#carlos sainz jr 55
sainzcentral · 4 months
★ good looking.
a/n: a little drabble inspired by suki waterhouse’s good looking. listening to it on repeat and thinking only of carlos so thought I’d write a little something to feed my (and your) delusions. technically can be read for any brown-eyed guy LMAO, I don't mention his name. a.k.a. my thoughts on carlos in the form of a quick ramble-write.
warnings: none.
“baby, I’m high octane…”
“What are you looking at?”
You look back at him just as you had been doing a second before. Only, this time, he’s aware of your gaze.
“‘Nothing?’” He chuckles slightly. “Obviously you can’t be looking at nothing if you’re looking at my face.”
“the skyline falls as I try to make sense of it all.
I thought I’d uncovered your secrets, but turns out there’s more.”
His slight laugh is like music to your ears. Strings of a guitar being plucked in such a delicate way, by perfect, imperfectly-carved marble hands. You can picture them in his throat, playing his voice box, and in his chest, supporting his lungs, when he speaks, with that voice of his – oh, his voice, you could listen to it all day. Near his heart.
“you adored me before,”
You must reside there, you think, whether you want to or not. And he resides in yours.
“I guess something.”
He hums, waiting for you to elaborate. His eyes swirl like coffee without cream. There’s a pregnant pause as your eyes continue to scan his face and his eyes scan yours. Looking for that hidden meaning that hangs heavy in the air.
Finally you speak. “You, I guess.”
“oh, my good looking boy.”
“I don’t know. Maybe I’m just in love with you. You’re so pretty. I hate it. But I love you.”
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was heavily inspired by this picture appearing on my feed and me going feral <3
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asvospace · 3 months
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11 notes · View notes
fcbformulaeri · 1 year
Welcome to the 2023 formula 1 season 🏎❤️
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67 notes · View notes
norrisleclercf1 · 10 days
Money, Money, Money
Pairing: Old Money Carlos Sainz x Reader
Words: 8.3K
Warnings: Suggestive content, fluff, angst, miscommunication, Reyes is a bad guy sorry, Sr. is adorable, Carlos is so whipped for Reader it's ridiculous, arrange marriage trope, etc.
A/N: For @percervall and @monzabee the two who kept this fic alive and supported me as I wrote this beast, love you two so much
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Marriage has rules.
As a child, you were innocent and curious. When you asked your Mother if she loved your father, she replied, "Marriage has rules, sugar, and sometimes those rules don't include love." Though it confused you, this answer hinted at a truth you were too young to fully grasp. You could see that your parents didn't love each other, not in the way you had imagined love to be. Instead, they seemed to have a different kind of bond built on respect and a shared history.
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As you grew, life took unexpected turns. You have been whisked away into a world of luxuries that seemed ordinary to you. Still, you were a stark contrast to the simplicity of your childhood. You were sent to schools in far-flung places where the air smelled of unfamiliar languages. Returning home, the house was colder, but your parents pretended everything was okay. It wasn't. The world you had entered was one of privilege and power, where appearances were everything and personal desires often took a backseat to societal expectations.
As the years passed, societal expectations bore down on you. It was anticipated that you would follow in your parent's footsteps, marrying into old money, a lineage so ancient it practically owned the country. At 19, you found yourself suddenly betrothed to a familiar face yet a stranger in many ways: Carlos Sainz Junior.
You remember rolling your eyes as your parents listed his full name. Carlos was set to inherit his father's luxury company, which dabbled in everything, some legal and probably not. It was an 8-month engagement during which you had chaperones, supervised dates, and attended very public events together when it was announced that the biggest fashion house and financial tycoon daughter was marrying the more prominent house of Sainz. The engagement, though a mere formality in the eyes of society, was a significant event in your life, marking the beginning of a new chapter filled with uncertainty and expectations.
From the whispers and even from Carlos himself, you learned of his supposed ties to royalty. But these were details you cared little for. What you truly desired was a connection, a genuine bond with the man who was now your husband. You remember his awkwardness, his struggle to find the right words. And yet, despite your indifference, he continued to try, even now, after years of marriage.
It was an open secret that people knew your marriage was one of convenience and power. But you told him after you said your vows and wore the ridiculous ugly wedding dress your Mother picked. "I won't have my parents' marriage. If you have an affair, I don't want to know-" Carlos opens his mouth, but you cut him off, "I want our marriage to be as real as we can make it, okay?" Carlos nods and sighs, "I would never be your father," He whispers as he leads you outside to the ocean of cameras. His words though whispered, carried a weight that you both understood, a promise to be better than the example set by your parents.
Sighing, you stare at your wedding ring, a gorgeous tear-drop ruby with small diamonds decorating it, making it look like a flower. It still feels like Carlos slid the ring on your finger yesterday, forever marking you as his. You hear the tall tell sign of a camera shuttering, and you swallow the distaste of your coffee. Here you were, sitting at a cafe.
The media has marked the cafe as the Royal Lovers Cafe; it was a stupid nickname they gave you and Carlos. Royal Lovers? It was distasteful and left an awful feeling in your stomach as if you two were the perfect couple. They named it this because you two met here every Thursday for lunch. You leave your art studio and Carlos's office to have lunch together. The nickname, though meant to be endearing, only served to highlight the stark contrast between your public image and the reality of your relationship, leaving a bitter taste in your mouth.
"Mi teroso," Looking up, you suck in a breath; Carlos was stepping out of his ruby red Ferrari, hair messy but still gorgeous, with sunglasses on his perfect nose. His lips were full, cheeks red, his sun glowing under the sun and matching his baby blue button-up with soft beige pants and black leather dress shoes. His tie and suit jacket from this morning missing as he smiles brightly at you. Perfect teeth, god. He was perfect in every way, and you hated it sometimes.
"Carlos," he moves forward and grabs your hand, kissing the ring before leaning in and pecking your lips. You chase after another kiss, which makes him smile. He kisses you a little longer before settling in the seat across from you. "Sorry," you whisper, embarrassed that you chased his lips, but he smiles gently and grabs your hand, thumb tracing your knuckles.
"I don't care, Tesoro. You're my and I, your husband, and we're allowed to kiss." Carlos chuckles, and you blush. As Carlos matured, he matured in a way that made you blush whenever he looked at you. It was hard to describe his beauty. People called him the perfect prince, and he truly is the perfect prince. "I know, but it's not like our marriage is real," You comment, sipping at your tea and missing the way Carlos flinches and plays with the ring on his finger.
"How has work been? I know you're opening up a new gallery," Carlos feels his stomach warm as a genuine smile graces your lips, setting the teacup down and looking at the gorgeous city. "It's going very well. We've been approved to exhibit art from the Renaissance and Baroque periods. This would be a big deal for me and the gallery; I'd finally be making a name just for myself," Carlos's smile wobbles but stays strong as his hand reaches out and starts to play with the wedding ring on your finger.
Neither of you says anything, as Carlos thinks everything over. He had never said it out loud, but when he first met you all those years ago, he fell in love at first sight. It was stupid. He wasn't one to be romantic, but when it came to you, he'd search the ocean's depths to give you whatever you wanted. Carlos still remembers tripping over his words whenever he tried talking to you and how awkward it was with you two going on dates and being supervised.
Now, he could talk to you, but he had to be careful with his touch. He always showed his love through touch, and while he constantly wanted to be touching you, you didn't. It was hard not to touch you; you were right there, and he wanted to show you how much you meant to him.
"Do you," He looks up and pulls his hand away, placing it back in his lap as you clear your throat, trying to find the words. "Would," You take a breath, feeling your face warm as you try your hardest to ask him such a simple question. "Would you like to come to the opening exhibit with me?" Carlos freezes, feeling hope bloom in his chest. He sits up and grabs your hand again, this time folding your fingers together.
"I would love to; you've never asked me to go before," you relax. The weight of his large hand brings you a comfort you've missed in your life. "Well, you asked me to join you for your company's gala; I thought it would only be fair," Carlos's smile fades a little, and you hate that you used that as an excuse instead of telling the truth. You want him there. You want him to be proud of your hard work.
"Ah, yes, I guess it's only fair," Carlos mumbles and squeezes your hand before pulling it away, looking at the time and cursing in Spanish. "Baby, I have to go back to the office," You sit up straight, the first time he's ever called you, baby, and you feel heat pool everywhere in your body. You both stand as you decide you should head back to the gallery anyway, "I'll see you at home, si?" Carlos whispers, pulling you in and giving you a peck on the lips, which has you craving more. God, you needed to get a hold of yourself.
"I won't be home till late. We're getting a shipment from France, and I need to be there for it," Carlos mulls over your words and smiles. "I'll bring dinner to you. Your favorite?" You melt into his arms, wrap them around his neck, and hug him. Carlos goes stiff in your arms before relaxing and hugging you back. "I'd love that," You pull back and kiss his cheek and lips. He still holds your hand as you pull away, letting your fingers fall away. He stands and watches you walk around the corner, returning to the gallery.
"I love you," He whispers, returning to the car and sliding into it.
"Excellent job. I knew that girl would be great," Carlos hears the familiar sound of the newspaper hitting his glass desk as he turns from staring out of his windows to counting down the hours until he can pick up food and go to the gallery. "Mother, my wife has a name. Can't you learn it?" Carlos spins around and sighs, seeing that they already ran a paper with a picture of you and Carlos hugging in front of the cafe.
"Darling, I know her name, but you two don't love each other; this is merely business." Reyes waves her perfectly manicured hand like she is waving away a pesky bug. "Mother," Carlos is trying to hide his disdain for those words. His marriage wasn't a business deal; he wanted to build a life, a family, and a future with you. Yet, his family kept throwing girls in his face, Carlos turning each one away; they weren't you; they would never be you.
"Carlos," Letting out a sound of aspiration, Reyes rolls her eyes, "Don't tell me you've fallen for that little hussy," It takes every inch of control to remember that he loves his Mother; she isn't a horrible person, just life has hardened her in ways he's hated. "Mother," Carlos pinches the bridge of his nose, trying to keep his temper in control. "She's my wife and possibly the Mother of my children, your grandchildren, don't you ever call her hussy again. Not to my face or to others," Reyes eyes her son; seeing the way he's reacted, she sighs and flips her hair back.
"Carlos, my boy, remember this marriage is not one of love. She will never love you; don't get too attached," Reyes stands as Carlos thinks over his Mother's words, her heels clicking as she walks out of his office. Looking to the side, he sees a picture from your wedding and smiles. You wrapped your arm around his neck, wearing a gorgeous plain wedding dress. It had long sleeves and a little cord wrapped around your middle fingers. Carlos can still remember how the fabric felt on his skin, how you glowed, and how you seemed genuinely happy.
Carlos stared at you with so much love that even the photographer had to take a moment after taking the picture and you smiling at the camera. It was in black and white; it was Carlos's favorite picture. You two look like a real couple, a truly happy couple. "Maybe this can be a marriage with love," he grumbled, diving back into his work, still watching the clock as it ticked even slower.
"I think these are the last pieces," you nod, covered in oil, paint, sweat, and dust as you go through all the paintings and restorations, ensuring they're perfect. You were a mess, your clothes dirty and your pants with little tears as you kept getting stuck on the wooden boxes. Moving through the clutter, you don't see or hear your assistant talk to someone else. "She's quite busy," Carlos chuckles, holding your favorite takeout, his sleeves rolled up and holding his arms perfectly.
"That's alright. You can head home for the day. I'll take care of her," your assistant nods and bolts, giggling as she hears the rumors about you two, how you were passionate and sometimes couldn't contain your love for one another, even in public places.
"Mimi, could you see if we were supposed to get Ecstasy of Saint Francis by Giovanni Bellini on the itinerary?" You ask and turn, stopping when you see Carlos leaning against one of your black walls, smiling at you softly. "I sent Mimi home. It's late, baby, and you need to eat," You smile and move through the boxes, "And where do you think we could eat, Mr. Sainz? There is nothing but boxes filling this place," Carlos smirks.
You laugh loudly as Carlos tells you about when his sisters held him down and put waterproof makeup on him, and he had to go to school looking like a clown. Carlos had laid out an old blanket, and some lights dimmed. He had turned it into a romantic dinner. The paintings of old surround you two as you lay on your backs and eat. "Mother was furious, but Papa, he laughed; he thought it was hilarious," You laugh even harder, picturing Reyes fuming and Sainz Sr. laughing his ass off.
"God, I can picture Reyes now." You roll over onto your stomach, looking down at Carlos, his eyes glowing as his hands folded over his stomach. You two giggle. As you know, Reyes was very strict. At the same time, Sainz Sr. tended to be the fun parent. You always liked the older Sainz man more than Reyes; he treated you like a family member. "Eh, it's funny now, but Mother had us terrified to the point we couldn't look at each other," Carlos chuckles, and you feel jealous, hating that you felt that way.
"I wish I had siblings. Maybe it would've made living with Mum and Father better," you whisper; Carlos's eyes soften as he reaches up, wraps his arms around you, and pulls you in. "Tesoro," you hum as you look down, feeling your walls crack slightly. "Have," Carlos thinks over his words, wanting to voice this next question carefully: "Do you want to have children?" Your breath catches as you think about two little boys, ones with large hazel eyes and perfect little noses and lips, like their father, and a little girl, a perfect copy of you, but with Carlos's perfect hair.
"Yes, I've thought about children. I think you'd be a great father," you whisper, fingers moving his hair back, which has him smiling, a genuine smile that makes your chest tight. "You'd be an amazing mother, nothing like ours," You nod, throat burning as you lean in, the urge to kiss him growing. He leans up, but you look away, and Carlos is thankful as he can hide his sadness and clear his throat. "When does the exhibit open to the public?" You say a silent thank you for that and consider when to open it to the public. "Maybe in 4 weeks, it'd take 2 weeks to hang the paintings and then decorate the place and get catering and all that," Carlos hums, fingers going up and down your back as you can't help but lay your head on his chest, Carlos's heart beating fast.
"If you need help, just ask me, and I'll do whatever you need." You smile at those words and arch your head up, kissing the underside of his jaw. "Thank you, Carlos," Carlso chuckles and tightens his arms before loosening them. "You don't have to thank me; it's the bare minimum." Shaking your head no, "No, I mean thank you for not being like our parents," Carlos makes a sound in his throat as you rest your head back on his chest. Carlos is unable to say anything else for the rest of the night.
Tonight was the night of Carlos's company's office, and to say you were nervous was an understatement. They were all snakes, staring at you as they waited for you to make a mistake and point out that you were wrong for the Sainz Family and that Carlos would be told to divorce you. Standing in the bathroom, you stare at yourself in the mirror, admiring how the green grass sequins sparkled.
It had a U-cut neckline, showing off your cleavage and giving them a perfect but classy view, with the two sides pointing up. You had a green silk sash that wrapped under your breasts and over your left arm, mimicking a sleeve. It falls to the other side, and you have a large slit up to your waist in the dress showing off your gorgeous legs.
Your hair was styled, and you wore a light, matching emerald necklace and earrings that showed off your elegant taste. You wore adorable black Dolce and Gabbana Keira heels that were plain, but nothing was out of place; you were the picture-perfect wife of someone of Carlos's status. "Tesoro? Rea-" Carlos stops, his mouth dropping open as he stares at you.
Turning to feel your body warm, Carlos just stares at you with his mouth open, shifting your weight back and forth. "Carlos, you're staring," You whisper, unsure what else to say. "You're.....you're as gorgeous as the day I first met you," Your eyes widen, and you don't understand why your vision is suddenly blurry; turning fast, you grab a tissue and dab your eyes, so caught off guard by the wave of emotions. "Hey, hey, baby, why are you crying?" He whispers, coming around and turning you to face him.
"Carlos, you won't leave me, right?" His eyes grow wide, and then his face turns dark. "No, no, never, we made a promise. We won't be our parents. I'll never leave you; you won't leave me, will you?" The question as you suck in a shaky breath, shaking your head no quickly. "No, just, I hate these gala events. They all stare at me, judging me, waiting for me to make a mistake. When we first got engaged, and you took me to one for the first time, one of the wives of the board members said that if I ever made a mistake, they'd make you divorce me, that I'm replaceable,"
Carlos feels hot rage pulse through his body, but he refuses to show it and pulls you into his arms, holding you close. "You're not replaceable. You're mine and always will be," Carlos whispers, thinking about how he will crush the board members. They were too deep in his Mother's pocket, and he would deal with it.
"We don't have to go; we can stay in and watch trashy TV, Tesoro. Don't ever think I'd put you in these positions," Carlos begs, but you shake your head no, grabbing your husband's hands and pulling them off your face. "Carlos, we have a show to put on for them tonight. We have to go," you whisper, Carlos's fingers tightening around yours as he takes a deep breath. "Don't leave my side tonight. Do you understand me?" You nod your head. Honestly, you never wanted to leave Carlos's side; he was a wonderful friend and a lovely husband.
"Also, if you see my mother, please ignore her," he whispers, gently kissing your cheek and carefully wiping under your eyes, not wanting to smear your mascara. "Why?" Carlos shakes his head and ignores your question. "Come on, let's get going, and then if we survive, we can eat ice cream and candy," You laugh as Carlos smiles ever so gently and kisses your forehead softly. "You always touch and kiss me," You point out, and Carlos's cheeks dust pink, "Sorry, my family has always shown love by touching. It's a habit I've picked up,"
"I didn't say it was a bad thing, Carlos. We're married. You can do that as much as you like," Carlos chuckles and pulls you in. Baby, don't say that because if I could, I'd be touching you 24/7." You freeze, eyes wide, as Carlos smirks and pecks your lips. You shiver, picturing some not-so-innocent ways of touching. "The car is here," Your chest rattles as you take a deep breath; you could do this; it's just a couple of hours. That's it.
Okay, you should've taken Carlos up on his offer to stay in and eat junk food and watch movies because right now, you wanted to die. "Mum, Father, I didn't know you two would be here," You smile, giving your parents your media smile. "Y/n, of course, we're here; Reyes invited us," You nod, stiff as a board, and try to ignore the way Carlos whips around and quietly whispers rushed, angry Spanish in his Mother's ear.
"Oh, that's very kind of her," You smile at Reyes, who glares back, Carlos's hand tight on his Mother's arm. "It is. I want an explanation as to why you're still not pregnant," Ice poured down your back, not even two minutes into seeing your parents again, and they brought up the dreaded question. Carlos and you have had sex a couple times on the honeymoon and maybe once in a while, but he never expected it out of you; it was more so out of loneliness when you two slept together.
Carlos moves so fast you don't even know he is in front of you until your hand suddenly holds his. "Mrs. L/n, with all due respect, this is not the time nor place for that question. And I suggest if you'd like to stay quests of my Mother, you act like ones, or else I'll have the guards throw you out. We all know that your situation can't afford another run in the tabloids," Carlos's voice drips with venom, his eyes hard; you've never seen him so angry; you've always seen him so soft and warm; this side of him was new.
"Now, excuse us," Carlos tugs you away, leading you to an outside patio. The cold air of the night hits you in the face, forcing you to suck in oxygen, lungs burning and heart thumping as you claw at your husband's hand, trying to feel grounded. "Baby, Tesoro, Y/n," Your eyes snap up as Carlos stares at you with worry, those tears from earlier burning as you move, burying yourself in his chest.
No one says anything as you sniffle; Carlos runs his hands over your arms, kissing your cheek. "That's the first time you've said my name," Carlos pulls back, raising an eyebrow, and you giggle. "When we first met, you called me by my maiden name; when we got engaged and then married, you only ever called me Tesoro," Carlos chuckles, having never realized that. "I guess you were always just my Tesoro, just.....something for us since we give so much to everyone else," Carlos whispers, and your smile.
"I'm okay with that," Carlos chuckles and leans back on the stone railing, listening to the fountain bubble behind him, enjoying the way you cling to him happily. "Carlos, I want children, but.....I want to be in love when I have them," he said, taking a deep breath, his fingers still. "We have all the time in the world, Tesoro," He whispers, like a promise that will never be broken. "Yes, we do," You look up into his eyes, and he smiles, leaning down and stealing a kiss, which has you smile into his lips.
Carlos looks up, his eyes narrowing as he sees his Mother, your parents, and some of the board members staring at them; his arms move around you and pull you closer. "Maybe we should leave," Carlos grumbles, and you shake your head no. "Carlos, we can't. You're the CEO besides," Your words get cut off by the sliding door being thrown open. "There's my baby boy and his ever-gorgeous wife," You turn, smiling brightly as you see Sainz Sr, wearing a suit almost identical to Carlos's, his gray hair brushed back and smiling widely.
"Carlos, are you keeping my gorgeous daughter-in-law away from me? Evil man, come, come, I want a dance. Carlos can talk business, and we talk about those anniversary plans," You giggle. Carlos sighs, knowing you'd be safe with his Papa, "Papa, Mother has," Sr. raises his hand, stopping his boy, "I know what your mother has done, and trust, it will be dealt with, but first, go kiss the boards ass a little bit, those rat bastards, should've never created the board in the first place," Sr. hisses but then turns seeing you smiling brightly and melts a little. "Go, she's safe with me," Carlos nods and moves past his father, kissing you gently.
"Come find me when you want to go home, and we'll leave." You nod and then laugh as Sr. sweeps you away onto the dance floor. Carlos smiles, seeing that you are at least comfortable with one member of his family. Turning his head, he snaps his jaw, seeing the board whispering to one another, and takes a deep breath, heading into the lion's den.
Carlos swirls his drink around. It's been 2 hours, and you're finally sitting down, talking happily to his father, and it makes him happy that at least someone is pleased with their marriage. "She's quite close to your father, hm?" Carlos turns and feels bile rise in his throat; Jose Amador was one of Carlos's Mother's rats that tended to report everything back to her; he hated him.
"Yes, we've been married for some years, Amador; she's going to be close to my father," Amador hums and rubs his beard, chuckling. "Yes, you two might be married, but you know the rumors about her mother must run in the family," The crystal in Carlos's hand cracks, taking a deep breath, "I mean, why have the son of the biggest company of the world when you can charm the father," Carlos slams the crystal glass down and grabs Amador by the throat, thankful that no one was paying attention to them.
"Are you calling my wife a whore, Amador?" The man before Carlos gags, trying to find the words, eyes darting back and forth, looking for help, but help wouldn't be coming. "Did you? Cause if you did, you'll be losing that precious leash you love so much," Carlos snarls, squeezing so gently that Amador makes such a horrible sound, face red. "Did you? I asked you a question," Amador shakes his head no, and Carlos lets go, watching as Amador bends over the counter, sputtering and gasping for air.
"Be a good little bitch, and report back to my mother to leave my wife alone," Carlos stalks over, moving through the dance floor and walking right up to you, feeling his anger soothe as he hears your snorting laugh. "Carlos, you never told me you wanted to be a Formula 1 driver," Carlos chuckles and sits down next to you, tugging your chair close and kissing your exposed shoulder.
"Yes, but I'm happy where I am in life," He smiles, hand running down your arm and pulling your hand up, kissing that ruby wedding ring. You lean your head back, letting it rest on his chest and kissing the underside of his chin, giggling when the stubble of his beard tickles your cheek. Carlos smiles and leans down, kissing your shoulder one last time and sighing. "Papa, I think it's time we go home. Y/n has a long couple of weeks coming up, and also, I'm tired of the wolves circling us," Sr. turns his head quickly, noticing how certain board members look away.
Sr sighs loudly and rubs his face. "Your mother, go, go before she sinks her teeth deeper," you smile and stand. Carlos wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you close. "Let's go home," you giggle, Nodding your head, and let Carlos lead you out.
He smiles down at you. Honestly, Carlos would burn the company down to the ground and rebuild it if it meant you stayed oblivious to the utter poison being pointed your way. He pulls back slightly, leading you to his Ferrari, taking in your utter beauty. His Mother could burn for all he cared; he only needed you and hoped you would also need him.
Turning, you smile at him, and he sighs, "Let's go away somewhere," He giggles at your adorable confusion and steps close to you, "Just for a weekend, away from work and from our parents, just I want it to be you and I." You smile and move your hand up, grabbing his tie and straightening it out. "I would love that, just for the weekend; we can leave now, surprise me," Carlos thinks over all the places they have homes and settles on one.
"I'll have them deliver our luggage; let's go," Laughing, Carlos jogs down the stairs as you laugh loudly, having never felt happier.
Dropping your bags on the bed, you stare in awe at the gorgeous lavender fields just a step away from your back door.
When Carlos drove up to the old stone house, you gasped at its old beauty. Carlos smiles as he stops the classic 1969 Mercedes-Benz 280 SL Pagoda, a car you have always loved but Carlos rarely drives, saying he is saving it for the perfect moment. The house was made from gorgeous limestone, the sun making it shimmer.
Walking into the house, you fell in love with it even more. It was one of those perfect classic old-money homes, with nothing out of place and perfect taste. "Mother barely comes here, so she has left this little slice of heaven alone," Carlos smiles, carrying your luggage down the hall and leaving you to marvel at the old art and statues.
Stepping into the bedroom is what sold you. It had large windows that were wide open, giving the room a gazebo feel. You smiled as the soft summer wind brushed your skin, and now, you stood staring out of the double French doors, loving the radiant spills of lavender.
Carlos stares. He couldn't help the way you looked so peaceful and happy. He had to take a mental picture of this, as he never wanted this memory to end. "Carlos, can we sleep with the windows and doors open?" He melts, hearing the yearning in your voice; stepping closer, his body presses you against the door archway, "We can do whatever you want; I'm yours," Carlos whispers, cupping your cheeks; he leans down, brushing his lips against yours.
"Carlos," You whisper against his lips as he kisses you again, moving his lips to your neck. "Carlos, can we nap? I want to do nothing. Can we do nothing?" You beg, just wanting to enjoy his presence. No one was around for miles; you two would be utterly alone, which is how you want it. Away from the world, no faking your marriage, no cameras, no parents, no gallery, and no company breathing down your necks. "Of course," He reaches down, and you squeal as he carries you to bed, lying down and placing his head on your chest.
You smile, threading your fingers through his perfect hair, making him moan and smile with his eyes closed. You smile, closing your eyes as you two let the summer breeze over you. The warmth from Carlos has sleep grabbing you, pulling you under as you relax in Carlos's hold, and the two of you finally fall asleep.
Carlos wakes before you, smiling as he lifts his body up, listening to you whine, reaching out for him in your sleep. Grabbing your hand, he kisses the ring and your hand, leaning so his lips brush your ear. "I'm going to cook us dinner. I love you," He whispers the last part so softly it's like wind brushing you. You roll over, burying your face in the pillow. Carlos is lying in, settling down, which has him aching to join you back in bed.
Reaching down, he grabs the blanket and gently covers you, rubbing the back of his fingers over your puffed-out cheek. Moving from the bed, Carlos slips out of the room, closes the door, and makes his way to the kitchen, glad he had some of their people stock up the house.
Going into the kitchen, he looks around for what he can cook. He settles on a pasta dish his grandmother taught him when he was younger and makes it for himself when he misses her. You and Carlos had odd hours, so you two rarely ate dinner together; that's why you had a standing cafe lunch to catch up with each other and keep up appearances. Thinking to himself, he knows he wants to change that; Carlos doesn't want this to be a fake marriage anymore; he wants something real. He wants the real you.
The smell of the pasta draws you from your sleep. Rising up on your elbows, you whine and rub your eyes, looking around for Carlos. Not seeing him, you sigh, wishing he had stayed in bed. Climbing out of bed, you wrap the blanket around you and creep through the house. You stop and about lose all control as you're meet with Carlos's broad back, shirt stretched over it as you watch him plate pasta for you both.
"Baby, would you like cheese?" Carlos turns, his hair fluffy and messy from sleep, and you bite your bottom lip, wanting to run your fingers through it. "Baby?" He asks again, smirking as he catches you staring at him. "Yes, please," Not even resetting, you move forward and wrap your arms and the blanket around Carlos's back, breathing in that lovely cologne. Carlos shaves the cheese over your pasta and goes to turn around but can't as you lean heavily on him, making him blush.
"Tesoro, you have to let me go so we can eat," you whine, but let your arms drop as he chuckles, turning and pecking your lips before grabbing the bowls and handing you your bowl of pasta. Can we eat outside?" He doesn't even say yes and automatically leads you outside, the two of you sitting on a loveseat with cushions. You move, placing your legs in his lap and cuddling close as the summer air turns with a slight chill in the air.
You eat silently, enjoying each other's company, until you finish your pasta. "Carlos?" He hums, taking your bowl from your hands, pulls you closer, and lazily stroking your leg as he stares at the lavender fields. "What my parents said," Carlos's fingers freeze as his jaw hardens, but you miss it, looking down at your fingers. "Maybe we should finally have the baby," Carlos whips his head around. You see the motion, but you refuse to look up at him.
"Tesoro, I don't care for a baby; you said you wanted one for love, and I said we'd get there; why are you rushing this?" You flinch, hearing the anger in his voice, pulling your legs away, sitting up, and pulling them to your chest. "Carlos, stop. We'll never fall in love with each other; stop saying that. We're friends; we'll only be friends," It feels like a gut punch with each of your words, and Carlos stands, backing away and trying to figure out where this came from. "Did...did Papa say something to you?"
"No!" You're fast to answer; Sr has never been one to push you about children; he's patient and knows that it'll come one day; he would never rush you two. "Then, who put these words in your mouth? You said you want a child from love, and now, you're just," He waves his hands, trying to find the words, "okay with throwing a child into this marriage," You bite your bottom lip so hard it almost draws blood.
"Carlos, you need an heir; that's why we're married. Not for love or business but because your father and Mother thought I was the best choice. All I have to do is give you an heir, and you can divorce me and find true love!" You yell, wiping your eyes, your fears and anxieties consuming you.
Carlos freezes, feeling like his world has shattered. His heart beats so fast you could probably see it through his shirt. "You want to divorce me?" You look up and feel your heart drop to your stomach, and your lungs burn as you try to breathe. Carlos was before you, his face utterly destroyed, tears falling as he stared at you. "Do you? What just have my child, take my ring off, and leave me? Is that what you want? Because if it is, then," Carlos takes a ragged breath, wiping his eyes.
"Then, you are not the woman I've been in love with since we met all those years ago when we were 19." Your eyes widen as you hear, "Because I love you, I want children with you, I want this marriage to be real, to call you my wife and mean it. I want you, body, soul, heart, and brain. That ring you wear, I want you to smile every time feeling its weight because it shows our love, my love to you. But, if you just want to have a child and leave me, then please be my guest because I'd rather have you shatter my heart now than later!" Carlos yells, making you blink.
He loves you, Carlos loves you, Carlos Sainz is in love with you, and your husband loves you.
"You love me?" You whisper, looking up, feeling your heart stop. You don't dare move an inch, scared you will lose everything if you make one wrong move. "Of course I love you. You took my breath away when we first met at that stupid little cafe. I couldn't even speak to you. You're gorgeous, intelligent, funny, love animals, and want dogs. You don't judge me for working so long because I work long hours now, so when we have our babies, I can help you. Your art and passion for it makes me so damn proud of you, you are stronger than anyone else I know, and I'd be a damn fool to not cherish and worship the fucking ground you walk on,"
"Carlos," he raises his hand, not wanting to hear it. "Just break my heart now," he begs, and you shake your head no. "I love you," his head snaps up as you stand, dropping the blanket and moving closer to him. "What?" He whispers, hands slipping from his hair, looking so hopeful. "I love you, Carlos Sainz, you, I love you," you whisper, "I love you," you say one last time, his arms wrapping around you and lifting you up as he kisses you deeply.
"Take me to bed," You whisper, Carlos groans deeply and moves his hands to your ass as he carries you to bed.
You giggle as Carlos leaves kisses and soft bites on your naked back, his and your naked chests pressed together as he groans and pulls you closer. "I love you," He mummers, and you melt hearing those 3 words. "I love you too," You whisper; his eyes turn so soft they're melted chocolate, and you swear you could get lost in them. "I still want that baby," You tease, and Carlos rolls his eyes. "I just got you; let me be selfish," Carlos chuckles and pulls you closer, kissing you softly.
"You'll have me forever," Carlos groans at that, and you smack his chest, "Seriously, again?" You tease, and he lets out a sharp laugh. "I have my very gorgeous, naked wife in my arms. How can I not get hard again?" He grumbles but doesn't make a move on you; he is just resting his head on his arm.
"What's your favorite painting?" Knowing it might've been a cliche, you think and smile, but you don't care. "Starry Night, it's just... perfect; nothing could ever beat it." You whisper, and Carlos smiles, kissing your cheeks and lips, memorizing every corner of you. "Hmmm, you know our anniversary is the night of your gallery opening," he muses, and you freeze, having completely forgotten.
"Oh god, I forgot. I was so wrapped up in the gallery and forgot everything. Oh god, I'm a horrible wife," Carlos quirks his eyebrow, snorting with laughter and burying it in your shoulder as you hide your face in a pillow. "Baby, I just got the one thing I've always wanted. I don't want anything else," he whispers, and you gasp as he pulls you close, angling himself perfectly, which has you moaning softly and rolling your hips, and you both gasp.
"We have a plane to catch in the morning," You remind him, and Carlos groans, slowly moving his hips as you let out soft gasps, hiding your face in his neck. "Fuck the plane, I own it anyways," he flips you over, leaving you giggling as he covers you both with the covers, the smell of lavender and summer wind making everything perfect.
"The gallery opening is tonight. You'll be there, right?" Your voice is soft as Carlos finishes lacing up his dress shoes. Carlos looks over his shoulder and curses the company for getting him out of bed. You were there, only wearing his shirt, wearing his marks, and he had to get out and go to work. The company could burn to the ground, and Carlos would care less.
"Tesoro, the only thing keeping me from being there would be death, and I don't plan on that for a very, very long time," He leans over the bed, kissing you gently. "It's at 6:30, just.....I want you there; I know it's our anniversary, but this is important to me," Carlos nods, sliding on the suit jacket, remarking on everything and ensuring everything he had planned was ready.
"Y/n, baby, stop worrying. I'll be there, and everything will be perfect," you whine, your anxiety spiking. You hated stuff like this; why couldn't gallery openings happen during the day? You'll just wait to get ready and walk circles into the rug now. "I love you," Carlos whispers, snapping you out of your downward spiral; your body turns warm, still not used to hearing those words.
"I love you too," Carlos smiles, stealing another kiss, but he groans, hearing his phone ring again. It is probably an assistant asking if he's on his way. "I swear," He growls and snaps into the phone, walking down the hall and leaving you in the silence.
"Maybe I should get us that dog," You grumble, reaching for your phone and smirking at all the adoption papers.
"Carlos," Sighing, Carlos looked up, seeing his Mother smiling. Don't forget we have a board meeting at 5:30; it shouldn't last long." "Wait, no, we rescheduled that. I have Y/n, gallery opening tonight at 6:30. Mother," Carlos squeezed the pen. He wasn't stupid; he knew exactly what was about to happen.
"Carlito, don't catch an attitude. I'm still your Mother." Reyes narrows her eyes, and Carlos takes a deep breath. "I have to be out of here by 6," Reyes raises her hands in mock surrender, "Of course, it's your anniversary," Carlos watches as his Mother walks out of his office and looks at the new picture on his desk, you in a dress you called a milkmaid dress and surrounded by the lavender, "Fuck, I will not be late," He grumbles.
Walking into the gallery, you carry Carlos's present and giggle, knowing he would love it. You wear an elegant black mermaid dress. A slash wraps around your neck, drapes over your left shoulder, and runs down your back. The dress exposes your shoulders and back, holding it together by your neck.
It was to match the gallery's aesthetic, drenched in black with low lights to show the art of history. You were excited and proud to show your hard work to the city, future artists, and your husband. Your black So Kate's clicked in the silence, admiring your employees' hard work; they would be getting a long vacation with payment; they did wonderfully.
"Mrs. Sainz?" You turn, smiling at one of your youngest workers, Charlie, a university student doing his internship with you. "Yes, Charlie, is something wrong?" Charlie shakes his head no and smiles at you. "I just wanted to say thank you for everything; this is a wonderful exhibit," A smile blooms on your face, and you pat his shoulder. "Thank you, Charlie, and if you ever need a recommendation, call me," Charlie nods and spins, walking off as you look at the clock, 6:15.
Where's Carlos?
Fuck, Carlos was a dead man if he didn't leave here soon. Tapping his pen as one of the board members, whose name he didn't even bother learning, drones on. Reyes kept glancing at Carlos, as he would check his watch every second, and it was starting to annoy the board.
Sighing, Carlos looks at his watch, which is the last straw. "Mr. Sainz," Carlos jumps, and feels like dying as the oldest and most respected member, Mr. Bullisto was a scary fucker, and Carlos, even at his age, was still scared of the man. "Do you have somewhere else you need to be, or is the future of this company not important to you?" Mr. Bullisto snaps, and Carlos blinks, trying to find the words.
"My wife has a gallery opening at 6:30; I was hoping to be there on time," Carlos explained. The men on the board laughed, even Reyes. Carlos, please. Her silly gallery opening is unimportant; your job is far more important. She won't even care that you're late," Reyes waved her hand, and Carlos felt a white-hot rage shoot down his spine.
"You're wrong," The room grows quiet as Carlos leans back in his chair. "She will care, and so will I. You think I don't know what you did; you purposely scheduled this meeting for this day so I would miss her gallery opening." Carlos stands, fixing his suit, glad he had changed into it before the meeting. "Unlike you old bastards, I love my wife and respect her, and she's brilliant and doesn't think, Mother, I don't know about you trying to get rid of her. She's a Sainz, more so than you," Reyes glares. It was always a sore spot when the Sainz never welcomed her like they did his wife.
"Let me tell you all this right now," Carlos glares, leaning on the conference room table. "Y/n Sainz is my wife, she will remain my wife, I love her, and she loves me, and if any of you fucking bastards say a word against her, so much as a look, you'll all be fired, actually," Carlos thinks it over, knowing his Mother's claws was far too deep into this. "You're all fired, pack your shit and get out. Excuse me, it's my anniversary, and my gorgeous wife is opening up the biggest Renaissance and Borque gallery ever. Have a good evening," Carlos smirks, leaving them all yelling as he runs downstairs. 6:25, maybe he could make it.
"Is he here?" you ask Mimi, who rolls her eyes. "Y/n, not in the last 3 minutes you asked." You cringe, knowing you were driving her mad. It was currently 6:45, and he still wasn't here, and you didn't know what to think. Carlos had called you around lunch, saying he had a board meeting but would be there on time. Now, he was 15 minutes late, and people were starting to notice.
"Mimi," you go to ask one last time, but stop as you see him run into the gallery and come to a light jog, then a steady, fast walk. His head moves fast, searching for you, and he stops. You both stare at each other as Carlos breaks out into his gorgeous smile and pushes his hair back, stepping up to you. "Excuse me, I'm supposed to meet my gorgeous, radiant, brilliant wife. Do you happen to know where she is?" You giggle and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in.
"You made it," "I made it," He breathes, kissing you, dipping you softly, which makes you two smile against each other's lips. "Happy anniversary," Carlos whispers, and you give a soft smile as Carlos leads you to one of the further back rooms. "Close your eyes," Carlos whispers, which has you listening to him as you both step into a room; color dancing across your eyelids, you slowly open and gasp.
Starry Night was dancing around the entire room, people just standing and watching as the sky moved; tears choked you as you grabbed your husband's hand. "You," "Charlie helped, snuck me in, the kid is wicked smart with digital art," You laugh, covering your mouth as you move throughout the large room, and stop right in front of the sun, touching the wall and gasping as it moves.
"Oh, you won the best present," You whine, Carlos turns his head, confused. "Here," You pull out a small photo, and Carlos freezes, "It's not a baby, at least not a human one, I figured maybe a dog first. His name is Pinon," Carlos breaks into a large smile. He pulls you in, kissing you deeply, "It's perfect, you're perfect," You wrap your hand around the back of his neck, the ruby ring sparkling under the Starry Night.
"I am yours," you whisper, pulling him in. And I am yours," he whispers, pressing his forehead against yours, pulling your hand in, and kissing your ring.
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eccentricwritingbaby · 3 months
cooking up some fun with the sainz’
dad!carlos sainz jr x wife!mom!reader
summary - y/n sainz is a successfully famous chef with her own restaurant and ever since covid, she has been cooking on instagram live once a week. fans adore the sweet interactions between her and carlos and their little baby girl. 
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“mi amor, i am about to go live while cooking dinner,” you nod over from behind the kitchen counter, towards your husband whos sitting on the couch. he sets down his phone and turns to face you while you continue, “if you could just keep up with santana while i’m doing so, you know i still don’t want her face all over the media, porfa,”
“por supuesto, cariño. but you do know you don’t have to ask me to watch our child,” he lets out a chuckle as he stands, sauntering over to the kitchen where you are finishing wiping down the counters and adding extra tidiness to your lived-in kitchen. he slowly grabs both of your hands from the counter, removing the cleaning spray and rag, and intertwining your fingers. you inched closer to him and rested your head against his chest. carlos plants a soft kiss onto the top of your head as you begin your reply, “i know, carlos, but i just don’t want her running around the kitchen which is dangerous or having her face pop up more onto my screen than it already has. she’s four, she doesn’t deserve to be subjected to our lifestyle just yet,” you let out your vulnerable admission as carlos lets your left hand go and steadily strokes the back of your head instead.
“i know, i’ll keep a close eye on her,” your husband looks down at you with a quick smile before he eases you more, ”you have nothing to worry about,” with his last word he begins to bend down in order to place a kiss onto your lips.
“EWW!” your four year old yells out from the bottom of the stairs. she had very obviously just woken up from her nap with her dark hair flying in all different directions, her favorite meerkat plushie hanging from her grasp, and most importantly, a very happy piñon trailing behind her. ever since she was born, the dog followed santana absolutely everywhere. call it protection or just puppy love, it was still the cutest part of your little family. 
“and when did you wake up, señora?” you pull apart from your husband with a laugh in order to look at your daughter properly, but don’t miss carlos’ pleading gaze to ignore your daughters wishes and give him a kiss. you took one more glance back at him and kissed his cheek to meet in the middle as he released his signature smile and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. 
“ahora,” she responds while rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand and slowly beginning to trudge over to the couch. 
“mama is about to begin dinner, mija. why don’t you and i find a game to play while she does?” your husband proposes.
“okay, papi,” she says quietly before she gains some energy, “but only if we get to play hide and seek!” she squeals out in excitement. carlos laughs as you move around his hold to set up your phone and put away your cleaning supplies. 
his voice graces a higher octave, one saved particularly for your pride and joy, while matching her adorable enthusiasm, “hide and seek! santana, that is a great idea! how could i not have thought of it?” he laughs along with her as she pulls herself to stand up on the couch, legs bouncing underneath her.
“no se, papi! but i thought of it! so we do it?” she asks, looking up at him with her big, brown, wide eyes inherited from the man himself as he strolls over to her place. your husband easily scoops her up into a fit of giggles as he runs her into his office in order to plan out their game. you take this brief moment of quiet to begin the live, and continue to pull out your necessary ingredients as people begin to join. 
once enough people had joined, you share a bright smile and begin your discussion, “hola, everyone! today we are venturing over to italy for our dinner, and making some homemade pizza,” you begin to take out tomatoes and slice them as you carry on, “it sounds very simple, yet you can make it anything you want with toppings, which is the magic of cooking,” you glance up at the camera to notice the brief display of comments and continue to explain, “everything is going to be homemade here, the sauce, the dough, and the cheese! it’s a great meal especially when you have a little one who is just now becoming a bit picky,” you let out a chuckle as you think on to the many ‘no’s’ that came from your four year old as you presented her with different cuisines. one that never misses will always be pizza. 
“okay! i already made my dough last night since i knew i’d be pretty busy today, but i do have a video on how to make that if you want to know, it’s on my story in the highlights of my 'how to's',” you finished chopping up all your tomatoes and threw them into the pan with a bit of oil, “now we’re working on the sauce, so i just chopped up maybe a cup and half - ‘measure with your heart’ - as my abuela always told me, of tomatoes and toss it into a low/medium heated pan with some olive oil to cook it down,” you were about to continue, but instead were interrupted by a little giggle at your feet. you looked down at your smiling daughter as she reached a finger up to her lips in order for you to keep her location a secret. you shot her a wink and then pretend to zip your lips and throw away the key. your peripheral caught your husband sneaking around and looking near and far for the little fit of laughs that was sitting on your feet. 
“next up that i’ll work on is the cheese, we’re making mozzarella so im just going to start by putting some milk on heat using m-” 
“psst” carlos cuts you off from behind the camera, attempting, attempting, to not interrupt. once you give him a confused look he begins to mouth out ‘donde?” while confusion etches his face as well. you stifle a laugh and give him an obvious glance down to your feet in order to hint. his head falls back with a smile and he rounds the corner of the counter to catch his daughter. you view the scene playout and begin to stir around the wilted tomatoes on the stove, santana screeching in joy as carlos comes onto the screen of your live, picking up his daughter while reciting the chant, ‘i’ve found you, mija!’ ‘i’ve found you!’ and you just look on in awe. 
the comments begin to fly by at lightning speed due to the domestic bliss your family carried onto the screen. carlos, still holding a giggly santana, checks you over while looking between you and your phone, “lo siento, amor,” he stretches his puppy dog eyes towards you and you can’t help but swoon, “it’s okay, enjoy hiding from this little detective next, baby,” before carlos could even respond, a resounding sound of disgust is let out from the four year old and she squeaks out, “i your baby mama! not papi,” she holds onto her pout and crosses her arms tightly as she looks between you two. you turn the heat low on the stove for both your projects and head over to where your husband and baby are, slowly repeating back to her, “you are my baby, princesa,” bringing your hands up to her tummy you begin to make her emit her loud and infectious laughter to you and carlos. 
the comments poured over on your phone as you left your love-bubble to take a look at them, one stuck out and you replied, still holding a slight laugh in your voice, “yes, we are very happy,” and you went back to smiling at your beautiful family. 
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55szn · 2 months
always and forever - cs55
carlos sainz x fem!reader smau
summary an instagram timeline of carlos and yn’s 8 years long relationship warnings too much fluff fc dua lipa taglist @jaydaaasworld notes i have more requests to get to but i’ve had this idea for a while and let’s just say i needed to write some carlitos fluff🥲
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liked by pierregasly, yourusername and 10.302 others
carlossainz55 Always a good time with this one 😜❤️
tagged yourusername
view all 52 comments
yourusername t quiero Carlitosss (love you)
carlossainz55 te quiero más ynnnn (love you more)
user scrolled all the way down to carlos first post and of couse it’s yn
user he’s always been so in love with her is so cute
user so pretty
april 20, 2016
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liked by carlossainz55, yourbsf and 4.291 others
yourusername Feliz cumpleaños a mi persona favorita 💕😘 #birthdayboy (Happy birthday to my favorite person)
tagged carlossainz55
view all 43 comments
carlossainz55 muchas gracias preciosa 💓😘 thank u so much beautiful
yourusername por muchos más cumpleaños juntos 💘 here’s to many more birthdays together
yourbsf feliz cumpleaños!!
user so we are all just stalking their instagrams after their last post, right?
user how can you not
user and they posted each other sooo often it’s so sweet
user i’ve been a fan of carlos for so long and they’ve ALWAYS been there for each other i love yn
september 1, 2017
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liked by yourusername, fernandoalo_official and 24.289 others carlossainz55 Quick getaway to celebrate two years and counting with my soulmate by my side 🌅❤️
tagged yourusername
view all 98 comments
yourusername oh carlitos 🥺
yourusername you sure know how to make a girl swoon
yourusername i’ll love you forever <3
user his caption and her comments i might die 😣
user they’ve been together for a lifetime oh my god
august 15, 2018
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liked by carlossainz55, landonorris and 12.210 others
yourusername my boy and his new boyfriend 🙄
tagged carlossainz55, landonorris
view all 73 comments
landonorris sorry i’m just that charming 💁🏻
yourusername he was mine first 😠
carlossainz55 don’t fight i’ll choose yn anyway
landonorris damn 💔
user bro was so down bad he couldn’t even play along to the joke
user omg i never knew it was yn who posted these iconic carlando pics
user well it makes sense she’s carlando’s no. 1 fan
user supporting her boyfriend’s boyfriend iktr 😌
may 22, 2019
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liked by landonorris, yourusername and 368.291 others
carlossainz55 i would have gone insane without you during this crazy year, feliz año nuevo mi amor😘💘 (happy new year my love)
tagged yourusername
view all 1.308 comments
yourusername gotta admit quarantine sucked a little bit less with you by my side
carlossainz55 just a little? 😏
yourusername okay maybe it didn’t suck at all 🤐
user oh to be carlos a be able to lay on yn all day long
user she looks so cute in the third pic 🥺
user from when they were FINALLY (yn’s words) able to see each other after spending two weeks apart 😭
user most in love mfs i’ve ever seen
december 31, 2020
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liked by carlossainz55, scuderiaferrari and 15.291 others
yourusername already knew he looked good in red but thanks for the confirmation @ scuderiaferrari 😝
tagged carlossainz55
view all 119 comments
carlossainz55 you’re making me blush ☺️
scuderiaferrari you’re more than welcome yn! 😌
user this pic is so sjdiaq
user i don’t want to speak of the things i would do if carlos looked at me like that with those big ass eyes 🫠
user yn is such a lucky girl
user SHE is lucky??!?!? have you seen her??? carlos should be thanking every god above
user i’m pretty sure he does that everyday 😭
march 12, 2021
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liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1 and 456.412 others
carlossainz55 guess i’m a tatted man now, i just can’t say no to that face 😶
tagged yourusername
view all 1.302 comments
yourusername you have to admit it’s pretty cute
carlossainz55 whatever you say🫡
user oh my god carlos get up!!
landonorris i don’t think that’s enough ink to call yourself a tatted man mate
yourusername maybe i should make another appointment 🤔
carlossainz55 don’t give her ideas you muppet 🤦🏻
user i didn’t know they had matching tattoos that’s so cute 😭
user sleeping on the highway tonite
october 17, 2022
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liked by carlossainz55, lilymhe and 732.819 others
yourusername how could i say no when my date looked like that? 🤭
tagged carlossainz55
view all 3.995 comments
carlossainz55 can’t wait to spend forever with you mi amor ❤️
maxverstappen1 congratulations you two! 😘😘
carmenmmundt so so thrilled for you both! love you 🫶🏻
yourusername i love you my girl, get ready to try on a loooot of dresses 😅
user EVERYONE remembers where they were when this post dropped
user i remember dropping my phone on my face when i opened instagram
user i cried happy tears, had been waiting for that day for years 🥹
august 15, 2023
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liked by yourusername, georgerussell63 and 3.281.819 others
carlossainz55 can’t believe i finally get to call you my wife. just you and me, always and forever, te amo yn ❤️
tagged yourusername
view all 10.371 comments
yourusername te amo y te amaré por siempre, mi carlitos (i love you and i’ll you forever, my carlitos)
user “mi carlitos” oh god i’m sobbing
landonorris congratulations, you two were made for each other ! 🥰
yourusername your boyfriend is now my husband 😜
landonorris don’t even remind me about it.
charles_leclerc so happy for you two ❤️❤️
user can’t believe i’ve been following carlos since the beggining of their relationship and now they’re married
user omg don’t even talk to me abt it i feel like a proud mother
september 28, 2024
the end
1K notes · View notes
★ — lights will guide you home | carlos sainz and multi
Description: Trying to find love after your ex-fiancee told you that his mistress makes him happier. How hard could it be?
part two of it was all yellow
Pairing: actress!singer!reader/multi (undecided), actress!singer!reader/carlos sainz (past).
Trope: Secret Baby Trope
Disclaimer: Everything written in this fanfic holds no truth about anyone's personality or actions. It is made purely for entertainment.
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A/N: this part will mainly focus on the main character and her relationship with pablo, while setting things up with her future love interest + angst with carlos?🤔
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carlossainz55: Everyday Magic! I love you baby.
liked by because.official and 712,923 others
ynnationlovebears: GIRL...
because.official: aww he looks so cute hubs 🥺 - carlossainz55: ❤️
iggyagaelabeef2: OH MY GOD SHE'S GOING TO KILL U
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The situation was awkward. Pablo was wise beyond his years, he understood the situation - but his difficulty understanding it was obvious. He wasn't comfortable around Carlos, who until yesterday didn't even exist in his little world.
"Give him time." you comforted the older man.
It felt strange, comforting a man who was the reason of your sorrow. He was the reason that you didn't feel confident in your own skin, in your own face, because he thought that someone was better.
You spent these past years trying to look for the faults that he found inside of you, because if he could cheat on you, the next one could.
"Until yesterday, he didn't even know that you existed." you scoffed, attempting to avoid his guilty stare. "I don't know what I'm looking for - or what he likes. Children are a tough crowd." he chuckled nervously, mentally cursing Kirkman for leaving the both of you.
There was a silence, only interrupted by the slight sound of rain on the background. It was obvious that you had nothing in common. You had no desire with being friends with him. "I posted him on instagram, is that fine?" he broke through the thick atmosphere.
You licked your chapped lips.
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notdanielricciardopriv: this is so scary 😭
liked by 7 others
notmaxv33: Slendrina - notynln: a lotta nerve from someone singing gagadegadao with my son ??
landofanbasebutreallandonorris: IM SO SCARED RIGHT NOW PLEASE DON'T KIDNAP ME - notynln: 😭
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ynworldupdates: I literally don't understand why Carlos Sainz Jr. decided to cheat on the most beautiful woman in the whole universe 😭😭 like SHE LITERALLY PLAYS TARGARYENS FOR A LIVING MAN!!
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birdsofafeather83: literally mother mary incarnate
holypoodlesticks: i want this woman to play a divine goddess
alex_lnc: that's why i love women, men will always CHEAT
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floppiana83: "that makes her a good friend" MAX YOU ARE NOT SLICK HAHAHAHAHAHA
arianabanana: And they get married and have kids
inchident01: go to 2:01 I'm sensing a crush
"Charles told me that you were ignoring Carlos' messages." Daniel sits beside me, his face filled with concern.
"I didn't know how to react, okay." you groaned.
A few days ago Carlos posted a picture of Pablo. Your son's face was in full view, everyone began to critique his features - even the looksmaxxing community had a lot to say. It was a boy! A child!
"If you didn't want him posting P - then you should've told him in the first place." he responded, trying to play devil's advocate. It only added more to your fury. "The deed was done, someone probably already saved it - I couldn't just ask Carlos to delete the picture."
"- plus, you know how I get with confrontation." you breathed.
He was about to respond, but he sees your crestfallen face. The same curve of your lips that you miserably wore when you lost a game of UNO, or lost an acting role that you've been pining for.
"I hate him for what he did, but I miss him like a little kid. He makes me feel so stupid and useless."
" - when I'm around him, I can't help but think about my mistakes. I could've been better - maybe then, Pablo would have both of his parents." you sobbed, burying your face in his chest.
Daniel takes a deep breath.
"It shouldn't come from me ... but it's tough being a mother. Carlos can afford to make mistakes, no one will hate him for it - but it's unfair once you're the one who does." he comforted.
Between all your friends, Daniel was the only one who knew how to comfort another person. He was a blessing. A warm teddy bear.
"I-I just wanted to give Pablo the change of having privacy. His father and I never had that as kids. I know how tough it is being in the spotlight, I thought he'd understand." you sighed.
This was another lesson.
"I'll tell him next time." you nodded to yourself. A human being can make mistakes, but as a mother, it's best to not have any.
I've got to learn how to put my foot down.
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yn.ln: a lot of you don't know this but me and @maxverstappen go way back.. i've seen the interview, thank you for calling me a good friend 🤣💚 ps. we first met each other when we were 5 and i'm pretty sure he forgot about me until we met again at 17 🤣
liked by danielricciardo, maxverstappen and 83,293 others
emmadarcy: OMG 🔥
maxieworldf1: never beating the sibling allegations
maxverstappen: Have you always been that short? - yn.ln: uhuh mr. tall king? lols
Carlos was taking snaps of Pablo on his new Kodak camera. The little boy seemed to enjoy being the subject of his father's photos. Daniel nudges your elbows, encouraging you to speak up. "Carlos, will you be posting that on social media?" you inquired.
He looked up with a smile - the smile that used to have you weak on your knees, now instead leaving you with neutral feelings. "If it's okay with you?" his eyebrows merged into each other.
"Uh I actually would prefer it if Pablo stays off the media for a few years, just until he's old enough to make his own decisions." the words slipped out of your mouth like a dam.
His eyebrows raised upwards, surprised.
"Oh I'm sorry that makes sense." his voice sounded defeated, but he quickly returns to playing with his son. You lean back on the sun-bed, flashing Daniel a winning smile. "That was surprisingly easy." you leaned back, watching as he takes a sip of his piña colada.
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yn.ln: this is so 2014 core 🕷 📸 shot by p
liked by maxverstappen and 821,239 others
helaenaworld: this awakened something within me
holdmybeer: pedro alonso, stephanie beatriz, cm punk, carlos sainz I GET YOU...
bandanaqueef: O M G O M G O M G
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formulaonewagsupdate: because and y/n l/n in one boat?
liked by 82,239 others
becausefanbase: i get it why carlos cheated HAHAHA
hotpotcentauri: Why does Y/N always look so awk? - ynlncloset: y/n l/n does not belong to you because, mainstream media and parties do... - callmeadefender: She's literally the most charming of all of the ladies in that boat 💀
babyohh: to be a fly on the wall during that yacht ride.
next part>>
thanks for the support guys. pt. 3 will focus on the yacht ride.
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desomniis · 4 months
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nayziiz · 23 days
I don’t know if you taking any request, but I would love one where reader and Carlos share birthday and he is turning 30 and reader is turning 26, and they have a surprised birthday party but after a while they disappear because they want to be alone, maybe running to the beach where things turn hot, but at the same time super cute
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x reader (Y/N)
Warnings: None, just a lot of softness
Author’s note: Thank you for this request! I loved writing this. I actually had a birthday-themed one shot planned for Carlos down the line, so I’ve meshed the two together. Hope you like it, anon!
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The Sainz family were big on celebrating birthdays, always were, and probably always would be as the grandkids began emerging. From grand feasts to meticulously decorated cakes, their gatherings were legendary in their circle. They embraced every reason to celebrate life, and birthdays were at the top of that list.
Carlos Sainz, however, felt differently. Ever since he was a child, he found the hullabaloo of birthday celebrations overwhelming. It wasn't that he hated his birthday—he appreciated the love and thoughtfulness behind it—but the anticipation, the parties, and the surprises weren't his thing. His family, exuberant and enthusiastic, never quite understood his reluctance, though they respected it as best they could.
That all changed when he met Y/N.
Y/N was the embodiment of birthday joy. She revelled in the surprises, the laughter, and the attention that came with her special day. Every year, she looked forward to the creative and sometimes outrageous plans her friends concocted. The excitement of not knowing what was in store made her feel alive. Birthdays, to her, were magical, a time when the world seemed to celebrate her existence.
When Carlos and Y/N started dating, his mother made a special effort to make Y/N feel welcomed and cherished. She saw in Y/N the same spark she had in herself for birthday celebrations and went all out to ensure Y/N felt like part of the family.
Carlos couldn't help but be amazed by the twist of fate that had brought Y/N into his life. What were the chances he’d meet someone, fall hopelessly in love with her, and discover they shared the same birthday? It seemed like destiny had a sense of humour, pairing two people who were polar opposites in their approach to celebrating their day.
At first, Carlos found it challenging to reconcile their differences. Y/N’s infectious enthusiasm for birthdays was a stark contrast to his quiet appreciation. Yet, as the years went by and Y/N moved to Monaco to be with Carlos, they found a balance. They began spending their birthdays with the Sainz family, where Y/N's excitement was met with warmth and Carlos’s quieter nature was respected.
During their long-term relationship, it quickly became a friendly competition to see who would get up first on their shared birthday morning to make pancakes, decorate the apartment with streamers, and get the cakes ready. Those mornings were some of their most cherished memories, filled with laughter, love, and a playful spirit that defined their bond.
The tradition started one early morning a few years into their relationship. Y/N had woken up extra early, determined to surprise Carlos with a breakfast of fluffy pancakes and a kitchen festooned with vibrant streamers. When Carlos awoke to the smell of vanilla and the sight of his favourite breakfast, his heart swelled with warmth. The joy on Y/N’s face as she presented the spread was infectious, and he knew this was a moment he wanted to repeat.
The next year, Carlos decided to turn the tables. He set his alarm even earlier, sneaking out of bed with the stealth of a ninja. He whipped up pancakes, decorated the apartment in Y/N’s favourite colours, and had everything ready before she woke up. Her surprised and delighted reaction was priceless, and thus, their annual birthday competition was born.
Each year, they tried to outdo each other in creativity and effort. Some mornings, Y/N would weave intricate garlands of flowers along the walls and ceilings, while other times, Carlos would arrange for balloons that played a soft melody when touched. They would take turns crafting the most delightful pancake designs, from heart shapes to animals, making breakfast a feast for both the eyes and the stomach.
One particularly memorable year, Y/N had managed to enlist the help of their closest friends to create a pancake buffet with every topping imaginable. She had transformed their living room into a whimsical birthday wonderland overnight, complete with a makeshift pancake bar. Carlos, despite his best efforts, found himself wonderfully defeated that year, laughing as he marvelled at the sheer extravagance of her plan.
In return, Carlos spent months planning the ultimate birthday surprise the following year. He created a treasure hunt that began with a simple pancake breakfast but led to hidden clues throughout their apartment, each one revealing another cherished memory or inside joke. The final clue brought Y/N to a small, beautifully decorated room where Carlos had set up a projector to play a montage of their happiest moments together.
These mornings were more than just a friendly competition; they were a testament to their love and the lengths they would go to make each other feel special. Each year, they created new memories, their playful rivalry a celebration of their relationship’s enduring joy and mutual adoration.
For the first time in five years, Carlos’s family could not be with them for their birthday. A new baby niece had arrived, and naturally, all attention was focused on the newest family member. Carlos didn't mind; he adored his niece and understood the excitement surrounding her. The decision to stay home and celebrate his 30th and her 26th birthdays alone was a welcome change of pace, a chance to create new memories in the comfort of their own space.
The night before their birthday, they sat together on the couch, wrapped in a cosy blanket, reminiscing about their past birthday adventures.
“It feels strange not having the family around,” Y/N said, leaning her head on Carlos's shoulder. “But I’m excited to have a quiet day, just the two of us.”
“We can do whatever we want. No elaborate plans, no fuss. Just us,” Carlos nodded, a smile playing on his lips.
When the clock struck midnight, Y/N grinned and sprang up.
“Happy Birthday!” she exclaimed, kissing him gently. Carlos returned the kiss, his heart full of love for the woman who had transformed his view of birthdays.
The morning sun streamed through the windows, waking them naturally. They both stirred, blinking sleepily at each other.
“Truce?” Y/N suggested, laughing. “Let’s make breakfast together this time.”
Carlos agreed, and they headed to the kitchen, side by side. They mixed the pancake batter, playfully arguing over the best way to cook them. The kitchen soon filled with the comforting aroma of pancakes and coffee. As they sat down to eat, Carlos reached under the table and pulled out a small gift.
“For you,” he said, handing it to Y/N. She unwrapped it to find a delicate bracelet, each charm representing a shared memory or inside joke from their years together.
“It’s perfect, Carlos. Thank you.”  Tears welled up in her eyes as she hugged him tightly.
It was wishful thinking that they would have a quiet day to themselves. Late in the morning, Carlos got a call from his manager, Carlos Onoro, asking if they could join him and his partner for a celebratory lunch, just the four of them. Carlos glanced at Y/N, who gave an understanding nod and a smile. They both knew how important these relationships were, and besides, a lunch out sounded nice. So, they got dressed and drove down to a beach-side restaurant to meet.
They should have known what was waiting for them. The cars parked around the restaurant should have been a dead giveaway. As they approached the entrance, Carlos and Y/N noticed a few familiar vehicles but didn't think much of it, attributing it to coincidence. When they walked in, however, they were met with a thunderous cheer.
Everyone screamed and shouted in jubilation for the couple sharing a birthday. Streamers and balloons adorned the ceiling, and a large banner reading “Happy Birthday Carlos and Y/N!” hung prominently on the wall. Y/N quickly cowered under Carlos's arm, their faces both flushing with surprise and delight. Neither had expected so many of their friends; not once did surprise party bells go off in their heads.
Carlos Onoro, with a mischievous grin, stepped forward and embraced them both.
“You didn’t think we’d let you two be alone on your birthday!” Carlos Onoro exclaimed as he enveloped the couple in his embrace. “The big 3-0, how’s it feel dating an old man?”
Carlos chuckled, shaking his head. Before he could respond, Y/N interjected with a playful grin.
“Consider me pleased dating a silver fox, then,” she teased as she gazed lovingly at him, her eyes sparkling with affection. Their friends laughed, and Carlos couldn't help but blush, feeling both embarrassed and touched by her words.
“Well, if I’m a silver fox, then I guess I’m pretty lucky to have such a beautiful partner,” he replied, kissing her forehead softly.
Their friends gathered around, offering hugs, well-wishes, and playful jabs about how surprised they looked. The restaurant was filled with familiar faces, friends from Monaco, family members who had managed to slip away, and even some colleagues from Carlos’s racing world. The air buzzed with excitement and love.
Carlos's eyes scanned the room, settling on the carefully arranged decorations and the table laden with their favourite foods. It was clear that a lot of thought and effort had gone into planning this party. He turned to Y/N, who was already tearing up from the overwhelming affection surrounding them.
After a few hours of chatting, eating, and drinking, Carlos was exhausted from the attention. The constant stream of conversations and well-wishers had been wonderful but draining. He scanned the room, searching for Y/N amidst the laughter and animated discussions. Spotting her laughing with a group of friends, he made his way over.
“Hey,” he said softly, touching her arm. “Can I steal you for a minute?”
Y/N turned to him, immediately sensing his need for a break.
“Of course,” she said, taking his hand. She excused herself from the group, smiling apologetically at her friends.
“If I hear someone say happy birthday one more time-” he moaned into her neck as he pulled her against him, squeezing her butt in the process. “Want to get out of here for a bit?”
She nodded, her heart beating a little faster. Hand in hand, they slipped out of the restaurant and made their way to the beach. The cool sand under their feet and the gentle sound of the waves created a perfect escape from the lively party.
They walked in comfortable silence for a while, the moonlight casting a silvery glow on the water. Eventually, they reached a secluded spot where they could still see the lights of the beach house but felt like they were in their own little world.
“Can you believe we've been celebrating our birthdays together for five years now?” Carlos turned to face her, his expression soft and contemplative.
“I can't imagine celebrating it any other way,” She smiled, looking up at him.
Without another word, Carlos closed the distance between them, his lips capturing hers in a tender kiss. It was a moment filled with unspoken emotions, a blend of passion and affection that they cultivated for years.
“The world wouldn't be this bright without you, you know?” Carlos told her, causing her to blush.
“Happy birthday, my love,” she replied softly, running a hand through his lush black hair. The touch was tender, and it sent a comforting warmth through both of them.
“I don’t hate hearing that as much when it comes from you,” Carlos smiled, his eyes twinkling with affection.
“And you, Carlos Sainz Vázquez de Castro and whatever else makes up your very long name, are my favourite birthday gift,” she stated, her eyes twinkling with playful affection.
“Well, when you put it that way, I guess I'll have to live up to the title,” Carlos chuckled, the sound warm and genuine.
“You already do, every single day,” she laughed, leaning in to kiss him softly. 
“You know, today didn’t turn out exactly how we planned, but I wouldn’t change a thing. Being with you makes everything perfect,” Carlos held her close, feeling the deep connection they shared.
“Agreed,” she said, resting her head on his shoulder. “Here’s to many more birthdays together, filled with love and surprises.”
They stood there, the cool ocean breeze wrapping around them, and shared a quiet moment of understanding and gratitude. The love they had for each other was palpable, a beacon that made every celebration special, no matter the circumstances.
“Shall we head back inside?” Carlos asked eventually, his voice soft.
“Yes, let's,” Y/N replied, taking his hand.
They rejoined the party, the energy and joy of their friends and family enveloping them once more. As the evening continued, Carlos and Y/N found themselves frequently stealing glances at each other, sharing secret smiles and touches that spoke of their unspoken bond.
The night wound down, and as they finally made their way home, they felt a deep sense of fulfilment. They changed into their pyjamas and climbed into bed, wrapping themselves in each other’s warmth.
“Thank you for making today so special,” Carlos looked into Y/N’s eyes, his heart full.
“Every day with you is special. Happy birthday, Carlos,” Y/N smiled, her hand caressing his cheek. 
“Happy birthday, my love,” he whispered back, pulling her close.
With those words, they drifted off to sleep, knowing that no matter what life brought their way, they would always have each other. And that was the greatest gift of all.
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cutielando · 1 month
can you please do a carlos friends to lovers? no smut, i can’t find carlos fluff. reader attends all the races & carlos is secretly obsessed with her & lando helps set them up?
a/n: had a lot of fun writing this one!!
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You and Carlos had known each other since you were little children. Growing up in Madrid next to the Spaniard had been the highlight of your entire childhood. 
Carlos had always made sure he had time for you, even between his karting races and training, he never felt to make sure you knew he didn’t forget about you, that you were still his best friend and no distance could change that.
Your friendship continued well into your adulthood, well into his career all the way from karting to Formula 1. Albeit, due to the fact that you also had a stable job back home in Madrid and were building your career, you guys saw each other less and less. Settling for phone calls, texts and FaceTimes, you still felt like something was missing.
You missed all the times that you would hang out together on the balcony of your home, drinking wine and talking about anything and everything. The laughter booming in the air, reverberating against your chest, the gentle lingering touches shared between you that you both ignored, knowing it was for the best.
It wasn’t until Carlos signed with Ferrari that things changed.
He had called you as soon as he had got out of the meeting with the team, excitedly telling you about everything that he was promised, what the next season would look like for him after he departed with McLaren; he didn’t miss a single detail.
Yapping about how excited he was for the future, but also how sad it would be for him to not be teammates with Lando anymore. But the sentence that he kept repeating every time you two would talk broke your heart every time: “I wish you were here to experience this with me”
It broke you every time he would say it, the same longing that he felt amplified 100 times over for you. You loved him, more than you sometimes cared to admit, and certainly more than you would ever have the guts to tell him. You had loved him for a while now, but loving him from the shadows and distance was taking its toll on you.
Which is why you all but jumped at the opportunity he offered you to go along with him, attend the races and celebrate with him. He had claimed that he couldn’t bear thinking about the future if you wouldn’t be there, next to him, cheering him on and comforting him whenever needed.
He needed your stability and comfort, he needed to feel you there with him, no longer settling for phone calls while being on opposite sides of the world.
It wasn’t fair, and he wanted to change that.
And so, you packed your bags, smoothed things over at your job and got on the plane, and met him in Singapore. It wasn’t the best race to choose from for your first, the heat and humidity in the air hitting you like a ton of bricks as soon as you had stepped foot out of the airport.
But seeing him waiting for you, leaning against the side of his car, it made everything worth it. He hadn’t even seen you coming before you completely blindsided him and threw yourself at him, wrapping your arms tightly around his tall frame. You both sighed in relief, the feeling of each other finally back together not being able to be compared with anything else.
“I can’t believe I’m really here” you had blurted out, suddenly afraid that it was all just a dream and you would wake up soon enough.
But hearing him chuckle, feeling his chest booming with laughter, you knew it was real. He was there, right in front of you, hugging you like his life depended on him. And for him, it did. He had spent so much time away from you, being deprived of your presence for longer than he would have liked. And now, when he had you right in his arms after so long, he finally felt like himself again, like he had just found the missing piece of his puzzle.
You spent the night catching up, even though you had been talking on the phone the entire time you had been deprived of each other, he still needed a night of talking to you, drinking wine and forgetting about everything else in his life besides you right in front of him.
Entering the paddock had felt more exhilarating than you would have ever imagined. The roaring of the engines and the teams preparing for the races, the screaming of the fans and every interviewer trying to get a word with the drivers. It felt as exhilarating as it felt absolutely nerve-wrecking. 
“Are you okay?”  Carlos asked you once you had made it to the garage.
You nodded, the smile seemingly not wanting to leave your lips. “I’m good, this is exciting” he smiled at that, nodding along.
He left you alone for a while, going over to speak to his race engineer before the race. You had stayed in place, only admiring the garage you had seen so many times on TV, now standing right in the middle of it. 
When he came back, you noticed he had brought Lando with him.
“Y/N, you remember the Lando I told you about. Lando, this is my best friend, Y/N” Carlos introduced the two of you, coming to stand by your side.
“It’s very nice to meet you, I’ve heard many great things about you from Carlos” you said, smiling at the younger driver who shook your hand.
Lando greeted you back, eyeing the way Carlos was standing next to you and looking at you while you and Lando spoke.
You and Lando clicked right away, you now understood why Carlos loved the Brit and spoke so highly of him. You found yourselves a new hobby by poking fun at Carlos, who seemingly internally regretted introducing you to each other. 
As the time to get in the car grew nearer, Lando bid his goodbyes and returned to his garage, only one thought in his mind.
I need to get Y/N and Carlos together by the end of the weekend.
Carlos didn’t know who to thank first for winning the Singapore GP. Should he thank God for finally giving him what he had wanted ever since the start of the season? Should he thank the team for finally managing to beat Red Bull and win? No. He didn’t do any of that first.
He went to you.
He found you in the sea of mechanics and family members that had run out at the barriers, ready to welcome the new winner into their arms. But he didn’t seem to notice anyone else apart from you. 
Scooping you up in his arms, his only focus was on you and the feeling of you in his embrace. He couldn't put into words how thankful he was that you were there with him, witnessing this win that the whole team had worked so hard for. The entire season had culminated into this win, and you were there to witness it.
“I’m so proud of you” you whispered once he had lowered you to the ground, his arms still tightly holding onto your arms.
He mumbled something incoherently in your shoulder, but you paid it no mind. You could only focus on him, the feeling of him slumping and relaxing against your body like he always did. 
Unbeknownst to you, Lando had been looking at you two ever since he got out of his car, smiling mischievously under his helmet while walking towards the two of you.
“Sorry to interrupt, but you might as well stop torturing yourselves and just kiss already” he said, making you and Carlos pulled away from each other.
Before either of you could reply, he turned around and left, walking over to celebrate with his team.
Turning around to face each other, not a word was spoken between the two of you, but your eyes were telling a whole different story. You didn’t even think as you stood on your tiptoes and pressed your lips against his, so many years up buried and pent-up feelings finally being free.
The entire team cheered once they noticed what was happening, but you and Carlos didn’t hear anyone else around you. It was just the two of you in that moment, in your own little bubble.
“We should have done this years ago” he mumbled against your lips, making you laugh.
“Yes, we should have”
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comments and re-blogs help us grow!
much appreciated!!
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cheriladycl01 · 3 months
It All Happened so Fast - Grid x Ferrari Reader
Plot: Y/N has someone enter her hotel room after the grand prix and threaten to rob her, after not answering her phone, some of the drivers come to her rescue. Done in the style of a podcast/interview.
Warning: This had dark themes, of abuse, kidnapping (kind of?), SA etc
Credit to makeagif for the GIF :)
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"And tonight we have Y/N with us on the podcast! And we'll be learning the truth about what happened at French Grand Prix, now that she's finally ready to speak up about what happened!" he says as you walk out, your hands were clammy from the build up of sweat on them and the lights all felt a little too bright.
"Hello, Zach how are you?" you smile to the podcaster, taking a seat in the purple studio on scotting so you were next to the cushion.
"I'm good, I'm good and how are you doing, despite everything that happened?" he asks looking over you, making sure you were okay.
"Yeah, you know I took a blow and speak to a therapist about everything but ultimately I'm back in the car and doing what I love most!" you nod, explaining how you'd not gone to the next race after the incident because of a bruised rib.
"So talk us through that day, start to finish!" he smiles and you nod, feeling safe and comforted to talk in his presence.
"It was a pretty normal day, it was just after qualifying had finished and I was celebrating with Charlie" you smile. You remembered getting your first pole position with Ferrari that year having taken over from Carlos who had made the move to Audi.
You were so happy, jumping in the arms of the crew and Fred who'd become like a father to you before finding comfort in Charles, who wasn't Charles to you but Charlie. He was your big brother around the paddock, most of them were.
"Congrats gorgeous!" he grins hugging you tightly. Alex, his girlfriend came running over, pulling you away from Charles into a big hug of her own. Alex had become like your big sister and you'd kind of become attached to her in your time in the paddock. She'd let you borrow her clothes, which Charlie didn't like as he thought they were way too mature for a young girl like you, which you'd argued against many times. You got ready with Alex in your rooms, and even travel together in the off seasons. And don't even get started on the Leclerc family who had practically adopted you after becoming Charles partner.
"Thank you Charlie! We had a great drive today! A front row lock out for us!" you cheese excitedly looking around the paddock, locking your eyes on anyone else who you could exclaim your happiness too.
"I think Lando is over there!" he smiles pointing out your paddock crush. You'd had a crush on Lando ever since he came to see you race in F2, when you started to get noticed by the likes of Ferrari and other F1 teams.
You rush over, seeing him talking to Jon and Oscar who was with his girlfriend Lily.
"Hey guys!" you grin at the two boys, and they both smile back to you, Oscar and Lily pulling you into a joint hug first and then letting go of you so Lando could kiss your cheek and pull you into a hug.
"You did amazing today!" he smirks one corner of his mouth raising and a blush coming onto your face.
You sat in the studio thinking of how Lando had made your heart flutter like crazy!
"I think after we all were celebrating qualifying with my team and everyone else we were all leaving, discussing the plans for that night" you admitted thinking back to what happened in the build up.
"Yeah, we have pictures of you here celebrating with your team-mate Charles Leclerc and his girlfriend Alexandra, Lewis and a few others" he says flicking all of the pictures he had saved of you in the paddock celebrating your qualifying result.
"So, if i've got the story right? You were invited to dinner with some of your friends correct?" he asked.
"There was talk of all of us going out that night, it was my first pole position and everyone was very proud of me and they wanted to celebrate it. Obviously, for this specific race there aren't many hotels in the area so majority of the drivers stay at the same hotel close to the track for ease. So in my hotel there was Charles, me, Daniel Ricciardo, Max Vertsappen, Lewis Hamilton, George Russell, Lando Norris, Oscar Piastri, Carlos Sainz, Alex Albon, Liam Lawson, Yuki Tsunoda and Pierre Gasly and that was supposed to be the group that went out!" you offer and he looks over you.
"Supposed to be?" he asks, looking at his notepad and you nod.
"So, Alex chose the place we were going and it was sort of a bar, sort of joint... when Lando and a few others looked at the menu they didn't fancy it so Max, Daniel, Charles, Carlos, Lando and Oscar all decided to pick their own place. I didn't want the plans to change so i stayed with Alex, Lewis, George, Liam, Yuki and Pierre. By the time we got to the bar there was security out and because I was the only one under the drinking age in the states I was refused" you laugh thinking it was sort of funny.
"Wait so they said you weren't allowed into the bar because of the drinking age?" he repeats making sure he had all the information correct.
Thinking back, the whole interaction was kind of funny.
"Yeah sorry, your underage you cant go in" the security guard says handing you back your ID.
"What?" you chuckle, the security knew who you were, i mean come on you were stood in front of Lewis Hamilton.
"Sorry, bar rules" he says with a frown before nodding for Lewis to go in.
"Mate come on, look none of us are here to drink... we're all driving tomorrow and we just want to take our girl out for a celebratory meal" Lewis smiles ruffling your hair making you giggle.
"Sorry man, no is a no. Even for you" he sighs, getting bored of the groups antics and how they are holding up the line.
"No come on I'm not having this, the whole reason we are here is because of her. We arent going in if she isn't allowed!" Lewis argues before George and Liam join in.
"Alright, either you can go in without her or we're all kicking you out right now" the head of security says coming out making you sigh and grab onto Lewis' arm.
"I'm just going to go, I hope you guys have fun but I don't want you guys to not go out for food because of me!" you sigh stepping to one side.
"No Y/N! The whole reason we are out tonight is because of you!" Lewis whines a little wanting everything to be perfect.
"Well half the group already bailed and went somewhere else so it's no issue!" you giggle.
"But where will you eat!" George asks.
"Look, I'll be bad and treat myself to a Maccies, but you cant tell anyone. Especially not Joris or Maggie, they'll have my head!" you say and after a lot more convincing you were let go.
Looking back you had no idea leaving by yourself was probably the worst decision you ever made.
"So you walked back to the hotel alone, that correct?"
"Well, i got myself a McDonalds first which was hilarious because there was so many fans that spotted me in there and I think that was the start of where everything went wrong. People quickly realized where I was and that I was alone with no security or team. I took a few pictures but left for the hotel very quickly" you explain softly, loving the interactions you got with your fans that night.
"And once you were in the hotel, what were you doing?" he prompted.
"Well, I got in immediately and I actually had someone from the hotel walk up with me, I'd felt strange the whole way home and just wanted someone to make sure i got up there okay"
"And by feeling strange, like you were drunk and been spiked?" he asks with his head cocking to his side.
"Mmm no just that I didn't feel alone, even though i was. I felt like my steps were being followed but I couldn't see anything. It was dark and I thought it must just be the paranoia, but the hotel staff were so helpful and took me to my room. The two members of staff actually looked around my whole room before leaving me alone!" you say, knowing the hotel did everything in their action to make sure you were safe.
"So you got in and you ate your food I'm presuming, what did you have?" he chuckles, everyone knew how much you loved a McDonalds.
"A wrap and a cheeseburger, I know bad but I was solo celebrating!" you chuckle.
"That sounds so good right now!" he luaghs before silencing to let you continue with your story.
"After that it was getting late and I wanted to be as prepared as possible for the next day so I got into the shower, where I didn't hear the door unlatch. I just remember rinsing the shampoo out my eyes and seeing him standing there watching me!" you gulp nervously getting onto the scary bit of the story.
"He was in the bathroom already, at this point?" he asks his eyes wide.
It was scary, you'd just finished really scrubbing the sweat and helmet grease out of you hair, you rubbed your eyes making sure they wasn't anything that was going to sting them in their before opening them.
It took you by so much shock to see the black silhouette in the bathroom, you grabbed the towel hoping it was Charles or Lando, at least someone you knew. But it was him, the man that kept you in fear of hotels.
"What the fuck!" you cried wrapping the towel around you, you couldn't see his face right now, his face was covered by the steam of the shower and his black and red Ferrari cap.
He was a fan, which made you want to cry more.
"Your gonna be quiet, yes beautiful?" he asks showing you the gun on his waist band.
You nodded not wanting to aggravate him.
Before you knew it he grabbed you out the shower by your arm. Forcing you onto the sofa in your room, at this point you'd started to cry. He hit you so hard, you bruised a rib and sprained your wrist.
"I cant imagine the panic you felt" Zach sighed comfortingly as you nodded.
"Yeah, i mean there was moments where i thought, this is it, I'm not going to come out of this alive" you sighed before continuing your accounts.
He asked you the code for the safe, which you told his straight away, he started going through all of your stuff, you didn't care about the loose cash or anything else but when he pulled out the expensive Cartier necklace Lando got you for your birthday you started to sob harder.
"Please, not that!" you cry out loudly making his head flick over to you, rage on his face.
"Mmmm from your boy Lando right?" he grins evilly and you cry more.
"GET ON THE BED!" he screamed at you and you looked at him in shock.
"What?" you asked.
"Are you stupid? I said to get on the fucking bed!" he screamed out again making you whimper and cry more from the shock as you got up onto the bed, sitting on the edge.
"Fuck, I'm not even sure I want to know where this goes!" Zach sighs after taking a sip of his drink. You explain how he had started to touch you, and you were practically naked on the bed.
"I was just going to suck it up, the gun was the scariest thing and I couldn't help but think that Charles would probably be the one to come in and find me..." you admitted, knowing it was one of the scariest moments.
"It was one of those moments where you know they talk about fight flight or freeze, ask anyone and they'll tell you I fight, no matter what but I just froze because of the circumstances..." you attempt to say without messing up.
"And before stuff got to bad?" he asks.
"I had my boys to rely on" you smile softly.
Charles had the spare room key to his room, and when he, Lando Max and Daniel were coming back and heard yelling through the door, they needed to see if you were okay!
"Y/N!" you heard Charles through the door, the guy currently fondling you looked up in shock. Charles and the rest of them rushed into the room. Max was the first to throw a punch at the guy, pretty much getting him onto the floor. Charles started to cover you up while Daniel called hotel security and Lando called the police. Charles was holding onto you as you shook, sobbing and gasping for short little breaths.
"Hey hey it's okay!" Lando says seeing you and your panicked state.
"Let's get him outta here!" Daniel says kicking his shin.
"Necklace!" you gasp out, looking over Lando's eyes and he cocks his head to one side in confusion before understanding what you meant.
Lando jumped off the bed, searching the guy's pockets until he pulled your necklace out.
"Scumbag!" he'd told him as Max and Daniel hauled the guy out of your room.
Lando came back, holding you on the other side of Charles forcing you into a sort of sandwich.
"So what happened with the rest of the night?" Zach asked pulling your mind back into the studio room.
"There was a lot of crying, lot of police. I only told the police about my injuries so they could take pictures for the report. And i somehow drove the next day, still came in P1 and stood on that podium until I fainted. I was of course pulled from the next race because i'd worsened my injuries by driving... but it was worth it for the win!"
"Woah, that truly is an incredible story!" Zach smiles, pulling you into a hug which you gladly accept.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc @mirrorball-6 @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @the-fem1n1ne-urge @21stcenturytaegi @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @kapsylia @laneyspaulding19 @lazybot @malynn @cassielikereading @viennakarma @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @jlb20416 @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @seomako @urdad-hot @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount @styl1shl1v
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dumbseee · 1 year
f1 au: in which, you’re secretly dating carlos sainz but your boyfriend is very bad at social media.
carlos sainz jr x reader.
fc: shay mitchell.
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, danielricciardo and 790 097 others.
carlossainz55: just learned what a photo dump is so here’s one.
landonorris: he’s never beating the grandpa allegations guys…
fan2: since when does he have a girlfriend?
fan3: i’m not really surprised but at the same time i am bc wtf
fan4: didn’t see this one coming
fan5: not everyone completely ignoring the cute selfies he posted and focusing on that mysterious girl
danielricciardo: i know someone who’s going to sleep on the couch tonight.
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liked by charlottesiine, lilymhe, carlossainz55 and 349 987 others.
y/n: thank you for having me @.vanityfair i had a great time.
lilymhe: such a pretty girl
liked by y/n.
charlottesiine: i am this close 🤏🏼 to ditch charles for you babe
charles_leclerc: @.y/n pls stay away from my girlfriend.
fan1: the girls and charles commenting on this 👀
fan2: carlos liked the post 👀
fan3: @.fan2 they’ve been friends since childhood, she’s a spanish socialite, her dad owns a law firm.
fan4: idk if she’s carlos’ mysterious gf but she’s stunning
fan5: people really think that y/n l/n, heir of a whole empire built for centuries and billionaire is going to date a driver?
fan6: @.fan5 as if carlos wasn’t well off himself.
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y/n just posted a story!
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tagged: @.charlottesiine.
caption: ferrari girls supporting their ferrari boys ♥️
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liked by carlossainz55, charlottesiine, charles_leclerc and 3 782 006 others.
y/n: it was fun to see everyone’s theory about who was the mysterious girl in carlos’ post, but i think it’s time for me to reveal myself (although some of y’all already guessed it ;)) this was my first announcement, the second one is now obvious, a mini sainz is on the way and i couldn’t be happier. the fact that the product of our love is soon going to run around the house is still weird to me. but i can’t wait to be a mama, and i can’t wait for you to be a dad, because i know how much you’re going to cherish the little pea that’s growing inside of me.
carlossainz55: te quiero mi amor, sorry for being an idiot and exposing us 👀
landonorris: I’M GOING TO BE AN UNCLE
charles_leclerc: congrats! you guys will make perfect parents! (i actually have more trust in y/n)
danielricciardo: no need to ask me to be the godfather, it’s a yes already 😁
fan1: what in the mf
fan3: carlos is so dad coded omg this is perfect
fan4: well, this escalated quickly
fan5: carlos is going to be such a great father
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sunny44 · 4 months
Morning cuddles
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x Wife!reader
Warnings: just fluff.
Summary: Morning cuddles with Carlos and your baby boy.
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I wake up to the soft sounds of birds chirping outside our window, the gentle rays of sunlight filtering through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. Stretching my limbs, I let out a content sigh, feeling the softness of the sheets beneath me. As I start to rise from the bed, I hear the creak of the floorboards downstairs, signaling that Carlos is already up.
With a smile tugging at the corners of my lips, I make my way downstairs, the anticipation of seeing my two favorite boys filling me with warmth. As I reach the bottom of the stairs, I catch sight of Carlos, his messy bed hair tousled in every direction, only in his boxers.
In his arms, our little bundle of joy, our baby boy, rests peacefully, a tiny smile playing on his lips as he dreams.
Before I can even utter a greeting, Carlos sneaks up behind me, his strong arms enveloping me in a warm embrace. I lean back into his chest, reveling in the feeling of being surrounded by his love. Together, we create a cocoon of warmth and affection, our little family complete in this moment.
"Good morning, amor." Carlos whispers, his voice a soft melody that sends shivers down my spine.
"Good morning, cariño." I reply, turning my head to press a gentle kiss against his cheek.
We stand there for a moment, basking in the tranquility of the morning, the only sounds being the steady rhythm of our breaths and the occasional coo from our son. It's moments like these that make all the challenges of parenthood worth it, the simple joy of being together as a family filling our hearts to the brim.
Eventually, Carlos releases me from his embrace, but not before pressing a lingering kiss to the top of my head. With a smile, he lowers himself onto the couch, cradling our son in his arms. I join him, settling in beside him, our bodies fitting together like two pieces of a puzzle.
Our son stirs awake, his bright eyes blinking sleepily as he takes in the world around him. A gurgle of delight escapes his lips as he reaches out towards us, his tiny fingers grasping at the air. Carlos and I exchange a knowing look, our hearts swelling with love for this precious little soul that we've brought into the world.
"Hey there, mi amor," Carlos coos, pressing a gentle kiss to our son's forehead. "Did you sleep well?"
I chuckle softly, running a hand through our son's silky hair.
"He looks like he had the sweetest dreams." I remark, a fond smile on my lips.
We spend the next few minutes simply admiring our son, marveling at the miracle of his existence. He may only be a few months old, but already he's brought so much joy and love into our lives, filling each day with laughter and wonder.
As the morning sun continues to rise higher in the sky, casting golden beams of light through the windows, I feel a sense of peace settle over me. In this moment, surrounded by the two people I love most in the world, I know that everything is exactly as it should be.
With a contented sigh, I lean against Carlos, feeling his warmth seeping into my bones. Our son snuggles closer to us, his tiny hand resting against my chest as if to remind me that we're all in this together. And as we sit there, bathed in the glow of the morning sun, I can't help but feel grateful for the simple yet profound beauty of this life we've created together.
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Bonus scene!
Yourusername Instagram stories
“Morning cuddles with my favorite boys.”
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fcbformulaeri · 2 years
he's so ~dreamy~ I can't take it anymore
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norrisleclercf1 · 1 month
Hey girl can you do Carlos sainz and he has a massive size kink with his short innocent girlfriend, doesn’t have to be smut
A/N: I have no idea how tall Calros is, he gives off very tall energy
It's such a stupid thing for him to go crazy over, but he just loved it, he loved that he was far taller than you. When he first noticed the height difference he just smiled and thought how cute it was.
Now, he loves how he's bigger than you in every way, from his height, to how broad he is, to just the way your body curls into him when he's standing close to you. Carlos started to do things, that showed off his taller than height.
When ever you were over, you loved drinking out of these little red glasses that were small and cute, and you just loved the glasses. At first, Carlos had placed them on the lower shelf, but when he became more thought driven of the height difference, he decided to place them on the taller shelf.
"Ughhh," Carlos giggles from the living room, hearing your groan as you come back into the living room. "Carrrlossss," You drag out of his name, pouting and you move and stand in front of him, blocking the football game. Looking up he smiles sweetly, his large hands engulfing your waist which has his brain stopping short.
"What is it, baby," Leaning up he pecks the pout off as you whine. "My glasses, they're at the top shelf, can you get them for me?" Carlos chuckles, standing up he nods his head and heads to the kitchen biting back his smirk. Reaching up he easily grabs your glass and hands it to you, smirking.
Carlos loved your height and he loved when you wore his clothes as they were big and dwarfed your size even more. He remembers the first time you ever wore his shirt. It was after he kept you in bed all day after he got the Singaporean win. You needed to eat some breakfast and Carlos was finally in the shower giving each other a break.
Carlos remembers walking out of the bathroom and seeing you stand there in his shirt while you pick over the menu, and talk on the phone. Leaning against the doorframe, with the towel wrapped around his waist. Fuck, Carlos never loved the sight more, it was better than seeing you orgasm over and over again.
Carlos loved the size difference between you two, and kept doing different things, and each time you never noticed, and even when others pointed it out, you'd just wave them off and giggle saying it was nothing and go on about your business.
But, Carlos, man he'd never stop using his height over you anytime he got the chance.
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eccentricwritingbaby · 2 months
funny wife, happy life
carlos sainz x wife!reader
summary - the grids beloved couple have begun a prank war, subjecting the drivers and fans to their hilarious antics
request by anonnie :) thank you love! - hey you could write about carlos that he and Y/N his wife that they are the funniest couple in the paddock that Y/N has the same personality as carlos that they often play pranks on each other on tiktok
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your knees were cramping, on the verge of giving out, as you held your hidden position in your husband’s drivers room. charles had told you he’d be back in a few minutes. a few minutes. ha! you’ve been sitting here for ages and you’re about to collapse. until finally you hear the sweet, sweet sounds of your husband's laugh approaching you quickly. you give a quick scramble to collect yourself and pull up your tik tok account in order to record the heart attack soon to be inflicted upon carlos. the door handle jiggles and opens, alerting you of his presence. his footsteps become closer to your hidden position behind a few large items and abruptly stop. you take it as your queue to jump but before you can-
“BOO!” your husband screeches at you with his phone in your face as you let out a mirroring yell and fall backwards on your ass. 
“AYE DIOS MIO!” you hold your hand over your racing heart and carlos crumples to the floor in a fit of hysterics. you can’t help but join in soon, but not without playfully swatting at him in a joking matter of pretending to be angry. 
“mi-mi amor,” carlos tries his hardest to get out in between laughs as he begins to sit up, “you’re too easy!” he falls again, most likely due him replaying the scenario again in his head.
“aye! easy? i believe i remember you begging for a date with me, señor,” you continue to chuckle at his phrasing, teasing him relentlessly felt like a duty to you. 
“whatever,” he brushes off the playful comment and turns his attention to the video he recorded of you on his phone, “y/n, this is too funny,” 
“si, bueno. i wish i got that video of you instead, though” you act out a solemn expression and carlos sees right through your jokes.
“well you didn’t, loser. i’m posting this,”
you and carlos had opted for a night in after the race due to his fatigue and your absolute need for a shower. after lando had pleaded with you both for a minute to rethink your decision as you were walking back to the hotel, he ultimately gave up trying and muttered a slight ‘old married couple’ at you and carlos while the both of you just laughed at his mini tantrum. 
once inside your hotel room, carlos headed for the shower, but stopped and turned when he noticed you weren’t following.
“i thought you wanted to shower, amor?” he asked in your direction.
“i do, but i kind of want to shower alone tonight, lo siento,” you respond while biting your lower lip to not give away your amusement. see - you had a plan. while carlos was in the shower you were going to get to the vanity and paint on a fake hickey. set up your phone. and get him back for ruining your prank earlier. 
carlos stands looking at you with a bit of skepticism. you rarely shower separately, only when upset with each other and he was beginning to worry, “aye, are you mad about earlier? me scaring you?”
“love, the only thing that is scaring me right now is how stinky you are. i’m not mad i just don’t need a smelly shower with you,” you shrug off his accusation with a laugh in order to lighten the mood and your husband catches on, chuckling with you.
“okay, you don’t need to tell me twice,” he begins to make his way over to you with his arms out wide, “you do want a stinky hug before i hop in, no?” calling your bluff he tries to latch his arms around you as you scream and try to run away.
“sto-stop!” you giggle as he grabs you in his arms, “eww! carlos!” the whine slips from your lips as he starts planting kisses all over your neck and face, tickling you causing you to let out more laughter. his grip loosens and he backs away towards the bathroom, grabbing his change of clothes off the dresser as he does so. one arm raised and a finger pointed at you he lets go of a very loose warning, “this isn’t over, cariño,”
“oh no!” you gasp in dramatics, “the tickle monster! what am i five?” carlos just laughs and releases a ‘loca’ under his breath as he shuts the bathroom door and turns on the shower. you then quickly get to work with your makeup, planting the perfect looking hickey in a place he hasn’t seen all day, but will very soon. once it was done, you discreetly hide your phone and patiently wait on the bed for carlos to leave the bathroom. 
fresh out of the shower, your husband steps into your room with just a pair of sweatpants on as he continues to run the towel over his damp hair. you take that as your sign to begin your prank and tie your hair up into a bun - giving carlos the perfect view of your neck. walking over to him, you plant a kiss on his lips and step back from him as he turns his attention towards his wife. looking you up and down for a second, making eye contact with the hickey, you feign confusion and innocence by proceeding to ask, “que, mi amor? is there something on my face?” you attempt to turn and ‘check’ yourself in the mirror, but carlos pulls on your arm, spinning you around to face back at him. he quickly discards the towel in his hand, throwing it to the floor, as he looks closer at your neck. 
“did you hurt yourself, cariño?” he asks softly, “maybe with one of your hair tools or something,” he finishes as if he’s almost assuring himself. 
“no? what is this carlos?” you question, trying your damnedest not to let out a smile.
“tienes algo en el cuello,” you have something on your neck uh oh. carlos only spoke direct spanish with you when he was deep in a feeling - lust, happiness, anger. “parece un…” it looks like a… 
“que?” you ask softly.
“a hickey, y/n. it looks like a hickey. y sé muy bien que no fui yo quien te dio esto,” and i know very well it was not me that gave you this
“oh, oh that? ya, um, actually that might be from my curling iron, you were right!” responding lightly only made carlos narrow his eyes at you further. 
“y/n, qué hice mal,” what did i do wrong?
“oh no, carlos, baby, nothing- you did nothing wrong,” you panic at his sadness and hold his face in your hands, “it’s just a prank, los, te lo prometo,” i promise you
he looks down at you, widening his eyes in hope before he says anything, then you hear - so quietly you almost miss it, ‘take it off’. 
“i will, i will baby. come here, come with me,” you lead him into the bathroom, grabbing your makeup wipes in haste and rubbing the fake hickey right off your neck. you hear your husband let out a long and deep exhale before he gives your sides a squeeze. 
“you just took ten years off my life with that stress, amor,”
“lo siento, carlos. i’ll even show you the video where i put it on if that makes you feel better,” you turn around in his hold and give him not one, not two, but three quick pecks to the lips as you drag him back into the room to retrieve your phone. as of that moment, carlos begins plotting his revenge. 
the next week, your husband and you arrive early at the paddock for race day due to his necessary media duties. with your hands intertwined, you begin making your way to the ferrari garage - passing a few reporters and fans on the way. while making your way, a few fans had called out to the both of you. carlos always joked that his fans loved you more than him, but every joke has a bit of truth to it. 
“y/n! carlos! over here! can we get a picture?”
your husband - ever the gentleman - turns his attention to the young group of girls at the barricade and leads you both over to them. once carlos had signed a few things and taken a few pictures, you both turn to leave but are prevented by the girls. 
“y/n! can we get a picture with you too!” carlos checks you over, asking you non-verbally if you’re okay with it and you slightly nod in his direction to signify the answer. bending down and over slightly, the girls grab a few selfies with you and speak to you about their love for your tik toks, tweets, and overall personality. with your light ego boost, you turn and chuckle to your husband. 
“isn’t it great that your fans love me more?” you give him a sly smile and a poke to his stomach as he laughs along with you.
“aye, they’re just saying that to make you feel better, amor,” he shoots back quickly.
“nuh-uh,” you scoff back, “they love me so much more, i think i better be the one to race today,” at this point the girls are recording your interaction while giggling at the banter your husband and you have provided. 
“in your dreams, cariño,” he bites back with a smile.
with that comment, you whip around to face the group, “do you hear how he speaks to me? my own husband! he hates me!” you sigh dramatically as carlos pulls you into his arms. the crowd before you erupts in laughter at your antics and your husband bids polite goodbyes, leading you away. you’re both leaving in cackles as you continue to jab each other back and forth.
as you round the corner to the ferrari garage, you both run into fernando walking towards aston martin. 
“hola, nando!” you call out with a wave. he stops curtly and leans in your direction, arms parting for a hug. you receive it kindly, swaying lightly back and forth all while exchanging pleasantries. 
“aye, he oído felicitaciones están en orden,” i hear congratulations are in order fernando presses with a smile.
“porque felicitaciones?” why congratulations? you ask back to him. 
“oh! lo siento, ¿se supone que nadie debe saberlo?” i’m sorry, is no one supposed to know?
your confusion ends when you turn to your now - dying laughing - husband at your left, “¿le dijiste a todo el mundo que estaba embarazada?” did you tell everyone i was pregnant?
carlos can’t even shake out words at this point due to laughter as he just begins to vigorously nod his head yes. fernando takes this as his sign to head back in his previous direction, chuckling under his breath something about ‘these damn kids again’. 
“you’re dead, carlos sainz,” you state matter-of-factly at him. 
“i’m sorry, me or my fathe-”
“YOU KNOW WHO!” you yell back, cutting off his smart ass comment, “does the whole grid really think im fucking pregnant, you ass?” this time carlos’ laughter is cut short and he just slowly shakes his head yes, nervousness now overwhelming his features instead of amusement. 
“do you now realize how stupid that was?” you ask him again. again he slowly nods his head yes, his eyes only meeting his shoes. out of your peripheral, you can see lando approaching the both of you and he holds out his arms in glee.
“there are my favorite soon-to-be parent-”
“SHUT IT!” you snap in his direction, “the only child i will be raising for the foreseeable future is the one in front of me,” you nod your head towards carlos, and his eyes - again - never leave his shoes. lando begins to laugh even louder than your husband did before at his friend being scolded like a child.
“oh i am so tweeting about this,” he lets out between laughs. 
you take a glance over at your husband and whisper a light ‘karma’ into his ear before you kiss his cheek and head off to find his family in the garage. 
after the race, carlos is doing interviews and you are searching to find him. not being in the media pen, but instead just along the gates talking to reporters, you easily walk up to your husband and wait over to the side for him to finish. the reporter speaking to him notices your presence and begins to wave you over. you shake it off quickly, wanting your husband to have his shining moment, but instead he also joins in waving you over - causing you to reluctantly head in their direction. 
“hi!” you squeak out to the reporter, carlos pulling you into his side and wrapping an arm around your shoulder. 
“hi, y/n! thank you for joining us for the interview!” the young woman starts. 
“thank you for letting me crash!” you reply back with a giggle. 
“not crashing, you’re here by invitation,” your husband speaks up, kissing your forehead after doing so.
“i’m sorry if we were too forward to invite you,” the reporter chimes in fast.
“no, no!” you assure back, “i just didn’t want to outshine ‘ole carlos over here, you know how it is,” you joke, giving the reporter and your husband a laugh. 
“for sure,” the young woman gives you, “we love you two as a couple, you both have been informally deemed the grids funniest couple with all your banter and tik tok pranks, how do you both feel about that title?”
“it’s a heavy weight to carry,” you dramatically sigh, “i have to keep the people on their toes and give them what they want,” the reporter laughs once again at your comments as you shrug before your husband chimes in, “funny wife, happy life - right?” you all share one more laugh before the reporter lets you two depart. 
as you’re walking out of the paddock, hand in hand, you reach up on your toes to plant a kiss to carlos’ lips. he hums back in approval, stopping you, with his hold moving to your waist and pressing deeper. you smile into the kiss and can feel him doing the same. once pulling apart, your husband stares into your eyes, the contact moving from eye to eye to lips. you almost crumble watching him shamelessly adore you. 
“what are you thinking about, amor?” you gently ask, attempting not to ruin the soft moment with loud diction.
“just how much i love you, cariño,” his reply is simple, yet means so much. even though you both are playful with your antics and pranks, your love is something that never falters with seriousness. and you wouldn’t trade it for the world.
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