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bpod-bpod · 1 month ago
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Mutant Muscle Model
The X-linked inherited genetic disorder Becker muscular dystrophy has an onset at around 30 years-of-age and with the first sign being heart failure in many. A new rat model of the disorder faithfully mimics human abnormalities, and demonstrates progressive cardiomyopathy enabling aspects of early disease to be examined
Read the published research article here
Image from work by Valentina Taglietti and colleagues
Univ Paris-Est Créteil, INSERMU955 IMRB F-94010 Créteil France
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in EMBO Reports, October 2024
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sweetlovingoldsoul · 7 months ago
“Broken heart syndrome, also called stress-induced cardiomyopathy or takotsubo cardiomyopathy, can strike even if you’re healthy. (Takotsubo are octopus traps that resemble the pot-like shape of the stricken heart.)
Women are more likely than men to experience sudden, intense chest pain — the reaction to a surge of stress hormones — that can be caused by an emotionally stressful event. It could be the death of a loved one or a divorce, breakup or physical separation, betrayal or romantic rejection. It could even happen after a good shock, such as winning the lottery.
Broken heart syndrome may be misdiagnosed as a heart attack because the symptoms and test results are similar. Tests show dramatic changes in rhythm and blood substances that are typical of a heart attack. But unlike a heart attack, there’s no evidence of blocked heart arteries.
In broken heart syndrome, a part of your heart temporarily enlarges and doesn’t pump well, while the rest of your heart functions normally or with even more forceful contractions. Researchers continue to learn more about the causes, and how to diagnose and treat it.
The bad news: Broken heart syndrome can lead to severe, short-term heart muscle failure.
The good news: Broken heart syndrome is usually treatable. Most people who experience it make a full recovery within weeks, and they’re at low risk for it happening again (although in rare cases it can be fatal).
Heart attack and broken heart syndrome: What’s the difference?
Some signs and symptoms of broken heart syndrome differ from those of heart attack. In broken heart syndrome, symptoms occur suddenly after extreme emotional or physical stress. Here are some other differences:
EKG (a test that records the heart’s electric activity) results don’t look the same as the EKG results for a person having a heart attack.
Blood tests show no signs of heart damage.
Tests show no signs of blockages in the coronary arteries.
Tests show ballooning and unusual movement of the lower left heart chamber (left ventricle).
Recovery time is usually within days or weeks, compared with the recovery time of a month or more for a heart attack.”
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last-tambourine · 1 year ago
On Christmas Eve, a man resurfaces, placing a bouquet of purple foxgloves on her bed. She has known him since childhood: they grew up together—lovers, friends, brother and sister, partners in crime. They are, for each other, almost everything a man and a woman can be.
Actually, he tells her, the digitalin contained in the flowers makes the heartbeat stronger, slower, steadier. It’s good for you.
She sleeps with the flowers that night. The man carefully undresses her, removing the petals one by one, then placing them on her naked skin like the scales of a fish, a sort of organic jigsaw puzzle that he painstakingly perfects into a ceremonial gown, whispering don’t move from time to time, even though she has long been asleep, in a luxuriant catalepsy, nursed and ornamented like a queen. It was still night when she awoke, but the children in the apartment above hers were already running around excitedly, shouting, their footsteps hammering the floorboards, rushing into the living room to tear the wrapping paper from the presents that had appeared during the night around the ectoplasmic Christmas tree. Her friend had gone. She shook the petals from her body and made them into a salad that she seasoned with truffle oil and balsamic vinegar.
~ The Heart, Maylis de Kerangal, Sam Taylor (Translation)
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कार्डियोमायोपैथी के कारणों को समझना
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कार्डियोमायोपैथी एक ऐसी स्थिति है जो हृदय की मांसपेशियों को प्रभावित करती है, अगर समय रहते इसका समाधान न किया जाए तो यह गंभीर जटिलताओं का कारण बन सकती है। यहाँ कुछ सामान्य कारण दिए गए हैं:
दीर्घकालिक उच्च रक्तचाप: लगातार उच्च रक्तचाप हृदय पर अत्यधिक दबाव डालता है, जिससे हृदय की मांसपेशी कमज़ोर या मोटी हो सकती है।
हार्ट अटैक से हृदय के ऊतकों को नुकसान: हार्ट अटैक हृदय के ऊतकों पर निशान छोड़ सकता है, जिससे रक्त को कुशलतापूर्वक पंप करने की इसकी क्षमता कम हो जाती है।
क्रोनिक रैपिड हार्ट रेट: लगातार तेज़ हृदय गति हृदय को अधिक काम द��� सकती है, जिससे अंततः संर��नात्मक क्षति या कमज़ोरी हो सकती है।
हार्ट वाल्व की समस्याएँ: स्टेनोसिस या रेगुर्गिटेशन जैसी हृदय वाल्व की समस्याएँ, हृदय को रक्त पंप करने के लिए अधिक मेहनत करने के लिए मजबूर करती हैं, जिससे समय के साथ कार्डियोमायोपैथी हो सकती है।
मोटापा: अधिक वजन उठाने से उच्च रक्तचाप और मधुमेह जैसी स्थितियों का जोखिम बढ़ जाता है, जो हृदय पर दबाव डालती हैं।
थायरॉयड विकार: अति सक्रिय और कम सक्रिय थायरॉयड ग्रंथियाँ हृदय के कार्य को प्रभावित कर सकती हैं, जिससे संभावित रूप से कार्डियोमायोपैथी हो सकती है।
परामर्श के लिए, Dr. Md. Farhan Shikoh, MBBS, MD (Medicine), DM (Cardiology से सुकून हार्ट केयर, सैनिक मार्केट, मेन रोड, रांची, झारखंड: 834001 पर संपर्क करें। 📞 फ़ोन: 6200784486 🌐 वेबसाइट: https://drfarhancardiologist.com/
जानकारी रखें और अपने हृदय स्वास्थ्य को प्राथमिकता दें।
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healthbeauty204 · 4 days ago
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Cardiomyopathy: Weakened Heart Muscle https://healthsnbeauty.com/cardiomyopathy-weakened-heart-muscle/?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Health+%26+Beauty+tips
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savagecuhnt · 13 days ago
oh, don't be cute.
*lays her head in his lap, kicking her bare feet up on the arm of the couch* “you gonna try to stop me?” *presses the open bottle of wine to his lips* “shh… sip time.”
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gomes72us-blog · 17 days ago
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anxious-ruins · 21 days ago
You were all love, nothing less. I'm struggling so hard with the loss of you. You loved me no matter what, I'll never stop missing you.
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A Case of Unrecognized Peripartum Cardiomyopathy Which Was Noticed During Emergency Cesarean Section_Crimson Publishers
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Per partum cardiomyopathy (PPCMP) is a kind of dilated cardiomyopathy seen between the last week of gestation and the postpartum 5th month. PPCMP may be a cause of mortality for the mother and the infant. PPCMP is associated with black race, multi parity, maternal age above 30 years, multiple pregnancy, preeclampsia, eclampsia, family history, obesity, smoking, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension, but the underlying cause is not clear [1]. In this case report, we present the diagnosis of per partum cardiomyopathy, anesthetic management, and postoperative intensive care period in a patient who developed pulmonary edema during emergency cesarean operation. We aimed to underline that per partum cardiomyopathy should be remembered among the presumed diagnoses in case of acute pulmonary edema.
Read More About this Article: https://crimsonpublishers.com/sbb/fulltext/SBB.000535.php
Read More Articles: https://crimsonpublishers.com/sbb/index.php
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symbiosisonlinepublishing · 11 months ago
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insulin is an effective #hyperglycemia agent, however hyperinsulinemia, as result of prolonged administration, has been shown to lead to #cardiovasculardisease (CVD) in DM. As a result, research into alternative therapies for the management of #diabetes is needed. In our laboratory, a novel vanadium complex has been synthesized and has been shown to improve #glycemic control and #liverfunction.
Visit @ https://symbiosisonlinepublishing.com/endocrinology-diabetes/endocrinology-diabetes154.php
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bpod-bpod · 2 years ago
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Energy Production Failure
The heart on the left is healthy but the one on the right exhibits the tell-tale signs of dilated cardiomyopathy, including overall enlargement, and thinning and weakening of the muscle walls. In most cases of such cardiomyopathy, the cause is unknown, but recent research indicates dysfunctional energy production, already known to accompany the condition, may actually be an underlying cause. Analysis of gene activity in heart tissue from patients with dilated cardiomyopathy and healthy controls showed expression of mitochondrial metabolism genes, especially two key transcription factors – KDM8 and TBX15 – was disrupted in patient samples. When scientists then deleted KDM8 in mouse hearts, they found the knock-on disruption of TBX15 and other metabolism genes preceded physical signs of cardiomyopathy by months. Knowing that impaired energy production can initiate rather than simply follow myocardial degeneration suggests maintaining it may be a way to slow or stop heart failure.
Written by Ruth Williams
Image from work by Abdalla Ahmed and colleagues, Paul Delgado-Olguín lab
Department of Translational Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Image copyright held by the original authors
Research published in Nature Cardiovascular Research, February 2023
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harmeet-saggi · 11 months ago
What Is The Main Cause & Cure Of Atrial Fibrillation?
The main cause of cardiac arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation is a form of scar tissue (also called "electrical noise"), and the cure for it is to make sure you take care of your heart health.
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potato-defender · 1 year ago
i just got diagnosed with Cardiomyopathy lol
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बच्चों में होने वाली आम हृदय संबंधी बीमारियाँ
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बच्चों में हृदय की स्थितियों को समझना शुरुआती निदान और उपचार के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। यहाँ कुछ आम हृदय रोग दिए गए हैं जो बच्चों को प्रभावित करते हैं:
जन्मजात हृदय रोग: यह हृदय में जन्म से ही मौजूद एक संरचनात्मक समस्या है। यह हृदय में छोटे छेद जैसी छोटी-मोटी स्थितियों से लेकर हृदय के कामकाज को प्रभावित करने वाली अधिक जटिल स्थितियों तक हो सकती है।
हाइपरट्रॉफिक कार्डियोमायोपैथी: ऐसी स्थिति जिसमें हृदय की मांसपेशी असामान्य रूप से मोटी हो जाती है, जिससे हृदय के लिए रक्त पंप करना कठिन हो जाता है। यह बच्चों में हो सकता है और अगर इसका इलाज न किया जाए तो गंभीर जटिलताएँ पैदा कर सकता है।
रुमेटिक हृदय रोग: यह स्थिति रुमेटिक बुखार से उत्पन्न होती है, जो अक्सर अनुपचारित स्ट्रेप गले के संक्रमण के बाद होती है। यह हृदय के वाल्वों को दीर्घकालिक नुकसान पहुँचा सकता है और दुनिया के कुछ हिस्सों में बच्चों में अधिक आम है।
संरचनात्मक हृदय रोग: इसमें हृदय के वाल्वों, दीवारों या वाहिकाओं में कई तरह क��� संरचनात्मक दोष शामिल हैं। ये जन्मजात हो सकते हैं या समय के साथ विकसित हो सकते हैं।
कार्डियोमायोपैथी: इस बीमारी में हृदय की मांसपेशी कमज़ोर हो जाती है और शरीर के बाकी हिस्सों में रक्त पंप करने में कठिनाई होती है। बच्चों में कार्डियोमायोपैथी आनुवंशिक कारकों, संक्रमण या कुछ दवाओं के कारण हो सकती है।
बाल चिकित्सा हृदय स्थितियों पर परामर्श के लिए, आप Dr. Md. Farhan Shikoh, MBBS, MD (Medicine), DM (Cardiology) से सुकून हार्ट केयर, सैनिक मार्केट, मेन रोड, रांची, झारखंड: 834001 पर मिल सकते हैं। अधिक जानकारी के लिए हमसे 6200784486 पर संपर्क करें या drfarhancardiologist.com पर जाएँ।
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healthbeauty204 · 5 days ago
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Cardiomyopathy symptoms: Weak Heart Explained https://healthsnbeauty.com/cardiomyopathy-symptoms-weak-heart-explained/?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Health+%26+Beauty+tips
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year ago
The Enigma: Right-Sided Heart Failure Right-sided heart failure is a condition that affects the ability of the right side of the heart to pump blood effectively. It is an important topic to understand as it can have significant implications for a person's overall health and well-being. In this article, we will delve into the anatomy and physiology of the heart, explore the mechanisms and pathophysiology of right-sided heart failure, and discuss its clinical presentation and diagnosis, as well as treatment and management approaches. We will also touch upon the potential complications and prognosis, provide preventive tips, and address frequently asked questions. By shedding light on this condition, we hope to raise awareness and promote early detection and proper management ofright-sidedd heart failure. [caption id="attachment_59982" align="aligncenter" width="800"] sided heart failure[/caption] Anatomy and Physiology of the Heart The heart plays a crucial role in the circulatory system, pumping oxygen-rich blood to the body's tissues and organs. It consists of four chambers: two atria (left and right) and two ventricles (left and right). The right side of the heart receives deoxygenated blood from the body's tissues and pumps it to the lungs for oxygenation. Right-sided heart failure occurs when the right ventricle is unable to effectively pump blood, leading to a backup of blood in the veins and fluid accumulation in the body's tissues. This can occur due to various reasons, including underlying heart conditions, such as left-sided heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, or heart valve disorders. Understanding Heart Failure Heart failure is a condition where the heart's ability to pump blood is impaired. It can be categorized into left-sided heart failure and right-sided heart failure, depending on the affected side of the heart. Right-sided heart failure specifically refers to the inability of the right side of the heart to pump blood efficiently. It often occurs as a result of left-sided heart failure, where the weakened left ventricle causes increased pressure and fluid buildup in the lungs, leading to strain on the right side of the heart. Other causes of right-sided heart failure include pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in the lungs), heart valve diseases, congenital heart defects, and chronic lung diseases. The symptoms of right-sided heart failure may include fatigue, swelling in the legs and ankles (edema), fluid retention in the abdomen (ascites), and shortness of breath. Risk factors for developing right-sided heart failure include a history of heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, and smoking. Additionally, conditions that directly affect the right side of the heart can also contribute to tonight-sided heart failure. Pulmonary hypertension, for example, is a condition characterized by high blood pressure in the lungs. This increased pressure puts strain on the right ventricle, impairing its ability to pump blood efficiently. Heart valve diseases, such as tricuspid regurgitation or stenosis, can also affect the right side of the heart and lead to right-sided heart failure. Certain congenital heart defects, such as atrial septal defect or ventricular septal defect, can cause communication between the left and right sides of the heart, leading to increased blood flow and pressure on the right side, eventually resulting in right-sided heart failure. Chronic lung diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or pulmonary fibrosis, can also exert pressure on the right side of the heart, causing it to weaken over time. Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis The clinical presentation of right-sided heart failure can vary depending on the severity of the condition. Common symptoms include fatigue, swelling in the lower extremities (edema), fluid retention in the abdomen (ascites), and shortness of breath, especially during physical activity or when lying flat (orthopnea). Diagnosing right-sided heart failure involves a comprehensive evaluation of the patient's medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests. The healthcare provider will inquire about the symptoms experienced, risk factors, and any previous heart conditions. During the physical examination, they may look for signs of fluid retention, such as swollen ankles and distended neck veins. Diagnostic tests commonly used to identify right-sided heart failure include: Echocardiogram: This non-invasive test uses sound waves to create images of the heart and assess its structure and function. It can help determine the size and function of the right ventricle and detect any abnormalities. Electrocardiogram (ECG): An ECG measures the electrical activity of the heart and can provide information about any rhythm abnormalities or signs of right ventricular strain. Chest X-ray: A chest X-ray can reveal signs of fluid buildup in the lungs or an enlarged heart, which may indicate right-sided heart failure. Blood tests: Blood tests may be conducted to assess kidney and liver function, as well as check for elevated levels of certain biomarkers associated with heart failure. Cardiac catheterization: In some cases, a cardiac catheterization may be performed to measure pressures within the heart chambers and assess blood flow. Treatment and Management Approaches The primary goals of treating right-sided heart failure are to improve symptoms, slow disease progression, and enhance the patient's quality of life. The specific treatment approach will depend on the underlying cause and severity of the condition. Treatment options for right-sided heart failure may include: Medications: Several medications can be prescribed to manage right-sided heart failure. Diuretics help reduce fluid retention and relieve symptoms of edema. ACE inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) may be used to dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure. In some cases, beta-blockers or inotropic agents may be prescribed to improve heart function and reduce symptoms. Lifestyle modifications: Making certain lifestyle changes can significantly improve the management of right-sided heart failure. Patients are often advised to follow a low-sodium diet to reduce fluid retention. Regular exercise, as recommended by a healthcare professional, can help strengthen the heart and improve overall cardiovascular health. Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol consumption are also important steps in managing the condition. Fluid and salt restriction: Limiting fluid intake and reducing salt consumption can help prevent fluid overload and minimize symptoms of right-sided heart failure. Oxygen therapy: In cases where oxygen levels are low, supplemental oxygen therapy may be prescribed to improve breathing and oxygenation of the blood. Device therapy: In some advanced cases, device therapy such as cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) or implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) may be recommended to help regulate heart rhythm and improve cardiac function. Surgical interventions: In severe cases, of of right-sided heart failure, surgical interventions such as heart valve repair or replacement, coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), or ventricular assist device (VAD) implantation may be considered. Complications and Prognosis Untreated or poorly managed right-sided heart failure can lead to several complications, including: Fluid buildup: The accumulation of fluid in the lungs (pulmonary edema) can cause severe breathing difficulties and increase the risk of respiratory infections. Organ damage: Inadequate blood flow and oxygenation can affect the function of vital organs, such as the kidneys and liver, leading to organ damage or failure. Arrhythmias: The weakened heart muscle and altered electrical conduction can result in abnormal heart rhythms, which can be life-threatening. Right-sided heart enlargement: Prolonged right-sided heart failure can cause the right ventricle to enlarge, further impairing its ability to pump blood effectively. FAQ's What are the common symptoms of right-sided heart failure? Common symptoms of right-sided heart failure include fatigue, swelling in the legs and ankles (edema), fluid retention in the abdomen (ascites), and shortness of breath. Can right-sided heart failure occur without any underlying heart conditions? While right-sided heart failure often occurs as a result of left-sided heart failure or other heart conditions, it can also be caused by pulmonary hypertension, heart valve diseases, congenital heart defects, or chronic lung diseases. How is right-sided heart failure diagnosed? Diagnosis of right-sided heart failure involves a comprehensive evaluation of the patient's medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests such as an echocardiogram, electrocardiogram (ECG), chest X-ray, and blood tests. Are there any specific medications used to treat right-sided heart failure? Medications commonly used to treat right-sided heart failure include diuretics, ACE inhibitors or ARBs, beta-blockers, and inotropic agents. The specific medication regimen will depend on the individual's condition and underlying causes. Can lifestyle changes alone improve right-sided heart failure? Lifestyle changes, such as following a low-sodium diet, engaging in regular exercise, quitting smoking, and limiting alcohol consumption, can significantly improve the management of right-sided heart failure. However, medical treatment and close monitoring are often necessary. Are there any dietary restrictions for individuals with right-sided heart failure? Individuals with right-sided heart failure are often advised to follow a low-sodium diet to reduce fluid retention. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized dietary recommendations. Can right-sided heart failure be reversed or cured completely? While right-sided heart failure cannot be completely cured, it can be effectively managed with appropriate treatment and lifestyle modifications. Early detection and proper management can slow disease progression and improve symptoms. What are the potential complications of untreated right-sided heart failure? Untreated or poorly managed right-sided heart failure can lead to complications such as fluid buildup in the lungs(pulmonary edema), organ damage, arrhythmias, and right-sided heart enlargement. Are there any ongoing research or advancements in the treatment of right-sided heart failure? Yes, there is ongoing research and advancements in the treatment of right-sided heart failure. These include new medications, surgical techniques, and device therapies that aim to improve outcomes and quality of life for individuals with this condition. Patients need to stay informed and work closely with their healthcare providers to explore the most up-to-date treatment options. Conclusion: Right-sided heart failure is a condition that affects the ability of the right side of the heart to pump blood effectively. Understanding its mechanisms, clinical presentation, and management approaches is crucial for early detection and proper care. By following a heart-healthy lifestyle, seeking timely medical advice, and adhering to recommended treatment plans, individuals with right-sided heart failure can improve their quality of life and reduce the risk of complications. Regular monitoring and follow-up care are essential to ensure optimal management and long-term well-being. By raising awareness and promoting preventive measures, we can work towards a healthier future with a reduced burden of right-sided heart failure.
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