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headlight-district · 2 years ago
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Throwback to the old Ford GT program. Wish it was still around..
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postingcards · 7 days ago
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ship portraits by frank h. mason for cunard postcards ca. 1920s-30s
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fireamd · 2 years ago
SS Cap Trafalgar and HMS Carmania:
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envisitadecortesia · 2 years ago
El miedo no existe
Un 23 de agosto de 1969, tal y como estaba anunciado, hacía su entrada al puerto de Barcelona el transatlántico inglés RMS Carmania perteneciente a la naviera Cunard Line. Procedió a amarras sus cabos en la Estación Marítima paramento Este y allí permanecería unas horas, tiempo más que suficiente para que sus cerca de 1.000 cruceristas disfrutaran de los encantos de la ciudad Condal. Llegada del…
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darkbluekies · 10 months ago
Hello there lovely, was wondering what an ocean liner was and realized it's a ship! It's actually quite interesting and if you were ever in the mood and time for it, you can tell us! no rushing or forces at all! I'm sure most of us would love to hear more about it, learning new things is a great way to expand your knowledge and ships are really interesting but quite complex, I tend to know the sunken ones a lot, mainly because I wondered what happened and it leaves me a certain type of feel? Perhaps it's grief and curiosity. Nevertheless, have an awesome day! Take care of yourself as always. ♡
do you have an hour?
I can tell you some of my favorite knowledge about ocean liners (THAT I HAVEN'T SEEN DONE BEFORE, so no Violet Jessop or Titanic theories) until a get a story in progress lmao
— (according to Oceanliner Designs' Youtube video) After WW1, when America and Britain lost ships due to german forces, they were given the Imperator class as compensation, but they were so petty as not to give the blueprints for one of the ships (said that they could buy them for 5 million dollars) so a pair of men measured the ENTIRETY of the ship, inside and outside, millimeter for millimeter. It took 2 years.
— When the german liner Imperator was built, they were so persistant on making it longer than the british liner Aquitania that was also being built at the same time, so they installed a big golden eagle at the bow to make it just a few centimeters longer than Aquitania ... only to realize that Aquitania was never supposed to be longer, so they installed the ugly eagle for no reason
— (this is a rumour, i'm not sure that it is true) but during WW2, a certain german leader who got butthurt over not getting into art school (guess who) said that the one that could sink the Queen Mary would get 250 000 dollars, but no one could catch the Grey Ghost (QM's nickname)
— During WW1, a german ship called Cap Trafalgar wanted to infiltrate Britain, so they disguised themselves as the british ship Carmania ... only to meet Carmania on the way to England and get sunk by the ones they disguised themselves as.
— Britannic sank in 55 minutes, Lusitania sank in 18 minutes and Impress of Ireland sank in just 14 minutes
— The man who plays JJ Astor in the Titanic movie was a survivor of the Wilhelm Gustloff disaster, which is the deadliest sinking in the history with over 9000 deaths in one night. He had trouble filming the water scenes in the movie because it reminded him of the WG disaster.
— There was a ship to be named RMMV Oceanic which never got completed because White Star Line went bankrupt, which original designs looked like an addition to the Olympic class, but with a cruise-styled stern. Here you can see the first design vs the second design
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These were some that I could come up with for the moment, but I know that there are so many more! Please let me know if you want to know more lmao
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beattoquarters2 · 1 year ago
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A poster released by the Cunard Line on their 125th Anniversary. This poster shows their fleet evolution over the years featuring their first ship, RMS Britannia, and their current ship, RMS Carmania.
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This image of Cunard's Carmania was taken on March 15, 1969 at Port Everglades, Florida. Braun Brothers Collections, SSHSA Archives. See more than 3,000 digitized images from this collection at bit.ly/BraunBrothersCollection. #OnThisDay #shiphistory (at The Steamship Historical Society of America) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp0U0gXsgIX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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juanmecanico · 11 months ago
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Mira el Camaro de Garage 56 en Le Mans dar vueltas en VIR con Jordan Taylor al volante. ¡Hola, todos los entusiastas del automovilismo! Hoy estamos hablando de algo bastante increíble. Aquí tenéis el vídeo del Camaro Garage 56 de Le Mans, dando vueltas en Virginia International Raceway (VIR). ¡Es una verdadera locura! #CarMania #ChevyCamaro🏁 Este Camaro, específicamente diseñado para las carreras de resistencia, es una bestia en pista, y definitivamente, se destaca en la multitud. Todo comienza con la potente carrocería: se encuentra vestida con una aerodinámica agresiva y una asombrosa librea. Es, literalmente, un verdadero monstruo de la velocidad que no pasa desapercibido. Estamos hablando de una verdadera máquina construida para desafiar la pista de Le Mans. La combinación de su diseño exterior y su rendimiento mecánico es justo lo que se necesita para las duras competiciones de resistencia. Le Mans no es para cualquier coche. Se necesita algo construido para resistir altas velocidades durante un largo tiempo. #LeMans24 El Camaro Garage 56 utiliza un chasis tubular de carreras, ajustado para proporcionar un equilibrio supremo en altas velocidades. Está motivado por un motor Chevrolet LS V8, que es una fuerza muy confiable y potente para cualquier coche de carreras. Y en este Camaro, se puede ver que saca el máximo rendimiento a cada revolución. Vamos a hablar del sonido, literalmente, aúlla. Ustedes han escuchado el rugido del motor, ya saben de lo que estoy hablando. Es como la canción de una bestia, reverberando por toda la pista. Se siente como música para aquellos que aman las carreras. La vista de este Camaro desgarrando las curvas de VIR es increíble. El esfuerzo, la pasión y la ingeniería detrás de este fenómeno de la velocidad es asombroso. Vienen a la mente palabras como "fenomenal" y "espectacular." A medida que continuamos observando el indomable espíritu que se muestra en este Camaro Garage 56, se hace evidente el compromiso y la pasión de los ingenieros y técnicos que han trabajado detrás de escena para hacer realidad esta máquina de carreras. Es increíble cómo un coche puede unir la emoción, la pasión y la ingeniería con tanto garbo. En resumen, el Camaro Garage 56 es la definición de un coche de carreras. Cortando el viento como lo hace, acelerando en las rectas, manteniendo su posición en las curvas, es sin duda una obra de arte mecánica. Este es un tipo de auto que siempre quedarán grabado en los anales de la historia de las carreras de Le Mans. En resumen, el Camaro Garage 56 de Le Mans es un espectáculo para la vista, una melodía para los oídos y una experiencia absolutamente imprescindible para cualquier entusiasta de los coches. Y ahora, si me disculpas, creo que voy a volver a ver ese vídeo… 🏁 #VamosCamaroGarage56 #RacingPassion
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thisisnot-an-original-name · 7 months ago
following the outbreak of the first world war, many navies requisitioned their countries' merchant fleets for the war effort, as armed merchant cruisers. this was soon found to be ineffective, but not before the german ocean liner cap trafalgar, being operated by the german imperial navy, was disguised as the british liner rms (hms) carmania, and sent to the brazilian island of trinidade to lure in and sink british ships. the first ship they encountered was the carmania, which proceeded to sink them, though she also suffered heavy damage.
Ocean Liners!!
hey, anybody who knows anything about the history of ocean liners, please send me some of your knowledge! I'm currently fixated on Titanic, but info on any ocean liner is welcome!
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your-resident-boat-person · 5 months ago
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The SS Europa (1928), RMS Carmania (1905) (definitely not the Cap Trafalgar), and the RMS Berengaria
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wissensreisende · 2 years ago
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Im ersten Weltkrieg werden von Seestreitkräften diverser Kriegsparteien auch zivile Schiffe requiriert. Genau so war es auch bei den großen Passagierschiffen RMS Carmania auf der britischen Seite und SMS Cap Trafalgar auf der Seite des deutschen Reichs...
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postingcards · 9 months ago
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cunard rms carmania art postcard by frank mason, ca. 1920s
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Mt top 25 is pinned on my blog, but here's my top 10. I am more than happy to elaborate on these choices. Also, I have a one ship per class rule, because if i didn't, Olympic, Titanic, and Britainnic would all probably be in the top 10, and having 3 virtually identical ships cluttering up the top 10 wouldn't be fun. Same for the Lusitania and Mauretania. With #1 being my favorite:
#1) RMS Olympic (1911)
#2) RMS Queen Mary (1935)
#3) SS United States (1951)
#4) RMS Mauretania (1907)
#5) RMS Carmania (1905)
#6) RMS Queen Elizabeth 2 (1967)
#7) SS Île de France (1926)
#8) SS Germanic (1874)
#9) RMS Carpathia (1902)
#10) RMS Berengaria (1912)
Because I am curious, what is everyone's favorite ocean liner (or top three if you can't decide?)
Mine's Mauretania, with Olympic and Majestic as a close second and third.
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headlight-district · 3 years ago
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thisdayinwwi · 3 years ago
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HMS Carmania sinking Imperial German Navy Raider SMS Cap Trafalgar.
When war broke out the Imperial German Navy converted the civillian passenger liner SS Cap Trafalgar into a warship at Montevideo, Uruguay. The ship was also, disguised as the British passenger liner SS Carmania. 
By a fatal irony, the two then met at about midday on 14 September 1914 off Trinidade Island, about 740 miles east of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In a gun battle fought at ranges from 7000 yards down to 100 yards, the 'Cap Trafalgar' (on the left here) sank at about 13.50. Though 'Carmania' survived, she was badly damaged, receiving 79 hits: her bridge was wrecked and she suffered extensive fire damage but only nine crew were killed. - National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
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HMS Carmania
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SS Cap Trafalgar
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SS Cap Trafalgar in disguise as SS Carmania
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