all that’s been done now he was going to start teasing me? I whined when I felt him slowly running the head of his cock up and down my folds, clearly planning on waiting until I responded to his commands. “E-enzo, baby please. Please, I fucking want it- I want you so bad.”
That was apparently all he needed to hear as he immediately shoved his entire length inside of me, murmuring an “ah fuck” under his breath as he did so.
My back arched slightly as I felt a small, sharp jolt of pain, which faded considerably quickly as he began to move. “M-more! Oh fuck, please more, Enzo!”
He pulled almost entirely out of me before thrusting back in, filling me up completely. “Ugh you’re so tight, sweetheart.” The steady motions he was keeping with each thrust soon became more and more erratic.
With every movement into me he was hitting my g-spot head on, eventually causing my arms to give out underneath me, my face falling into the pillow as I fisted the sheets beneath me. You would think with the amazing work his tongue and fingers did that my body would be exhausted, but with each thrust I was already getting dangerously close to my second orgasm.
He must have felt it too because he took a fistful of my hair and yanked me back up, nibbling my earlobe as he did so. “You close baby? Gonna cum for me again?”
All I could do was nod, my mouth falling open as another strangled moan escaped from my lips, my back arched almost as far as it could.
Suddenly, he pulled out of me, flipping me over so that I was straddling him as he sat with his back against the wooden headboard. “Ride me, sweetheart. Wanna see the look on your face when you cum on my cock.”
I lifted myself slightly, just so I could sink back onto him yet again, a shudder going up my spine as I did. He fit me so perfectly, especially given the current position.
Enzo’s hands positioned themselves on my hips as I moved against him, bouncing in tandem with his upward thrusts. “Shit, Enzo baby you feel so fuckin’ good. Oh fuck, fuck- right there, oh my god!”
While I was content with being in control of the speed, Enzo was having none of it, tightening his grip on me and began pounding into me, my manicured nails digging into his shoulders and nearly drawing blood. “You like that baby? You like when I fuck this pussy?”
Practically sobbing with pleasure, I buried my face into his neck. He could’ve been asking me anything at this point and I would’ve agreed. “Y-yes! Oh fuck, so fucking much! Don’t stop, please don’t stop!”
He took this opportunity to tilt his head and to nip at my neck, only taking breaks to whisper dirty things into my ear. “You gonna cum for me, princess? You gonna fuckin’ cum all over my cock?”
I was completely lost as Enzo drove into me over and over again, holding onto him for dear life as a litany of “fucks” were spilling free from my lips.
“Ugh shit, ya feel amazin’,” Contrasting his rough pace, I heard him softly say my name, causing me to meet his lust-filled gaze. He removed one hand from my hip and dipped it between us, stroking my clit with barely any pressure at all. “Go ahead, sweetheart. Cum for me.”
With the combination of his fingers and words, I cried out, feeling myself tighten and spasm around him as he continued his violent thrusts. After one, two, three more I heard him groan loudly as he came undone, emptying himself inside of me.
Saying that I was spent was an understatement as I rolled off of Enzo, collapsing into the white cotton sheets. My mind was buzzing with still tipsy thoughts while he laid beside me, clearly in the same, exhausted boat.
Enzo ran both hands over his face, smoothing his hair down and sighing heavily as he did so. “Babe that was…somethin’ else.”
I grinned up at him, cuddling up against one of the plush pillows. “I’d say so,” I was unsure if it was the alcohol that was still lingering in my system, or the two intense orgasms I had just experienced, but I felt a rush of drowsiness overcome me. As I closed my eyes and began to drift off to sleep, I felt a pair of warm arms wrap around me from behind.
The first thing to greet me the very next day were the harsh, unforgiving rays of sunlight that managed to sneak their way through the blinds. The bed sheets were a tangled mess around my naked body as I shifted to get a little more comfortable. Glancing at the clock on the nightstand I noticed it was almost 11:00 am, way later than I’m used to sleeping given my usually fully scheduled days, weeks, months, etc. Thankfully I had the day off today and I was prepared to do absolutely nothing.
“Mmm go back to sleep, princess.” A voice next to me murmured quietly.
I froze, my eyes moving to the source of noise next to me, who was yawning loudly, awakened by my tossing and turning no doubt.
It all suddenly came rushing back to me; the club, the plethora of drinks, then going to dance, essentially grinding against Enzo, making out in the elevator and fucking in his hotel room and passing out pretty much immediately after.
One would think that finally sleeping with the guy I had the biggest crush on, and quite literally making my dreams come true would have left me ecstatic, right? But for some reason, my chest tightened as last night’s events truly dawned on me and all I could feel was confusion and what I surmised was dread.
“Enzo?” Was all I managed to choke out. God, what was I supposed to even say to him? What was he going to say to me?
He let out a hum in response, clearly still half asleep as he turned over to meet my gaze. Had it not been for the confusing feelings in my head and heart, the adorable, sleepy grin on his face combined with the bedhead he had would have been all the convincing I needed for a round two.
Running a hand through my disheveled hair, I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding, willing myself not to cry. Stupid, I was so fucking stupid. “It’s…I just…I-I should probably leave.”
He sat up suddenly, giving me a look of confusion. “Leave? Why would you wanna leave?”
Rushing out of bed, I began searching for my clothes, only to remember I hadn’t worn any underwear, meaning I’d have to make the infamous “walk of shame” panty-less. I could only hope that no one would spot me on the way back down to my room, two floors below. “Look, I know we were both pretty drunk last night and I don’t want things to get weird so I think it’s best if I get going before this can get any worse.”
Standing up as well, revealing that he had put his underwear back on at some point, he handed me my bra that was peeking out from under the bed. “Woah, weird? Worse? Didn’t ya have fun last night, babe?”
Frustrated, I snatched my bra from him, clipping it back on, trying my best not to look at him. The look on his face right now was one of genuine hurt, and the continual pet names weren’t making it any easier for me. “That’s the problem, I did. Enzo, last night was so wonderful and everything was better than I could have ever asked for.”
He reached into his bag and tossed me a pair of plain black basketball shorts, “But…?” he urged me to continue, clearly not yet satisfied with my admittedly half-assed explanation.
I muttered a “thanks” and slipped them on. Surely this wouldn’t look as bad when I snuck back to my room, right? “But…ugh look Enzo, I really like you…as in a “more than a friend” sort of way. And the absolute last thing I ever wanted to do was ruin our friendship and…” I gestured to the pile of clothes on floor, still not daring to look at him, feeling the tears begin to well up in my eyes. “Look, do you have a shirt I can borrow too? I’ll…wash it and give it back another time I just-“
Enzo abruptly cut me off, crushing his lips against mine, a gesture that threw me off considering what I had just been trying to tell him. He broke apart, holding my face in his hands so that I was forced to meet his shocking blue eyes. “Look at me. Do you got any idea how long I’ve been waitin’ to hear you say that? Sheesh woman, you had me worried! For a second there I thought I had underperformed or somethin’.”
Eyes widened in surprise, I opened my mouth to speak again, when a sharp, loud knocking at the door reached both of our ears.
Digging through his bag quickly, Enzo slipped on a similar pair of basketball shorts and hastily threw me a t-shirt, going to answer the door and calling out, “I’m comin, relax!” to whoever stood on the other side.
I slipped it on; giggling when I saw the word “SAWFT” was printed across the front of the shirt, trying not to smile like an idiot at how much it smelled like him. This was definitely something I could get used to.
As the door opened, I was met with the sight of Carmella and Cass, fully dressed for the day.
Mella squealed, running past Enzo and throwing her arms around me. “Girl, look at you! Spending the night with ‘Zo without tellin’ me, you frisky little thing!”
Enzo spread his arms out, as Cass also made himself welcome in the hotel room, setting the tray of coffees he held down on the table. “Ohh! I’m right here! If ya gonna gossip about me, at least wait ‘til I’m gone or something! Sheesh!”
Mella dropped her arms from me and spun around to narrow her eyes at Enzo, only to deliver a series of slaps to his arm. “And if you EVER steal her away like that again, I’ll beat your ass! Do,” slap “you,” slap “know,” slap “how,” slap “worried,” slap “I,” slap “was!?”
Enzo flinched at the blonde’s sudden tirade towards him, lightly swatting her hands away. “Jeez alright enough with the slapping already! Cass, help me out here!”
I glanced over at Cass, giving him a skeptical look. “You saw us leave and you didn’t tell her?”
Cass chuckled, sipping his coffee. For the most part, he seemed extremely indifferent to the situation at hand. “Nah this was way funnier. Baby, baby, you can stop I think ‘Zo’s learned his lesson.”
Carmella’s mouth hung open, pointing a finger in her boyfriend’s direction, a look of outrage on her features. “Hold up, you knew about this too!? Am I really the last to find out!?”
In an attempt to appease her, I handed her the coffee with her name scribbled on the side, grinning sheepishly. “I’m sorry, Mella. I would’ve texted you or something if I knew. I hope you weren’t too worried.”
She crossed her arms, sighing rather dramatically. “I guess it ain’t your fault. But never mind that, I better get some details on last night! What happened to “Never gonna happen” huh?”
Enzo huffed loudly, gesturing to the door. “Alright, not that I ain’t thrilled to see the two of ya, but would ya mind? We just woke up and we’d like a little time alone if ya catch my drift.”
“Call ya later, girl.” Carmella nudged me slyly before moving towards the door.
Enzo held the two open for the pair, gesturing with his arms for them to move a little quicker. “C’mon, c’mon let’s go.”
As he shut the door behind our two early morning visitors, I hesitantly wrapped my arms around his mid-section, planting a kiss on his bare shoulder. I was going to keep my distance at first, but the conversation seemed like it had been going in a good direction. Plus, we had sorta slept together already. “So…what were you saying before?”
He turned around and scooped me up in his arms, carrying me back over to the bed and dropping me in the middle of the messy sheets. “I was sayin’,” he hovered over me, planting a kiss on my forehead.
“To keep this short, the feelings mutual, doll,” he placed another one on my nose, earning a giggle from me.
“In case you couldn’t tell, I’m really into ya.” Finally pressing his lips against mine, he hoisted me towards him so I was sitting in an upright position on his lap.
“That bein’ said, much as I enjoyed it, last night didn’t really count, ya know as a date. So I think I should take ya out on a real, official first date. Today. That uh, sound alright to you?”
Joyfully I nodded, my nose grazing against his ever so slightly. “I’d love that, Enzo. But we should probably shower before anything. Plus, I have to go back to my room to change since this outfit isn’t exactly “date” material.”
He wiggled an eyebrow at me suggestively, “Oh yeah? ”We”, huh? I like the sound of that, sweetheart. And personally, I don’t think you look half-bad in my clothes!”
I tried to wiggle out of his vice-like grip, wanting to desperately shower and change, but his arms were locked around my mid-section. Realizing my efforts were futile, I slumped back down, my lips turned down into a pout.
“Aw don’t gimme that look. You’re just mad that I proved ya wrong,” It was one of those moments where I felt like I was talking to his in-ring personality and not the actual Enzo.
I arched an eyebrow at him, a puzzled look on my face. “What do you mean?”
“Do the words “Never gonna happen” ring any bells, baby?” There was an undeniable air of smugness both in his words and on his face.
I flushed red, realizing Carmella had sort of unintentionally given me away there. “Hold on, it’s not like I didn’t want it to happen. I just never thought it would, that’s all.”
“Oh is that so? Did my baby girl lay awake at night dreamin’ of me?”
When I buried my face in his chest to hide my burning cheeks, he understood what the answer was and proceeded to crack up, “No way, babe! Seriously?”
I felt his chest vibrate with laughter as he gripped my shoulders and attempted to bring me back up to face level. “Hey, c’mon it’s not a bad thing! I’m just happy I wasn’t the only one is all.”
I huffed, rolling my eyes, playfully jabbing him in the chest. “Oh please, you’re just saying that so I don’t look like as big of a loser here.”
Still amused by my flustered state, he drew me in with another kiss. “I’m tellin ya, it’s the honest truth sweetheart! But if ya don’t believe me, that’s fine. We got the day off and I certainly don’t have any issues with provin’ ya wrong again.”
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concussed-to-pieces · 8 years
Quiet; Prologue
Fandom: WWE
Pairing: Baron Corbin/Female Reader
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: Happy Thirst Party Saturday, everyone! Been working on this prologue for a little bit. Tagging our usual suspects, @tox-moxley, @oraclegazes, @hardcorewwetrash and @writergrrrl29. Enjoy!
Baron figured he would never find his mate. He was getting up there in years, after all. Most of the other wolves he knew were mated up by their early twenties and yet here he was still alone. Lone Wolf Baron Corbin, in more ways than one.
But then, oh, but then. He woke up one morning with a strange taste in his mouth. Sometimes around the full moon he would grind his teeth in his sleep, but this was a different taste. He wondered if he needed to start wearing one of those mouth guards while he slept. Huh. There was a commotion outside the door to his room, that was probably what had roused him. He could already smell Corey (he seemed to bathe in cologne) and...BlissBayley, never alone.
He pressed his ear to the door, straining to hear what was going on. His hearing wasn’t the best. Too many concerts.
“I’m so glad you’re becoming one of the team! How cool is that, ‘Lexa?”
“What’s your name, cutie? Who are you rooming with?”
The voice that must have answered Bliss’ question was too quiet for Baron to hear. A strange smell tugged his attention. It was faint, like it was blocked. New person smell. But…captivating. Baron suddenly realized he was drooling and quickly wiped his mouth off on his shirt. What the hell? He took a step back from the door and the smell faded, filling him with a sense of relief. Then, his chest started aching. Well that was weird.
You were so small, and you had the too-tense look of someone who knew they were small. Being friends with tiny fae Bliss had taught Baron a few things about short people (mainly, that they’ll kick you Daniel Bryan-style in the shins if you say anything about it). He was…he knew how large he was, and how threatening he could seem with his deep voice and dark eyes. What big teeth you have…
Baron shook his head, returning to his pushups after his momentary break. Get them out of your head, man.
Being who he was, what he was, always made things more difficult for Baron out on the road. There weren’t many safe spots for him to either shift or sweat it out, and now for whatever damn reason he felt an intense urge to keep you close. He chalked it up to being lonely. You weren’t hard on the eyes by any means and he had been solitary for quite a while. Also you seemed like you could use a little protecting and he was a goddamn sucker for that.
Baron wasn’t sure what was wrong with him when he woke up on a full moon night, seemingly for no reason. He slid back down in his bed, a bit startled at being awake and quietly luxuriating in the sounds of the night that he could finally hear again, even through the hotel walls. Full moon was good for something every once in a while.
Then, there was a soft noise from the room adjacent to his own. His ears pricked up of their own accord; that was your room. Carmella had gone out for the evening, maybe she’d returned? There was another sound and then that smell again, wrapping around his senses like a velvet glove. Baron bit his lip, his body a suddenly-confused mess of scent reactions and anxious energy. He got up and got a glass of water, running a hand through his hair. What’s wrong with me? Am I broken somehow? He wondered, not without a touch of fear. Broken meant he wouldn’t be able to succeed. Broken meant he could kiss this dream goodbye, even after essentially reshaping his body from the ground up.
Baron shook his head at himself. Damn quick to panic, Jesus. The sound was a little louder this time. It was a gentle sort of whimper, but it made Baron’s stomach drop out. What…? Your scent hit him full force and he choked on his next swallow of water as a surge of intense longing caught him off guard. Baron felt like every bone in his body ached, like his heart was being split in two and without meaning to he opened his mouth. His responding whine was low and long, a searching noise. Where are you, where are you? Baron’s eyes widened as the gravity of the situation hit him. Uh oh.
You?! Well, it wasn’t like you weren’t attractive to him, to say the least. But…you were scared of him! You hadn’t made eye contact yet, for fuck’s sake, always ducking your head if he so much as glanced your way. It…was this a joke? Was the universe really that hell bent on fucking with him that it would give him his mate, someone who was supposed to be his life, and make it so that they were terrified of him?
Baron sat on the end of the bed, his head in his hands. Fuck. Bliss and Bayley would have answers. He would talk to them. Keep the panic at bay. There was no need to lose it just yet. Maybe it was a mistake, maybe there was something wrong with him. He picked up his phone.
-Need to talk, Alexa. Or Bayley. Please.
Barely two minutes went by before there was a knock on the door to his room. Baron padded to the door and opened it, pausing and raising an eyebrow. It wasn’t Alexa, nor was it Bayley. It was Carmella, standing there with her hands on her hips. “Carm?” He asked cautiously. “Something wrong?”
“You tell me, sugarcube. My roomie was in a fuckin’ tizzy, said they heard a noise from ya’ room like ya’ in pain.” Carmella looked suspicious, standing on her tiptoes to see over Corbin’s shoulder. “Ya’ got someone else in there or what?”
“N-No, I uh. I got up to get a drink and tripped in the dark.” Baron’s panic increased tenfold. You had heard his fucking pitiful noise, his where are you noise. “Kind of a klutz, Carm. All legs, y’know.” He forced a chuckle.
Carmella didn’t seem convinced in the slightest, pursing her lips and fixing Corbin with a stern glare. “If I find out ya’ been sneakin’ chicks in here…” Baron couldn’t help the snicker that escaped and after a second Carmella joined in. “Alright, alright. I’m sorry. I’m used to ‘Zo, y’know how it is.” She apologized, patting his arm.
Baron nodded. “I’m not like that, Carm. I’ve got nothing to prove in that department.” He said, leaning easily against the doorframe. “I’ve gotten no complaints.”
“Ya’ have to actually hook up with someone ta’ get complaints, Corbs.” Carmella teased.
“You figured out my master plan! Cass always said you were smart.” Baron rumpled her hair carefully, fully aware that it was a dangerous game to mess with the hair of the Staten Island princess. She swatted his fingers away with an annoyed noise as Alexa made her usual sound to alert him of her presence, like a tiny bell chiming high enough that only he could hear it. “Alright, yeah. Let them know I'm okay, Carm. Just hit my shin on the coffee table. Sorry if I woke them or anything.”
Alexa was behind the door when he closed it, but Baron was so used to her cropping up wherever she wanted that he couldn't even muster up a flinch. She looked tired yet still somehow managed to shimmer just the tiniest bit, fluffing her hair out over her shoulders as Baron slid the deadbolt. “What's up, Big Bad? Dragged me out of a nice warm bed with the wife for this so it had better be important.”
Baron knew the stories. He had heard them from some of the other weres; Alexa and Bayley had read him some things. What people like him did to people like you, how he could prevent losing his mind over this shit. You were scared of him, damn it, and not much could be done about that except what he was already doing. It was exasperating.
Roman in particular had been raised very strict and always seemed to have a helpful tip to calm shit down when it started swirling. The constant ebb and flow of alpha posturing could get a little exhausting, especially since most of the time it came from people who weren’t what Baron was.
Also he wasn’t entirely sure what he’d done wrong in a past life to gain the friendship of the walking nuclear explosion of energy that was Mojo Rawley. Zack Ryder was decent, polite and on the quieter side. Mojo was everything but. The definition of “life of the party”, Baron couldn’t count how many times he’d turned down offers to teach him how to breakdance. Since Ryder usually roomed with his girlfriend and Baron was…well, solitary, Mojo ended up more or less Corbin’s permanent room partner. Which could have gone much worse than it did, honestly.
Sometimes he wondered if Mojo knew. The Hype train rarely slowed and never came to a stop, but occasionally Mojo seemed to have oddly precise insight. “Full moon tonight, Big Banter, can’t wait to watch you go on the hunt!” It might have made Baron uneasy if he’d ever displayed any other signs of lucidity. He chalked it up to Mojo just going along with his gimmick.
The taste he woke up with in his mouth every morning had become commonplace. The urge to have you close was kept at bay with the morning group workout sessions. You were in the same room as him and apparently that was enough for Baron to retain his sanity (if only just). His turns were the hardest part to deal with; they had never been all that regular to begin with and now for some reason they were even more off-kilter than ever before.
He could hazard a guess why. The critter tended to roam a little close to the surface. He hadn’t noticed how close until he almost bumblefucked his way through Cass like a hot knife through butter, scaring the shit out of not only Carmella but also himself. He hadn’t been this out of control since he was a teenager and it was terrifying. Colin and Enzo had laughed it off but Corbin felt awful, he could have seriously hurt the larger man.
Bliss had threatened to have Bayley Hugplex him to within an inch of his life if he didn’t get his shit together, and Corbin knew he definitely would have deserved it. He just didn’t know how to go about this without turning into someone even worse than he already was.
Wonder of all wonders, an opportunity was practically gift-wrapped and delivered to him in the hands of Big Cass and Zack Ryder. First, Ryder offered to switch places with him during the next hotel stay, something about Emma not being with him. Ryder had been staying with Cass, who then asked Baron if he would switch with Carmella. “You know how it is, man. If she can be here, she wants to be here.” Colin had rolled his eyes, but Baron saw right through him. He had agreed with little thought, overly used to working around his fellow superstars who actually had boyfriends, girlfriends, and significant others.
It hit him as he was tucking his clothes into his backpack and Baron slowed to a halt, one of his shirts falling out of his hands. Carm usually rooms with...oh. Oh no. It was too late for him to take it back, Carmella was already on her way over. Shit, shit!
She looked smug when she arrived. Too smug. Like she was in on a secret that Baron didn't know about. He wondered fleetingly if you were interested in him too, if this was an elaborate scheme to get you and him together. “Be nice to them.” She said sternly as he slung his pack over his shoulder. “Don't scare 'em, got it? I'll kick ya' ass if ya' do.”
“Why does everyone think I'm so fucking scary?” Corbin grumbled, feeling a little peeved. First Alexa and Bayley, now even Carm was ganging up on him. Christ.
She was having none of his attitude though and Colin chuckled when she caught Baron by that pesky lock of hair that wasn't quite long enough to get wrapped up in his bun. Corbin yelped, halting. “Because ya' a king-size professional wrestler, slash former football player, who looks like he has the brain to match. They're also kinda' quiet. Shy. So play nice. I know ya' smart, big guy. Be smart now, or ya' gonna' be in trouble.” Carmella warned, finally releasing his hair and handing him the keycard to her room.
Baron resisted the urge to slam the door behind him, irritated beyond belief. Didn't anyone understand how difficult this was for him?! You were his mate and he hadn't even so much as touched you, fuck, made legitimate eye contact with you. He had an inkling of how those overly-territorial psycho weres everyone whispered about came into being and the thought made him shudder and suck in a few calming breaths. No way in hell was he going to do anything that would lump him in with the likes of those fucks.
You looked even smaller alone in a hotel hallway at one in the morning. Baron fought a wince when your eyes landed on his boots and then widened. He could smell the panic coming off you in waves and it made his skin crawl. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. Your distress threatened to send him into a tailspin of his own and he slowed down, doing his deep breathing and trying, trying so damn hard to just be calm and collected and not nervous, I'm not nervous.
“Oh.” You said softly when Baron finally managed to get his legs to function properly again. Your eyes traveled up his chest, up, up, up and oh-!
Baron was transfixed, certain he must look like an idiot. His jaw had probably gone slack. Was he drooling again? Fuck it. You were his, you were his, oh God, it was you--
“Room with you?” He realized he was speaking, mouth forming words his brain wasn't awake for. “Thank fuck.” Oh God no, he was trying to be smooth. Somebody kill him, stop it stop it!
You were apologizing as he fumbled with the door, Baron wasn't entirely sure for what. His hands were shaking so hard, Jesus Christ. Is it hot in here? The pet name slipped out unintentionally. You had been 'little one' to him for such a long time in his head, it just seemed natural that he call you that. You didn't seem to mind and he sent up a silent prayer of thanks to whoever was listening.
“I-I'll be quiet, I promise.”
Your stutter made Baron's heart thud painfully in his chest and he had to clear his throat before he could attempt to smile, try to give an answer that would drown out the chants in his brain of I ruined everything, I ruined everything.
Baron couldn't sleep. Not surprising. Trying to get comfortable on the small bed plagued him until the wee hours of the morning, while half-dreams full of you in said small bed saying his name in your sweet little voice ran rampant. He had heard your voice, finally. You had made eye contact with him. It should have been enough, damn it, it should have.
It was a struggle to wait until you woke up and slipped out of the room in the morning, your movements almost totally silent like you were trying not to wake him up. Baron knew someday he would appreciate your consideration, but today he could barely hold out until you were gone before he lunged for your bed, grabbed your pillow and buried his face in it. He knew he had to work fast. He didn't know when you would be back and his body was a frothing mess, his cock stiff just from your scent.
Baron retreated to his own bed, your pillow in tow.  The ache in his chest felt like it was multiplying, his body in such a state of longing it bordered on physical pain. He couldn't bite back the whine that bubbled in his throat as he crushed your pillow to his chest. He couldn't remember a time when he'd been this desperate and out of sorts, couldn't remember what his own scent was as yours took over. Fuck. It was over almost before it began. He'd barely gotten his hand into his sleeping pants and then he was coming, his hips shuddering and his eyes rolling back in his head.
Baron panted for breath, startled that he'd come that fast. Jesus, he was fucked something fierce. He staggered back up, hastily replacing your pillow and then going to the bathroom to wash his hands. He splashed some water on his face and braced himself on the sink, still breathing a little heavier than he would like. I’m okay. I’m okay. It's not a problem yet. Yeah, right. Maybe someday he’d believe it.
Something was pinching the skin of his palm. Baron looked down, confused. It was your room key pressing into his hand, probably dropped while you were getting ready to leave. Oh. The relief that he felt was almost enough to make him laugh, even while a territorial rush flooded him. This room was his den now, and he would welcome you back to it as best as he could. God, more than anything he wished for a nice nest of sheets and soft blankets to surprise you with.
Baron Corbin was the last person who would call himself, ‘smooth’. He knew he was woefully out of touch as far as relationships went, shit, as far as flirting went. He had no idea what he was doing. So he sat on his bed, twiddled his thumbs. Waited nervously for your return.
He could smell the food before you even reached the door. He could smell the sleep still on you in the  yawns you tried to stifle in the hall. You'd obviously slept about as well as he did. Baron ached to fix that. But he reined himself in, opened the door before you knocked (only a little creepy, great job) and a goddamn miracle happened. The scent of interested caught him completely by surprise. It was brief. Baron almost believed that he imagined it but then your face pinked up. Oh?
Being near you during your morning workout was a huge mistake. You made these little determined noises of exertion that had Baron's mind running rampant, his body screaming its approval inside his head. He ended up having to crank his music way louder than normal, doing his damnedest to get through his workout before he did something stupid. He really, really wanted to hold you. And also maybe slam your back against the wall, grind his hips into yours until you came just from the friction, then he would slide down, peel your workout shorts off and eat you out until you begged him to--
Christ!Baron snorted in disbelief at himself. You had offered to push the beds together so he would actually fit, and he'd given his goddamn word that he wouldn't touch you. You had brought the pack food this morning. He wished you were his with all his fucking heart but he wasn't going to force it. When you felt safe. When you were ready. He was plenty strong enough to endure this.
He had to be.
The sheets were almost Baron's undoing. His throat threatened to close up as he realized you had made a nest, a den of soft things for he and you to sleep in. He doubted you understood the gravity of your kind gesture to someone like him.
You slept like a rock, obviously over your new-person fear as you were this close to crowding his side of the bed when Baron drifted off. His dreams were less fitful than the previous night, probably calmed by the closer proximity of your presence. He could tell that you were looking at him even before he opened his eyes in the morning, his skin feeling twitchy. It was the tattoos, of course it was the tattoos. The way you asked to come along when he got his next one made him want to hope and Baron was barely able to keep his voice steady when he answered.
The breakfast run was the perfect method to escape and he took it, rubbing a hand over his face while the elevator descended. I didn’t think you would warm up to me like this. It was okay to admit it to himself, right? Fuck, what do you even like for breakfast? You had a muffin yesterday. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
The elevator doors pinged open and Baron straightened up. Jason and Chad were the only two actually getting breakfast at this early hour, both young men waving at Baron as he headed for the muffin plate. Abruptly (and Baron thanked God for his sensitive nose because otherwise he would have been caught completely unawares) Mojo was on his back, whooping when Corbin barely moved.
“It’s big breakfast time for Big Banter, whoo!”
Gable, the goddamn traitor, was laughing so hard he almost fell out of his chair, while Jason just looked amused. Corey (who eschewed elevators, something about having perfectly good legs) strolled in from the lobby with a shit-eating grin on his face. “Morning, cupcake!” He said cheerily to Baron, who just grunted in reply and carried on his task of loading up more food, albeit a bit slower now with Mojo clinging to his back. It certainly wasn’t the first time he’d had to haul the Hype Train around. Corey elbowed Corbin in his ribs. “So? How’d it go last night?” He stage-whispered.
Baron raised an eyebrow at the other tattooed man. “Excuse me, Graves?”
“Oh don’t play fuckin’ coy with me, man. Are they into you or what? I know you’ve been fucking mooning over them.” Corey was apparently much more observant than he let on. Either that or Baron was really bad at hiding his feelings.
Probably the last one.
“Dammit Graves, you can’t just ask me that shit.” Baron grumbled. “I don’t know if they’re into me, okay? I’m a huge, scary, weird…I just don’t think I’m their type.” I’m a fucking werewolf, Corey, not something you shack up with fucking lightly!
“But you’re bringing them breakfast! That’s pretty hype.” Baron had forgotten Mojo was still gripping his spine like the world’s strangest backpack. Mojo continued, “If I dig someone, I am all about that bed breakfast stuff. Also I don’t sleep, so every meal is breakfast to me!”
“Mojo can you maybe let me go, kinda’ got shit to do.” Baron didn’t really have time for a fucking seminar from Captain Concussion and Hype Bro Number Two, barely managing to weasel his way out of Mojo’s grip without dropping his plate. “If you guys will excuse me.”
Corey, the fucking juvenile that he was, started making kissy noises at him (to Baron’s complete chagrin). Corbin stormed back to the elevator, grumbling swears under his breath for the duration of the ride up to your floor. He hated the dumb flush that had stained his face. He hated how easy it was to wind him up when it came to you. It wasn’t fair for fuck’s sake, why did he have to be so fucking scary?
All his irritation was forgotten when you welcomed him back to the room. You’d made the beds while he was gone and you smelled like happy, bouncing in place when you realized he’d picked up your favorite kind of muffin (entirely by accident, but Baron would take the victory). Watching you eat soothed the ache in his chest a bit. At least he could do this right, provide for the pack. All he had to do was keep his hands to himself from here on out and maybe…Jesus, maybe you would love him.
He felt like such a piece of crap, hanging onto every little scent signal or nervous gesture. He didn’t know what else he could do though, nothing was enough for his insides to stop fucking screaming.
“You should just tell them.” Bayley, ever the optimist, spoke as she cinched her hair down tight enough to give Baron phantom pains in his scalp. She didn’t shimmer quite like Alexa, she was more like a…radiator. Putting out waves. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
“Christ, do I even need to say it?” He didn’t mean to snap but shit, if it was that easy he wouldn’t need help! The fact that he’d been able to snap even while near her, was enough to make Bayley fix him with a stern look.
“Baron, do you need me to…?” She put her hand on his arm just for a second. “Let me take some of it, okay? Stay still.”
“No, Bayley. This is my goddamn mess to deal with.” He said grimly, sliding out from beneath her fingers. “I need someone to talk to, okay? Not necessarily magically fix what I’m dealing with. My heart and my brain playing tug-of-war is probably something I should learn how to handle.”
Bayley nodded in understanding, patting the bar on the weight bench. “Spot me and you can talk to your heart’s content. I’m all ears.”
Corbin did feel a little better after essentially blowing through his word allowance for the damn year, his voice somewhat hoarse when Bayley finally finished her workout and sat down to take a swig of water.
“They offered to push the beds together so you’d be more comfortable. So obviously, there’s no fear. Or at least, little enough that they can work through it and your keen nose doesn’t pick up on it.” She mused. “They got you breakfast, and they liked when you returned the favor. They want to come with you when you get another tattoo. I don’t know, big guy. I feel like you have this all wrapped up and you’re worried about nothing.”
“I’m just so scared I’m going to fuck it up, Bayley.” Baron confessed. “I’m so huge and…shit, my heart hurts so damn much when I think about what I could do, how fucked up I could get. We’ve all heard the stories, y’know?” Corbin felt a headache coming on and dropped his face into his hands, rubbing his temples. “I promised not to touch them when we're in bed together but all I wanna’ do is hold them.” He mumbled through his fingers.
“So do it. Instigate some contact, doesn't have to be in the bed. They wouldn’t still be in that room if they felt unsafe.” Bayley pointed out. “I can’t help explain away your need for tactile stimulation, Baron. I can’t take it away either. That’s something that’s built into you. All I can do is calm down the frenzy every once in a while.”
Baron nodded, even though the motion felt like a prison cell door slamming shut. “I know. I…thanks for listening.”
“Hey, anytime.” Bayley squeezed his shoulder comfortingly. “We have to stick together, after all. 'Lexa and I want you happy, got it?”
He had promised to keep his hands to himself. That was the one thing he could do. He wanted to fucking touch you all over, rub your shoulders after your grueling training or stroke your hair when you tucked in for the night. But he promised, fuck he had promised. You made noises in your sleep sometimes, like you were having bad dreams. It was the hardest thing in the world for him to stay still when your hands wandered, and one time you had a different kind of dream.
It started with the whimpering, like all your other dreams. Baron rolled over to face the wall, his palms suddenly sweaty. He was absolute shit at dealing with this, having to practically lay there with his arms folded so he didn't touch you. He froze when your fingers grazed his shirt, choked as a soft little moan issued from your throat. Oh no. He felt like he was on fire, the scent of your arousal lighting his nerves up. Your fingers were back, clumsily dragging down his spine before you dug them into the sheets. Another whimper and Baron was so close to shattering his own ribs with how hard he was hugging himself.
I'm stronger than this. I'm not some weak, piece of crap alpha. I'm okay. I'm fine.
Baron inhaled deeply in a valiant attempt to keep himself under control but all it did was fill his senses with you, you, squirming on the bed beside him and Jesus Christ he was only human, damn it, damn it-
He flopped onto his back, half-hoping he would wake you up with the motion. But all you did was mold your body to his side and make a pleased humming noise. Despite the air conditioner and fan running in the room you were warm, your skin hot where it touched his. Baron flexed his hands, desperately grabbing the sheets to keep from touching you. Oh God, is that...?
Your groin pressed to his thigh and Baron found himself biting down on his fist to stay quiet. His body was in total chaos, man at war with wolf as one half of him screamed I promised! and the other half shouted back mate wants me!
The only good thing was that whatever you had been dreaming about seemed to have faded away. Your smell relaxed into good and sleep and Baron began the slow, careful task of untangling you from his body. It would help no one if you woke up now, especially with the raging hard-on he was sporting.
He finally escaped to the bathroom, bracing one hand against the wall beside the mirror as he wrangled his sleeping shorts down around his thighs and held his shirt up out of the way with his teeth. Quickly jerking off seemed to be a way of life for him these days. It was nicer to visualize you helping him out though, the idea of you on your knees for him too pretty to pass up thinking about.
“C-come for me, alpha?”
Baron was grateful for the shirt in his mouth to stifle his groan. He couldn't bring himself to feel guilty about imagining you doing things to him. It was the only solace he had, damn it.
“Please, Baron, I-I need you.”
If you ever wore anything like the little skirts he pictured you in, he was pretty sure he would outright die. Kneeling in front of him, pressing your tits together in invitation. Maybe wearing one of his shirts. Or a skirt and nothing else. Baron felt like a damn bitch in heat, panting through his teeth as he stroked his cock to the idea of mating you one day, of finally claiming you when you actually wanted him. Your hands on him, touching him, owning him, your mouth...
Corbin came with a muffled growl.
That lonely ache flared back up in his chest while he cleaned himself off, cold washcloth doing little to soothe down the feverish heat of his skin. He wanted to howl more than anything in the world. Get the damn sad out of his rib cage before it ate him alive. Baron had never been good at handling feelings, too volatile with his hot temper and hard fists. He usually just ignored everything, balled it up inside, worked himself into a lather at the gym or in the ring until he couldn't export the pain quick enough and everything exploded.
He'd also never had someone like you at stake.
When he finally shuffled back to the bed, he almost laid on top of you accidentally. You had rolled to his side of the bed and wrapped yourself in the blankets, snoring away peacefully without a care in the world. Baron sighed, climbing over you and tucking the flat sheet around his legs. He ran pretty warm anyways.
He didn't expect to wake up with your head on his chest. Baron fucking panicked, apologizing left and right then fleeing as fast as he could. Mojo was more than willing to bring him along to the gym for a morning sweat and it was there that Baron stayed for most of the day, going rounds with the bag, lifting weights, deep-breathing his way through push-ups and muscle spasms. In the back of his mind he knew he was just fucking himself over, wrecking his body before his match tonight. But Baron couldn't have cared less if he tried. He deserved to lose, deserved whatever pain he inflicted on himself because he broke his promise. Shit, he clusterfucked that promise to high hell. You probably hated him, probably never wanted to see him again.
He didn't mean to be so pissed off after his match. He knew he was going to lose so he was just being childish, inches away from throwing shit and pitching the mother of all tantrums and then...
You pulled him close, your head resting on his chest. Baron finally gave in to the urge of smelling your hair, feeling the shiver than ran through your body when he did. “I promised I wouldn't touch you.” He breathed, almost convincing himself to pull away. Almost. “Can't even do that right. And now I'm getting all this grubby ring shit on you. Not fair to you, little one.” He hurt all over. Rhyno hadn't exactly been gentle with him and Baron knew he deserved every bruise that plagued his body.
Your fingers gripped his ribs tighter and he instantly surrendered. He wondered wildly if the lack of fear in your scent was a sign. You weren't scared or excited, just radiating comfort at a rate that put Bayley to shame. You were in full-blown soothing mode and it was like being wrapped in the warmest blanket on a cold night, covering his skin with a tingling sensation.
He was so fucked. If he didn't get away now, he wasn't sure what he might do to you. All those stories came rushing to the front of his mind, all the cautionary 'too much of a good thing' tales that ended in mates being trapped or worse, fucking killed because some weak werewolf couldn't handle that they were still people. Baron didn't want to be one of them. He hoped he couldn't be one of them. But the way he felt around you was unlike anything else. He was completely lost.
You were speaking again, your voice so soft. The order to shower was a surprise, as was the offer of a back rub. And Baron, the pitiful son of a bitch, jumped at it. Maybe your hands all over his back would be enough to stave off that painful ache in his chest, enough to make his skin stop crawling with worry. He forced his mind blank during the shower, just doing his deep breathing while the hot water undid some of the tension in his shoulders.
I am calm. I am in control.
His control went out the window the second your thumbs dug into the base of his neck. Baron felt his cock start to harden and he couldn't bite back his groan, burying his face in his arm. He could do this. He was strong. So were you, if your hands were anything to go by. Jesus Christ, he wasn't sure if he was going to last until the end of this back rub. The shifting onto his back at the end hadn't been intentional. Baron already felt vulnerable enough for fuck's sake and now his body was betraying him, exposing his belly to you like he was a fucking pup. But...
But you were interested, your smell intoxicating to him. You were interested and excited and even when he put his hands all over you, moved you, asked you questions, you weren't scared. Baron got the feeling that he may not be in as much trouble as he had thought originally. Your body welcomed his touches; when he slid his fingers into you your slick trickled down his arm. Obviously you had been waiting for this and that sent a hot wave of satisfaction through Baron's body. Waiting for him. You liked being praised and it was a damn good thing, because he had nothing but praise for you.
You had already come once, leaving a wet stain on the front of his boxers. Baron snarled into your ear as you rolled back against him, begging for him in a voice that was a thousand times sweeter than anything he could have imagined. He realized that the taste he'd been waking up with in his mouth was you. His brain felt thick and foggy at that, the fucking joy in his chest threatening to cut off his breath. You were his, you were his, wonderful, thoughtful mate. It was almost too much.
“Anytime you say stop, I'll stop.” This was one promise he refused to break. He wouldn't be the beginning of another horror story if he could help it. You could be as willing as you wanted, but the out always needed to be there. He knew he was...a lot to handle, and if you didn't feel safe refusing him no matter what then he had fucked up from the start.
The few and far between older werewolves that Baron had met in this line of work were usually all too happy to share the knowledge of their own experiences. For some damn reason this included mating. At least there, the answer was always the same.
“You'll know when you find them because it won't feel like anything else you've done. Or anyone else, for that matter.”
Baron had been pretty sure that it was all horseshit. Regardless of who it was, the motions were the same. He'd only fucked a few people in his lifetime, honestly disinterested in the whole thing before he'd met you. It was so much damn work for someone he had no emotional connection with, and not only that but someone he knew he would have no emotional connection with.
Mounting you for the first time shattered every perception he had when it came to sex. Baron felt like his whole body was suddenly awake, like he'd just been sleepwalking through life until this second. “You'll know when you find them.”
Jesus, they were right.
You responded in an incredibly positive manner, whimpering and fucking back against him like you were the one who had been waiting for him. In a way, you might have been. Your body was so fucking hot, so wet and ready, a chorus of good and want and mate. Baron felt your walls shudder down onto his cock and he wanted to go to pieces when you begged, “More.” Your hand held his own, his fingers cradling your stomach carefully, so carefully.
The only problem Baron was having at this point was his stupid fucking brain screaming at him, this doesn't mean they'll stay! Which was true, this wasn't a relationship by a far cry. This was a mindless rut, this was him losing his self-control and mating you because you were willing. But holy shit were you willing, the way you fucking cried his name when you came almost making him howl his approval. He barely bit back the noise in time and thank God, imagine trying to explain that shit.
Baron wanted to dig his teeth into your shoulder, wanted to mark and claim you as his own in a visible area. His fingers cupped your stomach again and he got the insane visual of your belly swollen with his pups, claim! He almost choked on his next breath. Shit, Baron didn't even know if he wanted kids, but the wolf in him only knew one end to a mounting and it made him moan with a need that wasn't entirely his own.
Would that make you stay?
That was dangerous, Baron hated himself for even being capable of thinking such. He would never do that to you, that was fucking medieval shit. He was more than the needy, affection-starved wolf for fuck's sake. “I won't, but I want to. Maybe I'd get to keep you then. See you like this more.” His words were hard to get out, his jaw all but locked with the effort of not biting. He was better than that, God fucking damn it.
Your soft permission was what did him in. “You have me. As long as you want. You don't have to leave me if you don't want to.”
Oh fuck-! Corbin barely managed to pull out in time, his whole body shuddering as he realized how close he had been to...
No, no, it's alright. You're safe. I'll be more careful next time. Jesus.
He abruptly felt weak, slumping onto his side and pulling you to him for a long kiss. Fucking from behind had its benefits but it made kissing incredibly difficult, and if there was one thing Baron loved it was kissing. Kissing you. Hopefully a lot. “Let me just go get something to clean you up with. I kinda' made a mess.”
You caught that pesky stray curl of hair and Baron went along with your grip, a pleased shudder running through him. “It's okay. I enjoyed every second of it.” Your stammer was barely there, nothing but a little hiccup at the end of the sentence.
Baron was pretty sure he must look like a fucking idiot, probably still all red from exertion and hazy from coming harder than he had in years, but he couldn't help the grin that spread across his face. He brushed his nose against yours in an almost-kiss, your smell still wrapping him in comfort. Mate. Good.
Baron knew he was red now, unable to do anything about the pleased flush that pinked his face. His legs felt like he may have overdone it a little bit, never mind the rest of his body, but you weren't going to sleep all sticky. He could offer that much help, at least.
“You really like that wolf stuff, hmm?” You murmured as you tucked yourself into his chest, your fingers back to tracing his tattoos.
You could say that, little one.
Part One
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asexual-trashbag · 7 years
Incarnate (chapter 3)
So here’s the deal on how uploading these chapters will work. I have chapters 1-4 prewritten, so those will come out every day at 12:30-1:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. So expect chapter 4 up tommorrow around then! After that, I plan to upload chapters as I complete them. My goal is at least a bi-weekly update schedule. But no matter what day I post them, they will always be coming out between 12:30 and 1:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. Anyway, this one is from Estos’s perspective and takes place during the meeting with Irayu and Carmella.
“My guardian, is it not a possibility that you are overreacting?”
“Overreacting? How could you say that, Tilo? You saw it, did you not?” I asked my seer. 
Tilo nodded quickly. “Yes, I did, my guardian. But visions are never the complete picture. They are just puzzle pieces.”
I groaned. “I am not overreacting. Irayu is the only one of us that is overreacting! He dares to keep secrets from us! And Askele refuses to punish him! Instead he demands I start supplying food the Ikladore again!”
“Perhaps that is because Askele knows how to keep his temper and do what needs to be done.” Tilo said. “We cannot assume these sort of things, my guardian. We have to know them.”
“I still think Irayu is being entirely unreasonable.” I said. Speaking of Irayu, as soon as I had finished my sentence, there was a knock at the door. And I was certain I knew who it was.
Tilo rushed to answer the door, and I followed. He pulled the door open, and sure enough, Irayu was standing there, along with a young woman whom I recognized as his seer, Carmella. What could they be doing here, especially so early in the morning? I cleared my throat, looking to Irayu.
“Irayu,” I greeted, “I would say it is good to see you, but that would be a lie.”
“The same to you, Estos. But I am afraid the situation is urgent.” He replied.
Carmella nodded in agreement. “We came to speak to you about a vision your seer may have had recently.”
“My vision?” Tilo asked, glancing upwards, “What is so important about it?”
“I have had the same one. We believe that explaining this may clear up the…disagreement Estos had with Irayu yesterday.”
I grunted, but stepped away from the door to let them through. “Very well. We shall discuss this in the dining hall. But for both your sakes, I do hope the girl makes it quick.”
I led them into the Hagia. Carmella, having never been in any Hagia other than the one in Ikladore, stared in wonder. Eabrathae being the farming realm, my Hagia had been built around the largest tree in the entire realm. Its trunk ran through the center of the common room, and the leaves that had not been cut off sprouted through a hole in the ceiling. The trunk itself was hollowed out, and used as extra storage. I was quite proud of the building. It seemed Irayu’s seer was impressed as well.
Of course, I knew Irayu’s opinions of the Hagia. He had always made his distaste for using wildlife in building plans quite clear. However, I would take any Hagia over his. The Hagia of Ikladore was solid metal, clean and shiny. Its walls were lined with weaponry and battle armor. It was clean and plain. At least my home had flair to it.
We finally reached the dining hall. The long table was wooden as well, made of several branches woven together.  The only non-wooden aspect of the table was the glass tabletop, which was a translucent earth green.
“Do you not know wood rots, Estos?” Irayu asked, sitting down. Carmella sat next to him, smoothing out her dress as she did so.
I took my seat across from Irayu, staring at him. “I was under the impression you were here to get on my good side,”
“My guardian, perhaps it is best to not snap at them before they have made their case?” Tilo said, sitting to my left.
I cleared my throat, looking to Carmella. “You may speak.”
“New weapons are being developed in Ikladore, sir. You are correct about that. Long tubes that can spit out balls of metal which fly faster than even our fastest horses can run. However, these weapons are being developed in secret, without Irayu’s permission. In fact, my guardian was not even aware of it until I called him in to tell him the same vision I relay to you now.”
“And who were the ones developing these weapons?” I asked.
“Kadir and Florian,” she answered, “the best weaponsmiths in Ikladore, sir.”
I turned my attention to Irayu. “You trust these two men?”
“Aye, I did. Until I learned they were traitors.” He answered, staring at me with those cold, calculating eyes of his.
“And what are you to do with them? If you are, in fact, against what they are doing.” I asked.
“If they do not halt their progress, they are to both be publicly executed.” He said, “does that satisfy you?”
“I suppose it will suffice. But how do I know your seer is not lying?” I questioned.
“Because I did have the same vision as her, my guardian,” Tilo spoke, “It was the exact same. And seeing as Carmella was not aware of my vision, she could not have fabricated one that was exactly the same as mine.”
“I would listen to your Seer, Estos.” Irayu said.
I huffed, a hot breath running through my nose. “I expect Kadir and Florian to be executed within the next month.”
“If that is your wish, I expect food to be delivered to Ikladore within the week,” he said.
I nodded, “Askele has already ordered me to begin delivering food immediately.”
“Good.” He said, folding his hands together, “What did I miss after I walked out of the meeting room?”
“Gaewelon wants to initiate trade with the four realms,” I said.
“Gaewelon? The nomadic pot makers? The ones who passed through here around ten years ago while on their way to a new settlement?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Aye. It seems they saw a few products that…interested them. I told Askele that I would not be trading with them. It would be too detrimental to Eabrathae if I did. However, they have made it quite apparent that they either trade with all four realms, or none .” I said.
“I believe it is a matter of which would hurt us more,” Irayu tapped his chin, thinking.
I nodded. “I am afraid that if I do agree to this trade, the import of food into the other realms will need to be cut in half.”
“In half? That is quite a cut to make.” He said, his eyes widening.
“Yes. Do you understand my apprehension now?” I asked, leaning over the dining table.
“My guardian, that would be a huge problem for the realms,” Carmella addressed to Irayu, “Gaewelon cannot trade with Eabrathae.”
“Your seer is quite wise, Irayu,” I complimented, looking over to the girl.
At this, I saw Tilo take in a breath of disagreement. He was staring curiously at Irayu’s seer, studying her. I could not grant him any blame for that. A seer spent most of their time at the Hagia of their respective guardians, waiting for a vision. When they did get to interreact with the seer of another realm, it usually didn’t go to well. In fact, I was shocked that this meeting had gone as smoothly as it had. Carmella, as I knew, was very soft spoken and timid. Tilo, on the other hand, was quite boastful and would never hesitate to offer his input. The two seers should have clashed more than they did.
“At least it is the people of Gaewelon, and not the shadow wraiths attempting to initiate trade,” Irayu said.
I nodded. The shadow wraiths resided east of Akitora, the kingdom in which the four realms were located. The wraiths themselves were said to be descended from demons, and were just as evil. They were pitch black, with yellow eyes sunken in the backs of their skulls and thick wisps of gray smoke billowing from their bodies. They were cunning tricksters, looting traders at night. Often times groups of them would initiate trade with a neighboring kingdom, only to take valuables without offering anything in return. So, it was indeed a good thing that the shadow wraiths had not set their eyes on Akitora.
Tilo cleared his throat, demanding the attention of the rest of us. “I believe that we could possibly trade with Gaewelon and suffer little ill effects. Even if we do have to halve food supplies, as my guardian is saying, we would be able to begin supplying regular amounts of food again within a few months.”
“And how do you know this?” Carmella asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Because unlike you, I received some education before I took on job as seer,” he jolted back.
The female seer visibly scoffed. “I am educated just fine. Just because I didn’t know that one small thing doesn’t mean I’m not.”
Tilo rolled his eyes at this. “As I was saying, it may not matter if we trade with Gaewelon or not. If we do not, then nothing happens. If we do, it will hurt us for a short while, but we will quickly bounce back.”  
“Perhaps.” I said, tapping my chin. “But I have made myself clear to Askele. I will not be trading with them.”
“That is your issue to sort out, Estos.” Irayu said, “I have no say in who Eabrathae does and does not trade with,” he stood from the table. “Now, I do believe I must be going.”
“Very well. But one more word before you do.” I said, glancing up at him.
He turned to face me, “Yes?” he inquired.
“If I find out you were lying about your seer’s vision, it will be the end of you.” I said coldly. I wanted him to know that I meant what I said.
However, he did not seem to be bothered by this. Instead of a returned threat, he simply uttered, “By heavens, Estos, I thought you knew how to count. That was much more than one word,” and slipped out the door, Carmella following behind him.
“Your opinion on this, my guardian?” Tilo questioned, looking to me.
I stood, pushing in my chair. “His story is believable, but the most believable stories are often the most untrue. I have to remain skeptical until those two weaponsmiths are executed.”
Tilo stood as well, nodding. “A fair enough point. But what if it turns out that the other seers had the same vision?”
“Then my suspicions shall be lessened. But until then…”
“I understand.” Tilo said.
“I expect so,” I replied, “Well, Tilo, I should go attend to my other duties.”
He nodded, “Of course, my guardian. I wouldn’t want to keep you.”
I smiled at him, and silently walked out of the dining hall without another word.
@evelynbamfoconnall @trashholeofshittybandstuff @rory-fall @d-strider
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