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🍼👥💬 Shout Out to System Littles! 💬👥🍼
Hey there, kiddos! I just want to take some time to tell you all how super amazing awesome you are! Yes, you! You’re so little, but you do so, so much! You’re working hard to help your system, and you’re doing the very, very important job of being yourself, too!
I want you to know that you’re important, that you matter. I want you to know that you’re real, and valid, and wonderful, and I want to give you all the praise and kind words in the whole wide world, because you so deserve them. Keep going, ok? Because you’re gonna do even more great things.
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System little positivity for @andrew-the-totoro . I saw in your bio that you’re only 4, so I tried to keep the wording simple. I hope that was the right choice! Edits are on the way, ok?
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carereg · 6 years
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?🤔💭? Question of the Day: ?🤔💭?
Time for the question of the day! You don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to, but if you do, then you can answer by reblogging this post, replying to this post, or sending us an ask.
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Today’s question is:
💞🤗👥 Do you know any communities that might be ok with their tags being crosstagged with carereg tags? 👥🤗💞
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Last of the system little positivity for @andrew-the-totoro .
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System little positivity for @andrew-the-totoro . There’s more on the way!
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Hi, positivity seekers!
We’re looking for advice!
Hi there, positivity seekers! This is Mod Kay, asking for some advice from members of DID and OSDD systems. We put out our very first system-related positivity post today, and would love to be able to post more. That being said, we’re a bunch of singlets who’ve only seen the DID/OSDD/system/plural community from the outside looking in. We could really use some help to make sure our positivity is actually positive, and not distespectful, ablist, or mean.
If you are/are a part of a DID or OSDD system, please consider telling us:
Some common mistakes people make when trying to be nice or make positivity posts (in relation to DID/OSDD/systems/alters/ect.)
Something you wish more people knew about DID/OSDD/systems/alters/ect.
Something positive you or another alter would like to hear/hear more often (system or non-system related)
Anything else that you think will help us spread positivity to our plural followers!
Thank you, all, so much! We’re looking forward to seeing your responses.
-Mod Kay
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carereg · 6 years
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?🤔💭? Question of the Day: ?🤔💭?
Time for the question of the day! You don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to, but if you do, then you can answer by reblogging this post, replying to this post, or sending us an ask.
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Today’s question is:
Would anybody have any objections to joining the @ageregressionsociety ?
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We’ve always been a society-aligned community, but I’d like for us to officially join. I’m already in the society discord server as a representative for carereg, but I wanted to run the whole thing by you care cuties.
Thanks so much!! 💝
-Mod Kay
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carereg · 6 years
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?🤔💭? Question of the Day: ?🤔💭?
Time for the question of the day! You don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to, but if you do, then you can answer by reblogging this post, replying to this post, or sending us an ask.
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Today’s question is:
🌧/☀️💭 How do you feel about the new carereg tags? Do you have any ideas for new ones? 💭☀️/🌧
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carereg · 6 years
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☃️🎄 Merry Christmas, Care Cuties! 🎄☃️
This is Mod Kay wishing very merry Christmas to any care cuties who celebrate! I hope every one of you who celebrates gets a gift that warms your heart, and I hope that all of you have a lovely day regardless!
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carereg · 6 years
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Carereg Community
The carereg, or care regression, community is an inclusive community for age and pet regressors, dreamers, and carers who (sometimes or always) use their regression/dreaming/caring as a coping mechanism. We also welcome system littles and their fellow alters who identify with our community and its ideals, carers of regressors and dreamers who use regression/dreaming to cope, and regressors and dreamers of carers who care to cope.
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This community is a safe, soft, caring place. Members are expected to be kind to each other, and to be respectful to their fellow careregressors, caredreamers, carereggivers, careflips, and caresysts.
We are a 100% sfw community. All posts using our tags are sfw, non-k!nk, and not crosstagged with k!nk/n2fw tags. All blogs using our tags are 100% sfw, with the possible exception of tagged swearing.
Our members are expected to make an effort to tag triggering content, and to be polite and attentive to those who ask them to tag new triggers.
We are an lgbt+ and neurodiverse friendly community. We welcome all ages and all communities, so long as you aren’t breaking any other communities’ dnis/dual label prefferences by interacting with or joining us.
Adults with separate k!nks are welcome as long as they have a sfw, nonsexual, non-k!nk, regression, dreamer, and/or carer space, and only use carereg community tags on sfw, nonsexual, non-k!nk blogs.
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Members create their own dnis and are expected to respect the dnis of others, both inside and outside of the carereg community.
Members have the right to ask certain communities, age groups, and blog types not to interact. Please remember that not wanting interaction from a community is not the same thing as being @nti that community. @ntis of any regression and/or little/pet community are not welcome here.
If your community is a part of the c@mp/fr3shreg/s3nsetivereg/ch!re-like side of regression, you won’t be able to join, as this community is on their dni due to our create-your-own dni policy and the use of k!nk-shared terms like, “little,” “middle,” caregiver,” ect.
There is no application process, only an optional survey. If you you meet our dni, follow our rules, and use our tags, you can be a member of the carereg community.
We share a mod with @regressors-blocklist . People who break carereg community rules will be reported there, and those who do not want carereg interaction can submit themselves to the list, specifying that they do not want carereg interaction.
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