#caregiver abacus
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Iced Chocolate
chapter four

very quick messy sketch heh. chapter 4 is up under the cut and AO3 c:
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
Noodle had been up at dawn as usual. Unlike the other staff of the washhouse who got to have an extra hour of rest before beginning a shift, she had to be up just before sunrise to start deliveries of the previous day’s laundry. Whilst they had been able to slip away unnoticed during the day, Noodle still had to upkeep her morning deliveries regardless. Unless they somehow managed to train Tiddles to go out make deliveries himself.
After drudging through the show with the now empty cart, she tiredly dragged it behind her and through the doors into the washhouse. Noodle was surprised to see only Larry and Lottie at work, her other three friends visibly missing. Lottie smiled kindly at her arrival, holding up a steaming mug.
“Noodle! I made your usual for you.”
She presented the mug, which was filled with a hot malt drink, perfect for coming back in from the cold. Lottie always made her a fresh cup of something hot when she returned from deliveries. Noodle warmed her hands against the mug before taking a deep swig. The girl surveyed the room again, frowning.
“Where is everybody? And how’s Willy-?”
She’d been fretting all night about him, still unable to believe just how stupid he was in the first place to walk across thin ice. Even with the assurance from Abacus the night before, she couldn’t help but worry. Lottie laid a hand on the girls shoulder reassuringly, interrupting her spiral.
“Abacus and Piper are upstairs with him, now don’t panic. But Mr Wonka is a bit poorly, the icy water must’ve shot his immune system pretty hard. He had quite a high fever.”
Lottie explained, sitting down to rest her arm over Noodle. Who seemed more concerned for her friend, draining the rest of the mug quickly before rising up. The idea of someone such as Willy Wonka being sick just seemed completely outrageous, he was just the kind of person you couldn’t imagine being frail and unwell.
“I’m gonna go see him-“
Larry looked over at Lottie, who had forgotten one important detail about the chocolatiers current state of mind. The telephonist catching up to the girl before she raced up the stairs. Noodle had been made aware of Willys headspace situation beforehand, but only really once briefly. At first she hadn’t exactly understood it, finding it a rather strange. But after a long talk with Abacus, he managed to wrap her head around the whole situation.
“Noodle wait- before you head up. Willy is feeling a little younger than usual. Yknow like how we explained?”
Noodle paused for a moment upon hearing it, but then shrugged her shoulders. Noodle hadn’t been with Willy that often when he was “small” as they said. But from the sounds of things, he was probably feeling pretty sick right now and likely needed the support.
“That’s Okay, don’t worry”
She smiled before turning on heel to ascend the staircase. Determined to check on her closest friend and brother figure.
With the help from Piper yet again, Willy had been successfully delivered back up to his room. The bed had been completely stripped of its soiled sheets and replaced with fresh white linen. Poking its head from underneath the sheet, sat the orange knitted beak of Chester. Willy quickly picking him up to hold close, his glass eyes pressing an imprint onto his cheek.
Although the bath certainly made him feel fresher, his head still felt as if it was stuffed with cotton wool. Standing up just made him feel woozy. When climbing back into the bed, he noticed that a towel had been tucked over the mattress tactfully. At first feeling mortified at what it’s presence clearly implied, but realistically it was probably for the best. The combination of the cool silk pyjamas and clean sheets felt heavenly when he lay back down, Abacus folding the blanket over him once settled.
“There we go lad, much more comfortable i’d say”
Willy dozily nodded, realising he was feeling much smaller now that he was tucked in. Outside the weather had become even fiercer, the blizzard building stronger. The thin glass pane of his window rattling from the wind, Abacus sighing at the poor stability of everything in this terrible excuse for accommodation. Maybe Wonka’s mad ideas of his dream store could truly happen, get them all out of this dreaded place.
Willy smacked his lips for a moment, realising how thirsty he felt. His sore throat still left that foul taste in his mouth, and he was eager to get rid of it. Although in the time it had taken for him to be delivered back up into the room, his headspace had slipped even smaller. The words he wanted to say were there, but it felt as if they were far away, too distant to try and verbalise them.
So instead he weakly pointed towards the sink in his room, grunting a little bit to get attention.
“Hm? What’s the matter?”
Abacus queried, watching in mild amusement as the boy pointed towards the basin. Willy making a grabbing motion with his hands, miming holding something. Thankfully Abacus quickly connected the dots of his request.
“Oh you’re thirsty, of course”
The man got up to fill up a glass, before offering it to the boy. Yet again similarly to the night before, Willys hold on the glass was shaky as best. Willy held it in both hands as he took a sip, but with his quivering grasp the water spilled down the sides and onto his chest. The cold water feeling very uncomfortable as he very nearly dropped it all over himself.
“Oh dear, allow me”
So once more Abacus reached out to hold the cup in place, whilst Willy eagerly gulped down the liquid. Although it didn’t taste very good, as it had quite a strong metallic aftertaste to it. The accountant couldn’t help but chuckle at his expression as he drained the glass.
“I think we’re going to have to consider some alternatives to this lad, certainly a bit too wobbly for a glass just yet”
He spoke fondly, Willy feeling a little embarrassed. He wasn’t wrong though, all his motor functions seemed to be playing against him at the moment. So he just shrugged with a mumble, lying back into the bed once satisfied. Abacus gently laid a hand to his forehead to check his temperature, which was still pretty warm. Wonka certainly seemed very quiet, Abacus noticing how he was choosing to gesture and mumble rather than speak. As he was the person whom Willy was most often regressed around, Abacus had taken many a mental note on his different mannerisms depending on just how little he was feeling.
The combination of illness seemed to slip him even younger it seemed, as this was the first time he’d gone so nonverbal.
“Still a little hot, I may nip down into town and pick up some medicine if it doesn’t come down soon.”
Willy frowned at the idea, highly doubting the idea that this medicine would taste very good. A knock then arrived at the door, Willy lifting his head up from the pillow in interest, before thumping it back down in exhaustion.
“Hey it’s just me, can I come in?”
It was Noodle, her voice sounding kind but concerned. She’s bumped into Piper on the way up, who had filled her in on how crappy he was feeling right now. On the other side of the door, Abacus turned to Willy to check on him.
“Is that alright?”
Willy thought for a moment, he knew that Noodle was aware of his headspace now. But there still was that mild anxiety, Noodle was like his little sister. He kept her safe, looked out for her. He wasn’t sure if it was okay for that role to swap over, especially when she relied on him.
But after a long conversation with Abacus and himself, she assured him that it was okay. She wanted to be there for him. So Willy gave Abacus the nod, who called out to her.
“Come on in Noodle.”
The door creaked open and Noodle stepped inside, smiling fondly when seeing Willy tucked inside the bed. It was funny how his tall lanky frame managed to look so tiny in that bed. Willy tried to sit up straight in bed, although it made his head throb again. He tucked his stuffed toucan under the sheet self consciously, poor Chester giving a silent imaginary squawk of indignity.
Even though he felt dreadfully small, there was still that anxious part of him that wanted to seem big for Noodles sake. The girl in question just scoffed at his weak attempt to seem fine when it was extremely evident he wasn’t, perching on the end of his bed with a grin.
“Willy, you don’t need to pretend. I know you’re a baby right now”
Even Abacus couldn’t hold back a chuckle at the blunt comment, before attempting to cover it up with a very fake sounding cough. Willy looked up in complete outrage, scowling at them both rather adorably.
“Nuh a baby..”
He mumbled, still struggling with his words. But Noodles comment had pulled him from his silence, who just laughed in response. Finding his face truly priceless.
“Really? Coulda fooled me.”
Willy frowned at her teasing before giving her a small smile, it was relieving that she still treated him like usual. One thing he was worried about with Noodle knowing, was if it changed the way she saw him, treated him awkwardly or acted unnaturally. But it was clear she was still the same old snarky teenager he loved.
Abacus decided to take the opportunity to get up, deciding to allow the two some quality time whilst he attempted to sneak into town to pick up some things. Not before gently stroking back Willys damp curls tenderly.
“I best head out and pick you up some medicine young man, but I trust Noodle to keep you in check. I don’t suppose that Benz may come check up soon too.”
Willy nodded, only feeling a little apprehensive. Abacus had been caring for him all morning and him leaving did make him feel a little anxious. But when Noodle reached out and squeezed his hand, he couldn’t feel any safer.
“I’m usually the one keeping him out of trouble regardless Abacus, if it weren’t for me he’d be inside a tigers belly right now- or frozen in the bottom of that lake”
She pointed out knowingly, eyebrow raised cheekily, Wonkas cheeks burning scarlet. Nearly got eaten by a tiger actually. The accountant closed the door gently behind him as he left, knowing that Noodle would keep a good eye on him. Noodle scooted further up the bed, lifting a hand to feel his forehead. Abacus wasn’t wrong, he certainly had a temperature.
“You’re such an idiot y’know, you’re lucky you got away with just a bad fever. If you weren’t careful you could’ve added to the number of skeletons at the bottom of that lake.”
She wriggled her fingers in a spooky way, Willys eyes widening in alarm. Noodle having momentarily forgotten that he was feeling younger than usual. Probably not the best time to make jokes in that manner, backtracking her statement.
“Hey but uh- you’re okay! I was just joking about the skeletons- I think. You’re just lucky you had your sis Noodle looking after ya, as always.”
The word slipped from her mouth without realising, although the pair shared an obvious sibling-like connection with eachother. Neither of them had verbalised it yet, until of course that very moment. Noodle felt her cheeks burning, panicking incase she’d overstepped. Yet Willys eyes shone like stars at the sentence, weakly reaching out to hold her hand with a small grin.
He mumbled , squeezing her hand in his. Noodle met his eyes and smiled too, there was something different about him like this. Even through his obvious illness, his eyes sparkled with a childlike optimism, innocence. For the first time she really understood and saw the younger headspace he was in.
“Yeah, but more like big sister i think at the moment. Figures though, how many times have I saved your butt now?”
She chuckled, wondering what on earth would’ve happened to the poor chocolatier if she hadn’t met him. She noticed how his eyelids were beginning to flutter, the boy yawning as he rubbed his eyes sleepily. He’d only been awake a few hours but was somehow just as exhausted as when he spent all day out in town selling chocolate.
“You need some sleep.”
She firmly stated, Willy feeling too weak to argue on the matter. Noodle pulled the blanket further up his frame, finding the small knitted Toucan sprawled out and tangled in the mattress.
“Cant forget this lil guy.”
She manipulated his floppy wings up and down to mimic flight as she handed him over. Willy accepting the little bird and tucking him under his chin like always did, breathing in his faint cocoa scent. As noodle lifted the blanket to tuck it over his shoulder, he turned over before she could fold it, holding it open.
He looked up with the most manipulative puppy dog eyes, mot wanting to be alone right now. Especially with how little he was feeling. Noodle chuffed in amusement, biting her lip as she considered it. She’d been up since dawn and was in-fact feeling pretty beat herself.
In defeat with a shrug and a chuckle, she began to unlace her boots. Willy managing one of his signature grins, soon enough he felt Noodle join him under the sheets in the small single bed. But somehow they managed to fit inside comfortably, Noodle linking her free hand with his once tucked underneath the sheets. Both holding onto eachother for warmth in the chilly room.
Cuddled up beside her brother, Noodle couldn’t quite remember the last time she felt so safe, as did Willy. Both pseudosiblings embracing close before they soon both fell fast asleep in each other’s hold.

#shhticker fics#agere fic#little! wonka#little chocolatier#agere wonka#wonka agere#agere writing#fandom agere#fandom agere fic#fandom agere hc#caregiver abacus#age regression fic#age regression#sfw agere#age regressor#agere community#age dreaming#agere blog#safe agere#agere little#sfw littlespace#sfw interaction only
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Extraordinary Toys For Kids on Etsy - Gift Idea #1142757225
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Iced Chocolate
Chapter three
chapter three is up! Some more fluffy sickfic caretaking :) posted under the cut and on AO3 as usual
chapter one
chapter two
Just as expected, Willy’s fever was pretty high. But the sheen of sweat across his brow already proved that rather obviously. Abacus proposing a lukewarm bath would help the temperature come down a little, as well as making him feel a lot fresher.
“Do you think you could try standing up?”
Abacus suggested, wanting to test the waters of how frail he was. Willy did his best, slowly sliding his legs off the bedframe. Wincing in disgust as his hands sunk into the soaked mattress, a bath right now sounded heavenly. With Abacus’ help, he got to his feet, but as soon as his body adjusted to the change in gravity it felt like his stomach was doing front-flips.
He groaned, shaking his head and sitting back down again before he lost any liquid left in his stomach from the night before. Taking slow deep breaths until the nausea passed, he felt so vile.
“You just sit there, I’m going to have to call in the cavalry.”
After a few minutes, Abacus returned with further assistance. Piper Benz poking her head around the door frame with a sad smile.
“Heard a little friend of mine wasn’t feeling too good”
She said as she approached the boy, from what Abacus had briefed her on he was feeling very sick and small. She adored the few times that she’d cared from him when regressed, but just wished it was in better circumstances now.
Willy weakly lifted his arms, Piper gave the best hugs. So she quickly reciprocated, Willy clinging onto her hard.
“Now I heard that Lottie has run you a bath, and you can’t be feeling very comfy right now I’d say.”
Willy nodded into her shoulder, linking his fingers around her neck. Piper then lifting him right up into her arms, Willy squirming away in alarm at first.
“No- mmgross”
He was still pretty soaked, and was panicking he would make Piper all dirty. She wasn’t in the slightest bit phased through, just chuckling as she stood up with him in her arms.
“These overalls have seen much worse, trust me. So don’t make yourself even sicker from worrying okay?”
So after a few moments he managed to relax into her hold, placing his aching head against her chest to listen to her heartbeat. Abacus wrapped a blanket over him before they left the door, they quickly trotted down the stairs outside to reach the entrepreneurial suite. Piper tucking the blanket over the chocolatiers head to protect him from the blizzard.
Lottie was waiting by the bathroom, pouting sadly when seeing the bundle of blankets that contained the boy. She opened the bathroom door for them to enter, Willy immediately greeted by the scent of violets.
“I decided to add one of my bath cubes and a few other little things, they were a gift from a long time ago, but we don’t often get the opportunity for luxury here”
Lottie explained, most of the crew here just had to rely on a washbasin which certainly wasn’t the ritz. Reluctantly Piper had to forcibly detach Willy from her to put him down on a stool, who whined at being pulled apart from her.
“Cmon buddy, you’re gonna feel better soon I promise”
She said as she lifted his chin to look up at her. Her heart breaking at his tired tearstained face. Abacus stepped inside, testing the temperature of the water. Perfectly lukewarm and tepid.
“I’ll sort him out here, I don’t suppose either of you could change his sheets? He’s going to need a fair amount of nursing, the poor sod.”
Both women nodded, Willy had done quite a lot for them all. It was the least they could give back to help him when so sick. Abacus closed the door and turned to Wonka again, who had his knees up to his chin as he held the blanket around him tightly.
“Alright, now would you like me to just leave you here to get on with it, and I come back to check up?”
Abacus offered, although he was clearly feeling very small and sickly, he still had to respect his
basic boundaries. But Willy looked conflicted at the question, frowning as he thought. The very small fraction of his bigger self was adamant that he could bathe on his own for goodness sake, but in his sick addled mind? He really felt helpless, and he didn’t want to be alone. Abacus saw him fretting with himself, so knelt down to his level.
“Or I could stay? If that’s what you’d prefer?”
Willy bit his lip as he looked to the ground, before looking up for a second and nodding. Grateful that Abacus made the suggestion so that he didn’t have to ask.
He mumbled feeling so pathetic, he couldn’t even bathe himself. But Abacus scoffed at his nonsense.
“You have nothing to apologise for.”
Abacus emphasised as he placed a hand on his shoulder, it was clear he was feeling a lot younger than usual. So very carefully he helped him out of the sopping wet nightgown, Wonka looking somehow even smaller in thin vest and undershorts. Pale arms shivering violently.
“Now would you like to undress and hop inside? I’ll turn away until you’re inside”
Willy smiled weakly with a nod, appreciating the privacy as he undressed. Quickly hopping into the lavender tub, the foam creating a security barrier.
“I’m in”
He mumbled, Abacus turning back as promised. Not able to hold back a smile at the sight, his small frame being drowned by the mountain of bubbles. He stretched his legs out, shivering a little.
He frowned at Abacus, like he was playing some cruel trick on him. Willy had been hoping for a nice hot bath, having not had one for a while.
“It’s not cold, I checked. It’s just lukewarm, we’re trying to lower your temperature, not increase it any further.”
Abacus had pulled a stool out to sit by the tub, dipping a cloth into the water before dabbing at his forehead. It didn’t make much sense to Willy still, he felt cold, how was his fever high? His attention then moved to the bubbles infront of him, reaching out to hold them. They smelled nice, but he couldn’t quite remember what they were called.
“It’s violet, I know because my Eleanor douses herself with the stuff”
Abacus smiled sadly as he spoke of his wife. Although they exchanged letters since he’d been away, he missed her so. And each letter would always carry that violet musk. Willy held the bubbles closer, he liked the smell. Maybe it would transfer nicely into a flavour for chocolate. Impulsively poking his tongue out to test it, Abacus noticing and flicking the bubbles from his hands.
“Oh my goodness No! That’s soap, you silly boy”
He chastised as he shook his head, somehow the chocolatier always found new ways to alarm him with his nonsense. Willy looked up irritatedly, feeling like Abacus had completely overreacted. At first it had tasted interesting, but extremely quickly the taste in his mouth was entirely soap. Willy wiping at his tongue with his hand in an attempt to try and rid himself of the taste.
“Wasnt gon eat it. Thought it could be a flavour.”
Abacus just chuckled exasperatingly, returning to the cloth and gently sponging at Willys hot sweaty skin. Typical Wonka behaviour.
“Well I’m pretty sure Violet has been used in confectionery before. I was once gifted a box of floral fondants, but I’ve never been keen on fondant myself. But I don’t see why you couldn’t try it in a recipe.”
He suggested, taking a mental note to try and find some actual violets for Willy to experiment with. Just as long as it kept him from trying to eat soap again.
The following half hour went by blissfully, Abacus even washing Willys hair for him. He’d only been using a slither of soap at the washbasin for the past weeks and his curls were in less than perfect condition. Lottie had even left a small bottle of her own liquid shampoo for them to use.
The sensation of his hair being washed brought back some memories of his mother, Winifred would work many odd jobs as they traveled from place to place by canal. She once worked a shift at a fancy woman’s salon and helped do a brides hair for her wedding. When she returned back to the boat she came with off-cuts of soap and gossip from all the fancy upper class ladies. Then practiced all the things she’d learned with Willys hair that night, the entire canal boat smelling
freshly of soap for days.
He was so engrossed in his daydreaming that he didn’t even notice Abacus trying to get his attention to sit back up. The accountant just found it rather amusing, Wonka lying face up in the soft lilac water with his brown hair creating a halo around him.
“Cmon lad. The waters getting a little too cold now”
Willy blinked his eyes open, slowly sitting up in the water. Feeling a slight head rush as he did so, and he was starting to feel a bit chilly. Abacus grabbed a towel from the rack, holding it open to create a privacy screen for Willy to step into. The towel was soft and warm, clearly belonging to somebody else and not one of the scratchy thin Scrubbit ones.
Somehow Willy Wonka managed to look even smaller inside that towel, especially when Abacus wound it around him tightly so that only his face and a curl of his hair was visible.
Although Willy still felt pretty dreadfully unwell, he at least wasn’t sweaty and damp anymore.
A jaunty knock came at the door, Willy turning his head in interest. A jolly sing song voice ringing out as the door opened a crack.
“Special delivery for somebody!”
Willy winced a little at the volume as Larry Chucklesworth cracked the door open ajar. Lottie and Piper had filled him in on what had happened and heard his little friend was in need of some fresher clothing. Abacus let him inside, the “comedian” holding a pair of deep blue pyjamas.
“Thank you Larry, these will do nicely.”
Abacus took them from his grasp, unfolding them to find they were certainly far too large. It would have to do regardless. Larry smiled sadly at the sight of his friend, who for the first time couldn’t quite hold his signature confident grin. Crouching a little to his level.
“Hey there, heard you’re pretty sick little guy?”
Wonka nodded slowly, Larry was just stating the obvious.
“Hey did ya hear about the sick fish? He was a little eel!”
Larry joked with a grin, pausing in silence as he waited for a reaction. Usually Willy would try offer a sympathetic chuckle, (honestly, he often didn’t understand them) But this time he didn’t have the energy to do so, just raising his eyebrows in un-amusement, Abacus as well.
“Tough crowd huh? It’s probably just cause you’re feelin so nasty.”
The comic reassured himself as he gently pinched the chocolatiers nose. He was much more accustomed to the giggly little Wonka when he was feeling regressed, it was peculiar to see his buddy looking so forlorn.
“Well I best get him dressed and back into bed, could you grab Piper to help him get upstairs?”
Abacus requested, with Larry nodding with an exaggerated salute before exiting. Willy reached out to take hold onto the new nightclothes, the differing texture intriguing him. They were faux silk, making them slightly cool and slippery to the touch. Abacus nodding to himself, the fabric would be much better at keeping him cool and less sweaty from fever.
There were small embroidered golden stars dotted across the fabric, Willy tracing them with his thumb. They were really pretty, too pretty infact. Reluctantly he returned the pyjamas back over to Abacus, looking away sadly.
He mumbled, Abacus’ brow furrowing in confusion. He understood that they were likely a little too big for him, but he didn’t seem to mind much before.
“Whatever do you mean? Larry is more than happy for you to borrow them.”
Abacus began to unfold the clothes, wanting to dress him sooner than later so he didn’t get too cold. Willy was looking away to the floor, biting his lip before explaining. He felt embarrassed to say it, but Abacus had been more than understanding about the topic before.
“I’ll just make them all gross again”
He muttered agonisingly, but it was true. And especially with how sick he felt, he couldn’t be sure if it would happen again. With how pretty they were, he didn’t want to ruin them. Abacus tutted affectionately, reaching over to pat Willys knee.
“I think Larry was aware of the risks when he offered them. And don’t forget, last time I checked we lived in a washhouse. Things can be easily cleaned.”
He assured him with a warm smile, Willy feeling a lump in his throat, aside from the pain he already had. He struggled to understand why Abacus was so..? Okay with everything, even the icky stuff. Before his thoughts were interrupted by a gentle pat on the shoulder.
“Alright you, I can hear Piper on her way down. Let’s get you dressed and back up to bed where you belong.”

#little chocolatier#shhticker fics#agere wonka#wonka agere#little! wonka#fandom agere fic#fandom agere hc#fandom agere art#fandom agere#agere fic#agere caregiver#caregiver abacus#agere art#age regression#sfw agere#age regressor#agere community#age dreaming#agere blog#safe agere#agere little#sfw littlespace#sfw interaction only#sickfic
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Can I ask for some headcanons for Wonka going very *very* little to the point where he's just a little baby and Abacus taking care of him 🥺
Oh anon you know me too well :,) of course!!! Headcanons under the cut
• It isn’t often that Willy slips down really little, but when he does he is extremely clingy and often completely non verbal. But Abacus has experience with little ones from his own parenting. And over time he was able to pick up on what exactly Willy is wanting or trying to tell him when words aren’t working.
• Although the main trigger of him slipping so low is usually from something negative happening or he’s extremely exhausted. Abacus is the go to caregiver when he’s at his smallest. And although not the best of circumstances, he can’t help but enjoy it a little when he gets to care for him so small.
• Abacus knitted him a small comfort blanket, seeing how much he already adores his little knitted bird from his mother. When very little he’ll sleep with it rubbed against his cheek, with it meaning so much to Abacus with how much he adores it. Abacus having knitted similar blankets for his own children and granddaughter.
(I base this on my late papa who did this for myself and siblings. Miss him so much 💔)
• Willy wishes it were possible for Abacus to carry him like Piper can, especially when he’s tiny. So instead he’ll do everything he can to be attached to him, sitting in his knee or curled into his shoulder in bed.
• Willy needs a lot of help when in a baby headspace, simple actions feeling so much harder. He forgets about basic self care, and desperately needs to have someone there to help him with things. (Which is usually Abacus) Such as dressing, eating and just being aware of his bodily needs.
• When Willy can’t sleep, Abacus is usually happy to read to him until he can drift off. Usually chaptered storybooks that Willy would struggle to read on his own. Although for when his littlest, Noodle had found a few picture books in her mother’s library to lend. Slowly Abacus will read each page and let Willy take as much time as he wants to trace and look at the pages. Similar to how he would trace the text on his mother’s bar of chocolate.
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Iced Chocolate
chapter two
chapter two is up!!! This fic is actually going to be a little longer than I originally planned. Lots of sickfic comfort for y’all. A03 link below too
Chapter one
As soon as Willy opened his eyes that next morning, everything felt wrong. The room around him was spinning, with the inside of his head feeling as if it were filled with jagged rocks. For a few minutes he could hardly even recognise where he was, he felt so revolting. It was so hot, yet so cold? A disgusting sour taste in his mouth that wouldn’t go away no matter how much you swallowed, especially when it hurt sharply each time.
When he attempted to sit up, the room practically bounced up and down until he had no choice but to lie back again. Willy didn’t think he’d ever felt this vile before, even when he ingested some exotic berries he was considering adding to a recipe. They were not suitable for consumption, and he learned that the hard way. A shrill whistle rang out agonisingly, Willy moaning and weakly trying to cover his ears with his aching arms.
Bleachers roll call whistle, but there was next to no chance of him making it downstairs. He tried one more time to lift his head up, but the pain in his head just pulsed painfully. He heard either room beside him open their doors, Larry on his left, Abacus on the right. There was a pause and a murmur, clearly both men wondering why Willy hadn’t made an appearance. With a gentle knock on his door, he heard a deep kindly voice.
“Willy? It’s rolecall, are you awake?”
Abacus questioned, remembering the state of the chocolatier last night after the ice incident. So when he just heard a groan in response, he turned the door handle to enter. Inside he was met with an extremely sorry sight, Willy Wonka lying back with a sweating feverish face, looking extremely unwell.
“Oh deary me.”
He quickly approached the boy, placing the back of his hand onto his forehead, very hot. The accountant sighed, clearly the hypothermia from the night previous had seriously weakened his immune system. He was shivering with fever, Willy confused how he felt so cold and hot at the same time.
“Fffeeel gross”
He mumbled out, talking making his throat ache more. Abacus looked at him sympathetically, he looked absolutely dreadful.
“Im not surprised, you’re clearly very unwell you poor boy”
He stroked his sticky fringe off his hot forehead, his sorrowful glassy eyes looking up. Willy tried to remember the last time he felt this sick, before a flood of what he thought were long buried away memories returned.
“Oh ya poor bug, this is what happens when you don’t listen to your mam yknow?”
Winifred Wonka held a cold damp cloth over her son’s burning forehead, it had been the first snow of the year and he had refused to come back in for hours. When returning to the canal boat he was far too hyper from excitement to care about how cold he got. Now he was paying the price, but he had his mother waiting on hand and foot for him.
She spent all day tenderly nursing him, replacing the cold flannel for his head, spoon feeding him her homemade soup and creating vast stories in her head to speak aloud. Although he felt physically terrible, the love and comfort from her was worth it all. But the best part of all, was at night. When he couldn’t sleep from fever and coughing fits, she would lay down beside him and hum that tune. Continuing to loop it until he’d fallen asleep, Willy couldn’t remember feeling any safer.
Abacus was taken aback by a sudden burst of tears from the poorly chocolatier. His flush face screwed up as tears poured down his hot cheeks. He felt so terrible, and just wanted his mother so. He didn’t want to be in this leaky room in a dingy wash house, longing to be back in their cosy canal boat. As well as feeling so ill, he was beginning to feel the smallest he ever had. But Abacus misunderstood the outburst, assuming that he just was feeling so dreadfully sick.
“Oh it’s alright, no need for tears you silly boy. You should be fine in a couple days.”
He began to mop up his face with this handkerchief, but the tears kept on coming. He could feel how clammy his skin was, couldn’t be very comfortable. The sheets were twisted around his body uncomfortably, clearly from restless tossing and turning all night.
“Your sheets are in a little bit of a tangle, let me just-“
He tugged beneath the blanket to try and smooth it out, but froze for a moment when feeling what were clearly cold and wet sheets. But he didn’t react, just pulled his hand away and patted Willys knee gently. It seemed that he himself hadn’t even realised the predicament, too hot and sick to really notice it. So he approached the situation carefully, with Willy already feeling so upset and dreadful, he didn’t exactly want to make it any worse.
“How about well get you out of these sweaty sheets, they’re in a bit of a tangle.”
But the attention being brought to them made Willy more aware of the sensation around his legs. Shuffling a little before whimpering as he realised what had also happened.
“Mmmsorry I’m so sorry-“
If it weren’t for his thumping headache he would’ve vaulted right off the bed, shrieked for Abacus to leave. Instead just tipping his head back in frustration, feeling tears dribble down the side of his face.
“It’s not your fault, you’re just very poorly. I’m pretty sure you have a nasty fever.”
He felt his forehead again, still very hot. Poor thing really couldn’t catch a break it seemed.
“But gotta sell chocolate-“
Willy mumbled, and before Abacus could response to the ridiculous suggestion, they heard approaching footsteps from the washhouse. Both of them freezing in alarm, it was Bleacher on his way to strangle them for missing rolecall. But when the source of the noise appeared, it thankfully wasn’t the terrifying giant.
“Is everything alright? I managed to conjure up an excuse for the both of you, when you didn’t turn up. It’s a good thing that him and Mrs Scrubbit are still very besotted with eachother”
The voice was soft, small and gentle. The complete and utter opposite of Bleacher. The opening to a concerned looking Lottie Bell. Who gasped at the sight when she saw the state of Willy.
“Oh my goodness, you’re sick!”
She exclaimed as she approached, realising it must be a result what had happened the night before. Willy just looked up at her, weakly nodding.
“He’s very sick. Meaning there’s no chance whatsoever you’re going out selling chocolate today”
Abacus gestured to the case that was still there pumping out individual chocolates. Willy moaning pitifully, they had been doing so well with sales. Possible customers were going to be disappointed, and he so badly wanted to make that money for the store.
But when he felt a cold draft from outside creep through the thin walls, there was no chance he was stepping outside this building. He felt so hot and cold at the same time. Abacus noticing how he was beginning to shake, being in the now cold wet sheets wouldn’t be helping.
“What can i do to help?”
Lottie offered, turning to Abacus. She’d done some nurse training when she was a teenager and still had some of the know how.
“I don’t suppose you could sit with him for a minute?”
Abacus leaned in a little further to whisper, not wanting to humiliate Willy. But he really could do with the extra help, considering how unwell he clearly was.
“He’s had a little bit of an accident, very feverish and sweaty so likely a bath will be needed as well. He’s also clearly feeling quite little I’d say. ”
Lottie sucked her teeth in sympathy, frowning sadly as she looked at the chocolatier. Who had still heard abacus through the whisper, trying to sit up.
“N-noo I’m fffine. Don’t”
But his head went all swimmy from sitting up to quickly, Lottie stepping in and holding his shoulder to gently push him back into bed. Kindly patting his hand, as she sat by him.
“Shhh, It’s okay darling. Just sit back.”
Her voice was just so soft and comforting, so he obeyed her request. Leaning his head into her shoulder as he gently tried to squeeze Lotties hand back.
“I’m really sorry- I didn’t mean to”
Willy mumbled, fidgeting uncomfortably. The wet sheets were getting very cold and nasty to keep lying inside. Lottie just cooed, rubbing his shoulder.
“Don’t worry about that, it’s okay. We’re just gonna get you cleaned up and cosy again”
She smiled, and even though she was clearly much smaller in size than Willy, he’d never looked littler sitting inside that bed. Especially as tears were still flowing down his cheeks, using the corner of her sleeve to wipe them away. She’d been only been informed lightly on Willys fluctuating headspace from Abacus, but wanted to do all she could to help her friend.
“I feel so ick”
He whimpered pitifully, feeling extremely sorry for himself. So Lottie just continued to softly rubbing his back until Abacus returned, who had dusting of snow on his shoulders. The blizzard that begun the night before had only thickened. If Willy had attempted to sell chocolate today, he likely would’ve keeled over dead within a few minutes with how he was feeling. Under his arms Abacus held some freshly laundered sheets and a leather bag in the other.
“Back as promised, fresh sheets and a medicine kit.”
Lottie stood up to allow Abacus to scoot back beside Willy, who was still very sorrowful.
“Lottie could you go downstairs and prepare the entrepreneurial suite? It’s the only one with working hot water and a bath.”
Abacus was of course referring to the false room that each of them had been fooled into booking for a night, before being carted off into the wash house dormitories once the “bill” couldn’t possibly be paid for. The likelihood of either Mrs Scrubbit or Bleacher noticing was very slim, considering how often the group of friends had been able to sneak out undetected recently.
Lottie nodded and did as requested whilst Abacus got to work sorting out the chocolatier in question. Unbuckling the black leather bag, Willy noticed a variety of metal instruments and bottles.
“First things first, temperature. Although it’s quite obvious you have a fever, I’d like to monitor it for now”
Abacus pulled out a thin glass tube, covered in lines and ending with a red tip. Wiping it down with a dust cloth before holding it out towards Willy.
“Open wide and hold it under your tongue”
But Wonka recoiled back in disgust, not wanting anything to do with it. Refusing to put the foreign object in his mouth, he clamped his mouth shut until his lips disappeared. Abacus just rolled his eyes amusingly at the childish reaction, chuckling.
“Come on now, it doesn’t bite.”
But Willy kept his lips tightly closed, shaking his head back and forth. Both his fever and lowering headspace affecting his opinion to a simple thermometer greatly.
“Well you see I’m afraid if you’re going to refuse taking this orally, there’s only one other way to get an accurate reading. And trust me when I say that neither of us will enjoy said experience.”
He said firmly with a raised eyebrow, Willy having to think for a moment at what he meant. His eyes widening in alarm as he put two and two together, his jaw snapping open wide.
“Good decision.”
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agere media ask (🍨)?
Do you have a fictional caregiver and/or regressor from this series?"
From WW (Wonka):0? (Not forced to answer!)
Oh I think everyone knows this well already, but I am 100% for CG Abacus for a little Wonka. But I also headcanon the rest of the scrub crew family as caregivers to Willy too. But abacus especially, he’s got the most comforting voice and is just so lovely and gentle. I’m such a sucker for older/grandparent like caregivers, they deserve more love!! It’s why a lot of my fics often focus around those two.
#shhsticker asks#little chocolatier#wonka agere#little! wonka#agere wonka#fandom agere#fandom agere hc#agere hcs#agere headcanons#age regression headcanons#caregiver headcanons#caregiver Abacus#age regression#age regressor#age dreaming#agere community#sfw agere#agere blog#safe agere#agere little#sfw littlespace#sfw interaction only
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Wonka Found Family CG headcanons!

These are my individual CG headcanons for each of the “scrub crew” caregiving to a regressed Willy Wonka. I’m planning to continue my fanfiction, in which over time they would find out about the chocolatiers regression. But I can’t wait to share each of their different ways of caring for the little that they love so very much.
Abacus Crunch:
Abacus is one of Wonkas Primary caregivers, it was he who first discovered about his regression, so they have a very close bond. Willy also had zero father figure in his life, his own having left before he was even born.
Abacus is also one of the only people that Willy trusts with a problem he has at night sometimes. His room was thankfully next to his at Scrubbits, Abacus promising that at any time he can just knock on his door and he will help take care of any damp sheets. Usually when this happens Willy needs a lot of comfort and help cleaning up, which abacus is more than happy to do so.
Piper Benz:
When Willy is little and Piper is around, you can be sure that she will have already commandeered him onto her hip. She adores carrying him around, as the chocolatier is rather lightweight. Loving to carry him about whilst she works, explaining and teaching him about how each mechanic works.
Lottie Bell:
At first Willy was a little apprehensive of being regressed around Lottie. Not for any terrible reason, just there was just something about her that reminded him of mamma. But when she took care of him one night, he felt more than comfortable around her. Although she was very quiet when they first met, one thing Lottie loves to do is sing. She especially loves to sing lullabies to Willy, her soft voice soothing him so, and often to sleep.
At first Willy wasn’t sure about sharing his regression with Noodle. After all, he has been the one to take care of her, being her big brother. He didn’t want to change that relationship they had. But when Noodle eventually found out (by accident) she was alright with it after a little explanation. Noodle isn’t so much of a caregiver, but more of a babysitter / big sibling sometimes. She likes to continue her lessons with him, but a little more simplified. ABCS, shapes and colours!
Larry Chucklesworth:
whilst Larry’s standup comedy routines aren’t the most successful with his adult audience, it doesn’t really take too much to make little wonka laugh. He is his best audience, silly voices, peekaboo and more. Larry loves to entertain the little, and even practice new material.
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